The Genes, the Whole Genes, and Nothing But the Genes Jim Kent University of California Santa Cruz.

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Transcript of The Genes, the Whole Genes, and Nothing But the Genes Jim Kent University of California Santa Cruz.

  • Slide 1
  • The Genes, the Whole Genes, and Nothing But the Genes Jim Kent University of California Santa Cruz
  • Slide 2
  • Ben Franklin - Childhood Hero Hi Voltage Experiments
  • Slide 3
  • A Man of High Values
  • Slide 4
  • Early to bed Early to rise
  • Slide 5
  • Rock Collection
  • Slide 6
  • Shell Collection
  • Slide 7
  • Bottlecap Collection
  • Slide 8
  • Bug Collection
  • Slide 9
  • Jim Kent - Genome Scientist not to be confused with Richard Stallman
  • Slide 10
  • Modern Bug Collection if (a = b) if (string == something) for (x=0; x
  • Where are we now? The genome >95% complete. 98% complete in April. A comprehensive list of genes - ~75% of coding regions.