the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result...

Simpson and Ashland Parish Council Minutes of Meeting held on 4 September 2017 at 8.00p.m., Simpson Village Hall Present: Cllrs Peter Barnes (Vice Chair), Carole Baume, Robert Ling, Cathy Pope, David Pye (Chair), Sheila Thornton Sue Key (Clerk/RFO) Min. Ref. Item Action Apologies: Cllr Andrew Harrington Noted 1 & 2 Public Forum: The following residents attended the public forum Jane Anderson, Lena Bates, Steve Bates, Helen Boyce, Nicki Griffiths, Jenny Hughes, Tony King, Katrina King, Brenda Ladd, Pamela Lambourne, Patricia Skingsley, Peter McDonald (Ward Councillor) Geoffrey Seale, and Roderick Seale. Cllr Pye, Chair gave apologies for Cllr Harrington and welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Chair noted that the PC is facing a number of complex planning issues within its boundary area. The PC is very clear as stated in the Simpson Vision Paper that it does not oppose development per se because it is aware of the shortage and need for housing but that any development should be appropriate to the setting and to Simpson and Ashland. In addition, the PC is also keen to see affordable housing being developed as part of applications. The Chair also noted that objections to planning applications needed to address technical points and arguments in line with the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the PC has been looking at how it approaches planning in future and will discuss this in more detail later. a) 141 Simpson - The Chair then welcomed Geoffrey and Roderick Seale, owners of 141 Simpson. Geoffrey thanked the Chair for this opportunity to update the PC on the situation regarding 141 Simpson. He and his brother have inherited the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace the bungalow with two houses, potentially in the style of the three bungalows in Millholm Rise (one behind the other) for him and his brother to occupy. They have spoken to the agents of 139 Simpson which has a planning application for four properties with the idea of developing something together specifically regarding access to these sites. Concern was raised by him over the current state of 139 plot. He has spoken to the Enforcement Officer at MKC with the hope of having an amenity order made to tidy up the land and wondered if the PC would also consider contacting MKC to ask the same. Geoffrey stated they had read the Simpson Vision Paper and wanted to ensure they kept the PC aware of what they are proposing. General discussion noted that Walden Croft has not been adopted and there were a number of ongoing issues including street lighting not working that had not been addressed. Geoffrey stated that one of the reasons for this was that the drawings relating to the highways had been lost and MKC

Transcript of the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result...

Page 1: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

Simpson and Ashland Parish Council Minutes of Meeting held on 4 September 2017 at 8.00p.m., Simpson Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Peter Barnes (Vice Chair), Carole Baume, Robert Ling, Cathy Pope, David Pye (Chair), Sheila Thornton Sue Key (Clerk/RFO)

Min. Ref. Item Action

Apologies: Cllr Andrew Harrington


1 & 2 Public Forum: The following residents attended the public forum – Jane Anderson, Lena Bates, Steve Bates, Helen Boyce, Nicki Griffiths, Jenny Hughes, Tony King, Katrina King, Brenda Ladd, Pamela Lambourne, Patricia Skingsley, Peter McDonald (Ward Councillor) Geoffrey Seale, and Roderick Seale. Cllr Pye, Chair gave apologies for Cllr Harrington and welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Chair noted that the PC is facing a number of complex planning issues within its boundary area. The PC is very clear as stated in the Simpson Vision Paper that it does not oppose development per se because it is aware of the shortage and need for housing but that any development should be appropriate to the setting and to Simpson and Ashland. In addition, the PC is also keen to see affordable housing being developed as part of applications. The Chair also noted that objections to planning applications needed to address technical points and arguments in line with the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the PC has been looking at how it approaches planning in future and will discuss this in more detail later. a) 141 Simpson - The Chair then welcomed Geoffrey and Roderick Seale, owners of 141 Simpson. Geoffrey thanked the Chair for this opportunity to update the PC on the situation regarding 141 Simpson. He and his brother have inherited the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace the bungalow with two houses, potentially in the style of the three bungalows in Millholm Rise (one behind the other) for him and his brother to occupy. They have spoken to the agents of 139 Simpson which has a planning application for four properties with the idea of developing something together specifically regarding access to these sites. Concern was raised by him over the current state of 139 plot. He has spoken to the Enforcement Officer at MKC with the hope of having an amenity order made to tidy up the land and wondered if the PC would also consider contacting MKC to ask the same. Geoffrey stated they had read the Simpson Vision Paper and wanted to ensure they kept the PC aware of what they are proposing. General discussion noted that Walden Croft has not been adopted and there were a number of ongoing issues including street lighting not working that had not been addressed. Geoffrey stated that one of the reasons for this was that the drawings relating to the highways had been lost and MKC

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would not adopt the road until they have proof the highways have been built in accordance with MKC standards. Jenny Hughes raised concerns for 139 Simpson plot in that if any new houses were constructed similar in type to those built in Walden Croft then these would be three storey and given the gradient of the land the properties would stand very high at this point in the village. Cllr Thornton asked for clarification on the type of housing they were considering. Geoffrey used the example of the bungalows Millholm Rise that faced the canal. The Chair thanked Geoffrey and Roderick for sharing their initial plans and asked that they please keep the PC informed. b) Planning PC approach - Chair noted that the PC is developing a more systematic approach to planning. The PC will now be holding planning consultation meetings on the first Monday of the month where there is no formal PC meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be for people to be able to come along, discuss draft plans / planning applications and develop a response based on resident views and technical evidence. Cllr Baume has agreed to chair this meeting as she has had previous planning experience. To support its work, the PC is pleased to confirm that a local resident, Mark Turner-Heslington will be supporting the PC. Mark is a professional planner and the PC is pleased that he has offered to support the PC and the local area in this way. c) Early Learning Centre Site (211 Simpson) – Chair noted a lot of discussion had been held including at the last formal PC meeting, prior to the formal plans being submitted to MKC. The PC has now received notification of the application and will draft a response. Chair encouraged residents with concerns to make comments but advised it is important to provide evidence to any objections – to this end, the PC will circulate the key technical issues associated with the planning application as raised by Mark Tuner-Heslington and Alan Mills (previously a senior planning officer) who attended the PC meeting in July 2017. General discussion was held with the following points being raised: - Cllr Ling reported concerns upon initial review of documents that there

were no drawings to illustrate how the elevation will look within the village without the soft shielding of the trees, as the plans indicate of the 28 trees only seven mature trees will be left.

