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  • 8/12/2019 The Joker (Heath Ledger) - Batman Wiki


    The Joker

    General Information

    Real name: Unknown





    Alignment: Bad








    Hair-Sandy, Dy



    Portrayed by: Heath Ledger


    Batman Begin


    The Dark Knig

    r without his makeup

    dded by Sammeetwinchester

    The Joker's card.

    Added by Sammeetw

    You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are

    estined to do this forever."

    The Joker to Batman

    e Dark Knight, the Jokeris depicted as a maniacal criminal mastermind who terrorizes Gotham City and whose goal is to plunge it into anarchy.

    oker has been described as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy." He was portrayed by the late Heath

    er, in the role that won him a posthumous Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.


    in and Early Life

    believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger."

    Joker to the Bank Manager of Gotham National Bank

    No one knows who the Joker really is. Little can be confirmed regarding his early life before he turned to a

    life of crime. Despite his capture, no traces could be found on his fingerprints, dental records, or DNA

    matches against the GCPD's databases.

    The Joker's own testimony, while normally quite truewhen it came to carrying out threats, seemed at times

    contradictory, and he was known to lie a t times when describing past events in his life, more specifically

    how he got the scars of his characteristic Glasgow smile. One of his anecdotes told of an extremely

    abusive and alcoholic father, stating that after attacking his mother with a knife, the blade was next turned

    on the young man, creatinghis mutilated smile. Thefact that the Joker later referenced his father and his

    d of him to a party guest while crashing Harvey Dent's party implies that at the very least, he did have an extremely poor relationship with his

    . Another story he told stated that he once had a wife who had her face cut by enforcers of loan sharks. In a desperate effort to assure his wife

    e did not care about the damage to her appearance, he took a razor to his cheeks to produce his Glasgow smile. But the disturbing image

    ad caused his wife to leave him, damaging his psyche. It is not revealed to what degree these stories hold truth, if any. It is possible that the

    himself is unaware of his true origins. Some psychological profiles of The Joker, indicate that he is insane to such an extent that he literally

    ents both his own psyche and history on a daily basis. It is therefore possible that, while neither story is true, he genuinely believed them both as

    d them.

    eport filed by the Gotham City Police Department, there were three theories presented for the Joker's origin and identity. The first was that the

    was an escaped patient from Arkham Asylum. However, this theory is debunked on the basis that his identity has no basis within any records.econd theory was that the Joker was a former employee of the Haley Brothers Circus, which was documented to have connections with the mob. It is reasonable to theorize that t

    gruntled former employee that had bad business with the mob. The third theory presented was that the Joker is a former soldier suffering from acute PTSD, explaining his cool de

    amiliarity with weapons, as well as his devastating effectiveness in various forms of combat.

    man Begins

    y after the death of Ra's al Ghul, Batman discussed with Lieutenant James Gordon the effect that he had made on Gotham City since his appearance.

    on then revealed that a criminal with "a taste for theatrics" recently committed a double homicide and an armed robbery, leaving behind a Joker playing

    as a "calling-card". Gordon also warned that just as escalation occurs in terms of the police force against crime, so might the scale and style of

    ality change in reaction to Batman's appearance.

    time later, the Joker would orchestrate the theft of a large shipment of ammonium nitrate from the Gotham Docks. The explosive chemical was saved

    orage in the Gotham General Hospital and on two passenger ferries some time later. In addition, he also frequently attends the various heists and

    s his gang commits while disguised as one of the accomplices, which is believed to be at least partially where he got his name from (another being that

    ears clown makeup to scare people).

    Dark Knight


    f you're good at something, never do it for free."

    The Joker

    ral months later a group of bank robbers, (Grumpy, Happy, Dopey, Chuckles, Bozo and an unidentified bus-driver) under the direction of the Joker, robbed Gotham National Ban

    sed as a money-laundering front for Gotham's gangs. The clown mask wearing robbers whittled down their own numbers within minutes in a series of calculated betrayals. Finall

    o" remained, who revealed himself as the Joker to the manager of Gotham National Bank, who had earlier confronted the robbers with a shotgun. In addition, largely because he

    appearing on-camera, he also deliberately unmasked himself in front of a surveillance camera and posed. The Joker then escaped with the bank's cash in a yellow school bus,

    entity by driving within a convoy of other buses, and also leaving the manager at the mercy of a gas grenade stuck in his mouth.

    ng with the Mob

    Why so serious?"

