The Most Holy Trinity - June 11, 2017 Saint Luke THE C...Jun 11, 2017  · El Cajon, California...

Tuesday: 5:00 pm Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 7:30 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:30 am Saturday 3:30 pm (Also by appointment) Saint Luke A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES THE CHURCH OF 1980 Hillsdale Road El Cajon, California 92019 (619) 442-1697 The Most Holy Trinity - June 11, 2017 Reflection: Reflect upon and/or share about a time when your relationship with someone made you feel alive. How is that like, or unlike, your relationship with the Lord? What can you do to strengthen your belief in the Lord? Alternative: Reflect upon and/or share about a time when your love for someone impelled you to give from your depths. How do you experience God loving you today? How can you open yourself more to God’s love? Sa Gospel God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. Jn 3:16 FIRST READING: Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9 SECOND READING: 2nd Corinthians 13:11-13 GOSPEL: John 3:16-18

Transcript of The Most Holy Trinity - June 11, 2017 Saint Luke THE C...Jun 11, 2017  · El Cajon, California...

  • Tuesday: 5:00 pm

    Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 7:30 am

    Saturday: 5:00 pm

    Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:30 am

    Saturday 3:30 pm

    (Also by appointment)



    1980 Hillsdale Road El Cajon, California 92019


    The Most Holy Trinity - June 11, 2017

    Reflection: Reflect upon and/or share about a time when your relationship with someone made you feel alive.

    How is that like, or unlike, your relationship with the Lord? What can you do to strengthen your belief in the

    Lord? Alternative: Reflect upon and/or share about a time when your love for someone impelled you to give from your depths. How do you experience God loving you today? How can you open yourself more to God’s love?

    Saint LukeGospel

    God so loved the world

    that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who

    believes in him might not perish but might have

    eternal life. Jn 3:16

    FIRST READING: Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9 SECOND READING: 2nd Corinthians 13:11-13

    GOSPEL: John 3:16-18


    Parish Pastoral Council

    normally meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

    Visitors/observers welcome. If you wish to have

    an item placed on the agenda, contact a Council

    member to present it for you or contact the Parish Office.

    Parish Council Members:

    Fr. Ron Cochran

    Jane Alfano

    Mark Balmert

    Amy Cannon

    Bob Guarnotta

    Linda Jacobson

    Anita Leak

    Sam Lupo

    Don Mercurio

    Dcn. Emeritus:

    Dennie Nickell

    Rick Roberts

    Dave Sapper

    Karen Sapper

    Tom Selfani

    Bryan Shull

    Dcn. Jerry Stenovec

    Dcn. Allan Williams


    The Parish Finance Council meets every other

    3rd Wednesday of the month.

    Parish Finance Council Members:

    Fr. Ron Cochran

    James Chitkowski Jim Crockett

    George Heidenreich Jeanne Houghtby

    John Krueger

    Cathy March

    Dave Sapper

    Jim Stepovich Richard Venancio

    Parish Council, Finance Council & From the Pastor

    2 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

    From the Pastor Dear parishioners, I read news this morning of how Harvard University withdrew ten acceptances from potential students who posted “offensive, racially charged” memes. From their descriptions later in the article, they were much worse than offensive much and broader than racially charged. By-the-way, I had to look up the definition of meme, in real dictionaries and in the urban dictionary, but I

    still don’t understand the meaning of the word.

    My point isn’t about memes, though, it’s about offensive speech. People invoke 1st Amendment rights in order to claim some kind of right to be offensive and that is part of what bothers me; many people seem to want to be offensive. 1st Amendment rights won’t help those whose acceptance was rescinded by Harvard. The school used its right to revoke admissions for someone who “engages or has engaged in behavior that brings into question their honesty, maturity or moral character.”

    Our laws give us and protect many freedoms, that’s one of the beauties of our system. Free speech has helped us grow and mature as a society; I’m thinking of the civil rights movement as an example. Maybe the best example of problems associated with the lack of free speech comes from 1633 when Galileo Galilei was punished with lifetime house arrest for insisting that the sun does not revolve around the earth.

    In the U.S. we do limit free speech when the speaker is intending to provoke an imminent and likely violation of the law, like inciting to riot. In this situation, the individual is held responsible for the effects of his speech. Freedom of speech is protected but we must be held liable for the results of our speech and actions. Those had their acceptance to Harvard revoked suffered from that. Their speech was protected but it still demonstrated that they are not the type of students Harvard wants.