- Uncertainty as to whether the Canal Trust been informed given the proximity of the proposed development to the Grand Union Canal and if so, would they be commenting.

- Patricia Skingsley stated the view from her bedroom window will be significantly compromised by this development.

- There was some confusion regarding whether a notice had been put on the site but it was confirmed that a notice had been posted dated 1 September 2017 with a response date of 22 September 2017.

- Steve Bates raised concerns over capacity of sewer infrastructure and the impact that the development would have on this. There are already problems with flooding of the system etc and the inclusion of this additional site could seriously worsen the situation. Cllr Barnes stated there is a detailed waste disposal paper as part of the application but

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he was concerned that the correct road was being included as there was some confusion regarding road nomenclature.

- Access to site including issue of red way was raised. Concern that the development could impact on the Redway route.

- Open space – concern raised that this development would impact on previously open space and that this was an extension of the plot boundary.

- Bin storage – siting of this and where rubbish will be left for collection would be on an incline with health and safety and environmental issues associated with this.

- Chair thanked everyone present for their input and noted that the proposed developers had also mentioned a secondary plan (Plan B) but nobody has seen this. It might be that objections/comments are received by MKC, a Plan B may then be submitted. The Chair stressed again the importance of residents both individually, as a group and via the PC responding to the proposals including in these the technical objections as discussed. Cllr Baume stated, at present MKC officers could decide this application given its relatively small size and suggests the PC ask for this application to be heard by a panel which would give the PC and residents the opportunity to listen and make representation. Ward Cllr P McDonald stated he would formally ask MKC to have this application heard by a panel. The Chair thanked ward Cllr P Mc Donald.

Chair thanked all residents for their comments. A number left the meeting after this item. Noted: i) PC Planning approach – PC unanimously agreed new planning

approach process. Actions: ii) Amenity order for 139 Simpson – PC to contact P Goff,

Enforcement officer to see if this is an option to tidy the site up. iii) 211 Simpson – PC to circulate to relevant residents technical

comments to inform residents within the next week. iv) 211 Simpson – PC and Cllr McDonald to request this application be

heard by a panel.


Clerk Cllr

Baume Cllr


3 Ashland Development Chair reported that a statement regarding the completion of the Ashland estate had been shared on Facebook, the parish newsletter and via the PC website. A meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 13 September, 8pm at Simpson & Ashland Village Hall for Ashland residents to speak to representatives from the Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) and John Sullivan from Paul Newman New Homes (PNNH) on issues regarding completion. At present 8 residents had confirmed attendance. Places will be limited to 60. All are asked to let the Clerk know if they wish to attend. Chair asked Cllr Baume, as a Ashland resident, to chair this meeting which she agreed. Noted the new Fish and Chip shop on Ashland is now open. Cllr Thornton asked about signage for the shops from the grid roads and the developer and MKC are working together to agree final costings to provide signs.

4 Planning PC approach See item 1&2 b) and i) above.

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First meeting will take place on Monday 2 October at 8pm in Simpson & Ashland Village Hall. Cllr Baume stated that she will not be able to chair the December meeting.

5 CA:MK Community Project See item 7 Declaration of Interest noted prior to this discussion. Chair reported the PC had met with the Chief Executive of CA:MK to discuss how the PC obtains a better understanding of the needs of Simpson residents as services from MKC and other agencies continue to evolve and reduce. The PC considered what it could do to support residents moving forward. As a result CA:MK have submitted proposals for a project to capture the views of residents on a range of issues that are important to them and the services that they use or would like. The proposal was circulated to all Cllrs and a discussion was held. Cllrs were unanimous in their agreement to proceed with this work and costs of £7,986 were signed off to cover this. Cllr Baume noted there may be access to a grant which could offset some of this cost. General discussion looked at setting up a steering group made up of Cllrs and residents to work with CA:MK to complete this project which would begin in September 2017 with completion March/April 2018. Noted: i) Implementation of CA:MK project – Chair proposed approval and

adoption of this project and costings. Seconded by Cllr Ling and PC unanimously agreed.

ii) Steering Group makeup – Cllr Barnes and Cllr Pope happy to sit on steering group. Cllr Harrington to be asked to also sit on the group. Three residents will be approached to join the group.

Actions: iii) Steering Group makeup – Cllr Harrington to be asked to sit on group

and Cllr Barnes to contact three residents to be invited to be on the group.

iv) Confirmation of project – Chair to write to CEO CA:MK to confirm acceptance of project.

Cllr Barnes


6 Service Devolution – Update Cllr Baume reported she had still not heard back from M Barnes about the MKC proposed baseline for landscape services. Cllr Baume also reported an e-mail had been received from Kay Pettit enquiring if any Parish/Town Cllrs wish to become a member of a small working group to review drafts of the Framework for service delivery. Cllr Baume confirmed happy to volunteer to be on this working group. Noted: i) Working group representative – PC agreed and thanked Cllr

Baume for volunteering to represent PC’s on this working group. Actions: ii) Cllr Baume to contact K Pettit to confirm would like to sit on

working group.

