THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger … I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do...

September 2016 Septiembre 2016 The Messenger ~ El Mensajero ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ SAN LUCAS IGLESIA EPISCOPAL Volume 47 Issue 7 Rector’s Corner LIKE A ROLLING STONE~ Hello everyone! My sabbatical was many things, but not a peaceful one! It was very busy in wonderful and interesting ways. I don’t know if you followed my sabbatical peregrinations through face book, but I prom- ise I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do show and tell. I worked for a few days on Godly Play. I visited L’Arche houses in Washington D.C. and wit- nessed a ministry of young people to the elderly disa- bled in intimate and gracious surroundings. I’ve been to places where the confrontation between Muslims and Christians is hot, and our church, The Episcopal Church, is active in promoting peace and communica- tion. I got to see French speaking Canada, the place of my ancestors, and the Viking selement in Newfound- land, where Amy’s ancestors seled the Americas. I’ve been studying politics, family, leadership all under a theological rubric, which perhaps is the most difficult part. I visited many churches, preached at two, one of them a building my father built as a pastor in the 1960s. I preached for the first time in Ilocano at that laer church. Finally, I went to see my parents, 90 and 86 years old, beginning to forget everything, even the ear- ly days. I bring back a challenge for us as a church: How do we belong to the global community, and what gifts do we bring to the global Eucharistic table to share with the world? I’m blessed to be part of this pilgrimage with you all, and hoping you will find the blessings along in the journey with me. Fr. Jaime Case (English articles continue on page 8) Rincón del Rector FELIGRESÍA PEREGRINA Hola, ¡aquí estoy! Mi viaje ha sido muy extra- ño. No sé si siguieron mis viajes sabáticos por facebook. Me comprometo mostrarles las fotos un domingo de estos. Trabaje con Jugar Junto a Dios, que usamos en la jaula de niños en la iglesia. Fui a la casa LÁrche donde jóvenes trabajan con ancianos inca- pacitados en un ambiente íntimo y cariñoso. He viaja- do a lugares donde los Islam están enfrentando cristia- nos, y nuestra iglesia, La Iglesia Episcopal, es activa- mente promoviendo entendimiento y paz. Visité el lu- gar de mis antepasados de habla francés en Canadá, y a la colonia de los Vikingos en Newfoundland, donde los antecedentes de Amy colonizaron las Américas. Estu- diaba política, familia y liderazgo bajo la rúbrica teoló- gica, que tal vez era la parte más difícil. Visité muchas iglesias, prediqué en dos, una de ellas en el edificio que estableció mi padre en las 1960s. Prediqué por primera vez en Ilocano. Finalmente fui a ver a mis padres, ya son 90 y 86 de edad, comenzando a olvidar todo, aún los días más viejas. Les traigo un reto para nosotros como iglesia: ¿Cómo pertenecemos a la comunidad global, y qué dones trae- mos a la mesa Eucarística para compartir con el mun- do? Estoy bendecido por ser parte de este peregrinaje con ustedes, esperando que ustedes encuentren las bendiciones del camino conmigo. Padre Jaime Case

Transcript of THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger … I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do...

Page 1: THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger … I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do ... bring to the global Eucharistic table to share with the ... el liderazgo y ad-


September 2016 Septiembre 2016

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero


Volume 47

Issue 7

Rector’s Corner LIKE A ROLLING STONE~ Hello everyone! My sabbatical was many

things, but not a peaceful one! It was very

busy in wonderful and interesting ways. I

don’t know if you followed my sabbatical

peregrinations through face book, but I prom-

ise I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do

show and tell. I worked for a few days on Godly Play. I

visited L’Arche houses in Washington D.C. and wit-

nessed a ministry of young people to the elderly disa-

bled in intimate and gracious surroundings. I’ve been

to places where the confrontation between Muslims

and Christians is hot, and our church, The Episcopal

Church, is active in promoting peace and communica-

tion. I got to see French speaking Canada, the place of

my ancestors, and the Viking settlement in Newfound-

land, where Amy’s ancestors settled the Americas. I’ve

been studying politics, family, leadership all under a

theological rubric, which perhaps is the most difficult

part. I visited many churches, preached at two, one of

them a building my father built as a pastor in the 1960s.

I preached for the first time in Ilocano at that latter

church. Finally, I went to see my parents, 90 and 86

years old, beginning to forget everything, even the ear-

ly days.

I bring back a challenge for us as a church: How do we

belong to the global community, and what gifts do we

bring to the global Eucharistic table to share with the

world? I’m blessed to be part of this pilgrimage with

you all, and hoping you will find the blessings along in

the journey with me.

Fr. Jaime Case (English articles

continue on

page 8)

Rincón del Rector

FELIGRESÍA PEREGRINA Hola, ¡aquí estoy! Mi viaje ha sido muy extra-

ño. No sé si siguieron mis viajes sabáticos por

facebook. Me comprometo mostrarles las fotos

un domingo de estos. Trabaje con Jugar Junto

a Dios, que usamos en la jaula de niños en la iglesia. Fui a la

casa LÁrche donde jóvenes trabajan con ancianos inca-

pacitados en un ambiente íntimo y cariñoso. He viaja-

do a lugares donde los Islam están enfrentando cristia-

nos, y nuestra iglesia, La Iglesia Episcopal, es activa-

mente promoviendo entendimiento y paz. Visité el lu-

gar de mis antepasados de habla francés en Canadá, y a

la colonia de los Vikingos en Newfoundland, donde los

antecedentes de Amy colonizaron las Américas. Estu-

diaba política, familia y liderazgo bajo la rúbrica teoló-

gica, que tal vez era la parte más difícil. Visité muchas

iglesias, prediqué en dos, una de ellas en el edificio que

estableció mi padre en las 1960s. Prediqué por primera

vez en Ilocano. Finalmente fui a ver a mis padres, ya

son 90 y 86 de edad, comenzando a olvidar todo, aún

los días más viejas.

Les traigo un reto para nosotros como iglesia: ¿Cómo

pertenecemos a la comunidad global, y qué dones trae-

mos a la mesa Eucarística para compartir con el mun-

do? Estoy bendecido por ser parte de este peregrinaje

con ustedes, esperando que ustedes encuentren las

bendiciones del camino conmigo.

Padre Jaime Case

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CON AGRADECIMIENTO Verano pasó tan rápido. Mientras

escribo esto, mis niños están

temiendo la idea de volver a la

escuela, mientras que al mismo

tiempo están muy emocionados por ir a comprar los

útiles escolares. Así estuve yo a principios de verano,

ya cuando se acercaba el tiempo de sabático para el P.

Jaime. Yo estaba nervioso sobre lo que traería el

verano, pero entusiasmado con las posibilidades que

se manifestarían.

"La bendición se encuentra en las zonas incómodas"

alguien me dijo una vez. Durante los últimos meses

como Rector-Interino usé muchos sombreros, algunos

se sintieron mejor que otros. Sin embargo, estoy muy

agradecido por las bendiciones que recibí en el

proceso de crecimiento como ministro. Estoy muy

agradecido por el apoyo de la Junta Parroquial, los

líderes del ministerio y de sus muchas palabras de

aliento y ayuda durante este tiempo.

Estoy muy agradecido por el P. la confianza y el

estímulo de Jaime en ayudarme a ser mucho más claro

en mi llamado y vocación.

Padre Eliacin Rosario-Cruz


LA GUARDIANA MAYOR Ya llego el mes de Septiembre. ¿A dónde se

fue el verano? P. Jaime está de vuelta de sus

tres meses de sabático y ya comenzó la

escuela. Ha sido un verano maravilloso lleno

actividades en la iglesia. Hemos tenido comidas

informales y caminatas y otras maneras de reunirnos.

Hemos tenido el placer de participar en el desarrollo

de nuestro Rector-Interino y hemos tenido

predicadores invitados de nuestra propia

congregación para ayudar con el lado espiritual de

nuestro crecimiento.

La encuesta de Evaluación de Ministerio Mutuo ha

terminado. Les comparto alguna información

preliminar. Tuvimos 124 personas que participaron en

la encuesta, ya sea en línea o en papel. Hubo 15

respuestas de las personas que asisten a la misa de las

8AM, 83 de los que asisten a la misa de las 10AM y 24

de los que asisten al servicio de 1PM. Dos personas

omitieron esa pregunta. Estos números son

proporcionales a los números que vemos en cada

misa. Tuvimos 18 respuestas de los personas de

edades entre 21-40 años, 26 de los 41 - 60 años de

edad, 57 de los 61-80 años de edad y 20 de los mayores

de 80. Algunos optaron por no marcar la casilla de

edad. Hubo 21 ideas para futuras sesiones de temas

para clases y 45 comentarios.

Como verá cuando presente esta información en las

reuniones el 18 de septiembre, estamos en nuestra

mayoría en acuerdo con nuestra misión. Si he

aprendido algo de esta encuesta, es esto; necesitamos

una comunicación clara y frecuente para que todo el

mundo esté consciente de por qué se toman las

decisiones y lo que esperamos hacer dentro de nuestra

propia comunidad y en el mundo que nos rodea.