    The Joker mocking Gambol.


    e Joker (Heath Ledger)
  • 8/12/2019 The Joker (Heath Ledger) - Batman Wiki


    The Joker robbin

    National City ban

    the alias "Bozo",

    Grumpy taking a

    Added by Roge

    The Joker presented his calling card to the

    Added by JSquish

    The Joker in the

    featured on GCN

    Added by Roge

    Joker talking to Rachel after he

    hes the fundraiser thrown by Bruce

    dded by JSquish

    y following the bank robbery, Italian crime boss Sal Maroni mentioned the Joker's recent theft of Mob owned cash to his fellow crime leaders at a business

    ng, dismissing him as a threat and saying that he was a "nobody" wearing a "cheap purple suit and make-up." The Joker, overhearing this comment and the

    presented to the Mob by Chinese mobster, Lau, arrived unannounced at the meeting while faking a laugh, as he saw their "so called plan" as a bad joke.

    mobsters were at first unwilling to hear him out, and Gambol, one of the crime lords who seemed to take the most dislike for the Joker, sent one of his men to

    him out by force.

    oker unexpectedly performed a magic trick by making a pencil "disappear," and embedded the pencil in the table, and shoved Gambol's man head-first into

    encil where it indeed disappeared inside the man's head, instantly killing him. The Joker also mentioned that his suit wasn't cheap and that they ought to

    this since they bought it, which meant that he used the money he stole at the start of the film to buy his suit. He proposed that it was Batman's interference

    ad resulted in idealistic leaders like Harvey Dent rising in popularity, and offered his services to kill him for half of all the money that Lau, an illegitimate

    se accountant, took away from Gotham for safe keeping. He also warned them that Lau would betray them if arrested, claiming to know a squealer when he

    ne. While the Bratva mobster, the Chechen, and Maroni were interested, Gambol, angered by the Joker's lack of respect, attempted

    ack him, forcing the Joker to reveal his insurance policy: several grenades hidden under his coat, allowing him to make a quick


    rated, Gambol proceeded to put a bounty on him. The Joker later took revenge that night by having his men come to Gambol,

    ng to have killed the Joker. In a bit of unintended tragic irony regarding the fate of his actor, the Joker's 'dead' body is brought inside

    arbage bag before attacking Gambol and proceeding to tell him the origin of his mouth scars as a way of psychological torture and

    dation, then when Gambol is most terrified and shaken, the Joker proceeds to kill him with the knife. Then with the remains of

    bol's men overpowered and at his mercy, he takes a pool stick and breaks it in half, making it spear-like and says that there is only

    pot open at the moment to join his "team", then throws the piece of sharp stick at the middle of Gambol's scared men and has his

    made up mostly of mentally-ill and unstable vicious crooks escaped from Arkham Asylum who seem to have taken the Joker as their

    r, to make Gambol's men fight to the death with the stick until only one is left, and advising them to "make it fast".

    Joker's Threat

    Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent. Oh, 'scuse me. I wanna drive!"Joker to his unconscious truck driver

    ually, realizing that Batman had retrieved Lau from Hong Kong and that the police had struck a deal to testify against them, Sal Maroni and the Chechen

    ed, finally hiring the Joker to kill the Batman. The Joker first kidnapped a Batman impersonator, filmed his murder and hung the body, complete with white

    -up and a Joker scars, outside the mayor's office. In the murder tape he sent to the media, the Joker viciously mocks Brian Douglas (Batman impersonator)

    ll as terrorize him to the point of leaving him absolutely frozen and weeping, as well as taunting his beliefs and his actions. Then when he has finished

    ating and terrifying him, the Joker proceeds to give Gotham an ultimatum. Batman must take off his mask and turn himself to the authorities and every day

    atman refuses to do so, he will murder innocent people day after day. As a result of the Batman not turning himself in, the first major victims were Janet

    o, the judge presiding over Dent's indictments, and then Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb, the former via car-bomb and the latter via inserting acid into the

    missioner's scotch, respectively.

