The Role of Agile Marketing in Creating a World-Class Marketing Team

WELCOME Agile Marketing: Creating a World Class Marketing Team Jim Ewel [email protected] @jimewel


Here are the slides from the Boston Agile Marketing Meetup on January, 29, 2014 featuring Jim Ewel.

Transcript of The Role of Agile Marketing in Creating a World-Class Marketing Team

Page 1: The Role of Agile Marketing in Creating a World-Class Marketing Team


Agile Marketing: Creating a World Class

Marketing Team  

Jim Ewel  [email protected] @jimewel  

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My  Background!

•  1989-­‐2001  -­‐  Microso6  in  Sales  &  Marke;ng  •  2002-­‐2009  -­‐  CEO  GoAhead  So6ware  •  2009-­‐2011  -­‐  CEO  Adometry  •  2011-­‐2012  -­‐  Consultant,  agile  mktg  blogger  •  2013  -­‐  present  -­‐  CEO  InDemand  Interpre;ng!

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SprintZero  June,  2012  

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The  Inspira;on!


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So6ware  Capability  Maturity  Model!

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Marke;ng  Maturity  Model  A  Proposal!

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Level  1  –  Heroic  Efforts!     Ini=al  

Summary   Heroic  Efforts  

Vision  &  Strategy  

Organiza;onal  strategy  determined  elsewhere,  

marke;ng  supports;  even  tac1cs  are  dictated  

Working  prac=ces,  processes,  


Silo  structures,  waterfall  project  management,  infrequent  

updates,  hierarchial  decision  making  

People,  Teams,  Culture  

Isolated  knowledge,  ver;cal  skillsets,  poor  training  

Data  and  Technology  

Vanity  metrics,  siloed  data  sources,  technology  restricts,  

legacy  pla\orms,  li]le  marke;ng  automa;on  

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Vanity Metrics!•  Make you feel good!•  Not clear what

caused change!•  Different groups

attribute increase to different things, no one wants to own decreases!

•  Example: Hits or page views!

Actionable Metrics!•  Offer guidance on

what to do!•  Usually impact

revenue!•  Focus on per-

customer metrics, cohorts!

•  Split-test!•  Example: conversions!

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Level  2  –  Agile  as  Project  Mgmt!     Managed  

Summary   Agile  as  Project  Mgmt  

Vision  &  Strategy  

Organiza;onal  strategy  s;ll  determined  elsewhere,  but  

marke;ng  determines  priori1es  Working  prac=ces,  processes,  

tools   Sprints,  Kanban  and/or  Scrum  People,  Teams,  Culture  

Culture  of  execu;on,  accountability  for  deliverables  

Data  and  Technology  

Spreadsheet  metrics,  marke;ng  automa;on  

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Ma"  Heinz  

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Level  3  –  Op;mizing!


Summary   Con=nuous  Improvement  

Vision  &  Strategy  

Strategy  may  arise  or  at  the  very  least  is  tempered  and  adjusted  

by  results  and  data  Working  prac=ces,  processes,  

tools  Experiments,  KPIs,  rapid  itera;on  

and  prototyping  tools  People,  Teams,  Culture  

Accountability  for  results,  T-­‐shaped  people,  sta;s;cally  


Data  and  Technology  

Technical  infrastructure  to  support  rapid  itera;ons,  

prototyping  and  measurement,  dashboards  

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20  20  

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Coca-­‐Cola  Content  2020  Part  Two  

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Brad Terrell, VP & General Manager, Digital Media, Netezza as quoted in Scott Brinker’s Chief Marketing Technologist Blog

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Level  4  –  Agility  and  Speed!


Summary   Agility  and  Speed  

Vision  &  Strategy  

Organiza;onal  strategy  provides  framework;  marke;ng  executes  quickly,    responds  to  change  and  can  make  real-­‐1me  decisions  

Working  prac=ces,  processes,  

tools  Small,  cross-­‐func;onal  teams,  

permission  to  fail  People,  Teams,  Culture  

Collabora;ve,  open  to  change,  accepts  "good  enough"  

Data  and  Technology  

Technical  infrastructure  to  support  real-­‐;me  decision-­‐

making  and  execu;on    

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The  Oreo  graphic  was  "designed,  cap;oned  and  approved  within  minutes,"  according  to  Sarah  Hofste]er,  president  of  the  cookie  brand's  digital  agency  of  record,  Dentsu-­‐owned  360i.  All  the  decisions  were  made  in  real  ;me  quickly  because  marketers  and  agency  members  were  sifng  together  at  a  "mission  control"  center,  or  a  social-­‐media  war  room  of  sorts  ...  

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Level  5  –  Remarkable  Customer  Experiences!     Holis=c  

Summary  Remarkable  Customer  


Vision  &  Strategy  

Marke;ng  drives  the  organiza;on  in  crea;ng  remarkable  customer  

experiences  and  outcomes  Working  prac=ces,  processes,  


Customer  Experience  Owner,  entrepreneurial,  Minimum  

Viable  Products  People,  Teams,  Culture  

Pi-­‐shaped  people,  fluid  structure,  agile  culture  

Data  and  Technology  

Marke;ng  technologists,  prototype  factories,  data  as  compe;;ve  advantage,  

technology  usage  innovators  

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Focus  on  Outcomes!

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Pi-­‐Shaped  People!

Generalist/Broad  Knowledge  


,  Ana

ly=cal   Right  brained,  crea=ve  

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Page 30: The Role of Agile Marketing in Creating a World-Class Marketing Team

Marketing Management!

Remarkable Customer

Experiences!Brand & Buzz! Lead

Generation!Care &

Feeding Sales Force !

Marketing Technologists!

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Summary  Eye  Chart!

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•  Focus on remarkable customer experiences!•  Select a few core, actionable metrics!•  Invest in experimentation (70/20/10)!•  Figure out how to turn the crank faster (MVPs)!•  Hire T-shaped and Pi-shaped people!•  Create small, cross-functional teams!•  Push down decision making!•  Give teams permission to fail!•  Automate what you can!•  Turn data into competitive advantage!•  Adopt new technology for competitive advantage!

Summary  Thoughts!

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Jim Ewel  [email protected] @jimewel