The Gladrags Legacy: Chapter 13- The Lord of the Glitches

THE GLADRAGS LEGACY Chapter 13- The Lord of the Glitches Or, In Which nothing really happens in between the births of children. Hi! And welcome to the first chapter of the fourth generation of my legacy, which is based around musicals! When we left off, Simba had died in the fire that destroyed the legacy house, having saved the lives of his family. The house has been rebuilt and Simba has taken his place with his ancestors in the sky. Mrs Gogol’s house was covered in blood, and she is nowhere to be found. This is just a spammy little chapter where nothing much happens, because it’s a nice break from plots all the time eh? The only thing left to say



Transcript of The Gladrags Legacy: Chapter 13- The Lord of the Glitches

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THE GLADRAGS LEGACYChapter 13-The Lord of

the GlitchesOr, In Which nothing really happens in between the births of children.Hi! And welcome to the first chapter of the fourth generation of my legacy, which is based around musicals! When we left off, Simba had died in the fire that destroyed the legacy house, having saved the lives of his family. The house has been rebuilt and Simba has taken his place with his ancestors in the sky. Mrs Gogol’s house was covered in blood, and she is nowhere to be found. This is just a spammy little chapter where nothing much happens, because it’s a nice break from plots all the time eh? The only thing left to say is what the theme of next generation’s children is (as if you haven’t guessed). The theme is...

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The Lord of the Rings!Ok, a little obscure considering the more well known musicals that have gone before this, and a little obvious after recent events, but I went to see it with my family and it was amazing. Plus my sister is the biggest Lord of the Rings fan on the planet, so I’m doing this for her.Which also worries me, as if I do anything wrong she will torture for the rest of my life... Well, let’s give it a try shall we? We arrive home at a birthday...

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“No! I refuse to blow out the candles! I will not be old!”C’mon Dunstan, everybody has their time.“But you never download elder wear! You have none! I can’t wear,” Dunstan shuddered. “Maxis clothes.”Too late Dunstan!

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*snigger*“Ew! Yellow is so not my colour.”It could be worse you know.“Oh yeah? Like how?”

*ahem*“Ouch.”“That’s really not a good look for you Dad.”“Give me a second.” Caractacus grabbed Dunstan by the collar and hauled him upstairs to their bedroom. A short time later, they returned.

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“Taadaaah!” Caractacus cried.“We wear vest jumpers now.” said Dunstan. “They make us look grandfatherly and like respectable members of the community.”“Dad, you’re not a grandfather yet.”“I know. But I will be.” He winked and glanced at the man standing with Timon. He blushed deeply.Oh who is this mysterious stranger I hear you cry?

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This handsome fellow is Celebros. He’s incredibly shy, and not the best with words, but has a heart of gold. He’s an architect, who was working on the new house when he met Timon. And you know how it goes from there :DSpeaking of the house, would you like to see it?

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And this is his cat, Butters. Butters is of course named after the adorable Butters Stotch from South Park, who is cheerful and optimistic despite his regular abuse from Cartman.

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“Timon?” Celebros’s voice trembled. Keep it together he thought. “Yes?”“Can I ask you something?”“Sure.”He glanced down at her. “Timon, why are you out here in the rain?”“Best time for spotting nargles.”He grinned. He took a deep breath, but before he could speak he was distracted once more. “That book is upside down.”

“It’s runes. I’m translating them.” she said, in a matter of fact voice, as if this were the most regular day to day activity there was. He smiled wider.“I just want to say that the last few days have been some of the best of my life, and I really think that-”

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I.Was.Not.Pleased.The first time this happens naturally, it’s just before a proposal.Timon put down her book and closed her eyes, apparently unaware of what had just happened.Celebros stopped writhing and sighed. “Another time then.” he whispered.

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He showered and sat down in the kitchen, feeling miserable. Perhaps the bolt of lightning was a sign from some god to get out of there. He’d only known her a week, what was he thinking, going off and proposing?“Hey!” Timon sat down next to him and shot him a smile that made his knees weaken. “Was there something you wanted to ask me?”“Well...” He said weakly.

