The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-04-21 [p...

n e1sii 1pn k 1 I Pabtuab lbeuing junw d VOL XXVII NO 95 PADUCAH KY THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 21 1910 TEN CENTS PER WEEK BASEBALL MEET TO DECIDE FATE 1 OF KITTY LEAGUE Upu Leyalty of Fans at To I H Bights l Gathering Des 1 peas League 4Ati Traction Ollice the Place at 8 Oclock y- a sic s OTHEIl TOWNS AHE WORKING Tonight tho baseball fans of Pa ducats will meet for tho purpoeo of organising tbo Paducah Baseball as ¬ sociation and preparing for tho or ¬ ganisation of tbo local team It will tita meeting of vital Interest and cfery admirer of tho Rome should be present on the second floor of the Paducah Traction companys omoo t6 Broadway at 8 oclock The but plan suggested I Is for tho orgnlution of the aiwoclatlca and fUns articles of Incorporation Tho capital stock will be fixed at 13000 R and tads sham sold for 1C By this + tame It will make It possible for a t Urge number of fans to bo loml ill Every person who takes over tio worUi of stock wilt bo entitles to tho privilege of paying CO per scat down nod tho other halt In CO del Ue ides tho tolling of shares It I Is pro- posed ¬ to sell at least LOW tickets J I IhI in the treasury sufficient to equip the teams and fMure r a good start In Clarks 1Iio Tenn it U report ¬ ed the tins bavo purchased lumber cap will start the work of erecting a s grand stand In a low days Hopkins y ivilla Is alto bard at work raising the t nocewary money for tho team Pa ¬ ducab I U unusually fortunate ns the ball park Is practically ready and f the only I work necessary 1s to orgraI lEe tho tram Other cities In the league will have greater odds to- t t tacos and the promoter feel tenth P s dent that Paducah will not fall down Mr II II ftewill manager of the t Paducah Traction company return- s ¬ ed yesterday from Boston where ho went on business In the east Mr Bewail lays the Interest In the nation ¬ al game I Is greater then It lass been In several years Mr Sowoll Is a fan himself and i tll anxious for the sucte5 of tho Kitty- llrookport Election I Ilrookport 111 April 31Tnts IdaT the elly of Urookport held its election for aldermen re ¬ I sulting In tbo following men being elected Lora Davis without oppo¬ IIIIltlon In Ward 1 Jeff Austin end- s W IL McOhoo tied In Ward 2 8 1 Douglas defeated J H Stephen t son In Ward 3 defeated by T J 4jEly J I a Tobacco Sales At the salesroom of the Planters Protective association this morning 160 hogsheads of tobacco which was 80 per cent of the offering woro sold The prices were Leaf 0 to SU lugs 6 to SR There were n largo number of buyers present IS Woman in the Case a atr rZ In line with the now dew refer- red ¬ I to In tho Evening Sun of Mon ¬ t lay that tho murder of Luther Thompson may have started In the 5- house of two women it far from the steno of tho crime Police Judge Crow today questioned A youns E e woman who was taken before him s and had her view the bodji He t would glvo out no Information Mrs Thompson Is pxpected hero tonight or tomorrow NO HOPE FOR MINERS IN ALABAMA MINE t Birmingham Ala April 21Reg I Ilcuerl are entering tho Mulga mine I 11 All of the forty men confined aro un ¬ exhaustedf IIA rescue party of mining exports 1and t Inspectors made a vats attempt 4 to penetrate tho lower level of tho Mulga mine wrecked by tho oxplos Ion last night They were driven J Jback by ga- sHALLEYS COMET SEEN IN THE EASTERN SKY Halloya comet was visible this morning In tho eastern sky Those who woro up at 430 oclock and t thought to look toward tho oast d t bodyF k bright and largo as on arc light shin Ing by Itself There was no tall to bo seen The comet does not shine by reflected llgbt but by IU own Incandescence u i- v r Fowler Ml Would Relieve Uncle Joel on of All His Authority rttdtteCommittee Appointments oftI I Accepts Challenge of Speak ¬ er t p AKWe by Rules or Fight and Proposes to Fight fmallItep thaih lellolutlonIntroduced adopted lt will strip tho speaker of all appointive power It Is the ac ¬ ceptance of Cannons Invitation to follow tbo rules or fight Tho dissolution of power arro- gantly abused by tho speaker Is es ¬ sential to the restoration of a tree representative government uald Fowler It Is now tlmo t > limit tho functions of tho speaker to pre ¬ siding over the deliberations of tho house The resolution will secure to both tho majority and tho minority the right to select membership of all committeesTho In the speaker of the right to appoint tho commit- tees ¬ gavo him the most autocratic Influence In American public lfo The consequence of tho power made tho office a gigantic machine for political blackmail Tho resolution provides for the election of seven Republicans and seven Democrats to name members of all committees Tho Fowler resolution was re ¬ tarred to tho committee on rules Tho Fowler resolution was read In silence After It was read Repre ¬ sentative Mann tried to call a point of order The resolution was a sur ¬ prise to the Insurgents aa well as the regulars Norris hurried over to Fowler when tho resolution was read Morris Fowler Murdock end other insurgent loaders conferred After tbo skirmish Fowler saId ho would not insist on IU present con ¬ sideration Tnft Illll pttMtra Washington April 21A bill mu thontlng the president to make with ¬ lIurp ¬ tho houwj Tho session was devoted to tho consideration of tho measure which It was stated met the ap ¬ proval of the president- As the bill was passed practically in tho form Introduced by Plckett of Iowa under tho terms of tho meas ¬ uro the president Ic authorized to withdraw from location etc public lands In tho United States and In Alaska for public uses and for ex ¬ lamInation and classification to de ¬ termine their character and value These withdrawals tho bill provides would remain In force until revoked by the president or by congress The administrations railroad bill and a resolution authorizing the ex ¬ penditure