The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158...

The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr. Duluth GA 30136 The Georgia Triumph Association is a proud Chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register.

Transcript of The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158...

Page 1: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247

Flnt Class Mail

. 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr. Duluth GA 30136

The Georgia Triumph Association is a proud Chapter of the Vintage Triumph Register.

Page 2: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

Hello There By .a1 DobJ Greetings _fora 1989. I hope you had a great holiday season. I did. I have many great meaories from the end of 1988. Things are going at a frenzied pace now. The Trumpet is going through a mid-life trauma now.

For the past 11 issue, we have used Franklin's Printing of Snellville. As you may know, I took a trip (more later) at Christmas. When I returned, I found the printers had closed up shop in the middle of the night and fled the cityl It's been two weeks now, and the windows are still boarded up, I don't think they are coming back.

I found a new printer that would give the same speedy service as the old ones and I aade arrangements with them to publish this edition. One hour before the gang got together to put the January edition together for de­liver to the printer the next day, I learned that this print shop was raided for drugs and closed up as well. Oh, well.

I still have one more avenue to pursue. If that does not bear fruit, steve, Lori, Pete, and myself are going to man the photocopiers for a least this first edition of the new year. I try to look on the bright side at least. only 11 more to go after this.

I, am helping Steve and Lori put the final plans together for the 1989 Southeastern Regional that we are going to host in Savannah. Things look great on that front. We will be sending out the brochures with the regis­tration fora in the coming weeks. If it gets to be towards the end of the month, I will send it along with the February edition of the newsletter. s t eve will begin to write articles about the regional starting with the February newsletter, so be looking for them.

Also please note that we will try to have the February newsletter out by the first weekend in February. I plan to leave for New Orleans (and Mardi Gras) that weekend, so I want to have it out by then. We are going to try to make the first weekend in each month our publication date for the rest of 1989. With a little luck, we can do it.

Letters Dear GTA Folks Please ... nota the change of address. Yes, we have moved to Florida. Niceville in on the bay near Destin and Fort Walton Beach in the panhandle.

I enjoyed the few functions of the GTA which I attended, especially the friendly fellowship with other Triumph owners. I also have enjoyed newslet­ter and want to continue to receive it. My thanks to Dennis, Hal, and oth­ers who have made it happen. As a " "distant" member, I will miss the live " "shop talk" at meetings, etc. I would like to see regular technical ar­ticles for " "Non-mechanics" like me.

I hope you all have a happy holiday season and a good 1989 .

John Willis

Supebowl Party By .a1 DobJ On January 22nd the finale of the N.F . L. season , the SuperBowl is to be held in Mi ami. Annually the GTA uses th i s occasion as its theme for its first party of the year .

This year, we will congregate at Mike and Claire Cammarata's abode. We will gather there at about .pm. The game wil~ ki ck off at 5pa. Beer will be provided by the club and we request that you bring a covered dish . Call Claire at 921-1.80 to see what is needed.

Who knows what will happen. Triumph talk will probably dominate the eve­ning. This is usually one of our bigger gatherings, so please don't aiss out on the fun. Co.e early and enjoy.


How to Get There


51en 101ft F,-.

For More Information, Call Mike and Claire at 921-1480

Page 3: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.


This month's trivia comes" us from Daw Hagenbuch at the Roadster Factory. WhHe I was up there, Daw gaw me a tour of the facility. The topic of trivia came up and Daw suggested that we could walk., a parts bin, pick up a part at random, take a photo of it, and let you guess what the part was and what car it is used on.

So here is a pho" of Dave (bright eyed and bushy tailed) holding the mystery part. See if you can guess correctly what It is. I wi. tall one and an at the SuperBowl party the answer and I will also print the answer in the February edition of the newsletter. Good Luck.

By .al DobJ

My Vacation The Sequel

this ti.e last year, I wrote about .y horror story concerninq ay devastat­inq trip to New Orleans. I thouqht it only appropriate to repeat this new tradition with .y story about ay Christmas vacation.

since the National of 1987, I 'have been on the phone a lot with Dave Haqenbuch. Dave was active in the GTA several years aqo. Since that ti.e, he .oved his faaily north to Pennsylvania where he is oriqinally tro •• Dave took a job with Charles Runyan at the Roadster Factory.

