The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1895-02-12 [p 12].

LOCAL MENTIONK wrent TIN Wednesday. For the District of Columbia. Maryland and Virginia. snow. turning Into rain, fol- lowed by fair. northeasterly winds. Tide Table. Today-High tide. 10:14 p.m. Tomorrow-Low tide, 4:41) a.. and 5:13 pm.; high tide, 10:e n.m. and 11 p.m. Couitloue o the Water. Temperature and condition of water at 8 &.m.: Great Falls. temperature, W2: condi- tion. IS: receiving reservoir, temperature, 34: condition at north connection. 36; con- dition at south connection. 36: distributing reservoir. temperature, 3-; condition at In- luent gate house, 36; effluent gate house, 3L, 1.19 Derby and Soft Hats-shapes cor- rect. Qualities worth double $1.19. HENRY FRANC & SON, cor. 7th and D. 1TS EASY TO SAVE MONEY And lots of trouble when you give a dinner or banquet. See Mr. Freund, 815 10th at. He'll personally arrange a splendid menu and service at your own price. WE'LL PAPER YO(7R ROOMS In combinations, T-1 up. Finest work. F. 0. NOLTE, .410 9th st. Iformerly IMJ 11th). Miss McNay of New York Is at the Ar- lngton, H street entrance, and is selling imported gowns and faney waists at great- ly reduced prkes. Artifica.LI IKyes. 4l,.r', alth & Pa. ave. I1ats-worthy of the unme-twice worthy of the price-31.l9. HENRY FRANC & SON. cor. 7th and D. CITY AND DISTRICT. A3ISm1EKNT TONIGUT. ' Grand Opera House.-Mr. Chauncey 01- eott, In "The Irish Artist." New National Theater.-"The Girl I Left Behind Me." Academy of Music.-i.ecture by Mr. John L Stoddard on "Parts." Butler's Bijon Theater.-Hi. Henry's Min- strels. Kernan's Lyceum Theater.-Rose Hil Folly Company. Columbia Phonograph Company. 919 Pennsylvania avenue northwest.-brihibi- tien of the Kinetophone. New Masonic Temple, corner Pennsyl- vania avenue and 4th street southeast.- Masonic Fair and Basaar. under the au- spices of Naval Lodge, No. 4. Church of Our Father, corner 13th and L6 streets northwest.-dllustrated lecture by Rev. M. W. Hamma on "Through Denmark and Sweden-Under the Midnight Sun." Church of the Covenant, chapel.-Valen- tine Tea, given by the Covenant League of King's Daughters. A Lmited Edition. Na copies of The Star's Almanac and Handbook obtainable after the present edition is exhausted. Copies on sale at The Star office. all news stands, or sent by mail. The Company Won. In the case of John W. Warner, adminis- trator of the late Joseph W. Collis, who was killed two years ago on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, against the company, the jury yesterday afternoon returned a verdict In favor of the company. Collis was killed near the Brookland station, and 810,0W) damages were claimed. Old eolks' Concert at Gorsmeb. The Old Folks' concert which was to have been held at Gorsuch M. E. Church last Tuesolay. but which was postponed on account of the weather, will take place to- morrow evening. The 111 Dimnssed. Judge Hagner has dismissed the suit in- stituted several months ago by the Wash- ington Homeopathic Society against the National Homeopathic Medical College. to restrain the establishment of the college and to prevent It from conferring diplomas. Some weeks ago Judge Magner dismissed the original b1l upon the ground that It failed to charge any specific wrongloing. Leave was thereupon given the complain- ants to amend the original bill, which was done, and both bills were yesterday dis- missed by the court. The Anil-Saloon League. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Anti-Saloon League held yesterday afternoon Mr. W. H. Pennell announced his acceptance of the chairmanship of the com- mittee on mass meeting. The list of chair- men Is now completed. Owing to the ses- sion of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. to be held on Sunday next, the league will not arrange for a meeting that day, but will probably hold a gathering the following Sunday. The meetings are held at intervals during the year. An effort has been made to secure the at- tendance of Dr. Parkhurst at one of these meetings, but the noted reformer, in a re- cent communicatIon to the treasurer of the league, stated that his health and engage- ments will not permit him to leave New York for many months to~come. If he does visit Washington, however, he has pro- mised that the league shall have first claim upon him. Art fee the People. The lecture by Mr. Win. Ordway Part- ridge, which was delivered yesterday after- noon at the Columnbian University. was listened to by a large audience of the sculptor's friends, local artists and stu- rents. His subject, "Art for the People," was handled in a comprehensive manner, particular stress being laid upon the neces- sity of including "art," as a regular fea- ture of common school education. In con- nectIon with this Mr. Partridge said: "In order to educate the people to an apprecia- tion of the fine arts we must begin with the children In the pubice schools. A few years ago the study of art was a privilege which few could afford to undertake. Now there is scarcely a publice school In the land 'where some order of art trainIng Is not given to the pupils gratis, and further- spore, In a limited number of schools, prin- elpally In New England, excellent photo- graphs of the masterpieces of great artists are hung upon the walls so that the chil- dren may grow to love to look at beautiful things. "'We must also convince the people," he said. "that srt is not a luxury for the idle and rich alone, but that It to an In- tensely practical thing, something that Is to widen their horisons and affect very greatly their social well being. The mo- ment we bring artistic training and taste to the commonest product of labor we bring to It a grace and beauty which en- hances Its value many times.' Presbyterlan Ninistera' Neelia'. - At a meeting of the Presbyterian Min- taterggilociationl at the Church of the Covenant yesterday the secretary of the pssociatioo was Instructed to write Gov. O'errall of Virginia and Judge Chiches- ter of Alexandria, asking them to aid In the supptession of horse racing at the race courses In Virginia. An Interesting account of the Chinese-Japanese war was T yen by Rev. Frederiek J. Stanley, a pro- essior In a college In Tokio, Japan. inerease of Degradation. A lecture, intended to be introductory to an ativanced course of scientifle sociology, w'as dliveredr last evening before the students of Cuhlumlslan U'niversity by Dr. Arthur MtacDorpid of the bureau of edu- ea.tion. Ciharities, crimes and other forms of abnormnalty was the theme, and the latuirer quzotedi statistics given at the congress of experts, which ssemnbled at Erd-.a P'esth last $ix'tmi er, to the effect that the increase of morai and physical devrolatinn among young men Is evident. This opinion was foindelt on the observa- tiens of those who ma-d- the physical ex- amilrations year after year 'or the stand- inzg armles of the countries of the old V(orl. Dr. 31ac~onaldl did not think this ecrilsioni warranted the~helief that the world was coni~tantly growing worse, but tllat it has been growing worse for the blesive years. The lecturer gave- an ex- hibition of recent Instruments for the quantative measurement of the emotlcons. At All News Stande, if not convenicnt to call at the omfce you enn obtain a copy of The Stars Almanac and Handbook of any news stand. E5c. Dia or Dust. We are not going tc get left in the shut- Us, or soaked In the soup. But can prove we are the largest wholesale dealers In butter and egg south of New York. ~mcs F. Oyster, 900 Pa. avo.-&dvt. FITTINGLY OPENED. lad Lodge a Bene of Beauty Iaut light. New M iase .e Temple and its Artistle Fair-commissioner Ros Makes an Address. A triumphant epoch, in the history of Masonry in this city was marked last even- ing by the opening of a fair, and at the same time the new Masonic Temple which has been erected by Naval Lodge, No. 4, F. A. A. M., at the corner of 4th street and Pennsylvania avenue southeast. The building of the structure was begun in July last, and it was ccmpleted but a few weeks ago. For the purpose of properly furnishing their new home, and also for diminishing a debt incurred in the erection, the members of Naval Lodge decided that the public should first view the inside of the temple when a fair should be in pro- gress and the place gaily decorated. Wives, daughters, ilsters, aunts, mothers, cousins, aweethearts and female friends were called upon to aid the project, and, although of the weaker sex, they proved strong in their aid. The result was the opening last evening of a fair on such an elaborate scale as has seldom been seen east of the Capitol. The fair proper comprises the greater pertion of the new building. On the second nocr Isma large room fitted up with boothi, and there are a number of smaller rooms where refreshments are served. A shoot- ing gallery has been fitted up, and various other attractions are presented. On the fourth floor is a large hall, also fitted with booths, but with a floor space free for dancing. There are also a number. of smaller rooms, in which are located what might be termed side shows. The entire building was literally packed befora 8 o'clock last evening. Of course, there were pretty girls galore, charmingly gowned, many of whom were escorted by young men with fat purses, and those are the kind the lodge is particularly desirous of seeing. A stillness became apparent when a party, comprising Commissioner. Ross, D. G. Dixon, grand master; George W. Baird, deputy grand master; Matthew Trimble, senior grand warden; Samuel C. Palmer, junior grand warderU C. B. Smith, chaplain; Harry Standiford, junior deacon, and George H. Walker, past grand high priest, mounted the speaker's gallery. The chairman of the entertainment committee, Geo. C. Ober, announced to the throng be- low that he was happy to see so many possible victims present, and he added that he would like to tell what thelodge wanted to do with them, but it was his duty to introduce Graid Master Dixon, and that cnly. The grand master remarked that he was sure he volced the sentiment of all present when he stated that Naval Lodge deserved the utmost credit for erecting such a home, which was a credit to themselves and to the fraternity, a credit