The Donaldsonville chief (Donaldsonville, La.) 1884-11-08 [p...

S_'4arrives 4t " .ax, Ato n. Mains hea s a Leuslegent. nt, ftrw k, a ou. 8, '84. LOCAL :, oirixS. " c h oe r Aerino cashmere of all * retrai1 o.'s. ` ile e*aesigfth Aseaension Hook and Lad- der Companywas held last Monday even- ing, for lack of a quorum. The November term of District (;urt ee on ay morqint and at .iu ant Mowdava e ac- tom- thfel . The termis a civil oBne. * A meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary Asso- edation is to be held at the residence of Mrs. C. Kline next Thursday, the 18th inst., at 12 o'clock '., and all the members are requested to attend. Two reductions have been made in the Lemmank price list siaee last week. Meat " ,d sugar are boh cheaper, and the place tq get the, Is at the establishmeat of Messes. Bernard Lemann & Brother. MTh W. IL Thompson, agent of Robin- b r 'Orleans Lightning Bed Com. ada s ex-typo, called on ue week t, and spent an agreeable half 'hour i. the domicile of the Cmxsi. He is company. e uetwtand that several prominent citizens of the parish have subscribed lib- erally to th e bi wMlh i being raised to pro eaenst nloaRi•es with uniforms, abl sto procure Mssss fie.4 D. , Leon Taubtma of New Or- leans foi an improved vacueh pa, 4 oa the weanowii n fhm i of lst. - n .- and iar - Its rported that a colored may} amned (isrsit 1erMan was killed ozse 'Ti eaud t~ktt-hin mt iaparlsb, le y 6 i night., *h4aatAuguat Dhvis, also n •lored, has ltn ,,bl st in $t. James parish charged witt• the crime. We shall e•deayor to give a rieltss io ,the Mfair in our next fTe Mavo: boys are both on the river again, Will as second elerk of Capt. Com- stack•s boat,thie John B. Maude, and Allen as an assistant in the offlioe of the Edward J. Gay ..These young gentlemen have the knack atdanrinq the good will of all with whom they have dealings, and we do not d4t that they will become popular at- t.6' .ot be moa on whiih they are em- p i~peL~ l;. ~-s~a-:3~'8 -rer MsgA .(eo. E. uaris and E. Mahroff, Oovernmept Ad•eaesMrers from New Or- le|aefr*e4 re on Tuesday` reasuring the *piw jobh$t Saybu Iafourche in order to h er tonnage. This task they accom- pieied and returned to the eity the same day. We were pleased to receive a call irom these courteous officials, who were piloted into the CmEr'saharbor by Captain "Yet" Bradford, one of the owners of the new steamer. Under contract with the advance agent of ,arrett & Co.'s great circus, which will be here on the 22nd inst., Mr. Felix Le- Blanc has erected on Mississippi street, just below the Market-house, a mammoth bill- board,i~ 0sfeet long by about twelve feet .high, on which are displayed an attractive array of illuminated posters depicting some of the wonderful feats that will be per- formed and the curiosities that will be ex- hibited in the cirtcs and menagerio. W'hile the new steamer Bayou Lafourche wees coiing up the stream after which she is named, last Wednesday, an accident oc- amd' rto her nmachinery-the breaking of a ois.wheel and. blowing out of a cylinder ham--which has compelled her to lay up 4wiea-orten days for repairs. The boat i on her second trip up the bayou, and was opposite the Palo Alto plantation when the aeceident took place. Fortunately no one was Iart, and the dta&age_ is compara- tively small. AD o ForE a Surr•asa{.-- With thatswgrit of liberality which always characterizes their dealings, the get of Mrs. M. Israel A, Co. of Donaldsonville authorize us to mse t na lonet i~hit that they will q .eiygo. to thb; .afferers by the 1FeIeo vasfareatexattly cost prices. Is- rh i are. evef liS ost in works of benevolence and deeds of charity, and their action ii this attapce is in keeping with the' .f0vib e ir iltatien they have alwaysyorne in this regard. Boom~h Tamn Vxoro;z.--The Democrats of Donatdsonville were no wise behind their brethren in other parts of the country in celelbrating the victory their party wop in Tueseay's election. On Thursday they brought out one of the State's twelve- .P q a•d commanded by ef flar h salpte in h o#efV'P e s, * tiontoCoa gr-ss, and the fed iag day both t>p ice were br into ~ ~~~equads, nder pt P,.~i cti on, heed 16k.*LuueerkleeeT f access otf(en•land ris-He~a~ei . Ids done the gun squads were unaiS oAr to the Lee Hotel and invited to wet their whistles after . ailai g's btiing l ayed the i•. esenti i " a brief' medit to A l head and geo Bhe laying dsise of ar ndeliagei d by the r4 cent oon from whihjet Depocracy arks an gisore.. rte .- i ,pa ;-E k o torc- light Ipoeepeo i ifarthenoiglori ciaion of tily result of Tuesday's elr r batli . -ty ' o o * l icans held mass-meetings in the first, thirdak ninth wards Sunday last, all of which were well attended. The speakers were Messei, (larmouoae, Grigeby, Baquid, Noel, l -Mot iae, ee iend-othear p A; p , an id otJiVLewis, Me e. I3. !=1 and P. Tievigae of New Qrleas. wialib ing speakers all addressed the ninth ward meeting, at Mt. Pilgr,&pti Cthurcb. Sunday night the last Republican meeting of the campaign took place at Blue Bucket Hall, In Duamldsouivlep where speeches werelaSde by GOov Kelogg; Judge Elorris 'Marks,Judgel. IL' Oaier, Messrs. Jas. D. Kennedy, L. ~. Bentley, P. Landry, Raphael Lewis and oebtrs. Obv. Kellogg and party went to New Orleans on the morning train Monday. The Democrats closed their campaign wi~i aeetin• at &'e Donildsonville Mar. lest-house on rmuday,opening at I o'clock r. x. The principal speakers were ex-Gov. Francis T. Nicholls, Judge E. D. White and J. Roes tewartL -Ge. Nicholls made more qf amilierthatt•taset spe•ech, but the universal estem in whichl he i held in As. eenmon secured-him the clbse attention of the akdid ie. ,udge Whites a fine brator and his address was much admired.. There was conpidiaeble conftuon during the time the other saliakers were on the