Beinq the supplier of sportswear to the., I a. on the phone constantly with Dave. OVer the past year, we have beco.e qood triends over the phone. In Septeaber, I was to qo up to join hi. at a Buck.kinninq Rendezvous, but circuastance. prevented .. fro. qoinq. I think we were both di.appointed. In Noveaber a. we were talkinq Tee-Shirt., Dave .. de a co ... nt that he was qoi09 to be alone for Chri.t .... wantinq to qet away, I a.ked if he wanted .0 co.pany. He quickly aqreed, and the plan. were .. de. I would leave on Friday the 23rd .pend the 24th and 25th with Dave, and return and the 26th.

A. you know fro •• y previous writinqs, I purcha.ed a Renault Turbo ru~o. I put it in tbe shop for a once over, and when it received it's clean bill ot health, I decided that it would be ay aode of tran.portation to the Great North. with it packed with qoodies, I headed north at 8:00a. on Friday .orninq. The trip va. without incident and I arrived at Dave's door.tep at 10:30p •• Dave .. de the co .. ent that he heard the .tereo lonq betore h~ heard the car.

The next day we toured the local area. Araaqh i. a very .aall town. Beinq .y fir.t ti .. in a location like that, it was a beautiful .iqht. I did notice that it wa. quite rural. Do.ino'. doe.n't deliver. The Colonel live. over the aountain, and the Clown and the Kinq are .everal .. ny .ile. away. What it doe.n't offer in convenience, it .. ke. up in rural splendor. The road. screa. for car. like our Triumph. and while .y rueqo i. no slouch, I wi.hed that I had taken the TR.

Later in the day, we wound up at the Road.ter Factory. Dave qave •• a tour of the facilitie •• I .ust adait there are two thouqhts that came to .ind as I toured, the size and how clean it was. I it really aaazinq to see such a larqe inventory tor a .arque that has been out of production for close to ten years now.

Atter the tour, we pulled the Fueqo into the shippinq area to perform a tune up tor the return trip. Sacriledqe. ot sacriledqes, A Renault in Tri­uaphland. Returninq back to Dave's hoae we talked about Muzzleloadinq and Buck.kinninq, a topic that doainated the entire trip. Sunday eveninq tound us on the road in the Fueqo lookinq tor a re.taurant so we could fill our bellies with a splendid Chri.taas teast. Then di.aster struck (You don't think I'd be writinq this it it didn't). The FUeqo chuqqed and ca.e to a .top. We jumped out and opened the hood. Dave specu­lated that the tiainq jumped out and possibly I .iqht have lost ay tiainq


Page 4: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

belt. Removing the distributor cap found a loose rotor. The locator tab that positions the rotor had sheared off . Having the old one in the car, we replaced it and closed the hood. How lucky we were to have my tools, and the old parts in the car .

Getting back on the road, our spirits were high, then it happened again, only a quarter. of a aile down the road. opening the hood again, we tound the same problem. Then Dave jiggled the distributor shatt and tound the culprit - worn- out bearings. Using electrical tape, we were able to slowly drive the car to Larry Moore's home. Larry also works tor the Roadster Factory. Atter two hours, and three or tour adjustments ot the rotor, we were in Larry's drive. Larry, however, was not home. Twenty minutes later he drove up. Larry loaned us one of his cars and we were on our way back to Dave's to dine on Sonny's Barbecue I have brought to Dave. (Editor's note: it you want to make Dave happy, send Barbecue.) I had resigned myselt to the tact that since I was not in a large metropolitan area, I would probably have to have a distributor tlown in.

Monday morning, the day I planned to leave, took us back to the Roadster Factory to try to tind a distributor. Dave's source books were there along with his Rolodex ot phone numbers to call. Nothing was open, so we had to wait tor the next day. Bright and early Tuesday morning we were back at the Factory. In short order I had a distributor lined up trom Atlanta in case we could not tind anything local. Dave began the task ot calling the local junkyards. We had learned Monday, there is no such thing as a new distribu­tor tor this car.