Otro de nuestros logros este verano estaba preparando

una solicitud de beca de la diócesis para apoyar

nuestro nuevo ministerio para las familias jóvenes.

Doug Goodlett, P. Eliacin y yo llenamos los papeles y

escribimos la documentación para la beca. Quedamos

encantados al descubrir se nos otorgó la cantidad total

que habíamos solicitado.

Esté pendiente de información sobre un nuevo

directorio con fotografías. Un comité ha elegido un

proveedor y se han creado los horarios para tomar las

fotos. Este proveedor nos ofrece más opciones y nos

ayudará a mantener el actual directorio. Por favor,

regístrese para obtener el horario para tomar sus fotos.

Ahora estamos listos para comenzar las actividades

de otoño. El domingo 11 de septiembre es el

"Domingo de Bienvenida.” El Obispo y la Conferencia

Juvenil HYC estarán aquí el 2 de octubre. El Obispo

confirmara y dará la bienvenida a los miembros por lo

que será un día maravilloso.

Yo estaré fuera la última parte de septiembre y las dos

primeras semanas de octubre. Por favor, póngase en

contacto con el P. Jaime o P. Eliacin durante mi

ausencia. Yo también espero volver renovada y lista

para abordar el presupuesto y la campaña de promesa

este otoño. Estén atentos para más información al


Kathy Gallaher

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MUTUO Muchas gracias por su participación!

La encuesta de la Evaluación de Ministerio Mutuo ya

fue completada. ¿Cuáles son los próximos pasos?

Los resultados de la encuestas ya fueron vistos por el P.

Eliacín. Ya próximo los vera el P. Jaime cuando regrese.

Luego los verán los miembros de la Junta Parroquial en

su reunión el 13 de septiembre.

El domingo, 18 de septiembre vamos a compartir los

resultados de esta encuesta, en inglés después de la

misa de las 10AM y en español después de la misa de

la 1PM.

No todas las preguntas encontraran respuestas ese día,

pues la información es muy reciente y nueva para

todos, pero nos dará un buen comienzo para hablar

sobre nuestra dirección como congregación.

Kathy Gallaher, Guardiana Mayor

HEMOS CRECIDO! Nuestra membresía número supera actualmente los

400, que es un nuevo nivel de tamaño. Como resultado

de ello ahora podemos tener 6 delegados y 6 suplentes

nos representan en la Asamblea Diocesana anual. Ac-

tualmente tenemos 5 delegados y 0 suplentes. Nos gus-

taría añadir 1 más y 6 delegados suplentes. Los requisi-

tos son: un adulto (de 16 años), miembro de esta par-

roquia, bautizado, confirmado/recibidos en la Sede

Episcopal o iglesia luterana y un comunicante de

buena reputación que un contribuyente de registro. Si

usted está interesado en la representación de St. Luke's

~ San Lucas en la convención 21-22 Octubre, póngase

en contacto con la oficina.



PARROQUIAL? Las respuestas a la Encuesta Ministerio Mutua mostra-

ron que el 8% de los encuestados no estaban seguros de

cual es el papel de la Junta Parroquial en el liderazgo

de la Iglesia. Como pronto vamos a elegir a los nuevos

miembros, es importante comunicar algunas de las

funciones y responsabilidades de la Junta Parroquial.

"La Junta Parroquial es elegida por la congregación en

la Reunión Anual. La duración del mandato es tradi-

cionalmente tres años con un tercio que es elegido cada

año. "Las personas elegibles son adultos (16 años o

más) miembros en pleno derecho de San Luke’s ~ San

Lucas (confirmados o recibidos en la iglesia episcopal,

anglicana o luterana) quienes comprometen tiempo,

talento y tesoro para mejorar la misión de la Iglesia. La

Junta Parroquial tiene dos funciones, el liderazgo y ad-


"El liderazgo incluye tareas tales como:

Discernir una visión para el futuro

Articular y comunicar la visión

Generar entusiasmo en la congregación

establecer un ejemple de liderazgo que anime al

crecimiento y florecimiento de otros líderes en la


La administración incluye tareas tales como:

• Presupuesto

• Establecer y hacer cumplir las políticas y procedi-


• El establecimiento de planes de acción

• El mantenimiento de la propiedad. "*

La Junta Parroquial de St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas se com-

pone de personas dedicadas que representan todas las

facetas de nuestra congregación. Nos reunimos men-

sualmente, comenzamos nuestras reuniones con la ora-

ción o el estudio de la Biblia y luego atendemos los

asuntos de la Iglesia. Todo el trabajo se realiza en cola-

boración con el clero. Se discute el presupuesto y se

trata de manejar nuestros recursos de manera inteli-

gente. Nuestras discusiones pueden ser animadas, ya

que cada uno de nosotros viene a la mesa con un punto

de vista diferente. Nos esforzamos para crear consenso

y entendimiento mutuo. A veces tenemos que tomar

decisiones duras que no son populares y otras veces

tomamos decisiones que apoyan nuevos ministerios o

una nueva dirección para la iglesia. Este es un ministe-

rio sagrado dentro de la Iglesia y es un privilegio ser-


* Tomado de "La Guía de Recursos para la Junta Parro-


Kathy Gallaher, Guardiana Mayor

Page 4: THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger … I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do ... bring to the global Eucharistic table to share with the ... el liderazgo y ad-


INGLÉS COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA El programa de ESL en SL2 está asumiendo un nuevo

formato en el otoño. Se le ofrecerá a los estudiantes de

los términos anteriores la oportunidad de reunirse de 1

en 1, o 1, el 2, con tutores durante una hora cada sema-

na. La fechas y hora delas tutorías aún no se han deci-

dido. Le damos la bienvenida a cualquier persona que

pueda comprometerse a una hora de tiempo de tutoría

cada semana para unirse al equipo de ESL a mediados

de septiembre. Por favor, póngase en contacto con

Jeanne Stephens 206-245-0426.


SAN LUCAS DIGITALIZADA En 1994, la iglesia de San Lucas publicó un libro sobre

de la historia de la iglesia desde sus primeros años has-

ta 1992 escrito por Lesla Scott. Este gran volumen se

recopiló y preparó a partir de las minutas de la Junta

Parroquial, las minutas de otros ministerios, articulas

periodísticos y las contribuciones de varios feligreses.

Como alguien dijo recientemente, "Es sorprendente

que esta iglesia tiene una historia tan larga".

En lugar de volver a imprimir (más de 400 páginas de

largo), la historia ha sido digitalizada en un PDF en un

CD. Para lograrlo fue necesario convertir todos de los

documentos escritos a maquinilla a el formato en un

procesador de textos, además de el escanear e incluirán

más de 100 fotografías. Debido a que es digitalizada,

las herramientas de búsqueda de Acrobat Reader se

pueden utilizar fácilmente para encontrar una sección

particular o múltiples referencias sobre un evento o

persona en la historia de San Lucas.

Además, se ha creado un suplemento en este Volumen

y colocado en el CD. Contiene reimpresiones de mu-

chos artículos escritos por el Archivista de nuestra pa-

rroquia en el Mensajero, así como otros artículos y bio-

grafías. La biografía del reverendo John D. McCarty,

nuestro primer rector, se incluye, al igual que las imá-

genes de dominio público.

Este CD se ofrecerá por la una donación de $20 para el

Fondo General de la Iglesia. Las ventas comenzarán en

septiembre. Busque uno en la mesa de ventas, o inscrí-

base en la hoja en el atrio de reservar su copia. Los do-

cumentos en el CD son en ingles.

Pat Lawless, Archivero Parroquial

Meta 1: Relaciones más estrechas entre

Hispanos y Anglos



BIENVENIDA 11 de septiembre St. Luke's ~ San Lucas

adorarán juntos a las

11am para un ser-

vicio bilingüe.

Tendremos un al-

muerzo barbacoa


después. La Junta

Parroquial está


comida. Estamos so-

licitando voluntarios

para cocineros para

barbacoa, set-up y la limpieza. Hoja de inscripción en

el Atrio. Mike Morrison tendrán nuevamente cascos de

bicicleta para niños gratis.



ESTE OTOÑO Como anfitriones del evento HYC en nuestra parro-

quia, necesitaremos casas para hospedar unos sesenta

jóvenes. A la hora de ayudarme con este esfuerzo es

Bernie Malcolm, nuestro coordinador de viviendas. Se

contratará a miembros de la parroquia para ser casas

de acogida para los jóvenes. Darle una llamada si pue-

de alojar (360-694-1098).

