THE RETURN OF THE MESSIAH · 2017. 8. 10. · THE MESSIAH In this book we are ... the word of that...


Transcript of THE RETURN OF THE MESSIAH · 2017. 8. 10. · THE MESSIAH In this book we are ... the word of that...

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THE RETURN OF THE MESSIAH April 4th, 1997 Monastery – LUMEN DE LUMINE THE MESSIAH In this book we are giving the reader the knowledge of the different aspects of the teachings given by those who throughout history and the ages have come to implant these teachings in the human consciousness sent to humanity by Divine emanation. THE MESSENGER has always been a person known by his characteristics who has given the formation to be able to receive and thus teach the Doctrine, unconditionally, not being of any specific human thought or group; so through this, today, we propose to deliver into the hands of Humanity, this Book that contains the precise alignments of the Doctrine given by the Christ through those illuminated men and prophets in all the ages. If God wills and Divine providence permits, not only that you will understand but also practice with the approval of all those who share in the Gnostic Doctrine and with the essence of the Christ. V.M. LAKHSMI DEDICATION May this be the moment for me to direct myself to all my disciples representing the Mission corresponded to this person to fulfill during this time and by Divine emanation; it has helped us to understand the wise Doctrine of my Lord and FIFTH EVANGELIST DOCTRINE of our Avatar, Glorious Being, who also fulfilled that great mission and was among us predicating the word of that RED CHRIST of Aquarius who brought us the “good news” for those in this humanity who seek redemption in this Aryan Race.

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He, just like the very same CHRIST, could reach our conscience, rescuing these Souls who have been searching for the LIGHT. We carry that marvelous message sculpted into our Conscience, dear brothers and sisters; it is just like the Light that lights up the starry nights and that lights up all the areas of our Unconsciousness, allowing us to see with immense clarity that road which is nothing more than the very same CHRIST guiding a People. We, dear brothers and Sisters of all times, seize the sword of our will power and in our right hand and lance ourselves to open the way in the midst of the stormy waters of life and carry understanding and Consciousness as a shield which will serve us to know and comprehend the bad in the good and the good in the bad; in this great struggle, we will find all those valorous people who without rationalizations because of a defeat, without fear of the enemy, heartened by the strength of the SPIRIT with the wisdom of the FATHER and the Love of the CHRIST, each one carrying his Cross as an emblem, without protesting about anything, with no lamentations and without fear, knowing that the only objective is to reach our REDEEMER even to the heights of Calvary where full of faith and hope we will say, with the phrase of the “Good Thief”, ‘CHRIST, MASTER, REMEMBER ME WHEN YOU ARE IN YOUR KINGDOM’ And HE affirming this pact, also exclaimed, “My children, today you will be with me in Paradise”. As everyone knows, that Paradise is nothing more than a new Heaven and a new earth where the People who have been faithful to the CHRIST will inhabit. V.M. LAKHSMI CHAPTER ONE


As is well-known by all those who study the Evangelism of the Christ, THE CHRIST is a force that detaches itself and is originally part of the three extraordinary forces of the Creation; which through its different unfoldings, the processes of life can exist in the distinct dimensions of nature and the Cosmos; these reach even into this three-dimensional world giving the impulse to all the innumerable creations of plants, animals and humans. HE is who palpitates in the atoms, the molecules and in the cells of all creatures who have life. In us humans it develops in three different aspects according to the attitude we have in the way we live:

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The first aspect is the Organic cellular life. The second aspect is the life in Reproduction. And the third aspect is what we produce by means of the Revolution of the conscience; thus wisely taking advantage of our vital energy for our Spiritual birth; in this internal, emotional and psychological process, the wisdom of the FATHER, the Force of The HOLY SPIRIT and the Love of the CHRIST; these place in activity all of our physical and internal capacities in order to crystallize what is called the Second Birth. It is important for each and every student of the Christic Esoterism to understand that one thing is the creation of the human through a natural law, and quite another is the creation of an authentic man by means of the Revolution of the Conscience. Another is the creation of the Spiritual Man by means of an action of the Solar Man done in a work together with the Being. It is necessary in these moments in which THE RETURN OF THE CHRIST has been presented, to have a harmonious attitude within each one of us in so far as the message is concerned, with the Doctrine and with the CHRIST in order to realize in an individual way and in Conjunction with the work each one has to do and corresponds to every one of us; we must be able to march toward that Promised Land where THE CHRIST and the People will establish a new generation, thereby fulfilling what is written in the Sacred Scriptures. “at the end of time HE will come again to seek out those men and those women who have seen and have understood His Doctrine predicated throughout time that this has the power to produce a metamorphosis in each one of us and which will permit us to continue living after death”. Each human being possesses an aureole and an atmosphere that permit or impede that marvelous Force of the CHRIST to pose itself in that person; or on the contrary impede that person from existence. The person who uses bad language, is angry, envious, avaricious, full of hate, of jealousy and resentment, of fear, of insecurity of all kinds of fears, etc. has an aureole which is too dense or negative and for this reason, it cannot receive the emanations coming form the universal Aureole of the CHRIST. The person who fornicates, is full of passions, of lust; one who is too dense, heavy, negative in this aureole and either does not permit his interior part to express itself in the CHRIST nor in the SPIRIT. These reasons are more than sufficient so that each one of us will understand that in this way we cannot have a meeting with our MESSENGER in our own interior, therefore we must have an interior change, one that is objective, as of today, which will permit us to better our aureole and our atmosphere so that the SUN CHRIST outside and THE SUN CHRIST inside us can fecundate the Embryo Aureole of each one of us and begin the journey toward that meeting with our Internal being.

