The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1868-10-31 [p ]. · 2014-11-07 · hotitlit'j imt & smith....

HOtiTliT'J IMt & SMITH. A VI K 11 T 1 fcj J H KN T B , Al) VK UTI S MM KNTS, SATiniDAY!riT.T!rir.rOCTO B K R SI, 1SC8. A 1) VK li TI S KMU N T S . J. BAnriOWH. L. K. BLAtH. S. E YOl'O. J, BARROWS a CO., A n k 20'iSTA?JTLY KECEJVSKC rilESIl HLTI'UES OP-GO- ODS DIRECT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, The Circuit Court. Tho Circuit Court for Linn County commenced last Monday aud was still in session up to tho time of go- ing to press Judgo Boise prodding. The following legal gentlemen were in attend- ance : J. H. Mitchell, oi Portland ; Judge ChenoVcth and S. C. Simpson of Corvallis j N. II. Cranor, Powell & Flinn, Iluelt & Elkins, J. J. Whitney and N. B. Humphrey of this city. The following causes have been disposed of : State of Oregon vs. Gordon Cooper. Con- tinued. State of Oregon vs. Leopold Lochcr. Con-tinne- State of Oregon vs. John Cosgrovc. Con- tinued. State of Oregon vs. George Lewis. Con-tinne- d. State of Oregon vs. Thos. Lilly. Cvn-tinned- . State of Oregon vs. Archibald Uauei. Con-tinuo- State of Oregon vs. Albert Hays. Con- tinue!. Sta:e of Oregon vsl Tboaias Boyer. Con-tinne- State f Oregin vs. L. l)nvu. Continued. CheowTth for dtrft. Slate of Or eg.u vs. L. Brown. Continued. ChendwctU for deft. State .f 0.-cg.i- u vs. M Abrams. Con-uxm- v 1. Cranor fur deft. State of Oregon vs. Abrams. Con-tiuue- Cranor for dvVt. State of Oregon v. Gi. llunsakor. Cwn-tinue- Cranor for deft. State of Oregun vs. JoshuaSvlvester. Bail forfeited. State of Oregon vs. Frank Daln.n. In dictdl. Mitchell and Cranor fur deft. Zai hous Van Ormau vh. Wm. M. 0dy. Husm-1- 1 and IViwcll fr pl'lf; Craimr and Mitchell (Mitchell taking place of Geo. It. llclui) for defendant. Judgment for yVH. Ilurd A Parker vs. Omar Sylvester nod C. C. Godiey, Judgment for Pi'ffi. Crutwr for pfils. W. W. ParWi Co., vs. L. S. Kt.gcr, ct. al. Dlmia-'c- d at of pi'IT-.- . Cranor fr defendant. Alex. iK-dg- e vs. W. II. MwCord. Judg- ment by default. Cran.r fr jd'iF. II. Iludd vs. Berry Evnt-a- . Appeal dis-mis-io- l. Hurd L Parker vs. C. C. G lley. Con-Sricatio- n of .n?. Cranor tr pl'lfs. Oa;ar Sylvester v. C. C. G d!ey. Judg- - DCnOCRlTIC MEETING. A meeting of "the Tcmocracy will bo held in the Court House, on next Monday evening nt early candle-ligh- t, Messrs. Helm and Whitney will ad- dress the meeting hy.rpeciat request. Wc hope to seo a largo attendance ; and on next Tuesday let every Demo-crat-feve- ry lover of right, of justice, of honestv, of an economical of the Government cverv hater of wroncr, and outrage go to the polls and vote tor Seymour and Blair. DAILY DEMOCRAT! We have made arrangements with tliotel-zrap- h nporator at this potvtdipsfehpo Street from San Francis and the Evt l:iW durlng next week, immcncln on Tuesday "night,1 and we shall on every day thereafter during next Tveclt isuo from this office nn "extra" o vntaimtv the very InTct election news frm our own State, from Ci'if.rni:i and from the Atlantic States. The paper will be said on the street hy carriers at the rate of 12 cents per copy. A tlm will inrolva considerable expense, we trut the public will appreciate the fact that it U main- ly for their benefit and convenience, and that they will patronize the enterprise liberally. Look oat for.. the new "daily" on next Wednesdav moriunj;. Important to SnirrEP.s. It i generally Conceded that, although the opposition steam- er 44 Success" is a very liht drancht I, at for one so lare, and thus is enabled to run in very law water, yet she will generally have all she can possibly crry in the way of freight, from Albany and Satan; without going higher up the river ; and thu shippers At CorrallK Ilarrisburs and Kn-e- no will be left almost entirely at the tv.e-c- y .f the; grinding 1. T. C. In anticipation of this .JiJSculty a b"ct is now being constructed tit .Ctr.emab, 12G.feet long by 3 feet wide, to roa as far perhaps as Kagne City during almost any stage, of water. And it is intend- ed that this boat will carry freight at fmui $1 to $o cheaper than what shippers are naTing at ihi present time, and also d i a I fair paying Illness. In the completion of this enterprise tho eontruotors of tho Wt Ieare the assistance of shippers and capita.' Isi-- s along the river, for which ample security will .z given. The boat is to be called the Eugene," and she can be got rea ly f r running order in alwut eg!u weeks if the pe)p'.e are dcir jus of aiding the Mr. Green, who has the matter in charge, U n .w up the river sol'citn:;; asita:;ce, anJ trill ba again in this city in the course of eT -- ht or tendavs, whoa those who desire can havean or.portunity of Pubscriblng tociC an 1 v. ling in the" matter '.e trust tint all, those interestel in the reduction of freight on the Willamette will embrace this oppor- - j t rr.ty ot o uiniw a "- -. Mr. Green i-- j a reliable gentleman, and can give th-- i best of references with regard to the eir.eerity of hi object. A rEWGELECTI0NSrn0IAWAS3 tf Tcstiiuvoy uow un NKWAUKLkkinr; Co., Ohio, August lllh, 1808. J MkSSRS. HoSTBTTKa A tiMITII Ouiita : My wifo Laving 'J much tencnt rota Hit, uio of your Bitters, I Uuetn it my duty t glvo twstiaiuny in their iavgr. Atuut ono ycur umi a hulf since, hs hd a sorer attm-- o( iyicutory or Uluu-J- y Fhii, hU'h boeamo cnronlo and oun-tinuo- d fur tho above period of tinio, Inning tho mr st rili'.U'ul (ihyslciuus ht lLo countrjr, Wo f.nti!-l- y bocutuo lkvurgid, anJ gavo up ail hopes of her recovery, when, hy urcUlviit mjr attcatlun ws called to your uiuit vuluabiu UiUei( ! ilen-- t Collins it Tburston. vliujgiti, huuiliug ue ouo of your Almanacs. I'iii.ling tbcm ncom imuduil forlUootly Tlux, I buulit toio bytllo ami othiuctutil giving accoiJiig to directioiis j ami befuro one thirJ of the buttlo lu-- bicm tuben tin-wa- s culirvly cured, and ut j v a porfwvtly goo-- Uealtlj at this time. ?t t rcfp..tful'y yours, AW I-- . Nt BaAHcnvatie, Al., Much IHh, 1S67. Mers. llukU-tt- t r ubJ Smith, I'ittsi.urgb, Ta. Dfar Sir I am haflly &Ao t exrcf tny grati-- u K f..r the hviiufit I hive !orivcJ fr iu tha ure of your St ouftcH nitt.-r.t- 1 hav Ik." n af-t- with Livwr Coinjiliisjit and j rj .i fr wom-tl.a- 1 'v years, fr-- which I liv uvrvl in l.i-ti- My physicians fulled tJ give in prrttateui relief. 1 tecauio tKc'uiu holy uti 1 :ih ippy 5 my constUntlon wai tuwcU lrl 1 don u hy ueln, moroury, A tnvotiug w ith ona of yom Almanacs, it inIucc4 u.o t prjti;ri a few h of your Hiturs, whleh en"Mr.lcl tac very rv? relief, uml it U my sin re lo!n that they wilt KuoiJ a t ro. I v,-,-i pron uiic.-tl iucurat!t, enl usy rvcvcry will 1 c bit! sh-jr- l oi a mir icle. My ucihU-- r. express turprNo al g mo sh iuiuU Isuprova l lu h.aU!i, ant 1 .ok up-- n y r;i4 r.a vcry ns w GrtrfulSy your Ho&K!:T 1. N'tf-AT- I. M. Cm: a. Oct -- l, l?7. Mcrs. Hftttvr A iWKU- - O.-j.t- : AVo Uav ..M jruur muors f.r 1 :ar. AVo hav fua 1 .! t i;ivv ujiiwr4t it.f..oiitj i. AVc rujrc i f it tLi-- a any i tbtrr l''.Hf. take j .ur- - Sa o ilu; il 1 1 tU 'uL:;. Ywnr rcs.ctfal!;.', 'Sii-i.r.- n i fin.Kr.u'a Daitis, Ju!t t'Jih, ti;u7. Mi--ifS- . lb ti: r a:cl fc' iU i U tieilt .' Itia.t been arUictoi w.lU atf4 li:li-.u- Coat-I'Uio- fvr a Im. t'tae. an l j.'.ivnicia!: cuM ive use Mi relief. t!.c a him tr 'ur a.tnt I j'tir-c':a;- a LctiL vt your Hi'tiiav!i titters, .sti-.l- slrau,.;v t uy. t b ttlc ctre4 m titir-.jr- . 1 ttoul-- rvcttsit.caJ U t &!I b arc aCitt.! ia tU saaic r.'.ct.'utS yurs. Sahio All. f? li m, (jU'u, M.y I, Mcir. 11 ;tt-ttt- r 1 C'lailb Ui.ti ; I lave lrts.-ribv-- t your 1 iiicr ia a cumt tr of cac vf 1vj Jj.4. an4 as a T . ia rate Jvl.'.ity, aaJ bac fou:, 1 it t sttamt: tie mutl ao fula; cs' tctati' n. lU t elTul'y, H. I .ll innw M. Fonncrly I'bysU-b- t t'. C'ji cinnm't Maricc al ; Member t.f iUj br. 1 a M-- 4 ,m y vi VUittvu-n- , Ac. 1. S. I ii2 yu iSjo abot Vv'!a:.U'?l, uni you mi u?c U a y.a Jctim. V. mis, July 25. b, I SC7. I'itn'.t. lluiutscr 3i iiaitb : I" r it fast tw year I bare ba a'Ji -- l I wliti CittuuV: cac a&J vr.&l. t .taici;. I bare trfc4 a grtat m-- iij nc4I ias., but 1 re.ivrt mlea6t. I was at lati ai iie 1 to try yur ca!braUi .S:-a- ath JS.'s !..-- ., as 1 i i my grct tut .tiih!utt il ba eiitiitly fciicttd tatr. I LaC- - :t',C(i(ut u lc4 t to otbi-rs- , aud tl Las al ways ivca ktifctjoii, Jvzl O'ilmi,. The abw writer is pirtonaUy Lti nii in urn, aa 1 I caa vouch fvr tLo cor:vctoS4 nc Lis st&u. at--3- t. Itr.suT Cmbk, I'Ojtiaaiivr, .wjiakcr' i'asta. A.i6Es3f C. II., S. C, Apr.l 22, 1SC7. Messrs. lloiicucr & ftmiib, 1'itisburgb, l'a. Jt-bU- : Awwat li-- s lUt vf liuvctaber lt, I ba4 a vvri alUvk. of 1. VuuaUtin, UivU Uv'o.I.Jal.d my fratav utuca tLt 1 wu redawd to a Uierw eLtitt-iti- . I Wm rtCuiiiUieaded by lay couaii, J. J. llAkur, tv try a boUlo wt y uur exUoraUd U.titrc 1 did , aud tuust tuutc4s tbat X aui wvi ia govd btaiiii, aud uttrilulo it cuiwcly t yuur Uuuitie kiiUmrt. Vsry uuiy yours, Jvns jr. Kkjstoj, HardiB Cu., Obiu, JUhu S, ISO. Mer. ituiuncr Saisiu Ut-iit- I bart bteu uia yvur fur tba Jaet Ijo or twtlv j ytar, nua twuuucutiy a luvy arc ail you kcmu- - t ty bvailU tuat 1 cabuot W.ttuut la.iu. Vours reiccUuiiy, Ltais A. AlicLtH. I tji.iLh, .ludroei. jgiu Co., Ale. Jtce. IcCT. Ictkrs. iioauiUr X cuittu (jettta: 1 last tuy beatlb tu tbe artay, aut a jjruitt uiiticr fruiu dya-j;.i- a, au t other coiuUiuls. i UaVe couiiucuc ! tu,; your iyit.en, ua iuity bei.ak tUvy twvc uwb iU u.