THE N2K GROUP - European...

Natura 2000 Seminars Kick-off seminar for marine biogeographical regions 5-7 th May, 2015, Saint-Malo, France INTRODUCTION TO SEMINAR THEMES AND WORKING METHODS Susan Gubbay THE N2K GROUP

Transcript of THE N2K GROUP - European...

Natura 2000 Seminars Kick-off seminar for marine biogeographical regions

5-7th May, 2015, Saint-Malo, France


Susan Gubbay


Getting the seminar underway

Discussed at Natura 2000 Marine Experts Group, Nov 2013;Potential subjects, format etc.

Seminar set for 5-7 May, 2015 St.Malo, France

Joint initiative

Seminar Objectives

- What are the issues/problems/threats/gaps affecting management?

- What solutions would be possible?

- What actions are necessary?

- What collaborations can be developed?

- Networking

- Sharing of experiences and achievements

- Helping each other solve problems

- Building partnerships to get money from European funds

- Proposing follow-up events to support implementation of Natura 2000


• Conservation objectives; definition, assessment and use for adaptive management

• Reconciling Natura 200 objectives and marine activities

• Regional integration of Natura 2000 issues

Background document Page 7 Page 12 Page 18

T1:Conservation objectives

Distribution of features within the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC

From: M. Burton, K. et al 2010. Skomer Marine Nature Reserve Distribution and Abundance of Zostera marina in North Haven 2010 CCW Regional Report CCW/WW/10/10

From: M. Burton, K. Lock, & P. Newman, 2010. Skomer Marine Nature Reserve Distribution and Abundance of Zostera marina in North Haven 2010 CCW Regional Report CCW/WW/10/10

Changes in density of Z.marina between 2006-10

T2:Reconciling marine activities

Identified Conflicting sea Use Area

– October 2010

Identified Conflicting Sea Use Area

– June 2011

LATVIA – Pilot Maritime Spatial Plan

Location of Fishing operations In Latvian EEZ in 2004-­‐2009

(A –Pelagic trawling, B–gillnets) (Source BIOR)

Fishing activity

• Nets inshore < 15m

• Dredge inshore <15m

Ireland’s Marine Atlas.

Roaringwater Bay



Marine region Area of Natura 2000 sites

per Region (km²) Number of

sites Marine Atlantic 165155.57* 2453*

Marine Baltic 45888.67 1479

Marine Black Sea 2877.49 106

Marine Macaronesian 2364.25 241

Marine Mediterranean 34993.56 2734

Source: Natura 2000 database, end 2013 *Includes Hatton Bank and SCI beyond the EEZ.

Source: Aronsson, M., Bailly-Maitre, Gavilan, L.P., & Richard, D. (2014) Draft pre-scoping document for the marine regions.

T3:Regional integration

Overlap of marine Natura 2000 sites and Baltic Sea Protected areas (HELCOM MPAs).


DESCRIPTION OSPAR Regions where the habitat


OSPAR Regions where such habitats are under

threat and/or in decline

HABITATS Carbonate mounds I, V V

Coral Gardens I, II, III, IV, V All where they occur Cymodocea meadows IV All where they occur Deep-sea sponge aggregations

I, III, IV, V All where they occur

Intertidal Mytilus edulis beds on mixed and sandy sediments

II, III All where they occur

Intertidal mudflats I, II, III, IV All where they occur Littoral chalk communities II All where they occur Lophelia pertusa reefs All All where they occur Maerl beds All III Modiolus modiolus beds All All where they occur Oceanic ridges with hydrothermal vents/fields

I, V V

Ostrea edulis beds II, III, IV All where they occur Sabellaria spinulosa reefs All II, III Seamounts I, IV, V All where they occur Sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities


Zostera beds I, II, III, IV All where they occur

Examples of threatened and/or declining habitats and species (OSPAR)


- Plenary sessions of case studies on each theme and for final feedback

- 1.5 days dedicated to workshops

- An evening dedicated to the « knowledge market »

- A half-day dedicated to field trips

Working Groups • A: National approaches to setting conservation objectives

• B: Habitats

• C: Highly mobile species

• D: Fisheries- identifying threats & pressures

• E: Fisheries – introducing measures

• F: Other marine sectors

• G: Cross border collaboration

• H: Regional networks

• I: EU Financing

Photo: A.Davis

• Session objectives

• Issues to stimulate discussion

• Case studies

• Mini-presentations

Each working group has


Interactions, Discussions, Contributions

Enjoy the workshop! Thank you