The Human Side of Successful Lighting/Daylighting Design

7/14/2014 1 The Human Side of Successful Lighting/Daylighting Design GENUINE | PROGRESSIVE | ADVOCATES Provider Name & Number August 14, 2014 MARCEL HARMON, PHD, PE, LEED-AP O+M BEST PRACTICES SLIDE


Approved AIA CES course; submitted for GBCI CE approval. This is a draft version of the presentation. Final slides will be available by 8/14/2014. Course Description: For lighting and daylighting solutions to be successful and truly sustainable, we must have a holistic, contextual understanding of the building/occupant interface, and how that is influenced by human factors, including relevant physiological, psychological and social/cultural factors. This is the only way to effectively align occupant and other key stakeholders wants, needs and behaviors with lighting/daylighting system capabilities and operational policies. Otherwise building performance and occupant health and productivity are negatively impacted, limiting a project’s ability to meet its lighting and sustainable goals. Using previous master planning, design, retrocommissioning and post occupancy evaluation case studies, the presenter will demonstrate how these human factors can be accounted for and integrated into solutions moving forward, as well as what happens when they aren’t effectively accounted for.

Transcript of The Human Side of Successful Lighting/Daylighting Design

  • 1. 7/14/2014 1 The Human Side of Successful Lighting/Daylighting Design GENUINE|PROGRESSIVE|ADVOCATES Provider Name & Number August 14, 2014 MARCEL HARMON, PHD, PE, LEED-AP O+M BEST PRACTICES SLIDE

