THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO ST. LUKE’S … · Fue una tarde de gran diversión. y proyectos....

Volume 45 Issue 5 JUNE 2014 ~ JUNIO 2014 The Messenger ~ El Mensajero ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ SAN LUCAS IGLESIA EPISCOPAL Rector’s Corner Stewardship of our Neighbor I’ll bet you are thinking about vacation this June, just like I am. Time flew through the end of the school year, some graduations are planned, but the summer opens to us beckon- ing us to play. In June our cycle of annual stewardship themes moves back to our neighbor: It is actually timely that our min- istry of assistance in the form of food, clothing, and bus passes, is growing, changing, and engaging us more directly with our neighbor. Recently we have seen more than double the number of clients asking for food, especially the Road Bags, food ready to eat. Our clients call them “lunch bags”. The bags cost a lot and create a lot of trash, so to supplement those expensive bags, a less expensive sandwich meal is being prepared. We will continue to put our “Road Bags” but limit them to 6 per day. We will be able to do the sandwich bags at less than half the cost. This scheme will costs us $200 for the sandwich bags, $400 for the “Road Bags” each month, and we have joyfully budgeted that amount for Outreach. Donations in-kind can reduce that cost. The Outreach Commiee will re-evaluate in 3 months. We routinely run out of bus passes on Tuesday, often before noon. Our volunteers from Wednesday to Friday are learning the age-old paean of the non-profit, “I’m sorry, we are out of xxxx.” I have to say the same thing about the Discretionary Fund, which usually runs out the first week of the month. Clothing is different, be- cause people can make do, and we only give out donat- ed, not purchased, items. I learned to say “I’m sorry” years ago, as a volunteer myself, and to tell the truth, it was a great motivator to “Do something about it” ra- ther than just say “I’m sorry, we’re out.” Facing our clients directly as members of the church is a transforming spiritual experience. I highly commend to you to take the time to volunteer to help your neighbor this summer, and meet the wander- ing, needy Christ in them as a part of your spir- itual journey. I tried to find a good quote from the book of James but I give up: Read the whole book of James: It’s short and to the point. Fr. Jaime Case Rincón del Rector Mayordomía de Nuestro Prójimo Me imagino que están pensando en vacaciones durante el mes de junio, igual que yo. El tiempo voló para ter- minar el año escolar, algunos hace planes para gradua- ción, y el verano abre a nosotros salir a jugar. En junio nuestro ciclo de mayordomía anual se enfoca en nuestro prójimo: Es justo que nuestro ministerio de asistencia directa en forma de comida, ropa y boletos para el bus está creciendo, cambiando, y exponiéndo- nos nos mas a nuestro prójimo. Ha doblado el número de personas pidiendo “Road Bags,” que nuestros clien- tes llaman bolsas de lonche. Estas bolsas cuestan mu- cho y producen mucha basura. Vamos a añadir bolsas de tortas para aumentar la comida disponible. Conti- nuaremos produciendo “Road Bags” cada semana pero con límite de 6 por día. Vamos a producir las bolsas con una torta por menos que la mitad. El esquema costará $200 por bolsa de torta y $400 por “Road Bag” cada mes, y gozosamente hemos presupuestado la cantidad. Donativos pueden reducir el gasto. En 3 meses re- evaluaremos el esquema. Cada martes nos acaban los boletos de bus por toda la semana, muchas veces antes del mediodía. Nuestros voluntarios están aprendiendo el lamento “Lo siento, se nos acabó el xxx.” Yo tengo que decir lo mismo sobre mis Fondos Discrecionales, que terminan durante la primera semana del mes. Ropa es diferente, porque de- pende solamente sobre las donaciones, y uno puede

Transcript of THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO ST. LUKE’S … · Fue una tarde de gran diversión. y proyectos....


Volume 45 Issue 5

JUNE 2014 ~ JUNIO 2014

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero


Rector’s Corner Stewardship of our Neighbor I’ll bet you are thinking about vacation this

June, just like I am. Time flew through the end

of the school year, some graduations are

planned, but the summer opens to us beckon-

ing us to play.

In June our cycle of annual stewardship themes moves

back to our neighbor: It is actually timely that our min-

istry of assistance in the form of food, clothing, and bus

passes, is growing, changing, and engaging us more

directly with our neighbor. Recently we have seen

more than double the number of clients asking for food,

especially the Road Bags, food ready to eat. Our clients

call them “lunch bags”. The bags cost a lot and create a

lot of trash, so to supplement those expensive bags, a

less expensive sandwich meal is being prepared. We

will continue to put our “Road Bags” but limit them to

6 per day. We will be able to do the sandwich bags at

less than half the cost. This scheme will costs us $200

for the sandwich bags, $400 for the “Road Bags” each

month, and we have joyfully budgeted that amount for

Outreach. Donations in-kind can reduce that cost. The

Outreach Committee will re-evaluate in 3 months.

We routinely run out of bus passes on Tuesday, often

before noon. Our volunteers from Wednesday to Friday

are learning the age-old paean of the non-profit, “I’m

sorry, we are out of xxxx.” I have to say the same thing

about the Discretionary Fund, which usually runs out

the first week of the month. Clothing is different, be-

cause people can make do, and we only give out donat-

ed, not purchased, items. I learned to say “I’m sorry”

years ago, as a volunteer myself, and to tell the truth, it

was a great motivator to “Do something about it” ra-

ther than just say “I’m sorry, we’re out.”

Facing our clients directly as members of the church is

a transforming spiritual experience. I highly commend

to you to take the time to volunteer to help your

neighbor this summer, and meet the wander-

ing, needy Christ in them as a part of your spir-

itual journey. I tried to find a good quote from

the book of James but I give up: Read the whole

book of James: It’s short and to the point.

