Quotes of Osho.

-------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ Osho Quotes on Awak ening  Awakening ca n happen to anybody: it has happened to Jesus, i t has happened to Lao Tzu, it has happened to Basho — it can happen to anybody.  An awakening can b e iediate, aw akening can be sudden — in !act, awakeni ng can O"L# be sudden. $hen you wake soebody up, it is not that s%ow%y s%ow%y, in pa&ts, g&adua%%y, he wakes up. 't is not that now he is ten pe&cent awake, now twenty, now thi&ty, now !o&ty, now ninety-ni ne, now ninety-nine point nine, and then a hund&ed pe&cent — no. $hen you shake a s%eepy pe&son, he awakes iediate%y . (ithe& one is as%eep o& o ne is awake) the&e is no p%ace in between. *ence Buddha says en%ightenent is a sudden e+pe&ience) it is not g&adua%, it is not that you a&&ie in steps. (n%ightenent cannot be diided into pa&ts) it is an indiisib%e, o&ganic unity . (ithe& you hae it o& you dont hae it. The ost !undaenta% &e%igious t&uth is that an is as%eep — not physica%%y , but etaphysica%%y) not appa&ent%y , but deep down. an %ies in a deep s%ube&. *e wo&ks, he oes, he thinks, he iagines, he d&eas, but the s%eep continues as a basic subst&atu to his %i!e. /a&e a&e the oent when you !ee% &ea%%y awake, e&y &a&e) they can be counted on the !inge&s. i! in seenty yea&s %i!e you had on%y seen oents o! awakening, that, too, wi%% be too uch. an %ies %ike a &obot: echanica%%y e!!icient, but with no awa&eness. *ence the who%e p&ob%e0 The&e a&e so any p&ob%es an has to !ace, but they a&e a%% by-p&oducts o! his s%eep. Buddha says: 't is on%y by awakening that one becoes icto&ious) not by con1ue&ing the wo&%d but by con1ue&ing ones unconsciousness.  (n%ightenent is 2ust an awakening out o! s%eep. 't is to becoe awa&e. 3en is a ethod o! awakening, not a theo%ogy. 't does not ta%k about 4od: it !o&ces you into 4od. 't hits you in any ways so that you can be awakened into 4od. To be as%eep is to be in the wo&%d: to be awake is to be in 4od. This is one o! the ost ipo&tant ephases o! Bodhidha&a. That you a%% hae — ee&y huan being has — the sae space within you, the sae no-ind, and the sae potentia% to b%osso into a uni1ue !%owe&ing. "obody is poo& and nobody is &ich as !a& as the inne& being is co nce&ned. # ou hae a%ways had it. (en this e&y oent you a&e a%% buddhas. But you hae nee& %ooked into you&se%!, you hae nee& discoe&ed it. /eebe& buddhahood, en%ightenent, awakening, %ibe&ation, oksha, ni&ana) a%% these wo&ds ean the sae thing. #ou a&e a%&eady en%ightened. #ou hae sip%y !o&gotten it. #ou hae to be &einded, thats a%%. The !uncti on o! the aste& is to &eind you, not to gie you a path but to gie you a &eeb&ance) not to gie you ethods o! cu%tiation, not to gie you a cha&acte&, i&tue, but on%y awa&eness, inte%%igence, awakening. 'n a sing%e oent it can be attained because you hae n ee& %ost it in the !i&st p%ace. #o u a&e d &eaing that you a&e unen%ightened. The oent ind disappea&s with a%% its i%%usions and d&eas and thoughts and iaginations, you see within you&se%! the awakening, which you can ca%% the buddha, you can ca%% the 5h&ist. These a&e sip%y naes. But one thing is ce&tain: the oent you& ind disappea&s, soething diine appea&s in you and sta&ts g&owing into a huge t&ee with g&eat !o%iage, with g&eat !%owe&s, with g&eat !&uit.

Transcript of Quotes of Osho.

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Osho Quotes on Awakening

•  Awakening can happen to anybody: it has happened to Jesus, it has happened to Lao

Tzu, it has happened to Basho — it can happen to anybody.

•  An awakening can be iediate, awakening can be sudden — in !act, awakening can

O"L# be sudden. $hen you wake soebody up, it is not that s%ow%y s%ow%y, in pa&ts,g&adua%%y, he wakes up. 't is not that now he is ten pe&cent awake, now twenty, now thi&ty,now !o&ty, now ninety-nine, now ninety-nine point nine, and then a hund&ed pe&cent — no.$hen you shake a s%eepy pe&son, he awakes iediate%y. (ithe& one is as%eep o& one isawake) the&e is no p%ace in between. *ence Buddha says en%ightenent is a sudden

e+pe&ience) it is not g&adua%, it is not that you a&&ie in steps. (n%ightenent cannot bediided into pa&ts) it is an indiisib%e, o&ganic unity. (ithe& you hae it o& you dont hae it.

• The ost !undaenta% &e%igious t&uth is that an is as%eep — not physica%%y, but

etaphysica%%y) not appa&ent%y, but deep down. an %ies in a deep s%ube&. *e wo&ks,he oes, he thinks, he iagines, he d&eas, but the s%eep continues as a basicsubst&atu to his %i!e. /a&e a&e the oent when you !ee% &ea%%y awake, e&y &a&e) theycan be counted on the !inge&s. i! in seenty yea&s %i!e you had on%y seen oents o!awakening, that, too, wi%% be too uch. an %ies %ike a &obot: echanica%%y e!!icient, butwith no awa&eness. *ence the who%e p&ob%e0 The&e a&e so any p&ob%es an has to!ace, but they a&e a%% by-p&oducts o! his s%eep.

• Buddha says: 't is on%y by awakening that one becoes icto&ious) not by con1ue&ing the

wo&%d but by con1ue&ing ones unconsciousness.

 (n%ightenent is 2ust an awakening out o! s%eep. 't is to becoe awa&e.• 3en is a ethod o! awakening, not a theo%ogy. 't does not ta%k about 4od: it !o&ces you

into 4od. 't hits you in any ways so that you can be awakened into 4od. To be as%eep isto be in the wo&%d: to be awake is to be in 4od.

• This is one o! the ost ipo&tant ephases o! Bodhidha&a. That you a%% hae — ee&y

huan being has — the sae space within you, the sae no-ind, and the saepotentia% to b%osso into a uni1ue !%owe&ing. "obody is poo& and nobody is &ich as !a& asthe inne& being is conce&ned. #ou hae a%ways had it. (en this e&y oent you a&e a%%buddhas. But you hae nee& %ooked into you&se%!, you hae nee& discoe&ed it./eebe& buddhahood, en%ightenent, awakening, %ibe&ation, oksha, ni&ana) a%%these wo&ds ean the sae thing.

• #ou a&e a%&eady en%ightened. #ou hae sip%y !o&gotten it. #ou hae to be &einded,

thats a%%. The !unction o! the aste& is to &eind you, not to gie you a path but to gieyou a &eeb&ance) not to gie you ethods o! cu%tiation, not to gie you a cha&acte&,i&tue, but on%y awa&eness, inte%%igence, awakening. 'n a sing%e oent it can be attainedbecause you hae nee& %ost it in the !i&st p%ace. #ou a&e d&eaing that you a&eunen%ightened.

• The oent ind disappea&s with a%% its i%%usions and d&eas and thoughts and

iaginations, you see within you&se%! the awakening, which you can ca%% the buddha, youcan ca%% the 5h&ist. These a&e sip%y naes. But one thing is ce&tain: the oent you&ind disappea&s, soething diine appea&s in you and sta&ts g&owing into a huge t&eewith g&eat !o%iage, with g&eat !%owe&s, with g&eat !&uit.

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• This is &ea% awakening. oing !&o ego to ego%essness is the ost &adica% change

possib%e. The&e is no othe& &eo%ution g&eate& than that because it b&ings you to theu%tiate peak o! awa&eness, awakening. 't akes you a Buddha, an awakened one.

• (n%ightenent is not soething %ike an achieeent) one cannot achiee it. One has to

disappea& !o& it to happen. 't is a happening and it happens on%y in the absence o! theego. And whenee& you a&e doing soething the ego becoes o&e and o&e

st&engthened. The ego is a doe&, and en%ightenent happens in a state o! nondoing. 't issip%y the &ea%ization o! who you a&e) it is not a 1uestion o! achieeent. #ou a&e a%&eadyit0 Just an awakening, 2ust a tu&ning in0

• The e+pe&ience o! en%ightenent, awakening, i%%uination, happens when the&e is no

ind p&esent. (n%ightenent is a no-ind e+pe&ience. $o&ds a&e not the&e, %anguage isnot the&e. 'n !act, you a&e not the&e eithe&. 't is such a si%ence, so p&o!ound and in!inite.

• '! you& consciousness is c%ean, pu&e, innocent, the oent is not !a& away when you wi%%

e+p%ode into a %uinous sp%endo&. Thats what is known as en%ightenent, o& awakening,o& se%!-&ea%ization.

• This state o! watch!u%ness is you& pu&e consciousness. And it is not you&s, it is the

unie&sa% consciousness. #ou can ca%% it awakening, you can ca%% it buddhahood, you canca%% it en%ightenent, naes dont atte&.

• The on%y 1ua%ity the buddha has is witnessing. $itness that you a&e not the body. $itnessthat you a&e not the ind. $itness that you a&e not the ast&a% o& the subt%e bodies.$itness that you a&e on%y the witness and nothing e%se. This is you& pu&estconsciousness. This is you& awakening.

• 67abuddha.8 't eans the awakened one. an is as%eep. (en whi%e he is awake, he is

not awake. This waking state is 2ust a kind o! subt%e s%eep — d&eas 5ontinue. (enwhi%e you a&e awake the&e is a subst&atu o! d&eas, a continuu. This is not t&ueawakening. The t&ue awakening is when the&e is no thought in the ind, no d&ea in theind, no desi&e in the ind9 when the ind is utte&%y epty o! a%% content and the&e ison%y pu&e consciousness, when the sky is utte&%y epty o! a%% the c%ouds. That is t&ueawakening: consciousness without content. Thats the goa% o! a%% editations, and thatsthe sea&ch o! a%% the &e%igions: now to coe to a etaphysica% awakening.

•(n%ightenent is nothing but awakening. o& the en%ightened pe&son, a%% ou& %ies a&e 2ustd&eas.

• The&e is no need o! any 4od i! you a&e awake. #ou& awakening, you& en%ightenent

akes you %augh, that 6' was %ooking !o& 4od in the sky and he was hiding within e.8

• 4auta the Buddha is not the on%y buddha in the histo&y o! the wo&%d) the&e hae been

thousands o! buddhas a&ound the wo&%d, in di!!e&ent pa&ts o! the wo&%d. They ay not beknown as buddhas, because ;buddha sip%y eans the awakened one. 't is not thenae o! 4auta Buddha) his nae was 4auta 7iddha&th. Buddha is his awakening,his en%ightenent, his knowing hise%! and e+istence. Anybody who becoes awakenedcan be ca%%ed a buddha, it is nobodys onopo%y. The wo&d does not be%ong to 4autaBuddha, it is not his nae) it is the 1ua%ity that has happened to hi, his awakening.

 Anybody awake, anywhe&e in the wo&%d, has the &ight to be ca%%ed a buddha.

• ' use the wo&d ;buddha as a sybo% o! tota% awakening, o! abso%ute en%ightenent.

• $henee& the&e is an awakened pe&son, in the conte+t o! his awakening 4od becoes

&ea%. This is the on%y possibi%ity !o& 4od to be. To be &ea%%y a an eans to becoe aspace !o& 4od to e+ist in you.

• Buddha says: 't is a g&eat oppo&tunity, a &a&e b%essing < because i! you ake a %itt%e e!!o&t

you can becoe awake. A dog cannot becoe awake, whatsoee& e!!o&t he akes. At&ee cannot becoe awake) howsoee& ha&d it t&ies, it is not possib%e. '! a t&ee t&ies ha&d,it wi%% becoe a dog. '! the dog t&ies ha&d, the dog ay becoe a an. But awakeninghappens on%y when you a&e a huan being. The way towa&ds 4od goes on%y !&o the

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huan being. And in the east we think — and the thought has uch a%idity in it — thateen =(>A7, ange%s, gods, a&e not as b%essed as a an. $hy? Because an stands onthe c&oss&oads. (en i! gods hae to becoe %ibe&ated, they wi%% hae to be bo&n as en.

• The wo&%d ay be att&acted by the idea o! awakening, but s%eep has its own soothing

ca%ness. 7o when you a&e ta%king with peop%e about awa&eness, they ay %isten to it —they ay een think that they wi%% gie it a t&y — but to &eain unconscious is e&y

conso%ing. And when you a&e su&&ounded by i%%ions o! s%eeping peop%e, thei& s%eep isgoing to a!!ect you, un%ess you hae coe to the highest peak o! awa&eness — !&owhe&e the&e is no tu&ning back.

• ' cannot gie you bette& s%eep. ' wou%d %ike to gie you bette& awakening, bette&


• To e sannyas is an awakening, not an escape. 't is an awa&eness o! the who%e

phenoenon o! %i!e — that it is a gae.

• 7annyas eans putting you& tota% ene&gy into awakening. Just a tota% e!!o&t is needed —

passionate, intense. &o this oent think o! awa&eness as a 1uestion o! %i!e anddeath. 'n !act it is a 1uestion o! %i!e and death. $ithout awa&eness you a&e sip%y dyingee&y day) with awa&eness you sta&t %iing !o& the !i&st tie and then %i!e goes on g&owingbigge& and bigge&, aste& and aste&.

• Buddha is awa&eness, sip%e awa&eness. 't is awakening, it is waking up. Buddha isnothing to do with 4auta 7iddha&tha) he is on%y one o! the buddhas. any o&e haep&eceded hi, any o&e hae succeeded hi. And one day o& othe& you a&e a%so goingto becoe a buddha. #ou can becoe &ight now, because you a&e it. 't is on%y a 1uestiono! &ecognizing you& &ea%ity, o! &eebe&ing.

• 7annyas cannot be accidenta%) it shou%d be intentiona%. #ou shou%d be &eady to go into

any t&ans!o&ation, any change. And the cu&ious an is not &eady !o& that — on%y aseeke&, on%y one who is &eady to &isk his %i!e. That &isking o! %i!e is the beginning o! a newconsciousness within you. 't is the awakening o! you& sou%.

• (+cept awakening, nothing is secu&e he&e. A%% is 2ust9 ha%%ucination, a%% is 2ust9

deceiing you&se%!, c&eating newe& and newe& i&ages. The oasis e+ists not0 This wo&%d isa dese&t. The oasis e+ists in you& awa&eness on%y. 5&eate that oasis o! awa&eness. Andwhatsoee& is needed !o& it, do. $hatsoee& p&ice has to be paid, pay. $hatsoee& has tobe &isked, &isk — because a%% e%se is going to be taken away !&o you anyway. =eath wi%%coe, and you& 2ob and you& wi!e and you& chi%d&en and you& nae and !ae — a%% wi%%be taken away. Be!o&e death coes sea&ch !o& awa&eness, because those who becoeawa&e in %i!e, !o& the, death nee& coes. They becoe death%ess. They know whatio&ta%ity is. Because in you& awa&eness you coe to know not the body, but the onewho &esides in it.

• #es, awa&eness, awakening, is a&duous, but it is wo&th the di!!icu%ty. 5opa&ed to what

you get, the di!!icu%ty is nothing. (e&yone who has ee& attained has dec%a&ed that whatthey did was nothing, whi%e what they gained was a%%. *ence they ta%k o! attainent asthe sac&aent, p&asad, the gi!t: it cannot be achieed th&ough e!!o&t, it has no &e%ation towhat we do. 't is as though we did a do%%a&s wo&th o! wo&k, and &eceied a bi%%ion do%%a&sin &etu&n. $e hae done nothing, and we &eceie a%%. The&e sees to be no cause-and-e!!ect &e%ationship between the wo&k and the &ewa&d) hence the wo&d p&asad — the gi!t. 'twas not attained th&ough ou& e!!o&t) it was o!!e&ed to us out o! g&ace.

• The awakening o! the buddha is a e&y easy and &e%a+ed phenoenon. "ow that so

any peop%e hae awakened, the path has becoe c%ea&-cut) it is no %onge& ha&d anda&duous. #ou can p%ay!u%%y ente& inside and 2oyous%y e+pe&ience the awakening o!awa&eness. 't is not as !a& away as it was !o& 4auta Buddha.

• The who%e o&de& o! sannyas was c&eated as g&oup wo&k. Awakening becoes o&e

possib%e i! the&e a&e ten thousand peop%e wo&king in a g&oup, so een i! one is awakened,he can c&eate a chain o! awakenings.

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• The who%e science o! &e%igion can be &educed to the sing%e a&t o! awakening. A%% the

&e%igions basica%%y a&e nothing but ethods o! awakening. ethods a&e di!!e&ent becausepeop%e a&e di!!e&ent, but the goa% is the sae — the goa% is awa&eness. The goa% is utte&,abso%ute, consciousness.

• 7annyas is the beginning o! getting out o! the %aw o! ka&a. Because sannyas is the

beginning o! awakening. 7annyas is you& e!!o&t to get out o! the &ut in which you hae

%ied !o& any %ies. 7annyas is the insight that @(nough is enough, and ' shou%d get outo! the &outine %i!e, ' shou%d get out o! the echanica%ness o! it. ' shou%d get out into ac%ea&ness, into c%a&ity. (nough ' hae &oaed in the 2ung%e o! unconsciousness, in theda&k night o! the sou%. ' shou%d sea&ch !o& the dawn, !o& the o&ning.

• The t&uth is that awakening is the nea&est &ea%ity to you, 2ust by the side o! you. 't is not

!a& away) hence it cannot be ade a goa%. A%% goa%s a&e d&eaing, a%% achieeents a&ed&eaing. Awakening cannot be a goa% because the an who is as%eep cannot een thinko! what awakening can be. *e cannot ake, in his s%eep, a goa% o! en%ightenent — it isipossib%e. O& whatee& he akes wi%% be tota%%y di!!e&ent !&o the &ea%ity o!en%ightenent. (n%ightenent is pa&t o! you& waking consciousness.



Osho Quotes on a Buddha o& Awakened One o& (n%ightened e&son

• The he%p is possib%e on%y th&ough a buddha. The he%p is possib%e on%y th&ough the

awakened one.

• B%ind peop%e a&e %eading othe& b%ind peop%e and they hae c&eated a%% kinds o!

supe&stitions, ytho%ogies, &e%igions. On%y a buddha is capab%e, on%y one who isawakened, on%y one who up to now had be%onged to you. #ou a&e as%eep and he isawake, that is the on%y di!!e&ence) the&e is no othe& di!!e&ence. *e can he%p you to beawakened because he knows how he has becoe awake, how di!!icu%t it is, whatp&ob%es hae to be !aced. *e knows you& state.

• $ho is an awakened an? One who has coe to know what is d&ea, one who hascoe to know what is not d&ea. $hen you a&e as%eep, d&ea %ooks &ea%. 'n the o&ningwhen you awake, then you know that it was un&ea%. A Buddha is one who has awakened— awakened out o! this so-ca%%ed %i!e and has coe to &ea%ize that it is a d&ea. '! you a&ea%so !ee%ing the pain, the !&ust&ation, the ise&y o! this d&ea%i!e, this !uti%e %i!e, on%y thenyou sta&t oing towa&ds a sou&ce o! %ight) othe&wise not. Buddha says those a&e the !ew!aou&ed ones.

• /eebe&, by ;buddha is not eant any pe&sona% nae. ;Buddha sip%y eans the

awakened one. Anyone who becoes awakened, en%ightened, is the buddha. #ou a&ea%so the buddha) the on%y di!!e&ence is that you a&e not awa&e o! it. #ou hae nee& %ookedinside you&se%! and !ound the buddha the&e.

• Buddha sip%y eans one who is awakened. 4auta Buddha is the ost !aous

awakened pe&son but that does not ean that he is the on%y awakened pe&son. The&ehae been any buddhas be!o&e hi and the&e hae been any buddhas a!te& hi andas %ong as ee&y huan being can becoe a buddha, the&e wi%% go on sp&inging up newbuddhas in the !utu&e. Because ee&ybody has the potentia%ity 9it is on%y !o& a tie, the&ight tie that you a&e waiting. 7oe day, to&tu&ed by the outside &ea%ity, in despai& o!haing seen ee&ything and !ound nothing, you a&e bound to tu&n inwa&ds.

• '! on any one sing%e thee a%% the buddhas o! the wo&%d ag&ee, this is the thee: that an

as he is is as%eep, and an as he shou%d be shou%d be awake. $ake!u%ness is the goa%,and wake!u%ness is the taste o! a%% thei& teachings. 3a&athust&a, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Buddha,Bahauddin, abi&, "anak — a%% the awakened ones hae been teaching one sing%e

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thee, in di!!e&ent %anguages, in di!!e&ent etapho&s, but thei& song is the sae. Just asthe sea tastes o! sa%t — whethe& the sea is tasted !&o the no&th o& !&o the east o& !&othe west, the sea a%ways tastes o! sa%t — the taste o! buddhahood is wake!u%ness.

• /eebe& on%y one thing: you& basic natu&e is abso%ute si%ence, se&enity, peace, a%ost

a nothingness, an eptiness. And that is you& buddha-natu&e, that is you& natu&eawakened to its own potentia%. To be awa&e o! it is the g&eatest e+pe&ience o! %i!e,

because it b&ings %ibe&ation !&o %i!e, bi&th, death. 't takes you out o! the whee% that goeson ete&na%%y giing you bi&th and death, and a%% the agonies and the su!!e&ings. 't takesyou out into the wo&%d o! ecstasy, o! ete&na% b%iss!u%ness.

• The oent you &each to the cente&, you a&e no o&e. #ou !ind !o& the !i&st tie you&

o&igina% !ace. ' ca%% that o&igina% !ace the buddha, the awakened one.

• The (ast has ca%%ed the o&igina% !ace the buddha, the awakened one. The buddha has

on%y one 1ua%ity — witnessing. $itness that you a&e not the body. $itness that you a&enot the ind. $itness that you a&e not the seen subt%e bodies behind the body, %aye&upon %aye&. $itness that you a&e on%y a witness, and nothing e%se — a pu&econsciousness.

• $e hae ca%%ed the awakened ones by anothe& nae a%so: pa&aahansa, the g&eat

swan, who !%ies a%one into the unknown and disappea&s into the cosos, becoes one

with the cosos — not a pa&t but the who%e.• Just &eain watch!u%, witnessing the body, the ind. #ou a&e neithe& o! the. #ou a&e

on%y the witness. This witness is etapho&ica%%y &e!e&&ed to as the buddha, the awakenedone.

• The nea&e& you &each to you& cente& 9 a g&eat peace a&ises within you. And the oent

you& a&&ow o! consciousness penet&ates into the cente&, !o& the !i&st tie you encounte&you& o&igina% !ace. The othe& nae o! you& o&igina% !ace is the buddha, the awakened one.The on%y 1ua%ity o! the buddha is witnessing.

• Just at the e&y cente& you a&e the buddha, the awakened one.

• The e&y wo&d ;buddha sip%y eans awa&eness.

• Lie %ike a buddha. The on%y thing to &eebe& is: 2ust be a witness. The witness is the

aste& key. Thousands o! aste&s hae coe to the sae conc%usion: that to be at the

cente&, 2ust a witness, is to becoe a buddha, the awakened one. Then, s%ow%y s%ow%ype&suade the buddha to coe to you& o&dina&y %i!e. &o the hidden sou&ces, b&ing hi toyou& e+t&oe&t actiities. $hen the inne& and the oute& becoe one, the i&ac%e hashappened.

• The on%y hope !o& you is to be in deep contact with soebody who is awakened. The

awakened one is ca%%ed the aste& — 7AT4C/C. '! you can !ind a aste&, dont iss theoppo&tunity — su&&ende&, &e%a+ into his being, ibibe his awa&eness, %et his !&ag&ancesu&&ound you. And the day is not !a& away when you wi%% a%so be awakened, you wi%% a%sobe a buddha. eep on &einding you&se%! that un%ess you a&e a buddha, you& %i!e is awastage. On%y by being a buddha does ones %i!e hae g&ace, beauty, inte%%igence,signi!icance, benediction.

• $hen the awakened one knocks on you& doo&, p%ease open the doo&, because you ay

iss the oppo&tunity and you ay iss it !o& any any %ies. 't is e&y &a&e to coeac&oss a Buddha, a 5h&ist, a &ishna, a ahai&a, a ohaed. '! you a&e !o&tunateenough to coe ac&oss an awakened pe&son, then dont be ise&%y. Then d&op you&se%!tota%%y, then be coitted tota%%y.

• $henee& a buddha passes, those who a&e on the bo&de&%ine o! s%eep !ee% that soething

has happened to this an. *e behaes di!!e&ent%y, he speaks di!!e&ent%y, he %iesdi!!e&ent%y, he wa%ks di!!e&ent%y. 7oething has happened to this an. Those who a&e onthe bo&de&%ine can !ee% it, but they a&e as%eep. And this bo&de&%ine is not pe&anent. Againthey ay go in a deep s%eep, but een a wo&d can pu%% the out. 7o be!o&e they !a%% downinto deepe& unconsciousness they can su&&ende& to the awakened one.

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• One can be he%ped on%y by a buddha, by one who is awakened, because on%y the

awakened can wake those who a&e !ast as%eep. '! you a&e as%eep and you& psychoana%ystis as%eep, who is going to wake you up?

• Thats e+act%y the eaning o! the wo&d @buddha: one who has becoe awakened, one

who is en%ightened, one who is no %onge& d&eaing. And when you a&e not d&eaing, youhae c%a&ity, you can see. And that e&y seeing becoes the dete&ining !acto& o! you&

%i!e. On%y then you do that which shou%d be done and you dont do that which shou%d notbe done. 't is not a 1uestion o! disc&iinating between &ight and w&ong. 't is a 1uestion o!coing out o! you& s%eep. $ake up0

• The on%y di!!e&ence between you and the awakened one is that you go on being

doinated by the !&antic ind, which is continuous%y &est%ess. Buddha has oe&coe it)he has put his ind to &est. This is the on%y di!!e&ence.

• On%y a buddha, on%y one who is awakened, can wake you up. 7hakespea&e is as !ast

as%eep as you a&e, o& aybe een deepe& as%eep than you a&e, because he is haingsuch beauti!u% d&eas. *is s%eep is bound to be deep, because he is not on%y haingd&eas, he is singing his d&eas. *e is b&inging his d&eas to e+p&ession — and sti%% hiss%eep is not b&oken. Buddha is one who is awakened. On%y one who is awake can wakeyou up.

• 5h&ist is not a pe&son, it is an e+pe&ience. Jesus had it, you can hae it. 5h&ist issynonyous with Buddha. $hat we ca%% in the (ast the buddha, the awakened, the $esthas ca%%ed the ch&ist, the c&owned one. Jesus 5h&ist cannot coe back, but you canbecoe ch&ist any oent. 5h&ist is a%&eady hidden in you as a seed) you a&e a%%bodhisattas, buddhas in essence, in seed. Just a %itt%e e!!o&t, a %itt%e unde&standing andyou can b%oo, and you& !&ag&ance can be &e%eased. Jesus b%ooed, Buddha b%ooed,so can you. $hy wait !o& Jesus 5h&ists coing? That is aoiding the !undaenta% 1uest.$hy not becoe one? $hat is the point o! waiting !o& soeone e%se to coe and de%ie&you, and how can anybody e%se de%ie& you? The de%ie&ance that wi%% coe !&osoebody e%se wi%% not be uch o! a de%ie&ance. &eedo has to be ea&ned, it cannot begien) i! it is gien, it can be taken away. '! it is gien it is not you&s, it is not you& g&owth.

 And anything that is gien to you &eains on%y an accuu%ation on the outside. 't nee&becoes pa&t o! you& inte&io&ity.

• 5h&ist is e1uia%ent to buddha. Buddha has nothing to do with 4auta 7iddha&tha —anybody can becoe a buddha. $hosoee& becoes awakened is a buddha andwhosoee& is awakened, is c&owned by the g%o&y o! awakening, is ch&ist. 5h&ist eansthe c&owned one. One who has coe hoe and is c&owned with the g%o&y o! becoingone with 4od is a ch&ist. #ou can be a ch&ist. The&e hae been any ch&ists be!o&e Jesus5h&ist and the&e wi%% be any o&e. 'n !act, u%tiate%y, each indiidua% has to &each to thestate o! ch&isthood.

• '! you a&e &ight%y !o%%owing the way o! the awakened ones — Jesus, Buddha, ahai&a,

ohaed, it does not ake any di!!e&ence — then one su&e sign is that you wi%% be 2oy!u% !o& no &eason at a%%. #ou wi%% be 2ust 2oy!u%, natu&a%%y. '! that thing is issing,&eebe&, you hae isunde&stood. #ou hae gone onto soe w&ong t&ack, you haeisinte&p&eted.

• Buddha says: now thyse%!. 7oc&ates says: now thyse%!. They a%% say: now thyse%!. A%%

the awakened ones hae on%y one essage: now thyse%!. $e %isten and yet we dont%isten. $e go on oing on the sae &otten t&acks, we go on %iing in the sae o%dise&ab%e way. And the &eason is, the o%d, ise&ab%e way has one thing to gie to you —the ego. And i! you go in you wi%% hae to pay the p&ice. The p&ice is, you wi%% hae to %oseyou& ego.

• e&haps a%% the awakened ones hae ephasized the !act — they hae to because it is

so &ea% and so signi!icant, it has to be to%d to the peop%e — that the aste& cannot gieanything to you. '! he cou%d, he wou%d hae gien you ee&ythin. But as !a& asen%ightenent is conce&ned it is abso%ute%y you& indiidua%, p&iate te&&ito&y. "obody can

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inte&!e&e with it. Then what is the pu&pose o! the aste&? *is pu&pose is to take away!&o you things which you think you a&e. *is pu&pose is negatie — he sip%y takes awayyou& !a%se conceptions. And once a%% !a%se conceptions a&e taken away !&o you, thatwhich is &ea% i%%uinates in a%% its beauty. *e has not gien you anything, but he has&eoed a%% the obst&uctions, a%% the hind&ances which you we&e c%inging to. The oentyou becoe en%ightened, you wi%% know that this e+pe&ience has been a%ways with you —

 2ust you& eyes we&e c%osed. The aste& t&ies in ee&y way, with a&bit&a&y deices, to wakeyou up. Once you a&e awake nothing has to be said, because you a&e seeing you&se%!.

 And the e+pe&ience o! en%ightenent is e+act%y the sae.

•  A pe&son who is en%ightened, who is awakened, !ee%s he is een &esponsib%e !o& the

who%e ess that you hae c&eated. A buddha !ee%s copassion. A buddha !ee%s gui%ty !o&you& c&ies, !o& you& sins) he !ee%s ino%ed, he !ee%s &esponsib%e. *e knows that you donot know) he is !u%%y awa&e. o& e+ap%e, the thi&d wo&%d wa& is going to coe. The onewho is awakened knows !u%% we%% that it is coing. 't is coing nea&e& dai%y. 7oon it wi%% beoe& us. #ou a&e as%eep and deep in it. *e is not in a s%eep, he is not in a d&ea. *e is!u%%y conscious %ike &ada&) he knows the !utu&e that is coing. *e !ee%s gui%ty, he ust dosoething. o& e+ap%e, you a&e in a p%ane, !%ying in the sky. #ou a&e as%eep, d&eay, butthe pi%ot is awa&e. '! anything is going to happen, i! the engine begins to ake a noise, ae&y s%ight noise) i! no one knows about it but soething has gone w&ong, on%y he wi%% be

&esponsib%e. "o one e%se is &esponsib%e. *e is !u%%y awake, and the on%y one.


Osho 7ho&t Quotes on editation

• =&op the ind. That is editation.

• editation happens beyond ind.

• /eain a witness. /eain a watche&.

• "o-ind is what editation is a%% about.

• /eebe& that editation is witnessing.

•  Anything done with awa&eness is editation.

•  A buddha does not editate, he is editation.

• To be a pu&e witness is the u%tiate goa% o! consciousness.

• To be 2ust a witness, and not a doe&, is the e&y essence o! editation.

• The watche& is you and the watche& has no opinions, no ideas, it is 2ust a i&&o&.

• editation takes you to you& pu&ity. #ou& pu&ity is witnessing, watching, awa&eness.

• $itnessing is p&esent in ee&y kind o! editation as an essentia% pa&t) it cannot be


• $atching whatee& is happening. editation is, in essence, becoing a watche& on the


• $hen the&e is no ind the&e is editation) when the ind has stopped editation coesinto being.

•  A an o! editation needs no psychoana%ysis. The deepe& his editation goes, the sane& 

he becoes.

• Thats what editation is a%% about: to know the witness, to know the 7A7*'", to know

the obse&e&.

• editation is a state o! c%a&ity, not a state o! ind. ind is con!usion. ind is nee& c%ea&.

't cannot be

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• $itness that you a&e not the body. $itness that you a&e not the ind. $itness that you

a&e on%y the witness.

• The oent you a&e a witness you a&e in editation. $hatee& you a&e doing o& not

doing, it is i&&e%eant.

• (+cept !o& editation the&e is no way to know you&se%! — in you& pu&ity, in you& utte&

innocence, 2ust %ike a i&&o&.• Just be a watche&, and the i&ac%e o! watching is editation. As you watch, s%ow%y, s%ow%y

ind becoes epty o! thoughts.

• editation is a i&&o&. A%% the i&&o&s can on%y show the physica% !ace, but editation can

show you you& spi&itua% !ace.

• editate, watch you& thought p&ocesses) becoe 2ust a spectato& o! you& ind. That is

editation, becoing a witness.

• editation is the way to go out o! discontentent, out o! anguish. #ou hae to becoe

 2ust a watche&, a witness o! the ind.

• 't is a 1uestion o! deep editation that %eads you beyond thinking, beyond ind, and you

becoe sip%y a witness, a pu&e witness.

• editation eans: a%e&tness, awa&eness, ind!u%ness. 7o whatee& you a&e doing, 2ust

do it conscious%y, dont do it echanica%%y.

• y editation is a ethod o! being awa&e — o! whatee& you a&e doing, thinking, !ee%ing.

On a%% th&ee %aye&s you hae to becoe awa&e.

• y teaching is e&y sip%e: editation is the key, becoing tota%%y awa&e is the &esu%t.

