The FULL 28 Days of Love - book recommendation for today - Mind Body...

28 Days of Love was created by Kim Wilkinson of Authentic Wellness. The content came from various trainings and personal experiences and the purpose was to provide people with knowledge and resources to start to shift into a better way of living life. Fear is something that challenges everyone and can create much discomfort in life. By expanding our consciousness, learning to forgive, focusing on gratitude, connecting deeper with our own self and incorporating a variety of new practices to live life, we can truly create the life we desire and deserve. Perhaps much of what we have been taught is not “the best way” or the “only way”. This 28 days will shift your perspectives, it will provide a better understanding of the body, the mind, the ego, human nature and will likely bring about some emotional release and deep healing. This project started on a Thursday (Feb 1, 2018) but it can be used at any time. You could work through it over 28 days as it was set up or do a few days at a time a move through it a bit quicker. I did this just as much for myself as for anyone else who wanted to follow along. (Which ended up being 107 people from various parts of Canada and the U.S) I am grateful to have had the opportunity and the divine guidance to create this and share it. I hope you find it valuable! Please feel free to share and please connect with me if you feel drawn to. Much Love, Kim Wilkinson [email protected] 7802336606

Transcript of The FULL 28 Days of Love - book recommendation for today - Mind Body...

 28  Days  of  Love  was  created  by  Kim  Wilkinson  of  Authentic  Wellness.  

 The  content  came  from  various  trainings  and  personal  experiences  and  the  purpose  was  to  provide  people  with  knowledge  and  resources  to  

start  to  shift  into  a  better  way  of  living  life.    

Fear  is  something  that  challenges  everyone  and  can  create  much  discomfort  in  life.  By  expanding  our  consciousness,  learning  to  forgive,  

focusing  on  gratitude,  connecting  deeper  with  our  own  self  and  incorporating  a  variety  of  new  practices  to  live  life,  we  can  truly  create  

the  life  we  desire  and  deserve.    

Perhaps  much  of  what  we  have  been  taught  is  not  “the  best  way”  or  the  “only  way”.  This  28  days  will  shift  your  perspectives,  it  will  provide  a  better  understanding  of  the  body,  the  mind,  the  ego,  human  nature  and  

will  likely  bring  about  some  emotional  release  and  deep  healing.    

This  project  started  on  a  Thursday  (Feb  1,  2018)  but  it  can  be  used  at  any  time.  You  could  work  through  it  over  28  days  as  it  was  set  up  or  do  

a  few  days  at  a  time  a  move  through  it  a  bit  quicker.    

I  did  this  just  as  much  for  myself  as  for  anyone  else  who  wanted  to  follow  along.  (Which  ended  up  being  107  people  from  various  parts  of  

Canada  and  the  U.S)    

I  am  grateful  to  have  had  the  opportunity  and  the  divine  guidance  to  create  this  and  share  it.  I  hope  you  find  it  valuable!  

 Please  feel  free  to  share  and  please  connect  with  me  if  you  feel  drawn  to.  

Much  Love,  Kim  Wilkinson  

[email protected]    780-­‐233-­‐6606  

The  FULL  28  Days  of  Love    Day  1    Welcome to Day 1! What is done in love is done well! How can you expect anyone to love you if you don’t love yourself? What is love anyway? View today’s video below first and then come back here to view the second video link and to read about today’s challenges/suggestions. Here is the link to the Sadhguru video Suggestion for today: Every time you tell someone you love them or you say you love something, notice how you feel, what you feel, if you feel anything at all. Ask yourself, “what does love mean to me”. There is no right or wrong answer, this is an exploration of self. Suggested affirmations: Write these in a journal or on a piece of paper if you wish, read them out loud, say them with meaning and/or keep repeating until you feel meaning in what you are saying. If you want to take it a step further look at yourself in the mirror wile you make these statements. Say these daily and add to them as more affirmations come out. You can also create your own affirmations. I am love I am loveable I deserve to be loved I am loved I love myself I accept myself I approve if myself  Have  a  fabulous  day!  <3  

