THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our...


Transcript of THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our...

Page 1: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


Page 2: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming



Summary of the Profile page 3

The Team Vicar page 4

The Parish of St. Peter page 5

The church and its people page 6

The church and the community page 9

The church and its buildings page 12

The wider context page 14


1. Action Plan 2016

2. Area Dean’s Statement

3. Clergy Role Description

4. Person Specification

Page 3: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


We are delighted that you wish to find out more about us ...

St. Peter’s, Newton is one of four Anglican churches in the Newton Team. It is a welcoming parish church that is open to all and which serves the older part of the town and is constantly seeking to maintain and develop its role in the community. This appointment presents a wonderful opportunity to work alongside another team vicar, the team rector, our shared ministry team and some very gifted lay people, who come together to work towards the building up of God’s kingdom in our town. Our church is a vibrant, friendly and welcoming place. The worship style is traditional Anglican – where

the main focus is Holy Communion, said and sung, using Common Worship. A robed choir and organ

provide musical accompaniment with Altar servers supporting clergy. There are a number of retired

members along with many younger families forming the fellowship, creating a lively atmosphere with a

willing congregation who are certainly ready to move in new and interesting directions.

Finances are strong with a large number of planned givers which guarantee a regular income thus

enabling the church to pay its parish share and other expenses quite easily. A fundraising committee

organises events to raise money for specific projects.

Our service pattern provides a variety of services which cater for a wide age range with different

needs. The Half Three and Tea Service has proved immensely popular with young families and has

paved the way for some families to be able to feel comfortable enough to attend on Sunday mornings.

The monthly Parade Service encourages all our church family to be involved, including uniformed


We wish to appoint a vicar who will ensure that the older members of the congregation are considered

whilst continuing to encourage children and young families. We believe that this is vital to future

growth and we place a great deal of importance upon ensuring that they are made to feel welcome

and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award.

“Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming to all.”

To view our 2015 Annual Report and Financial Statements or for any further information, visit our website, facebook and youtube using the links provided below

Page 4: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


St. Peter’s would like a team vicar with vision who:

will lead and challenge in mission

can nurture our spiritual journey in growing closer to God is able to discern and develop the gifts and talents of the congregation; encouraging more,

including younger members to take on roles in running the parish

can motivate and support lay members is able to manage change sensitively

can build on the church’s presence in our primary school and is willing to take an active role in

school worship, school governance and the pastoral care of the children and staff

will maintain links with other schools in the parish

can engage with children and their families

will maintain and develop the quality of worship

can accommodate all styles of worship and praise

will ensure the continuity of formal and informal visiting

will help to ensure we meet our financial responsibilities can encourage the maintenance of our church building.

We also pray for a Team Vicar who will enjoy participating in not only Church events but also community activities, ensuring that we can continue to build on the current links between the church and the wider community.

If you feel called to join us, we will do all we can to offer:

a warm welcome

our support in prayer and our involvement in leading worship and parish organisation

a sense of collective responsibility for the parish and support for the church in the community

a recognition of the challenges ahead and a willingness to support your initiatives to the best of

our abilities

a pleasant place for you (and your family) to live.

Page 5: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


Newton-le-Willows is a small, historic town in the

Metropolitan Borough of St. Helens, located at the

intersection of the M6 and M62 motorways. The railway

station serves Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington,

Chester and North Wales and major works are planned to

improve facilities and car parking, including a new bus

station. Its central location has caused Newton to

become increasingly attractive to commuters, since all

nearby major towns and cities are within easy reach. The

population of Newton is in the region of 25 000, of which

approximately 6500 are in St. Peter’s Parish.

The present town of Newton, which is still expanding, has grown out of an older rural community that became

more industrialized with the expansion of the railway industry. In years past the printing industry, sugar

refining, coal mining, the railway and engineering works played an important part in the local economy but sadly

this is no longer the case. The newer, more industrial and commercial part of the town is Earlestown where a

variety of shops, supermarkets and banks can be found. There is also a market held in the square each week.

There is a good community spirit with community events held in the beautiful parks and High Street, which are

very well supported. A wide range of sports and leisure facilities for all ages are available at Selwyn Jones Leisure

Centre and Newton Sports Club.

Schools in the area are good with St. Peter’s Primary School judged to be outstanding in December 2013.

