The Slaughter

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  • 8/19/2019 The Slaughter


    The Slaughter

    Based on the picture above, we can see a group of Muslim slaughter a cow.

     They usually held this ceremony in Hari Raya AidilAdha and al-i!ah. "n Hari Raya

    AidilAdha Muslim usually celebrate this ceremony with praying and heard some

    #hutbah. $eople who able sacri%ce their money can performance their deeds toAllah by slaughter the cow or four legs animal. The meat of the cow is divide and

    given to the poor people and to do enduri'. To# "mam conducts this ceremony with

    slaughter the cow using a sharp #nife and will cut the nec# of cow until the &hal#um'

    artery and &meri#h' artery. This ceremony teaches Muslim to be more cooperate and

    team wor# and always near beside Allah s.w.t.