One th~ng I have tound out trom other car problems, the TR kind, was the helpful advise you could get trom Dave or anyone ot his compatriots at the Factory. Everybody tried to help us with suggestions ot where to get my distributor. From the suggestions we tound two in under 45 minutes. We got the part, went to the dead Fuego (That name sounds like a terainal disease doesn'L it?), and in titteen minutes the car sprang to lite.

The next morning, I was on the road, and just in time. Three hours atter I lett, they were hit with a very hard snowstora. I made the 800 mile drive in ten hours. When I got home I called Dave to thank hi. tor my vacation and to tell him I made it home sate and sound. Once again Hal goes on a vacation, and once again my car gives me tits . At least this time we not a bad as the last. Frankly I was glad to get the two extra days with Dave. It there was one other problem, it was that it was too short a stay.

On tascinating thing has happened because ot this. I recently made a trip to Dahlonga to visit Chris and Paula Gore. On the way up, a heater hose sprang a leak in the Fuego. Chris and I made the repairs in good time. While I was up Mike Elder called looking tor me. During the conversation he said in all seriousness " Why couldn't you have taken a more reliable car, l i ke your TR7 ? ". The times, they are a changing.

to manutacture new membership cards are wel l. So don't miss out on all the tun. 1989 looks to be a banner year for the GTA .

Pub Nights By Lori Conway and .al Doby G.T.A. Pub Night is held on the second Friday ot each month. We are now meeting at Koe's 'issa, located on Briarclitt Road, ott Clairmont Road , i n Atlanta.

Atter a lengthy diSCUSSions, We have decided to aove both the day and the location ot our Pub Night. Many people had told us that they would be more apt to co.e to our Pub Night it it were staged on Friday as opposed to Thursday. Since meabers would not be tacing a work day with it moved to Friday, the board agreed to move the date to the second Friday ot aach month. People also statad that they would preter a place that servad tood with less emphasis on drinking, so we discussed moving the venue to a place that was more tamily oriented. Generally, we have anywhere trom tour to ten people in attendance. Look around tor a tamiliar tace, or it you've never been, just listen out tor heated discussions ot blankety-blank British cars and that'll be usl

For those ot you who haven't aade a out. It's the pertect time to share tellow Triumph owners. Those ot us new taces.

Pub Night gathering in a While, co.e on a tew . . pints ot bitter" with your who are regulars would love to see some

We will try out Moe's tor our tirst Pub Night in 1989. We will gather there at about 7:30pm on Friday, January 13th. To get there, see the map I've made tor you. We may change our 10cati9n tor later Pub Nights, no be watching the TrumDet tor more details.

N.Druid HiNs Ad.

To Buford Hwy.


Briarcfiff Ad.

m Moe's


Clairmont Rd,

To Decatur



To get to Moe's, take 1-85 to aairmont Rd. Exit and head towards Decatur, The Rrstlntersecllon Is BriarcliH Rd. Tum left and Moe's Is on the right.


Page 5: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

Tech Tip 8y ateve COD.ay It your pre •• ure ditterential switch has not le.ked yet, don't worry, it soon will. The .witch i. located ne.r the rear ot the tront tender veIl, belov the brake ••• ter cylinder. The .vitch leaks out ot the top ot the switch it.elt.

Replacing the svitch do.s Dot cur. the probl... You .u.t di ••••• ~l. the switch it •• lt .nd th.r. you viII tind a plunq.r that h.s Z O-ring •• The •• O-ring. are the proble.. Si.ply t.k. the plung.r down vith you to • qood h.rdw.r •• tor •• nd q.t Z new O-rinq. that .r. to the old on.s, .nd your le.k viII be qon ••

By the w.y, you OaD't buy faotory p.rt. to the .witch, ju.t like the O-rinq for the di.tributor drive shatt .ny .ar •. You c.n how.v.r tind repl.ce •• nt O-rinq. at the .a.e place a. th •••.

