The Spire - Central Union Church that tells me is that we either don’t believe the end will come...

September 2017 Vol. 87 - No. 9 “We Engage and Embrace ALL as we seek to Embody Christ!” Central Union Church The Spire

Transcript of The Spire - Central Union Church that tells me is that we either don’t believe the end will come...

September 2017Vol. 87 - No. 9

“We Engage and Embrace ALL as we seek to Embody Christ!”

Central Union Church

The Spire

“ P r o v e r b s 13:22 wisely advises, “The good leave an inheritance to their children’s c h i l d r e n … ” Many among us understand the meaning of this proverb as we think about

what we are leaving, not just for our children, but our grandchildren and beyond. Often, inheritance is thought primarily in terms of financial resources, but are we shortchanging what it is that we are leaving for future generations? I prefer the word legacy rather than inheritance. We receive the legacy of those that have trod the earth before us and paved the way for our current reality. The legacy which we inherit, and will leave, extends beyond the material by including our faith experience, the impact of our life’s work, the values and morals that guide us, to name just a few. Too often we miss the opportunity to help shape and share the legacy of living! I recently read that only 30% of people have a will. While a will primarily stipulates what to do with our accumulated resources, it also reveals what we value. What that tells me is that we either don’t believe the end will come for us (one day we will die, but why worry about it now?!) or we haven’t spent much time thinking about the legacy we leave.This isn’t only true as individuals, but it is also true as a community. In terms of the church, we are the recipients of the legacy that generations have left to us. Just think of it…

Our legacy of missional impact—We are hard pressed to not look into the community and see the impact of CUC in Honolulu. Between the many organizations started over the last 130 years, their reach continues to impact women, children, the disadvantaged, the aged, and many others. Progressive Theology—Throughout our history, our ancestors have dared to stand on the progressive side of the spectrum and call for justice on plantations and in homeless

camps; women’s rights and the embracing of the LGBTQ community. We have dared to proclaim the Love of God without conditions and welcoming anyone who is searching.

The facilities—We are blessed with 8.4 acres of land and 12 buildings to ensure our mission and ministry can bless our congregation and community. Each generation has either added facilities or modernized aging facilities in order to meet the current needs of this generation. The Endowment—This fund helps us to continue our mission by supporting us in our drought years and providing a revenue stream to carry out the mission of CUC.

The legacy of our ancestors of faith is the belief that we are a people called to thrive. While many churches are talking about surviving their declining growth curves, we are rejoicing that over the past three years we have seen our congregation growing and our resources strengthening. We are forging new partnerships and using our facilities to further the mission of our church. In this year ahead, we are prayerful that the people of CUC will continue to come together to help us thrive into the next 130 years of ministry. We are working together to be faithful stewards of this legacy that we call Central Union Church by rejoicing in the good that is happening; giving thanks for the countless individuals that continue the mission weekly; and working hard to reduce our dependency on the endowment to continue our mission. In short, we are thriving toward the future! We build our legacy not at the end our lives but throughout our lives. The story of Central Union Church is both one of what has been done as well as the unfolding story of now. You are a part of that legacy and I hope that you will take some time to reflect on your personal legacy while seeing how you are a part of the larger legacy of your beloved church. The sentence from Proverbs evokes a question for today-- What are we leaving to our children’s children? Together, we can continue to inspire the hurting, heal the broken and transform our world! Let’s keep thriving into our next 130 years!

Pastor’s PageRev. David Rivers, Senior Minister



Council Corner: What is Spiritual Formation?“Day by day, three things I pray: To see thee more clearly, to love thee more dearly, to follow thee more nearly.” –Richard of Chichester, 13th-century English Bishop

Spiritual Formation is one of the Four Goals of the council this church year. What is spiritual formation? I’ve heard it defined generally: •“Spiritual formation is a term referring to all attempts, means, instruction, and disciplines intended towards deepening faith and furtherance of spiritual growth.” •Learning how to grow spiritually is a life-long pilgrimage which occurs as you read and apply God’s Word to your life. How do I continue my own pilgrimage? What are spiritual leaders saying about Spiritual Formation? I need a deeper understanding, so I looked at writings of religious leaders. This has taken me to an article by Father John R.

