The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie...

University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-25-1912 e Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 Clinton Keeter Follow this and additional works at: hps:// is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Keeter, Clinton. "e Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912." (1912). hps://

Transcript of The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie...

Page 1: The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie Mieirvo Supper, and STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912Clinton Keeter

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationKeeter, Clinton. "The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912." (1912).

Page 2: The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie Mieirvo Supper, and STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday

jfjfoie Mieirvo Supper,JOB WORf andSTATIONERY

Volume 5 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday April, 25, 1912. No. 2.

tufas ot common law oilgTnatofl,Today tlmre Is a vast differ

STORESQUALITYOUR AIMSThe constant aims of the officers and directors of this

bank are:

TO PROMOTE lhc interest of customers justas tbey endeavor to promote those of the bank;

TO DO ALL. THEY CAN to thedealings of depositors agreeable aud profitable tothem;

TO CONTRIBUTE to their enterprises theconservative foresight and timelycounsel which a strong bank can properly bestow.

TO REPAY their confidence in us by confidence

in them.

This is the time toMilo Maize, Kaffir Corn, Millet, Alfalfa,?

Onion Sets, Seed Potatoes and Garden :;



OIR line ofGroceries, Dry Goods and



Santa Rosa N. M.

Shoes is completeright.



We buy Hides, Pelts, Eggs andChickens.




Cuervo Drug Store.- ,;

Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles,'

Post Cards, etc.,


Liability and CompensationMeasure Progresiive.


President Apprevta Proposed Leylsl.tlon Making Federal Labor Lswa

fit Modem Conditions LegalMachinery Simplified.

As the result nt tlio personal inter- '

eat of rresidua l aft In all tun v" af-

fecting the worklngmta ol uj wan-try- ,

congress lifts before tt today tcoraprahujislve bill on employers' lia-

bility and workmen's compensation'which is reooguteed as one ot the moatprogressive of the mnny achievementsof tka Taft administration. The Milwas reported hy a commission appointed hr President Tart pursuant to

Joint resolution of congress passedon J una 25, 1810, and It was recentlysunt to congress by the president accompanied with a massage recommending Its passage. As drafted themeasure provides an exclusive rem-

edy and compensation for accidentalInjuries resulting In disabilities ordeath to einployetta of common car-

riers engased In Interstate or foreigncommerce or In the District ot Colum-bia.

This comprehensive legislation lathe direct outcome of the general ttn--

eatlslaetoruiass of labor lefilBlutlou

passed by congress In recent yenrsand Is Illustrative of the Tutt methodot reaching an admitted evil by apainstaking Investigation followed ifcarefully considered laws. As is wellknown, the first employers' liabilitylaw pasued in the Inst admmtstratloQwas declared unconstitutional by theeourts. A new law to take Its planewas pusaed undor this administration,but it was generally understood atthe time that the comprebenrfve meas.uro now before cou ureas was to fol-

low, both as to liability and compensation, as soon lis the necessary Inves-

tigation into tho subject could bmade. The result is that the work-UiKiue-

of tbe United BUten, so far as

(hey onn be reached by federal law,will soon be working under one olthe most enlightened labor laws onrecord.

Provision la made In the Mil. atIrntted tentatively, that every carrier, engaged In Interstate 01

loreign commerce, shall pay compen-sations in the amounts specified inthe bill to any of Its employees wholustalns permnal injury by aochlettlarising out of and in the course olUs employment, and resulting in bisUsability, or to bis dependents inBase ot death.

It Is provided in the bill that UuInjured employee shall have medicaltttendanoe, and surgical aid, whenSecasRAry, the last mentioned beinglimited to (200. The monthly wagesat an employee is deemed to be 28

times the establtahad day's pay, andM is the minimum monthly wagepayment It is also provided that allcompensation undor Us act shall bpaid monthly, unless computed to atuinp emu.

Death benefits are provided for at a

tpectflc percentage ot the man's wagesto be paid to tlw widow, With an

in the amount when there areImpendent children and In case of nolependnts the payment of the burialexpenses is required, The matter otpersonal Injury compensation is alsooovared In a fair aud e(ultable provi-tfo- n

ot oombeusatlon for the injuredimpleyee,

Another feature of Uie proposed aotIs a clear definition ot the term "dependent," as well as of what oonsti'tutes an "Injury" and an "employee."legal complications are provided for,twporta ot accidents, payments andoperations under the lnw to the Interstate commerce commission, are

and It is declared that tbe proposed aot shall take effect on July 1,1912, and olted aa "Tbo Federal Com-

pensation Aot of 1912."

In Its investigations of this subjectthe commisfrton determined at the out-

let that in subsume the doctrines ofthe common law orl;;lnntlutf undorcomparatively simple conditions wereanhist as applied to the complex re-lations of mentor and servant Tbeuse ot complicated machinery, steamind electricity has hsd tho effect ofIsereasfng the deplorable enfagonlsmbetween employer nnd employee andoften (IvlBg a few In Jo rod employeeslarge and frequently extravagant dam.ages, while the great majority havebeen left to bear the entire burdenwithout any recompense whatever.

At the time of tbe adoption of thecommon law rules of liability Indtss-tri-

conditions were radically differ-ent from those of today. The nnmberot employees wes smaller beoaqeethere were few tiff industrial plants.The business carried on was small inextent, the app'lunccs used In tbework consisted larguly of hand tools,while tbe power was simple to char-acter with little danger to the em-

ployee. Uo4er si oondittons the

. . .Mwunii ma, in me message whldtransmitted the reuort of thlon to conKr9s, aptly gaj--

, jn ga'JIns of tho proposed bill: "TI1.1t It uono or tne HrP1(t steps of progress tjfactory solution of au ii

Ct the controversies btwc- - ii i.Uoywr and employees tlisflbaa bwn proposed within the" lant tx3lDf throe decadea. The old rules of nil

uuuwr imi common law wosiMlifpted to a different r and coudl

Delegates Pledged to Taft.

On Friday, April 19, 1912. the!detagttea to the Kepuhllcan na-

tions! convention pledged to President Taft were as follows:

j Alabama 22Alaska 3Cflonwlo tDistrict of Columbia. 2

Florida nCKjorgla 28

Illinois. sIndiana 30Iowa , g

Kentucky 23.Louisiana a

MlrhlKtm isMississippi 20

' Missouri 14iNew Mexico 7

'New York 83Oklahoma 4

Philippines 2Booth Carolina is

; Tennessee lgVermont , 6

tVlrtnle uTotal ....841

Pledged to Roosevelt 118Pledged to La Follette ........ St

' Pledged to Cummins 4

Necessary for choice .....639

tlon, and were evidently drawn byimen Imbued with the importance or:preserving tbe employers from burdensome or unjust liabilities. It wastreated as a personal matter of each;employee, and the employees were pubon a level of dealing which, however,it may hiwa been In the past, oertainlycreats Injustice to the employee under the present conditions."

Tho attention ot congress to thRwset Injustice of the present systemwb called by v President Tuft. Hementioned tint fact that often the re-

covery of large sums In damage vwdials did not result in actual benefit tothe Injured person on account ot theheavy expenses in litigation. Thepresident expressed the belief thatthose burdens would disappear withthe enactmont of the proposed law,slnoe the counsel foes are limited to- -

a reasonable amount.As further stated by the president:

"the great object of the proposed lawis to sucuro Justice to the weaknr par-ty under existing modern conditions."He alno declared that he would usebis Influence to aid In the enactmentDf the proposed law before the adjournment of the present session of congross.

Prosecution of Mtll keeping with the record of the.

Taft admluletratloa In the prosecut-ion of violations of the Sherman antl-trust law, In which the records for riviU and criminal cults in all previousadministrations have been brokenwe the prosecutions brought for rial anttons of the postal laws. Under theealaws all fraudulent and "wild-cat- " busl- -

ness schemes carled on through tbwmails are punished. In addition tojUie punishments meted out, and ot(more importance to the people of the!whole country, Is the mot that actlv-- i

Ity in prosecutions is ending for albtime the operations of fraudulent con-cerns which have stolen thousands ofldollars of (he people's money annuall-

y. The reoord of these prosecutionsfor the last eight years, somplled fromthe official documents, is as follows;

FinesTer. Proeooutlona. Imposed.Mi ,. .1.48$ UM 279 inwe .. ,. 1,872 111,781.8ioe .. .1.667 U1.7H9.801M17 ., .1.480 UI1.40S.3S

,.J.ST 174,360.62

IMS , .4.73S 181,751.98vuo .l.rtl J7A.M.S8urn ,.U6i 24(1.6(10.92

Tart of the record of 1808 and allot the record tor the last three yearsbelongs to tbe Taft administration.

Taft Sure of Nomination.

Up iw and including April II, 494.

delegates had been elected to the Re-

publican national convention whichmeets in Chicago in June. Of thesePresident Tatt has 341 Instructed toror pledged to his renomlnatton. Thereremained to be elected on that dataE82 delegates. Of these President Tartneeds only 19S and Mr. Rooseveltneeds 428. In other words, if Presi-dent Taft gets one out ot every threedelegates remaining to be elected hewill have wllhln four of enough tonominate, while Mr. Roosevelt musthave three out of every four ot thedelegates remaining in order to securethe nomination. That President Taft

iwfU have more than TOO delegates a',Chicago is a pertain ty. ,

buy Seed Corn 5rr

and the prices are

Arthur C. Whitaker a claim- -

bolder, came from Kansas lastweek accompanied by GrandberryDavis of Buffalo, Mo. Mr. Whitaker is here lookin g after his real

tat interest. " '

Mrs. Jett and children who hatbeen here visiting her sister, MrsJ, D.Hanson of the past sevenweens returned to ner homo at

Shamrook. Tex. last Sunday,

The Cuervo Clipper has someseed to distribute to its subsciib-ers- .

