THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with...

Technische Universität Berlin THE SMART CITY Urban, Energy and Water Solutions for Future Cities Campus El Gouna Second Alumni Seminar April 22-29, 2018

Transcript of THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with...

Page 1: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

Technische Universität Berlin

THE SMART CITYUrban, Energy and Water Solutions for Future Cities

Campus El GounaSecond Alumni SeminarApril 22-29, 2018

Page 2: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.




Project Background

TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program. In the MENA region, this figure goes up to almost 1,000. In 2012, TU Berlin started a new endeavor with three master’s programs (Energy En-gineering, Urban Development and Water Engineering) establishing a satellite campus in Elgouna, Egypt. Since 2014, more than 120 students have graduated from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna and they have launched their own complementary alumni program. The first official breakthrough came in October 2016, through founding the “Alumni Club El Gouna” as a German registered association (e.V.) in which executive board members were elected from all three departments.

Two alumni seminars have been planned so far. The theme of the first Alumni Seminarwas “Urban Agriculture and Urban Gardening” which encompasses a variety of disciplines and a broad spectrum of possible sub-themes. The platform has broadcasted different mea-sures to contribute to the local (urban) food supply covering food security, urban health, education, income generation by building local value chains, reduction of land use and environmental footprint, energy savings through local production and positive effects on microclimate and water consumption, etc.

The first alumni seminar brought two diverse groups together. One group comprised of 16 alumni from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna and another group contained 16 alumni of diffe-rent generations from the general alumni of the TU Berlin.

The Second Alumni Seminar

The title of the second alumni seminar is “The Smart City: Urban, Energy and Water Solu-tions for Future Cities”. The seminar is funded by the WDAAD.

Economic, social, environmental, spatial and cultural challenges are steadily growing in the face of increasing urbanization and changing environmental conditions. A key challenge for sustainable cities is to develop innovative and tailor-made concepts and implementa-tion strategies for infrastructures and individual requirements in urban areas. The „Smart City” propaganda is such type of innovative, resource efficient, modern ideology which is currently being adopted by different cities in the world.

Page 3: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.



TU Berlin is offering several interventions in that direction. It has already developed a Smart City Platform within the framework of Urban Lab. The alumni will gain insight into this platform and to the current research through presentations by TU scientists and ex-ternal experts. Furthermore, they will visit different sites in Berlin and Hannover to get the impressions of the real field. They will also attend several architectural tours, Hannover Messe Exposium and stakeholder workshops to feel the addons of the future cities. In or-der to promote dialogue and provide specific input, the alumni will also share their count-ries experiences through their own contributions.

Event Participants

25 Alumni from Urban Development, Energy Engineering and Water Engineering depart-ments of TU Berlin Campus El Gouna and 18 Alumni from other programs of TU Berlin will join in this event.

Page 4: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.



International Participants


Giza, [email protected]

Abdelrahman Mohamed is a tenured Professor and researcher in Housing & Building National Research Center in Egypt. He graduated from Cairo University and obtained his B. Sc. In 1980 and M. Sc. In 1989. He has also awarded with two post-graduate diplomas (1988 and 1990) from Institute for Housing Studies, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

He has rewarded his Ph. D. degree from TU Berlin in 2004. Dr. Mohamed as a researcher, special-ized in Enabling Strategy & END- Evolutionary Neighborhood Design, analyzing urban tissue and transformation of popular settlements, Sustainable design, and planning. He has published many scientific papers in many national and international conferences. He also participated in many TU alumni seminars, as example- “Efficient Energy and Environmental Management“, „Techniques and Technologies for Sustainability“, „Governance of Urban and Regional Planning and Manage-ment“. As a free architect, Dr. Mohamed has also won four national architectural competitions.


Tangerang, [email protected]

Adsuri Yasahardja has graduated as a Diploma Engineer in Architecture and City Planning from Architecture and Building Construction Program in 1978 from TU Berlin. After studying, Yasahardja has involved in practi-cal business of many project developments in Indonesia and Marketing

of property and Real Estate businesses, and also in the Trading matter as an Equipment agent of Weather forecast, Water analysis, Integrated Tsunami Early Warning System, TUBsat – Satellite, Aviation and Aerobus hanging train like Schwebebahn in Wuppertal and also has involved in many seminars of Indonesian Real Estate Organization (REI) and also some seminars from TUB about Smart Cities and Water management as a speaker or presenter. He is now an expert and author in the fields of building & cities history, urban development and water management.

Page 5: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Aarhus, [email protected]

The more he reflects on the essence of sustainability, the more he reali-zes its multidimensionality and that it is far from being achieved merely through advanced technology. He visualizes the renewable energy as an alternative to gradually escape the trap of the global fossil fuel-based economy that are ruining our world (on different scales; politics, economy,

environment, values …etc.). Renewables enable the fuel transition from “Reserves” to “Resources”. His current PhD research focuses on the large-scale solar power (CSP and PV) prospects in Sub-Sa-haran Africa, with a case study on Tanzania. He has completed his masters from Energy Enginee-ring department of TU Berlin campus El Gouna. After his PhD, he is eager to work on the Energy-Water-Food nexus, as he thinks an integrated ap-proach is required to tackle such strategic challenges rather than the conventional linear model. He sees multidisciplinary work on such synergies as a way to realize genuine sustainable solutions.


