The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk

The Perfect Storm Peter Van Buskirk Author, Speaker & Former Dean of Admission [email protected] © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk


College admissions expert Peter Van Buskirk discusses "The Perfect Storm" surrounding college admissions in the 21st Century.

Transcript of The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk

Page 1: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk

The  Perfect  Storm  

Peter  Van  Buskirk  Author,  Speaker  &  Former  Dean  of  Admission  

[email protected]  

 © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

Page 2: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

The  college  admission  process  hasn’t  

always  been  this  way!  


Page 3: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

Early  1980’s:  Storm  Clouds  Gather  

▲ Changing  demographics  

▲ InsAtuAons  muster  to  respond  

▲ College  rankings  enter  the  picture  

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A  closer  look  at  each  factor    

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Changing  Demographics  

A  40-­‐year  3meline:  1980-­‐2020  

1980   1985   1990   1995   2000   2005   2010   2015   2020  

Forecast  (number  of  college-­‐age  students)  Actual  (number  of  college-­‐aMending  students)  

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Higher  Ed  Responds  Strategically  

▲ Enrollment  retrenchment  

▲ Aggressive  outreach—RECRUITMENT  

▲ MarkeAng  

▲ Strategic  deployment  of  resources  

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Rankings  Emerge  to  QuanBfy  Mythical  Pecking  Order  of  Colleges  

▲ Admission  data  

▲ Measures  of  the  student  experience  

▲ “ReputaAon”  

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Flawed  rankings  are  impacYul  

on  many  fronts    

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Impact  on  Consumers  

▲ Plays  on  anxiety  

▲ Presumes  to  define  the  “best”  

▲ Creates  desAnaAon  orientaAon  

Page 10: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

Impact  on  InsBtuBons  

▲  Introduced  new  accountabiliAes  

▲  Birth  of  enrollment  management  

▲  Fueled  compeAAon  between  insAtuAons  for  

placement  on  ranking  lists  

▲  “CreaAve”  data  reporAng  

Page 11: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

Emerging  InsBtuBonal  “Hidden  Agendas”  

▲  ROI  ($$)  

▲  Emphasis  on  managing  yield/selecAvity  

▲  Emergence  of  test  results  as  proxy  for  


Page 12: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

The  Result:  

▲  Need-­‐blind  admission:  fact  or  ficAon  

▲  MeeAng  full  demonstrated  need  of  all  admiMed  students—sort  of  …  

▲  Changing  “water  into  wine”  

▲  Impact  of  differenAal  needs  analysis  and  preferenAal  treatment  

A  widening  gap  between  ins:tu:onal  rhetoric  and  reality  

Page 13: The Perfect Storm: College Admissions in the 21st Century with Peter Van Buskirk © 2014, Peter Van Buskirk

Playing  the  Yield/SelecBvity  Game  

▲  Tracking  demonstrated  interest  

▲  Strategies  to  increase  applicaAons  

▲  Early  Decision  

▲  The  Wait  List  

▲  January  offers  of  admission  

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The  Myth  of  the  Test(s)  

▲  CompeAAve  credenAals  

▲  Super-­‐scoring  

▲  Test-­‐opAonal  

▲  “Score  Choice”  

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Where  will  it  end?    

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AcBon  Steps  

“InterpreBng  Outcomes  for  Bewildered  Applicants”    March  20  @  12:00  PM  ET  


1.  Become  educated  about  what  is  going  on  in  the  college-­‐going  space  

2.  Support  students  and  parents  with  good,  insighYul  informaAon  

3.  Promote  healthy,  construcAve  decision-­‐making  

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Peter  Van  Buskirk  College  OrientaBon  Programming  

Contact  Info:    

▲  Students  &  Parents  ▲ College  Access  Professionals  

▲ 717.808.5462  

▲ [email protected]