There are 50 largo packagescontaining five small packages,corn, lettuce, muskmelon radish,and turnip seed. Tbey are free tothe subscribers of the Clipper.

ur. ana Mrs. btone, Mr, andMn. A. M. Brewer spent lasSunday night with Mr. and. Mrs,Tom Price in the Haile neighborhood. Dr. Srone had visited

patients in the Alamogordo ValleySunday.

... .f Wl 1i-- i mirsusy morning a man

and woman got off the west hound

morning tiain here and remainedover until the next morningThey said they came from Tucumcan ana traveled until theirmoney gave out and had to stopt--i ., ....inoy spent inursQay night iuthe depot so we have heard andleft next morning bright and earlyafoot for Santa Rosa. The manlooked to be about 3a and thewoman 28. ihey werewell dressedand (he woman was a very goodlooker.

They stopped before they got toLos Tanos and bought somethingto eat. The womau had a few

nickels tied up in a handkerchief;

Subscribe for the Clipper an

Weekly Kansas City Stat both

ne year tor one dollar.

flotel OklahojnaBeds 25 cents.t



Capt J. T. Meeka, of SunshineMesa was in our city Wednesday,

Mrs. Rouse and son, Robertleft for Dalhart, Texas VVednes-da- y


Mrs. Walter Weaver and littleson left for Hutchinson, Kan..


Mr. Chat. Gunst came homefrom Montoya last Sunday look'ing first rate and a half.

" W.R. (Jhatham and neice, MissOllie Freeman from Isidore were

n town Friday.

J. S. Chandler, of Carter Okla,was in Cuervo last Saturday pros-

pecting. He talked of filing oa ahomestead.

Hamon Brown, of Alamogordo.was transastmg business before J.R. Thomas, U. S. Commissioner,at Cuervo, last Monday.

Dr. Woodburn was called to seea Mr. Ferris in the Alamogerdovalley last Monday, ' He reportsthat Mr. Ferris Is very sick,

Mead Roork, who has been atwork on the Hicks and Jones

Trancn ior some time, was inCuervo last Monday on his wayout South to his claim.

. J. b. Sunders and Mr. Suiter,of near Ruth were in town soon

Thursday morning and got a coffinfrom Bond & . Wiest, for CharlesFarris of that community, whodied from kidney trouble.


Mr. Seofield, ot Ford county,Texas was prospecting northeastof Cuervo last week with a view of

locating; out left without filingbut may be back again. He wants

to start a hcrse ' ranch in NewMrico'.-- '

Meals 25 cents





Phone tio. Q.At the Drag Store.

VU1 Practice in CuervO and Sur-

rounding Country.

J. T. STONE M. D.'


Physician and Surgeon.

Eye, Ear, Nose and throatas a specialty

Office At Residence

Cuervo, .



Doss a Transfer businesskef ps feed and Rigs tolee.

CuervoTelephone Co

Local and Long: Distant Con-

nection to all points.LET OS POT YOU IN A PHONE.


Tucumcari HospitalM odern Equipments

Largest Xray Coil in New Mexrco

Graduate Nurses.

Drs. Thomson & Noble,TUCUMCARI, N. M.



PubhcLand Matters: Final Proof,

Desert Lands, Contests and Min-

ing Cases. Scrip.





No33. westbound 9:33 A.M

No.34 Eastbound 5:47 E M

Page 3: The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie Mieirvo Supper, and STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday

STAYED RIGHT WITH HIS JOBCUERVO CLIPPER Cooking as an ArtFrost What kind of a cook la Daw-ber'-

wife?Snow Impressionistic.




CURE MY BACK?Common sense will do mors to

cure backache than anything else,'Twill tell you whether the kidneysare sore, swollen and aching. It willtell you in that case that there Is nouse trying to cure It with a plaster.If the passages are scant or toofrequent, proof that there Is kidneytrouble is complete. Then common

Another Use for Medicine.A Chicago family which employs as

Its butler an negro wasIts butler an negro wasconstantly annoyed by the doorbell ofthe house getting out of order. Onseveral occasions an electrician, whoused some sort of white powder'it his work, had been called In to fixthe bell.

One evening when there were guestsat dinner, one of them complainedof a sore throat. The mistress of thehouse turned to the butler and said:

"Sam, when dinner Is over, go to thedrug store and get a small bottle ofDobell's solution."

"Before de Lawd!" exclaimed thenegro in genuine distress. "Is dat do'-be- ll

out of ordah ag lnT" PopularMagazine.

Marie Tempest's Nose.At the Lenten muslcale at tbe Waldorf-

-Astoria a young matron relateda bon-mo- t of Marie Tempest's.

"Miss Tempest's nose Is frightfullypug, isn't It?" she began. "Well, I mether at a tea once, and she Joked abouther nose as if It had belonged to some-one else.

" 'When tbe Creator,' she said, 'waslooking for a nose for me he took, yousee, the first one that turned up.' "

When Your t7es Need CareTry Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting FeelsFine Acta Quickly. Try it for Bed, Weak,Watery Kyea aud Granulated Kyelida. Illus-trated Book in earn Paekara. Murine Is

ompoinaed ty our Oonlleu not a "Patent Med-icine used In auooeesfnl Pbyalelana' prao-tioe for many jreara. Now dedicated to toe Pob-ll- e

and aold by Inijlita at S6o and Wo per BottlaMurine Kite Balre In aseptlo Tubes, Xe and Mo.

Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago

Comparative Values."My wife can make a tart reply.""My wife can do better than

that. She can make a pie speak foritself."

ONIT ONE "BROMO niflNE."That la LAXATIVS BHOMO Ot NINH. Look fortna algnauire of . W. OHOVH. Uaed tbe WorldOTer to Cure a Gold In Una Da. o.

Always remember to be a gentle-man unless you are a woman.

Since It Is worth while to be well, takeGarfield Tea, Nature's Medicine.

What the world needs Is less goodadvice and more good example.

On Thing, at Least, Hopeful MotherMight 8ay With Truth of Her

Scapegrace Son.

Aunt Julia, Mr. 1! 's coloredwasherwoman, is a thrifty, respectable and representativeof her race, but Is unfortunate In having an utterly worthless scapegraceson, who lately served a richly de-

served sentence In the penitentiary atPittsburg. Notwithstanding his dis-

grace, Aunt Julia Is exceedingly proudof blm and misses no occasion of

chanting his praises. Some time ago,on her weekly mission at the B 's,she observed:

"Ah 'pone yo'all didn't know ah'ragwlne to hab my boy home forChristmas?"

'Indeed V"Yes, ma'am; he done wrote ylater- -

day be comln' home Tuesduy."You must be very glad, Aunt Julia.

How long ha he Veen away?"'Eighteen month. Ah tell you.

honey, he lest stuck right to It."Harper's Magazine.


"I wa troubled with acne for threelong year. My face was the only partaffected, but It caused great disfigure-ment, also suffering and loss of sleep.At first, there appeared red, hardpimples which later contained whitematter. I suffered a great deal causedby the Itching. I was In a state ofperplexity when walking the streetsor anywhere before tbe public,

"I used pill and other remedies butthey failed completely. I thought ofgiving up when nothing would help,but something told me to try the Cutl-eur- a

Soap and Ointment. I lent fora Cutlcura Booklet which I read care-fully. Then I bought some CutlcuraSoap and Ointment and by followingthe direction I was relieved in a fewday. I used Cutlcura Soap for wash-ing my face, and applied the CutlcuraOintment morning and evening. Thistreatment brought marvelous resultsso I continued with It for a few weeksand was cured completely. I cantruthfully say that the Cutlcura Rera- -

edle are not only all, but more thanthey claim to be." (Signed) O. Ilau-me- l,

1015 W. 20th Place, Chicago, 111.,

May 28, 1911. All hough CutlcuraSoap and Ointment are sold by druggist and dealers everywhere, a sam-pl- 6

of each, with book, willbe mailed free on application to"Cutlcura," Dept. L, IloEton.

His Work."An electrician ought to be a social


"Why an electrician especially?""Decause he Is so well posted on

current topics."

Us Allen's Foot EssThe antiseptic powder to lie shaken into

the shoes for tired, tender, smarting, sell-ing, swollen feet, It makes vmir feet feeleasy snd nmkes walking a Soldeverywhere, 2.V. For Free trial package,address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. ,

Rather than lose out nt the last min-

ute, the bride will promise to obey-- but

she alway baa her fingerscrossed. currd in to 14 ntvsTnnrdriiwilal dill iu.,n,j If 'a,u DINTMHNr Talli to cure anf ammo at luilunti, Hllud,Bleeding ur I'rutruillus It lea In 6 u U ilara" tuu.

It' practically Impossible for a manto form an impartial opinion of him-olf- .

Don't bs misled. Ash for Red CrossTing Hlue. Makes beautiful white clothes.A i an gooa grocers.