    Later, the Joker and his gang stormed a fundraiser at Bruce Wayne's penthouse to kill Harvey Dent. When he was

    unable to get the guests to inform him of Dent's location, he decided to settle for killing off the guests. He then attempted to threaten an

    unintimidated guest (whom he noted bore a resemblance to his own hated father), before eventually attempting to kill Rachel Dawes.

    Dawes attempts to drive him away, with a knee to the crotch, but he laughs it off and becomes more interested in killing her for her havin

    fight in her." He was then confronted by Batman. The Joker only managed to escape by throwing Rachel Dawes out a window, who Batm

    lept after and saved. This encounter also led him to initially suspect that Batman's true identity was Harvey Dent.

    The killings then continued with two innocents and an attempt on the mayor's life at a memorial for the murdered police commissioner. Th

    appeared in public without makeup, impersonating one of the Honor Guards, as well as having most of his gang impersonate the rest of

    Guards. In order to further ensure that the GCPD is kept on its toes, he also placed a sniper rifle on the windowsill of the apartment room

    as a timer to release the blinds for the GCPD sharpshooters to shoot at anyone hapless enough to be caught in the trap. Afterwards, Jo

    disguised as an Honor Guard, shot his rifle at Mayor Anthony Garcia, Lt. James Gordon was struck in the back after willfully leaping in fro

    Garcia, in order to fake his death to avoid any future attempt by the Joker of attacking him with his family at home. As a result of this, Ba

    Dent to call a press conference so he could reveal his identity and stop the killings. In a surprise move, Dent instead claimed to be the B

    elf and was subsequently arrested.

    being transported the Joker and his gang attacked the caravan of police vehicles to kill Dent with his machine gun, a shotgun and even at-propelled grenade. Batman soon arrived to stop the assault, but stayed his hand at killing the Joker. The Joker prepared to unmask

    an but Lt. Gordon, newly resurrected from his hoaxed death, stepped behind him and aimed his shotgun at his back, saying "We got you,

    on of a bitch." The Joker was successfully jailed at MCU, and as a direct result, Lt. James Gordon was promoted to Commissioner by the

    r. He also does a sarcastic clap for the newly-promoted Commissioner.

    ult on Gotham

    don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, youcomplete me."

    The Joker speaking to Batman during the interrogation

    he Joker in custody, Gordon and Batman believed his madness was over, but became alarmed when informed that Harvey Dent had gone missing. Desperate, Gordon let Batma

    ogate the Joker for information, but the Joker seemed unshaken by the pain. Instead, he gleefully told Batman his view of people as selfish and violent, only needing a little press

    ending to madness. He also admitted he could never kill Batman, considering him his only equal. Dent's kidnapping was part of a test, to see if Batman would save him or Rachel,

    could tell Batman cared for. The Joker willingly told him where both were located. After most of the police were gone, the Joker took his guard hostage and escaped by detonate-activated bomb he surgically planted in the stomach of one of his men who was arrested with him, with Lau in tow. Gordon was disheartened when he realized the Joker wanted

    The Dark Knight - Flipping the t
  • 8/12/2019 The Joker (Heath Ledger) - Batman Wiki


    Batman interrogating the

    Harvey and Rachel's whe

    Added by JSquish

    Joker in custody

    dded by JSquish

    The Joker burning his share of the m

    Added by JSquish

    The Joker disguised as a fema

    in Gotham General Hospital.

    Added by Theodulus Odovacar

    ey "Two-Face" speaking with The

    r at Gotham General.

    dded by Roger Murtaugh

    Added by JSquish


    and Rachel each awoke tied to chairs with barrels of explosive material surrounding them and a speakerphone hooked up to the other's location. Rachel confessed her love for

    d to marry him. Dent fell on the floor and his left side was completely immersed in turpentine. Batman arrived but found the D.A. instead of Rachel. He realized that the Joker ha

    el and Dent's whereabouts to further crush Batman's morale. Batman rescued Dent as the building exploded and the District Attorney's face was badly burned, while Gordon wa

    e Rachel before the explosion. In the hospital, Dent was driven to madness over the loss of Rachel, and blamed Batman, Gordon and the Joker. This act caused Sal Maroni to t

    oker's location, finding him and his craziness "too much" for business.

    m a man of simple tastes: I enjoy dynamite, gunpowder, and gasoline...and you know the thing they have in common? They're cheap [...] All you care about is money. This tow

    better class of criminal, and I'm gonna give it to 'em. Tell your men they work for me now. This is my city."

