The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter Headteacher · 2019-09-14 · performances by all with Brylon...

How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: [email protected] @lawn_manor I LEARN TERM 4 FOCUS: ATTITUDE 1st March 2019 A message from the Headteacher: Welcome to a new term! We have had an incredible start to Term 4, not only with the fabulous but unseasonal weather but also with a very busy week and a busy few weeks lined up. This term is crucial now for our Year 11 pupils as they are making their final preparations before they sit their GCSE’s in May/June. The time really will fly for them now and it was great to see so many parents come to our 'Steps to Success' evening last night to find out more about the process and also how they can support their children at home. Each Year 11 pupil was given a full revision folder bespoke to the subjects that they are studying and tier of entry, a resource that I don't know of any other school supplying. This is our second year of doing this and the feedback from last year was that it was incredibly useful to be using this at home and teachers will also be setting work related to the content over the next few weeks. Year 11 will now have a revision focus as we guide and support them through the next couple of months. Sandra Muir Headteacher The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter Talented and Committed Pupils at Lawn Manor My name is Anja and I’m a figure skater. It all started 4 years ago. I went to a couple of public sessions at our local ice rink, and I liked it so much that I decided I wanted to start having ice skating lessons. When I passed the first few levels, I joined the Swindon Ice Figure Club. We do local competitions and an annual ‘Gala’. The ‘Gala’ is a group performance and is at the end of every year; just before Christmas. Each year, we have a different theme and this year we performed to different pieces of music from Oscar winning movies. Friends and family came to watch the show. A year ago, I became a member of NISA (National Ice Skating Association). This allows me to compete in national competitions. Anja La Porte, Year 7 Homework Homework by Angelina Eltuyev, Year 9. This artwork was done digitally, more than 3 colours have been used to create this piece. Ms Young, Art teacher Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 19 th March Great Big Dance Off Competition Thursday 21 st March Year 8 Guided Pathway GCSE Evening 4-7pm Thursday 21 st March Year 10 ‘Steps to Success evening” 6.30pm Friday 22 nd March Whole School Personal Development Day Friday 5 th April Last day of Term 4

Transcript of The Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter Headteacher · 2019-09-14 · performances by all with Brylon...

How to contact us: Telephone: 01793 487286 Attendance: 01793 427749 Student Services: 01793 427755 Email: [email protected]



A message from the Headteacher: Welcome to a new term! We have had an incredible start to Term 4, not only with the fabulous but unseasonal weather but also with a very busy week and a busy few weeks lined up. This term is crucial now for our Year 11 pupils as they are making their final preparations before they sit their GCSE’s in May/June. The time really will fly for them now and it was great to see so many parents come to our 'Steps to Success' evening last night to find out more about the process and also how they can support their children at home. Each Year 11 pupil was given a full revision folder bespoke to the subjects that they are studying and tier of entry, a resource that I don't know of any other school supplying. This is our second year of doing this and the feedback from last year was that it was incredibly useful to be using this at home and teachers will also be setting work related to the content over the next few weeks. Year 11 will now have a revision focus as we guide and support them through the next couple of months.

Sandra Muir Headteacher










Talented and Committed Pupils at Lawn Manor

My name is Anja and I’m a figure skater. It all started 4 years ago. I went to a couple of public sessions at our local ice rink, and I liked it so much that I decided I wanted to start having ice skating lessons. When I passed the first few levels, I joined the Swindon Ice Figure Club. We do local competitions and an annual ‘Gala’. The ‘Gala’ is a group performance and is at the end of every year; just before Christmas. Each year, we have a different theme and this year we performed to different pieces of music from Oscar winning movies. Friends and family came to watch the show. A year ago, I became a member of NISA (National Ice Skating Association). This allows me to compete in national competitions. Anja La Porte, Year 7


Homework by Angelina Eltuyev, Year 9. This artwork was done digitally, more than 3 colours have been used to create this piece. Ms Young, Art teacher

Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 19th March

Great Big Dance Off Competition Thursday 21st March

Year 8 Guided Pathway GCSE Evening 4-7pm Thursday 21st March

Year 10 ‘Steps to Success evening” 6.30pm Friday 22nd March

Whole School Personal Development Day Friday 5th April

Last day of Term 4


International football Next Tuesday 5th March, we have accepted an invitation to play an International football match against a school from Saudi Arabia. The school are touring English landmarks and between visiting Stonehenge and London they have asked if our Year 10 football team will compete against them. Hopefully, they will be able to visit some lessons, experience the ‘Lawn Manor Way’ and then be ready for the football challenge that awaits them. Good luck to all involved. Mr Oliver