(+pe&iencing oneness with the who%e is the &ewa&d.

• editate on ee&y state o! ind so you can achiee the witness. editation is the way o!

detaching you& witness !&o oods which go on passing.

• $hen needed, the witness, the an o! editation, the an o! awa&eness, is capab%e o!

putting the ind on o& o!!. *e puts it on when the&e is soe need.

• =o ee&ything with consciousness, awa&eness. Anything done in awa&eness is &ight)

anything done in unawa&eness is w&ong. That is y who%e phi%osophy.

• editation is nothing but an e!!o&t to c%eanse you& ind o! know%edge. now%edge is dustthat has gathe&ed on the i&&o& o! you& being) it has to be c%eaned.

• editation wi%% be nothing then but a ethodo%ogy to p&epa&e the g&ound !o& you to 2up

!&o unconsciousness into consciousness. And that is the g&eatest 1uantu %eap.

• editation is nothing but c%eaning the i&&o& o! you& ind. 5%ean it continuous%y0 '! you

can c%ean it ee&y oent o! you& %i!e, then the&e is no need to sit sepa&ate%y !o&editation.

• editation is not a state o! concent&ation) it is not a state o! ind at a%%. 't is a state o! tota%

ind%essness — and not a state o! s%eep eithe&. "o ind, no s%eep) no ind, but tota%awa&eness.

• editation is not ind, and ind cannot c&eate editation. editation is getting out o! the

ind, becoing a watche& o! the ind, witnessing a%% the stu!! that goes th&ough theind.

• editation eans going beyond the ind — not getting ino%ed in the ind, not being

bothe&ed by the ind, not being inte&ested in its d&eas — sip%y t&anscending it, sip%ybecoing a watche&.

• $itness the ob2ects, the contents, o! the ind. $hatsoee& passes be!o&e you, watch it,

without ea%uating, 2udging o& condening. =ont be !o& o& against, 2ust watch, anddhyana, editation, is c&eated.

• The ind is constant%y ta%king. '! the inne& ta%k can d&op een !o& a sing%e oent you wi%%

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be ab%e to hae a g%ipse o! no-ind. Thats what editation is a%% about. The state o! no-ind is the &ight state. 't is you& state.

• 'n editation we dont change the naes o! 4od. $e dont a%%ow ou&se%es in editation

to be identi!ied with the ind. $e a&e the witness, and a%% gaes the ind p%ays a&e in!&ont o! the witness. The witness is sepa&ate !&o a%% gaes.

• editation sip%y eans that you a&e si%ent) that the&e a&e not thoughts in the ind) that

the&e is an iense space with no c%ouds, thoughts. And in that space, the&e is on%y onething %e!t, which is the witness, o& the consciousness.

• editation is the state o! no-ind. "ot o! a si%ent ind, not o! a hea%thy ind, not o! a

concent&ated ind, no. editation is the state o! no-ind: no society within you, noconditioning within you. Just you, with you& pu&e consciousness.

• editation is %ike an inne& bath. To be a%one !o& a !ew oents ee&y day is a ust)

othe&wise you wi%% gathe& too uch dust, and because o! that dust you& i&&o& wi%% not&e!%ect any o&e, o& wi%% not &e!%ect &ight%y. 't ay sta&t disto&ting things.

•  A editato& is neithe& a an no& a woan, because editation has nothing to do with

you& body) neithe& does it hae anything to do with you& ind. 'n editation you a&esip%y and pu&e%y consciousness. And consciousness is neithe& a%e no& !ea%e.

• editation eans eptying you&se%! o! a%% that the society has put inside you so that you

can hae a c%ean, c%ea& ision, so that you can hae a i&&o&%ike 1ua%ity. $hen a i&&o& iswithout any dust it &e!%ects &ea%ity) so is the case with editation.

• editation eans B('"4 editatie, si%ent, peace!u%, with no thoughts in the ind, a

consciousness without content. That is the t&ue eaning o! editation: a pu&econsciousness, a i&&o& &e!%ecting nothing. $hen a i&&o& is not &e!%ecting anything, it iseditation.

• The who%e sec&et o! editation, that you becoe the watche&. =oing continues on its own

%ee%, the&e is no p&ob%e: chopping wood, d&awing wate& !&o the we%%. #ou can do a%%sa%% and big things) on%y one thing is not a%%owed and that is, you& cente&ing shou%d notbe %ost. That awa&eness, that watch!u%ness, shou%d &eain abso%ute%y unc%ouded,undistu&bed.

• editation sta&ts by being sepa&ate !&o the ind, by being a witness. That is the on%y

way o! sepa&ating you&se%! !&o anything. '! you a&e %ooking at the %ight, natu&a%%y onething is ce&tain, you a&e not the %ight, you a&e the one who is %ooking at it. '! you a&ewatching the !%owe&s, one thing is ce&tain, you a&e not the !%owe&, you a&e the watche&.$atching is the key o! editation.

• '! you want the &ea%, you wi%% hae to go th&ough a deep inne& sea&ch, a p&o!ound

unde&standing o! you& ind, an awa&eness o! a%% the cunning ways o! the ind so that theind can be put aside. Then the ind is no %onge& between you and e+istence, and thedoo&s a&e open. editation is the u%tiate e+pe&ience o! b%iss!u%ness. 't cannot bep&oduced by d&ugs, it cannot be p&oduced by achines, it cannot be p&oduced !&o theoutside.

• Just witness you& ind p&ocess, dont do anything at a%%. "othing needs to be done, 2ust

be a witness, an obse&e&, a watche&, %ooking at the t&a!!ic o! the ind — thoughts

passing by, desi&es, eo&ies, d&eas, !antasies. 7ip%y stand a%oo!, coo% < watching it,seeing it, with no 2udgent, with no condenation, neithe& saying, 6This is good,8 no&saying, 6This is bad.8 =ont b&ing you& o&a% concepts in, othe&wise you wi%% nee& be ab%eto editate.

•  A sip%e st&ategy is needed) ' ca%% it editation. #ou can ca%% it anything — awa&eness,

a%e&tness, &eebe&ing, watch!u%ness) the naes dont atte&. $hat atte&s is that youshou%d be ab%e not to get into the chatte&ing o! the ind. Just be a watche&. =ontpa&ticipate. Just stand aside and see. =ont een t&y to stop its chatte&ing, because eenin stopping it you hae %ost you& watch!u%ness.

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• 5onsciousness is e+act%y %ike a i&&o& which &e!%ects. And editation is a%%owing you&

i&&o& to &e!%ect, sip%y to &e!%ect the ind in action, the body in action. 't doesnt atte& i!the body is a ans o& a woans) it does not atte& how the ind !unctions —eotiona%%y o& %ogica%%y. $hatee& the case, the consciousness has sip%y to be a%e&t to it.That a%e&tness, that awa&eness, is editation. 7o the&e is no possibi%ity o! any di!!e&encein editation between an and woan.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on =ying 5onscious%y

• '! you had died in si%ence, peace, conscious%y, you wou%d hae been aazed to know that

it is on%y the body that is dying, but not you, not the witness. #ou wou%d hae witnessedyou& own death. Just as othe&s a&e witnessing !&o the outside, you wou%d haewitnessed it !&o the inside. '! a an dies conscious%y, then he is a%so bo&n conscious%y,because death is one side and bi&th is anothe& side. =eath is the beginning o! a new %i!e.$ithin seconds, you wi%% be ente&ing a new wob. And i! you die peace!u%%y, without anydistu&bance, you wi%% ente& a new wob with the sae si%ence, with the sae awa&eness.The nine onths in the othe&s wob wi%% not be o! unawa&eness. And the bi&th out o!the othe&s wob wi%% be in !u%% si%ence and 2oy, because now you know that neithe&

death atte&s no& bi&th) you be%ong to ete&nity.• This tie, die conscious%y. But you hae to sta&t &ight now to %ie conscious%y) on%y then

can you die conscious%y: (en i! you can %ie conscious%y !o& a !ew yea&s, that wi%% beenough. (en a !ew onths o& een a !ew days and i! intensity is g&eat een a !ewinutes a&e enough to %ie conscious%y) then one becoes capab%e o! dying conscious%y.

 And to die conscious%y is to be &esu&&ected into a tota%%y di!!e&ent diension, thediension o! the diine. ' wou%d %ike a%% o! y sannyasins to die so deep%y that they a&enee& bo&n again, so that they can disappea& into the cosos, becoe pa&t o! the who%e.

• Cn%ess you becoe a%e&t and awa&e in %i!e, un%ess you change the 1ua%ity o! you& %iing,

you wi%% not die conscious%y. And on%y a conscious death can b&ing you to a consciousbi&th) and then a !a& o&e conscious %i!e opens its doo&s.

• Lie conscious%y, %ea&n consciousness, accuu%ate consciousness. Becoe a g&eat

!%ae o! consciousness, then, when death coes. you wi%% be ab%e to witness it, you wi%%be ab%e to see it and you wi%% know @The body is dying, the ego is dying, but ' a not dyingbecause ' a the witness. That witness is the e&y co&e o! e+istence. That witness iswhat othe& &e%igions ca%% @4od. and what Lieh Tzu. 5huang Tzu ca%% @Tao: the knowe&, theknowing e%eent, consciousness, awa&eness, a%e&tness. 7ta&t %iing a conscious %i!e. =owhatsoee& you a&e doing, but do as i! you a&e a witness to it — watch it, si%ent%y go onobse&ing it. =ont get %ost into things) &eain a%e&t, &eain beyond. 7ta&t !&o sa%%things: wa%king on the &oad, eating, taking a bath, ho%ding the hand o! a !&iend, ta%king,%istening — sa%% things. but keep a%e&t. #ou wi%% !o&get again and again. ick it up again,!ind it out again. &eebe& it again. This is what Buddha ca%%s @ind!u%ness. what4u&d2ie!! ca%%s @se%!-&eebe&ing. 4o on &eebe&ing that you a&e a witness. 'n thebeginning it is a&duous, ha&d, because ou& s%eep is %ong. $e hae s%ept !o& any %ies. wehae becoe accustoed to s%eep. we a&e sno&ing — etaphysica%%y. 't is di!!icu%t. but i!you t&y. by and by a &ay o! a%e&tness wi%% ente& in you& being. 't is possib%e — di!!icu%t, butpossib%e — not ipossib%e. And this is the ost a%uab%e thing in %i!e.

• 4u&d2ie!!s chie! discip%e, Ouspensky, was dying, but he wou%d not %ie down. *e continued

wa%king. *e was dying, and he was awa&e that death was 2ust about to coe — but hewou%d not %ie down. hysicians insisted, pe&suaded, but he wou%d not %ie down. *e said,6"o, ' a going to die wa%king. ' a going to die conscious%y.8 *e used een death toc&eate wi%%, and he died wa%king. *e was the !i&st an in the who%e histo&y o! huanitywho died wa%king — conscious%y.

• 't &a&e%y happens that soebody dies conscious%y. 't happens on%y to g&eat editato&s,

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who know we%% the path death wi%% be coing on because in thei& editations they haet&ae%ed on the path again and again — it is the sae path. As they go deep in thei&editation the body is %e!t !a& away, ind is %e!t !a& away, the hea&t is %e!t !a& away) on%y abeauti!u% si%ence — !u%%y a%e&t and conscious — &eains. The sae happens when youdie. '! you hae been editating, then death is not a new e+pe&ience. #ou wi%% besu&p&ised that in you& editation you hae been dying ee&y day, and you hae beencoing back to %i!e ee&y day. 7uch a pe&son dies e&y conscious%y, so he knows whatdeath is — and such a pe&son &eains conscious in the othe&s wob. *e is a%so bo&nconscious%y. &o his e&y !i&st oent on the ea&th, he knows a%% that has passed be!o&ein the past %i!e, and he &eebe&s it.

• conscious%y. you wi%% ce&tain%y be ab%e to die conscious%y — because dying is a

phenoenon o! %i!e) it takes p%ace in %i!e. 'n othe& wo&ds, death is the !ina% happening o!what you unde&stand %i!e to be. 't is not an eent that occu&s outside o! %i!e.

• '! you die conscious%y, tota%%y si%ent, 2oy!u%, &eady to go on the new entu&e, then death is

t&eendous%y beauti!u%. 't wi%% &eea% soething that %i!e has not &eea%ed — it wi%% &eea%to you god hise%! — because death is a doo&.

• =eath is beauti!u%, as beauti!u% as %i!e — i! you 2ust know how to counicate with death.

't is beauti!u% because it is &e%a+ation. 't is beauti!u% because the pe&son has !a%%en backinto the sou&ce o! e+istence — to &e%a+, to &est, to be &eady to coe back again. A wae

&ises in the ocean, then !a%%s back into the ocean, then &ises again. 't wi%% hae anothe&day, it wi%% be bo&n again in soe othe& !o&. And then it !a%%s again and disappea&s.=eath is 2ust disappea&ing into the sou&ce. =eath is going to the unani!ested. =eath is!a%%ing as%eep into 4od. #ou wi%% b%oo again. #ou wi%% again see the sun and the oon,and again and again ti%% you becoe a Buddha — ti%% you a&e capab%e o! dyingconscious%y, ti%% you a&e capab%e o! &e%a+ing conscious%y, knowing%y, into 4od. Then the&eis no coing back. That is utte& death, that is u%tiate death. The o&dina&y death is atepo&a&y death) you wi%% be coing back again. $hen a Buddha dies, he dies !o&ee&.*is death has the 1ua%ity o! ete&nity. But een the tepo&a&y death is beauti!u%.

• Once you know you&se%!, the&e is no death. =eath was on%y in you& igno&ance. 'n you&

editatie consciousness, death disappea&s 2ust as da&kness disappea&s when the&e is%ight b&ought in. editation b&ings the %ight in, and death is !ound to be the g&eatest !iction.'t appea&s on%y !&o the outside that soebody is dying. &o the inside nobody hasee& died, and that is whe&e you& %i!e sou&ce is.

• On%y editation cannot be taken away by anything — not een by death. One can

continue editating whi%e one is dying. One can not &eain &ich whi%e one is dying — onecan &eain a editato&. One cannot hae powe& whi%e one is dying, but one can keepsi%ent, one can &eain si%ent. And i! you can &eain editatie een whi%e death ishappening, you hae known soething which is indest&uctib%e) een death cannotdest&oy it. Thats what %i!e is &ea%%y. #ou hae known %i!e.

•  As you die — i! you a&e dying conscious%y — you wi%% !o&get the body, you wi%% !o&get the

ind9 2ust consciousness, and then sudden%y the consciousness e&ges into the who%e.That e&ging with the who%e is a thousand!o%d o&e beauti!u% than is possib%e th&oughany o&gas. But both these things a&e ce&tain%y deep%y &e%ated. They a&e one. Andanyone who wants to unde&stand death, has to unde&stand se+ — o& ice e&sa.

• The oent one becoes conscious o! hise%!, he is no %onge& a o&ta%) he becoes anio&ta%. *e has a%ways been an io&ta% but because o! his isunde&standing, hedeg&aded hise%! into being a o&ta%, into soeone who is going to die. A%though the %i!ewithin you and the consciousness within you is ete&na% and io&ta%, sti%% you go on beinga!&aid o! death because you see soebody dying ee&y day. And ee&ybodys death&einds you o! you& own death.

• eop%e becoe awa&e on%y at the tie o! death o! what they hae issed, because death

coes %ike a !ishe&an, pu%%ing you out o! the ocean o! %i!e. As you a&e pu%%ed out o! %i!e,sudden%y you &ea%ize, 6y 4od0 ' hae been a%ie, and ' nee& becae awa&e o! it. ' cou%d

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hae danced, ' cou%d hae %oed, ' cou%d hae sung — but now it is too %ate.8 eop%ebecoe awa&e on%y at the tie when they a&e dying, that they hae been continuous%ysu&&ounded by the ete&na% ene&gy o! %i!e, but they nee& pa&ticipated in it. #ou& dai%y %i!e isyou& tep%e, and you& &e%igion. Act in awa&eness, act conscious%y, and natu&a%%y anythings wi%% sta&t changing.

• /eebe&, i! you a&e a!&aid o! death you wi%% be a!&aid o! editation a%so. 't is a %ogica%

co&o%%a&y. '! you a&e a!&aid o! death you cannot a%%ow you&se%! to oe tota%%y intoeditation because editation is a kind o! death, a so&t o! death. 5onscious%y, o%unta&i%y,you a&e e&ging you&se%! into the who%e. #ou a&e dying as an indiidua%, as an ego, andbecoing one with the ego%ess e+istence.

• =&op you& !ake pe&sona%ity. 4&ow into you& authentic indiidua%ity. Lie the way e+istence

wanted you to %ie. #ou& e&y %i!e shou%d be so intense and so tota% that you bu&n you&%i!es to&ch !&o both ends. 'n that e&y intensity you wi%% know that you hae touchedsoething o! ete&nity. And i! you hae known it in you& %i!e, in you& death you wi%% !ind adeepe& con!i&ation o! the !act. eop%e who %ie in pe&sona%ity a%ways die unconscious.They hae nee& %ied. They dont know what consciousness is, so be!o&e death theybecoe unconscious. Thats why we dont &eebe& ou& past %ies. #ou we&eunconscious, and death happened in you& unconsciousness. But i! you %ie conscious%y,as an indiidua%, then you wi%% die conscious%y, the way 7oc&ates is dying — so conscious

to the %ast b&eath. And this eo&y wi%% be with you in the ne+t %i!e too.• The ba&do is suggestions to the dying pe&son: 6"ow be si%ent. Leae this %i!e conscious%y.

/athe& than death taking it away !&o you, &e%a+ you& ho%d) dont be de!eated by death,dont st&ugg%e. Just d&op a%% you& attachent. This wo&%d is !inished !o& you, and this %i!e is!inished !o& you. The&e is no point in ho%ding on to it) in ho%ding on to it you wi%% be !ightingwith death. #ou cannot win, and a e&y signi!icant possibi%ity wi%% be issed. 67ip%y %et goo! ee&ything on you& own acco&d. /e%a+, and accept death without any antagonis as acu%ination o! %i!e, as a natu&a% phenoenon. 't ends nothing. /eain conscious andwatch what is happening — how the body sta&ts becoing o&e and o&e distant !&oyou, how the ind sta&ts !a%%ing into pieces as i! a i&&o& has !a%%en and b&oken intopieces, how you& eotions, sentients, oods9 ee&ything that ade you& %i!e sta&tsdisappea&ing.8 't is the end o! a d&ea. That is the !undaenta% point in ba&do, that youhae %ied a d&ea that you ca%% %i!e, a seenty-yea&-%ong d&ea. 't is coing to an end.

#ou can weep !o& the spi%%ed i%k and iss the oppo&tunity9 because within seconds youwi%% be ente&ing into anothe& wob, into anothe& d&ea.

• To be ab%e to die knowing%y is a cont&adiction in te&s. "o one can ee& die knowing%y,

conscious%y, because he &eains awa&e a%% the tie that he is not dying, that soething isdying in hi but he is not. *e keeps watching this sepa&ation and u%tiate%y !inds that hisbody is %ying away !&o hi, at a distance. Then death tu&ns out to be e&e%y asepa&ation) it aounts to the b&eaking o! a connection. 't is as i! ' we&e to step out o! thishouse, and the ebe&s o! this househo%d, unawa&e o! the wo&%d outside these wa%%s,we&e to coe to the doo& and bid e a tea&!u% goodbye, !ee%ing that the an they hadcoe to say goodbye to had died. The sepa&ation o! the body and the consciousness isdeath. Because the&e is this sepa&ation, it is eaning%ess to ca%% it death — it is e&e%y a%oosening, a b&eaking o! a connection. 't is nothing o&e than changing c%othes. 7o, onewho dies with awa&eness nee& &ea%%y dies, hence the 1uestion o! death nee& a&ises !o&

hi. *e wont een ca%% death an i%%usion. *e wont een say who dies and who does notdie. *e wi%% sip%y state that what we ca%%ed %i!e up to yeste&day was e&e%y anassociation. That association has b&oken. "ow a new %i!e has begun which, in the !o&e&sense, is not an association. e&haps it is a new connection, a new 2ou&ney.

• 7o keep in ind, one who dies a conscious death takes a conscious bi&th in the ne+t %i!e

— that becoes the othe& pa&t o! his dying. And the %i!e o! one who dies and takes bi&thconscious%y !unctions on a tota%%y di!!e&ent p%ane. o& the !i&st tie, he is ab%e to g&ab ho%do! the enti&e eaning o! %i!e, o! the who%e pu&pose o! %i!e, o! the heights and depths o! %i!e,p&ecise%y and conscious%y. *e is ab%e to g&asp the who%e t&uth o! %i!e.

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• On%y the one who has known his se%! du&ing his %i!etie wi%% &eain as B&aha, the

u%tiate one, when his body d&ops. 7oeone who has known his who%e %i!e that he is thebody, he wi%% becoe unconscious whi%e dying — he wi%% go tota%%y unconscious. >e&y !ewpeop%e die conscious%y. =eath happens in a kind o! s%eep, in an unconscious state. #oua&e not conscious whi%e dying, othe&wise you wou%d be ab%e to &eebe& you& p&eiousdeath. $hatee& happens in unconsciousness does not &eain in the eo&y. That is

why peop%e do not know that they hae been bo&n any ties and they hae died anyties, because whenee& they died they we&e unconscious. And whosoee& diesunconscious is bo&n unconscious, because bi&th and death a&e two po%a&ities o! the saething. A pe&son dies he&e, this is one end o! the phenoenon) then the sae pe&sonente&s a wob soewhe&e, that is the othe& end. =eath and bi&th a&e two sides o! thesae coin.

• 5hange the ephasis, tu&n you& attention a&ound. '! you becoe conce&ned with death,

you& %i!e coes to be &eea%ed to you !o& the !i&st tie, because the oent you becoeat ease with death you hae gained a %i!e that cannot die. The oent you hae knowndeath, you hae known that %i!e which is ete&na%. =eath is the doo& !&o the supe&!icia%%i!e, the so-ca%%ed %i!e, the t&iia%. The&e is a doo&. '! you pass th&ough the doo& you &eachanothe& %i!e — deepe&, ete&na%, without death, death%ess. 7o !&o so-ca%%ed %i!e, which is&ea%%y nothing but dying, one has to pass th&ough the doo& o! death) on%y then does one

achiee a %i!e that is &ea%%y e+istentia% and actie — without death in it. But one shou%dpass this doo& e&y conscious%y. $e hae been dying so any ties, but whenee&soeone dies he becoes unconscious) you a&e so a!&aid o! death that the oentdeath coes to you, you becoe unconscious. #ou pass th&ough the doo& in anunconscious state o! ind. Then you a&e bo&n again, and the who%e nonsense beginsagain, and again you a&e not conce&ned with death. One who is conce&ned with death&athe& than with %i!e begins to pass the doo& conscious%y. This is what is eant byeditation: to pass the doo& o! death conscious%y. To die conscious%y is editation. Butyou cannot wait !o& death) you need not, because death is a%ways the&e: it is a doo& thate+ists inside you. 't is not soething that is going to happen in the !utu&e, it is notsoething outside o! you that you hae to &each, it is inside you, a doo&.


Osho Quotes on 7uicide

• ' know you a&e bo&ed with %i!e. '! you a&e &ea%%y bo&ed, then editation is the way, not

suicide — because suicide wi%% b&ing you to the 7A( %i!e, aybe an ug%ie& %i!e than youhae &ight now, because suicide wi%% c&eate its own ug%iness in you. To coit suicide issuch an ung&ate!u% act towa&ds 4od. *e gies you %i!e as an oppo&tunity to g&ow, and youth&ow away the oppo&tunity. And un%ess you g&ow, un%ess you g&ow and becoe aBuddha, you wi%% be th&own back into %i!e again and again. i%%ions o! ties it hashappened be!o&e: it is tie now you shou%d becoe awa&e. =ont iss this oppo&tunity.

• 7annyas is a suicide — the &ea% one. 't is not dest&oying the body, because dest&oying the

body is not going to he%p) you wi%% be iediate%y bo&n again soewhe&e in soe othe&wob. 't wi%% on%y be &enewing the body) it is not &ea% suicide. 7annyas is &ea% suicide,because it dest&oys the ind, it takes you beyond the ind. And i! you a&e beyond the

ind you wi%% not be bo&n again. $hy be bo&n again and again? $hy go on in this iciousci&c%e? ' know you a&e bo&ed with %i!e. '! you a&e &ea%%y bo&ed, then editation is the way,not suicide — because suicide wi%% b&ing you to the 7A( %i!e, aybe an ug%ie& %i!e thanyou hae &ight now, because suicide wi%% c&eate its own ug%iness in you. To coit suicideis such an ung&ate!u% act towa&ds 4od. *e gies you %i!e as an oppo&tunity to g&ow, andyou th&ow away the oppo&tunity. And un%ess you g&ow, un%ess you g&ow and becoe aBuddha, you wi%% be th&own back into %i!e again and again. i%%ions o! ties it hashappened be!o&e: it is tie now you shou%d becoe awa&e. =ont iss this oppo&tunity.

• To coit suicide in a sing%e oent wont do because in a sing%e oent you can be

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de%uded, you can be in an i%%usion. '! you take poison, it can be done in a sing%e oent.'t is y !ee%ing that i! peop%e who coit suicide a&e de%ayed !o& een a sing%e oent,they wi%% nee& do it) i! de%ayed !o& een a sing%e oent, they wi%% change thei& ind.They coit suicide in a so&t o! adness. They a&e so !ed up, they do it in a sing%eoent, and they dont hae any chance to go back on thei& own decision. The&e is notie %e!t. They 2up. They ay su!!e& in the ocean and they ay sta&t c&ying and weepingand shouting, @7ae e0 but now it is too %ate. Thei& who%e being wou%d %ike to coe backto %i!e. And soon they wi%% be back in a wob. This is no suicide, a tepo&a&y suicide is nosuicide. #ou wi%% be back again in anothe& wob, and, wo&se than that, the coitting o!suicide wi%% hang a&ound you, it wi%% becoe a ka&a. 't wi%% be %ike a da&k shadow, ag%ooiness a&ound you& !ace, a&ound you& being. #ou wi%% oe in %i!e sh&ouded in death.That wi%% not be good. ' can a%%ow you and ' can adit you to tota% suicide: thats what ' aa%% about, thats what ' a doing he&e — p&eaching tota% suicide. Tota% eans no coingback, and that is possib%e on%y th&ough deep editation. A point coes when a%% desi&es&ea%%y disappea&.

• ' wi%% teach you &ea% suicide, you can go !o& ee&. Thats what it eans to becoe a

Buddha — to go !o& ee&. $hen soebody used to coit this suicide in saadhi,Buddha had a specia% nae !o& hi, he wou%d ca%% hi A"A4A' — one who wi%% not&etu&n. One who has gone to the !a&thest sho&e and wi%% not be coing back. ' can ake

you anagai, a non-&etu&ne&. Then no wob can be a t&ap !o& you again.• By coitting suicide, by 2uping into a &ie&, o& in the ocean, o& !&o a hi%%top, you can

dest&oy the physica% pa&t o! you. But you& physica% pa&t is not basic, you& enta% pa&t isthe base. #ou& enta% pa&t ca&&ies the b%uep&int !o& the physica%. #ou& ind wi%% 2up intoanothe& wob and wi%% sta&t gathe&ing anothe& physica% pa&t. 't wi%% be bo&n again. 7uicideis use%ess. ' a not against suicide because it is a c&ie. ' a against suicide because itis !uti%e, it is !oo%ish. 't is stupid. '! you &ea%%y want to coit suicide, then becoe asannyasin. Then you wi%% be dest&oying the ind, the deep b%uep&int !o& you& !utu&e %ies.Thats what Buddha said — becoe a s&otapanna, ente& the st&ea. /athe& than 2uping!&o the c%i!!, &athe& than 2uping into the ocean and dying a physica% death, 2up into aBuddha and die a spi&itua% death. Thats what sannyas is a%% about — dying in e. 't isca&&ying you& own c&oss. '! you a&e &ea%%y !ed up with you& %i!e, then dest&oy the e&ypossibi%ity o! its being &epeated again and again. Becoe a s&otapanna. Then you wi%%

becoe a sk&idagain) once o&e you wi%% coe. Then you wi%% becoe an anagain) noo&e you wi%% coe.

• To !ee% that %i!e is utte&%y eaning%ess is to be on a c&oss&oads: eithe& you choose suicide

o& you choose sannyas) eithe& you choose adness o& you choose editation. 't is ag&eat tu&ning-point0

• 7uicide %eads nowhe&e, it sip%y ente&s you& consciousness into anothe& wob o! a %owe& 

kind, because you cou%d not anage to %ie on a highe& %ee%.

• =ying in suicide is dying in such anguish, because it is one o! the ost unnatu&a% things

to do, ost abno&a% things to do. "o ania% coits suicide, no t&ee ee& coitssuicide — on%y an. On%y an can go that insane. "atu&e knows nothing o! suicide) it isans inention. 't is the ost ug%y act. And when you do soething ug%y to you&se%! youcannot hope that you wi%% get a bette& %i!e. #ou wi%% die in an ug%y state o! ind and you wi%%ente& an ug%ie& wob.

• (ach c&eatie act becoes a &ebi&th !o& the c&eato&, and each indi!!e&ent act becoes a

suicide, a s%ow death. Be oe&!%owing. =ont be ise&s. =ont t&y to ho%d — sha&e0 And %etca&e be you& e&y cente& o! %i!e. And then the&e is no need to go to the chu&ch, no need togo to the tep%e, no need to knee% down be!o&e any god and p&ay. #ou& butte&!%y %i!e, you&way o! %i!e, is p&aye&. $hatsoee& you touch wi%% becoe sac&ed. ' say whatsoee&,unconditiona%%y. Loe akes ee&ything sac&ed. 5a&e%essness akes ee&ything ug%y.

• 'n the (ast, sannyas has a tota%%y di!!e&ent !%aou&. The oent you becoe a sannyasin

you a&e no %onge& a *indu, you a&e no %onge& a ohaedan, you a&e no %onge& a

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5h&istian. The oent you becoe a sannyasin, you d&op out o! a%% co%%ectiities. #oubecoe you&se%!. #ou wi%% be su&p&ised to know that in the (ast peop%e dont coitsuicide as uch as in the $est. And the di!!e&ence is big — too big to be 2ust accidenta%.'n the (ast we hae c&eated a c&eatie kind o! suicide, that is sannyas. #ou can sti%% %ie,but you can %ie in you& own way. Then the need !o& suicide disappea&s, o& becoes e&yuch %ess. 'n the $est it a%ways has happened that the uni1ue indiidua%s hae tocoit suicide. The edioc&e go on %iing, the uni1ue hae to coit suicide. A an4ogh, a *eingway. a ayakoski, a "i2insky — these a&e uni1ue indiidua%s. (ithe&they hae to coit suicide o& they hae to go ad — the society d&ies the ad. Thesociety puts so uch p&essu&e on the that eithe& they hae to yie%d to the society andbecoe 2ust anonyous, o& they hae to go ad, o& they hae to coit suicide. And a%%a&e dest&uctie a%te&naties.

• 7annyas takes you out o! this %i!e in a e&y c&eatie way — it becoes a t&anscendence.

• To e, in y unde&standing, a pe&son who is &eady to coit suicide is the &ight pe&son

!o& sannyas, because that eans that he is &ea%%y !ed up with the who%e nonsense thatthe so-ca%%ed %i!e is. *e is !ed up with it and sees no eaning in it. But o&dina&y suicide issip%y e&y dest&uctie. ' teach you a e&y c&eatie suicide. #ou die — but you not on%ydie9 you &esu&&ect. On this side the&e is c&uci!i+ion) on anothe& side the&e is &esu&&ection.That is the eaning o! 2esus c&uci!i+ion that he died and yet he didnt die. 7annyas is that

type o! death. #ou die and yet you &ea%%y becoe, !o& the !i&st tie, a%ie. This situationcoes to ee&y sensib%e an, to ee&y an who has a %itt%e awa&eness, a %itt%einte%%igence. *e sta&ts thinking, @$hat is the point o! it a%%? 't sees so point%ess. On%yedioc&e inds nee& think about it. On%y stupid peop%e go on in the &ut — oing in the&ut. But i! you hae a %itt%e inte%%i-gence, you a&e bound to !ee% that this %i!e has no eaning— soe othe& %i!e has to be sea&ched !o&. 7o inte%%igence is a g&eat &esponsibi%ity, andinte%%igence is a g&eat chaos, because inte%%igence is c&eatiity. ' can unde&stand you&tu&oi% — because you a&e an inte%%igent pe&son) thats why you a&e in a tu&oi%. 7tupidpeop%e a&e nee& in a tu&oi%. They a&e un!o&tunate. Becoe a sannyasin0

• $hy shou%d one want to coit suicide? =eath is coing on its own — why a&e you in

such a hu&&y? =eath wi%% coe, it a%ways coes. (en i! you dont want it to coe, itcoes. #ou need not go to eet it, it coes uninited. But you ust be issing you& %i!ebad%y. 't is out o! ange&, out o! despe&ation, that you want to coit suicide. ' wi%% teach

you the &ea% suicide: Becoe a sannyasin. And the o&dina&y suicide wi%%-not he%p uch,you wi%% be bo&n iediate%y into soe othe& wob soewhe&e. 7oe !oo%ish coup%e wi%%be aking %oe soewhe&e, &eebe&9and you wi%% be t&apped again. #ou cannotescape so easi%y — the&e a&e !oo%s and !oo%s. Be!o&e you wi%% be escaping !&o this bodyyou wi%% be caught in anothe& net. And again you wi%% hae to go to the schoo% and theco%%ege and the unie&sity — 2ust think o! that0 Think o! a%% those ise&ab%e e+pe&iences —that wi%% p&eent you !&o coitting suicide.