Cairo, [email protected]

Ahmad Askar has been graduated as a civil engineer in 2009 with a major of sanitation works design, then he was certified as a professional envi-ronmental engineer after being conducted into intensive environmental courses in the following two years. Afterwards, he has obtained his M.Sc in the field of Water Engineering (Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry)

from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna in 2014. He has three years of experience working in sanitary projects and structural designs, then he has worked as an intern with GeoTech Rohstoff, working in groundwater numerical modelling and GIS mapping. Finally, he is now a Senior Hydrogeolo-gist and groundwater engineer at DAR with different responsibilities include developing various studies such as Hydro-system Modelling & Remediation Applications, GW control & dewatering Systems, Aquifer Management Schemes, Full Hydrogeological Assessment, and Monitoring Stra-tegies. He has developed several groundwater impact studies in the gulf region with proposing solutions through applying the Best Management Practices (BMPs).

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Cairo, [email protected]

Due to her interest in design since her young age, she joined in architec-ture school and learnt a lot of interesting skills. However, she was eager to learn more about “cities” to develop her horizon. Joining Urban Develop-ments master’s program at TUB Campus El Gouna came as a result of the eagerness of being an urban planner. She worked as a research assistant

at Ain Shams University after graduation, IUSD master’s Program. She was involved to develop the project proposals, conduct field research, coordinate project partners and implement different urban development projects. She is currently working as an architect, her work includes preparing and presenting design concepts, site visits, meeting with clients, plan approval as well as detailed drawings.


Menzel-Bourguiba, [email protected]

He had completed his diploma of Engineering at 1976 from TU Berlin with DAAD scholarship. He had worked in different companies and steel in-dustries from 1977 to 2002 (As example- Director of Production of Blast Furnance and Steelplant, project manager of Wire and Metallic Structures Plant etc.). Since 2013, he is working as “Consulting Engineer” in Energy,

Environment and Water Management fields in cooperation with the DECHEMA and GIZ. He has participated at several events related to sustainable development and smart cities (e.g. world con-gress of ICLEI with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung). He is the general secretary of Tunisian TUB Alumni Club- “Vereinigung Tunesischer Absolventen der TU Berlin” and have actively participated at the organization of many academic and economic seminars in Tunisia in collaboration with DAAD. He had also participated at the national event titled “Bizerte Smart City”.

Page 7: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Erbil, [email protected]

Dr. Husein is an Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering in the Department of Architectural Engineering of Koya University since 2005 and has competence in Architectural Technology. Before joining in the department, he was living in Germany and working as an architect in the company named “TEVAK GmbH”. He has studied M.Sc in the Technische

Universität Berlin and gained his B.Sc. degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Technology Baghdad in 1990. He has achieved his Ph.D. degree in Architectural Technology from the University of Sulaimania in 2011. Since 2007, he was heading the Department of Architectural Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at Koya University for several years. He teaches seve-ral courses like Architectural Design, Estimation and Specification, Building Construction etc. and works as “Guest Lecturer” at Ishik and Cihan University. He has several publications in architec-ture and planning fields.


Cairo, [email protected]

After earning his master‘s degree in energy engineering, Marwan started as mechanical engineer with PGESCO, a consulting company of the Egyp-tian Ministry of Electricity for building power plants. He is a part of the mechanical engineering design team of a new supercritical 1x650 MW thermal power plant. Marwan is also involved in the performance testing

of commissioned powerplants. Additionally, he is among the team that works on heat balance design, for new power plants proposals.The focus of Marwan’s master thesis was about exergo-economic analysis of the latest generation of combined cycles power plants which was also presented at ECOS 2015 and published in the journal of energy conversion and management.

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Cairo, [email protected]

He is currently working as Deputy Director in the Engineering Consultan-cy Bureau Abdel Aziz AbdAllah Salem and previously as Engineering Unit Manager for the 4800 MW Combined Cycle Power Generation Plant in Bani Suef, Egypt, at Rowad Modern Engineering for the consortium led by Siemens, Germany. The recent management positions permit him to

develop practical Legal competence and Financial expertise in addition to the Technical founda-tion of the executed engineering projects. He had worked around 15 years in a wide range of engi-neering activities and internships in major contractors’ companies in Egypt, Germany, Algeria and the UAE after completion of his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from Cairo University and M.Sc. in Water Engineering from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna. Additionally, he had completed three specialists‘ degrees from The Universidad Politechnica de Madrid UPM in the field of Engineering Numerical Simulations of: Fluid-Structure Interaction FSI (2017), Turbomachineries’ flows (2017) and Dynamic Analysis of Structures (2018).


Boumerdes, [email protected]

M‘hammed Cherifi is currently an energy and environmental consultant and president of the Algerian Alumni Association of the German Univer-sities and President of the association of Algerian Alumni of the INWENT trainings (GIZ, Germany). He has occupied multiple senior positions in dif-ferent Algerian ministries. Previously, he spent several years as the head

of the energy department in engineering companies in Germany and in Algeria. He was also a lecturer in the University of Boumerdes (Algeria) and a member of several boards of directors and guidance in several sectors: higher education and research, industry, army etc. He has contributed in several national and international projects, programs, conferences and seminars inside and out-side Algeria. He has obtained a Dipl.-Ing. in Verfahrenstechnik from TFH Beuth, Berlin in 1975 and Dipl.-Ing. in Energie and Verfahrenstechnik from TU Berlin in 1980.

Page 9: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Cairo, [email protected]

After finishing his Bachelor degree at the faculty of Engineering at Ain-Shams University in 2011, he worked in the construction field at Orascom Construction in Egypt. He has participated in three main projects, one of them was the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo. In 2014, he started his master’s studies in TU Berlin Campus El-Gouna on Energy Engineering,

where he has focused on Thermo-economic evaluation and optimization of thermal power plants and industrial plants and he has gained in-depth knowledge in energy systems, energy economics, conversion and integration of renewable energies etc. Since finishing his master’s studies in 2017, he started working in the tender department of Orascom Construction where he mainly estimates the costs of the construction and operation of power generation and industrial plants including renewable energy plants in Egypt and worldwide.


