The Proverbs © John Stevenson, 2010. 1-9 Appeal to Wisdom Proverbs of Solomon 10-24 Proverbs of...

The Proverbs © John Stevenson, 2010

Transcript of The Proverbs © John Stevenson, 2010. 1-9 Appeal to Wisdom Proverbs of Solomon 10-24 Proverbs of...

The Proverbs

© John Stevenson, 2010


Appeal to

Wisdom Proverbs of



Proverbs of


One Verse Maxims Larger Couplets

Good Woman

25-2925-29 3030 3131

Words of Agur

Words of King Lemuel

375 Proverbs375 Proverbs

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Proverbs 10:1 Proverbs 10:1 The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a father glad, But a foolish son is a grief to his mother.

Proverbs 10:2-4Proverbs 10:2-4Ill-gotten gains do not profit, But righteousness delivers from death. 3 The LORD will not allow the righteous to hunger, But He will reject the craving of the wicked. 4 Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich.

Proverbs 10:5 Proverbs 10:5 He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely, But he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully.

Proverbs 10:26 Proverbs 10:26 Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes,

So is the lazy one to those who send him.

Proverbs 10:29 Proverbs 10:29 Do you see a man skilled in his work?

He will stand before kings;

He will not stand before obscure men.

Proverbs 6:6-8 Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, O sluggard

Observe her ways and be wise,

Which, having no chief,

Officer, or ruler;

Prepares her food in the summer,

And gathers her provisions in the harvest.

Proverbs 6:9-11 Proverbs 6:9-11 How long will you lie down, O sluggard?

When will you arise from your sleep?

10 “A little sleep, a little slumber,

A little folding of the hands to rest” –

11 Your poverty will come in like a vagabond

And your need like an armed man.

Proverbs 15:19 Proverbs 15:19 The way of the lazy is as a hedge of thorns,

But the path of the upright is a highway.

Proverbs 11:28 Proverbs 11:28 He who trusts in his riches will fall,

But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf.

Proverbs 3:27-28 Proverbs 3:27-28 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,

When it is in your power to do it.

28 Do not say to your neighbor,

“Go, and come back,

And tomorrow I will give it,”

When you have it with you.

Proverbs 22:7 Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor,

And the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.

Proverbs 26:17-19 Proverbs 26:17-19 Like one who takes a dog by the ears

Is he who passes by and meddles with strife not belonging to him.

18 Like a madman who throws

Firebrands, arrows and death,

19 So is the man who deceives his neighbor,

And says, “Was I not joking?”

Proverbs 26:20-22 Proverbs 26:20-22 For lack of wood the fire goes out,

And where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down.

21 Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire,

So is a contentious man to kindle strife.

22 The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels,

And they go down into the innermost parts of the body.

Proverbs 26:23-25 Proverbs 26:23-25 Like an earthen vessel overlaid with silver dross

Are burning lips and a wicked heart.

24 He who hates disguises it with his lips,

But he lays up deceit in his heart.

25 When he speaks graciously, do not believe him,

For there are seven abominations in his heart.

Proverbs 26:26-38 Proverbs 26:26-38 Though his hatred covers itself with guile,

His wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.

27 He who digs a pit will fall into it,

And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him.

28 A lying tongue hates those it crushes,

And a flattering mouth works ruin.

Proverbs 22:10-12 Proverbs 22:10-12 Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, Even strife and dishonor will cease.11 He who loves purity of heart And whose speech is gracious, the king is his friend.12 The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, But He overthrows the words of the treacherous man.

Proverbs 22:13-14 Proverbs 22:13-14 The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside; I shall be slain in the streets!”14 The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; He who is cursed of the LORD will fall into it.

Proverbs 13:1-3 Proverbs 13:1-3 A wise son accepts his father's discipline, But a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.2 From the fruit of a man's mouth he enjoys good, But the desire of the treacherous is violence.3 The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Proverbs 30Proverbs 30

Proverbs 30:5-6Proverbs 30:5-6Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. 6 Do not add to His words Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.

Proverbs 30:7-9Proverbs 30:7-9Two things I asked of You, Do not refuse me before I die: 8 Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, 9 That I not be full and deny You and say, “Who is the LORD?” Or that I not be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God.