Cllr Baume



7 Declarations of Interest Cllr Thornton declared an interest in item 5 and did not take part in that items discussion.


8 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 July May 2017:

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Noted – Minutes and budget expenditure agreed as a correct record or the meeting and signed by the Vice Chair.


9 Matters arising from 3 July 2017 minutes: 1&2b) Footpath from Mount to Activity Centre – Clerk had contacted J

Barrett to inform how to report on line. Clerk also reported on behalf of PC.

1&2c) Weed growth in Ashland – Cllr Baume reported MKC had sent round a briefing note on the current weed spraying programme to be carried out this year. Frequency of spraying has been reduced and Simpson and Ashland is scheduled weed spraying week commencing 9 September 2017. Cllr Ling noted that in the past there had been four treatments per annum but these had been reduced to two. The PC had received a flyer from a landscaping contractor regarding weed spraying. Cllr Ling noted significant weed growth on main road through Simpson in addition to that reported at the July 2017 meeting relating to weed growth on Ashland and suggested PC may want to consider looking into funding additional weed growth treatment if MKC programme is not sufficient.

11b) HiMOs and illegal developments – no progress. Chair will chase Cllr Long regarding progress on meeting with the senior officer responsible for housing at MKC

All other items covered in rest of agenda. Actions: i) Weed growth – to review success of MKC week programme with a

view to purchasing additional treatments.

Cllr Ling

10 Delegated Decisions made since last meeting: To note the following decisions have been made under the scheme of delegated powers since the last meeting: a) Manor Farm Planning application to lift Condition 5 - PC approved

and had no objections. b) Planning Music Service initial planning application re internal

changes - PC approved no objections but would raise concerns over parking and traffic and access issues.

c) Payments of three invoices under £200 – approved by Chair. Parks Trust pond dipping invoice, expenses for Cllr Thornton re resources for summer activity programme, Invoice for Litter Bin installed on Ashland.

11 Chairs Report Report noted and accepted with the following amendment. Amendment to the last bullet point concerning work on the PC approach to planning. Sentence should read “ Linked to this we are also going to try a new approach whereby a planning consultation meeting will be held on the first Monday of the month that there is no formal PC meeting.

Groups Reports

12.1 Communications Group – Newsletter – Cllr Barnes reported September edition printed and circulated on time using the new Printer supplier. The Chair thanked Cllr Barnes and Lorraine Hodghton for all there hard work. Verbal report noted and accepted.

12.2 Open Spaces Group No report to present for this period.

12.3 Community Engagement and Play Group

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Chair reported on behalf of Cllr Harrington and highlighting the following points: a) Programme of activities – completed. However attendance was

disappointing and the Community Engagement and Play group will be reviewing this at their 12 September 2017 meeting. Sunday Picnic event was well attended.

Verbal report noted and accepted. Noted:

i) Programme of Activities –PC thanked Sam Costner for her work administering this programme and approved the amount of honorarium to Sam Costner. See item 13 re approval of Honorarium to Sam Costner for administering the programme

12.4 TRAP (Towpaths, Roads and Pathways) Group – Cllr Ling reported main item to update is as follows. Verbal report noted and accepted. a) Parking issues on road/grass verges around the Church - Cllr Ling

had e-mailed Pat Hodges to discuss the issues and this will be kept under review.

Verbal report noted and accepted.

12.5 Village Hall Management Committee Cllr Ling circulated hard copy of report of telephone meeting of committee. See Appendix 1. The following points were highlighted: a) Staff Room upgrade – propose to bring a business case to next

formal PC meeting (November 2017) for discussion regarding improvements to either develop in to a small meeting room for parish/community activities or make better use as a storage facility.

b) Staff payments – an error in payment had been made. This has been rectified and VHMC recommend the overpayment not be repaid but staff would work additional hours.

c) Resident representative on VHMC – ongoing and hope to report progress on this shortly.

d) Noise and parking issues – VHC is aware of a couple of recent issues and will be monitoring this closely. Cllr Ling wants to ensure complaints are made to the VHC to review.

Report noted and accepted. Noted: i) Staff payments –PC unanimously approved action under 12.5 b)


12.6 Simpson Community Task and Finish Group It was noted the work of this group would be covered by the CA:MK project proposal – see item 5 above, so there was nothing to report and the task and finish group item could be removed from future agendas.

12.7 Planning Development The following planning applications have been received: a) 4 Penshurst Crescent – further revised planning application for

conversion of garage into a residential annex (retrospective). Deadline for PC to respond to MKC is 18 September.

b) 211 Early Learning Centre – construction of nine properties and bin storage building. Deadline for PC to respond to MKC is 22 September 2017. See also comments under item 1&2 above.

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c) 28 Yearlstone Square – installation of extract grill to front elevation. Deadline for PC to respond to MKC is 14 September 2017.

d) Land to Sw of Thornbury West Ashland – variation of condition attached to planning permission 15/02778/FUL. Deadline for PC to respond to MKC is 8 September 2017.

Actions: i) Cllr Baume to review above with Mark to provide responses to the

planning applications. ii) 211 Early Learning Centre – see action under 1&2)iii) and iv)

Cllr Baume

Cllr Baume

13 Financial Report: 2017/18 Period 2-3: a) 2017/18 Income/Expenditure statement – as at 26 August balances:

- Overall balance is £54,506.75 made up as follows: - Account 1 = £21,082.32 - Account 2 = £26,310.45 and - Account 3 = £7,113.98 - Estimated year end projected of £50,342.28 excluding the CA:MK

project. When CA:MK is taken into consideration year end estimate is £42,356.28. This will mean an additional £11,260.28 of reserves to be allocated.