If a girl really wants a man's loveline returns It.

flrflld Tea, hy purifying the blood, eradl-ate- s

KbrummlKiu, Dyiuepaia sod mmrchronic ailment. ,

If a man saves Money It la becausehe Is kept too buBy at work tor spendIt

Mal(M the aundre happy that's RedCross Bat Blue. Makes beautiful, clearwuue ciouun. an gooa grocers,

Women lean toward mystery, butmen lean toward mastery.

"Pink By" Is Kpldamle In the Spring.Try Murine Era Itemed for Reliable fcellal

Many a married man has a chaperonIn his wife.


MEDICINE FREEno matter what your disease. If von sufferfrom Rheumatism.write. If you suffer fromKidney Trouble, write! , Mo matter whatyou suffer from, write to

MUNYON'S DOCTORS53d and Jefferson 8ts Philadelphia, Pa.

NOT A PENNY TO PAYOffer Is Good for lbs Next Thirty Days




Pyramid can only be played withRayo Cards and the players sending la thehighest number of records of different com-binations from which by successful manipu-lation the 8 color sequenoes have been workedout la accordance with the rules snd Instruc-tions, will receive $3000, divided as follows!

$1,000 (or 1st highest number of reoordt

t 600 for 2d "$ 100 eaoh for next 5 highest numbers

This money has been deposited with TsaColumbia Trust Co., 1H5 Broadway, New Yi.rltto whom contestants must send their records.

Contest Is open till May 1st, 1818, allowingample time to become skillful at the game.Kaon pack of Kayo Cards contains lnstruo.Hons for playing Pyramid and tells how topreserve records for Prize Contest.

Kayo Cards cost 6)o. per pack and all ordersenclosing money order for 60 cents will befilled In order of receipt.RAYO CARD COMPANYB9 E. 42nd St., Nw York City

METALLIC HEELSAND COUNTERSFurnish Shoe Insurance (o Miners, Quarry,

men, Farmers and All Men Who 'Do Rough Work

Shoe, Kited with metallic heels lart twice as longsa unprotected shoes. You can buy ahoea readyfitted with theae heeli or your cobbler can quicklyfit them to the shoee you're now wearing. Lighterthan leather. If your dealer taa't supplied, write us.Your inquiry bringa a booklet.


consult a sneclallit concerning- my ear. that theout the wound would heal. A kind friendiwivsa, TAincn i uiu. na arir tavern mnnt-ii-

hri"knd ' my be,,r "h than I"."""u wl,n l,r- norcea n n save and

.... ....... J...., meuiciiMie.

sense will tell you to use Doan's fKidney Pills, the best recommendedspecial kidney remedy.


James 0. Hardin, Weatherford,Tex., says: "My feet and limbs be-came numb and I had terrible pains.1 L!87 "Every

pictuneysecretions Tellt acaused untold Story.annoyanceand I beganto think therewas no hopefor me.

Doan'sKidney Pillscured me andIhavenothadthe slightesttrouble since"


DOAN'S Kiin7






TTlK.Este.ta Gillispie Q


St. Anne, I1L "I was passingthrough the change of life andlwas a perfect wreck from femaletroubles. I had a displacementand bearing down pains, weakfainting spells, dizziness, thennumb and cold feelings. Some-times my feet and limbs wereswollen. I was irregular and hadso much backache and headache,was nervous, irritable and wasdespondent. Sometimes my ap-petite was good but more often itwas not. My kidneys troubledme at times and I could walkonly a short distance.

" I saw your advertisement in apaper and took Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's

Vegetable Compound, andI was helped from the first. Atthe end of two months the swel-ling had gone down, I was re-lieved of pain, and could walkwith ease. I continued with themedicine and now I do almost allmy housework. I know yourmedicine has saved me from thegrave and I am willing for you topublish anything I write to you,for the good of others." Mrs.Kstklla Gillispie. R.F.D. No. 4,Box34,StAnne,lkinois.

VFrom Forty-Fiv- e to Fifty Are Much Benefited

byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.


The early bird doesn't let tbe wormcuerelr by beln arly.

Every llttl presidential candidalbai a keynote of bis own.

to cata of a coal atria will the eoalbin give apace for a mmhroom bed 7

The cellar of a Pennsylvania farmerbaa dropped Into a coal mine. Luckymag.

Our own westber 1 bad enoucn,but In China tbey are bavins a reignof terror.

Being a hot at occasionally la notone of the legitimate annoyances ofa king's job.

A California woman wltb a "modelhusband" baa been granted a divorce.She deserves It.

Another blow to woman auffrage.An Illinois grnlus baa Invented anunbreakable window.

flutter can be made directly fromrn, aays a scientist Poaslbly a

misprint, for "grease."

The Countess of Warwick says thatwoman la at ber beat at fifty. Guess

liow old th countess la.

A Mlaaourl girl wants $2,U00 foreven One would almost Im-

agine from tbat tbat klssea are acarce.

The New Jersey assembly baapassed a bill Imposing a $1 tax onfemale cata. la there a mouse traptrust?

This la not such an eitravagant na-

tion after all. A New Yorker wa kill-- d

crossing the subway tracks to savea nickel

Barah Bernhardt will get 17,000 aweek for playing In vaudeville al-

most enough to buy fresh eggs everymorning.

Proprietors of Ithaca soda fountainswill not ball wltb joy tbe news thatCornell atudents have adopted tbe no-tre-


A Judge In New York rules tbattuother love la not necessary to achild. In some cases we are In favorof the recall.

It Is aald that 200 former criminals.are driving taxlciibs In New York. Inreading tbe above aentence the "for-tmer- "

la silent.

A preacher says that the saddesttiour of the day comes after sunset.That's when most of the vaudevilletatuuts are pulled tt.

A Parisian philosopher says that vlo-le-

movements produce violentthoughts. He must have found a slip-pery sidewalk somewhere.

Ten aviators have been killed ao farthis year, compared with four In theearns time last year. Does this indi-cate how aviation progresses T

A man In Yonkera tried to kick adog anu fell with his legs paralysed.Even nature has Joined In the generalobjection to kicking dogs around.

Two New York motormen ran overtbe same unfortunate pedestrian,Those two men are wasting their tal-

ents by not gutting Into Wall street

Andy Carnegie arises to remarkthat tbe farmer Is the only happy manIn this country. And yet we seldom'bear of a steel magnate dying ofgrief.

A Cleveland preacher says the Amer-ican home Is rapidly disappearing. Hemust be missing tbe din-ners he used to be Invited to.

Laced boots with spots have beenauthorised by the kaiser with the un-

dress uniform of German soldiers.German army officer may have spats,tut they are forbidden to have duels.

The attorney general of Californialias decided that when a Californiawoman become the wife of an alienshe losea ber vote. Does a Germangirl who la married to an Irishmanbecome Irish?

Because she bad a revolver In hertucking a Los Angole woman was

arrested for carrying a concealedweapon. Her hobble skirt must haveteen longer than most of thoe thatare seen hereabouts.

Astronomers have discovered a newalar In tb heavens. Theatrical mana-gers discover them In any old placenearly every day, and when the nat-ural supply gives out they manufac-ture them.

A New York phynlclan who marrieda doctor wants a divorce because allbis patient deserted him and wentto her for medical advice and treat-ment. Some men are so exacting thatthey are not SHttuflod merely to haveIt all tn the family.

A. Maurice Low In a lecture at Yaletn other night characterised newspaper reporters as "men of trivialminds without perspective and with-out education." Some reporter hadprobably referred to Mr. Low as onwho "also iDPke

Western Newspaper Union Neva Service.COMING EVE! l NEW SIKIIIO.

tltY lT emrrt State Convention" l"e naUo"'1 Cn- -

ventlun-uii- Vi;

Unknown Person Kills Garcia.Gallup. Jose Garcia la dead from a

gunshot wound inflicted by an uniden- -

ttried person, while Garcia waa on hisway home from work.

Official Makes Shortage Good.Santa Fe. Assistant Traveling Au-

ditor Guilfoil made a report to Gov.McDonald that a shortage of $4,660.67he found in the accounts of formerTreasurer B. J. Reagan of Rooseveltcounty, had been paid hy Reagan.

Important Bills Introduced.Washington Senator Catron of

New Mexico introduced a bill authoriz-ing the construction of a public build-

ing at Santa Fe, the limit of cost forbuilding and Bite to be $425,000. Sen-ator Fall of New Mexico, Introduced abill authorizing a grant of 5,000,000acres of land to New Mexico, to beselected and located from unreserved,unappropriated landa by a commissioncomposed of the surveyor general,governor and public land commission-er of the state, the lands to be leasedor sold, and the proceeds devoted toconstruction and maintenance of pub-lic roads. A similar bill was intro-duced by Senator Smith of Arizona forthe benefit of that state.

In the Legislature.Santa Fe. The House memorialized

Congress to place a duty of 30 cents apound on scoured wool. It adopted anamendment to the constitution andprovided for its submission to the vot-

ers No. 7, to eliminate the qualifica-tion as to language imposed by theenabling act, which provides that allstate officers and members of the leg-islature must speak; English.