not only to Eaqt Washington, but to the entire city. He congratulated the lodge on the presence and help of the ladies, and added that he had no doubt but that the enterprise would be an entire success. Commissioner Ross. Commissioner Ross was then introduced and was greeted with applause. He took great pleasure, he said, in being present. When the corner stone of the building was laid the speaker %as away from the city. which fact he regretted deeply, as it was his desire to be present on that occasion. Mr. Ross declared that he was astounded at what Naval Lodge has accomplished. The erection of the temple was begun in July last, when building operations throughout the city were practically sus- pended, but in spite of all obstacles suc- cers had been attained. He wished the ex- ample would prove contagious, and he urged these lodges who cannot build I- dividually to unite and erect a temple worthy of the I.istrict of Columbia. It was surmised that the enterprise of Naval Lodge would set the other lodges thinking. "As a Commissioner, I represent the whole city," continued Mr. Ross. "1 am proud of what has been accomplished, how- ever, in East. Washington. You have the Capitol building, the new library building, and soon, I think, will have a new build- ing for the Supreme Court of the United States, and before many years, in my opin- on, this old avenue will be lined with fine structures. I congratulate Naval Lodge that it has put up one among the first. There never was a time when Free Mason- ry was more respected than at present. I am proud to be a member of the organi- zation. I congratulate you on the assist- ance of 1hese 'fair" ladies, and I sincerely trust that the fair itself will be a complete success." Grand Master Dixon then touched an imaginary button, and the machinery of the fair was in motion. some Features. The upper hall is fitted up, to accord with the architecture of the room, in the Egypt- an style. - Flags and banners of every hue covered the walls, and the booths, without exception, are things of beauty. Almas Temple of the Mystic Shrine conducts a far from quiet paddle stand, where sacks of flour, market baskets, feather fans and, in fact, almost everything imaginable, from a ton of coal to a brick house, may be chosen by the holder of a lucky paddle. The main room on the lower floor is dec- cated in the Indo-Greclan style. There an orchestra discoursed music throughout the evening, while the special attraction in the upper hail was fancy dancing by Mr. Percy Leech, in female attire. In one of the side rooms is administered for a small fee what is termed "the thirty- fourth degree of the New York rite of the order of high monk-a-monk." The pre- siding genius of this unique initiation is an individual dl'gulsed by a most startling costume of skulls, bones, wings and other horrible conceptions. There were fishing pnds, graphophones, fortune tellers and all the other usual fixtures of a fair room. At 10 o'clock general dancing was com- menced. The fair, judging from the open- ing night, will prcve an unqualified suc- cess. Snow in the Streets, To the Editor of The Evening Star: May I ask the question through your colulus if it would be any more than sim- ple justice to ask of the street car rail- road companies and th:e Commission~ers of the District to clear away at least a foot path, through the embankments of snow or the streets opposite each stopping place for the cars that ladies diud passen- gers generally may enter and leave the cars without wading an unusual depth through the slush and snow? We noor mordils are compelled to clean away the snow and ice from the entire sidewalks in front of our houses within a few hours after the snow falls. W. G. McDOWELL. Academy ef Forty. The "Wimodaughsis Academy of Forty" was organized last evening, and the first three section of a constitution were adopted. These give the society its name, and state its object as "the cultivation of thg art of refined and ennoblIng conversation.'' The ofcers named are magister, vice magister, scribe, correspondent, repobi tor, director and board of censors. The election of offi- cers and action on applications for mem- bership were deferred until the next session. Mrs. Havens was made temporary chair- man and Miss Mary Williams temporary scribe. The committee elected to complete the constitution is composed of Miss Katherino Garst, Miss Williams and Mrs. Haens. Among those present were Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery, Miss Nicolal Shaw, Mrs. Henrietta Banker, etc. Letters were received by aspirants for mecmbership, who could not be present last evening. On a Grade Crossing. Mr. E. J. McGreery, the Hillsdale florist, attempted to pass with his carriage in front of a large freight engine attached to two box cars at Virginia avenue and 4% street about 5:30 o'clock last evening. The driver of the vehicle whipped up his horsc as soon as he saw the danger, but not in tme to prevent the engine from striking the rear part of the carriage. The car- riage was thrown from the track, but Mr. M~reery was not injured. Rhys David's second lecture, "Essence of Buddhism," postponed from Saturday last, wil be given in All Souls' Church Thurs- day, February 14. at 4:30 p.m. Admission, 80 cnena-Advt. AMUSEUMUTS. The Grand Opera House.-Chauneey 01- cott, In the "Irish Artist," was the attrac- tion at the Grand Opera House last night. This young actor has many exceptional gifts, prominent among them being that personal magnetism which attracts an audience regardless of the merits or de- merits of the play itself. "The Irish Artist" does not suffer by comparison with other plays of the same type, its chief recommendation being the manner in which it gives Mr. Olcott an opportunity for the display of a tenor voice of ex- quisite sweetness. He sings some of the good old ballads which age cannot wither. The new bits of musical composition which he introduces are charming indeed, but scarcely so charming as the simple, yet striking, melody and the warm, fluent ver- sification of such songs as "Believe Me, if All Her Endearing Young Charms." The company was entirely competent to do justice to the play and the performance afforded much that was mirth-provoking as well as plenty of action and sentiment. Mr. Olcott is evidently giving his abilities conscientious cultivation, for his work in general shows marked improvement as time passes. National.-Tne first performance ever given of "The Girl I Left Behind Me," and the last one, as well, cccurred in Wash- ington. The first one was some time ago; the last one was last night, but for a day only, as, judging by its enthusiastic re- ception, though seen here several times, it has the staying qualities which character- ize only meritorious plays. Perhaps not in cast, but in scenic effects it has been greatly improved since the beginning, and the third a-t, the stockade, Is now a feature in realistic dramatic representa- tion which has not, probably, a superior on the stage. The entire act is kept at the highest tension and when the curtain goes down on the rescue of the stockaders by a company of cavalry on a wild rush the en- tire audience catches the spirit of the scene and lets itself loose in tremendous applause. Last night the curtain was call- ed up four times, and still the people want- ed more. In the cast are Maclyn Arbuckle, as Gen. Kennion; Miss Maud Harrison, as his daughte- Kate; Thomas Oberle, as Maj. Burleigh; James E. Wilson, as Lieut. Hawkesworth: Mr. MacSweeney and Mr. Enos, as Orderly McGlynn and Private Jones; Chis. Lothian, as Dr. Penwick; Master George Enos, as Dick Burleigh; Gertrude Berkeley, as Lucy Hawkesworth; Violet Rand,as Fawn Afraid; Myron Calice, as Scar Brow, and Lottie Alter, as Wilber's Ann, a very bright bit of work by a bright little woman. The play, of course, moved smoothly and there was a big houseful of people to enjoy it. Stoddard Lecture.-Mr. Stoddard, in his introduction last night at the Academy, stated that he had lectured in Washington 150 times, and yet, though he did not say so. he is the same attractive speaker, and his admirers are always glad to bear him talk of his trarels and see with him the scenes he has seen. His lecture last night was on Paris, historical, however, rather than pictorial, and his talk was even more interesting than the picturea. Mr. Stod- dard is a frierd of the late Napoleon Bona- parte. and his references to that great military genius brought frequent applause. In the Paris pictorial Mr. Stoddard's au- ditors followed him through the Place de Ia Concorde, along the Champs Elysee' to the Church of the Madeline. to the Grand Opera House, the tomb of Napoleon, the Eiffel tower, the palace of the Trocadero. the Louvre, the Versailles, along the Seine, over the bridges, about Notre Dame, and, in fact, everywhere almost where people go, and at each point of interest the pic- ture was given all the eiect of light and life and color by the beautiful, grand paint- ing which is one of Mr. Stoddard's chief cLarms as a lecturer. The curtain went down en a picture of the first Napoleon which. was his favorite, and the eulogium by the lecturer could not have been less pleasing to him than the picture. Miss Jennie O'Neill Potter.-Miss Jen-ie O'Neill Potter delighted an enthu"Iastie and appreciative audience at Metzer- t's Music Hall last evening in Robert Griffin Morris' monologue. "Flirts and Matrons." The range of emotions portrayed in this pretty little work was certainly well worked out by Miss Potter. Through the saucy. piquant chatter of the little girl in the nursery, the Vassar girl and the bud in society her rendering was inimitably nat- ural anid finished. In the Wore pathetic periods of the wife, the mother and the old lady there was quite as much action and spirit shown as in the more striking parts earlier in the program. Miss Potter's elocution is always pleasing and her dra- matic aptitude in the comedy parts is strik- irg and promising. The program was pleasingly varied by solos by Miss Kitty Thompson Berry, who was several times encored. Kernan's Lyceum Theater.