Las responsabilidades de hospedar a los jóvenes inclu-

yen recoger a los jóvenes viernes a las 10PM, llevarlos

el sábado por la mañana a la iglesia a las 9AM y luego

recogerlos el Sábado a las 10PM otra vez., También

llevarlos a la iglesia el domingo a las 11AM horas para

la iglesia. Las familias que hospeden a los jóvenes ne-

cesitan preparar desayuno y merienda para los jóve-

nes. Si usted está interesado en ser el coordinador de

Page 5: THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger … I’ll do a slide show one Sunday after services to do ... bring to the global Eucharistic table to share with the ... el liderazgo y ad-


hospedaje o ser un anfitrión de vivienda para tres o

más jóvenes en su casa, por favor, póngase en contacto

con Donna Greene (360-609-2180). También necesita-

mos ayudantes de cocina para alimentar a los jóvenes

el sábado - almuerzo, cena, refrigerios y almuerzos de

bolsa para el domingo. Por favor, póngase en contacto

con Melanie Kenoyer (360-433-1341), que es la persona

a cargo de la preparación de alimentos.

2016 DIRECTORIO DE FOTOGRAFÍAS Es el momento de una nueva iglesia directorio pictóri-

co este otoño! Estamos muy entusiasmados por algu-

nas de las nuevas características de este tiempo. He-

mos elegido un formato más pequeño de directorio

que proporcionará actualizaciones gratuitas para cuan-

do tenemos nuevos miembros del hogar, incluyendo

sus fotos! Además, tendremos una versión en pdf que

se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a los miem-

bros. Los números de teléfono, direcciones de correo

electrónico y direcciones de residencia permitirán fácil

acceso en el teléfono inteligente o simplemente ir más

fácil mirar en tu computadora. Cualquiera de los dos

métodos, este directorio nos ayudará a conectar mejor

con los demás.

En la preparación, usted ha recibido una lista de

miembros, basada en nuestra actual base de datos. Es

muy importante que revise su perfil en esta lista para

asegurarse de que hemos incluido a todos los

miembros de su familia, nombres escritos

correctamente, dirección, número(s) de teléfono y

dirección(es) de correo electrónico. Si encuentra algún

error por favor envié las correcciones a la oficina de la

iglesia ([email protected]) o haga

correcciones en la lista maestra disponibles los

domingos a partir 28 de agosto.

Si no ha recibido una lista de miembros en el correo,

podría ser debido a que el servicio postal, pero más

como una de las situaciones siguientes es verdadera:

• Su dirección ha cambiado y no tenemos su nueva


• No hemos recibido un formulario de información de

la familia para su hogar. Estas estarán disponibles en la

mesa dedicada para directorios de foto los domingos o

póngase en contacto con la oficina de la Iglesia y le en-

viaremos por correo electrónico o enviar por correo la

forma de caracol. (360-696-0181).

Queremos incluir a todos quienes forman parte de St.

Luke's ~ San Lucas, pero sabemos que nos falta infor-

mación para algunos hogares y solicitar su ayuda para

completar nuestros registros.Este nuevo directorio de

la iglesia será proporcionado sin costo alguno para

usted o nuestra iglesia y no hay ningún costo para

usted tener sus fotografías tomadas. Sólo por

participar, usted recibirá una foto profesional de

cortesía de 8 x 10 retratos (de cualquiera de las

posturas adoptadas durante la sesión) y un directorio

de la iglesia. Nuestro directorio de la iglesia nos

ayudará a conectar nombres y rostros no estará

completo sin usted. Así que por favor tome el tiempo

para participar y hacer de este directorio una hermosa

herramienta para que estemos más conscientes el uno

del otro.

Después de que se haya fotografiado, usted podrá ver

las fotos inmediatamente. Usted tendrá la oportunidad

de comprar retratos adicionales (que recibirá antes de

Navidad), si así lo desea, Esta es una maravillosa

oportunidad para traer a miembros de la familia para

tener un retrato profesional. Incluso sus amigos

pueden hacer una cita.

Seremos fotografía durante dos semanas este otoño. La

primera semana de sesiones de fotos será martes 20 de

septiembre a Jueves 22 de septiembre, 1PM-8:30PM.

Después de haber programado todas las citas en la

primera semana abriremos la segunda semana: viernes

14 de octubre a domingo 16 de octubre de 10AM-


Las primeras inscripciones tendrán la primera opción

de citas. Puede inscribirse en línea en nuestro sitio

web: Busque el botón

"Registrarse ahora / Sign Up Now" en la primera

página y haga un clic para coordinar su sesión de fotos.

Si usted no tiene un ordenador o desea programar con

uno de nuestros voluntarios, simplemente pase por la

mesa de registro después de cualquiera de los


Para aquellos que deseen comprar fotos, hay algunos

grandes descuentos disponibles:



disponible cuando se registras para su cita.

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• Las familias con un miembro de la edad de sesenta

años o más recibirán un descuento del 20%.

También queremos animaros a invitar a amigos y fami-

liares para programar una sesión de fotos en St. Luke's

~ San Lucas. No se quedarán en nuestro directorio pero

la iglesia recibirá un directorio adicional para dar a los

nuevos miembros. Los mismos gran precios y fotogra-

fías de 8X10 GRATIS!

Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor póngase en

contacto con Herlinda Marquez (503-863-4528).


DE FOTOGRAFÍAS El trabajo de los voluntarios a tiempo parcial es

importante para hacer nuestro directorio un éxito. Si

usted puede ayudar en registrar familias antes o

después del servicio, llamar por teléfono a algunas de

nuestras familias de la iglesia o al servir como

recepcionista durante las sesiones fotográficas, por

favor, póngase en contacto con Herlinda Marquez (503-


Meta 2: Expandir Programas Sociales


COMUNIDAD Gracias a todos por los materiales escolares donados.

Ustedes hicieron posible la distribución 44 mochilas

llenas de suministro de nuevo este año escolar. La res-

puesta de todos ustedes fue increíble. ¡Muchas gracias!

Estoy feliz de anunciar que Deb Stavig será la persona

encargado de los esfuerzos de distribución de ayudas a

los necesitados durante la semana. Deb ha estado coor-

dinando voluntarios y otros aspectos de este maravillo-

so ministerio que St. Luke's ~ San Lucas ofrece a los ne-


En otoño trasladaremos esta parte de ministerio a la

planta baja de la iglesia. Espere más información en la

edición de octubre del Mensajero.

¿Quieres saber más acerca este ministerio de ayuda a

los necesitados? ¿Quieres aprender cómo puede ayu-

dar? Venga a vernos en nuestra mesa durante el Do-

mingo de Bienvenida el 11 de septiembre, o póngase en

contacto conmigo, Lynne Hulse-

[email protected].

Marque su calendario para Octubre 20, cuando vamos a

tener el siguiente evento Burgerville HOPE.

Quiero dejarles saber que habrá un cambio en una de

nuestras colectas de comida este año; la colecta anual

de la canasta de alimentos se estará moviendo a no-

viembre para. Acción de Gracias (más información a

seguir para ambos eventos).

Gracias por tu apoyo continuo.

Lynne Hulse, Enlace Vestry


Nuestro Ministerio de Ayuda a los Necesitados está en

crecimiento otra vez. La semilla que fue plantada hace

muchos años de proporcionar bolsas de alimentos, pro-

ductos de higiene, y los boletos de autobús a las perso-

nas necesitadas ha superado su espacio que hemos usa-

do hasta ahora. Ahora servimos de 25-30 personas to-

dos los días en el área de la oficina de la iglesia. Esta-

mos en condiciones de ofrecerles ropa, artículos de hi-

giene, comidas, pasteles, rosquillas, boletos de autobús,

y bolsas de alimentos. En octubre tenemos la intención

de mover este ministerio a la planta baja con el fin de

aliviar la congestión fuera de la oficina y servir mejor a

los que lo necesitan. En la planta baja, los huéspedes

podrán relajarse, comer su almuerzo, y beber agua y / o

café en la sala de hospitalidad. También tendremos, un

amplio armario de ropa donde pueden encontrar fácil-

mente la ropa o artículos de higiene necesarias. Más

adelante en el año tendremos la Fase 2. En esa fase abri-

remos nuestra despensa de alimentos, donde se distri-

buirá alimentos no perecederos. En el futuro esperamos

traer a los profesionales que pueden ayudar a nuestros

visitantes a mejorar sus vidas.

Debido a su apoyo y generosidad, hemos sido capaces

de servir a 2,351 personas para finales de Mayo. Con

nuestra expansión planificada, necesitamos más perso-

nas dispuestas a hacer sándwiches, honrar pare la sala

de hospitalidad, ordenar la ropa, saludar a los visitan-

tes, ser anfitriones de la ropa del armario, y solicitar los

productos a empresas. Nos encantaría su ayuda, inclu-

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so si sólo tiene una hora una vez al mes. Si usted está

interesado en ayudar comuníquese con Deb Stavig

(360) 891-7161, [email protected] – o con el P. Jai-

me o P. Eliacín

2016 HOLIDAY CRAFT VENTA Apoyando a más de un siglo de servicio a la comuni-


Los logística para la venta de bazaar de 2016 se han

finalizado. En lugar de ser en el salón parroquial, la

venta será parte de la "Crystal Plum Bazar" en Hazel

Dell el sábado 12 de noviembre 9AM-4PM.. Este es el

año número 37 del bazar y es patrocinado por el Club

de Leones de Vancouver Dawn. Se llevará a cabo en la

Escuela Intermedia de Alki en Hazel Dell.