stand, partic- ularly on the outskirts of the crowd where severaliquarfelsedcae or two fights took place, sad a couple of tala teams increased the turmoil so that only the people close to the stand got the bertfeft :of the weighty arguments of the small fry stators. The meeting was presided overby Frederick Duffel, Esq., chairman of the Democratic parish committee. Gov. Nicholls and Judge White reached here on the steamer Natchez Saturday night and were received at the whtrf by quite a large and enthusiastic crowd of white and dolored citizens, who formed a procession and escorted the visitors to the residence of E. N. Pugh, Esq., the ex-Gov- ernor's nephew, where they were enter- tainedduring their brief stay in our town. A procession was formed, headed by the St. Joseph Brass Band and a number of torch- bearers, and the visiting speakers rode in Mat .e 's r.. ria; several of 4he 'more enthusiastiguoolored supportcrs of Mr. Gay doing duty instead of horses and drawing the vehlclethrough the streets. Gov. Nich- oils and Judge White remained here until Sul" aft oon; when they returned to the ity oathe T. and P. railroad. INerGrs-ALLMart.-In the confusion in- cidental to the election we emitted to chronicle in our last issue the marriage of Mr. S. B. Iugman to Miss Cadie Allain,, which was happily consummated at the res- idence of the bride's parents, Mr. and M•rs. Julien Allain. in Dohaldsonville, on I Monday, October 27. The ceremony was performed at 6 o'clock A. x., by Rev. F. X. Ceuppens, only the members of the bride's family and two intimath lady friends being present, and the htp14y con- ple took the morning train for New Or- leans where they remained until Thurs- day. Mg. Ingan holds the responsible positfs4a a nl of the Texa and Pa- nific RailroadO s pa.ry at this place, and is an exceedingly affable and highly es- teemed young gentleman, while the fair bride is one of the brightest ornaments of Donaldsonville society, whose personal charms and amiable disposition have won the admiration and regard of all who en- joy her acquaintanee. The Cmina tenders its congratulations to the handsome con- ple and hopes their union will yield the greatest joys and most unalloyed happi- ness incidental to the matrimonial state. Mr. John P. Forcha, proprietor of the Acme Cistern Manufactory in this town, is never backward about coming forward when a work of benevolence or public interest can be done. He proposes to raffle a fine cistern, of the celebrated Acme pattern, for the benefit of the sufferers by Friday night's disastrous conflagration in Napoleonville, and his well known energy in such enterprises gives assurance that he will dispose of all the tickets in short order. He made a'handsome contribution to the Charity Hospital repair and improvement fund in this manner, several months ago, and will no doubt do as well in the present instance. A full line of clothing just received by Mrs. M. Israel & Co. Three hundred pairs of fine cassimere pants reduced from $5 to $3; $8 50 suits for $6; $17 50 suits for $12. " Rough on Coughs." Ask for " Rough on Colghs," for Coughs. Colds. Ifore Throat, Hoaresloes. Troches, I5c. Liquid, 25o. " ROugh on Rats." Clears outrats. mioe, reaches. flies. ants, bed- bags. skunks, Rhipmunks, gophers, 1c. Drug. gists, Heart Pains. Palpitation, dropsical swellings. dizziness. indigestion, headache, sleeplessness cured by W' ells' Health Renewer. " Rough on Corns." Ask for Wells' C'.Rough onuerns." 15. Quick. complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts. bunions. " Rough on Palis " Porosed Plaster. Strengthening, imnproved, thebest for 'back- ache, pain in chest or side, rheumatism, neu- ralgin. -Thin People. Wells' Healdk Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures ssi~ . headache, nerveus nest. debilit, $•'- Whooping COugh, and the many throat affeetions of children promptl, }eea yand safely reieved by "$oa, on Coughs.' Troches. Lhtcblsam, 25c. iM•othe s. If you- re brai o. b-oken, 'worn out and nervous, use " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. Life !eserver. Syo are _Oje.gjo yoer gri on lie, try "Wells' Health -Ieaewer." Goes direct to weak spots. " b rain la Todelfaohe." a reef for snin . toothache, face. cents. gh n t or, epi Stettt."strheun frosted feet, ] The Irn hope ofthe tation. t, ouhd' oy ."ouoghs ." =TTrchee, chs, 15. oilngdow P25e.E Pa ser IRegh en Itng, caftos humors, terptiomes Theope od. rte tion. ia. Destruetina of the Entlr •aira fes Portion of ts•r town by Fire-Capt. J. Is. Whit- fthre reninhie ;esa portion of Dupaty's lotel, paioreonvile, and within three hours time the entire business pot- tion of the town,extending from the Court- house sqaare,' down to the eXtreme lows lmitolof the sot , . a . covered by a lady, who gie the "lan tb a party of poker ployqraos grpgI te in the bar-room of the h r JaA tess• rant through the building arousing the inmiates, thus saving a number of lives that must otherwise have beewnsacrifced. Capt. J. B. Whittington, a prominent citiyen and lawyerlWIli knsen 'ifriny of otr readers, was burned to death. He was sleeping in .the upper ,tory bf the ~'l ielj Wl although awakened •t t o b•ib to make his escape failed from some unexplained cause to do so. His terrible fate added to bhe gloom which the dis•strous conflagration has thrown over the people of the ill fated village. Mr. Octave domeaux, 'another inmate of the hotel, receivdd some burns in making his exit, bit is not seriously injiar. The fire made such rapid headway that the efforts-of the firemen and citizens to stay its fury were utterly futile. Flames leaped across the street from the hotel and ignited Firemen's Hall, which was totally destroyed, together with all the buildings on the lower block of court-house square. The post-office, across the street from Dr. Damar6's residence, narrowly