The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

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ROBERT TAFT.Republican candidate for Senate. Down to the wire

I HOWARD METZENBAUM, Democratic candidate for Senate.

An Independent Student Voice ■me BG news Bowling GreanjDhio

Tuesdoy OSflWt 3, 1970 Volume 55 Number 41

Cloud, Gilligan predict victory Both Republican Roger Cloud and

Democrat John J. Gilligan predicts vic- tory in the race for governor of Ohio as Cloud, behind in most polls, began a last- riunute television blitz that included a statement on the state loan scandal.

In a news release yesterday, Cloud predicted a "surprise victory" over Gilligan, citing a poll last week by the Dayton Daily News, which he said showed the gap between the two can- didates "closing fast."

Gilligan, meanwhile, made a similar 'prediction in Cincinnati, saying "victory

is near." The race betweenRep. Robert Taft Jr.

and Democrat Howard M. Metzenbaum for a seat in the U.S. Senate was rated a tossup in final polls with 20 per cent of the

•electorate undecided, apparently a measure of apathy evidenced through much of the campaign.

In 47 of the 50 states today, voters choose either a senator or governor, or both, and in every state picks its share of the 435 members of the House of Representatives in the 92nd Congress. Many states also have legislature elections, consititutional amendment votes and local bond issues.

The national themes are the emotional issues such as law and order and the unrest in society, and the pocketbook issues: inflation, unem- ployment and the cost of living.

But the issues state-by-state are almost as numerous as the candidates and outcome probably will tell little about national trends although winners may .argue otherwise.

At stake: 35 Senate seats, now held by 25 Democrats, 10 Republicans; 35 governorships, now divided 11 Democrats, 24 Republicans; 435 House

Winter grads find few fobs

By Marls McCrabb

Prospective December graduates now looking for jobs are finding the pickings slim.

Normally during the first quarter, there are about 155 businesses con- ducting interviews. This year, 30 have cancelled.

"What really hurts is many of the businesses that have cancelled are ones that have been coming here for many years." according to Mike Kuhlin,

Tri-editor says

yearbook recall

no dollar strain The summer section of the Key will

be redistributed today. Although the cost of changing the controversial picture of a jlack student has not yet been deter- mined, 'John Cessna, tri-editor of The Key, said it would not adversely effect the Key's budget.

Friday, after the recall was an- nounced, The Key received several more

•complaints, Cessna said. Major complaints involved the

rmispelling of a girl's name, the picture of the girl draped in the flag, the sex survey, the riot story and the in- ternational center story, he said.

"You could tell the people were angered that we had recalled the books," Cessna said. "They asked why we had changed the picture."

Callers were told, "We realized the picture wasn't in the best taste and

\ the reason we were recalling them was to avert any trouble on campus," Cessna said.

About 1,000 of the 1,500 copies that were distributed have been returned, Cessna said.

Distribution will take place today in the Forum of the Student Services •uilding from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. After today the Key can be picked up at 310 Student Services.

Placement Counselor. "They usually have full schedules and are big em- ployers."

Kuhlin attributed the big drop off to the bleak economic situation in business today.

"Educational positions are not as directly affected. We only had three schools cancel, but during first quarter it's hard to see a trend for school districts." Kuhlin added.

Some of the direct reasons for the lack of openings are that people already employed change jobs less during an economically tight period.

Companies are also finding that they have enough walk-inapplicants for jobs, so that they don't have to recruite as much, Kuhlin added.

"The big change as far as students are concerned", said Kuhlin, "is that now they have to take more of an initiative.

"Whereas in the past, we had to cancel companies because there wasn't enough student interest, now students are signing up for interviews at a greater rate."

According to Kuhlin students can't afford to be as selective this year as in the past, especially in the level at which they hope to start.

He also pointed out that the tight job market is driving more students to graduate school.

"However, .we have to warn the students that if this economic trend persists, the companies might be more reluctant to pay the higher salaries for a master's degree," Kuhlin added.

Other schools are also experiencing business cancelations, many at a much higher percentage, but sUll our situation is quite serious, said Kuhlin.

Traditionally, toe first quarter is almost exclusively businesses, with a few schools who are looking for specific students for specific Jobs. Second quarter, it levels out more evenly bet- ween businesses and schools, and third quarter is almost totally school districts.

However, if the economic picture doesn't brighten, Kuhlin added, the 30 businesses that cancelled first quarter might cancel again second quarter.

seats now held by 243 Democrats, 137 Republicans, with 5 vancanies.

Outlook: Republican hopes of gaining 7 seats necessary for control of the Senate faded late in the campaign and the prognosis is for a net gain of one to three Senate seats on the GOP side of the aisle.

Democrats seem destined to pick up at least four governorships, reducing their 32-18 deficit.

Democrats are expected to increase their margin in the House, but not by the traditional average of 37 seats that usually falls to the party out of White House power in the off-year elections.

Last-minute changes: The incident in San Jose, Calif., when Presidnet Nixon was jeered by demonstrators and some rocks were thrown, plus the President's subsequent speeches emphasizing this violence, throw an unknown factor into

predictions previously made in polls. Democrats also are going on television to counter the last-minute Republican thrust.

The campaign: Observers agree that the fighting, locally and nationally, has been the roughest of any campaign in recent years, and produced smear tactics in many local battles.

America votes today after a caustic midterm campaign climaxed by a last night television exchange between the men who may face each other in the presidential race of 1972.

President Nixon spoke for the Republican on election eve through a filmed reprise of a speech he made Saturday in Phoenix decrying violent dissent.

Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, of Maine represented the Democrats after they scraped together enough money


Jane Fonda talks today Jane Fonda is coming to Bowling Green. She will speak in the Amphitheater behind the Union, weather per-

mitting, or in the ballroom in case of rain. Miss Fonda will talk on the alternatives that America, and especially

American Youth, are faced with. She has travelled the backroads of America .she has set up the G.I.

Office in Washington DC. to investigate alleged illegal discipline against soldiers who have spoken out against the war, and she has picked with the Indians.

She will, of course, speak on political involvement. Miss Fonda feels "that there is no weapon as powerful as thealter-

native." And among the alternatives she is speaking of is a third party in 1972. She is now working with "Mother of the Third Party."

Miss Fonda will address students at 12:30p.m. today.

yesterday to buy half the time the Republicans had originally purchased. Muski replied to what he called "Republican tactics of fear and division."

Republican outspent the debt-ridden Democrats this campaign and those finances were central in developments that led to last nights matching 15- minute telecasts.

The Republican National Committee first purchased 30 minutes of time on each of the three major television net- works. Democratic National Chairman lawrence F. O'Brien challenged the GOP and asked the networks to split the time in half for each party and make it available free. He pleaded party poverty. Muskie also asked for free time.

The networks turned down the request for free time, but agreed, with Republican concurrence, to sell

Democrats half the time originally booked by the GOP.

While the Republicans, led by Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, hammered a litany against crime, violence and unruly dissent, the Democrats sought to emphasize inflation and unemployment.

The contrasting pleas left voters something of a choice between voting their purses or their passions if they once cut through local issues, personalities and images.

For Nixon and Agnew, the ballots of the perhaps 60 million persons expected to vote can either tarnish or polish their prestige as campaigners.

Between them, they appeared in 35 states, concentrating on a batch of close Senate races. On yesterday, final campaign day, however, they took it easy.

Student obtains ok to register

One of three graduate students ap- pealing decisions by the Wood County Board of Elections was granted the right to register to vote in the county by the Sixth District Court of Appeals Friday.

The Board had ruled that a student's address for votingpurposesis usually his home address and refused their registration. Other graduate students were not allowed to vote by the board, but did not appeal.

James Coffman, graduate assistant in sociology was permitted to register after the court ruled that he had been a resident of Wood County for more than one year and intends to become a per- manent resident.

