The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0

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  • 8/10/2019 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0


    The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Version 3.01

    1Martin Jakobsson, 2Larry Mayer, 3Bernard Coakley, 4Julian A. Dowdeswell, 5Steve Forbes,2

    6Boris Fridman, 7Hanne Hodnesdal, 8Riko Noormets, 9Richard Pedersen,10Michele Rebesco3


    Hans-Werner Schenke,


    Yulia Zarayskaya,


    Daniela Accettella,


    Andrew Armstrong,4

    13Robert M. Anderson, 14Paul Bienhoff, 15Angelo Camerlenghi,16Ian Church, 17Margo Edwards,5

    2James V. Gardner; 18John K. Hall, 1Benjamin Hell, 19Ole Hestvik, 20Yngve Kristoffersen,6

    21Christian Marcussen, 1Rezwan Mohammad, 22David Mosher, 23Son V. Nghiem, 5Paola G.7


    Pauline Weatherall8

    1Dept. of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden; 2Center for Coastal and Ocean9

    Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, USA; 3Dept. of Geology10

    and Geophysics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA; 4Scott Polar Research Institute,11

    University of Cambridge, UK; 5Canadian Hydrographic Service, Canada; 6Moscow12

    Aerogeodetic Company, Russian Federation; 7Norwegian Mapping Authority, Hydrographic13

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    Denmark;22Geological Survey of Canada, Canada23Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California23

    Institute of Technology, USA; 24British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), UK.24



    The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) released its first gridded27

    bathymetric compilation in 1999. The IBCAO bathymetric portrayals has since supported a wide28

    range of Arctic science activities, for example, by providing constraint for ocean circulation29

    models and the means to define and formulate hypotheses about the geologic origin of the Arctic30

    Ocean undersea features. IBCAO Version 3.0 comprises the largest improvement since 199931

    taking advantage of new data sets collected by the circum-Arctic nations, opportunistic data32

    collected from fishing vessels, data acquired from US Navy submarines and from research ships33

    of various nations. Built using an improved gridding algorithm, this new grid is on a 500 meter34

    spacing, revealing much greater details of the Arctic seafloor than IBCAO 1.0 (2.5 km) and 2.035

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    represents the single largest step forward in Arctic Ocean bathymetric mapping, subsequent45

    maps successively revealed a much more complex bathymetric landscape formed from the46

    tectonic evolution of the Arctic Basin, ocean currents and glacial history [e.g. Atlasov et al.,47

    1964;Johnson et al., 1979; Perry et al., 1986]. In 1997, one century after the Fram Expedition,48

    the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) project was initiated in St49

    Petersburg, Russia. The project had a single major objective: to collect all available bathymetry50

    data for the compilation of the most up-to-date bathymetric portrayal of the Arctic Ocean51

    seafloor. An Editorial Board was established consisting of representatives from the circum-52

    Arctic Ocean nations plus Germany and Sweden. Three years later, the first bathymetric53

    compilation from IBCAO was released to the public after an introduction at the AGU Fall54

    Meeting in 1999 [Jakobsson et al., 2000]. This first compilation consisted of a Digital55

    Bathymetric Model (DBM) with grid cell spacing of 2.5 x 2.5 km on a polar stereographic56

    projection. In 2008, Version 2.0 of the IBCAO DBM was completed at a finer grid spacing of 257

    x 2 km [Jakobsson et al 2008] This version was compiled from an expanded bathymetric58

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    (UNCLOS) Article 76 [Marcussen and Macnab, 2011;Mayer et al., 2010]. Vast amounts of68

    single beam data have also been collected in the Arctic region using the Olex seabed mapping69

    system ( Furthermore, since the release of IBCAO Version 2.0, single beam echo70

    soundings from US nuclear submarine cruises between 1993-2005 have been declassified and the71

    Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland has released soundings from industry seismic72

    surveys around Greenland for IBCAO use (Figure 1). Given the availability of these new data73

    sources, a new IBCAO Editorial Board has been established for the purpose of compiling74

    IBCAO Version 3.0. Here we describe the compilation of IBCAO 3.0, the new bathymetric data,75

    and the major improvements that have implications for geological, geophysical and76

    oceanographic analyses as well as for numerical modeling applications. IBCAO 3.0 will be the77

    new standard bathymetric data set for the Arctic Ocean. Applying an enhanced gridding78

    algorithm, the IBCAO 3.0 DBM is gridded from a substantially enlarged source database. While79

    the base grid is still compiled at a resolution of 2 x 2 km grid cells on a polar stereographic80

    projection the higher resolution source data (primarily multibeam and Olex) are merged on to81