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Chapter 2 The Human Person This is the body or the fundamental part of the work we need to do here on Earth; this body is constituted of a series of organs forming a harmony or a disharmony with the Cosmos. It all depends on how we live, how we think and therefore how we behave. We see that the sun comes out and fills us with light and warmth and gives strength to the whole of creation on the Planet; but it is necessary to understand that there is a law in the atmosphere which very wisely allows this light, warmth and strength form the sun to act on the multiple creations on the Planet in a different way in each one. Each one of us, each person has his own particular, individual atmosphere, for example. This is formed in accordance with his mental, psychological and emotional behavior; that is to say, very negatively. The sun illuminates him and gives him warmth, but in his spirit, this has a negative reaction in the person; that person receives that light and that warmth, it activates the life in him that is organic but at the same time from his endocrine glands an internally, diabolic, luciferic force is stimulated, thus consequently, each day that organism fills more with antagonistic impulses in this mind, his instincts and in his emotions. This is the reason why humanity in its different levels and stages is being invaded by luciferic forces. The person who cleanses his aureole, who removes obstacles from his atmosphere because of a correct form of being, of living, will receive the light, heat and power from the sun and will approach inspiration because his organism receives that force and then his endocrine glands immediately begin to produce hormones of optimum quality. These hormones are converted into sexual energy that when transmuted do not contain heavy hydrogen which is luciferic; these change themselves in the organism into a superior power and therefore into Light for the Consciousness. The energy produced in a perverse person by the Sun is transformed into a diabolic force that each day incites him to violate the law because of infra-dimensional energy that establishes very heavy hydrogen in a person and makes him return to mounting unconsciousness. THE SUN CHRIST passing in its process by means of the sun’s rays through the atmosphere of the planet, filters the light, as we have said, and according to the atmosphere of the person, polarizes itself in different ways in each case.

On passing through the atmosphere of perverse people, it takes the form of infra-red rays; the contrary happens with the atmosphere of a person seeking his own regeneration; on passing through his atmosphere, it reaches inside him in the form of white light, symbol of life and symbol of spirituality.

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Dear Reader, it is important to keep these points so essential in mind, so that THE SUN CHRIST collaborates closely with the Spiritual work of each one of us. The light from the sun as we see it with our physical eyes is as if it were acting on each person in the same way, but that is not so. In practice it has been demonstrated that the light gives life to each person, animating the physical organism; but in the spiritual part, that light acts according to the work each person is doing and in accord with the attitude each one of us has toward GOD and His LAWS. CHAPTER 3 OUR INTERNAL ORGANS

We can’t let the reference in this chapter pass-by about some of the functions our organs fulfill internally in the Spiritual Work and in the human part – these internal functions the Son of the sun is doing now: THE HEAD: It is intimately related to the Constellation of Aries. As it is known, this constellation has a direct influence over certain behavior in the person. The pineal gland is found there which forms a harmony with our physical sun and our Spiritual sun. Also, we find our Pituitary gland that forms harmony with our physical Moon and with our psychological one. It could be said that the Pineal gland gives us the attitude we have with the “mystic death” giving us an extraordinary capacity to change the way we think since the Pineal gland is the seat of the mental functions. When a person is doing a just and right Work, the Pituitary gland permits the person to develop imaginative, objective functions; then, evading those processes which are product of a subjective imagination; that is, instinctive and lunar. We can also find in the head the Hypothalamus gland which regulates all hormonal functions in our body and are the basic materials for the realization of the Great Work. It is convenient that each one of the students of Christic esoterism understands that the functions in the head are not only to be able to think. It is important to understand that this organ is extremely vital in our life and within it, there are a number of functions which permit the advancement of our physical life as well as our spiritual life; therefore, we must now limit ourselves to more than just the function but the following as well: 1. it is necessary to oxygenate the brain daily through profound respirations (pranayama) 2 – use medicine that betters the blood circulation in the head.

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3 – use medicine that fortifies our brain, such as: phosphorus, Vitamin A, B complex, etc. Thus, our head will be collaborating efficiently with the rest of our organism in the Great Work. THE LIVER. An extraordinary organ that fulfills hundreds of functions in our physical life and in our spiritual life. This organ is directly influenced by the planet Mars and in the very same constitution, we find the bile from the gall bladder and is directly influenced by the planet Jupiter. As we can see, the liver is a gland composed of tissue containing an enormous amount of moving blood. The blood is influenced by the element of fire; Mars is the planet of war, of revolution. We find the Hepatic Chacra and the hepatic vortice in the liver; the Hepatic Chacra is related to the astral plane and at the same time with our lowest depths; also, the liver is the seat of our emotions. Every esoteric student must understand that if he doesn’t change the emotional state, we will always live in darkness; if one doesn’t change Anger for Humility and the emotions for understanding, the internal Awakening is more than impossible. Receiving its influences form Jupiter on the bile, this makes us think that we cannot exert a spiritual work if we continue to behave unjustly, without clemency and in violation to the Law, due to the fact, that it’s right there where we find the rigor of the Law. Conclusion: The liver cannot collaborate with us in the Great Work efficiently, if we don’t change our conduct as far as Justice, Emotions in disorder and Anger, arrogance and all the elements producing negative emotional discharges in us. THE HEART. As it is known by every Gnostic student, the human body is the Temple of God and heart is an ALTAR. The heart is what determines through its beat, the existence of life. The heart is ruled by the sun and by the Moon; the sun has the YING and the YANG as the symbol of the flood and the ebb of life. It is the cellular life and as we have said, the spiritual life; to be able to determine the spiritual life in us, and if it is growing, we have to understand that we must eradicate from our heart three fundamental things: ---HATE which is contrary to Love ---BAD WILL which is contrary to the Soul.

