Happy 2021 from the United States! That’s right, the Hummel family spent Christmas 2020 in the Northern Hemisphere. So how did this happen? We were contacted by a supporting Church that had expiring airline credit, wondering if we could use it before the end of the year. Since this year we won’t have a normal summer camp season, thanks to COVID, we figured this might be the only opportunity for the kids to experience a “White Christmas.” We are so thankful for this blessing! There were so many pieces that needed to fall into place for this trip to happen, and every single detail was taken care of. God’s provision continues to amaze us! Our time in the States has been wonderful. This is the first time we’ve come to just visit family, and we are grateful for the opportunity to rest and recharge. Because of COVID, we spent most of the time laying low to be able to see both of my Grandmothers. The kids were excited for snow! After many years of watching Frozen, Brianna was finally able to build her snowman. Danny and Logan also joined in the fun, making snow angels and throwing snowballs. They actually surprised me with how well they have dealt with the cold. I think they actually handled it better than me! Even though we have been taking it easy, there’s still work to do. As stated earlier, this summer will be dierent in Peru. We will be having virtual camps - a week for children and a week for teenagers. I am currently coordinating and planning for both of these weeks. We leave for Peru, on January 16th and our camps start the 27th. Please pray we are able to spread the Gospel and encourage our campers even from behind a computer. What a year 2020 has been! None of us saw it coming, but we take comfort in knowing that no matter what God is in control. I continue to learn every day to trust Him. Through it all, your faithful spiritual and financial support has encouraged and strengthened us. We feel humbled and blessed to have such a great team of supporters by our side! Our prayer for this year is that we may be “filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.” - Col. 1:9, 10. Para Su Gloria (For His Glory), Derek and Valeria Hummel THE HUMMELS IN PERU JANUARY 2021 HUMMELS


Happy 2021 from the United States! That’s right, the Hummel family spent Christmas 2020 in the Northern Hemisphere. So how did this happen? We were contacted by a supporting Church that had expiring airline credit, wondering if we could use it before the end of the year. Since this year we won’t have a normal summer camp season, thanks to COVID, we figured this might be the only opportunity for the kids to experience a “White Christmas.” We are so thankful for this blessing! There were so many pieces that needed to fall into place for this trip to happen, and every single detail was taken care of. God’s provision continues to amaze us!

Our time in the States has been wonderful. This is the first time we’ve come to just visit family, and we are grateful for the opportunity to rest and recharge. Because of COVID, we spent most of the time laying low to be able to see both of my Grandmothers. The kids were excited for snow! After many years of watching Frozen, Brianna was finally able to build her snowman. Danny and Logan also joined in the fun, making snow angels and throwing snowballs. They actually surprised me with how well they have dealt with the cold. I think they actually handled it better than me!

Even though we have been taking it easy, there’s still work to do. As stated earlier, this summer will be different in Peru. We will be having virtual camps - a week for children and a week for teenagers. I am currently coordinating and planning for both of these weeks. We leave for Peru, on January 16th and our camps start the 27th. Please pray we are able to spread the Gospel and encourage our campers even from behind a computer.

What a year 2020 has been! None of us saw it coming, but we take comfort in knowing that no matter what God is in control. I continue to learn every day to trust Him. Through it all, your faithful spiritual and financial support has encouraged and strengthened us. We feel humbled and blessed to have such a great team of supporters by our side! Our prayer for this year is that we may be “filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.” - Col. 1:9, 10.

Para Su Gloria (For His Glory),

Derek and Valeria Hummel