-t- e jj""' un luii 4eiicliej 4 Ljiu .vu taatcu bviwr.. lours iutiy , li. J. Jiyju. CiXCixxATi, Jan. 10, 18C7. . Messrs. Ilostetter L isuiitti, lMuburb, 1'a, Gents : I bavo eold your bitturs tor tbo paat tea years, art of tUo limo in a Uiatarivus Uistnct oi AlirSisbii'iiu , Have Uoe-- tLcm uiyaell us a irtcc tire una cure for cuuh, aud 1 buvu knwu many otiivrs l uu su wiui pcriett sui.u.aeltai. 1 uke great j'kasuic iu recu.uai cudiHjj "iloatavtvr's fctuiii- - au L.lUi tbu V cry A. U. i'Aiiacij, Of Parker t Yorbton, cor. Ccuttr arc. uud Cuo- - uut street. Helena, Montana Territory, July 0, 16C7, Messrs. Jiostettcr &, SutUb, l'auburgb, Pa. Gents : AV e have sold your UitUr for tureo years iu tbta Tcriitjjy, aud cau truly say ii is one id tuo uiuat aud va.uaiw rcuicutcif, lutro is uu one yieyntnuon luut bas a -- r0cr sale, or tuat gvt uioro gcucrul eulisf;tctiiiu iu tuis iouaiity. lours, sc., 1'aucuks Jt i'AV-Ti;a- , iiu-b- u. Vircixia Cur, Moutana Territory, 1 July 0, 18G7. J Messrs. Ilostetter Si Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa. Geuts: I hare been severely afilictod with Heart- burn aud Dyspepsia, and bare tried almost all remedies without avail. Finally I was recommend- ed to try your Stomach Bitters. I did no, aud af- ter usiug a lew bottles, was entirely restored to h.callh. I stilt continue to take your Bitters, and would not be witbout ibein. I consider them the only efae-ieiou- s remedy of tbe k ind iu the market When taken as directed, tbey will always prove a sover- eign remedy to those afflicted with Dyspepsia or diseases of a like nature. .Respectfully yours, M. Manx. N, B. The genuine Bitters are sold In botth-- s only. All persons who pretend to sell the article by tbe gallon ar barrel are impostors, and tbe stuff they offer is a wortulestf?and probably poisonous coaaterfeit. Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, PROPRIETORS, PITTSBURG For sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Store- keepers throughout the world. jzZ3AanxTU fob Pacific Coast IIOTKTTCR, SMITH at CO., Wholesale .Druggists, San Francisco. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or BOSTON. PUKKLY MUTUAL. f.coni'Oi5ATi:s intir. Cash Ati $7,000,000 CO C.t$h niitrlbiillons of 1807 Total Surrlu Dlvidetl - fotfil Lc.n Pa id - - 2,7yo.lOO Oo Income for let,7 - - - 00 No Extr.i, Chargo for TravollKil to and from tho Atlantic States?, Europe, Ort'cou, and Bandvlch Islands. TiiN old in4 p'iT.i')1;ir Company Is tcvj-rnf'- by l ho .NON-- I OKI- - I'A'l Vlli: Uvt of Mn'stubus jHi. ALL UU EAftSlfiuS DIVJDfD ANNUALLY kt&O'AO THE lHSUHfcOl f.t.n? n l jdly. A!l )Ah 4t 'iV u f if, mVN'Um UKULAItKU ASli PAIIi A.N.M'-- LI. VI 'V Divi'Un l Aroltoltte tit thr J'oymtut vf the S':viiii't Aniiiftt I'remiuuu Hut no e! of ttf tubers (l'AUy Jioll3r) ie ihh ('"fiijiafiy, tunvrtz whom the nnnuat rtiij lu U divMod." I iil.n'.' t j.idMti, liicd o ';i arrful invec'l .tfttH.n, will bow that this ( h. old- si ilafaal biff; ( uC t!ji.iy of Ameri-- ) 4.-r- iinre :"tn-t's.-- i t t ti.f iiMitf.-- l ban any oth'.r Coifafiy doin;-bitK!- n m this coast. I.;i'i: I !;f tl r lilt- I A j'i liti UM 'iti tffiUCt.t for Cfs J' itaHfct. It I. a H'tti: ii!Vi't.i-i- t f r i!.n in mo i i.::fs !;:i-- . r, by 1 1 y fi.iy,. v.,l! si ii)nU .ii .:. iif fiirt'U, b- - to tLt ir liii, j.iiar,- - f.r ibtir SBj"jort ii ci; of tbe early JtHvaiMj of ibe iukurvd. tfoiac Cfllce, 39 Stato Street, Bof.t3a. PACIFIC I1RANC1I OFriCK.-i- : 502 M o.u ..r.:-r- y tr l, Si:i ico; Uo!ii 2, Crt.r' JJuiiiia, Por:l.'it4, "f;;n. kvi;i:.on a hai.n'i:-"- , itrttril Aieiit;. A X;i.IkI.S, Ag'U, P.irrUb CVa L'..M.k, Albany, Orcwn. f!5'oivJiif CHAIR MANUFACTORY! AJ.'U TTTIETXirsrO SKOPi rfim: hf:?.-cp.!bi- :u worn i;kppkctfi;l. ly iufrs the J.iibl.; that be is e 1 lo do r.l! kinds of T V 11 N I V i in a wftfktnshdike and ?fi-diit"ti- s roeiR-r- . A!', !. kf f i on 'mid. and for a!e. SPINN1NU V.'HKU.K. and lb t of Haw-Iiii- o Uattcnj or Eitchea Chairs! All f which w ill b il l cb. ji ff.r Cab. Or-4-- .r lic.t.-l. t b jj iiar U e o!4 Fbvur Miil, at tbo u;r end of Fift ;r-'- . JOHN M. MCTZLUR. N .v .i.i, 'C7 rSitUyl PRIVATE MEDICAL AID QUICK CVIXY.B AKL CHAROF.?. UK. V.'. I. DOlir.KTl'V. f?.IVAT tOICAL ANO SUXCICa SKST1TUTE S rrauier4'j Ftrtrt, b4ow SltstK.wery, a- p. Uc t ';. v 1piu 2! td Ktc&ifc'b't Com. 4iy' Of.i o, l'f ivt et.trjutj on li4.-dor.- trvt t, CtlnhlUKttl erprtufy U ajfurd th athtel sound1 elLl-jl- s tue'Jtctti otd tu the ntnl ' and cut t if all i'riruttvnd Chi on- - . is JJit J, ratf Srert-r- y ti .d Sttwil TO Tin: AFIXICTIIIJ. T VR. W. K. IOHUl'.TV RETURN'. Itl.-- l SIN. Jr cir ibaaJt t hi tiaaicrus a!ii tiii fvr iur .;r.i.,c, and would tuke lb!s (M.rtani!y rv in hid Ibfto tbat b c.ilir'ii to coijH!t al bn Iiiattlut fgr the euro of cbruiiic dtseai'cs of tlifc Lang. Li?r, Kidm-y- , IiMtie and ftrntbj-l'rt-uar- y Dran, at.d all priraU, vis . Hyph-iii- s in all it forms and tagc , Seminal Weakness, aud all tho bmd ennsiuvirt of clf-abut- j. Uon-urrbo- -, 01;tl, Stricture. Nix-lurn- and Diurnal eaitiun, Fesual Debility, Di n s of tbe Bark and Loins, lutlaimtiatioa 4 tb Bladder and Kid- neys, i., ttc and be hopes tbat b;a lng expert-i-ucv- ) and tuccrfful practice will continue to injure biut a share of publw patronage. By the practice of many years to Eurofc and iho I ni'.ed Ktaies. be is enabled to apply the iuot eScknt and sue-ccstf- ul remedies aga.nst disies of all kind. Ik uses no mercury, sbargei moderate, treats bis .. tienia in a correct and honorable wa, and bai refrnVe t-- f un iuetionablo veracity frota men of known repicUbil.ty and high au.-lin- iu soci- - ciy. Alt partie consulting b.t by ictt.r orotber- - wife, will receive tbe best aua gcntivii. treatment, and implicit secrecy. To Female. When a. female is in trouble, or afHIcted with disease, aa weakness of tbe bacfcbnd limbs, pain lu tbe head dimucM of riht, lae of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner- vousness, ex'rein? nrinary dinTteuItirs, f digftivo functions, gcnerrl debility, va-ginl- 'i. all diicaes ot tbe womb, hysteria, sterili- ty, and ail other diwaes peculiar t she sbyuld r or write at once tj the? "etebralcd leutalo doet'r, W. K. Dobcrty, at bis Medical Instisute, and consult bim f.bout her trouble.! and disease. Tbe Dct'r i troftiug inoru cures than any other physician in tho State f California. L? t no faUe delicacy prevent you. but apply immediately and save yourself from painful sufferings and prema- ture death. Ad Married Ladles who. delicate health or other circumstances prevent an increase in their f.if.iilies, should write or call at Dr. W. K. Doherty'a Medietl Institute, find tbey will receive every tossiblo relief tin 1 help. Ths Doctor's 1 13- - oes are so anaoKd tbat be tan Ve consulted with- out, fear of observation. To t'orrespomlon. PatienU rcsidtiig in any purt of iho State, Iiott-ev- er distant, who may desiro t"o opinion aud ad-vic- o of Dr. Doheity iu their respetiyo cases, and who think proper to submit a written statetnvnt of such, in preference to holding a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will bo held most sacred and confidential. If the case be fully and candidly described, per- sonal communication wiil be unnecessary, as in- structions fur diet, regimen, and the general treat- ment of tho case (including tho remedies), will bo forwarded without dolay, aud in such a mauner as to convey uo idea of the purport of the letter or parcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter or otherwise, fhbb. Permanent cure guaranteed or no ray. Addcss, W. K. D011ERTY, M. D., San Francisco, California. Spermatorrhoea. Dn. DonKHiT baa just published an important pamplet embodying his ov.'n views and experiences in rvlr lion to Impotence or Virility, being a short treatise oti Sperti.atcirrhor or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and Phy&iual Dabilit.r on this Eflictiou, and idher diseases of tho Sexur:! Organs. This littlo work coiiUiBS infortnation t.f tbo ut- most value to all, whether married or single, and will be pent 1'REE by mail oa receipt of sia cents in postage stamps for return postnge. Address, W. K. DOHERTY, M. D., T3n33tf t3an Francineo, Cal. isroTxaE- - JUST II ECEIVE D! A Very Larjjo Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! BY TIIE LAST STEAMER. . And will sell al rery