THE HOLY SPIRIT - WSFC · THE HOLY SPIRIT ‘Joanie, yes, you have Jesus, and if Je-sus had a gift...


Transcript of THE HOLY SPIRIT - WSFC · THE HOLY SPIRIT ‘Joanie, yes, you have Jesus, and if Je-sus had a gift...

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    We believe that our God is tri-une, three in one – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Most people have an understanding of the Father and the Son (Jesus), but there is something mysterious,

    vague or even misunderstood about the Holy Spirit. We can study about Him and dive deep into theology, yet there is something about the Holy Spirit that needs to be experienced. That is where this book comes in.

    As you read you will find stories, poems and artwork written and created by our community here at West Salem Foursquare Church, our hope and desire is that each piece would cause you to pause and reflect on the Holy Spirit’s role in your own life and that you would experience Him in new and different ways.

    So grab a pen and a journal and chronicle your journey through this book. And if you would like to study more on the Holy Spirit please check out the appendix for our beliefs, some scriptures and referenc-es for further reading.




    -Katie Mayer


    I can remember the moment like it was yesterday, even though I was around 14 or 15 years old (that’s over 30 years ago if you’re keeping score at home). The sum-mer camp speaker gave an invitation for students to come forward if they want-ed to receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. I had been a born-again Christian for over a year at this point, and I knew it was something I wanted dearly. I knew because I had been reading and studying my Bible, listening to my youth pastor’s teachings on the subject, and because I was inspired during that season to “get more of God’s presence in my life.”

    So, I ran. And then I dove. Yep, head first towards the stage where the speaker was ministering.

    In that moment, walking didn’t seem appropriate. For me, simply sauntering or slinking forward without being noticed wasn’t a fitting response. So I RAN, and then I DOVE. I hit the ground and laid out flat on the cold cement. God’s pres-ence was so strong on me that all I could do was, well, nothing, except call out to Jesus and humbly receive that which He promised to give.

    The promise of Jesus is captured in John 7:37-39 when it said: Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is

    thirsty may come to me! Anyone who be-lieves in me may come and drink!” For the Scriptures declare, “Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.” (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Holy Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him).

    I believed in Jesus. Then I received from Jesus. He filled me with the indwelling Holy Spirit and my life has never been the same.

    That’s my prayer for you. That you would believe and receive.

    When the Apostle Paul was ministering in Ephesus, which is documented in Acts 19, he asked the disciples a simply pro-found question:

    “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?”

    Their immediate response was “No, we haven’t even heard about that!”

    Perhaps you may respond in a sim-ilar fashion. If so, I invite you to a posture of openness that you might discover more about the indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit for yourself.

    Together let’s run and dive head first into all that Jesus promised…and delivered! He continues to deliver on that promise to this day.

    -Pastor John Fehlen

  • -Amber Baker

  • -Leah Ramos

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    I was 8 years old and endeavoring on my first experience as a camper. There were so many stories I had heard of those who have gone before me. Jesus speaks to you at Church camp is what they all had in common. I was feeling extra bold, which wasn’t my normal disposition. I remember the deep fog in the mornings and the bright starry sky at night. I’ve noticed throughout my life, nature has often given me a push towards the wondrous works of the Holy Spirit. I made friends, I won sports competitions, I was unusually ea-ger. And one evening at camp, I stood there as if I was all by myself, gazing at a

    million bright shiny stars. Just me, God and his creation. And he said, “Look at how many stars I’ve created, but I love you even more.” I smiled and turned to walk towards all the Cabin Lead-ers scattered across the hill behind me. There I found my Uncle Mark and he led me through the sinners prayer and guided me to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life. Special moments like these, where the Holy Spirit comforts me and emboldens me to take steps to-ward our mighty God, will stay deep in my heart forever. Nothing can separate me from the love of God.

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    HOLY SPIRITThe majesty of Mount Rainier as it hangs over the Puget Sound and the faithful sounds of a fog horn sounding from the lighthouse, still form a vivid picture in my mind. From the time I was 8 years-old that picture, from my bedroom window, held my knowledge that there was a God and He was in control. In His love and mer-cy, His Spirit was WITH me. His Spirit would faithfully follow me on a long, an-gry and pain filled journey until the day I finally was desperate. He guided me to figure out that there was more to life than working my way to Him through works and suffering. My way was not working!!

