The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.


Transcript of The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Page 1: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.


Page 2: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

The Spark:Assassination of Archduke

Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

Page 3: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

The Teams • Allied Powers

– Belgium– Serbia– England– Russia– France– Later Italy, and

U.S. and Japan• BSERF

• Central Powers–Bulgaria–Ottoman Empire–Germany–Austria-Hungary


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Page 6: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Playing Field

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Playing Field

• Eastern Front– Mostly in Russia, along the German/Russian

border– More mobile– Battle lines changed often (fluid)

• Western Front– Mostly in France, along German/French

Border– Trench Warfare– Stalemate – deadlock, where neither side

gains an advantage– War of Attrition – no quick victory; each side

tries to wear the other side down

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German Plans to Attack France

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German Plans to Attack France

Page 10: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

1st Play: Schieffen PlanSchlieffen Plan – war plan for Germany, created by Alfred von Schlieffen

• Plan to avoid a two front war• Attack France through neutral Belgium• Defeat French in 6 weeks before Russia can mobilize• Turn and fight Russia

Problems:• Heavily fortified areas in Belgium• Strong resistance from France• Russia mobilized quicker• Britain attacked from the north

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1st Game: Battle of the Marne

• German’s advance into France• Pushed back by French at Marne• Stalemate and Trench Warfare begin• Ends Schlieffen Plan

Page 12: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Which of the following correctly represents the Allied Powers

1. Austria-Hungary, Italy, Germany,

2. Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Belgium

3. Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Germany, Austria-Hungary

4. Russia, France, Great Britain, Germany

Page 13: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Which of the following describes the fighting on the western front?

1. Trench warfare, Stalemate

2. Mobile, Changing Battle lines

3. Fought primarily in Russia

4. Fought primarily in France

5. Both 1 and 46. Both 2 and 3

Page 14: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Which of the following describes the Schlieffen Plan and its failure?

1. France’s plan to defeat Germany quickly; Belgium mobilized to quickly

2. Germany’s plan to avoid a two front war; Russia mobilized too quickly

3. Austria-Hungary’s plan to attack Serbia; Russia mobilized too quickly

Page 15: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Trench Warfare

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Diagram of the Trenches

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Trench System

Page 18: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

French soldiers firing over their own dead

All Quiet on the Western Front – trench warfare (9:27)

Do you think we have enough

food and supplies to

outlast them?

These lines haven't moved

for a year!

Do you think we have enough food and supplies to outlast


These lines

haven't moved for

a year!

No-Mans land

Page 19: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Battle of Verdun•German attack on French•Longest battle of WWI (300 days)•Total casualties – 700,000•No clear winner•Stalemate

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Battle of Somme

• British/French surprise attack against Germans

• British losses 1st day – 60,000 men• Total Casualties – 1Million+• No clear winner• Stalemate

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1st Game Eastern FrontBattle of Tannenberg

• Russia vs. Germany• Russian Advantages

– Largest army (15:1 ratio Russian to German) • Not well trained• Lacked weapons

• Russian Disadvantages– Least industrialized – Lack of Modern Technology

• Who won?

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Battle of Gallipoli

Page 23: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Battle of Gallipoli

• Britain’s (Winston Churchill) Game Plan : – Open supply route to Russia– Capture Dardanelle Straight gaining access to

Black Sea– Eliminate the Ottoman Empire from the war

• Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire – promised land by A-H to defend

Dardanelle’s at all cost• Allies fail

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Page 26: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Poison Gas

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Page 29: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

America Enters WWI

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America Neutral?

•Not our war•Businesses could sell to both sides•Recent immigrants from both sides

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Reason for US Entry

• Sinking of the Lusitania• Zimmerman Note• Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

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Sinking of the Lusitania

– German u-boat torpedoes British passenger ship off Irish coast

– 1200 die, 128 Americans

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Zimmerman Note

• Note from German Foreign Minister to German Ambassador to Mexico– Convince Mexico to go

to war against US– Mexico to gain territory

lost in Mex-Am War– Prevent U.S. from

joining war in Europe

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Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

• German u-boats sink military, passenger, and merchant ships on sight

• 4 US ships sunk between Jan-Mar 1917• US declares war: April 2, 1917

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US Entry into WWI

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Prepares for War

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Page 38: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

America At War

•American Expeditionary


“Dough Boys”

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End of War•Second Battle of the Marne (7/18) - Last Major German Offensive

•Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates

•Armistice – Agreement to end fighting 11:00am 11/11/18

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Global War• Resources and soldiers

from colonies• Fought in Asia and Africa -

Allies gained German colonies

• British get help from Middle East colonies of Ottoman Empire conquered the Ottoman’s – expected independence at war’s end

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Lives Lost

Russia 1,700,000*France 1,357,000Great Britain 908,000United States 130,174Germany 1,800,000Austria 1,200,000Total Deaths 8-9M*Russia had the most total casualtiesTotal Casualties 37M

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Wilson’s Fourteen PointsThree Goals:•Ensure lasting peace•Right to choose government•League of Nations – International body of representatives from each country with the purpose of maintaining peace

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Paris Peace Conference

• 5 Separate Peace Treaties known as the Peace of Paris

• Central Powers not invited

• Big 4 - Allied Powers: Great Britain, US, France, Italy

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Treaty of VersaillesGermany got a R.A.W. Deal• R.eparations – payments to

victors for war damages ($33B)

• A.llied Punishments– De-militarized Germany– Took Germany’s colonies– Gave Alsace Lorraine to France– Took Saar Basin (coal supplies)– Took Rhineland (buffer zone)

• Guilt – Germany had to accept total blame for the war


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League of Nations Formed

• United States didn’t join– Congress feared it would

drag us into another war– Weakened the power of the

League of Nations– No power to enforce its


Page 46: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Map of Europe Re-drawn

Yugoslavia – Serbia,Bosnia, HertzegoveniaMontenegro, Croatia, Slovenia

Created by the CongressOf Vienna - created nationalisticfeelings

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Page 48: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Which of the following was not a condition of the Treaty of Versailles



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1. Germany must take complete blame for the war

2. Germany must pay reparations

3. German colonies will become independent

4. Germany must de-militarize

Page 49: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Which of the following is true regarding the League of Nations?

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1. It was to act as a police force around the world

2. It was to act as a world court

3. It was to maintain international peace

4. The U.S. didn’t join5. Both 1 and 26. Both 3 and 4

Page 50: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Which country was Yugoslavia made from
















1. Germany

2. Russia

3. Austria-Hungary

4. Ottoman Empire

Page 51: The Spark: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

Why was WWI a cause of WWII

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95%1. It created

resentment and anger among Russians

2. It created anger and resent among Germans

3. It was meant to be a peace among equals, but failed

4. The US took too much territory