The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-10-07 [p ]....cj. ntc a lot or two to repair a couple...

A- - AMUSEMENTS. MEMPHIS Spalding Pope P. Short LAST THIS AND NIGHT OF By man & M AT HAU PAST TWO Spalding A Pope THE ATER. OCT 8, the talent of Proprietors APPEARANCE AFTERNOON Hart Barney's NSTRELS. MATINEE MEMPHIS THEATER COMMENCING MONDAY, SAM SMARPLEY'S SILVER SHOW, Combining LOGRENIa, Proprietoit Tbe London Esca-ioteur- ; the Enropear iiuudo ul Irained Canutes, JavaBpairn ,r,,.n-- L. wuits Mies. Russian Cau anu . . . Dl ,.f i ' i It s L.tsLitlorev n .m- ,- mk attends. TbDre-enlra- i g'in value irom SO to $ 0. eonat tlx g ol guld anc sllter watches, nsrreia ol &VT. silver platen wsie furniture, larcy gioua. cutlery, etc Admission. 6 oanis with present; Parquet! sntl Urea- - ikI" s b - i' n P' drt.C. s st.v . E 4 -- At tbe boc p'ore. MS Main 1 . eel: sex ni cnaracter re lUlred. Call be taen 'e ana 1 a.m , si-- 3 n 4 p.m. i O .RAJ toy a gentleman a- - wl.e, with 11 lb res ch'iaren, wtiu iuuu" www wi.i.ed i.r unurnlshd: cs ion nj where witttna mile o Coin squat. 11 pea-a- surroundl ga, and upon a line ol the street r. .way. lun-ire- oi ,c- - At Merchants" Natl nsl nank AMC- -I want to son. MbCH cj. ntc a lot or two to repair a couple I, ..n. .... , mi nan anal i ee oe" A. rulZr'aLP 2al Second H reel liAHTFR With ItOJO or lo,00s capliaU it, ..-- ! mm . - . n hut l.rae leicnisge ou cap. ml re tjexiiiu loe i rese- -i Dullness au uie-- s J H a., Appea office, A" active yourg man, good penman MaN quick st figures cm obtain a per u. e t .i.u.uon as entry cierit, at H Mali. fclreet. . ih:S it res or lour git la, Irom Ul to 1 VI am oid, to do light won. Apply si i in Mecund Ires'. OC6 D AY BOArtDtRS At 8 N Monro street. SRA.NDS. SIEN'ILS, UBBB V j M. iters. nsls. v. aUte.llUtf-ala- l i,r and R.rbe -- ebcCift. tia u.i-- ESm Luuge, JeweUs, etc, at Engrav.u. car .88 ecouu strtou ecl j f St wanted to rent. In good lo O cilty, for saloon purposes, apply at No li Co,. r sir et- - oci . ill, tIlU!-A- B bookkeeper, or aaatstant O odorea K. Appea offij II ANTED 1500 cash wlil buy a Drug store and rlltuiea, valued SZ7UU. T me will be alvea on me balance ol innc-hos- money. Ad di ess Di uggist, care ol Appeal office. eJ0 . tto.-- a. Nu Furniture, reathtrs and 3 n Masebolo Gcod o. al. kinds i at 3U r econo street. n. i mnjott. ' t A butt 4 Twenty fro. 1 tailors A L Uf HOC to r Ark. App.y to Hovst--s a l ml !. irlj front .'reec sen f : a frcsb lot of mules arrived last ti'ght; a Foou tot ol mules nu horse- - ot h.u.t at all uni'i, at t IRtS A J A a K- - Slab e. No. awl aeooDd street. wlLl. by an Improved I rm ol fllftU liUocriS. lu A ku-a- s couuij.Ar kaur'f, nuriiy auove overnow; rtnt r.. , .;;:-- : (euioD tnveatmtiul. AJiir. e ool ocJ Z. Lm T.. tula rJoe. '1 EN aNNUAX. PaYM aNTB TH aT t ver comloi twhie home on TLotnlou sv nue: cottage hoae, U rooms, stab.e, csr.-las- i,, uiu ail in aood repair: lot, io I'om; lit place is Aitown as m Waeeoasa ALSO, K ,it ackzb immeolsleiy was of the Pali grounds, fronting on tb- - north side of the Memphis and Charleston tturoaa. ALSO, n i.i,: sal. ndld nltce on Bayburn avenn the r.Hin Ptacs aoomS scree; beanuini m' s. msgo brick raUweuoe and the oeat in. proved ptaoc In trie county. ADbO, Lint on tbe roulheaat corner of Main and Broadway. 141 I ct on Main by .au on toroau BBB Lti N,ulll fctrrSl act o law. above piaoea will be leased tor te tear. U. A. STOVADh,. otu m ain aireel. 1 u. ii five year' credit, ten beautiful X a ticiluing lois in south Memputa, on iu. tia vei.u anu toroaaway a leet. Wh rent? r be si me money will buy you a borne Adc res Jio 7 Monroe at. i. A. w OAKDiNO-HUUo- t The good wlil, tales and esse ol one of Lb be-- t s:aads for a t a d ng house tn the cl y ol Memphis, it ua tut. Utily rtason lor aeliing 'a a chahseoi Aduresa or csli. oo4 it. HAMAK r H- -, jaj oao Uoua?, DKiY aKD H ARNulH I'l ear. ivl Apply to shipping c.erk st OMUU.h. jgOM. A Co. pel D . tne residence lot on WUterson hi t antlaf leel, loi aAjtj cash ; good locs'iou; coiiVetiienl tisireet cars, d a. aaiaaaa Boon. K, County Couit pniiding. scsT UIt On Walnut iueet,on lime Apply j a go st. Ius NO. I lUititsB AN J 8HKDV1N lor A. a grocer? store. Also, on suarns a xmiv.. ft ool sate. Anoly lo aeii r Aci EE a UARBEBT, No. 11 Union at II t.- - i r -- A ueaiia'j.e residence. No. IV reraoua iet; e roomnaad altohen gou servsnu Louse, uid carriage, cos, uliC TuUU oou e. exct ketit Clate ipsawl new eheo.sil in good repair; i rice low suu itiiui easy. Apply on premises. sei a! A w s oompleia, nerse power). J No. R H Union slabie - One No. 1 B earn Saw-Ml- ii with Oris, attached (furl) Apply lo J.A. OPIUE.1 Second aireel, Memphis. ..hill CITY Mii-iv.- i. t oplsr sueel ; In i' goud repair; wlil sell on oasj terms, t : TOIL D. E MYEKH, fas Main streat Fun atut. am-ciaa- s collage rasldence fii tl ett cars, lOiiiUitMiDi Dd pt:dj A m UaCo ITu al I J Di ICE, M? gr- QI U oc7 W Am. wHtvAillv i , 2tW MJfctn. V iUk 0 v nom ou vaaau Biro., tit, o Oi 1 e mi. ur. i pi q m ULl n nil t, OOP - m OUJ- -. MtvuirUi; ul reel ; pj. lOa. Oc.uOtJ 1 , 16 Vpp lO J.b CAhPSNlnisctCO. oco K WUiiAmB' lock. iv3-- CJC re.deui-- , Willi 9 ht!tkuCd :wmiith irom coari Buaare; Hi Ui- - irt llrt.l. a t;ivi.. Aipij u uci Ji.HN CUMbnACU . Ml at. uuit iiauaatituei) ?oriiirl.a Don uS cD Ot- - D Ol PP-- y A MftlD - I g an Ot-- A bice cot nze, V tar - urti A Llaiitcl, witii 6 o.i" Mcxior-t- a rtu but urcurily rmrru. Appij 011 tLe preiAsi isq. vi3 iJaMsoto miTm oca .ui .80 Union ...reel; It rooms 10 XI goo repir fta (cUle ii , iunou- - arJ o t t. Dion tr-- o luKb- -A JSo 1 more on Main ttreel, and O over ban.- bullnble lor offices aiui iOOUU. Al0, a Cleatt rwiatu- - ou Courl "i. w- - Atpl lo k aJLDLaKY FBAT81V&, ol XSo 7 Miidiaon --XreeL r atrlrabiv roum il .aloe. fcQiitvble ior coi;on offlc. Apply to OlV. ..K. ' ill. 1 mSU No, 7 Uuioti Bfeet. k oL o.Pk Moeby utM uontMUiiDg XI rooui'. tul .u Kood condition Inquire ol R good fh-.N- o. WW MW B, PM1 o lu -- irt- vs .v. ruuiur, Oue lurnuned, uor- - ItiLn office 1 1 fciohfcA-A- n suburban real IV ueocs on Vi a dui auaat. Dwelling with a s sansaa snc two acre 01 land: socesslule 10 siieet taalMad Tue land la well sit wnb t. iiitsi e. oto Irutt tmi. Apfty at Nogs Cnioo elreet. (set) utu, Ot DXXuN g oi Isuto anu otLer nouses tn foriu and oouiu Meoipuis lor rent. as. w. a. sbstiUl, aw slreeL , nl)L.t.-HOVm- . set anu seo iisiu mil t...o. i. occupied by Bering a Dois, ki-- 11 . a eholweii. On 01 in suits of rooms in Lb city. eotuei Madison and rront streets, now occa- - b.eo hi the Suiveior ul Customs. orhu and looms on Main, Madison and Un on streets, lor rent, Appiy at el CK1UI i STKEr.T. . oiif.fiuLi we. oommeuung Sepiamoer ay t, tha large anu commodious store t ouse, o. JX Su eel. Apply to W.ii MOURE, au u Ad Main street. HE A two al ! win Hue rooms, two dreeili g rooms, kitchen anu servant' rooms, on the corner of Ponto toc k .u ri. Bart n sLreets. Apply to J) h H. c. LouYD.skl Main street 1A-K- i 1 UUsai airtec re urn o: ff Tnret: HUlttoi) Main finest w LUST. til-O- ii Thu,sdsy. a rack age. so ,d to Mrs. 1. J. oaajs No. 6a Msin a suitable reward will n palu on Mini to M E ' N BnO t . Ji AINU a 7J On Lonjd lit ktr. iM.r b a on Uienitbi 01 ine d aa., oeiweeu .. mid MinMkj iuavy all vtr HM.c i taiu CLaln. On Uie iQumt- - cac tb n.nie m "J. Lain" 1 ti raveo, and ou tbe .imut tuaiol "Joun HMMt) ' u tbe old Jt,s t.ixg.14 it 1 .JR. au) peiacn Kivinn in mm-atio- ii lUtnii. to lUc ittovej) 01 tne vatcii wili bt m..t t.ilj uwartMi ti a'dre-cm- ocS Terrene Lndln-- . B 'livar Co , Mlaa. alhATLU OR bIULN. I UCi 1 10m ast Jauerson street, on the IUl li fcptemex, asi&aii niacaHthu tan ur-net- iikuilo uwasiuiii "Daii." A lib- el. i rewsru alii be paid for his latum to above u tissue!. oc V' IvMl 0 IttoUA iNio. on Forla: nit 1. vtiisj'iiak, 1 nnctaeo Ibiabouix Um 0 C . Lttl iCkv.jru KliU lurLAdvU, t. u Lt ii aa n .c.ab nou. abuaa. uiiag u u y or ft. trttkn. A. a . c ut.1 A Froprleior I ScnuM-i- ui 0 acr.s ui tana, on hassatcnu. P. A. ppi Ul Bbalby THE SUNDAY APPEAL oflrrUwr ilirnnrat of th day Appeal, which will take place alio the but ol (Sunday October nth . Aa extra edition will be printed. Advertiser and hwumi will please take aoUee aW oaad their la to re an order to the eenailngroom at aa early gang ilble. CITY PARAGRAPH !5. Only four unfortunates in the ohsin See Hansford, corner ot Monro, and Second. Creditable or not, Memphis supports two variety shows. Joe Locke has Reads' novels and the current literature. The rent of the new criminal court room is 25H) per year. Tbe silver show at the theater next week will be a big thing. Tbe first district station-hous- con tains only ten prisoners. We want about $2,000,000 more bank ins: capital in Mempnla. Oar home Are insursnoe a growing haaanse a paying interest. Why can't we nave a gymnasium for jieu and women in Memphis 7 Our streets need sweeping badly, and should have il before tbe rain se.s tl is in Cotton receipt, continue to be a grati tying increase over ibose ot lsst vear. Read dry goods and other advertise- - rneuta in the SUMDaY 'si Ar HAL. Tbe races have been well attended this week. This is the last day. Qood sport. Memphis merchant, will pay the highest market prices for 800,000 bales ul oolton. The matinee at the theater to day wil lie the thing. Ail the children should be there. The Confederate Relief society will luauiturale a series ot lectures this sea son. Qood. Tne Little Rock railroad Is doing a big freight business. Cotton is coming to us by n very freely. The canh premium tickets fo? the fair r koiok on like hot cakes, the marke .n irds no Det er investment. Twenty five barrels ot oysters come to town every day. The ooys preler their oysters on the nail shell. The Ledger make, a good snirgostion Tbat a ball and chain be put ou ail tail prisoners taken out ior worn. Our markets are well supplied juet now. They are usually well atuicdeu on Saturday, by ladies especially. We will be obliged to our friends tn town and country" for news Items. Thej should be snort ana to tne point. All orders f jr ' locals" in the Sunday A PI'S al, left at the counting-roc- earl) t will be promptly attended to. Tbe admirable financial management of Johnson's administration is a tbemefor congratulation with all sorts of people Tbe workers on tbe Senna road are pushing out Irom town gallantly. The are workmg away beyond the fimtwood cemetery st present. We publish an unusually large edi tion Advertisers will please make a note or it, ana oblige us by band ing in their favors early. The county court, now In session ihould lec'ielste for the employment of all toe guards Sheriff Wright needs to pre vent tbe escape ol prisoners. A Parte paper says the American women are very extravagant. Dei tbem be. We are In favor of Usance), furbe lows, dry goods and millinery. An irregular contributor sends us tbe following: teilow who tiigns himself i Adams Dee Is not the gay larkey he pretends to ds. mat win ao mis time The school building corner of Third and Msrke. streets is nearly nnisned is onr most creditable public improve mnnt. We want two more of u same sort. Our mecbsnicB are making gieat pre Derations for tbe fair, and we expect such di' rlsv of their hsndlwork as will ulti mately inure to their profit and to tbe credit of the city. Tbe Ledger last evening had this as a local:" "It la reported that several ward politicians and otae-seeker- a are forming a syndicate for the purpose of carrying tbe next municipal election. ' Nome eh re wed observers think the is invading the "camei'e hump" in the Arkansas shore, and tbat our levee win in a lew years oe an large as ever. We hope so. it Is awful" no Our chancery courts adjourn to Moo day week in order to permit the auend ance of Chancellors Morgan and Soott a Lbe mee;ing of chancellors of tbe Ktste which will take place next week in Nash ville. The Ledger, in its report ot tbe Coun cil proceeding yeslerdsy, hsd tb'e sen tenoe between uracaets: ".mere seam to be a prevailing dlapo-i'lo- n lo gel on the niiroad oouiuiillee j " What does this mean ? Tbe Southern express company b our thanks for msny favors. What wonic he public do, how couia tney do without express fscilitieeT II Is tbe hex thing H the telegraph, and tnst it le sll readers of tne appeal s special? will admit. It is common to find s clean decket a'. the elation bouse up to ten o'clock a night. The police find no evil-doer- s on be street, tbe recorder baa nothing to do and Neal is without boarders; if ihts etate of things continues we shall be left with out a chain gang to clean the street.. Our merchants are unanimous for reduction of taxes. So arn our farmer- - and property-owner- s. Sms:i prospect foi '.be payment ol the past due mteres: on our State bonds Let tbem slide for the pre ui. We mast not kill our industries even to please the bloated bondholders We hope intending exhibitors at our fair wl:i cave ineir articles in place o Saturday night nex . Nothing sj much dxtisota from the merits ol a great ccca son. such as we as tue penins of pneksgee, hammering and other noisy ork, calculated to interfere with th even II iw of tne opening ceremonies. which should be be ond ail such things to be impressive. Tbe K icbeii&r Union in a recent titsue ooulaiiied s long sud interesting article upon MiLsn a patent canal Doal, and naj t ibat, so far aa it can see, il is tar In ad- vance of anything ol the kind yet ottered lor the oonaidera-io- of ihecommisioueik appointed by Uovernor Hoffman to exam lne sll patent offered Memphis is iikeiv to win the pur- - of 1100 000. Msny ot cur readers will remember tbe leo ure on "Rome and tbe Council ol (he Vatican," delivered by Bishop Fitz gerald at St. Peter's church. The iilsbop is now here, and win, oy request, repeat the above lecture at st Bridget's church evening. Ticket, ot admits on. fifty cent., the proceed, being tor the ben efit of tbe diocese ol Little Rock, over which the Bishop presides. Yeaterdsy wss a good day for making books" st .he race. Mills' entry was brat choice beloro tbe rave, brinaing $12X1 against S4) on the other two horses. At tei the first race Hollywood went up and .old tor while the other two brought; oalj 1 20. Tuere were severs! genllem u st the course who bought pools before and after tbe first race, fur i0 against 12U, so that, no mailer which horse would win, tliet were bound to galu about foO. Thcro waes case Judge ITakssI yeaterdsy and the day before about a atch, in willon Attorney smith i.uj Jemmy Gallagher took opposite sid When the arguments in the case were coming to a locus, peteonalties became tr queuL. "judge smith was very se vere on Jemmy during his speech, buti-- x P' ne hoed ho interruption lrc in tbe iudue When Jemmy s turn osme round to speak he made fine dual of smith: most of Lhe lawyers in tow n were there, and en oveu the " tun" hugely. This splendid episode between lw.. celt brated Memphis lawyers was the talk of the legal lralernliy aii the day. A runaway took place at the Charles ton depot yea erday which proved very itaaawoua to a uuggy. ine nurse made sadden erk round a corner, broke lhe shaft, darted into a saloon, and ui J not atop till he was behind the counter smell- - ng lor oats In the cash drawer, r indinst nuthing there but greenbacks he backed ut in disgust without breaking a glass or upsetting a oarrei ol seven year old Kob ertson county that stood in bis way. The bar keeper said he was s sensible horse and would have asked him In again to lake a drink were It not that his wile and three children were in an oysierioal fit in the back room. Thb cheapest and beat Dyeing and Cleaning House in the city is at 246 St- - una street (Hunt ct Hanson's old stand). Hanson a walker. Nkat, tasty and fashionable Hats, at LEIDY'S. Fkbsb Otstus and Lake Fish receive daily by express, by b, Clement, 72 Beale. CoooAf hb dress its the hair beautiful ly. nan'l ba your new tall Hat a ml I ft.u hit v. rihuisnl .he laie style mm.i1 . urease liamlsuA Wtgglu'a, US Uer ine PssIhsij . IMTE.-1- U powers of Mrs. Whlt-ttit- uj s Syrup ior children are as positive aa tie .untignt Irom heaven, and gentle and soothing as sn angsi's whisper. THE MEMPHIS DJGLL APPEAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1871. THE Two Ctowd Hrs Make Away With Bey. ernl Thousand Dollar. The Chickasaw Jockey Ciab mast be composed of the most generous, rich and sport-lovin- g men this aide of Alssks. 