    The Joker to The Chechen while burning a pile of money

    The Joker later met the Chechen in a container ship with Lau and was given his reward: half the mobs

    smuggled money, which he casually burned along with Lau. He then betrayed the Chechen and took control of

    his men. He declares that Gotham deserves a new breed of criminal - one unmotivated by money or power but

    who commits crime purely for fun. This corresponds with something Alfred said to Bruce Wayne earlier in the

    film - "Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or

    negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn".

    "I had a vision, of a worldwithoutBatman. The Mob tried to ground a little profit and the police tried to shut

    them down, one block at a time. And it was so... boring."

    The Joker

    oker then made a call to a news program where Coleman Reese was threatening to go public on the news with information about Batman's identity.

    as interrupted by the Joker who stated he had changed his mind, believing Gotham to be too boring without Batman. To "give others the fun" he

    ened that if someone didn't kill the employee in sixty minutes he would blow up a hospital. Gordon then abandoned his ambush on the Joker to focus

    acuating all city hospitals.

    act with Harvey Dent

    ntroduce a little anarchy - upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing

    bout chaos - it's fair."

    The Joker persuading the disfigured Harvey Dent.

    g the mass evacuation, the Joker disguised himself as a nurse (still wearing his trademark face paint) and entered the hospital room of

    ey Dent. He first apologized to Dent, maintaining that he was not responsible for Rachels death as he lacks any idea for the repercussions

    actions, while the restrained Dent attempts in vain to kill him. The Joker introduces the former D.A. to his view of the world that his time in

    am has introduced him to, that people, or "schemers" as he calls them, are the truest form of evil in the world, as it is them who lay out the

    of society, including when human lives are expendable.

    To prove his argument, he points out that if his threats were aimed at 'gangbangers' or 'soldiers', then

    people wouldn't really care as society trains them to see the death of such people as acceptable. Thus,

    he turns the disillusioned Dent against society and against the "schemers" who put his and Rachels life

    in danger, namely the corrupt cops who kidnapped them, as well as the "schemers" who viewed Rachel's

    life to be expendable, namely Batman and Gordon.

    Giving Dent a gun, the Joker advised him to break away from the law that failed him and turn to chaos,

    which the Joker describes as the only truly fair system, as the fate of everyone would be only decided by

    chance, without the interference of the flawed laws of Man. Dent responded by flipping a coin to decide

    oker's fate, giving him the same chance Rachel had. Soon after Dent left, Joker detonated the Gotham General Hospital, skipping merrily away

    ing and hitting his detonator when most of the bombs temporarily fail to blow). He and his men then steal one of the nearby evacuation buses

    idnapped the TV reporter and his crew inside.


    Tonight, you're all going to be a part of a 'social experiment.'"

    The Joker

    oker declared that he would rule the streets and that anyone left in Gotham would be subjected to his rule. He told people they could leave

    but that he would have a surprise for them in the tunnel and on the bridge, which people then avoided, using instead two ferries, one ship full

    inary civilians and one of criminals, as Gordon feared the Joker would want to recruit them. However, the Joker had loaded each of them with

    sives. In hopes of showing everyone how evil and corrupt they can be, he gave the passengers of each ship the detonator to the bombs to

    her and offers both survival if they detonate the other ferry. If they didn't choose by midnight, the Joker would blow up both ships.

    an discovered not only the Joker's location at an unfinished skyscraper, but that the majority of his "gang" were actually hostages wearing clown-masks with unloaded guns tape

    s and that the people dressed as hostages were the actual criminals. Batman was forced to fight not only the Joker's men but the SWAT teams as well to save the hostages. He fi

    onts the Joker, which led to a final battle between the Joker and Batman (with the Joker using a metal bar and a knife). But Joker manages to get the upper-hand and pins Batma

    caffolding. He gleefully waited as the ferry's deadline neared, and was visibly disappointed when both groups of passengers refused to kill the other to save themselves. The civi

    w up the other ferry, but could not bring themselves to actually do so, while one of the criminals stepped forward and, taking the detonator, threw it out a window, saying that the

    d have done that from the start. As the deadline passed, Batman asked the Joker if he was trying to prove that everyone was as ugly as him deep down, bluntly informing the Jo

    lone in his corruption and insanity. Before he could detonate both ferries, Batman hit him with his shooting wrist-blades and threw the man over the edge. The Joker starts to lauo die, but Batman, refusing to kill him, instead caught him with his grapple gun and leaving him hanging for the police to capture, much to the Joker's anger.
  • 8/12/2019 The Joker (Heath Ledger) - Batman Wiki


    Ace in the Hole

    Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push."