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He took out the small black box and held it out in his shaking hands. Timon gasped. “It’s beautiful!”“So,um, will y-y-you-” he stammered, but Timon interrupted.“Of course!”

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Not long after, they were married. I personally think they look marvellous together.

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Yeah, their child was getting married but they were sleeping. Nice. Still, they’re adorable as an old couple.

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And... Yeah, not much really happens before the children are born. Caractacus and Dunstan retired, and Celebros got promoted, but that was it. So lets just skip to the birth, shall we?

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Here we go. The first child of the generation is...

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This is Aragorn! He’s named after Aragorn II, a ranger and then King Elessar of Gondor. In the Peter Jackson films of LOTR, he’s played by actor and all round nice guy Viggo Mortensen.

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“This is the greatest moment of my life.” whispered Celebros.“He’s so damn sexy when he cares!”*headdesk*

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“Zee! I mean, hooray!”What?“I got demoted!”What?! Why?!“Sleeping on the job.”*headdesk*

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“Uh Oh.”That’s right, she’s pregnant again.

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Celebros being the wonderful father he is, he’s made the garden into the best playground for his son/future children. Look at it! It’s got a swimming pool, and a slide, and an axe throwing game, and a swi- axe throwing game?“They’ve got to have a good aim! How else will they fight off the demons?” Timon chimed in.Ugh.

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Ok, sorry, but I completely forgot about Aragorn’s birthday. Oops. *hitsself*He grew up on his own though, and is adorable, although angry at me at the moment.“Me no birthday! No cake!”I never let them have the cake anyway! Stop complaining child!His stats are 9/3/9/3/8, making him very neat, quite shy, very active, quite serious and nice.

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Timon was in the midst of cleaning the house (a ritual for all pregnant people in my game) when she went into labour.“ARGH!”C’mon, it can’t hurt that much.Timon looked up and glared.Oops, my bad.

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Twins! This is Legolas. He’s named after Legolas, an elf who is Prince of Mirkwood. He is a skilled archer and a member of the fellowship of the ring. In Peter Jackson’s films of LOTR, he’s played by Orlando Bloom.

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This is Galadriel. She’s named after Galadriel, the lady of light, and one of the oldest elves that had not travelled to the west at the time of the war of the ring. She hosted the fellowship in Lothlorien after they escaped from the Mines of Moria. In Peter Jackson’s films of LOTR, she was played by Cate Blanchett.

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Dunstan was taking his responsibility as grandfather to three very seriously. Or so I thought.“Go on, try it!” He gestured gently for Aragorn to start. “Can’t wead mah...”“You can do it!”“Powker fasee!” He clapped, clearly delighted.“Well done Aragorn!”DUNSTAN! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT teach him Lady Gaga lyrics!

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“Crap. Again?”Timon! You’re talking about your unborn child here!“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it before. The miracle of life and all that.”

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“Gwampa, this is very indiscweet.”“C’mon Aragorn. You’ve got to start potty training at some point.”

“OH! EW! Aragorn! That stinks!”Aragorn giggled.“EW!”

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Time for the twins to grow up!

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Awww, aren’t they sweet! Legolas is 4/9/7/9/6, making him a little sloppy, very outgoing, quite active, very playful and a little bit nicer than average. Galadriel is 5/8/6/7/6, making her pretty average when it comes to neatness, outgoing, a little bit active, quite playful and also a little nicer than average.

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And it was soon time for Aragorn to grow up too...

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Here he is! Admitte- how did you get cake?!“Hehe.”No more cake for you! Anyway, admittedly he does look a bit like a devil child, because against his pale skin, his mother’s brown eyes look red. But still, he’s incredibly kind and cleans everything.

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The next day, Timon went into labour for the third time.“ARGH! Dad, help me!”