of 65000 for an extension of tho senates inquiry Into tho cost of living occupied tho attention of the senate but no action was taken onrfther meaIlUftI Senator Purcell spoke In opposi ¬ Ion to tho railroad bill declaring that It was the purpose of tho Admin- Istration to change tho1 personnel of the United State supreme court TO as to reverse former decisions on the rights of states to control questions Involving railroad litigation Following Purcell speech tho son ¬ ate engaged In a long wrangle over a parliamentary entanglement rolat ¬ ing1 to the iftatus of tho amendments offered by Senators Crawford and Cummins to the provision legalizing traffic agreements between railroad companies The condition was relieved by tho Burglars worked tho combination to tho safe In tho omen of the Padu- cah ¬ Printing and Hook Binding com ¬ pany 108 Broadway last night and robbed the cash drawer of 100 con- sisting of money and checks A lot of printing supplies were taken from the show window- J Harlan Griffith tho proprietor found tho front door unlocked when ho went to his store this morning but was unablo to toll whether the burglars effected entrance through tho front or rear Evidently they know the combination or were crack THE The predictions and tempera turo for the past twentyfour hours will bo found at the top of the seventh column on page fowloi a iJi rr1iJ liOV ilANIHTS Denver Colo April 21Fit ¬ I teen women and two men wore held up hero last night in a sea taumnt by two boy bandits who robbed tho till and escap ¬ ed The boys catered tbo cafe Ono stood at the door and covered tho customers and tho I other looted tho cash registers acceptance by Senator Elkins of the Crawford amendment as a substitute for the original provision Tho ef ¬ feet was to give the amendment the standing of a committee amendment and permit Cummins to prevent hlq suggestion as an amendment to tho section as thus modified The Craw ¬ ford provision requires that such agreements shall bo subject to the approval of tho Interstate commerce commission but does not specifically require that this approval thill be vouchsafed before tho atJteemcnU go Into effect Unwilling to take any chances on this point Cummins presented a sub Btituto specifying that tho approval should antedate tho taking effect of agreements As Cummins desired to speak at length on tho subject the senate adjourned without taking ac ¬ tion on either provision Bryan At Chicago Chicago April 21Wllllam Jen ¬ nings Bryan was tho guest of the Chicago Newspaper club last night Ho delivered an address and avoided any reference to pplltlcs Ho said ho was glad to learn of tho Dome I cratic victory when ho reached this country H Is difficult to say what It Indicated He told tbo club that newspaper ethics and Influences Is In South American countries lloOHcrcIt for Taft Washington April nTho state- ment was made today by one of Pre ¬ ident Tarts advisors that Roosevelt will support tho administration when ho returns It Is said Root wilt meet the colonel soo- nThompson I Must Vacate Notice was served today on County Almihouflo Keeper Thompson by tho magistrates that ho must vacate by May 1 as tho almshouro will bo con- ducted ¬ under a different plan here ¬ aftera Hublxr Good + Advance Now York April 21Prices of rubber goods of all descriptions III advance approximately 1 JO reF cent according to an announcement made today by tho United States Rubber company The reason assigned by the corporation Is the Increased cost of tho raw materi- alROMAN CROOK IS PREYING ON D A R DIAMONDS AND SAPPHIRES OK- MAYKIXMVKR DESCENDANTS ARE STOLEN Washington April 2 Daughters of the Revolution In scailon hero are looking for a woman crook who Is masquerading as a member Two rings one with a 3000 diamond stolen and another sot with diamonds and rapphlres disappeared Burglarc Open Safe in Broadway Office WEATHER safe burglars The cub box was prized open and > 3G In cash and 66- In checks taken No clow was left and tho police aro working on tho cato Evidently tho same burglar broke Into the wholesale feed store of H P Hawkins Son 212216 South Sec ond street last night but nothing was missed There was no money left In the sate last night and the safe door was left open With a pair of sole sore the burglars prized open the cash box and found nothing The only thing missed this morning was a bunch of keys When Mr Hawkins opened his office ho found the sate had been locked The burglars got through a rear window by knocking out a pane of glass They loft no clew to their identity Mr and Mre C W Grate of Clark street are the parents of a fine boy baby t Xy Y CONVICTS SEIZE TRAIN IN PRISON YARD AND ESCAPE Desperate Break by Five Men From Government Pen at Leavenworth Leader Was Famous Train Robber in His Day Milt Nth CAPTURED AGAIN Leavenworth Kaa April 21 Three life convicts escaped from the federal prison today The convicts seized a switch engine outside tho prison rode a short distance and took to the woods Two short term men went along Tho men overpowered the engi ¬ neer and fireman of the switch en ¬ glno working In tho prison yard and forced tho engineer at the point of a gun to run tho engine Into tho open country Of the five who made their escape three are serving life terms Forty guards and a company of soldiers are In pursuit on a ape clad train Tho men are considered tho moat dangerous In the prison When they left the engine Clark and John Gideon woro so closely pursued they dived Into a patch of woods and wero captured Arthur Hultt Robert Park and Thomas Keating ring leaders took refuge in a wIno collar The soldiers are closing In on them Hultt ind Keating wero leaders Intbo jail mutiny of 1901 Tbq switch tracks enter the on the west side The prIsonI I I just pushed lumber cars when some of tho men throllghI I crow and others opened It Is believed the arras were rur ¬ nished the men by former convicts Gideon was captured by a farmer Ho tried to bluff tho farmer