Fr. Jaime Case

Rincón del Rector Mayordomía de Nuestro Prójimo Me imagino que están pensando en vacaciones durante

el mes de junio, igual que yo. El tiempo voló para ter-

minar el año escolar, algunos hace planes para gradua-

ción, y el verano abre a nosotros salir a jugar.

En junio nuestro ciclo de mayordomía anual se enfoca

en nuestro prójimo: Es justo que nuestro ministerio de

asistencia directa en forma de comida, ropa y boletos

para el bus está creciendo, cambiando, y exponiéndo-

nos nos mas a nuestro prójimo. Ha doblado el número

de personas pidiendo “Road Bags,” que nuestros clien-

tes llaman bolsas de lonche. Estas bolsas cuestan mu-

cho y producen mucha basura. Vamos a añadir bolsas

de tortas para aumentar la comida disponible. Conti-

nuaremos produciendo “Road Bags” cada semana pero

con límite de 6 por día. Vamos a producir las bolsas con

una torta por menos que la mitad. El esquema costará

$200 por bolsa de torta y $400 por “Road Bag” cada

mes, y gozosamente hemos presupuestado la cantidad.

Donativos pueden reducir el gasto. En 3 meses re-

evaluaremos el esquema.

Cada martes nos acaban los boletos de bus por toda la

semana, muchas veces antes del mediodía. Nuestros

voluntarios están aprendiendo el lamento “Lo siento, se

nos acabó el xxx.” Yo tengo que decir lo mismo sobre

mis Fondos Discrecionales, que terminan durante la

primera semana del mes. Ropa es diferente, porque de-

pende solamente sobre las donaciones, y uno puede


escoger lo adecuado. Aprendí la frase hace años, co-

mo voluntario también, y para decir la verdad, fue

gran motivador para “Hacer algo” en vez de simple-

mente “Lo siento, se acabó.”

Hacer frente a nuestros prójimos como miembro de

la iglesia es una experiencia espiritual transformati-

va. Les encomiendo tomar tiempo para ser volunta-

rio ayudar a su prójimo durante el verano, y así co-

nocer al Cristo peregrino y mendigo como parte de

su camino espiritual. Traté de encontrar un versículo

bueno del libro de Santiago, pero les recomiendo leer

todo el libro. Es corto y al punto.

Padre Jaime Case

MENSAJE DE LA GUARDIANA MAYOR ¡Aleluya! Estamos cerca de firmar el

contrato para remodelación. Comen-

zar será acontecimiento alegre. Es

probable que cuando reciban esto,

listo será el contrato. Tenemos que

hacer algunos ajustes para acomodar

este proyecto de corto plazo, y los resultados serán


Gracias a todos los voluntarios que laboraron para el

Cinco de Mayo, y que hicieron un gran éxito de la

fiesta: Rubén Triana, María Zepeda. Willy Silva Patri-

cia leal, Ana Mariscal, Blanca Maldonado y María

Zambrano. La comida fue sabrosa. La música energé-

tica, los danzantes asombrosos con lindos vestidos.

Fue una tarde de gran diversión.

Se realizó una venta de garaje gracias a Russ Rosebe-

rry y todos los voluntarios que ayudar con organizar,

vender, y reponer. El dinero ayuda a que los niños

pueden asistir a Camp Huston, nuestro campamento

den Gold Bar, Washington.

Si usted puede ser voluntario del programa de

Outreach durante semana, se lo agradeceríamos mu-

cho. Su ayuda con el ropero y distribución de comida

en un horario regular será de gran ayuda. También

puede organizar el ropero en tiempos más flexibles si

esto le conviene. Hacemos también tortas para distri-

buir durante semana. Cualquier ayuda será aprecia-


Quiero agradecer a Den Mark Wichar por organizar

el evento de recoger fondos en Central Burgerville. El

dinero recogido fue usado para niños de escuela que

no tienen casa en el área. El Comité de Outreach

quiere hacer el evento otra vez en el otoño. Noten los

anuncios porvenir.

El comité de Recoger Fondos va a patrocinar una re-

cepción después del servicio vespertino de Jazz el 7

de junio. Inviten a vecinos, amigos y familia también.

Véase los detalles en los boletines

dominicales o le Mensajero.

Dena Cassidy, Guardiana Mayor

ESCUELA DOMINICAL Hoy en la reunion de Escuela de Verano,

Susan Cole dijo que “venir al salón de cla-

se mirar a los niños en el Circulo de Ora-

ción es linda cosa, si solamente fuera facti-

ble que toda la congregación lo viera.”

Escuela dominica consiste en muchas co-

sas. Es linda, divertido, religiosos, pensativo, infor-

mativo y somos todos amigos. Hoy un niño hizo la

pregunta “¿Por qué morir los apóstoles cuando ha-

blaban de Jesús es buena cosa?” Por favor, amen y

apoyan nuestros niños.

Ebie Mountford


21-24 de julio 9-12 Nuestro tema es “Animales Raros.” Los niños apren-

derán del amor de Jesús por historias, música, juegos

y proyectos. Solamente se puede logara con la ayuda

de muchas personas. Vamos a poner un anuncio de

información en el Salón Parroquial donde unos de

los maestros servirán para contestar sus preguntas e

inscribir voluntarios. Para poner el plan, necesitamos

saber tan pronto sea posible cuantos ayudantes va-

mos a tener.

Algunos ayudantes servirán preparando para el día

veinte minutos.

Otros ayudaran a pastorear los niños de lugar a lu-

gar, manteniéndolos en seguridad.