low rates for cash or trade. Call and bcs Oct. U, lS68-T4n- 9tf R. CUEADLE. WANTED ! WANT 20,000 LBS. OP GOOD BACON j I also Butter, both of vcLich tho highest mar ket price will be paid. B. BRENNER. Y3n33tr STOP TI1ATG0UGKIKG Q031K OV YOU CAN'T, ATJIl AVE TITY O you. You Lave trl'-- d cvwy remedy bul lh OS K dfp,tin?t, by lis JotrifiKio merit, to iipcr?fe all pirn. prfimrations. Il is not Burprtafng you ahonld bJ rtliii tarit to try omeibinj; else afu-- r the many you Lave iwulo of irnhy comoouads foisted on tbo public as a certain cure; but. NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup is really tbo A'EHY HEST rerniMy ercrcomfvjn'!4 for th euro of OjiiJis, l'is, horn Throat, Asthma, AVhooplnjj Cough. tirotii'blf wand Consumpliot). Tho'i-tnmlno- t tMpl) in Califortiiaaiid On-go-u huve tnn slray bouelitted by tbo Siirpmittg curaUve powcts NEWELL'S -- Pulmonary Syrup an4 with mi MeatA five il thlr nnqaalifl4 arjro-batio- Mo now A(tiri's ouwIvm to ail who r wub tins, tbo trrctAt I'anscea of tbe e. for the of all diseases of tbo TUroU a4 uuas, atsurig you tbat NEWELL'S Pulmonary Sjrup b-t- s cared ihoaiand'a and It will caro YOU If you try It. This $tivl.iibl tnlicin Is t'teaMtst to 'o t '; ootbtntr, wl r'tig?b'-ninj- j io ii : ; if Sy fti-- t (eitut c!l toooua or Ji!etrtrj GruM, aul trf'-f-tl- y Irfaifj'i uut.r all circonjaut.e. from many fromir.nit annua tit Baa Fraw.ic atitf.Aiy tvtry botUe vf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup JtEDIXCTOX k CO. Ax'.oU, Eaa rraccoco. t"e I!t Iro '.' ,Y.zn, Or Ma.'i: I'liiliant. DR. E. COO?RS UNIVERSAL M A O N i: T JC 13 ALM An ui-..i!.i- ! j r a f .r tbe core of y, ILtfsb a, Crstap, and all I'lseait ef tbe Hi :nr.i h at.d Poiscls tae Instantan'.-on- s Ilelkfof Horiis, I5n.;-i- , Fj rain, Aetc, Rbeutaatie aaa N'c'jralI' Artttivut. Tbjs usii:.e article bears the t;'tuie of A7. Ii, HTLONO, riEDINGTOII & CO. .'.;'Ut. EEDI.GT0S L CO S FLGEIDA WATER. ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. Tbia va'cabfa prtparai:on, eotitaiatsg in &Ligb-- l y cos.cej.trUl f .rw all tbe properties of Jaruaic ii:igtr has become tna cf tbe west pcpu'ar doi mctti rets ids for ail distaavt of Usa sUbw! and dtg.iUv6 ,rgans. As a louie, it wiil be invaluable tall per oa rtrortriag frota debility, wbetlcr produce by a rr otLtrwUe; fur rtVila it imparts t tb; rystem a!l tbe glow a:d vior tbat caa ocpr'-- i due::d by or I rai. ;., it i t.tire!y fre-- s fr c lbs r . att.' t.ary tCVctj tbat ful'o.v tbe use of fpifl, its f any kind. It is alfo aa eacelknt remedy tar fctaalcs who to ffcr from diGeilt uicnsircatioa, giriag sJmest Ucujcdbts relief t tbe r asrris th.--.t so frequently a ctcp3iiy tbat ptrlod. It gives Immediate relief .to Naatca, esuicd by riding in a railroad ar, or by sa-sickne- rj, or oih; er c.ture. It is also T&luablo as an external application for (Jvut, Rbcumatijm, Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON & CO. 416 and 4JS Front St., San Francisco, Cal. Use Electro Silicon, Or Magic Brilliant. REDINGTON & CO'S FLORIDA WATER. FOIl THE HANDKERCHIEF. Tb is article, possessing tho most delicate fra- grance of Flowers, ia uuc jua'.cd as a perfume for the Handkerchief, FOR THE BATH. Used in bathing, it 5rrpr.rt3 energy and strength to the system, and give ibat softuess and delica- cy to the tsksa so much desired by alb It removes Sualum, FrecLics and Pimples. Diluted with water, it makes an excellent Den- tifrice, imparting carly whiteness t the teeth, sweetness to the breath, and renders tho gums bard and of a bcautttul color. 11 should always bo used after ihaving, diUutcd with water, as it relieves all iuilammation. REDINGTON & CO. 416 and i IS Frout St., aa i rancisco. Use Electro-Silico- n, Or Magio Brilliant. ELECTRO-SILICON- , ' OR - MAGIC BRILLIANT DIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABORATORY. Tho best ai Ucle ever discovered for Cleansing and Polishing Gold, Silver, and Plated Wars, and all smooth Metal to Surfaces, of whatever descrip- tion, including Kitchen Utensils of Tin, Copper, Brass, Steel, etc. To Jewellers aud Workers in Gold and Silver Plate, the Electro-Silico- n taof inestimable value j tho time saved, and tho vexation prevented by its use, will forever endear its name to those who have had evidence of its merits. REDINGTON & CO. Sole Agents, Sau Francisco. FOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS. REDINGTON CO'S APvE THE BEST. sepl2v4n4mo. Toccar. Friend Bull, of the Portland challenge any of our Webf .ct c o'.cmp .rane.-- . Comnurcial, U a sensitive on the subject Tt' "trct oat" the why ca:t Ltat tliii the West-sid- e Railroad as is a baby abutits Or the "j.ur print'' either, f ir that matter. WI1H U THKT WH.L Bf.l. CHEAP FOR READY PAY I AVi: AUK ALSO I0I.N1 A Ccrictal CotiinilsHloa altislnci. Tfn it irrriTriT,T BOUCHT kllD 0LD. cm 2tv IntOtf J. ! A 11 HOWS 4 CO. SAMUEL DENNY, TJ 1T ID DB 1 1? TZ 33 !R, , A .ii? ts-t!,f:- t, t.iz hinc3 or cAcmcr vjziiiz i AbPAXV, Oi'.IidON. -- t- ro t n 1'tr-- t tic.'., u!il r t'.e I'.oi tut & i . Albany, . I, ytl vji.Ttr. rsunn UN:)i:j:.'f5M:i ,t.z Tina r.v JL a Uif riuj f-- r loe toi.iftra':tiii of ! i.i ibe ."'. t'ti , i)r4-:- i unl adjotuiu,; atej at4 'n is iS.rit , u:,dvr tao i.autu aud ityic l Ilea ituii'i.iy a. Co. in.N IlOI.LAJiAV, V. Tl'MPLK l.MMliT. i. i,u,.o:t, Itorlhn 1. Hii. It. 1. t:It .o s rt:::. K1U:; i;.NliKl:i :IM.:i, ll.WINt; Pl.'UClIAS. v l t!i i..t i. t.f A. J. C'ioU & C.. in lbs oi.tr4ets fi r i.4.:rueti:.j; tb 'Jniu C uirl lia.l-- t '.'oui; of 'vi-i, Will e iili;.uo the woii; U ; si t e iijiia! tf !.-!- .! Uii 'JaK-- . r Ki. PariUb' buildUt, A7. comer VasU-Ui;- ii I 1'it Jit Hi., v!. holuauav l tj. l' , H- -- t. i;, i !,. i In th" f'iiTtut Can rt the State t'f th'fjr.i j .r ,' . ,im. 7V-n- '. HV. f,,, i'.'Y. i . i'ittnUin H. U'il-- f tnt, Ih-ft- Suit in J.'iui? to fJ,m'i a Jjirorre. To I't unkiin 11. U'tlt'iid, l)ej:ndaid afore tid; IN VIII NAM !'. OF Till: KTATJ:or OIIK'CO.V; Vi.u arc b'jif'.y r ;ui.-- - 4t 9'.;.ar ia sbj C.rtait Cait of the Ut :.--; n t"t ih .f b;asi. witbiit I' u d. fr .itt dal of l!. ,:rv ke f tt.'.a roiu!i-i- . y; ; u if cr't 4 trsfliiu said Cunly f Lir a, but if t. l ;s at.y t:, i . m.j v ii lb: i'U'.-i- f t t",'' !! tl tn tt Sft .i.'y d4 fr'-'i- i lii-- : lc f liiifi c.-ri- ., a:i4 aiitarr li. .:. jj.ia.nt tf.j I'l i.l',a ia ti o above critil'vd a.,- a.'aiint yu, $ tta ;li ttjo CU k of eai J Court, or ju f!.tcul fW tssut tlivttdf tsill W taktn y u. V.u ar hn:by furt'it-- r 1 if yt,ti f.4 .it.fer tai l c !.tt.t abrc rc-i- uif c t, tbu i';'.".;.T wiii jt lsiH-i.- yvu, t want .f sa ai. r. an 1 aj ly t t uurt al th .t t- - rrji tt.t.n-.- f f.r a dt .. di'tolrin-- ; b'id of ia3tr!inr i rxi t.n betstewni u : d 1 Pi ..Mi:"', and i other and J'.rt r 4 f-- r in tl.i e ai, :i.:t. a may ttifc Cs lii t .: ;;r-.:-a'- t f'lj'if; ari l tbo i'i' and di'barw mt of tU na,i t b taaci. ti.tcti uud.r my Lu4 tbi lili lv .f Ur, A. D. ISC!. H. CUANOit. Atfy f.r ITC. Dy cr It r of il .n. P.. P. I' '.s;. Kttk or Oft , c Vol srr or l.ts. I bt !.;,- - y tbe f to be a trtii cfy f tbo fi4itsl Huuituon no tt C', iu my o2ke. fi.U 21t dv ,f j t , 1 oko. n. inn.M, vlnCwii "-r- k 4 nid fouii. THE FALL AKD WOT STYLES! or LfeC3, SILK and CAS3IMERE HATS f ARB JO r.4IT, AT I'OKTLAXn, OUEGON. AVe also wUU to call atf?ntion to our well selected t ck of HATS J&3STJD CAPS, or French and American rvlaaafacturo I Of which we Vav a great variety of Late Ftyl?s t'-- o ttsmfna t uientiou ; aud aa our Urvther, J. C. MecesJoriTer, is now IN NEW YORE, to attend to tbe 31 AX V V A T U KING Hce himself, we fv I confident that wa can otTer a much butb r matvrial. and at lower prices, than ANY other Iloue uu tU PactAe Cuat. Whole-Mil- e Dealer. will find it to thtir interct to cjtamine our stock before pnrcbaii;r tlcwhcre. AS'o invite every ono ti call and tafntm our Smuionso utok, at Uo. 72 Troat Street, Portland No. 125 J. Street, Sai raiisoiitu, Cal.: c-ru- lan I 2d streets, ; 633 an i C'17 Commercial ctnet. .San Francisco, Cal. AViiolkhalr IIousk. at Commercial, ex- tending thriugb t f..57 Clay rret, San Francisco. at 4fi'Mroomo Now York, anil 43 Houlevard Si. Marten, Paris, France. Sept. 20, lcf8 vtufuf sjieiu-f'.- s ma i.i:. t0tice 1$ 1iererv iiven that by l? virtue of an i'Xur"'tivn Usucd out oftheCir- - uit Court oi tbo FtHto of Oregon, for Linn county, and to mo directed anuddivereil, in favor of U. 15. Smith and against I. N. Sinitn, lr tho sinn of $11?.. CO and interest and costs, I havetliU 9tb day of Octobor, levied on the property in said execution and order of srslo fpeciHed, to-w- it: Tbo South hair of Iho North-Wes- t quarter of Section 35, lowndbip 12, buth Kango 4, West: South-We- st quarter of Section 33, Township 12, South Range 4, Weft; ono piece, commencing tt the South-Ea- st corner of tbe South East quarter of Section 34, same Township, thonco running West 120 Rods, thence East 80 Itads to the j.lud of begiuning containing 300 acres mcrs o; le.:j, in Linn oounty, Oregon. And on Saturday, the 2H day of Movember, 1808, between the hours of tf o'elock a. m. and i o'oloek p. k- - of 8uid day, in front of the Court House door, in the city f Albany, Linn county, I will sell tbo above described real property at publio outcry to the bighrpt and best bidder for cash in hand. Dated this 13th day of October, A. I). 