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    there are still are huge areas of the Arctic Ocean remaining to be mapped before we reach the90

    same level of topographic characterization as that of the Moon or Mars [Mazarico et al., 2011].91


    2. Methods93

    2.1. Bathymetric source data94

    The bathymetric data new to IBCAO 3.0 are shown in Figure 1 and references to each of the95

    multibeam surveys, or group of surveys, are found in the Auxiliary Material. There are only a96

    handful of research icebreakers with multibeam systems capable of operating within the heavy97

    pack-ice covered central Arctic Ocean. Along the edges of the pack ice, however, several98

    multibeam surveys by ice strengthened research vessels have made substantial contributions [e.g.99

    Dowdeswell et al., 2010;Hogan et al., 2010; Pedrosa et al., 2011;Rebesco et al., 2011;100

    Westbrook et al., 2009;Zayonchek et al., 2010]. In addition to all previously declassified101

    bathymetric soundings acquired by U.S. Navy submarines, there is now an additional set released102

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    IBCAO 3.0, a snapshot of the Olexdatabase was captured in October 2011. Depths were113

    retrieved as median values on a 0.12 x 0.12 arc minute grid. Fishermen rarely calibrate their echo114

    sounders (by measuring speed of sound in the water column). Instead, a nominal sound speed115

    based on experience is commonly applied in the conversion between the echo travel-time to116

    depth. This implies that there is an uncertainty in the Olexdepth database regarding the applied117

    sound speeds, though typically the sound speed used is between 1460 and 1480 m/s (pers.118

    Comm. Ole B. Hestvik, Olex). To investigate travel time to depth issues, we compared depth119

    values from the Olexsounding database in the area off the Storfjorden Trough, south of120

    Spitsbergen, where the ItalianRV OGS-Exploraand SpanishBIO Hespridescarried out121

    collaborative multibeam surveys [Pedrosa et al., 2011] (Figure 2). This area was chosen for the122

    comparison because the multibeam surveys are of high quality and carried out with regular sound123

    speed control [Pedrosa et al., 2011]. Individual depths from the Olex database were paired with124

    depths from the provided 200 x 200 m multibeam grid for comparison. The criteria used to form125

    a pair of depth values was that the two must be located closer than 50 m from each other The126

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    margins for oil and gas exploration. Through the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland136

    (GEUS), single beam soundings acquired along with the seismic reflection profiles have been137

    released to be used in IBCAO 3.0 (Figure 1). For all surveys the metadata describes whether the138

    echo sounding depths are in corrected meters, i.e. depths derived using a measured sound139

    velocity profile of the water column, or referred to a nominal sound speed. In the latter case,140

    1500 m/s was used as a standard. Of the 43 surveys used, 18 contained uncorrected depths that141

    were recalculated to refer to a harmonic mean sound velocity of 1463 m/s; a velocity that142

    adjusted the depth values to fit well with sound speed corrected surveys as determined from track143

    line cross-overs. MAREANO is a Norwegian program aimed at mapping the coastal and offshore144

    regions of Norway ( Bathymetry is one of the parameters included in145

    the MAREANO seafloor characterization program. The high quality MAREANO multibeam146

    compilation, to-date covering the area between about 67and 72N, has been provided to147

    IBCAO at a uniform resolution of 25 x 25 m on a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)148

    j ti A ill b h i th lt ti th d t k h i t i th149

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    2.2. Land topography158

    Narrow fjords, bays, or islands that only are slightly wider than the final IBCAO DBM159

    resolution, in our case 500 m, are often difficult to preserve. This may, to some extent, be helped160

    by including land topography in the full gridding process as it guides the gridded surface. The161

    recently released Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010)162

    [Danielson and Gesch, 2011] has been used in IBCAO 3.0, replacing the GTOPO30 [U.S.163

    Geological Survey, 1997] used in IBCAO 2.0. Over Greenland the approximately 2000 x 2000 m164

    resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) published byEkholm[1996] is still used.165


    2.3. Gridding algorithm and source identification167

    The applied gridding algorithm is a further improvement of that developed to compile IBCAO168

    2.0 [seeJakobsson et al., 2008]. The main improvement consists of adding the source data with a169

    spatial horizontal resolution approximately equal to, or better than, 500 m in a final step using170