-No vaude- ville company is more popular in this city than the Rice & Barton's Rose Hill Folly Ccmpany, which began its first engage- ment of the season at Kernan's last night. The house was crowded and the interest in the different attractions was incessant. Miss Clara Lawrence, the cornetist, was far above the average and was enthusiasti- cally received. The excellent black-faee team, Crawford and Manning, had to an- swer to three encores. The Washburn Sisters gave a striking interpretation of the Bowery girls. The musical team, Mor- ton and Eckloff, played finely, and their ccmedy work was greatly enjoyed. Mr. Frank Emerson. bone soloist, closed the o11o, and proved to be a feature of the show. Then came the bux'lesque, "The Fakir's Daughter," with its pretty girls, catchy songs and dances and witty say-- ings, the troupe entering into their work with energy. Butler's Bijou Theater.-Manager Butler has a very strong attraction at the Bijou Theater this week in Hi Henry's big min- strel troupe. Their opening house last night was a big one, and laughter was4 cntinuous. Such well-known minstrel per- formers as Frank McNish, Marcus Doyle, Matt Diamond, Larry Mack and many others are with the troupe, and the enter- tainment put forward was one of the best seen in this city this season. The singb-g is far above the ordinary, the boy soprano, Edward Percy, capturing the audience with his clear voice and pleasing manner. The uproarous funny skit, "Th Mind Readers," interpreted by Frank Mec'ish and blatt Dianond, kept everybody in a roar until the curtain fell. The combination feature of pickaninnies and brownies proved a decided hit, and a'score of other fcatures made up a highly interesting program. The performance terminated with a spec- tacular production of marching gladiators and living pictures, the latter original bur- lesques on classic marble statuary. Lewis Harvie Finneys Lecture.-The Ober-AmmergaU Passion Play is today the last survivor of the religious dramas of After Diphtherial *The patient is left with a weakened mys- 9 Stern, reduced in flesh, lacking vitality, in . danger of a relapse. A health-giving, Sstrength-building tonic is absolutely neces- . -sary. Such Is Hood's Sarsaparilia. It *vitalirzes and enriches the blood, destroysX the gerus of disease, gives strength to.. * the nerves and muscles, and natural and -ehatyaction to all the organs of the boy nthis way JIOOD'S S arsaparillaj SPrevents the serious consgluences which Sso often follow an attack of diphtheria ~ *and helps the patkcat wonderfully on the *road to health. Thousands of people have 2 proved the merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla. -after serious illnes. They find it exactlyj what is seeded. It makes them well. j U IOODYS PIIJB are hand made, and perfectj Sin proportion and appearance. 25c. per box.* BLOOD POISONING And every Hemor of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, with loss of hair, whether simple, scrotulons, ukerative or hereditary, speedily, permanently and economically cured by CUTICUIlA R1EMEmI!B when the beat physicians and all other remedies fal. Complete homg treatment for every humor. Sold everywhere. mediaeval times, and& although it has now- been nearly five yeags since the last per- formance of this play the Interest in it was never greater. Time augments rather than diminishes its charm, and Mr. Finney tells the story of this greatest of dramas In a manner to charm and delight the most critical. He takes you with him to the quaint Bavarian vilage of Ober-Ammer- gau, shows you the simple life of the vil- lagers, and picture% with vividness nd force the various senes and acts of the play as the pictures appear before you. ARRESTED FOR COUNTERFEITING. A Young MarylauSt Farmer Captured by the Omicers. John Hoopengardner, a young farmer residing near Hancock, Md., on the C. and 0. canal, who for some time has been sus- pected of counterfeiting, was on Sunday night "swooped" down upon while at his home by United States Agent Griffith of Pittsburg and Detective Fisher of Hagers- town. They knocked at the Hoopengardner farm house and the boy's mother answered. While they were plying the old lady with questions they heard a noise at the upper window. Suspecting that their presence had been discovered and their business, too, and that the man wanted was attempt- ing to escape, they rushed around to the back of .the house. There they saw I he man just rushing off in the darkness with only his night clothes on. He was yelled at to stop, but e went on, in spite of bare feet, linen clothes, snow and freezing -old. A ball went from one of the officers' pis- tol when they found that no attention was paid to their commands. It struck the fleeing fellow on the calf of the- leg, 6ut he went on. After an exciting chase he eluded the officers. Later he returned to his home and was caught. A search of the house and outbuildings disclosed in the smoke house a plaster-of- paris mold for making nickels. It is said the prisoner has flooded his section with the bogus nickels made. Right of Way Through the White House Grounds. To the Editor of The Evening Ster: Will you allow me space in your columns to state a grievance which many people are enduring and have endured for some time? In all former administrations, re- publican and democratic alike, the right of way across the grounds of the Presidential Mansion has been freely accorded. The gates through the lower portion of the grounds have never been closed against the public until a year or so ago. In the morning, from 8 o'clock until 9, they are open, to permit the government clerks to pass through, but at 4 o'clock, when the need is equally great, they are hermetical- ly sealed. This causes many a clerk, tired from his or her day's work, to make quite a detour In order to reach home. This morning the gates were open, between 8 and 9, bt't the walk from the gates near the treasury to those near the Department of State were deep in snow three-quarters of the way, and one was compelled to wade ankle-deep and more through the snow. Why should the rights of the clerks be so curtailed? The White House is not a private residence, nor are its grounds private property. Free access is had over other government grounds, why not here? No one asks or desires to wander about in the grounds, but the departmental clerks do ask that they should not be put to the persorial inconvenience, extra journeying and loss of tme which they now suffer. A DIW'AtTMENT CLERK. Valuable unimproved and improved prop- erty, fronting on 34th and 35th streets. north of U street, Georgetown, will b e sold at trustees' sale tomorrow afternoon at 4:"0 o'clock. * U.S DENTAL ASS'N, COR. 7TH AND D N.W, Asslation system. A corps of e-prt on- erntors, each working at the thn hesnd best; elery appliance to save tmen and pain; a large business at a small profit-this ex- paitns our prices: Painless extracting. 50.; ilings, 75c. up; gold crowns. $7.50 BEST teeth, $8. MoWe rat n P e Ft a iEN CE WE'D 906 to Stre-eten plkigW p ol ~SEND ERTZ, GETBACK isc. ! ! WE WISH'TO MARE MEMORABLE I ! EVERY P'UltCHASE MADE HERE. 'TO I I THAT END FOR TIlE NEXT' 5 DAYS, I ! WIL REFUND YOU 15C;ON THlE DOL- 1 1 LARI ON lEVERY PURICHIASE OF BOT- I ! TLED) GOODS. I I ! iE7This bxugaiu' price includes every- I ' I thing in ouwe stock of bottied Wilnes I ! I and Liquers.: Our splendid delivery I I I service insure the prornptest attention I ! I to all mail and telephone orders. C. WIITMEIR & CO., Fine Grocers and Piuveysrs, 1918 PENN. AVE. fiJ-28eo GET TI8IIN. Use Dr. Pdison's Famous Obesity Pills: and Bands and ObesityiiFruit Salt. O)ur supporting and 1special Obesity Bands will wash. Call and examine. Twenty varieties. All genuine Bands have our name-stamped on them. Messrs. Loring & Co.-Four bettles of Dr. Edi- son's Obesity Pills reduced my .weight thirty-seven pounds. Your Obesity Band gIves support and re- duces one's weight, and the fiz.e of one's abdomen very fast. Miss Mary Lee Morgan, Penn. ave. Miss Sarah Laying Rockefeller, 5th avenue and East 57th st., lNew York,- writes my friend. Mrs. Anielia Lewis Roosevelt, 5th avenue, reduced her weIght 60 pounds on your Obesity Fruit Salts. Then I used the P'ills and lost over 87 pounds on the Pills alone. Our goods may be obtained frain C. G. C. SIMS cor. New York ave. and 14th at. MERtTZ'S MODERN PHARMACY, Cor. 11th and F sts., Ka full line of Obesity Bands, Pills and Fruit tnstck. Ladles will find a saleslady here to explain the treatment to them. Sent by mall on receipt of price. 'The Bands coat $2.50 up; the Fruit Salt, $1 per bottle, anel Pills, 51.50 per bottle, or' 8 bottles for 1WR)NG & CO., 42 West 22d st Department No. 74, New Yrk, or,22 Hanmoa place, Deartment No. 4, DeitIes. 3m164504 TH SAENGMBUNDS CARNIVAL. An Enjoyable Eveniag Spent at the ILight Infantry Armory. The Washington Saengerbund. with hun- dreds of their friends, took possession of the Washington Light Infantry Armory last evening and enjoyed themselves in a manner seldom equaled. The occasion was the annual fools' carnivai celebration, a custom with the leading German organiza- tions. The hall was gaily decorated and brilliantly lighted, and at one end was a platform, on which were seated Messrs. John Waldmann, William Waldecker, Will- iam Berens, A. Firs, Rudolph Schneider, Farn'est Kubel, Paul Havenstein, John J. sher, Leo Stiefel, Louis Faber and Fritz Altrup. The Saengerbund orchestra was located to the right of the committee, and between the two,in imitation of a sea shell, was a raised chancel. Several long tables were located in the hall. These tables were fully occupied, and a great number of per- sons, unable to obtain seats, were forced to stand throughout the evening. Mr. Clandy, as chief fool of the carnival, opened the exercises at 9 o'clock with a witty speech. The opening scene was an original travesty, entitled,. "The Poet's Dream of the Modern Faust," in which Miss Louise Donch, Miss Clara DonchMiss B. E. Lutz, Miss U. Rettig, Mr. F. Altrup, Mr. G. W. Spier and Mr. W. J. Wolf par- ticipated. Next on the program was the receipt of greetings and fools' caps from several New York organizations. Mr. Paul Schultz was called upon for a speech, after which Mr. Albert Lepper described the manner in which he had fobnd America. Mr. Frank Rocker of the New York Arlon Soc!ety. made an amusing address, and Prof. Max Kasil gave a grotesque perform- ance on the violin. Attractions were also presented by Mr. Victor Poesche and Mr. Fred Altrup. Mr. Simon Wolf was unable to be present, but he sent the manuscript of a political speech, which was read and greatly enjoyed. At midnight the floor was cleared and the young folks- danced for several hours. The scene was a unique one, as every dancer was required to wear a grotesque fool's cap. The affair was generally conceded to be one of the most enjoyable of the many ever held under the auspices of the Saen- gerbund. At All News Stands. The Evening Star's Almanac and Hand- book is on sale at all-news stands. 