    It is common, now, to try to teach young people to be careful what they post on social media. We warn them that college admission personnel and corporate HR personnel check us out on social media. I guess it’s wise to teach such thinks to our youth but I wish we could successfully teach a more pure reason. Demeaning others is wrong. It’s not Christian. It’s not following our Lord’s command to love one another. It’s detestable. Yet, it seems to be more and more common and accepted in our society today.

    I don’t know how best to combat the hatefulness that masquerades as humor and free speech but I know we must combat it. We must teach our children our Lord’s commandment of love. We must watch our own speech and avoid teaching them the words of hatred. We must name the evil for what it is and take away its power over us.

    I applaud the three who stuck up for the two young ladies on the Portland train last week. I’m saddened by the loss of life and injuries, both the physical injury and the emotional injuries that must have been suffered. They were willing to step in and try to protect the young ladies from the evil the man was spouting. We don’t need to go that far but we do need to name evil for what it is even if it is protected by the 1st Amendment.

    In His service,

    Fr. Ron


    Bill Phillips, Isaac Armas, Mary Botte, Lara Pasi,Nancy Usrey, Ryan Cochran, Emmanuel Hallak, Dylan Coughlin, Frank Alfano, Marilyn Carver, Selena Chum, Jimmie Davis, Dr. Barbie Taylor, Rachel Chavez,

    Michele Chavez, Joy Darrah, Gray Draper, Linda Rogers, Helen Chu, Al Bowen, Margaret Dennison, Jacob Seilheimer, Joyce Kammer, Theresa Worcholik, Cheryl Berry, Natalie Enriquez, Candace Dayton, Harriet, Ladel, Michael Ward, Nina Murphy, Noel Fisher, Jason Zdunich, Karen Bennett, Connie Elba, Blanche Duncan, Charles Brown, Jim Leachman, Christine Banuelos, Jose Orrantia, Dave Johnson, Mina Scannicchio, Jan Lindgren, Carol Petrich, Carey Moore, Jose Azarza, Parker Landis, Joan Smith, Anthony Potito, Kaylee Mikulsky, Jackie, Jeff Rogers, Michelle Tello, Katherine Boomer, Chase Laird, Vera Navetta, Miriam Kaskorkis, Adelaide Fitzwater, Ed Solorzano, Alice Zizzo, Luis Orrantia, Maggie Matthews, Sophia Christensen, Steven, Cindy Russell, Karen Walker, Mike Murphy, Ann Mussomeli, Jeanine DeSanti, Joe James Sowards, Vie Liddell, Olivia Dunn, Elda Lavelli, Jennifer Soares, Dorothea Wall, Martina Chiappara Cahill, Antoinette Daquisto-Guidi, Matthew Chu, Bob Weisham, Teri Harrison, Danielle P. Joe Scannicchio, Maria Warcholik, Ruthie Condon, Marin Mejia, Mike Marcon, Theresa & Vito Siragusa, Tracy Weaver, Rick Gores, Corrine Meierbachtol, Sue Sullivan, Rose Camacho, Ray Camacho, Tommy Collet Sr., John Lawton, Justin Hughes, Clara Morrison, Travis Butler, Jordan Garcia, Winston Quitiquit, Gregory S., Joan Hall, Joni Marco, Vern Hubka, Ricky Latorre, Camryn Mayer, Dolores Morrison, Aimee Gatus, Tommy Collet Jr., Thomas Baca, Chuck Moore, Gui Mei Guo, Audrianna Lococo, Karl Viederstein, Carey Moore, John Morrison, Maria Teresa Valquez, Nancy Samayoa, Tyler Parr, Karin Oravetz, Terry McMullin, Mary Morrison, Laura Allen & Family, Ryan Waters, Sam Attisha, Debra Burke, Andrew Mearm, Richard Perricone, John Agostini, Clara Morrison, Austin Gatus, Rosemary Lowe, The Hill Family, Russell Morrison, Frances Colombo, Christina Morrison, Megan Kruer Jones, Zaim Attisha, Laura Lee, Teresa Russo, Lillian Peregud; and all our relatives and friends who are sick. A NOTE ABOUT OUR PRAYER LIST: If you would like to add a name to our prayer list please contact Nancy Adema at 619-460-0509 or [email protected]. Also please notify Nancy when a name can be removed. We appreciate the prompt notification & your cooperation .

    Remember in your Prayers, Weekly Readings, Mass Intentions

    Online Giving Link: |3

    PARISH FINANCES In order to fulfill our budget, we need to collect an average of $12,722 in the collection basket each week. Some weeks may be higher and some lower but we need to maintain that average. Additionally, we have budgeted for an average of $12,802 to be contributed monthly through our Online Giving contribution program.