1868. R. A. IRVINE, v4n9w4. Sheriff Linn county, Oregon. NOTICE TO FARMERS! WASTED ! I will pay, for Eggs at tny store, SO Cents per Dozen in trade. . BUTTER T7AKTCD! I will pay 30 Cts. in trade, for good Butter. Oct. 17, 1803. vln9tf. R. C1IEADLE. WHEAT AND OATS! 100,000 BusSicXaofVAicat aud Oats WANTED within tho next two weeks, for which Tbo Higrhcst Cash Price will bo Paid, By , J. GRADW0IIL, ln15t fiu TraAoisoo Store. AMERICAN WALTIIAM WATCHES. ment for fl'rT. Powell for pI'fT. priciib Vindam ts. l.,uas Wind J;Unes Elkins appointed referee. P.. X. White, v. JawtM M. Bahh, et. al. Cntinucd. Cranor ftr pPffl Leightcm Blum, v. Bichcl Dinwiddie, et. al. of ale. Powell for pl'iT. I). W. Baliard vs. Geo. W. Oivll, ct. al. Settled; I. W. Ballard vs. Cm. W. Odell. Set- - tied- - A First Ci.a " Devm.." Master C!i-'-b"r;- ie H. Stewart, an apprentice in this of- fice, l.t rr:irti nil! !i!,t. rrt,'. 4,. e "-- i iree ciumni oi mi.-cei.aj- ie u rending matter, (reprint r.a 1 loanUfCnpt) w-,,.(- l making a sni'r.e tvr' rrar.njc;i' err ;r Gf aar j.:n j He read, a:sd "dumped" his "sticks ! t t . . ... . . 1 . having anything t di with t!:e matte r uni 1 after the "-all- eys" " were rrovwl." V.'e - Cixb MccTiNCOa last Saturday night there was a rousing meeting of the Douim cratic Club at the Court Uuuse. Tho great et enthusiasm prevailed, aud Democrats Kht-we- l that tlsey were nit a particle net back by the la'e elections in the East. Sev- eral short addresses Mere delivered by mem- bers of the Club, each apcuker being greeted wah rounds of applause. S. T. 1 C 33 X. The unprecedented and extra rdiary demnd fur Pi.axtatiox Bit- - texs is cvtdmt!y owing Ut their being pre- - par.xl with pure St. Croix Hum, Caliaya Bark, &c. Our Druggists all emu plain thar it is almost itntosible to keep a supply, and that their order?, owing to the great demand and limited supply, are but tardily executed. Be sure and get the genuine. &EI.M.VC off at Cost. Our reader are positively assured that W. W. Parrixh & Co., are selling their immense stiek of gtod olfatcost, as they arc determined to eloee out bus-ines- . Head their new advertise- ment in to-day- 's paper, and call at their store, assured that you will not be hum- bugged with regard to their statement. Ace.nt. Our friend C P. Burkhart, one of the efficient County Commissioner, fia been appointed agent for the Willamette Fur-ine- r, aud all those ia this locality who de- sire to subscribe can either address through the post office or call on him at his residence, three miles east of this city. Tiie "Success." We learn from Mr. D. It. Green, the gentlemanly agent of tho Willamette Steamboat Company (opposi- tion), that the steamer " Success" will be up to Albany sonic time during to-da- y or to. morrow. , Changed Hands. Mr. J. Driggs has pur- chased the interest of Mr. Montgomery in the planing mill of J. B. Comly & Co., in this city, and it will hereafter be conducted by Messrs. Comly & Driggs. The Grecian Bend. The fair ladies of Albany hav'nt got it very badly yet, but Mansfield & Bro. will have a new stock of first-clas- s goods of all kinds in a few days. - - I'll' Found Guiut. -- Just as we go to press tho d e ri iiu uu.isLca til ir(.-iioi.iii- without notes, didn't wish to be understood that he referred to greenbacks, lat stick of candy, er a youn lady ab-m- t a i W-a-arprfiil- L The article tvliich we published lat week, in relation to tbe pur- chase of 419 bars of iron for that road, was copied from the Unionist, and merely a- - an item of nefr.o, as vre supjv-se- d it was an au- thentic statement. The DEStCR-v- r ha never ridiculed the West-hid- e road, bat has repeat- edly stated that it hoped both roads would eventually be completed, as the Willamette Valley .would undoubtedly be able to p;ive them each a handsome support in time. We have taken no part in tbe "war of word" . between our valley e;tcmporarie in regard to this subject, believing that the contractors of the roads and the people a!on the con- templated routes would build them as goon without' f atH schorl-itf- v dbplay of silly jealousies as with them. sons in Albany who do net take the Demo-cra- t, either claiming that they d .i nt like its politics or are too poor to afford it ; and yet some of them make a practice, as soon as the paper is delivereI by the carrier,- - of go- ing into the stores and shops of those who subscribe and pay for it, and unceremoni- ously "gobbling ij; upn and sliding out with f tt in their pockets. Now, gentlemen, that is a piece of knavery that is pretty low down, and we would advise you to stop it or ntne of you will get an "airing" in the columns of, the 1iet which you affect to despise so . much but which in reality j-o- u can't keep 7 your evoked dibits of of long- - enough for tbe rightful owner to get a look at. " Give usa rest' on that style of 3 procuring your 'for the "treason mill." Register a few weeks agf published an ac- count of the death of our former fellow-cit-iie- n, Peter McKinney, Esq., by falling from lut one day this week we met Mr. McKin- ney on our streets, looking mighty lively for a "corpus," and he told us that it wasn't Jnm that was killed, ."but a man by name of Kinney w.ithout the Mac." We were glad o meet "'rete," because he is a good fetlow, and a purling Democrat, and a reliable sub scriber for our paper, Bemgioijs. It was our pleasure to list id an able argument, against the prop-- new.Ycrsiori f the Scriptures, on last Sji batS, by Rev. S. G, Irvine, pastor ot the T tlknwThi nf this ritr TTto ,m0.U I! played a thorough knowledge of the subjc! Upon which he epoke, and his views we clearly and pointedly expressed, while ft showed an impartiality and fairness in der? ing with the matter seldom, observed even the sacred desk. . . . f1 "Pictures it Clouds." Let no one p 'pone getting their pictures taken because the' cloudy weather. Sir. Winter can taV ' g-K-- likenesses just as well ia "foul weather affair." :' ' PROOF OF TKE1H SUPERIORITY. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Office r thr Gksekal Scpeeistehdsst, Altuxa, Pa., Dec. 15, 1S67. OfiSTLEMKX : Tbe watches manufactured by yo have been iu use oa Ibis Railroad fur several years by our engine-me- n, t j whom wo furnish watches as part - our equipment. There are now soma TuBer lUxnnED cr tueh carbied on oca Likb. and we ccadder them GOOD AND RELIABLE. TIMEKEEPERS. Indeed, I hara great satufas-tio- a sayic- - YOUR WATC1IE3 GIVE US LESS TROUBLE, end have worn and do waat much loagc;: without repairs than any watches wa have ever had in use on this road. As you ar aware, we formerly trusted to those of English, manufacture, of acknowledged good reputation, but as a claasthcy never kept tinio as correctly, nor hava they don aa good service as yours. In these statements I am sustained by my pred- ecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience cxteaded over a scries of year?. Respectfully, EDWARD WILLIAMS, , General .Superintendent. Amerk&n Watch Company, Waltham. NSW YOHS CENTRA! RAILROAD. Locomotive Dkpartmest, Westerx Ditisiojc, Rochester, Dec. 24, 1866. j Ge3TLKse3 : I have no hesitation in saying that I believe tho great majority of locomotive en- gineers have found by experience that Waltham Watchts ar.n T3E most satisfactort of any for tlicir ns3. Th:y run with ths creatxst Acctaacr An teadikess, notwithstanding tho rough riuiag of tn. engine, and, as I have kster. ksows ose to oct, they must be durable. I hope to sco the time when railway companies, will generally &doj?t your watches, and furnish, them to all engineers nd conductors. In my opin ion it would greatly"; tend to promote regularity and safety. Yours respectfully, CHARLES WILSON, G, Chief Engineer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. American Watch Company, Waltham. Every Watch Fully Warranted. Fcr sale by all first-cla- ss dealers in the United States. RCDririS & APFZ.ETON, No. 182 Broadway, General Agents. R. B. GRAY & CO., San Francisco, f Agonts for California. se5v4a2m4 READ THIS. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES indebted to we by note or book account nra notified to come forward and settle the same with- out delay. Give the matter your immediate attention, an$ cost of collection. M Juno 27, 1S6S 3ni5tf, M. W. MACK. LOOI AT THIS!! A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES J indebted to the late Law firm of Cranor A iielm, are requested to come forward and settle up at onoo. CRANOR & HELM. Dated Oct, 16, 1888.