The House passed a number of bills.Including an g bill, severeIn Its terms and penalties; a bill pro-hibiting the sale and drinking of Intox-icants on trains or railroad propertyunless in licensed hotels: an act Dro- -

vlding for payment of District JudgeMechem and District Clerk Newcombof Socorro, for services from Augustto December, 1909: an act uivine employes two hours at full pay duringwhich to vote, election day; a bill reg-

ulating the date for huldinn court Inthe Second Judicial district, and a billmaking Oct. 12, Columbus Day. a legalholiday.

The House tabled a measure providing a code for the corporation commission; a measure to prohibit thecommon drinking cup and which hadpassed the Senate; a bill prescribingthe manner in which the death penal-ty shall be Imposed.

Among the measures Introduced areacts for regulation of Investment companies; for regulation of sale of liquorby manufacturers on the premiseswhere distilled; for protection of conduits, wires, etc., or power companies; to punish the stealing of eleo-trl-c

current, water and gas: fixing thefee for recording chattel mortgages at50 cents; creating a normal school atTucumcari,

Adit. Gen. Brookes wil confer againwith the committee on ways andmeans of the House and the financecommittee of the Senate relative toconditions on the Mexican border,with a view to securing an appropriation for additional mounted police audto send two companies of. militia toexposed points on the border to protect settlers and property from thedepredations of bandits crossing theline from Old Mexico.

Richard Hudson, Pioneer, Dead,Doming. Col. Richard Hudson, a

well known New Mexlso pioneer whocame here In 1863 with the Californiacolumn died at the home of his

Corporation Commissioner HughH. Williams, aged seventy-three- . Hewas a miner, stage driver, businessman, first sheriff of Grant county,probate Judge, Indian agent of theMescalero Apaches, colonel In themilitia and veteran of the Civil War.

House Passes Prize Fight Bill.

Santa Fe. The House sprung a sur-

prise by passing the Tripp prizefightbill by a vote of 29 to 17. The meas-ure Is frankly drafted to permit thoproposed Johnson-Flyn- n fight to bestaged at Vegas, and sets the lim-

it at forty-fiv- e rounds, bars intoxicanufrom the inclosure, makes sundry reg-

ulations, officially recognizes the Mar-

quis of Qucensbury rules and divertspart of the revenue of the fight to thegood roads and school funds.

A bitter fight will be made in theSenate on the measure, and should Itpass, Gov. McDonald is likely to vetoit unless it is considerably modified.

Triplets Are Baptized.Santa Fe. Rev. Father Haeltermnn

at Santa Cruz baptized the triplets ofJose Antonlto and Rufugla Arculota,

f San Ildefonso. The first born, agirl, was named Marie Isabel and thetwo others, boys, Jose Dolores andJose Ascension. The three chllldettweighed twelve pounds, are healthyand well formed, except that thegirl's left arm is short and withoutfingers, a protuberance that looks likea finger growing out of it.

The " change of life " Is a mostcritical period in a woman's ex-

istence, and the anxiety felt bywomen as it draws near is notwithout reason.

When her system is in a de-

ranged condition, she may bepredisposed to apoplexy, or con-gestl-

of some organ. At thistime, also, cancers and tumorsare more liable to form and begintheir destructive work.

Such .warning symptoms assense of suffocation, hot flashes,headaches, backaches, dread ofimpending evil, timidity, soundsin the ears, palpitation of theheart, sparks before the eyes,irregularities, constipation, vari-able appetite, weakness andinquietude, and dizziness, arepromptly heeded by intelligentwomen who are approaching theperiod in life when woman'sgreat change may be expected.

These symptoms are calls fromnature for help. The nerves arecrying out for assistance and thecry should be heeded in time.

Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound is prepared to meetthe needs of women's system atthis trying period of her life. Itinvigorates and strengthens thefemale organism and builds upthe weakened nervous system,It has carried many women safelythrough this crisis.

A BLOOD MEDICINE WITHOUT ALCOHOL.Recently tt has been dchmtly proven by experiments on animals that alcohollowers the germicidal power of the body end that alcohol paralyze the whiteol the blood snd renders them unable to take up and destroy disease seraisDisease germs eause the denth of over one-ha- lf of the human race.A Mood medicine, made entirely without alcohol, which is a pure glycerin ex-tract of roots, such as liloodroot, (Jueen's root, Golden Seal root, Mandrake andMono root has been extensively sold by druggists for the past forty years as Dr.'

I lesce s Gulden Medical Discovery. The relreshinj Influence of this extraot is likaNature a inOuenoe-t- lie blood is bathed in the tonio which gives life to the bloodthe vital fires of the body bum brighter and their Inoreased aotivity consumes the)tissue rubbish which has accumulated during the winter.ur. K. v. fierce, the lounder of the Invalids' Hotel and

Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience andpraotioe, was the first to make up an Altbbativb Extract ofroots, without a particle of alcohol or narcotic,

"'ii w.,,h r"." .f r'eMurs, that I write to let youthe benri.t! from the in. of your irci.we ujdasINtreatment at home." wrllea Mrs. Wb. IIkvhl t 1 li VV - NT MS.

Ei J JK. "!! ihre" ,MP trom "'"nlnir arm. Consulted four11A iesL h" fa to mend or give relief. Finally I waa told I . EwZZ.ZlZ

Pellets regulate liver and bowels.


lion emu would have todtd lame must ha cut

: ."m!,'.hi f""1"1"; u. . C .1 ir.

Has. nsirrs. Dr. Pierce's rieasent




JBai I

prerentne. no matter how tinnm mi enraa-- era Infeil


Catarrhal Fever






SHOES2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 MOO & 5.00For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS


WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS SHOESYou can save money because they are

more economical and satisfactory inSa1 an wear kan any make.

W.L Douglas name and price stampedon the bottom guarantees full value andprotect the wearer against high pricesand inferior ihoet. Insistuponhavingthegenuine W. L. Douglas shoes. Tktr,'LIf Tour dalw mnTMrt (apply w. L. Dootiaa aboM. write W ?


Page 4: The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie Mieirvo Supper, and STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday


TONICPREPARING FOR THE WEDDING LO.FINELITTLE NEW MEXICO ITEMS. i What Ha Wanted to Say.A teacher who had taken great trou WOMEN.Write For Thio

Free Book Showsble to impress every detail of the his-

tory lesson upon his class was sadly(liappolnted, on asking the name of theking who reigned previous to QueenVictoria, to find only one hand up

What Ailed Him.

"I want you to tell mo plainly ,doetor," said the man with the fat govern-ment position, "what Is the matterwith me."

"Well, sir," answered the old dootor, leaning back in his chair and look-

ing at his beefy, red faced patient,"you are suffering from underworkand overpay."

20 Beautiful Modern

But the Old Shoe, Fixed Up for the

Occasion, Was Not Intended forthe Bridal Pair.

There was to be a wedding in the

vicinity. Many of the mountaineerswould be there. . Kit :held.Rooms

Minor Occurrences of More Than Ordi-

nary Interest.Western Newspaper L'nlon News Bervlcs.

A box of apples was sent recentlyfrom Roswell to London.

Porfirio Ponce was severely injuredat Silver City by the kick ot his horse.

Six hundred dollars an acre for as-

paragus is possible In the Carlsbad

project.Silver City was recently visited by a

'Boys," said the teacher sternly,pointing as be spoke to the boy whoseanxious desire to impart the necessary

Early In the morning of the nup-

tial day Bud Hlghtower was noticed

filling sn old No. 12 shoe with slugsInformation compelled him to usestrenuous efforts to Increase his dimin

tells how you canget the very latesteffects on your walls.

Contains a sample

and nails and plaster of parls.

The Currency Problem."Speaking of elastic currency ""Yes.""Did you ever try to stretch $1.50

oyer two weeks?""Wot you doln', Bud?" drawled Simutive stature, "one of your Intelligent

little schoolfellows will tell you what Beesley.severe blizzard accompanied by sleoteif tm Faa Pit tit rmf none of you have the brains to know "Kaln't you se wot I ra doln T l m, i and snow. maktn' moonshine sperrtts out'nEiUMri artists will furnish

r H rnrp r Fire destroyed the bridge of theyou, r rv-- ., ior any

Rock Island at the east entrance to

"A Difference."There Is a man who runs every'

body down.""How?""What do you mean?"

rooms you wish to decorate.Tucumcarl.

Although the youngest In the class, hisIs an example that It would be acredit for many of you to emulate.Now, then, Johnny, tell them."

"Please, teacher, Jim Mills bin andrunned a pin Into me!"

Then the Intelligent little boy satdown. London Weekly Telegraph.

Captain John Fullerton was robbed

cheese scrapln's."Sim chuckled."Getting good an' ready f'r th' wed-din- ',

I reckon.""I reckon.""Goln" to throw It at th' bridegroom,

maybe?""Coin" to throw It at him, maybe,

i "Does be take away their charac of his nurse while he was asleep inters with his tongue or their lives his room at a Magdalena hotel.The Beautiful Wall Tintwith his auto?"

The petrified backbone of a pre-hi-imi in 16 esauiiite tints. More artiitlo ffATARtjltoric monster was found near theOn the Jump. than wall paper or paint at a fraction of

the cott. Kalsomine colon are harsh andcommon beside the loft-hue- d water color

but It ain't goln' to hit him. It's golnto break th' face of Bnlpe Tolllver,an' do It accidental, too. I ben layln'

One of Lord Charles Beresford'stenants who conducted a small un tints of Alabastine. Absolutely sanitary

easiest and quickest to use, goes furthestdertakers' establishment in Waterford f'r that theer Snipe f'r a right smart The Army of

home of H. S. Knox at Carrizozo.

