The Great Conqueror

The Great Conqueror THE bell rang and students started settling in the class. It was their class of History. After formal greetings the teacher asked the class,´ How many of you know about µSikander-e- Azam¶? Almost every one in the class ra ised his hand. ³What was the reason of his fame?´ ³Conquered more than half world«.the youngest king«.symbol of valour and courage«great conqueror«.ruled for 19 years«countless victories«belonged to Greek«´etc. etc. were the replies. The teacher added to the replies and said,´ His name was Alexander and due to his remarkable victories was known as Alexander the Great. µAlexander¶ was translated into Sikander but when we were not satisfied with this single name we started calling him Sikander- e-Azam«..Right?´ The class nodded in µyes¶ The teacher then said with gloom,´Well...while studying the literature and history of others we have forgotten o ur own. It is a great tragedy.´ There was a question from every where,´ But how S ir?´ The teacher was silent for a while, as he was focusing on something. Then he replied, ³In history, apart from the messengers of the Almighty Allah, Hazrat Umer Farooq (R.A) is my favourite personality. Today let us briefly compare and discuss the reigns and victories of Alexander and Hazrat Umer bin Khetab (R.A). Students nodded their heads with interest. ³«.Alexander¶s father was a king; his father too was a king. Thus he belonged to the family of kings and he was brought accordingly. While for seven generations in the family of Hazrat Umer (R.A) none was a king. Alexander conquered and ruled 1.7 million square miles when he was 19 while Hazrat Umer bin Khetab (R.A) had conquered 2.2 million square miles when he was only 10. It¶s exemplary as even super powers with latest technology are not that  powerful.´ All the boys were visibly amazed.

Transcript of The Great Conqueror

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