escaped destruction, and it was by the hardest kind ofWarkthat the progress of thefirq towards the rear of town was stayed at that point. The three squares facing the bayou and extending from the Dupaty Hotel to the canal were swept clean, as also was a fourth and portions of two others in the reat of the three front squares. The following list of the sufferers and their losses will be found nearly complete: Guion & Folse, law office and library; Walter Gaion, law office and library; Whit- tington & Gilbert, law and notarial office: Antoine Vallery, store and barber shop; Dr. J. Damar6, dentist, office and residence; Mrs. Charles Duiaty, hotel and coffee house; Dominique G4(*lfo, store; A. Bloeb, store; Mrs. Mary Vogel, store; I. H. Webster, coffee house and new hotel building; Nathan Webster, residence, oifice and lum- berrard; D6airffT8hediot,_store•h buildini owned by N. Welstet; Octave Berniard. resi4euce;Enile Jage, residence and store; Edward'Thibodaux, drug store, int build- ing-owned by" Jules LeBlan•; Severin Blanchard, household effects, in residence owned by Jules LeB!anc; Leonie Hebert, stock and household tffects in' store and resideince building owned by Mrs. John Merly; Louis Yifferl, store and residence; Emile Lauland, residence and bakery; Edward; Vives, household effects in resi- dance owned by, Win. Beasley; Dreyfus & Dupaty, stock in store building owned by Wm. Beasley; Jbs. Trene, Art gallery; Mrs. Bondreaux, stock in store building owned by Mis. M. Vogel; Adolph Weif, store and resideace;F. Gouaux drug store and household effects in residence owned by Dr. J. D. Ford; Jacob Helm, tailor shop; Toby - , barber shop and restaurant; Antoine Bertuncinie, barber shop; - Jaco- bino, store and residence; David Levy, residence and store; Rev. Cramer, house- hold effects in qpier story of David Levy's building; Antoine Anchardoqui, residence and wheelrigh bshop;-V. Deloane, residence; Mrs. David Boddreaux, residence; Mrs. Desedoire Bergeron, residence; O'Neil De- laune, residence and stables; Emile abert residence and also the furnituire in R. Webster's new hotel building which had just been opened by Mr. Hebert; the town market and Firemen's Hall. The residences of August Bulow and Henry Foley were barely saved, although the latter is situated across the canal and surrounded by a grove of oak trees. The total loss will reach $210,000, while the insurance is only about one-quarter of that amount. A number of the victims have lost everything they had in the world, antd there is much distress reported among theism. i~hose who are able will rebuild at once, and we hear that Messrs. Maxime Dupaty, I. Webster and several bthers are already negotiating for lumber;,but the less fortunate sufferers will require succor and assistance to enable them to get a start in the world again and to supply themselves with'the necessaries of life meanwhile. A couple of small groceries are the only stores left in the place. Fifty tin bedroom sets worth $3, sold at $1 75. At Mrs. M. Israel & Co.'s. Some thief has stolen a bay mare belong- ing to Mr. E. J. Duhon and the owner will pay a-liberal reward forfier recovery. The animal was standing in front of the resi- dence of Mr. Jos. Richard, in Smoke Bend, and had on a saddle and bridle. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-office at Donpidsonville, Ascension Parish, La., Nov. 8, 1884. Alexandria, Louis McCarm. Georgte Brown, Mrs Celistean MeCollum. Tno M Breau, Etgene Mitchell. G W Burns. Joe Miller, Oscar Baker, Harry Michell. ~('tanne Corley. Dr Lowrem 8 Mcflan. Albert Carter, Miss Lidie Nelia. Thomas Campisi, Alfonzio . Note, G,,ispo•n D-eaflr, Joseph Nolan Al.exandria Daniel, Edward Ptazra. Felice Flick.m, Scott Prio, DP Francesco. Al Signore Rock. Charles Hutcherson, Isaac Red, Benjamin rrion. Rarr e Rouse. P L KIeob Mt Nanuie Rch. A 4mes. Frank ,8rimpson, Simon Vsnder'hoff. Mr If not called for in fourweeks will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. LOUIS LEFORT, P. M" Died. CARVER-At tharesidence of her mother, in the parish of Assumption. La.. on October 26. 881, MIs. Bll CaVEa. nDe ourn., wife of Hiram H. Carver, aged 43 years and 9 months. New Orleans papersplease copy. , SMr~e Cerwr had been sick a focatime and death cameto her as h happy release from bod- ily suffering. She was a most estimable lady, a devoted wife and mother. ho& leaves to her bereaved husbun~amid chiiMren the heritage of a pure and nole 1l. Ourdeest sympatlhy it s extended the sorrowing relatives so sorely af- flicted by her loss. •EW ADVERTISEMENT8. Tenants Wanted. 1000 Acies F GOOD SANDY SU~fGAR LA.Dp wil be Srented on the tenant system. For further partitnlare nei on or addresm, g- MRs. M. iSRABEl& CO., dsrLirdlle~ Ia s: H, .BARRE' NEW UNITED Mastodon Circus, Menagerie, D,1tp Sea Aquarium and World's Museum orf"nv4itionf. The L rgest, most Oqlt and bast, Equipped .O nvoca- tion of Zoological, Ornithological, Arenic and General New Features in the World. Will Exhibit at ATxUR3Dma , arov. 22o, 183sE . MANY ENORMOUS SHOWS UNITED IN ONE, To which have b6n added this year more than ON.? TIIOUSAND NEW FEATURES found with no other Show traveling, at a cost exceeding a HALF-MILLION DOLLARS. The hew additious embrace the rarest animate i1ul inanimate biped and quadra- ped wonders to be found under the sun. The Monster performieg El• pa ' Who carries upon his back a Band of Twenty Musicians with as much ease as an ordinary horse bears an empty saddle. The weight of this gigantic brute exceeds TEN TO•.t. VI IT ! Thrice the nmalleett Elephant ever Seesa. Droves of Elephants in Harness and Droves of Per~foming Elephants. 10 DENS OF LIVING WILD ANIMAIL OPEN rifi ilie STtEETS. 