The New Calendar

~ Bel Doby it i., the 1989 .chedul. ot .vents tor the Georqia A •• oci.­tion. Our Ev.nts Dir.ctor, Rob Dick prepar.d this cal.nd.r. Th.r •• r. so .. events that .r. not listed. They could not be sch.duled due to not knowing what d.t. to po.t tor th... Oth.r ev.nt •• r. listed without • d.t. bec.u.e ot the d.t •• .0 t.r .v.y, ve could not pin down. d.t. tor tho •• event ••

In 1988, v • .av.d .0 •• dat.s .round .t the l •• t .inut •• Thi. proved to b. a probl •• tor .0... P.rt ot this probl •• w •• due to planninq out the .ntir. ye.r .t the .nd ot 1987. By the ti •• Sept.~.r or October c ••• c.used d.t. to b •• ov.d. Thi. y •• r, ve will try to tro. thi.. It we pl.n an .v.nt th.t i. dependent on • v.riabl. (Such ••• contlict ot intere.t, or incli •• t. w.ather), w. will po.t • date w.ll in .dv.nce.

We will try to tir. up dates tor the re.t ot the y •• r in the n.xt t.v .onth •• A. you c.n ••• , w. just .bout h.v. the tirst qu.rt.r .lr •• dy well (. in h.nd. Rob d.cid.d this year to spre.d • little r •• ponsibility .round. It you will look .t the c.lendar, you will notice th.t h. has pl.c.d • spon.or next to the .v.nt .long with their phone nuaber. Should there b. a qu •• tion about. particlu.r .vent, you can contact the sponsor dir.ctly. Qu •• tion. about .v.nts th.t do not have a sponsor (.uch as Pub Niqhts or • non club sponsored .v.nt) can still be directed to Rob or on. ot the oth.r Board members.

Ask Mr. Triumoh Dear Mr I'v. had a probl •• tor so •• ti •• th.t has been c.using •• • 0 •• qri.t. I own a 1979 TR7 th.t i. sutterinq tro •• 0 •• coolinq probl •••. For the p •• t y •• r, I have b •• n slowly cool.nt tro. the cooling .yst... I n •• d to top ott .y cool.nt tank ev.ry t.v day. with w.ter. Pr ••• ur. t •• ting the .yste. did not r.v •• l • le.k, .nd pr.ssure t •• tinq the enqin. r.v •• led th.t .y head q •• k.t w ••• ound. Wh.n the car i. at rest, i. no .iqn. ot l.ak­aqe und.r the c.r, .nd there i. no t.lltale sign. ot l.ak.q. in the .ngin. co.p.rtaent.

Recently this probl •• h •• beco ••• or. ot a proble., .s I •• now h.ving to .dd w.ter .are trequently. With .nti-tr.eze at the $9.00 l.v.l, this i. gettinq to b •• n .xp.n.iv. proble., H.l Doby

De.r H.l, It i. qoinq to qet .or. expen.ive. Your proble. Ii •• not in you .nqin. co.p.rt.ent, but und.r your d •• h. It i •• co .. on proble. in TR7. to .cquire •• low l •• k in the h •• ter cor. ot your c.r. That i. were your l •• k is. A. ti.e h •• progr •••• d, the corro.ion around the pinhole leak has b •• n .nlarg­ing your probl ••• Wh.n the water leaked out ot the core, it travel. the path th.t cond.n •• tion •• cap.s when you run the air condition.r. That i. vhy th.r. i. no tr.c. ot the le.k.