- Expenditure (See appendix 2) – 11 payments to Account 1 totalling £2,672.24. No unusual payments. Account 3 had 13 payments amounting to £1,032.98 covering gas, electricity, annual fire equipment service and Anglia water part payment.

- Income - £4,000.00 transfer from Simpson Association. Cllr Barnes now handed over at today’s meeting a further cheque of £390.51. This leaves outstanding approx. £412.50 from a user. Other income includes £0.44 income on Account 2 and £1,643 in hire fees to Account 3.

b) Committed expenditure up to July - Estimated committed expenditure to Sept of £7,977.60 for PC (see Appendix 2 part b) plus the following:

- Cllr Harrington – expenses of £205 regarding summer activity programme.

- MKC Hedgerow - £100 for summer activity event. - CA:MK – payment instalments for completion of project. TBC.

Estimated expenditure for Village Hall of £1,380.20 (see Appendix 2 part b) plus Anglia Water 2nd payment of £158.94 and £13.50 to Cllr Barnes for village hall supplies. Clerk asked PC to approve all payments plus additional noted above.

c) 2nd Precept payment - £20,034 to be paid to PC in mid September 2017. Cllr Pope proposed this be transferred to Account 2 to earn interest.

d) Audit of new processes – Clerk reported date of meeting with auditor now on 7 September 2017. Cllr Ling will be attending.

e) Commencement of 2018/19 budget preparation – Cllr Pope and Clerk asked Cllrs to consider what budgetary requirements they will need to be built into 2018/19 budget and to come back to November meeting if possible with proposals. Chair stated still difficult to predict when MKC will transfer over services but PC needs to continue to prepare for this and note that costs could be far more than MKC have

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alluded to at present. CA:MK project is one tool helping the PC to prepare for this.


i) 2017/18 Income and Expenditure – PC agreed as an accurate statement up to 26 August and approved estimated committed expenditure to Jan 2018 plus additional expenditure as stated in b) above.

ii) 2nd Precept Payment - PC agreed to transfer to 2nd Interest earning account.


iii) 2nd Precept Payment - Clerk to arrange internal transfer. iv) Commencement of 2018/19 budget preparation – Cllrs to provide

proposals of budgetary needs at next meeting.



14 Clerk/RFO Report: a) General Data Protection Regulation - Implementation 2018. Cllr Pope

to look into and report to a future meeting. Cllr Pope stated this could mean a budgetary requirement to be built into future budgets. Chair stated this is a big piece of work for local authorities but noted that the PC does not generally hold personal date but would need to abide by GDPR as/where appropriate.

b) Data Protection – Cllr Pope reported subscription is up for renewal in October. Cllr Pope will pay and claim via expenses.

c) Review of following policies at November meeting: Grant Aid Policy Freedom of Information

d) Pensions – Cllr Pope reported CVS will administer pension requirements. Stage starts in August and have three months to put in place. Cllr Pope will chase CVS up on progress.

e) Dates for Formal PC meetings 2017/18 – Clerk presented dates for approval.

Noted: i) PC unanimously approved dates for formal PC meetings and agreed

dates for planning consultation meetings be added. ii) PC noted Cllr Pope to be reimbursed for payment of Data Protection

subscription renewal. ACTION: iii) General Data Protection Regulation – Cllr Pope to report to future

meeting re legislation requirements. iv) Pension - Cllr Pope to ensure CVS implement pension process.

Cllr Pope Cllr Pope

15 Any Other Business a) Grant – Mount MK 50th birthday grant - K Steedon has reported to

Clerk event was well attended and has £175 to refund back to PC. Clerk reported money has been received.

b) Grant re MK50 Tapestry – Cllr Barnes has receipts amounting to £133 (under the £150 requested). M Young and S Lewis require reimbursing for these costs. Cllr Barnes reported V Freeman Gwynn would like to pay for this on behalf of her late husband R Freeman.

Noted: i) PC noted refund of £175 from the MK50 birthday grant.

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ii) PC agreed to reimburse M Young and S Lewis re MK Tapestry Grant and to inform V Gwynn of amount to reimburse PC.

ACTION: iii) Grant MK Tapestry – Clerk to make reimbursements and to contact

V Gwynn to agree how PC will be reimbursed.


16 There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.58 p.m. Date and time of next meeting:

6 November 2017 at 8.00 p.m.

Appendix 1

Simpson Village Hall Management Committee

Notes of meeting held on Thursday 31 August at 20.00. Meeting conducted by conference call.

Attendance: Cathy Pope, Peter Barnes, Robert Ling. Apology: Sue Key.

Health and Safety Report. Since the last meeting there have been no reported Accidents, Dangerous Occurrences or Near Misses.

Development of the VH as a Community Asset When Cathy’s contact, Brenda Daglish, returns from Canada she will be approached again and efforts will be made to ensure that she understands that this is not an aggressive marketing roll. Peter Barnes is also pursuing a lead that may yield positive results by making an approach to Sian Lewis

Facilities Management Reports Use of the hall The use of the hall is entirely in line with expectations. Summer breaks in regularly meeting groups are over and September sees a typical schedule of events and meetings return to the hall, including the Art Group, Garden Group and Meditation Group.

One-off meetings are presently a little ahead of expectations. These include the Ashland meeting, Heritage Open Days exhibition, a tea dance and some parties (various).

In short, there is potentially a slight increase in bookings.

PPM Update Churches fire have attended and following minor maintenance, including a new fire extinguisher to replace an out of date appliance, the VH is now up to standard in terms of its firefighting and fire alarm equipment, statutory notices and maintenance.

Unplanned maintenance Gutters have been cleaned, ready for the autumn onslaught of weather and leaves. In order to work safely on ladders the plot has had weeds felled although not totally removed because of the work load and also the deterrent effect to unwanted visitors because of the difficulty of walking through rough cut brambles.