30 ARABIAN CAMELS MOUNTED BY NATIVE MOHAMEbANS. Slo180 BRILLIANT ARENIC STARS ' In their marvelous. curious a•d iehostrian, G(ymnic and Acrobatic ~oats. Troupes of Col- .tortioaists. W~estlers. Rollesttars. (lub Swingers, Aerial Bicyclists, Unicyclists, etc., Trapeze Performers. Indian Jugglers, A~ntPiOdtamnsts and (ilobestrians. EWvVERS' Australian All- tar ircus ! With niarz new nwad strange features peculiarto li' AL a Aiv ES C 1S; 18, u• t immedi t tiEE, d .oiprisink Tron as f a•aL n e o1 d , No ea charge for seeing all t lht A og ur nay brlliant l 'AI TTI are to be found the world-fumous names of MAI))4r1 DOCIKRILL, The most fearless and fshing Equestrienne in the world. MI~1S EH3A LADIJDL The Queen of the SideaSaddle, a lady whoss name is synonymous with success. Mai. IQOBEULIT STICKNE Y, ,The World's Acknowledged Champion Bareback Rider, General Athlete, and the Universaa Genius of the Arena. A most intrepid horsewoman. The celhbratil Hurdle Eqne•triac and marvelous M fthe llbrse, sitls w.• o•tl• nowued Australian Circus Celebnrities, and ahost 1 whau ntdl i uald' lle4Mt!-- page. the whole forming an unequalled collectios. OUR GRAND S REET PAGEANT A GLORIOUS, CONGLUTINANT CONV4CATIOJ4 OF ATIONF8. v 8 Bands of Music. 100 OCages of Rare Wild'Animnals. iO CGoldA iC'hariolc . 'i Ope Dens of Wild Animals, The Wotndeiful Polyphanons Polyhemnia, or Great Steam Orchestrion. 100 Cialtne' Choristers anca Olavichord Performers. A Dazzling, Gorgeous, Glittering and Exceedingly Beautiful Sight. We exhibit everything we bilL We keep every promise we .make. :\Wadvertise our day and date. and keep it. One Ticket admits to all our United Shows. Two Grand Exhibitions daily. LExcursion Tickets at reduced rates on all roads to see the Big Show. Come early and stay late. Bring your family and invite your neighbors. Boom enough for all. Will also exhibit at PLAQ UEMINE, NO VEJMIBER 21, 1884. tun 0 m * B. L EMA & i., DONALDSONVILLE, LA. Offer this week, .subje"t to market changes, Dry salt shoulders at . . 7 A very attractive rice, .. , . 5 N-w yellow sigar, . . 5 New white clarified sugar, 5 New molasses and syrup, . 50 Potatoes in flours. barrels, . 2 50 Fancy flour, . . . .4 85 Extra fancy flour, ., All other staple and fancy groceries at closest figures. New cod fish, mackerel, buck- w-heat, pigs trban otrafberri a of all descriptions. Attrtiqr a la .- fhu - 1Jpn i'.. .. rv: CAq h burera of PfsaeSWillkdo well to consult us before mpkldngi pi Muaci mu suold to Tosceft at wst low sates. JOHN MOOOLLVM.. a V y_ 1ZJA iflgZD. McCOLLIY~t & WD, PiACTAWOI I. - BO1LERE* KER8 at lw price. All os left atthe dtean- ics' lchp will ineet, gb prgnaptatm on. HisaP i thee+ 4 11or or nn~l~as eac eon24aining 24ip it 4+ sco4' cloth, ile4'. WMi.T. iOC'K Publisahr,. Astor Place, N. Y. VMP ROVED STANDARD IIBINE Is the beat constructed and fin- ished, gives butte;r?ae t more Power; tan sol os leIae 'r pr hone power. then anpether Turbine 1n the worl(: Ne4W U }dasenrby BuWN# k W ,1ef , Pa. Parker's Tonic, A Pure ramily Me tolne that lever Parker's Uafr Bnfsena nietl, f4!med gn4 i re, lins O hair and tn remor n . I5ISVOX 8 CO. 0 iG1Vfllsm f St., N. Y. 7Oc. ana $1 s1a4 at, al dealers Ma"medicine. (kretpsaviunginbasindiIg.;p5 g 8 S` - 0 Tiatber h ore at a-tpa tlo' simttctw for e0e1535 ftf~(y h1! e~~i lalpaR ch ab-t $dor ,as' o, mme i3 as prsa tt i I1 yI 1 endifoed dusto: habjti. to 0 tiutaybb tat at., uepa ab law en4 Winalt f '. H. RAN.DOtS', Jtr. BATON ^ f wrk LA. Pz 1c., - ,w.U .: K, AINNANY CO AO R Fior. e".. , r The nndersignsd elmSwi~sNsa 2Td 6N~t i 11.I Ri~tl t b$,bg 1 ,6 ege 1gebesd and Ba-irrel *ZiwRS.111 800,000 -allirrCG~C tS, l iiles.`':; '`. Plaqueman., I beariDItliE~f l~Cosr water smea ase. with riversteamers. BODLEY BRPOTH ERS, -ornfCm Oat- REPOSI IORY,. Noe. 70. 70, 72 and 74 St. Charles staeet, head of pi'rion street, NEW OBL~ W . Factory at Wheeling, W. Vs. ANEUFACTTJRBIB8E of Pi Wsgiaiis Lo Wheela all with BIa H ka _is -I ler a Stee SkCein Wago , th e sk v" | sold. Wheelbarrows. Axle e iokes, Fe,- lose. CottoeMstDistribatoa, Sh etss. Can deliver goods along the ril*r. ditat ro factozy and in car loads on aihoads For Sale and Rent. Two Well Known 8toria and Soda Water THE undersigned oftfrs -msale the machin. ery. ,toc, hores, mulMea s, st.. per- taining to the soda and minea at• r mannt. factory on Missisippi street, Donaldsonville. and also the tstoskSi ers of the poplar BED STOBE, on t st Also, the stock andixtnrof strs saloon known as the -OU IE•L CHANGE, corner of mtiana s and Attak- aps streets. in Donaiaonvell. Forment orlease, the buiutngs ml preimsd occupied by the fled Storesd t•he ds Water Enfac , separately or asewhole. consist-. ireof residence, store, maa•.fa-tnr, stable. outhosa.•e., ete., all in good condition, Will be leased for term of years, if va For S!e. For futM infr to or address Des-irable Be - aalo dsonuile. La. IE irabl cay Noticeh. It b y a oza ucdstne d hstred hboet with be arlds ln ve foo s termr ai ts house is in lk i$ r e six o m spafolazld's. FoPar fhie iAsntion, L to or addres Tax Notic. hatlf ago. one ib-e rant wnr - wkitstwt tom ., am (e. ai of her ~ " rise, s who!sr ll; ` abgre , a DA.. .i ii aZ.icgi~- ottiat !or ia1 in tn psi of ft mse rtl nalt i1. arsln it-7kr 0 ~~ - he i 'ilartowyille Iaruutuw.~ r me at ~,nddeSiwIc s wi:~i h eamenion p blss. - 1z77 AM dX -~p Il4 t C, '.4'q . k . ?..,..-r $ '5/~; CI.M-~ PCWALDSQN ViL. Board b4th D , Week or Month b17qiflA)fl or B. tXJAxflkW pwetor, EsbSP ~tf OLUA . 4 W& BAlAI (In odiaes o eleo. h BAYD U CoX PANY . Leavee New anrd Pr at 5 o.M . ktwdssT REGO LA$ NBAT(,$ moavi ~oWaeIPI Ar - BZGLA$Be evey: flamWS snow . the iii Y Zii cC 37[e NETW SNCEKDt#ULE. anar # I:A0 . elf, # dOa and with ad the and Pa1~ R ftwyfr l t#aWrlbe 3_ Teve evr SOSedaOE~ .4I 7* at14. th tr h ae s.of t ~'days. 1 ahesoflP - z~qg~p aI~"~la 1W urwin. Zrplt .~0 New---. &htIar,. - 'tit Reset IAr~~tid P Ibf1JlwitSft~ arl~M a m TOWN LFTS PE SAV Bate o lgVt~wo a4"i ~~ -. IIL