Hay una maravillosa colección de artesanías únicas

que se están realizando o previstas por el Gremio de

Artes y Artesanías de San Lucas, pero el gremio nece-

sita más artesanos y artistas. Si desea participar en

apoyo a este esfuerzo, por favor, póngase en contacto

con Joseph Ziemba en [email protected] o

con la oficina parroquial. Joseph le puede ayudar con

ideas e identificar otros artesanos que le puede dar

instrucciones, si así lo desea. Uno sólo necesita ser ca-

paz de utilizar un par de tijeras y pegamento, carpinte-

ría básica, tejido y costura.

FERIA DE JUSTICIA Y PAZ Estan invitados a la Feria para Justicia y Paz de la ciu-

dad de Vancouver, el 10 de septiembre de 9AM-4PM

en Ester Short Park. Les invitamos a visitar nuestro

des-pliegue, tomar un tiempo para ver los otros

grupos que trabajan por justicia y paz. San Lucas has

sido orgullosamente líder en esta feria desde el prin-

cipio de su fundación.


MENSUAL Nos queda un mes abierto: Septiembre. Ya hemos reci-

bido un regalo de $100 para cubrir el costo de los ali-

mentos, sólo necesitamos 1-2 voluntarios para planif-

icar, comprar y entregar los alimentos para esta

comida el 20 de septiembre. Todas las recepciones

pueden presentarse para un reembolso completo.

Si necesita más información o desea inscribirse,

póngase en

contacto con P Jaime (360-606-4285).

Meta 3: Crecer En Fe


V B S Qué increíble VBS que tuvimos este año! Se promedia-

ron unos 35 niños cada día. Los niños disfrutaron ju-

gando y haciendo manualidades con playdoh, abalo-

rios y pintura. También tenían la tarea de decirle al P.

Eliacin de donde viene el queso, aunque parece que

aún puede ser un poco confuso todavía para el. Gra-

cias a todos los padres y abuelos que pudieron dejar a

sus hijos y nietos participan en VBS este año.

También quiero dar un agradecimiento especial a to-

dos nuestros voluntarios que se dedicaron su tiempo

para hacer que esta semana fuera tan especial para los

niños. Se han hecho recuerdos que siempre quedaran

con ellos. Nosotros realmente no podríamos haberlo

hecho sin su participación. Muchas Gracias!

ESCUELA DOMINCAL Por favor, únase a nosotros en domingo de bienvenido

11 de septiembre en el salón parroquial como tendre-

mos una mesa de tal manera que los padres pueden

completar los formularios de registro para todos los

niños de la escuela dominical y para los nuevos niños

que se van a unir a nosotros. Si usted no tiene una

oportunidad para llenar un formulario de registro en

este domingo, por favor pase por la sala de la Escuela

Dominical los domingos y para poder completarlo. Es

importante que mantengamos la seguridad y saber

entender de las preocupaciones en materia de salud

que se pueden evitar de los niños.

Nuestro primer día en la escuela dominical es el 18 de

septiembre. Vamos a tener una fiesta de helados! Tam-

bién voy a completar una lección de la escuela de do-

mingo para ir con nuestro. Realmente he extrañado

todos los niños y estoy deseando volver a verlos!

VOLUNTARIOS DE LA ESCUELA DOMINICAL Tenemos gran necesidad de voluntarios en la Escuela

Dominical. Como muchos de ustedes saben, mi esposo

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y yo estamos esperando un bebé que llegará a finales

de octubre y principios de noviembre. Desafortunada-

mente, debido a problemas médicos que no puedo

controlar, tengo que tener a mí bebe por medio de ce-

sárea y no podrá recuperarme tan rápido como me

gustaría. Para las semanas después de que nuestro

bebé llegue, no podré venir y estar aquí para la escue-

la dominical y la necesidad de voluntarios es genial.

Por favor póngase en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna

pregunta y tenemos una hoja de inscripción que se

encuentra en el nártex.

Herlinda Marquez, Coordinador de Ministerio de Niños

503-863-4528 [email protected]


PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Las clases comenzaran el 9 de octubre a las 12:00PM

en uno de los salones en la planta baja. Las clases

serán bilingües y están diseñadas para niños de

escuela primaria (3er grado en adelante) que puedan

leer y escribir; y así participar más plenamente en el

culto dominical. Las clases continuaran hasta

el 15 de enero. Por favor, inscriban a sus niños para

que el P. Eliacin o Herlinda pueda comprar los mate-

riales que necesitamos.

GRUPO DE JOVENES Las reuniones del Grupo de jóvenes serán el 10 y 24 de

septiembre de 6PM-8PM.

Hablaremos sobre la posibilidad de reunirnos sema-

nalmente para poder lograr un trabajo más constante

en nuestro proyecto del cómic. Espero que todos ha-

yan tenído un buen verano.

La Conferencia Juvenil HYC (High School) será en St.

Luke ~ San Lucas, Vancouver, a partir del viernes, 30

de septiembre a 7PM hasta el domingo 2 de octubre a

1PM. Tendremos música contemporánea, juegos, talle-

res, conversaciones y otras actividades en este fantásti-

co fin de semana para jóvenes en los grados 9-12. Ven

y únete a la diversión y a conocer a personas que, por

medio de Jesucristo, vean la bondad en todos noso-

tros. Trae un amigo ... sólo asegúrese de llenar un for-

mulario de HYC!

Donna Greene, Lider del Ministerio Juvenil

Itami Sandoval-Gaitan, Representante del Ministerio

Juvenil en la Junta Parroquial

CONFIRMACIÓN La Confirmación es un Sacramento en que uno bauti-

zado mientras era niño hace sus votos bautismales

frente a un Obispo y “confirma” la fe que los padrinos

y padres hicieron por su cuenta. Las Clases comien-

zan el 7 de agosto a las 11:50AM.

El Obispo Rickel celebrará las confirmaciones en una

misa bilingüe el 2 de Octubre.

BUSCAS COMO PUEDES AYUDAR MAS? Comité de de fotografía: le gusta tomar fotos? Nos

gustaría fotos de eventos importantes, ministerios en

acción, y de la vida general del nuestro parroquia. Es-

peramos buscar alguien pronto para este ministerio.

Por Favor de comunicarse con el P. Jaime si está in-

teresado. 606-4285 o [email protected]

ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DIRECTORIO ¿Es usted un miembro nuevo que quiere un directorio

y no lo ha recibido? ¿Hay cambios de su información

en el directorio? Contacte la oficina por (telephone) o

por email [email protected]

DIRECTORY UPDATES Are you a new member and would like a parish direc-

tory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your

directory information? Please contact the church office

at 360-696-0181 or by email,

[email protected]



3320 E 18th St Apt 6 Vancouver, WA 98661


STEPHENS, Rebecca (Moved Away)

OROZCO, Carlos y VASQUEZ, Gabriela

(Moved Away)

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WITH GRATITUDE What a ride! Summer went by so fast.

As I write this there is a group of kids

in my house dreading the idea of go-

ing back to school, while at the same

time they are very excited about going

shopping for school supplies. But I guess that was me

at the beginning of the summer as Fr. Jaime’s sabbati-

cal was approaching. I was nervous about the un-

knowns, but excited about the possibilities.

“The blessing is found in the uncomfortable areas”

someone told me once. For the past months as Acting-

Rector I wore many hats, some fit better than others.

Yet, I am very grateful for the blessings that came out

of being stretched and having to step up in areas that

were new to me.

I am grateful for the support of the Vestry, the ministry

leaders and for your many words of encouragement

and help during this time. I am grateful for Fr. Jaime’s

trust and encouragement in helping me become much

clearer in my call and vocation.

Fr. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Curate

SENIOR WARDEN’S MESSAGE It is September already. Where has the sum-

mer gone? Fr. Jaime is back from his sabbati-

cal and school has started. It has been a

wonderful summer for activities around the

church. We have had potlucks and hikes and

other ways to get together. We have had the pleasure

of sharing in the development of our acting rector and

have had guest preachers from our own congregation

to help with the spiritual side of our growth.

The Mutual Ministry Survey is now closed. Here is

some preliminary information. We had 124 people take

the survey either on line or by paper. There were 15

responses from people who attend the 8AM service, 83

from those who attend the 10AM service and 24 from

those who attend the 1PM service. Two people skipped

this question. These numbers are proportional to the

numbers we see at each service. We had 18 responses

from 21-40 year olds, 26 from those 41 – 60 years old,

57 from those 61-80 years old and 20 from those older

than 80. A few chose not to check the age box. There

were 21 ideas for future Topics sessions and 45 com-

ments. As you will see when I present this information

in the meetings on Sunday, September 18th, we are

mostly aligned in our mission. If I have learned any-

thing from this survey, it is this: we need clear and fre-

quent communication so everyone is aware why deci-

sions are being made and what we hope to do within

our own community and for the world around us.