25c. 'Phone 1002 (Yale) about your laundry.- Advertisement. Ripans for that full feeling. 50c. box. All druggists.-Advt. Beecham's Pills are for biliousness, bilious head-= ache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, salow skin, etc., when caused by constipa- tion; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills noc. and 25c. a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal St., New York. ANNUAL RUES MORE THAN 6,000.000 BOXES. Latest and Best, SONNETTEI I GORSETS. The C. P. Importers make them. Thpecliate:g Heart, Lungs, Throat, Catarrh, Asthma, And all diseases of the Chest and Air Passages. Office hours: 9 to uo a. mn., i to 3 and 4 to 6 p.m. 1232 14th st. N.W. Consultation free. ja22-m~t,w.t~t-tt "Shoe Talk By §Moe 11anfacturers."~ TIlKRE ARE STORES WHERE yc' can buy "paper-soled" Shoes for "$1.49" or "98c." or any other ridiculous price you're,= a 'mind to pay-but if you want an "HON-\~ FST"' shoe, made out of "LEATHER"- sold at the lowest reasonable price- come to us. We manufacture our own shoe-you pay no middleman's profits. Ladies' "Mannish" Calf Skin Shoes. Can be worn without iubbers on the sloppiest days. in stock, or . made to order. Special Shoes to order for ladies or gentlemen, any leather, . 'd."... "-..........$5 to So. C7If you are looking for a good, cheap shoe, suppore yo taea p atou equal to others' $5 grade's. WI LSON, "Shoemaker for Tender Feet," 929 P St. N. W. Artists, Architects, Draughtsmen. t ply you with all the needs of your business. We haven't any specialty, but you can al- ways be sure of finding just what you want in this big stock. You won't be asked to do with something "just as good," and in these times of low prices we're right among the lowest. GEO. F. MUITH & CO., Successors to Geo. Ryneal, fr., f8-24d 418 7th at. n.w. Every Clock in the house has 15ce. off the dollar taken from the former price. It's a collection worth seeing, even if you're not on buying bent. Cuckoo Clocks included. CARL PETERSEN. 427-42i SEVENTHI ST., Jeweler and Watch Expert. OJpp. Lsnsburgh's. fl112na D D ROYAL Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking pow- . + der. Highest of all in leavening strength.-Latest U. S. Govern- *meat report.. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ,1 66 06 Wall st., N. Y. CITY ITEMS. For Cough. and Throat Disorders use Brown's Bronchial Troches. "Have never -hanged my mind respecting them, except [ think better of that which I began by thinking well of."-Rev. H. W. Beecher. Phillips' Digestible Cocoa. The only cocoa with rich chocolate flavor. oc9-tuem 10* "Royal Gluer1 Mends Everything, Y0e. jal2-eotf Valentines! At J. Jay Gould's. f-4t AMUSEMENTS. 66 T 66Jaby Granld" Graphophone. * .* . Another big stride in the march of * . progress-the "Baby Grand Grapho- ** * phone," a model musical wonder for * * * *home exhibitions and home entertain- ** * n** ment. You wind It up like a clock, and . place on its cylinder any one of our * thousands of melodious or mirth-provok- ***** ing compositions-turn the screw, and * * listen! The "Baby Grand" is$7. * but .......... $ "Live" Photographs. * This marvelous invention-the "Kineto- ....* ***graph"-gives an exact representatIon * of performances of famous artists. * Some with full orchestra accompani- .. * ment. Open day and night. Columbia Phonograph Company, 9i9 Pa. Ave. f12-2t Grand Opera Tickets. A few choice seats for the grand opera for sale for slagle perform.-wce. BfIADog BI Y PIANO STORE, f8-0t* 122 Penna. ave. EXTRA-GItAND O ERA-A GENTLEMAN WHO purchased one of the choice lower Boxes for the 0pr Season hits bee called out of town and IDnS lft the box namy Nands to dispose of. BIDS FOR)l SAME ILEC'F.ID. ED. F. GUZMAN, Metzerott Music Co.. fl2-3t* 1110 F St. n.w. BANJO AND GUITAR COItRECTLY TAUGHT BY note or simplified method: $7 per quarter; 13 ears' ex e -er. rs ope% from 10 a.m. until 1) Van CRit. .04 K n.w.Ja22-24t* A ROSE SHOW At our store tomorrow. We'll make Roses our specials-show more varieties-more besutiful specimens of these queens among flowers than you'll find anywhere. 50e. to $10 a dozen. LILIES OF THE VALLEY and TULIPS will share the honors. Tulips, 2c. to $1 a dosen. A.UGde & Bro.,.' . .W fe12-12d Carroll Institute .Dramatic Club, Under the direction of Mr. James A. Mabony, In Tom Taylor's Comedy, "Still Waters Run Deep," CARROLL INSTITUTE HALI* MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 185. f12-6t Tickets, 00 cents. fl RAND) OPERA HOUSE. EDWARD H. ALLEN. Manager. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. "The Irish Artist." Next Week, Feb. 21, 22, 23-GRAND OP'ERA. EW ASOICTEMPLE. COR. PFNNA. AVE. AND 4TH ST. S.E. february 11 to 23, InclusIve, at 8 p.m. Matinees (free for children) Saturday, Feb. 16, and Friday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. Rasonic Fair and Bazaar, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF - Naval Lodge, No. 4. Entertalnment each evening and at matinees. Dancing afte~r 10 p.m. 'ostvely no soliciting of votes allowed In the Fair rooms. Season Tickets, W0e. Single admaissin 10e. fl1to22ine Tuesday and Wednesday. Free Exhibit OF R. Cronau 's * Famous drawings, In black and white. * * * and water colars, embracing interest- * * * lng historient scenes and incidents of * * *the West Indies, Mexico, British North** *America and America. Grand oppor- * * rt 1 tuitogeatly tenhance your preent * * of. Cthese war cs president of the * * * Lelpzle Artists' Society, and has traveled * * * the world over sketchIng for the ie ** * magazines of the old world. * Veeirhloff's Art Galleries, 1217 F St. f11 EZEROT MUSIC HALL~ n6 i. ED. F. GUYZMAN has the honor to announce the first public appearance In Washington of THlE GREATEST VIOLINIST LIVING. Seats now at Metzerott's. 1110 F at. n.w. f1116t' WILLARD'S HALL, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 15. UAND) MUSI0AL AND DRAMATIC ENT1ERTAIN- )JENT FORl CHARITY. English comedyv, childrn'sa fancy dancing, vocal Lnd instrumen'tal munsic by best talent, tableaux, tnd the celebrated Greek tymnbl dance. PrIFORMANCB' AT 8 O'CEWCK. Dancing and refresignments at close of program. Tickets, 25 and GO eta. Now en sale at Met- ,.. tt',. 011-4* AXUREMENS CHr= BaU FO TH11 GRAND aPEA =A Osa at W=mBS am E n2-at* ow v at. a. r NxW=mz Mw~~mMm 9L .at TE BIG ACAEMT OW M W TOM- P.ODUa.... The Girl I Left Behind Me. 5 HORSII! 100 SOLDISI IN THE GREAT RESCUE 1DM, MANAGEMENT OF CHANLWR FRORMAN. Next Week-JOHN DREW, i "The Butterfs.5 i-ti AlT STUDENTS' LEAGUE LECIURE COURSE. Febrmur 14L INS, MR WM. O Y PARTRIDGE, "AMERICA'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD OF ART." March 16, Mrs. Candace Wheeler. Apri I, Mv -W. Lewis Fraser. BUILDERS' EXCHANGE, 719 13th at. nw.. n m Course tickets, two pertsm......... Admission ....................... felto6in METZEROTT MUSIC HALL. WEDNESDAY EVE.. FEB. 1* Lecture by "|=="y , Mr. Lewis a Harvie Finney. I By O fecialreguest N J1 mew nthe N his t H g p wonderful religious drama. A Prices, 5o and 75c. Y Seats now at Metserott's. felt-at BUTLER'S BUOU THEATER. Mat. Toes., Thurs. and St Seat, 5, 50 and 1=. THIS WEEK. HI HENRY'S FAMOUS MINSTREL:. BURNT CORK: 40 CEiLER"mIES. 40. INCUDING FRANK I. McNISH. Weft Week-HOYT'S A BUNCH OF KEYS, ni-6t THE PEOPLE'S LEMIURE COURSE, CHURCH ( Our Father, 13th and L ate. naw.-Three letures (two of them Illustrated) and oe concert fr4 cents. The Pasto Play. lustrated, byUl Janet Elixabeth lichiards. Literary and iskalm recital by lims Ehe. Mary of New York. "ft Mo a Back In an Hour," by Rev. A. G, lRngers D.D. FEBRUARY 12, 1895, R P.M. THROUGH DENMARK and SWEDENE-UND THE MIDNIGHT SUN, -mstrated, by REV. A. W. HAIDMA. D.D. Single admission. 25 cents. * 1-t* THE OLD FOLKS' ON(|ERT AT GORSUCH W E. Church is postponed imutil Wednesday, Febres ary 13. Tickets good that evening. 39-w ERNAN'S LYCEUM THEATER. RICE & BARTON"S Rose Hill English Folly Co. Pgstively the MoBe Orgsi" Producing the Gorgeous Ilurfetta, THE FAKIRS DAUGHTER. Beautiful Tablea- a vottes-Senaatima Dance.. Next Week-THE NEW YORK VAUDEVHA STARS.. ni-t A CADEMY OF MUSIC TONIGHT. STODDARD -- Tonight at , Paris. Wedneeday and .r.rsd., i-nyngs, Switzerland. fltuda M RoeMme. Resand $1.00. for all lectures. li-2t ETZEROTT MISIC "warm. THURDAY EVENING, FEB. 14. ONLY APPEARANCE D; WASHINGTON OF Mr. ~E STAYENHAEN, THE GETPAIT N ~EAN-ERARJD THE WOLN DER YOUNG~r rase- O CADEMY P PRF SEDO' DNII CAEY Under the direction of Mes. MARCUS R. MAY and JEFFETSOR S, LEBUUGEM. Sale of meats begins at Metterohts MhicStr Thursday, February 7. PRICES. 75c., $1-00 AND S1.50 Knabe Plano used exclusively MR. ALLAY- DE 0012 MUEI~US- ACUI'EII R9 Dancing, Delsarte and D elinedt. Man Teo p=Th and F s. w. sl renovated and Reeorated. Marulars at the acadey C PROF. SHEDOS DANCIN, AC.DEML 25th omois p discount. For-t ~Jmaica Drect. THEMOSLPCTURES. ELHGV UNIE"Err RSIT A AY fsyDarby.. u *=re gmlet , edesday Fbruar 1t Pren H, O WD T&Hak Rev.nCKAes. Maok-th nd 2e Ftate Adl.,o New Yr. RoADrt HFe. Martne.aurro h OnRe.t, dcts-a Fe. t3.PL 6t Bpy teommodBos ,u A. imr tBR Week., nfromrowy New Yo ryi, or T m COOK & ' S S2P. AJZE.Wahgt. Fr tamanatu Doiret. r Tothe Wrest dandruff and mwaks the ncostdsing a eF BsI. RWe. OOD & i CK~st KoLB IthtrACY SOL SatENaT, 43w YTrH WS N.W.AjT20-tt HODINA ICE ebCOMPANY, Seiy ite wih eta le lihs ahe ada Peatet Icroe.nFH uglF t hes roun and at Stb prit e anlwuays 39,000'j7~ tionsr.Mr terod. ot theMra Hoe Daud, eda best For the world scnr and emeted of heimaste applyeto phyUeECns. Pr. CO. A. KEORGESti&SGN. ts 02r1rs 1 Pa. a e. a mhigton