1 hey gave away fifteen hundred dollars yesterday to winning hones, and tbe re- ceipts al the gate did not amount to a third of that sum. The running was as fine as could be found by traveling over three-fourth- s of the continent. The could not be worse If the little town ot Hard-scrabbl- e, In Arkansas, had got up a race between dilapidated mules for s stake ot a aem jonn of potato wniay f riday la the "fashionable day," about uera th. day upon which the ladles leel that they are violating no rule of proprie ty, or of style, in visiting a race-cour- or a theater; yet tney sent oat out a lew representatives of tbe beautiful sex lo see the best horse, in America contend for magnificent prises. It was a oonsola- - tlon, however, to observe that those who were present were of the right sort. They loved the fun, cheered the Jockeys and spoke admiringly of lhe horses. They invaded the sanctuary of the reporter's .stand and gently shoved those gentle men out as It they were not worthy cf a jtoments' thuuKnt. li va very lunny FiBST BACK was two mile heats, three years old, tor .he Desoto slake, a sweepstake of 100 11000 added. Three horses started b. f. Hollywood by Lexington, owned by Bulord; b. f irtljua. by Lexington, owned by A. C Frank liu; John K. Mill, named b. I. by tiexlugton, Owing to a report that Buford'e entry had a lame leg, Mills' filly became the favonie before tne start, roois weie soia in which Mills' filly brought 120 and Buiord's sold for 120. jyirsl ifeai-Ou- ou start. Mills oat in front, and held that position all round to the haif-nul- e pole in the second mile, when Hollywood went up and alter little took the lead aud came In first Mills came in second aud Anions third lime a 4b4 The second hesl wss almost exactly like the first. Time 46. Mills came in third. S BOUND BAOm. Jockey Club Parse Hoo Mile and re peat; lor all ages. 1. Zeb. Ward enters ch. c Commerce, S years old, by Imp. Bonnie Scotland ; dam Collage uirt, hy imp. Ainderby. Colors, orange and green. 2. U. A. East-ha- enters b. f. Belle Aiken. 3 years old, by Second Jack Melons ; dam, Mol- - ae roru. colon,, orange anu wune. 3. J. M. r'raiin enters ch. 1. ianiaee, S years old, hy Uougera, uam Ella Norton, by lhe colonel. Colors, red aud white. 4. J. L. Atkins enters gr. g. Tom Corbsti, 4 years old, hy Lightning uam by Kuighi ul St. Ueorge. Colon, blue and white, with crescent. ti. 1 . U. Moore euters ch. c. t osier. 4 years old, uy nexlugtou ; uam, eroua, uy imp. xoi a- - aiiire. coiors. oiue and bio. g, ciov. James Henderson enters g. Dono- van, aged, hy Bulletin ; dam by Ambassador. Colors, nuicy. Poster was first favorite; Commerce next to him, in public estimation The horses ail started off we 1 and came in weil, none ot them having been distanced Poster won. Commerce second. Time, l.sbX. Second heat like the first. Time, 1.48X. SCMMAKT. First Mace. Two mile heats. Hollywood 1 Mills' -- "ey i H A rl ...... A m lime Accond Bace. Mile and repeat. Fost. r - Commerce V.nisee bene Aikiu. Donovan. ....... i'om Coi belt- - 3:4aJ4. Time 1:48 When General Bulord got the purse which his horse had won, a great number ol hundred dollar bills, he tnvi.ed a host ol horsemen into the saloon and look retrenchments with them He also sent up a number of champagne Dottles to the galleries to treat the ladles. This was priced y. Colonel Johnson also announced from the stand that Nelly Gray having won fifteen thousand dollars tor uenersi tsuioid sue would oe with drawn from tbe turl aud devuted lo pur poses of prorogation, Nellie Is oniy a three year oid and has already made a splendid reputation and a good lot ot muney. As soon as the races were over the con- gregation towards the railroad, where ibey waited an hoar or less for the train. The races were well ran. There is to be more y. The following is the i rogramme: RACES. J41:4K. containing dispersed HACK. Georse Elliott (eeauei) stake for two year olds; one mile; sub. Z6, p. p ; to wuloh the club adds S0u. Winner ol Bradley slake to carry five pounds extra. NOMIAATaOMS. 1. Geo. T. Allinan names bf andalette. L v i'lauet; dam, anuaua, uy v auuai. t, Aiso ch l H atsoua, by Watson; dam, Bui tana. Oy toother lo feylona. ... Also bay by I'nmet; dam. Mazurka, uy nckingiou. 4. John U. hslleu line names bl c Ulah Con siaoie, uy tuacsjock.; uam, Ainiun uy ,mp Ai uiou. t. W. A. Dulord names b c Bombshell, by manuu; uani, leeung moments, imp, nj cut imtb.oke. o. ueoi ge c.uwauaaer names oc nuie nunt by Ligniunig; Uam, oraCicli-a- , by MahumeU 7 Aiso u , Austral. nd, by imp Australian; uam, Aiert uy ueiiuatou. e. Jouu ai. ci y co nauiia a. ov Un de Vic; dam Oeorgie W ouda, h imp lsiilght ul bu liourge. . u. A. Lanltiam names ch f by Second Jack .alone, uam Mohie r'ord. lu. Wm. Jennings names ch c Silent Friend, by imp Australian by hexing lou. it. a. Lake usiueabruwo noy, uy colossus; m uy Australian. -. K. li. MauuUe , amet grey by Llght- - u ng; asm nauia bpnuuan, by aguer. 1a, s. aud ra. ic Maun name gr c London, Dtghunug; dam Ziugara, by star Davis. 14. fwkard anu ctueuce name ch 1 cvietla, k jack Aiaioue; uam cneatnam, oy n cneath uc lo. itubuison and Morgan name br c Basal ne n Astero.u; uum naura w niie, uy imp uieii cue. ch. by id. D. Swhrert names b I Maraueiite. bv Lex Ingtuu; dam Uy n dy, by ixupuiencoe. ... A. i cine, names ch 1 Flush, by Hiawatha; uam i a. .ut- nugg, uy Ambassador. is. Aisu ch 1 beiluuckie, by Brown Dick; dam oy nujuim. SECOND BACK. Dash for three year olds: uilie and s half. W inner of Gayosoor Desoto s:sketpcarr seven pounds extra; of Doth, ten pounds. fur Jockey CiuU puree of KioO. L J Fralm'ach f Yanisee. Kodffent: dam Ella Nortou, oy the Colonel. Co.oia. red and red. I. John A Miller's b c Sentinel, by Jack Ma- - uue, uam, vjaieua, uy cmiue riaru.u. colors, ou auu wuite. J. u a Kaslham s b f Belle Aiken, by Second ck ilsioue, dam, Molller ord. Coio.s,orkuae UU W II IA5. 4. John 11 p tone's ch c Billy Williamson, bv Daniel Boone; dam. Corame. by i'oruana. Colors, orange and while. j u uaiie-niiu- s cu c Aeno, by Imp Austra-- ; dam Yuung clipper, by Oliver. Coiois, gieei,, a a green anu ui auge. ACL Uunl ch f Etta PuweU, by Voucher; dam. Lilac, by Lightning. Colore, black .nd orange. 7. Warwick's ch c Creole Danoe.'by Dexing- - tou; dam tscnotnsihe, by unp Albion. Colors, oi ue sou reu, wune sasaw THjaD Handicap Mile heats: for all starter oat nave not won during the week. Horses beaten once allowed seven pounds ; wice, fourteen pounds; three limes, wenty-on- e pounds. Entrance, 110 ; en trance money to second horse. For a puree of S200, L Mclntyre enters ch c. 8 vear old. he Tipper nj ; dam by imp Knight of St. Ueorg. V.U.UI., MIUC HUU W UlKi t. tiov. J. Hendcrauu enters oh g Donovan aged, by Bulletin ; dam by Ambassador. Blue auu wuite, reu sasii. a. 4eb. Ward enters ch c Commerce, I years nil M bv J. tilrl PIKST Oily, Ally, by imp Bonnie Scotland; dam Cottage by Imp Ainderby. Colors, oi autre and green. Atkins enters g gTom Corbett, 4 years old, by Lightning ; dam by Imp Knight of St, j.. Bu. vuiuin, uiu auu wuite, witn cresosnt. ... ti. A. Easlham enter, b t Meule slmma, 4 years old, by Proline, dam by alar Davis. Colors, orange and while. ft. Juo. Jackson enters ch Rnh Mhsitsin a j . v.u. .u.. w.wcuv-- i mi ucuiuuiu, uy imp AUJB- - u.,i.u , u wanner. . .. ol W ICS il l.'I N 1'li av lfirw-.- t aamrf c'relghton: dam by St. Louuc Color, blue and red, white saah. AADA. micuuci, a AC 1 ranalin en tench I Glenroae, 4 years old, hy Lexington ; dam, bailie Lewis, by Imp Glencoe Colors, Jacket Magenta, cap red. The assortment tor Sly It and quality in hklUI'S. (00 Ladies' Cloth Cloaas, laat year's s.yios, to oe oiu at ou oenta on the dollar at ihb Uubat Bab Stuna, 229 Main street. Baa advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dis peusary, beaded Book tor the Millio- n- Marriage Guide in another column. It should De read by all. Steam Fitting, 815 Second street. LET VAN VLECK ANSWER. Memphis, October 6, 1871. aauors Appeut ine spirt luslists are very grateful to you lor your kindness in not Hying them thai another will be along soon to expo the old thing, but we like to know If this amateur is Mr. Vleck, who made ao many spiritual-tat- s In Louisville recently by trying to ex pose the old thine, and If ao. is he the same van vieck that was once a medium, out about seven years ago was delected in Cincinnati wni.e attempting to con nect some sleight-of-han-d performance with hi meadiumahlpf These questions we would like tur you to answer In ad. vanoe of his arrival. Keapeeifutly, 8 PI RITUALISTS. American Dkivsji W alls at Browne dt Si u One's, 116 Second street. Oo to Joe Looke', :Uo) Main street, tor your rending matter. JrCMFS, le beoond street. MEMPHIS INDUSTRY ABROAD. Tn Hew Onr " Georgia" Unlit at tbe Onr Shops at the Memphis and Charleston Knllroad 1st Meannhla. From sn Occasional Correspondent. Atlanta, Uboroia, October 4 The " Georgia," a car built by the Memphis and Charleston railroad, has just return- ed to this place from a tour through the State I had the pleasure of going the rounds with her, and can tell, for the satis faction of tbe oompany, bow much she was admired, we left this place tor Augusts, where we were met by L. K. Johnston, superintendent of the Georgia railroad, and various other railruad otUcials who welcomed as, and showered innumerable praises on the oa. We spent one day there, during which time she wss visited by the mechanics, who exsmined her olosely, but could find no fault in her. Crowds of people came to see her all through the day, and all seemed highly pleased. We left that night for Savan- nah where we spent a day. As in hsd to undergo a rigid examina- tion by the various mechanics, but all pronounced bor well put up, and a hand- some car. Msny of tbe citizens came to see her also. After spending a must deligbtful day, we left for Macon, and we hope the car made aa fa- vorable an impression on tbe people as the city did on us. Next day was spent in Macon, where we had to undergo tbe same ordeal as before, but stood the test. That night we returned to Ibis place; are highly delighted with our trip, aud proud of the many compliments passed on the car. Captain Tate, the yard-mist- (and one that is well and favorably known to many of the railroads), was in oharge of her, and took great pains to exp ain to everybody sll tbe particulars as to cost, etc. w icb be s ys was only fifty five Aun-dre- d dollars. Why is it tbat the south does not cease to be dependent on tbe north for such things, when tbey can be built as well and much cheaper here among usT L it her swake to her true interest, and in future do sit her own : curing. I am glsd to seethe Men1 ... nd Charles- ton railroad has commerc-- it, and I hope other roads will follow the example. W. P. 8. All tne new Fall Mlyles at Francisco A Hlgg I 's, 7 Main street, under Pes-bod- y Hotel. Economy Take your fall clothing to tbe Steam Dyeing and Cleaning House Hunt A Hanson's old stand). 246 Second street. HANSON WALKER You can bay the latest style Hst at LEIDY'S. LAW RtPOaTS. First Chancery. Court Morgan, chan- cellor. Yesterday was motion dsy. All mo tlons entered were disposed of, Tbe court adjourned to tbe 17th inst., there being a meeting of tbe chancellors at Nashville, which Judge Morgan will attend. Chancery Court Chancellor neott. Yeaterdsy, in the case of Cannovan vs sehafer, a decree was given IDC the de fendant. Nos. 32, 46, 47, 49, 50, 59 and 76 were continued. Nus. 48 and 69 passed Nos 88 and 77 are Haitmg tbe purchase money, which dist uned ot the calender of cases on trial, lbo court adjourned to the 17th inst., there being a meeting of tbe chancellors of the State at Nashville next week. Au order was made In rt to-d- for attorneys to return all papers in tbeir possession immediately to tbe clerk and master, or the numbers of those they desire to retain, and no papers to be taken from the files of tbe clerk's office except by the clerk, and properly charged. Any violation of tbe above or der must be reported at once to the court. Second Circuit toart Ualsey, Judge. To-d- ty the following esses will be trie--' 241. Jones vs waddeli administrator; 368 Young vs PalteisoD dt Bro; 368. Rvan vs Shea; 369, rtusser vs Yerger el al; S70,Rysn vs Wotl ; 372, Stewart v Steinkubl; 373, Jehllng vs Peel t 35, Merrill vs Hey ton 376, Dwyer vs O'Maboney; 377, Meatb vs rJugbes; 078, Morgan vs Lee el al; d7, Urr vs Windle & Co; 380, r'itcber vs W uher ; 381. Warren, use. etc, vs stexmer 1 K ck; 384, tlm nils vs Cunningham; 357. itempbisand Obto railroad company vs Abratns et al: 888. Dent vs Healey; 389. Ellas vs Poll ck; 390, Caldwell vs Brown, administratrix; 393, Manning, adminis trator, vs Farris; 394, Hart et al vs Farrie et al; 396, Ferro vs Shepherd; 397, Booth vs Fisher; 39, Bigby et si vs Biker: 400, Walker dt Snider vs Noivell, Boone & Co; 401, Graves v- - Brookr; 4 2, Hollister VI r iahrty ; 403, Jacobs at 1:0 vs Williams et al : 40. Walt & Johnson vs Greenwald; 4JI6, Hays vs Lelisvere; 407, Willis v M Mauan ; 40i. Tucker vs swan; n uavail vs Lake; 411, Johnston vs Cook ; 413, Mel lm vs Co by; 415, Harvey, guardian, vs Perkln : 416. same va same; 417. same vs same; 420, Blair vs Greenwald; 421M, n vs Memp'iU and S'.. Louis packet company; Ktrtiaud vs M ntgtmery: 424, Bowers vs Mealh: 426 Ball vs Hous ton; 428, Barker vs Mrden et al; 430, Schwcob vs Fochs; 431, Williams vs Jones ; 438, Kirtland vs Donald- son; 434, Bowers vs Hood; 43 i, Tay lor vs Gihson; 416, Tbooipion vs JxckfOD; 437, Hanks vs Hill; 452 440, Smith vs Rellmai; 441, Sptin dt Uormley va Moran et al; 442, Rjwley vs Dyle: 443, Hughes vs GrMttn e. al; 44t. Freidmsn Brothers vs Benf; 416, Schwab dt Co. vs Benas; 450, Cossitt vs Mississippi and TenniBsee railroad company; 3n8, Tucker vs Joyce; 451, Matiden vs Uarkin; 45?, same vs same; 458 Irwin vs Halls; 4)6, Cummtngs vs siallory; 40s, woods vs Sowers; 41), wolcott, S dt Co vs Able; 4t2, Miller vs E.rlv; 463. Alnsworth vs mayor and aldermen of Memphis; 464, Ford ra Sium, adm 4b7, ctiotu vs nig ginf; 468, Trotter vs Scott; 4'9, Saflarsns vs Humphrey dt Co; 470, Gibson vs A persoD ; 471, Laird vs McMah n; 472, Webster, Marsh dt Co vs HuDDaid dt Co: 475, Hall V- - Anderson; 474, Stockslsger vs Schoonover; 476, Bond vs ttrlnkley; 477, McA lis e. vs Southern Express com pany; 4,8, Scboonover vs Harden. t You can buy the latest andest LKIuY'fS. BBABB LtfscH at the Goli'.en Oat e, 2:0 Seond street, lo nlebt at 9 o'clock. Fresb ovster si up, and the best that tb market "fiords, will be served mp In fine style. Everybody Is invited. A. J1AJ. SOMETHING NEW. On Sundnv sfternixin aud night. ber Sth. a Tyrolean band of vocalists will give an entertainment at Carroll's Oar-- den, on Poplar street, Tbey will sing some oi tbe te Ownian tongs, among tbem tbe am Rhine." Admission free. LADIES' TIES i SCARFS AND BOWS! A KtW OPCHED THIS MORNING KID GLOVES, BIBBONS, ETC. maroou. Main. would Van day. Hsts AALr Ooto- - favor STOCK HERZOG A BRO. In advance of all romnellior. The colors. I new Sensation II a i nt rnm, i... a-- wir- - 14)7 Thb latest novelties in Hats at LMdy'a Cranberries. 