Daniel Duran of Trinidad, was beat-en and robbed by four thugs andthrown from a moving train at Grants.

Senator Catron introduced a bill In

the United States Senate appropriat-ing $75,000 for a public building at

was one day asked how the business

Hospital Experiments With Warts.Physicians at Hahnemann hospital

In Philadelphia are experimenting forthe removal of warts and advertisedfor one hundred men and womenburdened with the blemishes.

There has been such a rush of thewart-lade- the hospital bids fair tobecome an immense beauty parlor.

and will not chip, peel.oi rub of!. Constipation

spell."And he drove an extra railway

spike in the hardening mass. Cleve-

land Plain Dealer.

Doesn't seed sa npert to putEur direction in every

fcate. Pull S lb. Pki. vblu.JIs Growing Smaller Every Day.

was getting along. t

"Grand, me lord!'' he exclaimed. "Inow have the luckiest little hearseyou ever saw. Glory be to goodness,It was never a day idle since I gatIV

CARTER'S LITTLE(Oct refuUr tints. 55c Socorro.LIVER PILLS areWhile papering a room, Mrs. LuciaAlabastine Company S I "V.Wins Again.

The International Pure Food Show heldin Paris March 112, has Just awarded Cal

responsible theyc. of Garcia, at Las Vegas, fell Into a tubof scalding hot paste. She sustainedtnstvttk Is Grist lit, lick. X IPADTCDCnot only give relief

they perma

To keep artificial teeth and bridge-wor- k

antlseptically clean and freefrom odors and disease germs, PaxtlneAntiseptic Is unequaled. At drug-gists. 2Bo a box or sent postpaid on re

jniTTLCterrible burns that may prove fata!.few Tsrt Cltj, ktk 4. 10S Itttt Street

DONT FAIL to WRITE X X llivrQnentlycureLatipatioa. Mil-- .Cltv clerk of Roswell has refused to r r i" i

FOR THE FREE BOOK lions useissue certificates of election to the

umet Baking Powder tile highest Honors,giving them the Urand Prise and OoldMedal.

This, In addition to the Highest Awardthat Calumet won at the World's PureFood Exposition In Chicago, glvea Calu-

met the highest honors Issued by two ofth largest Pure Pood Shows ever held andproves conclusively the superior

purity and uniformity of Calu

ceipt of price by The Paxton ToiletCo, Boston, Mass.

Man's Sphere."Where," asked the female suffrage

orator, "would man be today where itnot for woman?"

She paused a moment and lookedround the hall.

"I repeat," she said, "where wouldman be today if not for woman?"

"He'd be in the Garden of Eden eat

them foriliaasaass.

ladifasUse, Sick Haadache, SaUsw not alwaysThe deserving poor The Easiest Answer.Teacher Thirty eggs at 65 cents adeserve to be. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK.

Genuine must bear Signaturedozen Is what?met baking Powder.

Does a thin woman worry becauseshe has such a narrow outlook?

ing strawberries," answered a voice normal action otGarfield Tea Insures a Pupil It's it's outrageous, sir.the liver.from the gallery. Boston Evening Transcript. .

newly elected city officials and thematter will probably be carried tocourt.

Civil Engineer A. D. Ogle of Albu-

querque predicts heavy floods In theRio Grande this spring as the snowia the mountains is packed and hashardly commenced to melt.

J. T. McMullen reports the discov-ery of a cave in the Manzano m )un-tain-

almost directly west of Estancia,which, when fully explored, may proveto be a discovery of great interest.

It Is reported that a complete re-

organization of the Tucumcarl Cham

Chance for Him.Gerald People can get used to anyIt Would Depend. lira. Wmslow'a Boothtng Syrup for Children

teething, softens the rums, reduces Inflamma RE YOU INTERESTED IN DOG3TA"Would you advise me to encouragething. rr Head it ror wipyflltJ Mm HfiikTHM IN s Rivnw ninUfctntofltion, altars pain, cures wind collo. Me a bottle.

Garfield Tea, for the tils rcsultlnir from Im-

pure blood, Is a remedy of tried elUoacy.Drtok before retiring.

All things are for the best and

Imagines he's the best.

my daughter in her desire to take vo-

cal instructions?" asked the rich I at"1 dihiit art a If of iBUwtsU Ui dug nwnerm.Graldlne Then why not cheer upl "W M ftlto S htMinllfalsT IWial UTinnari t

mountwl ploturM of rlihas. i. win dmniu ftnv hoinaAmbition Is a good thing, but don'tman. sUttJ, M . tUt Me, CsMtMftll, sor Sen,If Not Better. By higher than you can roost."Well, that would depend," replied

Copy Reader Say, this line, "In thethe conscientious teacher."On what?" Clutches of a Loan Shark," Is a few"On whether you expect her to learn letters too long. How shall I change

ber of Commerce will be undertakento Bine or 'whether your object il ltTmerely to keep her out of mischief. In the next few weeks, the major por-

tion of the plans having already beenNight Editor Perhaps the wordJaws" will convey the idea Just as

A Utilitarian. outlined.well as "clutches.""I wish I could find out who wrote

this anonymous letter," Bald SenatorSorghum, as he paused in the work of

Senator Catron of New Mexico has

designated for examination for WestPoint George Wharton Edwards of thestate agricultural as principal and

How Aggravating.Brown I saw a man drop twentygoing through his correspondence.

"Has it annoyed you?" stories the other day, and It was acaution the way ha swore."No. But the fellow has some John Ernest Reinburg of Capitan


What is Castoria.pASTOBIA liTa harmless substitate for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and

Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor

other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allaysPeverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief

of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and DiarrhoBa. It

regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and

natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. i

The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over

mighty snappy ideas in invective. I'dlike lo eet him to write a lew cam

Terrazas cattle said to have beenrustled by rebels In Mexico, are be

Greene Swore after dropping twen-

ty stories?Brown Yes. They were In a mar

azine he had Just bought, and he)

dropped It In the mud. Judge,dropped It In the mud. Judge.

paign speeches for me."

Salisbury's Set Speech. ing smuggled across the New Mexican

A reply very characteristic of the boundary. A shipment of 500 of thesecattle is said to have been made fromstateman and diplomat who made it ia

given in the "Autobiography of Alfred Columbus.Fooling the Lord.

f Austin." Game on the Pecos National forestI Lord and Lady Salisbury were "Mother," teased a little boy of five,

"does God know everything that I'm is evidently increasing. It. B. Schoonamong the guests at Kewell grange.

maker reports seeing one herd of

eighteen deer, numerous grouse andgoing to do before I do It?"

"Yes, dear, everything," she said," Lord Salisbury had come to speak at

a public meeting. On the morning of

the day when the speech was to be "Well, does he know that I'm go that despite the continued cold, troutdelivered, seeing Lord Salisbury pass- are already upstairs in a minute and put on

my pajamas and say my prayers and

80 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under

his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-go- od " are but Experiments that trifle with

and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.

lnar Into the study. I said to mm:The House passed two of the bills"I sunDose you are going to think

demanded by railroad employes, oneover what you will say tonight?""No." ho said, in his ironical way, prohibiting blacklisting and the othe

get into bed?""Yes, dear, he knows everything.""Well, tonight he's going to get

fooled, for I'm not going to say myprayers." St. Louis Republic.

"rather to think over what I must not arivlne the right to sueay."

Brutal Thomas.The worm-eate- chestnut of all

"nroverbs" is wel. you know what itIs "Unlucky at cards, luck at love.1

Probably Made a Hit.

A young woman who presides overone of the kindergarten schools otCambridge appeared at her desk re-

cently attired In a new close-fittin- g

skirt. With no thought other than

in the New Mexico courts for damagesagainst railroad companies.

Deming. Francis L. Street fell intoa well near Mirage Btation recentlyand broke his back. He died in fourhours. He was going down Into thewell on a bucket to go to work, and

likely became dizzy and fell oft.

J. B. Woods has finished work on

the auto road between Estancia andLucia. He says there should be some

If your bridge partner is a bit flirtyshe always goo-goo- s at you and

springs It. Then she leads you awayto a secluded soot. You know. Tom the conducting of her regular routine

work, the teacher went about her du-

ties. She noticed, however, that one II!ot her charges was paying little atten


grading done on the line east from Es-

tancia to make it good for wet

weather, but otherwise the road U


tion to his work, but following herwith his eyes wherever she chanced tosro. Approaching the little fellow withthe intention ot ascertaining the trou

AVcgelable fttparmlon for A-

ssimilating iterTOdfflRlRrdula

ting die Siomachs andJMs tf


Letters from Prominent Physiciansaddressed to Chas. H. Fletcher: (

Dr. Albert W. Kahl, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I have used Castoria In

my practice for the past 26 years. I regard it as sn excellent medicinefor children."

Dr. Gustave A. ElBengraeber, ft! St. Paut, Minn., Bays; "I nave used

yonr Castoria repeatedly In my practice with good results, and can reoommend It as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."

Dr. B. J. Dennis, of Bt Louis, Mo., says: "I have used and prescribed! .

four Castoria In my sanitarium and outside practice for a number ot yearand find It to be an excellent remedy for children."

Dr. 8. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have nsed your Cas-

toria In the case ot my own baby and find It pleasant to take, and naveobtained excellent results from Its use."

Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., Bays: "I have used your Castoria lacases ot colic in children and have found it the best medicine ct Its kindon the market." ,

Dr. TL E. Esklldson, ot Omaha, Neb, Bayer "I find your Castoria to e

standard family remedy. It Is the best thing for Infants and children Ihave ever known and I recommend It."

Dr. L. It. ItoblnBon, of Kansas City, Mo, Bays: "Tour Castoria certainlyhas merit Is not its age, its continued use by mothers through all these

years, and the many attempts to Imitate it, sufficient recommendatlonfWhat can a physician add? Leave It to the mothers."

Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New Tort City, says: 'Tor several years I have,

recommended your Castoria and shall alwayi continue to do so, as it has.

Invariably produced beneficial results."Dr. N. B. SIzer, ci Brooklyn, N. Y, saysr "I object to what are called

patent medicines, where maker alone knows what Ingredients are put la.them, hut I know, the formula ot your Castoria and advise Its use."

ble, she said: "Well, Tommy" Be-

fore she could go any further theyoungster shook his boyish head andsaid: "Say, teacher, that s a classyskirt you've got on!" Boston Post.

ProiuolesDigpstionIitetfia- -

my Treathinger was the only one we

ever knew to beat this game, and thatwas an accident. Here was the wayof it:

"Are you lucky at cards?" asked thewomen.

"Very," answered Tommy. "I alwayswin."

"How about love?" she continued,looking arch and kittenish.

"Luck again, plunged Tommy. "I

always lose."

Wouldn't Exhaust His Stock.Torn Ricker kept a country store In

Shapleigh, Me., years ago. He was

constitutionally tired; hated to move

tmless it was absolutely necessary.One summer afternoon.when he was

a nap in his old armchair, his

head tilted back against a pile of grain

bags, 8 customer came In. ,"I want a package of washing soda,

Tom," she said."Haven't any," the proprietor drawled,as he stretched his arms and rubbedbis eyes.

Th customer looked along the top

ness and Keston tains neuterCOFFEE HURTSOne In Three. Opiuni.Morphlne nor Mineral.1


Aryt0dIkSMXLmmHIt la difficult to make people believe

that coffee is a poison to at least one

The House, with scarcely a dissenti-

ng vote, passed a resolution to holdno joint session for the purpose of

electing a senator during the presentsession of the Legislature. It wasthen moved to reconsider the vote bywhich the resolution was passed and

the motion to reconsider was tabled,thus clinching the matter.

John T. Cox, charged with the mur-

der of Lige Carter at Magdalena re-

cently, Carter having been shot andkilled, it is alleged, by Cox, during a

quarrel on the street, was given a

hearing before Justice of the PeaceGreen at Socorro. He waived a prellmlnary examination and was held fortrial, his bond being fixed at $15,000.

Recently at Las Cruces the grandJury returned Indictments against an

person out of every three, but people AslvMjUx.SmMJkMltUtfare slowly finding it out, although

thousands of them suffer terribly be-

fore they discover the fact.

ClortM Suqnrftmn

Anerfecl Remedy forConsfipahelt where he had generally kept hisHon . Sour Stomach,Dlarrtaej GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYSwaslilne soda nackages.Worms fonvulswusjeverisli

A New York hotel man says: "Eachtime after drinking coffee I becamerestless, nervous and excited, so that Iwas unable to sit five minutes in one

place, was also Inclined to vomit andsuffer from loss of sleep, which gotworse and worse.

"A lady said that perhaps coffee wasthe cause of my trouble, and suggestedthat I try Postum. I laughed at thethought that coffee hurt me, but she

n il m ananri ina isiimariiva ofsfcfVVsMa) WsVV tViftUWUVUVentire family. The Indictments are for

"Why, yes you have, Thomas. I see

a package of soda up there on the top

helf," said she.The trader yawned again, and, still

holding down his comfortable Beat, re- -larceny and charge the Barela fam

ncssandLoss or Sleep.

Tax Simile Signamre a

NEW YORK.ily, consisting of six members, with

entering the mercantile establishment"Yes, I know they's one package

there, but it's the last I've got In

stock, and, yer see, I don't want terof Antonio Barncastle, at Dona Ana,and helping themselves to a goodly m

rit entirely out er Body. quantity of groceries and other merchandise. , The Kind You Have Always BoughtThen he resumed his nap, and the

i;,Guarnteed undexasperated customer left.

Dr. Edgar L. Hewett, president of

the School of American Archaeology In Use For Over 30 Years.HOWARD E. BURTON, ASSAYER & CHEMIST Exact Copy of Wrapper. tsisisTMSSMMn, rr skismv stmst, Hcwvoaaom,

Specimen prices: Gold, stiver, lead. $1; fold,?t- ni1. toe: zinc or cooper. II.

at Santa Fe, has accepted the tenderof President D. C. Collier to take the

position of director of exhibits of thePanama exposition at San Diego, and

Mai Unit envelopes and full prle list sent on

application. Control and umpire, work so-

licited Reference.: Carbonate National Bank

will sail soon for Central Americawith Jefferson Davis, director of pub

Live Stock and Miscellaneous

ElectrotypesIn great variety for saleat the lowest prices by

Pomade VaselineA. choice dressing and preservative for th hair, lllg-kl-

refined; delicately perfumed.,

Checks dandruff and keeps scalp In healthy condition.Pomade Vaseline is out up In attractive buttle, and la

BEE SUPPLIESof bust quality st rieht prices. Send for free II.luntrattxl 'Htalo. with Instructions to beginners.v VimTrXr oi absolute purity, Just as It conies

H 1 1 IM p Y (rnm Uie 'ard" "' out nwiiibai'

Insisted so hard that I finally hadsome Postum made. I have been us-

ing It In place of coffee ever since, forI noticed that all my former nervous-ness and Irritation disappeared. I be-

gan to sleep perfectly, and the Postumtasted as good or better than tbe oldcoffee, so what was the use of stick-

ing to a beverage that was injuringme?

"One day on an excursion up thecountry I remarked to a young ladyfriend on her greatly improved appearanee. She explained that some timebefore she had quit using coffee andtaken to Postum. She had gained a

number of pounds and her former pal-

pitation of the heart, humming in theears, trembling of tbe bands and legsand other disagreeable feelings haddisappeared. She recommended me toquit coffee and take Postum and wasvery much surprised to find that I badalready made the change.

"She said her brother had also re-

ceived great benefits from leaving offcoffee and taking on Postum." "There'sa reason."

Ever roast the abaro Utter A astwant appear fraaa tlssw to tlsoe. They

llVilus Sample ny man, luc.

rdnrado Honey Producers" Assn WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION1 W. Adams St., CHICAOO14411 Market Street, Denver. Colorado

llclty, to consult, with tbe CentralAmerican governments as to exhibits.

W. B. Terry, whose trial took placebefore the District Court for Guada-

lupe county, at Santa ROBa, resultedin his acquittal of the charge of mur-

der, growing out of the killing by Ter-

ry of George Urown several monthsago at Cuervo.

A change In the management of thestate reform school at Springer is tobe made at an early date, according


i pit n 2n. mm.

oolltpilble tubes. Insist on Pomade VASELINE.If your dealer does not carry It, write na.W will alM b vlad tft smil jm trm lltustrstM booklet, m pp.. descrlb

Uiff ottiiir uliotfw "mmUb" rpsraUon fur teillaal fsmllj um.Address Iwyt. K.

Chesebrough Manufacturing Company17 State StTMt (Consolidated) New York




Tickets on sale April 28th and 29th,1114 ...nt from 7 A Vfllt.A atlQ DOllltl W. N. U., DENVER, NO.

out'h and west thereof and south ofVance Junction tickets will bs on salsApril 27th ana ism.

Tri.i limit. Anrll 80th. HIS.

to a statement made by Governor W.

C. McDonald. The governor has not

yet made up bis mind who will suc-

ceed Superintendent John W,PUTNAM FADELESS DYESColor more goodsbrighterand fastercolora than any other dye. One 10c pacV- - colors all fibers- They dya M""?"-- , You

iys any garment without ripping apart. Writa for free booklet How to Dye, Bleach and Mn Colors, lit.sTor rates and full particulars, r .11 OD

LOCAL RIO QRANDB AGENT.L'...k a. Wadlelsrb. re getisUsio, traa, ausS tall of hi

latere t.General Passenger Agent,DTfi Oak

Page 5: The Cuervo Clipper, 04-25-1912 - COnnecting REpositories · 2020. 7. 1. · JOB WORf jfjfoie Mieirvo Supper, and STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Thursday

I ML LULU V in tbe caae 01 Oorueiius itlk.,who, on August 13, 19O6, madehomestead entry for the NE4 Sec,

io tue Cuervo Clipper.Dear Edttor; I have been bothNswkirk, N. M. Apt. 23,


Miss Mary Bullock front ioiitr.

HiCcilttOiiSee that your final proof is cor

rect description and also names

Report any error to us at once byletter, it will be promptly attend!to.

'Some time ago the Bureau of

Immigration, at AJbuquerque sent

out a notice to all all New Mexico

newspapers statin? that theywould be glad to farnteh cbeir

subscribers with a supply of par-de- n

seeds. The Bureau still has

a good supply of these seeds on

band and will bs glad to furnish


interested and amused in the pol 'Ulitical (?) communications which

have recently been appearing in

The Clipper, Interested, in that

thare is a tendency to discuss liveE

politics, for with out discussion

we can never arrive at truth.