Transcript of The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1895-02-12 [p 12].

Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1895-02-12 [p 12].


wrent TIN Wednesday.For the District of Columbia. Maryland

and Virginia. snow. turning Into rain, fol-lowed by fair. northeasterly winds.

Tide Table.Today-High tide. 10:14 p.m.Tomorrow-Low tide, 4:41) a.. and 5:13

pm.; high tide, 10:e n.m. and 11 p.m.Couitloue o the Water.

Temperature and condition of water at 8&.m.: Great Falls. temperature, W2: condi-tion. IS: receiving reservoir, temperature,34: condition at north connection. 36; con-dition at south connection. 36: distributingreservoir. temperature, 3-; condition at In-luent gate house, 36; effluent gate house, 3L,

1.19 Derby and Soft Hats-shapes cor-rect. Qualities worth double $1.19.HENRY FRANC & SON, cor. 7th and D.

1TS EASY TO SAVE MONEYAnd lots of trouble when you give a dinneror banquet. See Mr. Freund, 815 10th at.He'll personally arrange a splendid menuand service at your own price.

WE'LL PAPER YO(7R ROOMSIn combinations, T-1 up. Finest work. F.0. NOLTE, .410 9th st. Iformerly IMJ 11th).Miss McNay of New York Is at the Ar-

lngton, H street entrance, and is sellingimported gowns and faney waists at great-ly reduced prkes.Artifica.LI IKyes. 4l,.r', alth & Pa. ave.

I1ats-worthy of the unme-twice worthyof the price-31.l9.HENRY FRANC & SON. cor. 7th and D.


' Grand Opera House.-Mr. Chauncey 01-eott, In "The Irish Artist."New National Theater.-"The Girl I Left

Behind Me."Academy of Music.-i.ecture by Mr. JohnL Stoddard on "Parts."Butler's Bijon Theater.-Hi. Henry's Min-

strels.Kernan's Lyceum Theater.-Rose Hil

Folly Company.Columbia Phonograph Company. 919

Pennsylvania avenue northwest.-brihibi-tien of the Kinetophone.New Masonic Temple, corner Pennsyl-

vania avenue and 4th street southeast.-Masonic Fair and Basaar. under the au-spices of Naval Lodge, No. 4.Church of Our Father, corner 13th and L6

streets northwest.-dllustrated lecture byRev. M. W. Hamma on "Through Denmarkand Sweden-Under the Midnight Sun."Church of the Covenant, chapel.-Valen-

tine Tea, given by the Covenant League ofKing's Daughters.

A Lmited Edition.Na copies of The Star's Almanac and

Handbook obtainable after the presentedition is exhausted. Copies on sale at TheStar office. all news stands, or sent bymail.

The Company Won.In the case of John W. Warner, adminis-

trator of the late Joseph W. Collis, whowas killed two years ago on the Baltimoreand Ohio railroad, against the company,the jury yesterday afternoon returned averdict In favor of the company. Colliswas killed near the Brookland station, and810,0W) damages were claimed.

Old eolks' Concert at Gorsmeb.The Old Folks' concert which was to

have been held at Gorsuch M. E. Churchlast Tuesolay. but which was postponed onaccount of the weather, will take place to-morrow evening.

The 111 Dimnssed.Judge Hagner has dismissed the suit in-

stituted several months ago by the Wash-ington Homeopathic Society against theNational Homeopathic Medical College. torestrain the establishment of the collegeand to prevent It from conferring diplomas.Some weeks ago Judge Magner dismissedthe original b1l upon the ground that Itfailed to charge any specific wrongloing.Leave was thereupon given the complain-ants to amend the original bill, which wasdone, and both bills were yesterday dis-missed by the court.

The Anil-Saloon League.At a meeting of the executive committee

of the Anti-Saloon League held yesterdayafternoon Mr. W. H. Pennell announced his

acceptance of the chairmanship of the com-mittee on mass meeting. The list of chair-men Is now completed. Owing to the ses-

sion of the Woman's Christian TemperanceUnion. to be held on Sunday next, theleague will not arrange for a meeting thatday, but will probably hold a gathering thefollowing Sunday. The meetings are heldat intervals during the year.An effort has been made to secure the at-

tendance of Dr. Parkhurst at one of thesemeetings, but the noted reformer, in a re-cent communicatIon to the treasurer of theleague, stated that his health and engage-ments will not permit him to leave NewYork for many months to~come. If he doesvisit Washington, however, he has pro-mised that the league shall have first claimupon him.

Art fee the People.The lecture by Mr. Win. Ordway Part-

ridge, which was delivered yesterday after-noon at the Columnbian University. waslistened to by a large audience of thesculptor's friends, local artists and stu-

rents. His subject, "Art for the People,"was handled in a comprehensive manner,particular stress being laid upon the neces-sity of including "art," as a regular fea-ture of common school education. In con-nectIon with this Mr. Partridge said: "Inorder to educate the people to an apprecia-tion of the fine arts we must begin withthe children In the pubice schools. A fewyears ago the study of art was a privilegewhich few could afford to undertake. Nowthere is scarcely a publice school In the land'where some order of art trainIng Is notgiven to the pupils gratis, and further-spore, In a limited number of schools, prin-elpally In New England, excellent photo-graphs of the masterpieces of great artistsare hung upon the walls so that the chil-dren may grow to love to look at beautifulthings."'We must also convince the people," he

said. "that srt is not a luxury for theidle and rich alone, but that It to an In-tensely practical thing, something that Isto widen their horisons and affect verygreatly their social well being. The mo-ment we bring artistic training and tasteto the commonest product of labor webring to It a grace and beauty which en-hances Its value many times.'

Presbyterlan Ninistera' Neelia'.- At a meeting of the Presbyterian Min-

taterggilociationl at the Church of theCovenant yesterday the secretary of thepssociatioo was Instructed to write Gov.O'errall of Virginia and Judge Chiches-ter of Alexandria, asking them to aid Inthe supptession of horse racing at therace courses In Virginia. An Interestingaccount of the Chinese-Japanese war wasT yen by Rev. Frederiek J. Stanley, a pro-essior In a college In Tokio, Japan.

inerease of Degradation.A lecture, intended to be introductory to

an ativanced course of scientifle sociology,w'as dliveredr last evening before thestudents of Cuhlumlslan U'niversity by Dr.Arthur MtacDorpid of the bureau of edu-ea.tion. Ciharities, crimes and other formsof abnormnalty was the theme, and thelatuirer quzotedi statistics given at thecongress of experts, which ssemnbled atErd-.a P'esth last $ix'tmi er, to the effectthat the increase of morai and physicaldevrolatinn among young men Is evident.This opinion was foindelt on the observa-tiens of those who ma-d- the physical ex-amilrations year after year 'or the stand-inzg armles of the countries of the oldV(orl. Dr. 31ac~onaldl did not think thisecrilsioni warranted the~helief that theworld was coni~tantly growing worse, buttllat it has been growing worse for theblesive years. The lecturer gave- an ex-hibition of recent Instruments for thequantative measurement of the emotlcons.

At All News Stande,if not convenicnt to call at the omfce you

enn obtain a copy of The Stars Almanacand Handbook of any news stand. E5c.

Dia or Dust.We are not going tc get left in the shut-

Us, or soaked In the soup. But can provewe are the largest wholesale dealers Inbutter and egg south of New York.

~mcs F. Oyster, 900 Pa. avo.-&dvt.


lad Lodge a Bene of Beauty Iautlight.

New Miase.e Temple and its Artistle

Fair-commissioner Ros Makes

an Address.

A triumphant epoch, in the history ofMasonry in this city was marked last even-

ing by the opening of a fair, and at thesame time the new Masonic Temple whichhas been erected by Naval Lodge, No. 4,F. A. A. M., at the corner of 4th streetand Pennsylvania avenue southeast. Thebuilding of the structure was begun inJuly last, and it was ccmpleted but a fewweeks ago. For the purpose of properlyfurnishing their new home, and also fordiminishing a debt incurred in the erection,the members of Naval Lodge decided thatthe public should first view the inside ofthe temple when a fair should be in pro-gress and the place gaily decorated. Wives,daughters, ilsters, aunts, mothers, cousins,aweethearts and female friends were calledupon to aid the project, and, although ofthe weaker sex, they proved strong intheir aid.The result was the opening last evening

of a fair on such an elaborate scale as hasseldom been seen east of the Capitol.The fair proper comprises the greater

pertion of the new building. On the secondnocr Isma large room fitted up with boothi,and there are a number of smaller roomswhere refreshments are served. A shoot-ing gallery has been fitted up, and variousother attractions are presented. On thefourth floor is a large hall, also fitted withbooths, but with a floor space free fordancing. There are also a number. ofsmaller rooms, in which are located whatmight be termed side shows.The entire building was literally packed

befora 8 o'clock last evening. Of course,there were pretty girls galore, charminglygowned, many of whom were escorted byyoung men with fat purses, and those arethe kind the lodge is particularly desirousof seeing. A stillness became apparentwhen a party, comprising Commissioner.Ross, D. G. Dixon, grand master; GeorgeW. Baird, deputy grand master; MatthewTrimble, senior grand warden; Samuel C.Palmer, junior grand warderU C. B. Smith,chaplain; Harry Standiford, junior deacon,and George H. Walker, past grand highpriest, mounted the speaker's gallery. Thechairman of the entertainment committee,Geo. C. Ober, announced to the throng be-low that he was happy to see so manypossible victims present, and he added thathe would like to tell what thelodge wantedto do with them, but it was his duty tointroduce Graid Master Dixon, and thatcnly.The grand master remarked that he was

sure he volced the sentiment of all presentwhen he stated that Naval Lodge deservedthe utmost credit for erecting such a home,which was a credit to themselves and tothe fraternity, a credit not only to EaqtWashington, but to the entire city. Hecongratulated the lodge on the presenceand help of the ladies, and added that hehad no doubt but that the enterprise wouldbe an entire success.