Now that the roof is not leaking, the damaged ceiling in the store room has been repaired. It now requires painting to render the job closed.

Finance Matters As expected, the hall continues to enjoy healthy finances. It was noted that the reserve should be maintained and this recommendation was made for the following reasons. There are sufficient funds to cover one of the large maintenance tasks that may be required.

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The fund has not had to support, to any significant degree, any of the small more routine maintenance tasks because Peter and Robert have been providing time and materials for the tasks at minimum cost to the budgets. This could change over time and the financial benefit should not be relied upon in terms of setting budgets.

Water Bill Overall water usage and hence charges have been higher than last year. However, the cost is not so high as to indicate unusual water usage. The bill was therefore approved for payment and no other actions taken.

Electricity Bill A new one-year contract has been agreed, broadly aligned to the rates of charge that are presently enjoyed along with a supplement of circa 13% to reflect general price increases.

(Post Meeting Note) The terms of the new contract have been agreed subsequent to this meeting.

Consumables Contract A new facilities (consumables) supplier is being sort to fill the gap created when Pollards closed last month.

Accounting for parish meetings. It was decided not to charge for Parish Council meetings to simplify accounting. All that is required, for one year only, is to make a note on the accounting note that c. £150 of income is now not recorded so that like-for- like comparisons can be made. Next year this will not be necessary.

Process Improvements The electronic diary is beginning to work in terms of yielding business benefit (efficiencies).

Robert and Sue are due to meet the auditor with a view to understanding how the finances and their reporting can be managed with the minimum possible effort (hence expense)

Non Standard Agenda Items

Noise and Parking It is unclear if the recent minor spike in complaints is part of a trend of increased irritation with the VH activities or whether it is still consistent with the background noise.

Peter has agreed to monitor the situation and report back if it is the case that attitudes to the VH have changed.

The VHMC feel that it is important to help Peter deal with matters of this kind since the complainants have no business in making this a personal matter for Peter’s attention only.

CAPEX projects Staff Room Upgrade Given that the present use of the staff room may not be yielding best benefit, the VHMC has agreed to prepare a business case to investigate possible improvements. Early thinking is to make the ‘Staff Room’ better suited to a small meeting room, which may be used for parish activities, or more fully developed as a storage facility or indeed some other use.

The costed recommendations will be presented to full council for discussion and further direction. The draft timetable is to have a paper ready for the next informal meeting of the council.

IT equipment upgrade Given that the hall has a broadband line, it could make sense to use it for a number of information and control services which will help hall management staff to make remote interventions by mobile

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phone as necessary. This could prove to be cost efficient activity because of energy savings that may be made.

The terms of the broadband contract need to be considered so that the art of the possible can be properly understood.

The findings of the IT study will be shared as a costed document.

AOB There was no AOB Meeting closed at 21.00

Appendix 2 Finance Report: Part A List of Expenditure and Income for Period 4-5 Statement:

Part A – List of Expenditure and Income for Period 4 - 5: Date SUPPLIER EXPENDITURE



27/06/2017 Hire ref no : 107/17/05f 2 Hires of Hall May 2017 £42.00 27/06/2017 Hire Ref no: 103/17/05f Hire of Hall May 2017 £150.00 26/06/2017 Hire Ref no: 100/17/05f Hire of Hall May 2017 £120.00 30/06/2017 Interest paid on A/c 2 June £0.22 03/07/2017 Hire ref no : 213/17/07 Hire of Hall July 2017 £30.00 03/07/2017 Hire ref no : 100/17/07 Hire of Hall July 2017 £30.00 03/07/2017 DD E-on monthly Electricity charge £29.00


04/07/2017 Hire ref no: 211/17/07 Hire of Hall June 2017


05/07/2017 Clerk expenses for utility, mileage and stationary expenses £76.75 £4.49 05/07/2017 Expenses to Cllr Barnes for supplies for Village Hall £6.00 05/07/2017 Reimbursement of Hall Hire charge for event cancelled £30.00

05/07/2017 Posters for Ashland event 9 July 2017 £75.60 £12.60

05/07/2017 Clerk Annual subscription ALCC £10.00

05/07/2017 Clerk Annual subscription SLCC £93.00 05/07/2017 Expenses to Cllr Harrington re Ashland event July 2017 £81.73 £4.99 06/07/2017 Hire ref no: 104/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £60.00 06/07/2017 Hire ref no: 214/17/06f Hire of Hall July 2017 £40.00 07/07/2017 Hire ref no: 111/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £60.00 05/07/2017 Hire ref no: 106/17/05f Hire of Hall May 2017 £25.00

11/07/2017 Renewal Annual MKALC membership £80.00

13/07/2017 Hire ref no: 110/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £24.00 14/07/2017 Hire ref no: 102/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £40.00 24/05/2017 EE monthly Broadband DD £19.50 ?? 18/07/2017 Expenses to Cllr Barnes for supplies for Village Hall £200.00 £33.33 24/07/2017 June 2017 Clerk salary payment and July 2017 Cleaner salary

payment £644.98 £3.00

24/07/2017 Hire ref no: 215/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £30.00 24/07/2017 Hire ref no: 101/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £130.00 24/07/2017 DD E-On Gas payment July 2017 £12.10 £0.58 24/07/2017 Anglia Water charge for Village Hall £111.66 £8.66 25/07/2017 Hire ref no: 103/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £120.00 27/07/2017 Hire ref no: 220/17/10f Hire of Hall Oct 2017 £60.00 31/07/2017 Hire ref no: 217/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £30.00 31/07/2017 DD E-on monthly Electricity charge £29.00 31/07/2017 Interest paid on A/c 2 July £0.22 03/08/2017 Hire ref no: 104/17/07f Hire of Hall July 2017 £30.00 04/08/2017 Monthly clean/empty Dog Bins – July 2017 £103.30 £17.22 04/08/2017 Expenses Cllr Thornton for resources for summer activities £62.49 £1.66