• Being he&e with e, %ea&n the &ea% a&t o! suicide. The &ea% a&t consists not in dest&oying

the body9the body is beauti!u%, the body has not done any w&ong. 't is the ug%y ind.The body is beauti!u%, the sou% is beauti!u%, but between the body and the sou% the&e issoething which is neithe& body no& sou%. This in-between phenoenon is the ind. 't isind that goes on d&agging you back into the wob. $hen you die, i! you coit suicideyou wi%% be thinking o! %i!e. 5oitting suicide eans you a&e thinking o! %i!e. #ou a&e

bo&ed, !ed up with %i!e) you wou%d %ike a tota%%y di!!e&ent kind o! %i!e, thats why you a&ecoitting suicide — not that you a&e &ea%%y against %i!e. T*'7 %i!e you a&e against. aybeyou dont want to be the way you a&e: you wou%d %ike to be an A%e+ande&, a "apo%eon, an

 Ado%ph *it%e&) aybe you want to be the &ichest an in the wo&%d, and you a&e not. This%i!e has !ai%ed, and you wou%d %ike to be !aous, success!u% — dest&oy it0 eop%e coitsuicide not because they a&e &ea%%y !inished with %i!e but because %i!e is not !u%!i%%ing thei&deands. But no %i!e ee& !u%!i%%s anybodys deands. #ou wi%% a%ways go on issingsoething o& othe&: i! you hae oney, you ay not be beauti!u%) i! you a&e beauti!u%, youay not be inte%%igent) i! you a&e inte%%igent, you ay not hae oney.

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• editation is the ethod o! inne& t&ans!o&ation. $hen suicide and editation &eain the

on%y two a%te&naties and nothing e%se is %e!t — eithe& dest&oy you&se%! because you&who%e %i!e is eaning%ess, o& t&ans!o& you&se%! into a new p%ane o! being — one has tochoose between suicide and editation.

• 7annyas is a t&ans!o&ation o! %i!e. 7uicide is an escape !&o %i!e. 'n both the ways you

go beyond. 'n both the ways you get &id o! this so-ca%%ed %i!e. But by suicide it is on%y a

tepo&a&y thing — again you wi%% be back, again and again you wi%% be back. $ithsannyas, the doo& opens. #ou ay not coe back, o&, een i! you coe, you wi%% coe ina bette& way, o&e awa&e. (en i! you coe, you wi%% coe to %ea&n soething, to atu&e.

• 7annyas is c&eatie, suicide is dest&uctie. 'n suicide, you a&e sip%y doing soething

despe&ate. 'n sannyas, you a&e doing soething e&y de%ibe&ate to t&ans!o& you& ways,you& e&y sty%e o! %i!e. 'n !act it is not with %i!e that you a&e !ed up it is with you& way o! %i!e.'t is not &ea%%y with %i!e that you a&e !ed up — because in !act you dont know what %i!e is —but with you& patte&n o! %i!e, the na&&owing that you hae ade you& %i!e, the tunne%-%ikephenoenon that you hae c&eated out o! you& %i!e, the ip&isonent that you c&eatedout o! you& %i!e.

• 7annyas is a suicide — a suicide o! the pe&sona%ity — and a &ebi&th, a &ebi&th o!

indiidua%ity. And the innocence and the !&eshness and the beauty o! it is 2ust beyond

wo&ds. 't is sip%y an ecstasy that goes on g&owing ee&y day bigge& and bigge&. 't knowsno %iits.

• $e can coit a deep suicide — not o! the body, but o! the ind. And that deep suicide

o! the ind is 7AA=*'. That deep suicide o! the ind is editation.

• ' need peop%e who a&e &eady to coit suicide because these a&e the on%y peop%e who

can becoe sannyasins. 7annyas is a%so a suicide — but not you& suicide. 't is thedec%a&ation that the society is dead and we dont want to %ie in a g&aeya&d) we wou%d%ike to c&eate ou& own society and we wou%d %ike to c&eate ou& own %i!e. =ont be in a hu&&y.Li!e is so p&ecious) dont th&ow it away %ike that. The&e is no need. #ou can see y peop%ewho a&e in the sae situation — but &athe& than coitting suicide they hae decided tot&ans!o& thei& %ies in spite o! the ug%y society in which they a&e %iing. They hae igno&edthe society. They hae accepted the death o! the society and the cii%ization and the&e%igion.

• (en suicide is not suicide) because you hae anipu%ated it you wi%% be soewhe&e. But

you cannot coit suicide, suicide is ipossib%e. #ou go and you hang you&se%! — youa&e doing it, the ind is the&e. This ind wi%% %ead you to a new %i!e, to a new wob. #oucannot coit suicide — the&e is on%y one suicide known and that is saadhi, but thenthe ind is not the anipu%ato&. Thats why Buddha dies and sip%y dies, and is nee&bo&n again. Thats why we say when a an has achieed saadhi, the !ina%en%ightenent, he is bo&n no o&e. Because the ind is gone, who can %ead into a newdesi&e, who can %ead into a new otiation, who can %ead into the new body? The indhas %e!t. The&e is on%y one death and that is the death o! the ind.

• Just as suicide is the decision o! %i!e, sannyas is the decision o! the ego. But once you

hae decided the ego sta&ts disappea&ing, the ego has coitted suicide. 'n !act,sannyas and suicide a&e e&y sii%a&. 7uicide is a !a%se sannyas, sannyas is a &ea% suicide— because in suicide on%y the body dies and you wi%% be bo&n again. 'n sannyas the egodies, and i! you wo&k it out tota%%y, you ay not be bo&n again.

• (en the peop%e who coit suicide dont want to coit suicide. They coit suicide

because they e+pected too uch !&o %i!e and they cou%d not get it. The !ai%u&e was sog&eat, that to %ie shae!u%%y becae di!!icu%t. They coitted suicide not against %i!e)they coitted suicide because they cou%d not anage to %ea&n the a&t o! %i!e. Theywanted %i!e to be a g&eat benediction, and it was a d&ag. 't sees to be a !a%%acy a%% oe&the wo&%d that 2ust because you a&e bo&n you know how to %ie. This is not &ight. To bebo&n is one thing. To know the a&t o! %iing and o! %iing !u%%y is tota%%y di!!e&ent. Bi&th is on%yan oppo&tunity — you can ake it o& a& it. Bi&th is not e1uia%ent to %i!e. A%ost

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ee&ybody thinks that bi&th is e1uia%ent to %i!e) so it is bound to becoe a d&ag — 2ustb&eathing, eating ee&y day, going to s%eep, waking up in the o&ning, going to the saeo!!ice, the sae !i%es and the sae &outine. o& idiots it is pe&!ect%y okay, but !o& anybodywho has soe inte%%igence it is bound to becoe d&ag. Because he can see — what isthe point? $hy a!te& a%% a ' %iing? '! too&&ow is again going to be 2ust a &epetition o!today, as today has been a &epetition o! yeste&day, then why go on %iing? $hat is thepoint o! unnecessa&i%y &epeating the sae ci&c%e, the sae &outine, the saehappenings? But the !a%%acy is in the !act that you hae accepted a w&ong concept, thatbi&th is %i!e. Bi&th is on%y an oppo&tunity. (ithe& you can %ea&n to %ie a beauti!u% %i!e o& youcan 2ust d&ag you&se%! towa&ds the g&aeya&d. 't is up to you. The&e a&e peop%e !o& who%i!e is a d&ag, and the&e a&e peop%e !o& who een death is a dance. ' want to say to youthat i! you ake you& %i!e an a&t, you& death wi%% be the cu%ination o! the a&t — thehighest peak, a beauty in itse%!.

• One basic thing about suicide is that it a&ises on%y in peop%e who a&e c%inging e&y uch

to %i!e. And when they !ai% in thei& c%inging, the ind oes to the opposite po%e. The!unction o! the ind is o! eithe&Do&: eithe& it wants the who%e, o& none o! it. The %ust !o& %i!ecannot be !u%!i%%ed tota%%y, because %i!e as such is a tepo&a% thing) it is bound to end at apoint, 2ust as it began one day at a point. #ou cannot hae a %ine with on%y the beginning)soewhe&e o& othe& the&e is bound to be an end. 7o the peop%e who coit suicide a&e

not against %i!e) it on%y appea&s so. They want %i!e in its tota%ity, they want to g&ab it who%e,and when they !ai% — and they a&e bound to !ai% — then out o! !&ust&ation, out o! !ai%u&e,they sta&t thinking o! death. Then suicide is the on%y a%te&natie. They wi%% not be satis!iedwith whatsoee& %i!e gies the) they want o&e and o&e and o&e. Li!e is sho&t, andthe se&ies o! the desi&e !o& o&e and o&e is in!inite, so the !ai%u&e is ce&tain. 7oewhe&eo& othe& the&e is bound to coe a oent when they wi%% !ee% they hae been cheated by%i!e. "obody is cheating the — they hae cheated these%es. They hae been askingtoo uch, and they hae on%y been asking, they hae not been giing anything, not eeng&ate!u%ness. 'n ange&, in &age, in &eenge the pendu%u o! the ind oes to the othe&end — sti%% they do not know with who they a&e taking the &eenge. They a&e ki%%ingthese%es: it does not dest&oy %i!e, it does not dest&oy e+istence.

• editation can ake you inwa&d%y &ich. Then suicide is out o! the 1uestion) een i! you

want to dest&oy you&se%!, the&e is no way. #ou& being is indest&uctib%e. And to know this

io&ta%ity is a g&eat !&eedo — !&o death, !&o disease, !&o o%d age. A%% those thingswi%% coe and go, but you &eain untouched, unsc&atched. #ou& inne& hea%th is beyondany sickness. And it is the&e, 2ust to be discoe&ed.

• On%y editation can ki%% the ind, nothing e%se. editation is ind suicide, ind

coitting suicide. '! you can put the ind aside — without any cheica%s, without anyphysica% eans — then #OC becoe the aste&. And when you a&e the aste&,ee&ything is new. 't has been a%ways so. &o the e&y beginning to the e&y end,ee&ything is new, young, !&esh. =eath has nee& occu&&ed in this wo&%d. 't is %i!e ete&na%.

• #ou can coit suicide) you can anage you& own death. #ou can hae you& &eo%e&

&eady, contep%ate it, put it to you& chest o& you& head, pu%% the t&igge& you&se%!conscious%y, see the e+p%osion and see death. This is one possibi%ity. 't is a e&ydest&uctie possibi%ity. Anothe& possibi%ity is to go o&e and o&e into editation, to attainto a state o! awa&eness that cannot be d&owned by death. Then the&e is no need to

coit suicide. Then whenee& death coes, %et it coe. #ou wi%% be dying !u%%y a%e&t,awa&e, watch!u%. 7o it is suicide o& sannyas, suicide o& saadhi.

• 7o to e, editation is not on%y a sa%ation !o& the indiidua%, a t&ans!o&ation !o& the

indiidua%) it can a%so p&oide the g&oundwo&k !o& the t&ans!o&ation o! the who%e society,o! the huan being as such.



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Osho Quotes on ea& 

• ea& is ade o! igno&ance o! ones own se%!. The&e is on%y one !ea&) it ani!ests in any

ways, a thousand and one can be the ani!estations, but basica%%y !ea& is one, and that isthat 6=eep inside, ' ay not be.8 And in a way it is t&ue that you a&e not.

• ea& is the shadow o! @', and because the @' is a%ways a%e&t soewhe&e deep down that 6'

wi%% hae to disappea& in death89. The basic !ea& is o! death) a%% othe& !ea&s on%y &e!%ectthe basic one. And the beauty is that death is as none+istentia% as ego, and betweenthese two non-e+istentia%s — the ego and death — the b&idge is !ea&.

• "othing is ee& bo&n out o! !ea&. Loe gies bi&th, %oe is c&eatie) !ea& is ipotent.• ea& is utte&%y ipotent. 't has nee& c&eated anything. 't cannot c&eate) it is not. But it can

dest&oy you& who%e %i!e, it can su&&ound you %ike a da&k, da&k c%oud, it can e+p%oit a%% you&ene&gies. 't wi%% not a%%ow you to oe into any deep e+pe&ience o! beauty, poet&y, %oe,

 2oy, ce%eb&ation, editation. "o, it wi%% keep you 2ust on the su&!ace because it can e+iston%y on the su&!ace. 't is a &ipp%e on the su&!ace.

• 5e&tain%y, i! you a&e not awa&e o! who you a&e, you cannot be %oe. #ou wi%% be !ea&. ea&

is 2ust the opposite o! %oe. /eebe&, hate is not the opposite o! %oe, as peop%e think)hate is %oe standing upside down, it is not the opposite o! %oe. The &ea% opposite o! %oeis !ea&. 'n %oe one e+pands, in !ea& one sh&inks. 'n !ea& one becoes c%osed, in %oe oneopens. 'n !ea& one doubts, in %oe one t&usts. 'n !ea& one is %e!t %one%y, in %oe onedisappea&s.

•7ociety &educes sa%% chi%d&en to s%aes) and one can be &educed to a s%ae on%y i! g&eat!ea& is c&eated.

• The young chi%d is !&ee o! !ea&) chi%d&en a&e bo&n without any !ea&. '! the society can he%p

and suppo&t the to &eain without !ea&, can he%p the to c%ib the t&ees and theountains, and swi the oceans and the &ie&s, i! the society can he%p the in ee&ypossib%e way to becoe adentu&e&s, adentu&e&s o! the unknown, and i! the society canc&eate a g&eat en1ui&y instead o! giing the dead be%ie!s, then the chi%d&en wi%% tu&n intog&eat %oe&s, %oe&s o! %i!e — and that is t&ue &e%igion. The&e is no highe& &e%igion than %oe.

• To e+pose onese%! c&eates g&eat !ea&. 't is natu&a%, because to e+pose onese%! eans to

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e+pose a%% the &ubbish that you ca&&y in you& ind, the ga&bage which has been pi%ing up!o& centu&ies, !o& any, any %ies. To e+pose onese%! eans to e+pose a%% onesweaknesses, %iitations, !au%ts. To e+pose onese%! u%tiate%y eans to e+pose onesu%ne&abi%ity. =eath9. To e+pose onese%! eans to e+pose ones eptiness.

• Out o! !ea& is the p&etension, out o! !ea& a&ises a%% pseudoness. One needs to be !ea&%ess

to be authentic.

• ea& is natu&a%. =ont conden it, and dont !ee% that it is soething w&ong. 't is 2ust pa&to! this who%e socia% upb&inging. $e hae to accept it and go beyond it) withoutcondening it we hae to go beyond it.

• #ou cannot con1ue& !ea&. ea& has to be unde&stood. The oent you sta&t thinking o!

con1ue&ing it, you hae a%&eady accepted its e+istence, its powe& oe& you. And !ea& is 2ust %ike a shadow: you can !ight with it, but you cannot win. On the path one has to bee&y awa&e whethe& one is !ighting with soething that does not e+ist but is on%y his ownp&o2ection) othe&wise the 2ou&ney goes on becoing %onge& and %onge&.

• ea& is a by-p&oduct o! you& unconsciousness, so the on%y way to get &id o! it, to know its

bogus &ea%ity, is to becoe conscious. 't is not a 1uestion o! con1ue&ing) !ea& has nothingto do with it. Once you know what death is, !ea& disappea&s.

• an is %iing in !ea&. *e is doing ee&ything out o! !ea&. '! he does not do it he wi%% %ose

&espectabi%ity) i! he does not do it acco&ding to the idea o! othe&s, he wi%% not be thought tobe soebody specia%. 't is a%% !ea&, and out o! !ea& nothing g&eat ee& coes. Anythingg&eat is bo&n on%y out o! %oe, editation, si%ence, unde&standing. '! you c&eate out o! !ea&it is not c&eation. #ou& !ea& wi%% be the&e, 2ust %ike a shadow, dest&oying the beauty o! you&c&eation.

• 'n this nothingness, in this eptiness, in this se%!%essness, in this shunyata, the&e is

cop%ete secu&ity and stabi%ity. #ou wi%% be su&p&ised to know about this — cop%etesecu&ity and stabi%ity when you a&e not. A%% !ea&s disappea&9 because what is the basic!ea&? The basic !ea& is the !ea& o! death. A%% othe& !ea&s a&e 2ust &e!%ections o! the basic!ea&. A%% othe& !ea&s can be &educed to one !ea&: the !ea& o! death, the !ea& that, 6One day 'ay hae to disappea&, one day ' ay hae to die. ' a, and the day is coing when 'wi%% not be8 — that !&ightens, that is the !ea&.

• To aoid that !ea& we sta&t oing in such a way so that we can %ie as %ong as possib%e.

 And we t&y to secu&e ou& %ies — we sta&t cop&oising, we sta&t becoing o&e ando&e secu&e, sa!e, because o! the !ea&. $e becoe pa&a%yzed, because the o&e secu&eyou a&e, the o&e sa!e you a&e, the %ess a%ie you wi%% be.

• Once you hae known this inne& eptiness then the&e is no !ea&, because death has

a%&eady happened. 'n that eptiness it has happened. 'n that eptiness you haedisappea&ed. *ow can you be a!&aid anyo&e? About what? About who? And who canbe a!&aid? 'n this eptiness a%% !ea& disappea&s because death has a%&eady happened."ow the&e is no %onge& any death possib%e. #ou !ee% a kind o! death%essness,tie%essness. (te&nity has a&&ied. "ow you dont %ook !o& secu&ity) the&e is no need.

• '! you sta&t %iing in the oent, !ea& disappea&s. ea& coes th&ough desi&e. 7o

basica%%y, desi&e c&eates !ea&. Look into it. $henee& the&e is !ea&, see !&o whe&e it iscoing — what desi&e is c&eating it — and then see the !uti%ity o! it.

• $hen you a&e nothing, !ea& disappea&s, and when !ea& disappea&s you !unctioninte%%igent%y. '! !ea& is the&e you cannot !unction inte%%igent%y. ea& c&ipp%es you, pa&a%yzesyou.

• ea& is poison to inte%%igence. *ow can you be inte%%igent i! the&e is !ea&? The !ea& wi%% go

on pu%%ing you in di!!e&ent ways. 't wi%% not a%%ow you to be cou&ageous, it wi%% not a%%ow youto step into the unknown, it wi%% not a%%ow you to becoe an adentu&e&, it wi%% not a%%owyou to %eae the !o%d, the c&owd. 't wi%% not a%%ow you to becoe independent, !&ee) it wi%%keep you a s%ae. And we a&e s%aes in so any ways. Ou& s%ae&y is u%tidiensiona%:po%itica%%y, spi&itua%%y, &e%igious%y, in ee&y way we a&e s%aes, and the !ea& is the &oot cause

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o! it.-- --- - ---- -- -----------------Osho Quotes on ea& 

• '! the&e is no %oe, !ea& o! death wi%% be o&e. '! the&e is %oe, %ess !ea& o! death. '! tota%

%oe, death disappea&s. These a&e a%% connected inside. (en e&y sip%e things a&e

deep%y &ooted in g&eate& patte&ns.•  A &ich an is ne&ous. $hat is his ne&ousness, the !ea&? $hy he is so sca&ed? Because

ee&y desi&e !u%!i%%ed, and sti%% the !&ust&ation &eains. "ow he cannot een d&ea,because a%% d&eas he has passed th&ough) they %ead nowhe&e. *e cannot d&ea and hecannot gathe& cou&age to open the eyes a%so, because the&e a&e ino%eents. *e hasp&oised any things in his s%eep.

• The !i&st thing: !ea& is the othe& side o! %oe. '! you a&e in %oe, !ea& disappea&s. '! you a&e

not in %oe, !ea& a&ises, t&eendous !ea&. On%y %oe&s a&e !ea&%ess. On%y in a deep oento! %oe the&e is no !ea&. 'n a deep oent o! %oe, e+istence becoes a hoe — you a&enot a st&ange&, you a&e not an outside&, you a&e accepted. (en by a sing%e huan beingyou a&e accepted, soething in the depth opens — a !%owe&-%ike phenoenon in theinne&ost being. #ou a&e accepted by soeone, you a&e a%ued) you a&e not !uti%e. #ouhae a signi!icance, a eaning. '! in you& %i!e the&e is no %oe, then you wi%% becoe

a!&aid. Then the&e wi%% be !ea& ee&ywhe&e because ee&ywhe&e the&e a&e eneies, no!&iends, and the who%e e+istence sees to be a%ien) you see to be accidenta%, not&ooted, not at hoe. (en a sing%e huan being can gie you such deep at-hoeness in%oe, what to think about when a pe&son achiees to p&aye&?

• ea& in !act is the absence o! %oe. And i! !ea& is a p&ob%e !o& you, that shows to e that

you a&e %ooking at the w&ong side. Loe shou%d be the p&ob%e, not !ea&. '! !ea& is thep&ob%e, that eans you shou%d seek %oe. '! !ea& is the p&ob%e, the p&ob%e in !act isyou shou%d be o&e %oing so soebody can be o&e %oing to you. #ou shou%d be o&eopen towa&ds %oe.

• '! !ea& is !e%t, then %oe is the p&ob%e. Becoe o&e %oing. Take !ew steps towa&ds the

othe&. Because ee&ybody is in !ea&, not on%y you. #ou wait soebody shou%d coe toyou and %oe you. #ou can wait !o&ee& because the othe& is a%so a!&aid. And peop%e who

a&e a!&aid they becoe a!&aid o! one thing abso%ute%y, and that is the !ea& o! being&e2ected.

• eop%e sitting, peop%e wa%king — you watch. The&e a&e peop%e who sip%y put o!!

anybody) anybody who coes c%ose&, they becoe a!&aid. And !ea& is ene&gy 2ust %ike%oe, a negatie ene&gy. A an who is !ee%ing %oe bubb%es up with a positie ene&gy.$hen you coe c%ose&, as i! a agnet is att&acting you, you wou%d %ike to be with thispe&son. '! !ea& is you& p&ob%e, then think about you& pe&sona%ity, watch it. #ou ust haec%osed you& doo&s !o& %oe, thats a%%. Open those doo&s. O! cou&se the&e is the possibi%ityo! being &e2ected. But why be a!&aid? The othe& can on%y say no. i!ty pe&cent possibi%ityo! no is the&e, but 2ust because o! !i!ty pe&cent possibi%ity o! no, you choose a hund&edpe&cent %i!e o! no %oe.

• =ont be a!&aid o! %oe. The&e is on%y one thing one shou%d be a!&aid, and that is !ea&. Be

a!&aid o! !ea& and nee& be a!&aid o! anything e%se, because !ea& c&ipp%es. 't is poisonous,

it is suicida%. oe0 Jup out o! it0 =o whatsoee& you wou%d %ike, but dont get sett%edwith the !ea& because that is a negatie situation.

• %ease dont get obsessed with !ea&. Just 2up out o! it and take a oe towa&ds %oe.

• =ont pay uch attention to !ea&, because that is dange&ous. '! you pay uch attention to

!ea& you a&e !eeding it, and it wi%% g&ow. Tu&n you& back to the !ea& and oe towa&ds %oe.

• '! you go deepe& into you& %oe9 because the&e a&e di!!icu%ties to go deepe& in %oe,

because the o&e you go deepe&, the o&e you %ose you&se%!, a !ea& a&ises, a t&eb%ingg&ips you. #ou sta&t aoiding the depth o! %oe because the depth o! %oe is 2ust %ike death.

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#ou c&eate ba&&ie&s between you and you& be%oed, because the woan sees %ike anabyss — and can be abso&bed into it — and she is. #ou coe out o! a woan) she canabso&b you: that is the !ea&. 7he is the wob, the abyss, and when she can gie bi&th toyou, why not death? 'n !act, on%y that which gies you bi&th can gie you death, so the!ea& is the&e.

• Li!e is ca&&ying itse%!. $hy dont you %eae you& bu&dens to %i!e? But you c%ing. And when

you c%ing to %i!e, the !ea& o! death a&ises. The&e is no death and the&e is no !ea& o! death.5%inging to %i!e c&eates the !ea& o! death, and the !ea& o! death c&eates death. Othe&wise,the&e is no death and no !ea&.

• Just a%%ow %i!e to take you whe&esoee& it %eads you and dont be a!&aid. ea& is the on%y

thing one shou%d be a!&aid o!, nothing e%se. oe0 Be cou&ageous and da&ing.

• &o whe&e does this !ea& o! death coe? *ae you known death be!o&e? '! you hae

not known death be!o&e, why a&e you a!&aid o! it, o! soething which you dont know? '!you ask the psycho%ogists, they wi%% say, @ea& is &e%eant i! you know what death is. '! youhae died be!o&e, !ea& sees &e%eant. But you dont know death. #ou dont knowwhethe& it is going to be pain!u% o& whethe& it is going to be ecstatic. Then why a&e youa!&aid? "o, the !ea& o! death is not &ea%%y a !ea& o! death, because how can you be a!&aido! soething which is unknown, which is not known at a%%? *ow can you be a!&aid o!soething which is abso%ute%y unknown to you? ea& o! death is not &ea%%y !ea& o! death.

ea& o! death is &ea%%y c%inging to %i!e.

• Li!e is the&e and you know we%% that you a&e not %iing it, it is bypassing you. The &ie& is

bypassing you, you a&e standing on the bank, and it is going continuous%y out o! you&hands. The !ea& o! death, basica%%y, is the !ea& that you a&e incapab%e o! %iing and %i!e isgoing. 7oon, the&e wi%% be no tie %e!t, and you hae been waiting and you hae a%waysbeen p&epa&ing. #ou a&e obsessed with p&epa&ations.

• 't is not !ea& o! a death soewhe&e in the !utu&e coing and dest&oying you. 't is

happening ee&y oent. Li!e is oing and you a&e abso%ute%y incapab%e and c%osed.#ou a&e a%&eady dying. The day you we&e bo&n you sta&ted dying. (e&y oent o! %i!e isa%so a oent o! death. The !ea& is not o! soe unknown death which is waiting in the!utu&e, the !ea& is &ight now. Li!e is !%owing out o! the hands and you see to beincapab%e, you cannot do anything. ea& o! death is basica%%y a !ea& o! %i!e which is !%owing

out o! you& hands.• Be an epe&o&, be a soe&eign. Lie %i!e but dont c%ing to it, dont c%ing to anything.

5%inging akes you ug%y and io%ent. 5%inging akes you a begga& and %i!e is !o& thosewho a&e epe&o&s, not !o& those who a&e begga&s. '! you beg you wi%% not get anything.Li!e gies uch to those who nee& beg. Li!e be coes a constant b%essing !o& those who&eain unc%inging to it. Lie it, en2oy it, ce%eb&ate it, but dont be ise&%y, dont c%ing to it.This c%inging to %i!e gies you the !ea& o! death because the o&e you c%ing, the o&e yousee that the %i!e is not the&e — it is going, it is going, it is going. Then the !ea& o! deatha&ises.

• The !ea& o! death is basica%%y !ea& o! %i!e, because on%y %i!e can die. '! you a&e a!&aid o!

death, you wi%% be a!&aid o! %i!e. '! you a&e a!&aid o! !a%%ing down, you wi%% be a!&aid o! &isingup, because on%y a wae that &ises !a%%s back. '! you a&e a!&aid o! being &e2ected you wi%%becoe a!&aid, a!&aid to app&oach any body. '! you a&e a!&aid o! being &e2ected, you wi%%

becoe incapab%e o! %oe. A!&aid o! death, you becoe incapab%e o! %i!e. Then you %ie 2ust !o& the naes sake, and on%y ise&ies, da&kness, and night su&&ound you.

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• '! you know you& &ea% 7e%! you wi%% nee& be a!&aid o! death-the&e is no 1uestion.

• 'denti!ying you&se%! with the body, you becoe the body. Then you a&e a o&ta%. Then

the&e is !ea& o! death. "on-identi!ying with the body, you a&e 2ust a watche&, you a&e 2ust apu&e consciousness, a no-ind. And the&e is no death and the&e is no disease and the&e

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is no o%d age. As !a& as you& witnessing is conce&ned, it is ete&na% and it is a%ways !&eshand young and the sae.

• $he&ee& you a&e a!&aid, t&y to e+p%o&e, and you wi%% !ind death hiding soewhe&e behind.

 A%% !ea& is o! death. =eath is the on%y !ea& sou&ce.

• $hen a pe&son is a!&aid o! death, know we%% that that pe&son has issed %i!e. '! he has not

issed %i!e the&e cannot be any !ea& o! death. '! a pe&son has %ied %i!e, he wi%% be &eady to

%ie death a%so. *e wi%% be a%ost enchanted by the phenoenon o! death.

• #ou sip%y think that you hae a sou%) you be%iee that you hae a sou% because o! you&

!ea& o! death. But you hae not known un%ess you hae %oed. On%y in %oe does onecoe to !ee% that one is o&e than the body, o&e than the ind.

• The !ea& is o! %osing you&se%!. 't ay be in death, it ay be in %oe, but the !ea& is the

sae: #ou a&e a!&aid o! %osing you&se%!.

• =eath is a 1uantu 2up !&o one body, !&o one !o& into anothe& !o&. But it is not an

end to you. #ou we&e nee& bo&n and you nee& die. #ou a&e a%ways he&e. o&s coeand go and the &ie& o! %i!e continues. Cn%ess you e+pe&ience this, the !ea& o! death wi%%not %eae you. #ou a&e asking, 6$i%% editation he%p e oe&coe y !ea& o! death?8The&e is no othe& way. On%y editation9 and on%y editation can he%p.

• editation wi%% he%p you. editation is a%ost a go%den key, a aste& key which opens

any doo&s. 't can open the doo& o! %oe too. As you becoe si%ent, as you becoepeace!u%, as you becoe awa&e o! you& %i!e !o&ce, as you becoe awa&e the&e is nodeath, !ea& disappea&s. And with the disappea&ance o! the !ea& — !&o the e&y &oots —now the&e is no point in keeping you& hea&t c%osed. #ou can open you& hea&t to !&iend and!oe, to those who a&e !ai%ia& and to those who a&e st&ange&s. And you wi%% &eceie gi!tswhich you had not ee& iagined.

• =O"T accuu%ate anything whatee&: powe&, oney, p&estige, i&tue, know%edge, een

the so-ca%%ed spi&itua% e+pe&iences. =ont accuu%ate. '! you dont accuu%ate you a&e&eady to die any oent, because you hae nothing to %ose. The !ea& o! death is not&ea%%y !ea& o! death) the !ea& o! death coes out o! the accuu%ations o! %i!e. Then youhae too uch to %ose so you c%ing to it. That is the eaning o! Jesus saying: B%esseda&e the poo& in spi&it. ' dont ean becoe a begga&, and ' dont ean &enounce thewo&%d. ' ean be in the wo&%d but dont be o! the wo&%d. =ont accuu%ate inside, be poo&in spi&it. "ee& possess anything — and then you a&e &eady to die. ossessieness is thep&ob%e, not %i!e itse%!. The o&e you possess, the o&e you a&e a!&aid to %ose. '! youdont possess anything, i! you& pu&ity, i! you& spi&it is uncontainated by anything, i! youa&e sip%y the&e a%one, you can disappea& any oent) whenee& death knocks on thedoo& it wi%% !ind you &eady. #ou a&e not %osing anything. By going with death you a&e not a%ose&. #ou ay be oing into a new e+pe&ience.

•  A an who has been going deepe& into editation passes the doo& o! death any ties.

$henee& he goes, he passes it, whenee& he coes back9 't is sip%e to unde&standthat death has nothing to do with %i!e. =eath is a doo&. '! you oe inside the doo&, youoe into the unie&se. '! you oe outside the doo&, you oe into o&ta% e+istence.

 And because we go on %iing on the outside ou& who%e %i!e, the !ea& o! death a&ises.

• an is a pa&t, a e&y sa%%, tiny pa&t, and the who%e is ast: a d&op, a e&y sa%% d&op, and

the who%e is the who%e ocean. A t&eb%ing a&ises: 6' ay be %ost in the who%e) y identityay be %ost.8 That is the !ea& o! death. A%% !ea& is the !ea& o! death. And the !ea& o! death isthe !ea& o! annihi%ation. 't is natu&a% that an is a!&aid, t&eb%ing. '! you accept it, i! yousay that this is how %i!e is, i! you accept it tota%%y, t&eb%ing stops iediate%y and !ea& —the sae ene&gy that was becoing !ea& — uncoi%s and becoes !&eedo. Then youknow that een i! the d&op disappea&s in the ocean, it wi%% be the&e. 'n !act, it wi%% becoethe who%e ocean. Then death becoes ni&ana, then you a&e not a!&aid to %ose you&se%!.Then you unde&stand the saying o! Jesus: 6'! you sae you& %i!e you wi%% %ose it and i! you%ose it you wi%% sae it.8

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• an has been t&ying, down the ages, soehow to hae soe kind o! io&ta%ity. The

!ea& o! death is so uch, it haunts you you& who%e %i!e. The oent you d&op the idea o!sepa&ation, the !ea& o! death disappea&s. *ence ' ca%% this state o! su&&ende& the ostpa&ado+ica%. #ou die o! you& own acco&d and then you cannot die at a%%, because thewho%e nee& dies, on%y its pa&ts a&e being &ep%aced. But i! you becoe one with thewho%e, you wi%% %ie !o&ee&: you wi%% go beyond bi&th and death. Thats the sea&ch !o&

ni&ana, en%ightenent, oksha, the kingdo o! 4od — the state o! death%essness. Butthe condition that has to be !u%!i%%ed is e&y !&ightening. The condition is: !i&st you hae todie as a sepa&ate entity. Thats what su&&ende& is a%% about: dying as a sepa&ate entity,dying as an ego. And in !act it is nothing to be wo&&ied about, because you a&e notsepa&ate, it is on%y a be%ie!. 7o on%y the be%ie! dies, not you. 't is on%y a notion, an idea.

• =eath does not e+ist, death is un&ea%. But you c&eate it: you c&eate it by c&eating

sepa&ation. 7u&&ende& eans d&opping the idea o! sepa&ation: death disappea&sautoatica%%y, !ea& is !ound no o&e, and you& who%e !%ao& o! %i!e changes. Then eachoent is such c&ysta% pu&ity, a pu&ity o! de%ight, 2oy, b%iss. Then each oent is ete&nity.

 And to %ie that way is poet&y, to %ie oent-to-oent without the ego is poet&y. To %iewithout the ego is g&ace, is usic) to %ie without the ego is to %ie, to &ea%%y %ie. That %i!e 'ca%% poet&y: the %i!e o! one who is su&&ende&ed to e+istence. And &eebe&, %et e &epeatit again: when you su&&ende& to e+istence you a&e not su&&ende&ing anything &ea%. #ou a&e

sip%y su&&ende&ing a !a%se notion, you a&e sip%y su&&ende&ing an i%%usion, you a&esu&&ende&ing aya. #ou a&e su&&ende&ing soething that you nee& had with you in the!i&st p%ace. And by su&&ende&ing that which you dont hae, you attain to that which youhae.

