The Key Obligations of Food and Feed Business

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Transcript of The Key Obligations of Food and Feed Business

  • 5/20/2018 The Key Obligations of Food and Feed Business


    T ese o gat ons U t er eta e n t e on. T ey are urter ve rom t e E oo a ety s

    guidance docu in requirements. ne l Food Laent on the imple ntation of th

    r s eeor tion,inform

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    SafetyOperators shall not place on the market unsafe food or feed


    Operat h theyrs are responsib the safety of the food and feed whiforro transport, store or sellu e,

    Tr abilityOper neetors shall be a p i an lier o c si s p

    r ns arencOpera theytors shall immedi etent ities ihoely in rm the com

    ave a reason to r fee safeis nobeli at their food

    EmergencyOpera ket ifors shall imm ed from the madiately withdraw food or f

    they have is not safereason to believe that i

    reventioOpera theirors shall identify and regularly review the critical points i

    r tscesses and ensure that controls are applied at these poi

    Co-operat on -

    aken to reduce risks


  • 5/20/2018 The Key Obligations of Food and Feed Business