Day 2 Good morning! Below is the link to today’s short and sweet video. Profanity warning…..although I did not drop any F bombs, there definitely is an H. S. in there! Watch the short video and then see the remaining content below for today’s affirmations/suggestions. Affirmations (you can add these to the previous days affirmations and build a list from the 28 days) I am grateful for every experience life brings me I am grateful for my successes and my challenges I speak my truth from a place of love Challenge: Keep a tab for today to note how many times you complain. When you do, stop, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself “What am I thankful for right now?”. Notice (when you do that) if/how you start to feel different. Also keep track of the number of times you feel or show gratitude. At the end of the day total the scores. Are you living life with gratitude or are you a little stuck on the hamster wheel of constant complaining?      Have  a  beautiful  day!  <3                          

Day  3    Good morning! I hope day 2 was full of gratitude or at least some awareness between complaining and gratitude! ;) I was definitely challenged as you will hear about in the video lol. The link below is for today, day 3. It is a little longer but I hope you find the information valuable and interesting. After watching the video come back to the email for further info! Breathing exercise - sit with eyes closed palms of the hands facing upwards and notice your body and your breath. How does the body move? In what directions do different parts of the body move? Then turn your hands palms down, keep noticing and see if you notice a change in how the body responds. Perhaps your body really does have a mind of its own?! hmmmmmm Challenge/Suggestion for the day - take some time to remove your self from the distractions of the day, of life. Use any tools that might help you to relax (soft music, aromatherapy, etc). Take some time to just sit, practice bringing your hand on to your heart and notice how that feels. notice your body, notice your breath and start to reconnect with your self. Don’t get frustrated if you find this difficult, we will build on this and learn more to help make this easier and more enjoyable. If you find this easy and spend a longer period of time reconnecting with your self, great! My favs - for music I love to listen to liquid mind. The DoTerra oils I like to relax and reconnect are Lavender, Peace and Past Tense. (If you would like more info on any of this please contact me) We will be talking more about Meditation as we move through this project but if this is something you are really drawn to I have an Introduction to Meditation workshop coming up Feb 8 and I have a few spots left. If you are in the Edmonton area there is also a fabulous Meditation Studio called Lifestyle Meditation. I am grateful to have Founder Mandy Trapp as one of my amazing teachers. She has created a beautiful space that is inviting and welcomes everyone. There are a lot of great classes and workshops running all the time. To learn more visit the website

My book recommendation for today - Mind Body Balancing by Osho If you enjoyed the cards and would like to know more I will be hosting a cards and crystals workshop soon - keep an eye out for date/time to be released soon. Have a fabulous day! I hope you can relax as much as Bailey did while I was making today’s video!        Have  a  great  day!  <3                                                                    


Day  4    Today we are going to talk about thoughts..... Watch todays video and then come back for further recommendations Today's Challenge: Notice your thoughts, especially when you are not feeling joyful/peaceful. Are you thinking about something that already happened or are you thinking about the future? Bring your self to present moment, hand on heart, take a deep breath or two and find something you are grateful for right now. Then ask yourself "What can I do right now to bring more love, peace and/or joy into my self and my life. Choose only positive thoughts! Cancel any negative thoughts! When I have a bad or negative thought, I actually say out loud "Cancel that thought" as though I am saying it to the Universe. For further explanation and understanding of yesterday's breathing exercises with the hands (palms up/palms down) check out this Sadhguru video! Book Recommendation - The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle Affirmations: I release the Past I think only positive thoughts

Here and now is where my power is I now choose to live in the present I experience peace by living in the present Here is my favourite song to remind me to be present (especially if I am stuck in the future worrying about things) - Bob Marley - Three little birds Have a great day! Remember....think positive thoughts going into a new week! Make tomorrow your best Monday ever! Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 5 Today we are going to talk about FEAR.