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---FALSE SENTIMENTS of Love, contrary to the Spirit. That is why it is necessary for the Gnostic student to propose: 1---“TO LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS”- To show this one must not do what GOD prohibits in his COMMANDMENTS. 2--- Integrate oneself totally in the work with the DIVINE MOTHER DEVI KUNDALINI. 3---One must do and create merits in one’s heart so that through them THE CHRIST is present. The Quantity of reasons are too numerous to present to you, dear reader, so that you can see that our physical body needs the presence of the Consciousness to fulfill the functions the Work has to do. One thing is that one gives the body good food, it is cleansed through bathing and dressed adequately, externally to be well presented and another thing is that internally, we are giving it the treatment that our Spiritual Work needs. CHAPTER 4


The BIBLE is the book of books. As we can analyze, it is a series of facts and information recompiled throughout the different eras by great men; some of them illuminated, giving here the messages the Prophets and Those Messengers of GOD to maintain the living communion between GOD and humanity. These writings are always in parables to preserve the mystery enclosed in them from Genesis to the Apocalypsis. We can see extraordinary characteristics in the way of teaching the mysteries, so that they are comprehensible to every person who has wanted to delve into those mysteries, projecting oneself towards a secret path to find the TRUTH; this is the reason why, thousands of religious organizations predicate the mysteries of the BIBLE without having understood them; because if you don’t look for these mysteries inside yourself through the death of the ego and Scientific Chastity, it is more than impossible, since the fundamental Doctrine of the CHRIST is the Philosophical Stone, that at its base is the same CHRIST. The BIBLE has four Gospels that represent the Earth, Water, the Air and fire. Each one of them has within it, its own message so that investigators can interpret them by the light of the conscience.

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THE CHRIST has come at different times utilizing men who have duly prepared themselves for His expression; among some of these men we can cite; Mohamed, Fuji, Zeus, Moses, Hermes, Quetzalcoalt, the very same Jesus, Samael, etc. these great illuminated men have brought the adequate teachings for humanity to the planet Earth. We must understand that the teaching of Mohamed was adapted for that epoch; that of Quetzalcoalt for that time; that of Zeus for His times and so on. Venerable Master SAMAEL has given the same teaching for his epoch. At no time has he contradicted the Doctrine given by THE CHRIST and who guided him by means of the Conscience. At these very moments the same CHRIST is making himself known to a People by his presence and it is necessary for each one of us to understand this, since He is expressing himself in three ways: The First: In a Doctrine which is as old as man himself. The Second: in a Message which could not be interpreted if it were not for the interpretation the very same CHRIST unfolding within the Conscience of each serious student is making; the Doctrine and the Gnostic Message at no time can be interpreted by the intellect; one needs to understand it on a conscious level that one has, and with the Heart. The third aspect is that this same CHRIST concentrates his presence in the Instructions of humanity, so that these men, making use of the level of Spiritual Consciousness, can give their wise interpretation through the wisdom of the Word and can enter into the conscience. This is to say, that every interpretation in its purest state of the Doctrine of the CHRIST given throughout time, is done through the Consciousness and not through the intellect. THE CHRIST at these very moments is making great efforts so that in each one of us, the seed germinates that will serve as a platform for our individual and community work. That seed will germinate in the heart of each one for us, giving us light to see the road better; giving us Consciousness to interpret the message better and giving us love to comprehend THE CHRIST. It will germinate in our mind to transform our earthly mind into the Universal Mind. It will germinate in our intellect so that the Superior Intellect will be born in each one of us and which is a vehicle of expression for our internal BEING. It will germinate in our emotional Brain permitting the Superior emotion to be born within us and is fundamental and essential to incarnate the true Love and inspiration for life. We know that one of the human expressions that CHRIST has had through the great religions that have existed is that each one has had its own BIBLE, its own Sacred Book as a testimony of the teaching it has left sculpted in the Consciousness of its People. Today, we