Cairo, [email protected]

Nada Abdrabou is an architect and urban developer. After studying diffe-rent environmental designs, she started engaging in internationally joint workshops in Egypt, Jordan, England and Germany. In those workshops, Nada was able to research urban minorities and refugee situations in the Egyptian context, in addition to proposing urgent relevant solutions.

Afterwards, she extended her research through an Egyptian-based German urban development master’s degree. Through this experience, Nada was able to research environmentally efficient ar-chitectural approaches with her energy engineering which focus on decreasing the building sec-tors emissions. Then she has learnt about participatory development from the German Social City program, which later inspired her master thesis on the Red Sea’s informal settlements.

Nada is now testing & applying her participatory approach on her native urban development cor-ridor of her region’s informal settlements. Meanwhile, she has been developing additional expe-rience by working for Dar Al Handasa Cairo office, in the signage and way-finding unit under the company‘s Architecture Department.

Page 10: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.




Alexandria, [email protected]

Norhan El Dallal is an urban planner with research interests in the integ-rated development of cities. Her area of expertise is urban and local de-velopment of areas affected by climate change particularly in the MENA countries. She has in-depth knowledge of energy efficient technologies applied to green building construction and cities. Norhan has taken part

in several projects dealing with urban complexities in the Egyptian context working with public authorities, research institutes and international organizations. She is currently enrolled as a PhD student under the Technische Universitat Berlin.


Mansoura, [email protected]

Hamdy H. Seisa is a Professor of Applied Geophysics at El Mansoura Uni-versity. He has received his B.Sc. in special Geology and M.Sc. in geophysics both from El Mansoura University and his doctorate (Dr. rer nat) in applied geophysics (shallow refraction seismic interpretation) from TU Berlin, Germany. He awarded three post doctor fellowships from DAAD (Germa-

ny) 1996, OEAD (Austria) 1997and DFG (Germany) 2000. Prof. Seisa joined several workshops and seminars in several countries and was an invited speaker in many institutes and conferences. He published several articles in local and international journals on surface refraction seismic. His re-search interest includes surface geophysics, environmental problems related to groundwater pol-lution, solid waste disposal and management.

Page 11: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Cairo, [email protected]

Mr. Habashi has completed his study in Architecture at 1973 from Cairo University. With his study in Civil Engineering at the TU Berlin, he has wor-ked as “Architect” for 10 years in West Berlin. Presently he is working as an “Architect, Civil Engineer and Contractor” for more than 34 years in Cairo ( The useful combination between architecture, civil

engineering and contracting as well as studying and working in central and peripheral economies are his key qualification and competency. He became the board member of the AARC “Arab & Af-rican Research Center” (1987), AGEG “Anti-Globalization Egyptian Group” (2002), Domestic Engi-neers (2003), EL HELALI Foundation for Liberties (2007) and Vice President of the World Forum for Alternatives WFA (2010). He became also the co-founder of the Egyptian Socialist Party (2013) and Polit-Bureau member as well as head of the International Office of the Socialist Popular Alliance SPA (2015). He has several contributions and publications on actual political subjects such as the political Islam, European Left towards the Arab Israeli conflict, development of our cities, Democra-cy and secularization in the Arab countries, organization of the Egyptian Left etc .


Tlemcen, [email protected]

Tabet Helal Abdellatif is a retired professor from the Tlemcen University (UABT Algeria), graduated from the Technical University Berlin (TUB) and Technical College Berlin (TFH). He is a free Consultant in Environment, Surface and Underground Water Chemistry, Water and Wastewater Treat-ment, Renewable Energy, Circular Economy.

He has participated in the realization of several shopping centers in west Algeria and the creation of the Tlemcen University, the department of Earth Sciences and the Universes, the department of Agronomy, a research laboratory and the PAUWES Institute in Tlemcen (Pan African University). He was the President of Teachers Association and in charge of Handicapped Students in the Tlem-cen University. He is now a member of TUB Alumni and vice-president of the association of TUB Algerian Students.

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Boumerdes, [email protected]

Prof. Belaidi has completed his B.Sc and M.Sc from TU Berlin and docto-rate & habilitation from Arts et Métiers ParisTech. He was the head of the Research team named ‘Mechanics and Engineering of Systems and Processes’ at the ‘’Energy Mechanical and Engineering Laboratory’’– LEMI (University Boumerdes). His main fields of research are design, analysis.

modeling, numerical simulation and optimization of mechanical and energy systems and proces-ses. He was the supervisor and author of several academic and industrial research projects. He has supervised several PhDs, magister and masters theses. He is also the author of several papers in national and international conferences and publications.


Giza, [email protected]

Mohamed Ashraf Hilal is an architect with a MSc. Degree in Urban De-velopment from the Technische Universität Berlin campus El Gouna. As an urban practitioner, he worked with the Berlin Senate department of Urban Development and Environment in the development of Moabit West, and the new educational campus of Frankfurter Allee Nord in Licht-

enberg. In Egypt, he provided a sustainable economic system for improving the living conditions of an informal settlement called Zarzara in Hurghada and revitalization concept for Downtown El Gouna with traffic safety for El Kafr area. He was awarded the first place in the Siemens compe-tition‚ “Designing Smarter Cities - Integrated mobility for sustainable districts‘‘ organized by CKI TU-SIEMENS in 2014 and awarded second prize in the Falling Walls Lab competition in 2015 with the idea “Breaking the Walls of Mobility, Energy and CO2 Emissions“.Focusing on WEF NEXUS, Hilal published a paper titled „Water, Food & Energy Nexus, Investigat-ing the Feasibility of the Concept through the Application of a Sustainable Sanitation System“. In addition, his master’s thesis titled “The Water, Energy, Food NEXUS Economic 3D in the MENA Region Economy, with focus on Energy Security”, deliver several lectures for DAAD, Cairo Climate Talks, YOUTHINKGREEN and IEEE. He is currently a project superintendent in the progress manage-ment division at the chairman‘s technical office of Porto Group & a lecturer at the Urban Studio of AASTMT.