Another of our accomplishments this summer was pre-

paring a grant request from the Diocese to support our

new ministry to young families. Doug Goodlett, Fr.

Eliacin and I filled out the paperwork and wrote the

grant. We were pleased to find out that we have re-

ceived the total amount we requested. Look for new

worship and social activities for this group. As we all

know who have raised children, this is a stressful time

and the needs of the young families group are much

different than those of us whose children are out of the


Watch for information about a new pictorial directory.

A committee has chosen a vendor and times have been

set up for the pictures to be taken. This vendor is offer-

ing us more options and will help us keep the directo-

ry current. Please sign up for time to get your pictures


We are now ready to jump into the fall activities. Sun-

day, September 11 is “Welcome Back Sunday”. The

Bishop and HYC will be here on October 2nd. The Bish-

op will be confirming and welcoming members so it

will be a wonderful day.

I will be gone the last part of September and the first

two weeks of October. Please contact Fr. Jaime or Fr.

Eliacin with issues in my absence. I too hope to come

back refreshed and ready to tackle the budget and

pledge drive this fall. Stay tuned for more information

as we plan to be fairly aggressive this year so we can

continue the wonderful programs we have been enjoy-


Kathy Gallaher


SURVEY RESULTS! The Mutual Ministry Review survey is complete. So

now, what are the next steps?

The survey has been reviewed by Fr. Eliacin. Next, it

will be shared with Fr. Jaime when he returns. The

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Vestry will have a presentation at their meeting on

September 13th. They will start looking at how to re-

spond to concerns and questions.

On Sunday, September 18th, the results of the survey

will be shared with the congregation. Parish meetings

are planned after the 10AM service and the 1PM ser-

vice. We are waiting to see how the 8AM service

would like to have the information presented. It may

be after the service or at breakfast. Their choice. All of

the data and comments (favorable and unfavorable)

will be shared as written. Not everything will have an

answer at this meeting as the data is raw and new to

everyone. This gives us a wonderful starting point for

discussion and sharing.

Please put this on your calendar and plan to attend one

of the sessions. Kathy Gallaher, Senior Warden

THE ROLE OF THE VESTRY Answers to the Mutual Ministry Survey showed that

8% of the respondents were not sure what the role of

the Vestry was in the leadership of the Church. Since

we will soon be electing new members, it is important

to communicate some of the roles and responsibilities.

“The Vestry is elected by the congregation at the An-

nual Meeting. The term of office is traditionally three

years with one-third being elected each year.” Those

eligible are adult (age 16 or older) full members of St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas parish, (confirmed or received in

the Episcopal, Anglican or Lutheran church) and

pledge their time, talent and treasure to enhance the

mission of the Church. The Vestry has two roles; i.e.

leadership and management.

“Leadership includes tasks such as:

Discerning a vision for the future

Articulating and communicating the vision

Generating enthusiasm and “buy-in” from the


Setting the tone for leadership that encourages

other leaders in the congregation to grow and


Management includes tasks such as:


Establishing and enforcing policies and


Establishing action plans

Maintaining property.”*

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas’ Vestry is made up of dedicated

people representing all facets of our congregation. We

meet monthly, start with prayer or bible study and

then attend to the business of the Church. All work is

done in partnership with the clergy. We discuss the

budget and try to manage our resources wisely. Our

discussions can be lively as each of us comes to the ta-

ble with a different point of view. We strive for consen-

sus and mutual understanding. We sometimes have to

make hard decisions that are not popular and other

times ones that support new ministries or a new direc-

tion for the church. This is a sacred ministry within the

Church and it is a privilege to serve.

*Taken from “The Vestry Resource Guide”

Kathy Gallaher, Senior Warden

Goal 1: Develop relationships between the Anglo & Hispanic


SEPTEMBER 11 St. Luke’s ~ San Lu-

cas will worship to-

gether at 11AM at a

Bilingual Service.

There will then be a

BBQ lunch immedi-

ately following. The

Vestry is providing

lunch for all. Volun-

teers are requested

for BBQ cooks, set-

up and clean-up.

Sign-up sheet in the

Narthex. Mike Mor-

rison will again have

bicycle helmets avail-

able for kids for free.

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High school Youth Conference September 30 – October 2

As parish hosts for this HYC event, we will need Host

Homes for about sixty youth. To help me with this

effort Bernie Malcolm, our Housing Coordinator, will

recruit parish members to be Host Homes for the

youth. Give him a call if you can host (360-694-1098).

Who can Host Youth in their home?

Adults (over 18 years of age) and have been mem-

bers for a least one year.

Adult Couples (same or different sex) or

Single Adult homes

At least one adult from each home (who can be

present whenever the youth are in the home)

attend a Safeguarding God’s Children Training

All adults in a home have a background check.

Hosts need to provide:

Sleeping space for 3-4 youth for two nights and

restroom access

Transportation from church to your home Friday

evening and Saturday evening and transportation

from your home to church Saturday and Sunday

mornings. (If transporting is a problem another

church member can provide this.)

Meals: Snacks Friday and Saturday evening, break-

fast Saturday and Sunday morning and.

Contact Donna Greene if you can help in any of the

above ways! (360-609-2180).

Kitchen Needs:

Melanie Kenoyer has agreed to be the Kitchen Coordi-

nator but we still need Kitchen Helpers. Please contact

Melanie Kenoyer (360-433-1341) if you want to help in

the kitchen.

Prepare Snacks for Friday evening

Prepare Lunch, snacks and dinner for Saturday

Prepare Sack lunches for Sunday.

Please save these dates and let us know how you can

help welcome these youth to our parish so that they

can experience a faith growing weekend.

Donna Greene, Youth Ministry Leader

2016 PHOTO DIRECTORY It’s time for a new church pictorial directory this fall!

We are very excited by some new features. We have

chosen a smaller directory format that will provide for

free updates when we have new household members,

including their photos! Additionally, we will have a

pdf version that we can email to members. Phone

numbers, email addresses and residence addresses will

be hot linked to allow for easy smart phone access on

the go or just easier look ups on your home computer.

Either method, this directory will help us connect

better with each other.

By now we hope that you have received a membership

roster in the mail. It is very important that you review

your listing in this roster to be sure that we have in-

cluded all your household members, names spelled

correctly, address, phone number(s), and email ad-

dress (s) all correct. If you find any errors please email

these corrections to the church office

([email protected]) or make corrections to

the master roster list available on September Sundays.

If you have NOT received a membership roster in the

mail, it could be due to the postal service but more

likely one of the following situations is true:

Your address has changed and we do not have

your new address.

We have not received a Family Information form

for your household. These will be available at the

Photo Directory table on Sundays or contact the

church office and we will email or snail mail the

form to you. (360-696-0181).

We want to include everyone who is part of St. Luke’s

~ San Lucas but we know we are missing information

for some households and ask your help to complete

our records.

This new church pictorial directory will be provided at

no cost to you or our church and there is no cost to you

to have your photographs taken. Just for participating,

you will receive a complimentary professional 8 x 10

portrait (of any of the poses taken during your session)

and a church directory. Our church directory will help

us connect names with faces and will not be complete

without YOU! So PLEASE take the time to participate

and make this directory a beautiful tool with which to

become more aware of each other.

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After you are photographed, you will be able to view

your images immediately. If you so desire, you will

have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits

(which you will receive before Christmas). This is a

wonderful opportunity to bring along extended family

members to have a professional portrait taken even

though they will not be in the directory. Even your

friends can make an appointment!

We will be photographing during two weeks this fall.

The first week of photo sessions is Tues. Sept. 20 –

Thur. Sept. 22, from 1PM-8:30PM. After we have

scheduled all the appointments in the first week we

will open up the second week: Fri. Oct. 14 - Sun. Oct.

16, 10AM-5:30PM.

Early sign-ups will get the first choice of times, so sign

up on-line at our website: Look for the “Sign Up

Now” button on the first page and click on this to

schedule your photo session. If you do not have a

computer or want to schedule with one of our volun-

teers, just stop by the sign-up table after any of the ser-


For those who purchase portraits, there are some great

discounts available:


COUPON- available when you check in for

your appointment.

Families with a member age sixty or older will

receive a 20% discount.

We also want to encourage you to invite friends and

family to schedule a photo session at St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas. They won’t be in our directory but the church

will receive an extra directory to give to new members.

Same great prices and free 8X10 photo!

If you have any questions please contact Pam Goodlett

(360-573-6267), Dena Cassidy (360-521-6079) or the

church office (360-696-0181).

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

Goal 2: Expand Outreach OUTREACH Thank you all for the School Supplies you donated!

You made it possible for us to distribute 44 supply-

filled backpacks to children in need! Plus remaining

supplies to take to our local school district. The re-

sponse from all of you was amazing. Thank you so


I am happy to announce that Deb Stavig will be the

manager for the food (etc.) and clothes closet distribu-

tion effort. Deb has been coordinating volunteers and

other aspects of this wonderful endeavor that St.