    At the age of 32, the Holy Spirit led me to the truth that the Jesus I had learned about no longer hung on the cross. His life did not end with His suffering. He was the risen Lord, Savior and King! I discovered that I did not have to carry the burden of suffering and fight for justice for this world. Jesus not only carried but defeated that suffering and injustice. I answered an invitation from Him, turned away from my self-righteous journey, began follow-ing Him, and never looked back. Now the Holy Spirit who had followed me all those years, was WITHIN me.

    As I began my journey of learning to fol-low Jesus, the Holy Spirit gave me a hun-ger for God’s Word. I wanted to know everything about Jesus I could learn and

    I wanted to do everything Jesus asked of me. I was continually watching for Him. Still, I struggled. I had lots of wounds. When you fight against the enemy of God with just your own armor you take a lot of hits and get pretty dented up! The enemy had not kept me from accepting Jesus but he warred against me everyday in order to keep me from discovering that Jesus had a gift for me.

    His gift is literally like a blood transfusion to a bleeding wounded soldier. Jesus knew that the scars of life had nearly destroyed me and, long ago, He prepared a way for me. The enemy knew that if his lies could keep me busy being wounded, I would never be the effective witness for Christ that I was designed to be. I would nev-er fully comprehend who I was in Him. I would continually watch for Jesus in the events of life, but never fully comprehend how to watch with Him.

    Fortunately for me, my friends and a pas-tor, who knew my life story, let me know that Jesus intended a victorious life. The lies of the enemy would be silenced for-ever as God’s Word came alive in my life and I discovered who I was in Him. He asked me if I wanted to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. I replied that, “I had Je-sus and that was all I needed”. He smiled and gently said,

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    ‘Joanie, yes, you have Jesus, and if Je-sus had a gift for you and held it out to you, would you receive it?” “Well ,of course,” I said. I asked Jesus for the gift of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that day. He came UPON me. I stood up in spite of all my wounds and scars with a strength I had never known possible. I have never looked back. I stopped watching for Jesus that day and started a life journey of watching with Him. His Word became alive to me. I learned how to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but, in all my ways ac-knowledge Him and He would make my path straight (Prov.3:5-8).

    I have been blessed to see many won-ders as I watch with Jesus. I have wit-nessed miracles and events that I can-not explain in mere human terms. Still, the greatest miracle of all is my changed life and watching with Him as He changes the lives of others. Nothing can take away the gift He has given me through His Holy Spirit. He has em-powered me to be an effective witness for Him. He has given me guidance. He has brought me His truth, He has never left me alone. He has given me many gifts. He has kept every promise. He is my helper. He is my friend and He is God.

    Ephesians 1:15-19 Paul talks about wanting to fully know Jesus Christ. He states He does not just want us to have head knowledge of Him and watch for Him, but to have full personal knowl-edge of Him, and, watch with Him. It is my belief, from reading scripture, that to fully experience Jesus, we must be open to being Baptized in His Spirit. He is waiting for us to give permission. So now it is between you and Jesus. Are you willing to receive the gift Jesus de-sires to give to you; the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Perhaps, you love Je-sus, you want to do all He asks, but you struggle to stay standing on the battle-field of life. Or, you are standing, but the joy Jesus promises seems to elude you. Perhaps, you are okay but you want to have everything Jesus has for you.

    If you have surrendered your life to Je-sus, you are saved. The Holy Spirit was WITH you leading to Him. The Holy Spirit is WITHIN you if you follow Christ. Now, you can say Jesus, I want to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit. You can be certain that He will do as you ask. The Holy Spirit will come UPON you. His word will come alive to you. He will ignite the gifts He knows are best for you, for the church, and for God’s purposes in your life to glorify Him. Jesus loves you, whatever you de-cide.

    -Joan English

  • 1 Cor. 4:7

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    FROM US.. . .”

  • Clay JarMichael Hernandez

    Acrylic on Canvas

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    I felt the Holy Spirit deep in my soul on my wedding day: April 3rd, 2004. I got married about two weeks before my 27th birth-day and I knew the Holy Spirit was with me as I prepared to walk down the aisle....again. Seven years before, I had walked down a different wedding aisle. I was crushed and devastated when my marriage of four years ended. I entered an excruciating season of processing the end of something I thought would last forever.