St. Peter’s C.E. Aided Primary School and Newton County Primary School serve the parish for primary education

with Hope Academy catering for 11-18 year olds and there are also a number of private nurseries in the area.

There are no retirement or nursing homes in the parish but Willow Court provides sheltered accommodation.

Newton Cottage Hospital deals with minor routine procedures, receives elderly day patients and provides some

respite care. Local hospitals with A&E facilities can be found in Warrington, St. Helens and Whiston.

The Church of St Peter is an

imposing Grade II listed building

standing at the eastern end of the

tree lined High Street, which boasts

a number of restaurants, shops and

public houses and marks the

entrance into Willow Park

Conservation Area.

Its size, height and function as a church make it visible as a landmark building. St Peters Churchyard is the largest

public open space in the High Street Conservation Area. A church has stood on this site since 1242 though the

present building was completed towards the end of the nineteenth century. Although located at the edge of the

parish, St Peter’s is at the very heart of the community. The church building is available to numerous local

groups locally both young and old from parents and tots to the Bridge Club.

Page 6: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


St Peter’s PCC is a conscientious and committed body with 28 members, of whom 11 are

ex-officio members. Five new members are elected each year and the retiring members

are expected to stand down for one year before being eligible for re-election. There are

four representatives on Winwick Deanery Synod. The church has one active reader and

is fortunate enough to have a retired archdeacon and three retired vicars resident in the

parish. There is also a large contingent of willing volunteers to take on the many roles

within the Church.

A shared ministry team was commissioned to St. Peter’s in November 2014.

With regular meetings, it is committed to basing its life in prayer and developing

its spirituality. Under the direction of the PCC, its focus is to develop new

opportunities for fellowship and growth, develop strategies to engage 8-14 year

olds and to engage ‘20/30 somethings’ into church life.

The robed choir is currently under the direction of the musical director and

organist, Shade Chort. The choir is enthusiastic and versatile, making a valuable

contribution to Sunday worship as do the bell ringing team, with the best ring o’

bells in the area!

The current monthly pattern of services are:

First, third and fifth Sundays 09:30 Parish Communion and Sunday School

Second Sunday 08:00 Holy Communion (said service)

09:30 All Age Parade Service (Non-Eucharistic)

14:00 Baptisms

Fourth Sunday 09:30 Parish Communion

15:30 Half Three and Tea Family Service

Each Wednesday 10:00 Holy Communion (said service) and coffee

There are also special services provided on Ash Wednesday, during Lent, and Holy Week and on Ascension Day

for example. Common Worship is well established at all services and provision has been made for the

seasons of the church’s year, giving variety to services. Cassock, surplice and stole are the usual form of dress.

The average Sunday attendance is c.150 including children. During the course of

2015 there were approximately 54 baptisms, 19 weddings and 27 funerals in church.

Over recent years there have been large numbers of confirmation candidates, both

children and adults. In June 2016, 25 children and 4 adults were confirmed at

Liverpool Cathedral.

Sunday School meets in the annexe at the same time as Parish Communion and

there are a large number of children in attendance. They return to the body of the

church to receive a blessing at Communion. In recent years there has been a

steady growth in numbers of children aged from 3 to 11 years attending Sunday

School. St. Peter’s congregation is keen to encourage children and a corner of the

church has been dedicated to them. Both children and their parents use it during

services. The children’s corner recently celebrated its 70th anniversary.

The High Street,


Page 7: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


The Youth Group, which meets on Sunday evenings, caters for young people in the 10+ age range and aims to

prevent children dropping out of church after confirmation.

St Peter’s actively encourages growth in the Christian faith within and without of the normal Church services.

For the past few years the Alpha course has taken place and, in January 2016, this was joined by the Pilgrim

course. Both courses provide a nurturing environment that gives sound Christian teaching and a friendly

atmosphere, allowing opinions to be shared and discussed and questions asked that can be difficult to do at a

Sunday morning service. In addition there are two house groups, providing Bible study in the afternoon and

evenings, giving opportunities for learning to cater for busy modern lifestyles! All are well attended and

compliment the core Church services very well.