Transcript of The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1868-10-31 [p ]. · 2014-11-07 · hotitlit'j imt & smith....

Page 1: The State rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1868-10-31 [p ]. · 2014-11-07 · hotitlit'j imt & smith. a vi k vi k

HOtiTliT'J IMt & SMITH. A VI K 11 T 1 fcj J H K N T B , Al) V K UTI S MM KNTS,

SATiniDAY!riT.T!rir.rOCTO B K R SI, 1SC8.

A 1) V K li T I S K M U N T S .

J. BAnriOWH. L. K. BLAtH. S. E YOl'O.

J, BARROWS a CO.,A n k




The Circuit Court. Tho Circuit Courtfor Linn County commenced last Mondayaud was still in session up to tho time of go-

ing to press Judgo Boise prodding. Thefollowing legal gentlemen were in attend-ance : J. H. Mitchell, oi Portland ; JudgeChenoVcth and S. C. Simpson of Corvallis j

N. II. Cranor, Powell & Flinn, Iluelt &

Elkins, J. J. Whitney and N. B. Humphreyof this city. The following causes have beendisposed of :

State of Oregon vs. Gordon Cooper. Con-

tinued.State of Oregon vs. Leopold Lochcr. Con-tinne-

State of Oregon vs. John Cosgrovc. Con-

tinued.State of Oregon vs. George Lewis. Con-tinne- d.

State of Oregon vs. Thos. Lilly. Cvn-tinned- .

State of Oregon vs. Archibald Uauei. Con-tinuo-

State of Oregon vs. Albert Hays. Con-

tinue!.Sta:e of Oregon vsl Tboaias Boyer. Con-tinne-

State f Oregin vs. L. l)nvu. Continued.CheowTth for dtrft.

Slate of Or eg.u vs. L. Brown. Continued.ChendwctU for deft.

State .f 0.-cg.i- u vs. M Abrams. Con-uxm- v

1. Cranor fur deft.State of Oregon vs. Abrams. Con-tiuue-

Cranor for dvVt.State of Oregon v. Gi. llunsakor. Cwn-tinue-

Cranor for deft.State of Oregun vs. JoshuaSvlvester. Bail

forfeited.State of Oregon vs. Frank Daln.n. In

dictdl. Mitchell and Cranor fur deft.Zai hous Van Ormau vh. Wm. M. 0dy.

Husm-1- 1 and IViwcll fr pl'lf; Craimr andMitchell (Mitchell taking place of Geo. It.llclui) for defendant. Judgment for yVH.

Ilurd A Parker vs. Omar Sylvester nodC. C. Godiey, Judgment for Pi'ffi. Crutwrfor pfils.

W. W. ParWi Co., vs. L. S. Kt.gcr,ct. al. Dlmia-'c- d at of pi'IT-.- . Cranorfr defendant.

Alex. iK-dg- e vs. W. II. MwCord. Judg-ment by default. Cran.r fr jd'iF.

II. Iludd vs. Berry Evnt-a- . Appeal dis-mis-io-l.

Hurd L Parker vs. C. C. G lley. Con-Sricatio- n

of .n?. Cranor tr pl'lfs.Oa;ar Sylvester v. C. C. G d!ey. Judg- -


A meeting of "the Tcmocracy will

bo held in the Court House, on nextMonday evening nt early candle-ligh- t,

Messrs. Helm and Whitney will ad-

dress the meeting hy.rpeciat request.Wc hope to seo a largo attendance ;

and on next Tuesday let every Demo-crat-feve- ry

lover of right, of justice,of honestv, of an economical

of the Governmentcverv hater of wroncr, and outragego to the polls and vote tor Seymourand Blair.


We have made arrangements with tliotel-zrap- h

nporator at this potvtdipsfehpoStreet from San Francis and the Evt l:iWdurlng next week, immcncln on Tuesday

"night,1 and we shall on every day thereafterduring next Tveclt isuo from this office nn

"extra" o vntaimtv the very InTct election

news frm our own State, from Ci'if.rni:iand from the Atlantic States. The paper

will be said on the street hy carriers at the

rate of 12 cents per copy. A tlm willinrolva considerable expense, we trut the

public will appreciate the fact that it U main-

ly for their benefit and convenience, and that

they will patronize the enterprise liberally.Look oat for.. the new "daily" on next

Wednesdav moriunj;.

Important to SnirrEP.s. It i generally

Conceded that, although the opposition steam-

er 44 Success" is a very liht drancht I,at

for one so lare, and thus is enabled to run

in very law water, yet she will generally

have all she can possibly crry in the way

of freight, from Albany and Satan; without

going higher up the river ; and thu shippers

At CorrallK Ilarrisburs and Kn-e- no will be

left almost entirely at the tv.e-c- y .f the;grinding 1. T. C. In anticipation of this

.JiJSculty a b"ct is now being constructed tit.Ctr.emab, 12G.feet long by 3 feet wide, to

roa as far perhaps as Kagne City during

almost any stage, of water. And it is intend-

ed that this boat will carry freight at fmui

$1 to $o cheaper than what shippers are

naTing at ihi present time, and also d i a I

fair paying Illness. In the completion of

this enterprise tho eontruotors of tho WtIeare the assistance of shippers and capita.'

Isi-- s along the river, for which ample security

will .z given. The boat is to be called the

Eugene," and she can be got rea ly f r

running order in alwut eg!u weeks if the

pe)p'.e are dcir jus of aiding the Green, who has the matter in charge, U

n .w up the river sol'citn:;; asita:;ce, anJtrill ba again in this city in the course ofeT -- ht or tendavs, whoa those who desire

can havean or.portunity of Pubscriblng tociC

an 1 v. ling in the" matter '.e trust tint all,those interestel in the reduction of freight

on the Willamette will embrace this oppor- - j

t rr.ty ot o uiniw a "- -.

Mr. Green i-- j a reliable gentleman, and can

give th-- i best of references with regard to the

eir.eerity of hi object.

A rEWGELECTI0NSrn0IAWAS3tf Tcstiiuvoy uow un

NKWAUKLkkinr; Co., Ohio,August lllh, 1808. J

MkSSRS. HoSTBTTKa A tiMITII Ouiita : Mywifo Laving 'J much tencnt rota Hit,

uio of your Bitters, I Uuetn it my duty t glvotwstiaiuny in their iavgr. Atuut ono ycur umi ahulf since, hs hd a sorer attm-- o( iyicutoryor Uluu-J- y Fhii, hU'h boeamo cnronlo and oun-tinuo- d

fur tho above period of tinio, Inning thomr st rili'.U'ul (ihyslciuus ht lLo countrjr, Wo f.nti!-l- y

bocutuo lkvurgid, anJ gavo up ail hopesof her recovery, when, hy urcUlviit mjr attcatlunws called to your uiuit vuluabiu UiUei( ! ilen-- t

Collins it Tburston. vliujgiti, huuiliug ueouo of your Almanacs. I'iii.ling tbcm ncomimuduil forlUootly Tlux, I buulit toio bytllo amiothiuctutil giving accoiJiig to directioiis j ami

befuro one thirJ of the buttlo lu-- bicm tuben tin-wa- s

culirvly cured, and ut j v a porfwvtly goo--

Uealtlj at this time. ?t t rcfp..tful'y yours,AW I--. Nt

BaAHcnvatie, Al., Much IHh, 1S67.

Mers. llukU-tt-t r ubJ Smith, I'ittsi.urgb, Ta.Dfar Sir I am haflly &Ao t exrcf tny grati-- u

K f..r the hviiufit I hive !orivcJ fr iu tha ureof your St ouftcH nitt.-r.t- 1 hav Ik." n af-t-

with Livwr Coinjiliisjit and j rj .i fr wom-tl.a-

1 'v years, fr-- which I liv uvrvl in l.i-ti-

My physicians fulled tJ give in prrttateuirelief. 1 tecauio tKc'uiu holy uti 1 :ih ippy 5 myconstUntlon wai tuwcU lrl 1 don u hy ueln,moroury, A tnvotiug w ith ona of yomAlmanacs, it inIucc4 u.o t prjti;ri a few h

of your Hiturs, whleh en"Mr.lcl tac very rv?relief, uml it U my sin re lo!n that they wiltKuoiJ a t ro. I v,-,-i pron uiic.-tl

iucurat!t, enl usy rvcvcry will 1 c bit! sh-jr- l oia mir icle. My ucihU-- r. express turprNo al g

mo sh iuiuU Isuprova l lu h.aU!i, ant 1 .ok up-- n

y r;i4 r.a vcry ns w GrtrfulSyyour Ho&K!:T 1. N'tf-AT- I. M.

Cm: a. Oct -- l, l?7.Mcrs. Hftttvr A iWKU- - O.-j.t- : AVo Uav

..M jruur muors f.r 1 :ar. AVo hav fua 1 .!

t i;ivv ujiiwr4t it.f..oiitj i. AVc rujrc i f ittLi-- a any i tbtrr l''.Hf. take j .ur- - Sa

o ilu; il 1 1 tU 'uL:;. Ywnr rcs.ctfal!;.','Sii-i.r.-

n ifin.Kr.u'a Daitis, Ju!t t'Jih, ti;u7.

Mi--ifS- . lb ti: r a:cl fc' iU i U tieilt .' Itia.tbeen arUictoi w.lU atf4 li:li-.u- Coat-I'Uio-

fvr a Im. t'tae. an l j.'.ivnicia!: cuM iveuse Mi relief. t!.c a him tr 'ur a.tnt I j'tir-c':a;-

a LctiL vt your Hi'tiiav!i titters, .sti-.l-

slrau,.;v t uy. t b ttlc ctre4 m titir-.jr- . 1

ttoul-- rvcttsit.caJ U t &!I b arc aCitt.! ia tU

saaic r.'.ct.'utS yurs.Sahio All.

f? li m, (jU'u, M.y I,Mcir. 11 ;tt-ttt- r 1 C'lailb Ui.ti ; I lave

lrts.-ribv-- t your 1 iiicr ia a cumt tr of cacvf 1vj Jj.4. an4 as a T . ia rate'.ity, aaJ bac fou:, 1 it t sttamt: tie mutl aofula; cs' tctati' n. lU t elTul'y,

H. I .ll innw M.Fonncrly I'bysU-b- t t'. C'ji cinnm't Maricc al

; Member t.f iUj br. 1 a M-- 4 ,m y viVUittvu-n- , Ac.