    Preparing to marry a second time was complicated and chal-lenging to say the least. Of course, I wanted a life long part-ner, and children, but where was the guarantee? I was terrified of the fact that there is no guaran-tee in marriage. The Holy Spir-it and I wrestled over this prior

    to the wedding. I wanted to be in control, I wanted proof of the outcome, I so desperately craved certainty. But it didn’t come. And yet, I walked down that aisle, con-fidently. Not confident in my hu-man ways or confident in some abstract karma, but rather confi-dent in a God who loves me and cares for me deeply. The Holy Spirit calmed my heart and quiet-ed my thoughts and reminded me that I have never been alone and I will never be alone. He is my guarantee. My life circumstances, the ups and downs, can never de-fine the love and security I have in Jesus. I am safe and secure in Him and his eternal promises, no mat-ter what happens here on earth.

    And if you want to hear about the happy ending: we have been mar-ried for over 14 years and we have 3 kids together. I am blessed.



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    -Heather Ruddell

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    I was a 21 year old student attending the University of Oregon. I had accepted Jesus a year earlier and was invited to at-tend a “Holy Spirit Charismatic Clinic”, lead by Pastors Jack Hayford, Jerry Cook and Roy Hicks Jr. The meeting was held at the Lane County Fairgrounds. There was a big turnout and an invitation was made to come forward and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. My friend removed his glasses and bolted forward exclaiming that his eyesight would be healed. For me, I stood wondering what would happen as I joined the group that had gone forward. A Pastor joined me and said, “Ask for the Holy Spirit and

    begin to make sounds with your mouth.” I decided to do that and so my spiritual language began. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, just different. 45 years later I often use speaking in tongues to encourage myself, offer thanksgiving and pray for others. When I muse about Him, I think about how the Holy Spirit offers me options. Instead of anger, the option of self con-trol, instead of guilt the option of for-giveness, instead of selfishness the option of giving, in place of fear, the option of hope. In my life, the Holy Spirit is not optional.

    -Scott Stuart

  • -Michael Simental

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    I’ve never understood us,Or the fractured lives we live.One heart longing to love you, One mind believing you are true,But our hands, our flesh, rebelling in all we do.

    I am so tired, Lord, of fighting.Not everyone joins this bout.I fool myself to believe, too often, that My desires are paramount.

    But, I love you—LordPlease let my words be true.I have it in my hands, It says to speak words that ring true.But I cannot hide my actions— My thoughts make me a liar too.

    But Holy Spirit, hear my cry.I know my love is true.For your presence I long,I want to breathe Nothing but your praise,But no matter what I try—I fail,I fail again, I fail different in all I do.

    Pick me up—O Lord,Teach me to be more like you.I am unfinished work, this I hope you know to be true.Continue your good work, and Lord, I give all of me to you.


  • -Chris Harris

    The ocean reminds me of the Holy Spirit because it is infinite and all encompassing. It is calming but also

    powerful. It’s waves crash on the shore and the result of its work is a beautiful beach, but it takes time. It is part of a

    larger ecosystem system but vital to life.

  • I am convinced that children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit. I don’t remember the date but I do know I was in 2nd grade Sunday school. One night I was lying in bed singing and worshiping the Lord and stuff like baby talk started coming out of my mouth. With wide eyes & a weak voice I called, “Mom.... Mommy!” She came in & I told her what happened. She asked if I could do it again. And so again I began to sing and worship the Lord, and again it happen. She smiled & said, “Well, it looks like you just got baptized with the Holy Spirit!”

    Since then, I have known his presence throughout my whole life, giving me a very deep and personal walk with Christ. He was there when I was being excluded & bullied in school. He gave me faithful-ness to pray for others on my sports teams who did not know him, as well as co-workers in the more recent decades. And He has given me boldness to share about His personableness, intimacy, & power so that others can know His beauty as well. I have seen Him intro-duce Himself to people through miraculous healings after traumatic events, and also just simply by removing a headache. I know, He is real, He is powerful, He is personal, and He is present and active today!