"I'm glad I can vote and I'm recognized as citizen of the United States and Wood County," Coffman said. "I feel that the court made a mistake in not granting the other two the right to vote."

Coffman said that he feels the case sets a precedent for further court cases, because the court reprimanded the Board for holding improper hearings.

Coffman Is the only one of the three who holds a job outside the University. He is a director of the Wood Sandusky- Ottawa-Seneca Community Action Commission and of its Wood County Opportunity Center.

Ron Sherer, graduate assistant in speech and Richard Simington, graduate assistant in English were both denied the right to register after the court ruled that they had not established residency requirements.

Judge Harvey Straub said the voting rights can be granted if the board of elections or a court determines that the resident has established or acquired "a home for a permanent residence."

Although the three students testified that they intended to remain in Bowling Green, Judge Straub claimed their in- tentions were not permanent. Among the three judges of the Court, Judge Straub voted against allowing the three to register.

Judge John Potter held that the Ohio constitution is designed to aid those desiring to vote.

He cited a 1968 decision involving a Kent State University student, which said that if a student considers the county

his present home and has no intention of returning to his parent's home, "he will be allowed by the courts in most states to vote in the college town."

Judge Potter cast a dissenting vote In the decision against Shere and Simington.

Coffman said that there will be no appeal in the cases of Shere and Simington. A new suit will be filed after the election to test the constitutionality of Ohio residency laws and their current interpretations, he said.

Weekend tally-- 3 bomb threats, 2 evacuations

Three bomb threats have been called in to various University buildings since Thursday.

The first was a threat made to the Student Services Building, where a three- stick dynamite-like device was removed.

Laboratory technicians are still at work on the device to determine its make-up. Conflicting reports have been made on the device, some claiming it was an explosions, others saying the sticks were railroad flares.

Friday evening two other scares were reported. One threat was phoned in to the University Union around 8 p.m. The building was not evacuated and police found nothing after their search.

Around 9:30 p.m a bomb threat was phoned in to the University Library and the building was evacuated to the sound of the fire alarm. The alarm touched off the speculation that a fire was in progress on one of the upper Library floors, but this was not the case.

Again, fire department officials and police officers conducted a search of the building, but nothing was found.

The threats raise the number of known bomb scares on campus this academic year to four, the first having been called into the Administration Bldg. about three week* mon

Page 3: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Page 2 The BG News, Tuesday, November 3, 1970


parties or people? President Nixon has laid his terms on the line. His

hard-nosed drive for support of Republican candidates is a play for approval of his own administration.

He wants today's midterm election to be regarded as a referendum on the first two year's of his Presidency.

Friday night, the President made his first nationally televised campaign speech. He made this explicit statement to his audience:

"Whatever state you live in, vote for those men who will vote for the President rather than against him, so that the President can keep his promises to you, the American people."

Well, we, the American people, wish that the President were less concerned with party politics and more dedicated to developing a working relationship with all people, regardless of party affiliation, to fulfill his glorified promises.

Today's educated voter knows better than to vote "straight ticket." He is not so narrow-minded that he would support a candidate on the basis of political party loyalty alone.

Obviously, the President doesn't give us, the American people, credit for actually considering a candidates platform before we cast our votes.

The President campaigned for Republican senatorial candidates in 23 states the only ones he missed were those where the Republican vote was almost assured.

About the only Democrat Mr. Nixon did not actively campaign against was Gale McGee of Wyoming, who has given him support on Vietnam and other issues.

And it Mr. McGee should win In his Senate race, it could be considered one less vote of confidence for the Nixon

'We've Been Playing Politics Like Ya See On The 'Paid Political Announcement' Show'


administration. Wasn't that a noble sacrifice?

making it up

The strike by the United Auto Workers against General Motors is SO days old. Because of the strike, 400,000 workers in the United States and Canada are idle.

The deadlock may break soon, however, as the Federal Government's mediation and conciliation service has threatened intervention if progress toward a settlement doesn't speed up.

The strike has obviously hurt both GM and the workers. Also, the nation's economy is not immune from the ills

suffered by GM, the world's largest business organization. But the strike was necessary. It's the only effective way, although often financially

painful, for the worker on the assembly line to be heard. And his complaints are real and numerous -hours of

monotonous work at a brain-numbing pace, and wages steadily losing ground to higher costs of living.

A worker in this century can hardly be blamed for being fed up with labor that offers no satisfaction but a paycheck.

It's in his interest, then, to attempt to insure that at least his pay is as high as possible.

For in pursuit of progress and material gain, mass production has robbed the worker on the line of two other values once held dear-his dignity and creativity.

And so, executives of General Motors, your respon- sibility in strike negotiations is to make up as best you can for what you've taken away.

rour man hoppe-

the real imperialists By Mill Halpern


On October 28, the BG News carried an AP story discussing the growing identification of radical Americans with Palestinian guerrilla groups, which are seen as an armed force in combat to liberate the Third World from im- perialism. Unfortunately, the attitude of the Palestinians, accepted without question by their sympathizers, is that Israel necessarily must play the role of imperialist in this scenario.

In that way, the 47 innocent passengers killed last year on a Swiss Air Jet are called the victims of Israeli im- perialism, rather than the victims of the Palestinians who planted the bomb on the aircraft! The argument sounds familiar. By the same token, Medgar Evars and

other civil-rights workers killed by Klansmen in the South were the victims of black imperialism, the starved Biafrans were the victims of Ibo im- perialism, and the oppressed blacks of South Africa are the victims of Kaffir imperialism.

The real imperialists in the Middle East are those who, for the past fifty years, refused to accept the notion of local self-government in the area, the spokesmen of Pan-Arabism, who insist that all of the Middle East must be of Arab nationality, and that a Jew has no nationality except that which the state he occupies cares to grant him. When the United Nations proposed in 1947 that

news Lerrers the gas proposal

The following letter is submitted as a progress report of the GAS proposal for student representation on the Board of Trustees. The issue is now scheduled as an Item for discussion on the agenda of this Friday's Board meeting.

In our contacting of various members and organizations of the University Community, we have found considerable support for the proposal. Support from individual members of the faculty has been most encouraging.

During the coming week, we hope to complete our goal of obtaining a show of support from many of the organizations of the Student Body. Dormitory governments, fraternities and sororities, and special interest groups are especially important.

Thus, we would ask that all organizations give consideration to the proposal if they haven't already. Copies of the position paper and people working in GAS can be reached at Student Ac- tivities, 405 Student Services Building, 2- 2951.

One question seems to be continually asked regarding the proposal: What makes it different from last spring's Board of Trustees drive? An answer to this question can be found by looking at the essence of both drives.

Requesting student representation through appointment by Governor Rhodes and confirmation by the Senate, the proposal asked him to disregard the common practice of political ap-

pointments. As it turned out, Rhodes was rather unsympathetic to the proposal regardless of its many merits.

The current proposal differs because it doesn't Involve politics. Dr. Bond often says that ideas in the university must not involve "pressure" or "numbers", that they must be accepted solely on the basis of their academic strength.

Therefore, our position paper strives to show where student representation to the Board of Trustees is both reasonable and justifiable request which has as an important goal Improving the func- tioning of the Board. It is a proposal that has worked elsewhere, and there is no reason why it won't work here.

Though the concept of student

representation to the Board has been around for a few years, the request we make is one that has yet to be refuted effectively. It is our hope that the Board will give this proposal the consideration it deserves, and that it will be adopted as soon as possible.

Art Toalston GAS Ad-Hoc Committee for Student

Representation to the Board of Trustees 203 Sigma Nu

there be independent Jewish and Arab states within the area of the British ; Mandate, the Arabs of Palestine and ••, neighboring countries rejected it, •; choosing armed aggression instead in an attempt to drive the Jews into the tea.