1. S. I ii2 yu iSjo abot Vv'!a:.U'?l, uniyou mi u?c U a y.a Jctim.

V. mis, July 25. b, I SC7.

I'itn'.t. lluiutscr 3i iiaitb : I" r itfast tw year I bare ba a'Ji -- l I wliti CittuuV:

cac a&J vr.&l. t .taici;. I bare trfc4 a grtatm-- iij nc4I ias., but 1 re.ivrt mlea6t.I was at lati ai iie 1 to try yur ca!braUi .S:-a-

ath JS.'s !..-- ., as 1 i i my grct tut .tiih!utt il baeiitiitly fciicttd tatr. I LaC-- :t',C(i(ut u lc4 t tootbi-rs-, aud tl Las al ways ivca ktifctjoii,

Jvzl O'ilmi,.The abw writer is pirtonaUy Lti nii in urn,

aa 1 I caa vouch fvr tLo cor:vctoS4 nc Lis st& t. Itr.suT Cmbk,

I'Ojtiaaiivr, .wjiakcr' i'asta.

A.i6Es3f C. II., S. C, Apr.l 22, 1SC7.Messrs. lloiicucr & ftmiib, 1'itisburgb, l'a.

Jt-bU- : Awwat li-- s lUt vf liuvctaber lt, I ba4a vvri alUvk. of 1. VuuaUtin, UivU Uv'o.I.Jal.dmy fratav utuca tLt 1 wu redawd to a UierweLtitt-iti- . I Wm rtCuiiiUieaded by lay couaii, J.J. llAkur, tv try a boUlo wt y uur exUoraUd U.titrc1 did , aud tuust tuutc4s tbat X aui wvi ia govdbtaiiii, aud uttrilulo it cuiwcly t yuur UuuitiekiiUmrt. Vsry uuiy yours, Jvns jr.

Kkjstoj, HardiB Cu., Obiu, JUhu S, ISO.Mer. ituiuncr Saisiu Ut-iit- I bart

bteu uia yvur fur tba Jaet Ijo or twtlv jytar, nua twuuucutiy a luvy arc ail you kcmu- -

t ty bvailU tuat 1 cabuot W.ttuut la.iu.Vours reiccUuiiy, Ltais A. AlicLtH.I tji.iLh, .ludroei. jgiu Co., Ale. Jtce. IcCT.

Ictkrs. iioauiUr X cuittu (jettta: 1 last tuybeatlb tu tbe artay, aut a jjruitt uiiticr fruiu dya-j;.i- a,

au t other coiuUiuls. i UaVe couiiucuc !tu,; your iyit.en, ua iuity bei.ak tUvy twvcuwb iU u.-t- e jj""' un luii 4eiicliej 4 taatcu bviwr.. lours iutiy ,

li. J. Jiyju.

CiXCixxATi, Jan. 10, 18C7.. Messrs. Ilostetter L isuiitti, lMuburb, 1'a,Gents : I bavo eold your bitturs tor tbo paat teayears, art of tUo limo in a Uiatarivus Uistnct oiAlirSisbii'iiu , Have Uoe-- tLcm uiyaell us a irtcctire una cure for cuuh, aud 1 buvu knwu manyotiivrs l uu su wiui pcriett sui.u.aeltai. 1 ukegreat j'kasuic iu recu.uai cudiHjj "iloatavtvr's fctuiii- -

au L.lUi tbu V cryA. U. i'Aiiacij,

Of Parker t Yorbton, cor. Ccuttr arc. uud Cuo- -uut street.

Helena, Montana Territory, July 0, 16C7,

Messrs. Jiostettcr &, SutUb, l'auburgb, Pa.Gents : AV e have sold your UitUr for tureo yearsiu tbta Tcriitjjy, aud cau truly say ii is one id tuouiuat aud va.uaiw rcuicutcif, lutro is uuone yieyntnuon luut bas a -- r0cr sale, or tuatgvt uioro gcucrul eulisf;tctiiiu iu tuis iouaiity.lours, sc., 1'aucuks Jt i'AV-Ti;a-

,iiu-b- u.

Vircixia Cur, Moutana Territory, 1

July 0, 18G7. JMessrs. Ilostetter Si Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Geuts: I hare been severely afilictod with Heart-burn aud Dyspepsia, and bare tried almost allremedies without avail. Finally I was recommend-ed to try your Stomach Bitters. I did no, aud af-ter usiug a lew bottles, was entirely restored toh.callh.

I stilt continue to take your Bitters, and wouldnot be witbout ibein. I consider them the onlyefae-ieiou- s remedy of tbe k ind iu the market Whentaken as directed, tbey will always prove a sover-eign remedy to those afflicted with Dyspepsia ordiseases of a like nature. .Respectfully yours,

M. Manx.

N, B. The genuine Bitters are sold In botth-- s

only. All persons who pretend to sell the articleby tbe gallon ar barrel are impostors, and tbe stuffthey offer is a wortulestf?and probably poisonouscoaaterfeit. Prepared and sold by



For sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Store-keepers throughout the world.

jzZ3AanxTU fob Pacific CoastIIOTKTTCR, SMITH at CO.,

Wholesale .Druggists, San Francisco.




PUKKLY MUTUAL.f.coni'Oi5ATi:s intir.

Cash Ati $7,000,000 COC.t$h niitrlbiillons of 1807Total Surrlu Dlvidetl -fotfil Lc.n Pa id - - 2,7yo.lOO OoIncome for let,7 - - - 00

No Extr.i, Chargo for TravollKil to andfrom tho Atlantic States?, Europe,

Ort'cou, and Bandvlch Islands.

TiiN old in4 p'iT.i')1;ir Company Is tcvj-rnf'- byl ho .NON-- I OKI- - I'A'l Vlli: Uvt of Mn'stubus jHi.ALL UU EAftSlfiuS DIVJDfD ANNUALLY kt&O'AO THE


f.t.n? n l jdly. A!l )Ah 4t'iV u f if,


'V Divi'Un l Aroltoltte tit thr J'oymtut vf theS':viiii't Aniiiftt I'remiuuu

Hut no e! of ttf tubers (l'AUy Jioll3r) ieihh ('"fiijiafiy, tunvrtz whom the nnnuat rtiij lu UdivMod."

I iil.n'.' t j.idMti, liicd o ';i arrful invec'l.tfttH.n, will bow that this ( h. old- si ilafaal biff; ( u C t!ji.iy of Ameri-- ) 4.-r- iinre :"tn-t's.-- i

t t ti.f iiMitf.-- l ban any oth'.r Coifafiy doin;-bitK!- n

m this coast.I.;i'i: I !;f tl r lilt- I A j'i liti UM 'iti tffiUCt.t for Cfs J'

itaHfct. It I. a H'tti: ii!Vi't.i-i- t f r i!.n in moi i.::fs !;:i-- . r, by 1 1 y fi.iy,. v.,l! si

ii)nU .ii .:. iif fiirt'U, b- - to tLt irliii, j.iiar,- - f.r ibtir SBj"jort ii ci; of tbe earlyJtHvaiMj of ibe iukurvd.

tfoiac Cfllce, 39 Stato Street, Bof.t3a.

PACIFIC I1RANC1I OFriCK.-i- : 502 M o.u..r.:-r- y tr l, Si:i ico; Uo!ii 2, Crt.r'JJuiiiia, Por:l.'it4, "f;;n.

kvi;i:.on a hai.n'i:-"- ,

itrttril Aieiit; A X;i.IkI.S, Ag'U,

P.irrUb CVa L'..M.k, Albany, Orcwn.f!5'oivJiif


TTTIETXirsrO SKOPirfim: hf:?.-cp.!bi- :u worn i;kppkctfi;l.

ly iufrs the J.iibl.; that be is e 1 lodo r.l! kinds of

T V 11 N I V iin a wftfktnshdike and ?fi-diit"ti-

s roeiR-r- . A!',!. kf f i on 'mid. and for a!e. SPINN1NUV.'HKU.K. and lb t ofHaw-Iiii- o Uattcnj or Eitchea Chairs!

All f which w ill b il l cb. ji ff.r Cab. Or-4-- .r

lic.t.-l. t b jj iiar U e o!4 Fbvur Miil, attbo u;r end of Fift ;r-'- .

JOHN M. MCTZLUR.N .v .i.i, 'C7 rSitUyl




rrauier4'j Ftrtrt, b4ow SltstK.wery, a- p.Uc t ';. v 1piu 2! td Ktc&ifc'b't Com.

4iy' Of.i o, l'f ivt et.trjutjon li4.-dor.- trvt t,

CtlnhlUKttl erprtufy U ajfurd th athtel sound1elLl-jl- s tue'Jtctti otd tu the ntnl '

and cut t if all i'riruttvnd Chi on- - .

is JJitJ, ratf Srert-r- y

ti .d Sttwil


Jr cir ibaaJt t hi tiaaicrus a!ii tiii fvriur .;r.i.,c, and would tuke lb!s (M.rtani!y

rv in hid Ibfto tbat b c.ilir'ii to coijH!t al bnIiiattlut fgr the euro of cbruiiic dtseai'cs of tlifcLang. Li?r, Kidm-y-, IiMtie and ftrntbj-l'rt-uar- y

Dran, at.d all priraU, vis . Hyph-iii- s

in all it forms and tagc , Seminal Weakness,aud all tho bmd ennsiuvirt of clf-abut- j. Uon-urrbo- -,

01;tl, Stricture. Nix-lurn- and Diurnaleaitiun, Fesual Debility, Di n s of tbe Barkand Loins, lutlaimtiatioa 4 tb Bladder and Kid-neys, i., ttc and be hopes tbat b;a lng expert-i-ucv- )

and tuccrfful practice will continue to injurebiut a share of publw patronage. By the practiceof many years to Eurofc and iho I ni'.ed is enabled to apply the iuot eScknt and sue-ccstf- ul

remedies aga.nst disies ofall kind. Ikuses no mercury, sbargei moderate, treats bis ..tienia in a correct and honorable wa, and bairefrnVe t--f un iuetionablo veracity frota menof known repicUbil.ty and high au.-lin- iu soci- -

ciy. Alt partie consulting b.t by ictt.r orotber- -

wife, will receive tbe best aua gcntivii. treatment,and implicit secrecy.

To Female.When a. female is in trouble, or afHIcted with

disease, aa weakness of tbe bacfcbnd limbs, painlu tbe head dimucM of riht, lae of muscularpower, palpitation of the heart, irritability, ner-vousness, ex'rein? nrinary dinTteuItirs,

f digftivo functions, gcnerrl debility, va-ginl- 'i.

all diicaes ot tbe womb, hysteria, sterili-ty, and ail other diwaes peculiar t shesbyuld r or write at once tj the? "etebralcd leutalodoet'r, W. K. Dobcrty, at bis Medical Instisute,and consult bim f.bout her trouble.! and disease.Tbe Dct'r i troftiug inoru cures than any otherphysician in tho State f California. L? t no faUedelicacy prevent you. but apply immediately andsave yourself from painful sufferings and prema-ture death. Ad Married Ladles who. delicatehealth or other circumstances prevent an increasein their f.if.iilies, should write or call at Dr. W. K.Doherty'a Medietl Institute, find tbey will receiveevery tossiblo relief tin 1 help. Ths Doctor's 1 13- -

oes are so anaoKd tbat be tan Ve consulted with-out, fear of observation.