with a dummy revolver Three are still at largo Gideon 4s tbo man who hold padncitrnln The engineer tells a thrilling story of his ride with tho convicts He said ho ran them five miles where ho reached a bridge being repaired lie told them If they ran Into It they would all bo killed Ho stopped the train and the mon forced tho crew to change clothes with them Clark was captured by a former prison guard Curtain tho engineer said the convIcts ran out and climbed on the engine when ho entered tho yards and pushed their guns in his face Tho men set tho switch for the main track and when tho engine started tho first gate was open and the see ¬ ond locked Tho convicts ordered him to smash IU Tho gate gave way and tho train then ran Into open territory Tho convicts scat ¬ tered when the engine stopped Futrell Case Continued The case of J S and Louts Futrell charged with murder was continued In criminal court for the defense on account of lack of wit aeases Judge Reed has called a special criminal session of court beginning July 18 At this torn the trial of Futroll and John Wiggins colored will be hold PUT COTTON EXCHANGE CLEAR OUT OF BUSINESS Now York April 21When the federal grand jury Investigating the charges against tho cotton pool re- convened today a dozen witnesses wore on hand to testify Thero was a fooling on the Exchange wlen Bubpocnaea woro issued for Patten and other cotton men to testify that tho real plan of the Jury H to put the Exchange out of business New York Aprtt x1James A Patten today made a statement that all the cotton mills In the world will hayo to close down in August and September on accqunt of no mate- rial to work on He reiterated his statement that ho haa DO intention of cornering tho market He said there Is a scrap on hand started by follows on the cotton exchango who thought ho would lose his nerve Pat tin criticized tho governments suit Chicago Market May High Low Clem Wheat 108 t < H34 108 Corn LSVa 57A 67- Ms s 42 H 41K 42 > rov 2190 2172 2190 Lard 1250 1237 1245 Ribs 1235 1222 133I t 4 Hiram Smedley Secures Reversal of Verdict in Criminal Court and is Granted New Trial on Charges Former County Court Clerk Convicted of Hisappropri sting Public Funds Wins His Point Frankfort Ky April 21 Special The appellate court today reversed tho verdict of the McCracken circuit court in tho criminal prosecution of courtlclerk ¬ tentlary on tho charge of uttering and publishing forged warrants- In reversing the decision in the case the appellate court says that the Indictment Is good but that Smed ¬ toy should haw been granted a con ¬ tlnuance that the circuit judge was without power or Jurisdiction to try or proceed in a criminal case at a civil term of court and that Sraed lays attorneys had tbo right to show that he had been adjudged of un sound mInd Changes were also or- dered ¬ In thee Instructions given to the Jury I Smrdley Rejoices The news that the case had been reversed and a now trial ordered created much interest Smedley has been in jail one year Last summer ho was tried and found Insane as a result of the drug habit Last Octo- ber ho returned from the asylum and Continued on Page Four Presidential Nominations Washington April 21 Prcsldunt Taft sent to tho senate the follow ¬ ling nominations be collector of internal rove Fifth district of North Caro- lina Henry Reynolds To bo secretary of Porto Rico M Drew Carrell of Illinois 1 9100000 Fire Tojodo April 21110 Clover Leaf M1amIIMalzo cars containing automobile and assorted merchandise The loss Is over 100 000 City Pound Profits So for this month the city has netted over 11 a day on livestock Lycurgus RIco stock policeman fig- ured ¬ up today that ho had impound ¬ ed 22 head of horses mules end cows In 20 days Fifty cents is paid at tho city hall and 60 cents more for pound rent making 1 received for every stray animal taken up Sixtysix dogs have been Impounded and 61 of this number have bee killed with strychnine Injections Five dogs were redeem- edROOSEVELTS j ARE IN PARIS TODAY FRENCH CAPITAL RECEIVES S THEM IN HOSPITABLE STYLE Paris April 21A large crowd greeted Roosevelt on his arrival tthis mornttB Ho greeted J J Jusaorand former member of tho Tennis Cab ¬ toot effusively Ho will bo the guest of Ambassador Bacon He vie Ited President Falllores at the palace and Foreign Minister PInchon at his once Both returned tho calls Tho colonel will give his first speech Sat- urday ¬ to the students at Corbonne Monday ho will bo presented with a gold medal by the city Tuesday he will visit the military academy at Saumur Ho was shown a copy of the Now York Sun saying Roosevelt claASed tho Methodists at Romo us worse than Catholics and ho would take steps qn his return homo to drjvo them from Rome Tho colonel saId it was an unqualified falsehood Monaco Under tart Rome AprLl2tTho pope sever ¬ ed diplomatic relatlona with the prin ¬ cipality of Monaco on account of the Prince of Monacos proposed visit to the king and queen of Italy before appearing at tho Vatican Monaco Is a Catholic principality Premier For Killing Cairo April 21Tho trial of bra ham Wardanl charged with the mur ¬ der of Premier Boutroa Pasha began today Soldiers are hold la readiness for any attempted rescue Tho de ¬ tense will be that Pasha died from an operation performed later and not from the bullet o JEFFRIES GUEST Now York April 2LJames J Jeffries donated a ticket to California and a ring side tick ¬ et In his fight with Johnson to Actors fund fair today lie Bald 1 want the winner of the tick ct to1 bo my guest at the fight I will show him tho time of his life S EXCITEMENT AT HYDE TRIAL HIGH JUDOS ORDERS DOORS CLOSED AND MAY CAM OUT THE MILITARY grealjwas the Hyde trial ordered Ideelopmenta He said he will militia If necessary The crowds will bo removed by force If they do not obey orders The excite ¬ meet has not taken hostility toward anyone yet but all precautions ore being taken Judgo Latshaw ruled that the ad ¬ ministrator