Amused, to see how mistaken it is

possible a man can be when he

gets the idea that he, himself, is

the only original Cored One.This being a political year, live,

logical, reasonable discussson

should do much good. Not what

Taft, T. R. or Bryan thinks,especially, but what WE think

and why. I would therefore like

to suggest that the Clipper set

aside fi column or departmentwhere its readers, of no matterwhat political persuasion maydebate and discuss the live issuesof the day. The Clipper's a

embrace all shades and

tint's of political beilefs, thereforeit seems to me that such a columnwould not be amiss, would not in

any way injure The Clipper'sstanding as a Republican sheet,and would create a real, wide

spread and educational interestwhich would make for belter gov-

ernment.Give it some appropriate name,

such as The Forum, The Debating

Club, etc: limit the number of

words an article may contain; barany communication not couched in

reasonable and decent language;let sarcasm, opprobruim epithetand ridicule be strictly tabooed;let reason and logic prevail. Letany correspondent sign his own

name or a non. de-plu- as he

lees fit. There are some who donot have suoh aa itching to see

their names in print as someothers, Of course the real namemust also be signed for theeditor's benefit only.

The tariff is among the least of

the political topics at presentThe initiative, referendum

primaries, corrupt practicespublic utilities, efc. are more vitalto the masses and are little under,stood.

Probably by this time our Re- -

publican friend is dancing aboutand yelling, "Socialist!" Sorry Ican't plead "guilty," brother Wilson, for really, as a student ofboth political and social economy,I have a vory sincere admirationfor the Socialist. They not onlyknow exactly where they are

sitting in the saddle but also know

precisely which way the old nag isheaded,' which after all is the im-

portant thing.Hoping, Mr, Editor that you

will see your way cWr to to pre.sent this matter to our readers,I am

. Very respectfully yours,"The Sandtown Sage Himself


Lincoln, Neb. April al. Cor-

rected tabulations of the presi-dsnt- al

preference vote, includingreturns trom 880 precincts, give:

Roosevelt, 31,24a; Taft, 10,692;La Follette, 10,379; Clark, 14,031

Harmon, 11. 241; Wilson, g,860.It is believed that this includes

eighty per cent of the vote of the

J. K. THOMAS,Editor & Publisher,

Published Every Thursday.

, "Entered as second-clas- s mat-tt- r

April 17, 1908, at the post office

at Cuervo, New Mexico, under theAct of Congress of March 3,1879."


" Aereuuini Kates Msda Known en Applicptte

While driving around in theJuan de Dios valley, south of LosTnos. last Snndsv we met Mr.

D. W. Boiwortb who had been

raiding the Cnervo Cliyper at Mt .

Enterprise, Texas. He wantedhis paper sent to Los Tanos here


W also met W. R- - Simons

who, alto reads the Clipper, Mr.

Simons it a cowman and a Social..

1st ,of the dyed in the wool kind

He had read W. L. Wilson'sarticles and wants to reply to Mr,

Wilson, Mr. Simons said he

would like (.o meet Mr. Wilson in

a joint discussion on political

questions, We see no reason

wby Mr Simons and Mr. Wilson

should not have a joint discussion

some time in Cuervo. We findt

that many of the readers of the

Clipper hive had enough of such

discussions on paper to satisfythem for awhile and we have con- -

concluded to end th Clippers

part in the reproduction of such

articles for the- present but will

gladly publish a joint discussionfor any parties that want to engagein one,


Th Clipper has a lot of gardenseed for diitributioa, complimwntof U. S. Senator, Allsn B. Fall.Thosa who want them should call


st the Clipper office. First cornsfirst served.


It now seams assured that the

Johnson-Flyn- n fipjht will bs

staged at Las Vegas, according toa press dispatch of Wednesdayfrom Chicago as follows:

Jack Johnson and Jim Flynnwill fight forty-fiv- e rounds for the

world's championship at Las

Vsgas, N, M., on the afternoon of

July 4. according to an official an-

nouncement made last night by

Jack Curley promorter of the eon-tea- t.



In order to answer the many

inquiries regarding the proposednew "Three-yea- r homestead law,"we reprint the following from last

wk's issueof the Review:

That the Borah three-yts- r

home stead bill, if enacted into law

as it passed tbe House, would be

ictnpreted by the General Land

Ofticf as applicable to all pendingben siad entries, includingtboie under the 820-acr- e act, was

rride clear at a meeting of the

conferees on the Borah measure.

Subscribe lor the Clipper.

of Cuervo spent Sunday sad lion'

day with Mist Lou Howafd, Mrs

David Howard accompanied herhome for a short visit.

J. F. Popbam and Geo. Magillare plowing for M. C. de Baoa.

Ira Gray left for Obar Monday


County Supt. J. V. Gallagos has

appointed two school directors tofill the vacancies caused by failure

to elect at tbe annnal school meet-

ing. Gumescindo Romero for 3

years and Mrs. H, H, Rusby for

the x year term.Mr, Hatnacher who has a claim

in Hawkeye Valley came from the

East, Monday.

, Runalda Baca and family eame

in from Vaughn, Monday.Gumizcindo Romero moved his

family onto his farm Monday,Dr. Finley was in town Tuesdsy

calling professionally at J. F.

Pophia and H. H. Rusby who are

on tbe sick list.

Mrs. Mary A. Johns who has

been spending some time with her

daughter left for Santa Rosa,

today,Messrs Curry and Aragon ex-

pect to ship 3 carloads of soapweeds from this place Saturday,

Silveno Martinez and familyreturned from Vaughn, Sunday.

Frutoso, Ortiz left for Santa

Rosa. Monday.

,,Duke of Olivenda"

Buxton ItemsApril a .191a

To Ths Clipper.Ice here this morning but did

not kill the young eorn and

garden truck,

Eyerybody is busy on the big

erop we expect to make this year.Several from the valley ware in

Cuervo last week.

Mr. Smith who has been in

Okla. for some time was back on

his claim for a few days last week.

Mr, J. D, Reed has been sick

but in better now.

Mrs. Z-- Buxton has been

visiting her son. Ben, for a tew

days,- Edd Hodges and family were

visiting at Mr. Neals, Sunday.Mr. A. Potter and wife were

calling at Mr. G. H. Buxton's

today.Mr, Harvey who has been in

Texas for some time writes that he

will be back on his claim soon,Mr. R. D. Hall is expected

home in a few days.Mr, F. E, Brumley spent Sun-do- y

t Mr. A. Potter's;Mr. Arthur Pritchard was at

Edd Hodges Monday.Ben Buxton has received over

two hundred letters from peoplein several different states want,ing intormation about the greatcountry around Buxton, N. M.

Rattlesnake Pete.

Chicago woman has sued a

beauty doctor for 5,0000 for

spoiling her complexion. Justthink of any girl witn $50,000worth seeking the service of a

beauty doctor.

Life is Retting to be just one

stve contention after another.

T. 9, NR9E. and Sept, 30,

20, 1909 made additional home-

stead entry for the W2 SE4and Ea SW4 Sec 33, T.ON., R9

under the act of Feb, I9,

1909, upon which final proot was

made of both entries Septia, I9II,and final certificate issued by thelocal Land Office, under date of

April z, 1612, rejected the final

proof as to the additional entryfor the reason that residence upo n

and cultivation of the originalentry maintainad prior to to date'of the additional entry cannot be

made on the additional entry, Jtis said that proof cannot be made

on additional entry until it is fivo

years old. New proof may bemade thereon when it is not lessthan five years old, upon the

showing that entry man has culti-

vated an amount equal to one-eig-

of the area of the additiona 1

entry, beginning with its secon d

year and one fourth of the area

beginning with its third year, andcontinued as required by Section

4, of the act. This cultivation

may be of land embraced in eitherthe original or the additional

entry, and residence may be con-

tinued on either entry. Ex,

Judging from 111. results,

that suit case stolen from Govern-

or Wilson, must have contained

all of his Illinois supporters.

First pub. April II, 06914

Notice For PoblicatiomDepartment of the Interior,

U. Land Office t Tueumearl, N. M.

April. 1, 1912.

Notice li hereby given thatGeorge S. Arnold of Haile.N. M., who, onFeb. 18, 1907. made H. E. No. 16856

f o r SW.t Seotion. S, Township8 N. Range 15. E. N. M. P. Meridianhas Uled notice ot Intention to makePinal five year Proof, to establishclaim to the land abate describedbefore John R. Thomas TJ, S. CommissioneratCuerro , N. M on the 14th day ofMay. 1813.

Claimant names as witnesses:J, W. Dockery. C.C. Cook, Henry Wood-

ward. Tom CJrass all of Halle, N.R, A. Prentice, Register'

First pub. April. 11.


Department of the Interior.U. S. Land Office at Tueumcari, N. M,

April. I. 191 JNotice Is hereby liven the!

Fred B.Hullet. of HaileN.M., who, ox March,16, ISO", made Homestead Entry No. 18857

forSW.l andAddl. Feb, It, 1911, ber. No.01 1915 for SE.t Section 36, Township N,Range I5E, N.M.P. Meridian, has filed noticeo f intention to make Final fire-yea- r

Proof to establish olaim to the land above de-

scribed before John K. Thomas, TJ. S.Commissioner, at Cuervo, N. M,, on theHth day of May 1918.