“What? Oh honey, surely you can get through that yourself? I’ve seen you give birth twice before already.”“DAD!”“And don’t pull that ‘You’ve never given birth’ card on me, because I HAVE. Damn Zazu.”Incredulous, she turned to her husband.

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“Damn chair!”“Celebros! HELP ME!”“What?”“I’M GIVING BIRTH TO YOUR CHILD!”“Yeah, just give me a sec. I’ll give you what for Mr Chair! Thought you could defeat me, eh? Well you thought WRONG!”“WHO IS GOING TO HELP ME THROUGH THIS?!”

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“Le gasp! Never fear, the spandex jogger is here!”“How the hell did you get in my house?!” Timon shrieked.“Through the window. What’s your point?”“Get out!”“But I have sworn to protect all pregnant women since the death of my pregnant seahorse Larry.”

“What?!”“He was so young...” Tears welled up in her eyes.“ARGH!”“Oh Larry. Why? Why? WHY?!”

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Twins again. Celebros is holding Frodo, who is named after Frodo Baggins. Frodo is a hobbit with the task of taking the ring to Mount Doom to be destroyed. In Peter Jackson’s films of LOTR, he is played by Elijah Wood. Timon is holding Smeagol, who is named after the hobbit who was corrupted by the ring and later became obsessed with it. In Peter Jackson’s films of LOTR, he was voiced and later played by Andy Serkis.

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Aragorn laid back on the lush grass, still wet from the morning’s rain. He gazed up at the stormy clouds, seemingly bursting with water.It’s all so beautiful he thought.Closing his eyes, he ran his hands through the grass and breathed it in. The musty, moist smell was mixed with the aroma of wood smoke and a faint hint of his mother’s perfume. He could lie there for days.

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And then, the glitch happened.The elder cats (Tigger and Audrey), Caractacus and Dunstan died simultaneously. And all the graves disappeared, other than Dunstan and Audrey’s.Suffice to say, I was not pleased, and this wasn’t even the worst of it.After they died, whenever anyone on lot wasn’t doing anything they brought up that little error box saying I had to reset them. This happened every couple of seconds, and I managed to fix it by moving them out and back in again.But in my hurry to do this, I left all their possessions and now have NOTHING.I can’t remember much, but I think I screamed for quite a long time.So, due to my laziness they now have very little in their house, so some of the shots will be different to others.Just giving you a heads up.

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It’s a quadruple birthday! Legolas first.

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Ok, so he’s a little bit creepy, but with his father’s genetics he was always going to be!

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Next up is Galadriel...

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Yay! A spontaneous smustler! Her genes aren’t quite as scary as her brother’s, and I think we’ll get a good mix from her.

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Now it’s Frodo’s turn.

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Bless him. He always has such a pained expression on his face. He’s 2/1/8/10/8, making him lazy, very shy, active, extremely playful and nice.

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And, last but not least, Smeagol.

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Awwww. I have a feeling I’m going to love Smeagol to bits. He’s 5/3/3/6/9, making him average on neatness, quite shy, quite lazy, a little playful and very nice.

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Aragorn is turning out to be one of the nicest sims I’ve ever had. He cleans everything, does his homework with out me telling him to, and plays with Frodo all the time. Bless!Now, time for a quick ZazuxAndy update.

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I moved them into a small house near the legacy lot, and Zazu fell pregnant.

She had twin girls.

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These little angels and Merry and Pippin. They’re practically identical, and a day younger than Frodo and Smeagol.

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HELP!Hi! I need YOUR help with the plot to this generation! All I’ll say to avoid ruining it is in my sims universe, everyone has a good and bad simself. I need people to make an evil simself for my game, or give me permission to make you evil on my game for cameos in the plot of this generation! Your role would generally be to try and capture my sims... Oops, I’ve said too much. If you’d like to take part, just tell PM me or comment, and you can be in the chapters! Thank you so much for reading the latest chapter, you’re brilliant. Abso-tively so.Hope to hear from you!Bethan

It’s the end of the chapter! And I need