2. 7/14/2014 2 COPYRIGHT SLIDE COURSE DESCRIPTION SLIDE Forlightinganddaylighting solutionstobesuccessfulandtruly sustainable,wemusthaveaholistic,contextualunderstandingof thebuilding/occupantinterface,andhowthatisinfluencedby human factors including relevant physiological psychological andhumanfactors,includingrelevantphysiological,psychologicaland social/culturalfactors.Thisistheonlywaytoeffectivelyalign occupantandotherkeystakeholderswants,needsandbehaviors withlighting/daylighting systemcapabilitiesandoperational policies.Otherwisebuildingperformanceandoccupanthealth andproductivityarenegativelyimpacted,limitingaprojects abilitytomeetitslightingandsustainablegoals.Usingpreviousy g g g g p masterplanning,design,retrocommissioning andpostoccupancy evaluationcasestudies,thepresenterwilldemonstratehow thesehumanfactorscanbeaccountedforandintegratedinto solutionsmovingforward,aswellaswhathappenswhenthey arenteffectivelyaccountedfor. 3. 7/14/2014 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES SLIDE Developanunderstandingofwhathumanfactorsconsistof, howtheyvebeenshapedbyourspeciesevolutionaryhistory andwhatimpacttheyhaveonoccupantneeds/behaviors related to lighting daylighting and personal controlrelatedtolighting,daylighting andpersonalcontrol. Learnhowhumanfactorscanholisticallybeaccountedforand integratedintolighting/daylighting solutions,andthefinancial andsustainablebenefitsfordoingso. Learnhowthiscanappliedtovariousprojecttypes,including masterplanning,design,retrocommissioning andpost occupancyevaluations.p y Developanunderstandingoftheunexpectedimpactsthatsome wellintendedlighting/daylighting designconceptsandvalue engineeringdecisionscanhaveonoccupants,building performanceandsustainabilitygoals. WHAT ARE YOU MISSING? 61% 79%61% 79% ofoccupantshave complaintstheydontshare Source:POEof14schools;mixofold&new 4. 7/14/2014 4 WHAT ARE YOU MISSING? 1919 Theaverage#ofdaylighting/lightinglessons learnedfromeachproject. Averageoftotallessonslearnedwas105 Source: POEof14schools;mixofold&new WHAT ARE YOU MISSING? 40.6%40.6% ThepercentofU.S.CO2emissionsproduced byBuildingscomparedtoTransportationand Industry. Source:20132030,Inc./Architecture2030.AllRightsReserved.DataSource:U.S.Energy InformationAdministration(2012). 5. 7/14/2014 5 WHAT ARE YOU MISSING? $5.48 Billion$5.48Billion AvoidedfutureeconomiccoststoU.S. economybyreducingthecommercialbuilding sectorsemissionsbyjust5%* *Basedon2012emissionsdataandJohnsonandHopes(2012)2010SCCestimate usingthe1.5%discountrate Sources: EPA430R14003:InventoryofU.S.GreenhouseGasEmissionsandSinks:1990 2012: Johnson,L.T.andC.Hope.2012.ThesocialcostofcarboninU.S.regulatoryimpactanalyses:an introductionandcritique.JournalofEnvironmentalStudiesandSciences.September,2012. WHAT ARE YOU MISSING? 10 10010 100 Multiplybuildingoperatingcostsbythisto determineorganizationoperatingcosts the PEOPLEcost Sources:CABE/BCO.2005.TheImpactofOfficeDesignonBusinessPerformance.Commissionfor ArchitectureandtheBuiltEnvironmentandtheBritishCouncilforOffices,London,UK. Fisk,W.J.2002.HowIEQAffectsHealth,Productivity.ASHRAEJournal44(5):5658. 6. 7/14/2014 6 QUANTIFYING THE SOCIAL EstimatedCostof Anthropological RelatedServices $10,000 ECMEstimatedTotal ImplementationImplementation Costs $1,617,450 SimplePayback (EnergyOnly) 6.47yrsConradDubersteinU.S. CourthouseandPost Offices Lighting + ECMEstimated AnnualEnergy Savings $251,585 ECMEstimated AnnualProductivity Savings $788,250 SimplePayback (Energy+ Productivity) 1.57yrs Office sLighting+ BehavioralRelated EnergyConservation Measure(ECM)TotalCost andEstimatedPayback QUALIFYING THE SOCIAL Stories Expectations Occupants, Operations, Design Conflicts Among Occupants Direct& Indirect Messaging Formal& Informal Norms Demographic Variability Social Identity 7. 7/14/2014 7 Identity RolesFreshAir Focusonthe Here&Now Hunter/Gatherer Ancestors Modern Global Village 100yrsago: HVAC,Lighting, Materials,etc. 400generationsago: Agriculture& Urbanism Daylighting Exterior Views Temperature/ RHRanges Social ModernGlobalVillageSocial Brains Sanctioning MeasuresThe Other HUMAN FACTORS OVERVIEW The Science of Behavior: B=f(I+E) Physiological Individual Behavior Individual Needs PhysicalComfort TaskCompletion Developing Relationships Maintaining Relationships StatusDisplays Psychological Highly Interactive Environment Group Needs NegotiatingPower Differentials MaximizingProfits Social/ Cultural Physical Basedonresearchspanningfrom: KurtLewin,1936PrinciplesofTopologicalPsychology to ElliottSober&DavidSloanWilson,1999 UntoOthers:TheEvolutionandPsychologyofUnselfishBehavior 8. 7/14/2014 8 HUMAN FACTORS IMPACTS on Productivity and Health Spendover90%ofourtimeindoors. Indrasticallydifferentenvironments comparedtowhatweevolvedin. GoodQuality Daylighting vs.No Daylighting 20%:math 25% dicomparedtowhatweevolvedin. Exposedtochemicals,materials,HVAC, lighting,etc.whoseeffectsarent thoroughlyunderstood. 25%:reading Thermal Discomfort Upto10% Personal Environmental Control 7.1%Lighting 1.8%Ventilation 1.2%Temp. ViewAccessvs. NoAccess Upto25% IAQImprovements 5%+Reductionin SickDays METHODOLOGY EAM MODEL - For Building & Occupant Alignment Evaluate BackgroundData (HR&Building) EngageBldgPopulation (Interview,Observe,&Survey) FacilityEvaluation (SpaceMeasurements&FTPs; O&MEngagement) Align MakeItEasyAsPossible (Facility,Behavioral,Procedural Modifications) MeaningfulFeedback (InformationandMechanisms) MakeItFun Monitor Metrics (EnergyandWater;Survey Results;Productivityand Health) EvaluationPlan (Frequency;Recordsand Engagement) Add IAddressIssues Copyright2011M.E.GROUP,Inc. 9. 7/14/2014 9 QUANTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY & HEALTH DirectMeasure IndirectEstimate Previousresearch informedby ethnography Field Setting Lab Setting Quantified Productivity/ Performance &Health Impacts Wasted Time Previous Research Applied DirectEstimate Multivariate RegressionAnalysis Correlations Average Impacts Visibility Issues; Lack of Daylight C t l Post Occupancy Evaluation Daylighting, Performance Impacts and Value Engineering QUANTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY & HEALTH Teacher/Staff Annual ProductivityControl Ad Hoc Solutions AnnualProductivity Impact: $169,000 V. Sue Cleveland High School MathScores: 1.5% ReadingScores: 0.9% 10. 