Transcript of The Donaldsonville chief (Donaldsonville, La.) 1884-11-08 [p...

S_'4arrives 4t " .ax, Ato n.Mains hea s a


nt, ftrw k, a ou. 8, '84.

LOCAL :, oirixS." c h oe r Aerino cashmere of all

* retrai1 o.'s. `ile e*aesigfth Aseaension Hook and Lad-

der Companywas held last Monday even-ing, for lack of a quorum.

The November term of District (;urtee on ay morqint and at

.iu ant Mowdava e ac-tom- thfel . The termis a civil

oBne. *

A meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary Asso-edation is to be held at the residence ofMrs. C. Kline next Thursday, the 18thinst., at 12 o'clock '., and all the membersare requested to attend.

Two reductions have been made in theLemmank price list siaee last week. Meat

" ,d sugar are boh cheaper, and the placetq get the, Is at the establishmeat ofMesses. Bernard Lemann & Brother.

MTh W. IL Thompson, agent of Robin-b r 'Orleans Lightning Bed Com.

ada s ex-typo, called on ue weekt, and spent an agreeable half

'hour i. the domicile of the Cmxsi. He company.

e uetwtand that several prominentcitizens of the parish have subscribed lib-erally to th e bi wMlh i being raised topro eaenst nloaRi•es with uniforms,

abl sto procure

Mssss fie.4 D., Leon Taubtma of New Or-

leans foi an improved vacueh pa, 4oa the weanowii n fhm i of

lst. - n .- and iar -

Its rported that a colored may} amned(isrsit 1erMan was killed ozse 'Ti eaudt~ktt-hin mt iaparlsb, le y 6 i night.,*h4aatAuguat Dhvis, also n •lored, hasltn ,,bl st in $t. James parish chargedwitt• the crime. We shall e•deayor to give

a rieltss io ,the Mfair in our next

fTe Mavo: boys are both on the riveragain, Will as second elerk of Capt. Com-stack•s boat,thie John B. Maude, and Allenas an assistant in the offlioe of the EdwardJ. Gay ..These young gentlemen have theknack atdanrinq the good will of all withwhom they have dealings, and we do notd4t that they will become popular at-t.6' .ot be moa on whiih they are em-

p i~peL~ l;. ~-s~a-:3~'8 -rer

MsgA .(eo. E. uaris and E. Mahroff,Oovernmept Ad•eaesMrers from New Or-le|aefr*e4 re on Tuesday` reasuring the*piw jobh$t Saybu Iafourche in order to

h er tonnage. This task they accom-pieied and returned to the eity the sameday. We were pleased to receive a callirom these courteous officials, who werepiloted into the CmEr'saharbor by Captain"Yet" Bradford, one of the owners of thenew steamer.

Under contract with the advance agentof ,arrett & Co.'s great circus, which willbe here on the 22nd inst., Mr. Felix Le-Blanc has erected on Mississippi street, justbelow the Market-house, a mammoth bill-board,i~ 0sfeet long by about twelve feet.high, on which are displayed an attractivearray of illuminated posters depicting someof the wonderful feats that will be per-formed and the curiosities that will be ex-hibited in the cirtcs and menagerio.

W'hile the new steamer Bayou Lafourchewees coiing up the stream after which sheis named, last Wednesday, an accident oc-amd' rto her nmachinery-the breaking of aois.wheel and. blowing out of a cylinder

ham--which has compelled her to lay up4wiea-orten days for repairs. The boati on her second trip up the bayou, and

was opposite the Palo Alto plantation whenthe aeceident took place. Fortunately noone was Iart, and the dta&age_ is compara-tively small.

AD o ForE a Surr•asa{.-- With thatswgritof liberality which always characterizestheir dealings, the get of Mrs. M. IsraelA, Co. of Donaldsonville authorize us to

mse t na lonet i~hit that they willq .eiygo. to thb; .afferers by the1FeIeo vasfareatexattly cost prices. Is-

rh i are. evef liS ost in works ofbenevolence and deeds of charity, andtheir action ii this attapce is in keepingwith the' .f0vib e ir iltatien they havealwaysyorne in this regard.

Boom~h Tamn Vxoro;z.--The Democratsof Donatdsonville were no wise behindtheir brethren in other parts of the countryin celelbrating the victory their party wopin Tueseay's election. On Thursday they

brought out one of the State's twelve-

.P q a•d commanded byef flar h salpte in

h o#efV'P e s, * tiontoCoa gr-ss, andthe fed iag day both t>p ice werebr into ~ ~~~equads,nder pt P,.~i cti on,

heed 16k.*LuueerkleeeT f accessotf(en•land ris- He~a~ei .• Ids donethe gun squads were unaiS oAr to theLee Hotel and invited to wet their whistles

after .ailai g's

btiing l ayed the

i•. esenti i "a brief' medit to A l headand geo Bhe laying dsiseof ar ndeliagei d by the r4cent oon from whihjet Depocracy


an gisore.. rte .- i ,pa ;-E k o torc-light Ipoeepeo i ifarthenoiglori ciaion oftily result of Tuesday's elr r batli .


' o o * l icans

held mass-meetings in the first, thirdakninth wards Sunday last, all of which werewell attended. The speakers were Messei,(larmouoae, Grigeby, Baquid, Noel,l -Mot iae, ee iend-othear p A; p ,an id otJiVLewis, Me e. I3. !=1and P. Tievigae of New Qrleas. wialibing speakers all addressed the ninth wardmeeting, at Mt. Pilgr,&pti Cthurcb.

Sunday night the last Republican meetingof the campaign took place at Blue BucketHall, In Duamldsouivlep where speecheswerelaSde by GOov Kelogg; Judge Elorris'Marks,Judgel. IL' Oaier, Messrs. Jas. D.Kennedy, L. ~. Bentley, P. Landry, RaphaelLewis and oebtrs. Obv. Kellogg and partywent to New Orleans on the morning trainMonday.