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have the opportunity to study these books left by our ancestors to affirm the truth of the message that we are living. It is important for the Gnostic People to understand that these moments are joining the past, the present and the future in an eternal NOW so that from this, the profound study and the objectivity of all those messages which will allow us to know and to understand that the CHRIST as the Messiah is in the Doctrine, because He is coming for a people He has taught throughout all the ages. Chapter 5 THE RETURN OF THE MESSIAH This happening has been awaited by thousands of believers of all religious beliefs; some wait for Him thinking he will fly through the air; others wait for him at night and others wait for Him to arrive for the Final Judgement on Earth awakening the dead form their tombs with the same bodies they had thousands of years ago. This means that everyone has an idea about this according to the literal way they have understood the BIBLE. For us, dear readers, we say to you that all theses things each one extracts the truth as he has been able to understand it, but our interpretation is, that it has not been made by the Light of the truth of how it is written in the Sacred Scriptures. To interpret the Truth from the Sacred Scriptures we have to do it with the Truth that comes from our own Interior Being Made Consciousness. The Messiah is the Message; he is the Doctrine; he is the CHRIST. He is with us; this we can say without any dogma, fanaticisms, or pride, self-love; simply because we know it to be true; we have proof. He has returned bringing together in His Message the teachings that through the ages he has given to other people; he is not projecting a Doctrine for the future; he is giving us the teachings we need for these very moments to all the men and women who have accepted Sacrifice, who have accepted Chastity and who have accepted the disintegration of the ego; we have found Him in a clear, objective and real way. The meeting will happen in the following ways: 1---In our feelings 2---In our understanding 3---In our will power

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This is for each and every one of the initiates of this path, when feeling the impulse to do this work, we will understand that the only thing we need, is to walk within the path that is the same CHRIST. We can understand that Chastity is the multiplication of life and the CHRIST is LIFE; we can understand that the disintegration of the ego is the elimination of the enemies who threw stones, who whipped the historic CHRIST on the road to Calvary, and they are the same ones that each moment become angry and mistreat our INTERNAL CHRIST who is also walking on his road to Calvary. That is why we must understand that in order to make the mystery of sacrifice part of our blood and bones, one must deny oneself and to follow the CHRIST on his road one must take a profound vow of responsibility and seriousness in renunciation and Chastity; one must make of one’s life a moment of reflection and contemplation. Reflection in order to know the ego, contemplation in order to adore GOD. After having made these reflections, we would say that the CHRIST is present in three forms: In his Doctrine, basis of our work; in the message or the Fifth Gospel of Samael, in our learning in our every day life within our own bodies and blood which is the live representation of a man and of a people. The MESSIAH of today, as we have said is the MESSIAH of all the ages giving the message. The time has come when yesterday, the present and the future are here in this text and in these words. The past is here as the Doctrine; the present is here as the Gospel and the future is here as the Consciousness that endures throughout time. AMEN Chapter 6 THE LABORER OF THE GREAT WORK Every one who seeks the truth should change himself in fact into an uncomplicated person, someone who is serene, contemplative and a lover of silence. This is an internal silence where there is no noise present and the mind’s conversation is silent. He should be very demanding with himself and he must understand that the education he has received through time, at home, at school and at the university is a primary education but the education he will receive as the laborer of the Great Work of the FATHER is based on:

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First--- the organization he must have within himself is to allocate thoughts, emotions and instincts in their place and that are not involved with any of the complications which are the cause of negative egoic reactions. Second---be a real diligent student of the Body of the doctrine and Third---avoiding all negative behavior because of gregariousness permitting every one to live his life and concentrating on his work. Each one of us has within ourselves our own HIRAM HABIF or the architect of our Work: that’s why we should let Him direct His work and no other person. The laborer of the Great Work must concentrate on taking away the excess and putting in what’s lacking, working daily seeking to be more in harmony with his Internal Being each day. The Ego that is recognized must be understood and immediately put into the seat of judgement so that the DIVINE MOTHER can trap him and finally disintegrate him. He should nourish himself daily with profound meditation- nourishing his Conscience with prayer and with contemplation. He should seek by all means for inspiration so that his will takes him to bring about great mutations. The laborer of the Great work should never say, “but I’ve already done so much”. This is a great error and shows tiredness, bad will and indicates inconstancy. The person doing the Great Work should see chronological time in his life as an opportunity to do that work; he should try to force himself to see the work of the FATHER as the only reason for his existence if he wants to reach that true happiness. The person doing the Great Work must see every person plus his Brothers in CHRIST as useful elements for this work and as the people, GOD has placed around him as the ones who will help him, others to teach him and others for him to teach. Everyone is important in our life, but remember, dear reader and brother do your own thing in its moment and let everyone else do their own thing. Remember that the philosophy of life teaches us that the learning, the good and the bad events, happen so that we will learn from them and not so that we will linger with them; that is, neither the good ones nor the bad ones. Remember that the way is THE CHRIST and THE CHRIST is on his way to Calvary; remember that his goal is to arrive at His triumph. Triumph over DEATH; triumph over the WORLD and Triumph over the FLESH”.