or John 0 Paxton will not have to produce I letters written by Hcktoen and Halnes in which the experts are said to have express ¬ ed the opinion that there was no poi ¬ son In the body of Swope The nurse was called to the stand hair May Bo Evidence row York April 21A fow strands of yellow hair may send Al- bert ¬ Welters charged with the mur- der ¬ of Ruth Wheeler to the electric chair Whoa his trial for the mur ¬ der of Ruth Wheeler was umedit- oday Itwas believed Prosecutor Frank Moss will try to prove the hair clutched in the murdered girls hand camo from the head of Wolter When Professor Huntington was ask- ed whether the hair was Ruths he said Ruth had yellowish brown hair This Is yellowish brown Att- orney Scott for Wolter objected at this point HELD TO JUVENILE COURTF Clarence Babb a boy about twelve years old was arrested last night by Patrolman Charles Mitchell It is alleged that Babb took a horse and phaeton from Spencer Woolen and enjoyed a joy rides The boy was buggyn about midnight Ho was taken to the homo of County Judgo Alben W IBarkJey who recognized him for his appearance In juvenile court this I afternoon at 4 oclock Death of a Hero Kobe Japan April 2tTbo Jap anese submarine Sixtyone was raised today Three officers and eleven men were asphyxiated A memorandum was found which ox ¬ plained efforts to refloat the boat Tho memo was written by the lieu- tenant ¬ commanding the boat who said be was glad to die for his coun ¬ try His last request was that the emperor taro for tho families Mrs li Slelnfcld Mrs Morris Stelnfold receIved a telegram announcing the death of Dr Stclnfelds mother Mrs L Stclnfeld In Loukvillo last night at 1030 oclock Dr Stelnfcld Is In Louisville where ho was called a fow days ago by hIs mothers critical lllnoss Mrs Stolnfold visited her son in Paducah last year and made a number of friends here She bad been III only a short tlmo The time of the funeral has not been se- tBRIBERY TO BUY UP CERTIFICATES COURT OF APPEAUS REVERSES FAYETTE COUNTY ELEC TION CASES Frankfort Ky April 21 Sp- oclalTho appellate court reversed tho Fayctto court in tho election contest cases In Lexington allowing Mayor Skaln and others to kee their seats The contest was on the ground of fraud and bribery The court holds that it Is as much bribery to buy election certificates as to pay money for votes STATE LEAGUE OF- MUNICIPALITI ES WILL GET AGUE t- i Meeting May be Called at Louisville ThgrssJiy by Secretary May Decide to Join National League OUTLINE OF AMBITIOUS PLANS A meeting of the Municipal league or Kentucky probably will be called by City Solicitor James Campbell Jrf f next Thursday or Friday at Louis ¬ ville Mr Campbell Ja secretary of the newly perfected organization Two Important matters will be dls cuspqd at the meeting and some ac¬ ion taken Ono will be that of talc MqrnC1pal ¬ headquarters ¬ er will be that of entering into a con- tract with some municipal paper to publish the proceedings of tho league and keep in touch with the steps be Ing taken by other leagues Mr Campbell says the state league te not yet able to publish a journal of Its own but this may be done In the fu ¬ ture after the league Is on a firmer foundationThe league Is a mighty big organlaztlon to be so little known according to Mr Campbell Most all of tho local leagues are affiliated with this organization and I It of Is Im ¬ portant that the Kentucky league should be A special committee of tho national league composed of the bralnest men la Investigating several matters one of which Is the much talked about commission form of gov- ernment for cities The national league does pot make any recom- mendations but simply gathers data for the benefit of the local leagues Atihume tlBsofvthe Kentucky league next week arrangements for the program of the annual meeting will btf made The tang eta to have reputeTho l Louisville July 5 and 6 and will be concluded with a banquet The Kentucky league was organ- Ized ¬ about the same time ait those of Kansas ant Nebraska while most of the eastern states have municipal leagues They are important as a source of information to all cities in the states and wonderful results are being gained from them It Is the Intention of the Kentucky league to organize a bureau of information to act In conjunction with the league This will not be perfected for some time owing to the largo expense of maintaining it- Probing Butter Trust Washington April 21O E Har ¬ risen special assistant attorney of tho department of justice Is in this west investigating the charges that the Eocallcd butter combine arbitra ¬ rily fixes the price Government agents are looking Into all reports alleging an unlawful combinative In food staples Dr Ilincknnl Welcomed The Rev Ji tVo Blackard D Dof QrownsvUo Tenp former presiding older of the Paducah District Metho- dist ¬ churches Is spending today la- the city He arrived yesterday after ¬ noon and is tho guest of tho Rev O T Sullivan 109 North Seventh street Dr Blackard hold the prayer service last evening at the Broadway teeth odlst church and was warmly greet- ed by a number of hla former people Dr Btackard la a delegate from the Memphis conference to tho general conference at Asheville N C and a will leave early in May to attend the sessions which last the month I May Day in Paducah May 1 will be tho day for the union carpenters and the contractors to sign tho new scale None of the contractors have signed but from re- ports ¬ It is thought a strike will be avoided The carpenters ask An In crease of GO cants a day Mark Twain Grows Weaker Bedding Conn April 21Saml- idl Clemens Mark Twain Is weak ¬ or and probably wilt grow weaker during the day Ho I is resting corn ¬ Portably Despite his Increasing woaknew c Mark Twain l Is brighter today thans s ap statement ho 4s thinking as well as ever Clemens today declared his greatest trial Is that ho Is not per mltted to see his friends It is yd Twain js etllj smoking cigars y F1 r i