When they had failed to do this, the Arab states did not allow Palestine to develop nationhood on what remained of the territory alloted for the Arab state. Instead, the Kingdom of Transjordan annexed the entire west bank of the Jordan River, changed its name to 1, | Jordan, and kept the Palestinians as a second-class community within its borders. The rich oil kingdoms of Saudi- Arabia and Kuwait were happy to utilize American investments and cheap Palestinian labor to exploit thel- own development. They did not grant citizenship to the Palestinians within their borders, and did not encourage Palestinians to develop a nationality of their own.

So long as the Palestinian believed that his Arab brethren would soon expel the Jews and give him Israel, he allowed himself to be dependent on the selfish political and economic exploitation of the Arab stat. s. Only after June, 1967, when the Arab states proved once again that they were incapable of wiping Israel off the map, did the Palestinian undertake the initiative in achieving his own nationhood, and the guerrilla movement is the result. 1

From the beginning of Its own in- dependence, Israel has accepted the fact that it must share the area between the Jordan and the Mediterranean with an Arab Palestinian State. Like most other states in the Middle East and the Third World, Israel has sought self-government and national dignity for a people long deprived of both, by development of progressive and cooperative forms of ' government, and through a long struggle against impertalism-the imperialism of European racism, the imperialism of Fascist genocide, the imperialism of British colonialism, and the imperialism of Pan-Arablsm.

The necessary first step to a peaceful _ ' resolution of all issues of conflict between; Israelis and Palestinians is the ac- ceptance by the Arabs that Jews also have a national Identity and the right to national existence. It hardly seems an imperialistic demand. Until that ac- • ceptance comes, sympathizers would do well to examine the history and issues of the conflict before assigning labels.

the siege of the democrats By Arthur Hoppe

National Columist Sceiie: The beleaguered headquarters of the Democratic

Party's high command. A faded and tattered N.R.A. banner flies folornly over the ruins.

"Keep rebuilding, men," cries General Lawrence (Blood 'n Guts) O'Brien. "Only nine million more dollars and we'll be out of the hole!"

A rising whine pierces the air. "Incoming!"shoutsa young Lieutenant, hitting the dirt. An ear-splitting explosion showers the troops with mud.

"Good FDR, it was a Troglodyte!" says the Lieutenant. "That's one of his heavies metaphors."

Rat-a-rat-rat-rat! (cq) "Keep your heads down, men!" yells General O'Brien. "Now he's spraying us with rapid-fire alliterations. And have your gas masks handy. I just caught a whiff of contumely in the air."

Suddenly a skinny, dark-haired old trooper leaps to his feet. "I can't take It any more," he screams. "I'm going over to the Ronnie Reagan Brigade and sing my heart out." His hand- some, baggy-eyed buddy weaves after him, waving a hip flask.

"The Rat Pack's deserting the ship, sir!" says the young lieutenant. "Is it an omen?"

"Just battle fatigue, son," says the General. "Take cover! Here comes a barrage of sinister similes!"

"How long can we sit here under heavy bombardment, just taking it, sir?" asks the Lieutenant, trembling. "Why can't wa| strike back?"

."With what, son?" asks the General with a brave little smile.

"Unleash the Kennedy Juggernaut, sir," begs the Lieutenant. "It's always proved invincible."

"NO sood. ton. It's been out of action since It went off that

bridge. Our Husky-Muskie Rocket Isn't ready. And our McGovern Missile, so far, hasn't got off the ground. Face it, lad: our coalitions are crumbling, our unity's breached, our forces are under constant fire day and night, and we're out of ammunition."

"Great JFK, sir!" says the Lieutenant, paling. "What about last remaining outposts across the countryside?"

"I fear they'll be overrun in the enemy's all-out November 3 offensive, son. It looks like a bloodbath. But I've got a desperate plan that'll save us yet Seeing we're out of weapons, we're going to steal a powerful one from the enemy's own arsenal. I've sent a wire to Mayor Lindsay."

"A Republican? To lead us?" gasps the Lieutenant. "What would HST or LBJ say?"

"Desperate times require desperate measures. I offered Mayor Lindsay an opportunity for fame and glory by leading our poverty-stricken, disunited, defenseless forces through a deadly barrage of vituperation and innuendo to victory in '72 and..."

"An urgent telegram from New York City, sir," says an orderly dashing up and saluting.

"At last, help Is in sight!" cries the General. "What's It say, orderly?"

"It says, sir,'Are you out of your cotton-picking mind1" "There's one last hope, sir," says the lieutenant, grimly.

"I'll go over the top, crawl through the barbed remarks to the enemy GHQ and blow up his dictionary."

He leaps to the parapet and is immediately hit by a fiery hilmination.

"Young fool kid," says the General, wiping away a tear. Then he shrugs. "But after all, if this keeps up, sooner or later everyone of us survivors Is going to be tagged by one with his name on it"

let's hoar from yon The BG News welcomes all

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THe BG news An Independent Student Voice

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Page 4: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

The BG News, Tutsdoy, November 3, 1970/Poot 3

U.S. satellites threatened?

STUDENTS CONGREGATE at McKinley Statue Saturday to hear speakers Jerry Gordon of the Cleveland ACLU and Stanley Tolliver, attorney for by Rond Potter.on

Frtd Amed Evans, rap the Ravenna Grand Jury and the war at a State House rally.

Cardinal Cushing dies BOSTON (AP) - Richard

Cardinal Cushing, Roman Catholic archbishop of the Boston archdiocese since 1944 who retired last month, died yesterday.

A chancery spokesman said death came about 1:30 p.m. about an hour after a bulletin had been issued skying the 75-year-old prince of the church was in critical condition "and failing rapidly."

The white-haired, gravel- voiced prelate, who had praised God a month ago that he had been allowed to live to see his successor become

archbishop, had been living in the simple room he had oc- cupied in the chancery residence for a quarter cen- tury.

Cardinal Cushing, 75-year- old son of a Boston blacksmith, retired as ar- chbishop last month. He was succeeded by Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros, for- mer bishop of the Bronaville, Texas, diocese.

He had been reported near death today "suffering from the complication of the long- standing malignancy with which he has been afflicted for years."

Blacks fear Panthers,

Toledo's Ensign says Toledo Mayor William

Ensign last week told jour- nalism students here that the black community of Toledo fears the Black Panther Party.

He labelled the Panthers d hard core revolutionary force," explaining that the Toledo chapter has about 20 to 25 members.

He named Michael Cross and John McClellan leaders of

• the local chapter. Both are on trial for their parts in the shooting death of a Toledo policeman five weeks ago.

Ensign added that he believes the incident a few months ago, when the Pan-

thers appeared in the Dorr and Detroit Street area carrying guns, was merely "a show of strength."

When asked if the Panthers are involved in law en- forcement in the black community, the mayor an- swered, "Yes they are. Eight or ten of them go out and beat up people." They call that law enforcement, he explained.

"The Black Panthers are a cancerous sore in the com- munity. They are, however, a force to be reckoneu with," Ensign said.

"They are simply going about things in the wrong way."

Relax over a game of poof

and meet your friends

in the Kreischor poolroom.

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POMMERETTES All Interested Girls Please

Come To Information Meeting Nov. 5 Student Service

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This past week, the spokesman said, "the Car- dinal's condition has been failing rather rapidly."

"For some time, the cardinal has been troubled with this disease, but has made every effort to carry on in spite of it and without desire for any notoriety about the nature of his illness."

The Cardinal was at his room in the chancery residence, which had been equipped with oxygen tanks and other medical equipment because of his recurring respiratory ailments.

Cardinal Cushing has lived in the gray stone building since he was installed as head of the archdiocese of Boston in 1944. He stepped down as religious leader of 1.8 million Catholics Oct. 7 because of ill health.