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Don’t forget brothers that everything that has been written about the Path of a man has been about the life of that MAN, and even though the road is the same, we, men are not; since every man and woman has to live his own drama and even though they are similar to the others, they are not the same. That’s why each of us has two instructors who will take us to our own triumph: our own INTERNAL CHRIST and our HOLY GURU. Our INTERNAL CHRIST acts on our consciousness and our comprehension; our Holy GURU orients us and helps us to come out well on our path as initiates. CHAPTER 7 THE MEETING It is of the utmost importance that each person who is doing a serious and responsible spiritual work has a solid attitude. This is so that at the moment of every meeting with oneself, one is permitted the meeting with the MESSIAH who has returned and who is present in the work that one is doing. Don’t forget, Brothers, that the MESSIAH will come back like a thief in the night but one must understand that “this night” is not making reference to a darkness on the planet. This is a state of unconsciousness and it could be that because of this, one does not identify him and thus, one loses the opportunity to receive illumination as an expression of the meeting one could have with the MESSIAH. One must understand that the attitude of the initiate at these times is of alert perception, capturing not only the manifestation of the ego, but also the manifestation of the MESSIAH who comes knocking at the door of the heart of every person who follows him and who recognizes him as our Savior. The return of the MESSIAH happens in each person according to the bearings one has, according to the discipline one has, and according to the conscious values one has which one processes form moment to moment. And so it will happen that the conscience will be the first to identify him; afterwards, the superior mind and at last, the person. That is to say, and also to understand that the people who are waiting to see the CHRIST in the air or as a person are totally mistaken. Many serious esoteric Christic students have been able to identify Him in some facets of their lives at some instances but haven’t been able to retain him within because of a lack of organization. Perhaps at any given moment they have identified him in their feelings but not in their thoughts; they have been able to identify him in the Doctrine but not in the interpretation of the Message or they could identify him in the Message but not in their feelings.

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The MESSIAH comes on any night as we have already said; in one of those moments of unconsciousness and of fascination that so many times we have and due to the obscurity of our Consciousness, we don’t identify him. One must see these facts in their entirety and individually. That is to say, the MESSIAH has returned and a few have identified him in the individual form but it is necessary for the People on their level to identify him also. For this to happen it is convenient that every studious, anxious and investigative person who wishes to find the mysteries of the LIGHT, becomes a co-participant and forms a related level in a propitious ambience having within the community of a Select People an education and discipline. This will consist of eliminating all ambiguous conversation which is useless; all acts that tend to damage the harmony that should exist around these People and that impedes the expression of that force emanated from the internal part and helps the human to be able to assimilate at every hour that inspirational state which produces the presence of the MESSIAH. CHAPTER 8 THE MOMENT As it is known by all the students of the Path, the Conscience is processed in other realms not of time nor of space. This is the reason why everyone who is doing the Great Work should leave behind him all the programs that are submitted to the time factor. This means one can make agendas about every day work but not submit the Conscience to that “tomorrow” or to that future; to that – “if I have time” or to that, “If I can…”. Don’t forget, dear reader, that the only thing we cannot do, is what we don’t want to or we don’t resolve ourselves to do. The moment is a point where the past, the present and tomorrow converge permitting the Conscience to emancipate itself from the embattlement we have made for it in the mind and by reasoning. When the Conscience is in the instant, the moment, the present, one can know and therefore understand the profound significance of the Work we are doing. In that “now’ in that present moment the CHRIST is present, the MESSIAH to instruct us in comprehension, in Consciousness and thus be able to extract the LIGHT from the darkness of our every day lives. The moment is a complete existence and corresponds to the world of the spirit; time is an eternity that corresponds to the mind. The instant can be illuminated by the CHRIST but time cannot, since within it, all the events of life and the battle of opposites are processed.

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The moment carries us into the infinite, to the unknown; what is small here, is great there. This means that time is so small in the world of the Spirit that it doesn’t even exist. The “moment” is so great in the world of the Spirit that it fuses itself to the same Spirit. It is necessary for us, we the seekers of the Light, to make great efforts to live the moment, to be the moment so that the Light of the Conscience receives the sparks of the Light of the CHRIST taking us to that profound understanding of what we are in relation to the infinite. Man is nothing more than a point found in the heart; when man leaves that point, he leaves off being infinite; he passes to the mind where he remains enslaved by time, by duality, by events and logically by a “psychological moon”. One must live within the infinite, within the uncreated Light of our own interior universe. That is how the Light can be processed within each one of us and will permit us to identify our MESSIAH, so that when He comes on that day, he will not find us in darkness. The person who seeks the Truth should not be in darkness because the Truth does not belong to a form nor to a concept… The Truth is the Truth and is processed within the purest human conception giving us new octaves for our reason of being. CHAPTER 9. THE ROAD This is a term used for someone who is on the Path whichever side of the road he takes. We could say that it is a line that leads to a place and this “end” must be analyzed in 3 ways: It is where the great masses of people go, impulsed by forces they don’t even know about: hate, lust, envy, avarice, jealousy, bad will, self-love, etc. etc. etc. That road, as everyone knows, can lead to no other place but to the abyss from where there is no return. Everyone who carries these perverse elements within themselves, belonging to whatever religion or belief, is on the road to the abyss; thus, the more one puts off a just decision to regenerate oneself, the road becomes more and more dense. It is this reason why everyone who walks this path carries evil and/or perversity within.