To t'orrespomlon.PatienU rcsidtiig in any purt of iho State, Iiott-ev- er

distant, who may desiro t"o opinion aud ad-vic- o

of Dr. Doheity iu their respetiyo cases, andwho think proper to submit a written statetnvnt ofsuch, in preference to holding a personal interview,are respectfully assured that their communicationswill bo held most sacred and confidential.

If the case be fully and candidly described, per-sonal communication wiil be unnecessary, as in-

structions fur diet, regimen, and the general treat-

ment of tho case (including tho remedies), will boforwarded without dolay, aud in such a mauner asto convey uo idea of the purport of the letter orparcel so transmitted. Consultation by letter orotherwise, fhbb. Permanent cure guaranteed orno ray. Addcss, W. K. D011ERTY, M. D.,

San Francisco, California.

Spermatorrhoea.Dn. DonKHiT baa just published an important

pamplet embodying his ov.'n views and experiencesin rvlr lion to Impotence or Virility, being a shorttreatise oti Sperti.atcirrhor or Seminal Weakness,Nervous and Phy&iual Dabilit.r on thisEflictiou, and idher diseases of tho Sexur:! Organs.

This littlo work coiiUiBS infortnation t.f tbo ut-

most value to all, whether married or single, andwill be pent 1'REE by mail oa receipt of sia centsin postage stamps for return postnge.

Address, W. K. DOHERTY, M. D.,T3n33tf t3an Francineo, Cal.

isroTxaE- -

JUST II ECEIVE D!A Very Larjjo Stock of


And will sell al rery low rates for cash or trade.Call and bcs

Oct. U, lS68-T4n- 9tf R. CUEADLE.


WANT 20,000 LBS. OP GOOD BACON jI also Butter, both of vcLich tho highest market price will be paid. B. BRENNER.



Q031K OV YOU CAN'T, ATJIl AVE TITYO you. You Lave trl'-- d cvwy remedy bul lh OS Kdfp,tin?t, by lis JotrifiKio merit, to iipcr?fe all prfimrations. Il is not Burprtafng you ahonld bJ

rtliii tarit to try omeibinj; else afu-- r the manyyou Lave iwulo of irnhy comoouads

foisted on tbo public as a certain cure; but.

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrupis really tbo A'EHY HEST rerniMy ercrcomfvjn'!4for th euro of OjiiJis, l'is, horn Throat, Asthma,AVhooplnjj Cough. tirotii'blf wand Consumpliot). Tho'i-tnmlno- t

tMpl) in Califortiiaaiid On-go-u huve tnnslray bouelitted by tbo Siirpmittg curaUve powcts


Pulmonary Syrupan4 with mi MeatA five il thlr nnqaalifl4 arjro-batio-

Mo now A(tiri's ouwIvm to ail who rwub tins, tbo trrctAt I'anscea of tbe e.

for the of all diseases of tbo TUroU a4uuas, atsurig you tbat

NEWELL'SPulmonary Sjrupb-t- s cared ihoaiand'a and It will caro YOU If you tryIt.

This $tivl.iibl tnlicin Is t'teaMtst to 'o t ';ootbtntr, wl r'tig?b'-ninj- j io ii : ; if

Sy fti-- t (eitut c!l toooua or Ji!etrtrj GruM,aul trf'-f-tl- y Irfaifj'i uut.r all circonjaut.e.

from many fromir.nit annua tit BaaFraw.ic atitf.Aiy tvtry botUe vf

NEWELL'SPulmonary Syrup

JtEDIXCTOX k CO. Ax'.oU, Eaa rraccoco.

t"e I!t Iro '.' ,Y.zn,Or Ma.'i: I'liiliant.


M A O N i: T J C 13 ALMAn ui-..i!.i- ! j r a f .r tbe core of y,

ILtfsb a, Crstap, and all I'lseait ef tbeHi :nr.i h at.d Poiscls tae Instantan'.-on- s IlelkfofHoriis, I5n.;-i- , Fj rain, Aetc, Rbeutaatie aaaN'c'jralI' Artttivut.

Tbjs usii:.e article bears the t;'tuie of







Tbia va'cabfa prtparai:on, eotitaiatsg in &Ligb-- l

y cos.cej.trUl f .rw all tbe properties of Jaruaicii:igtr has become tna cf tbe west pcpu'ar doi

mctti rets ids for ail distaavt of Usa sUbw!and dtg.iUv6 ,rgans.

As a louie, it wiil be invaluable tall peroa rtrortriag frota debility, wbetlcr produce

by a rr otLtrwUe; fur rtVila it imparts ttb; rystem a!l tbe glow a:d vior tbat caa ocpr'-- i

due::d by or I rai. ;., it i t.tire!y fre-- s fr c

lbs r . att.' t.ary tCVctj tbat ful'o.v tbe use of fpifl,its f any kind.

It is alfo aa eacelknt remedy tar fctaalcs whoto ffcr from diGeilt uicnsircatioa, giriag sJmestUcujcdbts relief t tbe r asrris th.--.t so frequentlya ctcp3iiy tbat ptrlod.

It gives Immediate relief .to Naatca, esuicd byriding in a railroad ar, or by sa-sickne- rj, or oih;er c.ture.

It is also T&luablo as an external application for(Jvut, Rbcumatijm, Neuralgia, etc.


416 and 4JS Front St., San Francisco, Cal.

Use Electro Silicon,Or Magic Brilliant.



Tb is article, possessing tho most delicate fra-grance of Flowers, ia uuc jua'.cd as a perfume forthe Handkerchief,


Used in bathing, it 5rrpr.rt3 energy and strengthto the system, and give ibat softuess and delica-cy to the tsksa so much desired by alb

It removes Sualum, FrecLics and Pimples.

Diluted with water, it makes an excellent Den-tifrice, imparting carly whiteness t the teeth,sweetness to the breath, and renders tho gumsbard and of a bcautttul color.

11 should always bo used after ihaving, diUutcdwith water, as it relieves all iuilammation.


416 and i IS Frout St., aa i rancisco.

Use Electro-Silico- n,

Or Magio Brilliant.


OR -


Tho best ai Ucle ever discovered for Cleansingand Polishing Gold, Silver, and Plated Wars, andall smooth Metal to Surfaces, of whatever descrip-tion, including Kitchen Utensils of Tin, Copper,Brass, Steel, etc.

To Jewellers aud Workers in Gold and SilverPlate, the Electro-Silico- n taof inestimable value jtho time saved, and tho vexation prevented by itsuse, will forever endear its name to those whohave had evidence of its merits.


Sole Agents, Sau Francisco.



Toccar. Friend Bull, of the Portland challenge any of our Webf .ct c o'.cmp .rane.--.

Comnurcial, U a sensitive on the subject Tt' "trct oat" the why ca:t Ltat tliiithe West-sid- e Railroad as is a baby abutits Or the "j.ur print'' either, f ir that matter.




Ccrictal CotiinilsHloa altislnci.

Tfn it irrriTriT,T BOUCHT kllD 2tv IntOtf J. ! A 11 HOWS 4 CO.


TJ 1T ID DB 1 1? TZ 33 !R, ,A .ii? ts-t!,f:- t,

t.iz hinc3 or cAcmcr vjziiiz i

AbPAXV, Oi'.IidON.-- t- ro t n 1'tr-- t tic.'., u!il r t'.e I'.oi tut & i .

Albany, . I, ytl vji.Ttr.

rsunn UN:)i:j:.'f5M:i ,t.z Tina r.vJL a Uif riuj f-- r loe toi.iftra':tiii ! i.i ibe ."'. t'ti , i)r4-:- i unl adjotuiu,;

atej at4 'n is iS.rit , u:,dvr tao i.autu aud ityicl Ilea ituii'i.iy a. Co.

in.N IlOI.LAJiAV,V. Tl'MPLK l.MMliT.

i. i,u,.o:t,Itorlhn 1. Hii. It. 1. t:It

.o s rt:::.K1U:; i;.NliKl:i :IM.:i, ll.WINt; Pl.'UClIAS.

v l t!i i..t i. t.f A. J. C'ioU & C.. in lbsoi.tr4ets fi r i.4.:rueti:.j; tb 'Jniu C uirl lia.l-- t

'.'oui; of 'vi-i, Will e iili;.uo the woii;U ; si t e iijiia! tf !.-!-.! Uii 'JaK--.

r Ki. PariUb' buildUt, A7. comer VasU-Ui;- ii

I 1'it Jit Hi., v!.holuauav l tj.

l' , H- -- t. i;, i !,. i

In th" f'iiTtut Can rt the State t'f th'fjr.i j

.r ,' . ,im.7V-n- '. HV. f,,, i'.'Y. i . i'ittnUin H. U'il-- f

tnt, Ih-ft-

Suit in J.'iui? to fJ,m'i a Jjirorre.To I't unkiin 11. U'tlt'iid, l)ej:ndaid afore

tid;IN VIII NAM !'. OF Till: KTATJ:or OIIK'CO.V;

Vi.u arc b'jif'.y r ;ui.--- 4 t 9'.;.ar ia sbj C.rtaitCait of the Ut :.--; n t"t ih .fb;asi. witbiit I' u d. fr .itt dal of l!. ,:rv kef tt.'.a roiu!i-i- . y; ; u if cr't 4 trsfliiu said

Cunly f Lir a, but if t. l ;s at.y t:, i . m.j v

ii lb: i'U'.-i- f t t",'' !! tl tn tt Sft .i.'y d4fr'-'i- i lii-- : lc f liiifi c.-ri-

., a:i4 aiitarr li..:. jj.ia.nt tf.j I'l i.l',a ia ti o above critil'vda.,- a.'aiint yu, $ tta ;li ttjo CU k of eai J

Court, or ju f!.tcul fW tssut tlivttdf tsill W taktny u.

V.u ar hn:by furt'it--r 1 if yt,ti tai l c !.tt.t abrc rc-i-uif c t, tbui';'.".;.T wiii jt lsiH-i.- yvu, t want.f sa ai. r. an 1 aj ly t t uurt al th

.t t- - rrji tt.t.n-.- f f.r a dt .. di'tolrin-- ;

b'id of ia3tr!inr i rxi t.n betstewniu : d 1 Pi ..Mi:"', and i other and

J'.rt r f.r.ie4 f-- r in tl.i e ai, :i.:t. a mayttifc Cs lii t .: ;;r-.:-a'- t f'lj'if; ari l tbo

i'i' and di'barw mt of tU na,i t b taaci.ti.tcti uud.r my Lu4 tbi lili lv .f

Ur, A. D. ISC!. H. CUANOit.Atfy f.r ITC.

Dy cr It r of il .n. P.. P. I' '.s;.

Kttk or Oft , cVol srr or l.ts.

I bt !.;,-- y tbe f to be a trtii cfy

f tbo fi4itsl Huuituon no tt C', iu my 21t dv ,f j t , 1

oko. n. inn.M,vlnCwii "-r-

k 4 nid fouii.


or LfeC3,




AVe also wUU to call atf?ntion to our well selectedt ck of


French and American rvlaaafacturo I

Of which we Vav a great variety of Late Ftyl?st'-- o ttsmfna t uientiou ; aud aa our Urvther, J.C. MecesJoriTer, is now

IN NEW YORE,to attend to tbe

31 A X V V A T U KINGHce himself, we fv I confident that wa can otTer amuch butb r matvrial. and at lower prices, thanANY other Iloue uu tU PactAe Cuat.