    -Lisa Koontz

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    I recently got fired from my job. I was devastated because I have never been fired before. I am a naturally happy person and I struggled to stay positive at that job. I was so scared about my finances at this point and where the Lord might want me. I had served in ministry before and have always known the Lord was going to call me back to that, I just always believed that meant overseas.

    After I got fired however, I began con-ducting reverse interviews to learn any-thing and everything I could about local ministries. I filled out applications for every kind of job I could think of and prayed the Lord would make it clear. I got a call for an interview, but it was only part-time, and I almost didn’t go. I decided to follow through so that I could at least put it on my unemploy-

    ment sheet. I sat in the interview and was so overwhelmed because I knew that this was where I was supposed to be! They offered me a job and I accept-ed. I continued to pray and told several people that God was going to provide a full-time position within three months because it was so very obvious this was where the Lord wanted me. Working there honestly felt like oxygen to my soul. A month later they offered me a full-time position as a counselor. I did not believe I was qualified and in the in-terview, I told them that. As they ques-tioned me about my past employment I was startled to find I had skills begin-ning 25 years ago that qualified me for this position. The Lord has shown up and I am so very blessed to be able to minister to others while growing in my walk with Him. I have no doubt that this is exactly where God wanted me!

    -Cordawna House

  • -Rachel Turner

  • -Michael Simental

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    There Are No WordsTo describeAll that you are

    So let meSet This DownAnd rest in you

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    Ten years ago, I had put God in the backseat and I took the wheel to my life. I had been a strong follower of Je-sus until I met my husband. He stopped attending church and after a while, so did I. I felt a strong tug of my heart urging me to return to the foundation of who I was. The Holy Spirit led me back to church and to Bible Study Fel-lowship (BSF). I had no idea how much I would soon need to be surrounded by His great love. Two months later, I was in a car accident that took the life of my husband. My life changed for-ever that day. When the car started to go fast, I closed my eyes and started to pray. To this day I do not remember the accident. I woke up two hours later as the hospital pastor was walking in the room. I immediately knew what hap-pened and started to pray for his boys and my son. The Holy Spirit filled me like never before. The next day I real-ized that I had a choice, I could be an-gry or I could choose to see God’s bless-ing amid this tragedy. I wrote down 18 blessings that God provided us; one of those was that my husband would never have wanted to live with the brain in-jury that he had received from the ac-cident and another was that I was still alive. Over the next few weeks, I cried out to God asking why He did not take me instead. My pain was overwhelm-

    ing. In BSF we were studying Exodus and I thought “I cannot believe that the Israelites would question God’s purpose of rescuing them from Egypt after just splitting the Red Sea for them.” The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said “How can you question God for leaving you here on Earth and letting you live.” I realized I was no different than the Is-raelites and God had work for me still to do here. Over the next month or two, I could only live life one minute at a time. I was barely able to think or function. One morning at two AM, I was walking to the mailbox to get my mail. I was half way there when I fell to the ground, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and He picked me up. I fell three times try-ing to get to the mailbox but each time I was picked up off the road. He was not going to leave me, He was carrying me and I was completely undone. Two things kept happening that never hap-pened before. Every night I woke up at 2 am, unable to sleep, I would go to the office in my home as I had an over-whelming amount of paperwork to do. Many times throughout the night the night light on the stairs would flicker, it had never done that before or since. It sounds silly now, but I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit reminding me…


  • -Tiffany Duell

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    I am with you, you are not alone. The second way I felt the Holy Spirit’s pres-ence was through the clock. It seemed like every time I would look at my phone or a digital clock, my husband birthday would be the time. I would laugh and say, ‘You are very funny God!”

    Eight months after his death, I was do-ing worse. I was starting to have anxiety attacks knowing that I would soon be digging into his ashes and bones so that family members could put some of his ashes in the lake. I desperately wanted to see his face again.

    One night I had a dream. In the dream I went a long ways away. I entered a room that was filled with women dressed in all white and dancing and singing. They re-dressed me in a white robe. In this place people communicated not be talking, you actually felt what they said. There was an overwhelming feeling of peace and joy there that encompassed every part of me, I felt peace and joy to my very core. In the back of the room was my husband sitting in a chair smiling. I woke up from that dream and brought with me the tangible sense of peace and joy. I have no doubt where I had been, the dream was a gift from God and I have never been the same since.