Page 13: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Giza, [email protected]

He was born in Cairo in October 1985. In 2008, he received his bachelor‘s degree in Digital Media Engineering from the German University in Cai-ro. After graduation he has worked in corporate jobs till the revolution in 2011 which inspired him to quit the corporate world. In 2012, he left Cairo for 2 years split between El Gouna and Berlin, in which he has comple-

ted his master’s degree in Urban Development at Technische Universität Berlin Campus El Gouna. Currently he is an advisor for accessibility planning & management at TatweerMisr, a real estate development. Recently he took part also in some consultancies in the public domain and this is where he aspires to have more impact.


Alexandria, [email protected]

After the study of Mechanical Engineering at Alexandria University, wor-ked as senior electromechanical engineer at Orascom Housing Commu-nities in Cairo for more than 7 years, executed many water and energy facilities, in addition to the MEP and infrastructure works for residential, commercial and educational units. In 2014, he graduated with a master’s

degree in water engineering from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna, achieving top academic honours in the water engineering master’s program. In 2015, he joined Upscale Egypt for real estate de-velopment as a head of MEP, infrastructure and sustainability providing high-level strategic leader-ship over development, contracting and construction of MEP, ICT, infrastructure and sustainability works for residential, industrial, educational, commercial and any other projects and business units in furtherance of the company’s objectives. During this period, he cooperated with German, Finish, English, American and Egyptian consultants, organizations and manufacturers to develop the mas-ter plan and infrastructure design for the first sustainable and smart town in Egypt, Nabta Town.

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Tunis, [email protected]

Fathi Souissi is an engineer in technical Chemistry. He has completed his study from TU Berlin with DAAD Scholarship. He has also received the Di-ploma in Management from international management praxis of Kübel foundation. He has been working for long time as General Manager at the Tunisian Ministry of Industry and Trade. Souissi participated at many in-

ternational events in relation with smart cities and sustainable development in the MENA Region. Souissi has also actively participated at the organization of many seminars or events (e.g. Urban Planning, Environment Aspects and Citizenship, 2014; Sustainable Cities in MENA Region 2015; Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in Tunisia: Prospectus and Opportunities 2016 etc.), as he is the president of the Tunisian TU Berlin Alumni association, with the collaboration and the support from the DAAD, TU Berlin and the Friedrich Ebert foundation.


Cairo, [email protected]

Anas Khaled is an urban developer and planner, who is concerned about the quality of human life. Anas formed a vision and an aim for life, to en-hance and develop the deteriorated urban status and raise the quality of its urbanites in all over the world, people who suffer from poverty, disea-ses, ignorance and unemployment. Building on that and three years’ ex-

perience as an urban planner, Anas tried to apply the SDGs and the NUA through working at UN Habitat Egypt Office, as an assistant programme manager. Managing projects implementation, such as Al Alamein New City, Greater Cairo Region Strategic Plan and Small Cities Strategic Plans project.

Page 15: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Suez, [email protected]

Mohamed Aboshady studied his M.Sc. in energy engineering at the Tech-nical University Berlin Campus El-Gouna, along with his B.Sc. degree in Electrical power and machines engineering. He is highly interested in en-vironmental development and sustainable green design and has recently conducted studies on renewable energies integration to the grid with re-

newable energy academy (RENAC) in Berlin, Germany, along with other national and international organizations in the field of sustainable power generation. In 2013, he was requested by the Egypti-an ministry of electricity and renewable energies to work on a project of finding, compatible scena-rio of power generation mixes for Egypt 2030, 2050 and 2080. Currently he is dedicated to research different approaches of energy management & optimization providing technical assistance and supporting energy efficient project implementation.


London, United Kingdom [email protected]

Mohamed is an architect and PhD researcher and postgraduate teaching assistant at University College London (UCL) at Centre of Urban Resilience and Sustainability and Centre of Transport Studies. He is researching on urban modelling for future housing scenarios in the MENA-region. Rely-ing on machine learning and deep learning in cities, Mohamed aims to

analyse and detect housing informality and the potential solutions for housing in the MENA and elsewhere. Also, his previous work addresses interdisciplinary urban issues related to residential mobility and location choices, self-selection, travel behaviour, neighbourhood characteristics, and informal upgrade. Prior to his master’s studies, in the field of Urban Development at TU Berlin, Mo-hamed studied Architectural Engineering at Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering.

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Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi [email protected]

Amr Abdelaal is an urban planner and researcher. Currently, he works with AECOM Arabia in Jeddah, KSA, as an urban planner and he is a registered urban planner at the General Organisation of Physical Planning (GOPP) in Egypt. Amr completed his master’s degree in urban development from Technische Universitat Berlin Campus El Gouna. He has a wide range of

expertise, not only in urban planning, but also in strategic planning, Geographic Information Sys-tems (GIS), urban research etc. In 2017, Amr with a group of young urban practitioners established an urban initiative “Madyan”. Madyan is based in Cairo, Egypt and it aims at contributing to the urban movement in Egypt. Amr is also interested in Project Management and he is a member of the Project Management Institute.