Check out today's video and then come back for further info and suggestions. A deeper explanation of Fear and how to step out of it: Discovering your root cause of fear: 1. Make a list of all fears or things that create a disturbance within. 2. Ask your self "What is the worst thing about that happening?". Write down your answer and again ask your self "What is the worst thing about that?" Continue until you can't find an answer or until you start to repeat your answers. This will help you to identify what is really causing the disturbance within. 3. Notice if the fear or disturbance is something from the past or something related to the future. 4. Start to shift - hand on heart, deep breaths, let it go, use affirmations. The above may not be an immediate fix but it is a start to reprogramming your learned behaviours. Book Recommendation: Fear - Understanding and

Accepting the Insecurities of Life by Osho. If you are wanting to dive much deeper into this or are looking for more information and resources to help you move through life's challenges, there is an incredible weekend workshop coming up. It is a workshop called The Path and it was developed by Mandy Trapp of Lifestyle Meditation. The workshop runs Mar 2,3 & 4 and there are a few spots left. For further info click the link below or contact me directly. Affirmations: I am not my fears. It is safe for me to live without guarding and defending myself all the time. When I feel afraid, I open my heart and let the love dissolve the fear. I am willing to release my fears. I have the power to make changes. I am always divinely protected. Hopefully you have been creating a running list of the daily affirmations. Say them out loud daily, a few times if possible. The more you say these, the sooner they will start to become new beliefs. You DO have the power to change and transform! Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 6 Today's topic - FORGIVENESS Check out today's video and then come back for more resources! Louise Hay has many great resources to help with forgiveness. Check out the link to her page on Forgiveness Ho'oponopono is an incredible Hawaiian Practice to help with forgiveness! Affirmations: I forgive myself. I release all resentment. I release the past with love. I forgive myself and others, I am free and others are free. Who do you need to forgive? Make your list and make sure you add your name to that list too! Once you have your list, test yourself. Hand on heart, deep breaths and then say out loud "I forgive.......". Does it feel 100% genuine? Keep practicing all of this, putting it all together and start to feel the shift happening! Have a beautiful day!

Day 7 Welcome to Day 7 - even though in my video I say it is day 6 (it's been a long few days and I am just keeping it real lol) Check out today's video and then come back for further resources: Here is a great article explaining the importance of feeling our emotions. Gaia Online is a WONDERFUL resource for so many of our topics. It is something you must subscribe to and the cost is about $10/month. You can join for a short period of time or a full year. It is worth every cent! There is a great video on there called e-motion. It is about an hour long and it is absolutely fascinating! I highly recommend this site! Affirmations: I allow myself to feel my emotions fully and completely. I allow others the space to feel their emotions. All of my emotions are energy and if I feel them, they will pass. Every day I become more and more aware of my emotions. Every emotion I experience brings me great self-awareness. Homework: Start to really feel your emotions. When able, remove

yourself from the situation and/or people. Bring your hand onto your heart, close your eyes, take some deep breaths and actually physically feel the emotion(s), the energy of the emotion(s) so that it can move and pass. Remember, this might happen quickly or you might need to feel the emotion(s) for a few days. Don't distract, feel and release. Allow others the same space for this when you are in the presence of them working through their emotions. Resist the urge to console until after they have had some time. Notice how your thoughts are affected by your emotions. Notice if forgiveness is something that might need to be a part of helping those emotions to move or to release. Continue to put all of this together and it will bring you strength to overcome some of your most challenging experiences. Have an absolutely fabulous day! <3

Day 8 Welcome to Day 8 - A Day of Self Care and Filling Your Cup!

Check out today's video and then come back here for more resources! Everyone needs to fill there cup! Men, Women, young, old, everyone! Your vehicle isn't going very far without gas, your debit card isn't going to work with no money in the bank, how can we expect our bodies and our minds to keep going if we don't fill our selves up! We have all experienced the negative impact of pushing ourselves too far. It is so important to nurture our selves. We need to do little things daily and bigger things frequently! Remember filling your cup doesn't have to be expensive! An example of a simple daily self care task could be taking a nap or finding a quiet space to read a book or spend some time in nature. This is a great article with tips on self care in all areas of life! Your homework: Create a list and schedule of things you enjoy and can do for self care. Everything from taking a nap to a spa day or some time in your "man cave" aka garage (which my husband loves). Try to do something small daily, something a little bigger once a week and something really great once a month. Check in with your body to see what it needs, it will tell you if you take the time to connect with it. Maybe it needs more rest, more food, less food, more water. Starit living from a sense of wholeness instead of working against your body. Work with your body! What is with the number six, I am stuck on that

number! I guess it's a sign so decided to see what the meaning of 6 is......INTERESTING, CHECK IT OUT! Affirmations: I love myself. I approve of myself. I deserve to be loved. I deserve everything I desire. I am worthy. Enjoy some self love and self care today! I know I will, with a nap, some home made banana bread and a beautiful meditation with my favourite essential oils! Have a beautiful day! <3