• =eath is encounte&ed in editation and death is encounte&ed in se+ua% o&gas. But i! you

can encounte& these deaths, you wi%% becoe capab%e o! encounte&ing the u%tiate death:the death o! the ego. And without !ea&. Once you know that you can %ose you&se%! and yetcan be, once you know that %osing is not &ea%%y %osing but gaining, once you know thate&ging is not death but %i!e ete&na% — once you hae known it, the&e is no death !o& you.#ou& body wi%% die, ee&ything that you hae wi%% die, but you — the e&y being, the e&yg&ound o! you& e+istence — is ete&na%.

• 7oc&ates said, 6' a ente&ing death, the g&eat yste&y. Li!e is nothing be!o&e it. The

unknown is opening be!o&e e, the un%iited, the uncha&ted. ' a on a g&eat oyage. 'a %osing yse%!, but gaining the who%e unie&se, the who%e e+istence.8 =ont be a!&aid o! death. The !ea& o! death deba&s you !&o a%% deep e+pe&iences: o! %oe, o! editation, o!ecstasy. Once you a&e a!&aid o! death, you a&e deba&&ed !&o a%% deep e+pe&iences. Be&eady to die. Then %i!e, ete&na% %i!e, wi%% be you&s. Jesus says, 6$hosoee& t&ies to saehise%! wi%% %ose hise%!. And whosoee& is &eady to %ose hise%! wi%% attain hise%!.8

• $henee& you a&e a!&aid, soething has gien you an indication o! death. '! you& bank

goes bank&upt and you a&e !i%%ed with !ea& and t&eb%ing, an+iety — that too is an+ietyabout death, because you& bank ba%ance was nothing but a secu&ity against death. "owyou a&e o&e open, u%ne&ab%e. "ow who wi%% p&otect you i! death knocks at the doo&? '!you becoe i%%, i! you becoe o%d, then who is going to take ca&e o! you? The gua&anteewas the&e in the bank, and the bank has gone bank&upt. #ou c%ing to p&estige, powe&,position, because when you hae a position you a&e so signi!icant that you a&e o&ep&otected by peop%e. $hen you a&e not in powe&, you becoe so ipotent that nobodybothe&s in any way who you a&e. $hen you a&e in powe& you hae !&iends, !ai%y,!o%%owe&s) when you a&e not in powe&, ee&ybody %eaes. The&e was a p&otection,soebody was the&e to ca&e) now nobody ca&es. $hatsoee& you a&e a!&aid o!, i! yousea&ch deep%y you wi%% a%ways !ind the shadow o! death soewhe&e.

• $henee& !ea& coes to you, dont supp&ess it, dont &ep&ess it, dont aoid it, dont get

occupied in soething so that you can !o&get about it. "o0 $hen !ea& coes, watch it. Be!ace to !ace with it. (ncounte& it. Look deep into it. 4aze into the a%%ey o! !ea&. O! cou&seyou wi%% pe&spi&e, and you wi%% t&eb%e, and it wi%% be %ike a death, and you wi%% hae to %ieit any ties. But by and by, the o&e you& eyes becoe c%ea&, the o&e you&

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awa&eness becoes a%e&t, the o&e you& !ocus is the&e on the !ea&, the !ea& wi%%disappea& Like a ist.

• Buddha says: The aste& does not t&eb%e. A%% his t&eb%ing disappea&s because he

knows the&e is no death. nowing hise%! he has t&anscended death. *e has no !ea& o!the !utu&e because he %ies in the p&esent. *e is not possessie) hence nothing can betaken away !&o hi.

• $hen the&e is no death the&e is no !ea&. A%% !ea& is death-o&iented, a%% !ea& is the shadowo! death. $hen you dont possess anything you a&e !ea&%ess, when you dont desi&eanything you a&e !ea&%ess. "obody can take anything away !&o you because you dontpossess anything. "obody can hinde& you because you dont hae any desi&e. "obodycan obst&uct you& path, nobody is you& eney. The who%e o! e+istence sudden%y becoes!&iend%y.

• =eath is not the eney. To a an who has &ea%%y %ied, death is the !&iend. 't is %ike s%eep.

"obody wants to &eain wake!u% twenty-!ou& hou&s a day.

• #ou think about death) the&e is !ea&. But when death actua%%y happens the&e is no !ea&.

ea& is a%ways about soething in the !utu&e. ea& nee& e+ists in the p&esent oent.

• uch is being issed because o! !ea&. $e a&e too attached to the body and we go on

c&eating o&e and o&e !ea& because o! that attachent. The body is going to die, the

body is pa&t o! death, the body is death — but you a&e beyond the body. #ou a&e not thebody) you a&e the bodi%ess. /eebe& it. /ea%ize it. Awaken you&se%! to this t&uth — thatyou a&e beyond the body. #ou a&e the witness, the see&. Then death disappea&s and !ea&disappea&s, and the&e a&ises the t&eendous%y g%o&ious %i!e — what Jesus ca%%s @%i!eabundant, o& @the kingdo o! 4od. The kingdo o! 4od is within you.

•  A swo&dsan, i! he is a!&aid o! death, cannot be a &ea% swo&dsan because the !ea& wi%%

ake hi t&eb%e. $ith 2ust a s%ight t&eb%ing inside, a s%ight thinking inside, he wi%% notbe ab%e to act out o! no-ind.

• The who%e huanity %ies in a pa&anoia. This huanity cou%d hae %ied in pa&adise) it is

%iing in he%%. 7o he%p the pe&son to unde&stand that this is nothing to be wo&&ied, the&e isnothing to be a!&aid. 't is a c&eated !ea&. (e&y chi%d is bo&n !ea&%ess. *e can p%ay with thesnakes with no !ea&. *e has no idea o! !ea& o& death o& anything. editation b&ings thepe&son back to his chi%dhood. *e is &ebo&n.

•  A%% insecu&ity is a shadow o! death. '! you %ook deep%y, then ee&y insecu&e !ee%ing is

&ooted in the !ea& o! death. But ' a saying to you that the&e is no death) hence the&ecannot be any insecu&ity. #ou a&e io&ta% beings, a&itasya put&ah. Thats what thesee&s in the ancient (ast hae said: #ou a&e the sons o! io&ta%ity.

• '! you die conscious%y you wi%% not ente& into anothe& wob, you wi%% not be bo&n again,

because bi&th is nothing but the beginning o! death. #ou wi%% not be &ebo&n) that eansyou wi%% nee& die again. #ou hae &eached to you& o&igina% being. #ou hae becoe abuddha.

• 't is because o! the !ea& o! death that peop%e aoid editation — but it is on%y editation

that can take you beyond the !ea& o! death, that is the i&ony o! the case. #ou a&e a!&aid o!editation because o! death, but you dont know it is on%y editation that can ake you!ea&%ess o! death — because to the editato& the&e is no death, but on%y %i!e, and %i!e

diine and %i!e ete&na%.

• *e%p peop%e to know death. Thei& !ea& is because o! igno&ance. They a&e a!&aid o! death

because death is the g&eatest unknown. The&e is no way to know death un%ess you die.*e%p peop%e to know death th&ough editation, because that is a way o! dying and sti%%&eaining a%ie.

• '! you hae %ied tota%%y, death is not the end. =eath is on%y an episode, a sa%% episode in

an ete&na% %i!e. #ou hae died any ties, but because you hae nee& %ied tota%%y, youbecae unconscious at the oent o! death) the !ea& b&ought you into a coa. Thatswhy you dont &eebe& you& past %ies, because the coa stands as a ba&&ie& !o& the

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past %ies and thei& &eeb&ance. And because you dont know you& past %ies, youcannot unde&stand that the&e is going to be %i!e a!te& death, that %i!e is ete&na%. Bi&th anddeath a&e e&e episodes) thousands o! ties you hae been into bi&th, into death. Butwhen you a&e not a%%owed to %ie tota%%y, when ee&ywhe&e the&e is inte&!e&ence !&o&e%igion.

•  As death sta&ts coing c%ose& and c%ose&, a g&eat !ea& a&ises: so any desi&es a&e the&e

which a&e un!u%!i%%ed. #ou becoe a!&aid: i! death coes and takes you away9. 't isbound to happen soone& o& %ate&, and the possibi%ity is o! soone& than %ate&. A%% thosedesi&es sta&t taking possession o! you. 6u%!i%% us,8 they say. 6Tie is sho&t. =osoething.8 #ou sta&t going c&azy. #ou continuous%y becoe obsessed.

• 't is an e+pe&ience, eithe& in %oe, which peop%e hae %ea&ned to aoid — so any go on

hanke&ing !o& %oe, and go on dest&oying a%% possibi%ities !o& it because o! the !ea& o!nothingness — o&, in deep editation when thought stops. #ou sip%y see the&e isnothing inside, but that nothing has a p&esence) it is not sip%y absence o! thought, it isp&esence o! soething unknown, yste&ious, soething e&y huge. O&, you cane+pe&ience it in death, i! you a&e a%e&t. eop%e o&dina&i%y die in unconsciousness. Becauseo! the !ea& o! nothingness they becoe unconscious. '! you die conscious%y9. And youcan die conscious%y on%y i! you accept the phenoenon o! death, and !o& that one has to%ea&n !o& the who%e %i!e, p&epa&e. One has to %oe to be &eady to die, and one has to

editate to be &eady to die. On%y a an who has %oed and editated wi%% be ab%e to dieconscious%y. And once you die conscious%y then the&e is no need !o& you to coe back,because you hae %ea&ned the %esson o! %i!e. Then you disappea& into the who%e) that isni&ana.

• editation p&epa&es you !o& the othe& ha%!) it he%ps you to know death without dying. And

once you hae known death without dying, the !ea& o! death wi%% disappea& !o&ee&. (enwhen death coes, you wi%% be si%ent%y watching it, knowing abso%ute%y that it cannot eenake a sa%% sc&atch on you& being. 't is going to take away you& body, you& ind, but notyou.

• editato&s coe ac&oss a point: when the ind &ea%%y cop%ete%y ceases, b&eathing a%so

ceases. And then g&eat !ea& a&ises — dont be a!&aid. any editato&s hae &epo&ted toe, 6$e becae e&y uch a!&aid, e&y uch !&ightened, because sudden%y we becaeawa&e that the b&eathing has stopped.8 "atu&a%%y, one thinks that when b&eathing stopsdeath is c%ose by. 't is on%y a 1uestion o! oents — you a&e dying. B&eathing stops indeath) b&eathing a%so stops in deep editation. *ence deep editation and death haeone thing sii%a&: in both the b&eathing stops. The&e!o&e, i! a an knows editation hehas a%so known death. Thats why the editato& becoes !&ee o! the !ea& o! death: heknows b&eathing can stop and sti%% he is.

• $hen one penet&ates deep%y into editation, !ea& g&ips you. 7oeties one encounte&s

death, one !ee%s that now one is going to die. One &etu&ns back, hu&&ies back to thesu&!ace. That is bound to happen. Be!o&e you a&e &ebo&n, you wi%% hae to pass th&ough adeath. But dont be a!&aid. '! a oent coes in you& editation when you !ee% that nowthis is the %ast oent and you wi%% not be ab%e to coe back again to the wo&%d, to thebody, !ee% thank!u%, !ee% a deep g&atitude, and we%coe the oent. 't is a &a&e oentthat coes on%y when you& editation has gone e&y deep. 't is a good sign) we%coe it.=ont be a!&aid o! it because i! you a&e a!&aid you can iss it) and once issed it aytake a e&y %ong tie to get that &a&e oent again. 7oeties een %ies ay passbe!o&e one coes to that &a&e oent again. Once the !ea& takes ho%d o! you, youbecoe deep%y, unconscious%y a!&aid, and you nee& coe back to the point whe&e deathis encounte&ed again. /eebe& this. any hae issed any &a&e oents. nowwe%% that death is going to be the&e. "ot the death o! you, but the death o! the ego. Butbecause you a&e identi!ied with the ego you !ee% that 6' a going to die.8 #ou a&e notgoing to die at a%%0 #ou a&e io&ta%) you a&e death%ess. The&e is no possibi%ity) death isthe on%y ipossibi%ity. #ou cannot die, so dont be a!&aid.

• Buddha-natu&e knows no death, no bi&th — it knows on%y ete&nity. "o beginning, no end.

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"o bounda&y. 't becoes oceanic9 The who%e unie&se becoes its hoe. o& the !i&sttie the&e is not een a !ence between you and the unie&se. #ou a&e the unie&se. Thisis the eaning o! !inding the buddha.


Osho Quotes on 5on!idence

• $hen one sta&ts t&usting onese%!, one can t&ust %i!e, 4od.

•  A wo&%d%y an eans a an whose con!idence is in his own ego.

• eop%e want to be with the c&owd because they %ack se%!-con!idence.

• aith eans !aith in onese%!. aith eans a con!idence, a &espect !o& onese%!.

• /egain you& con!idence, you& se%!-&espect, the unde&standing that nothing is w&ong with


•  Awaken you& con!idence in you&se%!. 't does not atte& how dense the !o&est is o& how

da&k the night is, a%% you hae to do is kind%e the %ap within. 't wi%% accopany you to theend. Cp to what point and !o& how %ong can outside %aps be t&usted?

$hat do you need se%!-con!idence !o&? '! you a&e, se%!-con!idence wi%% be %ike a shadow toyou. 't wi%% !o%%ow you. #ou dont ca&&y you& shadow, you dont %ook back again and againto see whethe& it is coing o& not, you dont get an insu&ance !o& it. #ou dont ca&e. 't!o%%ows. 7e%!-con!idence is a%ways the&e when you hae becoe a se%!. #ou a&e not yet ase%!, you a&e 2ust an ego. /eebe& this di!!e&ence between the ego and the se%!. These%! is diine, the ego is huan. The ego is anu!actu&ed by education, society, abition,po%itics, o&a%ity, and a%% that) the se%! is not anu!actu&ed, it is discoe&ed. The ego is aninention, the se%! is a discoe&y.

• 7e%!-con!idence is not a 1ua%ity !o& the inne& 2ou&ney, it is a ba&&ie&. 'n the oute& wo&%d se%!-

con!idence is a he%p, is a ust. $ithout it you cannot go anywhe&e in the outside wo&%d,because ego is needed, a so&t o! adness is needed. But when you oe to the inne&, a%%the 1ua%ities that a&e he%p!u% in the oute& 2ou&ney becoe obstac%es. 7e%! is not needed,se%!-con!idence is not needed. One shou%d cop%ete%y %ose the se%!, on%y then is the&e a

possibi%ity o! en%ightenent. #OC nee& becoe en%ightened. $hen you a&e not, the&e '7en%ightenent.

• ' ask you what is the need !o& se%!-con!idence? $hy a&e you so wo&&ied about it? e&haps

you !ee% the othe& pe&son is o&e success!u%) pe&haps he is o&e se%!-con!ident. #ou&contepo&a&y ea&ns o&e than you, o& pe&haps he has ade headway in business o&po%itics. #ou !ee% you hae %agged behind. #ou !ee% it is because o! the %ack o! se%!-con!idence. *ence the u&ge. To wo&&y about se%!-con!idence eans you a&e copa&ingyou&se%! with othe&s. *ence the dist&ess. #ou a&e you, the othe& is the othe&. *ad youbeen a%one in the wo&%d, wou%d you hae !e%t this dispa&ity? $ou%d you hae !e%t thisin!e&io&ity cop%e+? "o, you wou%d hae been an o&dina&y pe&son. And 6o&dina&y8 eansyou wou%d not hae een been conscious o! you& o&dina&iness. #ou wou%d hae 2ust been.*e who is conscious o! his o&dina&iness has taken a step towa&ds being non-o&dina&y.That you a&e is enough. 7e%!-con!idence is not necessa&y) the se%! is enough. #ou a&e0

$hy do you copa&e you&se%! with othe&s? A%% kinds o! t&oub%es sta&t once you begin tosee you&se%! is-a-is othe&s.

• (e&ybody keeps on &epeating to hise%!: ' a con!ident. $hy? $hat a&e you hiding? '!

this con!idence that you ta%k about is &ea%%y the&e then the&e is no need to say anythingabout it. A &ea%%y con!ident an is not een awa&e o! it. This has to be unde&stood —whenee& soething is !a%se you a&e awa&e o! it, se%!-conscious. $hen soething is &ea%,you sip%y !o&get it. =o you &eebe& that you a&e b&eathing? '! soething goes w&ong,yes. '! it is ha&d and the&e is soething w&ong with you& %ungs and you hae a co%d o&astha, then you &eebe& that you a&e b&eathing. But when ee&ything goes okay, you

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a&e not conscious. $*(" T*( 7*O( 'T7, T*( OOT '7 O/4OTT(". $hen you a&e&ea%%y con!ident, con!idence is !o&gotten.

• 'n !act, we on%y %ook !o& witnesses when we hae no !aith in ou&se%es. $hen we hae !u%%

con!idence in ou&se%es, the&e is no need !o& witnesses o& any p&oo!.

•  A const&uctie ind cannot &eain g%ooy and app&oaches %i!es p&ob%es with

con!idence. 'nstead o! %osing cou&age by the agnitude o! his is!o&tunes he gathe&s his

wits to eet the s1ua&e%y. *ow can such a an, who knows no de!eat, sp&ead anythinge%se a&ound e+cept 2oy and chee&!u%ness? 'nstead o! counting ou& is!o&tunes %et us takea enta% stock o! ou& b%essings and we sha%% be su&p&ised to see how any b%essings wehae &eceied without actua%%y dese&ing the.

• One shou%d be se%!-con!ident and one shou%d be p&oud o! onese%! — not against anybody,

not in copa&ison to anybody but 2ust because one is onese%!. #ou hae to be %oingtowa&ds you&se%! and you hae to be p&oud that you a&e you&se%!, that 4od has ade youyou. '! a pe&son is not p&oud about hise%! he wi%% hate hise%!, he wi%% be se%!-dest&uctie,he wi%% hae a kind o! in!e&io&ity cop%e+.

• To stand on ones own, !&ee o! the c&owd, is cou&age. To he%p a chi%d to be as he is, is to

gie hi cou&age. 5ou&age is con!idence in onese%!, in ones se%!. 5ou&age is se%!-con!idence.

• $henee& a pe&son !ee%s the %ack o! se%!-con!idence, he becoes easi%y ang&y. 'n !actange& is a%ways an indication that you a&e not se%!-con!ident. A pe&son who is con!identabout hise%! is not easi%y ang&y. 't is e&y di!!icu%t !o& hi to get into ange&. 't is ou&weakness that %eads us into ange&. The st&onge& you a&e, the %ess ange& wi%% be the&e. Thest&ongest pe&son goes beyond ange&. Ange& is weakness.

• '! you app&oach &ea%ity out o! !ea& and t&eb%ing, you a&e app&oaching in a w&ong way,

and when you a&e app&oaching in a w&ong way, whatsoee& you coe to see and !ee% wi%%be w&ong. #ou& eyes a&e w&ong, you& hea&t is w&ong. T&uth cannot be known out o! !ea&,t&uth can on%y be known out o! !ea&%essness. 7*A==*A is needed, a con!idence inonese%! is needed, a t&ust in ones own being is needed.

• $ith se%!-con!idence, con!idence is 2ust a shadow) the &ea% thing is the se%!. The&e is no

se%! — how can the&e be se%!-con!idence? A &ea% an, a an who has known, %ieswithout se%!, %ies without se%!-con!idence. "ot that he %ies in a kind o! no-con!idence —with con!idence disappea&ing, uncon!idence a%so disappea&s. *e sip%y L'>(7, notbothe&ing about con!idence o& no-con!idence. *e sip%y %ies. *e is unwo&&ied, becausethe who%e has taken ca&e. *e has su&&ende&ed to the who%e, now the who%e knows bette&.*e sip%y !%ows with the who%e — whe&ee& it is going, he is a%so going. *e is in asu&&ende&.

• $hen you a&e &ea%%y attuned, &ea%%y &ich in the inne& wo&%d, you a&e not conce&ned with

e+hibition. $hen you !i&st go to a tep%e, you& p&aye& is a %itt%e %oude& than othe&s. 't hasto be. #ou want to show o!!. The showanship is pa&t o! the ego, what you show is notthe p&ob%e. #ou show, you e+hibit. Then the ego is the&e, the boat is not epty — and aan o! Tao is an epty boat. *e is gent%e, not awa&e) he is innocent, not knowing) he iswise, thats why he can oe as a !oo%, not wo&&ied. $hatsoee& he does akes nodi!!e&ence, his wisdo is intact, he can a!!o&d to be !oo%ish. #ou cannot. #ou a&e a%waysa!&aid that soebody ay think you a !oo%. #ou a&e a!&aid that i! othe&s think you to be a!oo%, you wi%% sta&t suspecting it. '! so any peop%e think you a !oo% you& se%!-con!idencewi%% be %ost. And i! ee&ybody goes on &epeating that you a&e a !oo%, soone& o& %ate& youwi%% coe to be%iee it. On%y a wise an cannot be deceied, he can appea& as a !oo%.

• '! a an begins to %ie by hanging his consciousness on the peg o! the nae%-cent&e, a%%

enta%-!atigue anishes. A uni1ue !&eshness pe&ades his ind, a se&ene ca%ness !%owswithin hi and he gains a se%!-con!idence which on%y those who hae !ound thei& cent&eattain.

• Lose the se%! too0 Lose se%!-con!idence, %ose se%!. Let the go, they a&e a%% diseases. #ou

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 2ust &e%a+ into non-being. And &eebe&, ' a not saying that the an o! non-being is un-se%!-con!ident. *e sip%y %ies, %ike the t&ees a&e %iing. =o you think any t&ee is se%!-con!ident? o& un-se%!-con!ident? =o you think any &ie& is se%!-con!ident o& un-se%!-con!ident? The who%e 1uestion is i&&e%eant) you cannot ask that 1uestion, it is point%ess, itis eaning%ess. The t&ees !%ow, g&ow. The &ie&s !%ow, g&ow. Things a&e happening. The&eis nobody taking ca&e o! ee&ything. To su&&ende& to this happening is to disappea& as anego. And g&eat 2oy a&ises with that su&&ende&.

• y own obse&ation is the st&onge& the pe&son, the easie& is the su&&ende&. On%y the

st&ong an can su&&ende&, because he t&usts hise%!, he is con!ident o! hise%!, heknows that he can %et go. *e is una!&aid. *e is &eady to e+p%o&e the unknown, he is &eadyto go into the uncha&ted. he is th&i%%ed by the 2ou&ney o! the unknown. *e wants to taste it,whatsoee& the cost and whatsoee& the &isk. *e wants to %ie in dange&.

• #ou a&e unbounded. A7 you a&e in you& pu&e being, no %iitation e+ists — you a&e a god.

But to "O$ that godhood, dont sta&t !ighting with the p&ison, othe&wise you wi%% nee&be a winne&. And o&e and o&e you wi%% be de!eated, and o&e and o&e you wi%% !ee%!&ust&ated, and o&e and o&e you wi%% %ose se%!-con!idence, o&e and o&e you wi%% !ee%that it sees ipossib%e to get out o! it. 7ta&t by becoing o&e awa&e. 7ta&t bybecoing o&e a%e&t, o&e attentie. That is the on%y thing that has to be done.

• But the ost basic p&ob%e a&ises in the !i&st step. The !i&st step is a%ways the ost basic.

The second !o%%ows easi%y, the thi&d een o&e easi%y, the !ou&th without any p&ob%e — itcoes on its own acco&d. But the !i&st is the ost di!!icu%t step . *ae you not watched asa%% chi%d sta&ting to wa%k? The !i&st step is the ost di!!icu%t step. The chi%d hesitates. *ehas nee& wa%ked. The chi%d has no se%!-con!idence. *e cannot t&ust that he wi%% be ab%eto wa%k — how can you t&ust the unknown? That which you hae nee& done be!o&e '

 Again and again the chi%d sta&ts c&aw%ing, a!&aid that he ay !a%%, that he ay hu&t hise%!.The !i&st step is the ost di!!icu%t step. Once he has taken the !i&st step then it is e&ydi!!icu%t to p&eent hi !&o taking the second, !&o taking the thi&d. 't is ipossib%e top&eent hi. $henee& the othe& is not %ooking he wi%% t&y again. *e ay !a%% but now hehas known the adentu&e, the beauty o! it — that he can stand on his own.

• an %ies in a kind o! se%!-e+i%e) it is se%!-iposed e+i%e. $e hae ade a sa%% capsu%e

a&ound ou&se%es) we hae becoe encapsu%ated, a%ienated. And then we su!!e&, then wea&e ise&ab%e. Then we cant !ind any eaning in %i!e, any signi!icance in %i!e. Then we!ee% up&ooted, ung&ounded. Then we !ee% accidenta%, as i! we a&e not needed at a%%, as i!e+istence wou%d go on &unning in the sae way whethe& we a&e o& we a&e not. That giesus a deep wound. $e %ose con!idence, t&ust in ou&se%es. $e becoe soething !uti%e,unneeded, use%ess) 2ust by accident we hae coe into e+istence. And this who%enonsense a&ises because we hae c&eated the idea o! the ego.

• Thats what the so-ca%%ed issiona&ies o! a%% the &e%igions hae been doing down the

ages. They go to he%p peop%e but they sip%y ake the !ee% o&e gui%ty. They c&eateise&y !o& othe&s. 'n the nae o! se&ice they dest&oy peop%es integ&ity, thei& con!idence,thei& se%!-&espect. 'n the nae o! se&ice they c&eate such gui%t in the that they %ose a%%con!idence in these%es. They becoe se%!-condeno&s. They sta&t !ee%ing that they a&esinne&s and that they a&e dooed9 thei& sins a&e so uch that they a&e bound to go tohe%%. Thei& %ies becoe bu&dened. And this is because o! the peop%e who wanted to he%pthe. A%% the so-ca%%ed &e%igious peop%e hae been ha&ing and poisoning peop%e !o& thesip%e &eason that thei& own ise&y is the &oot cause o! thei& so-ca%%ed se&ice, he%p,ission. 'n y app&oach on%y a b%iss!u% pe&son can be a he%pe& o! ankind, because ab%iss!u% pe&son can sha&e his b%iss and a b%iss!u% pe&son can accept peop%e with a%% thei&%iitations. *e unde&stands, he is capab%e o! unde&standing. And he is so b%iss!u% that hecannot ca%% peop%e sinne&s, he cannot see any sin anywhe&e. *e sees on%y gods andgoddesses ee&ywhe&e. 't is ipossib%e !o& hi to be%iee that the&e is a he%%. '! the&e is agod the&e cannot be a he%%. '! the&e is he%% then the&e can be no god, because god eanscopassion. '! god cannot !o&gie sa%% sins9 who wi%% be ab%e to !o&gie i! een god isincapab%e o! !o&giing?

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• 't is 2ust that you& ego is dying — these a&e 2ust the syptos. $hen the ego dies you

!ee% that you a&e %osing powe&, because a%% the powe& that you hae known was o! theego. $hen the ego sta&ts dying you !ee% that you a&e %osing se%!-con!idence because a%%the con!idence was o! the ego. #ou sta&t !ee%ing that you a&e no o&e ce&tain o! anything,because a%% the ce&tainty was o! the ego. But a%% that is !&o the ego is 2ust deception.owe&, ce&tainty, se%!-con!idence, wi%% — a%% nonsense. '! you can be cou&ageous enough

to pass th&ough this pe&iod, soon the ego wi%% disappea& with a%% its powe&, and the powe&t&ip and the con!idence, and the ce&tainties — a%% o! which we&e nothing but !acades tohide doubts, and c%ee& t&icks to t&y to deceie you&se%! with. $hen a%% that has gone thewho%e ci&cus, you wi%% !ee% e&y c%ean, pu&i!ied, se&ene and si%ent. "ot powe&!u%, notce&tain, not se%!-con!ident — but e&y se&ene and e&y 1uiet, with no ce&tainty and nounce&tainty, with no powe& and no ipotence, with no se%!-con!idence o& with no %ack o!se%!-con!idence. 'n !act with no se%!.


=esi&es , Likes and =is%ikes

Osho < 7top wishing0 #ou hae been %iing in he%%s because you hae been wishing. 7topdesi&ing0 7top desi&ing and the doo&s a&e open. =esi&ing is b&inging you& ind into e+istence. T&yto unde&stand the natu&e o! desi&e.

=esi&ing eans p&o2ecting you& past into the !utu&e, and the !utu&e is unknown, and whatsoee&you ask wi%% be !&o the past. A%% desi&ing wi%% &epeat the past again and again. *ow can youdesi&e the unknown? That which is in the !utu&e, howcan you desi&e it? #ou dont know it. The !utu&e is the unknown, the past is the known. '! youdesi&e, it wi%% be !&o the past.

u%%a "as&uddin was on his deathbed. 7oebody asked hi, 6'! you we&e bo&n again, wou%d you%ike to ake any change o& wou%d you %ike to %ie the sae %i!e again?8

u%%a b&ooded %ong. Then he opened his eyes) he said, 6One thing: ' a%ways wanted to pa&t y

hai& in the idd%e — and that wou%d be the on%y change. ' hae been pa&ting y hai& on the &ightand ' a%ways wanted to pa&t it in the idd%e. Othe&wise, ee&ything wou%d be &epeated as it is.8

't %ooks stupid but this is how it is. '! you think, i! anothe& chance is gien to you, what wi%% you do? A%% the changes that you wi%% want to ake wi%% not be o&e than u%%a is asking: they wi%% be 2ust apa&ting o! the hai& in the idd%e. #ou wou%d %ike to hae anothe& woan, but what di!!e&ence doesit ake? #ou wou%d %ike anothe& p&o!ession. $hat di!!e&ence does it ake? 't wi%% not be o&ethan pa&ting the hai& in the idd%e.

#ou cannot ask !&o the past, and the !utu&e is unknown. Because you go on asking !&o thepast, you oe in a icious ci&c%e. That ci&c%e is the wo&%d, the 7A"7A/, the coing and going,being bo&n again and dying again. Again and again you do the sae. "ot a sing%e basic change0The&e cannot be because whatsoee& you think, you think out o! the known. The

known is you& past. Then what to do? =ont desi&e. Let the !utu&e coe without you desi&ing it.The !utu&e $'LL coe — it need not be desi&ed. 't is a%&eady coing. #ou need not !o&ce you&p&o2ections on it. Be passie, dont be actie about it. Let it coe0 =ont ask anything about it —thats what the eaning o! desi&e%essness is. 't is not oing !&o the wo&%d, &enouncing thewo&%d and going to the *ia%ayas — a%% those things a&e iatu&e.

Leaing, &enouncing, eans not desi&ing, and waiting without any desi&e. Just waiting:6$hatsoee& happens we wi%% be a witness to it.8 '! you can wait without desi&ing, ee&ything wi%%happen to you — and then it happens !&o the tota%ity, !&o the who%e, !&o 4od itse%!. '! you ask,

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desi&e, it wi%% happen, but it wi%% happen out o! you. And then you oe within you&se%!, nee&a%%owing e+istence to happen to you — enc%osed.

7ou&ce < Osho Book 6The *idden *a&ony8

- - EE -------------- - - - -- -------Osho < Likes and dis%ikes sip%y say that you think you&se%! sepa&ate !&o e+istence. A an whohas d&opped his ego has no %ikes and no dis%ikes. Then whatsoee& is the case he &e2oices in it. '!he !inds hise%! in poe&ty he &e2oices in poe&ty, because the&e a&e beauties, a !ew beauties,which can be !ound on%y in poe&ty. '! this an !inds hise%! &ich he &e2oices in &ichness, becausethe&e a&e a !ew beauti!u% things which can be !ound on%y when you a&e &ich. '! this an !indshise%! young and hea%thy he &e2oices in it, because a !ew things a&e possib%e on%y when you a&eyoung. And this an &e2oices in o%d age too, because the&e a&e a !ew things which on%y o%d agecan ipa&t to you. One thing is ce&tain: that he has no p&e!e&ences, he does not hanke& that thisshou%d be such and such. *e akes no conditions on e+istence. *e %ies unconditiona%%y,&e2oicing in whatsoee& happens.

To ca&&y %ikes and dis%ikes is to ca&&y p&e2udices, and ee&ybody goes on ca&&ying p&e2udices.Thats why nothing ee& akes you contented. (en Buddhas !athe& was not happy. *e wasunhappy because his son had oed on a w&ong path) editation to hi was a w&ong thing. *e

was desi&ing that his son becoe a g&eat epe&o&) that was his deep abition. Buddha was hison%y son, and one day Buddha escaped. ' hae ee&y suspicion that the &eason !o& his escapeust hae been his !athe&. $hen you hae on%y one son and then too, he is bo&n when you a&ee&y o%d9. Buddhas !athe& was e&y o%d when he was bo&n. That was the %ast chance) one o& twoyea&s o&e and the&e wou%d hae been no son at a%%. And his othe& died iediate%y upongiing bi&th to Buddha) she was a%so getting o%d and this bi&th ust hae been too uch.

Buddhists hae ade a beauti!u% sto&y out o! it. They say that whenee& a buddha is bo&n hisothe& is bound to die. Thats how peop%e c&eate stupid sto&ies. The&e hae been any buddhas.ahai&as othe& did not die, but i! you ask the Buddhists they wi%% say, 6That sip%y p&oes thatahai&a is not a buddha.8 Jesus othe& did not die, Lao Tzus othe& did not die — but to thep&e2udiced ind that sip%y p&oes that these we&e not buddhas. $henee& the&e is a buddha theothe& has to die) that has becoe the de!inition.

The &ea% &eason was: the othe& was o%d, the !athe& was o%d) this was the %ast chance. And theyhad %ied a e&y ise&ab%e %i!e because they had no son. And they had c&eated a big kingdo:6"ow to who is this kingdo going to be%ong?8 And when you hae a chi%d in you& o%d age youc%ing to the chi%d too uch. The !athe& ust hae been too possessie: thats # !ee%ing o! whyBuddha had to escape. The !athe& ust hae been the cause, he ust hae been too uch o! abondage. *e had ade g&eat pa%aces !o& Buddha and he wou%dnt a%%ow hi to %eae the. *ehad ade ee&y a&&angeent in the pa%aces, a%% kinds o! p%easu&es. 'n !act he ade too anya&&angeents and Buddha got !ed up e&y 1uick%y) he was on%y twenty-nine when he %e!t thepa%ace.

eop%e usua%%y becoe !ed up by the end o! thei& %ies) it takes tie to e+pe&ience %i!e. Buddhas!athe& anaged to p&oide hi with a%% possib%e p%easu&es. Beauti!u% woen — a%% the beauti!u%

woen in his kingdo we&e b&ought to the pa%aces to se&e Buddha. The best wine, the ostbeauti!u% woen, a&b%e pa%aces, usicians, poets, dance&s9 a continuous e&&y-go-&ound.Twenty-!ou& hou&s a day Buddha was d&owned in p%easu&es. Anybody who has any inte%%igencewou%d escape. 't becae too ti&ing, it becae too bo&ing, it becae such an ug%y scene. *e was!ed up with it, so he escaped.