Transcript of The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-04-21 [p...

n e1sii 1pn


1 I Pabtuab lbeuing junw d






Upu Leyalty of Fans at ToI

H Bightsl Gathering Des1

peas League

4Ati Traction Ollice the Place at

8 Oclock



Tonight tho baseball fans of Paducats will meet for tho purpoeo oforganising tbo Paducah Baseball as¬

sociation and preparing for tho or ¬

ganisation of tbo local team It willtita meeting of vital Interest andcfery admirer of tho Rome shouldbe present on the second floor of thePaducah Traction companys omoo

t6 Broadway at 8 oclockThe but plan suggested IIs for tho

orgnlution of the aiwoclatlca andfUns articles of Incorporation Thocapital stock will be fixed at 13000

R and tads sham sold for 1C By this+ tame It will make It possible for a

t Urge number of fans to bo lomlill Every person who takes over tio

worUi of stock wilt bo entitles to thoprivilege of paying CO per scat downnod tho other halt In CO del Ue

ides tho tolling of shares It IIs pro-posed


to sell at least LOW ticketsJ

IIhIin the treasury sufficient to equipthe teams and fMurer a good start

In Clarks 1Iio Tenn it U report ¬

ed the tins bavo purchased lumbercap will start the work of erecting a

s grand stand In a low days Hopkinsy ivilla Is alto bard at work raising thet nocewary money for tho team Pa ¬

ducab IU unusually fortunate ns theball park Is practically ready and

f the onlyI work necessary 1s to orgraIlEe tho tram Other cities In theleague will have greater odds to-

tt tacos and the promoter feel tenthP s dent that Paducah will not fall down

Mr II II ftewill manager of thet Paducah Traction company return-



ed yesterday from Boston where howent on business In the east MrBewail lays the Interest In the nation ¬

al game IIs greater then It lass beenIn several years Mr Sowoll Is afan himself and itll anxious for thesucte5 of tho Kitty-

llrookport ElectionI

Ilrookport 111 April 31TntsIdaT the elly of Urookport held itselection for aldermen re¬

I sulting In tbo following men beingelected Lora Davis without oppo¬

IIIIltlon In Ward 1 Jeff Austin end-

s W IL McOhoo tied In Ward 2 81 Douglas defeated J H Stephen

t son In Ward 3 defeated by T J4jElyJ

I a

Tobacco SalesAt the salesroom of the Planters

Protective association this morning160 hogsheads of tobacco whichwas 80 per cent of the offering worosold The prices were Leaf 0

to SU lugs 6 to SR There weren largo number of buyers present

IS Woman in the Case

a atr rZ In line with the now dew refer-red


Ito In tho Evening Sun of Mon ¬

t lay that tho murder of LutherThompson may have started In the

5- house of two women it far fromthe steno of tho crime Police JudgeCrow today questioned A youns


e woman who was taken before hims

and had her view the bodji Het would glvo out no InformationMrs Thompson Is pxpected hero

tonight or tomorrow



Birmingham Ala April 21Reg I

Ilcuerl are entering tho Mulga mineI 11 All of the forty men confined aro un ¬exhaustedfIIA rescue party of mining exports1andt Inspectors made a vats attempt

4 to penetrate tho lower level of thoMulga mine wrecked by tho oxplosIon last night They were driven

JJback by ga-



Halloya comet was visible thismorning In tho eastern sky Thosewho woro up at 430 oclock and

t thought to look toward tho oastd t bodyFk bright and largo as on arc light shin

Ing by Itself There was no tall tobo seen The comet does not shineby reflected llgbt but by IU ownIncandescence u


v r

Fowler Ml Would Relieve Uncle

Joel on of All His AuthorityrttdtteCommittee AppointmentsoftII

Accepts Challenge of Speak ¬

er tp AKWe by Rules orFight and Proposes to


fmallItepthaihlellolutlonIntroducedadopted lt will strip tho speaker ofall appointive power It Is the ac ¬

ceptance of Cannons Invitation tofollow tbo rules or fight

Tho dissolution of power arro-gantly abused by tho speaker Is es ¬

sential to the restoration of a treerepresentative government ualdFowler It Is now tlmo t> limittho functions of tho speaker to pre ¬

siding over the deliberations of thohouse

The resolution will secure to boththo majority and tho minority theright to select membership of all

committeesThoIn the speaker

of the right to appoint tho commit-tees


gavo him the most autocraticInfluence In American public lfoThe consequence of tho power madetho office a gigantic machine forpolitical blackmail Tho resolutionprovides for the election of sevenRepublicans and seven Democrats toname members of all committees

Tho Fowler resolution was re¬

tarred to tho committee on rulesTho Fowler resolution was read

In silence After It was read Repre ¬

sentative Mann tried to call a pointof order The resolution was a sur ¬

prise to the Insurgents aa well asthe regulars Norris hurried overto Fowler when tho resolution wasread Morris Fowler Murdock endother insurgent loaders conferredAfter tbo skirmish Fowler saId howould not insist on IU present con ¬