Whole-Mil- e Dealer.will find it to thtir interct to cjtamine our stockbefore pnrcbaii;r tlcwhcre. AS'o invite every onoti call and tafntm our Smuionso utok, at

Uo. 72 Troat Street, PortlandNo. 125 J. Street, Sai raiisoiitu, Cal.: c-ru- lan I

2d streets, ; 633 an i C'17 Commercialctnet. .San Francisco, Cal.

AViiolkhalr IIousk. at Commercial, ex-tending thriugb t f..57 Clay rret, San Francisco.

at 4fi'Mroomo Now York,anil 43 Houlevard Si. Marten, Paris, France.

Sept. 20, lcf8 vtufuf

sjieiu-f'.- s ma i.i:.t0tice 1$ 1iererv iiven that by

l? virtue of an i'Xur"'tivn Usucd out oftheCir--

uit Court oi tbo FtHto of Oregon, for Linncounty, and to mo directed anuddivereil, in favorof U. 15. Smith and against I. N. Sinitn, lr thosinn of $11?.. CO and interest and costs, I havetliU9tb day of Octobor, levied on the propertyin said execution and order of srslo fpeciHed, to-w- it:

Tbo South hair of Iho North-Wes- t quarter ofSection 35, lowndbip 12, buth Kango 4, West:South-We- st quarter of Section 33, Township 12,South Range 4, Weft; ono piece, commencing ttthe South-Ea- st corner of tbe South East quarterof Section 34, same Township, thonco runningWest 120 Rods, thence East 80 Itads to the j.ludof begiuning containing 300 acres mcrs o; le.:j,in Linn oounty, Oregon. And on

Saturday, the 2H day of Movember, 1808,between the hours of tf o'elock a. m. and i o'oloekp. k- - of 8uid day, in front of the Court House door,in the city f Albany, Linn county, I will sell tboabove described real property at publio outcry tothe bighrpt and best bidder for cash in hand.

Dated this 13th day of October, A. I). 1868.R. A. IRVINE,

v4n9w4. Sheriff Linn county, Oregon.

NOTICE TO FARMERS!WASTED ! I will pay, for at tny store, SO Cents per Dozen in

trade. .

BUTTER T7AKTCD! I will pay 30 trade, for good Butter.

Oct. 17, 1803. vln9tf. R. C1IEADLE.

WHEAT AND OATS!100,000 BusSicXaofVAicat aud OatsWANTED within tho next two weeks, for which

Tbo Higrhcst Cash Price will bo Paid,By , J. GRADW0IIL,

ln15t fiu TraAoisoo Store.



ment for fl'rT. Powell for pI'fT.priciib Vindam ts. l.,uas Wind

J;Unes Elkins appointed referee.P.. X. White, v. JawtM M. Bahh, et. al.

Cntinucd. Cranor ftr pPfflLeightcm Blum, v. Bichcl Dinwiddie,

et. al. of ale. Powell for pl'iT.I). W. Baliard vs. Geo. W. Oivll, ct. al.


I. W. Ballard vs. Cm. W. Odell. Set- -

tied- -

A First Ci.a " Devm.." Master C!i-'-b"r;-ie

H. Stewart, an apprentice in this of-fice, l.t rr:irti nil! !i!,t. rrt,'.4,. e"-- i iree ciumni oi mi.-cei.aj- ie urending matter, (reprint r.a 1 loanUfCnpt)w-,,.(- l making a sni'r.e tvr' rrar.njc;i' err ;rGf aar j.:n j He read, a:sd"dumped" his "sticks ! t t . . ... . . 1 .

having anything t di with t!:e matte r uni1

after the "-all- eys" "were rrovwl." V.'e

-Cixb MccTiNCOa last Saturday night

there was a rousing meeting of the Douimcratic Club at the Court Uuuse. Tho greatet enthusiasm prevailed, aud DemocratsKht-we- l that tlsey were nit a particle netback by the la'e elections in the East. Sev-

eral short addresses Mere delivered by mem-bers of the Club, each apcuker being greetedwah rounds of applause.

S. T. 1 C 33 X. The unprecedented andextra rdiary demnd fur Pi.axtatiox Bit- -

texs is cvtdmt!y owing Ut their being pre- -

par.xl with pure St. Croix Hum, CaliayaBark, &c. Our Druggists all emu plain tharit is almost itntosible to keep a supply, andthat their order?, owing to the great demandand limited supply, are but tardily executed.Be sure and get the genuine.

&EI.M.VC off at Cost. Our reader arepositively assured that W. W. Parrixh &

Co., are selling their immense stiek of gtodolfatcost, as they arc determined to eloeeout bus-ines- . Head their new advertise-ment in to-day- 's paper, and call at theirstore, assured that you will not be hum-

bugged with regard to their statement.

Ace.nt. Our friend C P. Burkhart, oneof the efficient County Commissioner, fiabeen appointed agent for the Willamette Fur-ine- r,

aud all those ia this locality who de-

sire to subscribe can either address throughthe post office or call on him at his residence,three miles east of this city.

Tiie "Success." We learn from Mr. D.It. Green, the gentlemanly agent of thoWillamette Steamboat Company (opposi-tion), that the steamer " Success" will beup to Albany sonic time during to-da- y or to.morrow. ,

Changed Hands. Mr. J. Driggs has pur-chased the interest of Mr. Montgomery inthe planing mill of J. B. Comly & Co., inthis city, and it will hereafter be conductedby Messrs. Comly & Driggs.

The Grecian Bend. The fair ladies ofAlbany hav'nt got it very badly yet, butMansfield & Bro. will have a new stock offirst-clas- s goods of all kinds in a few days.

- - I'll'

Found Guiut. --Just as we go to presstho



ri iiu uu.isLca til ir(.-iioi.iii-

without notes, didn't wish to be understoodthat he referred to greenbacks,

lat stick of candy, er a youn lady ab-m- t a i

W-a-arprfiil- L The article tvliich we

published lat week, in relation to tbe pur-

chase of 419 bars of iron for that road, was

copied from the Unionist, and merely a-- an

item of nefr.o, as vre supjv-se- d it was an au-

thentic statement. The DEStCR-v- r ha neverridiculed the West-hid- e road, bat has repeat-

edly stated that it hoped both roads wouldeventually be completed, as the Willamette

Valley .would undoubtedly be able to p;ive

them each a handsome support in time. Wehave taken no part in tbe "war of word"

. between our valley e;tcmporarie in regardto this subject, believing that the contractorsof the roads and the people a!on the con-

templated routes would build them as goon

without' f atH schorl-itf- v dbplay of sillyjealousies as with them.

sons in Albany who do net take the Demo-cra- t,

either claiming that they d .i nt like its

politics or are too poor to afford it ; and yetsome of them make a practice, as soon asthe paper is delivereI by the carrier,- - of go-

ing into the stores and shops of those who

subscribe and pay for it, and unceremoni-

ously "gobbling ij; upn and sliding out withf tt in their pockets. Now, gentlemen, thatis a piece of knavery that is pretty low down,and we would advise you to stop it or ntne

of you will get an "airing" in the columnsof, the 1iet which you affect to despise so

. much but which in reality j-o-u can't keep

7 your evoked dibits of of long- - enough fortbe rightful owner to get a look at. " Give

usa rest' on that style of 3 procuring your

'for the "treason mill."

Register a few weeks agf published an ac-

count of the death of our former fellow-cit-iie- n,

Peter McKinney, Esq., by falling from

lut one day this week we met Mr. McKin-

ney on our streets, looking mighty lively fora "corpus," and he told us that it wasn'tJnm that was killed, ."but a man by name ofKinney w.ithout the Mac." We were glad

o meet "'rete," because he is a good fetlow,and a purling Democrat, and a reliable subscriber for our paper,

Bemgioijs. It was our pleasure to listid an able argument, against the prop--

new.Ycrsiori f the Scriptures, on last Sji

batS, by Rev. S. G, Irvine, pastor ot theT tlknwThi nf this ritr TTto ,m0.U I!

played a thorough knowledge of the subjc!

Upon which he epoke, and his views weclearly and pointedly expressed, while ftshowed an impartiality and fairness in der?

ing with the matter seldom, observed eventhe sacred desk. . . . f1

"Pictures it Clouds." Let no one p'pone getting their pictures taken becausethe' cloudy weather. Sir. Winter can taV

'g-K-- likenesses just as well ia "foul weatheraffair." :' '


Pennsylvania Railroad Company.

Office r thr Gksekal Scpeeistehdsst,Altuxa, Pa., Dec. 15, 1S67.

OfiSTLEMKX : Tbe watches manufactured by yohave been iu use oa Ibis Railroad fur several yearsby our engine-me- n, t j whom wo furnish watchesas part - our equipment. There are now somaTuBer lUxnnED cr tueh carbied on oca Likb.and we ccadder them GOOD AND RELIABLE.TIMEKEEPERS. Indeed, I hara great satufas-tio- a

sayic-- YOUR WATC1IE3 GIVE USLESS TROUBLE, end have worn and do waatmuch loagc;: without repairs than any watches wahave ever had in use on this road. As you araware, we formerly trusted to those of English,manufacture, of acknowledged good reputation,but as a claasthcy never kept tinio as correctly,nor hava they don aa good service as yours.

In these statements I am sustained by my pred-

ecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience cxteadedover a scries of year?. Respectfully,

EDWARD WILLIAMS,, General .Superintendent.

Amerk&n Watch Company, Waltham.

NSW YOHS CENTRA! RAILROAD.Locomotive Dkpartmest, Westerx Ditisiojc,

Rochester, Dec. 24, 1866. jGe3TLKse3 : I have no hesitation in saying

that I believe tho great majority of locomotive en-

gineers have found by experience that WalthamWatchts ar.n T3E most satisfactort of anyfor tlicir ns3. Th:y run with ths creatxstAcctaacr An teadikess, notwithstanding thorough riuiag of tn. engine, and, as I have kster.ksows ose to oct, they must be durable.I hope to sco the time when railway companies,will generally &doj?t your watches, and furnish,them to all engineers nd conductors. In my opinion it would greatly"; tend to promote regularityand safety. Yours respectfully,

CHARLES WILSON, G, Chief Engineer,Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.

American Watch Company, Waltham.

Every Watch Fully Warranted.Fcr sale by all first-cla- ss dealers in the United

States.RCDririS & APFZ.ETON,

No. 182 Broadway,General Agents.

R. B. GRAY & CO., San Francisco,

f Agonts for California.se5v4a2m4


indebted to we by note or book account nranotified to come forward and settle the same with-out delay.

Give the matter your immediate attention, an$ cost of collection. M

Juno 27, 1S6S 3ni5tf, M. W. MACK.


J indebted to the late Law firm of Cranor Aiielm, are requested to come forward and settle upat onoo. CRANOR & HELM.

Dated Oct, 16, 1888.