The Namfrel Story - Amin Iskandar 101611

3 Sunday, October 16, 2011 Namfrel Story Amin Iskandar @ Black On July 9, 2011, the city of Kuala Lumpur is closely monitored by the police due to mass demonstrations organized by Bersih 2.0. The roads to get to the city of Kuala Lumpur closed and restrictions done around the entrance to the capital. rigorous control of security aimed at preventing people from assembly could not hold back the yellow waves travel demand that elections in Malaysia direformasikan. movement of the people to demand free and fair elections is not a strange thing. It happens all over the world.Starting in Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa and now warm place in the Middle East. Free and fair elections is also not available with the easy way out without a fight. Some are killed for fight. fact bersungai rivers of tears have flowed for the dead mourn for championing free and fair elections. Philippine People Power Revolution Twenty-five years ago, in our neighboring country Philippines historic occurrence that saw President Ferdinand Marcos was ousted from power. Revolution is fondly known as People Power Revolution or the people power revolution. When talking about the Philippine revolution that occurred on the highway Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA), null if not mention the large role played by the People's Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel). This follows the success of the Filipino people realize Namfrel to jointly involved actively to monitor the presidential election in 1986. During the last election accompanied by Ferdinand Marcos, the Namfrel successfully deployed 500,000 people to volunteer their official throughout the Philippines. According to the first general secretary of Namfrel, Mars Quesada, about two million Filipinos helped 500,000 Namfrel volunteers after they completed the



Transcript of The Namfrel Story - Amin Iskandar 101611

Page 1: The Namfrel Story - Amin Iskandar 101611

Sunday, October 16, 2011Namfrel Story

Amin Iskandar @ BlackOn July 9, 2011, the city of Kuala Lumpur is closely monitored by the police due to mass demonstrations organized by Bersih 2.0. The roads to get to the city of Kuala Lumpur closed and restrictions done around the entrance to the capital. rigorous control of security aimed at preventing people from assembly could not hold back the yellow waves travel demand that elections in Malaysia direformasikan. movement of the people to demand free and fair elections is not a strange thing. It happens all over the world.Starting in Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa and now warm place in the Middle East.

Free and fair elections is also not available with the easy way out without a fight. Some are killed for fight. fact bersungai rivers of tears have flowed for the dead mourn for championing free and fair elections. Philippine People Power Revolution Twenty-five years ago, in our neighboring country Philippines historic occurrence that saw President Ferdinand Marcos was ousted from power. Revolution is fondly known as People Power Revolution or the people power revolution.

When talking about the Philippine revolution that occurred on the highway Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA), null if not mention the large role played by the People's Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel). This follows the success of the Filipino people realize Namfrel to jointly involved actively to monitor the presidential election in 1986. During the last election accompanied by Ferdinand Marcos, the Namfrel successfully deployed 500,000 people to volunteer their official throughout the Philippines. According to the first general secretary of Namfrel, Mars Quesada, about two million Filipinos helped 500,000 Namfrel volunteers after they completed the responsibility of voting. Namfrel volunteers worked in almost all polling places throughout the Philippines to ensure the election on polling day walks are free and fair. Additionally they control box ballot-boxes from being stolen or hijacked by thugs hired Marcos before being sent to the tallying center. Volunteers Namfrel also implemented Operation Quick Count (OQC) or quick count operation to offset the tallying process undertaken by the election commission in the Philippines (Comelec) Marcos collapse because more Filipinos believe quick count operation performed by Namfrel than tallying process undertaken by the Comelec. Comelec announced Marcos as the winner in the presidential election and the results of its operations fast calculations performed by Namfrel showed that Cory Aquino is the new president of the Philippines. The role of business is interesting about this organization bertulangbelakangkan Namfrel is business group. Normally, it's rarely a corporate citizen to get involved with an organization like this, but different story with Namfrel. Namfrel have policies that lead to these organizations gain the trust of people in the Philippines. The policy is not receiving any foreign funding.

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All funds received Namfrel is coming from the corporate sector in the Philippines, or contributions from the public.Among the founders Namfrel is Jose Concepcion Jr., a wealthy businessman who is also the owner of the company RFM Corporation - large companies that do business in the food and beverage industry. Namfrel To accomplish while spending time and energy to develop an organization founded with the Magnum people again, Jose Concepcion menyedekahkan space in a building owned by RFM Corporation in Mandaluyong, Manila to serve as the offices to Namfrel.

Additionally, RFM Corporation workers also lent to help Namfrel to ensure election monitoring around the country have been implemented. There are many other large companies under the auspices of Makati Business Club (MBC) also contributed to Namfrel whether in cash or service with the intention that free and fair elections can be implemented in the Philippines.Quesada Mars that could meet the author when conducting research in the Philippines told about the contribution of the corporate sector to lend dozens of notable aircraft and helicopter seeds to facilitate movements Namfrel volunteers especially for the rural areas and rolling hills.

That's how little any further business and the role of the corporate sector in the success of the election monitoring conducted by Namfrel in the Philippines in 1986. challenge in

Malaysia today how to involve the corporate sector to assist in the struggle to uphold free and fair elections.

This is due to free and fair elections and a stable political good for the business world. The biggest challenge was how to convince them to join?

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Amin Iskandar fellowship awarded Asian Public Intellectuals (API) from 2009 to 2010 to carry out research on the history of election monitoring in the Philippines and Indonesia.Posted & copy by the civilians   at 16/10/2011 04:19:00 PM