Day 9 Welcome to Day 9 - a day to Celebrate! Check out today's video and then come back for more great resources! How can we expect others to acknowledge and appreciate us if we don't acknowledge and appreciate ourselves! Don't just celebrate the good stuff, celebrate all the stuff! Some times the bad stuff makes life better. Every experience has something for us to learn. Every experience brings opportunity for growth. Homework: Think about how you were feeling before starting this 28 day journey and notice if there have been changes, more awareness or anything else noticeable. Acknowledge yourself for doing this work. Also think about a time in the last week or so where you didn't have a great experience. What did you take away or learn from that experience? What was the opportunity? Celebrate that too! Celebrate by complimenting your self, repeating affirmations and/or reward yourself in some way! Affirmations: I am proud of myself. I am successful. I deserve everything I desire. Every experience brings a new accomplishment. I am expanding my consciousness every day.

Enjoy your celebration and get ready to start digging a little deeper! Have a wonderful day! <3

Day 10 Welcome to Day 10 - Understanding Grief. Check out today's video and then come back for more great resources! Sadhguru explains grief and dealing with loss of a loved one. This is a great article that talks about the 5 stages of grief: Homework: Check in with yourself. Have you properly grieved? Have you gone through all 5 stages? What still needs to be done? Do the work. Affirmations: I allow myself to feel grief fully. I still see love in the world even when I am grieving. The Universe lifts me , supports me and guides me. Today I choose to heal. Sadhguru Resources: Book - Inner Engineering Online course - Inner Engineering I HIGHLY RECOMMEND DOING THE ONLINE INNER ENGINEERING COURSE!!!!!! Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 11 Welcome to Day 11 - Stop Making Excuses and Believe in Your Self! Check out today's video and then come back here for more resources! Here are some great articles on beliefs: Tony Robbins has a 2.5hr audio that talks about overcoming limiting beliefs, save the link and listen to it when you have some time! Home work: Write down some common excuses you make and add to this list daily as you notice yourself making excuses. Identify any limiting beliefs you might have. Muscle test yourself. Start to work on changing your beliefs. Make a list of a few things you can do to step out of your comfort zone and commit to doing a few of those things you have been putting off doing, that you have made excuses for. Believe in yourself! You can do anything you put your mind to. How to muscle test yourself:

Affirmations: See the late Dr. Wayne Dyer's list of affirmations Set your intentions for a new week to incorporate all that you have learned and keep shifting into now and the life you truly desire! <3 Have a great day! <3

Day 12 Welcome to day 12 - Surrender and Accept. Check out today's video and then come back here for more resources! Quotes from "The Power of Now" "Do not confuse surrender with an attitude of "I can't be bothered anymore" or "I just don't care anymore". If you look at it closely, you will find that such an attitude is tainted with negativity in the form of hidden resentment and so is not surrender at all but masked resistance. As you surrender, direct your attention inward to check if there is any trace of resistance left inside you. Be very alert when you do so; otherwise, a pocket of resistance may continue to hide in some dark corner in the form of a thought or an unacknowledged emotion." "Nobody chooses dysfunction, conflict, pain. Nobody chooses insanity. They happen because there is not enough presence in you to dissolve the past, not enough light to dispel the darkness. You are not fully here. You have not quite woken up yet. In the mean time, the conditioned mind is running your life." Homework: Notice when you are resisting. Stop. Place your hand on your heart. Take a deep breath and become present, in the now. Remind yourself you only have control over your self

