The significance [peter tosh]

The significance [peter tosh] written 11 September 2014 A world citizen Championing the cause of the downtrodden Desiring the liberation of oppressed nations Ardent supporter of many a liberation struggle Listen to the song ‘Apartheid’ The Zimbabwe liberation struggle Espousing the struggle against successive racist regimes here The demonstration against goat eyed Ian Smith’s Rhodesia There at the Brishit [british] embassy in Jahmecca[Jamaica] Listen to the infectious and timeless ‘Equal Rights’ Telling the world of the racist shitstems[systems] On both sides of the Limpopo[Vhembe] Smith and Vorster rabidly racist Blacks treated like vermin and butchered Listen to the prodding song ‘Fight on’ A messenger ahead of his time The prophetic voice in song War in Beirut, war in Palestine Today the illegal Zionist Israeli regime Butchering the people of Palestine

Transcript of The significance [peter tosh]

Page 1: The significance [peter tosh]

The significance [peter tosh] written 11 September 2014

A world citizen

Championing the cause of the downtrodden

Desiring the liberation of oppressed nations

Ardent supporter of many a liberation struggle

Listen to the song ‘Apartheid’

The Zimbabwe liberation struggle

Espousing the struggle against successive racist regimes here

The demonstration against goat eyed Ian Smith’s Rhodesia

There at the Brishit [british] embassy in Jahmecca[Jamaica]

Listen to the infectious and timeless ‘Equal Rights’

Telling the world of the racist shitstems[systems]

On both sides of the Limpopo[Vhembe]

Smith and Vorster rabidly racist

Blacks treated like vermin and butchered

Listen to the prodding song ‘Fight on’

A messenger ahead of his time

The prophetic voice in song

War in Beirut, war in Palestine

Today the illegal Zionist Israeli regime

Butchering the people of Palestine

Listen to the mournful ‘Rumours of war’

Ever the champion of inity[unity]

Page 2: The significance [peter tosh]

Seeing the futility of individualism

Seeing hope in togetherness[wadada]

One hand can’t clap, one foot don’t run

Listen to the beseeching ‘Come together’

Spreading messages of hope

Amidst all the gloom and doom

The gloom and doom of iniquitous shitstems[systems]

Listen to the inspirational ‘Pick myself up’

Listen also to ‘ The day the dollar died’

Everywhere black people treated as sin

Taking pride in what Jah decreed

Conscientising black people the world over

Fighting the isms and schisms

Listen to the pride brimming song ‘ African’

Seeing the medicinal properties

The medicinal properties in sinsemilla

Singing ‘me nah go a jail’

Fighting the slavish mentality

Listen to the iconoclastic ‘Bush Doctor’

Living forever in our minds

The man on the unicycle

The black belt karateka

Making lightning flash

Making thunder roll

Page 3: The significance [peter tosh]

The man with the M16 shaped guitar

With the smouldering ganja between lips or fingers

Berating the shitstem relentlessly

The man in love with truth and justice

Saying ‘ The truth is an offence but not a sin’

The words with a barbed ring to them

The undying messages indelible in our minds

‘Peace is a diploma you get in the cemetery’

So ‘ I don’t want no peace, I need equal rights and justice’

[jabulani mzinyathi]