Cairo, [email protected]

Asmaa Ebraheme is interested in boosting the interdisciplinary scienti-fic research within the field of the innovative sustainable solutions for water issues. She participated in many international workshops and con-ferences in Cairo, Hurghada, Berlin, Kurslule, Marseille and Zagreb. Ms Ebraheme has graduated from Technical University of Berlin Campus El

Gouna with expertise in Water Engineering.


Sig, [email protected]

Mr. Ahmed has obtained his engineering degree in 1988 from TU Berlin in the field of Business Engineering. He is currently retired and looking forward to build up his own start-up with partnership and collaboration. He has worked with different companies and has experience in quality testing. He has worked as a ‘Production Manager’ with El Hadjar and as a

‘Quality Manager’ and a ‘Control Manager’ with ENTPL. He is well experienced in cost calculating, audit management and management system quality.

Page 17: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Tunis-Menzah, [email protected]

Dr. Boulahia’s work focuses on teaching and communicating the advan-ced process technology to better control and monitor various industrial processes. Recently, he and his team organized a workshop for a Tunisi-an NGO about energy saving in air conditioning systems in collaboration with engineers from the Tunisian company for electricity and gas. He is

working now with his team to initiate an institute in Tunisia as a hub for training as a hub for training and education in the field of “Water Management and energy harvesting for Smart City” in the MENA-region. The concepts of knowledge transfer and capacity development are linked in that unique training concept. The web-based training part takes place via the internationally avai-lable teaching, learning and working platform UNITRACC. The institute will start in the second half of 2019. Parallel to this, he is also developing a compact daylight harvesting system for building lighting with his team.


Duhok, [email protected]

Dr. Layla M. Raswol received her PhD in Architecture from TU Berlin in 2010 on the topic Informal Settlements in Erbil-Iraq: Formation, structu-res and potential. From 2010 to 2014, she was involved in the programme planning education in Iraq as the coordinator of the University of Duhok. At the same time, she was the Head of Architecture Engineering Depart-

ment until 2015 and Lecturer of the Architectural Design Studio at the University of Dohuk until 2016. During these years, she was supervising dozens of master‘s and bachelor‘s theses in the field of the urban planning and architecture. In 2012, she became a Member of High Committee of KRG in charge for following up and Evaluating urban development projects in Duhok. From 2015 to 2016 she then became a Member of the chair of Quality Assurance Committee. Dr Layla M. Raswol is now the Dean of Engineering College of Nawroz University in Duhok.

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Alger, [email protected]

Dr.-Ing. Meriem Chabou-Othmani holds a PhD in Architecture and Urban Design from the Faculty VII Architecture Environment Society of TU Berlin. She is a lecturer at the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism of Algiers and a Team Leader of “Urban Renewal Strategies” in the Re-search Lab “Cities Planning and Sustainable Development”. Her interests

include Governance and Participation, informal settlements, old heritage and deteriorated areas. Some of her publications are “The School of Architecture“, “Transformation und Inbesitznahme des offentlichen Raums: Der informelle Straßenhandel in Algier” and “La resorption de I’habitat précaire en Algérie: enjeux, gouvernance et strategies”.


Mahdia, [email protected]

Mr. Abdel Aziz is a senior engineer in mechanical and aeronautical engi-neering from TU Berlin. He has worked as head of engineering depart-ment of the national company Tunis Air where he developed, designed and manufactured specific tools for the maintenance of air planes and jigs for the assembly and disassembly of parts on aircraft for 10 years.

Then he started his own industrial project for the manufacturing of the specific tools for aircraft maintenance, molds for the plastic industry and cutting and stamping tools for sheet metal work. As he designed and developed special machines, such as heat pumps with an electric power of 2 KW that he trained with a photovoltaic panel with a power of 3KWc to show the energy efficiency in the field of heating and air conditioning. He was invited by the polytechnic school to instruct courses in the field of energy efficiency in buildings and logistics and production management.

Page 19: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

International Participants



Beijing, [email protected]

After studying architecture at TU Berlin, he worked as architect at WWA office in Munich for more than 3 years and got the membership of ByAk (Bayerische Architektenkammer). In 2005, he founded the Wande Wen-mai International Architecture Design Co., Ltd., in Beijing, since then worked on master plans, architecture design (villas, residential buildings,

public buildings, city complexes, hotels, amusement parks, etc.), landscape design, interior design, technique consulting and artistic supervision, also cooperated with German architects and ma-nufactures on several Chinese projects. Meanwhile he is doing the research on the Chinese urban development. He had attended several seminars, symposiums etc. and contributed with many lec-tures and presentations, had also delivered a presentation in Green City Panel I at the Asia-Pacific Weeks Berlin 2013.

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Local Participants


Berlin, [email protected]

Abdelrahman Helal is exploring various fields of the urban planning profession. He worked on urban planning, development and regenera-tion projects at different levels in Germany and in Arab countries - from participation in a Neuköllner neighbourhood to regional development in Saudi Arabia. Besides his practical experience, he researched in different

urban issues both in German and global contexts (especially refugee housing). He has attended in different conferences and workshops in Berlin, Hamburg, Cairo and Tunis. He has special inter-est in using GIS in urban and regional planning projects. Presently, he is working at BuroHappold Engineering in Berlin while studying on his M.Sc. at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning under TU Berlin, after completing his B.Sc. from the same institute.