26 barrel Cranberries received this OLl V EH, JUNKIE A CO. Miss N. English is now able, bv lecent additions to her stock, to supply her cus- tomers with every variety ot bonnets, hats, .artificial flowers, etc . which she proposes to sell unusually low for cash. Oive,her a call. No. iSu Mam street. Gentlemen's Dress, Business. Travel ling and Opera Hats, at LEIDY'S. Wb oilp the following" Irom Anthony's Photographic Bulletin, of a late date, tbe standard authority In this country on sueh matters: We have received from Mr. J. F. Coonley, with Mr. Y. Day, of Mempbls, three very fine Imperial cards, samples of his style ot shadow or Rembrandt efleols We nave examined tbem with a great deal of pleasure, and are pleased to learn that the taste lor these pictures is becom ing so msrktd ail over the country. "We hope it will not be long uetore tbe old style ot flat, white, inexpressive pho tographs shall oe tani--Le- Irom tbe coun try, and those introduoed in their stead based upon artistic ideas." ioJ can buy the best Hat in the city at LEIDYS. LOCAL NEWS. -- Leddin's College, Attend Robertson's Business College ThoB.Cutjbtns, bricklayer, OA Mains. Armstrong's Photographic Waller v. Ho. all Mam street. Three faultless gem pictures for nlty cent.. ST. Joseph's lnnmMABT In charara of toe Sisters, comer Third and Jeftorson Me PERSONAL. Mr. Thomas J. Jamieaon, of tbe Little Rock Republican, is in tbe city on busi- ness for the office with which he Is con- nected. If appearances are anything, Ar- kansas treats onr friend well. The many friends of Captain C. B. Charon will be glad lo learn that the ex- tended trip North and West from which he has Just returned has been of irreat benefit to his health. He declares and bis appearance sustains the declaration that be has grown fifteen years younger in the lsst two months. A special from Washington to the St. Lonis Democrat (Radical; BSys: "Stokes, of Tennessee Is here applying for tbe position of Coiled Stn es Marshal, vloe Ool. Harri- son, lately deceased. He brings recom- mendation" from the Republican Con- gressmen of his State. There Is no proba- bility of his appointment." TICKETS FOR THE "FAIR DRAWING FOR bAtE AT J. C. Eyrioh's news depot; Mansturd's news depot; Joe Locke's news depot ; Geftrgo Bergman's cigar stand ; Lenbrie's cigar stand; Byrd's Jewelry store; Barnum's jewelry store; Memphis and Chsrlesion ticket office. Chris Steinkuhl's Capitol Saloon. Thb Great Red Store wi'l sell Immense BasGains this week In Plaids, Pupil re, Alpacas, Japanese Silks, Fisnnels. Blank- ets, etc. WM. FRANK 227 Main Street. Gas Fitting 815 Second street. Cnnnty Court. Tbe business yesterday was nothing of particular Importance, The county court met yesteidsy pursuant to adjournment. Present Justice Beckley, in the chair, and J istices Witherington. Llgon, Dun- can, Giles, Hale, Spellman, Winters, Mon-orie- f, Pulliam, Caldwell, Wal ace, Brewer, Allen, Irby, Walker, Jones, Hnlman, Bun'-yn- , Hoegel. Brown, Burke, Elliott. Moore, Miller, Glisson, Brooks, snd Mas sey. The following business was transacted: Tbe jail commissioners were ordered to sink the engine st the Jail so as to ensble it to pump water from Wolf river st all seasons. A clerk was allowed the committee who are to investigatejihe Lewis warrants, st a salary of f 1C0 per month. It was ordered that the sheriff be re quired to make application in writing to toe Jail inspectors for ail but plies for the Jail and t he said inspectorsphall give their written approval ot the same. The committee who were appointed at the last term of the curt to procure a new criminal courthouse, reported that the bul'ding on the corner cf Second and Je Hereon streets was rented at $2500 per annum for five years. Tbe report was received and filed and the committee discharged. WtATMtR. Wi DkPT , BISK Ah SBBVICX. DJB. A. I Mbkfhis. Octobers. 1871. j 6:43 a.m. 2 p.m. Hlght of arome ter SO.C01 S0.06S Change slnoe last report .... .067 Thermometer...... 67 82 Change last Sth'rs 5 of wind N W NW Rain fail slnoe 1'Kt report InchesA hnndret.thk. 0.00 State of weather. Fog Hazy War Department. OFFICE Ch. Sio. Officrb, lOMJp.m 3U.13.-- i Cear W. Observer. "OF 1871. Washinotob, October 6, The low barometer which Thursday afternoon north ol the lowor lakes has moved nor.hesat, with a decided fall in pressure, and rain on the middle and east Atlantic coast. Tbe storm on the eastern Gulf has appearently entirely and a central area of tbe lowest is now spread over the south Atlantic States, where fresh and light southerly winds and weather are now re ported. area of partially cloudy snd smoky weather, with heavy fall in tem- perature has extended from Arkansas to Lake Ontario and Lake Miohlgan, the central and temperature being now in Illinois. The barometer has fallen in the extreme northwest, and light, local rains have been reported in Wisconsin aud Missouri. Cool weather, with north- westerly winds will probably extend on Saturdiy over the Gulf and Atlantic Htates, with clear or partially cloudy weather south of the Ohio river snd par tially cloudy and clearing weather in the middle and eastern Slates. A small area of cloudiness remains In West Vir- ginia, snd an area of low with 1 sing temperature and southerly winds will probably advance into Missouri and Wisconsin. Job Lockb, 246H Main street, has tbe largest assortment of Msgaxine3,Fiotorials and dallies In tbe oily. The largest and finest selection of fash. tons Dress snd Business Hats for gen tlemen in tbe city are at LEIDT at CO '8, 269 Main street, opposite tbe Squsre. Thk place to get a No. 1 buggy horse, an excellent saddle horse, good drav mule or farm stock, is O. H. Braokeit & Uo.'s, No. 321 Second street. All stock must be as re prone n ted. St. I oni. or . G. W. meek In w une river Uscewla.... Boats Leaving Tn-Dn- BliLl Pica... White river (Jslestk Knar's Point Hkilmah sioux City. Now Orleans at. xxiuis Colorado Mounlaineer L'U.DUl Ola. H C. Yeager I 'eies.e. ................ a. J. white...... Phil Allln Mnine Ebert Ada Hell man. . . Frank PorreL.. Colorado... M. U t..iue.-I- . ...... I ).UUllllK.H. H J. Yrager A. J. White Pat. Cleburne Allln.. Mollie x.hert.. Clarksvill. H. RHODE, subsided, pressure clearing highest pressure, RIVfcR NWS. Evansville KKA.NK FoKs8T -- HaKKT AkU P. Walt. .... Arrival. ton n E 1 was An a ble a full o S ...c .6 6 p.m Jp ju Um ...10 a.m St. on'. St. Louis i i ffl L ,u:s St. hOOll leoc - New .Evmivi, it- ...................... . Uc..-- Ocpartnre. lu fort. Ida Heilman. Forrest, p.m p.m p.m p.m .While river N.p Friar's Point Orleans Boms Frank ARE tm, ..Vicksburg .at. Louis SL Loais ....'ew Orleans Map jieon ....Napoleon .... Frlar'a Point JSL Louis Celeste. By Telegraph. St. Louis, October 6. Arrived: Ctah, from Memphis. Departed: Capitol City and Colossal, for New Orleans. River falling slowly. Weath r clear and cooler, wim itgut rsin eany Alfred D. Armstrong, a popular steamboat clerk, and at one time clerk of the Gait House, Louisville, died here this evening. He last served on the Susie Silver. Louisville, October 6. River still de- clining, with 28 inches on Portland bar, 18 incnea on French Island, and above 80 inches to Cincinnati. Weather hazy and cool. Cihoihnati, October 6. River S teet 1 Inch. Caiko. October 6. Port list: Glasgow. for Mew Orleans, and Jasper, New Or- leans to at. Louts, st 1 a.m. ; E. H Dux-fe- e, cleared for Hew Orleans, 8 a.m.; St. Joseph, Memphis to St. Louis, 2 p.m.; Virginia, cleared for New Orleans st 8 p m. River fell 1 inch. Weather clear. Mercury, 64. j M I see I laneo n. The weather is dear and warm. There was a very good business al the landing yeaterdsy, there being nine arrivals snd eight departures, 'the river dec.lned 2 inches during tbe last twenty-fou- r boors. This is worse and more of It, and the pros- pect is very favorable for a further de- cline. At ot. Louis the report is that the river is 8 feet 0 inches In the channel, the lowest stage tne river nas reached this season, and the belief Is it is the lowest it has been for aeveial years. The upper Mississippi has reached the low water mark ot 1864, while tbe condition ot the bars is far worse. At Cincinnati the Ohio has 8 leet 4 incbes, and at Louisville 6 inches in the chute and less thm 80 incbes on Portland bar. from Si. Louis to Cairo there is but 4 feet 8 iuchee; from Cairo to Memphis, 6 feet; al Choctaw, 7 feet, and 6 feel 4 inches st Reeves'. RsU liyer is in s wretched condition. Several steamboats bsve teen en'ered st the Exposition at Cincinnati. Tbe steamer Thompson Dean, just finished throughout, ha also entered the list for tue first premium. The judges visited them on 'ihu.sday of this week. Captain Davis has entered the steamer Batesvliie to run in connection with the other boats of the railroad packet com- pany's line. He is determined to have a sufficient number 01 boats to carry freight through without delay, if possible. The Phil AlUn, A J. While and Cle- burne departed with good trip. The Mollis Eoeri, five a.ys out from New Orleans, discharged here 400 bundles of cotton ties, 80 boles tin, and other mis- cellaneous freight. She r, p tried . the eihannou ana John xtyie over Reeves' ou their way rejoicing. She has 276 tons ol freight for at. Louis. Tbe Mohawk aud barges passed up. The Mary E. Poe la reported oomlns nn on one wheel, having received some lnju- - ries, the nature ot which we did noli learn. The Colorado, .'rant St Louis, added here a lot of miscellaneous freight, and departed for Vlcksbnrg with a gocd trip. The Mountaineer came In with a good trip of grain and produce, and left for St. Louis. She added 210 bales of cotton for above. ft The Colombia also, from St. Lonis, came in with a good trip. She hsd half of her forecastle torn off while sparring off a sandbar. She was several hours aground above Cairo, and after adding 850 bales of cotton, departed for St. Lonis. The H. C. Yeager, from St. Louis, passed down wLh a good trip. Six or seven fist-boat- s are reported aground at French Ialsnd, impeding the channel not a little. The A. J.White, from Napoleon, brought in 22 bales of cotton, 630 sacks seed, and s gocd trip of people. The Phil. Allin, from Frist's Point, came in with 118 bales cotton and 614 sacks of seed. The Frsck Forreet came In from Gce-- ola with 95 bales of cotton and 1190 sacks of seed. The Ida Heilman, from EvacsvUle, came in with a g od trip, all she could carry. A wblte man, we could not learn bis name, while DUttine un the slims! llirht on Mr. Shanley's wrecking boat, st tbe foot of Island 40, lost his balance end fell overboard, and in spite f all the efforts to save him he was drowned. The Emi le La Barge is the Sunday Vloksburg packet. Boats Leaving To-Da- y. For Friar's Point The lively Geo.W. Cheek, captain Mark Cheek, leaves y at 6 p. m.for Friar's Point and all way land irgs F. S. Gonterman has oharge of tbe office. Fob Nzw Orleans The fine steamer Henry Ames leaves v at 12 m. for Viokeburg snd New Orleans. J. W. J arobs Is her popular commander. Fob St Louis The Belle of Pike, Csp tain Lennox, leaves to-d- ay at 6 p.m. as above. Charles Hough i clerk Fob Whits River. The Celeste, Cap- tain E W. Outlaw, leaves y at 6 p.m , for White river and all way Und- ines. Mr. Herron Is her chief secretary. Fob Osce la. The sprightly Frank For- rest leaves to-d- at 5 p.m. for Osceola and the coast landings. Captain Coon la her popular commander. Fob White River. The Sioux City, Captain T. B. Tilden, leaves to-ds- y at 12 m , for White river and all way landings Mr. Tom Whilledge does the honors of the office. Fob Cairo and Evansviixb The fine light draught passenger steamer Ida Hailman, leaves tcay at 5 p m., for Cairo, Evansville and all wsy landings. J. B. Hall is corrmsnderf and M A. Breeden is her chief secretary. Fob St Louis The fine stesKier R. P. Walt, Captain William Blake, leaves to-d- at 10 Am. for Cairo, St. Louis and all way landings. Alt. Grissom does the honors of tbe office. INSURANCE COMPANY MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. omee No. so Madison St. CAPITAL! ATJT IIOHIZLD CAPITAIa 3300,000.00. LOU18 HAVaUER, President. JOHN 8. TOOS-- . Vloe President. R. P. ROLLING. Seer tary. JOHN B. BOWKN, Assistant Secretary. Directors: LOUIS HAN ACER, a U. TOBEY, J. W. I ICKINHON, WM. WHITAKSB, PHIL J. MAiXON, H. WETTER, M. H. JTJDAH. Od ADOLrH LOEB,u'U('C 860, STABLhHED i860. DR.R.C. KARLATTE'S CELEBRATED Mffdical Institute 42 North Coo t Mr et THU TREATMENT OF ALL D FOR VSKS, chronic or otherwise, assisted by an able corps of Scientific Physicians and Surgeons. VENEREAL or SECRET DISEASES, men aa Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet. Stric- tures an.; a nrinarv diseases, lyphilHIc or verourial affectlcs of tne lbroat, Skin or son., klso tbe effects o' a solitary bablt ruinous to the body as well as tbe mind, pro- - aacing n, nines on tne race, ueoiniy, impr teney, Ulsslns, Dimness of sight. Contusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society, Loss of Mem-- e y.eto. All cases ol c atari h speedily and eQectually cured. Rheumatism and Paralysis POSITIVELY CLRED by the use of my eelebraled Electro-Chemic- al Baths. L Partitmlar s'tention paid t6 Dlseues of Fe males. ncn as Sapp-ee- d or Painful Men- - Falllt g of the Womb, Leucorrhea Istraatton and to all lrreaularlthn of the uitiuiuiy perioos-Th- e Doctjr can be consulted personally or oy leiier. su W. H. GOODLETT. i. K. GOODLETT GOODLETT It CO. COTTON FACTORS, No, 282 Front Street, MEMPHIS, - - TENNESSEE. COBBIQXMBBTB SOLICITED, sepvdAw DR. J. E. WRIGHT, Late of Colombia, Loruslanna, offers his pro- fessional services to the eltlsena ol Memphis and vicinity. A continuous and extensive practice lo the Ouachita V lley for twenty couaecu We years h vmg givn him a prac- tical familiarity with the various types of disease etidemleal In a Southern climate, be conOdent y hopes to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with tbeir natronaa.. Having devo ed special attention to OrEBA- - T.VB rcBQEKY for many years, and sucoeas- - lutty per:. Tinea must oi toe capital opera tlons of the day, he respeetfuily solicits pat- ronage In that branch of his profession. Office and residence corner of Court and Third streets. oe MEMPHIS AND LITTLE ROCK R, R. CHANGE OF TIME, COMMENCING Sunday, September Id. notice, trains will run daily as follow: Leave - Memphis 7.50 a m Hopefleld.. ... f " .......8 10 Am Ar tva Huntcrsvllle A .ft p.m Arrive l ittle Bock. .18 p.m Returning arrive at Memphis S.0U p.m Perry boat reaves foot of Onion street promptly at 7.50 am. Close c nnections made al Dev&il'a Bluff with K. K Packet Co Une oi steamers ror ail points on White River, connecting at Little Rook with regular line of stages tor Hot Springs, Camden, Arkadel- - pma, wasuingion ana pom u ic Texas. Alio with steamers on Arkansas river for Pine Bluff, Port Smith and intermediate points, and with trains on th Little Hock and Fort nmlth railroad. For tickets ur In formatloB apply at Com pany fnce X Mat: I sou strel, at office ot Memphis and Louisville road. iS Mala street, o. at otace of Memphis and Charles- ton Railroad. 478 Main street. C. P. OAKLEY. ALEX. WADDELL, Gen '1 Ticket Agt. P-- ger Ag't. A. B. LIVEBMOBK, nknj tleneral poftnionrlent. Memphis Steam Dyeing Establishment, 2 Q a Seoond St.. OFFERS Its services to its many friends patrons for the fall season. The sauces with which it has introduoed this new branch ot business bespeaks lis art and BAiiimme. ITS CHEMICAL PROCESS OF CLEANING LADIES' AND 6ENTLEMEN'S WEAR. by which the old destructive scouring is superceded, is the great specialty of this noose. WHITE FURS, KID 6LQVES, LACES AND PLUMES, cleansed, equal to new, or colored ele-- gauuy fientJemeo's Wear DYED WITH UNSURPASSED SKILL; and every specie of drees goods dyed with European imported color. u7 STEAMBOATS. SPECIALNOTICE. The New and Slegant Passenger and Freight Steamer MtStEmm C. Elliott jgntififc John D. Elliott Master. Will leave Louisville for White river on the first rise of the Ohio rlv-r- . ICLLlorT A MILLER, Agents. sel7 No. 2 Promenade St., foot Jefferson. FOR NEW ORLEANS. F4at NEW eBIiBAjm AND TUB Regular tuueau.y Packet. Tne Steamer -- fiTr HtOlANA H. E. Neal .master NaL clerk Leaves KaNk-- d Y. llth Ins ., a 5 p.m. BICH'D W. LIOHTBUKNE. Agent, oe MS Front street. FOB BBW ORLEANS AND THE BUM Regular buuoay Packet. Tbe steamer Bcuuiise mister xiller cler Leaves SU DaY, sth ins-- , at tu a.fh. tv W. H'JHTBU-'.NK- . Age I. Oct .. Front tr eel. St FOR WHITE RIVER. Louis ard White Hver Hacks. or J 'Cktoupon and wry landings. cIOCX ll' Tl den, master iniseiegani passenger steamer m will as above m SAlUnDAY. 7tn lnslaot. at IS a.m Apply u J. T. WAiHlNUTUN, Agent, or J. O) SOLANO 4H Madison street. oc7 ) FRIAR'S POINT AND BENDS. Frixr'e Ptii, rteMM gJS gsatfs Uattv Stete. ."' Pufcei - Phil. Atta, - James Lee... master. Leaves Memphis Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, al 6 p.m., connecting al Helena with the steamer Rhoka lor Marian na and ail pnints on . A nll is ten FOR HELENA AND FRIAR'S POINT Fer Co lesve ABitla, 0 K. Ptlit. ut The flrat-cla- ss packet 6ee. W. CheeHiatjE ARK B. CHEEK master. Will run as above, leaving Meic prils every TUBbDY, THURSDAY and SAT UkiiAt, punctually at a pan. For freight or passage, apply on board. SB For HiImi, Friti' Bel?b, Witt? Ktoghjoe gid tbe Scads The United States Mail Packet A. J. WHITE. va sa jliaa1 f . . . jusptci , WUi leave Memphis and FBI DA in, punctually at t p.m. For freight or apply on bear to FOR CAIRO 8T. LOUIS. Memphis and St. Louis V . Mail Udb For Hickman, Belmont and Cairo; connecting at with the iron Mountain rt. re at catro witn Illinois Central and boats un the Ohio river. R. P. WALT Wm. Blake, master This elegant passenger steamer will leave a Htlsia reliable, passenger reanlariv. Pilit, River, MONDAY passage, AND Osceola, Madrid, Belmont Kallroad Till DAY. Octobei Jth. at 10 a.