04/08/2017 Parks Trust pond dipping event part of summer activities £50.00

Page 12: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

04/08/2017 Mazars External Audit of 2016/17 Annual Audit Return £240.00 £40.00 04/08/2017 Provision of Litter Bin on Ashland £164.37 £27.40 07/08/2017 Hire ref no: 111/17/07f Hire of Hall July 2017 £60.00 07/08/2017 Hire ref no: 110/17/07f Hire of Hall July 2017 £8.00 07/08/2017 Hire 101/17/07f Hire of Hall July 2017 £140.00 08/08/2017 Hire Ref no: 106/17/07f Hire of Hall July 2017 £25.00 08/08/2017 Hire Ref no: 106/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £25.00 10/08/2017 Play street Graffiti workshop part of summer activity £176.00 11/08/2017 Hire ref no: 100/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £90.00 14/08/2017 Hire ref no: 216/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £50.00 14/08/2017 Hire ref no: 105/17/07f Hire of Hall July 2017 £32.00 14/08/2017 Hire ref no: 105/17/06f Hire of Hall June 2017 £32.00 15/08/2017 Play street Graffiti workshop part of summer activity £126.00

15/08/2017 Payment to CVS re Clerks salary £376.20 £1.50 15/08/2017 Payment to CVS re Cleaners salary £155.44 £1.50 15/08/2017 EE Broadband monthly DD payment £19.50 ?? 16/08/2017 Hire ref no: 107/17/07f Hire of Hall June 2017 £30.00 16/08/2017 Second transfer from Simpson Association of funds for

management of Simpson Village Hall (final third instalment to come)


18/08/2017 Hire ref no: 218/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £40.00 21/08/2017 Hire ref no: 219/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £50.00 23/08/2017 Hire ref no: 210/17/08f Hire of Hall Aug 2017 £20.00 24/08/2017 DD E-On Gas payment July 2017 £12.40 £0.59 26/08/2017 Internal Transfer from A/c 1 to A/c 2 re Clerks salary

payment £376.20

26/08/2017 Church Fire Annual service of Fire extinguishers , blanket etc £230.38 £38.40 26/08/2017 Sept 2017 quarterly newsletter £489.82

£3,705,.22 £5,643.44 £197.30

Part B – Current Committed Expenditure for Sept 2017 - Jan 2018 PC only SUPPLIER EXPENDITURE



A.H Contract: Dog Bins - Aug £103.30 £17.22 A.H Contract: Dog Bins - Sept £129.12 £21.52 A.H Contract: Dog Bins - Oct £103.30 £17.22

A.H Contract: Dog Bins - Nov £103.30 £17.22

A.H Contract: Dog Bins - Dec £129.12 £21.52

A.H Contract: Dog Bins - Jan £103.30 £17.22 CVS Salary payment – Sept estimate £417.00 £1.50 CVS Salary payment – Oct estimate £417.00 £1.50

CVS Salary payment – Nov estimate £335.54 £1.50

CVS Salary payment – Dec estimate £417.00 £1.50 CVS Salary payment – Jan estimate £417.00 £1.50 Grant Aid – estimates includes 2 grants (MK 50 exhibition and Tapestry) estimates


Expenses costs – Clerk, mileage Sept - Jan estimate £115.00 Expenses costs – Clerk Utility Oct – Jan @ £10 per month £40.00

Expenses costs – Clerk, stationery estimate £73.00

Expenses costs – mobile phone top up £20.00 Poppy wreath and Xmas cards £25.00 Data protection annual renewal £35.00 Newsletter quarterly payment - June and Dec 2017 £939.82 Hire of Village Hall £60.00 Play provision – school holidays (estimate) £200.00 Memorial provision and installation (still to be finalised) £2,000.00 2nd MKC Precept payment £20,034.21 Posters for summer activity programme £94.80 £15.80

Page 13: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

Income for account 2 – estimate for Sept to Jan 2018 £1.20

£7,977.60 £20,136.21 £135.22

Part C – Village Hall current estimated Committed Expenditure for Sept 2017 – Jan 2018 SUPPLIER EXPENDITURE



Monthly Gas payment Sept payment (estimate) £12.10 £0.58 Monthly Gas payment Oct payment (estimate) £12.10 £0.58 Monthly Gas payment Nov payment (estimate) £12.10 £0.58 Monthly Gas payment Dec payment (estimate) £12.10 £0.58 Monthly Gas payment Jan payment (estimate) £12.10 £0.58 Monthly Electricity payment: Sept (estimate) £29.00 £4.83 Monthly Electricity payment: Oct (estimate) £29.00 £4.83 Monthly Electricity payment: Nov (estimate) £29.00 £4.83

Monthly Electricity payment: Dec (estimate) £29.00 £4.83 Monthly Electricity payment: Jan (estimate) £29.00 £4.83 Monthly Broadband payment: Sept 2017 (estimate) £19.50 £3.17 Monthly Broadband payment: Oct 2017 (estimate) £19.50 £3.17 Monthly Broadband payment: Nov 2017 (estimate) £19.50 £3.17 Monthly Broadband payment: Dec 2017 (estimate) £19.50 £3.17 Monthly Broadband payment: Jan 2018 (estimate) £19.50 £3.17 Cleaners salary payment – Sept (estimate) £155.44 £1.50 Cleaners salary payment – Oct (estimate) £155.44 £1.50 Cleaners salary payment – Nov (estimate) £155.44 £1.50 Cleaners salary payment – Dec (estimate) £155.44 £1.50 Cleaners salary payment – Jan (estimate) £155.44 £1.50 General supplies and maintenance (estimate) £300.00 Users Income estimate (Sept- Jan 2018) Regular uses only £2,855.00