The Democrats closed their campaignwi~i aeetin• at &'e Donildsonville Mar.lest-house on rmuday,opening at I o'clock r.x. The principal speakers were ex-Gov.Francis T. Nicholls, Judge E. D. White andJ. Roes tewartL -Ge. Nicholls made moreqf amilierthatt•taset spe•ech, but theuniversal estem in whichl he i held in As.eenmon secured-him the clbse attention ofthe akdid ie. ,udge Whites a fine bratorand his address was much admired.. Therewas conpidiaeble conftuon during the timethe other saliakers were on the stand, partic-ularly on the outskirts of the crowd whereseveraliquarfelsedcae or two fights tookplace, sad a couple of tala teamsincreased the turmoil so that only the peopleclose to the stand got the bertfeft :of theweighty arguments of the small fry stators.The meeting was presided overby FrederickDuffel, Esq., chairman of the Democraticparish committee.

Gov. Nicholls and Judge White reachedhere on the steamer Natchez Saturdaynight and were received at the whtrf byquite a large and enthusiastic crowd ofwhite and dolored citizens, who formed aprocession and escorted the visitors to theresidence of E. N. Pugh, Esq., the ex-Gov-ernor's nephew, where they were enter-tainedduring their brief stay in our town.A procession was formed, headed by the St.Joseph Brass Band and a number of torch-bearers, and the visiting speakers rode inMat .e 's r.. ria; several of 4he 'moreenthusiastiguoolored supportcrs of Mr. Gaydoing duty instead of horses and drawingthe vehlclethrough the streets. Gov. Nich-oils and Judge White remained here untilSul" aft oon; when they returned tothe ity oathe T. and P. railroad.

INerGrs-ALLMart.-In the confusion in-cidental to the election we emitted tochronicle in our last issue the marriage ofMr. S. B. Iugman to Miss Cadie Allain,,which was happily consummated at the res-idence of the bride's parents, Mr. andM•rs. Julien Allain. in Dohaldsonville, on IMonday, October 27. The ceremony wasperformed at 6 o'clock A. x., by Rev. F.X. Ceuppens, only the members of thebride's family and two intimath ladyfriends being present, and the htp14y con-ple took the morning train for New Or-leans where they remained until Thurs-day. Mg. Ingan holds the responsiblepositfs4a a nl of the Texa and Pa-nific RailroadO s pa.ry at this place, andis an exceedingly affable and highly es-teemed young gentleman, while the fairbride is one of the brightest ornaments ofDonaldsonville society, whose personal

charms and amiable disposition have wonthe admiration and regard of all who en-

joy her acquaintanee. The Cmina tendersits congratulations to the handsome con-ple and hopes their union will yield thegreatest joys and most unalloyed happi-ness incidental to the matrimonial state.

Mr. John P. Forcha, proprietor of theAcme Cistern Manufactory in this town,is never backward about coming forwardwhen a work of benevolence or publicinterest can be done. He proposes toraffle a fine cistern, of the celebrated Acmepattern, for the benefit of the sufferers byFriday night's disastrous conflagration inNapoleonville, and his well known energyin such enterprises gives assurance that hewill dispose of all the tickets in short order.He made a'handsome contribution to theCharity Hospital repair and improvementfund in this manner, several months ago,and will no doubt do as well in the presentinstance.

A full line of clothing just received byMrs. M. Israel & Co. Three hundred pairsof fine cassimere pants reduced from $5 to$3; $8 50 suits for $6; $17 50 suits for $12.

" Rough on Coughs."Ask for " Rough on Colghs," for Coughs.

Colds. Ifore Throat, Hoaresloes. Troches, I5c.Liquid, 25o.

" ROugh on Rats."Clears outrats. mioe, reaches. flies. ants, bed-

bags. skunks, Rhipmunks, gophers, 1c. Drug.gists,

Heart Pains.Palpitation, dropsical swellings. dizziness.

indigestion, headache, sleeplessness cured byW' ells' Health Renewer.

" Rough on Corns."Ask for Wells' C'.Rough onuerns." 15. Quick.

complete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts.bunions.

" Rough on Palis " Porosed Plaster.Strengthening, imnproved, thebest for 'back-

ache, pain in chest or side, rheumatism, neu-ralgin.

-Thin People.Wells' Healdk Renewer" restores health

and vigor, cures ssi~ . headache, nerveusnest. debilit, $•'-

Whooping COugh,and the many throat affeetions of childrenpromptl, }eea yand safely reieved by"$oa, on Coughs.' Troches. Lhtcblsam, 25c.

iM•othe s.If you- re brai o. b-oken, 'worn out and

nervous, use " Wells' Health Renewer." $1.Druggists.

Life !eserver.Syo are _Oje.gjo yoer gri on lie, try

"Wells' Health -Ieaewer." Goes direct toweak spots.

" b rain la Todelfaohe."a reef for snin . toothache, face.


gh n t or, epiStettt."strheun frosted feet,

] The Irn hope ofthe tation. t,ouhd' oy ."ouoghs ." =TTrchee, chs, 15.oilngdow P25e.E Pa ser

IRegh en Itng, caftos humors, terptiomes

Theope od. rte tion.


Destruetina of the Entlr •aira fes Portionof ts•r town by Fire-Capt. J. Is. Whit-

fthre reninhie ;esa portion ofDupaty's lotel, paioreonvile, and withinthree hours time the entire business pot-tion of the town,extending from the Court-house sqaare,' down to the eXtreme lowslmitolof the sot , . a .

covered by a lady, who gie the "lan tba party of poker ployqraos grpgI te inthe bar-room of the h r JaA tess• rantthrough the building arousing the inmiates,thus saving a number of lives that mustotherwise have beewnsacrifced. Capt. J. B.Whittington, a prominent citiyen and

lawyerlWIli knsen 'ifriny of otr readers,was burned to death. He was sleepingin .the upper ,tory bf the ~'l ielj Wl

although awakened •t to

b•ib to make his

escape failed from some unexplained causeto do so. His terrible fate added to bhegloom which the dis•strous conflagrationhas thrown over the people of the ill fatedvillage. Mr. Octave domeaux, 'another

inmate of the hotel, receivdd some burnsin making his exit, bit is not seriouslyinjiar.The fire made such rapid headway that

the efforts-of the firemen and citizens tostay its fury were utterly futile. Flamesleaped across the street from the hotel andignited Firemen's Hall, which was totallydestroyed, together with all the buildingson the lower block of court-house square.The post-office, across the street from Dr.Damar6's residence, narrowly escapeddestruction, and it was by the hardest kindofWarkthat the progress of thefirq towardsthe rear of town was stayed at that point.The three squares facing the bayou andextending from the Dupaty Hotel to thecanal were swept clean, as also was afourth and portions of two others in thereat of the three front squares.