Algunos pueden ayudar con donaciones y costo de


Necesitamos ayuda con sábanas planos, plantas arti-

ficiales (viñas y flores) para decorar.

Para instalar el área necesitamos un gran equipo.



SE ACERCA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN Tres contratistas evaluaron la oportunidad

para dar una propuesta para nuestro

proyecto. Últimamente recibimos tos

propuestas con el mejor propuesta más

alto por poco de nuestra meta. Nuestra

meta fue establecido un año antes. La propuesta es

competente, especialmente tomando en cuenta in-

crementos en actividad de construcción y costo. El

comité de los edificios hizo su recomendación y el

Vestry (Junta Parroquial) aprobó aceptación de la

propuesta. El contrato se finaliza y los permiso soli-

citados en las semanas por venir. Gracias por su

continua ayuda, paciencia y compromiso para hacer

de San Lucas – St. Lukes una facilidad más abierta.

Bob Hiltz


COMUNIÓN Y BAUTISMO se lleva a cabo el

7 de junio a las 2 de la tarde. El Obispo Sandy Ham-

pton celebrará con nosotros.

DÍA DE PADRES Y GRADUADOS Se celebran los que se gradúan de sus estudios el 15

de junio. Inscríbanse a sí mismo o a un hijo o hija

para ser reconocido entre las misas de 10 y 1, co-

menzando 11: de la mañana.

CINCO DE MAYO Nuestra fiesta para Cinco de Mayo fue una gran

diversion, mucho trabajo, y un éxito maravilloso.

¡Recogimos $1,208! Si no fuera por la lluvia, habría

colectado más. La comida fue sabrosa, la música de

calidad, y agradecemos muchos a las bandas, y los

danzantes que dieron su tiempo y talento. Hay tan-

to y tantas personas de agradecer.

VENTA DE GARAJE – UN ÉXITO Generosos donativos de la feligresía a San Lucas ~

St. Luke’s de cosas para vender en la Venta de Ga-

raje [Rummage] resultaron en un gran éxito. Alta

calidad de bienes atrajeron a clientes que compra-

ron $2,739 en ingresos. Los fondos enfatizan nues-

tro ministerio para mandar a jóvenes y niños a

Camp Huston, a HYC y a JYS. Gracias a los volun-

tarios que pusieron en orden y vendieron y devol-

vieron el salón a orden para misas de domingo. Véase la lista de voluntarios en la siguiente columna.

Comience a acumular cosas para 2015, que será más

grande y más exitoso todavía.


RUMMAGE SALE- A SUCCESS Generous donations of great rummage from St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas parishioners made the 2014

Rummage sale a huge success. High quality rum-

mage made eager customers purchase goods that

provided $2,739 in proceeds to highlight Camp

Huston scholarships and other youth activities.

Thank you to the volunteers who helped sort and

sell the rummage, then clean up.

Doug Goodlett Pam Goodlett

Beth Gellatly Jim Schlatter

Claudia Roseberry Joan Casey

Sandy Geer Jamie Mathieu

John Mathieu Carl McHargue

Pat McHargue Joan McLean

Kris Lawless Polly Tomer-White

Brett Tomer- White Lorrice Tomer-White

Jeanne Stephens Bernie Malcolm

Katherine Malcolm Fleur Romagosa

Sebastian Romagosa Rick Romagosa

Catherine van der Salm Mary Ellen Sandberg

Roy Sandberg Brad Harris

Ginger Harris Mike Tisnado

Blanca Klucas Michael Klucas

Richard Klucas Ali Maldonado

Blanca Maldonado Andre Maldonado

Joey Johnson Melanie Kenoyer

Kathy Scarborough Kathy Gallaher

Jim Gallaher Karla Gaitan

Indra Gaitan Eli Adrian

Derek Adrian Russ Roseberry

Jaime Case Amy Case

Save your rummage now for the 2015 sale

that promises to be bigger and better than


Russ Roseberry


SENIOR WARDEN’S MESSAGE Alleluia! We are very close to signing

a contract for our remodeling. It will

be great to get started. Probably, by

the time this is published we will be

on our way. We will have to make

some adjustments, however, we can

get through it because it’s a short term project and the

end result will be wonderful.

Thank you to all the volunteers from San Lucas who

made the Cinco de Mayo Festival so fun: Ruben Tria-

na, Maria Zepeda, Willy Silva, Patricia Leal, Ana

Mariscal, Blanca Maldonado and Maria Zambrano.

The food was so delicious! The music was energetic!

The Aztec dancers were amazing and their costumes

were beautiful. It was an enjoyable afternoon.

We had another outstanding rummage sale, thank

you to Russ Roseberry and all of the volunteers who

helped with the set-up, sale and clean-up. The mon-

ey raised helps to send kids from our parish to Camp

Huston, an Episcopal Church camp in Gold Bar,


If you can help volunteer with the Outreach program,

we would really appreciate your help. You could

help with the clothes closet and food distribution on a

regular scheduled time or we need help with organiz-

ing clothes in the closet downstairs and you could

come in anytime to help with that. We are also going

to make sandwiches to distribute during the week,

along with the road bags which are in short supply.

So, any help with this would be appreciated.

I'd like to thank Den Mark Wichar for organizing the

fundraiser with Central Burgerville. The money

raised goes towards helping homeless school youth

in our area. The Outreach committee would like to

do this again in the fall, so watch for announcements

coming up.

The Fund raising committee is looking forward to

hosting a reception after the Jazz Vespers on June 7th.

This is a fun event to invite friends, neighbors and

family to. Look for details in the Sunday bulletins

and the Messenger.