£1,380.20 £2,855.00 £50.40

Page 14: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

Appendix 2 (cont) Part B: Full Income and Expenditure statement against Budget


2016-17 BUDGET 2017-18








2017-18 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Bank Balance at 1 April 2016 £9,900.75 Outstanding payments for 2016/17:

Balance submitted on Annual Return £9,900.75 £0.00

TOTAL BALANCE END OF PERIOD £20,437.09 £24,694.33 £23,741.31 £23,754.46 £22,870.50 £21,082.32

INCOME for 2017/18 Precept £24,109.44 £38,926.00 £19,463.00 £19,463.00 £38,926.00 MK Council Tax Support Grant £659.56 £1,142.43 £571.22 £571.21 £1,142.43 MKC Green Bin Food Recycling initiative

£221.00 £94.80 £94.80

VAT reclaimed £2,301.66 £733.52 £733.52 £733.52

MKC £150.00 £150.00 £150.00 misc £225.00 £19.00 £19.00 £19.00

SUB TOTAL FOR INCOME for 2017/18 £27,516.66 £40,068.43 £21,031.54 £0.00 £902.52 £0.00 £0.00 £20,034.21 £41,065.75

Transfer of VAT to Account 2 £2,301.66 Transfer to set up Account 3 £100.00 Transfers In: Reimbursement from Account 3 of initial set up fund

£100.00 £100.00

Reimbursement from A/c 3 Pollards payment (see misc line)

£67.68 £67.68 £67.68

Reimbursement from A/c 3 to reimburse Cleaners payment

£601.60 £178.00 £245.60 £0.00 £601.60

Transfers Out: Transfer to A/c 3 of Hire fee for PC use of V Hall

£15.00 £15.00 £15.00

Transfer to A/c 3 Hire fee for MKC 8/6 election paid to A/c 1

£150.00 £150.00 £150.00

Transfer to Interest Account £15,000.00 £15,000.00

TOTAL BANK BALANCE AND INCOME £35,015.75 £40,068.43 £27,072.91 £24,940.01 £24,724.43 £23,754.46 £22,870.50 £20,034.21 £47,752.35

EXPENDITURE - OPERATIONAL PC only Administration, Stationary, Equipment and mileage

£598.35 £750.00 £241.80 £113.08 £52.07 £76.65 £336.36 £578.16

Audit (Internal and External) £350.50 £500.00 £390.00 £150.00 £240.00 £0.00 £390.00 Dog Bins - Cleaning £1,348.88 £1,800.00 £439.02 £232.42 £103.30 £103.30 £1,007.16 £1,446.18 Insurances £655.94 £725.00 £0.00 £655.94 £655.94 Memberships/Subscriptions £416.74 £450.00 £378.76 £183.00 £35.00 £413.76

Page 15: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

Newsletter/Posters/Website £2,023.05 £2,500.00 £565.42 £75.60 £489.82 £1,045.00 £1,610.42 Venue Hire and costs £165.00 £150.00 £0.00 £90.00 £90.00 Clerks Salary costs (mileage under Admin costs)

£5,124.85 £5,750.00 £2,561.87 £425.67 £569.00 £466.98 £376.20 £3,290.54 £5,852.41

Cleaners Salary costs (see Line 23 reimbursed from A/c 3)

£601.60 £178.00 £245.60 £245.60 £847.20

Training £292.69 £250.00 £31.85 £31.85 £0.00 £31.85 Community Events/Activities (renamed from Groups)

£1,750.00 £496.22 £81.73 £414.49 £200.00 £696.22

Community Project works £864.00 £1,150.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Public meetings and events £60.00 £150.00 £52.00 £0.00 £52.00 Village Hall - major/general maintenance

£1,860.00 £6,000.00 £0.00 £6,000.00 £6,000.00

Village Hall Business Rates £1,700.00 £0.00 £0.00 Contribution to Village Hall reserves £2,000.00 £2,000.00 £2,000.00 Contribution to Devolved services reserves

£9,170.00 £9,170.00 £9,170.00

Contingency £0.00 £1,275.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

Misc £0.00 £232.05 £67.68 £164.37 £232.05

SUB TOTAL OPERATION COSTS PC only £13,760.00 £36,070.00 £5,494.37 £1,198.70 £969.97 £883.96 £1,788.18 £24,075.60 £30,066.19


Grants £818.66 £3,300.00 £3,300.00 £3,300.00

SUB TOTAL PROJECT COSTS £818.66 £3,300.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3,300.00 £3,300.00

INCOME £20,034.21

TOTAL OPERATION & PROJECT EXPEN £14,578.66 £39,370.00 £5,494.37 £1,198.70 £969.97 £883.96 £1,788.18 £27,375.60 £33,366.19

BANK BALANCE AT END OF PERIOD £20,437.09 £21,08.32 £23,741.31 £23,754.46 £22,870.50 £21,082.32 £13,740.93

Year End

Page 16: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

Business Reserves Account 2 2017-18

ACTUAL 2016-17

BUDGET 2017-18






£ £ £ £ £ £

Bank Balance at 1 April 2016 £9,004.47

Outstanding payments for 2016/17:

Balance submitted on Annual Return £0.00

TOTAL BALANCE END OF EACH PERIOD £11,309.67 £26,309.67 £26,309.77 £26,310.01 £26,310.45

INCOME for 2017/18 Interest from 2nd Parish Council Account £3.54 £0.78 £0.10 £0.24 £0.44 misc £0.00

SUB TOTAL FOR INCOME for 2017/18 £3.54 £0.00 £0.78 £0.10 £0.24 £0.44 £0.00

Transfer VAT reclaimed from Account 1 £2,301.66 Transfer In: Transfer from Account 1 £15,376.20 £376.20