Luke’s’ ~ San Lucas offers to those in need. We are go-

ing to relocate this part of Outreach to the basement

soon. Watch for more information in the October Mes-


Want to know more about Outreach? Want to learn

how you can help? Come see us at our table during the

Welcome Back Sunday Picnic, September 11, or contact

me, Lynne Hulse at [email protected].

Mark your calendars for October 20th when we will

have the next Burgerville HOPE event.

As we look forward to fall I want to ensure that you

know there will be a change to one of our traditional

drives; the annual food basket drive will be moving to

November for Thanksgiving (more information to fol-

low for both events).

P.S. Outreach meetings are held monthly from 6:30-

8:30pm on the first Wednesday, September 7.

Lynne Hulse, Vestry Liaison to Outreach

VANCOUVER PEACE & JUSTICE FAIR The 12th annual Peace and Justice Fair will be Satur-

day, September 10 at Esther Short Park. St Luke's ~

San Lucas has exhibited for several years and we will

be exhibitors again. Being at the Fair is the most visible

parish presence in the community outside our campus.

Please commit to helping this large and unique once-

per-year event. Help is needed to plan the exhibit in

advance, then on Fair day to load the truck at church,

unload and set up in the Park, welcome visitors to the

exhibit from 9AM-4PM, take down, load the truck,

and unload back on campus. Many helpers means no-

body must do all that work. This is major opportunity

to promote our parish and present our Episcopalian/

Anglican form of Christianity. Evangelism in kit form!

Sign-up for a shift and come share in the wonderful

experience at this annual festival.

Lynne Hulse

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VALLEY HOMESTEAD SHELTER St. Luke's has committed to providing one meal each

month for those staying at the Valley Homestead Shel-

ter, a shelter for homeless families again this year as we

have for many years. All but one month has been

claimed. Since we have received a $100 gift to cover the

cost of the food, we just need 1-2 volunteers to plan,

shop and deliver the food for this meal on September

20. All receipts can be submitted for full refund. For

more information please call Dena Cassidy (360) 695-


2016 HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE Supporting more than a century and a half

of community service

The logistics plans for the 2016 Craft Sale have been fi-

nalized. This year the sale will be part of the “Crystal

Plum Bazaar” in Hazel Dell on Saturday, November 12

from 9AM-4PM. This is the 37th year for the bazaar and

is sponsored by the Vancouver Dawn Lions Club. It

will be held at Alki Middle School in Hazel Dell.

There is a wonderful collection of unique crafts now

being made or planned by the St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas

Arts & Crafts Guild, but the Guild needs more crafters

and/or artists. If you would like to participate in sup-

porting this effort, please contact Joseph Ziemba at jo-

[email protected] or the parish office and he can

help you with ideas and identify other crafters who can

give you instructions, if desired. One needs only to be

able to use a pair of scissors and glue, basic woodwork-

ing, knitting or other needlework.

Joseph Ziemba

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE The ESL program at SL2 is taking on a new form in the

fall. Students from the previous terms will be offered a

chance for 1 on 1, or 1 on 2, tutoring for an hour each

week. The teaching times are not yet set and will be

made convenient to the volunteers and their pupils. We

welcome anyone who can commit to an hour of tutor-

ing time each week to join the ESL team starting mid-

September. Please contact Jeanne Stephens (206-245-


ALS WALK – OCTOBER 1, 2016 This is our 8th year in the WALK TO DEFEAT ALS. As

always, we will be walking in loving memory of Father

Eric Werts. This 5K walk helps us raise funds for re-

search, support of families, awareness and most im-

portantly finding a CURE. This is a horrible disease that

strikes someone every 90 minutes and every 90 minutes

someone loses their battle with ALS. The average life

span is 2 – 5 years after diagnosis. Father Eric survived

3 years, 2 months and 10 days. We need to continue

what the “ice bucket challenge” started with raising

funds and putting ALS to the forefront in people’s


The ALS Association and the community of St Luke’s ~

San Lucas were so good to us and helped make Eric’s

journey so much easier. I hope you will consider sup-

porting our walk team FOR THE LOVE OF ERIC again

this year with a donation as we WALK TO DEFEAT

ALS. Online donation via our website: http:// or mail me a check

made out to “ALS Association”.

We would love to have you join us for this 5K walk on

Saturday, October 1st. Please arrive at Esther Short

Park between 11 and 11:30 to gather our team and do

pictures. The walk begins at 11:45AM. If you can join

us, please let me know. (If you walked last year and

still have your red bandana, please wear it again as it is

a symbol that you are part of FOR THE LOVE OF ERIC

team.) If you or anyone else would like more infor-

mation about ALS, please go to

Thank you so very much.

Ruth Werts 360-718-8232

813 NW 151st Street Vancouver, WA 98685

SPECIAL THANKS My special thanks to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas congrega-

tion for your generous donation for a new computer for

the Diocesan office of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern


Blessings, Fr. Ed Lovelady

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Goal 3: Spiritual Growth CHILDREN’S MINISTRY

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REPORT What an amazing VBS we had this year! We averaged

about 35 children every day. The Children enjoyed

playing games and making crafts with playdoh, beads,

and paint. They also got the job of telling Fr. Eliacin

where cheese comes from, although it sounds like he

still might be a little confused. Thank you to all of the

parents and grandparents that were able to let their

children and grandchildren participate in VBS this


I also want to give a special thanks to all of our volun-

teers that went above and beyond to make this week so

special for the children. You have created memories

that will forever last with them. We truly could not

have done it without everyone that volunteered.

Thanks you so much!

SUNDAY SCHOOL Please join us on Welcome Back Sunday, September 11

in the Parish Hall as we will have a table setup so that

the parents can complete registration forms for all cur-

rent Sunday school children and for any new children

that will be joining us. If you do not get a chance to fill

out a registration form on this Sunday, please stop by

the Sunday School room on Sundays and we will get

this completed. It is important that we keep their safety

and understand any health concerns that we can avoid.

Our first day back in Sunday school is September 18.

We are looking at having a welcome back ice cream

social! I will also complete a Sunday school lesson to

go with our Ice cream social. I have really missed all of

them and I am really looking forward to seeing them


SUNDAY SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS We are in great need of Sunday School Volunteers. As

many of you know, my husband and I are expecting a

baby boy who will arrive at the end of October or be-

ginning of November. Unfortunately due to medical

issues that I cannot control, I will have to deliver my

baby boy via C-Section and will not be able to bounce

back as fast as I would like. For the weeks after our ba-

by boy arrives, I will not be able to come in and be here

for Sunday school and the need for Volunteers is great.

Please contact me if you have any questions and we

have a signup sheet that is located in the Narthex.

Herlinda Marquez, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

(503) 863-4528 or [email protected]

COMMUNION CLASS The classes will start October 9-12PM in one of the

rooms located downstairs. The classes will be bilingual

and are designed for children in 3rd grade or older that

can read and write and can fully participate. The clas-

ses will continue until January 15th. Please register

with Fr. Eliacin or Herlinda so we can have enough

materials for everyone.

YOUTH GROUP Youth Group Nights in September will be on the Satur-

days, September 10 and 24 from 6PM-8PM. We will

discuss possibly beginning weekly meetings to be able

to achieve more consistent work on our comic book

project. Hope all had good summer.

HYC (High School Youth Conference) is coming to St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas, Vancouver, beginning Friday, Sep-

tember 30 at 7PM through Sunday, October 2 at 1PM.

Contemporary music and worship, games, workshops,

conversation and just hanging out at the dance are all a

part of this fantastic weekend for youth in grades 9-12.

Come join the fun and meet people who, through Jesus

Christ, see the goodness in all of us. Bring a friend…

just make sure to fill out a HYC form!

Donna Greene, Youth Leader

Itami Sandoval-Gaitan, Vestry Liaison

CONFIRMATION CLASSES Bishop Greg Rickel will be coming for our regularly

scheduled visitation on Sunday, October 2. He will

confirm and receive during a bilingual service at


Confirmation Classes continue through September 25

from 11:50AM-12:50PM in the Chapel of the Holy

Spirit. Drop-ins are welcome!

09/04 Bible Don Lawry

09/11 No class due to Welcome Back Sunday.

09/18 Eucharist Fr. Jaime

09/25 Prayer Fr. Eliacin

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If you have any questions please contact Fr. Eliacin

[email protected] .