    The total amount budgeted through these sources is $660,095 this year. Our budget includes another $106,384 expected income from other sources; (Annual Catholic Appeal rebates, Christmas & Easter collections, Sacramental Donations, Interest, One-time gifts & bequests, etc.).

    LAST WEEK: Totals for 6/04/2017 Plate: $ 813.00 Envelope: $ 9,514.00 Total Collection Basket: $ 10,327.00 Online Giving April 2017: 23,784.78 (112 users) SUPPORTING THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH: Once you’ve made a decision on how much you should be giving, decide how to give. WAYS TO GIVE: You can use envelopes, as many people do, you can set up automatic donations through your Bank, (forms available in the parish office), you can go to Online Giving on the St. Luke website and set up an online giving plan which you can personally manage or call the parish office to arrange an online giving plan administered by the parish Business Manger. Online Giving Link: Click on: Online Giving in the center of subject bar. For more

    information please call the parish office at 442-1697.



    Chuck and Blanche Duncan 06-11-1962 Sam and Carol Claybrook 06-10-1970 John and Margie Clark 06-17-1972 Kent and Janice Johnson 06-12-1976 Greg and Maria Elena Smith 06-01-1979 James and Lisa Alessio 06-18-1993 Joe and Laura Fee 06-11-2016

    If you would like to have your Wedding Anniversary placed in the bulletin

    please call 442-1697.


    Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9/Dn 3:52-56/2 Cor 13:11-13/Jn 3:16-18 Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7/Ps 34:2-9/Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129-133, 135/Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/Ps 99:5-9/Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15--4:1, 3-6/Ps 85:9ab, 10-14/Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 116:10-11, 15-18/Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/Mt 5:33-37 Next Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/Ps 147:12-15, 19-20/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58

    THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS Saturday: 5:00pm Jo Mc Shane RIP Sunday: 9:00am Daniel Lesnicek RIP 11:30am Parishioners of St. Luke Tuesday: Communion Service Wednesday: 7:30am Bruno & Margaret Bubis RIP Thursday: 7:30am William Mc alpine RIP Friday: 7:30am Johnny & Abulahad Abudulahad RIP Saturday: 5:00pm Father’s Day Novena Sunday: 9:00am Parishioners of St. Luke 11:30am Father’s Day Novena

    SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCE Sunday: Most Holy Trinity Monday: Week Day Tuesday: St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church Wednesday: Flag Day Thursday: Week Day Friday: Week day Saturday: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ; Father's Day Next Sunday: Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ; Father's Day

  • 4 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

    Gospel Meditation, Live the Liturgy & Why Do We Do That


    ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE The Most Holy Trinity "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son." We are used to this profound idea, so used to it that we often glaze over the incredible reality: God the Father has a Son who became man and dwelt among us! Too often we blithely make the sign of the cross in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, without realizing what a radical theology we are announcing. Only Christianity proclaims a triune God. Only Christianity professes that we have one God in three divine persons. Only Christianity declares that the very nature of God is to be relational and literally "personal." Why does this matter? Because we are made in God's image, as the opening chapters of Genesis tell us. We, therefore, are made in the image of this Trinitarian God who IS love. We are built to be like this God! Just as God the Father loves God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, we too are called to love one another. In fact, we are not fulfilling our nature and design when we don't. And just as God loved the world (that is, us!) so too we are called to love him in return. We don't have to embrace this image in which we were made, of course. God gave us freedom so that our love can be real, but this means our choices really matter. We can decide not to reflect God's interpersonal love in the world. We can opt not to return the love that God pours out to each of us. But this can only lead to disappointment in the end. After all, God sent his Son so that "everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." Ultimately, this means spending eternity in the Trinitarian embrace of love. So why not start now?

    LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK Today's celebration of the Most Holy Trinity shows us how awesome and huge God really is! He is not a judgmental and aloof king reigning in heav-en but a loving and compassionate God who is intimately involved with his children and all his creation. God as Father reveals the immensity of God's presence as seen in the wonder of creation: the stars and seas, the moun-tains and hills, and all the glory that surrounds us. Jesus reveals the com-passionate and gentle face of God, a God of mercy who desires nothing more than for his children to seek and come to him. God the Holy Spirit reminds us that God is the very life force of our existence, without whom we would have no breath and the universe would have no life.