Throop, a priest in the Episcopal Church. I would like to share my discoveries (kaunana). Father Throop emphasizes the “how to” by defining what he understands as the five aspects of Spiritual Formation:1. Reflective reading. For new believers and experienced disciples, Bible reading is a key part of daily activity. We search the Scriptures and reflect on how the verses move our spirit and affect our lives.(Kaunana: Discovery*) 2. Active repentence. We are human and through our reflective reading, we find that we fall short of Jesus’ example. “We become more aware of how unlike Jesus we are. As we move through spiritual formation, we become aware of our need to confess our sins to God” who always forgives us. (Mana’o’i’o: Faithfulness*)3. Total stewardship. Stewardship of God’s gifts to us becomes a central duty as we mature in understanding. We realize that “all we have and all we are are entrusted to us under the Lordship of Christ.” Sharing time, talent, and treasure for God’s work (rather than focusing on personal needs and wants) becomes our call—definitely a worthy challenge. (Malama: Care*)4. Penetrating prayer. Praying is offering our whole selves before God, and being open to God’s call. Prayer in silence, centering prayer, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are different forms of prayer. (Loli’ana: Transformation*)5. Community Accountability. Spiritual formation is about growing in faith within the community of believers (not just individual growth). “The fruit of spiritual formation is the discovery and use of spiritual gifts that will allow us to participate more fully in the total ministry of the church. Through spiritual formation, we become dynamic disciples who will impact a world in need of Christ.” (Aloha: Love*) [ * CUC’s Values ]

As a pilgrim on this pilgrimage, those aspects help me to monitor my own spiritual formation: 1. Do I read the Bible reflectively and try to live what the Holy Spirit reveals? Do I read works by spiritual leaders who have matured in the faith and now share their wisdom? Do I search for wisdom of the ages?2. As my awareness grows, do I discover my blind spots, my shortcomings, my sins. Do I repent and ask for forgiveness not only from God but also from those I have wronged? And do I make sincere amends?3. Am I being a good steward of God’s gifts to me—family, friends, talents, skills, money, health, food, air, water, earth, sky, and sea? Do I give what I have to acknowledge all of God’s bounty given to me?4. How robust is my prayer life? Do I pray “without ceasing?” Do I offer my whole self? Am I listening for God’s whispers? Am I open to God’s call? 5. Am I accountable to my faith community? Am I using my spiritual gifts the way God wants, in order for my faith community to grow? Am I a dynamic disciple, following Christ’s example of loving the broken and healing the brokenness around us?

Next month, we will continue to explore what Spiritual Formation looks like as we live life here at CUC.

Evie Aczon Hao, Council Chair


Russ Kirby’s Ecclesiastical CouncilSunday, September 10, 2017, 4:00 PM

At Community Church of Honolulu

“Ecclesiastical Council” is the final examination for becoming a minister in the United Church of Christ. “Ecclesiastical” basically means “regarding the church and/or its clergy.” Russ wrote an Ordination Paper which has been sent to churches of the Oahu Association of UCC Congregations, including our own. This group will gather for the Ecclesiastical Council, where Russ will make a brief presentation before the floor is opened to questions about his paper

or other subjects about his readiness for ministry. The clergy and delegates then vote to decide whether to approve him for ordination pending a call to a ministry. Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares, and you are welcome to support Russ by attending if you wish.

Russ Kirby’s Ecclesiastical Council

We are the inheritors of a rich legacy! Our faith has transcended generations, cultures and continents. The ‘Great Cloud of Witnesses’ surround us daily as their stories continue to shape and mold our current reality. At Central Union Church, we are fortunate to celebrate the legacy of 130 years of ministry since the merger of Seamen’s Bethel and Fort Street church! As we face the new world of the present moment, CUC continues to seek to reach our 2020 goal of a black budget. What does that mean? It means that we move to a place of financial stability and no longer using the endowment to fund the operations of the church. For many years, the endowment has been our rainy day fund that has enabled the ministry and mission of CUC to continue. As the church faced years of transition, this endowment floated us to this season. Yet, this practice is not sustainable nor healthy. A part of our strategy to increasing revenues is by trusting that our congregation continues to generously give to support the mission of God at CUC. Your financial gift fosters rich worship; profound care for the myriad of life’s realities; serving the greater community by partnering with other organizations; cultivating deepening spirituality through spiritual formation; and ensuring a campus that can be used by over 10,000 people a month! Yet, even in the face of the many great ministries and missions at CUC, we are lagging in congregational support. If