    The Joker

    his act, the Joker acknowledged that Batman really is incorruptible but that Dent is no longer the "White Knight"; he's unleashed the scarred man on the city. Joker states that D

    n the hole" in his plan to show the people of Gotham that everyone is corruptible, thus undoing Dent's work before his transformation into Two-Face. Batman then angrily left the

    e helplessly as he started laughing manically and then was approached by the SWAT team who had him at gunpoint.

    chological Profile

    Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."

    Alfred talking to Bruce Wayne about how the Joker is different from most criminals.

    oker claimed to not be insane, but rather just "ahead of the curve". This may have been legitimately true, in the sense that he seems to subscribe to a more morally nihilistic min

    xhibited many symptoms of various failings of mental health. The Joker was described as having "zero empathy", which is shown throughout as being true. (This led him also to d

    human morality really runs, as he once said, "These people. When the chips are down; when everything has gone completely to hell, they'll eat each other".) When Batman is th

    around the room and attacking him, demanding for the location of Rachel and Harvey, he takes the assault with pleasure as he laughed while being beaten by the Batman.

    arly, when one of his minions got electrocuted in his attempt at removing Batman's mask, he proceeded to laugh hysterically, kick the minion, then mocked him by making noises s

    f someone being electrocuted, before spitting on him and resorting to his attempt at removing the mask himself. Along with being extremely sadistic, the Joker seems to have ve

    s own safety, such as when he was telling Batman to run him over with his Batpod, and when Batman threw him off a skyscraper building to his supposed death and he did nothin

    (only for Batman to save him with his grapple gun), although both could have also been due to the Joker believing that either Batman would not directly murder him or that he w

    by provoking Batman into proving him right by forcing the Dark Knight to commit murder. Similarly, when Gambol attempts to have the Joker killed during a mob meeting, the Joke

    led that he wired himself with explosives, having anticipated the possibility that he'd be gunned down during his meeting.

    most notable example in his utter lack of self-preservation, is when in the hospital, he gives Harvey Dent, after disfiguring him, and killing his girlfriend Rachel, a gun, and forcibly

    ead, gambling his life on the chance that Dent would adopt his philosophy of anarchy. Though, subtly, he kept his finger in front of the hammer of the gun, which would keep it fro

    xhibits various symptoms of an antisocial personality, blatantly disregarding laws and social norms far beyond standard deviant behavior. The Joker also has a low level of inhibitio

    less drive to disturb the status quo. He is driven by something other than money: he complains that the criminals of the mob are just seeking a profit and that the city deserves "a

    of criminal", namely himself.

    The Joker does attempt to take control of the city, recruits mob henchmen, he appears to hold his philosophy of chaos higher than himself. He describes himself as merely an "

    s (in his speech to convince Harvey Dent to let go of his beliefs so he could prove in his ultimate plan that even the most noble of men can sink down to the Joker's level).

    so doesn't actually care about money, as evidenced by his burning of the mob's money that he earned to recover Lau in front of the Chechen and stating that his actions aren't

    y." However, he did see some usefulness of money, as evidenced by the implication that he used the money he stole from Gotham National Bank to create his custom suit, acqui

    ment and weaponry, and hire others to form his own gang as the mob's agents were simply used as a means by Joker to gain control of Gotham's infrastructure and cripple the



    oker in The Dark Knight is a genius at planning and improvising criminal activities. He is incredibly intelligent and calculating, always staying one step ahead of everyone else, inc

    an (for a while) and the police. His unique (if rather disturbed) worldview, as well as the complete mystery surrounding his identity also give him something of an edge. Having no

    ections, friends, former identities or family to be traced back to makes him very difficult to predict, track down, or even understand. He is also shown to be a skilled, fearless, and

    dictable fighter, taking on mob henchmen and cops with ease, and showing how he can be lethal with many forms of weaponry; and was even capable of holding his own agains