Dena Cassidy, Senior Warden

Spiritual Development

SUNDAY SCHOOL Today at a VCS meeting Susan Cole said,

"Coming into the Sunday School room and

seeing the children in their Circle of Pray-

er is a beautiful thing, if only the congre-

gation could see that". Sunday school is a

lot of things. It is beautiful, it is fun, it is

reverent, it is thought provoking, it is informative

and we are all friends. Today a four year old asked

the question, “Why did apostles get killed when talk-

ing about Jesus is a good thing?" Please love and sup-

port our children.

Ebie Mountford

360-433-2239 [email protected]


JULY 21 TO 24, 9AM- Noon

Our theme is “Weird Animals”. The children will

know the love of Jesus through fun stories, music,

games and projects. We can only do this with the help

of many people. We will be setting up an information

board in the Parish Hall where one of the teachers

will be available to answer questions and sign up

helpers. In order to plan we need to know as soon as

possible how many helpers we will have.

Some helpers might be willing to be station lead-

ers and spend about twenty minutes a day in


Some helpers may be crew leaders who move

from station to station with a small group of chil-

dren to keep them safe.

Some help could be in the form of donations to

help cover cost of materials.

We are also needing donations of flat bed sheets and

artificial plants (vines and flowers) for decorating.

We will need a big crew to help set up nearer the


Ebie Mountford


ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS YOUTH The Youth meeting date and time in June will be an-

nounced but will include a cook-out/pool party. June

15th is Grads and Dad's Sunday when we will honor

both and the Youth families host Coffee Hour. Any

2014 Grads please notify Donna Greene,

360-609-2180 or add your name to the

sign-up sheet on Sundays so we can rec-

ognize you!


Donna Greene and Don Lawry



YOUNG ADULTS for more information.

HIGH SCHOOL 6-DAY CAMP: Dates: Sunday, July 6, 2014 – 5PM - Saturday, July

12, 2014 – 12PM

Cost: $250.00 (Scholarships available)

Location: Pleasant Valley Camp in Mineral, WA

REGISTER HERE Registration Deadline – June 15


July 22-26, 2014

For Children who have completed grades 1-6

REGISTER HERE Registration Deadline – June 14

CAMP HUSTON: SUMMER 2014 (All Ages) REGISTER HERE for Camp Huston Summer 2014

Up to 10th grade:

July 06 – July 12: Discovery Camp & Horse Camp

July 13 – July 18: Missoula Theater Camp

July 27 - August 2:

Discovery Camp & Horse Camp

August 10 – August 16:

International Odyssey & Buckaroo Camp

16 to 23 years old:

June 24-July 3: Counselor Training

All Summer: Possibility of working as

Residential or CT staff

Scholarships are available for portions of the regis-

tration fee. Contact Fr. Jaime for more information.


CONFERENCE - “Walking the Way”.

This is a Simulcast of a previously recorded conference plenaries

and workshops bringing select presentations to the wider dio-

cese through our Videoconferencing System.

This gives us access to internationally known theolo-

gian and author Sister Joan Chittister as our key-

note speaker through The Episcopal Network for

Stewardship's (TENS) conference held on June 6 and

7 at Emory University in Atlanta. Chittister writes,

"Clearly, the purpose of wealth is not security. The pur-

pose of wealth is reckless generosity, the kind that sings of

the lavish love of God, the kind that rekindles hope on

dark days, the kind that reminds us that God is with us


The conference theme ‘Walking the Way’ under-

scores the understanding that to follow the Way of

Jesus means we have choices to make about faithful-

ness in regard to money, giving and generosity.

Conference Details

When: Saturday, June 14, 2014 from 9AM-4PM

Where: The Diocesan Videoconferencing Centers

at St. Luke's, Vancouver (and other locations).

Cost: (Lunch and Materials Provided)

Individual: $30 per person

Group of 3 or more: $25 per person

Presenters: Joan Chittister, OSB

Luke Timothy Johnson, Sr. Fellow at Emory's Center for

Study of Law and Religion

Charles LaFond, Canon Steward for St. John's Cathedral


Kristine Miller, VP of Horizons Stewardship

Laurel Johnston, Ex. Dir. TENS

Nancy Davidge, Episcopal Communicators and ECF

Plenaries and Workshops include: The Spirituality of Philanthropy: The Ministry of Money

Walking the Way with Annual Campaigns

Faith & Possessions: Stewardship in the New Testament

Communicating Stewardship Year Round

Fearless Church Fundraising: The Practical and Spiritual

Approach to Stewardship

Register online here

spring-stewardship-conference-registration or


use a Register Form in the Narthex on Sundays.

For more information contact Fr. Jaime or

The Office of Stewardship and Development

[email protected]



ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS We are privileged to have The Rt. Rev.

Sandy Hampton with us on Saturday,

June 7 at 2:00 pm for the regional Con-

firmation service. He will preside for Confirmation,

Reception, Reaffirmation of Baptismal vows, Bap-

tisms and “First” Communions. The service will be

bilingual, since St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual


Bishop Hampton lives in Anacortes with his wife Ma-

ri. He serves our Diocesan Bishop by bringing an

Episcopal presence on behalf of the Diocese. Bishop

Hampton served as Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese

of Minnesota and then as assisting bishop in the Dio-

cese of Olympia.

JAZZ VESPERS Saturday, June 7th starting

at 5:50PM with ten minutes

of opening music. This

month our special guest is

American jazz trumpeter,

Paul Mazzio returning to

St. Luke’s. Paul earned a

Master's Degree in Music

from University of South-

ern California, and a Bache-

lor's degree from North

Texas State University, acclaimed for its outstanding

jazz curriculum. Paul has performed with many art-

ists including the Chuck Israels Orchestra, Tony Ben-

nett, Larry Carlton, the Moody Blues etc. He traveled

extensively with the Woody Herman Orchestra in the

1990s. He also plays with the Oregon Symphony Or-

chestra, and is an in-demand side man in all the finest

local bands and a favorites for wedding ceremonies.