every giving unit who already support CUC gave about $15 more a week, we’d be there! If everyone who calls CUC their church gave $15 a week, we’d far exceed our budget and be able to do even more to change lives and our community! In light of this, the stewardship ministry is continuing their hard work to help us thrive into the future by inviting you to continue supporting the church! Throughout October you will be invited to deepen your partnership with God at CUC. Also, a part of our plan to reach our 2020 goal is by using underutilized space on our campus to support other non-profits to further the mission of justice, transformation, care, and love (4 of our core values!). We have created social enterprising relationships with Touch A Heart; Habilitat; Ho`ola Na Pua; and most recently the Better Business Bureau to help create just business practices in our community. We also continue to provide space for 12 Step Ministries like Alcoholic Anonymous, Boy Scouts and many other great non-profits. Our hope is that you will help us reach our 2020 vision of thriving into the future by continuing your support and contemplating how you might further support the mission of CUC. Thank you for your faithfulness and allowing CUC to lead the way in partnering with one another and the community at large to fulfill Jesus’ prayer—“May your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!”

Let’s Thrive!


Kiz Starr, Thrift Shop Manager

Nancy Evans Tudor, Church MemberDeepen Your Faith

Nancy Tudor is back with her Deepen You Faith class. Beginning September 10th at 10:20 AM in the Rewick Board Room, we will cover Jonah and the Whale! Call Nancy Tudor 228-6401 to reserve your book.

Thrift Shop VolunteersLooking for Individual volunteers and/or energetic volunteer groups of two or more to help in the Thrift Shop. Volunteers are needed to sort donations, set-up store displays, price merchandise, unload and process customer donations, photograph merchandise, assist customers and drop-off donations to other organizations. The CUC Thrift Store offers the community quality merchandise including furniture, clothing, jewelry, books, art and more. Must be able to maintain a positive attitude while working alone or with a diverse group of people. Although we are only open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Wednesday and Saturday, opportunities are also available on other days of the week. We have grand pot-lucks on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Plus, all volunteers who work four hours or more a week receive a shop discount! Contact Kiz Starr at [email protected]

Engage With Central Union Church

Welcome Back from Summer! Family Movie Night

Friday, September 8, 2017 - 5:30 to 8:30 PMParish Hall, Central Union Church

This is a free event. Dinner, movie, and popcorn are included too!

Super casual! Please bring a blanket or two for your family to sit or lie on. Even if you feel that your

child may be too young for a movie, please just come for dinner!

Please visit the link below to RSVP by Friday,

September 1.

Or contact Marc at [email protected]

Hope to see you there!

W e w e l c o m e a l l C e n t r a l

U n i o n C h u r c h a n d P r e s c h o o l

F a m i l i e s !

S e p t e m b e r 8 , 2 0 1 7

5 : 3 0 p m - 8 : 3 0 p m

P a r i s h H a l l

W e w i l l b e s e r v i n g c h i l i ,

h o t d o g s , r i c e a n d s a l a d !

C e n t r a l U n i o n C h u r c h P r e s e n t s

RSVP Sept 1

Bring a Blanket!



2017Using technology to expedite news and access information

Church and Social MediaWith advancements in technology one might feel overwhelmed about the various options to connect electronically. Here at Central Union Church we utilize social media to share information in real time.

One of the advantages to being able to share something in this manner is to be able to share information faster. As a church with a deeply rooted history, we are doing a great job at navigating through these updated methods of communication.

For example when we had our annual 4th of July Picnic, which occurred on July 2nd the head hancho managing this operation was Church Council Vice Chair, Tom Kiyabu. If one were to access our social media one might see evidence of the past marketing for this.