He underwent surgery in 1958 for removal of a can- cerous kidney and again five years ago for removal of part of his intestine.

He was born Aug. 24, 1895, in South Boston, the son of an immigrant Irish blacksmith for the Boston Elevated Railway.

LONDON (AP)-The Soviet Union has been testing a satelite designed to destroy U.S. military satellites, a British scientist said Monday.

He asserted that tests were carried out within the past two weeks with three Sputniks-Cosmos 373, 374 and J75.

Science experts said in- terceptor satellites could blow op U.S. military recon- naissance satellites and the

Laird says Rao's

tacraasiaf laad

ia Missile b.ildiig WASHINTON (AP) -

Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird says Russia now has 1,400 landbased In- tercontinental ballistic missiles ready for use or under construction.

The figure is 100 higher than Laird's most recent assessment for Congress given a few weeks ago, and it puts the Soviets 350 missiles ahead of the United States.

Laird released the new figures Just before the opening of the strategic arms limitation talks (SALT) in Helsinki.

He had included them in a report to defense chiefs of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization who met in Ottawa last week.

Also listed were 30 Soviet missile-launching nuclear submarines that are either operational or being built. His previous public figure on Russian missile subs was 28.



S6 Complete, buya subscription only. 40 TICKETS LEFT. Coll Ronald T. Boon 22995. Start. Wlntor Qlr. Sundoy Evonlngt, alternating with Briti.h- r'.lm Sorloi.






( 2nd Floor University Union ) Every Tuesday

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navigation satellites depended on by America's ability to retaliate to a nuclear attack would then be made negligible.

The warning by Kenneth Gatland, vice president of the British Interplanetary Society, added weight to claims made by an American space expert and a British scientist last February.

A U.S. official said then that the Soviet Union had orbited and tested suc- cessfully a satellite that destroys other orbiting spacecraft. British space enthusiast Geoffrey Perry said Cosmos 316 was ap- parently able to intercept and demolish other craft in orbit.

Gatland said in an in- terview his deductions were supported by studies from the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough, center of Britain's foremost satellites analysis operations.

He said Cosmos 373, launched in orbit between 300 and 350 miles above the earth, was a target. Cosmos 374 was launched into an orbit farther from earth, but it descended to the same height as 373.

Then Cosmos 374 blew up-

apparently deliberately on a signal from the Soviet Union. Six large fragments from It have been identified, Gatland said.

He contended the aim could have been to destroy 373 by impact with the fragments.

Alternatively, it could have been a test of a system to use

radiation from a nuclear explosion to put a target out of action.

The Soviet Union U a party to a treaty forbidding the use of nuclear explosions generated from satellites.

Cosmos 375, launched Oct. 30, was a recent test of the same system. Gatland stated.

France to launch fire investigation

SAINT LAURENT DU PONT, France (AP)-The dance hall where 144 persons perished in a fire Sunday - most of them younsters stack- ed up in charred heaps by exits they couldn't get out of- never got official fire deparment permission to open for business, a department inspector said yesterday.

MaJ. Jean Planter, In- spector in charge of fire safety for the area said: "No authorization to open the Cinq a Sept dance hall to the public ever came from my office."

Jacques Baumel, a

secretary of state attached to the premier's office, promised " a thorough government investigation to determine who was responsible" for. the fire and its high death-toll.

Officials reaffirmed that most of the emergency exits leading from the dance hall had been locked.

The main entrance was covered by a floor-to-ceiling turnstile, like a grill, that revolved only Inward. The measures are apparently taken to discourage .gatecrashers.

March of Dimes



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Page 5: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Pag* 4 The BG News, Tuesday, November 3, 1970

AAUP panel discusses 1219 ByGaleBocle StaH Reporter

"We've got BUI 1219 and that's about all we agree on," said Dr. George Herman, associate dean of faculties, at the first meeting of the American Association of College Professors last week.

Control and repression at the University resulting from House B1U1219 were discussed by professors in the panel

'.'• discussion. House Bill 1219 creates a

crime known as disruption. Conviction of such a crime by students, faculty or staff could lead to dismissal from the

: University and civil or : criminal charges.

One section of the bill states that members of the academic community should avoid people and situations

;'-. that could cause disruption.

•;j "This could be carried to |:| extremes," said Carol •I* Sloman, teaching fellow in

speech. She stated that a reading list could cause the arrest of a professor If the theoretical knowledge was

applied by a student. She felt there were con-

tradictions In the law. The Student Code is still in effect and the law states that authorities can go by the Code or Bill 1219.

Charges could be brought by campus, criminal and civil authorities and there is a possibility of three separate penalties, said Miss Sloman.

"I think it takes most of the power out of the hands of the University. The option to

choose which things we handle ourselves and which will go to the criminal processes will be lost," she said.

After last May the bill could have been alot worse, said Dr. Stanley Coffman, vice president for academic af- fairs.

"Nothing has been taken away from us. We can have anybody arrested, including ourselves," he said.

Dr. Coffman said he felt the bill contained a "certain amount of overkill."

It does not get at people who are a serious threat to the University. Those people

have changed their mode of operation and are out of University spheres," said Dr. Coffman. He said that because of the bill's vague language, "we may have to treat things as disruption that would not ordinarily be called disruption."

Administrators are looking into liability insurance because they are being per- sonally named in lawsuits against the University, said Dr. Coffman. He said the vague definition of disruption will make it even easier to sue.

"The bill seems to destroy any notions of the campus as a community with any standard of conduct," said Dr. Coff- man.

It also "runs roughshod over any notions of tenure" because a faculty member is automatically fired If con- victed, he said.

Russell Decker, professor of business law, said the bill could be considered "un- der kill" after last spring and that it was a "monster to administer."

Decker related the biU to

Nixon plays on fear, hatred for own gain-J. Rhodes

CINCINNATI (AP) - Joseph Rhodes Jr., • member of the President's Commission on campus unrest, told an audience of 250 people Sunday voters should write President Nixon "and his candidates off on Tuesday."

Rhodes made the statement Sunday at the annual Freedom Fund dinner of the Cincinnati branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The 22-year-old Harvard fellow said the President has "deliberately ignored our real problems" and has "sought to play on our fears and hatred for his own political gains,"

"Mr. Nixon has the in- credible ability to speak of violent protestors as the

major threat to Justice in America when dally black Americans experience in- justice and exploitation on a massive scale." Rhodes said.

He said the President urges "us to support his fight against campus protestors and violent demonstrators. He pleads for us to rid the Senate of those who oppose him. This sounds like the ancient Chinese practice of killing the messenger who bears bad news."

Concerning campus unrest, Rhodes said that "the students who fell at Jackson State not die because of campus unrest," He said "Mississippi lawmen fired a 400-round volley into the girls' dorm basically because of the racial hatred that has characterized lawmen In the South and in-

creasingly across the nation." Rhodes also charged that

the special Ohio grand jury, which Investigated the May 4 slayings of four Kent State University students, has made a "fundamental assault on the very system of Justice in this country with its kangaroo court indictment of the vic- tims of the Kent Stale tragedy."

The grand Jury indicted 25 persons in connection with Kent State disturbances but exonerated National Guard- smen who fired at students.

The commission warned in its report that "the issue of campus unrest was a non- issue," Rhodes explained. He said the commission's report was "totally and irresponsibly ignored" by the Nixon ad- ministration.

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the Joint Legislative Com- mittee's Interim Report and the Portage. County Grand Jury report. The report was critical of the attitude on campus of the anti-on loco parentis position, the open campus and the diffusion of the trustee's power to Joint student-faculty groups, Decker said.