Commissioner Ross.

Commissioner Ross was then introducedand was greeted with applause. He took

great pleasure, he said, in being present.When the corner stone of the building was

laid the speaker %as away from the city.which fact he regretted deeply, as it was

his desire to be present on that occasion.Mr. Ross declared that he was astoundedat what Naval Lodge has accomplished.The erection of the temple was begun inJuly last, when building operationsthroughout the city were practically sus-

pended, but in spite of all obstacles suc-cers had been attained. He wished the ex-

ample would prove contagious, and heurged these lodges who cannot build I-dividually to unite and erect a templeworthy of the I.istrict of Columbia. It was

surmised that the enterprise of NavalLodge would set the other lodges thinking."As a Commissioner, I represent the

whole city," continued Mr. Ross. "1 am

proud of what has been accomplished, how-ever, in East. Washington. You have theCapitol building, the new library building,and soon, I think, will have a new build-ing for the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates, and before many years, in my opin-on, this old avenue will be lined with finestructures. I congratulate Naval Lodgethat it has put up one among the first.There never was a time when Free Mason-ry was more respected than at present.I am proud to be a member of the organi-zation. I congratulate you on the assist-ance of 1hese 'fair" ladies, and I sincerelytrust that the fair itself will be a completesuccess."Grand Master Dixon then touched an

imaginary button, and the machinery ofthe fair was in motion.

some Features.The upper hall is fitted up, to accord with

the architecture of the room, in the Egypt-an style. - Flags and banners of every huecovered the walls, and the booths, withoutexception, are things of beauty. AlmasTemple of the Mystic Shrine conducts a

far from quiet paddle stand, where sacksof flour, market baskets, feather fans and,in fact, almost everything imaginable, froma ton of coal to a brick house, may bechosen by the holder of a lucky paddle.The main room on the lower floor is dec-cated in the Indo-Greclan style. There anorchestra discoursed music throughout theevening, while the special attraction in theupper hail was fancy dancing by Mr.Percy Leech, in female attire.In one of the side rooms is administered

for a small fee what is termed "the thirty-fourth degree of the New York rite of theorder of high monk-a-monk." The pre-siding genius of this unique initiation is anindividual dl'gulsed by a most startlingcostume of skulls, bones, wings and otherhorrible conceptions. There were fishingpnds, graphophones, fortune tellers andall the other usual fixtures of a fair room.At 10 o'clock general dancing was com-menced. The fair, judging from the open-ing night, will prcve an unqualified suc-cess.

Snow in the Streets,To the Editor of The Evening Star:

May I ask the question through yourcolulus if it would be any more than sim-ple justice to ask of the street car rail-road companies and th:e Commission~ers ofthe District to clear away at least a footpath, through the embankments of snowor the streets opposite each stoppingplace for the cars that ladies diud passen-gers generally may enter and leave thecars without wading an unusual depththrough the slush and snow? We noormordils are compelled to clean away thesnow and ice from the entire sidewalks infront of our houses within a few hoursafter the snow falls. W. G. McDOWELL.

Academy ef Forty.The "Wimodaughsis Academy of Forty"

was organized last evening, and the firstthree section of a constitution were adopted.These give the society its name, and stateits object as "the cultivation of thg art ofrefined and ennoblIng conversation.'' Theofcers named are magister, vice magister,scribe, correspondent, repobi tor, directorand board of censors. The election of offi-cers and action on applications for mem-bership were deferred until the next session.Mrs. Havens was made temporary chair-man and Miss Mary Williams temporaryscribe. The committee elected to completethe constitution is composed of MissKatherino Garst, Miss Williams and Mrs.Haens. Among those present were Mrs.Rachel Foster Avery, Miss Nicolal Shaw,Mrs. Henrietta Banker, etc. Letters werereceived by aspirants for mecmbership, whocould not be present last evening.

On a Grade Crossing.Mr. E. J. McGreery, the Hillsdale florist,attempted to pass with his carriage infront of a large freight engine attached totwo box cars at Virginia avenue and 4%street about 5:30 o'clock last evening. Thedriver of the vehicle whipped up his horscas soon as he saw the danger, but not intme to prevent the engine from strikingthe rear part of the carriage. The car-riage was thrown from the track, but Mr.M~reery was not injured.

Rhys David's second lecture, "Essence ofBuddhism," postponed from Saturday last,wil be given in All Souls' Church Thurs-

day, February 14. at 4:30 p.m. Admission,80cnena-Advt.


The Grand Opera House.-Chauneey 01-cott, In the "Irish Artist," was the attrac-tion at the Grand Opera House last night.This young actor has many exceptionalgifts, prominent among them being thatpersonal magnetism which attracts anaudience regardless of the merits or de-merits of the play itself. "The IrishArtist" does not suffer by comparison withother plays of the same type, its chiefrecommendation being the manner inwhich it gives Mr. Olcott an opportunityfor the display of a tenor voice of ex-

quisite sweetness. He sings some of thegood old ballads which age cannot wither.The new bits of musical composition whichhe introduces are charming indeed, butscarcely so charming as the simple, yetstriking, melody and the warm, fluent ver-sification of such songs as "Believe Me, ifAll Her Endearing Young Charms." Thecompany was entirely competent to dojustice to the play and the performanceafforded much that was mirth-provokingas well as plenty of action and sentiment.Mr. Olcott is evidently giving his abilitiesconscientious cultivation, for his work ingeneral shows marked improvement astime passes.National.-Tne first performance ever

given of "The Girl I Left Behind Me," andthe last one, as well, cccurred in Wash-ington. The first one was some time ago;the last one was last night, but for a dayonly, as, judging by its enthusiastic re-

ception, though seen here several times, ithas the staying qualities which character-ize only meritorious plays. Perhaps not incast, but in scenic effects it has beengreatly improved since the beginning, andthe third a-t, the stockade, Is now afeature in realistic dramatic representa-tion which has not, probably, a superioron the stage. The entire act is kept at thehighest tension and when the curtain goesdown on the rescue of the stockaders by a

company of cavalry on a wild rush the en-

tire audience catches the spirit of thescene and lets itself loose in tremendousapplause. Last night the curtain was call-ed up four times, and still the people want-ed more. In the cast are Maclyn Arbuckle,as Gen. Kennion; Miss Maud Harrison, ashis daughte- Kate; Thomas Oberle, as

Maj. Burleigh; James E. Wilson, as Lieut.Hawkesworth: Mr. MacSweeney and Mr.Enos, as Orderly McGlynn and PrivateJones; Chis. Lothian, as Dr. Penwick;Master George Enos, as Dick Burleigh;Gertrude Berkeley, as Lucy Hawkesworth;Violet Rand,as Fawn Afraid; Myron Calice,as Scar Brow, and Lottie Alter, as Wilber'sAnn, a very bright bit of work by a brightlittle woman. The play, of course, movedsmoothly and there was a big houseful ofpeople to enjoy it.Stoddard Lecture.-Mr. Stoddard, in his

introduction last night at the Academy,stated that he had lectured in Washington150 times, and yet, though he did not sayso. he is the same attractive speaker, andhis admirers are always glad to bear himtalk of his trarels and see with him thescenes he has seen. His lecture last nightwas on Paris, historical, however, ratherthan pictorial, and his talk was even more

interesting than the picturea. Mr. Stod-dard is a frierd of the late Napoleon Bona-parte. and his references to that greatmilitary genius brought frequent applause.In the Paris pictorial Mr. Stoddard's au-

ditors followed him through the Place deIa Concorde, along the Champs Elysee' tothe Church of the Madeline. to the GrandOpera House, the tomb of Napoleon, theEiffel tower, the palace of the Trocadero.the Louvre, the Versailles, along the Seine,over the bridges, about Notre Dame, and,in fact, everywhere almost where peoplego, and at each point of interest the pic-ture was given all the eiect of light andlife and color by the beautiful, grand paint-ing which is one of Mr. Stoddard's chiefcLarms as a lecturer. The curtain wentdown en a picture of the first Napoleonwhich. was his favorite, and the eulogiumby the lecturer could not have been lesspleasing to him than the picture.Miss Jennie O'Neill Potter.-Miss Jen-ie

O'Neill Potter delighted an enthu"Iastie andappreciative audience at Metzer- t's MusicHall last evening in Robert Griffin Morris'monologue. "Flirts and Matrons." Therange of emotions portrayed in this prettylittle work was certainly well worked outby Miss Potter. Through the saucy.piquant chatter of the little girl in thenursery, the Vassar girl and the bud insociety her rendering was inimitably nat-ural anid finished. In the Wore patheticperiods of the wife, the mother and theold lady there was quite as much actionand spirit shown as in the more strikingparts earlier in the program. Miss Potter'selocution is always pleasing and her dra-matic aptitude in the comedy parts is strik-irg and promising. The program was

pleasingly varied by solos by Miss KittyThompson Berry, who was several timesencored.Kernan's Lyceum Theater.-No vaude-

ville company is more popular in this citythan the Rice & Barton's Rose Hill FollyCcmpany, which began its first engage-ment of the season at Kernan's last night.The house was crowded and the interestin the different attractions was incessant.Miss Clara Lawrence, the cornetist, wasfar above the average and was enthusiasti-cally received. The excellent black-faeeteam, Crawford and Manning, had to an-

swer to three encores. The WashburnSisters gave a striking interpretation ofthe Bowery girls. The musical team, Mor-ton and Eckloff, played finely, and theirccmedy work was greatly enjoyed. Mr.Frank Emerson. bone soloist, closed theo11o, and proved to be a feature of theshow. Then came the bux'lesque, "TheFakir's Daughter," with its pretty girls,catchy songs and dances and witty say--ings, the troupe entering into their workwith energy.Butler's Bijou Theater.-Manager Butlerhas a very strong attraction at the BijouTheater this week in Hi Henry's big min-strel troupe. Their opening house lastnight was a big one, and laughter was4cntinuous. Such well-known minstrel per-formers as Frank McNish, Marcus Doyle,Matt Diamond, Larry Mack and manyothers are with the troupe, and the enter-tainment put forward was one of the bestseen in this city this season. The singb-gis far above the ordinary, the boy soprano,Edward Percy, capturing the audience withhis clear voice and pleasing manner. Theuproarous funny skit, "Th Mind Readers,"interpreted by Frank Mec'ish and blattDianond, kept everybody in a roar untilthe curtain fell. The combination featureof pickaninnies and brownies proved adecided hit, and a'score of other fcaturesmade up a highly interesting program.The performance terminated with a spec-tacular production of marching gladiatorsand living pictures, the latter original bur-lesques on classic marble statuary.Lewis Harvie Finneys Lecture.-TheOber-AmmergaU Passion Play is today thelast survivor of the religious dramas of

After Diphtherial*The patient is left with a weakened mys- 9

Stern, reduced in flesh, lacking vitality, in .

danger of a relapse. A health-giving,Sstrength-building tonic is absolutely neces- .