Lawn Manor Sports News Th

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Year 9 Football Team The sun is shining, the lighter evenings have arrived and our football season has started. The first game of the season was on Tuesday with the Year 9 team dominating the match against Swindon Academy and coming away with a 2-1 victory. There were good performances by all with Brylon and Tanbir playing well in their respective positions. Let’s hope the season can continue in this vein. Mr Oliver

Sponsorship The Lawn Manor reputation is fast becoming one of hard work, respect and success and this message is now reaching out to the wider community and the Lawn Manor brand is flourishing. The success of the school is also reaching out to our sporting teams. We have always been very competitive in cricket and basketball and having won the Year 9 Swindon Schools Football Cup last season, people are now talking about our football teams also. With this in mind, we would welcome any business or organisation to sponsor any one of our sports kits. These would be worn at all times and would act as good marketing and promotion for the named company. For example, a full football kit with school logo, numbers and company branding can be purchased for £500. If this is something that you would be interested in, please email Mark Oliver: [email protected] We would guarantee that kits are worn throughout the season, in matches both home and away and any images that are used in our school newsletters or local press will display the companies logo. It would also be our intention to wear these shirts for a minimum of 5 seasons. Please get in touch if you wish to discuss this any further. Mr Oliver (Director of Sport)











Careers News

EARN AS YOU LEARN On Thursday 14th February we took 30 Year 11 pupils along to STEAM at the Swindon Designer Outlet Village to visit JOBFEST 2019. This was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to speak to Swindon employers who are all offering apprenticeships and employment opportunities to young people and jobseekers in the area. Some of the companies’ attending were BMW, Catalent, First City Nursing, Nationwide, Swindon Marriot and Wiltshire Police to name but a few. Apprenticeships offer young people a different way of learning and are usually linked in with the colleges. Visit our webpage for more information about apprenticeships and what they have to offer. Andrea Cook – Careers Advisor

Year 10 trip to Cirencester College

Once again Year 10 had the privilege to work with pupils from Cirencester College and spoke about how to move forward. They learnt about ’Failing Forwards’ which is an attitude activity and set up new targets relating to themselves. A very productive morning.

‘Don’t allow a result that’s bad change perspective or attitude. Use it to understand the techniques that can be used to improve’

‘Don’t be self-conscious about performance in exams. Don’t take a fail personally’

Lawn Manor Library News Th

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Dear All It’s World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2019. Hopefully lots of members of staff will be supporting the day by dressing up as a character from their favourite book, so keep a look out! Pupils will be voting at break time for the best dressed member of staff, so make sure you pop in at break as every vote counts. House points and chocolates will be awarded. There will be WBD vouchers, which you can use in participating book shops and

supermarkets towards purchasing yourself a new book. Please pop into the Library, grab a voucher and be a part of this important and exciting day. So remember… ‘Love Books, Love Reading, Love your Library’ Rachel Library Officer

1st March – 8th March ‘Horrible Histories, Horrible Science’ & ‘The Knowledge’ books 50p each – buy 2 get one FREE!

WEEKLY BOOK SALE Different books Different prices Different deals Grab yourself a bargain!!


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Employment Pathway

Week 15 This week in the Employment Pathway we were preparing the raised beds for planting in Spring. We made the raised beds in the Autumn. Firstly, we removed carpet which was stopping the weeds from growing. Using spades and forks, we dug over the soil in the raised beds to remove as many weeds as possible before we planted the seeds. After we had weeded the beds we wheel-barrowed loads of manure to give the soil some extra nourishment. Some of us made plant labels out of hazel branches. We are going to plant vegetables which will be sold to buy more equipment.

Year 7 Art

Miss Townsend’s Year 7 class have been studying the art of Megan Coyle, a collage artist from the UK. Pupils used paper to replicate some of her ‘food’ collages. These are just a few of the best ones – don’t they look tasty! Work by: India Durand Miya Wallace Bianca Cantoreanu Thomas Hammond Ayush Gurung

Online Safety

Parents/carers are advised to be aware of an online ‘game’ called the “MOMO Challenge”, which involves a series of challenges to young people to harm themselves. MOMO is often linked to other online activities often used by young people via Facebook, Whatsapp, or gaming such as Fortnite.

We encourage parents/carers to take an active role in monitoring their child’s online activities. The NSPCC have a website which can help parents/carers protect their children from harmful online activity:

Please do contact a member of the school’s Safeguarding Team should you require more information. Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Langdown [email protected] Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Hannah Wolfe [email protected] Assistant Safeguarding Lead Becci Benson [email protected]

Year 8 News

Year 8 options Evening Thursday 21st March 4pm – 7pm No appointment necessary. Option talks are 5pm and 6pm in West Manor Hall. This is a great opportunity to speak to subject teachers before your child choose their options for Year 9.