and how you respond. Accept the situation the way it is. Be grateful for the opportunity and surrender to see where it leads you. Don't let fear come in and take over! Book recommendations: The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (suggested earlier in the 28 days but relates to all areas) Affirmations: I allow myself to let go. I am divinely guided and supported. I stay in the flow of life. I let go of all resistance. I accept every situation with love, from love. When you resist you put up walls and nothing can flow towards you. When you surrender, you let the walls down and open yourself to everything flowing to you. If you are positive and aligned you will attract all the good you desire, if you allow the fear mind (the conditioned mind) to take over, you will attract what you don't want or what you are fearful of so remember, keep your thoughts aligned with the present, stay positive and focus on what you desire. Acceptance is most difficult when we have strong resistance. Just remember that the Universe just might have a bigger or better plan for you. So when things aren't unfolding as you desire, accept what is happening and open yourself to receive when the time is right. Stay in the flow. Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 13 Welcome to Day 13 - Awareness vs. Consciousness. Are they the same thing? Is there a difference? Check out today's video and then come back for more deep thoughts! There is a great movie on Gaia TV Online called Samadhi that might bring a clearer understanding of this topic. (just a reminder Gaia online is something you must subscribe to a pay the fee - so worth it!) Sadhguru talks about awareness and consciousness: Evolving into Consciousness - Sadhguru Eckhart Tolle - Consciousness This is one on my favourites! A powerful video by Allan Watts: and so maybe consciousness simply means truly "living" and awareness is noticing that you truly are "living". What are you thoughts? No homework, just reflect on the messages from the videos.

No affirmations, keep working with what you have so far. Be present and in the now today and see what unfolds. Have a beautiful day! <3

Day 14 Check out today's video and then come back for more great stuff! A lack of connection can lead to significant struggles: Homework: Give long awkward hugs! Be of Service. Connect with someone you don't know in any way, by means of a smile, a compliment, an act of kindness. REMEMBER - Even if you are not in a partner relationship at the moment, you are never alone. We are all connected! <3 Have a fantastic day! <3

Day 15 Welcome to Day 15! We are half way there! Let's review and talk about Meditation! Check out today's video and the come back for more info and resources! So far we are practicing; loving ourself, gratitude, connection to self (body, breath, etc), noticing our thoughts and making them positive and keeping them in the present, awareness of fear and not letting it run our life, letting go of resentment and practicing forgiveness, feeling our emotions so we can release them, self care and celebrating ourselves, stop making excuses, believe in yourself, let go of your resistance and surrender, stay in the flow of life, practicing consciousness and awareness (in what ever way that resonates with you) and connecting with others. WOW that is a lot BUT the more we practice all of this, the more naturally we start to do all this. It is then that we truly start to shift into living the life we truly desire and deserve! Meditation is a beautiful practice that everyone can do (even children). There is no right or wrong way. It can be done anywhere at anytime, in a variety of ways. Just don't meditate while driving! I will be incorporating more on meditation in the remaining days. For now, check out the resources below to help get you started. Meditation Resources: Headspace (search & download the app) Lifestyle Meditation Studio -

A few guided meditations for you to listen to: Remember - Everyone should meditate for at least 20 min a day, unless you are too busy, then you should meditate for an hour. Home work: Set an intention to eventually (sooner than later) make meditation a regular self and/or family practice. (daily if possible). Don't get frustrated if you fall off the wagon, use that as an opportunity to notice how things change when you aren't meditating regularly. Meditation is the best time to ask your self the questions to everything you need to know. (Ex - What do I really desire? What brings purpose or meaning to my life? Why am I feeling......whatever emotion/thought? etc) If you really want to dive more into Meditation, The Path workshop is a weekend Meditation workshop that was developed by Mandy Trapp of Lifestyle Meditation. It truly is a life changing course. The next course is Mar 2, 3 & 4 and you can use your $25 gift card towards registration if interested. Have a beautiful day! <3

Day 16 Welcome to Day 16 - Nature! Check out today's video and then come back for more resources! Benefits of nature: Different ways to connect with nature: Homework: Take some time to embrace nature! Use all of your senses to really connect with the elements. Release what needs to be released into the earth to be recycled into new energy. Fill your cup from the sun, the wind, the earth, water, fire elements. Appreciate nature! Have a lovely day! <3