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP All women are welcome as we begin another year of

reading, studying and sharing. We will resume our

2nd Saturday monthly sessions on Saturday, October 8

when we will gather from 10AM to 12PM. This will be

a time to come together and expand our spiritual expe-

riences with a feminine view. Each Saturday session

begins with refreshments and friendly conversation

then we will begin our study and discussion based on

the book, May I have this Dance – An invitation to Faith-

ful Prayer Throughout the Year” by Joyce Rupp. In October

we will focus on the Introduction and the chapter,

“October-The Falling Leaves”. Please read both prior

to our session together. If you don’t have the book yet,

please contact Kris Lawless (360-574-3755) or the

church office. Suggested donation is $15. Hoping you

will join us! If you have any questions contact any of

the conveners:

Mary Boettcher, (360-936-2425) [email protected]

Janet Butler (360-947-0404) [email protected]

Kris Lawless (360-574-3755) [email protected]

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM We have had an interesting summer of music at

St. Luke ~ San Lucas: our own soprano soloist Cathe-

rine van der Salm, jazz genius Mike Horsfall on vibes,

our new Dynamic Duo of singers Avis Horjus and Beth

Lawson, singer/songwriter Justin Little, Hannah Fem-

ling on the English Horn, Willy and his Band - lots of

musical talent in our parish. The TGIF Piano Duet Fes-

tival Vancouver had a very successful debut with strong

attendance at the series of four concerts and generous

free-will offerings. There were many faces new to our

nave, checking out the stained glass windows and

painted organ pipes.

Looking ahead to the Fall, we are excited to announce

that The Ensemble will present their entire six-concert

series at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas in the coming year.

Their first program is Friday night, September 16th, and

although their ticket prices have risen this year, mem-

bers of the St. Luke’s-San Lucas community will still be

able to attend each concert for just $10. Mark your cal-


Our choir and hand bell ringers will retreat up the

Gorge on Saturday, September 17th for our annual get-

together and have our first Wednesday rehearsals al-

ready on the 13th, bells at 6PM and choir at 7PM. New

ringers and singers are always welcome.

Tim Nickel, Music Director

FUN WAYS TO GET INVOLVED Photography Committee Like to take pictures? We

would like pictures of our important events, ministries

in action and general life of our Parish for advertising

and archives. Hoping to find help soon with this min-


Library Committee We have a wonderful library with

many books. Some have been organized but many new

donations need attention. This is a great way to pro-

vide opportunities for spiritual enrichment to the


Transportation Ministry: From time to time one of

our members needs/requests help with a ride to

church. If you can provide transportation for someone

to a Sunday service this is the ministry for you!

Friday Night Live After leading this ministry for 8

years, Brad and Ginger Harris will be stepping down

beginning in 2017. This is a fun and easy ministry to

manage and Brad and Ginger will gladly teach you the


Please contact the Office if you are interested in any of

these ministries. [email protected] or 360-


GOOD READS TO “FALL” INTO Now that the days are getting shorter and soon there

will be time to sit and read, we have some book recom-

mendations from members of the Women’s Spirituality

Group that you might like.

Lynne Hulse recommends two books by Beverly

Donofrio: Searching for Mary and Astonished .

Joan Casey recommends three books by David

Steindl-rast: Music of Silence , Gratefulness the

Heart of Prayer and Deeper than Words: Living the

Apostles’ Creed.

Kris Lawless recommends a book by Barbara Brown

Taylor, An Altar in the World .

Claudia Frahm recommends a quarterly magazine

“Weavings” which includes multiple Upper Room


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Goal 4: Pastoral Care

PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE Please let us know if you have someone who is not

able to come to church, is in some type of crisis, medi-

cal or otherwise, or, perhaps, is in the hospital, by

making a call to the office. Our meetings are on the

fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be

on September 27 at 6:30PMin the Chapel of the Holy

Spirit, (Children’s Chapel).

The Rev. Dennis Cole

LIFE GOES ON The next meeting of Life Goes On is on Thursdays,

September 29 at 2PM a farewell party for Joan

Mclean at Glenwood Retirement Center (5500 NE 82nd

Ave, near the Vancouver Mall). We are a group of peo-

ple who have faced significant loss and are in the pro-

cess of grieving. Some lost someone several years ago,

others have lost someone this past year. We share grief

and loss and work hard not only to remember the ones

we have lost but to find new meaning and purpose in

continuing our lives. Life does go on. Please feel wel-

comed to come join our group. We share together from

2-4PM, including some goodies, coffee and tea.

The Rev. Dennis Cole

Community Life COFFEE HOUR Thank you to all who have hosted coffee hour this past

quarter. Your willingness to serve has provided enjoy-

ment to all. We still have 6 open Sundays from Decem-

ber to March. Please call me if you can serve one of

these times.

Hosts for September and early October are:

4 September - Schlatters

11 September – Welcome Back Picnic

18 September – Swishers

25 September – Goodlett/Briggs

2 October – Potluck Lunch with Bishop Rickel

Judy Morrison 360-574-2441

MAH-JONGG GROUP This group has been gathering in members’ homes but

as the group as grown they are moving all meetings to

the church in the Parish Hall every other Monday from

12:30PM-5PM. Come join the fun, learn, play and

chat! First session September 12! (Does not meet on holi-

days) If you have questions, contact Peggy McDonald (360-

573-0609) or Ruth Werts (360-718-8232).

THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, September 13

at 12PM. Our sponsors this month are Pam and Doug

Goodlett. They will be sharing pictures, stories and in-

formation about their recent trip to Greece for the pro-

gram. Please sign-up if you are coming and/or if you

can help with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets

are in the Narthex. As always your friends and neigh-

bors are welcome!

THE ENSEMBLE CONCERT September 16, 2016, 7PM

St Luke's ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church, Vancouver


Anne Boleyn's Motet Book will feature motets and chansons

found in a manuscript book currently housed at the

Royal College of Music, London, that is believed to

have been Anne Boleyn's. The music is by the greatest

composers of the early 16th century including Josquin,

Compère and Brumel.

Ticket price for St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas members is $10.

Purchase is available on Sunday’s after services or con-

tact the church office during the week for reservations.

CHOR ANNO CONCERT Saturday, September 17, 2016, 7PM

St. Luke's ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church Suggest Donation $20 but any amount is fine.

"Unclouded Day" - This year's program leans toward

compositions by some of the leading contemporary

composers, several pieces being heard for the first

time. It's a real mix of beautiful choral singing.

Chor Anno is a non-profit arts group whose profes-

sional level singers are the heart and soul of the group.

No one in the choir is actually being paid for their par-

ticipation. The members simply sing because they love

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the experience of singing together and sharing their


“R @ R” GROUP This group will resume their monthly meetings on the

third Wednesdays. Rev. Chuck Barnes invites all to the

Retirees @ Restaurants (R@R for short) on Wednesday,

September 21 at 9AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929

Main St, Vancouver, WA 98660 for breakfast and lively


FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE This event is an opportunity for us to get together cas-

ually in a member’s home. Great way to become more

acquainted and to be with friends. The host provides

the main course only and guests bring a dish to share

(appetizer, salad, side or dessert) and their own bever-

age. Look for the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish

hall next to the kitchen door. Please sign-up so the

hosts know how many to prepare for.

In September, Sharon and Jim Mayhew will host Fri-

day Night Live on September 23rd starting at 6:30PM.

Their address is 1019 NW 79th Cir, Vancouver 98685

and phone number 360-574-0074.

We are also looking for someone to host the Decem-

ber's event. In the past, it has been a white elephant

gift exchange but doesn't have to be. Also, due to

Christmas, the date is flexible. Anyone interested in

hosting a Friday Night Live, please contact Brad or

Ginger Harris. We always welcome new hosts! Please

address any questions to Ginger or Brad Harris. (971-

373-8894) or at [email protected]


SHOWCASE Come join us on Saturday, September 24th, at

8PM for a concert featuring original songs

from 3 new local singer/songwriters includ-

ing St. Luke's ~ San Lucas parishioner, Justin

Little. Doors will open at 7:30PM.

$5 suggested donation.

About Justin:

With each song I write, I strive to capture the inher-

ent beauty and present pain of life, relationships,

faith and doubt. Songwriting is my passion, nur-

tured in childhood by a love of playing and listen-

ing to the music of Simon and Garfunkel, The Beat-

les and other old favorites of my father, and discov-

ered in adolescence as a form of prayer and protest

under the influence of Dave Matthews, Jars of Clay

and many other folk and alternative artists. Now a

husband and father of two, I continue to seek mean-

ing in the landscapes and the people I encounter,

finding hope in my craft of gorgeous melodies and

thoughtful lyrics. Website:

About Caryn:

Born in Southeast Alaska to minister parents, Caryn's

musical influence can be attributed as much to her up-

bringing in the church as well as to the raw talent that

runs through her blood. Caryn gigs around the Pacific

Northwest and spends her days writing music from

the heart that both inspires and encourages. Website:

About Isabeau:

From the island of Maui where the Waia'u's are a col-

lection of music makers. Our joys were proclaimed,

our prayers were lifted up, our fears were fleshed out

and our hopes are declared all through music. That is

where this art of song was fostered. I am a teacher.

First as a high school social studies teacher now as a

7th grader Geography teacher. Music is not a "side

thing" I feel lead to do both and to do both well.


Administrative & Financial WE’VE GROWN! Our membership count now exceeds 400 which is a

new diocesan parish size level. We now may have 6

delegates and 6 alternates represent us at the annual

Diocesan Convention. Currently we have 5 delegates

and 0 alternates. We would like to add 1 more dele-

gates (a male) and 6 alternates. The requirements are:

An adult (16+ years of age), member of this parish,

baptized, confirmed/received in the Episcopal or Lu-

theran church and a Communicant in Good Standing,

who is a contributor of record. If you are interested in

representing St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas at the convention

October 21-22, please contact the office or our Senior

Warden, Kathy Gallaher.