To round out the evening’s ensemble, our own music

director, Tim Nickel on piano, Laurent Nickel on up-

right bass, Don Lawry on drums and cantor, Karyn

Slanina. Great evening to come and bring friends and

neighbors. Don’t miss this great opportunity to enjoy

a evening of superb jazz.

THE DAY OF PENTECOST Pentecost falls seven weeks, or fifty days, after Easter;

the Greek word Pentēkostē literally means “the fifti-

eth day.” This year Pentecost falls on Sunday, June 8.

In the Old Testament, “Pentecost” refers to the Feast

of Weeks, a seven-week agricultural event that fo-

cused on the harvesting of first fruits. And Josephus,

a first-century Jewish historian, referred to

“Pentecost” as the fiftieth day after the first day of


In the New Testament, “Pentecost” refers to the com-

ing of the Spirit shortly after Jesus’ death, resurrec-

tion, and ascension:

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all

together in one place. And suddenly from heaven

there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind,

and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them,

and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them

were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in

other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now

there were devout Jews from every nation under

heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the

crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each

one heard them speaking in the native language of

each” (Acts 2:1-6, NRSV).

Christians came to understand the meaning of

Pentecost in terms of the gift of the Spirit, and the

Pentecost event as the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise

concerning the return of the Holy Spirit.

Copyright © 2012 The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society

Join us as we celebrate this birthday of the church

and even wear some red!


SPECIAL GUEST PREACHER On Sunday, June 15th, we will have a special guest

preacher, The Rev. Jeffrey Samuel from Pakistan.

Currently Rev. Samuel is the Vicar at Christ Church

Nowhere, Diocese of Peshawar Church of Pakistan

and also an Army chaplain. He lives in Peshawar

(Khyber Pakhtunekhwa) which borders Afghani-

stan. Fr. Samuel earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA),

Bachelor of Theology (BTH) Pakistan, and Diploma

in Theological Studies (DTS) in the USA from The

Seminary of the Southwest (where he met Fr.

Jaime). He became a Deacon in 2008 and a Priest in

2009. Since then he has been working with the Dio-

cese of Peshawar, Church of Pakistan, Peshawar

Cathedral and different Parishes including in Af-

ghanistan. His vision is to work among all the na-

tions and spread the word of God.

TAIZÉ The Taizé service

combines readings, chant

-like songs,

silence, soft light and

a unique chancel


Saturday, June 21 at 6:00

pm in the

Chapel of the Blessed

Sacrament. Our theme

this month is “Morning

Has Broken”. Come and enjoy this unique service.

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM June brings to a close another liturgical year for the

Choir and Handbell Ringers at St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas. The last Singer/Ringer Sunday will be Trini-

ty Sunday, June 15th, proclaimed hereby as the an-

nual “Pat-a-St. Luke’s-musical-volunteer-on-the-

back” Sunday. It is the fourth season I have com-

pleted with the parish musicians, but I continue to

see a great deal of musical growth and continued

camaraderie here. Both groups have taken on some

pointed musical challenges (read “Bach’s St. John

Passion”) and exceeded expectations in every way.

The week to week commitment and volunteer

hours that are logged in the Music Room and the

back balcony are truly exceptional. We welcomed

four new choir members this season, Geri Hoekze-

ma, who functions as our utility infielder and can

play both alto or soprano positions and often turns

double-plays. To continue the baseball metaphor,

we have three new outfielders on our bass roster,

lead-off man Don Lonsbrough in left, hard-hitting

John Rowe in center, and, batting clean-up, right-

fielder Mike Grigsby-Lane. Veteran Tony Burgess-

Cassler continues as our designated hitter. These

are no rookies. They bring a wealth of musical expe-

rience to the choir and we are happy to have them

in our line-up. Play ball!

The final Jazz Vespers service at St. Luke’s will take

place on the seventh of June. Jazz all-star Paul Maz-

zio will join us again with his trumpet and flugel-

horn. Aaron Scott will lead the service and the origi-

nal Jazz Vespers torch singer, Karyn Slanina will be

our cantor. This service offers song, prayer, scrip-

ture, and jazz classics in a mix that is ideal for invit-

ing friends, neighbors, and family into the church

for an alternative 45-minute ecumenical service

without communion. Please attend and bring

someone with you. The music starts at about 5:50

and the service begins at 6 PM. After the service, we

will again have a jazz-fueled fund-raising reception

in the Parish Hall that you won’t want to miss.

Come and support the work of your parish.

As of this writing, our very own oboist, Hannah

Femling, will have graduated with her music major

degree from St. Olaf. Degrees in music are hard to

come by and this is a significant achievement. We

pray for safe travel for Hannah and her proud fami-

ly and look forward to hearing her beautiful music

often at St. Luke’s.

I will be gone for the first three Sundays of July.

Beginning on July 27th, we will again have a sum-

mer choir that meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15

AM. We are always scouting for new musical talent

and that may be a time for new singers to take

batting practice. Our annual Fun-in-the-Gorge

event for musical rookies and seasoned veterans is

tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 6th.

Look for more details to emerge.


One more big THANK YOU to our parish music

volunteers. The choir will again offer their musical

benediction by Peter Lutkin at the end of the Sun-

day service on June 15th with the

words God passed through Moses to

Aaron: “The Lord bless you and keep

you. The Lord make his face to shine

upon you and be gracious unto you.”