Claimant names as witnesses:Aden Kceter. D. E. BaUard. Calvin W, Rauch.Thomas Price, all ot Haile. N. M.

R. A, Prentice, Register.

First pub. , April 4, 07437

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior.

TJ . S . Land Office at Tueumcari, N, M.March 39. 1913.

Notice Is hereby given thaiFlorentino Fiores, of TTOxton, N. ,lf.who on March 1907. made Home-stead Entry No. 18713. for N ElSection 30. T, 1N, Rangj. E.N. M.P. M

has Sled notice of intention to make Finalfive year Proof, to establish claim to theland above described before John R,Thomas, TJ. S. Commissioner at Cuerve.N, M.onthe6tb day of May. 1911.

Claimant names as witnesses:George Chaves. Telesfor M. Chaves, SantiagoRodrietuez. Lus. CJonsles. all of Buxton,N.M.

R. A, Premise Register.

rirst pub, A pril 4. 016170

NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior.

U.S. Land Office at Tueumearl N,M.March. S9. , 1913,

Notice Is hereby fives thatCurtis D. Price, of Halle. N. M. who.on March . It. 1907 HomesteadEntry No. 15958 for SB. ) . Section 11

Township 8N. Range S5.E. N.M. P Meridian.ha Hied notice of intention to make FinalAre-yea- Proof, to establish claim tothe land above described, before John R,Thomas' U. S. Commissioner at Cuervs. N.M. on the 8th. da of May 1913.

Claimant names aa witnesses: .

C, C. Cook. D. IS. Ballard, S.J. IVpprr all ofCtie'vo, N. M. T. J. Trice of Haiti-- , N. M.

K. A. Prentice Rcrtster.


First pub March. 21, Not coal. 07159 013869


rj. s. Land office at Tueumcari, v. a.Department of the Interior. '

March, 14. 191?.thSNotice 1b hereby given

Calvin W. Rauch. oi Halle. N. M whs

Mar, 11. 1907, wade H E. No. 15980 forsnd additional entry made November 19. 1909

Serial No. 012693 for the sE. t. Section UTownship 8 N, Range 25 E. N. M.,

Meridian, has riled notice of intention tomake Final r poof to establish claimto the' land above described '.before QeoriSena County Clerk Guadalupe Cou nty alSanta Rosa.N. Mex.on the 23rd day of April,,19! 2.

claimant names as witnesses: m

D. E.Ballard J.T. Stone both of Cuervo. N.M.

Thomas Price. Isham Woodward, both otHaile, N, M,

R. A. Prentice. Register

fcot coal land First pub. March 28 06746.


Department of the Interior. i

U. S. Land Olhce at Santa Fe N. MexMarch. 19.1918.

Notice is here by given that JuanSUneros. of Cuervo.. N, M. who on J.nuary JS3. 1005. made Homestead Entry No.

forNiSE.lY.NJ SWJ. of Section 26. Township'UN.. .Range 24. E. N, M, P.Meridian,has Med notice of intention to make Final

r proof, to establish claim to thaland above described, before Geo. SenCounty Clerk Guadalupe County, at SantaBoss, on the 4th day of May 19U.

Claimant names as witnesses:Patricio Qutntana. Pablo L.Quintana, Ju'.tinMaeetas, Maximiliano Slsneros all of Cuervo,N.M.

Manuol R. Otero Register

ist pub. March 28. Not coal 080S7


Department of the Interior. I

TJ. S. Land ORtce at Santa Fe. N. M.

March. 20, 1912

Notlcs is hereby given thaiMelecio Martinez of Trementina N.M.. whson Dec. 21, 1906 made :h. E, No.

for S i SW- - See. 13. E.i KW. ), ofSection 24 Township 15N Range 23E. N. U. P.Meridian has filed notice of intention to make '

final Ave year Proof, to establish olaimto the land above described, before Q. B.Buxton, TJ. S. Commissioner, at BuxteaN. M on the 4th. day of May 1912.

claimant names as witnesses:Manuel G. Martinez. Valentin Madrid. MaleeiaSanchez, Prudenclo Martinez all of, Tremenstins, N. M. '


First pub Mar. 38 Not coal land 07M1

Department of the Interior, f iU, s. Land office at Santa Fe, New Mexice'i

March 19.1912.

Notice Is hereby given thaiCreeencto Enoinias of Trementina, N, M.whoon Oct. 4.1908, made Homestead Entry No.10073 N. i NE.t. NJ NWl Section 9

Township 13 N. Range 24E, N.M.P. Meridianhas filed notice ot Intention to make FinalAve year Proot .to establish claim to theland above described , before O. H. Buxton. '

TJ. S. Comr.: at Buxton, New Mex. en she4th day of May, 1912.

Claimant names as witnesses:Branlio Vtlafando, Prudencio Martiaea,Telesfor Jaramillo, Dionisio Madrid, all ofTrementina, N. M.

Manuel R. Otero' Register.

1st pub. April 4. 07156

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior.

TJ. S. Land Office at Tueumcari. N. M.March. 39, 1011.

Notlcs Is hereby given thaiThomas J. Price, of Haile. N. M.. who. ouMarch. 11, 1907, made Homestead EntryNe. 16954 for NE. , Section 11. Township8N. Range 26E, N.M.P. Meridian, has filednotice of Intention 'to make Final r

Proof, to establish claim to the landabove described, before John R.Themss TJ. S.Commissioner at Cuervo. N. M. on the of May 1911,

Claimant names as witnesses:Ed. Sallberger. Hiram, Price. Ben Sallbereerof Haile.N. M. J. T, Stone, of Cuervo, N. M.

R. A. Prentlee, Register.

Not Coal Land First Pub Mar.. 3s 0(714

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior.

TJ. S. Land Office at Santa Fe N,M.Mar. 33. 1912

Notice Is hereby given thatJames A. Boylan, Sr. ot Buxton, N, M., whoon April 1st, 1905. made . Homestead EntryNo.8270 forNtSW.J NSEt Seotion H3.

Township UN., R a ng e 33 E.,Meridian, has filed notice of intention tomake Final nve-ye- Proof, to establishclaim to the land above described, before-O-

H, Buxton. U, . Commissioner, at BuxtonN.M. on the 6th. day of May 1913.

Claimant names as witnesses:John L. Taylor. J. O. Neafus, Jose Bernal.James A. Boylan. Jr, ail of Cuervo. N. M.

Manuel R. Otero. Register.

First pub. Mar. 28. Not Coalland 07678.Notice For PublicationDepartment of the Interior.

TJ. S. Land Office at Santa Ke. N. Mex.March. 20, 1912

Notice is hereby !, that'TelesforJaramilloi of Trementlra N. M non Aug. 7, 1908 made Homestead Entry No

for NJ NE, Sec. 33 Vj SEsection 28. Township I5N Range 54E N.' '

U. P. Meridian has tiled notice of intamirtn nmake Final five-yea- r Proof, to establishclaim to the land above described. beforeG. H. .Buxton. U. S. Comm atBuxton. N. M., on the 4th, day ofMay ma,

Claimant num- - u wltiAtic.aa.Tmrioro Madri. Abehno Estrada. Martin'Blea. Madrid, all of Trementina 'N.M.

Manuel R. Otero Register, .

them t o '

those who desire

them and who will send in theirname and address at once. A

caretull list of all applicants is

being kept and next year the Im-

migration Bureau hopes to be

able to furnish each of these

applicants with a better assort-

ment than it has been possible to

obtain this season. Pea, carrot,lettuce, radish, beans, parsley,tomato, best and watermelon

seeds are now in hand, and a lib-

eral supplv will be sent to all de-

siring them, At the end of th

growing season the Bureau of Im-

migration desires to have .those

to whom tbe seeds have been

furnished send in a statement

giving lhe results obtained, the

same to be used in advertisingand statistical work.

Gold bearing coal has bssn dis-

covered in Wyoming, That's the

kind we've ben been psying farail winter.

Abbott NewsMr. L. Ballew wife and child

ran departed for their home in

Oklahoma, after spending twoweeks with his mother.

Mrs. J. M- - Walder, Mrs. W.

Edgerton and daughter, Lucile,was shopping in Cuervo Friday.

Mrs. Nora Woodward andchildren ome in on s visit with

her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.


Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. Minor

entertained at their home: Mr. J,1

M, Smith and wife and children.Lets snd Lois Carnaban visited

with their friend Miss Luoile Ed-

gerton, Wednesday,Mr. F. M. Huff is drilling a

well on his ranch this week.Our school closed last Tuesday.

with an' entertainment in the




W. A. Buchanan and wife wentto Fort Sumner Wednesday andeorae back Thursday.

Glen Downing was in our

neighborhood buying yearlings.Mr, Brown of Ft, Summer was

up looking after cattle and spentthe night with I. A. Dynum.

The Huff boya and Luther

Riddle went to Bull Canyon after

Post and were three days a gettingin with their loads.

W, B. Riddle went up to Tom

Graggs and Keeters atter seed for

his neighbors this week.

Mrs. Shaves returned home she

had been spending the last few

month with her daughter Mrs,

Idd Hnff.

The farmers around Riddls are

planting and plowing like they

meent to raise a crop this year.

George Alford come in from

Bull Canyon where he had been

cutting post.Willie.