Tnft Illll pttMtraWashington April 21A bill mu

thontlng the president to make with ¬lIurp ¬

tho houwj Tho session was devotedto tho consideration of tho measurewhich It was stated met the ap¬

proval of the president-

As the bill was passed practicallyin tho form Introduced by Plckett ofIowa under tho terms of tho meas¬

uro the president Ic authorized towithdraw from location etc publiclands In tho United States and InAlaska for public uses and for ex ¬

lamInation and classification to de¬

termine their character and valueThese withdrawals tho bill provideswould remain In force until revokedby the president or by congressThe administrations railroad billand a resolution authorizing the ex ¬

penditure of 65000 for an extensionof tho senates inquiry Into tho costof living occupied tho attention ofthe senate but no action was takenonrfther meaIlUftISenator Purcell spoke In opposi ¬

Ion to tho railroad bill declaringthat It was the purpose of tho Admin-

Istration to change tho1 personnel ofthe United State supreme court TO

as to reverse former decisions on therights of states to control questionsInvolving railroad litigation

Following Purcell speech tho son ¬

ate engaged In a long wrangle overa parliamentary entanglement rolat ¬

ing1 to the iftatus of tho amendmentsoffered by Senators Crawford andCummins to the provision legalizingtraffic agreements between railroadcompanies

The condition was relieved by tho

Burglars worked tho combinationto tho safe In tho omen of the Padu-



Printing and Hook Binding com ¬

pany 108 Broadway last night androbbed the cash drawer of 100 con-

sisting of money and checks A lotof printing supplies were taken fromthe show window-

J Harlan Griffith tho proprietorfound tho front door unlocked whenho went to his store this morningbut was unablo to toll whether theburglars effected entrance throughtho front or rear Evidently theyknow the combination or were crack


The predictions and temperaturo for the past twentyfourhours will bo found at the topof the seventh column on page

fowloi a iJi rr1iJ

liOV ilANIHTSDenver Colo April 21Fit ¬

I teen women and two men woreheld up hero last night in a seataumnt by two boy banditswho robbed tho till and escap ¬

ed The boys catered tbocafe Ono stood at the door andcovered tho customers and tho

I other looted tho cash registers

acceptance by Senator Elkins of theCrawford amendment as a substitutefor the original provision Tho ef¬

feet was to give the amendment thestanding of a committee amendmentand permit Cummins to prevent hlqsuggestion as an amendment to thosection as thus modified The Craw ¬

ford provision requires that suchagreements shall bo subject to theapproval of tho Interstate commercecommission but does not specificallyrequire that this approval thill bevouchsafed before tho atJteemcnU goInto effect

Unwilling to take any chances onthis point Cummins presented a subBtituto specifying that tho approvalshould antedate tho taking effect ofagreements As Cummins desired tospeak at length on tho subject thesenate adjourned without taking ac¬

tion on either provision

Bryan At ChicagoChicago April 21Wllllam Jen¬

nings Bryan was tho guest of theChicago Newspaper club last nightHo delivered an address and avoidedany reference to pplltlcs Ho saidho was glad to learn of tho Dome I

cratic victory when ho reached thiscountry H Is difficult to say whatIt Indicated He told tbo club thatnewspaper ethics and Influences IsIn South American countries

lloOHcrcIt for TaftWashington April nTho state-

ment was made today by one of Pre¬

ident Tarts advisors that Rooseveltwill support tho administration whenho returns It Is said Root wilt meetthe colonel soo-



Must VacateNotice was served today on County

Almihouflo Keeper Thompson by thomagistrates that ho must vacate byMay 1 as tho almshouro will bo con-


under a different plan here ¬

afteraHublxr Good + Advance

Now York April 21Prices ofrubber goods of all descriptions IIIadvance approximately 1JO reF centaccording to an announcement madetoday by tho United States Rubbercompany The reason assigned bythe corporation Is the Increased costof tho raw materi-





Washington April 2 Daughtersof the Revolution In scailon hero arelooking for a woman crook who Is

masquerading as a member Tworings one with a 3000 diamondstolen and another sot with diamondsand rapphlres disappeared

Burglarc Open Safein Broadway Office


safe burglars The cub box wasprized open and > 3G In cash and 66-

In checks taken No clow was leftand tho police aro working on thocato

Evidently tho same burglar brokeInto the wholesale feed store of H PHawkins Son 212216 South Second street last night but nothing wasmissed There was no money left Inthe sate last night and the safe doorwas left open With a pair of solesore the burglars prized open thecash box and found nothing Theonly thing missed this morning wasa bunch of keys When Mr Hawkinsopened his office ho found the satehad been locked The burglars gotthrough a rear window by knockingout a pane of glass They loft noclew to their identity

Mr and Mre C W Grate ofClark street are the parents of afine boy baby

t Xy Y




Desperate Break by Five

Men From Government

Pen at Leavenworth

Leader Was Famous TrainRobber in His Day


Leavenworth Kaa April 21Three life convicts escaped from thefederal prison today The convictsseized a switch engine outside thoprison rode a short distance andtook to the woods Two short termmen went along

Tho men overpowered the engi ¬

neer and fireman of the switch en ¬

glno working In tho prison yardand forced tho engineer at the pointof a gun to run tho engine Into thoopen country Of the five who madetheir escape three are serving lifeterms Forty guards and a companyof soldiers are In pursuit on a apeclad train Tho men are consideredtho moat dangerous In the prisonWhen they left the engine Clarkand John Gideon woro so closelypursued they dived Into a patch ofwoods and wero captured ArthurHultt Robert Park and ThomasKeating ring leaders took refugein a wIno collar The soldiers areclosing In on them Hultt indKeating wero leaders Intbo jailmutiny of 1901