Tim Nickel, Director of Music

COMMUNION BREAD BAKERS Many hands make light work and yummy

communion bread. If you like to bake why not join

our Bread Guild? The commitment is usually once

every six or seven weeks. We'd love more helpers

with this ministry. Contact Kathleen Brown at


EUROPEAN SUMMER MUSIC Tim and Nancy Nickel will present a program of

organ duets they will play this summer in Europe

at Marylhurst University's St. Anne Chapel on Sun-

day, June 29th at 4 PM. Free, but with what the Brit-

ish call a "Silver Collection." Music by Mozart,

Ravel, Merkel and more.

Out Into The World GIVE TO ECA


Episcopal Community Action Easter appeal is our

diocesan-wide appeal that supports a wide variety

of ministries in Western Washington reaching out

to those in human need. The need is even greater

this year to feed the hungry, house the homeless,

and provide counseling and healthcare.

A brochure with a message from our Bishop and a

story from one of our ECA ministries is available

next to the Outreach (wooden) box at the back of

the church. Contributions into this box will be di-

rected to ECA during the Easter season or you may

use the brochure to mail in a donation. Also online

giving is available at

HERE COMES THE SUN! The Outreach Closet is in need of small tubes of

sunscreen for the homeless! As spring turns to sum-

mer and the sun is out more folks on the street need

protection! Thanks!!

VOLUNTEERS FOR OUTREACH! The Outreach Committee is seeking volunteers to

staff the distribution of food bags, clothing and bus

passes OR to sort and restock clothes donations

Tuesday-Friday, 9:00-Noon and 1-4 PM. If you can

volunteer an hour or more, once a week to help our

neighbors out, please add your name to the sign up

sheet in the Narthex or contact Fr. Jaime.!

Community Life COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our June

Hosts who will be providing treats

during Coffee Hour.

Judy Morrison,

Coffee Hour Coordinator

Coffee Hour Hosts for MAY June 1 Geer, Werts & Casey

June 8 Butlers & Lawlesses

June 15 “Grad & Dads” - Youth Families

June 22 TBA

June 29 TBA

July 6 TBA

ATTENTION 2014 GRADUATES! We would like to recognize all our grads’ accom-

plishments on Grads & Dads Sunday, June 15

during Coffee Hour. If you or a family member will

be graduating from high school, college or trade

school please let us know by adding their name to

the sign-up sheet in the Narthex, contacting Donna

Greene or the church office.


THE LUNCH BUNCH Tuesday, June 10 at 12 noon. Our guest speaker will

be, Andrew Erlandsen, N.D., a licensed Naturopathic

Doctor in Oregon where he maintains a private clini-

cal practice in Beaverton. He is also the Chair of the

Master of Science in Nutrition program at the Na-

tional College of Natural Medicine where he teaches.

His enjoyment of the culinary arts and nutrition led

him to pursue a career in preventive medicine. He is

a firm believer in Hippocrates' injunction, "Let food

be thy medicine." Dr. Andrew was recently high-

lighted in the Oregonian and on for

his work in the community with the Ending Child-

hood Obesity (ECO) Project. Come to lunch and en-

joy from this fascinating speaker. Please let us know

if you are coming and if you can bring a dish to share

for the lunch by using the two sign-up sheets.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! In June we will gather at the home of Brad and Gin-

ger Harris on the Friday, June 27 at 6:30 PM. Please

note: The Harris’ now live in northeast Portland at

3610 NE 43re Ave. 97213. Also their new home has a

lot of stairs going up to the house. If you have any

questions please contact Brad or Ginger 971-373-8894.

The hosts will provide the main entrée while

attendees bring a side/salad/dessert and beverage to

share. Don’t miss this fun evening!

We always welcome new hosts!

Questions or more information? Please

contact Ginger and Brad Harris

(971-373-8894) or email:

[email protected] .

LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support

those as they go through the grieving

process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this

group. All are welcome. The group

meets off-site at the Glenwood Place

Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave).

Next meeting is on June 26, at 2:00 PM.




2154 NE 87th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98664


[email protected]

MARQUEZ, Amando & Herlinda

2389 NW Schmidt Way #179 Beaverton, OR 97006



HOLT, Cheryl-Lee

Additional Phone: 360-723-8491


Cell: 503-957-1667

RIEMCKE, Kathryn

Add Mailing Address:

P O Box 2941 Vancouver, WA 98668



Correction: Cell phone: 360-440-1598

Administrative & Financial FUNDRAISING


RECEPTION Immediately following the

Jazz Vespers

Saturday, June 7 at 7PM

Appetizers, wine, beer, so-

da and live Jazz music.

Ticket Cost: $10. Donations

accepted for additional

beverages. Come and join

the fun while supporting

our church! Bring friends,

family and neighbors. Tickets on sale at the door.


CINCO DE MAYO Our first fiesta for Cinco de Mayo was a lot of fun, a

lot of work and a very good success. We made

$1,208! If only it had not rained! The food was deli-

cious, the music was wonderful and we so appreciat-

ed the bands and the beautiful, festive dancers who

volunteered their time and talent. So much to be

thankful for and so many to thank!

HELP ST. LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS earn donations just by

shopping with your

Fred Meyer

Rewards Card!

Fred Meyer is donating $2.5

million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Ore-

gon and Washington, based on where their custom-

ers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works:

Sign up for the Community Rewards program by

linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to St. Luke’s

~ San Lucas at

communityrewards. You can search for us by our

name or by our non-profit number 88487.

Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards

Card, you are helping St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas earn a


You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and

Rebates, just as you do today.