-sary. Such Is Hood's Sarsaparilia. It*vitalirzes and enriches the blood, destroysXthe gerus of disease, gives strength to..

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-ehatyaction to all the organs of theboynthis way

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UIOODYS PIIJB are hand made, and perfectjSin proportion and appearance. 25c. per box.*

BLOOD POISONINGAnd every Hemor of the Blood, Skin and Scalp,with loss of hair, whether simple, scrotulons,

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Sold everywhere.

mediaeval times, and& although it has now-been nearly five yeags since the last per-formance of this play the Interest in it wasnever greater. Time augments rather thandiminishes its charm, and Mr. Finney tellsthe story of this greatest of dramas In amanner to charm and delight the mostcritical. He takes you with him to thequaint Bavarian vilage of Ober-Ammer-gau, shows you the simple life of the vil-lagers, and picture% with vividness ndforce the various senes and acts of theplay as the pictures appear before you.


A Young MarylauSt Farmer Capturedby the Omicers.

John Hoopengardner, a young farmerresiding near Hancock, Md., on the C. and0. canal, who for some time has been sus-

pected of counterfeiting, was on Sundaynight "swooped" down upon while at hishome by United States Agent Griffith ofPittsburg and Detective Fisher of Hagers-town. They knocked at the Hoopengardnerfarm house and the boy's mother answered.While they were plying the old lady withquestions they heard a noise at the upperwindow. Suspecting that their presencehad been discovered and their business,too, and that the man wanted was attempt-ing to escape, they rushed around to theback of .the house. There they saw I heman just rushing off in the darkness withonly his night clothes on. He was yelledat to stop, but e went on, in spite of barefeet, linen clothes, snow and freezing -old.A ball went from one of the officers' pis-

tol when they found that no attention was

paid to their commands. It struck thefleeing fellow on the calf of the- leg, 6uthe went on. After an exciting chase heeluded the officers.Later he returned to his home and was

caught.A search of the house and outbuildings

disclosed in the smoke house a plaster-of-paris mold for making nickels.

It is said the prisoner has flooded hissection with the bogus nickels made.

Right of Way Through the WhiteHouse Grounds.

To the Editor of The Evening Ster:Will you allow me space in your columns

to state a grievance which many peopleare enduring and have endured for some

time? In all former administrations, re-

publican and democratic alike, the right ofway across the grounds of the PresidentialMansion has been freely accorded. Thegates through the lower portion of thegrounds have never been closed againstthe public until a year or so ago. In themorning, from 8 o'clock until 9, they are

open, to permit the government clerks topass through, but at 4 o'clock, when theneed is equally great, they are hermetical-ly sealed. This causes many a clerk, tiredfrom his or her day's work, to make quitea detour In order to reach home. Thismorning the gates were open, between 8and 9, bt't the walk from the gates nearthe treasury to those near the Departmentof State were deep in snow three-quartersof the way, and one was compelled towade ankle-deep and more through thesnow. Why should the rights of the clerksbe so curtailed? The White House is nota private residence, nor are its groundsprivate property. Free access is had overother government grounds, why not here?No one asks or desires to wander about inthe grounds, but the departmental clerksdo ask that they should not be put to thepersorial inconvenience, extra journeyingand loss of tme which they now suffer.


Valuable unimproved and improved prop-erty, fronting on 34th and 35th streets.north of U street, Georgetown, will be soldat trustees' sale tomorrow afternoon at4:"0 o'clock. *



Asslation system. A corps of e-prton-erntors, each working at the thn hesndbest; elery appliance to save tmen and pain;a large business at a small profit-this ex-paitns our prices:Painless extracting. 50.; ilings, 75c. up;

gold crowns. $7.50 BEST teeth, $8.

MoWeratn P e Ft aiENCE WE'D

906 to Stre-eten plkigW p ol


GETBACK isc.! ! WE WISH'TO MARE MEMORABLEI ! EVERY P'UltCHASE MADE HERE. 'TOI I THAT END FOR TIlE NEXT' 5 DAYS,I ! WIL REFUND YOU 15C;ON THlE DOL-1 1 LARI ON lEVERY PURICHIASE OF BOT-I ! TLED) GOODS.I I ! iE7This bxugaiu' price includes every-I ' I thing in ouwe stock of bottied WilnesI ! I and Liquers.: Our splendid deliveryI I I service insure the prornptest attentionI ! I to all mail and telephone orders.

C. WIITMEIR & CO.,Fine Grocers and Piuveysrs, 1918 PENN. AVE.fiJ-28eo

GET TI8IIN.Use Dr. Pdison's Famous

Obesity Pills: and Bandsand ObesityiiFruit Salt.O)ur supporting and 1special Obesity Bands will

wash. Call and examine. Twenty varieties. Allgenuine Bands have our name-stamped on them.

Messrs. Loring & Co.-Four bettles of Dr. Edi-son's Obesity Pills reduced my .weight thirty-sevenpounds. Your Obesity Band gIves support and re-duces one's weight, and the fiz.e of one's abdomenvery fast. Miss Mary Lee Morgan,

Penn. ave.

Miss Sarah Laying Rockefeller, 5th avenue andEast 57th st., lNew York,- writes my friend. Mrs.Anielia Lewis Roosevelt, 5th avenue, reduced herweIght 60 pounds on your Obesity Fruit Salts.Then I used the P'ills and lost over 87 pounds onthe Pills alone.

Our goods may be obtained frain C. G. C. SIMScor. New York ave. and 14th at.

MERtTZ'S MODERN PHARMACY,Cor. 11th and F sts.,

Ka full line of Obesity Bands, Pills and Fruittnstck. Ladles will find a saleslady here

to explain the treatment to them.Sent by mall on receipt of price.

'The Bands coat $2.50 up; the Fruit Salt, $1 perbottle, anel Pills, 51.50 per bottle, or' 8 bottles for

1WR)NG & CO., 42 West 22d st Department No.74, New Yrk, or,22 Hanmoa place, Deartment

No. 4, DeitIes. 3m164504


An Enjoyable Eveniag Spent at theILight Infantry Armory.

The Washington Saengerbund. with hun-dreds of their friends, took possession ofthe Washington Light Infantry Armorylast evening and enjoyed themselves in amanner seldom equaled. The occasion wasthe annual fools' carnivai celebration, a

custom with the leading German organiza-tions. The hall was gaily decorated andbrilliantly lighted, and at one end was aplatform, on which were seated Messrs.John Waldmann, William Waldecker, Will-iam Berens, A. Firs, Rudolph Schneider,Farn'est Kubel, Paul Havenstein, John J.

sher, Leo Stiefel, Louis Faber and FritzAltrup. The Saengerbund orchestra waslocated to the right of the committee, andbetween the two,in imitation of a sea shell,was a raised chancel. Several long tableswere located in the hall. These tables werefully occupied, and a great number of per-sons, unable to obtain seats, were forced tostand throughout the evening.Mr. Clandy, as chief fool of the carnival,

opened the exercises at 9 o'clock with a

witty speech. The opening scene was anoriginal travesty, entitled,. "The Poet'sDream of the Modern Faust," in whichMiss Louise Donch, Miss Clara DonchMissB. E. Lutz, Miss U. Rettig, Mr. F. Altrup,Mr. G. W. Spier and Mr. W. J. Wolf par-ticipated. Next on the program was thereceipt of greetings and fools' caps fromseveral New York organizations. Mr. PaulSchultz was called upon for a speech, afterwhich Mr. Albert Lepper described themanner in which he had fobnd America.Mr. Frank Rocker of the New York ArlonSoc!ety. made an amusing address, andProf. Max Kasil gave a grotesque perform-ance on the violin. Attractions were alsopresented by Mr. Victor Poesche and Mr.Fred Altrup. Mr. Simon Wolf was unableto be present, but he sent the manuscriptof a political speech, which was read andgreatly enjoyed.At midnight the floor was cleared and the

young folks- danced for several hours. Thescene was a unique one, as every dancerwas required to wear a grotesque fool'scap. The affair was generally conceded tobe one of the most enjoyable of the manyever held under the auspices of the Saen-gerbund.

At All News Stands.The Evening Star's Almanac and Hand-

book is on sale at all-news stands. 25c.

'Phone 1002 (Yale) about your laundry.-Advertisement.

Ripans for that full feeling. 50c. box.All druggists.-Advt.

Beecham's Pills are forbiliousness, bilious head-=ache, dyspepsia, heartburn,torpid liver, dizziness, sickheadache, bad taste in themouth, coated tongue, lossofappetite,salowskin, etc.,when caused by constipa-tion; and constipation is themost frequent cause of allof them.Go by the book. Pills

noc. and 25c. a box. Bookfree at your druggist's orwrite B. F. Allen Co., 365Canal St., New York.ANNUAL RUES MORE THAN 6,000.000 BOXES.