The following list of the sufferers andtheir losses will be found nearly complete:

Guion & Folse, law office and library;Walter Gaion, law office and library; Whit-tington & Gilbert, law and notarial office:Antoine Vallery, store and barber shop;Dr. J. Damar6, dentist, office and residence;Mrs. Charles Duiaty, hotel and coffee house;Dominique G4(*lfo, store; A. Bloeb, store;Mrs. Mary Vogel, store; I. H. Webster,coffee house and new hotel building;Nathan Webster, residence, oifice and lum-berrard; D6airffT8hediot,_store•h buildiniowned by N. Welstet; Octave Berniard.

resi4euce;Enile Jage, residence and store;Edward'Thibodaux, drug store, int build-ing-owned by" Jules LeBlan•; SeverinBlanchard, household effects, in residenceowned by Jules LeB!anc; Leonie Hebert,stock and household tffects in' store andresideince building owned by Mrs. JohnMerly; Louis Yifferl, store and residence;Emile Lauland, residence and bakery;Edward; Vives, household effects in resi-dance owned by, Win. Beasley; Dreyfus &Dupaty, stock in store building owned byWm. Beasley; Jbs. Trene, Art gallery; Mrs.Bondreaux, stock in store building ownedby Mis. M. Vogel; Adolph Weif, store andresideace; F. Gouaux drug store and

household effects in residence owned byDr. J. D. Ford; Jacob Helm, tailor shop;Toby - , barber shop and restaurant;Antoine Bertuncinie, barber shop; - Jaco-bino, store and residence; David Levy,residence and store; Rev. Cramer, house-hold effects in qpier story of David Levy's

building; Antoine Anchardoqui, residenceand wheelrigh bshop;-V. Deloane, residence;Mrs. David Boddreaux, residence; Mrs.Desedoire Bergeron, residence; O'Neil De-laune, residence and stables; Emile abertresidence and also the furnituire in R.

Webster's new hotel building which hadjust been opened by Mr. Hebert; thetown market and Firemen's Hall. Theresidences of August Bulow and HenryFoley were barely saved, although thelatter is situated across the canal andsurrounded by a grove of oak trees.

The total loss will reach $210,000, whilethe insurance is only about one-quarter ofthat amount. A number of the victimshave lost everything they had in the world,antd there is much distress reported amongtheism. i~hose who are able will rebuild atonce, and we hear that Messrs. MaximeDupaty, I. Webster and several bthersare already negotiating for lumber;,but theless fortunate sufferers will require succorand assistance to enable them to get a startin the world again and to supply themselveswith'the necessaries of life meanwhile. Acouple of small groceries are the only storesleft in the place.

Fifty tin bedroom sets worth $3, sold at$1 75. At Mrs. M. Israel & Co.'s.

Some thief has stolen a bay mare belong-ing to Mr. E. J. Duhon and the owner willpay a-liberal reward forfier recovery. Theanimal was standing in front of the resi-

dence of Mr. Jos. Richard, in Smoke Bend,and had on a saddle and bridle.

LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post-office at Donpidsonville,

Ascension Parish, La., Nov. 8, 1884.Alexandria, Louis McCarm. GeorgteBrown, Mrs Celistean MeCollum. Tno MBreau, Etgene Mitchell. G WBurns. Joe Miller, OscarBaker, Harry Michell. ~('tanneCorley. Dr Lowrem 8 Mcflan. AlbertCarter, Miss Lidie Nelia. ThomasCampisi, Alfonzio . Note, G,,ispo•nD-eaflr, Joseph Nolan Al.exandriaDaniel, Edward Ptazra. FeliceFlick.m, Scott Prio, DPFrancesco. Al Signore Rock. CharlesHutcherson, Isaac Red, Benjamin

rrion. Rarr e Rouse. P LKIeob Mt Nanuie Rch. A

4mes. Frank ,8rimpson, SimonVsnder'hoff. Mr

If not called for in fourweeks will be sent tothe Dead Letter Office.


Died.CARVER-At tharesidence of her mother, in

the parish of Assumption. La.. on October 26.881, MIs. Bll CaVEa. nDe ourn., wife ofHiram H. Carver, aged 43 years and 9 months.

New Orleans papersplease copy. ,SMr~e Cerwr had been sick a focatime and

death cameto her as h happy release from bod-ily suffering. She was a most estimable lady,a devoted wife and mother. ho& leaves to herbereaved husbun~amid chiiMren the heritage ofa pure and nole 1l. Ourdeest sympatlhy it sextended the sorrowing relatives so sorely af-flicted by her loss.


Tenants Wanted.1000 Acies

F GOOD SANDY SU~fGAR LA.Dp wil beSrented on the tenant system. For further

partitnlare nei on or addresm,

g- MRs. M. iSRABEl& CO.,dsrLirdlle~ Ia


Mastodon Circus, Menagerie, D,1tp Sea Aquarium andWorld's Museum orf"nv4itionf.

The L rgest, most Oqlt and bast, Equipped .O nvoca-tion of Zoological, Ornithological, Arenic and General

New Features in the World. Will Exhibit at

ATxUR3Dma , arov. 22o, 183sE .

MANY ENORMOUS SHOWS UNITED IN ONE,To which have b6n added this year more than ON.? TIIOUSAND NEW FEATURES foundwith no other Show traveling, at a cost exceeding a HALF-MILLION DOLLARS.

The hew additious embrace the rarest animate i1ul inanimate biped and quadra-ped wonders to be found under the sun. The Monster performieg El• pa '

Who carries upon his back a Band of Twenty Musicians with as much ease as an ordinaryhorse bears an empty saddle. The weight of this gigantic brute exceeds TEN TO•.t.

VI IT !Thrice the nmalleett Elephant ever Seesa.

Droves of Elephants in Harness and Droves of Per~foming Elephants.10 DENS OF LIVING WILD ANIMAIL OPEN rifi ilie STtEETS.


Slo180 BRILLIANT ARENIC STARS 'In their marvelous. curious a•d iehostrian, G(ymnic and Acrobatic ~oats. Troupes of Col-

.tortioaists. W~estlers. Rollesttars. (lub Swingers, Aerial Bicyclists, Unicyclists, etc.,Trapeze Performers. Indian Jugglers, A~ntPiOdtamnsts and (ilobestrians.

EWvVERS' Australian All- tar ircus !With niarz new nwad strange features peculiartoli' AL a Aiv ES C 1S; 18, u• t immedi ttiEE, d .oiprisink Tron as f a•aL n e o1 d , Noea charge for seeing all t lhtA og ur nay brlliant l 'AI TTI are to be found the world-fumous names of

MAI))4r1 DOCIKRILL,The most fearless and fshing Equestrienne in the world.

