The Observes - Final Project, Domus Academy 2014

Project Leaders: Claudio Moderini Project Advisor: Nima Gazestani Technical Advisor: Emanuele Lomello Hadar Geva | MID 2013/2014 | 01/07/2014


When a big event such as Expo 2015 occurs in a city, the city changes in various ways; It becomes more crowded, there are more events than usual and there’s a lot of movement and fuss. One of the main changes is the way people act around the city - The way they move around, the way they act in different spots and the way they interact with each other. The Observers project tries to answer some of the questions that those situations rise are like: How can we observe and see how people act in those situations without being invasive? How can we look at people’s behaviours around unexpected objects and situations? And how can we understand and analyse people’s behaviours in different situations? To view the full interface prototype please go to: To view the process please follow my blog:

Transcript of The Observes - Final Project, Domus Academy 2014

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Project Leaders: Claudio ModeriniProject Advisor: Nima GazestaniTechnical Advisor: Emanuele Lomello

Hadar Geva | MID 2013/2014 | 01/07/2014

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Framework and Context

When a big event such as Expo 2015 occurs in a city, the city changes in various ways; It becomes more crowded, there are more events than usualand there’s a lot of movement.

One of the main changes is the way people act around the city - The way they move around, the way they act in different spots and the way they interact with each other.

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Framework and Context

When a big event such as Expo 2015 occurs in a city, the city changes in various ways; It becomes more crowded, there are more events than usualand there’s a lot of movement.

One of the main changes is the way people act around the city - The way they move around, the way they act in different spots and the way they interact with each other.

How can we observe and see how people act in those situations without being invasive?

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Framework and Context

When a big event such as Expo 2015 occurs in a city, the city changes in various ways; It becomes more crowded, there are more events than usualand there’s a lot of movement.

One of the main changes is the way people act around the city - The way they move around, the way they act in different spots and the way they interact with each other.

How can we observe and see how people act in those situations without being invasive?

How can we look at people’s behaviors around unexpected objects and situations?

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Framework and Context

When a big event such as Expo 2015 occurs in a city, the city changes in various ways; It becomes more crowded, there are more events than usualand there’s a lot of movement.

One of the main changes is the way people act around the city - The way they move around, the way they act in different spots and the way they interact with each other.

How can we observe and see how people act in those situations without being invasive?

How can we look at people’s behaviors around unexpected objects and situations?

How can we understand and analyze people’s behaviors in different situations?

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Some Inspiration

Moomin House Cafe, Tokyo, Japan Pinokio - Adam Ben-Dror & Shanshan Zhou

CLOUD - Interactive sculpture byCaitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett

Funktionide - Stefan Ulrich ACCESS - Interactive art installation by Marie Sester

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The Observers

The Observers are a series of five different characters distributed around Milan in main locations in order to observe and record data of the city and its people’s behaviours.

The characters are designed as different foods since the event is Expo 2015.

The data collected by these characters will be published in a website/app, which will provide another way to observe, analyze and understand those changes and occurrences around the city.

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The CharactersLazy Luigi

Lazy Luigi (Eggplant)

Luigi is Lazy, he doesn’t like to be moved, but he does like it when people touch him. Whenever he’s touched, his color saturation changes, and if he gets moved he makes noises (“complains”). When Luigi is in idle mode, he slowly loses color.

Material and tactility: Soft, textile, “bean bag” like - can be moved but a bit heavy.





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The CharactersLazy Luigi

1. Spot Luigi.

4. The more people touch him, the more saturated he’ll be.

5. When being left alone, Luigi is losing his saturation slowly.

2. Whenever touching Luigi, he changes his color saturation.

3. Whenever someone is moving Luigi, he makes sounds. Luigi counts how much time he rested without being moved, and once someone moves him, he starts all over agian.

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The CharactersParanoid Piero





Paranoid Piero (Pear)

Piero is afraid of everything. He doesn’t like it when people get too close to him. Piero believes that if he can’t see you, you can’t see him.

He follows people’s movements with his eye, and takes pictures of them, which he collects in his online gallery.

Material and tactility: Hard (probably plastic), static.

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The CharactersParanoid Piero


1. Piero spots a personpassing by.

2. He follows the person with his eye.

3. Piero takes a picture of the person - His eye pupil changes and he makes a click sound.

4. Piero uploads the picture to his online gallery.

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The CharactersGossip Gianni

Gossip Gianni (Tomato)

Gianni likes gossip, but can’t keep a secret.

Whatever you tell him will spread around pretty quickly. Gianni records messages and tweets them from his own twitter account.

Material and tactility: Soft, static. Icon




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The CharactersGossip Gianni

@GossipGianni: i wish i was batman

1. Gianni makes sound to get a person’s attention.

2. Person tells Gianni something. 3. Gianni posts what he’s been told to his own twitter account.

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The CharactersTraveler Tina

Traveler Tina (Kiwi)

Tina likes to travel and explore new places. When she isn’t moving, she gets bored.

She has GPS that tracks where she is at all times. When she doesn’t move for a while she makes whining sounds.

Material and tactility: Soft (plush doll), portable, light.





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The CharactersTraveler Tina

1. Tina will make sounds to get a person’s attention.

4. When done with Tina, leave in a public place.

5. Tina will make sounds to get person’s attention.

2. Person finds Tina (She has a note that asks the person to take her with him).

3. Tina is tracking the person’s route with her GPS, and shares the locations online.

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The Characters

The gloomy mozzarella family

The mozzarella family likes to be together - they suffer from separation anxiety.

When separated, they make a sound that won’t stop until at least two of them are close to one another.

Material and tactility: soft, textile, movable-rolling.

The gloomy mozzarella family





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The CharactersThe gloomy mozzarella family

1. Person rolls around the mozzarella. 2. Once being seperated, The mozzarella starts to cry.

3. In order to stop it from crying, at least one mozzarella ball should be close to it.

4. The mozzarella family tracks the movement of its members, and by that determines the “mood” of the mozzarella family at that moment.

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Value and Potential

Analyzed data can be used for good: Understanding people’s behaviours around the city and improving the areas and facilities accordingly.

“The Observers” concept can be easly adapted to different events, with modifications of the character designs.

More characters with different functionalities can be added to analyze specific behaviors in different cities.

Get a better understanding of how people behave around “Alien” objects and how it makes them feel.

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Thank You!