Latest and Best,


make them.




And all diseases of theChest and Air Passages.Office hours: 9 to uo a. mn.,

ito 3 and 4 to 6 p.m.1232 14th st. N.W.Consultation free.

ja22-m~t,w.t~t-tt"Shoe TalkBy §Moe 11anfacturers."~

TIlKRE ARE STORES WHEREyc' can buy "paper-soled" Shoesfor "$1.49" or "98c." or anyother ridiculous price you're,= a

'mind to pay-but if you want an "HON-\~FST"' shoe, made out of "LEATHER"-sold at the lowest reasonable price-come to us. We manufacture our ownshoe-you pay no middleman's profits.Ladies' "Mannish" Calf Skin Shoes.

Can be worn without iubbers onthe sloppiest days. in stock, or .

made to order.Special Shoes to order for ladies or

gentlemen, any leather,.'d."..."-..........$5to So.C7If you are looking for a good, cheap

shoe, suppore yotaea p atou

equal to others' $5 grade's.WI LSON,

"Shoemaker for Tender Feet,"

929 P St. N. W.

Artists,Architects,Draughtsmen. t

ply you with all the needs of your business.We haven't any specialty, but you can al-ways be sure of finding just what you wantin this big stock. You won't be asked to dowith something "just as good," and in thesetimes of low prices we're right among thelowest.

GEO. F. MUITH & CO.,Successors to Geo. Ryneal, fr.,

f8-24d 418 7th at. n.w.

Every Clock in the house has 15ce. off the

dollar taken from the former price. It's

a collection worth seeing, even if you're not

on buying bent.

Cuckoo Clocks included.CARL PETERSEN. 427-42i SEVENTHI ST.,Jeweler and Watch Expert. OJpp. Lsnsburgh's.



Absolutely Pure.A cream of tartar baking pow- .

+ der. Highest of all in leaveningstrength.-Latest U. S. Govern-

*meat report..ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.,

,166 06 Wall st., N. Y.

CITY ITEMS.For Cough. and Throat Disorders useBrown's Bronchial Troches. "Have never-hanged my mind respecting them, except[ think better of that which I began bythinking well of."-Rev. H. W. Beecher.

Phillips' Digestible Cocoa.The only cocoa with rich chocolate flavor.oc9-tuem

10*"Royal Gluer1 Mends Everything, Y0e.jal2-eotfValentines! At J. Jay Gould's. f-4t


66 T66JabyGranld"Graphophone.

*.*. Another big stride in the march of* . progress-the "Baby Grand Grapho-

** * phone," a model musical wonder for* * **home exhibitions and home entertain-

** * n**ment. You wind It up like a clock, and. place on its cylinder any one of our

* thousands of melodious or mirth-provok-***** ing compositions-turn the screw, and* * listen! The "Baby Grand" is$7.* but ..........

$"Live" Photographs.

* This marvelous invention-the "Kineto-....****graph"-gives an exact representatIon* of performances of famous artists.* Some with full orchestra accompani-..*

ment. Open day and night.

ColumbiaPhonograph Company,9i9 Pa. Ave.f12-2t

Grand Opera Tickets.A few choice seats for the grand opera for sale

for slagle perform.-wce.BfIADogBI Y PIANO STORE,f8-0t* 122 Penna. ave.

EXTRA-GItAND O ERA-A GENTLEMAN WHOpurchased one of the choice lower Boxes for the0pr Season hits bee called out of town andIDnS lft the box namy Nands to dispose of.

BIDS FOR)l SAME ILEC'F.ID.ED. F. GUZMAN,Metzerott Music Co..

fl2-3t* 1110 F St. n.w.

BANJO AND GUITAR COItRECTLY TAUGHT BYnote or simplified method: $7 per quarter; 13ears' ex e-er. rs ope% from 10 a.m. until

1)Van CRit. .04 K n.w.Ja22-24t*

A ROSE SHOWAt our store tomorrow. We'll make Roses ourspecials-show more varieties-more besutifulspecimens of these queens among flowersthan you'll find anywhere. 50e. to $10 adozen.LILIES OF THE VALLEY and TULIPS will

share the honors. Tulips, 2c. to $1 a dosen.A.UGde & Bro.,.' . .Wfe12-12d

Carroll Institute.Dramatic Club,

Under the direction of Mr. James A. Mabony,In Tom Taylor's Comedy,


MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 185.f12-6t Tickets, 00 cents.



"The Irish Artist."Next Week, Feb. 21, 22, 23-GRAND OP'ERA.


february 11 to 23, InclusIve, at 8 p.m. Matinees(free for children) Saturday, Feb. 16, and

Friday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m.

Rasonic Fair and Bazaar,UNDER THE AUSPICES OF

- Naval Lodge, No. 4.Entertalnment each evening and at matinees.

Dancing afte~r 10 p.m.

'ostvely no soliciting of votes allowed In theFair rooms.

Season Tickets, W0e. Single admaissin 10e.fl1to22ineTuesday and Wednesday.

Free ExhibitOF

R. Cronau's* Famous drawings, In black and white. * *

* and water colars, embracing interest- * ** lng historient scenes and incidents of * *

*the West Indies, Mexico, British North***America and America. Grand oppor- * *

rt 1tuitogeatly tenhance your preent *

* of.Cthese war cs president of the * ** Lelpzle Artists' Society, and has traveled * ** the world over sketchIng for the ie **

* magazines of the old world.*

Veeirhloff'sArt Galleries, 1217 F St.f11

EZEROT MUSIC HALL~ n6i. ED. F. GUYZMAN has the honor to announcethe first public appearance In Washington of

THlE GREATEST VIOLINIST LIVING.Seats now at Metzerott's. 1110 F at. n.w. f1116t'



English comedyv, childrn'sa fancy dancing, vocalLndinstrumen'tal munsic by best talent, tableaux,tndthe celebrated Greek tymnbl dance.

PrIFORMANCB' AT 8 O'CEWCK.Dancing and refresignments at close of program.

Tickets, 25 and GO eta. Now en sale at Met-,.. tt',. 011-4*

AXUREMENSCHr= BaU FO TH11 GRAND aPEA =AOsa at W=mBS amEn2-at* ow v at. a. r

NxW=mz Mw~~mMm 9L .at


The GirlI Left Behind Me.



Next Week-JOHN DREW, i "The Butterfs.5i-ti



WORLD OF ART."March 16, Mrs. Candace Wheeler. Apri I, Mv

-W. Lewis Fraser.BUILDERS' EXCHANGE, 719 13th at. nw.. n mCourse tickets, two pertsm.........Admission .......................felto6in


Lecture by "|=="y, Mr. Lewis

a Harvie Finney.I ByO fecialreguestN J1 mew ntheN his t H g

p wonderful religious drama.

A Prices, 5o and 75c.Y Seats now at Metserott's. felt-at

BUTLER'S BUOU THEATER.Mat. Toes., Thurs. and St Seat, 5, 50 and 1=.




ni-6tTHE PEOPLE'S LEMIURE COURSE, CHURCH (Our Father, 13th and L ate. naw.-Three letures(two of them Illustrated) and oe concert fr4cents. The Pasto Play. lustrated, byUlJanet Elixabeth lichiards. Literary and iskalmrecital by lims Ehe. Mary of New York. "ft

Mo a Back In an Hour," by Rev. A. G,lRngers D.D.


THE MIDNIGHT SUN, -mstrated, by REV. A.W. HAIDMA. D.D.Single admission. 25 cents. * 1-t*

THE OLD FOLKS' ON(|ERT AT GORSUCH WE. Church is postponed imutil Wednesday, Febresary 13. Tickets good that evening. 39-w


Rose Hill English Folly Co.Pgstively the MoBe Orgsi"

Producing the Gorgeous Ilurfetta,THE FAKIRS DAUGHTER.

Beautiful Tablea- a vottes-SenaatimaDance..Next Week-THE NEW YORK VAUDEVHA

STARS.. ni-t



Tonight at , Paris.Wedneeday and

.r.rsd., i-nyngs, Switzerland.

fltuda M RoeMme.Resand $1.00.

for all lectures. li-2t



Mr. ~E



Under the direction of Mes. MARCUS R. MAY

and JEFFETSOR S, LEBUUGEM.Sale of meats begins at Metterohts MhicStr

Thursday, February 7.PRICES. 75c., $1-00 AND S1.50

Knabe Plano used exclusively

MR. ALLAY- DE 0012 MUEI~US- ACUI'EII R9Dancing, Delsarte and D elinedt. Man Teo

p=Th and F s. w. sl renovated andReeorated. Marulars at the acadey CPROF. SHEDOS DANCIN, AC.DEML

25th omois p discount.


UNIE"Err RSITAAY fsyDarby.. u *=re

gmlet , edesday Fbruar 1t

Pren H, O WD T&Hak Rev.nCKAes.Maok-th nd 2e Ftate Adl.,o New Yr.

RoADrtHFe. Martne.aurro h 1oumlaOnRe.t, dcts-a Fe. t3.PL 6t

Bpy teommodBos ,u A. imr tBR

Week., nfromrowy New Yo ryi, or TmCOOK & ' S S2P. AJZE.Wahgt.

Fr tamanatu Doiret. r

Tothe Wrest dandruffand mwaks the ncostdsing a

eF BsI. RWe. OOD & i CK~st

KoLB IthtrACY SOL SatENaT, 43w YTrH

WS N.W.AjT20-tt


Seiy ite wih eta le lihs ahe adaPeatet Icroe.nFH uglF t hes roun and atStb prit e anlwuays 39,000'j7~ tionsr.Mr

terod. ot theMra Hoe Daud, eda best

For the world scnr and emeted of heimasteapplyeto phyUeECns. Pr. CO. A. KEORGESti&SGN.

ts 02r1rs 1 Pa. a e. a mhigton