Proverbs 30:11-13Proverbs 30:11-13There is a kind of man who curses his father And does not bless his mother. 12 There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not washed from his filthiness. 13 There is a kind-- oh how lofty are his eyes! And his eyelids are raised in arrogance.

Proverbs 30:14Proverbs 30:14There is a kind of man whose teeth are like swords And his jaw teeth like knives, To devour the afflicted from the earth And the needy from among men.

Proverbs 30:15-16Proverbs 30:15-16The leech has two daughters, “Give,” “Give.” There are three things that will not be satisfied, Four that will not say, “Enough”: 16 Sheol, and the barren womb, Earth that is never satisfied with water, And fire that never says, “Enough.”

Proverbs 30:18-19Proverbs 30:18-19There are three things which are too wonderful for me, Four which I do not understand: 19 The way of an eagle in the sky, The way of a serpent on a rock, The way of a ship in the middle of the sea, And the way of a man with a maid.

Study and present the roles of Study and present the roles of the following women in Proverbsthe following women in Proverbs

The Woman The Woman of Follyof Folly

Proverbs Proverbs 2:16-192:16-19


The Wise The Wise WomanWoman

Proverbs Proverbs 1:20-331:20-338:1-208:1-209:1-69:1-6

The Excellent WifeThe Excellent WifeProverbs 31:10-31Proverbs 31:10-31

• She conducts her affairs in such a way as to instill trust on the part of her husband (31:11)

• She is both hard-working and efficient

• She is not afraid to engage in business

• Praise is given both to her husband as well as to her

Proverbs 31:10 Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife, who can find?

For her worth is far above jewels.



““A woman of might”A woman of might”

Proverbs 31:10 Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife, who can find?

For her worth is far above jewels.



““A woman of might”A woman of might”

……there were in Israel eight hundred thousand there were in Israel eight hundred thousand valiantvaliant men who drew the sword (2 Sam 24:9) men who drew the sword (2 Sam 24:9)

Proverbs 31:10 Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife, who can find?

For her worth is far above jewels.



Proverbs 31:11 Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,

And he will have no lack of gain.

ll'v'll'v' ((ShalalShalal)) Prey, bootyPrey, booty

Proverbs 31:11 Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,

And he will have no lack of gain.

ll'v'll'v' ((ShalalShalal)) Prey, bootyPrey, booty

Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; In the morning he devours the prey, In the morning he devours the prey, And in the evening he divides the And in the evening he divides the spoilspoil. . ((Genesis 49:27).Genesis 49:27).

Proverbs 31:11 Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,

And he will have no lack of gain.

ll'v'll'v' ((ShalalShalal)) Prey, bootyPrey, booty

And behold, the servants of David and And behold, the servants of David and Joab came from a raid and brought Joab came from a raid and brought much much spoilspoil with them (2 Samuel 3:22). with them (2 Samuel 3:22).

Proverbs 31:12-14 Proverbs 31:12-14 She does him good and not evil

All the days of her life. 13 She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight. 14 She is like merchant ships; She brings her food from afar.

Proverbs 31:15-16 Proverbs 31:15-16 She rises also while it is still night

And gives food to her household

And portions to her maidens.16 She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.

Proverbs 31:17-19Proverbs 31:17-19She girds herself with strength

And makes her arms strong.18 She senses that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out at night. 19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, And her hands grasp the spindle.

Proverbs 31:20-22Proverbs 31:20-22She extends her hand to the poor,

And she stretches out her hands to the needy.

21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household, For all her household are clothed with scarlet. 22 She makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.

Proverbs 31:23-25Proverbs 31:23-25Her husband is known in the gates,

When he sits among the elders of the land.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies belts to the tradesmen. 25 Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future.

Proverbs 31:26Proverbs 31:26She opens her mouth in wisdom,

And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:27-29Proverbs 31:27-29She looks well to the ways of her household,

And does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying: 29 “Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all."

Proverbs 31:30-31Proverbs 31:30-31Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,

But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

31 Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates.

Lessons from the ProverbsLessons from the Proverbs

• The Universal need for WisdomThe Universal need for Wisdom• The Universal Arena of WisdomThe Universal Arena of Wisdom• What is Wise is also what is GoodWhat is Wise is also what is Good• Principles rather than PromisesPrinciples rather than Promises• A real view of the real worldA real view of the real world• Christians are called to be street-Christians are called to be street-