Tom did an excellent job harnessing the cooperation of congregants, staff members and volunteers of all ages. For those who have tackled such an endeavour, it is evident how much time and energy is needed to manage a successful event of this size.

His marketing team consisted of Monica Luat and Emily Schlack. Pictured here is one of the many flyers and posters they helped to design. They also came up with all verbiage necessary to create posts on Facebook and Instagram as well as notifications for our app. Monica is a graduate of Punahou School and Boston University. She enjoys teaching and playing the cello,

as well as volunteering and working with Hawaii Literacy and the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii. Monica mentions that she loves learning from Central Union’s pastors and hopes to help the CUC community grow.

Emily graduated from Punahou School and Willamette University, located in Salem, OR. She recently moved back home after working at

a crisis center for women and victims of gender based violence. Emily is enjoying being back in the warmth, spending time with her family, and doting on Bear, the family dog. We are so

thankful for all members of Tom’s team as they encourage an atmosphere of exemplary leadership in service.

01 FACEBOOK Events & People Check In’s

02 Instagram Weddings Events Current photos

03 CUC APP Devotionals etc. Worship tabs

257 285 635Number of followers on Intagram

Number of CUC Application Downloads

Number of Followers on the facebook page

Please Join us On

Download our Central Union Church of Honolulu APP on...

Megan Seki, Marketing Manager


September 2017 3 Communion/Laity Sunday/Youth Chili Sale Begins 3 -10 Family Promise 4 Church Office Closed: Labor Day 5 Preschool Toddler Classes Begin 6 ALL MINISTRIES GATHERING 8 Family chili-dog Night 10 Youth Classes Begin 15 Spire Deadline (for October issue) 15-17 Pohnpeian Christian Endeavor Weekend 16 E-Waste Recycling Event (9 AM – 2 PM) 17 Aloha Sunday 22 Preschool Family Picnic 24 CUC Blood Drive

Youth Chili SaleSupport Central Union’s Youth On The Move! summer mission trip in the most delicious way! Starting on September 3rd, the YOTM! will be selling Zippy’s tickets after each worship service. Zippy’s tickets are versatile and can be redeemed for chili, cookie dough, marinara meat sauce, or Portuguese bean soup. Having a few Zippy’s tickets on hand makes life easier and they also make a nice little thank you gift. The best part of purchasing a Zippy’s ticket is that you’ll be supporting the youth of our church as they seek to follow God and bless others.

To get your Zippy’s tickets talk to Peggy Failla, Rev. Brandon Duran, or Rev. George and Bridget Scott after worship. Thank you for supporting the youth of Central Union Church!

Morning of PrayerTake time to set aside all activity, be in silence and rest in God.

A particular blessing for busy, active people, we are invited to pause and just be in the presence of God. All are welcome to this mini silent retreat, an introduction to the Centering Prayer practice will be provided for newcomers. Books on the Spiritual Journey will be available.

……….On the third Saturday of every month at 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM in the Women’s Building


Dates in 2017Sept 16, 2017 / Oct 21, 2017 / Nov 18, 2017 / Dec 16, 2017

For more information about centering prayer, contact Carol Alevizos - [email protected]

Central Union Church1660 South Beretania StreetHonolulu, Hawaii 96826

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Honolulu, Hawaii

The Spire

New sermon series set to start on Laity Sunday, September 3, 2017:

God of the Underdogs (September 3rd - October 1st)We all cheer for the underdog! They are the ones that no one expects to come out ahead or

change the world. In our scriptures, they reveal that when we are aligned with God’s mission, God is always the champion of the underdog. Come and discover God cheering for you!

September 3: Week 1—Joseph- I’m forgottenSeptember 10: Week 2—Israel- We’re inconsequential

September 17: Week 3—David- Bucking the normSeptember 24: Week 4—Esther- Embracing self

October 1: Week 5—Timothy- Feeling Discounted

Central Union Church, organized in 1887, traces its roots to the Seamen’s Bethel, founded 1833.The Bethel began the earliest regular church services in English in the Hawaiian kingdom.

(808) 941-0957 • • [email protected] us on Facebook at

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