Now h.r. is it i. qoinq to beco.e expensive. You will lit.r.lly h~ve to tot.lly di ••••• ~l. your to get to the box th.t the h •• ter cor •• Onc. you q.t to th.t point, you will have in your hand., • aodul.r box. Briti.h Leyl.nd, in it'. intinit. wisdo., .. d. this unit (containing h •• t.r cor., tan .ator, .ir conditioninq p.rts, .nd cockpit v.ntilation fl.p., • sinqul.r pi.c. to be with. n.w .odul •• Thi. n.v aodule, which is li.t.d in the Ro.d.t.r F.ctory TR7 .nd 8 p.rt. c.t.log, co.t. '1,050.001 T.x and l.bor i •• xclud.d. Th. p.rt i •• till ••

Th.r. is .noth.r way of .olvinq your probl •• thouqh. Ru ••• ll of Flor­ida, .noth.r TR7 own.r h.d this .a •• probl ••• With. little bit of thouqht, Jack qot out hi. drill .nd r •• ov.d the pop-riv.ts that held the .odul.r box C.r.fully taking the unit .p.rt, discover.d that the cor., .long with oth.r part., w.r •• .t the co.pon.nt l.v.l.

Atter • trip to • r.di.tor .hop for • n.w he.ter core, r ••••• ~l.d the unit, se.ling it with th.n with rivets. Wh.t did hi. n.v heat.r cor. co.t? Under $100.00.

You can purchase a used .odular unit fro. a spare. yard, but you .. y b. in the sa •• boat in a short period. Th. TR7 in any spar.s yard, will now be 8 years old. Atlanta I.port.d Parts pr.ssur. test. the units they sell. So you chances .re that you can your bad with a qood unit, but how long that unit will stay l.ak tree is speculativ ••


Page 6: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

The T.S.C.C. Self HelD Scheme

By .a1 Doby W. have r.c.iv.d a trom Jonty Wild ot the Sports six Club, which is bas.d out ot England. Th.y are trying to .stablish a n.w proqram that th.y are calling the Enthusiast Int.rnational H.lp Sch.... It is a listing ot tolks like us around the glob. that ott.r assi.-~ tanc. to any driv.r that a .. chanica 1 br.akdown while on the road in Th. listing will show who to contact in which ar.a and what aasistanc. that person can ott.r.

W. discuss.d ' a ai.ilar listing a while back. w. thought it might b. nic. to try to .stablish a aimilar proqra. on a national basis. T.S.S.C. goal is .uch larg.r. It you would like to b. listed a. a contact, till out the torm I have provided, and r.turn it to •• prior to the Sup.rBowl Party. I plan to b. at the party, so you could give it to m. in p.rson th.r •.

Onc. the bookl.t containing the intormation is, T.S.S.C. will provide the G.T.A. with a coupl. ot the books. Extra copi.s can be had tor $2.00. It you would like a copy ot the book, you can s.nd •• your $2.00 the sa •• way as the intormation torm. I .ight add that the $2.00 t •• is to cov.r the cost ot producing the book and to cov.r the postage tro. England.

Think about thia and take a t.w minut.s to the torm. Tak. it tro. me (I should know), it ia sur. nic. to know th.r. is som.on. out th.r. you can aak tor h.lp it it is n.eded.

Dues By .a1 Doby 1898 is h.r., and with it comes two things, Your tax.s and your du.s pay­.ent tor the GTA tor 1989. As w. have publish.d in .arli.r, w. have our du.s trom $12.00 to $18.00 . They beca •• due as ot the tirst ot the year.

Payment can b. mailed to Myra McMath and should Myra McMath

Th. G.orgia Triumph A.sociatioD 5151 A.hlaD4 Court Li1burD, GA 30247

be addr •••• d to:

I-Z-'Jf, We .ncourag. all members to remit their dues by the .nd ot F.bruary. It we have not r.cieved your dues by that t i m., w. will be torc.d to discontinu. you subscr i ption to the Trumpet .