The church has strong links with charities and also supports Fair Trade. In addition to box collections, all donations from the Christingle Service each December are given to The Children’s Society. We support Christian Aid with donations from our Harvest Thanksgiving Service in October and through supporting emergency appeals. For the past 5 years we have joined with the other churches in the Newton Team, along with Cross Lane United Church and Earlestown Baptist church for a joint sponsored walk during Christian Aid Week. In addition to this regular support, many of the congregation make donations to the local food bank and we have speakers from other charities on an ad-hoc basis. So far in 2016 we have had speakers from The Leprosy Mission and The Gideon Society, with both charities receiving donations from the congregation. The congregation also donated a car full of items to Refugee Aid NW. There are a variety of parish organizations covering a wide age range. Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet

weekly and the PCC are keen to encourage and nurture the weekly youth group, which provides activities on

Sunday evenings for young people aged 10+. St. Peter’s Mums meet monthly as does the active branch of

Mothers’ Union that also runs a weekly Parent and Toddler Group. The bell ringers have a strong and

enthusiastic team. The Bell Tower was refurbished in 2002 and now boasts a ten bell peel, which attracts

interest nationwide. The choir meet for weekly practises and the gardening and maintenance group also meet


St. Peter’s always manages to pay its parish share and is very capable of raising extra money when needed. It

has recently joined the new Parish Giving Scheme and also uses the Diocesan Gift Aid Scheme, which provides

valuable additional revenue. It is a thriving parish which generates income each year in excess of £110k and has

done during each of the previous 3 financial year ends. The net income over expenditure each year is in excess

of £20k during the same three year period which has resulted in an increasing net asset position and a strong

balance sheet at 31 December 2015. During the first 6 months of 2016 this trend has continued with the cash at

Page 8: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


bank and subsequent balance sheet continuing to strengthen as cash is retained in the parish account for

specific projects.

There is excellent support for fundraising and social events within the church. A Social and Fundraising

Committee organise many community events throughout the year including Craft and Gift Fairs, Choir Concerts

and a Brass Band Carol Concert. The annual Christmas Fair is the biggest fundraiser in the Church’s calendar

when all the Church family groups have a stall.

Brass Band Carol Concert Spring Craft Fair

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Party Hog Roast Disco

Christmas Fair

Family BBQ

Page 9: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


St. Peter’s School was originally founded in 1860 and the Victorian

building has been extended and adapted over the years to provide

additional and improved accommodation. The Headteacher, Mrs

Barbara Flitcroft leads a large staff. The school was judged to be

outstanding in all areas following an OFSTED inspection in December

2013. The school’s admission number is 245 (35 per year group) and is

regularly oversubscribed, so a strict admission criteria is followed with

church attendance being carefully recorded.

The PCC elects Foundation Governors to serve on the Governing Body

at St Peter’s CE School. They are important members of the Governing

Body with a specific responsibility for monitoring and developing the

Christian distinctiveness of our school as well as a concern for the

maintaining of standards. School governance is considered as a form of Christian service, ensuring God’s love is

shared with the young people of the local community.

Our committed Governors choose to serve our School knowing that

they are making a difference to the lives of young people. They have

strong links with our school and complement the background,

experience and skills of other governors and contribute to a

balanced governing body. They are both challenging and supportive

of the school and the professionals within it. They volunteer in

school, are linked with class year groups and support many events

held within school.

Central to the school is the teaching of RE (following the Diocesan

Scheme) and daily acts of collective worship. The whole school

worships in church throughout the year for special festivals and

older pupils attend mid-week communion on a half-termly basis. All pupils and their families are invited to

attend Sunday worship, especially Family Service.

"Church is special to me because I like to pray. Church is special to the School because it's the School's


"St Peter's Church is special to me as a person because I get to pray to God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and I

get to think about people who have died. St Peter's Church is special to us as a School because the name is

related to the School."

The school very much considers itself to be an integral part of the church’s mission. Relationships with the

school are very good and the PCC accepts its responsibility as the sponsoring authority. The previous incumbent

was the Chair of Governors who took an active role in school worship and the pastoral care of the children and

staff. A Church-School partnership award was presented by the Bishop of Warrington in 2015

"Church is special to me because as well as the normal things you do, there are fun activities like fairs and

Sunday School. St Peter's Church is special to us as a School because we visit it."

Page 10: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


Twenty five children and four adults were confirmed at Liverpool

Cathedral on 23 June 2016. Confirmation classes were held in

school at lunchtime by church and staff members to prepare our

young candidates. They took their first Holy Communion on the

following Sunday in church, celebrated by the whole


“Being confirmed is good as I am now fully part of God’s life.”