-- Tickets for all points v'.a Memphis and St. Louis packets, north, nasi anu wist, apply to General Railroad and steamboat office. TOM B. DUNN, cor. Court and Main rU. Freight received at the St Lonis wharfhoat w . r- - AIAX.L,. Agent. oo7 FfiEM. CALVERT. Snp't. Memphis and St. Louis U. S. Mail Lirc Ws For Osceola, Madrid, Hlckmau, Belmont anc Cairo, connecting at Belmont with tn. Iron Monntaln R. R., at Cairo with Illinois Central Railroad, and boats up the Ohio Hlvsr. BKLLE O? P. EE . Lennox, master mis elegant a'.eamer win leave an (4DOV6 THIS DAY. 7th inst.. at 6 p m. Tickets for al! points v a Memphis and St. Louis packets, North, East and West, apii to trenerai rsaiiroao ana steamooat omee. TOM B. DUNN, eor. Court and Mam sts Freight received at IheSL Louis WhaiiSoal. w s. cull. Agent. oeT Fl.BM. CALVERT. "op'i. FOR VICK8BURG. United States Mail Line for Vicksburg. Ku Helena. Napoleon antl V'lckKbunc. SMIL1E LtBiKlit GansoUes. master This elogant pAssenger pack will lea"e as above SuNDAT. Hih Inst., at 10 a.m. FTetgnt recoi lea at thetfl-liui- s Wharfhoat W. E DILL, Agent. QC7 fLKM ''A t.VKKT. iq;i St. Louis and New Orleans Pacet Co K"r Vlcksnarz snd New Clrleans. HENRY A ME- - Jacobs, master This eleaant and swift steamer win leave as aoove THIS DAY, th Inst., at 12 ru. j. t. Washington, Agent. oc7 4 Madison street. FOR CAIRO AND EVANSVILLE. For Cairo, Padncah and Evansville. ADA HEILMAN.... Joun B. Hail, master Th s splendid passenger packet will leave as aoove THIS DAY, 7th WtL, at 5 o m- For frelsht o. passage spplv board oc7 FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Maaphls aid Arkusas River Packet Com pany U. s. nail Line. Pat Clebnrne Beeoe Prltehnrd, Master, Mh.MPHiS MONDAYS nSU FRI- - DAYS, at s pm . coiicect'na at Montr, rr Wh'.U river with the llgct draugnt xieamer ' Fort (liti-o- n ior fine rjtuu on MTUaDAm snd with the stenner " Fort Smltn" lei oats, and they connect wl'h the "learner " oardanelle" at Pine Biaft tor Little Rccs. For freight or passage ppb n board, or to W. H. AE.i EDA Y, Aget, Omee on Company's Whar boat, B 14 Foot o' t'ourt .trMt. 1?'01 A Ts (liio riiV.l. The new and elegant light-draug- LITTLE ROCK W. E Gere master Cha. Conrad clert Leaves Li tue Bock for Fort Smith and al. way landings on Arkansas river every fiv lays, connecting at mine rtocx witn tne St LMll ana ArkAHaS ft Pk't Cl 'J M rrom St. Louis, Mo. Freights for ail points consumed to care st anion a outer, mempnis, or this company, will be promptly forwarded free of charge for inuum. a so, i . o x ju v wnslt sup t. - - J rr- mmn - ' - T ...T, V. FOR WHITE RIVER Memphis and White Blver Pneket Line Bar. T. H. ALLEN .Wan. Elliott, muter lin place o: oir. negil Tenderj Leaves Memphis for Jackronport EVEHY luaouai, ato p.m. Kir. MABY BOYD.Wol Aahferd, master Leaves tin place of atr ntempnts SaTDE For freight or pas K P. r Jackson nort EVEBY A x, ato p m. ae dd1v to ELLIOTT A Mi Agents, Promenade St.. foot oiJeffersom or to W. H. KENNEu AY. Otnceon-Company- 's Wharfboat, loot Court st. RAILROAD PACKET COftPANY. White River United States Mail Line The 8t6.vmar AND Waitl. Anent. SALLIE V, run In connection with the tenir.hlx and Little Rock Railroad, leaving IevU's B an eve-- y Monday, W ednesday and I r I any, at 8 o'clock p.m , for Oes Arc, Augnou and Jacksonport. Avery Tweadny and Krl. any for ail point between uevall's Htuff and Month of White river. A so, every Tharw dny at 10 o'clock a m , and svery Monday at o o uiwis p.m., ior mine nsa river. John b. Davis, president. A. P. Cttabt. ecrstary apri TTeasqier- s17 U. 8. MAIL COACH LINE. PA88ENGTBS by our lines from Fort Smith a week, vta Fayettevllle to Neosho on the Southern P.cl3c ral road. md rnnes, ur miee times a wet a rrcm rort Smith, 70 m'les to Fort Ult sou ; thenoe souih i.o ml'-- lo soggy Depot, and west un miles, via Fort Arbunsle to Fort sll: or continuing sou h fr m Soggy La miles to -- hsrmar and going eslward, by line cf v. o. mnes to .1 1 sso . or soathwaru fro'Q Sherman Int., Central Tax nrsaat tn Jefferson, Marshall, etc.; or from SHBXVEPOBT by railroad, via Marshal! to Lcngvlew snd westward It. to Central Texas; or uthwrd Tom Longvlew, via Honsvtlle to Nsvasota 190 mile, on Texas Central Railroad. Passen- ger entering Texas by OALVESTON OB I Nil IAN OLA most our lines at the head of tne various rail-roa- to all pari of Texas, and ran in better concert than ever before, and In good style generally, BAWYEB A F1CMLIN, ops sscrnss, n Memphis and Louisville SUMMEK SCHEDULE, JBM la, 1871. Train leave Day Express. New York Brownsville accommodation leaves 4:U0 a.m. li:4o p.m. dally S rOO p.m. Elegant sleeping cats run through to St. Louis and Louisville on the 12 :4b p.m. train. The! am. and 5 too p.m. trains do uot run on Sunday. J. f. Bo YD, Jyl Bnperlatendent. PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, la prepared to receive pupils for the Piako, vzoLin aid GrrrxAJt, PRICE LIST DRY GOODS mVC S. Vendig, fo. 226 MAIN STREET. Uooa Calf eo, warrants fast color, at lo Beat Calico, warranted Cant color, now sly lea nt laSe. 4-- 4 heavy Brown Bens atlo, at laa, 4-- 4 sine Blenched Domestic, at 11 a. ISO nloeo Cotton Plaids, etas at lee. le--4 good Blenched Bhoollngj. nt Me. Pnre I.I nen Tnble Owrera, at SO. 3O0 piece Poplin Oreo !, White Coverlid, lor doable bed, at tl. While Coverlids, for single beds, at gl 10O doaen Ladle' Handkerchiefs, nt gl per doaeau Boat Itching, at ia.c. Linen Table Cloth, at toe per yard. Ladles' Bowed lino Cnlfakht Bhoo at S3 90. Far Hals, at L 1OO0 pair man beta, at 23 per rest lower than nny hooae la the city. nn-A-nd everything In lhe boose will ho no sold nt nnUom low price. "a. Solomon V o n d 1 g, (Succeasor to Vendig A Brothers), J, Wrrr.wT.T.sw T. a r AU GUv rCLELLAf&CO. Wboleaale GRiJCtRS, unOM FACTORS Ann-Gene- ral Commission Merchants KrinovtMl lu tl'. i rwnt f.,Menaphia,Tenn. Have in store, for sle low to toe trade, a stock or Orocerles and plantation soDolies. eomnrialna! tuuu pes hemp and nax OAgging. 300U bdls Iron ties, best pattern. 75 hhrts Sugar. 400 bags Coffee. 76 WO lbs Kacon, Clear Sides and Shoulders. 10 0 rb Flour. 1000 hhlaaalt. SOU okgs Tobacco. With complete assort ment of BOX AND CASE S000S. Merchants in the Interior are Invited to call and examine onr stock baton bavin elsewhere. 1 advances mads on consign ments or cotton. Hading nur own ware-- hoDse. can unar.ntes tan wetcbts- - sow BOYLE & CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL Booksellers. Stationers PAPE3 DEALERS, STEAM PRINTERS AND BL-N- K BOCK MANUFACTURERS, 279 -2 rv aia St , MMByUs. WE bavn for rale au immense, varied and y complete stock or school and Bongs. rTTionrnT, Blak ks and PnisTiao a:id Waappiiro Parili. etc . wb1 h e otter at prices as low an ran ! puchasc'l tn ihe Northern and Easn-- roarketii Ourn Pbiktiso Es I.Bt:sE!iT ts itis ny fsr the largest snd most ct u piste lu the southwest snd lnc'ndes nine utm prlntlDK cr. as.-.- , enabiL k ua to do ey variety ot inllng in a sile not sxeelted by any prit.ttna de la the Unlt'd sts'x Oar root mihosbt Is in all ri'ets 1' te. and e g i.rniee W duplicate tn style, quality and price the work of a-- y other bindery In tbe United "tain. Oar stock ol New. Fo jk and Fta' Pptrs. Card s'ock and Irlnllsic Inks In avery wxy com- - p e'e. and "or nrt.'na cinnot tall to w make a peclsity Parsa Bags and Wvap-Pia- PapiBS, and a--k the attention of mr- - cnanis to our stock. set The Chickasaw Press WUl Open i COMPRESS COTTON MONDAY, 25TH INSTANT. AU Cotton tally covered by tn Ha tlafaction gnnmntoed In OTOry nrllrnlr. W. t. CliwTOID CO. a C. GIAIAk, H. o: Formerly of C. C. Gra-- 1 ham A Co .Wit.sburg.A j. l ra A Co. GRAHAM & WELLFORD. COTTON FACTORS earner COMMISSION MERCHANTS, so fbont srrxarr. MEMPHIS, (selOdow) BALFH WOkkXUT. Porter W. H. D WEaSBX 8ALPH WQRMELEY & Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 9 Unioe Street, lygdow MEMPHIS, TBNN. A MAUBICB WEBB. J. F. SBT.LSB S. M. WEBB & CO., COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 9 Stonewall Block, Dnio Stsaet, bL Front and Main, aul8 daw MEMPHIS. TENN PUBLIC BALE OF BIX ijBio PHIS SCBLBBAN LAND. TENN BY virtu of a Tiust Deed made to me by W. A. King and Mary A. Kins, hi wits' ior tne purpose or secunnr a certain lsdsia. ednees theseln mentioned, and recorded In tue Register' office of Shelby county, Tenju, ii ii. in. -, it .... w u io .tie nitaeat bidder, for casn. as nubile sale, in tne auction room of Royster, A Co., on the uortneasieru corner or Mam and Jafferaon strre's mine city of Memphis, on wxia-roa- CO. Tresevant Monday, tne 23d tiny ol October, lOTL between the hours nt 1 o'clock sm. and i o'clock p.m., six acres of land, being tn aost half oi lot No. Twentj-slxo- t trie subdivision of tbe lands of Wo. cooper, a recorded in the Register's omee ot nheiuy ooanty. rront-in- g XI reet on tbe south bead of central ave- nue bv a depth o. feeL attluiuin th. Soutbwortb (tormerl; King's) place, on Cen- tral STASIS, about I), miles Irom the city, and within a lew minute walk of Wis en's station, on the M. and C. Railroad. Tb six acre wilt be sold together, and tbe equity of redemption waived, ror information apply to Pees B. Edmondsoo. Attorney 15 Union street. September S3, BWL GENERAL witn JOSKPHaNEF. king. SALE OF VALUASLE SUBURBAN CIIY LOTS, BATUBDAT, NOVEMBEB 4, 1STL AND I WILL seii at pnblio auction, upon the premises, tbe Hiestand Place, ast east of Memphii aud across the railroad north to uensrai oraoiaius. it contains nitaen acres, ' undivided to suit purchasers: sn nrttm located, with forest shade tree on part, and most desirable lor resident lota. On i.r tn. lota to be sold baa a cottage rtslaaaca and tuner iaprqamtsts. i sen Peter H esiau . '., will r oy direetlon ol Sal CDon ths nr.nt. Pla s at my omee Terms on sliinrth cash, and calanc at 1. 2 and i years, at f oar cent Interest Aiso, on BAl l'SllAl .1IIHSSIK l Jgji In fror t of my offlce. $i Maautnn ii'.i. JUiu.-Ub- C liuiuillt, I, I w 111 .Sll IWr. t.n anu iuub, ., b. i. auu si, orieana -- T , sonth of Poplar, owned bv ptar umi. uwc -- i w h. mm aoove. A. a. MOT AKLAN D, AdntT. . as atari lna stroat. JULIAS O. SHULT2. OBG.wiST AT BT Tbacbbr or Vocal Music ar SratlAnTT lo an oancing our intention t each, anu In offering to Ul paolic oa Treaty on Vocai Music from a sctenLla. ar time and anibetlc posiuon, we ask ior your f.'v."- - ittst. uonu on trial, for which no charge la made, in low ta applicant feels confident of tncoeas. uum. lars at music i tor. wa V17-ID- THE MISSES LANE A BOARDING SCHOOL. Lmfls. In Nfi-i- xr w . .1? CITY, on WEDNnSDAY, September i 18jt For TStmmM .nil .Immi. . o 1. AUCTION By A- Fall ox- - ctoOo. AUCTIONEERS AMD COMMUSIQN MERCHANTS, H4 FBOBT trim, ABOVE ADAMS, of oaeh week, commencing at M o'clock a m., w will sail, at auction, without reaerv or limit, a large slock of consign 3d goods, con. slating of Boots and , Hats, nothing. Dry OssaVi, Cwtlerjr, Class ware, Hoalory, Etc. aar Country merchants, .nd th trade gen- erally, will find It to their Interest to attend onr sale. aoB Business Property! I will soli at public sal te the highest bidder On Morday, Oc oatr 9 b, At 8 o'clock on th p-- r cable four story Brick House, ilse. val- - NO. 344 SECOND STREET, sltnsted on th east tide of Second, a fev door south of Union and nearly opposite th Postofflce. TIBM9 OF SALS : Half cash ; half In 11 men hs, with 4 par cut. interest. TITLE PERFECT. E. W OREENLaW. BOTnTEB. TBEXETAJTT A CO--. Anefr RECEIVER SALE. JEWELRY AT AUCTION By E. Fraaklaa. 195 aad 197 Ma i. THIS WEDNESDAY AT COMMENOINO stock of Uotd Jewelry; sets, b acelets, tocktH. All goto warranted as represented. Country merchaL ut -- nd tne trade are sol lc ted to attend la's tale. Con- tinued nightly, Fridays sad Buntiata ex eepted. anUl oiocod out. liooda sold at pri- vate sal through th day seplO A E FRA" A. E. FRANKkAND AUCTIUN AND Commission Merchant, AND UNDERWRITER.' AoENT, t95 ANU 197 MAIN ST. TRADE SALES DRY G000S, CL0THIN6. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS. HOSIERY, CUT- LERY AND FANuY 60Q0S, Moadeys Wedaetdays aad FruJayi. GROCERIES FURNITURE TUkSOAVS AND THURSDAYS. r" Outdoor tale attended, to with prompt- - ness and dispatch. w Always in store a large Ssoah of Mor ehnadlac at private sale. ar City and country UerehanU will beis- - oflt themselves by examining st ck, and sales- - A. E FB N ELA D. Aact'r. X. C3-- . tablCi.Wa7T.Ik OB Oo,g AUCTION Et-P- C0NNISSI0N MERCHANTS AND FACTURERS' AbENTS, Bll 4t VrE will commence our rgu!ar fall trado Vv sales, at Aoctlon, on T Sep' ' . and enntlnue them rim, i during tbe Sanson, our ru -.- ar-us corutta or, emeraeisg every line or Fo-ei- g t and Domestic DRY GOO", Ol (THING H TS BOOTS, SHOES, .OTIO- w. FANvY AND VARIETY GO 'De), Etc., wilt keep as con- stantly supplied witn every ot Merchandise sultsbl fnr cur mar". et, thus offering to etty and country i. a rare opportunity torople Ish s rck at prl tes tar rIow rsgwlar rate. Onr rent tar sale days, will be TussnATS ajtd llrtn its. AjUtUU'R-- O nct'rnr. A VACCABO, . A A VACGARU CO. fcBartar aa QoaJara hj WINES, MQtlORS CIGARS, ETC., 324 Front Street MEMPHIS, : i TFNfVKSHEE JB WJ ALSO VACCABO. moixit.1.1. VACCABO A. & Nt. 1TJEE- - Be B. f.. Vo. am noorlv ssw.l.sth. body Motel. Office aireel PROPRIETOR OF THE MEMPHIS DENTAL DEPOT. Special attention slven to saving Teeth, howevor much taey bvd .wtssd or cbel. Nearly twenty yotrs' experience 1 tbe prac- tice nf DeniUtry, thai man . thoa-snnda- of tortb ar. lanoranfiy and reck'. y extracted, annually, tbat might be preserved and rendered serviceable aaringilte by an educated and skiU'El Uenttsi The palDfn extraction of tosth will pe forn. o only when actual nec.ssity retjnlres 1 . All dis- ease of the Teeth, Gam sud Mo.lli salt: ul-t- y treated, and coimL Aavlce fre.'ylven a to the only certain rretbod ot preserving the natural teeth from decay. Note. My new aad lmr nrsd metb-- d ot mounting teetb on flne gold, enables me to Insert tosth whleb sr. mate dara-b.'- e. more oreaoiy. can be worn more are more beAatttnl. and t every tar eaperlor So my Cher new known or in use. Ana th prvces ol mnsirgthes teeth do not rtqntre half tbe tlm And labor of the ok? gold ulate-wor- x, the east therefore wiU be oae-ba- if las, and ire apid purer IselTl omiTi'fv 's Estos, Fizer & Pinion, No. 276 Front Street Forweriy occapied by Brookl, Neely 4 c. FOB SALE-S- W Qrrn bdls Iron Ties, sll pattern, MM pea Bagging. 1H02K lbs. 1000 bbla Ft our, bbla Salt, 50,000 lbs bacon, MtssBnsu, a bbta Molasses, sO hhds Sugar. 100 bag Ooflee, Cl bbla Whiakty, eoo bzs To bacao ABB A Coapiete As8erteMt of Cb Soeds As usually kept lnonrll-ae- . aar Lew figures to WHOLESALE DFAL EBS.0 anM rwo. a Toor. cbas. j. raunur a r. a TOOf , PHILLIPS & CO. WHOLESALE Grocers, Cott on Factors COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Ageets for Hazard Powder CtMMpanf I c k 268 FRONT ST., NEAR COURT, MEMPHIS, TSNIfBSSEE QUE STOCK OF BEAX BAOfilBB, COFFEES, TIES, Ml.irv, STBBrW, SPICEB. BAOOIBO, MOABB. BTJTTOB BACON. ACCOM, CANDLBS, CAN 1 ED FBtTxTB, WHISsslES, aEDiita, CVAVE OT.WTEBn. BBANDT FBI IT, WINES, TEAS, BBABBIK AND Staple and Fancy Groceries Generaliv B lanr. and lselsil writs. - .. tahjllhiis to to wants of the Irt'ihtno fi lT 1 . I rm will Ha wall ... . .. sel O0)F. rHIttlrg ,- -. cq CHANGE 0FSCHdtiLE. MJHtrsslppI aa. T,MMi Btlwtt Or net 6tmuL , Memphis, MAylASr' OHand aitJ3TJlIDAY, MAY tB, 1&71, nntl notice, trains on this rood wm run a. follows: Arnvn, New Orieana dairy 10 p.m. IIbjTdT Fi dally (axeept Snn-da- 4ti pi A us JAS. yonobTsod Steia.m. Pt. INFORMATION 18 WANTED Of th naidono of CATHABINE CtOCQH " wn insoTKi nrom tne city ot Altar, v Nw Yorx, to MmphU aboat t- - : since. It will bo to her lntorest. ,.r in. wna--s wnB utu UWLZB u mUQ XM tl' the ANU- - 'Ds.Y 171 teaches an bahaw eight