In March, we plan to d i stribute the long rumored Tr i umph Parts and S.rvi ce Di rectory as a spec i al supplement to the regul ar n.wsletter . We also plan



FEB 10 26


APR 6-9

14 TBA



JUN TBA 16-18 23-25













OCT 13-15


Ewnt SPO"SOR Pub Night SuperBowl Party Mike Cammarata

Pub Night Tech Session: Diff. , Oil Seals Dennis Riley

Pub Night Tech Seesion: Electrical George Rabey

T.C.O.C. Auto Fair, Charlolte, NC Pub Night Walter Milly RaceS@ Road Atlanta Explorer's Rallye-Rallye School (BMW Challenge Rallye II) Steve McMath

Pub Night British Car Day Dennis Riley Highlands Classic Auto Showl Mountain Tour Chris Gore

Pub Night TRA National Convention VTR Sanctioned Regional Gathering in Savannah, Hosted by the GTA Steve Conway

Pub Night lake OUting Gordon Washburn VTR National Convention in Upstate New York

Pub Night , Mall Car Show Drive-In Movie Night Bob Ragan Walter Milly Races at Road Atlanta

Pub Night Son of Polo Invasion Rob Dick

Seca Run.Qffs at Road Atlanta Pub Night

Hal Doby ,

Trip of Callaway Gardens Steve Magner














Page 7: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

The Classifieds For •• 1.1 TR250 Short block asseably $75 . 00. Oth.r Mi.c. TR4/4a/250/6 .tuff Don Elliot 977-5134 Betwe.n 6 , lOp •. 1288

For •• 1.1 1965 Triuaph Spitfir., 70'. 15qO .ngin. , trans.i.sion, Factory St •• l Hardtop, No Convertible top, but for it i. th.r.. I al.o have GT6 type wire wh •• l. with two hubs, 60'. GT6 .ngin. , tran •• i •• ion, GT6 front suspen.ion along with a crat. of mi.c. part •• This was my proj­ect car from 1978 which has gone back to a .tat. of ju.t .itting th.r.l I ne.d to s.ll A.S.A.P. as I want to purcha •• a TR6 proj.ct carl You can have it all for $1200.00 including the 9 tires that go with the car. Fred Fletch.r o.ys:404-529-0637 (If you get my r.cord.r, pl.ase leave a message.) Evenings 404-963-6050 . 1188

.artiDg outl Spitfire and GT6 Assortment. Includ •• a diff.r.ntial (4.11), a gearbox, carburetor., start.r aotors, intake aanifold., st •• ring wh •• ls, road wh •• l., trim rings for wh.els, guard., a hardtop, " "r.gular fu.l" ga. cap., front/rear suspension p.rt., and a vast as.ort­.ent of light.,, pluabing, and giz.os. Call .. before you go to the jUlikyard becau •• I can .how you where to put all this .tuff, and how. 7.e' Tipl On. of the ••• arly manifold. will aake your 1500 really br.ath better.

For •• 1 •• Hardtop for lat. model Spitfire (71-80). This is a factory st.el model that wa. off.r.d a. an option, and will incr •••• your car's value (check the used c.r .d.). It i. in v.ry good condition, .nd will k.ep you wara , dry this winter. $250.00, .uch a

For •• 1.1 2.5 litre 6 cylinder engine for. TR250 or •• rly TR6. This engine is compl.t. with h •• d, wat.r puap casing, and flywh •• l, .nd will be .old •• is. It w •• running wh.n r.moved from the car it w •• in, but i. in n.ed of a rebuild. Thi. i •• n .xc.ll.nt as a sp.r. or part •• otor ( you priced rod. and cr.nk. l.tely?). $175.00 Rob (Lat'. • Dick 270-9620 1188

For •• 1.1 1973 Stag. All original, very good condition. White with black i .. aculat. interior. H.rdtop and convertible top. New tires. Must S.ll. $6,000.00 obo John Kieffer evenings 934-4546 1188


For 8a1e: Four painted 60-spoke wire wheels for a TR4 or TR250. They are in need of tunning, but otherwise in quite good condition. I will sell them for $25.00 a piece. Steve conway 921-5700 (after 4:00pm) 1188

For •• 1.1 1980 TR7 conv.rtible. New Dupont co.t .nd co.t New Top, c.rp.t, .nd Upholstery. 5spd., Air cond., Br. and Electric and Stereo. Run. Excellent, and have •• ny parts. Don Walter. (404) 548-6949 1288 Doors

For .a1.1 take with OBO.