Buddhas !athe& was ang&y, e&y wounded. *e wanted hi to becoe a king and he becae abuddha. *e was not happy. 'n his own ind, to be a king was a g&eate& thing than to be abuddha. To hae o&e oney and o&e !ae — wo&%d%y !ae — was o&e ipo&tant to hi thanto be a editato& and attain to saadhi. These wo&ds ust hae %ooked %ike nonsense to hi) he

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ust hae been a down-to-ea&th ate&ia%ist.

But this is not on%y so with Buddha) peop%e a&e nee& contented with anything. '! you& son tu&nsout to be a thie! you a&e ang&y, i! he tu&ns out to be a buddha you a&e ang&y. 't sees it is notpossib%e !o& you to be happy. '! you& wi!e is too !aith!u% you a&e !ed up, i! you& wi!e is not !aith!u%you a&e ang&y. '! you& husband is abso%ute%y obedient you a&e !inished with hi) i! you& husband iscontinuous%y 1ua&&e%ing, !ighting, you a&e !inished with hi, too. 't sees ans ind has such%ikes and dis%ikes that it is ipossib%e !o& hi to be in a contented state.

 An o%d woan died and went to heaen. $hen she a&&ied the&e 7aint ete& asked he& whe&eshe wou%d %ike to stay. 7he said, 6' wou%d %ike to be nea& the >i&gin a&y.87o 7aint ete& put he& into the sae apa&tent house as the >i&gin a&y. One day she wa%kedoe& to the >i&gin a&y and said, 6The&e is one thing ' hae a%ways wanted to say to you.8a&y said, 6#es, what is it?8The o%d woan said, 6't ust hae been wonde&!u% to hae gien bi&th to a an who isp&oc%aied a god th&oughout the wo&%d08a&y said, 6$e%%, ' wou%d hae %iked it bette& i! he had been a docto&.8

#es, thats how an is — nothing sees to satis!y. "othing ee& sees to gie you 2oy, becauseyou a&e a%&eady ca&&ying soe %ikes and dis%ikes — and e+istence has no ob%igation to !u%!i%% the.

't has nee& p&oised to !u%!i%% you& %ikes and dis%ikes.

'! you &ea%%y want to be b%iss!u% you hae to d&op %ikes and dis%ikes. Then you hae to %ea&n adi!!e&ent %anguage to coune with e+istence. $hatsoee& happens, en2oy it. =ont b&ing you&%ikes and dis%ikes. #ou& %i!e can be a continuous dance, a ce%eb&ation) othe&wise you wi%% %ie inhe%%.

7ou&ce < Osho Book 6The =haapada, The $ay o! the Buddha, >o% FG- -- -- - -- --- - ------- ---------------Osho < Thats e&y good. 't sees that any ties we go on ca&&ying any things which a&euse%ess, and we nee& think why we a&e ca&&ying the. They can becoe a%ost a c&ushingweight. "eeds a&e e&y !ew and a an who unde&stands what is need!u% wi%% a%ways be happyand b%iss!u%. =esi&es a&e any, needs a&e !ew. "eeds can be !u%!i%%ed) desi&es, nee&. A desi&e is a

need gone c&azy. 't is ipossib%e to !u%!i%% it. The o&e you t&y to !u%!i%% it, the o&e it goes onasking, asking, asking.

The&e is a su!i sto&y that when A%e+ande& died and he &eached heaen, he was ca&&ying a%% hisweight < his who%e kingdo, go%d, diaonds < o! cou&se not in &ea%ity, but in an idea. 'deas haeas uch weight) in !act an idea is the &ea% weight. *e was bu&dened too uch by being

 A%e+ande&. The gatekeepe& sta&ted %aughing and he said $hy a&e you ca&&ying so uch o! abu&den?

 A%e+ande& said $hat bu&den? because &ea%%y he was ca&&ying nothing. (e&ything was in thehead, but the head was e&y heay.

The gatekeepe& gae hi a sca%e and put an eye on one side o! the sca%e. *e to%d A%e+ande& toput a%% his weight, a%% his g&eatness, t&easu&es, kingdo, on the othe& side o! the sca%e. A%e+ande&

put a%% his kingdo, a%% his wea%th, his icto&ies, and ee&ything the&e. That one eye sti%% &eainedheaie& than a%% his kingdo, so !inding no othe& way, he hise%! 2uped onto the sca%es, but sti%%the one eye &eained heaie&.

*e said to the gatekeepe&, ' cannot unde&stand how such a sa%% eye can be so weighty. $hat isit? A&e you p%aying soe t&ick, soe agic with e?The gatekeepe& said, This is a huan eye. 't &ep&esents huan desi&e9 the outgoing desi&e.'t cannot be !u%!i%%ed, howsoee& g&eat the kingdo and howsoee& g&eat you& e!!o&ts. (en asing%e huan eye !u%% o! desi&es cannot be !u%!i%%ed.Then A%e+ande& said Then what is the way to !u%!i%% it?

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The gatekeepe& th&ew a %itt%e dust into the eye. The eye iediate%y b%inked and %ost a%% itsweight. 't was iediate%y weight%ess.

The sto&y is beauti!u%. A %itt%e dust o! unde&standing has to be th&own into the eye o! desi&e. Thedesi&e disappea&s and on%y needs &eain, and they a&e not weighty. "eeds a&e e&y !ew9 needsa&e beauti!u%. =esi&es a&e ug%y and they ake onste&s o! en. They c&eate ad peop%e. Thishas been a good insight !o& you. /eebe& it a%ways, and a%ways choose that which is o&epeace!u%.

Once you sta&t %ea&ning how to choose the peace!u%, a sa%% &oo is enough) a sa%% 1uantity o!!ood is enough) a !ew c%othes a&e enough) one %oe&, a e&y o&dina&y an, can be enough o! a%oe&. But i! you go on asking !o& o&e and o&e, then thousands o! en a&e not enough. (enthe ost beauti!u% an is !inished soone& o& %ate&. #ou& desi&e goes on and on. 't knows no end9it stops nowhe&e.

7ou&ce < Osho Book 6Be%oed o! y *ea&t8


Osho Quotes on Jea%ousy

• Jea%ousy is copa&ison. And we hae been taught to copa&e, we hae been

conditioned to copa&e, a%ways copa&e. 7oebody e%se has a bette& house, soebodye%se has a o&e beauti!u% body, soebody e%se has o&e oney, soebody e%se has ao&e cha&isatic pe&sona%ity. 5opa&e, go on copa&ing you&se%! with ee&ybody e%seyou pass by, and g&eat 2ea%ousy wi%% be the outcoe) it is the by-p&oduct o! theconditioning !o& copa&ison.

• 5opa&ison is a e&y !oo%ish attitude, because each pe&son is uni1ue and incopa&ab%e.

Once this unde&standing sett%es in you, 2ea%ousy disappea&s.

• $henee& you hae a se+ua% u&ge in you& ind, a se+ua% happening in you& being,

whenee& you !ee% se+ua%%y att&acted and &e%ated to soebody, 2ea%ousy ente&s because

you a&e not in %oe. '! you a&e in %oe, 2ea%ousy nee& ente&s.• 7e+ c&eates 2ea%ousy but it is a seconda&y thing. 7o it is not a 1uestion o! how to d&op

 2ea%ousy) you cannot d&op it because you cannot d&op se+. The 1uestion is how tot&ans!o& se+ into %oe, then 2ea%ousy disappea&s.

• '! 2ea%ousy is the&e, know we%% the&e is no %oe.

• '! you go on condening, you& condenation shows that soewhe&e the&e is a wound,

and you a&e !ee%ing 2ea%ous — because without 2ea%ousy the&e can be no condenation.#ou conden peop%e because soehow, soewhe&e, unconscious%y you !ee% they a&een2oying these%es and you hae issed.

• *eaen and he%% a&e not &ea%ities but ways o! %iing. #ou can %ie in 2ea%ousy — thats how

peop%e %ie. #ou can %ie in copetition, you can %ie in con!%ict, you can %ie in abition.Thats how you hae been b&ought up to %ie. This is the way to he%%0

•  Awa&eness is the !i&e) %oe is the go%d) 2ea%ousy, possessieness, hat&ed, ange&, %ust, a&e

the ipu&ities.

• $hat is eny? 't is nothing but passie 2ea%ousy. aybe 2ea%ousy is too st&ong a

phenoenon) eny is a %itt%e passie. The di!!e&ence ay be o! deg&ees, but it is not o!1ua%ity, it is on%y o! 1uantity. (ny can becoe 2ea%ousy at any oent) eny is 2ust

 2ea%ousy in p&og&ess. ind has to d&op a%% enies and 2ea%ousies.

• Just think: you cannot !ind a sing%e ise&y !o& which you a&e not &esponsib%e. 't ay be

 2ea%ousy, it ay be ange&, it ay be g&eed — but soething in you ust be the &eason

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that is c&eating the ise&y.

• $hen 2ea%ousy disappea&s, the&e is a deep !&iend%iness towa&ds a%%.

• 'n pu&e awa&eness the ind cannot d&ag you down into the ud, into the gutte&. 'n ange&,

in hat&ed, in 2ea%ousy, the ind is abso%ute%y ipotent in the !ace o! awa&eness. Andbecause the ind is abso%ute%y ipotent, you& who%e being is in a p&o!ound si%ence — thepeace that passeth unde&standing.

• #ou know you& inside, and you know the othe&s outside: that c&eates 2ea%ousy. They know

you& outside, and they know thei& inside: that c&eates 2ea%ousy. "obody e%se knows you&inside. The&e you know you a&e nothing, wo&th%ess. And the othe&s on the outside %ook sosi%ing. Thei& si%es ay be phony, but how can you know that they a&e phony? aybethei& hea&ts a&e a%so si%ing. #ou know you& si%e is phony, because you& hea&t is notsi%ing at a%%, it ay be c&ying and weeping. #ou know you& inte&io&ity, and on%y you knowit, nobody e%se. And you know ee&ybodys e+te&io&, and thei& e+te&io& peop%e hae adebeauti!u%. (+te&io&s a&e showpieces and they a&e e&y deceptie.

• Because o! 2ea%ousy you a&e in constant su!!e&ing) you becoe ean to othe&s. And

because o! 2ea%ousy you sta&t becoing phony, because you sta&t p&etending. #ou sta&tp&etending things that you dont hae, you sta&t p&etending things which you 5A"T hae,which a&e not natu&a% to you. #ou becoe o&e and o&e a&ti!icia%. 'itating othe&s,

copeting with othe&s, what e%se can you do? '! soebody has soething and you donthae it, and you dont hae a natu&a% possibi%ity o! haing it, the on%y way is to hae soecheap substitute !o& it.

• The 2ea%ous an %ies in he%%. =&op copa&ing and 2ea%ousy disappea&s, eanness

disappea&s, phoniness disappea&s. But you can d&op it on%y i! you sta&t g&owing you& inne& t&easu&es) the&e is no othe& way

- - ----------- - -- ------------------------Osho Quotes on Jea%ousy

• '! you& %oe stinks, then t&y to !ind out what e+act%y it is that stinks. 't is not %oe, it is

soething e%se. Loe itse%! has a !&ag&ance) it cant stink, it is a %otus !%owe&. 7oethinge%se ust be in it — 2ea%ousy, possessieness.

• '! it is 2ea%ousy, then ' wou%d on%y suggest one thing: be o&e watch!u% o! you& 2ea%ousy.

$hen it a&ises ne+t tie, &athe& than becoing ad, c%ose you& doo&s, sit si%ent%y, sit ineditation, watch you& 2ea%ousy. 7ee e+act%y what it is. 't wi%% su&&ound you %ike soke,di&ty soke. 't wi%% su!!ocate you. #ou wou%d %ike to go out and do soething. But dont doanything) 2ust be in a state o! non-doing, because anything done in a oent o! 2ea%ousyis going to be dest&uctie. Just watch. And ' a not saying &ep&ess it, because that isagain doing soething.

• $henee& it possesses you, editate oe& it. 7%ow%y s%ow%y, the editation wi%% c&eate the

distance between you and the 2ea%ousy. And the g&eate& the distance, the %ess 2ea%ousywi%% a&ise. And one day, when the&e is no 2ea%ousy, you& %oe &e%eases such a !&ag&ancethat no !%owe& can copete with it. A%% !%owe&s a&e poo& copa&ed to the !%owe&ing o! %oe.But you& %oe is c&ipp%ed because o! 2ea%ousy and possessieness and ange&.

• Once an becoes awa&e o! this phenoenon, that %oe is ine+haustib%e, that the&e is

no sca&city, 2ea%ousy wi%% disappea&. Jea%ousy is pa&t o! the econoy o! sca&city.• The who%e %i!e is ce%eb&ating, i%%ions o! happinesses happening a%% oe& the unie&se, but

i! you hae an attitude o! 2ea%ousy, you wi%% be ise&ab%e, you wi%% be in a constant he%%. And you wi%% be in a he%% p&ecise%y because a%% oe& the&e is heaen. #ou wi%% c&eate a he%%!o& you < a p&iate he%% — because who%e e+istence is ce%eb&ating.

• 3a&athust&a is iense%y in %oe with %i!e and a%% that %i!e p&oides. *e is the on%y ystic

with iense a!!i&ation o! %i!e. The&e is no p%ace !o& &enouncing anything — %i!e is a gi!to! e+istence. Lea&n to en2oy it0 /e%ish in it0 =ance with the t&ees, and dance with the sta&s.Loe without 2ea%ousy. Lie without copetition. Accept ee&ybody without 2udgent. And

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then the&e is no need !o& any 4od. And the&e is no need !o& any pa&adise.

• eop%e coe to e and they say they wou%d %ike to be happy, but they cannot d&op thei&

 2ea%ousy. '! you cant d&op you& 2ea%ousy, %oe wi%% nee& g&ow — the weeds o! 2ea%ousy wi%%dest&oy the &ose o! %oe. And when %oe does not g&ow, you wi%% not be happy. Becausewho can be happy without %oe g&owing? Cn%ess that &ose b%oos in you, un%ess that!&ag&ance is &e%eased, you cannot be happy.

• $e b&ing ou& chi%d&en !&o the e&y beginning with it — 2ea%ousy, eny. $e ake the!ight, st&ugg%e. Ou& who%e idea o! %i!e is based on su&ia% o! the !ittest, and the !ittesteans the st&ongest, the ost cunning. 7o whatsoee& the eans, nobody ca&es aboutthe eans. #ou hae to achiee soe end, you hae to p&oe you& ett%e. #ou hae toshow to the wo&%d that you a&e not an o&dina&y pe&son.

• /eebe& the &ea% p&ob%e is not ange&. The &ea% p&ob%e is unawa&eness. 7o ne+t tie

be o&e awa&e. $hethe& it is ange&, hat&ed, 2ea%ousy, possessieness, a thousand andone things a&e the&e9 but the &ea% disease is one — unawa&eness. These a&e a%% !acetso! the sae thing. 7o i! you t&y to change that — these p&ob%es — you wi%% nee& beab%e to cope, because they a&e i%%ions.

• These p&ob%es — 2ea%ousy, possessieness — a&e not &ea%%y p&ob%es but syptos,

syptos that you dont yet know what %oe is. $e take it !o& g&anted that we know what

%oe is, and then the p&ob%e o! 2ea%ousy a&ises. That is not &ight. The p&ob%e is a&isingbecause %oe is not yet the&e) it sip%y shows that %oe has not yet a&&ied, it sip%yshows the absence o! %oe. 7o you cannot so%e it.

• y app&oach is: dont be bothe&ed about 2ea%ousy, othe&wise you wi%% be getting into such

a t&ap that you wi%% nee& be ab%e to get out o!. o&get about it0 't is syptoatic, it issip%y indicatie. 't is good that it indicates soething) it is a signa% that %oe has not yethappened. 't is good0 Lea&n soething !&o it, take note o! it and sta&t oing into %oe.(n2oy %oe o&e and the&e wi%% be %ess 2ea%ousy. =e%ight in %oe o&e and the&e wi%% be sti%%%ess 2ea%ousy. Let you& %oe becoe a tota%ity, a adness. Let it hae an intensity, and inthat intensity 2ea%ousy wi%% be bu&ned out. A &ea% %oe& has nee& known what 2ea%ousy is.

• ut o&e ene&gy into %oe. /athe& than putting ene&gy into ana%ysing 2ea%ousy and !ighting

with it, put o&e ene&gy into %oe. Othe&wise you wi%% be dist&acted: you wi%% sta&t !o%%owing 2ea%ousy, and that is a dese&t. #ou wi%% nee& coe to its end.

• 5opetition and 2ea%ousy is the &oot cause o! a%% ise&y. The&e is no good copetition —

a%% copetition is bad.

• $hen you becoe awa&e, you sudden%y becoe awa&e that %oe cannot e+ist with

 2ea%ousy — it is not possib%e. $hen %oe is the&e 2ea%ousy cannot e+ist. '! 2ea%ousy e+iststhen %oe cannot e+ist — they nee& go togethe&. But whatsoee& is ca%%ed %oe is ninety-nine pe&cent 2ea%ousy, possessieness9 o&e o! an e!!o&t to doinate o& soetieseen to be doinated — an e!!o&t to be doinated — but thats not uch di!!e&ence. Thattoo is a subt%e t&ick o! the sae gae. $hen %oe is the&e, the&e is no 1uestion o!doination. Then it is not po%itics, and one is not abitious.

• 7o becoe e&y a%e&t. #ou& a%e&tness wi%% dest&oy any things in you. A%% that is

dest&uctie wi%% be dest&oyed: 2ea%ousy, possessieness, ange& — they wi%% be dest&oyed. And when a%% these negatie 1ua%ities a&e no o&e the&e, soething b%oos in you that

you a&e not yet a%e&t about9 a tota%%y new !%owe&.• /eebe&, 2ea%ousy can be d&opped. 'n !act why peop%e dont d&op it is a i&ac%e

because they dont get anything out o! it e+cept ise&y0 Cn%ess peop%e a&e asochiststhe&e sees to be no &eason why they continue with 2ea%ousy.

• =&op the 2ea%ousy &athe& than d&opping %oe. The !ea& coes because o! 2ea%ousy. The

!ea& coes because o! the ego — the othe& ay &e2ect you: then d&op the ego0 /athe&than th&owing the bathwate&, you a&e keeping the bathwate& and th&owing the baby0 =&opego, d&op 2ea%ousy, and take the &isk. Li!e is a &isk — thats why it is so beauti!u%, o! a%ue,because it is a &isk. 't is an adentu&e. 4ood0

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• Jea%ousy eans ego, 2ea%ousy eans unconsciousness. Jea%ousy eans that you hae

not known een a oent o! 2oy and b%iss) you a&e %iing in ise&y. Jea%ousy is a by-p&oduct o! ise&y, ego, unconsciousness.

• 'n the (ast a an becoes diine on%y when he is no %onge& 2ea%ous, a an is thought tobe en%ightened on%y when he is no %onge& 2ea%ous. Jea%ousy is a by-p&oduct o! the egoand when the ego disappea&s 2ea%ousy disappea&s. #ou cannot o!!end a buddha.$hatsoee& you do you cannot o!!end hi.

• =&op eny and 2ea%ousy, othe&wise the&e is no possibi%ity — because %oe cannot e+ist

whe&e eny and 2ea%ousies e+ist. Then you& sea&ch is on%y !o& a ce&tain type o! powe&: thatin the nae o! %oe you a&e 2ust t&ying to !u%!i%% the ego. And it is a&duous to d&op, because%oe e+ists on%y when a%% the negatie e%eents o! the ind a&e d&opped. 't is e&ya&duous.

•  As !a& as you& ego is conce&ned and you& 2ea%ousy is conce&ned, y who%e wo&k he&e is

to he%p you becoe so %oing that the ene&gy that becoes 2ea%ousy is t&ans!o&ed into%oe. And you know pe&!ect%y we%% that 2ea%ousy a%ways !o%%ows you& %oe. #ou a&e not

 2ea%ous without %oe. A an who does not %oe is not 2ea%ous. Jea%ousy is a%ost %ike ashadow o! %oe. '! we can g&ow ou& %oe, it takes oe& the who%e ene&gy o! 2ea%ousy andt&ans!o&s it into %oe. 't is an a%cheica% change. And ' can say it with gua&antee,because it has happened in e, it has happened in y thousands o! sannyasins whohae !o&gotten what 2ea%ousy is. Thei& %oe is so uch.

• Loe can ake a g&eat ce%eb&ation out o! you& %i!e — but on%y %oe, not %ust, not ego, not

possessieness, not 2ea%ousy, not dependence.

• $e a&e identi!ied with the ego, and with the ego the&e a&e any things: ange& and hat&ed

and 2ea%ousy and possessieness and g&eed < the who%e t&ain. The ego !unctions %ike anengine and the&e a&e any any copa&tents !o%%owing it. Once the ego dies the who%et&ain stops.

• The %oe to which ego is attached is a !o& o! 2ea%ousy — this is why nobody is as 2ea%ous

as %oe&s a&e. The %oe which is attached to the ego is a conspi&acy and a t&ick to possessthe othe&. 't is a conspi&acy — that is why nobody su!!ocates so any peop%e as thosewho ta%k o! %oe. This situation is c&eated because o! the @%oe which coes !&o the ego— the&e can nee& be any &e%ation between %oe and the ego.

• Loe akes you epty — epty o! 2ea%ousy, epty o! powe& t&ips, epty o! ange&, epty

o! copetitieness, epty o! you& ego and a%% its ga&bage. But %oe a%so akes you !u%% o! things which a&e unknown to you &ight now) it akes you !u%% o! !&ag&ance, !u%% o! %ight, !u%%o! 2oy.

• /eebe&: ego can c&eate ise&y, ego can c&eate anguish, ego can c&eate hate, ego

can c&eate 2ea%ousy. (go can nee& becoe a ehic%e !o& the diine, it can nee& becoethe passage !o& the beyond.

•  Awa&eness is !i&e) it bu&ns a%% that is w&ong in you. 't bu&ns you& ego. 't bu&ns you& g&eed,

it bu&ns you& possessieness, it bu&ns you& 2ea%ousy — it bu&ns a%% that is w&ong and

negatie, and it enhances a%% that is beauti!u%, g&ace!u%, diine.

• That awa&eness is y teaching. "ee& !ight with g&eed, ego, ange&, 2ea%ousy, hat&ed — a%%

those eneies that the &e%igions hae been te%%ing you, 6ight with the, c&ush the, ki%%the. #ou cannot ki%% the, you cannot c&ush the, you cannot !ight with the) a%% thatyou can do is 2ust be awa&e o! the. And the oent you a&e awa&e, they a&e gone. 'nthe %ight, the da&kness sip%y disappea&s.

• 4&eed, desi&e, abition, 2ea%ousy, possessieness, doination — you hae to watch

ee&ything. And they a&e a%% inte&connected, &eebe&. '! g&eed disappea&s, then ange&wi%% disappea&. '! ange& disappea&s, 2ea%ousy wi%% disappea&. '! 2ea%ousy disappea&s,

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io%ence wi%% disappea&. '! io%ence disappea&s, possessieness wi%% disappea&. They a&ea%% inte&twined. 'n !act, they a&e spokes o! the sae whee%, and the hub that suppo&tsthe a%% is the ego. 7o watch the ways o! the ego. $atching, watching, watching9 oneday sudden%y it is not the&e. On%y the watche& is %e!t. That oent o! pu&e watching is theoent o! t&ans!o&ation.

• =&op 2ea%ousy and %oe we%%s up. Jea%ousy eans that ' a the owne&. 't is an ego t&ip,

and whe&ee& the&e is ego the&e is poison, and the poison ki%%s the e&y sou&ce o! %oe.One has to becoe awa&e o! 2ust these !ew things and disca&d the and ones %i!ebecoes a %otus o! %oe. And then the&e is no need to go in any sea&ch o! god, god wi%%coe in sea&ch o! you. This is y obse&ation, that god a%ways coes seeking the t&ueseeke&. $henee& the discip%e is &eady the aste& appea&s.

• Once you becoe o&e and o&e watch!u% o! you& inne& wo&kings things becoe sip%e.

Then a !ew things hae to be d&opped. One has not to be 2ea%ous i! one wants to be%oing. 't becoes so c%ea& that the&e is no 1uestion about it) one can sip%y see the pointthat i! you a&e 2ea%ous, %oe is ipossib%e. Jea%ousy is bound to c&eate ise&y. Jea%ousy ispa&t o! ego, the shadow o! the ego, the shadow o! a shadow — and %oe needsego%essness. They cant go togethe&, they cant co-e+ist.

• One has to be e&y a%e&t to go beyond %ust. And one has to be constant%y awa&e o!

 2ea%ousy, o! possessieness, o! doination, because those a&e the st&ategies o! %ust. '!

you d&op 2ea%ousy, possessieness, ego t&ips, then s%ow%y s%ow%y %ust disappea&s and %oea&ises. Loe is a pu&e !%ae without any soke. 't is p&aye&, it is diine, and it akes youdiine.

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• eop%e e+pect too uch. eop%e who e+pect heaen a%ways !a%% into he%% — that is the

%aw. (+pect heaen and he%% is ce&tain. =ont e+pect heaen and the&e wi%% nee& be anyhe%%.

• The %i!e o! a sannyasin shou%d be a %i!e o! no e+pectations. And then ee&y oent is

such a b%iss, such a benediction, because whatsoee& 4od gies is so uch. Then youa%ways !ee% g&ate!u%. But you& desi&es a&e so uch that whatsoee& 4od gies a%ways%ooks so %itt%e) and you !ee% !&ust&ated, and you !ee% cop%aints, and you cannot !ee%g&ate!u%. And without g&atitude, the&e is no possibi%ity o! p&aye& a&ising in you& hea&t.4&atitude is p&aye&.

• (e&ybody is %ooking with his own wo&%d o! desi&es, e+pectations, passions, %ust, g&eed,

ange&. The&e a&e a thousand and one things standing between you and you& wo&%d) thatswhy you dont ee& see it as it is. Once you& eye is cop%ete%y c%ean, c%ean o! a%% the dust,once it becoes a pu&e i&&o&, it &e!%ects that which is. And that is t&uth and t&uth%ibe&ates, but it has to be you& own. y t&uth cannot %ibe&ate you, Buddhas t&uth cannot%ibe&ate you. The&e is on%y one possibi%ity o! %ibe&ation, that is you& own t&uth. And a%% thatyou hae to do is to c&eate a dispassionate eye.

• (+pectation is the othe& o! a%% !&ust&ations) e+pectation gone, !&ust&ation disappea&s. And

when the&e is no !&ust&ation in you& %i!e, %i!e &ea%%y becoes a bed o! &oses. Then 4od is aconstant b%essing) he goes on &aining his g&ace, his beauty on you.

• (+pectations a%ways %ead to !&ust&ations. (+pectations a&e the seeds, and !&ust&ation is

the c&op that soone& o& %ate& you wi%% hae to &eap. 't is you& own doing.

• &ust&ation is out o! e+pectation) e+pectation is ou& p&o2ection. A%% kinds o! %oe !&ust&ate

un%ess %oe is based in editation.

•  Any e+pectation, een the e+pectation o! peace, b&ings &est%essness. The tension has to

go. As soon as this happens a diine peace sets in.

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•  A%% e+pectations be%ong to the ind, a%% discip%ines be%ong to the ind, a%% so-ca%%ed

saint%iness and so-ca%%ed sin be%ong to the ind. $hen the&e is no ind, the&e is nosinne& and no saint, and the gi!t sip%y showe&s on you.

• /eebe&, !&ust&ation is out o! e+pectation, and ego is a%ways e+pecting. The ego is a


• inds &e1ui&eents and e+pectations cannot be !u%!i%%ed. (+istence has no ob%igation to

!u%!i%% inds &e1ui&eents and deands. #ou hae to accept e+istence as it is.

• (ach oent b&ings new su&p&ises to the one who has no e+pectations, who coes with

an abso%ute%y open ind. Then inc&edib%e things sta&t happening. (en i! you had wantedthe you cou%d not hae e+pected the) you cou%d not hae !ound you&se%! wo&thyenough to e+pect the.

• =ont e+pect anything in the !utu&e. =ont co&&upt it. Because i! a%% you& e+pectations a&e

!u%!i%%ed then too you wi%% be ise&ab%e9 because it is you& e+pectation and it is !u%!i%%ed.#ou wi%% not be happy about it. *appiness is possib%e on%y th&ough su&p&ise) happiness ispossib%e on%y when soething happens which you had nee& e+pected, when soethingtakes you cop%ete%y unawa&es. '! you& e+pectations a&e !u%!i%%ed a hund&ed pe& cent, youwi%% be %iing as i! you a&e in the past, not in the !utu&e. #ou coe hoe and you e+pectedyou& wi!e to say soething and she does. And you e+pected you& chi%d to behae in a

ce&tain way and the chi%d does. Just think — you wi%% be constant%y in bo&edo. "othingwi%% happen. (e&ything wi%% be 2ust a &epetition, as i! you a&e seeing soething which youhae seen be!o&e, hea&ing soething which you hae hea&d be!o&e. 5ontinuous%y you wi%%see that it is a &epetition o! soething. and &epetition can nee& be satis!ying. The new,the noe%, the o&igina%, is needed. 7o i! you& e+pectations a&e !u%!i%%ed. you wi%% &eaincop%ete%y un!u%!i%%ed.

•  And i! you& e+pectations a&e not !u%!i%%ed. then you !ee% !&ust&ated. Then you !ee% constant%y

as i! you p&opose and 4od goes on disposing) you !ee% that 4od is the eney) you !ee% asi! ee&ybody is against you and ee&ybody is wo&king against you. '! you& e+pectationsa&e nee& !u%!i%%ed you wi%% !ee% !&ust&ated. Just editate upon you& e+pectations: i! theya&e !u%!i%%ed you wi%% !ee% bo&ed, i! they a&e not !u%!i%%ed you wi%% !ee% cheated. #ou wi%% !ee% asi! a conspi&acy is going on against you. as i! the who%e e+istence is conspi&ing againstyou. #ou wi%% !ee% e+p%oited, you wi%% !ee% &e2ected, you wi%% not be ab%e to !ee% at hoe. And

the who%e p&ob%e a&ises because you e+pect. =ont go ahead into the !utu&e. =&ope+pectations. Once you d&op e+pectations you hae %ea&ned how to %ie. Then ee&ythingthat happens !u%!i%%s you, whatsoee& it is. o& one thing, you nee& !ee% !&ust&atedbecause in the !i&st p%ace you nee& e+pected. 7o !&ust&ation is ipossib%e. &ust&ation isa shadow o! e+pectation. $ith the e+pectation d&opped, !&ust&ation d&ops on its ownacco&d.

• The !utu&e is 2ust you& hope, e+pectation. And when this %i!e is not !u%!i%%ing you sta&t

%ooking !u&the&, beyond death. A%% these a&e !ictions 2ust !o& you to su&ie soehow. Butthis su&ia% is not how you a&e supposed to be. (+istence has not gien you bi&th 2ust to%ie in hopes. #ou can be &ea%%y ecstatic this oent, and the&e is no othe& oent.editation is, 3en is %iing now and he&e.

•  A an who %ies with intentions is bound to !ee% !&ust&ation. A an who %ies with

e+pectations is bound to !ee% !&ust&ated because e+istence has no ob%igation to you. But i! you %ie without intentions, without e+pectations, then i&acu%ous%y you !ind thatee&ything that you ee& d&eaed o! is being !u%!i%%ed. The oon is &e!%ected in the %ake —the %ake nee& asked it, the oon nee& intended it. (+istence goes on spontaneous%y.=ont b&ing you& desi&e, you& abition and you& e+pectation) they a&e the distu&bingpoints. They c&eate a chaos in you& ind.

• (go%essness is contentent. (go%ess, you dont e+pect anything, and 2ust a sa%% chi%d

si%es at you, but it is so beauti!u%. $hat e%se cou%d you need? 7udden%y you see a !%owe& and the !%owe& sends its pe&!ue to you. $hat e%se cou%d you need? $hat o&e cou%dyou want? The who%e sky goes on !i%%ing with sta&s, the who%e %i!e becoes a ce%eb&ation

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because now ee&ything is beauti!u%. $ithout e+pectation ee&ything !u%!i%%s — 2ust tob&eathe is enough, 2ust to b&eathe is such a b%iss.

• '! ind can !u%!i%%, then a%% editato&s a&e !oo%ish, then a%% en%ightened pe&sons a&e !oo%s.

Because ind cannot !u%!i%%9 when they coe to unde&stand the who%e echanis, andthe who%e ise&y o! it9. This is the echanis: yeste&day ind p&oised you thatsoething is going to be de%ie&ed to you too&&ow. "ow the too&&ow has coe, it is

today, and the ind has not de%ie&ed — you a&e in ise&y, you& e+pectations a&e!&ust&ated. "ow the ind says, 6Too&&ow ' a going to de%ie&.8 The ind p&oisesagain. And what type o! stupidity is this, that you again %isten to the ind? And too&&owthe sae echanis wi%% be &epeated — it is a icious ci&c%e. #ou %isten to the ind, youbecoe ise&ab%e — othe&wise, this today is pa&adise0 And the&e is no othe& pa&adise,this today is ni&ana. '! you had not %istened to the ind9 2ust dont %isten to the ind,then you a&e not in ise&y) because ise&y cannot e+ist without e+pectations and withouthopes. And when ise&y e+ists you need o&e hopes !o& it, to hide it, to %ie soehow.Lie hope%ess%y — then you a&e a &ighteous an, then you a&e &eti&ed.

• #ou %isten to the ind, you becoe ise&ab%e — othe&wise, this today is pa&adise0 And

the&e is no othe& pa&adise, this today is ni&ana. '! you had not %istened to the ind9 2ustdont %isten to the ind, then you a&e not in ise&y) because ise&y cannot e+ist withoute+pectations and without hopes. And when ise&y e+ists you need o&e hopes !o& it, to

hide it, to %ie soehow. Lie hope%ess%y — then you a&e a &ighteous an, then you a&e&eti&ed.