Day 17 Welcome to Day 17! Let's Start Manifesting! Check out today's video and then come back for more great manifesting resources! Info on Vision Boards: More manifesting resources: If you have an apple device, this is a GREAT app to download! Your Homework: List 3 goals/achievements you want to attain. 1 simple short

term, 1 a little bigger within a few weeks and 1 more significant goal. Choose a manifesting tool (or few) that resonate with you and apply it to your 3 goals to manifest what you desire. Remember, to be successful you still need to continue to practice all that creates the foundation for manifesting, so keep doing the work! Happy manifesting! <3

Day 18 Welcome to Day 18. Play, have fun and nurture your inner child. Check out today's video and then come back for more resources on how to have more fun! The benefits of play for adults: Ways to Play: Board Games Search Groupon activités (lots of great ideas here) Dance, sing, be silly Play with children and/or pets Home work: Play. That's it. Have fun doing something you have never done before or haven't done in a long time. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Tomorrow we start day 1 of 7- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success! Have a wonderful day<3

Day 19 Welcome to Day 19. The Law of Pure Potentiality. Check out today's video and the come back for more info on the Law of Pure Potentiality! Homework: Take time each day to be silent, to connect, to just be. (Meditate) Practice non-judgement. Commune with nature. Today's affirmation: Today I shall judge nothing that occurs. Repeat this several times throughout the day, especially after you catch your self being judgemental Conscious Breathing and Meditation Alternate Nostril Breathing wonderfully quiets the mind, creating a state of calm inner awareness, which is perfect prior to meditation and throughout the day. How-to: Sit comfortably in Easy Pose and softly close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale a few times to settle into the moment. Allow the breath to be gentle and effortless. Position the right thumb over the right nostril. Position the third and fourth fingers over the left nostril. To begin, inhale

deeply, then close off the right nostril with the right thumb and exhale through the left nostril. Gently inhale through the left nostril. When the breath peaks, hold for a moment, close off the left nostril with the third and fourth fingers, and exhale through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril, gently hold for a moment at the peak, close off the right nostril with the thumb, and exhale through the left nostril. This is one round. Continue for a total of 4–8 rounds. When finished, simply observe the breath. Meditation This is a mantra-based meditation. The mantra is So Hum. Sit comfortably in Easy Pose and softly close your eyes. Inhale slowly and deeply and think silently, "So." Exhale slowly and gently and think silently, "Hum." Continue. When you notice your attention has drifted away from the breath and mantra to thoughts, sensations in the body or sounds in the environment, gently bring your attention back to the breath and the mantra. Continue for 15–20 minutes. When time is up, sit for a couple of minutes before resuming activity. Remember, thoughts are a natural part of meditation and a wonderful release of accumulated stress. Allow your thoughts to come and go, let go of any expectations, and before long, you will find your mind quieting. Have a fantastic day! <3

Day 20 Welcome to Day 20. The Law of Giving and Receiving. Check out today's video and then come back here for more on the Law of Giving and Receiving! Home work: Meditate. Just BE. Focus on Pure Consciousness, Pure Potentiality. Give a gift to everyone you encounter - a compliment, a prayer even a smile. Receive with gratitude. Simply say THANK YOU and that is it! Silently wish everyone joy, love, and whatever else you want to receive. Today's affirmations: I wish all beings joy and abundance. I give willingly and with good intentions. I receive with gratitude so that I can give even more. Have a wonderful day! <3

Day 21 Welcome to Day 21! The Law of Karma or Cause and Effect. Check out today's video and then come back for more info! Home work: Meditate, practice giving and receiving. Notice the choices you make, be conscious and present when making them. Check in with your decision to see if it is the best choice - hand on heart and ask yourself "What are the consequences of this choice?" and "Will this choice bring happiness to me and to those affected by this choice?" Ask for direction from your heart rather than trying to figure it out in your head. Keep doing all the amazing work, even if you are not seeing or feeling a significant difference, the key is in consistency and in permanent change of the way you choose to live. It is then that you will truly notice transformation! <3 Have a beautiful day!