1968 TR250 Mu.t s.ll. Possibly being r.locat.d and do not wish to ••• I will .ell wil ay consid.rable p.rts coll.ction. $4500.00

Hugh McAle.r 1288

471-4253 b.twe.n 6 .nd 9p ••

For •• 1 •• Ans. syste. for any TR6. $50.00 Steve conway 921-5700 Any evening. 189


Page 8: The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Flnt ...The Georgia Triumph Association 5158 Ashland Court Ulburn. GA 30247 Flnt Class Mail . 0009 Bob Ragan 2611 Willow Green Dr.

The Georgia Triumph Association Officers and Representatives

Dir.ctor GordoD Wa.hbun

A •• i.tant Director D.DDis ail.,

S.c.,Tr.a •• ,M.ab.rship Myra McMatb


.. 04-.. 75-1088

"0"-564-2372 N, Editor

OfUc. aa1 Doby .. 0 .. -979-2311 972-3680

Fax (Gl,2,3) 972-.. 073 Ev.nts Chairman

CO-Rally Ma.t.r CO-Rally Mast.r

Columbus Ar.a R.p.

M.ab.r at Larg.

M.IIIb.r at Larg.

Rob Diot

Ste •• KOlIatb auqh Koa1eer

Ste.e KaqD.r

Cbri. Gor.

Br.Dt S.itb



.. 0 .. -563-0511


.. 0 .. -979-3 .. 02 1898 Reqional Chairman

st ••• COD.a, "0"-921-5700

lb. G.orgia Triumph Association (GTA) i. a non-profit orqanization of .n­thu.ia.t. ot the Triumph motor car .arqu •• Th. GTA i. an otficial Chapt.r Df the Vintage R.giste~. M.ab.r.hip du •• are '1 •• 00 p.r, and ~r. payable on January 1 of .ach Du •• are prorat.d at '1.50 per r.­

maininq month durinq the first of m.ab.r.hip.

All inquiri.. reqardinq •• abership or any oth.r club corr •• .hould b. dir.ct.d to the at:

Myra KoKatb 515. a.hleDd Court

LilburD, GA 30Z"7



The Trumpet Th. Trump.t i. the monthly publication ot the G.orgia Association, ~. Editorial contribution., articl •• (alway. '1reatly appr.­ciat.d), cla.siti.d., adv.rti •••• nts, or any other matter relatin'1 to the newsletter may be sent to the editor at:

aa1 Dob, 2.... willi... .1aoe SD.11.i11.,Ga 3027.

Cla •• ifi.d ad. r.latin'1 to Triumph car. and own.r. are tr •• to ••• -b.r. and $5.00 to non-m.ab.r •• Ad. will b. run for two i •• u ••. Ads .ay b. run tor an additional period of tim. by notitication to the Editor.

co ... rcial adv.rti •••• nt. are available at $10.00 per i •• u. and .ay b. a. lar'1. a. on •• inql. pa'1'. Comm.rcial Adv.rti •••• nt •• u.t b. pres.nt.d r.ady for publication without .odification •• Adv.rti •••• nt layout is available throu'1h the .ditor at a no.inal char'1'. Th. Trump.t, nor the G.or'1ia Triumph A •• ociation .hall not b. h.ld liable for any •• r •• ultinq from t.chnical intormation pre.ent.d in this .aqazine. Thi. intormation i. pr.s.nted a. advi •• for it'. r.adership.

lb. Trumpet i. pr.pared in part at the Action AWard. Graphic Art. Studio. u.inq IBK-and Appl. MacInto.h computinq .y.t... and Aldu. Pagemak.r ~d •• ktop publi.hinq .otwar. tor both sy.t •••• Some Artwork provided by Clip-Art. Ori'1inal artwork desi'1nod by Chris Gor •• Unl ••• oth.rwis. stat.d, articl •• without credit to the author were prepared by Hal poby.

lb. Trump.t is staff.d by


a •• i.teDt aditor.

a •• ooiat ••


Hal Doby

st.v. Conway Lori Conway

p.te Wentzell Rob Dick

Dennis Riley

The was the proud r.cipient of the 1988 Vintage Triumph Register's Newsletter AWard.