“It was really good to do it all together with my class and was in

a very nice Church.”

Special services are held in Church by St Peter’s School and other local schools

throughout the year. St Peter’s Primary School invite parents to their Harvest,

Easter, Christmas and St Peter’s Day services in church. Junior children attend

midweek communion each half term and all classes visit for curriculum areas and

the Faith Trail. It is expected that the team vicar should be in complete empathy

with the aims and objectives of church schools and be actively involved in

continuing the strong links between church and school.

Our Church has strong links with the local High School (Hope Academy) and their

Chaplain, Michelle Goodwin. St Peter’s is a feeder school and there are many

opportunities for our pupils to take part in workshops and other activities which

are open to several age groups. Hope Academy hold their Carol Service for primary schools in Church and

Wargrave House School use it for their Leavers’ Service. The building is ideal for large events; its convenient

location and parking facilities ensures the support of the community and the continuing success of these social

and fundraising activities.

On Good Friday children in the community are invited to take part in art and craft activities, whilst reflecting on

the meaning of Easter. Sunday School celebrate the start of the summer break with a Teddy Bears Picnic and

take part in a nativity play at Christmas to a packed Church as part of the Christingle and Gift Service. This is

followed by the Community Tree Lighting led by the Vicar and the Church Choir as part of the High Street

Community Hub event.

Spring Craft Fair Easter craft activities Easter garden

Easter Bonnet Parade

Page 11: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


On the first Wednesday of every month (excepting December and January) Open Church takes place from 4pm

until 6 pm, when anyone can come into church and find a place of quiet. A time for peace and reflection, a time

to pray, a time to think, a time to get close to God. The church is also open for ranger events held on the park

nearby, when the annexe provides refreshments and toilet facilities.

The annexe is in regular use for other church and community activities such as: Knit and Natter, Craft and

Chatter, Rainbow Guides, Mothers’ Union Parent and Toddlers (MUPATS), Mothers’ Union Branch meetings,

St. Peter’s Mums Group, Age Concern Over 60s, Bridge Club, Tiny Talk, Gardeners Club, Labour Councillor

Surgery, Local and general elections, Deanery meetings.

Sunday School Nativity

Christingle Gift Service

Community Tree

Page 12: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


St. Peter’s Church stands on the A49 within easy reach of the

motorway network. It is situated on the fringe of Willow Park and

dominates the High Street. The present building dates from the very

late 19th century, although a church has stood on this site since 1242.

It is elegant and spacious with a seating capacity for approximately

325 people and is fully accessible, which means that it is often used

for large social events and concerts.

The church is in a reasonable condition,

though work is needed to restore parts

of the exterior stonework. The

stonework to the tower has been

repaired and made safe in 2013. A new

heating system and replacement carpet

is also high priority. To the rear of the

church there is a meeting room which

has a small kitchen with other facilities

and is much used and valued. However,

the long term plan is to extend this area

as it is often too small for the groups

that meet in it. Adjacent is a large car

park and the old burial ground (now closed).

The last Quinquennial Inspection was carried out in 2010, and highlighted a number of concerns, many of which

have been dealt with. We are obviously overdue our next inspection, but are awaiting the appointment of an


At the rear of the Church

there is a beautiful garden

area with patio and a Garden

of Remembrance, which are

well used and well kept by a

maintenance group that

meets bi weekly throughout

the summer and as often as

necessary during the winter.

Page 13: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


The vicarage is a large, modern four-bedroomed detached house which was built in 1988. It has been well maintained and the gas centrally heated accommodation comprises of a hall and staircase leading to four bedrooms (one with en-suite facilities) and a family bathroom. On the ground floor there is a lounge, study, cloakroom, fitted kitchen, utility and separate dining room. The additional rear lounge has a patio door that leads out to a large, well-kept rear garden. At the front of the property is a small garden and a parking area in front of the attached double garage.

Page 14: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


The Newton Team St Peters is one of four churches in the Newton Team (together with All Saints, Emmanuel and St Johns), and is located within the Deanery of Winwick. The team currently consists of 2 stipendiary clergy: a Team Vicar and a newly appointed Team Rector (who is also Assistant Area Dean plus half time Schools' minister for the deanery). The person who joins us as our next Team Vicar will therefore be joining this Team Ministry at an exciting time of change and development. We are looking for someone who will journey with us, helping us to build the vision, share the leadership and participate in the team. In particular we are looking for a colleague with whom we can be open and with whom we can work closely in building up the Christian community across the town. We Also Hold ‘Team Services’ usually as a part of festivals like Christmas and Easter [Maundy Thursday and Good Friday]..As you will see from this profile there are many opportunities and challenges, some of which are right to take up now and others deferred to a future date. There is also a need to look at existing on-going projects to discern what should continue, what should be brought to a close and what needs to be changed.