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The second road is where everyone walks in accordance with the duties, obligations and responsibilities in this material world. This second Path is neither good nor bad. It is the one we use to be able to simply survive. The third road is the one that doesn’t exist. It only appears when we are in pursuit of a regeneration in which we are going to eliminate our psychological aggregates and we assume the responsibility to accompany the CHRIST on His road to the Cross. This road must be looked at in two ways: in the attitude we have in the face of all the events in our life and the different steps our Internal CHRIST takes in the Cosmic Drama that He has to live. These two paths converge in the attitude, talent, equilibrium, discipline and obedience we have in our daily lives. It is important to reflect upon the symbiosis of this Work. On the First Mountain of our Liberation the Initiate must have an immense responsibility because his Internal CHRIST is in the process of being born, growing and becoming a man; that is to say, He does not direct his Work in its totality. On this stage of the Initiates’ work he must seek a total integration with his DIVINE MOTHER with his INTERNAL FATHER and with his Venerable GURU. On the Second Mountain the CHRIST is already a man converting himself into Hercules within us and then it is HE, who with the Scepter of Power of the BEING and making use of his Flaming Powers, he faces the heads of the legion crowning himself thusly, KING and giving us the right to inhabit in HIM and HIM in us; thereby converting himself into the Philosophical Stone. These aclarations are important to know and understand to see in an objective way what the road is the Initiate must walk in the seeking of our INTERNAL CHRIST so that HE is born, grows and becomes a man so that HE can redeem us. Before these successes can take place, we need to depend on the Intelligence of the BEING, the POWER of the SPIRIT and the LOVE of the CHRIST which are all within us but have not yet developed. They direct the three brains of the human machine giving us the impulses to make decisions to begin that road that corresponds to us as humans and as seekers of the Truth.

From the internal part, the individual essence acts by means of the Internal Being and the Spiritual Soul “BUDDHI” which reanimate us and accompany our Divine Mother DEVI KUNDALINI in the beginners’ process or the kindergarten of our work.

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The road for each individual person has its own personal characteristics; therefore, we must be very respectful of the Body of Doctrine given by the CHRIST and predicated by the AVATAR of the ERA of AQUARIUS.

Any person who changes the Doctrine makes the students lose the real PATH and commits grave errors against CHRIST and his Doctrine.

The Path must be looked at and understood with logical reason, understood in the heart and lived through our willing forbearance and that we accept it as the only reason for our existence. These forbearances are called voluntary because living them, we don’t protest; we simply accept them as the Cosmic drama of our Internal CHRIST. He who suffers and protests, walks with the Devil and does homage to pain and therefore walks around others for what happens to him; he does not assume the responsibility for his own life; he is weak and a coward and will never be able to sacrifice pain. He who suffers and is quiet, is a philosopher and seeks to be a wise man accompanying CHRIST on His way to the Cross; he dies for the world that is pain and is born for GOD who is Peace. CHAPTER 10. THE REPENTMENT Repentment is the name of we give to that act which is processed within ourselves when we understand that something we did was wrong; we could say that it is the beginning of a conscious process toward the fulfillment of the Law. We must look at this repentment in various ways: There are repentments of Consciousness; there are those caused by humiliation and there are emotional repentments. A person commits a crime; he sees he’s been discovered and he repents for having committed the crime, because he was discovered; he’s afraid of the punishment; he fears criticism and he fears what will be said about him. Another person commits many crimes. At a given moment he receives some lesson; he hears a lectures where the lecturer’s words reach into his consciousness; at that moment this person feels repentment for the wrong he has done; after this moment has passed, he forgets everything and continues in his delinquency. This had been purely an emotional state that came and passed and could never lead him to his own reality; that is to say, to make a radical change in his life.

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The third repentment is that which we make when we have profoundly understood what we have been, what we are and what we could get to be through a radical change in our life. That repentment is founded in the Conscience and comprehension. We find it in an action in which at that given moment the Conscience participated in our conduct and shows us how we must continue behaving using the Will Power that we must impose on ourselves with understanding of how we have to see our life, our existence and the comprehension of the way we are leading our life – in that we are lost. We must understand that as the son of GOD, we must not infringe his laws anymore since these violations are the origin of much pain, much suffering in us and at the end of it all, abyss will swallow us up; for that reason of what we have NOT done, have not changed our life, have not eliminated those infra-human elements from ourselves and which are the product of the same violation of the Law. That repentance that is honorable and sincere has its foundation in the following: That man leaves off being finite and passes to the infinite. That man leaves off being mortal passes to the immortal. That he stops being blind and passes on to see the LIGHT. That he stops being ignorant and passes on to being wise. That he stops being a humanoide and passes on to being a human. That he stops being human and passes on to being a MAN. That he leaves off being a Man and passes on to being a Superman. These are more than enough reasons to make this wise decision and to have a solid repentment. Remember that GOD only demands that we work for ourselves; we are not doing this Work for others. It is OUR Work; it is for our own good and for happiness. Repentance as in the entire Work of the FATHER demands: First: Will Power Second: Constancy – a continuation of our purpose Third: Discipline Fourth: Infinite Obedience to the Body of the Doctrine and the Work we have proposed to do. CHAPTER 11. THE RETURN In this chapter, dear reader, we would like to talk with you about something of supreme transcendence in the life of all of those seekers of the Light and those who practice the Doctrine of the Redeemer.