• The ind nee& a%%ows you to be whe&e you a&e, it nee& a%%ows you to see things as they

a&e. 't is a%ways taking you soewhe&e e%se, eithe& into the past o& into the !utu&e) it nee& a%%ows you to be in the p&esent. (ithe& it d&ags you into eo&ies — which a&e nothingbut !ootp&ints on the sands o! tie — o& it d&ags you into the !utu&e: g&eat p&o2ections,g&eat e+pectations, desi&es, goa%s9. And you becoe so uch ino%ed with the — asi! they hae soe &ea%ity0 And the &ea%ity is s%ipping out o! you& hands whi%e you a&eengaged in a%% these t&ips into the past, into the !utu&e. The ind nee& a%%ows you and wi%%nee& a%%ow you to see that which is) it a%ways takes you to that which is not.

•  A%% hopes a&e %ies, a%% e+pectations o! the !utu&e a&e %ies.

• $ithout desi&e, you cannot p&o2ect you&se%! into the !utu&e, without desi&e you cannot sta&t

e+pectations, and without desi&e you wi%% nee& be disappointed. $ithout desi&e, tie&ea%%y disappea&s: you oe !&o one oent o! ete&nity to anothe& oent o! ete&nity.The&e is no se1uence9 and then you wi%% nee& ask why nothing specia% is happening.o& yse%!, ' hae not coe to know the yste&y yet. The e&y p%ay is the yste&y) beingtie%ess, desi&e%ess, is the yste&y. And to be o&dina&y is the ;goa%, i! you a%%ow e to usethe wo&d. To be o&dina&y is the goa%. '! you can be o&dina&y you a&e %ibe&ated, then the&e isno 7A"7A/ !o& you, no wo&%d !o& you. This who%e wo&%d is a st&ugg%e to be e+t&ao&dina&y.7oe t&y it in po%itics, soe t&y it in econoics, soe t&y it in &e%igion. But the %ust &eainsthe sae.

• editation is you& awakening. The oent you awake, s%eep disappea&s and with it a%%

the d&eas, a%% the p&o2ections, a%% e+pectations, a%% desi&es. 7udden%y you a&e in a stateo! desi&e%essness, non-abition, un!athoab%e si%ence. And on%y in this si%ence, b%ossos!%owe& in you& being. On%y in this si%ence the %otuses open thei& peta%s.

• Once the ego is not the&e, the&e is no e+pectation, !&ust&ation, no desi&e, no despai&.7udden%y one !inds onese%! !a%%ing into a deep ha&ony with the cosos. And thatha&ony is 4od) that ha&ony is ni&ana) that ha&ony is tao.

• The &ea% thing is that you a&e su!!e&ing !&o you& e+pectations. $hen they a&e not !u%!i%%ed

— and they a&e nee& going to be !u%!i%%ed — !&ust&ation a&ises, !ai%u&e a&ises, and you !ee%neg%ected, as i! e+istence does not ca&e !o& you. =&op e+pectations !o& the !utu&e. /eainopen, &eain aai%ab%e to whatsoee& happens, but dont p%an ahead. =ont ake anypsycho%ogica%, !i+ed ideas about the !utu&e — that things shou%d be %ike this — and ucho&e su!!e&ing wi%% disappea&.

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• Lie without e+pectations and the&e wi%% be no !&ust&ation.

• #ou cannot %ie with e+pectations because %i!e has no ob%igation to !u%!i%% you& desi&es. #ou

can %ie with an open hea&t, but you cannot %ie with e+pectations. The o&e e+pectationsyou hae, the o&e !&ust&ated you wi%% be.

• '! ' !u%!i%% #OC/ e+pectations, how a ' going to t&ans!o& you? ' hae to =(7T/O# you&

e+pectations. ' hae to dest&oy the e&y ind that c&eates those e+pectations. '! youcoe to e, nee& coe with e+pectations, othe&wise you wi%% be disappointed —because ' hae no ob%igation to !u%!i%% you& e+pectations in any way. 'n !act, i! ' see thatthe&e a&e soe e+pectations, ' do things =(L'B(/AT(L# to dest&oy those e+pectations.That is the p&ice you hae to pay to be with e.

• 't is within you& hands to be !&ust&ated in %i!e o& not. Just you& e+pectations shou%d

becoe sa%%e&, sa%%e&, sa%%e&, and in the sae p&opo&tion the !&ust&ation wi%% becoesa%%e&. A day wi%% coe when the&e wi%% be no e+pectation) then you wi%% nee& coeac&oss any !&ust&ation.

• #ou hae to be a witness to you& gunas, att&ibutes, odi!ications o! the ind, t&icks o! the

ind, gaes, t&aps o! the ind, habits, saska&as, past, changing situations,e+pectations: you hae to be awa&e o! a%% these things. #ou hae to &eebe& on%y onething: the see& is not the seen. $hatsoee& you can see, you a&e not that. '! you can see

you& habit o! %aziness, you a&e not that. '! you can see you& habit o! constant occupation,you a&e not that. '! you can see you& past conditionings, you a&e not those conditionings.The see& is not the seen. #ou a&e awa&eness and awa&eness is t&anscendenta% to a%% thatit can see. The obse&e& is beyond the obse&ed.

•  A%% e+pectations a&e un&easonab%e, but when one e+pects soething out o! editation it

is AB7OLCT(L# un&easonab%e. Because the e&y base o! editation, the e&y !oundationo! editation is to unde&stand that e+pectation has to be d&opped) othe&wise editationnee& sta&ts. 't is e+pectation that keeps you& ind continuous%y spinning thoughts. 't ise+pectation that keeps you tense. 't is e+pectation, when not !u%!i%%ed, that akes you !ee%!&ust&ated, ise&ab%e. =&op e+pectation and editation wi%% !%owe&, but it can !%owe& on%ywhen you a&e not e+pecting. #ou can go on e+pecting !o& any %ies) you wi%% not a%%oweditation to !%owe&. That is not the way.

• The buddha is uncop&oising) that c&eates t&oub%e. *e cannot cop&oise. T&uth

cannot be cop&oised with any %ies, co!o&tab%e %ies. The buddha sees to be e&yunsocia% and soeties antisocia%. The buddha nee& !u%!i%%s any e+pectations o! theu%titudes — he cannot) he is not he&e to !o%%ow you. The&e is on%y one way: you can!o%%ow hi i! you want to be with hi, othe&wise get %ost0 *e cannot !u%!i%% you&e+pectations. #ou& e+pectations a&e !oo%ish, you& e+pectations a&e you& e+pectations —out o! unawa&eness and b%indness. $hat a%ue can they hae? The buddha is a%ways&ebe%%ious, antit&aditiona%, noncon!o&ist. That c&eates t&oub%e. The buddha does notbe%ong to the past) in !act, the !utu&e be%ongs to the buddha. *e is a%ways be!o&e his tie,he is a new bi&th o! 4od.

• $hatsoee& you a&e waiting !o&, you a&e waiting in ain. 't is not going to happen, and

what is going to happen has nothing to do with you& e+pectations and you& desi&es. #ou 2ust %et it coe in) dont b%ock the way. /eoe you&se%! out o! you& own way. This tie,with no e+pectations, no desi&es, no hopes, 2ust editate.


Osho Quotes on Attachent

•  Attachent is the &oot cause o! a%% ise&y. ossessieness is nou&ishent !o& the ego.

• ise&y is nothing but the shadow o! attachent. And hence a%% stagnancy. The attached

pe&son becoes a stagnant poo% — soone& o& %ate& he wi%% stink. *e !%ows no o&e.

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• 't is you& attachent that c&eates he%%.

•  Attachent b&ings ise&y, unattachent b&ings b%iss!u%ness. 7o use things, but dont be

used by the. Lie %i!e but dont be %ied by it. ossess things, but dont be possessed bythe. *ae things — thats not a p&ob%e. ' a not !o& &enunciation. (n2oy ee&ything that%i!e gies, but a%ways &eain !&ee.

•  Attachent eans c%inging to soething, wanting it the way it is !o&ee&. That is asking

!o& the ipossib%e. The young pe&son wants to &eain young !o&ee&, and that isipossib%e, soone& o& %ate& he has to becoe o%d. But then o%d age, &athe& than b&inging

 2oy, b&ings su!!e&ing. Othe&wise o%d age shou%d be the e&y c&escendo o! %i!e. 't shou%d bethe highest peak, snow-coe&ed — but it is a da&k ho%e. 't is a da&k ho%e because wehae been c%inging to youth. $e c%ing to the body, but the body has to go one day. Lie init, %oe it, &espect it, take ca&e o! it, but dont becoe attached. /eebe& it is aca&aanse&ai, an oe&nights stay. But in the o&ning we hae to go.

• /((B(/ &eain a%e&t that you dont get too uch attached to the accidenta% — and

a%% is accidenta% e+cept you& consciousness. (+cept you& awa&eness, a%% is accidenta%.ain and p%easu&e, success and !ai%u&e, !ae and de!aation — a%% is accidenta%. On%yyou& witnessing consciousness is essentia%. 7tick to it0 4et o&e and o&e &ooted in it.

 And dont sp&ead you& attachent to wo&%d%y things.

•  A witnessing consciousness %ies in %i!e but with t&eendous non-attachent, with g&eatnon-possessieness) it possesses nothing. 't %ies tota%%y, it %ies passionate%y, but sti%%knowing that 6' dont possess anything.8

•  Attachent is not %oe. $he&e the&e is attachent the&e is e+p%oitation.

•  Attachent is the shadow o! the ego. Attachents a&e iediate%y c&eated whe&ee& you

see @' a.

•  As %ong as the 6'8 is the&e, %oe cannot be. A%% that we ca%% %oe is on%y desi&e, %onging,

passion and attachent) as %ong as ego is the&e, a%% these bind one.

• #ou can change you& attachent !&o this to that, but you wi%% be in ise&y. Attachent

c&eates ise&y.

• To %ie a %i!e o! attachent is e&y dest&uctie because whosoee& you think you %oe

you &educe to a thing. And you a%%ow you&se%! a%so to be &educed to a thing. 't is good tobe a an, it is not good to be a husband. A husband is a thing and an ug%y thing at that)the e&y wo&d is ug%y. 't is good to be a woan but not good to be a wi!e. Being a wi!eeans you a&e &educed to a e&y sa%% &e%ationship. The woan was ast) the wi!e istethe&ed, chained, ip&isoned. And thats what %oe goes on doing. eop%e do it to thei&chi%d&en — they possess the. 5hi%d&en a&e nobodys possession) they coe th&ough thepa&ents but they dont be%ong to the. But peop%e behae as i! they a&e the owne&s: @ychi%d, y wi!e, y husband. The e&y idea o! putting you& ego p&o2ection on the othe& isdest&uctie o! %oe. The wo&d @ata %ite&a%%y eans ine — %ite&a%%y. @a eans y,ata eans ine. The oent you say y, ine, you hae p&o2ected the ', the egohas coe into !unctioning and the ego is the eney o! %oe. y sannyasins hae to %ea&nthe ways o! non-attachent, non-possessieness, on%y then does %oe b%osso. And theb%ossoing o! %oe is &e%igion, t&ue &e%igion. $hen you& hea&t is !&ag&ant with %oe youknow what god is. The taste o! %oe gies you the p&oo! that god e+ists, the&e is no othe&

p&oo!) e+cept !o& %oe the&e is no othe& p&oo! !o& god. The&e has nee& been and the&enee& wi%% be) %oe is the on%y p&oo!, the on%y p&oo!. But peop%e a&e dest&oying the e&ypossibi%ity o! thei& knowing god by dest&oying %oe.

• /eebe&, i! you& nonattachent to things is t&ue, has coe out o! unde&standing, has

g&own out o! awa&eness, you wi%% becoe o&e %oing. Because the sae ene&gy thatwas ino%ed in attachent wi%% be &e%eased. $he&e wi%% it go? #ou wi%% hae o&e ene&gyat you& disposa%. Attachent is not %oe. 't is an ego t&ip — to possess, to doinate, toanipu%ate. 't is io%ence) it is not %oe. $hen this ene&gy is &e%ieed, sudden%y you haeuch o&e ene&gy with which to %oe. A &ea%%y nonattached pe&son is !u%% o! %oe, and

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a%ways and a%ways he has o&e and o&e to gie, and a%ways he goes on !inding newsou&ces o! %oe. *is sou&ce is in!inite.

• $hen atan2a%i says 6non-attachent8, he is not anti-%oe. /ea%%y, he is !o& %oe. "on-

attachent eans be natu&a%, %oing, !%owing, but dont get obsessed and addicted. Addiction is the p&ob%e. Then it is %ike a disease. #ou cannot %oe anybody e+cept you&chi%d — this is addiction. Then you wi%% be in ise&y. #ou& chi%d can die) then the&e is no

possibi%ity !o& you& %oe to !%ow. (en i! you& chi%d is not going to die, he wi%% g&ow. And theo&e he g&ows, the o&e he wi%% becoe independent. And then the&e wi%% be pain. (e&yothe& su!!e&s, ee&y !athe& su!!e&s.

• #ou !a%% in %oe with a pe&son, you becoe attached, and iediate%y ise&y sta&ts. #ou

becoe possessie, you a&e a!&aid he ay !a%% in %oe with soebody e%se. #ou sta&thinde&ing, obst&ucting his !&eedo, you sta&t &educing hi to a thing. A%% &espect and %oesta&ts disappea&ing. 't becoes on%y a continuous !ight between two egos. #ou want topossess hi and he wants to possess you. *ow can %oe e+ist in such a constant wa&?

 Attachent dest&oys %oe. 't is poison to %oe. Loe deep%y, p&o!ound%y, but dont b&ingpossessieness and 2ea%ousy in. They a&e bound to coe in i! you becoe attached. Theg&eatest a&t to %ea&n in %i!e is to !%oat unattached. ass th&ough %i!e but be untouched byanything. Things wi%% coe and go, you &eain cente&ed in you& being, undist&acted,undistu&bed. Thats what sannyas is. And i! a pe&son can anage this state a%% b%iss is his.

*e can hae the who%e unie&se. This is a i&ac%e: the unie&se be%ongs to those peop%ewho a&e non-possessie. Loe be%ongs to those who a&e non-2ea%ous.

• #ou get !&ust&ated because o! you& deands. #ou we&e thinking that when you wi%% coe

back hoe, you& wi!e wi%% be 2ust standing outside to we%coe you. And i! she is notstanding the&e outside to we%coe you, you cannot accept it. And this gies you!&ust&ation and ise&y. #ou deand, and th&ough deand you c&eate ise&y. Anddeand is possib%e on%y i! you a&e attached. #ou cannot deand with pe&sons who a&est&ange&s to you. On%y with attachent deand coes in. That is why a%% attachentsbecoe he%%ish. atan2a%i says be non-attached. That eans be !%owing, accepting,whatsoee& %i!e b&ings. =ont deand and dont !o&ce. Li!e is not going to !o%%ow you. #oucannot !o&ce %i!e to be acco&ding to you. 't is bette& to !%ow with the &ie& &athe& thanpushing it. Just !%ow with it0 uch happiness becoes possib%e. The&e is a%&eady uchhappiness a%% a&ound you, but you cannot see it because o! you& w&ong !i+ations.

• '! attachent is the conditioning !acto&, then non-attachent wi%% becoe theunconditioning !acto&. '! e+pectation %eads you in ise&y, then non-e+pectation wi%% %eadyou into non-ise&y. '! ange& c&eates a he%% within you, then copassion wi%% c&eate aheaen. 7o whatsoee& the p&ocess o! ise&y, the &ee&se wi%% be the p&ocess o!happiness. Cnconditioning eans you hae to unde&stand the who%e knottedphenoenon o! huan consciousness as it is.

• Becoe a%e&t about desi&e and non-attachent begins to appea&. This is not to be ade

to happen, it !o%%ows natu&a%%y !&o awa&eness o! attachent. (ach one o! us has tobecoe awa&e o! his attachents, and keep being so0 "othing shou%d be doneunconscious%y.

•  Attachent is the &oot cause o! a%% ise&y — and ou& ind is such that it sta&ts c%inging to

each and ee&ything. 't sta&ts becoing identi!ied, attached, it does not know how to keep

a distance) hence the ise&y.• 'denti!ication with the body, with the ind, with ou& possessions, with ou& !ai%ies, with

ou& !&iends — any kind o! identi!ication takes you outwa&ds. A%% you& possessions wi%% beoutwa&ds: you& wi!e, you& husband, you& chi%d&en, you& body — you& body is outside you)you& ind — you& ind is outside you. The on%y thing that is not outside you is thewitnessing. Just the watch!u%ness — that is you& buddha. 'denti!ication eans %osingwitnessing, !a%%ing into the t&ap o! attachent. That is ou& ise&y, that is ou& s%ae&y.

• Becoe detached !&o you& ego, becoe detached !&o you& possessions. Becoe

sip%y detached !&o ee&y possib%e sou&ce o! attachent.

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• To &eain attached to the tepo&a%, to the changing is to &eain within the wo&%d o!

ise&y because the tepo&a% wi%% be taken away. #ou hae inested so uch in it but oneday ee&ything is taken away. Then it is natu&a% to !ee% ise&ab%e. ise&y is &ooted inattachent to the body and b%iss is &ooted in non-attachent to the body) hence a%% theg&eat aste&s hae been teaching ethods and eans o! non-attachent, o! gettingdisidenti!ied with the body, with the ind, with ee&ything su&&ounds you, and o! 2ust

&eaining a pu&e witness. Thats what we a&e: pu&e witnessing, pu&e awa&eness.• '! soeone e%se is saying, 6This wo&%d is !uti%e,8 this conc%usion cannot becoe you&

conc%usion. #ou wi%% hae to pass th&ough e+pe&ience, !u%%y awa&e. $henee& you !ee%desi&e, oe into desi&e !u%%y awa&e and when you &each the !u%!i%%ent o! the desi&e,know we%% what has happened — whethe& any hope has been !u%!i%%ed o& 2ust !&ust&ated.4o on oing in desi&e, a%e&t, and then you wi%% coe to unde&stand that a%% desi&e is!uti%e, a%% attachent is eaning%ess) it c&eates ise&y, it nee& c&eates any b%iss. >ai&agyaeans this conc%usion &eached th&ough awa&eness, &eached th&ough e+pe&iencing — andknowing is the !&uit o! ai&agya, o! non-attachent.

• ise&y coes out o! attachent. $hen you& attachents a&e not !u%!i%%ed as you wanted

the to be, when you& e+pectations a&e not !u%!i%%ed, !&ust&ation a&ises. &ust&ation is a by-p&oduct. '! you dont e+pect, nobody can !&ust&ate you. '! you dont want to ake a hoehe&e, een death cannot !&ighten you. "othing can !&ighten you. '! you dont c%ing to

anything, how can you be ade ise&ab%e? #ou& c%inging c&eates ise&y, because youwant to c%ing and in the e&y natu&e o! things, things a&e changing) you cannot c%ing. Theya&e s%ipping constant%y out o! you& hands. The&e is no way to c%ing to the.

• #ou& ego ay be 2ust a soap bubb%e. aybe !o& a !ew seconds it wi%% &eain, &ising highe& 

in the ai&. e&haps !o& a !ew seconds it ay hae a &ainbow, but it is on%y !o& a !ewseconds. 'n this in!inite and ete&na% e+istence you& egos go on bu&sting ee&y oent. 'tis bette& not to hae any attachent with soap bubb%es.

• (e&ything coes out o! nothingness and goes back into nothingness. *ence the&e is no

need !o& attachent, because attachent wi%% b&ing ise&y. 7oon it wi%% be gone. The!%owe& that has b%ossoed in the o&ning, by the eening wi%% be gone. =ont getattached) othe&wise in the eening the&e wi%% be ise&y. Then the&e wi%% be tea&s, then youwi%% iss the !%owe&. (n2oy whi%e it is. But &eebe&, it has coe out o! nothing, and it wi%%

go back to nothing. And the sae is t&ue about ee&ything, een about peop%e.• $hen you a&e not the doe& how can the attachent happen? #ou do a sa%% thing and

you becoe attached. #ou say, 6' hae done this.8 #ou wou%d %ike ee&ybody to know thatyou hae done this and you hae done that. This ego is the ba&&ie& !o& the sup&eeunde&standing. =&op the doe& and %et things happen. Thats what Ti%opa eans by being%oose and natu&a%.

• The on%y p&ob%e in %i!e is %oe. (ithe& peop%e a&e issing %oe — then thei& %i!e is epty,

then thei& %i!e has no eaning, no signi!icance, no 2oy — o& peop%e a&e !u%% o! %oe butthei& %oe is containated by attachent. Again they becoe ise&ab%e)t again, anguisha&ises, because that attachent, that c%inging c&eates possessieness, 2ea%ousy, poisons%oe cop%ete%y. 't is %ike a ga&den which is !u%% o! weeds and you a&e t&ying to g&ow &osesin it. '! you& ind is !u%% o! 2ea%ousy, possessieness, doination, ego t&ips and a%% thosenube&s, then you cannot g&ow &oses o! %oe. The who%e soi% is being e+p%oited by the

weeds — and weeds a&e cunning peop%e, e&y cunning peop%e0

• T&anscendence eans going beyond dua%ity. Attachent eans &eaining within dua%ity.

• '! you %ook to e as a pe&son you wi%% becoe attached, and attachent b&ings ise&y. '!

you %ook to e as %oe you cannot be attached, and i! you %ook at e as %oe you candisso%e with e. #ou cannot disso%e with a pe&son) you can disso%e on%y with anene&gy, not with a pe&son. e&sons co%%ide: that is the ise&y o! a%% the %oe&s in the wo&%d.e&sons co%%ide, because pe&sons a&e two egos. $hen two egos coe c%ose, soone& o&%ate&, the c%ash, the con!%ict, because each wants to possess the othe&, and the othe&cannot %ike it. "obody wants to be possessed. 7o the natu&a% ca%aity o! %oe a&ises

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because you hae not unde&stood %oe as ene&gy. =ont think o! e as a pe&son,othe&wise you wi%% sta&t possessing e, and then the&e wi%% be inne& con!%ict. Think o! eas %oe, as ene&gy, as space) then you can disso%e in e, and you can a%%ow e todisso%e in you. Then the&e wi%% be no c%ash.

•  Attachent is ise&y, but !&o the e&y beginning the chi%d is taught !o& attachent. The

othe& wi%% say to the chi%d, 6Loe e) ' a you& othe&.8 The !athe& wi%% say, 6Loe e) '

a you& !athe&8 — as i! soeone is a !athe& o& a othe& so he becoes autoatica%%y%oab%e.

• '! you get attached, then it becoes an obsession. '! the pe&son is not the&e, you a&e

unhappy. '! you iss the pe&son, you a&e in ise&y. And attachent is such a disease thati! the pe&son is not the&e you a&e in ise&y, and i! the pe&son is the&e you a&e indi!!e&ent.Then it is okay) it is taken !o& g&anted. '! the pe&son is the&e it is okay — no o&e thanthat. '! the pe&son is not the&e, then you a&e in ise&y. This is attachent.


Osho Quotes on 7u!!e&ing

• #ou wou%d %ike to %ie a %i!e whe&e the&e is no su!!e&ing, but that %i!e is not possib%e i! you

continuous%y ca&&y the ego with you. #ou cannot ake a %i!e a&ound you so that su!!e&ingdisappea&s. '! you ca&&y the ego, again and again you wi%% bup into soe &ea%ity whichwi%% hu&t the un&ea%. $henee& the&e is an encounte& between &ea%ity and un&ea%ity, theun&ea% causes su!!e&ing.

• Cse ee&y oppo&tunity in %i!e !o& &aising you& inte%%igence, you& consciousness. O&dina&i%y

what we a&e doing is using ee&y oppo&tunity to c&eate a he%% !o& ou&se%es. On%y yousu!!e&, and because o! you& su!!e&ing, you ake othe&s su!!e&. And when so any peop%ea&e %iing togethe&, and i! they a%% c&eate su!!e&ing !o& each othe&, it goes on u%tip%ying.Thats how the who%e wo&%d has becoe a he%%. 't can be instant%y changed. Just the basicthing has to be unde&stood, that without inte%%igence the&e is no heaen.

• '! you &ea%%y want to get &id o! ise&y and su!!e&ing then you wi%% hae to unde&stand —

you dont hae a se%!. Then it wi%% be not 2ust a sa%% &e%ie! but a t&eendous &e%ie!. And i!

you dont hae a se%!, the need !o& the othe& disappea&s. 't was the need o! the un&ea% se%! to go on being nou&ished by the othe&. #ou dont need the othe&. And %isten ca&e!u%%y:when you dont need the othe&, you can %oe. And that %oe wi%% not b&ing ise&y. 4oingbeyond needs, deands, desi&es, %oe becoes a e&y so!t sha&ing, a g&eatunde&standing. $hen you unde&stand you&se%!, that e&y day you hae unde&stood thewho%e o! huanity. Then nobody can ake you ise&ab%e. #ou know that they a&esu!!e&ing !&o an un&ea% se%!, and they a&e th&owing thei& ise&y on anybody who is c%oseby. #ou& %oe wi%% ake you capab%e o! he%ping the pe&son you %oe to get &id o! the se%!.

• Opposites a&e cop%eenta&ies. '! you can su!!e& you& su!!e&ing in tota%ity, in g&eat

intensity, you wi%% be su&p&ised: 7au% becoes au%. #ou wi%% not be ab%e to be%iee it whenit happens !o& the !i&st tie, that you& own su!!e&ing abso&bed wi%%ing%y, we%coing%y,becoes a g&eat b%essing. The sae ene&gy that becoes hate becoes %oe, the saeene&gy that becoes pain becoes p%easu&e, the sae ene&gy that becoes su!!e&ing

becoes b%iss.• The oent you becoe identi!ied with you& su!!e&ing you want to disca&d it, you want to

get &id o! it, it is so pain!u%. But i! you a&e a witness then su!!e&ing %oses a%% tho&ns, a%%stings. Then the&e is su!!e&ing, and you a&e a witness to it. #ou a&e 2ust a i&&o&) it hasnothing to do with you. *appiness coes and goes, unhappiness coes and goes, it is apassing show) you a&e 2ust the&e, a i&&o& &e!%ecting it. Li!e coes and goes, death coesand goes) the i&&o& is not a!!ected by eithe&. The i&&o& &e!%ects but &eains una!!ected)the i&&o& is not ip&inted by eithe&.

• /eebe&, one who en2oys o&e is bound to su!!e& o&e because he becoes e&y

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sensitie. But su!!e&ing is not bad. '! you unde&stand it &ight%y, su!!e&ing is a c%eansing. '!you unde&stand it &ight%y, sadness has a depth to it which no happiness can ee& hae. Ape&son who is sip%y happy is a%ways supe&!icia%. A pe&son who has not known so&&owand has not known sadness, has not known the depths. *e has not touched the bottoo! his being) he has &eained 2ust on the pe&iphe&y. One has to oe within these twobanks. $ithin these two banks !%ows the &ie&.

•(ach su!!e&ing shou%d be sta&ted in ce%eb&ation. Then you change the 1ua%ity o! su!!e&ingitse%!. (ach su!!e&ing shou%d be we%coed th&ough ce%eb&ation) then the su!!e&ing is noo&e su!!e&ing.

• 7u!!e&ing is the&e. 't is pa&t o! %i!e and pa&t o! g&owth) nothing is bad in it. 7u!!e&ing

becoes ei% on%y when it is sip%y dest&uctie and not c&eatie at a%%) su!!e&ing becoesbad on%y when you su!!e& and nothing is gained out o! it. But ' a te%%ing you the diinecan be gained th&ough su!!e&ing) then it becoes c&eatie. =a&kness is beauti!u% i! thedawn is coing out o! it soon) da&kness is dange&ous i! it is end%ess, %eads to no dawn,sip%y continues and continues and you go on oing in a &ut, in a icious ci&c%e. This iswhat is happening to you.Just to escape !&o one su!!e&ing you c&eate anothe&) then toescape !&o anothe&, anothe&. And this goes on and on and a%% those su!!e&ings which youhae not %ied a&e waiting !o& you. #ou hae escaped but you escape !&o one su!!e&ingto anothe&, because a ind which was c&eating a su!!e&ing wi%% c&eate anothe&. 7o you can

escape !&o this su!!e&ing to that, but su!!e&ing wi%% be the&e because you& ind is thec&eatie !o&ce.Accept the su!!e&ing and pass th&ough it) dont escape. This is a tota%%ydi!!e&ent diension to wo&k in. 7u!!e&ing is the&e: encounte& it, go th&ough it. ea& wi%% bethe&e, accept it. #ou wi%% t&eb%e, so t&eb%e. $hy c&eate a !acade that you dont t&eb%e,that you a&e not a!&aid? '! you a&e a cowa&d, accept it.


• 'nstead o! you& %i!e being in an oceanic %oe, it is su!!e&ing in a gutte& o! di&ty 2ea%ousy. But

un%ess you sta&t %ooking inwa&ds and !inding the &oots, you wi%% not be ab%e to t&ans!o& it.

• (e&ybody can be !&eed !&o nighta&es, !&o su!!e&ings, !&o ise&ies, but o! cou&se

not di&ect%y. The p&ob%e is that you cannot be !&eed !&o you& su!!e&ing di&ect%y becauseyou a&e c%inging to it. 't is not the su!!e&ing that is the p&ob%e, it is you who a&e c%ingingwhich is the p&ob%e. #ou dont want to %eae it. #ou b&ag about it, you ta%k about it. #oueen ta%k about how to get out o! this ise&y. But one who has eyes can see that you a&ec%inging to the ise&y as ha&d as possib%e. Just the p&esence o! a aste& can he%p you tosee whethe& the ise&y is c%inging to you, o& you a&e c%inging to the ise&y. That is a e&ydecisie point. Once you see that you a&e c%inging to the ise&y, you a&e !&eed. Just theseeing o! it, the e&y unde&standing, is !&eedo.

• Li!e cannot g&ow without cha%%enges) and pains, ise&ies, su!!e&ings b&ing cha%%enges.

#ou cannot becoe awa&e without su!!e&ing. 7u!!e&ing eokes awa&eness in you.

• The ost ipo&tant thing in %i!e is to %ea&n that you a&e not the body. That wi%% gie you

such !&eedo !&o pain and !&o su!!e&ing. "ot that su!!e&ing wi%% disappea&, not thatthe&e wi%% not be any pain o& cance&, they wi%% be the&e but you wi%% not be identi!ied withthe. #ou wi%% be 2ust a watche&. And i! you can watch you& own body as i! it is soebody

e%ses body, you hae attained soething o! t&eendous ipo&tance. #ou& %i!e has notbeen in ain. #ou hae %ea&ned the %esson, the g&eatest %esson that is possib%e !o& anyhuan being.

• #ou hae %ooked ee&ywhe&e, you hae wa%ked thousands o! ways in thousands o! %ies,

but you hae nee& &eached to you&se%!. This is the basic su!!e&ing: not to know you&se%!."ot to be awa&e o! you& ete&nity is the on%y ise&y — a%% ise&ies a&e sa%% e+p&essions o! it.

• #ou wi%% be thank!u% on%y when you hae been cop%ete%y &enewed: you hae been ki%%ed,

and you a&e &ebo&n — on%y then. Be!o&e that the&e is going to be uch pain. 4&owth goes

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th&ough pain, uch su!!e&ing. 4&owth is not cheap.

• 't is easy when you a&e su!!e&ing to stand a%oo!, to be awa&e. 't is easy when you a&e

ise&ab%e to be awa&e, because who wants to be ise&ab%e? $ho wants to be insu!!e&ing? The e+pe&ience o! su!!e&ing, anguish, ise&y, itse%! he%ps you to get out o! it.

• $hen su!!e&ing is acute, not 2ust a tant&u, not 2ust an act that you a&e putting on, not 2ust

a habit but a &ea% su!!e&ing, a despai&) when you see that %i!e has no eaning, that each

b&eath sees to be sip%y unnecessa&y9 $hy do you go on %iing, !o& what? — nothingis going to happen, and the&e is no e+it eithe&. $hen the pain o! it becoes so intensethat it goes beyond the %iit o! huan to%e&ation, sudden%y you ay coe out o! anighta&e. Then this so-ca%%ed waking state wi%% p&oe to be on%y a di!!e&ent kind o! s%eep,with open eyes.

• This is a e&y unconscious state. #ou a&e 7C(/'"4 !&o desi&e, but you think you a&e

su!!e&ing !&o things. eop%e think they a&e su!!e&ing !&o thei& wies, !&o thei&husbands, chi%d&en, society, peop%e. "o. "ot at a%%. #ou a&e su!!e&ing on%y !&o one thing:desi&e.

• 't %ooks e&y di!!icu%t to t&ust that a%% that you a&e su!!e&ing is 2ust a d&ea c&eated by

you&se%! — but it is so. Because a%% those who hae becoe awakened say so0 "ot asing%e awakened pe&son has said othe&wise. And in %ucid oents o! awa&eness you wi%%

a%so !ee% the sae.• To be ise&ab%e, to be in su!!e&ing, is ou& own e!!o&t, it is ou& own c&eation. 7u!!e&ing has

the signatu&e o! an, b%essing has the signatu&e o! 4od. 7u!!e&ing has to be ea&ned —when you a&e ab%e to see you wi%% be su&p&ised: su!!e&ing needs uch o&e wo&k, ucho&e e!!o&t, because to su!!e& is a%ost aking the ipossib%e possib%e. 't is not you&natu&e to su!!e&, and sti%% you c&eate it. 't needs a&duous e!!o&t. 4oing against natu&eneeds uch wo&k — and peop%e a&e wo&king day in, day out, yea& in, yea& out, %i!e in, %i!eout, peop%e a&e wo&king ha&d to c&eate o&e and o&e su!!e&ing !o& these%es.

• '! you a&e su!!e&ing, &eebe&, you ust be c&eating it. The&e is no othe& way to su!!e&.

But i! you !ee% b%essed, then it is not you& doing: it is a showe&ing !&o the beyond.7u!!e&ing is an-ade, b%iss is god-ade — b%iss is you& natu&e, you& e&y natu&e, you&e&y g&ound o! being. $hen this has been seen, you hae coe hoe.