    Last year, our church matched me up with a lady for me to mentor. God cer-tainly has a sense of humor because she

    was the one who ended up helping me. On our first meeting, I told her some of my story. She immediately stopped me and said “I have been looking for you for so long.” I said “What do you mean?” She said “I was there. I was the one who pulled you out of the car. Do you know what happened?” I told her I never knew what caused the accident. No other car was involved, we had been at a stop light at the corner of Wallace and Glen Creek and my husband died hitting his head on the phone pole near the US Bank sign. After all of these years having no idea what caused the accident, I felt that God had sent this lady to me to give me closure. She told me that two high school boys had been at the corner and when we started to go, they jumped out into the street playing chicken, my husband swerved to miss them and he died in the process.

    God never leaves us. During the times of complete devastation, He filled me with pure joy. I never knew you could feel both things at the same time. This experience drew me much closer to God and gave me the opportunity to come along side my patients at work who lose a spouse and help them through their grieving process.

    The Holy Spirit is alive in me and has carried me through some very rough times. I cannot imagine going through times like this not knowing the Lord.

  • -Ty Dripps

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    This last January, at a retreat the leader challenged us to step out in faith and use the Gifts of the Spirit. This was a struggle for me not because I did know what my spiritual gifts were but that I had not functioned in them for a long time. That evening, the Holy Spirit in his kindness, lead me to repentance of pride and ego which allow me the freedom to function in my gifts in order to be a blessing to others.

  • Weeping RockZion National Park

    -Ryan Chaney

    Water from this rock continually drips down and creates life in the middle of the desert.

  • -Debbie Stuart

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    The greatest way the Holy Spirit has impacted me has been in my prayer life. It has given me greater sen-sitivity of what Jesus wants me to pray about. I use my prayer language to pray for those He puts on my heart and not knowing what is hap-pening but to just intercede. The Holy Spirit will give me a word of encouragement or prayer to speak directly to someone.

    The deepest need that the Holy Spirit has met was when I was going through can-cer treatment. He gave me strength, peace and helped me battle fear and anxiety. In the end the greatest need the Holy Spirit met was me going on this unexpected journey to find the Goodness of God and I found it!






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  • Isaiah 44:3-5

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  • -Joan English

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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    O N EReceive the Lord Jesus as your Savior. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a gift God gives to those who are already born again.

    T W OUnderstand the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus. It should be received with gratitude, and it cannot be earned or merited.

    T H R E EBegin to worship the Lord with expressions of surrender, praise and adoration.

    F O U RExpress to the Lord Jesus a desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, for His glory and your growth. Ask him specifically for this wonderful gift.

    F I V EInvite someone else to pray with you to receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

    S I XExpect Jesus to give you what He has promised in Scripture.

    S E V E NFocus on worshiping Jesus and receiving from Him, rather than upon an emotional feeling.


  • The Holy Spirit is mentioned all throughout the Bible. We picked a couple of verses that show us a little bit more of who He is. As you read through these verses, make sure to think about these questions and write down your thoughts as you study the Word.

    What is the Holy Spirit doing?

    How does the Holy Spirit interact with us?

    What are the characteristics of the Holy Spirit?

    How does the Holy Spirit bring us closer to God/strengthen our faith?

    What impact does the Holy Spirit make on our lives?

    Psalm 139:1-10

    Matthew 3:13-4:1

    John 3:1-8

    John 14:15-31

    John 15:26-16:15

    Acts 2:1-13

    Acts 10:44-48

    Romans 8:1-17

    1 Corinthians 2:6-16

    1 Corinthians 12:1-31

    2 Corinthians 3:17-18

    Galatians 5:16-26

    Ephesians 2:13-22


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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    At West Salem Foursquare Church, we believe the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity, and a very important one at that! We see the Holy Spirit present at creation and actively working throughout time. When

    we embrace the saving grace of God at salvation we have an imme-diate infusion of the Spirit and we are prepared to go to heaven.

    But the Word of God goes on to describe a secondary empowerment and expansiveness for service called the “Baptism with the Holy Spir-it” that is available to Christians.