    apping him near the climax of the film (although he had assistance on both occasions when fighting Batman). One explanation for the Joker's fighting skills might have to do with

    otic personality: the Joker doesn't really fear physical damage to himself like a normal person would, and even when brutally injured laughs at his own pain. His casual insensitivi

    is extreme fearlessness, lets him take risks that a normal person wouldn't even attempt, and so most people just don't see his attacks coming, i.e. walking into a room full of mob

    ally using a 'magic trick' to impale a pencil into one of their heads. The Joker's obliviousness to danger makes him invulnerable to what is usually Batman's greatest weapon in com

    to frighten low-level thugs.

    earance & Clothingtall, though notably shorter than Batman, dressed in a custom tailored suit consisting of an elegant, purple coat with matching pin-stripe pants (kept up by suspenders rather th

    rneath it, he wears a light blue jacket, green vest, and a light purple patterned shirt. Almost always seen wearing white make-up with blackened eyes and red smeared over the a

    ome scars, greasy, green-dyed, unkempt hair on his head only further implies his unstable psyche.

    outfit and make-up gets increasingly worn throughout the film, showing that the Joker indeed cares little for just about anything.

    ther media

    ham Tonight

    oker's attack on the bank was mentioned in the final Gotham Tonightspecial episode.

    Dark Knight RisesnovelizationVideo Games Entertainment Lifesty le Create your ULTIMATE VAMPIRE SLAYE
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    Joker concept-art

    Added by Ruslan

    Direct's Joker figure

    dded by Bivis19980

    oker was mentioned in Greg Cox's novelization of the The Dark Knight Rises. With the Dent Act, the insanity plea was thrown out for the most part, with felons being predominan

    soned, rather than institutionalized. Therefore, most inmates were moved to Blackgate Prison. However, the Joker was not to be found there, leading some in Gotham to specula

    f, if not the only, inmate of Arkham Asylum. The Joker's whereabouts were never publicized, leaving the possibility that he had escaped by the time of Bane's revolution: "The w

    were sent to Blackgate, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham's sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he escaped. Nobody was really sure."

    ind the Scenes


    rigins of the Joker are left deliberately ambiguous in The Dark Knight. Christopher Nolan and his co-writer Jonathan Nolan suggested the Joker's first two appearances in 1940's

    an as crucial influences. Just as in these issues of the Batman comic, the Joker's back-story is expanded upon little. Instead, the Joker is portrayed as an "absolute". "The Joker

    Dark Knight is fully formed...To me, the Joker is an absolute. There are no shades of gray to him maybe shades of purple. He's unbelievably dark. He bursts in just as he did

    cs."Nolan later reiterated, "We never wanted to do an origin story for the Joker in this film", because "the arc of the story is much more Harvey Dent's; the Joker is presented a

    ute. It's a very thrilling element in the film, and a very important element, but we wanted to deal with the rise of the Joker, not the origin of the Joker."

    Ledger described the Joker as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy". Nolan had wanted to work with Ledger on a number of projects in the

    een unable to do so. When Ledger saw Batman Begins, he realized a way to make the character work consistent with that film's tone, and Nolan agreed with his anarchic interpr

    re for the role, Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's posture, voice and psychology, and kept a diary, in which he recorded the Joker's tho

    gs to guide himself during his performance. While he initially found it difficult, Ledger was eventually able to generate a voice that did not sound like Jack Nicholson's take on the

    m Burton's 1989 Batman film. He was also given Batman: The Killing JokeandArkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earthto read, which he "really tried to read [...] and p

    er also cited inspirations such asA Clockwork Orange and Sid Vicious, which were "a very early starting point for Christian Bale and I. But we kind of flew far away from that prett

    nto another world altogether." "Theres a bit of everything in him. Theres nothing that consistent," Ledger said, adding that "There are a few more surprises to him." Before Ledge

    med to play the Joker in July 2006, Paul Bettany, Lachy Hulme, Adrien Brody, Steve Carell, and Robin Williams publicly expressed interest in the role. On not being invited to rep