Berlin, [email protected]

Abhinav Dixit is a doctoral candidate at the Planning, Building and En-vironment Faculty (VI) working in the field of water supply and sanitation with a focus on decentralized systems. With experience in several pro-jects related to waste water purification and reuse, he is inclined towards finding solutions and innovations for better water sanitation, security

and accessibility. Presently working on small scale system with low energy consumption for grey-water treatment specific to arid and semi-arid regions where water scarcity is a major concern. Ab-hinav obtained a Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering from MJP Rohilkhand University in 2013 and Master of Science in Water Engineering from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna in 2016 and master’s label program from Climate KIC, Berlin in 2017.

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Local Participants



Leipzig, [email protected]

He is a smart metering technical consultant. He is working on smart me-tering projects in EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions. He holds a M.Sc. in Ener-gy Engineering from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna and a B.Sc. in Electrical Power and Machines from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He is inte-rested in the Smart Grids topic as this is the field he is currently working

on and for this reason, he is attending this event.


Berlin, [email protected]

Hazem holds a master’s degree in Urban Development from TU-Berlin with special interest to civic hacking, urban informatics and self-organi-zed communities. Currently working with Madyan (a nonprofit for urban development that he cofounded with other urban researchers) and Ed-geryders (an online community and space manager within the open-vil-

lage coliving/coworking project). Since last four years, he has been living in between Berlin, Cairo and El-Gouna. Although Cairo and Berlin hold a special place in his heart. Presently, he is working in Morocco for four months with the open-village project and looking towards settling down in Spain for the upcoming years.

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Berlin, [email protected]

She is a recent graduate of Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) Campus El Gouna, with a master’s degree in urban development. As part of her masters, she had completed several courses like urban planning, environ-mental planning, energy supply and technology, landscape planning etc. and also taken part in different interdisciplinary studies under the frame

of semester projects. Throughout her bachelor and master’s studies, she had developed her exper-tise in the fields of environmental design, climate adaptive architecture and sustainable & smart cities as crucial features of all projects. The interdisciplinary projects which she has taken part are: Zero Carbon El Gouna; Developing Social Life in a Housing Area in Berlin-Buch and Upgrading the Informal Area in Hurghada named “Zerzara”.


Berlin, [email protected]

Mina Takil received a master’s in Water Engineering from TU Berlin Cam-pus El Gouna and he is currently working as a project engineer at MAR-TIN Membrane Systems AG, Berlin (Germany). His professional interests focus on industrial and municipal wastewater treatment. Through his work, Mina is involved in a variety of municipal wastewater projects. In

addition, he serves as cultural affairs officer for the student council at TU Berlin, and he is a mem-ber of bonding-studenteninitiative e.V. In 2017, he has been honored with a scholarship from TU Berlin University, which is given based on academic achievement, leadership, character, contributi-ons to the campus and the community. Mina has participated in the Water Week at the Norwegian University of Science 2016 and Water innovation lab 2017 which were exceptional opportunities for horizontal exchange of experiences with other professionals. Mina is an energetic, ambitious person who has developed a mature and responsible approach to any task that he undertakes or situation that he is presented with. He is excellent in working with others to achieve a certain objective on time and with excellence.

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Local Participants



Berlin, [email protected]

Mohamed is a renewable energy enthusiast who believes in the direct correlation between sustainable development and smart energy solu-tions through renewable energy sources. Since 2015, he has been invol-ved in the Solar Energy industry as a Project Engineer at toughTrough GmbH. Mohamed completed his master’s degree in Energy Engineering

from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna supported by scholarship. Highlights from Mohamed’s academic and professional career before masters include winning the “Young Innovators’ Award” for the ba-chelor’s graduation project at Helwan University, Cairo and later winning a grant from Injaz Egypt and founding Wazner Entertainment – A startup company specialized in design and production. Through his career, he participated in several innovative solar power plant projects in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.


Berlin, [email protected]

She had completed her bachelor and first master’s in architectural en-gineering from Helwan and Cairo University focusing on environmental design and energy efficiency in buildings in April 2013. She worked on se-veral projects including architectural design, urban planning and integ-rating interdisciplinary and practical parts dealing with different levels

of projects “environmental, architectural, landscape, informal and modern”. After her graduation, she gained practical experience working as an architect and project assistant in a consultant ar-chitectural office “Top Consultant” in Cairo for two years. In 2014, she Joined the M.Sc. program of urban development at TU Berlin Campus El Gouna. During her study, she had worked as a student assistant for the Urban development department. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate at TU Berlin focusing on the problems of Urban Agriculture and Food Systems in developing countries.

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Berlin, [email protected]

Rucha Kelkar earned her Bachelors’ degree in Architecture and a Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in India prior to joining the M.Sc. in Urban Management program t Tech-nical University Berlin. She assisted a research project on Transnational Production Spaces and worked extensively on the case study of Ethiopia.

Her previous experience has been in architecture, interior design projects and sustainable cons-truction techniques in India. Rucha is interested in smart cities, place- making and sustainable urban development.

Page 25: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

Organizing Committee


Organizing Committee


Director, TU Berlin Campus El [email protected]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Barjenbruch is the Director of the TU Berlin Cam-pus El Gouna since 2016 and Head of the Department of Urban Water Management at the Institute of Civil Engineering at TU Berlin since 2006. His main research topics are wastewater and sludge treatment, advanced wastewater treatment, water re-use, water supply and water saving and

water – energy nexus. Prof. Matthias Barjenbruch is a board member of the German association of water, wastewater and waste (DWA), President of the DWA Section North-East and Chairman of specialized group of DWA: Group 2.8: “Advanced wastewater treatment”. Also, he is a member of the International Water association (IWA) and the German Association for Drinking Water and Gas (DVGW).