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-10-07 [p ]....cj. ntc a lot or two to repair a couple...

  • A- -


    MEMPHISSpalding PopeP. Short


    By man &M


    Spalding A Pope


    OCT 8,

    the talent of



    Hart Barney'sNSTRELS.







    Tbe London Esca-ioteur- ; the Enropeariiuudo ul Irained Canutes, JavaBpairn

    ,r,,.n-- L. wuits Mies. Russian Cau anu. . . Dl ,.f i ' i It s L.tsLitlorev n.m- ,- mk attends. TbDre-enlra- i g'in valueirom SO to $ 0. eonat tlx g ol guld ancsllter watches, nsrreia ol &VT. silver platenwsie furniture, larcy gioua. cutlery, etc

    Admission. 6 oanis with present; Parquet!sntl Urea-- ikI" s b - i' n P'

    drt.C.s st.v . E 4 -- At tbe boc p'ore. MS Main1 . eel: sex ni cnaracter re lUlred. Call betaen 'e ana 1 a.m , si-- 3 n 4 p.m.i O .RAJ toy a gentleman a-- wl.e, with11 lb res ch'iaren, wtiu iuuu" wwwwi.i.ed i.r unurnlshd: cs ion nj wherewitttna mile o Coin squat. 11 pea-a-surroundl ga, and upon a line ol the streetr. .way. lun-ire- oi

    ,c- - At Merchants" Natl nsl nank

    AMC- -I want to son.MbCHcj. ntc a lot or two to repair a coupleI, ..n. .... , mi nan anal i ee

    oe" A. rulZr'aLP 2al Second H reelliAHTFR With ItOJO or lo,00s capliaU it,..-- ! mm . - . n hutl.rae leicnisge ou cap. ml tjexiiiu loe i rese- -i Dullness auuie-- s J H a., Appea office,

    A" active yourg man, good penmanMaN quick st figures cm obtain a peru. e t .i.u.uon as entry cierit, at H Mali.fclreet.. ih:S it res or lour git la, Irom Ul to 1VI am oid, to do light won. Apply si iin Mecund Ires'. OC6

    D AY BOArtDtRS At 8N

    Monro street.

    SRA.NDS. SIEN'ILS, UBBBV j M. iters. nsls. v. aUte.llUtf-ala- li,r and R.rbe --ebcCift. tia u.i--ESm Luuge, JeweUs, etc, at .88 ecouu strtou


    j f St wanted to rent. In good loO cilty, for saloon purposes, apply at Noli Co,. r sir et- - oci. ill, tIlU!-A- B bookkeeper, or aaatstantO odorea K. Appea offij

    II ANTED 1500 cash wlil buy a Drug storeand rlltuiea, valued SZ7UU. T me will bealvea on me balance ol innc-hos- money. Addi ess Di uggist, care ol Appeal office. eJ0. tto.-- a. Nu Furniture, reathtrs and3 n Masebolo Gcod o. al. kinds i at3U r econo street. n. i mnjott.' t A butt 4 Twenty fro. 1 tailorsA L Uf HOC

    to rArk. App.y to Hovst--s a

    l ml !. irlj front .'reec senf : a frcsb lot of mules arrived last

    ti'ght; a Foou tot ol mules nu horse- - oth.u.t at all uni'i, at t IRtS A J A a K- -Slab e. No. awl aeooDd street.

    wlLl. by an Improved I rm olfllftU liUocriS. lu A ku-a- s couuij.Arkaur'f, nuriiy auove overnow; rtntr.. , .;;:-- : (euioD tnveatmtiul. AJiir. e


    ocJ Z. Lm T.. tula rJoe.'1 EN aNNUAX. PaYM aNTB TH aTt ver comloi twhie home on TLotnlou sv

    nue: cottage hoae, U rooms, stab.e, csr.-las-i,, uiu ail in aood repair: lot, ioI'om; lit place is Aitown as m Waeeoasa

    ALSO,K ,it ackzb immeolsleiy was of the Paligrounds, fronting on tb- - north side of the

    Memphis and Charleston tturoaa.ALSO,

    n i.i,: sal. ndld nltce on Bayburn avennthe r.Hin Ptacs aoomS scree; beanuinim' s. msgo brick raUweuoe and theoeat in. proved ptaoc In trie county.

    ADbO,Lint on tbe roulheaat corner of Main and

    Broadway. 141 I ct on Main by .au on toroauBBB Lti N,ulll fctrrSl

    act o law. above piaoea will be leased torte tear. U. A. STOVADh,.

    otu m ain aireel.

    1 u. ii five year' credit, ten beautifulX a ticiluing lois in south Memputa, on iu.tia vei.u anu toroaaway a leet. Whrent? r be si me money will buy you a borneAdc res Jio 7 Monroe at. i. A. w

    OAKDiNO-HUUo- t The good wlil,tales and esse ol one of Lb be-- t s:aads

    for a t a d ng house tn the cl y ol Memphis,it ua tut. Utily rtason lor aeliing 'a achahseoi Aduresa or csli.

    oo4 it. HAMAK r H- -, jaj oao Uoua?, DKiY aKD H ARNulH I'l ear.ivl Apply to shipping c.erk st OMUU.h.jgOM. A Co. pel

    D . tne residence lot on WUterson hit antlaf leel, loi aAjtj cash ; good locs'iou;

    coiiVetiienl tisireet cars, d a. aaiaaaaBoon. K, County Couit pniiding. scsT

    UIt On Walnut iueet,on lime Applyj a go st. Ius

    NO. I lUititsB AN J 8HKDV1N lorA. a grocer? store. Also, on suarns axmiv.. ft ool sate. Anoly loaeii r Aci EE a UARBEBT, No. 11 Union atII t.- - i r --A ueaiia'j.e residence. No.IV reraoua iet; e roomnaad altohengou servsnu Louse, uid, cos, uliC TuUU oou e. exct ketit Clateipsawl new eheo.sil in good repair; i ricelow suu itiiui easy. Apply on premises. seia! A ws oompleia,nerse power).

    J No.





    - One No. 1 B earn Saw-Ml- iiwith Oris, attached (furl)Apply lo J.A. OPIUE.1

    Second aireel, Memphis.

    ..hill CITY Mii-iv.- i. t oplsr sueel ; Ini' goud repair; wlil sell on oasj terms, t :TOIL D. E MYEKH,

    fas Main streat

    Fun s collage rasldence

    fii tl ett cars, lOiiiUitMiDi Dd pt:djA m UaCo ITu al I J Di ICE, M? gr- QI U

    oc7 W Am. wHtvAillv i , 2tW MJfctn.

    V iUk 0 v nom ou vaaau Biro., tit, oOi 1 e mi. ur. i pi q m ULl n nil t, OOP

    - m OUJ- -. MtvuirUi; ul reel ; pj.lOa. Oc.uOtJ 1 , 16 Vpp lO

    J.b CAhPSNlnisctCO.oco K WUiiAmB' lock.

    iv3-- CJC re.deui-- , Willi 9ht!tkuCd :wmiith irom coari Buaare;

    Hi Ui- - irt llrt.l. a t;ivi.. Aipij uuci Ji.HN CUMbnACU . Ml at.

    uuit iiauaatituei) ?oriiirl.a DonuS cD Ot- - D Ol PP-- y A MftlD - I

    g an Ot-- A bice cot nze,V tar - urti


    Llaiitcl,witii 6 o.i"Mcxior-t- a rtu

    but urcurily rmrru. Appij 011 tLepreiAsi isq. vi3 iJaMsoto miTm oca

    .ui .80 Union ...reel; It rooms 10XI goo repir fta (cUle ii , iunou- - arJ

    o t t. Dion tr--o luKb- - A JSo 1 more on Main ttreel, andO over ban.- bullnble lor offices aiui

    iOOUU. Al0, a Cleatt rwiatu- - ouCourl "i. w- - Atpl lok aJLDLaKY FBAT81V&,

    ol XSo 7 Miidiaon --XreeLr atrlrabiv roum il

    .aloe. fcQiitvble ior coi;on offlc. Applyto OlV. ..K. ' ill. 1

    mSU No, 7 Uuioti Bfeet.k oL o.Pk Moeby utM uontMUiiDg

    XI rooui'. tul .u Kood condition Inquire ol



    fh-.N- o.

    WW MW B, PM1 o lu -- irt-vs .v. ruuiur, Oue lurnuned, uor- -

    ItiLn office1 1 fciohfcA-A- n suburban realIV ueocs on Vi a dui auaat. Dwelling witha s sansaa snc two acre 01 land: socesslule10 siieet taalMad Tue land la well sit wnbt. iiitsi e. oto Irutt tmi. Apfty at NogsCnioo elreet. (set) utu, Ot DXXuNg oi Isuto anu otLer nouses tn foriu and

    oouiu Meoipuis lor w. a. sbstiUl, aw slreeL, nl)L.t.-HOVm- . set anu seo iisiumil t...o. i. occupied by Bering a Dois,ki-- 11 . a eholweii.

    On 01 in suits of rooms in Lb city.eotuei Madison and rront streets, now occa- -b.eo hi the Suiveior ul Customs.

    orhu and looms on Main, Madison andUn on streets, lor rent, Appiy at

    el CK1UI


    STKEr.T.. oiif.fiuLi we. oommeuung Sepiamoer

    ay t, tha large anu commodious storet ouse, o. JX Su eel. Apply toW.ii MOURE,au u Ad Main street.

    HE A two al ! winHue rooms, two dreeili g rooms, kitchenanu servant' rooms, on the corner of Pontotoc k .u ri. Bart n sLreets. Apply to

    J) h H. c. LouYD.skl Main street

    1A-K- i1 UUsaiairtecre urn o:


    Tnret: HUlttoi)





    til-O- ii Thu,sdsy. a rack age. so,d to Mrs. 1. J. oaajs No. 6a Msina suitable reward will n palu onMini to M E ' N BnO

    t . Ji AINU



    On Lonjd lit ktr.iM.r b a on Uienitbi 01 ine d aa.,

    oeiweeu .. mid MinMkj iuavy allvtr HM.c i taiu CLaln. On Uie iQumt- - cactb n.nie m "J. Lain" 1 ti raveo, and outbe .imut tuaiol "Joun HMMt) ' u tbe oldJt,s t.ixg.14 it 1 .JR. au) peiacn Kivinn in mm-atio- ii

    lUtnii. to lUc ittovej) 01 tne vatciiwili bt m..t t.ilj uwartMi ti a'dre-cm-ocS Terrene Lndln-- . B 'livar Co , Mlaa.

    alhATLU OR bIULN.I UCi 1 10m ast Jauerson street, on the IUlli fcptemex, asi&aii niacaHthu tan ur-net-iikuilo uwasiuiii "Daii." A lib-el. i rewsru alii be paid for his latum to

    above u tissue!. oc

    V' IvMl 0 IttoUA iNio. on Forla:nit 1. vtiisj'iiak, 1 nnctaeo Ibiabouix

    Um 0 C . Lttl iCkv.jru KliU lurLAdvU, t. uLt ii aa n .c.ab nou.abuaa. uiiag u u y or ft.

    trttkn. A. a . c ut.1 A Froprleior

    I ScnuM-i- ui 0 acr.s ui tana, onhassatcnu.

    P. A.ppi Ul



    oflrrUwrilirnnrat of th day

    Appeal, which will take place alio thebut ol (Sunday Octobernth . Aa extra edition will be printed.Advertiser and hwumi will pleasetake aoUee aW oaad their la to re anorder to the eenailngroom at aa early




    Only four unfortunates in the ohsin

    See Hansford, corner ot Monro, andSecond.

    Creditable or not, Memphis supportstwo variety shows.

    Joe Locke has Reads' novels andthe current literature.

    The rent of the new criminal courtroom is 25H) per year.

    Tbe silver show at the theater nextweek will be a big thing.

    Tbe first district station-hous- contains only ten prisoners.

    We want about $2,000,000 more bankins: capital in Mempnla.

    Oar home Are insursnoe a growinghaaanse a paying interest.

    Why can't we nave a gymnasium forjieu and women in Memphis 7

    Our streets need sweeping badly, andshould have il before tbe rain se.s



    inCotton receipt, continue to be a grati

    tying increase over ibose ot lsst vear.Read dry goods and other advertise- -

    rneuta in the SUMDaY 'si ArHAL.

    Tbe races have been well attendedthis week. This is the last day. Qoodsport.

    Memphis merchant, will pay thehighest market prices for 800,000 bales uloolton.

    The matinee at the theater to day willie the thing. Ail the children should bethere.

    The Confederate Relief society willluauiturale a series ot lectures this season. Qood.

    Tne Little Rock railroad Is doing a bigfreight business. Cotton is coming to usby n very freely.

    The canh premium tickets fo? the fairr koiok on like hot cakes, the marke

    .n irds no Det er investment.Twenty five barrels ot oysters come

    to town every day. The ooys prelertheir oysters on the nail shell.

    The Ledger make, a good snirgostionTbat a ball and chain be put ou ail tailprisoners taken out ior worn.

    Our markets are well supplied juetnow. They are usually well atuicdeu onSaturday, by ladies especially.

    We will be obliged to our friends tntown and country" for news Items. Thej

    should be snort ana to tne point.All orders fjr ' locals" in the Sunday

    A PI'S al, left at the counting-roc- earl)t will be promptly attended to.

    Tbe admirable financial managementof Johnson's administration is a tbemeforcongratulation with all sorts of people

    Tbe workers on tbe Senna road arepushing out Irom town gallantly. Theare workmg away beyond the fimtwoodcemetery st present.

    We publish an unusually large edition Advertisers will pleasemake a note or it, ana oblige us by banding in their favors early.

    The county court, now In sessionihould lec'ielste for the employment of alltoe guards Sheriff Wright needs to prevent tbe escape ol prisoners.

    A Parte paper says the Americanwomen are very extravagant. Dei tbembe. We are In favor of Usance), furbelows, dry goods and millinery.

    An irregular contributor sends us tbefollowing: teilow who tiigns himselfi Adams Dee Is not the gay larkey hepretends to ds. mat win ao mis time

    The school building corner of Thirdand Msrke. streets is nearly nnisnedis onr most creditable public improvemnnt. We want two more of u samesort.

    Our mecbsnicB are making gieat preDerations for tbe fair, and we expect such

    di' rlsv of their hsndlwork as will ultimately inure to their profit and to tbecredit of the city.

    Tbe Ledger last evening had this as alocal:" "It la reported that several

    ward politicians and otae-seeker- a areforming a syndicate for the purpose ofcarrying tbe next municipal election. '

    Nome eh re wed observers think theis invading the "camei'e

    hump" in the Arkansas shore, and tbatour levee win in a lew years oe an largeas ever. We hope so. it Is awful" no

    Our chancery courts adjourn to Mooday week in order to permit the auendance of Chancellors Morgan and Soott aLbe mee;ing of chancellors of tbe Ktstewhich will take place next week in Nashville.

    The Ledger, in its report ot tbe Council proceeding yeslerdsy, hsd tb'e sentenoe between uracaets: ".mere seam tobe a prevailing dlapo-i'lo- n lo gel on theniiroad oouiuiillee j " What does thismean ?

    Tbe Southern express company bour thanks for msny favors. What woniche public do, how couia tney do without

    express fscilitieeT II Is tbe hex thing Hthe telegraph, and tnst it le

    sll readers of tne appeal s special?will admit.

    It is common to find s clean decket a'.the elation bouse up to ten o'clock anight. The police find no evil-doer- s onbe street, tbe recorder baa nothing to do

    and Neal is without boarders; if ihts etateof things continues we shall be left without a chain gang to clean the street..

    Our merchants are unanimous forreduction of taxes. So arn our farmer- -and property-owner- s. Sms:i prospect foi'.be payment ol the past due mteres: onour State bonds Let tbem slide for thepre ui. We mast not kill our industrieseven to please the bloated bondholders

    We hope intending exhibitors at ourfair wl:i cave ineir articles in place oSaturday night nex . Nothing sj muchdxtisota from the merits ol a great ccca

    son. such as we as tue peninsof pneksgee, hammering and other noisy

    ork, calculated to interfere with theven II iw of tne opening ceremonies.which should be be ond ail such thingsto be impressive.

    Tbe K icbeii&r Union in a recent titsueooulaiiied s long sud interesting articleupon MiLsn a patent canal Doal, and naj tibat, so far aa it can see, il is tar In ad-vance of anything ol the kind yet otteredlor the oonaidera-io- of ihecommisioueikappointed by Uovernor Hoffman to examlne sll patent offered Memphis is iikeivto win the pur- - of 1100 000.

    Msny ot cur readers will remembertbe leo ure on "Rome and tbe Council ol(he Vatican," delivered by Bishop Fitzgerald at St. Peter's church. The iilsbopis now here, and win, oy request, repeatthe above lecture at st Bridget's church

    evening. Ticket, ot admits on.fifty cent., the proceed, being tor the benefit of tbe diocese ol Little Rock, overwhich the Bishop presides.

    Yeaterdsy wss a good day for makingbooks" st .he race. Mills' entry was

    brat choice beloro tbe rave, brinaing $12X1against S4) on the other two horses. At teithe first race Hollywood went up and .oldtor while the other two brought; oalj1 20. Tuere were severs! genllem u st thecourse who bought pools before and aftertbe first race, fur i0 against 12U, so that,no mailer which horse would win, tlietwere bound to galu about foO.

    Thcro waes case Judge ITakssIyeaterdsy and the day before about a

    atch, in willon Attorney smith i.ujJemmy Gallagher took opposite sidWhen the arguments in the case werecoming to a locus, peteonalties becametr queuL. "judge smith was very severe on Jemmy during his speech, buti-- xP' nehoed ho interruption lrc in tbe iudueWhen Jemmy s turn osme round to speakhe made fine dual of smith: most of Lhelawyers in tow n were there, and en oveuthe " tun" hugely. This splendid episodebetween lw.. celt brated Memphis lawyerswas the talk of the legal lralernliy aii theday.