Day 22 Welcome to Day 22. The Law of Least Effort. Watch today's video and then come back for more info! Check out this great video on Responsibility from Sadhguru: Homework: Meditate, just be. Practice Giving and Receiving in a positive way. Make the right choices, make conscious choices. Practice acceptance. Take responsibility. Don't be defensive. Remember there are many ways of seeing things and doing things. Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 23 Welcome to Day 23. The Law of Intention and Desire. Check out today's video and then come back for more info! Homework: Meditate, just be. Practice Giving and Receiving in a positive way. Make the right choices, make conscious choices. Practice acceptance. Take responsibility. Don't be defensive. Remember there are many ways of seeing things and doing things. Make a list of your intentions and desires and focus on them just before meditation, just before bed and when you wake up. Put your intentions out to the Universe (into Pure Potentiality) and let the Universe do the work. Be patient. Practice present moment awareness and don't let obstacles distract you in present moment. Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 24 Welcome to Day 24. The Law of Detachment. Check out today's video and the come back for more info. Homework: Meditate, just be. Practice Giving and Receiving in a positive way. Make the right choices, make conscious choices. Practice acceptance. Take responsibility. Don't be defensive. Remember there are many ways of seeing things and doing things. Make a list of your intentions and desires and focus on them just before meditation, just before bed and when you wake up. Put your intentions out to the Universe (into Pure Potentiality) and let the Universe do the work. Be patient. Practice present moment awareness and don't let obstacles distract you in present moment. Relinquish attachment. Continue to have intention and desire but don't get attached to the outcome. Tomorrow we look at the last of the 7 Laws and only 3 days left from there! Have a fabulous Day! <3

Day 25 Welcome to Day 25. The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life. Check out today's video and then come back for more info! Homework: Meditate, just be. Practice Giving and Receiving in a positive way. Make the right choices, make conscious choices. Practice acceptance. Take responsibility. Don't be defensive. Remember there are many ways of seeing things and doing things. Make a list of your intentions and desires and focus on them just before meditation, just before bed and when you wake up. Put your intentions out to the Universe (into Pure Potentiality) and let the Universe do the work. Be patient. Practice present moment awareness and don't let obstacles distract you in present moment. Relinquish attachment. Continue to have intention and desire but don't get attached to the outcome. Nurture the divinity within you by just being. Make a list of your unique talents and all the things you love to do while expressing those talents. Ask yourself "How can I help?" and "How can I serve?"

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Tomorrow we will summarize the 7 Spirituals Laws as well as look at one of the most important things for us to remember each and every day!

Day 26 Welcome to Day 26. Bringing it All Together. Check out today's video and then come back for more info! Check out this amazing short lecture by Sadhguru - it might just push that big shift! Remember everything happens within! You have total control over how you experience life and every event. If you give that power to someone else, you become a slave to them. Don't rely on attachment to people or objects to determine your happiness. It is 100% your choice. Have a fabulous day! <3

Day 27 Welcome to Day 27. The Signs of Transformation. Check out today's video and then come back for more info! Remember to pay attention to messages from your body, especially when you are releasing and healing. Nurture your body and celebrate detoxification. Also pay attention to the signs from the Universe! I can tell you from experience, if you don't pay attention, the subtle nudges from the Universe will turn into more noticeable nudges and if you are not paying attention to those, the Universe might just knock you clear on your ass! Have a fantastic day! <3

Day 28 Welcome to Day 28. The End of this Project, the Beginning of the Rest of Your Life! Check out today's video and then come back for more info. I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed after that video, knowing it was our last one. I thoroughly enjoyed this past month with all of you. I am grateful for the healing and growth that I experienced during this time and grateful and overwhelmed by the feedback and stories you shared along the way as well. So it now begins, the first day of the rest of your life.The choice is 100% yours! Keep connecting deeper to self and keep doing the work but also keep connecting with others! Especially when struggling, reach out for support, we are all on this journey. At times we are leaders on the path, at times we fall off the path and it is all ok. Love yourself no matter what! Definite must reads: You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay Inner Engineering - Sadhguru Mind Body Balancing - Osho The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra I leave you with this....... Go live life the best way you know how! Shine your light! <3 xo Kim Wilkinson [email protected] 780-233-6606