SUB TOTAL FOR TRANSFERS IN 2017/18 £2,301.66 £15,376.20 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £376.20

EXPENDITURE - COMMUNITY GRANTS Payment of clerks salary £376.20 £376.20

TOTAL EXPENDITURE £376.20 £376.20

TOTAL BANK BALANCE £11,309.67 £0.00 £26,310.45 £26,309.77 £26,310.01 £26,310.45 £26,310.45 Year End

change each month


Village Hall Account 3 2017-18

ACTUAL 2016-17

BUDGET 2017-18









Page 17: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Bank Balance at 1 April 2016 £160.00 Outstanding payments for 2016/17:

TOTAL BALANCE END EACH PERIOD £160.00 £1,978.21 £2,259.91 £2,815.96 £2,899.70 £7,113.98

INCOME for 2017/18 Transfer of Balance from Simpson Assoication re V Hall

£6,000.00 4,000.00 £800.00 £6,800.00

Village Hall Hire Income Regular Users Income £6,750.50 £2,381.00 £591.00 £739.00 £489.00 £472.00 £4,369.50 £6,750.50 One off Users Income £1,500.00 £660.00 £30.00 £170.00 £210.00 £160.00 £840.00 £1,500.00 Refunds from EON £11.97 £11.97 £11.97 misc £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

SUB TOTAL FOR INCOME for 2017/18 £0.00 £8,250.50 £9,052.97 £621.00 £920.97 £699.00 £4,632.00 £6,009.50 £15,062.47 Transfers In: Transfer from A/c 1 MKC fee for 8 June Hire

£150.00 £150.00 £150.00

Transfer from A/c 1 for 'pc Hire of Hall in May

£15.00 £15.00 £15.00

Transfers Out: Transfer to A/ 1 of Original set up fund £100.00 £100.00 Transfer to A/c 1 of Pollard expenses paid out of A/c 1 in error

£67.68 £67.68 £67.68

TOTAL BANK BALANCE AND INCOME £0.00 £8,250.50 £9,210.29 £2,531.53 £3,345.88 £3,514.96 £7,531.70 £6,009.50 £22,108.77

EXPENDITURE - Cleaner Salary paid from A/c 1, monthly transfer to A/c 1)

£1,800.00 £935.04 £178.00 £245.60 £178.00 £155.44 £1,088.08 £2,023.12

Gas £695.00 £145.16 £45.12 £20.75 £12.10 £12.40 £480.00 £625.16 Electricity £375.00 £145.00 £29.00 £29.00 £58.00 £203.00 £348.00 Anglia Water £300.00 £111.66 £111.66 £150.00 £261.66 Insurance (Paid by PC) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Fire Safety £500.00 £422.38 £192.00 £230.38 £200.00 £622.38 Broadband £240.00 £78.00 £19.50 £19.50 £19.50 £19.50 £136.50 £214.50 Maintenance £1,200.00 £0.00 £360.00 £360.00 Supplies £180.00 £200.00 £200.00 £200.00 £400.00 Cleaning items £60.00 £15.28 £9.28 £6.00 £0.00 £15.28 Reimbursement of cancelled Hire fees £30.00 £30.00 Sundries £200.00 £13.79 £13.79 £15.00 £28.79

SUB TOTAL Village Hall costs only £0.00 £5,550.00 £2,096.31 £271.62 £529.92 £615.26 £417.72 £2,832.58 £4,928.89 £6,009.50

VILLAGE HALL Bank Balance £0.00 £2,700.50 £7,113.98 £2,259.91 £2,815.96 £2,899.70 £7,113.98 £10,290.90

Year End


Page 18: the Milton Keynes Council’s...the Milton Keynes Council’s (MKC) planning framework. As a result the ... the property. 141 is let at present, however, the long term hope is to replace

Bank Balance at: 31 March 2016

PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 Year End

Account 1 £20,437.09 £23,741.31 £23,754.46 £22,870.50 £21,082.32 £13,740.93 Account 2 (Interest) £11,309.67 £26,309.77 £26,310.01 £26,310.45 £26,310.45 £26,310.45 Account 3 (Simpson Parish Village Hall)

£160.00 £2,259.91 £2,815.96 £2,899.70 £7,113.98 £10,290.90

Bank Balance at end of period £31,906.76 £52,310.99 £52,880.43 £52,080.65 £54,506.75 £50,342.28 Reserves Policy approved 6 March 2017

Match Grant Funding: £750.00 £750.00 £750.00 £750.00 £0.00 £0.00 Earmarked reserves - £750 Repairs to Grand

Union Towpath General Reserve - Uncommitted £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £1,750.00 £1,750.00 General Reserve - to assist MK50 events in 2017-18 £225.00 £225.00 £225.00 £225.00 £225.00


General Reserve - monies received from Recycling initiative £221.00 £221.00 £221.00 £221.00 £221.00


General Reserve - Community work £2,300.00 £2,300.00 £2,300.00 £2,300.00 £2,300.00 £2,300.00 General Reserve - Operational PC £12,500.00 £12,500.00 £12,500.00 £12,500.00 £12,500.00 £12,500.00 Earmarked Reserves - Devolved services £4,100.00 £4,100.00 £4,100.00 £4,100.00 £4,100.00


Earmarked Reserves - Major and general repairs £5,000.00 £5,000.00 £5,000.00 £5,000.00 £5,000.00


Earmarked Reserves - Election costs/Budget Referendum £5,000.00 £5,000.00 £5,000.00 £5,000.00 £5,000.00


Parish Council Balance - uncommitted £810.76 £21,214.99 £21,784.43 £20,984.65 £23,410.75 £19,246.28