    A runaway took place at the Charleston depot yea erday which proved veryitaaawoua to a uuggy. ine nurse madesadden erk round a corner, broke lheshaft, darted into a saloon, and ui J notatop till he was behind the counter smell- -ng lor oats In the cash drawer, r indinst

    nuthing there but greenbacks he backedut in disgust without breaking a glass or

    upsetting a oarrei ol seven year old Kobertson county that stood in bis way. Thebar keeper said he was s sensible horseand would have asked him In again tolake a drink were It not that his wile andthree children were in an oysierioal fit inthe back room.

    Thb cheapest and beat Dyeing andCleaning House in the city is at 246 St- -una street (Hunt ct Hanson's old stand).

    Hanson a walker.Nkat, tasty and fashionable Hats, at

    LEIDY'S.Fkbsb Otstus and Lake Fish receive

    daily by express, by b, Clement, 72 Beale.

    CoooAf hb dress its the hair beautiful ly.

    nan'l ba your new tall Hat a ml Ift.u hit v. rihuisnl .he laie style mm.i1. urease liamlsuA Wtgglu'a, USUer ine PssIhsij .

    IMTE.-1- U powers of Mrs. Whlt-ttit- ujs Syrup ior children are as positive

    aa tie .untignt Irom heaven, and gentleand soothing as sn angsi's whisper.


    Two Ctowd Hrs Make Away With Bey.ernl Thousand Dollar.

    The Chickasaw Jockey Ciab mast becomposed of the most generous, rich andsport-lovin- g men this aide of Alssks.1 hey gave away fifteen hundred dollarsyesterday to winning hones, and tbe re-ceipts al the gate did not amount to athird of that sum. The running was asfine as could be found by traveling overthree-fourth- s of the continent. The

    could not be worse If the littletown ot Hard-scrabbl- e, In Arkansas, hadgot up a race between dilapidated mulesfor s stake ot a aem jonn of potato wniayf riday la the "fashionable day," aboutuera th. day upon which the ladles leelthat they are violating no rule of propriety, or of style, in visiting a race-cour- ora theater; yet tney sent oat out a lewrepresentatives of tbe beautiful sex losee the best horse, in America contendfor magnificent prises. It was a oonsola- -tlon, however, to observe that those whowere present were of the right sort. Theyloved the fun, cheered the Jockeys andspoke admiringly of lhe horses. Theyinvaded the sanctuary of the reporter's.stand and gently shoved those gentlemen out as It they were not worthy cf ajtoments' thuuKnt. li va very lunny

    FiBST BACKwas two mile heats, three years old, tor.he Desoto slake, a sweepstake of 11000 added.

    Three horses started b. f. Hollywoodby Lexington, owned by Bulord; b. firtljua. by Lexington, owned by A. CFrank liu; John K. Mill, named b. I. bytiexlugton,

    Owing to a report that Buford'e entryhad a lame leg, Mills' filly became thefavonie before tne start, roois weie soiain which Mills' filly brought 120 andBuiord's sold for 120.

    jyirsl ifeai-Ou- ou start. Mills oat infront, and held that position all roundto the haif-nul- e pole in the second mile,when Hollywood went up and alterlittle took the lead aud came In firstMills came in second aud Anions thirdlime a 4b4

    The second hesl wss almost exactly likethe first. Time 46. Mills came inthird.


    Jockey Club Parse Hoo Mile and repeat; lor all ages.

    1. Zeb. Ward enters ch. c Commerce, S yearsold, by Imp. Bonnie Scotland ; dam Collageuirt, hy imp. Ainderby. Colors, orange andgreen.

    2. U. A. East-ha- enters b. f. Belle Aiken. 3years old, by Second Jack Melons ; dam, Mol- -ae roru. colon,, orange anu wune.

    3. J. M. r'raiin enters ch. 1. ianiaee, S yearsold, hy Uougera, uam Ella Norton, by lhecolonel. Colors, red aud white.

    4. J. L. Atkins enters gr. g. Tom Corbsti, 4years old, hy Lightning uam by Kuighi ul St.Ueorge. Colon, blue and white, with crescent.

    ti. 1 . U. Moore euters ch. c. t osier. 4 years old,uy nexlugtou ; uam, eroua, uy imp. xoi a- -aiiire. coiors. oiue and bio.

    g, ciov. James Henderson enters g. Dono-van, aged, hy Bulletin ; dam by Ambassador.Colors, nuicy.

    Poster was first favorite; Commercenext to him, in public estimation Thehorses ail started off we 1 and came inweil, none ot them having been distancedPoster won. Commerce second. Time,l.sbX. Second heat like the first. Time,1.48X.


    First Mace. Two mile heats.Hollywood 1Mills' -- "ey i HA rl ...... A m

    limeAccond Bace. Mile and repeat.

    Fost. r -CommerceV.niseebene Aikiu.Donovan. .......i'om Coi belt- -


    Time 1:48When General Bulord got the purse

    which his horse had won, agreat number ol hundred dollar bills, hetnvi.ed a host ol horsemen into the saloonand look retrenchments with them Healso sent up a number of champagneDottles to the galleries to treat the ladles.This was priced y. Colonel Johnson alsoannounced from the stand that NellyGray having won fifteen thousand dollarstor uenersi tsuioid sue would oe withdrawn from tbe turl aud devuted lo purposes of prorogation, Nellie Is oniy athree year oid and has already made asplendid reputation and a good lot otmuney.

    As soon as the races were over the con-gregation towards the railroad,where ibey waited an hoar or less for thetrain. The races were well ran. There isto be more y. The following is thei rogramme:





    Georse Elliott (eeauei) stake for twoyear olds; one mile; sub. Z6, p. p ; towuloh the club adds S0u. Winner olBradley slake to carry five pounds extra.

    NOMIAATaOMS.1. Geo. T. Allinan names bf andalette. L v

    i'lauet; dam, anuaua, uy v auuai.t, Aiso ch l H atsoua, by Watson; dam, Bui

    tana. Oy toother lo feylona.... Also bay by I'nmet; dam. Mazurka,

    uy nckingiou.4. John U. hslleu line names bl c Ulah Con

    siaoie, uy tuacsjock.; uam, Ainiun uy ,mp Aiuiou.

    t. W. A. Dulord names b c Bombshell, bymanuu; uani, leeung moments, imp, nj cutimtb.oke.

    o. ueoi ge c.uwauaaer names o c nuie nuntby Ligniunig; Uam, oraCicli-a-, by MahumeU

    7 Aiso u , Austral. nd, by imp Australian;uam, Aiert uy ueiiuatou.

    e. Jouu ai. ci y co nauiia a. ov Unde Vic; dam Oeorgie W ouda, h imp lsiilght ulbu liourge.

    . u. A. Lanltiam names ch f by Second Jack.alone, uam Mohie r' Wm. Jennings names ch c Silent Friend,

    by imp Australian by hexing a. Lake usiueabruwo noy, uy colossus;m uy Australian.-. K. li. MauuUe , amet grey by Llght- -

    u ng; asm nauia bpnuuan, by aguer.1a, s. aud ra. ic Maun name gr c London,

    Dtghunug; dam Ziugara, by star Davis.14. fwkard anu ctueuce name ch 1 cvietla, k

    jack Aiaioue; uam cneatnam, oy ncneath uc

    lo. itubuison and Morgan name br c Basalnen Astero.u; uum naura w niie, uy imp uieiicue.



    id. D. Swhrert names b IMaraueiite. bv LexIngtuu; dam Uy n dy, by ixupuiencoe.

    ... A. i cine, names ch 1 Flush, by Hiawatha;uam i a. .ut- nugg, uy Ambassador.

    is. Aisu ch 1 beiluuckie, by Brown Dick; damoy nujuim.

    SECOND BACK.Dash for three year olds: uilie and s half.

    W inner of Gayosoor Desoto s:sketpcarrseven pounds extra; of Doth, ten pounds.fur Jockey CiuU puree of KioO.

    L J Fralm'ach f Yanisee. Kodffent: damElla Nortou, oy the Colonel. Co.oia. red andred.

    I. John A Miller's b c Sentinel, by Jack Ma- -uue, uam, vjaieua, uy cmiue riaru.u. colors,ou auu wuite.J. u a Kaslham s b f Belle Aiken, by Secondck ilsioue, dam, Molller ord. Coio.s,orkuae

    UU W II IA5.4. John 11 p tone's ch c Billy Williamson, bv

    Daniel Boone; dam. Corame. by i'oruana.Colors, orange and while.j u uaiie-niiu- s cu c Aeno, by Imp Austra-- ;

    dam Yuung clipper, by Oliver. Coiois,gieei,, a a green anu ui auge.

    ACL Uunl ch f Etta PuweU, by Voucher;dam. Lilac, by Lightning. Colore, black .ndorange.

    7. Warwick's ch c Creole Danoe.'by Dexing- -tou; dam tscnotnsihe, by unp Albion. Colors,oi ue sou reu, wune sasaw

    THjaDHandicap Mile heats: for all starter

    oat nave not won during the week.Horses beaten once allowed seven pounds ;wice, fourteen pounds; three limes,wenty-on- e pounds. Entrance, 110 ; en

    trance money to second horse. For apuree of S200,

    L Mclntyre enters ch c. 8 vear old. heTipper nj ; dam by imp Knight of St. Ueorg.V.U.UI., MIUC HUU W UlKi

    t. tiov. J. Hendcrauu enters oh g Donovanaged, by Bulletin ; dam by Ambassador. Blueauu wuite, reu sasii.

    a. 4eb. Ward enters ch c Commerce, I yearsnil

    M bv






    by imp Bonnie Scotland; dam Cottageby Imp Ainderby. Colors, oi autre andgreen.

    Atkins enters g gTom Corbett, 4 yearsold, by Lightning ; dam by Imp Knight of St,j.. Bu. vuiuin, uiu auu wuite, witn cresosnt.... ti. A. Easlham enter, b t Meule slmma, 4years old, by Proline, dam by alar Davis.Colors, orange and while.

    ft. Juo. Jackson enters ch Rnh Mhsitsin aj . v.u. .u.. w.wcuv-- i mi ucuiuuiu, uy imp AUJB- -u.,i.u , u wanner.

    . . . ol W ICS il l.'I N 1'li a v lfirw-.- t aamrfc'relghton: dam by St. Louuc Color, blueand red, white saah.



    a AC 1 ranalin en tench I Glenroae, 4 yearsold, hy Lexington ; dam, bailie Lewis, by ImpGlencoe Colors, Jacket Magenta, cap red.

    The assortment tor Sly It and quality inhklUI'S.

    (00 Ladies' Cloth Cloaas, laat year'ss.yios, to oe oiu at ou oenta on the dollarat ihb Uubat Bab Stuna, 229 Mainstreet.

    Baa advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispeusary, beaded Book tor the Millio- n-Marriage Guide in another column. Itshould De read by all.

    Steam Fitting, 815 Second street.


    Memphis, October 6, 1871.aauors Appeut ine spirt luslists are

    very grateful to you lor your kindness innot Hying them thai another will be alongsoon to expo the old thing, but we

    like to know If this amateur is Mr.Vleck, who made ao many spiritual-tat- s

    In Louisville recently by trying to expose the old thine, and If ao. is he thesame van vieck that was once a medium,out about seven years ago was delectedin Cincinnati wni.e attempting to connect some sleight-of-han-d performancewith hi meadiumahlpf These questionswe would like tur you to answer In ad.vanoe of his arrival. Keapeeifutly,


    American Dkivsji W alls at Brownedt Si u One's, 116 Second street.

    Oo to Joe Looke', :Uo) Main street, toryour rending matter.

    JrCMFS, le beoond street.


    Tn Hew Onr " Georgia" Unlit at tbeOnr Shops at the Memphis and

    Charleston Knllroad 1stMeannhla.

    From sn Occasional Correspondent.Atlanta, Uboroia, October 4 The

    " Georgia," a car built by the Memphisand Charleston railroad, has just return-ed to this place from a tour through theState I had the pleasure of going therounds with her, and can tell, for the satisfaction of tbe oompany, bow much shewas admired, we left this place torAugusts, where we were met by L. K.Johnston, superintendent of the Georgiarailroad, and various other railruadotUcials who welcomed as, and showeredinnumerable praises on the oa. We spentone day there, during which time she wssvisited by the mechanics, who exsminedher olosely, but could find no fault in her.Crowds of people came to see her allthrough the day, and all seemed highlypleased. We left that night for Savan-nah where we spent a day. As in

    hsd to undergo a rigid examina-tion by the various mechanics, but allpronounced bor well put up, and a hand-some car. Msny of tbe citizens came tosee her also. After spending amust deligbtful day, we left forMacon, and we hope the car made aa fa-vorable an impression on tbe people asthe city did on us. Next day was spentin Macon, where we had to undergo tbesame ordeal as before, but stood the test.That night we returned to Ibis place; arehighly delighted with our trip, aud proudof the many compliments passed on thecar. Captain Tate, the yard-mist- (andone that is well and favorably known tomany of the railroads), was in oharge ofher, and took great pains to exp ain toeverybody sll tbe particulars as to cost,etc. w icb be s ys was only fifty five Aun-dre- d

    dollars. Why is it tbat the south doesnot cease to be dependent on tbe north forsuch things, when tbey can be built aswell and much cheaper here among usTL it her swake to her true interest, and infuture do sit her own : curing. Iam glsd to seethe Men1 ... nd Charles-ton railroad has commerc-- it, and I hopeother roads will follow the example.

    W. P. 8.

    All tne new Fall Mlyles at Francisco AHlgg I 's, 7 Main street, under Pes-bod- yHotel.

    Economy Take your fall clothing totbe Steam Dyeing and Cleaning HouseHunt A Hanson's old stand). 246 Second

    street. HANSON WALKER

    You can bay the latest style Hst atLEIDY'S.

    LAW RtPOaTS.

    First Chancery. Court Morgan, chan-cellor.

    Yesterday was motion dsy. All motlons entered were disposed of, Tbe courtadjourned to tbe 17th inst., there being ameeting of tbe chancellors at Nashville,which Judge Morgan will attend.

    Chancery Court Chancellorneott.

    Yeaterdsy, in the case of Cannovan vssehafer, a decree was given IDC the defendant. Nos. 32, 46, 47, 49, 50, 59 and 76were continued. Nus. 48 and 69 passedNos 88 and 77 are Haitmg tbe purchasemoney, which dist uned ot the calender ofcases on trial, lbo court adjourned tothe 17th inst., there being a meeting oftbe chancellors of the State at Nashvillenext week. Au order was made In rt

    to-d- for attorneys to return allpapers in tbeir possession immediately totbe clerk and master, or the numbers ofthose they desire to retain, and no papersto be taken from the files of tbe clerk'soffice except by the clerk, and properlycharged. Any violation of tbe above order must be reported at once to the court.

    Second Circuit toart Ualsey, Judge.To-d- ty the following esses will be trie--'

    241. Jones vs waddeli administrator; 368Young vs PalteisoD dt Bro; 368. Rvan vsShea; 369, rtusser vs Yerger el al; S70,Rysnvs Wotl ; 372, Stewart v Steinkubl; 373,Jehllng vs Peel t 35, Merrill vs Hey ton376, Dwyer vs O'Maboney; 377, Meatb vsrJugbes; 078, Morgan vs Lee el al; d7, Urrvs Windle & Co; 380, r'itcber vs W uher ;381. Warren, use. etc, vs stexmer 1K ck; 384, tlm nils vs Cunningham; 357.itempbisand Obto railroad company vsAbratns et al: 888. Dent vs Healey; 389.Ellas vs Poll ck; 390, Caldwell vs Brown,administratrix; 393, Manning, administrator, vs Farris; 394, Hart et al vs Farrieet al; 396, Ferro vs Shepherd; 397, Booth vsFisher; 39, Bigby et si vs Biker: 400,Walker dt Snider vs Noivell, Boone & Co;401, Graves v- - Brookr; 4 2, Hollister VIr iahrty ; 403, Jacobs at 1:0 vs Williams etal : 40. Walt & Johnson vs Greenwald;4JI6, Hays vs Lelisvere; 407, Willis v MMauan ; 40i. Tucker vs swan; n uavailvs Lake; 411, Johnston vs Cook ; 413, Mellm vs Co by; 415, Harvey, guardian, vsPerkln : 416. same va same; 417. same vssame; 420, Blair vs Greenwald; 421M, n

    vs Memp'iU and S'.. Louis packetcompany; Ktrtiaud vs M ntgtmery:424, Bowers vs Mealh: 426 Ball vs Houston; 428, Barker vs Mrden et al; 430,Schwcob vs Fochs; 431, Williams vsJones ; 438, Kirtland vs Donald-son; 434, Bowers vs Hood; 43 i, Taylor vs Gihson; 416, Tbooipion vsJxckfOD; 437, Hanks vs Hill; 452440, Smith vs Rellmai; 441, Sptin dtUormley va Moran et al; 442, Rjwley vsDyle: 443, Hughes vs GrMttn e. al; 44t.Freidmsn Brothers vs Benf; 416, Schwabdt Co. vs Benas; 450, Cossitt vs Mississippiand TenniBsee railroad company; 3n8,Tucker vs Joyce; 451, Matiden vs Uarkin;45?, same vs same; 458 Irwin vs Halls;4)6, Cummtngs vs siallory; 40s, woods vsSowers; 41), wolcott, S dt Co vs Able;4t2, Miller vs E.rlv; 463. Alnsworth vsmayor and aldermen of Memphis; 464,Ford ra Sium, adm 4b7, ctiotu vs nigginf; 468, Trotter vs Scott; 4'9, Saflarsnsvs Humphrey dt Co; 470, Gibson vs ApersoD ; 471, Laird vs McMah n; 472,Webster, Marsh dt Co vs HuDDaid dt Co:475, Hall V- - Anderson; 474, Stockslsgervs Schoonover; 476, Bond vs ttrlnkley;477, McA lis e. vs Southern Express company; 4,8, Scboonover vs Harden.

    tYou can buy the latest andest


    BBABB LtfscH at the Goli'.en Oat e, 2:0Seond street, lo nlebt at 9 o'clock. Fresbovster si up, and the best that tb market"fiords, will be served mp In fine style.Everybody Is invited.

    A. J1AJ.


    On Sundnv sfternixin aud night.ber Sth. a Tyrolean band of vocalists willgive an entertainment at Carroll's Oar--den, on Poplar street, Tbey will singsome oi tbe te Ownian tongs,among tbem tbe am Rhine."Admission free.





    maroou. Main.