• ' teach you to be se%!ish, because on%y out o! t&ue se%!ishness is a%t&uis bo&n. A &ea%%y

se%!ish pe&son cannot be against anybody, a &ea%%y se%!ish pe&son cannot hu&t anybody —because hu&ting soebody you hae to hu&t you&se%! !i&st. #ou cannot c&eate su!!e&ing !o&othe&s without c&eating su!!e&ing !o& you&se%!. Be!o&e you a&e ang&y with soeone, youhae to be ang&y within you&se%!. Be!o&e you a&e io%ent with soebody, you hae to goth&ough any nighta&es.

• C"=(/7TA"= $(LL: you a&e the cause o! you& su!!e&ing, nobody e%se. To &ecognize

this is the !i&st step into being a &e%igious pe&son. #ou dont th&ow you& &esponsibi%ity ontoothe&s, you sip%y &ecognize the !act that 6' a the cause o! y su!!e&ing.8 And with that,o! cou&se, you wi%% !ee% a %itt%e sad, you wi%% %ook a %itt%e stupid. '! you a&e the cause, thenwhy do you go on c&eating su!!e&ing !o& you&se%!?


Osho Quotes on Abition

• an is not dest&oyed by othe& sa%% things — a&i2uana, L7=, etcete&a — he is

dest&oyed by soething !a& deepe&. Abition is the ost poisonous thing. $e a&e

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unconscious. 7o, un%ess we becoe e&y awa&e o! ou& inne& poisons we wi%% not be ab%eto t&ans!o& ou& beings !&o da&kness into %ight. $e wi%% &eain da&k ho%es — and wehae the capacity to becoe ete&na% %ight.

• The who%e point is to unde&stand that the !utu&e is not. The !utu&e is c&eated by the

abitious ind. The !utu&e is not pa&t o! tie. 't is pa&t o! abition. Because abitionneeds space to oe. #ou cannot !u%!i%% abition now. #ou can !u%!i%% %i!e now, but not

abition. Abition is against %i!e, anti%i!e.• $hat is the &oot o! you& ise&y? The &oot is you& abition, desi&ing. One wants to be this

and that, one wants to possess this and that, one wants to be soebody, one wants to besigni!icant.

• The oent you hae put you& ind aside < ind eans abition, the ego t&ip o! being

this and that < the oent you hae put the who%e ind aside, a g&eat %ight e+p%odes inyou and you a&e en%ightened. This is sato&i. 't does not coe !&o the outside: you a&enot de%ie&ed by soebody e%se, you a&e de%ie&ed by you& own being, by you& ownnatu&e.

• The an o! 3en is abso%ute%y conscious — no g&eed, no ange&, no 2ea%ousy, no abition.

These a&e a%% into+icants, these a&e a%% d&ugs: they go on keeping you s%eepy. 't is ai&ac%e how you anage you& %i!e with so any poisons &unning in you& b%oodst&ea, in

you& e&y being. That is the on%y di!!e&ence) othe&wise, !&o the outside, you wi%% notknow.

• $hat is the point o! becoing abitious? Abition eans ' hae to be supe&io&, ' hae to

p&oe that ' a supe&io& to othe&s. "ow !o& this you hae to %ose you& inte%%igence, youhae to becoe stupid. Thats why po%iticians a&e utte&%y stupid peop%e, they cant beothe&wise. They a&e a%% bananas, and &otten bananas at that0

•  Abition sta&ts in such a way that you nee& becoe awa&e what poison it contains in it.

The bott%e o! abition contains pu&e poison, but the %abe% is not that o! poison: the %abe%says it is pu&e necta&.

• Both eet in you — tie and ete&nity. "ow it is !o& you to decide. '! you oe in abition,

you wi%% oe in tie) and death e+ists in tie. '! you oe in desi&e, you wi%% oe intie) and death e+ists in tie. '! you hanke& !o& the ego, you wi%% oe in tie. =eath,ego, desi&e, abition, they a%% a&e pa&t o! the ho&izonta% %ine. '! you sta&t digging in theoent and oe e&tica%%y, you becoe a nonego, you becoe desi&e%ess, youbecoe nonabitious. But sudden%y you a&e a!%ae with %i!e, you a&e an intense ene&gyo! %i!e. 4od has taken possession o! you. oe e&tica%%y, and a%% ise&%iness disappea&s.

•  A%% you& educationa% systes and a%% you& cu%tu&a% be%ie!s, !o&ce you to be abitious, to be

soebody. But to be soebody eans c&eating an+ieties in a si%ent poo%, &ipp%es andwaes. The g&eate& the abition, the o&e tida% is the wae o! an+iety. #ou can becoea%ost insane desi&ing. T&ying to be soebody, you a&e t&ying the ipossib%e, becausebasica%%y you a&e nobody. 3en has an abso%ute%y uni1ue pe&ception into the nothingnesso! ee&yone. 't does not teach you any abition, it does not teach you to be soeonee%se. 't sip%y wants you to know that in the deepest pa&t o! you& being you a&e sti%%nothing, you a&e sti%% ca&&ying the o&igina% pu&ity which is not een containated by anidea o! 6'.8

•$hy shou%d you want to becoe soebody e%se? $hy? This copetition, this abition,b&ings ego in. This copa&ison is egoistic. @7oebody is wise so ' shou%d becoe wise.$hy? Let soebody be wise, that is his destiny. $hat is w&ong in being the way you a&e?Then the&e is a&iety and the&e is &ichness in %i!e because o! the a&iety.

• $hat is po%itics? o%itics is abition, po%itics is ego, po%itics is agg&ession, po%itics is

io%ence, po%itics is an ego-t&ip. *ow can a &e%igious pe&son be po%itica%? *e can p&etendthat he is &e%igious but he cannot be &e%igious. And how can a po%itica% pe&son be&e%igious? *e can p&etend that he is &e%igious but he cannot be &e%igious. These two thugscannot go togethe& because to be &e%igious one has to d&op abition. And i! you d&op

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abition po%itics disappea&s. To be &e%igious one has to d&op the ego, and when you d&opthe ego, po%itics is d&opped. A &e%igious pe&son has to be without any ego whatsoee&.

• Thats what a%ways happens to abition. $hen you a&e nea&ing to the end, sudden%y you

&ecognize that one thing is e&y basica%%y issing — soebody is sti%% ahead o! you. Andabition is e&y io%ent. (en i! it is you& aste&, you can ki%% hi. Abition is io%ence. Anabitious an can nee& ke non-io%ent. An abitious an can nee& %oe. "ot een his

own aste& is sa!e0 An abitious an is a dange&ous an. Abition is poison. 't poisonsyou.

• Let it be &eebe&ed a%ways: you cannot becoe non-io%ent i! the&e is sti%% abition —

any kind o! abition wi%% nee& a%%ow you copassion. *ow can you be copassionate i!the&e is abition? #ou hae sti%% to !ight, sti%% to ake you& way.

• 3en has a di!!e&ent app&oach. 't says: Be in the %i!e — %i!e is not w&ong. '! soething is

w&ong it is w&ong in you& ision. #ou& eyes a&e c%ouded, you& i&&o& o! consciousness isdusty. 5%ean it0 5&eate o&e c%a&ity. '! copetitieness disappea&s, you a&e in the wo&%dand yet you a&e not in the wo&%d. '! abition disappea&s, then the&e is no wo&%d %e!t. Buthow the abition and the copetition can disappea&? $e go on c&eating new ways.7oebody is t&ying to hae o&e oney than you and soebody e%se is t&ying to beo&e i&tuous than you. $hat is the di!!e&ence? 7oebody is t&ying to be o&eknow%edgeab%e than you, soebody e%se is t&ying to hae o&e cha&acte& than you. 't is

the sae desi&e, the sae d&eaing, the sae s%eepiness. And peop%e go on and on inthei& d&eaing. Thei& d&eas change, but they nee& wake up.

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Osho Quotes on Abition

• '! you a&e abitious, then you& ind is bound to &eain &est%ess. '! you want peace, then

the !i&st &e1ui&eent is to d&op a%% abition. Cn%ess you d&op abition you cannot be atease, at peace, you cannot be &e%a+ed.

• Just watch peop%e who hae succeeded in the wo&%d and you wi%% d&op the idea o!

success. "othing !ai%s %ike success. A%though you hae been to%d that nothing succeeds%ike success, ' say to you that nothing !ai%s %ike success. *appiness has nothing to do with

success, happiness has nothing to do with abition, happiness has nothing to do withoney, powe&, p&estige. 't is a tota%%y di!!e&ent diension.

• To %ie without editation is to be !oo%ish, because whatsoee& you do then is going to be

w&ong. #ou cannot do &ight without editation because &ight on%y g&ows in the soi% o!editation. 'n the soi% o! the ind abitions, desi&es a&ise. And when the&e is abitionthe&e is copetition, and when the&e is copetition you a&e not a !&iend to othe&s. #ou a&ean eney and othe&s a&e you& eneies. The copetitie ind %ies in an iniica% way,%ies in hat&ed, %ies in 2ea%ousy) its who%e !unction is out o! 2ea%ousy. And because o! thiskind o! %i!e an su!!e&s, he &eains in ise&y.

• Becoe sti%% — not a !o&ced sti%%ness, not a p&acticed and cu%tiated sti%%ness — becoe

sti%% natu&a%%y. Cnde&standing the !uti%ity o! desi&e, seeing the abso%ute absu&dity o!abition, becoe sti%% — th&ough unde&standing, not th&ough p&actice.

• *ow to !ind 2oy? Let you& abition disappea&) abition is the ba&&ie&. Abition eans an

ego t&ip: 6' want to be this, ' want to be that — o&e oney, o&e powe&, o&e p&estige.8But &eebe&, Buddha says: T*( $'""(/ 7O$7 *AT/(= B(5AC7( T*( LO7(/7C(/7. L(T 4O O $'""'"4 A"= LO7'"4 A"= '"= JO#. '! you want to !ind 2oy,!o&get about winning and %osing. Li!e is a p%ay, a gae. %ay it beauti!u%%y, !o&get a%% about%osing and winning. The &ea% spo&tsans spi&it is not that o! winning o& %osing, it is not his&ea% 1uestion. *e en2oys p%aying) that is the &ea% p%aye&. '! you a&e p%aying to win, you wi%%p%ay with tension, an+iety. #ou a&e not conce&ned with the p%ay itse%!, its 2oy and itsyste&y) you a&e o&e conce&ned with the outcoe. This is not the &ight way to %ie in thewo&%d.

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• The o&e editatie you becoe, the %ess abitious you wi%% be. The&e is no 1uestion o!

!u%!i%%ing abitions) abition wi%% sta&t disappea&ing !&o you& consciousness.

• This oent is a%%. Buddha insists e&y uch: Lie in the oent. And desi&e does not

a%%ow you to %ie in the oent. And you go on &epeating the sae things, you oe inci&c%es. Just watch you& %i!e, %ook back. #ou hae been oing in ci&c%es: the sae ange&,the sae se+, the sae g&eed, the sae abition, the sae postponeent and the

sae desi&ing ind. $hen a&e you going to wake up?

• $hat is en%ightenent? — the insight that desi&e is !uti%e, that abition is i%%ness. Then

sudden%y you a&e th&own back to the p&esent oent. To be in the p&esent is to been%ightened. To be now and to be he&e is to be en%ightened.

• ind is po%itics, because ind is abitious and abition is the &oot o! po%itics. '! you a&e

abitious you a&e po%itica%. #ou& abition ay take the !o& o! &e%igion, but the po%itics isthe&e. Then you a&e copeting with othe& saints.

• an cannot %ie without po%itics, because o! the ind. #ou a&e b&ought up, you a&e t&ained

to be po%itica%. (e&y chi%d is poisoned !&o the e&y beginning, poisoned by abition. $eteach chi%d&en to be abitious: be soebody in the wo&%d, be soebody specia%,soebody supe&io&, de!eat othe&s0 $e gie the idea to ee&y chi%d that %i!e is a st&ugg%eand on%y the !ittest su&ie. $hethe& you su&ie by &ight o& w&ong eans, that is not

ipo&tant.• This is the case with you in so any %ies. #ou hae %ied the sae kind o! %i!e again and

again — the sae desi&e, the sae g&eed, the sae abition — and each tie you we&e!&ust&ated, but again you a&e &eady to becoe a icti. 't is e+act%y %ike d&eas.

• Buddha int&oduced the idea that young peop%e shou%d becoe sannyasins. Then it is

soething signi!icant. $hen a young pe&son goes beyond se+, when a young pe&songoes beyond desi&es, when a young pe&son goes beyond g&eed, abition, the %onging tobe powe&!u%, the abition to be !aous, then it is soething t&eendous%y eaning!u%,signi!icant. /eebe& one thing: when you a&e young you hae ene&gies. Thoseene&gies can take you to he%% and those sae ene&gies can take you to heaen. (ne&giesa&e neut&a%) it depends on you how you use the.

• $e a&e e&y uch a!&aid, and the !ea& a&ises because we hae be%ieed, we hae been

to%d again and again, hypnotized to be%iee in the ego. This who%e socia% st&uctu&e up tonow, hithe&to, has been p&opounding an egoistic %i!e attitude. Then !ea&, then g&eed, thenabition, a&e natu&a%. And ego is being taught to ee&y chi%d) his ego is st&engthened sothat you can ake hi abitious. Out o! abition a&ises po%itics. (go is c&eated so thatyou can ake hi a!&aid. Out o! !ea& a&ises &e%igion — the so-ca%%ed &e%igion.

• (ach chi%d is poisoned by the society th&ough teaching hi abition. Abition is a poison

!a& o&e dange&ous than any a%coho% can ee& be, !a& o&e dange&ous than a&i2uana o&L7=, because abition dest&oys you& who%e %i!e. 't keeps you oing in a !a%se di&ection.'t keeps you iagining, desi&ing, d&eaing, it keeps you wasting you& %i!e. Abitioneans a subt%e c&eation o! the ego, and once the ego is c&eated you a&e in the g&ip o!da&kness. And the who%e socia% st&uctu&e depends on abition. Be the !i&st0 $he&ee& youa&e, whatsoee& you a&e doing: be the !i&st0 — as i! being the !i&st has soething diineabout it. By what eans you becoe the !i&st is i&&e%eant. By &ight eans o& w&ong

eans, succeed0 As i! success in itse%! has becoe e1uia%ent to %i!e, synonyous with%i!e. Li!e has nothing to do with success. 7uccess keeps you &ushing towa&ds the !utu&eand that becoes you& into+icant. *oping, hoping !o& the too&&ow, wasting that whichyou hae o& that which you dont hae and wi%% nee& hae.

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• The &ea% an one day becoes en%ightened. The un&ea% an nee& becoes

en%ightened. $hen the &ea% an becoes en%ightened, then the&e is no 2oy and nosadness. Then his being is 2ust a witness. Joy coes: he watches it. 7adness coes: hewatches it.

• #ou a&e sad — be awa&e. Let sadness becoe you& editation. #ou a&e ang&y — be

awa&e. #ou a&e in %oe — be awa&e. Cse a%% possibi%ities, a%% oppo&tunities to be o&e and

o&e awa&e. 7%ow%y s%ow%y, the oentu gathe&s, and one day soething e+p%odes inyou. That e+p%osion is known in the (ast as the !%owe&ing o! the one-thousand-peta%%ed%otus.

• #ou go on %iing in a !antasy wo&%d. #ou& %i!e is nothing but you& thinking, a pseudo thing)

and so is you& death. #ou& i%%ness, you& hea%th, you& happiness, you& sadness a&e a%% sobogus that how can you die a &ea% death? A &ea% death has to be ea&ned. One has tobecoe wo&thy o! &ea% death. And one becoes wo&thy on%y by %iing t&u%y.

• Ou& ind is a choose&) thats why the p&ob%e a&ises. /eain choice%ess. And

whatsoee& happens and whe&ee& you a&e, &ight o& %e!t, in the idd%e o& not in theidd%e, en2oy the oent in its tota%ity. $hi%e happy, dance, sing, p%ay usic — behappy0 And when sadness coes, which is bound to coe, which is coing, which hasto coe, which is ineitab%e, you cannot aoid it9 i! you t&y to aoid it you wi%% hae to

dest&oy the e&y possibi%ity o! happiness. The day cannot be without the night, and thesue& cannot be without the winte&, and %i!e cannot be without death.

• /eebe&, one who en2oys o&e is bound to su!!e& o&e because he becoes e&y

sensitie. But su!!e&ing is not bad. '! you unde&stand it &ight%y, su!!e&ing is a c%eansing. '!you unde&stand it &ight%y, sadness has a depth to it which no happiness can ee& hae. Ape&son who is sip%y happy is a%ways supe&!icia%. A pe&son who has not known so&&owand has not known sadness, has not known the depths. *e has not touched the bottoo! his being) he has &eained 2ust on the pe&iphe&y. One has to oe within these twobanks. $ithin these two banks !%ows the &ie&.

• 7adness has coe. 't has happened to you) it is not you. The oent you &eebe&

this, sudden%y you wi%% see a distance a&ising between you and the sadness. 't does nota!!ect you anyo&e. $hen you %ose awa&eness, it a!!ects you) when you gain awa&eness,the&e is a distance. The o&e awa&eness &ises to a highe& peak, the o&e the distance

becoes g&eate& and g&eate&. A oent coes when you a&e so !a& away !&o you&sadness that it is as i! it is no %onge& the&e.

• Li!e consists o! sadness too. And sadness is a%so beauti!u%) it has its own depth, its own

de%icacy, its own de%iciousness, its own taste. A an is poo&e& i! he has not knownsadness) he is ipoe&ished, e&y uch ipoe&ished. *is %aughte& wi%% be sha%%ow, his%aughte& wi%% not hae depth, because depth coes on%y th&ough sadness. A an whoknows sadness, i! he %aughs, his %aughte& wi%% hae depth. *is %aughte& wi%% haesoething o! his sadness too, his %aughte& wi%% be o&e co%o&!u%.

• #ou a&e sad. 4o into you& sadness &athe& than escaping into soe actiity, into soe

occupation, &athe& than going to see a !&iend o& to a oie o& tu&ning on the &adio o& thet. /athe& than escaping !&o it, tu&ning you& back towa&ds it, d&op a%% actiity. 5%ose you&eyes, go into it, see what it is, why it is — and see without condening it, because i! youconden you wi%% not be ab%e to see the tota%ity o! it. 7ee without 2udging. '! you 2udge,you wi%% not be ab%e to see the who%e o! it. $ithout 2udgent, without condenation,without ea%uation, 2ust watch it, what it is. Look as i! it is a !%owe&, sad) a c%oud, da&k) but%ook at it with no 2udgent so that you can see a%% the !acets o! it.

• Thats how it shou%d be. '! you can %ike you& sadness a%so, then the sadness is no %onge&

sad. The sadness is sad because you dis%ike it. The sadness is sad because you wou%dnot %ike to be in it. The sadness is sad because you &e2ect it. (en sadness becoes a!%owe&ing o! t&eendous beauty, o! si%ence, o! depth, i! you %ike it. "othing is w&ong) thatswhat ' want you to be: to %ike ee&ything that happens, een sadness. (en death has tobe %oed) on%y then wi%% you t&anscend death. '! you can accept death, %oe and we%coe

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it, now death cannot ki%% you) you hae t&anscended it.

• $hen sadness coes, accept it. Listen to its song. 't has soething to gie to you. 't has

a gi!t which no happiness can gie to you, on%y sadness can gie it.

• *appiness is a%ways sha%%ow) sadness, a%ways deep. *appiness is %ike a wae, sadness

is %ike the inne&ost depth o! an ocean. 'n sadness you &eain with you&se%!, %e!t a%one. 'nhappiness you sta&t oing with peop%e, you sta&t sha&ing 'n sadness you c%ose you&

eyes) you de%e deep within you&se%!. 7adness has a song — a e&y deep phenoenon issadness. Accept it. (n2oy it. Taste it without any &e2ection, and you wi%% see that it b&ingsany gi!ts to you which no happiness can ee& b&ing.

• '! you can accept sadness, it is no o&e sadness. #ou hae b&ought a new 1ua%ity to it.

#ou wi%% g&ow th&ough it. "ow it wi%% not be a stone, a &ock on the path b%ocking the way) itwi%% becoe a step. And &eebe& a%ways: a pe&son who has not known deep sadness isa poo& pe&son. *e wi%% nee& hae an inne& &ichness. A pe&son who has %ied a%wayshappy, si%ing, sha%%ow, has not ente&ed into the inne&ost tep%e o! his being. *e hasissed the inne&ost sh&ine.

• /eain capab%e o! oing with a%% the po%a&ities. $hen sadness coes, be /(ALL# sad.

=ont t&y to escape !&o it — a%%ow it, coope&ate with it. Let it disso%e in you and you bedisso%ed in it. Becoe one with it. Be &ea%%y sad: no &esistance, no con!%ict, no st&ugg%e.

$hen happiness coes, be happy: dance, be ecstatic. $hen happiness coes, dont t&yto c%ing to it. =ont say that it shou%d &eain a%ways and a%ways) that is the way to iss it.$hen sadness coes, dont say,=ont coe to e, o&,'! you hae coe, p%ease gosoon. That is the way to iss it.

• =ont &e2ect sadness and dont c%ing to happiness. and soon you wi%% unde&stand that

happiness and sadness a&e two aspects o! the sae coin. Then you wi%% see thathappiness a%so has a sadness in it, and sadness a%so has a happiness in it. Then you&inne& being is en&iched. Then you can en2oy ee&ything: the o&ning and the eeninga%so, the sun%ight and the da&k night a%so, the day and the night, the sue& and thewinte&, %i!e and death — you can en2oy a%%.

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• '! sadness and so&&ow oe&take you in %i!e, you ust hae taken soe w&ong step) whenyou su!!e&, know that you hae gone ast&ay. The su!!e&ing is on%y a pointe&, dont ake ityou& %i!e sty%e) dont becoe asochist, !o& asochis is a disease !&o which anypeop%e su!!e&.

•  Any oent o! g&eat happiness wi%% a%so be a g&eat oent o! sadness.

• This is what is the attitude o! a editato& — to %ook at ee&ything but not to 2up into it.

$hatsoee& passes is good. 7oeties happiness coes, soeties sadness, ange&, 2ea%ousy — you need not ake the you& p&ob%es. #ou hae the attitude as i! you a&ewaiting at the &ai%way station in the waiting &oo. 7o any peop%e coing and going —good and bad, saint and sinne& — it is none o! you& conce&n) you sip%y sit in you& chai&unconce&ned. #ou a&e waiting !o& you& t&ain, and these peop%e a&e not coing !o& you —you dont een know who they a&e. #ou a&e not in a 2udging ood o! who is good andwho is bad, because you 2udge on%y when you think this is you& hoe.

• *ypoc&isy eans you p&etend to be soething which you a&e not. #ou know it, it hu&ts,

hence it c&eates sadness. The who%e wo&%d is !u%% o! sadness because the who%e wo&%dhas been di&ected to c&eate cha&acte&, o&a%ity. y e!!o&t he&e is 2ust the opposite. ' anot inte&ested in cha&acte& at a%%, in o&a%ity st a%%. ' s not te%%ing peop%e to be io&a%, 'a te%%ing peop%e to be conscious, to c&eate consciousness.

• y sannyasins a&e not to be sad peop%e. (nough o! sadness0 Th&oughout the who%e past

o! huanity we hae c&eated sad saints and sages. 't has been a nighta&e. "ow weneed chee&!u% sages, saints who a&e capab%e o! %oe and %aughte&. 4od is !ed up with you& 

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o%d saints. *e is continuous%y in!o&ing e not to send any o&e o! the o%d type o! saints.*e needs a !ew dance&s in heaen, the singe&s, %oe&s — the o%d saints hae adeheaen %ook %ike he%%. 7o ' a p&epa&ing y peop%e.

• '! you say you wi%% not oe into sadness, that you want on%y happiness, then you cannot

!%ow. %ow is on%y possib%e i! you accept ee&ything as it is, unconditiona%%y.

• 7i%ence has soething in it that is e&y uch %ike sadness. 't is not sadness, but it is e&y

uch %ike it. 7o when you sta&t becoing si%ent, you ay a%so !ee% a ce&tain type o!sadness. =ont be a!&aid o! that, o& you wi%% sta&t t&ying to get out o! it. 't is not sadness,but 2ust the !ee%ing o! si%ence, the depth, gies you a ce&tain sadness. 't is beauti!u%, ?eop%e who go into si%ence hae to encounte& this p&ob%e, and hae to unde&stand thatthe&e a&e di!!e&ent types o! sadness. The&e is a sadness that coes out o! !&ust&ation) asadness that coes out o! being epty, and inne& poe&ty. And the&e is a sadness thatcoes out o! si%ence, out o! tota% !u%%ness, but it is a%so a%ie.

• 7i%ence wi%% gie you sadness, and a%oneness. #ou wi%% need a %itt%e tie to becoe

!ai%ia& with those di!!e&ent shades and di!!e&ent !%aou&s.

• 5hange on%y one thing, change !&o ise&y to b%iss. !&o sadness to ce%eb&ation. And it

can be done e&y easi%y because ise&y is an unnatu&a% thing.

• y path is the path o! b%iss. 't is not o! sadness, it is not o! se&iousness. 7adness and

se&iousness a&e patho%ogica%. The so-ca%%ed saints who appea& e&y se&ious, a&e &ea%%y i%%peop%e. They a&e not who%e. They hae becoe incapab%e o! %aughte&, they hae becoeincapab%e o! chee&!u%ness < and to be incapab%e o! chee&!u%ness and %aughte& is &ea%%y tocoit suicide. They hae coitted suicide. But we hae wo&shipped these peop%e !o&centu&ies because we a&e wo&shippe&s o! death, not o! %i!e. And we wo&ship a pe&son whobecoes dead een whi%e he is a%ie, who sta&ts %iing a kind o! post-huous e+istence.*e becoes a ahata, a sage, a saint.

• y sannyasins hae to %ie a %i!e o! b%iss — that is thei& editation. They hae to d&op a%%

se&iousness, they hae to becoe o&e p%ay!u%. They hae to %ook at %i!e not as ap&ob%e but as a yste&y. '! you %ook at it as a p&ob%e you becoe se&ious becausethen a g&eat teptation a&ises to so%e it — and it is inso%ub%e. 't wi%% %ead you into o&eand o&e se&iousness and into !&ust&ation and into sadness.

• The on%y thing &ea%%y beauti!u% is b%iss!u%ness. And the on%y thing ug%y is sadness, ise&y.

But because the a2o&ity o! huan beings %ie in ise&y, they wo&ship ise&y. They a&ea!&aid o! b%iss, they a&e a!&aid o! b%iss!u% peop%e. They cannot be%iee that soebody is&ea%%y b%iss!u%.

• $e becoe identi!ied with anything that coes in !&ont o! us. $hen the c%oud o! ange& is

the&e we think we a&e ange&) when the c%oud o! %oe is the&e we think we a&e %oe. $hencopassion is the&e we think we a&e copassion) when sadness is the&e we think we a&esadness. $e a&e none o! these: we a&e the watche&. Ange& wi%% coe and go and thewatche& abides. 7adness coes and passes by and the witness &eains. To &eebe&that witness o&e and o&e wi%% ake you integ&ated, because that is the on%y cent&ewhich is ee&%asting, ete&na%) and on%y on the ete&na% &ock o! witnessing can a &ea% %i!e bebui%t. Othe&wise we a&e aking ou& houses on sand, 1uicksi%e&. $e cannot eencop%ete it — it a%ways !a%%s in the idd%e.

•Let this becoe you& key — ne+t tie when ange& coes, 2ust watch it. =ont say @' aang&y) say &athe& @Ange& is the&e) ' a watching it. And see the di!!e&ence0 The di!!e&enceis ast. 7udden%y you a&e out o! the g&ip o! ange& i! you can say @' a 2ust a watche&) ' anot ange&. $hen sadness coes, 2ust sit by the side and %ook at it and say @' a thewatche&) ' a not sadness and see the di!!e&ence. 'ediate%y you hae cut the e&y&oot o! sadness. 't is no o&e nou&ished) it wi%% die o! sta&ation, because we !eed theseeotions by being identi!ied with the.

• Be awa&e o! the body and its action. $a%king, wa%k with a%e&tness) dont wa%k %ike a &obot,

%ike a achine. $hen thinking, watch) what thoughts a&e oing, Just go on seeing) what

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desi&es a&e spinning and weaing thei& nets a&ound you. Just go on watching. 4o onwatching how subt%e d&eas a&e oing %ike an unde&cu&&ent deep down in you&unconscious. $atch you& !ee%ings, oods, how they sudden%y a&ise as i! !&o nowhe&e)

 2ust a oent be!o&e you we&e so !u%% o! 2oy and now you a&e so sad. Just watch how ithappens, see the b&idge 9 how 2oy becoes sadness, how sadness becoes 2oy.

• 7%ow%y s%ow%y you& oods sta&t disappea&ing. #ou a&e no o&e e&y 2oyous and no o&e

e&y sad. The di!!e&ence between 2oy and sadness sta&ts becoing %ess. 7oon a oento! e1ui%ib&iu is &eached when you a&e neithe& sad no& 2oyous. And that is the oentwhen b%iss is !e%t. That t&an1ui%%ity, that si%ence, that ba%ance, is b%iss.

• One who is su&&ende&ed to god need not say anything, the e&y su&&ende& wi%% t&ans!o&

his %i!e. A%% that is needed on the pa&t o! the seeke& is to d&op the ego because ego is theon%y cause o! a%% ou& ise&y and sadness.

• B%iss!u%ness has tota%%y disappea&ed, and the st&angest thing is that it has disappea&ed

because o! the so-ca%%ed &e%igious peop%e in the wo&%d. The &e%igious peop%e hae c&eateda kind o! se&iousness. They hae dest&oyed chee&!u%ness, they hae condened chee&!u%as soething undane, p&o!ane, sac&i%egious. They hae &aised sadness, se&iousness,to the heights o! saint%iness.

• One has to becoe o&e and o&e a%ie, !u%% o! zest, gusto, intensity. One shou%d not

withho%d. $hen you a&e !u%% o! %i!e %oe sta&ts happening on its own acco&d, because whatyou wi%% do with %i!e, what you wi%% do with that oe&!%owing ene&gy? #ou wi%% hae to sha&eit — thats what %oe is: sha&ing o! you& %i!e ene&gy. And the oent you sha&e you& %i!eene&gy a%% sadness disappea&s, then %i!e is 2ust a hea&t!e%t %aughte&.

• "ow this indiisib%e ato o! consciousness can e+ist in two ways: it can e+ist in sadness

— then it is in the wo&%d — it can e+ist in b%iss) then it is in god. These a&e 2ust two sty%espossib%e, and the sae ene&gy is needed !o& both. The sae ene&gy not a%%owed to oebecoes stagnant, sta%e, c&eates sadness. The sae ene&gy a%%owed, e+p&essed,!%owe&ing, oe&!%owing, becoes b%iss.


Osho 7ho&t Quotes on 7e+

• 7e+ is physica%) %oe is spi&itua%.

• Loe gies. 7e+ on%y wants to get.

• The oent se+ coes in, %oe goes out.

• 'n se+, bodies we&e eeting) in %oe, sou%s a&e eeting.

• '! you oe into se+ with awa&eness, it can tu&n into tant&a.

• 7e+ can &each %oe on%y when editation is the&e, othe&wise not.

• 7e+ p%us awa&eness9 and soething t&eendous sta&ts changing.

• 7e+ is the %owest !o& o! %oe, copassion the highest !o& o! %oe.

• T&ans!o& you& se+ into %oe, and t&ans!o& you& %oe into p&aye&.

• 7e+ is %ike da&kness in you& being. 't can e+ist on%y i! you a&e unawa&e.

• The 1uestion is how to t&ans!o& se+ into %oe, then 2ea%ousy disappea&s.

• =ig into se+ and you wi%% !ind %oe. 4o deep into %oe and you wi%% coe to p&aye&.

• On%y %oe and se+ in thei& tota%ity, accepted, b%iss!u%%y en2oyed, can b&ing o&gas.

• 7e+ c&eates 2ea%ousy) !ind, discoe& %oe. =ont ake se+ the basic thing — it is not.

• $hen se+ a&ises, c&eate %oe — they a&e the sae ene&gy — and wa%k !&o se+ to %oe.

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• 7e+ is unconscious, ea&th%y, the %owest !o& o! %oe. Loe is conscious, highe& than se+.

• Loe coes on%y when se+ has gone. Be!o&e that, %oe is 2ust a %u&e, a !o&ep%ay, and

nothing e%se.

• Buddha wants you to t&ans!o& se+ ene&gy, not to &ep&ess it, because it is the on%y ene&gy

you hae got.

•Obse&e se+) dont disca&d it. Be awa&e o! it. oe into it with !u%% awa&eness and go ont&ying to !ind out what the inne&ost co&e o! it is.

• '! 2ea%ousy is the&e, know we%% the&e is no %oe. #ou a&e p%aying a gae, you a&e hiding

se+ behind %oe. Loe is 2ust a painted wo&d, the &ea%ity is se+.

• 7e+ has to be t&ans!o&ed — neithe& &ep&essed no& ad%y indu%ged. And the on%y

possib%e way to t&ans!o& se+ is to be se+ua% with deep editatie awa&eness.

• Loe is the basis o! se+. '! you dep&ie peop%e o! %oe cop%ete%y, se+ becoes

pe&e&ted. editation is the basis o! ind. '! you deny editation, the ind goes ad.

•  A woan is not uch inte&ested in se+. 7he is uch o&e inte&ested in wa&th, in

cudd%ing, in !&iend%iness, in %oe. an is uch o&e inte&ested in se+.

•  As se+ disappea&s you wi%% !ind authentic %oe g&owing in you. 7e+ is not %oe) it is 2ust a

!a%%acy, a b%indness. #ou a&e t&icked by bio%ogy into be%ieing that this is %oe.

• ake you& %oe a &ea%%y !estie a!!ai&, dont ake it a hit and &un a!!ai&. =ance, sing, p%ay

usic — and dont %et se+ be ce&eb&a%. 5e&eb&a% se+ is not authentic) se+ shou%d bespontaneous.

• ' a not saying &enounce se+, ' a saying t&ans!o& it. 't need not &eain 2ust bio%ogica%:

b&ing soe spi&itua%ity to it. $hi%e aking %oe, editate too. $hi%e aking %oe, bep&aye&!u%. Loe shou%d not be 2ust a physica% act) pou& you& sou% into it.