Study Dean, Department of Urban Development, TU Berlin Campus El [email protected]

After graduating in political science (Dipl.-Pol.) and law (1st and 2nd state exam) in 1967, 1969 und 1972 at Freie Universität Berlin, he has been en-gaged in different research activities at FU Berlin, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (DIfU) etc. In 1982, he was appointed as a professor for Ad-

ministration Science and Public Law at Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege Berlin (university of applied science). In 1988, he became a professor for Planning and Building Law and Administration at Technische Universität (TU) Berlin after receiving his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) from Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. At TU Berlin, he has been working as Dean of Faculty of Architecture and then Faculty VI – Planning, Building and Environment of TU Berlin for 21 years (1989-2010). He is the owner and CEO of Forschungsgruppe Stadt & Dorf since 1988 and an active partner of Planungsgruppe Stadt & Dorf since 2000. Professor Schäfer has more than 150 publications in the fields of planning and building law and administration, urban renewal and urban development. He conducted numerous research pro-jects in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Building and Housing and various re-spective ministries of German states like Bavaria, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony etc.

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Lecturer and Research Associate, Department of Urban Development, TU Berlin Campus El [email protected]

Papon Dev has more than ten years’ of professional experience in Asia, Europe and Africa with universities (Technical University Berlin, Khulna University etc.), consulting firms (Council for Asian Liberal and Demo-crats, IFC- World Bank etc.), national and international NGOs (Save the

Children, Global2030 e.V. etc.), research organizations (Wetland Resource Development Society, So-cial Activities for Environment, etc.) and public institutions (Khulna City Corporation, Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing etc.) with completion of his M.Sc. on ‘Urban Development’ from TU Berlin Campus El Gouna and B.Sc. on “Urban & Rural Planning” from Khulna University, Bangladesh. He has worked not only in Germany, but also with organizations and firms from Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Egypt, United Kingdoms, the Netherlands and USA. He has numbers of publications in the field of climate change, agriculture, transport, planning, urban governance and solid waste management.


Liaison Officer, Technische Universität Berlin, Cairo, [email protected]

Abdelrahman Fatoum is the Liaison Officer of the Technische Universi-tät Berlin in Cairo. He represents the university and supports the various TUB’s academic, research and marketing activities in Egypt.He is a DAAD alumnus, having spent study stays in Berlin and Düsseldorf during his study at the Ain Shams University.

Prior to joining the TU Berlin, he co-organized the DAAD’s bicultural master programs between German and Arab universities and supervised German scholarship holders studying at Egyptian universities.Since 2013, he has overseen the events and activities of the German Science Centre in Cairo (DWZ Cairo) and has also been responsible for its marketing and public relations.Furthermore, Mr. Fatoum acts as a consultant for the “Alumniportal Deutschland” in Egypt, a glob-al alumni network with the target group of Germany-Alumni, promoted by the German govern-ment.

Page 27: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.

Organizing Committee



Student Assistant, TU Berlin Campus El [email protected]

Stefanie Harth is a current student of TU Berlin Campus El Gouna, study-ing Urban Development and writing her master’s thesis now. Her thesis is related to Smart City initiatives of medium-sized German cities and aims to provide the municipal perspective on how to achieve effective and efficient digital transformation. It takes an administration-oriented

perspective to better understand the digitalization concept and to provide a strategic advice for successfully implementing and developing Smart City approaches in Germany. Prior to her mas-ter’s studies Stefanie studied Landscape architecture at “Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe”.


Student Assistant, TU Berlin Campus El [email protected]

He has studied in Bachelor of Civil Engineering from IIT Kharagpur and worked as a Research Assistant under Traffic Engineering department. He published a research under ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering. Being CEO & Co-founder of Swing, established a company and working on developing a platform to optimize the journey in terms of time, money

& carbon footprints. With team, developed backend codes in Python, frontend codes in HTML/CSS and managed system architecture, plans of domains, hosting, routing and security structure. He is currently pursuing a master’s in urban development from Technical University Berlin. Through an integrated, educational perspective on the political, economic, geographic, social and cultural character of urban life, his thesis titled “Enhancing Public Transportation in India”, gathered com-prehensive knowledge of Smart Mobility.

Page 28: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.



Program Schedule

April 22, 2018


09.00-10.00 Registration

10.00-11.00Welcome Speech- Vice President, Director and Dean


11.00-11.30 Orientation about the Program

11.30-12.30 TU Berlin Tour: Past, Present and Tomorrow

Lunch Break

13.30-13.40 Ice Breaker- Video

13.40-14.15 Campus El Gouna: Alumni Club - Sarah Hamdy

14.15-15.00 Smart City and Sustainable Water Management - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barjenbruch

15.00-16.00 What is a smart city? An account and assessment - Prof. Dr. Uwe-Jens Walther

Coffee Break

16.15-17.15 Smart City and Vernacular Architecture: Complement or Contradiction - Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge, TU Berlin

17.15 Wrap up

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Program Schedule


April 23, 2018


09.00-10.00 Smart City: Concept and Discourse - Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz

10.00-11.00Smart City Berlin: Practices and Examples - Beate Albert, Project Manager, Smart Cities; Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH (TBC)

Coffee Break

11.15-12.00 Smart City Berlin: Urban Technology for Metropolitan - Anne-Caroline Erbstößer, Technologiestiftung Berlin


13.00-13.10 Ice Breaker- Video


13.10-13.40 Building Heliopolis: Revisiting the Traditional Knowledge of Smart Growth in Desert Areas - Anas Alhowaily