    , Jack Nicholson remarked that he was "furious". In turn, responding to his initially-controversial selection to play the Joker, Ledger stated publicly, "It would not matter who is cho

    oker]. [...] In any film, there is always someone who does not like you and I am secure in my choices and my record. But I know at the end of the day you are never going to pleas

    ercentI refuse to carbon copy a performance. That would not be a challenge and it would be mocking Mr. Nicholson, whom I have much respect for."

    gh a unique portrayal, this Joker interpretation maintains much of his comic personality, such as his refusal to kill Batman, his view that people's morals are easily derailed, and T

    story in the film mirror the themes and plot of Batman: The Killing Joke, as well as his unreliable memory.

    anuary 22, 2008, after he had completed filming The Dark Knight, Ledger died, leading to intense press attention and memorial tributes. In March 2008, four months prior to the f

    uled release, Larry Carroll reported that "like Batman himself, Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal and director Christopher Nolan find themselves shifting gears between being se

    heroic and fighting back a deep sadness." "It was tremendously emotional, right when he passed, having to go back in and look at him every day," Nolan recalled. "But the truth

    ucky to have something productive to do, to have a performance that he was very, very proud of, and that he had entrusted to me to finish." All of Ledger's scenes appear as he

    in the filming; in editing the film, Nolan added no "digital effects" to alter Ledger's actual performance posthumously. Nolan has dedicated the film in part to Ledger's memory, as

    emory of technician Conway Wickliffe, who was killed during a car accident while preparing one of the film's stunts. According to Nolan, had Ledger not died, part of the plot for t

    have had the Joker standing trial for his crimes, with Two-Face, having survived his encounter with Batman, also rampaging across Gotham.


    oker's scruffy and grungy make-up is intended as a reflection of his "edgy" character. Costume designer Lindy Hemming described the Joker's look asting his personalitythat "he doesn't care about himself at all"; she avoided designing him as a vagrant but still made him appear to be "scruffier,

    ier", so that "when you see him move, he's slightly twitchier or edgy." Nolan noted, "We gave a Francis Bacon spin to [his face]. This corruption, this decay

    texture of the look itself. It's grubby. You can almost imagine what he smells like." In creating the "anarchical" look of the Joker, Hemming drew inspiration

    such counter-cultural pop culture artists as Pete Doherty, Iggy Pop, and Johnny Rotten. During the course of the film, the Joker only once removes his

    -up, causing it to become more unkempt and resemble an infection as it worsens. Ledger described his "clown" mask, made up of three pieces of stamped

    ne, as a "new technology", taking much less time for the make-up artists to apply than more-conventional prosthetics usually requiresthe process took

    only an hourand resulting in Ledger's impression that he was barely wearing any make-up at all.

    on Figures

    In 2008, Mattel released a toy collection for The Dark Knight. Like the Batman Begins line, The Dark Knight line also featured 5-

    inch figures. The Joker figure bared little resemblance to Heath Ledger, displaying a simple, cartoon-like face. This likeness

    would be used throughout most of the film's child-oriented marketing.

    In a first for Batman movie action figures, a 6-inch line of figures was produced called The Dark Knight Movie Masters.Designed by The Four Horsemen and displaying a much closer level of detail and more articulation than the 5-inch figures. The Joker's action figure

    very desired among collectors due to Heath Ledger's death.

    DC Direct released a 1:6 scale Joker figure striking a strong resemblance to Heath Ledger. Hot Toys also released a 1:6 scale Joker figure from The

    Knight, there is a normal Joker in the purple suit with a chain and cash, a Joker with bombs attached onto his suit jacket, a policeman Joker and a ban


    Hot Toys in addition has also released a Dx-01 version of The Joker featuring a new P.E.R.S. system which has movable eyes, Movie accurate acces

    lm, A decent Headsculpt, Great movie Detailing, And of course better Articulation, The doll was sold in Hong Kong which was available only Online and at the toy store located ne

    named Toy Hunters. The same doll Of the Dx-02 Batman was released later On.

    l also made figures of The Joker which bared a great resemblance to the late Heath Ledger, They have released kids versions of him and Scary versions of him also, They mad

    The Joker doll which was a Toys R Us exclusive, A Destructo Case The Joker figure that comes with a suit case. And more in the Line. Also in addition they have released the Ba

    cy which featured The Joker disguised as a police officer in the line also which was sold in Stores.
  • 8/12/2019 The Joker (Heath Ledger) - Batman Wiki