Year 11 News

Year 11 Steps to Success Evening Thank you to all our parents and pupils who attended our Steps to Success Evening last night. There was an excellent turnout, we hope you found it useful and motivating ahead of these busy final weeks. Several parents have asked us for a copy of the presentation – it can be found on the school website in the ‘Parents and Pupils’ section, on the Pupil and Parent Zone page. Should you have any questions regarding revision or exams, please do not hesitate to get in touch: [email protected]










Year 10 Important date

If you are a parent of a child in Year 10, you are probably aware they have some important exams coming up this summer. All of our Year 10 pupils have their GCSE Statistics exams in June and those who elected to do Separate Science in Year 9 also have their GCSE Physics exam. For both these subjects, once pupils have taken the exams the subject will be complete and they will receive their final grade this August. It provides a great opportunity for pupils to get some early success under their belt and achieve their first GCSE’s, also helps reduce the number of exams they will have in Year 11. To help ensure our Year 10s are best prepared for these exams we are holding a ‘Year 10 Steps for Success’ evening in school on Thursday 21st March at 6.30pm in West Manor Hall. Pupils will be provided with revision resources for both subjects and there will be a short presentation from staff on how best your child can prepare for these exams. Full details of the evening will be in next week’s newsletter but please make a note of the event in your diaries. We look forward to seeing you there.

Swindon City of Sanctuary

Lawn Manor and Goddard Park pupils attended a workshop run by Christina Bennett of 'Swindon City of Sanctuary'. The' See Me Too' workshop, focused on the journeys that many people have made in order to settle in Swindon. Our pupils worked very well and now have an opportunity to extend their learning by doing a project. The Year 8 pupils were Jayne Davies, Lily Cripps, Indiana Parsons, Lewis Taser and Siddharth Senthill Kumar. Mr Smith (Head of PSHE)

Our Extended Learning Programme for Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities at Lawn Manor

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8.00 – 8.25 Spanish Support

All Year Groups

Room 3E4

Lunchtime 12.20 – 1.00

Open studio Dance All Year Groups

Room EMH

Technique Class Dance Year 7-8

Room EMH

GCSE Theory Dance Year 11

Room EMH

Technique Class Dance Year 7-8

Room EMH

Piano/guitar club All Year Groups

Music Block

Humanities Film Club All Year Groups

Room 1W5

Photography All Year Groups

Room 3W3

Production rehearsal Invited students

Room EMH

Reading Club All Year Groups

Room 3W3

Faith Club All Year Groups

Room 1W7

Mindfulness Colouring Club All Years Room 3W3

Textiles Year 7 & Year 8

Room 1E17

Astronomy All Year Groups

Room 1C4

Maths Challenge All Year Groups

Room 2W1

Anime Club All Year Groups

Room 3W3

Card Making

All Year Groups

KS3/KS4 support Art Creative Writing All Year Groups

Room 1E6

Choir All Year Groups

Music Block

Debate Society All Year Groups

Room 1W4

Our Extended Learning Programme for Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities at Lawn Manor

Room 3E6

KS3/KS4 support Art KS3/KS4 support Art Street Dance Club

All Year Groups


Ideas Badges

Year 8

MAH room

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Afterschool 3.00 - 4.00

Heaven Year 11 Library

Film Club All Year groups

Library -3.00 – 5pm

Quiz Night/Bingo All Year groups


Chess Club All Year groups


KS4 Art Year 9 & Year 10


Yoga Year 11

Drama All Years

1W9 Drama Studio

GCSE Dance Year 11

4-5pm - EMH

General library All Year groups


GCSE Dance Year 11

3-4pm - EMH

Our Extended Learning Programme for Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities at Lawn Manor

Yoga Year 10/11

Girls Group 1st 3 weeks

Boys Group

Brass Band Club All Year groups

Music Block

Rock School All Year groups

Music Block

KS4 Art Year 9 & Year 10

3W3 – 3.20

Art Year 11 drop in

P6 invited

Girls Basket Ball All Year groups only

West Manor

Gardening Club All year groups


Boys Football Year 8 & 9

West Manor

Boys Football Year 7 & 10 Boys

West Manor

GCSE Dance Year 10

3-4pm - EMH

Gardening Club All year groups


RE/Geography/Business Year 11 drop in

Table Tennis All Years

RE/Geography/Business Year 11 drop in

Dance Rehearsal’s We will Rock You

RE/Geography/Business Year 11 drop in

Art Year 11 drop in

Art P6 Year 11 drop in

Music Rehearsal’s We will Rock You

Music and Drama Rehearsal’s We will Rock You

Maths Club Year 7 2W9

Our Extended Learning Programme for Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities at Lawn Manor