"Much of what we did is criticized. We seem to be leading in a direction inviting more difficulty. We should look at the report and the bill to see what we can do to ac- comodate them," Decker said.

The idea of putting our house in order was expressed by several people present.

"The student movement expressed displeasure with things inside and outside the University," said Joseph Perry, associate professor of sociology.

"While the inside can be taken care of, the ad- ministration cannot do things about Vietnam, poverty and pollution," he said.

Perry said he felt the two main points of the bill are the section attempting to control campus disorder and the section involving dismissal.

"It will be a failure in the first case. They know and are prepared to take the con- sequences. Students know when it's against the law," Perry said.

"Rallies which are usually so peaceful at BowUng Green are inhibited now," he said. "This allows some potentiality of disturbance." "We had to have House Bill 1219 and this should concern every member of the faculty," said Derek Dickinson, assistant dean of students.

"Three years ago they were knocking on the door," he said.

By not giving time to students, not understanding and not treating them as men and women but as boys and girls, they turned to violence, Dickenson said.

"If the University had stood tall a long time ago, we would not have the problems we have today," he said.

RONALD CADE, left, a student at Ohio State University accused of participating in last spring's disorders, talks with Atty.

Library collects records

AIIOCIMW Ptaoi Wlr.pholo

William Kunstler outside a university hearing room where testimony was taken on a campus disruption rule.

Bootleg cuts available By Chris Flowers

stall Reporter If you're ever studying in

the library and begin to imagine that you're hearing Jethro Tull or Santana, chances are it's not because you're cracking under the strain.

If you're on the third floor, it's probably because you're in the vicinity of the Audio- Center which has a collection of approximately 65,000 recordings and tapes in- cluding one of the few collections of "bootleg" recordings.

William 1.. Schurk, audio- librarian and director of the



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popular Culture library, said a "bootleg" recording is a record manuf acutured without the artist's knowledge or permission.

The "bootleg" are just one of the Center's efforts to establish a collection of popular music instead of the usual library collections of classical music.

He explained the most "bootless "are recorded by amateurs during concerts. "The bootleggers either tap into a speaker line or directly from Ihe speaker," he ex- plained.

Although the recordings are of extremely poor quality

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they are valuable because they are usually the only live recording of most concerts and often the only "in- concert" recordings of many artists.

According to Schurk "bootlegs" can also consist of previous unreleased material which was considered un- desirable by the record companies.

He explained that the unreleased"takes"are usually stolen from the company vaults by inside contacts.

Schurk added that "bootlegs" are sold under the counter and that they are "virtually impossible to buy In this part of the state.

One of the better known "bootlegged" lp.'s in the BGSU collection is the Beatles' "Kombe Back" which has cuts from their "Let It Be" album.

Schurk said, 'It's not adultered by the or- chestrations of Phil Spector and it's really much better than the commerical ver- sion."

The collection also in- cludes Bob Dylan's "Great White Wonder, "Wooden Nickel" by Crosby, Stills, and Nash, as well as the Band, and the Rolling Stones, and Jethro Tull.

"Music is becoming more and more a part of youth culture and I think the library should help students enjoy and understand it," Shurk said.

The Vndio-Center library is the onl> one that he knows of that makes a special effort to get non-classical recordings, he said.

The main reason the

center doesn't concentrate on classical music is the University School of Music has extensive collection. Schurk said it would be foolish to try to duplicate it.

The center which is open to all members of the University from 1-5 p.m.and 6- 10 p.m. on Mondays through Thursday and from 1-5 on Friday has 24 individual listening booths.

"Our main goal is to relate the Audio-Center to the rest of the University," Schurk said.

He added that faculty members have become in- terested in revelant artist and song lyrics and many in- , eluding President Moore have asked for copies of various lyrics to use in speeches and presentations.

Various classes take advantage of the recordings of Shakespeare and other voice recordings.

The center also has collections of music reference books and periodicals in- cluding "Rolling Stones" and "BiUBoard" as well as listings of all recordings made that include artists, musicians, technicians, label and dates.

Schurk said the center depends a great deal on record donations and that they will be glad to accept any student donations. He said he has made numerous personal contacts as well as "haunting junk shops, auctions, and the want ads." ,

He said they receive nearly all their 45's from area radio stations, but since these aren't the major hits. Ohio Vending who supplies the juke boxes on campus has agreed to donate their records.

A hangover isn't funny

A hangover can be juat about the most distressing combination of pain, nausea, depression and fa- tigue you over woke up with. Simple headache tablets or alka- Nzers alone can't do the whole Job. You need a combination of special ingredients to chase those multiple miseries. Formulated specially for hangover, CHASER combinea nine ingredients In •very tablet. So. prfn disapprars fast. Your siomach calnia down. Your apir- its perk up. Try CHASER FOR HANGOVER. It Really Works! Now at your pharmacy.

Ph. D. candidate attends UCLA speech seminar

Tom Jonas, a doctoral candidate in speech, has been one of the ten students chosen across the nation to attend an honors seminar on Nov 2-4 at UCLA-USC.

Jonas will present a paper entitled "Comparative Communication Criticism: A Search for a Methodology" at the seminar which is spon-

sored by the Speech Com- munication Association.

The two-day meeting deals with comparative rhetoric- ' theory and research- concerning such relationships as those between western and non-western rhetoric and contemporary and traditional rhetoric. (

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Page 6: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Tht BG News, Tuesday, November 3, 1970/Poge 5

N«wiphotot by Crolf Cov«u1f

PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAINING students hurriedly connect oxygen masks

following explosive decompression as an Air Force observer looks on.

THE "TANK" is the common name for the altitude chamber at Grissom Air

Force Base. The chamber simulates flights at extreme altitudes.

Chamber simulates high attitudes ByCraig Covault

Those of us in the cabin heard a loud explosion, we were suddenly engulfed in a heavy fog, the breath was sucked from our lungs and our helmets were tugged with the escaping air.

If we did not get oxygen, and get it soon, we would pass out and eventually die.

Cruising at an altitude of 22,000 ft., our pressurized cabin was suffering one of the worst aircraft emergencies that can occur-an explosive decompression.

We didn't pass out, however instead we simply connected our oxygen masks to our helmets and breathed pure oxygen. As far as we were concerned, the emergency was ended.

A traumatic experience

perhaps, but it was taken lightly by those of us in the physiological training class at Grissom Air Force Base in Indiana.

Actually, our flight wasn't a flight at all. The highest above the earth we got was to step up to our seats in the altitude chamber where we experienced the pressures and phenomena of high altitude aircraft emergencies.

As a reporter preparing to fly on an Air Force KC-135 tanker during a SAC refueling mission, I was required to take this course to familiarize myself with the physical problems I could encounter if my aircraft was suddenly decompressed and forced to dive very rapidly to a lower altitude.

The training at Grissom consisted of two days of

classes with an altitude chamber "flight" at the end of the second day.

For the most part, our 14 hours of classes were directed toward keeping us alive and healthy, without a pressurized suit or cabin, at altitudes up to 43,000 ft.; over eight miles high.

The course also involved coaching the finer points of bailing out of a disabled jet into an oxygenless 67 degree below-zero environment.

Just before starting our flight in the altitude chamber, we spent about 20 minutes undergoing de-nitrogenation. We breathed 100 per cent oxygen at ground level to purge the nitrogen out of our blood cells.

This was necessary because at high altitudes nitrogen will bubble out of a

person's blood in much the same manner as a soda pop will iizz when opened.

After a quick trip to only 5,000 ft. to check for any preliminary ear or sinus problems, we started our climb to 43.000 ft.

While ascending, the physical stress placed on our bodies was actually minimal. Going up usually presents few problems, if your oxygen equipment is working properly.

Unfortunately mine wasn't.