If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are availa-

ble at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer

store. For more information, please visit

FATHER JAIME’S AWAY SCHEDULE Fr. Jaime will be away for continuing education from

June 16-18. If you have a pastoral emergency during

his absence, please contact the office (696-0181) or our

Senior Warden, Dena Cassidy at 360-521-6079.



“Dollars and Sense”

The end of April marks the end of the first fiscal quarter.

Percentages should to be at 33.3% of budgeted revenue

and expense.

Summary as of April 30, 2014 Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $406,686 $146,648 36%

Expenses $406,686 $144,592 36%

Net Income 0 $2,056

Revenues: Actual revenues for April are ahead of

schedule. However, when pre-pledge contribu-

tions are included the revenue picture is below

expectations by $4,578.

Expenses: Expenses are over YTD budget projec-

tions by $9,030 but can be partially explained by

quarterly pension payments.

Additional Comments:

Net total for April, 2013 is $2,056. Last year the net

was $7,311.

Revenue areas to monitor include lower than ex-

pected contributions in the plate, pledges, and out-

reach categories.

On the expense side, if discretionary spending is con-

trolled in areas such as Services We Provide, Office

Expenses, and Building Maintenance, then efforts can

be devoted to increasing revenue as a means for end-

ing the year in the black.

The Outreach committee is always in need of addi-

tional monetary support; and, The Rector’s discre-

tionary account is getting low and could use some

additional contributions.

Thanks for your continued financial

support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer


Attendance: Last Sunday’s total attendance was over

200 persons. Let’s work to keep our attendance up after

Confirmation and First Communion on June 7.

Outreach: For homeless persons, we have been

providing “road bags” of food that doesn’t require cooking

or a can opener. The contents may soon include simple


sandwiches such as PB&J. If you have ideas about our

food pantry, please share them with Dena Cassidy or

Kreta Saathoff.

Eucharist Set: Your Vestry authorized purchase of

two additional Eucharist sets for use by our clergy and

Licensed Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs).

Possible Traffic Change: McDonald’s may build a 24

-hour restaurant at the northeast corner of Main and

Fourth Plain Blvd. None of the four adjoining neighbor-

hoods -- Arnada, Carter Park, Hough, and Shumway –

are pleased with the prospect of increased traffic and

congestion at all hours.

Thursday Crew: They put in 177 hours of work in

April. A refurbished vanity for the Parish Hall Women’s

Room is nearing completion.

Hallway Leak: Work to eliminate the leak in the roof

over the narthex-to-mailbox-landing hallway will begin


ADA Remodel: Bids for this capital project have

been received from two contractors. Action by the Ves-

try is pending.

Structural Situation: A Parish Hall ceiling beam near

the Pie Room is sagging. It may need to be jacked up

and reinforced.

Surprise Gift: A local company made a replacement

for part of our sign on Fourth Plain Blvd. at no cost to us.

Thank you!

Thou Shalt Not Park: One of our neighbors along

27th Street has parked vehicles in the northwest corner of

our lot. We will add a CHURCH PARKING ONLY sign

to the post at the entry to our lot and hope that no fur-

ther action will be needed.

Vacation Bible School: This year’s session will be on

July 21 -24. Please let Ebie Mountford know – quickly --

if you plan to volunteer during that busy week.

Outreach (Kreta): “Babies in Need” benefited from

our generosity on Mother’s Day. Kitty Ash, of All Saints,

has championed that charity for many years. May she

continue to do so.

Choir/Music (Stef): The June 7 Jazz Vespers has free

admission. A ticket for the following reception, at which

wine and beer will be available, costs $10.

Cinco de Mayo: The celebration created and hosted

by our Hispanic members was a success, netting about

$1200. There were a few glitches, but next time, things

will run more smoothly.

Alcohol Policy: A proposed policy, based on recom-

mendations from our insurance agency, will be reviewed

by the Chancellor and sent to the Vestry.

AED Training: One session remains in June. See


Fiesta! Our Hispanic ministry began fifteen years ago.

We will celebrate that anniversary, perhaps in August.


Sat, Jun 7: Regional Confirmation, 2 PM

Sat, Jun 7: Jazz Vespers, 5:50 PM.

Jazz And Beyond Reception, 7 PM

Sun, Jun 15: Dads & Grads Sunday

Thu, Jun 26: CPR AED Training, 7-9PM

Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry


CONSTRUCTION NEARS Three contractors evaluated the opportunity to bid

our project. Ultimately there were two bids re-

ceived with the best bid coming in slightly above

our target. Our target was established a year ago.

The winning bid is competitive, especially consider-

ing recent increases in construction activity and

cost. The building committee made its recommen-

dation and the Vestry has approved accepting the

bid. The contract terms are being finalized and the

building permit will be issued in the next few


Thank you all for the continued sup-

port, patience and commitment to

making St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas an even

more welcoming facility.

Bob Hiltz

CPR AED TRAINING Our church now owns an AED so we

need a core group of people trained to

use it when it is needed. Please sign-up

in the Narthex for the "Friends and Fami-

ly" training (limit 20, no cost) "Hands

only" technique, no certification on

Thursday, June 26, 2014 7-9 PM. For parishioners

already CPR certified, please put your name on the

bottom of the sign-up sheet in the Narthex or con-


tact Mike Morrison: 360 574-2441 or [email protected] for questions too! More opportunities for training will



On May 17, 1989, the completed St. Luke’s Window banner was presented to the

Parish. This was the third phase effort of a project begun in the early spring of

1984. Funding for the Project was provided by the Antiques Show Committee.

The first two phases dealt with the Altar Rail Kneelers and the Historic Kneelers

for the Altar. The final phase created a replica of the St. Luke’s window, in ban-

ner form (it is now displayed to the left of the Altar Cross).