13.40-14.10 “Towards a Human Smart City”- Prof. Dr. Eng. Arch Abdelrahman A. A. Mohamed

14.10-14.40 Sustainable and Smart city in Egypt - Michael Nashaat

14.40-15.10 Seismic Response Analysis of Site Selection - Prof. Dr. Hamdi Seisa

Coffee Break

15.30-16.00 New Cities in Egypt (Case of Al Alamein New City) - Anas Aladdin

16.00-16.30 Participatory Urban Upgrading: A Smart Tool for the Red Sea Informal Settle-ments - Nada Abdrabou

16.30-16.50 Inclusive City: A City for All - Hussayn Hilal

16.50- 17.20 Open village - an opensource way to distributed communities - Hazem Adel

17.20 Wrap Up

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April 24, 2018


09.00- 09.30 The Socio-political Dimension of Urban Development in the Mega Cities of MENA Region - Mamdouh Habashi

09.30- 10.00 Morphology of Smart Cities - Ashraf Hilal

10.00- 10.30 Smart City Concept for Medium-sized Cities: The Case of Parabon - Stefanie Harth

10.30- 11.00 Smart Waste Management - Ola Atef

Coffee Break

11.15-11.45 Cities development, machine learning and artificial intelligence beyond smart cities - Mohammed Ibrahim

11.45-12.15 Smart City: Cities of Tomorrow - Doha Moustafa


13.00-13.10 Ice Breaker- Video


13.15-13.45 Algeria-Smart City Projects: Some Incentive Proposals for an Effective Coopera-tion between‘‘ Univ. MB Boumerdes - TU Berlin - Prof. Dr. Idir Belaidi

13.45-13.45 Algiers Smart City Project - Meriem Chabou-Othmani

13.45-14.15 Smart City in Algeria - M’hamed Cherifi

14.15-14.45 Old and Current Arabo-Muslim Architecture in the City of Tlemcen, Algeria”- Prof. Tabet Helal

14.45- 17.00 EUREF Campus Tour

17.30 Inter-Cultural Networking Dinner Program

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Program Schedule


April 25, 2018


09.00- 09.45 Smart City: A Myth for Many Cities in the Global South - Papon Dev

09.45 -10.15 Energy Efficiency in Buildings: The world belongs to those New Ideas/ Who Want New Ideas - Lamine Aziz

10.15 -10.45 Cogeneration of CSP Power Plants and Its Role in MENA - Marwan Assar

Coffee Break

11.00- 11.45 An Introduction to Open Innovation - How Cities, Cooperates and Start-ups can Co-create Urban Innovation - Maximilian Thess, Data City Project, NUMA

Networking Lunch with Other Alumni Event

13.30-13.45 Photo Session in front of the Main Building


13.45-14.05 New trends of Chinese city development - Wenjun Li

14.05-14.25City without Slum- How Jakarta Solves the Problem - Adsuri Yasahardja

Ciliwung River: The Problems to Handle the Flow in Jakarta - Adsuri Yasahardja

14.25-14.55 Integrated Landscape Design in Future Cities: Case Study Duhok - Layla Raswol

Coffee Break

15.10-15.40 Smart City: Reconnecting the Disconnected - Husein Ali Husein

15.40- 16.10 Smart Saudi Cities - Amr Abdelaal

16.10- 16.40 Can Poor Countries Make Smart Decisions: Tanzanian Experience - Ahmed Aly

16.40- 17.10 The City of Tomorrow: Energy Digitalization - Ahmed Mahran

Coffee Break

17.30 The Smart City: Practical Outlook - Prof. Jörg Stollmann, CUD Chair for Urban De-sign and Urbanization, TU Berlin

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April 26, 2018


09.00- 09.45 Smart City Component: Smart Mobility - Dr.-Ing. Wulf-Holger Arndt, TU Berlin

09.45- 10.30 Principles for Water Wise Cities - Lisa Andrews, IWA

10.30- 11.00 Surface/Subsurface Hydrology in Conventional and Smart Urbanization - Ahmed Askar

Coffee Break

11.15- 11.45 Energy Optimization of a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) for Greywater Reuse- Mina Takil

11.45- 12.15 Decentralized Water System for Smart City - Abhinav Dixit

12.15- 12.45 Future of SMART Metering- Ahmed Hafez


13.40- 13.45 Ice Breaker- Video

Smart City: Tunisian Context

13.45- 14.15 Bizerte: Smart City - Hamadi Hasnaoui

14.15- 14.45 Daylight Harvesting for Smart City- Dr.- Ing. Kamel Boulahia

14.45- 15.15 Medina of Tunis - Dipl.Ing. Fathi Souissi

15.30- 17.30 Networking Workshop: International Week TU Berlin

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Program Schedule


April 27, 2018


05.00-9.40 Travel to Hannover from Berlin

09.40-14.00 Excursion, Visit Expo

14.00 Exit to Hotel

Free Afternoon Tours

April 28, 2018


08.45-13.00 Hannover City Tour


14.00 Travel Back to Berlin from Hannover

April 29, 2018


09.00-11.3ß Evaluation and Wrap Up

11.30 Exit

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Implementing Partners


Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schäfer and Papon Kumar Dev

Design & Printing

Martin Meyer and Abdelrahman Fatoum


Photo cover page © Zentralinstitut El GounaPhoto page 3 © Thomas SterrPhotos of participants © each participant

© 2018 by Campus El Gouna, Technische Universität Berlin

Page 35: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.
Page 36: THE SMART CITY...THE SMART CITY 2 Introduction Project Background TU Berlin maintains contact with almost 33,500 alumni from different countries of the world through its alumni program.