The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay...

The Revolutio ns Of 1848

Transcript of The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay...

Page 1: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]


nsOf 1848

Page 2: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The turning point at which history failed

to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Page 3: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Pre-1848 Tensions: Long-Pre-1848 Tensions: Long-TermTerm

Industrialization Ideological Challenges Romanticism Repressive Measures of restored


Page 4: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Pre-1848 Tensions: Pre-1848 Tensions: Short-TermShort-Term

Agricultural Crises Poor cereal harvests Potato famine Financial Crises

Urban & Agricultural workers and the Urban & Agricultural workers and the middle classes are now joined in miserymiddle classes are now joined in misery

Page 5: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Centers of Revolution in Centers of Revolution in 18481848

Page 6: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

FRANCE: The Giant Sea FRANCE: The Giant Sea Snake?Snake?

Page 7: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]


Page 8: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Louis PhilippeLouis Philippe,, “The Pear,” “The Pear,” 18481848

Page 9: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Prince LouisPrince Louis:: Not Too Not Too Steady!Steady!

Victor Hugo & Miguel de Girardin try to raise Prince Louis upon a shield. [Honoré Damier’s lithograph

published in Charavari, December 11, 1848].

Page 10: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The February RevolutionThe February Revolution Working class & liberals revolt Protests break out Troops open fire on peaceful protestors.

National Guard defect to the radicals. King Louis Philippe loses Paris and

abdicates on February 24.

Page 11: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The “June Days”The “June Days” Workers in Paris rose up

Wanted a redistribution of wealth.

Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables

Page 12: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Paris: To the Barricades Paris: To the Barricades Again!Again!

Page 13: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The 2The 2ndnd French Republic French Republic ((1848-18521848-1852))

• General Louis Cavaignac

• Nov., 1848 a new constitution provided for:

An elected President

A one-house legislature

The RepublicThe Republicbyby

Jean-Leon GeromeJean-Leon Gerome

Page 14: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

President Louis Napoleon President Louis Napoleon The December election:

The “law and order” candidate,Louis Napoleon Bonaparte wins

Page 15: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

1851 Coup d’Etat1851 Coup d’Etat

President Louis Napoleon declared a hereditary 2nd French Empire

A national plebiscite confirmed it

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Page 17: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Austrian Empire: The Austrian Empire: 18301830

Page 18: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Culturally and racially heterogeneous.

Very conservative monarchy Serfdom Corrupt and inefficient

Ferdinand I Ferdinand I (1793-1875)(1793-1875)

Page 19: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Austrian Students Form a Austrian Students Form a MilitiaMilitia

Page 20: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Austrian Empire collapses

Metternich fled. Constituent Assembly

met Serfdom abolished.

BUT… The revolutionary

government failed

Vienna, 1848: The Liberal Vienna, 1848: The Liberal RevolutionRevolution

Page 21: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The New AustrianThe New Austrian Emperor Franz JosephEmperor Franz Joseph I I [r. [r.


Page 22: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Hungarian The Hungarian RevolutionRevolution

Page 23: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Lajos KossuthLajos Kossuth Hungary declares independence

from Austria Austrian & Russian armies invade

and defeat the Hungarian army

Page 24: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Tsar Nicholas I Tsar Nicholas I (r. 1825-(r. 1825-1855)1855)

He raised an army in response to a request from Franz Joseph

Page 25: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Bohemia, 1848Bohemia, 1848 Bohemia was split

between Pan-Slavs & Pan-Germans

Prague Conference: Developed the idea

of Austro-Slavism The Austrian military

ultimately attacked Prague, occupied Bohemia & crushed the rebellion.

The Prague The Prague BarricadesBarricades

Page 26: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Revolution in RomaniaRevolution in Romania

Page 27: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]



Page 28: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Germania Germania - - 18481848

Page 29: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

• Anti-liberal, but an ‘Arthurian’ medieval romantic.

Relied on Junker support

Prussia in the mid-19c:

Efficient Good economy Strong military

Frederick William IV of Frederick William IV of PrussiaPrussia


Page 30: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Germans Follow the The Germans Follow the FrenchFrench

G After the February French revolutions, there were many riots in minor German states.

G Austria and Prussia expected to intervene to crush these revolts, BUT:

Vienna Revolution led to the fall of Metternich.

Berlin riots•King Frederick William IV withdraws

the troops and hand the liberals a big victory

•Other Princedoms collapse

Page 31: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Funeral for Berlin Freedom Funeral for Berlin Freedom FightersFighters

Page 32: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Frankfurt AssemblyThe Frankfurt Assembly

Liberals form German National Assembly in Frankfurt:

Universal suffrage Delegates mostly from the middle

class Debate over the nature of the

state monarchy of Habsburgs or Hohenzollerns?

They chose the Austrian Habsburg Archduke John rather than the King of Prussia•But they failed to gain the loyalty of

the Prussian Army

Page 33: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Frankfurt Assembly Frankfurt Assembly MeetsMeets

Page 34: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

A Citizen Militia on A Citizen Militia on Parade in BerlinParade in Berlin

Page 35: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The “Three Germanies”The “Three Germanies”

Page 36: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Austria & Prussia Reassert Austria & Prussia Reassert ControlControl

Austria re-gained control of Vienna

Prussia opposed The Frankfurt Assembly

Radicals took to the barricades again

The Prussian army crushed radicals

April, 1849the Assembly collapsed

Page 37: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

A New German A New German ConfederationConfederation

Frederick William IV of Prussia wanted to rule a united Germany

1850 the German Confederation was re-established

Prussia was forced to accept Austrian leadership of Central Europe

Page 38: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Liberalism Discredited Liberalism Discredited in Germanyin Germany

Rule of force was the only winner

A massive exodus of liberal intelligentsia

Militarism triumphs

Page 39: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]



Page 40: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Democrats Swept Out of Democrats Swept Out of EuropeEurope

Page 41: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Communist The Communist ManifestoManifesto

Karl MarxKarl Marx Friedrich Friedrich EngelsEngels

Page 42: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

Why did the Why did the 18481848 Revolutions FailRevolutions Fail??

Lacked popular support Began by middle classes led these

revolutions, but turned radical Nationalism divided more than united Some gains lasted [abolition of

serfdom, etc.] And long term, most of the liberal

ideas happen by the end of the 19c: The unification of Germany and Italy. The collapse of the Hapsburg Empire at

the end of World War I

Page 43: The Revolutions Of 1848. The turning point at which history failed to turn. --- George Macaulay Trevelyn [1937]

The Bottom Line The Bottom Line

It looked like the Conservative forces had triumphed.

BUT… Economic/social problems

continued to challenge the ruling order

Conservatives would have to make concessions in order to stay in power

Many of the limited Liberal achievements remained permanent