• #ou conden se+, then you becoe unab%e to t&ans!o& its ene&gy. And it is sip%y

ene&gy. 't can oe in any di&ection, downwa&ds, upwa&ds. '! you accept it, in the e&yacceptance it sta&ts oing upwa&ds, because you a&e be!&iending it. The oent you&e2ect it, you a&e c&eating an enity, a diision in you&se%!.

- - - --- ----- - - --- ----

Osho Quotes on Loe and 7e+ua%ity

•  A conditiona% %oe is nothing but an in!atuation, se+ua%ity. Cnconditiona% is the on%y way

%oe can be. $he&ee& a condition coes in, %oe disappea&s. 't cannot %ie in bondage,and a condition gies it an ip&isonent. Loe can on%y %ie %ike the ast sky. Loe knowsno bounda&ies.

• 7e+ua%ity is possib%e without any unde&standing, without any editation. Loe is possib%e

on%y with unde&standing. 5opassion is possib%e on%y with unde&standing and editation,unde&standing and awa&eness.

• The editatie pe&son can t&ans!o& his se+ua%ity without any antagonis. without any

con!%ict. *e is in deep !&iendship with a%% his ene&gies, se+ua% o& othe&s) he is not in any!ight. $hy !ight with you& own ene&gies? Loe the, &e2oice in the, and he%p the to

t&anscend the %owe& !o&s, the ania% !o&s. Let the oe !&o the body towa&ds thetu&iya, the !ou&th.

• '! you want to change !&o se+ towa&ds %oe, t&y to unde&stand you& se+ua%ity. $atch it,

watch the echanica%ness o! it. 7ee the !uti%ity, see the who%e absu&dity o! it — it is not%eading you anywhe&e. Becoe a %itt%e o&e &e!ined, becoe a %itt%e o&e subt%e. Looknot !o& the body, but soebodys being. $atch, e+p%o&e. 7oone& o& %ate& you wi%% !indsoebody who !its with you.

• O&dina&i%y we think se+ akes peop%e %oing — se+ can nee& ake peop%e %oing. 'n

!act, it is se+ua%ity that p&eents %oe !&o g&owing — because it is the sae ene&gy that

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has to becoe %oe. 't is being dest&oyed in se+. To becoe %oe, the sae ene&gy has tooe to the hea&t cent&e.

• One has to %oe unconditiona%%y — the t&ees and the &ocks and the sun and the oon and

the peop%e.

•  A boy!&iend o& a gi&%!&iend ay be !un, but cannot becoe a doo& to the deepest that is

hidden in each and ee&yone. $ith a gi&%!&iend you can be se+ua%%y &e%ated, but %oe

cannot g&ow. Loe needs deep &oots. 7e+ua%ity is possib%e on the su&!ace, but se+ua%ity is 2ust ania%, bio%ogica%. 't can be beauti!u% i! it is pa&t o! a deepe& %oe, but i! it is not pa&t o!a deepe& %oe it is the ost ug%y thing possib%e) the ug%iest, because then the&e is nocounion — you sip%y touch each othe& and sepa&ate. On%y bodies eet, but not you— not ', not thou. This has happened in a%% &e%ationships.

• Loe is bo&n in se+ua%ity but se+ua%ity is not %oe. The %otus is bo&n in the ud, but the

%otus is not 2ust ud. And i! ud &eains ud o! cou&se the&e a&e bound to be tea&s onthe cheeks.

• Loe can e+ist on%y a!te& editation, not be!o&e it. That is a sip%e e+istentia% %aw. Be!o&e

editation — on%y %ust, on%y se+ua%ity. Be!o&e editation you a&e an ania% and not &ea%%ya huan being. $ith editation a t&ans!o&ation coes: you becoe huan, and out o!you& huanness, %oe !%ows.

• Bewa&e o! %ust, unconscious se+ua%ity. $hen se+ becoes conscious it has a tota%%ydi!!e&ent !%ao&. 't becoes tant&a, it is no %onge& se+. $hen se+ becoes conscious it is%oe, it is no %onge& %ust. Loe b&ings !&eedo, and %ust sip%y c&eates p&isons !o& you.

• Cn%ess you& se+ua%ity &ises and &eaches to %oe it is undane, it has nothing sac&ed

about it. $hen you& se+ becoes %oe, then it is ente&ing into a tota%%y di!!e&ent diension— the diension o! the yste&ious and the i&acu%ous. "ow it is becoing &e%igious,sac&ed, it is no %onge& p&o!ane.

• 7e+ can be t&anscended and shou%d be t&anscended, but t&anscendence has to be not

against natu&e but with natu&e, Th&ough natu&e. Accept you& se+ua%ity — it is pa&t o! you0and a t&eendous%y ipo&tant pa&t. #ou a&e bo&n out o! se+. (ach ce%% o! you& body is ase+ ce%%. 7e+ ene&gy is you& %i!e ene&gy0 — &espect it, it is a gi!t !&o 4od. Cnde&stand it.Be o&e and o&e editatie about it. But d&op a%% p&e2udices, d&op a%% condenations.because when you ca&&y a condenation you cannot unde&stand a thing. =&op a%%

 2udgeents. 7e+ is se+ — it is a pu&e natu&a% ene&gy. $ith g&eat acceptance, %oe,&espect, editate oe& it. 4o deepe& and deepe& into it to see what e+act%y it is. And inthat e&y seeing you wi%% be going beyond it.

• The pe&son who is !&ee o! se+ua%ity, whose se+ua%ity has becoe a t&ans!o&ed

phenoenon, is a%so !&ee o! oney, is a%so !&ee o! abition, is a%so !&ee o! the desi&e tobe !aous. 'ediate%y a%% these things disappea& !&o his %i!e. The oent se+ ene&gysta&ts &ising upwa&ds, the oent se+ ene&gy sta&ts becoing %oe, p&aye&, editation,then a%% %owe& ani!estations disappea&.

• Loe is c&eatie. 7e+ is dest&uctie. And the&e is a %ot o! di!!e&ence between the two.

7oeties you sta&t thinking that you& se+ua%ity is you& %oe. Then you a&e deceied.7e+ua%ity can p%ay the gae o! %oe, but it is a counte&!eit gae. ' a not against se+, but' a ce&tain%y against se+ua%ity. And the di!!e&ence is that se+ is a natu&a% thing and

se+ua%ity is a ind thing. To %oe a woan is natu&a%, to %oe a an is natu&a%. To&ep&oduce chi%d&en is natu&a%, nothing w&ong in it. But to think about woen, to ca&&ypo&nog&aphic pictu&es, to !a%% as%eep ee&y night thinking about woen — woen andwoen and woen — that is se+ua%ity.

• $hen you a&e in se+ua%ity you dont bothe& uch to who you a&e aking %oe — any

body wi%% do. #ou 2ust need a woan o& a an, any body wi%% do. #ou 2ust need the othe&sbody. 'n %oe, any body wont do, anybodys body wont do. #ou need a pe&son who is indeep %oe with you, who has a ce&tain a!!inity and ha&ony with you, in whose p&esenceyou& hea&t sta&ts singing, a deep be%% sta&ts &inging9 in whose p&esence you !ee% a

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b%essing. Then on%y is it possib%e !o& you to ake %oe to the othe& pe&son. To ake %oeis possib%e on%y i! the eeting — the inne& eeting — has happened. Othe&wise it issip%y ipossib%e to think, een to iagine that you a&e aking %oe to a pe&son youdont %oe.

• '! you hae &ea%%y e+pe&ienced the inne& %ight, se+ wi%% disappea&. Loe wi%% happen to you,

but se+ wi%% disappea&) se+ua%ity wi%% disappea&. Loe, a e&y %oing pe&sona%ity, wi%% take its

p%ace. The&e wi%% be no desi&e !o& se+. '! the desi&e !o& se+ &eains, you hae note+pe&ienced the inne& %ight. Then the inne& %ight is 2ust a p&o2ection o! the ind.

•  A sp%it pe&sona%ity can nee& becoe non-g&eedy. 't can t&y, but it can nee& becoe. A

sp%it pe&sona%ity can nee& go beyond ange&. 't can t&y, but it can nee& go beyond. A sp%itpe&sona%ity can nee& go beyond se+. 't can !ight. 7o any onks in the onaste&ies a&edoing it. They dont go beyond se+) at the ost thei& se+ua%ity becoes pe&e&ted, thei&%oe becoes poisoned.

• /eebe&, you can ake %oe to a woan without any %oe in you& hea&t — then it is

pu&e se+ua%ity, ania%ity) it is p&ostitution. #ou can ake %oe to a woan with no idea o!se+, then %oe is 2ust a pu&e counication o! two ene&gies, a sha&ing, a dance, ace%eb&ation. "o idea o! se+ in the ind and you can ake %oe to a woan, and thewoan can ake %oe to you not thinking o! se+ at a%%. The who%e point is whe&e you&ind is. '! you a&e thinking o! se+, i! you& ind is obsessed with se+, you sip%y want to

use the woan, the woan sip%y wants to use you, it is ug%y. 't has no aesthetics in it,no poet&y in it. The&e is nothing o! the beyond in it — it is e&y uddy.

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• $hat happens with you& se+ ene&gy depends on how you use it. $hat it can becoe

does not depend on it a%one, but on you& unde&standing and on how you %ie you& %i!e.*ae you not obse&ed that it becoes b&ahacha&ya, the state o! ce%ibacy when it ist&ans!o&ed? b&ahacha&ya is not hosti%e to passion) b&ahacha&ya is the pu&i!ication,the t&anscendence, the sub%iation o! passion. 'n the sae way, the ene&gy thatani!ests itse%! in io%ence becoes peace, se&enity and t&an1ui%ity. 't is on%y a 1uestiono! t&ans!o&ation.

Loe is not se+ua% passion. Those who istake se+ !o& %oe &eain epty o! %oe. 7e+ ison%y a passing ani!estation o! %oe. 't is pa&t o! natu&es echanis, a ethod o!p&oc&eation. Loe e+ists on a highe& p%ane, and as %oe g&ows, se+ dissipates. The ene&gythat has been ani!ested in se+ is t&ans!o&ed into %oe.

• Loe is the c&eatie &e!ineent o! se+ ene&gy. And so, when %oe &eaches pe&!ection, the

absence o! se+ autoatica%%y !o%%ows. A %i!e o! %oe, an abstinence !&o physica%p%easu&es is ca%%ed b&ahacha&ya, and anyone who wishes to be !&ee !&o se+ ustdee%op his capacity to %oe. &eedo !&o se+ cannot be achieed th&oughsupe&session. Libe&ation !&o se+ is on%y possib%e th&ough %oe.

• The !i&st thing: be a witness o! se+ too. =ont be the cont&o%%e& o! it. =ont t&y to !o&cib%y

b&ing it unde& cont&o%, &eain a witness o! it too. Just as you a&e a witness o! ee&ythinge%se, &eain a witness o! se+ too. 't is di!!icu%t, because you hae been taught !o&centu&ies that se+ is sin. That concept o! sin has been !i+ed in you& ind.

• Both a&e easy: it is pe&!ect%y easy to go unconscious in se+, to cop%ete%y !o&get what is

going on, to get into+icated is easy. To cont&o% se+, to !o&ce it to stop, to p&eent you&se%!is a%so easy. But in both you iss. The one who indu%ges isses, the ce%ibate isses too.The &ea% b&ahacha&ya happens when you stand in the idd%e between these two, thenyou a&e on%y watching. Then you wi%% !ind that se+ a&ises in the body and &ee&be&ates inthe body) in the ind a shadow b&ie!%y !a%%s and depa&ts. #ou &eain standing !a& away.*ow can se+ua% desi&e be in you? *ow can any desi&e be in you? #ou a&e nothing but theobse&e&.

• 7ee %i!e !&o a positie iewpoint. '! you sta&t being happy then the things that you

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g&abbed onto because o! you& ise&y wi%% d&op by these%es. '! editation coes thenwine wi%% d&op. '! editation coes, then eat-eating wi%% d&op. '! editation coes thens%ow%y s%ow%y se+ ene&gy begins to be t&ans!o&ed into b&ahacha&ya. Just %et editationcoe.

• Just by condening nothing is dest&oyed. '! you say se+ is bad, you conden it, but you

cannot dest&oy it. Just by condening it, it is not dest&oyed. /athe&, it ay becoe a

o&e dange&ous !o&ce, because when &ep&essed, it ay st&ugg%e to be e+p&essed. And i!you go on st&ugg%ing with it, not a%%owing it, it wi%% becoe pe&e&ted. /ep&ession wi%% akeyou o&e se+ua%, and the se+ ene&gy wi%% st&ugg%e and wi%% t&y to coe out in any way, inany !o&.

•  A%% the pe&e&sions, a%% oe& the wo&%d < hoose+ua%ity o& sado-asochist pe&e&sions a&e

basica%%y byp&oducts o! so-ca%%ed &e%igions, pa&ticu%a&%y ch&istianity: because the o&e they&ep&ess, the o&e the ene&gy has to !ind paths o! its own. "atu&a% se+ is beauti!u%)pe&e&ted se+ is 2ust ug%iness. "atu&a% se+ can be ade ha%%owed and ho%y, but pe&e&tedse+ cannot be ade ho%y because it is twice &eoed !&o the o&igina% sou&ce.

• 7e+ is the&e: do not conden it. Accept it. =o not c&eate a diision in you& being, between

pa&ts o! you& being. Ange& is the&e: accept it. 4&eed is the&e, o& whatsoee&: accept it. ' donot ean be g&eedy. /athe& on the cont&a&y, the oent you accept you go beyond,because acceptance c&eates a unity, and when you a&e united within you hae the ene&gy

to go beyond.

• #ou a&e bo&n o! se+. #ou& ee&y body ce%% is a se+ ce%%, a%% you& ene&gy is se+ ene&gy. 7o i! 

&e%igions teach that se+ is bad, se+ is sin, they hae condened you cop%ete%y. And noton%y hae they condened you, now you wi%% conden you&se%!. "ow you cannot gobeyond it and you cannot %eae it, and now it is a sin. #ou a&e diided) you sta&t !ightingwith you&se%!. And the o&e this gui%t can be c&eated in you < oe& the concept that se+ issoething unho%y < the o&e neu&otic you wi%% becoe.

• ' take se+ as the basic p&ob%e. And i! you& se+ p&ob%e is so%ed, you a&e a di!!e&ent

an o& a di!!e&ent woan, because then a%% the pe&e&sions sip%y a&e no o&e. #ouhae &eso%ed the base. And when se+ is so%ed and it is not a p&ob%e !o& you, not a!ight, when you hae deep%y accepted it and said a deep yes to it, then you can t&ans!o&it < because that is the ene&gy which is a%ie in you. $hen you a&e dead, that ene&gy wi%%

go on and on, o&e and o&e. #ou a&e 2ust a wae in a se+ ocean: the ocean continues,and the waes go on, die and disappea&. The ocean continues. 7e+ is the B/A*A". '!you go deep into se+, then it is the e&y %i!e. '! you !o&get it, then you &eain on thesu&!ace. Then it is ug%y. '! you do not !ight with it o& sink into it, but d&op into it, disso%einto it, e%t into it, when you a%%ow se+ to becoe %i!e, then sudden%y it is t&ans!o&ed into%oe. That is how the echanis autoatica%%y wo&ks. '! you !ight it, se+ becoes hate.7o those who a&e !i%%ed with hat&ed a&e those who a&e !ighting with thei& se+.

• '! you do not !ight it, i! you accept it and e%t into it, it becoes %oe. 7o %oe and hate a&e

two !aces o! se+. '! it is pe&e&ted, it becoes hate. '! accepted deep%y, it wi%% becoe%oe. And you can c&eate %oe out o! you& se+ ene&gies. '! those ene&gies t&ans!o& into%oe, then you a&e at ease in the wo&%d, at hoe with the ea&th. That at-hoeness isbasic.

• This is the beauty: i! you accept se+, you wi%% not &e2ect anything e%se. That is why the&e is

so uch ephasis on it. '! you &e2ect se+, you wi%% hae to &e2ect any things. 7e+ is the&oot &e2ection. '! you &e2ect se+, you wi%% &e2ect any things. ood wi%% be &e2ected, thenc%othes wi%% be &e2ected, then ee&ything wi%% be &e2ected. 't is a %ong se1uence, and in thatse1uence you wi%% hae to &e2ect and &e2ect, because the who%e %i!e is se+ua%. '! you &e2ectse+ you wi%% go on and on &e2ecting, and u%tiate%y you wi%% &e2ect %i!e. Then suicide is theon%y thing wo&th doing because een to take a b&eath is se+ua%. 't goes to you& se+ ce%%sand gies the %i!e. To be a%ie is to be se+ua%. '! you a&e against se+, then you wi%% beagainst ee&ything. And a pe&son who is against ee&ything is bound to be neu&otic, ad,and you cannot he%p hi.

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• $hen you a&e with a woan, i! you a&e o! the opposite se+, you begin to !ee% o&e a%ie

than with a an. $ith a an you !ee% %ess a%ie because nothing is pu%%ing you out. #oua&e enc%osed, the opposite ene&gy pu%%s you out) the !%ae !%icke&s, you can be o&ea%ie. And whenee& you begin to !ee% o&e a%ie, you begin to !ee% happy.

• The echanis o! se+ is so uch a oenta&y phenoenon that it on%y !unctions

oenta&i%y) i! you do not coope&ate at the &ight oent, it stops. At the &ight oent

you& coope&ation is needed, othe&wise it cannot wo&k. 't is on%y a oenta&y echanis,and i! you do not coope&ate with it, it wi%% stop by itse%!.

• i&st the ene&gy wi%% t&y its best to be &e%eased se+ua%%y, because that is its usua% out%et, its

usua% cente&. 7o one ust !i&st be awa&e o! ones downwa&d 6doo&s.8 On%y awa&eness wi%%c%ose the) on%y noncoope&ation wi%% c%ose the. 7e+ is not so !o&ce!u% as we !ee% it to be.'t is !o&ce!u% on%y oenta&i%y: it is not a twenty-!ou&-hou& a!!ai&, it is a oenta&ycha%%enge.

• One o&e point, thinking about se+ is ha&!u% than se+ itse%!. 7e+ can be easy and

natu&a% but thinking about it too o!ten is unnatu&a%, is a pe&e&sion. A!te& e+aining thee+pe&ience o! thousands o! peop%e, the psychoana%ysts te%% us that an is taking toouch inte&est in enta% se+ and he does not de&ie any p%easu&e !&o the actua% se+actiity. The se+ that is going on in the ind sees o&e inte&esting and co%ou&!u%. '! se+

is thus pe&e&ted in the ind, con!usion wi%% be c&eated within us. To think about se+ is notthe !unction o! the ind. The inte%%igence o! the pe&son who uses his ind to do the wo&ko! se+ cent&e becoes dep&aed — is spoi%t. 4u&d2ie!! used to say so. The inte%%igence isbound to get spoi%t, because the !unctions o! these two a&e di!!e&ent. 't is %ike this: '! ape&son t&ies to take !ood with his ea&, his ea& wi%% ce&tain%y be spoi%t, and !ood wi%% not&each the stoach. Both wi%% be ha&assed.

- - - --- ----- - - --- ----Osho Quotes on 7e+

• y who%e e!!o&t is that a%% the p%easu&es o! %i!e shou%d be ade aai%ab%e to an. y own

ca%cu%ation is that a!te& each seen yea&s, %i!e goes th&ough a cop%etion o! a ci&c%e, and achange. The !i&st seen yea&s a&e o! chi%dhood, innocence, p%ay!u%ness, t&ust. Li!e is

ce&tain%y go%den9 eo&ies o! those days haunt peop%e to the e&y end, because nee&again in thei& %ies a&e they ab%e to anage to !ind soething bette&. The ne+t seenyea&s a&e the atu&ing o! se+ ene&gy. At the age o! !ou&teen, one is se+ua%%y atu&e —ind sta&ts !unctioning in a tota%%y di!!e&ent way) the body sta&ts !unctioning in a tota%%ydi!!e&ent way. ou&teen is the bio%ogica% age !o& an: he is now ab%e to p&oduce chi%d&en.

 As !a& as bio%ogy is conce&ned, an has coe o! age.

• '! soebodys se+ is not !u%!i%%ed, he ay sta&t eating too uch. 't is now a we%%-

estab%ished !act that a!te& a&&iage woen sta&t becoing !at. "ot be!o&e a&&iage9st&ange. 't is 2ust that once they get a&&ied the&e is no p&ob%e) they hae got a %i!e%ongse&ant. "ow they can eat and &est, and they sta&t becoing !at. And the o&e !at theya&e, the o&e thei& husbands sta&t %ooking at othe& woen. The o&e the husbands %ookat othe& woen, the o&e they eat — because eating becoes a substitute) they a&ee&y uch associated. Li!e begins with se+, but %i!e &eains because o! !ood, so se+ and

!ood a&e both associated with keeping %i!e in e+istence.•  And it is st&ange — why dont you !ee% att&acted to a !at woan, why a&e you not att&acted

to a !at an? The&e ust be soe basic &eason, and the &eason is that the !at an isshowing c%ea&%y by his !atness that he has &ep%aced se+ with !ood. *e is no %onge&inte&ested in se+, he is inte&ested in !ood. The !at woan is saying she is not inte&ested inse+) he& !atness is a signboa&d: 6eep o!!08 — she is going towa&ds the !&idge.

• ' a not against se+, but ' a against se+ua%ity. And %et e ake a distinction: when you

!ee%ing e&y se+ua% and being possessed by the pe&son, this is not the oent to doanything. 5%ose you& doo&s, editate on you& se+ua%ity. Let it a&ise, %et it coe out o! the

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da&k night within you. Out o! the 2ung%e, %et it sp&ead — you watch, you sip%y watch, youbecoe an unoing !%ae o! awa&eness. 7oon you wi%% see it has sett%ed again, andyou& consciousness is bu&ning b&ighte& than ee&. #ou hae abso&bed it, it has becoenecta&.

• ' a not against se+) when you a&e !ee%ing e&y p&aye&!u%, e&y %oing, go into se+ —

nothing is w&ong — but nee& be t&apped by passion. And see the di!!e&ence: when you

a&e !ee%ing %oing, it is a tota%%y di!!e&ent 1ua%ity. $hen you a&e !ee%ing happy, ce%eb&ating,and you wou%d %ike to sha&e you& ene&gy with soebody you %oe, go ake %oe. But thisis not a oent o! passion, this is a oent o! t&eendous wa&th. A oent o! %oe,sha&e.

• "atu&a% se+ is o&e editatie. The&e is %ess !ee& — o&e wa&th but %ess !ee&.

assion is a !ee&, a state o! adness, insanity. $a&th is a state o! %oe. '! you canake %oe, !u%%y a%e&t, you& %oe p&ecesses wi%% he%p you towa&ds becoing o&e ando&e awa&e, o&e and o&e cente&ed.

• #ou wi%% be su&p&ised to know: g&eedy) peop%e hae no se+ua% p&ob%e. Thats why

a&wadis hae to adopt chi%d&en. 4&eedy peop%e dont hae se+-ene&gy: thei& who%eene&gy oes into g&eed. oney becoes thei& %oe ob2ect: they dont ca&e a bit aboutwoen.

y iews on se+ua% ethics a&e against a%% the iews that hae been he%d up to now. Theywe&e a%% &ep&essie o! se+) they we&e condenato&y and c&eated a sp%it in the huanind. The who%e schizoph&enia and a%% the pe&e&sions o! an a&e &ooted in those w&ongse+ua% ethics. ' conceie o! se+ as a natu&a% phenoenon. The&e is nothing p&o!ane in itand the&e is nothing sac&ed in it. 't is pu&e%y natu&a% %i!e ene&gy o! t&eendous ipo&tance.'! you cannot sub%iate it, it can dest&oy you) and it has dest&oyed huanity. 't is theene&gy an is bo&n out o!) ee&ything is bo&n out o! it. "atu&a%%y the&e is no highe& ene&gythan se+ua% ene&gy, but bio%ogica% &ep&oduction is not its on%y !unction. The sae ene&gycan hae di!!e&ent c&eatie diensions. The sae ene&gy, 2oined with editatiep&actices, can be sub%iated to the highest peak o! consciousness — what ' ca%%en%ightenent. y se+ua% ethics is not a %aw, it is %oe.

• To e, i! se+ is the c&eatie !o&ce in the wo&%d, it ust be nea&est to the c&eatie cente& o!

the wo&%d — whatee& nae you gie to it. 5&eatie ene&gy ust be c%osest to c&eation, to

the c&eatie sou&ce o! it a%%. eop%e shou%d be taught the a&t o! cone&ting se+ua% ene&gyinto spi&itua% en%ightenent.

• Those who can unde&stand e see c%ea&%y that ' a the ost anti-se+ pe&son in

e+istence, because y who%e wo&k is to t&ans!o& se+ua% ene&gy into spi&itua%consciousness. The pope can be the se+ gu&u, the shanka&acha&ya in 'ndia can be these+ gu&u, because these a&e the peop%e who a&e &ep&essing and teaching that se+ shou%dbe &ep&essed. $hatee& is &ep&essed &eains in you, and it takes pe&e&ted !o&s. 't aybecoe hoose+ua%ity, it ay becoe sodoy) it ay take the !o& o! any pe&e&sion.The o&e you &ep&ess it, the o&e it wi%% hae to !ind soe way out. *oose+ua%ity wasbo&n in onaste&ies — it is a &e%igious phenoenon — because &e%igions seg&egatedthei& onks and nuns, and they we&e so adaant that en and woen shou%d not toucheach othe&, shou%d not ta%k to each othe&, shou%d not een see each othe&. $he&e wi%% thei& se+ ene&gy go? "obody has bothe&ed about thei& se+ ene&gy) they hae sip%y been to%d,

6#ou take the ow o! ce%ibacy.8 But the ow wi%% not he%p because the ow is not hea&d byyou& bio%ogy.

• /eebe& that se+ is not in the genita%s, it is in you& head. The&e is a cente& in you& head

which cont&o%s you& genita%s) so i! se+ is &ep&essed, it is not a 1uestion o! the genita%s.The&e hae been 5h&istian sects who een cut o!! thei& genita%s 2ust so that thei& ce%ibacywas abso%ute. But that wi%% not ake the se+-!&ee, because the &ea% cente& is in thehead, !&o whe&e se+ is 2ust an e+tension. Thats why you can 2ust !antasize about se+and you& genita%s wi%% be iediate%y a!!ected) they a&e e+tensions o! you& ind. Andonce the ind becoes !u%% o! se+ua%ity, then a new thing appea&s that you& &e%igions

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hae c&eated and a&e &esponsib%e !o& — po&nog&aphy.

• Those who ca%% e the 6se+ gu&u8 a&e sip%y stupid. They dont unde&stand a sip%e

thing. ' &epeat again: ' a the ost anti-se+ pe&son in the who%e wo&%d. '! ' a %istened tothe&e wi%% be no po&nog&aphy, the&e wi%% be no hoose+ua%s, the&e wi%% be no %esbians —the&e wi%% be no pe&e&sions o! any kind. And you ca%% e the 6se+ gu&u80

- - - --- ----- - - --- ----

Osho Quotes on 7e+

• #ou a&e obsessed with se+ because you dont know any othe& so&t o! ce%eb&ation. 7o the

p&ob%e is not se+ &ea%%y) the p&ob%e is that you dont know any othe& ce%eb&ation."atu&e a%%ows you on%y one 2oy, and that is o! se+. "atu&e a%%ows you on%y one en2oyent,that is o! se+. "atu&e a%%ows you on%y one th&i%%, and that is o! se+.

• 'n the se+ua% act you hae a ce&tain th&i%%, a oent o! !o&get!u%ness, a oent o!

ob%iion. #ou !ee% good — !o& a !ew seconds, on%y !o& a !ew seconds, you d&op out o! this&outine wo&%d. 7e+ gies you a doo& to escape into soe othe& wo&%d — which is non-tense) the&e is no wo&&y) you a&e sip%y &e%a+ed and e%ting. But hae you obse&ed?

 A!te& each se+ua% act you !ee% !&ust&ated.

• 7e+ c&eates neu&osis, it is neu&otic, because it can nee& satis!y you. "ow, go to the

adhouses o! the wo&%d and 2ust watch the ad peop%e, and you wi%% a%ways !ind thatsoewhe&e o& othe& the&e is a se+ua% p&ob%e. Thats what &eud says, that ALLpatho%ogy is soehow connected with se+. Too uch se+ obsession becoes neu&otic. '! you %ie in the body, you a&e bound to becoe neu&otic. #ou hae to go a %itt%e deepe& andhighe& than the body.

• $henee& a pe&son sta&ts condening se+, soewhe&e he ust be ca&&ying a 2ea%ousy.

Buddha is not condening. *e is sip%y !actua%. *e sip%y says whatsoee& is the case. And he wants you to coe out o! it because you& destiny is bigge&, highe& is thepotentia%ity.

•  Ania%s hae se+ but no se+ua%ity. an has se+ p%us se+ua%ity. 7e+ is physica%, se+ua%ity

is enta% — and when you ta%k, you& ta%k can be se+ua%. Ania%s hae se+) thats aphysio%ogica% act. They dont ta%k, they dont hae any %anguage) but an has %anguage,and %anguage is one o! the ost powe&!u% inst&uents in the hands o! an. #ou

counicate th&ough it, you &e%ate th&ough it. #ou seduce th&ough wo&ds, you insu%tth&ough wo&ds) you show you& %oe th&ough wo&ds, you show you& hate th&ough wo&ds.#ou &epe% o& att&act th&ough you& wo&ds.

• 'n se+ the&e ay be &e%a+ation. 'n se+ the&e ay be physio%ogica% hea%th and hygiene. But

the&e is no g&owth. #ou &eain ania%. $ith %oe you becoe huan. $ith %oe youbecoe up&ight. $ith %oe you stand e&ect on ea&th. $ith se+ you a&e again ania%, youa&e ho&izonta% on the ea&th, 2ust oing %ike othe& ania%s, c&aw%ing. $ith %oe you a&ee&ect, e&tica%.

• /ea% awa&eness a%ways %eads you beyond se+, and ce%ibacy happens on its own acco&d.

Because to be in se+ you hae eithe& to be identi!ied with the a%e o& identi!ied with the!ea%e. A &ea% ce%ibate is one who has gone beyond, who is neithe&.

• /ep&ession can nee& b&ing !&eedo. /ep&ession akes you a s%ae. /ep&ess anything,

and that wi%% becoe you& aste&. 7o the so-ca%%ed ce%ibates in the onaste&ies — theB/A*A5*A/'7 — they a&e continuous%y obsessed with se+. Thei& who%e obsession isse+, thei& ind is cop%ete%y se+ua% — it has to be so. O&, i! you a&e ad, and you a&e/(ALL# against the body and you sta&t dest&oying the body, the on%y thing that you cansucceed in wi%% be that you wi%% becoe a eunuch.

• Loe goes beyond po%a&ity, se+ &eains be%ow po%a&ity. 7e+ needs the opposite, %oe

does not need the opposite. *ence, in se+ the&e is a%ways a subt%e con!%ict, because withthe opposite the ha&ony can nee& be tota%. o& oents aybe9 again the con!%ictcoes in.

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• Loe is unconditiona%, se+ is conditiona%. 'n se+ the&e is a gie and take. 'n %oe, you

sip%y pou&. #ou dont ask, the&e is no deand. "ot that you dont get — you get athousand!o%d — but that is not asked !o&. That sip%y coes on its own acco&d: the who%ee+istence showe&s back, echoes back.

• "ow, one thing to be &eebe&ed a%ways: i! you a&e not e&y a%e&t you ay go on

be%ieing that you a&e oing into tant&a, and you ay be sip%y &ationa%izing you&

se+ua%ity — it ay be nothing but se+, &ationa%ized in the te&ino%ogy o! tant&a. '! youoe into se+ with awa&eness, it can tu&n into tant&a. '! you oe into tant&a withunawa&eness, it can !a%% and becoe o&dina&y se+. 't has happened in 'ndia — becauseon%y 'ndia has t&ied it.

• 7e+ ene&gy is 2ust at the sou&ce o! the spine. '! a chi%d is taught !&o the e&y beginning to

be against se+9. 7e+ is sin, and se+ has to be dest&oyed, o& at %east cont&o%%ed — nee&a%%owed to go too !a&, nee& a%%owed to be spontaneous) has to be put unde& anycont&o%s, %aws, &egu%ations. These %aws, &egu%ations, supp&essions, they becoe thebu!!e&: the kundabu!!e& is c&eated. Then se+ ene&gy &eains &ep&essed at the sou&ce o!the spine and does not &ise in the spine. Thats what they say in the (ast: Once the se+ene&gy &ises in the spine, you sta&t becoing e&y e&y happy. $hen the se+ ene&gy&eaches to the seenth — 7A*A7/A/ — you !%owe& into a %otus b%oo. #ou& %i!e then is adeep ecstasy.

•  Awa&eness is the t&ue path. "eithe& indu%ge no& &enounce, but be awa&e. =o whatsoee&

you a&e doing — do it with !u%% awa&eness. '! you oe into passion, oe withawa&eness) and passion becoes p&aye&, and passion has a tota%%y di!!e&ent 1ua%ity to it.'n the (ast we hae ca%%ed that 1ua%ity tant&a. The sae se+ is no %onge& se+ — it is no%onge& se+ua% at a%%. Once you oe into you& passion with awa&eness, you haechanged the e&y 1ua%ity o! it. 't is no %onge& 2ust physica%, it is no %onge& 2ust a physica%&e%ease) it is a e&y deep e+pe&ience o! %i!e. 't is a t&eendous e+pe&ience o! no-ind. 't isa doo& towa&ds the g&eatest space possib%e.

• 'n deep o&gas, i! you a&e awa&e, you wi%% know !o& the !i&st tie what ecstasy is.

Othe&wise you hae on%y hea&d the wo&d) you hae not known its eaning. On%y in deepo&gas, i! you a&e awa&e, i! you& !%ae o! awa&eness is bu&ning b&ight, wi%% you be ab%e toknow that se+ is not 2ust se+. 7e+ is the oute&ost %aye&) deep inside is %oe) and een

deepe& is p&aye&) and deepest is 4od hise%!. 7e+ can becoe a cosic e+pe&ience)then it is tant&a. 7e+ p%us awa&eness9 and soething t&eendous sta&ts changing.

• $hen se+ becoes an obsession, it takes pe&e&ted !o&s







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