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As it is known, we are living in Apocalyptic times; the Messiah as we have already said in this Work has already made his appearance in all the epochs as the Message of Redemption. It has been predicated by those sent by GOD to maintain that constant communication between GOD and humanity. But today we find something of extraordinary transcendence and that has been the integration of the REDEEMER and the MESSIAH in the present. We could say that the CHRIST is present with His three characteristics which are: THE MESSIAH as the Message: the REDEEMER to redeem us and THE SAVIOR of those souls rescued by repentment. The return of the CHRIST is palpable, present in the people who have understanding of the Doctrine, comprehension of the Message, and of the Work of the Father, comprehension for the moment we are living, and of the apocalyptic times we are in. This return has been announced throughout the centuries by the prophets and by the Sacred Scriptures; only that the interpretation which this happening has been given, is not the one that corresponds to a wise interpretation of those messages. THE CHRIST is here to undertake the rescue of a People; we only need to make a solid decision and the continuation of the Work we have been doing. The return is the repetition of events which have happened in other times in which humanity has passed through the same phases. It is the end of a journey; it is the beginning of a new life. It is the meeting of the human conscience with the Love of GOD. It is the meeting of a Select People with the prophets, those who throughout history have come to bring the Message for human redemption. It is the encounter of a People, the son of GOD who throughout the centuries and the ages has been dispersed and who has returned to receive in his interior the Love of the FATHER, the Strength of the SPIRIT and the Light of the CHRIST so that in the interior of each one of these men and women, lovers of wisdom, seekers of the Light and respectful of the Law of GOD, he/she can enter into those Edenic places to testify the Love of GOD, the Compassion of the SPIRIT and the Great Sacrifice of the REDEEMER. Dear Reader and Brother, the CHRIST is here with humanity. Don’t wait any longer. Simply, follow him, apply transcendental logic, understand the mysteries, deny yourself, renounce those kingdoms He is the REDEEMER. He is the SAVIOR. He is here through the teachings of the FIFTH GOSPEL in those three essential factors and the pure Love emanating from your BEING, from the Light of the CHRIST who illuminates your road and in that marvelous Strength of the SPIRIT who makes you be intrepid and helps you be illuminated and be a true soldier of the cause.

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For Love, for The Light and for Liberty so that your Conscience is illuminated by this encounter and live together with the live CHRIST so that Peace reigns in your hearts. CHAPTER 12 PRELUDE On a spring day contemplating the blue of the mountains, the roar of the wind, the song of the birds and the movement of the clouds, I said to myself, “If these mountains are still who makes those movements that happen in and around them? Who produces that harmony that inspires me to meditate, to pray. . . enraptures me” and within me, I said to myself: “What is the reason for all those humans who have forgotten that devotion, that admiration, the surprise in the face of such extraordinary phenomena?” And so the day began when the SUN CHRIST appeared bringing warmth and therefore intensifying its LIGHT. People came and went…everyone perhaps in his every day jobs, carried along by an interior need; everyone seeking what to eat, what to drink, how to pass the time, some with the T.V., others with the radio, others in their cars; that is to say, every one with his daily plan, but lamentably deep within a total forgetfulness of themselves; I observed this and in the moment that I lived it, I analyzed this…these extraordinary phenomena I am seeing are nothing more than THE CHRIST giving life, producing a harmony so that all living creatures who inhabit this world have peace. I wished to direct my vision to another part of our geography and I could see the oceans with their very characteristic waves producing a harmonious movement and in the breast of the Earth, thousands of creatures living in order to maintain that latent life which lies within that sacred place of the sea. The mantle of the ether of life covered the oceans with its aureole giving it that beauty which is difficult to describe; the people were on the beach, bathing their bodies and celebrating a moment of happiness, of spreading out but nobody asked the question, perhaps, “Who maintains that harmony between the waters, the air and life – that we have here today?”. I wanted to ask, the people who I saw and were happy and content about what they thought about those marvels and I received the answer, “very nice”. I asked, but… “what other appreciation do you have about all this?. “No!, this is normal; this is the way the sea is everywhere.” And I said to them, “This morning I observed the mountains and saw an extraordinary phenomenon in them also. They were covered with an intense blue, symbol of the ether of life; I saw the clouds move, and I heard the water falling in the cascades producing a remarkable feeling of peace and harmony”. and I received the same answer. “That’s how the mountains and the countryside are.” This is to say that everything they see is in a natural way and I said to myself: “What a sad and

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lamentable life people have when everything becomes a custom, a routine and mechanical. They sleep seeing every thing as very normal. I went to the city and observed many cars in the streets, many people, and many dangers; women who sold their bodies, men who stole and murdered, armed policemen there to care for the city. That is to say, a real Hell. I went up to a group of good looking people who looked cultured and I said to them: “What opinion do you have about the convulsions of the city and its disorder?” and all together they answered me: “This is normal here and in every city”. I interrupted and said, “That means, this is almost necessary?” “No”, one of them answered, “it’s not necessary but the cities are like this!” Therefore that means that all this makes up a part of that routine people have become accustomed to. There is no sense of admiration that makes them reflect on the moral and spiritual decadence of society. Feeling real desperation I returned to my usual place and on the road I said to myself: “Not even the peace of the mountains, nor the peace of the seas, nor the confusion in the cities makes this poor humanity recognize the world we live in.” and I stopped on the road until night fell. A night full of clarity and mystery… I looked all around me and only felt the silence of the mountains, of the forests which all together with me rendered homage to that silence and to that marvelous phenomena. Some people passed on the road and I said to them: “What a beautiful night!” and they answered, “It’s that the weather is nice this time of year and we’re in the waning moon. “But I asked, “what can you say about what we are feeling” NO!, they answered, “This is normal in the country”. I continued on my way with my same questioning and reflection. How sad the life of the human being is when all becomes custom! They see everything as natural, carried along by the mechanical laws of nature just like the animal who has no conscience no reasoning to differentiate that extraordinary world of natural wonders that should produce inspiration in the wise man towards that Superior Being who put him in this paradise to make him King of all the Creation. We, the seekers of the light, wisdom and saintliness, should not live a life without a reason, without observation, without analysis, looking at everything in such a natural way. We must live a supernatural life, a life filled with amazement, a life of adoration, a life of contemplation so that we can reach that goal in that every thought process which is negative changes into an inspiration and a Superior Intellect; changes into a Superior Emotion connecting us with all