MI~1S EH3A LADIJDLThe Queen of the SideaSaddle, a lady whoss name is synonymous with success.

Mai. IQOBEULIT STICKNE Y,,The World's Acknowledged Champion Bareback Rider, General Athlete, and the Universaa

Genius of the Arena.

A most intrepid horsewoman.

The celhbratil Hurdle Eqne•triac and marvelous M • fthe llbrse, sitls w.• o•tl• •nowued Australian Circus Celebnrities, and a host 1 • whau ntdl i uald' lle4Mt!--page. the whole forming an unequalled collectios.


8 Bands of Music. 100 OCages of Rare Wild'Animnals. iO CGoldA iC'hariolc . 'i OpeDens of Wild Animals, The Wotndeiful Polyphanons Polyhemnia, or Great

Steam Orchestrion. 100 Cialtne' Choristers anca Olavichord Performers.

A Dazzling, Gorgeous, Glittering and Exceedingly Beautiful Sight.We exhibit everything we bilL We keep every promise we .make. :\Wadvertise our day and

date. and keep it. One Ticket admits to all our United Shows. Two Grand Exhibitions daily.LExcursion Tickets at reduced rates on all roads to see the Big Show. Come early and stay late.Bring your family and invite your neighbors. Boom enough for all. Will also exhibit at



0 m *


Offer this week, .subje"t to market changes,

Dry salt shoulders at . . 7A very attractive rice, .. , . 5N-w yellow sigar, . . 5New white clarified sugar, 5New molasses and syrup, . 50Potatoes in flours. barrels, . 2 50Fancy flour, . . . .4 85Extra fancy flour, .,

All other staple and fancy groceries atclosest figures. New cod fish, mackerel, buck-w-heat, pigs trban otrafberri a ofall descriptions. Attrtiqr a la .-

fhu - 1Jpni'..

.. rv:

CAq h burera of PfsaeSWillkdo well to consultus before mpkldngi pi

Muaci mu suold to Tosceft at wst low sates.




at lw price. All os left atthe dtean-ics' lchp will ineet, gb prgnaptatm on.

HisaP i thee+4 11or or

nn~l~as eaceon24aining 24ip it 4+ sco4'

cloth, ile4'.WMi. T. iOC'K Publisahr,.

Astor Place, N. Y.


STANDARD IIBINEIs the beat constructed and fin-ished, gives butte;r?ae tmore Power; tan sol osleIae 'r pr hone power.then anpether Turbine 1n the

worl(: Ne4W U }dasenrby

BuWN# k W ,1ef , Pa.

Parker's Tonic,A Pure ramily Me tolne that lever

Parker's Uafr Bnfsena nietl, f4!med gn4i re, lins O hair andtn remor n .

I5ISVOX 8 CO. 0 iG1Vfllsm f St., N. Y.

7Oc. ana $1 s1a4 at, al dealers Ma"medicine.(kretpsaviunginbasindiIg.;p5 g

8 S` -0

Tiatber h ore at a-tpa tlo' simttctwfor e0e1535 ftf~(y h1! e~~ilalpaR ch ab-t $dor ,as'o, mme i3 as

prsa tt i I1 yI 1

endifoed dusto:habjti. to 0 tiutaybb

tat at., uepa ab

law en4 Winalt f'. H. RAN.DOtS', Jtr.

BATON ^ f wrk LA.Pz 1c., - ,w.U .:


Fior. e".. , rThe nndersignsd elmSwi~sNsa

2Td 6N~t i 11.I Ri~tl t b$,bg1 ,6 ege 1gebesd and Ba-irrel *ZiwRS.111

800,000 -allirrCG~C tS, l iiles.`':; '`.

Plaqueman., I beariDItliE~f l~Cosr

water smea ase.with riversteamers.


REPOSI IORY,.Noe. 70. 70, 72 and 74 St. Charles staeet, head of

pi'rion street, NEW OBL~ W .

Factory at Wheeling, W. Vs.ANEUFACTTJRBIB8E of Pi Wsgiaiis

Lo Wheela all with BIa H ka _is -Iler a Stee SkCein Wago , th e sk v" |sold. Wheelbarrows. Axle e iokes, Fe,-lose. CottoeMstDistribatoa, Sh etss.

Can deliver goods along the ril*r. ditat rofactozy and in car loads on aihoads

For Sale and Rent.Two Well Known 8toria and Soda Water

THE undersigned oftfrs -msale the machin.ery. ,toc, hores, mulMea s, st.. per-taining to the soda and minea at• r mannt.factory on Missisippi street, Donaldsonville.and also the tstoskSi ers of the poplarBED STOBE, on t st

Also, the stock andixtnrof strssaloon known as the -OU IE•LCHANGE, corner of mtiana s and Attak-aps streets. in Donaiaonvell.

Forment orlease, the buiutngs ml preimsdoccupied by the fled Storesd t•he ds WaterEnfac , separately or asewhole. consist-.

ireof residence, store, maa•.fa-tnr, stable.outhosa.•e., ete., all in good condition, Will beleased for term of years, if va

For S!e.

For futM infr to or addressDes-irable Be - aalo dsonuile. La.

IE irabl cay Noticeh.It b y a oza ucdstne d hstred hboet

with be arlds ln ve foo s termr ai tshouse is in lk i$ r e six o m


FoPar fhie iAsntion, L to or addres

Tax Notic.hatlf ago. one

ib-e rant

wnr -

wkitstwt tom ., am

(e. ai of her ~

" rise, s who!sr ll; `

abgre , aDA.. .i ii aZ.icgi~-

ottiat !or ia1 in tn psi

of ft mse rtl nalt

i1. arsln it-7kr



he i 'ilartowyille Iaruutuw.~ r

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1z77AM dX -~pIl4 t


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?..,..-r $ '5/~; CI.M-~


Board b4th D , Week or Month

b17qiflA)fl or

B. tXJAxflkW pwetor,EsbSP ~tf


(In odiaes o eleo. h

BAYD U CoX PANY .Leavee New anrd Prat 5 o.M .


REGO LA$ NBAT(,$moavi ~oWaeIPI

Ar -BZGLA$Be evey: flamWS snow .

the iii Y Zii cC



anar #

I:A0 .elf, #dOa and with ad the

and Pa1~ R ftwyfr l t#aWrlbe

3_Teve evr SOSedaOE~ .4I 7*

at14. th tr h ae s.of t~'days. 1 ahesoflP - z~qg~paI~"~la 1W urwin. Zrplt .~0

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