The Secret to Safe Skin Tag Removal at Home

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery.”

Transcript of The Secret to Safe Skin Tag Removal at Home

Page 1: The Secret to Safe Skin Tag Removal at Home

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts &

Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally

And Without Surgery.”

Page 2: The Secret to Safe Skin Tag Removal at Home

The Secret to Safe Skin Tag

Removal At Home!

Nobody likes having blemishes on their skin. Even the least vain among us would almost certainly admit given the choice that they would prefer that ugly mole, wart or skin tag wasn't there. If on our back or somewhere out of sight to most people it is usually not a total disaster. Only when comfort levels are compromised, i.e. a tag catching on clothing, do we really feel the need to do something about it. However, should a mole, wart or skin tag appear on our face or hands removal becomes a priority.

Skin tags are very common. For some it is a simple matter of genetics. If either of your parents has had this problem there is an even chance you will too. For others skin tags appear due to

the condition and lifestyle of the individual. Overweight people can find tags occurring where skin rubs against skin or tight fitting clothing. These particular skin tags can be very unpleasant as they will chafe resulting in inflamed and perhaps,

raw skin, making for a great deal of discomfort.

Skin tag removal at home has become the preferred option for dealing with skin tags, along with moles and warts, for a variety of reasons. If you get them on a regular basis for whatever

reason, it can be tiresome, not to mention expensive after repeated treatments. And time wasted hanging around a doctor’s surgery or clinic is time you will never get back.

Page 3: The Secret to Safe Skin Tag Removal at Home

Let’s take a look at some of the ways people around the globe

have been tackling their skin problems at home.

One method has been to starve the tag of blood. Any kind of fine fiber, such as dental floss or even a human hair, is tied tightly around the tag a left for a few days. If done correctly the idea is the tag will simply fall off. While this has certainly been an effective way of dealing with tags, they can reappear exactly in those areas suggesting the entire problem wasn't dealt with at the root.

Duct tape has many uses, not just sealing up duct joints. Construction industry workers use it instead of a band aid for sores and cuts and the like. Same goes with tags. They seal it up tight so o light or air can get close. Within a few days the suffocated tag falls off. This has worked for many people no doubt about it, but it has failed on occasions too. The adhesive used to make duct tape may cause irritation to some sensitive

skin types.

A more direct approach involves sterilizing a pair of nail clippers and just snipping that sucker off! The result if done swiftly is immediate but it would be prudent to point out that the risk of scarring using this method is fairly high. Any hesitation applying

this measure may also cause some pain and discomfort.

There really are many different ways one can choose to perform mole, wart or skin tag removal at home. The best ways to do it however, should be safe, painless and leave absolutely no


Page 4: The Secret to Safe Skin Tag Removal at Home

“The Only Way to Remove Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Without Surgery; in the

Comfort of your Own Home!”

Find out more about skin tag removal at home HERE!

Great for moles and warts too!