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the mysterious enchantments of our Mother Nature. Such is the life of the wise men; such is the life of he who seeks to escape the mechanical laws: EVOLUTION AND INVOLUTION! CHAPTER 13. THE PEOPLE OF GOD This name is given to that group of people, men and women who have accepted the Doctrine and the Message of Redemption; they have divested from themselves all types of dogmas and fanaticism; they have understood that the true religion is LOVE. This People is found throughout all humanity. They see the laws of men as the order that was established within humanity in order to be able to live together in the context of the human being but they see the Law of GOD as the only means to be at peace with GOD; this law of GOD stems from one point: “TO LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL THINGS” and it can be seen in all the commandments of the Law of Moses; so that when we make a study of these, we understand that who fulfills those commandments, does not need the laws of the Earth to judge him, because he fulfills all the norms in order to be a citizen with irrefutable conduct and therefore a Cosmic gentleman. Within that People of GOD is each individual doing his Work and of course, exercising the level in accordance with his corresponding perfection. This People of GOD has a means of being a unity; that means is the CHRIST LITURGY where the Body and Blood of the Lord, of the CHRIST are shared in equal proportions. Given these conditions in which this People accept and share this universal principle of life, called the Sacred Eucharist; thus, there is an integration with that unity which then becomes part of the Spiritual life of this People. Each member of this people will do his own Work for his betterment and regeneration and is going to form a new world where they can share that Spiritual life with all the people who are doing the same Work. This permits this People through this means and in the wisest way to live together and also to share that extraordinary encounter with the Doctrine and to share with THE CHRIST in that Holy Dinner, to have a meeting with the Message with the Substance that will nourish the body, the Soul and the Spirit. The People of GOD, those anointed with the substances of the CHRIST which are deposited in the Transmutation, in the Eucharist and in the Mysticism, multiplying themselves in the strength and the presence of the CHRIST, remove obstacles from the Aureole of different places and from the world so that through this, they can unite with the Lord Jehova, God of the Celestial Army and so remain confirmed here on Earth, all of those who live in this order, as the Army of the World’s Salvation.

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It is important for every student of the Gnostic Path to understand that as of this moment, in order to be part of this Army, one needs extraordinary discipline and march like a true soldier toward all the front lines where the CHRIST deserves our presence in order to be multipliers of His Message, of His Doctrine and in this way fulfill the rule: “He who gives wisdom, receives wisdom; he who gives love, receives love; he who cures, will be cured; he who loves, will be loved; he who sows, will harvest; he who lives to serve, has the right to live”. CHAPTER 14. THE REDEEMER The man and the woman are gifted with five sensorial senses, an intellect and reason; these permit us, each and every one of us, to be able to observe all the phenomena that happen around us. We must analyze them to have comprehension that we need to live and to do the Work. In the present book we have been talking about the MESSIAH or the MESSAGE known by all humanity, understood by few and badly interpreted by the majority. Perhaps we have heard speak of the REDEEMER and people identify him with the Cosmic Drama which occurred two thousand years ago, without understanding that THE CHRIST has no history because HE is present NOW and in the eternal present. That REDEEMER who has been present in the masses, at different times and is present in life and in the drama of each and every one of us. THE MERCIFUL ONE is present and latent in our Conscience and through the Divine emanation extending his hand to every creature at all times and every moment. These names are given to these expressions of the CHRIST through His love, by his light and through his greatness; then the CHRIST comes in Himself. This word makes us reflect on all that is called religion, because HE is, who has come to Earth, to form His Church and to form His People. For the CHRIST all of the creatures who live under the Sun are his children; but that does not mean that we are all his disciples. It is necessary for us to reflect on the commandments he has given to us; those of us who love him and follow him: “LOVE ONE ANOTHER…” “ON THIS STONE I BUILD MY CHURCH”. It is known by all those investigators and seekers of the Light, that the “Stone” is nothing more than the Solar Energy wisely transmuted, fundamental to the Church of the CHRIST and that PATAR or that PETER in the Bible is our sex and over that Church the Infernal Hell cannot

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prevail since in it, all the mysteries are contained there, those mysteries which have guided and oriented the pure men and women in their thoughts, words and deeds. Dear Brother and reader: The CHRIST is with humanity; he has come, he has returned and is fulfilling the word of the Scriptures; “Do you want to know him? Do you want to identify him?” Remember brother, that He is not a person but does utilize a person who is correctly prepared to give his Message. It is not strange to know that in ancient times many people incarnated Him. Today there is a People who love him, who listen to him and who follow him; that’s why He, making use of his power and his grace, comes, speaks, predicates, teaches and instructs the People who are united around him to form a great force that responds to his Message, to his Doctrine and therefore accompanies Him on His Great Way to the Cross on Calvary toward the triumph of all of us. V. M. Lakhsmi LOOK FOR MORE BOOKS BY V. M. LAKHSMI SHORTLY!