During two days in Holy Week (2016), the Newton Team organised an 'Experience Easter' event at St John’s Church, which is an initiative bringing together the four team churches and schools to share the events of Holy Week and Easter. It is an imaginative approach designed to help children think about the events leading up to Jesus death and resurrection. Experience Easter used six easy to assemble, interactive stations set up in different parts of the church. School children visited during the daytime and adults were invited to attend in the evenings.

Winwick Deanery

St Peters is one of the churches in the deanery showing active growth, reaching out to a diverse population through the occasional offices and a wide range of activities. St Peters enjoys a good relationship with the church primary school where several members of the church are committed governors. Members, for example, take an active part in the termly school Eucharist and school's faith week plus other activities. The school reciprocates with a healthy involvement in parish and deanery projects.

The Deanery is composed of 14 churches and there are currently no plans for further expansion or closures. Some reorganisation is anticipated but this should not involve the Newton team. It may involve transferring some parishes to an adjacent deanery.

Revd Chris Stafford [Team Rector]

performed Science experiments

during the Family Parade Service at

St. Peter’s to demonstrate how

science and faith meet. Both children

and adults were amazed!

Page 15: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming


The Deanery comprises of the Newton team (4 churches with 2.5 full time stipendiary priests incl. this post), the Lowton/Golborne team (3 churches with 2 full time priests), the linked parishes at Winwick/Burtonwood and Croft/Culcheth each sharing one priest. In addition there is St. James' - traditionally seen as a resource parish, helping to provide holiday cover (having an incumbent as well as other supporting priests). Finally Holinfare and Glazebury are in an interregnum having had a shared House-for-duty priest.

The Mission Plan is under review and the new incumbent at St Peters would have a significant contribution to make to formulating the revised plan. Winwick Deanery is looking to grow spiritually, and numerically under the Bishop's Growth agenda. Currently, our method is to empower lay people for mission and ministry e.g. training lay people for schools' ministry across the Deanery (such as with the 'Open the Book' initiative and the 'Christmas Journey').

The Christmas Journey was a Winwick Deanery initiative, which was co-ordinated by Chris Stafford and held at All Saints Church for three days in December 2015. It was put together by a team of volunteers from deanery churches with the aim of introducing Year 2 children from primary schools in the deanery to the Christmas Story, from creation to the present day, by travelling through different rooms. The Christmas Journey was a fully interactive experience for both children and adults and was very well received by all who took part.

Page 16: THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST - Anglican Diocese of Liverpool · and valued, which is reflected in our Child Friendly Church Award. “Our church is a happy, warm hearted family and welcoming




Welcome and


Recruit and train additional sidespersons.

Review roles to improve welcome

Wardens & Vicar Apr 2016



Continue to provide a range of services to suit all ages.

Enlist help to ensure continuity of Half Three and Tea Service.

Recruit volunteers to lead toddler sessions during morning service.


Vicar & Reader



Feb 2016

Feb 2016

Prayer & Bible


Continue with house groups and Alpha courses.

Begin Pilgrim Course to further nurture faith

Implement ‘Open Church’ project to give opportunities for reflection and prayer.

Grace McNulty, John

Higham, Dorothy

Matthews, Mark



Bob Dickinson & team


Jan 2016

Feb 2016


Conduct new skills audit to provide up-to-date information that can invite participation into roles

Delegate administration tasks.

Vicar & PCC Secretary Feb 2016

Apr 2016



Encourage volunteers in our primary school for: ‘Open the Book’ project,

Confirmation classes

Lunchtime prayer group.

Work with local schools to promote Christian Aid.



Foundation governors

C A Coordinator

Feb 2016

Apr 2016

Mar 2016




Create a database for fringe members to ensure contact is kept. Use database to invite to services and events.

Maintain contact with school parents to encourage attendance at services.


Vicar, foundation




Pastoral Care Utilise skills audit to create a new visiting team. Vicar, Reader Apr 2016