The higher you go, the more you need oxygen. Gases cause bubbling in the blood, which necessitate ton ..ig oxygen into your lungs at increasingly high pressures.

My oxygen regulator was failing to pump the necessary pressure boosts and I was

Employment Opportunities

The following employment opportunities are available for the week of Nov. 9. Ap- pointments for interviews can now be made in the Office of Career Palanning and Placement Services, t' . I floor of the Student Services Bldg.


NOVEMBER 9 State Farm Ins. Co. -

Underwriter, claims, ac- counting, computer programmer.

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. - Sales-Mgmt.

Wheeling Corrugating Co. - Sales.

NOVEMBER 10 Owens-Corning Fiberglas -

Sales, accounting, manfg. Xerox Corp. - Sales. Price - Waterhouse & Co. -

Staff Acct. Nationwide Insurance -

Programmers, math. Goodyear Tire & Rubber -

Fin. training program. Allstate Insurance - Ad-

min. Mgmt., -claim rep., un- derwriting.

Procter & Gamble Co. - Sales mgmt.

Arthur Anderson & Co. - Staff Acct.

Glidden - Durkee - Accts, Cred. trn., fin. anal., ind. eng„ ind. sales, chemists, prod, trn., sys. anal.

NOVEMBER 11 Ford Motor Co. - Sales,

mktg. prod., purchasing, transportation.

Wickes Corp. - Mgmt training; sales training.

Ernst & Ernst - accts. Rike's - Asst. buyers.

Travelers Ins. Co. - Mgmt training, claims, admin., underwriters.

Ashland Chemical - Sales- Chem., sales-petroleum, credit, chemist, accts.

NOVEMBER 12 National City "r.r.k of

Cleveland Mgt. dev. program.

Del Monte Sales - Sales Aetna Life & Casualty -

Sales mgmt., admin. Eastman Kodak Co. -

Applied math, comp- trollership, cost eng., dist., forecasting and plan., sales, systems, designs and com- puter tech.

General Tire & Rubber - Accts., admin. & fin. trainees, chemists, ind. mech., process, prod. dev. eng.

Sears & Roebuck - Mgmt. training program.

Rike's - Asst. Buyers.

NOVEMBER 13 John Hancock Mutual Life

Ins. - Acctg., field sales, math. Mutual of New York -

Mgmt. trainee program. Eastman Kodak C< ■

Applied math, comp- trollership, cost, eng., dist., forecasting and plan., sales, systems design and computer tech. AGENCIES AND COLLEGES

NOVEMBER 9 and 10 U.S. Air Force.

NOVEMBER 11 Boy Scouts of America -

Scout executives Syracuse University -

Masters in Bus. Admin., Masters of Sci. in Acct., Doctor of Philosophy in Business.

NOVEMBER 12 Wayne State University

Law School - Grads interested in law school.

NOVEMBER 13 Young Men's Christian

Assoc. - Program directors.


NOVEMBER 11 East Cleveland Board of

Educ, Ohio - All areas.

NOVEMBER 12 Berea City School Dist.,

Ohio - All areas. Fostoria Schools, Ohio -

Lain: , Sci., math, vocal music, el. ed.

Shaker Hts. City School district, Ohio - All areas.

NOVEMBER 13 Berea City School Dist.,

Ohio - All areas. Shaker Hts, City School

District. Ohio - All areas. Napoleon City Schools,

Ohio - Bus. ed., el. ed., Engl, ind. arts.. Span , math, music, sec. studies, special ed., home econ.

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beginning to feel some effects of hypoxia, the condition which results when the brain is starved for oxygen.

Reporting my regulator malfunction to the Air Force physiologist who was flying the chamber from the outside, I told him I was going to a second regulator system built into the chamber.

The change involved manually boosting my breathing pressures by tur- ning a dial instead of having it done automatically.

Upon reaching the eight mile high altitude we leveled off and endured the un-

comforts of breathing under heavy oxygen mask pressure for only a few minutes. Under this condition, it was difficult to exhale and almost im- possible to talk through the microphone in the face mask.

One glance at the small ballon indicator hanging in the chamber made me glad I had avoided gassey foods. The remaining air in the previously small balloon had expanded it to almost basketball size.

After our short stay at 43,000 ft. we dove to 25,000 ft. for a scheduled hypoxia test. On signal, half of us in the

chamber removed our masks to feel the effects of hypoxia so we could recognize them later in an emergency.

Immediately after removing my oxygen mask, I tried to whistle. The air molecules were so few that it was impossible to make any sound.

After being off oxygen for about two minutes I began to feel dizzy and experience hot flashes as my vision began failing.

A paper on which I was answering simple questions became a blob of scribbles. In my mind I knew exactly why

all of this was happening, I just couldn't make my body respond.

Close to becoming physically helpless, I decided to go back on 100 per cent oxygen. Immediately my symptoms began to disap- pear. The few minutes during which my body was failing me | were completely painless, in fact, the physical sensations of hypoxia were pleasant

This is why the condition is so dangerious. A pilot or his crew could be close to passing out while considering them- selves to be in fine shape.

Interview your interviewer. Interviewing isn't jusl a chance to display your talents. It s a chance to get information about employers. Don't waste it. Ask guestions. To help you, we've listed some things that could affect how much you enjoy your future job. And finding work you enjoy is what it's all about.

1 Do you have a training program? Describe it.

2 What specific responsibilities are trainees given? 3 What percentage of your management . . .

are products of a training program? come from a specific area or school? hold graduate degrees?

4 What percentage of your management openings are filled from within?

5 If I join your firm and decide to change fields, can it be done within your firm?

6 What's the cost of living and the housing situation where I'd be employed?

7 Does your company have any additional benefits such as cost of living adjustments, employee group life and medical insurance, company-paid retirement plan?

8 How does your company's size and growth compare with others in your industry?

9 What is your company doing in the way of public service r

10 How does your employee turnover rate compare with other companies?

11 There must be some negative aspects of the job you're offering. What are they?

INTERVIEW DATE NOVEMBER 9, 1970 Interviewing the interviewer is an important step in select- ing your career. And because we're one ol the world's largest insurers, a State Farm interview is a good way to

investigated number of career fields. Right now we have op- portunities in accounting, actuarial science, claims, electronic data processing, in- vestments, law, management

and underwriting. Our re- cruiter will be on your campus November. 9, 1970. Arrange an interview thrCugh your Placement Otiice. Then bring your questions.

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STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES An Equal Opportunity Employer ItequXMl OHicw W Ind . Lin.-oln H-h . N--».ir, ■ • It • • Wmwr H . St Paul. Minn • Wavn. N F • Scarborough. Ont . Gmfey • . Columbia. Mo. • Spnngh.M P«nn • Murlr^.boro Tcnn • DilUl, T*. .! MavlD. V,. • MonrO

• l.i-l .im.llo F!i . Bloonunqlon III • Mat -hall. MIcK .A.,, Calil • w ...- Calil. .FndafuLMJ.

La • Horn. Other Bloom.mjtoo. 111. *

Page 7: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

»oge 6 The BG News, Tuesdoy, November 3, 1970

Hijacker forces jet to Cuba MIAMI (AP) - A gunmen aring the brown beret of the litant Mexican-American

licano movement received a ■ ckelapping welcome to

at Cuba yesterday If teKforcing a United Airlines fct from California to Havana, assengers said.

Crewmen aboard United rline Flight 596 bound for

[■orQind, Ore., said the

mustachioed man placed a gun at the side of stewardess Nlcki l-eutar shortly after takeoff from Sand Diego.

Using the 21-year-old stewardess as a hostage the gunman forced his way into the cabin and shouted to Capt. JoeKolons: "Cuba! Cuba!"