    Ooto- -




    In advance of all romnellior. Thecolors. I new Sensation II ai nt rnm, i... a-- wir--


    Thb latest novelties in Hats at LMdy'a

    Cranberries. 26 barrel Cranberriesreceived this


    Miss N. English is now able, bv lecentadditions to her stock, to supply her cus-tomers with every variety ot bonnets,hats, .artificial flowers, etc . which sheproposes to sell unusually low for cash.Oive,her a call. No. iSu Mam street.

    Gentlemen's Dress, Business. Travelling and Opera Hats, at LEIDY'S.

    Wb oilp the following" Irom Anthony'sPhotographic Bulletin, of a late date, tbestandard authority In this country onsueh matters:

    We have received from Mr. J. F.Coonley, with Mr. Y. Day, of Mempbls,three very fine Imperial cards, samples ofhis style ot shadow or Rembrandt efleolsWe nave examined tbem with a greatdeal of pleasure, and are pleased to learnthat the taste lor these pictures is becoming so msrktd ail over the country.

    "We hope it will not be long uetore tbeold style ot flat, white, inexpressive photographs shall oe tani--Le- Irom tbe country, and those introduoed in their steadbased upon artistic ideas."

    ioJ can buy the best Hat in the city atLEIDYS.

    LOCAL NEWS.-- Leddin's College,Attend Robertson's Business CollegeThoB.Cutjbtns, bricklayer, OA Mains.Armstrong's Photographic Waller v.

    Ho. all Mam street. Three faultless gempictures for nlty cent..

    ST. Joseph's lnnmMABT In charara oftoe Sisters, comer Third and JeftorsonMe


    Mr. Thomas J. Jamieaon, of tbe LittleRock Republican, is in tbe city on busi-ness for the office with which he Is con-nected. If appearances are anything, Ar-kansas treats onr friend well.

    The many friends of Captain C. B.Charon will be glad lo learn that the ex-tended trip North and West from whichhe has Just returned has been of irreatbenefit to his health. He declares andbis appearance sustains the declarationthat be has grown fifteen years youngerin the lsst two months.

    A special from Washington to the St.Lonis Democrat (Radical; BSys: "Stokes, ofTennessee Is here applying for tbe positionof Coiled Stn es Marshal, vloe Ool. Harri-son, lately deceased. He brings recom-mendation" from the Republican Con-gressmen of his State. There Is no proba-bility of his appointment."



    J. C. Eyrioh's news depot;Mansturd's news depot;Joe Locke's news depot ;Geftrgo Bergman's cigar stand ;Lenbrie's cigar stand;Byrd's Jewelry store;Barnum's jewelry store;Memphis and Chsrlesion ticket office.Chris Steinkuhl's Capitol Saloon.

    Thb Great Red Store wi'l sell ImmenseBasGains this week In Plaids, Pupil re,Alpacas, Japanese Silks, Fisnnels. Blank-ets, etc. WM. FRANK

    227 Main Street.

    Gas Fitting 815 Second street.Cnnnty Court.

    Tbe business yesterday was nothing ofparticular Importance, The county courtmet yesteidsy pursuant to adjournment.Present Justice Beckley, in the chair,and J istices Witherington. Llgon, Dun-can, Giles, Hale, Spellman, Winters, Mon-orie- f,

    Pulliam, Caldwell, Wal ace, Brewer,Allen, Irby, Walker, Jones, Hnlman,Bun'-yn- , Hoegel. Brown, Burke, Elliott.Moore, Miller, Glisson, Brooks, snd Massey.

    The following business was transacted:Tbe jail commissioners were ordered to

    sink the engine st the Jail so as to ensbleit to pump water from Wolf river st allseasons.

    A clerk was allowed the committeewho are to investigatejihe Lewis warrants,st a salary of f 1C0 per month.

    It was ordered that the sheriff be required to make application in writing totoe Jail inspectors for ail but plies for theJail and t he said inspectorsphall give theirwritten approval ot the same.

    The committee who were appointed atthe last term of the curt to procure a newcriminal courthouse, reported that thebul'ding on the corner cf Second andJe Hereon streets was rented at $2500 perannum for five years.

    Tbe report was received and filed andthe committee discharged.


    Wi DkPT , BISK Ah SBBVICX. DJB. A. IMbkfhis. Octobers. 1871. j

    6:43 a.m. 2 p.m.

    Hlght of arometer SO.C01 S0.06S

    Change slnoe lastreport .... .067

    Thermometer...... 67 82Change last Sth'rs 5

    of wind N W N WRain fail slnoe 1'Kt

    report InchesAhnndret.thk. 0.00

    State of weather. Fog Hazy

    War Department.OFFICE Ch. Sio. Officrb,



    CearW. Observer.


    1871.Washinotob, October 6,The low barometer which Thursday

    afternoon north ol the lowor lakes hasmoved nor.hesat, with a decided fall inpressure, and rain on the middle and eastAtlantic coast. Tbe storm on the easternGulf has appearently entirelyand a central area of tbe lowestis now spread over the south AtlanticStates, where fresh and light southerlywinds and weather are now reported. area of partially cloudy sndsmoky weather, with heavy fall in tem-perature has extended from Arkansas toLake Ontario and Lake Miohlgan, thecentral and temperature beingnow in Illinois. The barometer has fallenin the extreme northwest, and light, localrains have been reported in Wisconsinaud Missouri. Cool weather, with north-westerly winds will probably extend onSaturdiy over the Gulf and AtlanticHtates, with clear or partially cloudyweather south of the Ohio river snd partially cloudy and clearing weather inthe middle and eastern Slates. A smallarea of cloudiness remains In West Vir-ginia, snd an area of low with1 sing temperature and southerly windswill probably advance into Missouri andWisconsin.

    Job Lockb, 246H Main street, has tbelargest assortment of Msgaxine3,Fiotorialsand dallies In tbe oily.

    The largest and finest selection of fash.tons Dress snd Business Hats for gentlemen in tbe city are at

    LEIDT at CO '8,269 Main street, opposite tbe Squsre.

    Thk place to get a No. 1 buggy horse,an excellent saddle horse, good dravmule or farm stock, is O. H. Braokeit &Uo.'s, No. 321 Second street. All stockmust be as re prone n ted.

    St. I oni. or .G. W. meekIn

    w une riverUscewla....

    Boats Leaving Tn-Dn-BliLl Pica...White river (Jslestk

    Knar's PointHkilmah

    sioux City.Now Orleansat. xxiuis

    ColoradoMounlaineerL'U.DUl Ola.H C. YeagerI 'eies.e. ................a. J. white......Phil AlllnMnine EbertAda Hell man. . .Frank PorreL..Colorado...M. U t..iue.-I- . ......I ).UUllllK.H.H J. YragerA. J. WhitePat. Cleburne

    Allln..Mollie x.hert..


    H. RHODE,





    RIVfcR NWS.

    EvansvilleKKA.NK FoKs8T

    -- HaKKT AkUP. Walt. ....



    n E








    ...c.66 p.mJ pjuU m

    ...10 a.m

    St. on'.St. Louis

    i i ffl L ,u:sSt. hOOll

    leoc- New

    .Evmivi, it-...................... . Uc..--


    lu fort.Ida Heilman.Forrest,

    .While riverN.p

    Friar's PointOrleans




    tm, LouisSL Loais

    ....'ew OrleansMap jieon

    ....Napoleon.... Frlar'a Point

    JSL Louis


    By Telegraph.St. Louis, October 6. Arrived: Ctah,

    from Memphis. Departed: Capitol Cityand Colossal, for New Orleans. Riverfalling slowly. Weath r clear and cooler,wim itgut rsin eany Alfred D.Armstrong, a popular steamboat clerk,and at one time clerk of the Gait House,Louisville, died here this evening. Helast served on the Susie Silver.

    Louisville, October 6. River still de-clining, with 28 inches on Portland bar,18 incnea on French Island, and above 80inches to Cincinnati. Weather hazy andcool.

    Cihoihnati, October 6. River S teet 1Inch.

    Caiko. October 6. Port list: Glasgow.for Mew Orleans, and Jasper, New Or-leans to at. Louts, st 1 a.m. ; E. H Dux-fe- e,

    cleared for Hew Orleans, 8 a.m.; St.Joseph, Memphis to St. Louis, 2 p.m.;Virginia, cleared for New Orleans st 8p m. River fell 1 inch. Weather clear.Mercury, 64. j

    M I see I laneo n.The weather is dear and warm. There

    was a very good business al the landingyeaterdsy, there being nine arrivals sndeight departures, 'the river dec.lned 2inches during tbe last twenty-fou- r boors.This is worse and more of It, and the pros-pect is very favorable for a further de-cline. At ot. Louis the report is that theriver is 8 feet 0 inches In the channel, thelowest stage tne river nas reached thisseason, and the belief Is it is the lowest ithas been for aeveial years. The upperMississippi has reached the low watermark ot 1864, while tbe condition ot thebars is far worse. At Cincinnati the Ohiohas 8 leet 4 incbes, and at Louisville 6inches in the chute and less thm 80 incbeson Portland bar. from Si. Louis to Cairothere is but 4 feet 8 iuchee; from Cairo toMemphis, 6 feet; al Choctaw, 7 feet, and 6feel 4 inches st Reeves'. RsU liyer is in swretched condition.

    Several steamboats bsve teen en'eredst the Exposition at Cincinnati. Tbesteamer Thompson Dean, just finishedthroughout, ha also entered the list fortue first premium. The judges visitedthem on 'ihu.sday of this week.

    Captain Davis has entered the steamerBatesvliie to run in connection with theother boats of the railroad packet com-pany's line. He is determined to have asufficient number 01 boats to carry freightthrough without delay, if possible.

    The Phil AlUn, A J. While and Cle-burne departed with good trip.

    The Mollis Eoeri, five a.ys out fromNew Orleans, discharged here 400 bundlesof cotton ties, 80 boles tin, and other mis-cellaneous freight. She r, p tried . theeihannou ana John xtyie over Reeves' outheir way rejoicing. She has 276 tons olfreight for at. Louis.

    Tbe Mohawk aud barges passed up.The Mary E. Poe la reported oomlns nn

    on one wheel, having received some lnju- -

    ries, the nature ot which we did noli learn.The Colorado, .'rant St Louis, added

    here a lot of miscellaneous freight, anddeparted for Vlcksbnrg with a gocd trip.

    The Mountaineer came In with a goodtrip of grain and produce, and left for St.Louis. She added 210 bales of cotton forabove. ft

    The Colombia also, from St. Lonis,came in with a good trip. She hsd half ofher forecastle torn off while sparring off asandbar. She was several hours agroundabove Cairo, and after adding 850 bales ofcotton, departed for St. Lonis.

    The H. C. Yeager, from St. Louis,passed down wLh a good trip.

    Six or seven fist-boat- s are reportedaground at French Ialsnd, impeding thechannel not a little.

    The A. J.White, from Napoleon, broughtin 22 bales of cotton, 630 sacks seed, ands gocd trip of people.

    The Phil. Allin, from Frist's Point,came in with 118 bales cotton and 614 sacksof seed.

    The Frsck Forreet came In from Gce--ola with 95 bales of cotton and 1190 sacksof seed.

    The Ida Heilman, from EvacsvUle,came in with a g od trip, all she couldcarry.

    A wblte man, we could not learn bisname, while DUttine un the slims! llirhton Mr. Shanley's wrecking boat, st tbefoot of Island 40, lost his balance end felloverboard, and in spite f all the efforts tosave him he was drowned.

    The Emi le La Barge is the SundayVloksburg packet.

    Boats Leaving To-Da- y.For Friar's Point The lively Geo.W.

    Cheek, captain Mark Cheek, leaves yat 6 p. m.for Friar's Point and all way landirgs F. S. Gonterman has oharge of tbeoffice.

    Fob Nzw Orleans The fine steamerHenry Ames leaves v at 12 m. forViokeburg snd New Orleans. J. W.J arobs Is her popular commander.

    Fob St Louis The Belle of Pike, Csptain Lennox, leaves to-d- ay at 6 p.m. asabove. Charles Hough i clerk

    Fob Whits River. The Celeste, Cap-tain E W. Outlaw, leaves y at 6p.m , for White river and all way Und-ines. Mr. Herron Is her chief secretary.

    Fob Osce la. The sprightly Frank For-rest leaves to-d- at 5 p.m. for Osceola andthe coast landings. Captain Coon la herpopular commander.

    Fob White River. The Sioux City,Captain T. B. Tilden, leaves to-ds- y at 12m , for White river and all way landingsMr. Tom Whilledge does the honors of theoffice.

    Fob Cairo and Evansviixb The finelight draught passenger steamer IdaHailman, leaves tcay at 5 p m., forCairo, Evansville and all wsy landings.J. B. Hall is corrmsnderf and M A.Breeden is her chief secretary.

    Fob St Louis The fine stesKier R. P.Walt, Captain William Blake, leaves to-d-

    at 10 Am. for Cairo, St. Louis and allway landings. Alt. Grissom does thehonors of tbe office.


    MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.omee No. so Madison St.


    3300,000.00.LOU18 HAVaUER, President.JOHN 8. TOOS-- . Vloe President.R. P. ROLLING. Seer tary.JOHN B. BOWKN, Assistant Secretary.



    860, STABLhHED i860.



    Mffdical Institute42 North Coo t Mr et

    THU TREATMENT OF ALL DFOR VSKS, chronic or otherwise, assistedby an able corps of Scientific Physicians andSurgeons.

    VENEREAL or SECRET DISEASES,men aa Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet. Stric-tures an.; a nrinarv diseases, lyphilHIc orverourial affectlcs of tne lbroat, Skin orson., klso tbe effects o' a solitary babltruinous to the body as well as tbe mind, pro--aacing n, nines on tne race, ueoiniy, imprteney, Ulsslns, Dimness of sight. Contusionof Ideas, Aversion to Society, Loss of Mem-- e

    y.eto. All cases ol c atari h speedily andeQectually cured.

    Rheumatism and Paralysis

    POSITIVELY CLRED by the use of myeelebraled

    Electro-Chemic- al Baths. LPartitmlar s'tention paid t6 Dlseues of Fe

    males. ncn as Sapp-ee- d or Painful Men- -Falllt g of the Womb, LeucorrheaIstraatton and to all lrreaularlthn of the

    uitiuiuiy perioos-Th- eDoctjr can be consulted personally or

    oy leiier. su



    COTTON FACTORS,No, 282 Front Street,



    DR. J. E. WRIGHT,Late of Colombia, Loruslanna, offers his pro-fessional services to the eltlsena ol Memphisand vicinity. A continuous and extensivepractice lo the Ouachita V lley for twentycouaecu We years h vmg givn him a prac-tical familiarity with the various types ofdisease etidemleal In a Southern climate, beconOdent y hopes to give satisfaction to allwho may favor him with tbeir natronaa..Having devo ed special attention to OrEBA- -T.VB rcBQEKY for many years, and sucoeas- -lutty per:. Tinea must oi toe capital operatlons of the day, he respeetfuily solicits pat-ronage In that branch of his profession.Office and residence corner of Court andThird streets. oe


    CHANGE OF TIME,COMMENCING Sunday, September Id.notice, trains will rundaily as follow:

    Leave - Memphis 7.50 a mHopefleld.. ... f " .......8 10 Am

    Ar tva Huntcrsvllle A .ft p.mArrive l ittle Bock. .18 p.mReturning arrive at Memphis S.0U p.mPerry boat reaves foot of Onion street

    promptly at 7.50 am. Close c nnections madeal Dev&il'a Bluff with K. K Packet Co Uneoi steamers ror ail points on White River,connecting at Little Rook with regular lineof stages tor Hot Springs, Camden, Arkadel- -pma, wasuingion ana pom u ic Texas. Aliowith steamers on Arkansas river for PineBluff, Port Smith and intermediate points,and with trains on th Little Hock andFort nmlth railroad.

    For tickets ur In formatloB apply at Company fnce X Mat: I sou strel, at office otMemphis and Louisville road. iS Malastreet, o. at otace of Memphis and Charles-ton Railroad. 478 Main street.

    C. P. OAKLEY. ALEX. WADDELL,Gen '1 Ticket Agt. P-- ger Ag't.

    A. B. LIVEBMOBK,nknj tleneral poftnionrlent.

    Memphis Steam Dyeing

    Establishment,2 Q a Seoond St..OFFERS Its services to its many friendspatrons for the fall season. Thesauces with which it has introduoed thisnew branch ot business bespeaks lis art andBAiiimme.ITS CHEMICAL PROCESS OF CLEANING


    by which the old destructive scouring issuperceded, is the great specialty of thisnoose.



    LACES AND PLUMES,cleansed, equal to new, or colored ele--gauuy


    and every specie of drees goods dyed withEuropean imported color. u7


    SPECIALNOTICE.The New and Slegant Passenger and Freight


    MtStEmm C. Elliott jgntififcJohn D. Elliott Master.

    Will leave Louisville for White river on thefirst rise of the Ohio rlv-r- .

    ICLLlorT A MILLER, Agents.sel7 No. 2 Promenade St., foot Jefferson.


    F4at NEW eBIiBAjm AND TUBRegular tuueau.y Packet.

    Tne Steamer-- fiTr HtOlANA

    H. E. Neal .master NaL clerkLeaves KaNk-- d Y. llth Ins ., a 5 p.m.

    BICH'D W. LIOHTBUKNE. Agent,oe MS Front street.

    FOB BBW ORLEANS AND THE BUMRegular buuoay Packet.Tbe steamer

    Bcuuiise mister xiller clerLeaves SU DaY, sth ins-- , at tu a.fh.

    tv W. H'JHTBU-'.NK- . Age I.Oct .. Front tr eel.



    Louis ard White Hver Hacks.or J 'Cktoupon and wry landings.

    cIOCX ll' Tl den, masteriniseiegani passenger steamer m

    will as above mSAlUnDAY. 7tn lnslaot. at IS a.mApply u J. T. WAiHlNUTUN, Agent, or

    J. O) SOLANO 4H Madison street. oc7


    Frixr'e Ptii, rteMM gJS gsatfs UattvStete. ."' Pufcei

    - Phil. Atta, -James Lee... master.

    Leaves Memphis Monday, Wednesdays andFridays, al 6 p.m., connecting al Helena withthe steamer Rhoka lor Marian na and ailpnints on . A nll is ten





    ABitla, 0 K.Ptlit.

    utThe flrat-cla- ss packet

    6ee. W. CheeHiatjEARK B. CHEEK master.

    Will run as above, leaving Meicprils every TUBbDY, THURSDAY and SATUkiiAt, punctually at a pan.

    For freight or passage, apply on board.SB

    For HiImi, Friti' Bel?b, Witt?Ktoghjoe gid tbe Scads

    The United States Mail PacketA. J. WHITE.

    va sa jliaa1 f . . . jusptci ,WUi leave Memphis and FBIDA in, punctually at t p.m.

    For freight or apply on bearto


    Memphis and St. Louis V . Mail UdbFor Hickman, Belmont and

    Cairo; connecting at with theiron Mountain rt. re at catro witn

    Illinois Central andboats un the Ohio river.