If you study the St. Luke’s window, and the needlework banner replica, you

will be amazed at the accuracy and artistic craftsmanship of the ‘needlers’. The

project was divided amongst the craft-persons according to the large sections of

the window. The final banner was then put together and an inscription added to

the bottom.

The following list of persons were the ‘needlers’ for this project banner, with the

names positioned to reflect the position/section in the window/banner that each

person worked in needlepoint:

This article is an excerpt from a scrapbook

prepared and written by Helen Richards, and

stored in the Archive Vault.

Pat Lawless, Archivist

Around the Diocese

Check out the bulletin board in the reception area for notes of appreciation from some of the HYC Youth!


June 6, 2014


Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the July-August issue of The

Messenger, please submit your written article on or before June 15 to the church office or email it to

[email protected] Thank you!

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

June 1 Huston Camp & Conference Center, Gold

Bar; St. Andrew’ House, Union

June 8 St. James Family Center, Cathlamet

June 15 Episcopal Retirement Communities &

Earth Ministry, Seattle

June 22 Church of the Apostles, Fremont;

Episcopal Mission to Seafarers

June 29 Refugee Resettlement Ministry;

All Commissions, Committees &

Programs of the Diocese

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

June 1 All Saints International Church,

Beirut, Lebanon

June 8 St. John’s Parish, Haifa, Israel

June 15 St. John’s School, Haifa, Israel

June 22 Saviour Church, Zarka, Jordan

June 29 Saviour’s School, Zarka, Jordan



For those celebrating their birthday.

2 - Ellen Hiromura

2 - Ken Andrews

4 - Tony Espinoza

4 - Jhoana Reyes

6 - Susan Cole

9 - Jenny Roa

10 - Jacque Mason

11 - Kelly Cassidy

12 - Marj Beall

13 - Yasmin Casarez

14 - Adaire Coco

14 - Kreta Saathoff

15 - Herb Femling

15 - MonicaVazquez

17 - Angela Brothers

17 - Francisco Orozco

18 - Les Hunt

19 - Elaine Baker

19 - Peggy Bowe

20 - Kristina Clark

21 - Lorrice Tomer-White

21 - Max Pauletto

22 - James Gregg

22 - Dan Lincoln

22 - Angie Samaniego

23 - David Ross

24 - Vicki Holman

24 - Karl Hoch

24 - Juan Garnica

25 - Elizabeth Henry

26 - Sebastian Gutierrez

27 - Ramon Samaniego

28 - Barb Jagelski

28 - Deborah McCullum

28 - Diego Prado

20 - Donna Greene

29 - Moses Lehman

30 - Will Lonergan

For those being remember on the anniversary of their death.

1 - Eleanor Chiswell

2 - Walter Mortlock

3 - John Dietrich

4 - Ruby Chapman

4 - Maybelle Davis

4 - Mildred Manfull

5 - Katharine Knapp

6 - Charlotte Wilhite

8 - Margaret Johnson

9 - Violet Weeks

10 - Charles Cox

14 - Robert Mendenhall

15 - Arthur Johnson

15 - Paul Gutierrez, Sr

17 - Ruth Kirk

17 - Lesla Scott

18 - Lloyd Johnson

18 - Harold Nolte

19 - Helen Bowen

20 - Tito Gebregiorgis

20 - Helen Woolery

20 - David Nelson

24 - Jewel Norman

25 - Winston Anderson

25 - Ezetta Tilford

26 - John Bolen

26 - Jack Matlick

27 - Irene Meyers

27 - Elizabeth Kirby

27 - William Bourne

27 - Kaye Asbury

28 - Raymond Stipek

28 - Margie Underwood

29 - Ruth Candella


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Sunday after Ascension Day

Regular Sunday Schedule

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Adult Discussion 9:45 Nursery Care 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Clases para niños

2 Office Closed


Food/Clothes Outreach

4 5 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

6 Food/Clothes



2:00 Columbia Regional Confirmation 6:00 Jazz Vespers 7:00 Jazz And Beyond Reception

8 The Day of




10 Food/Clothes


12:00 The Lunch Bunch

6:30 Vestry

11 Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach Committee

7:00 Adult Choir

12 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

13 Food/Clothes



9-4 Stewardship Conference

5:00 Daza Azteca





16 Office Closed

17 Food/Clothes


6:30 Pastoral Care

18 Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting

19 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

20 Food/Clothes



5:05 Baseball with the Bishop at Cheney Stadium

5:00 Daza Azteca

6:00 Taizé

22 2nd Sunday after



23 Office Closed

24 Food/Clothes


25 Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting

26 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

2:00 Life Goes On (off-site)

7:00 CPR-AED Training

27 Food/Clothes


6:30 Friday Night Live @ the Harris’ Home


5:00 Daza Azteca

29 3rd Sunday after



30 Office Closed

July 1 Food/Clothes


July 2 Food/Clothes Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist

3:00 Staff Meeting



Buildings Closed

July 5

5:00 Daza Azteca

July 3 Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181

Church Office Hours: 9 AM-12 PM & 1-5 PM Tuesday - Friday

Closed Wednesdays for Staff Meeting, 3-4:30 pm.


Senior Warden: Dena Cassidy: Junior Warden: Lew Hampton

VESTRY MEMBERS: Stefanie Aschmann, Blanca Maldonado,

Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff,

Jim Schlatter, Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: May 29 - May 31

Return Service Requested

(360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182

Email: [email protected]


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Aaron Scott, Postulate

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Chess Getsinger, Treasurer Emeritus

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Non-Profit

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