Tbq switch tracks enter theon the west side The prIsonIII

just pushed lumber carswhen some of tho men throllghI I

crow and others openedIt Is believed the arras were rur ¬

nished the men by former convictsGideon was captured by a farmerHo tried to bluff tho farmer with adummy revolver Three are still atlargo Gideon 4s tbo man who hold

padncitrnlnThe engineer tells a thrilling story

of his ride with tho convicts Hesaid ho ran them five miles whereho reached a bridge being repairedlie told them If they ran Into Itthey would all bo killed Ho stoppedthe train and the mon forced thocrew to change clothes with themClark was captured by a formerprison guard

Curtain tho engineer said theconvIcts ran out and climbed on theengine when ho entered tho yardsand pushed their guns in his faceTho men set tho switch for the maintrack and when tho engine startedtho first gate was open and the see ¬

ond locked Tho convicts orderedhim to smash IU Tho gate gaveway and tho train then ran Intoopen territory Tho convicts scat ¬

tered when the engine stopped

Futrell Case ContinuedThe case of J S and Louts

Futrell charged with murder wascontinued In criminal court for thedefense on account of lack of witaeases

Judge Reed has called a specialcriminal session of court beginningJuly 18 At this torn the trial ofFutroll and John Wiggins coloredwill be hold



Now York April 21When thefederal grand jury Investigating thecharges against tho cotton pool re-convened today a dozen witnesseswore on hand to testify Thero wasa fooling on the Exchange wlenBubpocnaea woro issued for Pattenand other cotton men to testifythat tho real plan of the Jury H toput the Exchange out of business

New York Aprtt x1James A

Patten today made a statement thatall the cotton mills In the world willhayo to close down in August andSeptember on accqunt of no mate-rial to work on He reiterated hisstatement that ho haa DO intentionof cornering tho market He saidthere Is a scrap on hand started by

follows on the cotton exchango whothought ho would lose his nervePat tin criticized tho governmentssuit

Chicago MarketMay High Low Clem

Wheat 108 t<H34 108Corn LSVa 57A 67-


42 H 41K 42> rov 2190 2172 2190

Lard 1250 1237 1245Ribs 1235 1222 133I


Hiram Smedley Secures Reversal

of Verdict in Criminal Court andis Granted New Trial on Charges

Former County Court Clerk

Convicted of Hisappropristing Public Funds Wins

His Point

Frankfort Ky April 21 SpecialThe appellate court today reversed

tho verdict of the McCracken circuitcourt in tho criminal prosecution of


tentlary on tho charge of utteringand publishing forged warrants-

In reversing the decision in thecase the appellate court says that theIndictment Is good but that Smed ¬

toy should haw been granted a con ¬

tlnuance that the circuit judge waswithout power or Jurisdiction to tryor proceed in a criminal case at acivil term of court and that Sraedlays attorneys had tbo right to showthat he had been adjudged of unsound mInd Changes were also or-dered


In thee Instructions given to theJury

ISmrdley Rejoices

The news that the case had beenreversed and a now trial orderedcreated much interest Smedley hasbeen in jail one year Last summerho was tried and found Insane as aresult of the drug habit Last Octo-ber ho returned from the asylum and

Continued on Page Four

Presidential NominationsWashington April 21 Prcsldunt

Taft sent to tho senate the follow¬


be collector of internal roveFifth district of North Caro-

lina Henry ReynoldsTo bo secretary of Porto Rico M

Drew Carrell of Illinois1

9100000 FireTojodo April 21110 Clover Leaf

M1amIIMalzocarscontaining automobile and assortedmerchandise The loss Is over 100000

City Pound ProfitsSo for this month the city has

netted over 11 a day on livestockLycurgus RIco stock policeman fig-


up today that ho had impound ¬

ed 22 head of horses mules endcows In 20 days Fifty cents is paidat tho city hall and 60 cents morefor pound rent making 1 receivedfor every stray animal taken upSixtysix dogs have been Impoundedand 61 of this number have beekilled with strychnine InjectionsFive dogs were redeem-







Paris April 21A large crowdgreeted Roosevelt on his arrival tthismornttB Ho greeted J J Jusaorandformer member of tho Tennis Cab ¬

toot effusively Ho will bo theguest of Ambassador Bacon He vieIted President Falllores at the palaceand Foreign Minister PInchon at hisonce Both returned tho calls Thocolonel will give his first speech Sat-


to the students at CorbonneMonday ho will bo presented with agold medal by the city Tuesday hewill visit the military academy atSaumur Ho was shown a copy ofthe Now York Sun saying RooseveltclaASed tho Methodists at Romo usworse than Catholics and ho wouldtake steps qn his return homo todrjvo them from Rome Tho colonelsaId it was an unqualified falsehood

Monaco Under tartRome AprLl2tTho pope sever ¬

ed diplomatic relatlona with the prin ¬

cipality of Monaco on account of thePrince of Monacos proposed visit tothe king and queen of Italy beforeappearing at tho Vatican MonacoIs a Catholic principality

PremierFor KillingCairo April 21Tho trial of bra

ham Wardanl charged with the mur ¬

der of Premier Boutroa Pasha begantoday Soldiers are hold la readinessfor any attempted rescue Tho de¬

tense will be that Pasha died froman operation performed later andnot from the bullet