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    3. Results and Discussion180

    3.1. General comparison between IBCAO versions 3.0 and 2.0181

    The IBCAO 3.0 DBM is, from several perspectives, best described by comparison to the182

    preceding Version 2.0. One general, but striking, difference with 3.0 is the higher resolution of183

    500 x 500 m in all areas where the source data density permits compilation at this scale. This is184

    the case in the shelf regions around the North Atlantic where Olex, MAREANO, and the released185

    single beam soundings from industry seismic add substantially to the bathymetric source186

    database (Figure 1). For example, it is possible in Version 3.0 to distinguish seafloor imprints187

    from the paleo-ice streams draining the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during past glacial periods188

    (Figure 3). Glacigenic features now visible that were barely seen in 2.0 include mega-scale189

    glacial lineations (Figure 3), lateral and terminal moraines, and large iceberg plow marks. The190

    full resolution MAREANO multibeam grid with 25 x 25 m cells provides an additional level of191

    detail and can be requested directly from the MAREANO project (

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    3.2. Improved coastline constraint227

    The approach of first gridding all the data with a constraint on the output values to not exceed228

    0.1 m depth, and subsequently adding the topography in a separate step, in combination with the229

    higher resolution GMTED2010, improved the coastline constraint dramatically in Version 3.0230

    compared to 2.0 (Figure 3). This makes IBCAO much more useful for nearshore applications231

    ranging from simple map making to regional ocean circulation modeling [e.g. Lu et al., 2010]232


    4.0. Conclusions and outlook234

    Mapping of the world oceans seafloor has resulted in some of the major breakthroughs in our235

    understanding of earth system processes. The mapping of oceanic rift zones by Heezen [1960]236

    led Hess [1962] directly to the formulation of the concept now known as seafloor spreading.237

    Si il l it ft b i id d b i d A ti O t d th238

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    addition, new innovative methods to map in severe pack ice are beginning to emerge, such as248

    echo sounding from hoover crafts and the deployment of autonomous drifting echo sounding249

    buoys [Hall and Kristoffersen, 2009]. We will work to continue on updating the view of the250

    Arctic Ocean seafloor through IBCAO; however, the pace at which its central part is currently251

    mapped is much too slow for the scientific communitys need for a better bathymetric portrayal252

    so critical for oceanographic, geological, geophysical and biological research and applications.253

    The seafloor has a profound influence on numerous processes not obvious at a first glance. Its254

    role in sea ice formation and evolution, which recently has been shown using IBCAO 2.0, may255

    serve as one such example [Nghiem et al., 2012 (in press)]. Even considering a scenario where256

    sea ice continues its declining trend that may eventually lead to sea-ice free summers [Wang and257

    Overland, 2009], the short Arctic summer period (and possibility of some ice hazard) will258

    severely limit the pace of Arctic mapping. Large coordinated efforts as well as new innovative259

    mapping methods adapted to the harsh Arctic Ocean environment are therefore needed. The IHO260

    contribution with depths extracted from ENCs serve as one good example of such coordinated261

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    Atlasov, I. P., V. A. Vakar, and V. P. Dibner (1964),A new tectonic chart of the Arctic,272

    Directorate of Scientific Information Services.273

    Cherkis, N. Z., H. S. Fleming, M. D. Max, P. R. Vogt, M. F. Czarnecki, Y. Kristoffersen, A.274

    Midthassel, and K. Rokoengen (1991), Bathymetry of the Barents and Kara Seas,275

    Bathymetry of the Barents and Kara Seas, Geological Society of America Map, Boulder.276

    Danielson, J. J., and D. B. Gesch (2011), Global multi-resolution terrain elevation data 2010277

    (GMTED2010)Rep., 25 pp.278

    Dietz, R. S., and G. Shumway (1961), Arctic Basin Geomorphology, Geological Society of279

    America Bulletin, 72(9), 1319-1330.280

    Dowdeswell, J. A., et al. (2010), High-resolution geophysical observations from the Yermak281

    Plateau and northern Svalbard margin: implications for ice-sheet grounding and deep-282

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    Heezen, B. C., and M. Ewing (1961), The Mid-Oceanic Ridge and its extension through the293

    Arctic Basin, in Geology of the Arctic, edited by G. O. Raasch, pp. 622-642, University294

    of Toronto Press.295

    Hell, B., and M. Jakobsson (2011), Gridding heterogeneous bathymetric data sets with stacked296

    continuous curvature splines in tension,Marine Geophysical Research, 32(4), 493-501.297