    F I R S T T H E Q U E S T I O NThe Apostle Paul asks a vital question to the believers in Ephesus: “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when (or since) you believed?” This is a question that begs an answer from believers even today. Perhaps we are unaware that the Holy Spirit exists, or that he is available to partner with us for Kingdom living. Perhaps we’ve been taught to understand that the Holy Spirit’s ministry ceased long ago, and that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is inapplicable or outdated. This simply is not the case!

    N O W T H E A N S W E RAs you read Acts chapter 1 you will find the purpose for which we are invited to “wait for the gift my Father promised....” The purpose is power. We are promised to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us so that we are indwelled with a passion and intensity to tell the world about the incredible love of God. Scripturally, we know that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not a prerequisite for entrance into heaven. However, we do see that it is a clear point of power, release and Kingdom expansion. That’s why the Bible says in Ephesians 5:18 to “not be drunk on wine which leads to debauchery but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is one who comes along side the believer as a source of strength, leadership, conviction, assurance, power, prompting and guidance.




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    T H E H O LY S P I R I T

    B A L A N C I N G A C TThe Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a natural next step for the believ-er desiring to live a “Spirit-filled and formed life.” The life found in the Holy Spirit is one of grace, freedom, gift-release and of course, love. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is also to be marked by bal-ance.

    The Pentecostal/Charismatic movement has often been challenged in the area of balance. At West Salem Foursquare Church we strive to operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit while maintaining an atmosphere of submission to the Word of God; a safe environment for the unsaved or new believer; and a structure that embraces our corporate responsibility. It looks like this:

    W O R D O F G O D A N D H O LY S P I R I T•

    S T R U C T U R E A N D S P O N T A N E I T Y

    The emphasis is placed upon the inner work of the Holy Spirit, not only on the emotional experience of the human spirit. Feelings are good and important, but they should not be the driving force. We should aim to be motivated instead by the truth of God’s Word and by faith in God’s ability to save us and empower us with the Holy Spirit.

    So, who is the Holy Spirit and what does He do for and in us? Here are a few roles the Bible gives us regarding the Holy Spirit.

    T H E C O U N S E L O R & C O M F O R T E R“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you” (John 14:16-17).

    Scripture gives us some glimpses into the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus went to the Father, but He promised that He would send “an-other helper” to us so that we would “not be left as orphans.” The Greek word for Counselor is paraklet, which means “one who comes along side.”

    Here we see that the Holy Spirit serves as one that will be with us and in us. Much like a lawyer or advocate that comes along side to offer counsel, the Holy Spirit comes to our aid in our times of need.

    Thankfully, this Counselor is also called the “Spirit of Truth;” there-fore, we have the assurance that His direction and leading will be accurate and not misleading.

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    T H E C O A C H “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26)

    The Holy Spirit serves as a coach or teacher to Christians by remind-ing them of the foundational aspects of Kingdom life and liberty.

    T H E C O N F I R M E RNot only is the Holy Spirit’s role to remind us of the Word of God, but also to be a point of confirmation of the ministry of Jesus. John 15:26 tells us that the “Spirit of truth...from the Father, will testify about me (Jesus).” The Holy Spirit is a God-appointed advocate that testifies on behalf of Jesus. It’s already been established that He will only tell the truth. The truth, by the way, is often replaced by lies spoken by people “who suppress the truth by their wickedness” (Romans 1:18).

    When we are baptized with the Holy Spirit we have an available, internal source of confirmation in regards to Jesus!

    T H E C O N V I C T O RHave you ever done something then had “that feeling” that what you did was wrong or inappropriate? That feeling is called conviction, and it is an important ministry of the Holy Spirit!

    “When He comes (the Holy Spirit), He will convict the world of guilt in regards to sin and righteousness and judgment...” (John 16:8).

    Thank God for the Baptism with the Holy Spirit! Jesus gave us a wonderful gift and a blessing to all believers that desire to operate in the fullness of the Kingdom of God.

    So, now, allow the words of Jesus from John 20:22 to ring out in your heart: “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

    F O R F U R T H E R R E A D I N GIf you would like to read more about the Holy Spirit we suggest start-ing with “The Holy Spirit: So what’s the big deal?” by Jerry Cook.

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