JEFFRIES GUESTNow York April 2LJames

J Jeffries donated a ticket toCalifornia and a ring side tick¬

et In his fight with Johnson toActors fund fair today lie Bald

1 want the winner of the tickct to1 bo my guest at the fightI will show him tho time of hislife






grealjwasthe Hyde trial orderedIdeelopmenta

He said he willmilitia If necessary The

crowds will bo removed by force Ifthey do not obey orders The excite ¬

meet has not taken hostility towardanyone yet but all precautions orebeing taken

Judgo Latshaw ruled that the ad¬

ministrator or John 0 Paxton willnot have to produce Iletters writtenby Hcktoen and Halnes in whichthe experts are said to have express ¬

ed the opinion that there was no poi ¬

son In the body of Swope Thenurse was called to the stand

hair May Bo Evidencerow York April 21A fow

strands of yellow hair may send Al-


Welters charged with the mur-der


of Ruth Wheeler to the electricchair Whoa his trial for the mur ¬

der of Ruth Wheeler was umedit-oday Itwas believed ProsecutorFrank Moss will try to prove the hairclutched in the murdered girls handcamo from the head of WolterWhen Professor Huntington was ask-ed whether the hair was Ruths hesaid Ruth had yellowish brownhair This Is yellowish brown Att-orney Scott for Wolter objected atthis point


Clarence Babb a boy about twelveyears old was arrested last night byPatrolman Charles Mitchell It isalleged that Babb took a horse andphaeton from Spencer Woolen andenjoyed a joy rides The boy wasbuggynabout midnight Ho was taken tothe homo of County Judgo AlbenW IBarkJey who recognized him forhis appearance In juvenile court this

I afternoon at 4 oclock

Death of a HeroKobe Japan April 2tTbo Jap

anese submarine Sixtyone wasraised today Three officers andeleven men were asphyxiated Amemorandum was found which ox ¬

plained efforts to refloat the boatTho memo was written by the lieu-


commanding the boat whosaid be was glad to die for his coun ¬

try His last request was that theemperor taro for tho families

Mrs li SlelnfcldMrs Morris Stelnfold receIved a

telegram announcing the death of DrStclnfelds mother Mrs L StclnfeldIn Loukvillo last night at 1030oclock Dr Stelnfcld Is In Louisvillewhere ho was called a fow days agoby hIs mothers critical lllnoss MrsStolnfold visited her son in Paducahlast year and made a number offriends here She bad been III onlya short tlmo The time of the funeralhas not been se-





Frankfort Ky April 21 Sp-oclalTho appellate court reversedtho Fayctto court in tho electioncontest cases In Lexington allowingMayor Skaln and others to keetheir seats The contest was on theground of fraud and bribery Thecourt holds that it Is as muchbribery to buy election certificatesas to pay money for votes



WILL GET AGUEt-iMeeting May be Called at

Louisville ThgrssJiy bySecretary

May Decide to Join NationalLeague


A meeting of the Municipal leagueor Kentucky probably will be calledby City Solicitor James Campbell Jrff

next Thursday or Friday at Louis ¬

ville Mr Campbell Ja secretary ofthe newly perfected organization

Two Important matters will be dlscuspqd at the meeting and some ac¬

ion taken Ono will be that of talcMqrnC1pal ¬headquarters ¬

er will be that of entering into a con-tract with some municipal paper topublish the proceedings of tho leagueand keep in touch with the steps beIng taken by other leagues MrCampbell says the state league te notyet able to publish a journal of Itsown but this may be done In the fu¬

ture after the league Is on a firmerfoundationThe

league Is a mightybig organlaztlon to be so little knownaccording to Mr Campbell Most allof tho local leagues are affiliatedwith this organization and IIt ofIs Im ¬

portant that the Kentucky leagueshould be A special committee oftho national league composed of thebralnest men la Investigating severalmatters one of which Is the muchtalked about commission form of gov-ernment for cities The nationalleague does pot make any recom-mendations but simply gathers datafor the benefit of the local leagues

Atihume tlBsofvthe Kentuckyleague next week arrangements forthe program of the annual meetingwill btf made The tang eta to havereputeThol

Louisville July 5 and 6 and will beconcluded with a banquet

The Kentucky league was organ-Ized


about the same time ait those ofKansas ant Nebraska while most ofthe eastern states have municipalleagues They are important as asource of information to all cities inthe states and wonderful results arebeing gained from them It Is theIntention of the Kentucky league toorganize a bureau of information toact In conjunction with the leagueThis will not be perfected for sometime owing to the largo expense ofmaintaining it-

Probing Butter TrustWashington April 21O E Har ¬

risen special assistant attorney oftho department of justice Is in thiswest investigating the charges thatthe Eocallcd butter combine arbitra ¬

rily fixes the price Governmentagents are looking Into all reportsalleging an unlawful combinative Infood staples

Dr Ilincknnl Welcomed

The Rev Ji tVo Blackard D DofQrownsvUo Tenp former presidingolder of the Paducah District Metho-dist

¬churches Is spending today la-

the city He arrived yesterday after¬

noon and is tho guest of tho Rev OT Sullivan 109 North Seventh streetDr Blackard hold the prayer servicelast evening at the Broadway teethodlst church and was warmly greet-ed by a number of hla former peopleDr Btackard la a delegate from theMemphis conference to tho generalconference at Asheville N C and a

will leave early in May to attend thesessions which last the month


May Day in PaducahMay 1 will be tho day for the

union carpenters and the contractorsto sign tho new scale None of thecontractors have signed but from re-


It is thought a strike will beavoided The carpenters ask An Increase of GO cants a day

Mark Twain Grows WeakerBedding Conn April 21Saml-

idl Clemens Mark Twain Is weak¬

or and probably wilt grow weakerduring the day Ho Iis resting corn ¬

PortablyDespite his Increasing woaknew c

Mark Twain lIs brighter today thanssapstatement ho 4s thinking as well asever Clemens today declared hisgreatest trial Is that ho Is not permltted to see his friends It is ydTwain js etllj smoking cigars y F1

r i