    WHY DO WE DO THAT? - CATHOLIC TRADITIONS EXPLAINED Question: Why don't Catholics add the "For yours is the Kingdom..." prayer at the end of the Our Father like Protestants do? Where did it come from? Answer: The conclusion of the Lord's Prayer that you refer to is called a doxology, which is a prayer of glory and praise. This particular doxology we do use in the Mass. After the Our Father, the priest prays the prayer that begins, "Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil..." and the people respond with the doxology. The doxology is not found in the Bible, but it is very ancient. It was first found in "The Didache," also called "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles," which dates probably from about the year AD 90. It was a letter of instruction to early converts to Christianity. Protestantism dates only to the sixteenth century, so the doxology is actually a Catholic prayer. Some scholars and the catechism (#2760) indicate that the doxology was connected to the celebration of the Eucharist and was not used apart from it. Remember, both the Lord's Prayer and the Eucharist were part of the "mysteries of faith," things taught only to believers. Ironically, a remnant of a prayer used during the celebration of the Eucharist has comes to be used widely by many Christian churches that do not celebrate the Eucharist! Truth is indeed stranger than fiction!


    Spiritual Bouquet Cards

    Saint Luke First

    Communicants! Please pray for our disciples who will be receiving First

    Holy Communion at a parish Mass

    April - June 2017!

    Gianna Adams Sophia Alsheikh Celestyal Chavez Jack Chiles

    Gabriella ConnorIsabella Connor

    Joseph Gardner Porter Little Aeryn Martin

    Alexis Matus Isaac Murphy Andrew Pedroza Reese Pidgeon Kallan Shaw Gabriella Shoemaker Samantha Simaytis Rebekah Straily Chloe Totry

  • For additional calendar and event information go to |5

    Contacts & Calendar Information

    VISIT OUR WEBSITE For additional calendar and event information.

    FROM THE BULLETIN EDITOR Office Phone: (619) 442-1697 Fax (619) 442-2293

    Joanie Maitilasso and Carole Morales

    OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm



    CALENDAR OF EVENTS Month of June

    (Calendar Events are subject to change) Holy Trinity 3:30pm Reconciliation 5:00pm Mass w/First Communions: Isabella Connor and Gabriella Connor Holy Trinity 8:30am Pro Life Rosary 9:00am Mass w/ Children's Liturgy Word 9:00am K of C Pancake Breakfast 11:30am Mass w/Children's Liturgy Word and First Communions: Chloe Totry, SophiaAlsheikh, MatthewSiragosa, MelissaVasquez No Meetings

    5:00pm Communion Service 6:30pm Young adult Gatherings 7:30am Mass 7:00pm K of C General Meeting 7:30am Mass 5:00pm Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 7:30am Mass

    The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 3:30pm Reconciliation 5:00pm Mass The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Father’s Day 8:30am Pro Life Rosary 9:00am Mass w/ Children's Liturgy Word 11:30am Mass w/Children's Liturgy Word No Meetings

    Sat 10th



    Thu 15th

    Fri 16th

    Sat 17th

    Sun 18tht


    Mon 12th

    Sun 11th


    Pastor: Rev. Ron Cochran (619) 442-1697

    Deacon Emeritus: Dennie Nickell (619) 442-1697

    Deacon: Jerry Stenovec (619) 667-2282

    Deacon: Allan Williams (619) 593-3790 Pastoral Associate: Jane Cruz Alfano (619) 442-1697 x103

    Business Manager: Jim Crockett (619) 442-1697 x110

    [email protected]

    Secretary: Joanie Maitilasso (619) 442-1697 x101

    [email protected]

    Bulletin Editor: Joanie Maitilasso (619) 442-1697 x101

    [email protected]

    Facility Manager: Robert Stevenson (619)442-1697 x109

    Web Master: Lance Attiq [email protected].

    Altar Servers: Dcn. Alan Williams (619) 593-3790

    Choir Director: Colin McColl (619) 508-1609

    Organist: Susan Paul 619-328-5935

    Eucharistic Ministers: Linda Jacobson (619) 442-8270

    Greeters: Maria Oliver (619) 588-9099

    Lectors: Susan Smothers (619) 277-4709

    Ushers: George Heidenreich (619) 442-1697

    FAITH FORMATION Catechetical Ministry

    Jane Cruz Alfano, Pastoral Associate (619) 442-1697 x103 [email protected]

    Coordinator of RCIA: Dcn. Jerry Stenovec (619) 667-2282 [email protected]

    Coordinator of PreK-5 Faith Formation:

    Debbie Stenovec (619) 442-2515 x 105

    [email protected]