7/14/2014 10 11 Design Evaluation of Daylighting Options Using Productivity Impacts QUANTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY & HEALTH 0 3 8 Option1:FritGlazing University of Missouri, Kansas City Option2:LightLouver +Blinds/Shades Option2 3%6%increase inperformance (math&reading tasks)overOption1 Photo Rights: BNIM Architects Retrocommissioning OccupancySensorsandLackofPersonal LightingControlsImpactonProductivity QUANTIFYING PRODUCTIVITY & HEALTH ConradDubersteinU.S.PostOffice&Courthouse 50%+ ofcourthouse sideoccupants experiencedoccupancy sensorproblems&lack personallightingcontrol Spendinganaverageof 5minutesperday dealingwithoccupancy sensorissues WastedTime:Costing $120,000+ LackofPersonal Control:Costing $900,000+ 11. 7/14/2014 11 OCCUPANT CONTROL PostOccupancyEvaluation LackofPersonalControl, Frustration&ImpactonEnergyConsumption Edward Gonzales Elementary Leavinglightsonasasignofprotest& statementofpersonalcontrol Post Occupancy Evaluation Elementary Student Interactions With Occupancy OCCUPANT CONTROL Sensors Hurley Elementary GhostintheMachine 12. 7/14/2014 12 OCCUPANT CONTROL OccupantInertia&Easeof Bli d C t l A McKinley Elementary BlindControlAccess 21st Century Glare or Brightness Problems Audibility & Noise Issues Concern W/ Direction Being TakenConcern W/ Direction Being Taken Like Small School/ Community Feel Like Small School/ Community Feel STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Master Planning Text Analysis Maintenance, IT & Custodial IssuesMaintenance, IT & Custodial Issues Improve/Maintain AestheticsImprove/Maintain Aesthetics Improve PlaygroundImprove Playground Technology y EducationTechnology Infrastructure Inadequacy Thermal DiscomfortThermal Discomfort Collaboration & Small GroupCollaboration & Small Group Poor Indoor Air QualityPoor Indoor Air Quality Lack of Temp ControlLack of Temp Control Problems Desire/ Appreciation for Operable Windows Other Lighting Control Issues Cafeteria/ Lunch/ Nutrition Problems Health ConcernsHealth Concerns Desire for Multi- Levels of Lighting Additional Training Needed More Communication Amongst Stakeholders More Communication Amongst Stakeholders Approval of Direction Being TakenApproval of Direction Being Taken Student Centered Technology Not Only Answer West Platte School District Safety & Security Concerns Space Size, Configuration & Flexibility Desire/Appreciation for Daylighting Dislike Fluorescent Lighting & Desired Changes Plumbing Issues & Desired Changes Need Additional Restrooms Improving Athletic Fields/FacilitiesImproving Athletic Fields/Facilities Improving Traffic Flow & Parking Improving Traffic Flow & Parking Lack of StorageLack of Storage Class Size (# of Students)Class Size (# of Students) Wayfinding Problems 13. 7/14/2014 13 Performance Enhancement Measure (PEM) Matrix Initial Annual / Satisfaction, Desire STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Master Planning Prioritizing Solutions Rank PEMID PEM Description Initial Capital Cost Labor/ Service Cost Energy Savings Maintenance Savings Productivity &Health Benefits Water Savings Timeto Implement Disruption ofFacilities Desire AmongKey Stakeholders Payback 1 OM1003 Resettingand Recalibrating Thermostat Temperature Setpoints 0 0 0 0 0 2 OM1010 EvaluateWork OrderProcess 0 0 0 0 3 OM1012 Develop FormalPlan for Storage 0 0 0 0 0 0forStorage andDisposal 4 OM1001 Renew Maintenance Contract 0 $$ $$ 5 OM1013 Add(1) Maintenance StaffPosition 0 $$ $$ 6 E1006 Relocate SmartBoards $ 0 0 0 0 7 OM1008 Training $ 0 $ 0 West Platte School District Post Occupancy Evaluation STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/ VALUES Post Occupancy Evaluation Conflicting Values & Needs Baca/Dlo'ay azhi CommunitySchool 14. 7/14/2014 14 Solar tube dome Hurley Elementary School Post Occupancy Evaluation Systems too Complex for Owner STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Teacher: One of my lights [Solar t b ] k [ ] Solar tube diffuser in classroom with dampers closed. All others in classroom were open. tubes] keep[s] rotating and that is a big distraction in the classroom. STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Peer Pressure, Goals, Competition, Transparency & Feedback OccupancySetting:5weeks Lighting 635KWH Lighting 34.6%Reduction Reduction in False M.E. GROUP Overland Park, KS LEED CI Platinum Office 415KWH VacancySetting:5weeks ReductioninFalse OnOccurrences PeerPressure 15. 7/14/2014 15 One-Way Messages Increase awareness of design elements operational policies and STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Direct/Indirect Messaging & Social/ Cultural Norms Increase awareness of design elements, operational policies and energy conserving behavior through One-Way Messages Source: Direct Message Indirect Message STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Post Occupancy Evaluation - Inconsistent Messages ConsistentUseofLightingControls V. Sue Cleveland High School 16. 7/14/2014 16 STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Master Planning - Iniquities in Daylighting Lawrence,KS SchoolDistrict Deerfield,BrokenArrow Cordley,Hillcrest,Kennedy, NewYork,Hillcrest,Sunset Hill,Schwegler,Woodlawn LangstonHughes, PrairiePark,Quail Run,Sunflower Potential20%deltainmathscores Potential26%deltainreadingscores Post Occupancy Evaluation Views and Unintended Consequences STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Edward Gonzales Elementary 17. 7/14/2014 17 Interior Classroom Windows Post Occupancy Evaluation Daylighting, Views and Unintended Benefits STAKEHOLDER WANTS/NEEDS/VALUES Windows Facilitate Impromptu Teacher Discussions V. Sue Cleveland High School Q&A Its not about the building Its about what we do with it