    Hess, H. H. (1962), History of Ocean Basins, in Petrologic studies: a volume in honor of A. F.298

    Buddington, edited by A. E. J. Engel, H. L. James and B. F. Leonard, pp. 599-620,299

    Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.300

    Hogan, K. A., J. A. Dowdeswell, R. Noormets, J. Evans, C. Cofaigh, and M. Jakobsson301

    (2010), Submarine landforms and ice-sheet flow in the Kvitya Trough, northwestern302

    Barents Sea Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(25-26), 3545-3562.303

    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, International Hydrographic Organization, and304

    British Oceanographic Data Centre (2003), Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital305

    Atlas edited British Oceanographic Data Centre306

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    Lu, Y., S. Nudds, F. Dupont, M. Dunphy, C. Hannah, and S. Prinsenberg (2010), High-resolution316

    modelling of ocean and sea-ice conditions in the Canadian arctic coastal waters.317

    Marcussen, C., and R. Macnab (2011), Extending coastal state boundaries into the central Arctic318

    Ocean: outer continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles and the quest for319

    hydrocarbons, inArctic Petroleum Geology, edited by A. M. Spencer, A. F. Embry, D. L.320

    Gautier, A. V. Stoupakova and K. Srensen, pp. 715-730, Geological Society, London.321

    Matishov, G. G., N. Z. Cherkis, M. S. Vermillion, and S. L. Forman (1995), Bathymetry of the322

    Franz Josef Land Area,Bathymetry of the Franz Josef Land area, Geological Society of323

    America, Boulder, Colorado.324

    Mayer, L. A., A. A. Armstrong, B. R. Calder, and J. V. Gardner (2010), Seafloor Mapping In325

    The Arctic:Support For a Potential US Extended Continental Shelf,International326

    Hydrographic Review, 3, 14-23.327

    Mazarico, E., D. D. Rowlands, G. A. Neumann, D. E. Smith, M. H. Torrence, F. G. Lemoine,328

    and M T Zuber (2011) Orbit determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter329

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    Nghiem, S. V., P. Clemente-Coln, I. G. Rigor, D. K. Hall, and G. Neumann (2012 (in press)),338

    Seafloor control on sea ice,Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in339


    Pedrosa, M. T., A. Camerlenghi, B. De Mol, R. Urgeles, M. Rebesco, and R. G. Lucchi (2011),341

    Seabed morphology and shallow sedimentary structure of the Storfjorden and Kveithola342

    trough-mouth fans (North West Barents Sea),Marine Geology, 286(14), 65-81.343

    Perry, R. K., H. S. Fleming, J. R. Weber, Y. Kristoffersen, J. K. Hall, A. Grantz, G. L. Johnson,344

    N. Z. Cherkis, and B. Larsen (1986), Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean, Bathymetry of the345

    Arctic Ocean, Boulder, Colorado.346

    Rebesco, M., et al. (2011), Deglaciation of the western margin of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet - A347

    swath bathymetric and sub-bottom seismic study from the Kveithola Trough,Marine348

    Geology, 279(1-4), 141-147.349

    Smith, W. H. F., and D. T. Sandwell (1997), Global seafloor topography from satellite altimetry350

    and ship depth soundings Science 277 1957 1962351

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    Zayonchek, A. V., et al. (2010), The Structure of Continent-Ocean transition zone at North-West360

    Barents Sea Margin (results of 2426thcruises of RV Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov, 2006-361

    2009 ), in Contribution of Russia to International Polar Year, edited by M. Paulsen, pp.362



    Figure Captions365

    Figure 1:A)Bathymetric data new to the IBCAO 3.0 compilation. A complete list with366

    references to each multibeam survey or set of surveys is found in Auxiliary Material. B-D)367

    Close-up maps of the areas where the newly included multibeam surveys are most concentrated.368

    Figure 2: A) Map showing the area south of Spitsbergen where depths from the multibeam369

    survey of ItalianRV OGS-Exploraand SpanishBIO Hespridesare compared with depths from370

    the Olexsounding database. The black dots are the soundings from Olexselected for comparison371

    as they are located closer than 50 m from nodes of the 200 x 200 m resolution multibeam grid.372

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  • 8/10/2019 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0


  • 8/10/2019 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0