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Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $583,833 $350,003 60%

Expenses $583,833 $333,835 57%

Net Income 0 $ 16,168

VESTRY SUMMARY -- August 2016

SABBATICAL REVIEW: Father Eliacin’s time as

Acting Rector has gone smoothly.


Results will be presented on September 18.

PLEDGE CAMPAIGN: Expect a mailed pledge card in

early October.

CONVENTION DELEGATES: We need more repre-

sentatives at SeaTac Hilton on October 20-21.

YOUNG FAMILIES: We have a $4,000 grant for this

ministry in 2017.

NUEVO AMANACER: New multicultural-ministry ide-

as will result from this conference.

HISPANICS: More Anglo and Hispanic members are

visiting each other’s services.

Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk


“Dollars and Sense”

Percentages should to be at 58.3% of budgeted revenue

and expense.

Summary as of July 31, 2016

Revenues: Actual revenues as of August are

ahead of what would be expected. Pledge income

is right where we would expect it to be, so congrat-

ulations for making your payments during the

summer months. Your gifts are very much appreci-

ated and help to fully support our goals and out-

standing ministries.

Expenses: Overall expenses are under year-to-

date budget projections by $6,733. This is mostly

due to not hiring a youth coordinator and less ser-

vices being provided than budgeted for this time of

the year.

Additional Comments:

Here’s an easy way to make money for St. Luke ~ San

Lucas. If you shop at Fred Meyer and sign up for the

Fred Meyer Rewards program, you can have a per-

centage of your purchases turned into money for our

church. This about as simple as “giving” can be. So far

we have received $484.66 from FM because so many of

you have signed up for this automatic program…and

it doesn’t cost you anything. See Sandy Geer for enroll-

ment information.

A letter from Vancouver Public Schools Foundation for

Burgerville fundraiser: More than 23,000 students of

diverse backgrounds walk through the doors of 37 VPS every

day. Since 1988, the Foundations has passionately worked to

address student’s unmet basic needs and to provide the fun-

damental learning tools, enrichment programs, and mentor-

ing opportunities that enhance their educational experience.

Thank you for your commitment to what we do. Sincerely

Nada Wheelock. Special hand note reads: Thank you

for supporting HOPE and our most vulnerable students!

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

OUR CHURCH’S HISTORY DIGITALIZED In 1994, St. Luke’s Church published a printed copy of

Lesla Scott’s history of the church from its early years

through 1992. This large volume had been gathered

and prepared from Vestry minutes, Guild minutes,

newspaper accounts, and contributions from various

parishioners. As someone said recently, “It is amazing

that this church has such a long history”.

Rather than re-printing (it is over 400 pages long), the

history has been digitalized into a PDF on a CD. The

effort required converting all of the type, formatting in

a word processor, and scanning and inserting over 100

pictures that Lesla had included. Because it is digital-

ized, the search tools of Acrobat Reader can be easily

used to find a particular section or multiple references

to an event or person.

In addition, a Supplement to this Volume One has

been created and placed on the CD. It contains reprints

of many Messenger articles written by the Parish Ar-

chivist, as well as other articles and biographies. The

biography of Rev. John D. McCarty, our first rector, is

included, as are public domain pictures to provide in-

terest or reference.

This CD will be offered for a donation to the Church

General Fund of $20.00. Sales will begin in September.

Look for a sales table, or sign-up sheet to reserve your


Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist

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REWARDS For the April 1 - June 30

quarter Fred Meyer contributed $161.54 to our parish.

This was based on 42 households who supported our

church while shopping at Fred Meyers. Thank you!

If you have a Rewards Card and haven’t designated

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, please take a moment to sign

up for the Community Rewards program by linking

your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to St. Luke’s ~ San Lu-

cas at You

can search for us by our name or by our non-profit

number 88487. Then, every time you shop and use

your Re-wards Card, you are helping St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas receive a donation!


1 – Greg Garlisch

1 – Jesus Ramirez Reyes

2 - Jesus Marquez Reyes

3 – Odell Hathaway

3 - Janeth C. Montiel

3 – Maria Orozco-Castillo

5 - Owen Snoey

6 – June Anderson

6 – Anne Chamberlain

6 – Elizabeth Cubberly

6 – Louie Huerta

6 - Hanny


7 - Reyna Hernandez

7 – Ali Taque

8 – Jim Gallaher

8 – Hannah Femling

9 – Juan Barba

9 - Jose Guardian

10 - Joshua Taylor

10 – Haley McClellan

11 – Muriel McNamara

12 - Santiago Carmona

13 – Becky Swisher

14 – Ann Amies

14 – Jim Schlatter

14 – Noe Gonzalez

14 - Manuel Ulloa

14 - Mary Ulloa

14 - Esperanza Reyes

14 – Tobin Wildfang-Hoch

15 – Elizabeth Escobar

16 – Jeff Sowder

16 – Sean Brown

16 – Catherine

van der Salm

16 - Emily Zurita

17 – Emilio Sotelo

17 – Javier Campos

18 – Pat Lawless

19 – Carl McHargue

19 - Gary Sawyer

20 – Mary Denny

20 – Richard Frazier

20 – Mary Ellen Sandberg

20 - Juan Reyes

20 - Micxi Marin

21 - Michael Klucas

21 – Cruz Lopez

22 – Joann Swanson

22 – Dave Saathoff

22 - Arianna Zavala

23 – Jill McClellan

23 - Gaddiell Tachiquin

24 – Barb Goodall

25 – Chuck Williams

26 – Indra Gutierrez-


27 – Claudia Roseberry

27 - Pedro Martinez

28 – Georgie Wildfang

28 – Lucy Villa

29 - Blanca Aguilar

29 - Eric Carmona

30 – Michael Morrison

30 - Marlene Perez

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Sept. 4 St. Andrew, Aberdeen; St. Luke, Elma;

St. Germain, Hoodsport

Sept. 11 St. Benedict, Lacey; St. Mark, Montesano

Chaplains on the Harbor, Westport

Sept.18 St. Christopher, Olympia;

St. John/San Juan, Olympia

Sept. 25 St. David of Wales/San David, Shelton;

St. John, South Bend

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Sept. 4 St. Luke’s Center for Mentally Disturbed

Children, Beit Mery, Lebanon

Sept. 11 St. Peter and St. Paul Church,

Aqaba, Jordan

Sept. 18 Christ School, Nazareth, Israel

Sept. 25 The Jofeh Community Rehabilitation

Center, Jordan Valley, Jordan


eGiving is now available on our website. Just use this QR Code to visit the donation page.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands

2 Outreach


4 16th Sunday of


Summer Sunday Schedule

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 11:50 Confirmation Class 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa

5 Buildings Closed

Labor Day

6 Outreach



12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 2:00 Staff Meeting

6:30 Outreach Meeting

8 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands

9 Outreach


9-4 Vancouver Peace & Justice Fair 6-8:00 Youth Group

11 17th Sunday of



8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care Guardería de niños 11:00 Bilingual Eucharist 12:30 PICNIC

12 Office Closed

12 Mar- Jongg

13 Outreach

12 Lunch Bunch 6:00 Handbells 6:30 VESTRY 7:00 Choir

14 Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 2:00 Staff Meeting

15 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

16 Outreach

7:00 THE ENSEMBLE Concert


Choirs Gorge Day 7:00 CHOR ANNO Concert

18 18th Sunday of



8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Coffee Hour 11:30 MMR Results 11:50 Confirmation Class 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical 2:30 MMR Results


19 Office Closed

20 Outreach

21 Outreach

9:00 R@R—Dulins 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 1-8:30 Lifetouch Photo Ses-sions

2:00 Staff Meeting

22 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

1-8:30 Lifetouch Photo Sessions

23 Outreach

1-8:30 Lifetouch Photo Sessions

6:30 Friday Night Live @ the Mayhews


6-8:00 Youth Group


25 19th Sunday of



11:50 Confirmation Class

26 Office Closed 12 Mar- Jongg

27 Outreach

6:30 Pastoral Care

28 Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 2:00 Staff Meeting

29 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

2:00 Life Goes On (off-site)

30 Outreach

7:00 HYC

Oct. 1 10:00 HYC 11:00 ALS Walk @ Esther Short Park

Church Office Hours: 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-5 PM

Tuesday - Friday

If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181.

Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the October issue of The Messenger, please

submit your article on or before September 18 to the church office. [email protected] Thank you!

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Senior Warden: Kathryn Gallaher Junior Warden: Stu Hennessey

VESTRY MEMBERS: Stefanie Aschmann, Lynne Hulse,

John Mathieu, Sharon Mayhew, Marlene Perez, Itami Sandoval-Gaitan,

Tako Torres and Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Curate

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

Herlinda Marquez, Administrator Assistant

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: September 1 - September5

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