The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program...

The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers; Supervises that all these duties are carried out; Chairs the Committee and Club meetings; Is member of the Area Council and of the District Council; Inducts new members and presents each one with a TM pin and an Information Package; Coaches team members; recognizes achievements; Insures members’ satisfaction; Inspires the Club with the aims of Toastmastering including attendance at Area, Division and District Conferences and participation in Area, Division and District Speech Contests; Votes at Annual Business Meeting

Transcript of The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program...

Page 1: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The President

• Is the club's CEO;• Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program• Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;• Supervises that all these duties are carried out;• Chairs the Committee and Club meetings; • Is member of the Area Council and of the District Council;• Inducts new members and presents each one with a TM pin and an

Information Package;• Coaches team members; recognizes achievements;• Insures members’ satisfaction;• Inspires the Club with the aims of Toastmastering including

attendance at Area, Division and District Conferences and participation in Area, Division and District Speech Contests;

• Votes at Annual Business Meeting

Page 2: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The VP Education• Sets up the education programme for the year;• Keeps records of member performances and progress;• Encourages members to participate in the various assignments

in Club meetings, while providing educational information;• Assists and supports new members; assigns mentors for new

members if required; • Insures members’ satisfaction;• Acts for the President, chairs meetings etc. when the President

is absent;• Directs planning and implementation of the manual-based

programs and educational seminars, scheduling members for speeches, and encouraging members to achieve their goals;

• Is member of the Area Council and of the District Council;• Votes at Annual Business Meeting

Page 3: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The VP Membership• Plans and implements a marketing effort to maintain and

increase the membership level, working with groups both inside and outside of Toastmasters;

• If applicable, coordinates an induction ceremony for new members;

• Greets all guests and answers their questions;• Maintains contact with each member; Insures members’

satisfaction;• Follows up on guests, new members, and members not

attending meetings; maintains attendance records;• Is responsible for the new members goal in the Distinguished

Club Program together with the VP Public Relations and for the dues renewal report together with the Secretary and the Treasurer;

• Is member of the Area Council.

Page 4: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The VP Public Relations

• Runs a program to maintain a positive image of Toastmasters for all members, guests and the general public;

• Is responsible for the new members goal in the Distinguished Club Program together with the VP Membership;

• Is responsible for distributing news releases regarding activities and works with (or is) the Newsletter Editor;

• Promote the club in the local media; maintains a club web page;

• Announces upcoming events and programs;• During the meetings, he/she greets guests and answers their


Page 5: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The Secretary

• Is responsible for records and correspondence;

• Manages the official Club documents, membership and officers records, orders for Toastmasters supplies, minutes of meetings etc;

• Is responsible for the dues renewal report together with the Vice President Membership and theTreasurer;

• During the meetings, he/she circulates an attendance sheet;

• Records the minutes of each club and Executive committee meeting;

• Makes sure that all club relevant information reaches those members who do not have an email address.

Page 6: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The Treasurer

• Is responsible for the financial policies, procedures, audits and controls;

• Is responsible of all bank related issues;

• Receives and disburses dues and funds in payment of obligations, and plans a budget for the committee;

• Is responsible for the dues renewal report together with the the Vice President Membership and the Secretary.

Page 7: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The Sergeant at Arms

• Serves as main host, welcoming members and guests to meetings (together with the VP Public Relations and VP Membership);

• Makes the arrangements for meetings, including refreshments, seating, materials and equipment;

• Organizes the collection and counting of ballots;

• Controls the club property between meetings.

Page 8: The President Is the club's CEO; Coordinates Club Success Plan – Distinguished Club Program Coordinates and delegates duties to the Committee Officers;

The Immediate Past President

• Provides guidance and serves as a resource to Club Officers and members;

• Assists in the preparation of the Club Success Plan;

• Promotes the Club efforts to become a Distinguished Club;

• Chairs the Nominating Committee each year prior to the annual elections.