    Coordinator of Middle and High School Faith Formation &Youth a/Young Adult Ministry:

    Evelyn Beale (619) 442-2515 x 106

    [email protected]


    Baptism Class: Joanie Maitilasso (619)442-1697

    Centering Prayer: Rosemarie Murphy (619) 588 9497

    Church Cleaning Crew: Peggy Nelson (619) 440-8910

    Cub/Boy Scout Religious Emblems:

    Shannon Vint (619) 749-2011

    Eucharistic Adoration: Cindy Christmas (619) 444-1428

    & Mike Wasyliw (619) 444-9240

    Friends of the Poor: Martha Evans (619) 701-3743

    Knights of Columbus: Don Mercurio,G.K. (619)447-4819

    Marriage Preparation: Joanie Maitilasso (619) 442-1697

    Ministry to Sick and Homebound:

    Dcn. Jerry Stenovec (619) 667-2282

    Outreach Ministry: Ken Stempien (619) 442-1697

    Prayer Chain: Nancy Adema 619-460-0509

    Respect Life: Don Mercurio (619) 447-4819

    Scrip: Tom Stone (619)990-3515 Small Church Communities:

    Jane Cruz Alfano, (619) 442-1697 x 103

    Society of St. Vincent de Paul:

    Mike Wasyliw (619)444- 9240

  • In April of this year in lieu of our regularly planned Emmaus program, our children from Pre—School through 5th grade had an opportunity to participate in a mission presented by Sr. Eva Rodriquez from the Mission Childhood Association from the San Diego Diocese.

    Middle school and high school youth were on hand to assist with the younger disciples. Together they watched a slide show about the customs and culture of Ecuador, dressed in the regional attire from the country of Ecuador, sang songs and participated in making a World Mission Rosary.


    June 26-30 9:00am-12:00pm



    Decker, Tina, Bubba,

    Skyler and Abbee Want You to join them!

    Registration begins

    May 8th!

    Registration will be available on [email protected] the Parish Office Mon-Fri. 9am-4:30pm

    For more information please contact:

    PreK-5th Grade Coordinator- Debbie Stenovec at

    [email protected]


    Parish Events

    7 | Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019

    Please place donated items in the blue barrel in the Parish Baptistery.

    Break the Fast and Share Ramadan with Our Muslim Neighbors

    Muslims throughout the world fast for a month during Ramadan. The Muslim community at Pacifica Institute

    ( warmly invites you to join them for a fast-breaking dinner during the month of June at sundown. Dinners are free and will be held in homes and at Pacifica

    Institute on June 24 (10171 Pacific Mesa Blvd. #307, San Diego, 92121). For more info, contact Lynn Neu

    ([email protected] or 619-249-4205).).

  • The Solar Panels will save the parish on average more that $38,000 annually. Your dona on will have a mul plying effect genera ng cash savings for many years to come.

    The Church of Saint Luke GOES GREEN

    25 year multiplying effect

    Your Donation of: Generates Cash Savings of:

    $200 $1,100 $500 $2,750 $1,000 $5,500 $5,000 $27,500

    Help us join together as a community in this effort. Complete your pledge card today

    and return it by June 25th.

    We can’t afford to wait any longer. The time to act is now.

  • Parish Events

    Church of St Luke * 1980 Hillsdale Road * El Cajon * CA * 92019 | 8

    Annual Catholic Appeal

    San Diego Diocese Goal for Saint Luke

    Budgeted Parish Appeal

    Goal for Saint Luke




    T D








    T D





    Thank You for helping us to Meet Our Goal!!!





















    $52,000 $36,000

    Annual Catholic Appeal Online Giving go to:

    Annual Parish Appeal Saint Luke Online Giving go to: Click on The Online Giving Link


    Our Response as Stewards

    Participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal accomplishes something simple but profound: it opens the door of faith for others and for yourself. Because of your gift, someone will meet Jesus Christ, have the opportunity to experience His loving grace, know His Mercy, and Love. Please make a pledge today.

    Don’t delay, make a pledge today! There are many ways to respond to the Annual Catholic Appeal: • a monthly or quarterly pledge • one-time cash gift • a credit card or electronic funds transfer, visit • gift of stocks and bonds For more information or to obtain a pledge card, contact the parish office.

    Note that the Annual Catholic Appeal qualifies for many company matching gift programs.

    $ 5



    $ 3



    “ Your love has given me great joy

    and encourage-ment, because you,

    brother, have refreshed the

    hearts of the Lord’s people.”

    -Philemon 1:7
