The codes and conventions of a music magazine

THE CODES AND CONVENTIONS: There are many things of which we, as readers of magazines, expect from a magazine, the basics being as followed; ~ Front Cover ~ Contents Page ~ Double-page Spread ~ Feature article

Transcript of The codes and conventions of a music magazine

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There are many things of which we, as readers of magazines, expect from a magazine, the basics being as followed;

~ Front Cover

~ Contents Page

~ Double-page Spread

~ Feature article

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The Front Cover: we expect the front cover of any magazine to instantly reveal to the reader of what that specific issue is all about, it's main job, through my perspective is to sell the magazine, to really spark interest with the reader. this can be accomplished with a few basic priorities.

Colour Scheme: The colour scheme can not be bland so as to be unnoticed, yet it can also not be bright and with a variety of colours that are not consistent (a prime example would be any issue of TOTPs, all the many colours represent the magazine as being an messy and unprofessional look). the colour scheme should only be of around one colour (three at the very most) that should be supported with a range of shades. The colour scheme should be consistent and should carry throughout the whole magazine as a way of supporting an idea of continuity.

The Image: images are crucial throughout any magazine, but most likely the feature image on the front cover is probably the most important, for the way of which it is the first impression of the magazine of which the reader will be given. When choosing an image, it is important to select carefully for the image not only reveals the artists whom are the main compelling factor of the issue (the artist/s should preferably be popular to the target audience). It is also important to consider, costumes, props, and camera angles so as your image will reveal a theme to your readership as well as attracting new readers. An example might be a young undiscovered artist/s, captured in a mid-shot, smiling at the camera as he holds a guitar; the close up and the smile towards the audience reveals that he is acknowledging them, of which will help to convince the needs of acceptance of which a reader might hold, where as the guitar highlights the fact that he is a talented musical artists and not just an another singer, which will help to sell that issue.

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Contents Page:

Letter from the Editor: By having a personalised opinion on the issue, the reader feels more welcomed and accepted as both opinions of reader and editor are joined and ultimately compared as well as matched with one another. This a very good summary as to the content of the issue, as well as an inside perspective of what goes on to creating the issue which will result in adding an extended amount of information, of which most audiences of music magazines desire the most (as seen by the gratification theory, we crave things that possess a wider range of information for humans love to learn) this in itself provides one of the primary reasons on why magazine still continue to exist and sell in this age of technology.

Images: A range of images will normally be displayed in the contents page so as to help support and illustrate specific articles of which are most likely to be a magazines 'hot-spots' again discussed above about images, it is important to select the props and camera angles of which you chooses to feature those objects or artists so as for the magazine to reveal the right representation to its audience.

Subscription Details: subscription details are always a good idea to be placed on the contents page for it is the page that is most likely to be viewed through the average reader (to know which page the wanted article is on).

Advertisements: adverts are also good to place on the continents page for it is one of the most frequently viewed pages in the magazine. It is key to remember to style the advertisements to the correct target audience; an example being alcohol for Indie/ Rock magazine.

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Double-Page Spread: Usually is a follow up to the feature article, and can be seen as a simple introduction for the main articles of the issue, ( the double page indicating such a great amount of importance). Through my research I can safely say that the format to a double-page spread, is something of a simple one. normally there is a close up of the artist, as well a quote to encapsulate the persona of that artist so already before the reader delve in to the actual article, they already in the knowledge of what sort of artists they are dealing with (e.g. rebellious, happy go lucky).

Feature Article: An article based upon the cover feature of the front cover of that magazine, the articles should aim to be in great detail, but it is important to understand on aspects of information does the audience actually want; it could just be about the artists and there personas with a few funny anecdotes, or it could be statistics and truthful honest opinions on the artists and his or her music. Images, like on every page of the magazine are used here, mainly solely focusing on the artists so as to reflect the attitude of the article.

Image: Throughout my research of double page spreads there are only around 1-3 images, yet these images are very much important as they help to encapsulate the subjective articles that feature. Normally a very a large image take sup a page, almost so that it is an introduction that eases and interests the reader into looking through the double page spread, and the articles that well closely follow.

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The Audience:

the audiences the backbone of success to any magazine. when creating any magazine you must always focus on the target audience and question if these articles are appropriate or suitable for that target audience, ( for would the majority of teenagers really want to purchase a magazine on classical music).

Audiences read magazine so as to gain two quality's that every age range desires from media; entertainment and information. Readers buy the magazines so as to be entertained, pleasure such as being closer to the artist with specific articles of that artists that not really any other media might not be able to achieve. we are also entertained with the idea of collectability, and how we as devoted readers to our devoted chosen genre of music, enjoy collecting, keeping and storing magazines, posters and possibly freebies for we are safe in the knowledge that we are devoted fans that we dedicate are time to magazine sand the artists whom feature in them.

Some might disagree with this, and say that the magazine is an out-dated part of media that struggles to survive in the techno-based world of today, what with websites, and social media, that bring information and entertainment through a quicker and far cheaper way. But I would argue that the pleasure of purchasing that magazine is actually to gain a tangible piece of information, how it pleases the reader. As well, I would like to add that websites give up too much information with endless links and adverts than in the end it would irritate most readers for the bombardment of dull facts. to finalise I would like to say that a magazine offers prizes, competitions and subscription gifts, where as a percentage of audience might not even have a computer. Anyone can pos ton the internet, where as if you buy a magazine you are in full in the knowledge that the journalist are trained as well as truthful, of which results in the success of the magazine.

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The Representation:

The genre of music that I have chosen for my music magazine is Rock.

The stereotypical view:





On one hands adding these elements to my magazine will help to justify my magazine, any reader will instantly be able to look at my magazine and tell that it's a rock magazine (judging by the heavy colour black that is full bleed amongst the front cover. For these reasons I think is important to add a stereotypical view for my magazine, but to not exaggerate the theme for it could insult readers as well as discriminate them as it might be sent that we mock the readers, of which we utterly do not want to achieve.

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Magazines make money through three ways:

- The purchase: the money off the purchase of the magazine.

- Advertisements: how the magazine will allow adverts to be printed in their magazine, the advertisement companies paying the magazine for allowing the advertisement.

- Subscription Details: additional or bonus money are when readers of the magazine pay a fee to subscribe to the magazine of which they are to receive each issue as well as certain gifts.

Another way for magazine to receive money is through the sue of other forms of media that are connected to the magazine. for example music channels, radio stations, or award ceremonies.

Example: Kerrang having there own radio station of which they will take a profit of phone calls from listeners as well as placing advertisements throughout the break