    R. P. WALT Wm. Blake, masterThis elegant passenger steamer

    will leave a


    reliable, passenger






    Osceola, Madrid,Belmont


    Till DAY. Octobei Jth. at 10 a.--Tickets for all points v'.a Memphis and St.Louis packets, north, nasi anu wist, applyto General Railroad and steamboat office.

    TOM B. DUNN, cor. Court and Main rU.Freight received at the St Lonis wharfhoat

    w . r-- AIAX.L,. Agent.oo7 FfiEM. CALVERT. Snp't.

    Memphis and St. Louis U. S. Mail LircWs

    For Osceola, Madrid, Hlckmau, Belmont ancCairo, connecting at Belmont with tn.

    Iron Monntaln R. R., at Cairo withIllinois Central Railroad, and

    boats up the Ohio Hlvsr.BKLLE O? P. EE . Lennox, master

    mis elegant a'.eamer win leavean (4DOV6

    THIS DAY. 7th inst.. at 6 p m.Tickets for al! points v a Memphis and St.

    Louis packets, North, East and West, apiito trenerai rsaiiroao ana steamooat omee.

    TOM B. DUNN, eor. Court and Mam stsFreight received at IheSL Louis WhaiiSoal.

    w s. cull. Agent.oeT Fl.BM. CALVERT. "op'i.


    United States Mail Line for Vicksburg. KuHelena. Napoleon antl V'lckKbunc.

    SMIL1E LtBiKlit GansoUes. masterThis elogant pAssenger pack

    will lea"e as aboveSuNDAT. Hih Inst., at 10 a.m.FTetgnt recoi lea at thetfl-liui- s Wharfhoat

    W. E DILL, Agent.QC7 fLKM ''A t.VKKT. iq;i

    St. Louis and New Orleans Pacet CoK"r Vlcksnarz snd New Clrleans.

    HENRY A ME- - Jacobs, masterThis eleaant and swift steamer

    win leave as aooveTHIS DAY, th Inst., at 12 ru.j. t. Washington, Agent.oc7 4 Madison street.


    For Cairo, Padncah and Evansville.ADA HEILMAN.... Joun B. Hail, master

    Th s splendid passenger packetwill leave as aoove

    THIS DAY, 7th WtL, at 5 o m-For frelsht o. passage spplv board oc7


    Maaphls aid Arkusas River Packet Company U. s. nail Line.

    Pat Clebnrne Beeoe Prltehnrd, Master,Mh.MPHiS MONDAYS nSU FRI- -

    DAYS, at s p m . coiicect'na at Montr, rrWh'.U river with the llgct draugnt xieamer' Fort (liti-o- n ior fine rjtuu on MTUaDAmsnd with the stenner " Fort Smltn" leioats, and they connect wl'h the "learner" oardanelle" at Pine Biaft tor Little Rccs.

    For freight or passage ppb n board, or toW. H. AE.i EDA Y, Aget,

    Omee on Company's Whar boat,B 14 Foot o' t'ourt .trMt.

    1?'01 A Ts (liio riiV.l.The new and elegant light-draug-

    LITTLE ROCKW. E Gere master Cha. Conrad clert

    Leaves Li tue Bock for Fort Smith and al.way landings on Arkansas river every fivlays, connecting at mine rtocx witn tneSt LMll ana ArkAHaS ft Pk't Cl 'J Mrrom St. Louis, Mo.

    Freights for ail points consumed to care stanion a outer, mempnis, or this company,will be promptly forwarded free of charge forinuum. a so, i . o x ju v wnslt sup t.- - J rr- mmn - ' - T ...T, V.


    Memphis and White Blver Pneket LineBar. T. H. ALLEN .Wan. Elliott, muter

    lin place o: oir. negil TenderjLeaves Memphis for Jackronport EVEHYluaouai, ato p.m.

    Kir. MABY BOYD.Wol Aahferd, masterLeaves

    tin place of atrntempnts

    SaTDEFor freight or pas

    K P.r Jackson nort EVEBYA x , ato p dd1v to

    ELLIOTT A Mi Agents,Promenade St.. foot oiJeffersom

    or to W. H. KENNEu AY.Otnceon-Company- 's Wharfboat, loot Court st.


    White River United States Mail LineThe 8t6.vmar




    SALLIE V,run In connection with the tenir.hlxand Little Rock Railroad, leaving IevU'sB an eve-- y Monday, W ednesday and I r Iany, at 8 o'clock p.m , for Oes Arc, Augnouand Jacksonport. Avery Tweadny and Krl.any for ail point between uevall's Htuff andMonth of White river. A so, every Tharwdny at 10 o'clock a m , and svery Monday ato o uiwis p.m., ior mine nsa river.John b. Davis, president.

    A. P. Cttabt. ecrstary apri TTeasqier- s17

    U. 8. MAIL COACH LINE.PA88ENGTBS by our lines from Fort Smitha week, vta Fayettevllleto Neosho on the Southern P.cl3c ral rnnes, ur miee times a wet a rrcm rortSmith, 70 m'les to Fort Ult sou ; thenoe souihi.o ml'-- lo soggy Depot, andwest un miles, via Fort Arbunsle to Fortsll: or continuing sou h fr m Soggy La milesto -- hsrmar and going eslward, by line cfv. o. mnes to .1 1 sso . or soathwarufro'Q Sherman Int., Central Tax nrsaat tnJefferson, Marshall, etc.; or from

    SHBXVEPOBTby railroad, via Marshal! to Lcngvlew sndwestward It. to Central Texas; or uthwrdTom Longvlew, via Honsvtlle to Nsvasota190 mile, on Texas Central Railroad. Passen-ger entering Texas by

    OALVESTON OB I Nil IAN OLAmost our lines at the head of tne various rail-roa-

    to all pari of Texas, and ran in betterconcert than ever before, and In good stylegenerally, BAWYEB A F1CMLIN,

    ops sscrnss, nMemphis and Louisville


    Train leave Day Express.New York

    Brownsville accommodation leaves

    4:U0 p.m.

    dally S rOO p.m.Elegant sleeping cats run through to St.Louis and Louisville on the 12 :4b p.m. train.The! am. and 5 too p.m. trains do uot runon Sunday. J. f. Bo YD,Jyl Bnperlatendent.

    PROFESSOR OF MUSIC,la prepared to receive pupils for the Piako,

    vzoLin aid GrrrxAJt,



    S. Vendig,fo. 226 MAIN STREET.

    Uooa Calf eo,warrants fast color, at loBeat Calico, warranted Cant color, now

    sly lea nt laSe.4--4 heavy Brown Bens atlo, at laa,

    4--4 sine Blenched Domestic, at 11 a.ISO nloeo Cotton Plaids, etas at lee.le--4 good Blenched Bhoollngj. nt Me.

    Pnre I.I nen Tnble Owrera, at SO.3O0 piece Poplin Oreo !,White Coverlid, lor doable bed, at tl.While Coverlids, for single beds, at gl10O doaen Ladle' Handkerchiefs, nt glper doaeau

    Boat Itching, at ia.c.Linen Table Cloth, at toe per yard.

    Ladles' Bowed lino Cnlfakht Bhooat S3 90.Far Hals, at L

    1OO0 pair man beta, at 23 per rest lowerthan nny hooae la the city.nn-A-nd everything In lhe boose will hono sold nt nnUom low price. "a.

    Solomon V o n d 1 g,(Succeasor to Vendig A Brothers),

    J, Wrrr.wT.T.sw T. a rAU

    GUv rCLELLAf&CO.Wboleaale

    GRiJCtRS, unOM FACTORSAnn-Gene- ral

    Commission MerchantsKrinovtMl lu tl'. i rwnt f.,Menaphia,Tenn.

    Have in store, for sle low to toe trade, astock or Orocerles and plantationsoDolies. eomnrialna!

    tuuu pes hemp and nax OAgging.300U bdls Iron ties, best pattern.

    75 hhrts Sugar.400 bags Coffee.

    76 WO lbs Kacon, Clear Sides and Shoulders.10 0 rb Flour.1000 hhlaaalt.

    SOU okgs Tobacco. With complete assortment of

    BOX AND CASE S000S.Merchants in the Interior are Invited to

    call and examine onr stock baton bavinelsewhere.

    1 advances mads on consignments or cotton. Hading nur own ware--hoDse. can unar.ntes tan wetcbts- - sow


    Booksellers. StationersPAPE3 DEALERS,



    279 -2 rv aia St , MMByUs.

    WE bavn for rale au immense, varied andy complete stock or schooland Bongs. rTTionrnT,Blak ks and PnisTiao a:id WaappiiroParili. etc . wb1 h e otter at prices as lowan ran ! puchasc'l tn ihe Northern andEasn-- roarketii Ourn Pbiktiso EsI.Bt:sE!iT ts itis ny fsr the largest sndmost c t u piste lu the southwest snd lnc'ndesnine utm prlntlDK cr. as.-.-, enabiL k ua todo ey variety ot inllng in a sile notsxeelted by any prit.ttna de la the Unlt'dsts'x Oar root mihosbt Is in all ri'ets

    1' te. and e g i.rniee W duplicate tnstyle, quality and price the work of a-- yother bindery In tbe United "tain. Oarstock ol New. Fo jk and Fta' Pptrs. Cards'ock and Irlnllsic Inks In avery wxy com- -p e'e. and "or nrt.'na cinnot tall to wmake a peclsity Parsa Bags and Wvap-Pia-

    PapiBS, and a--k the attention of mr--cnanis to our stock. set

    The Chickasaw PressWUl Open i



    AU Cotton tally covered by tnHa tlafaction gnnmntoed In OTOry

    nrllrnlr. W. t. CliwTOID CO.a C. GIAIAk,



    Formerly of C. C. Gra-- 1ham A Co .Wit.sburg.A

    j. l raA Co.



    earner COMMISSION MERCHANTS,so fbont srrxarr.

    MEMPHIS, (selOdow)



    W. H. D WEaSBX


    Cotton FactorsAND

    COMMISSION MERCHANTNo. 9 Unioe Street,


    S. M. WEBB & CO.,


    COMMISSION MERCHANTSNo. 9 Stonewall Block,

    Dnio Stsaet, bL Front and Main,aul8 daw MEMPHIS. TENN





    BY virtu of a Tiust Deed made to me byW. A. King and Mary A. Kins, hi wits'ior tne purpose or secunnr a certain lsdsia.ednees theseln mentioned, and recorded Intue Register' office of Shelby county, Tenju,

    ii ii. in. -, it .... w u io .tie nitaeatbidder, for casn. as nubile sale, in tne auctionroom of Royster, A Co., on theuortneasieru corner or Mam and Jafferaonstrre's mine city of Memphis, on




    Monday, tne 23d tiny ol October, lOTLbetween the hours nt 1 o'clock sm. and io'clock p.m., six acres of land, being tn aosthalf oi lot No. Twentj-slxo- t trie subdivisionof tbe lands of Wo. cooper, a recorded inthe Register's omee ot nheiuy ooanty. rront-in- g

    XI reet on tbe south bead of central ave-nue bv a depth o. feeL attluiuin th.Soutbwortb (tormerl; King's) place, on Cen-tral STASIS, about I), miles Irom the city,and within a lew minute walk of Wis en'sstation, on the M. and C. Railroad. Tb sixacre wilt be sold together, and tbe equity ofredemption waived, ror information applyto Pees B. Edmondsoo. Attorney 15 Unionstreet.

    September S3, BWL



    JOSKPHaNEF. king.




    I WILL seii at pnblio auction, upon thepremises, tbe Hiestand Place, ast east ofMemphii aud across the railroad north touensrai oraoiaius. it contains nitaen acres,' undivided to suit purchasers: sn nrttmlocated, with forest shade tree on part, andmost desirable lor resident lota. On i.r tn.lota to be sold baa a cottage rtslaaaca andtuner iaprqamtsts. i senPeter H esiau . '., will


    oy direetlon olSal CDon ths nr.nt.Pla s at my omee Terms onsliinrthcash, and calanc at 1. 2 and i years, at f oarcent Interest Aiso, onBAl l'SllAl .1IIHSSIK l Jgji

    In fror t of my offlce. $i Maautnn ii'.i.JUiu.-Ub- C liuiuillt, I, I w 111 .Sll I Wr. t.nanu iuub, . , b. i. auu si, orieana -- T ,sonth of Poplar, owned bv ptar umi.uwc -- i w h. mm aoove.A. a. MOT AKLAN D, AdntT.

    .as atari lna stroat.

    JULIAS O. SHULT2. OBG.wiST AT BTTbacbbr or Vocal Music arSratlAnTT lo an oancing our intention teach, anu In offering to Ul paolic oaTreaty on Vocai Music from a sctenLla. artime and anibetlc posiuon, we ask ior yourf.'v."-- ittst. uonu ontrial, for which no charge la made, in low taapplicant feels confident of tncoeas. uum.lars at music i tor. wa


    THE MISSES LANEA BOARDING SCHOOL.Lmfls. In Nfi-i-xr w . .1?

    CITY, on WEDNnSDAY, September i 18jtFor TStmmM .nil .Immi. .o 1.


    By A- Fall ox-- ctoOo.AUCTIONEERS



    of oaeh week, commencing at M o'clock a m.,w will sail, at auction, without reaerv orlimit, a large slock of consign 3d goods, con.slating ofBoots and , Hats, nothing. Dry

    OssaVi, Cwtlerjr, Class ware,Hoalory, Etc.

    aar Country merchants, .nd th trade gen-erally, will find It to their Interest to attendonr sale. aoB

    Business Property!I will soli at public sal te the highest bidder

    On Morday, Oc oatr 9 b,

    At 8 o'clock on th p-- rcable four story Brick House,

    ilse. val- -

    NO. 344 SECOND STREET,sltnsted on th east tide of Second, a fevdoor south of Union and nearly opposite thPostofflce.


    Half cash ; half In 11 men hs, with 4 par cut.interest.


    E. W OREENLaW.



    By E. Fraaklaa. 195 aad 197 Ma i.THIS WEDNESDAY ATCOMMENOINO stock of Uotd Jewelry;

    sets, b acelets, tocktH. All goto warrantedas represented. Country merchaL ut -- nd tnetrade are sol lc ted to attend la's tale. Con-tinued nightly, Fridays sad Buntiata exeepted. anUl oiocod out. liooda sold at pri-vate sal through th dayseplO A E FRA"



    Commission Merchant,AND





    Moadeys Wedaetdays aad FruJayi.


    r" Outdoor tale attended, to with prompt- -ness and dispatch.

    w Always in store a large Ssoah of Morehnadlac at private sale.

    ar City and country UerehanU will beis--oflt themselves by examining st ck, and

    sales- - A. E FB N ELA D. Aact'r.X. C3--. tablCi.Wa7T.Ik OB Oo,g



    VrE will commence our rgu!ar fall tradoVv sales, at Aoctlon, on T Sep'' . and enntlnue them rim, iduring tbe Sanson, our ru -.-ar-us coruttaor, emeraeisg every line or Fo-ei- g t andDomestic DRY GOO", Ol (THING H TSBOOTS, SHOES, .OTIO- w. FANvY ANDVARIETY GO 'De), Etc., wilt keep as con-stantly supplied witn every otMerchandise sultsbl fnr cur mar". et, thusoffering to etty and country i. a rareopportunity torople Ish s rck at prl tes tarrIow rsgwlar rate. Onr rent tar sale days,will be TussnATS ajtd llrtn its.AjUtUU'R-- O nct'rnr.A VACCABO, . A A

    VACGARU CO.fcBartar aa QoaJara hj


    324 Front StreetMEMPHIS, : i TFNfVKSHEE




    A. &


    1TJEE- -Be B. f.. Vo. am

    noorlv ssw.l.sth.body Motel.Office



    Special attention slven to saving Teeth,howevor much taey bvd .wtssd or cbel.Nearly twenty yotrs' experience 1 tbe prac-tice nf DeniUtry, thai man . thoa-snnda- of

    tortb ar. lanoranfiy and reck'. yextracted, annually, tbat might be preservedand rendered serviceable aaringilte by aneducated and skiU'El Uenttsi The palDfnextraction of tosth will pe forn. o onlywhen actual nec.ssity retjnlres 1 . All dis-ease of the Teeth, Gam sud Mo.lli salt: ul-t- y

    treated, and coimL Aavlce fre.'ylven ato the only certain rretbod ot preserving thenatural teeth from decay.

    Note. My new aad lmr nrsd metb-- d otmounting teetb on flne gold, enables me toInsert tosth whleb sr. mate dara-b.'- e.

    more oreaoiy. can be worn moreare more beAatttnl. and t every

    tar eaperlor So my Cher new knownor in use. Ana th prvces ol mnsirgthesteeth do not rtqntre half tbe tlm Andlabor of the ok? gold ulate-wor- x, the easttherefore wiU be oae-ba- if las, and ire apidpurer IselTl omiTi'fv 'sEstos, Fizer & Pinion,

    No. 276 Front StreetForweriy occapied by Brookl, Neely 4 c.

    FOB SALE-S- WQrrnbdls Iron Ties, sll pattern,

    MM pea Bagging. 1H02K lbs.1000 bbla Ft our,

    bbla Salt,50,000 lbs bacon,

    MtssBnsu,a bbta Molasses,

    sO hhds Sugar.100 bag Ooflee,

    Cl bbla Whiakty,eoo bzs To bacao

    ABB ACoapiete As8erteMt of Cb Soeds

    As usually kept lnonrll-ae- .aar Lew figures to WHOLESALE DFAL

    EBS.0 anMrwo. a Toor. cbas. j. raunur a r. a


    Grocers, Cott on FactorsCOMMISSION MERCHANTS,


    Ageets for Hazard Powder CtMMpanf







    TIES, Ml.irv,









    Staple and Fancy GroceriesGeneraliv B lanr. and lselsil writs. - ..tahjllhiis to to wants of the Irt'ihtno fi lT1 . I rm will Ha wall ... . ..

    sel O0)F. rHIttlrg ,--. cqCHANGE 0FSCHdtiLE.

    MJHtrsslppI aa. T,MMi BtlwttOrnet 6tmuL ,

    Memphis, MAylASr'OHand aitJ3TJlIDAY, MAY tB, 1&71, nntlnotice, trains on this rood wmrun a. follows:

    Arnvn,New Orieana dairy 10 p.m. IIbjTdTFi dally (axeept Snn-da-




    JAS. yonobTsod Steia.m.Pt.INFORMATION 18 WANTED

    Of th naidono of CATHABINE CtOCQH" wn insoTKi nrom tne city ot Altar, vNw Yorx, to MmphU aboat t-- :

    since. It will bo to her lntorest. ,.r in.wna--s wnB utu UWLZB u mUQ XM tl'


    ANU- -