Kolons diverted the air- craft and flew to Tijuana,

Yison inmates eize hostages PINEBl.UFF, Ark.iAPI-

group of prison inmates, lome armed, seized four lostages yesterday

eatencd to kill them unless cape demands were met.

trov. Winthrop Rockfeller said Authorities would not yield to

1 demands. "We do not make deals

»ith prisoners," Rockefeller aid. "We will not do so

«y." Seventeen to 20 inmates at Cummins State Prison

eized two prison employees |iri(! two inmate trustees and

eld them in an isolation unit »hich presently is housing 30

mates, Kobert Sarver, state borrection commissioner,

aid. Saver said some inmates

»ere armed and were demanding a car, a tank of gasoline and clearance to

ave the prison. lnmatos have been

ivy officers

recall Nixon

as poker ace

NEW YORK lAP) - For- mer fellow Navy officers who served with President Richard M. Nixon in the South Pacific during World War II remember him as a brilliant poker player who won "$40 or (SO every night," Life magazine says.

In an article recounting the President's early life, the magazine quotes one former officer. James Udall, as calling Nixon "the finest poker player I ever played against.

'I once saw him bluff a lieutenant commander out of $1,500 with a pair of deuces," Udall is quoted as saying.

The article added that the young Nixon "cultivated the correct noncommittal ex- pression aided by cigars he took to smoking around this time and became particularly skilled at bluffing."

Nixon the schoolboy and college student was depicted in the article as serious- minded, diligent and "a little different from the rest of us," ■live i .li;i.. to a onetime fellow student. "He was a kid you respected."

Once while at Dike University School, Nixon and two fellow students broke into the deans office, the ar- ticle said. They wanted to see what class grades they held.

demanding for sometime that prison conditions be im- proved.

Prison Supt. Bill Steed said the employees were overpowered by several in- mates in the isolation unit. He said he did not know how the inmates obtained guns or captured the employees.

Mexico, where more fuel was taken aboard the Boeing 727, and then set course for Havana's Jose Marti Airport. Seventy-five persons were aboard the Jet, the second U.S. airliner hijacked to Cuba during the weekend.

Kolons said the gunman crouched on a shelf behind the pilot's seat throughout the flight from San Diego to Havana, keeping Miss Leutar or other hostesses in front of his gun at all times.

At one point, Kolons said, he told a stewardess to pull a brown beret from his pocket and place it on his head.

"I mean businessness. This is a Chicano operation," Kolons quoted the gunman as saying.

The beret carried the cross-rifled insignia of the Chicanos, the captain said.

Passengers and crewmen said the hijacker, who boarded the plane with two small children in San Diego,

Cargo truck rams reception line

KARACHI, Pakistan IAPI-A witness said a man shouted "Down with com- munism" as he drove a cargo truck into an airport reception line for Poland's president The deputy foreign minister of Poland, Pakistan's deputy intelligence chief and two Pakistani photographers died.

Polish President Marian Spychalski was unhurt, but Warsaw's ambassador to Pakistan and about 20 others were injured. Spychalski broke off his five-day visit to Pakistan to accompany the body of Zygfryd Wolniak to Poland.

Police did not confirm that the killing on Sunday was intentional, saying that its cause "seems to be failure of the brakes of the vehicle." But they said they were questioning a man named Feroze Abdulah.

The witness said he heard the truck driver shouting, "I have completed my mission!" and "Down with com- munism!" as the bodies lay near Spychalski's chartered plane.

"Everyone was surprised when this man drove the van from behind the aircraft and in the twinkling of an eye

accelerated toward the spot where the Polish president was shaking hands," the witness said,

"The driver apparently thought the deputy foreign minister was the President, and after crushing him, raised his hands in the air and shouted: "I have done my Job! I have completed my mission!"

The witness said police overpowered the driver, but the man continued shouting slogans against communism until an officer clamped a hand over the mans mouth.

In addition to Wolniak, 48, the victims included news photographer Mohammed Yasin; Mohammed Ashraf, photographer for Pakistan's information Ministry, and the security official, Chaudhri Mohammed Nazir.

Wolniak was regarded as u coming man in Poland's Communist government.

Spychalski had just arrived from Ignore for the final stop of the tour. A spokesman for Pakistan In- ternational Airlines, which owns the truck, said it was parked near the plane to restock its galley and take away catering material.

Registrar releases grade points

for determining class rankings Most honoraries require

that students to rank in the upper 20 per cent or 35 per cent of their classes. The following point averages are to be used as dividing lines for determining these rankings, by colleges and classes.

These averages are based on the third quarter, 1970, as released by the Office of the Registrar.

The first figure in each group refers to required average for a sophomore, the second for a Junior and the

third for a senior.


Business Administration: 2.92, 2.83, 2.88.

Education: 3.13, 3.10, 3.11. Arts & Sciences: 3.22,3.17,



Business Administration: 2.62. 2.57, 2.63,

Education: 2.86, 2.83, 2:87 Arts & Sciences: 2.91,2.90,



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appeared delighted when he arrived in Cuba.

"His face seemed to Just light up," said Stewardess Margie Guggisberg, 27. "He was just very, very proud."

A coed aboard the Jet as a

Son. Proxmiro to reintroduce employ bill

WASHINGTON (AP)- Almost 20 years ago, Richard M. Nixon, then California's Junior Republican senator, unsuccessfully sponsored a bill to make it a crime to fire or disciplined federal employee for testifying before a congressional committee.

Later this month Sen. William Proxmire, (D-Wsi.) will reintroduce that bill in his fight to force the ad- ministration of President Nixon to reinstate Ernest Fitzgerald, a Pentagon cost expert who was fired after he testified before Proxmires Joint Economic Committee.

In that testimony on Nov. 13, 1968, Fitzgerald disclosed the Air Force's giant C5A transport-plane would cost at least $2 billion more than original estimates.

Proxmire claimed Fizgerald's firing several months later was a direct result of his testimony. He has sought to have Fitzgerald rehired and those responsible for his firing prosecuted under existing law. Both attempts are stalled.

The senator maintains existing law-making it a crime punishable by up to five years in Jail to intimidate, influence, impede or injury a congressional witness—gives ample room for the Justice Department to prosecute.

But such a prosecution

conceivably could involve the Pentagon's highest officials.

Artist Clement

lectures on art

in environment "Why haven't students

produced art for their own environment?"

Charles Clement, muralist, designer, ceramist, and sculptor, will discuss this topic in a two-part illustrated lecture today and tomorrow at the University.

Clement, past director of the "Art in Situation Workshop" at Kansas State University, will discuss "Art and Architecture in the Total School Environment," at 7:30 p.m. in 200 Math-Science Building.

Tomorrow evening, Clement will speak on "Students Create Art for Their Own Campus," at 7:30 p.m. in 220 Math-Science Building.

Clement has done con- siderable research on the importance of art in the school environment, through the aid of a Ford Foundation Grant.

His lectures at the University are being spon- sored by the School of Art. They are free and open to the public.

Colloquium to feature speakers on violence

A public colloquium, "Perspective on Violence," will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, in the White Dogwood Suite, Union.

Featured speakers at the colloquim will be: John Paul Scott, "Genetics and Control of Violence"; Don K. Rowney, "Dimensions of Institutional Response to Environmental

Change"; and Arthur G. Neal, "Crisis, Commitment and Strategy of Social Change."

Discussants will be Dr. William H. Jackson, Stephen H. Vessey, Dr. John Schuck, Dr. James Q. Graham, and Dr. H. Theadore Groat.

The colloquim is sponsored by the Center for Research on Social Behavior.

The Sisters Of Gamma Phi Beta

Congratulate Our New Actives

Cindy Dowson

Pot English Barb Hogt

Peter Ann Filipek

Cindy Phinney

Pot Tutrle

Jo winttr

passenger said a Cuban militiaman gave the gunman a warm greeting at the Havana airport.

