the news

Made by readers class


you whanted news so here it is

Transcript of the news

Made by readers class

Comics 1 Pictures 2-9 Sports 10-11 Dance 12-13 Jokes 14-15

I will give you there fouls there points the score there number I will give you the injury report the new players the player of the game . I will t ell you the post game the games won by jazz .By

Football I will give you the best football

scores ever!!! I give you the scores, some updates, and brief updates. I tell you who is in the playoffs and out. I tell you whose hurt and can’t play. And I’ll give YOU THE BEST SUPER BOWL SUMMARY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Bronson Frye

Do you love to dance!!??

Cause if you do, you can hear

everything from me Malia Delos

Santos. I talk about Hip Hop cause

that’s my thing.

For cheerleading I could talk about how long you have to train. Or all the flips you could do, like back flips, font flips, and everything. I really don’t care if I don`t get the job.

Go team go Seahawks!!

I’ll be happy with whatever you want me to do, but I think a small jokes of the day/week would be fun for me.

  Tell me what kind of jokes you want if you don’t like

any of these.   What runs but doesn’t move at all? Your nose! What’s rude, has no manners, and goes in your car?

Crude oil. What is red, black, and white? A nun eating ribs.    

Hi people think the hottest pepper is the jalapeño pepper but they are wrong

This is the ghost pepper the hottest pepper in the world cool huh they say that that one of these bad boys and you'll be begging to get something to drink but it

Doesn't matter It can nock someone Out cold so don’t try this Mean pepper