The perfect pr 2

The Perfect Guy… The Perfect Guy Website Analysis

Transcript of The perfect pr 2

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The Perfect Guy… The Perfect Guy

Website Analysis

Page 2: The perfect  pr 2


The Perfect Guy doesn’t have its own website however can be found on the Song website due to them being the production company.At the top of the page there are sub titles which say ‘Movie , Television ,Game and Social'. This is used to give a clear direction to other products that are relate to Sony , as the audience of The Perfect Guy may be interested in Sony’s other work. This also helps to develop a large audience for Sony helping with the support for future productions which is a typical convention for a production company especially from the five Majors , six including Sony as the success of the company is rising. The sans serif font used adds a professional , modern image which suits the style of their 21 century films. The white colour used for the font allows the title to stand out and to be easily recognisable on the gradient black/grey background. The black background also helps to connote a thriller film as black is usually associated with thriller/horror film as it nicely compliments the films image as it helps add a sense of mystery .

There are also links to social media sites on the webpage, this is used as a way for Sony to interact with their audiences for this film , keeping them updated and attract new people to go and watch the film. The links shown include links to the Facebook page , YouTube , twitter and more .This is also a way for them to easily advertise the film spreading the film around attracting a wider audience. This also connotes that the target audience for this film will be younger people as they're more likely to use social media and spread the film around on the internet .

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BackgroundThe background for this webpage on the Perfect Guy sticks to two main colours which include white and black maybe used to connote good vs evil which is one of the main themes in the film. Although the colours are plain this still comes across as modern , as it can be used to clearly show the main conventions on the site such as the film cover and detail surrounding the film , allowing them to be eye catching to the viewer. The colours also match the colours used on the film cover keeping the theme consistent throughout and allowing it to be recognisable to the audience.

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Film CoverThe film cover is shown on over half the page , dominating the site and instantly catching the viewers eye. The cover still has the same visuals as shown on the poster but just has a different layout which still helps connote a thriller by the colours and images used. This is useful to have on the website as, if the audience haven’t already seen the poster they can still see from the webpage the representation .The main colours used on the film cover matches the colours used on the webpage (mainly black ad white),this keeps the website consistent throughout , however, it still stands out on the webpage. The red title is the main eye catching thing when the audience first enters the webpage as it’s in a bold bright red font which stands outs against the white and black colours used. The colour red is usually associated with danger and lust fitting in with the genre of thriller. The colour black is always associated with thrillers as they represent a sense of mystery and hidden secrets. The text is in a san serif font which matches the webpage adding a professional image and modern image.

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TrailerThis is probably the most important part on the webpage as the trailer can attract an audience and gives them an understanding of what the film is about. This takes up a third of the page ,placed next to the film cover keeping the webpage consistent on all the things associated with the film. The trailer dominates the page because as soon as the viewer goes on the video instantly begins to play instantly attracting their attention , making them interested and want to watch the trailer. As this is the trailer it is more noticeable than the videos shown below connoting its importance. This also has a link to YouTube allowing the users to watch other videos associates with the film , attracting their interests.

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Smaller video’s

These also have links to YouTube involving the viewers once again. Theses are placed below the main trailer connoting they’re less important on the site , however , this will still capture the viewers attention as they can automatically go through each video .The titles of these videos include “watch , buy , follow or join” which help include the viewers and almost commanding them to do this , adding to the popularity of the site and helping towards the advertisement of the film.

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Information Below the trailer and film cover at the bottom of the page there is information regarding the film. As shown on the image to the left the website provides details about the film including : who’s starring , the director , who’s it written by ,producer and executive producer. Theses are used to attract the viewer as they can see if there favourite actor/ess or direct is involved in the film making them want to watch it. The font sticks to the serif style keeping the website consistent. The black coloured writing allows it to stand out from the white once again sticking to the 2 main colour schemes.

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PIESThis webpage can link to PIES which Blumber and Katz suggest they meet the viewers needs.Personal identity –This is because they're in control of the site and have the power to discover information regarding the film which might reflect on them. The issue shown in the trailer might off happened to a viewer such as ending a relationship or finding someone who they thought was ‘perfect’ then discovering they're not.Informed- The webpage informs them about this new upcoming film attracting their attention. The trailer allows them to be given hints to what the film involves. The poster indicates what the characters look like and who they're played by.Entertain – The trailer is the main entertainer on the page as it instantly attracts the viewers attention and allows them to be given an insight into what the film is about. This could be used to make them feel grateful that this hasn’t happened to them , so by watching the trailer it might attract them to watch it as they want to find out the end result.Social Interaction- The webpage instantly allows the audience to interact with the film. They are given options to watch the trailer or other video surrounding the film , they can see the the film cover and details abut the film or actor/ess below. This form of media mainly would attract a young audience mainly teenagers aged 15 and over, so by having a clear layout and links to social media t allows the film to be advertised which they can share with their friends.

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Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

The theory plays a significant role in advertising products and services. Adverts and products play on audience’s need in order to consumer and/ or sell products.This webpage meets the needs of its audience referring to Marlow as it meets their cognitive needs and Love / belonging .The way it meets their cognitive needs is by allowing them to explore the webpage which helps them to understand the film in more detail which they gain by watching the trailer or from the information provided below.It also allows them to feel loved and belonged as this is a new upcoming film so by watching the trailer it allows them to be able to discuss with other what they think of the film and maybe attract them to go and watch it.