"When we landed, I saw the guy in the khaki uniform patting him on the back as they were walking away," said 19-year-old Deborah Ferguson of San Diego.



Will meet in the Ice Arena from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m.


Pre-registration for the Winter Quarter courses by Sociology majors and minors will be held in 16 Williams Hall from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday

thru Friday.


Will meet in 105 Women's Gym from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.


Will meet in Room Hanna Hall at 8 p.m.



All students who need advising for Winter Quarter registration, please come immediately to 104 Hanna Hall to make an appointment. The office will be open today and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you have decided on a a major, please call the Arts and Sciences Office at 2- 2015 for a change of adviser.


PUZZLE By Robert J. Liberatore

U2 Tiirkonien. I>3 Social


DOWN 1 Bundle. 2 Spread. 3 Yellnwish-

red hue. 4 Nickname, 5— Palmer. 0 Slitr.

7 L.A. —. 8 Native: sufT. 9 Pertaining

to health. 10 Foams. 11 Hobbled. 12 Culture

medium. 13 Gull. 18 Kpic poem. 23 Headland:

var. 24 Common

noun suffix. 2."> Sore. 2li Philippine


ACROSS 1 Nee. 5 Architeclual

term. 10 Even. 14 Lily. 15 Lasso. 10 Fury. 17 Mule stars. 19 — Sharif. 20 Age. 21 dirl's mime. 22 Resident.

Shyscimi. mlerale.

25 Slate. 20 Decapitate. 29 Literary

muster- pieces.

33 Improve. 34 — Coeur. 35 C.umliriilge

Institution: ■ nit.

:tii Legal wrong. 37 Where-

withal, .18 Load. 39 Consumed. 40 Trimmer, 11 McLain, e.g. 42 SnufUlers. 44 Decide: nbs. 15 Simple. ii'' Submerged.

•17 Peel regret for.

."til I nullsll river.

Til Miss West. 54 Astride. r>5 Mourning. 58 Ripped. .v.* Proprietor,

61 Stage knife. ' f*'*ld En,"P"*". '"<•• "7°

Solution to Yesterday's runle

27 Ham it up. 28"—

Johnny!" 29 Walking

aids. 30 Likeness. II Fall

beveraue. 32 Aft. 34 Sad. 37 Teachers of

eminence. 38 Flog: COlloq, 4(1 Scheme. 41 Belief.

43 Early Americun abode.

44 Challengers. Hi Fathered. 47 Traitors. 48 Type of

jacket. 49 Opening. 50 Vedie god. 51 Pronoun. 52 English

princess. 53 Selves. 50 Sheep. 57 Check.

1 i ! 1 1 5 6 7 1 9 1 ,0 it 12 13

i< " "


| 1 „

r ■ :«




30 "

:e 27 11 32

13 B B" IO H ■ JS

19 asuT0 1*' 12 41 ■

B V ii 4S 19 B B 32 S3


1 ss •>6 67

>» i» i 6; ii 6.' .

CRYPTOGRAM — By Norton Rhoades




Y W II Y N P .

Yesterday's cryptogram; You would buy old

fashioned watch fob at auction sale.


"The Encounter Group Movement", third in a series of films entitled the "Ac- tualization Group", will be shown in 102 Life Science

Bldg. from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone who wishes may at- tend and a discussion will follow.


Will meet in the Taf t Room,

Union, at 7:30 p.m.


Will speak on "Alter- natives" at the Amphitheatre, behind the Union. The talk is free and open to the public.


.student ymiw

LOST: one girl's watch with eaimoband RKWARD. Call 2-3813

1 male needs apt starung 2nd quarter Rruce Huworth 372-

luads i>( patience-fall Rrenda 352-7724

i'.UKAT to be in the family' Alpha Gam I avr Nancy

UlST man's diamond ring at University Golf Course REWARD T.O. McHugh. Toledo. Ohio 246-4.121

AttentionKlrl students' Home »«blocks from University for 4 KirlsforDec lithroughJune. Call Betty Raker. Newlove Realty 352-5161 or 35*9110

Male student with ear to do odd Jobs. 1 or 2 tftrlj srlth ear to house clean Call «23-7t95


Come grow with us. Call 2- 3061 Counseling Center, 320 Student Services

Mother's helper needed part tune by faculty couple with small child References Call 1-4. T 10 333-9322

Having a party'' Why not have the best!" PRIMARY COIORS 352-7139

C.L.C.. O.W.O.TC. Mn. "M". Posle. Photo* and Toth

will choke, gag. barf, snort, cough, slurp and burp on Sat. Morn: Far out?

HIST small gold ring Initials CZM Call 21935


Wanted one chick to share 2- story house with 2 girls. One block from campus 160 a month Call 35W13S before 5 p.m. can move in anytime.

CUSTOM ENGAGEMENT RINGS- Philip Morton. Contemporary Jeweler, HI W Wooater

Needed I male roommate winter and spring 366 a mo. UMihes pd and furnished, 363-9335

Students--Europe for Christmas. Easter or sum- mer* Employment op- economic flights, discounts. Write for in- formation isir mail) Anglo America Association 60a Pyle Street. Newport I.W.. England

Give us part of you-Wed. 4 Train-Blood Bank-Health Center 372-2344 for appt

Jsnlce-Stnce you're my Big Sis. is Albert'' related to me. too* "Little" Psulette

AMERICAN AIRI.INES-2- 1447 «-7 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. Reservations, flight Info, youth fare csrds ■Thanksgiving-Christmas


O P -

MEN-Don't take chances! Now. you can get imported and nationally known male contraceptives through the privacy of the mails Details free, no obligation Write: POPSERVE. Boi 1205-NQ. Chapel Hill. N.C. 17314.

One female roommate needed to take over lease winter thru summer quarters. Contact Dune 352-0578

WANTED: Manuscripts for Inkstone BG's Literary magaiine. Send to Inkstone 201 U.H. Please type and put name and address on back.

Interested In ESP. Telepathy. Spiritualism, ['recognition etc.' Call s-isn. Meeting Scheduled St later date

Uttle Debbie. Welcome to the family I. * L Sue

Needed 1 male ro natefor winter 4 spring qtr close to ( campus Call Bob 372-5634

The baby Dons say. We've only Just begun

Eko I F.leco-a Steel String Guiur-wtth case-m Contact Kathy 352-4*34

Fttrn. Apt. for rent winter qtr. 4 block from campus call 373- 4330

14 Torino GT. Power Steering, 11,000 miles. Call 362-0644 after 1:00 p.m.

WANTED Hammond B orC Model organ-any year Tart 3524630



OaujrstulsUons Cindy on your ekebon as President of Alpha Lambda Delta. Xi Luv. Pledge Sisters

Wanted-Worders for Gilligan 4 Edwards * Metsenbaum- Canvassers etc. work available in BG up until election Day Work available In Toledo for Metzenbaum Oct. 31. Nov. 1.111 Oil Bonnie Brown 372J717 for information on Metzenbaum or Dallas Hull J5J4314. for Gilligan information caU George Mac Donald 3Ti-31s7 or GEM Headquarter 74) p m 35J-0B11

For Sale 'si VW Bus Eilras Call 353-7131

VALHATTERY: Welcome to the Family. I'm the Happiest CDop ever' L 4 L Your Big

Male help-pan rime dock Restaurant Pancake House 412 E Wooster

Needed 1 girl to share apt. CaU 352-9331 before 6

Dale-remember the good tlmes-Your friend Psulette

Tired of getting the run- around. Get your car tuned 4 repaired by someone who knows what It is lute BB4R Motion Performance Rt. 1994 Rt I. 9 mi E of BG 2S7JJ65 Owned 4 operated by BG Alum

Need 1 male roommate tor winter and spring qtr. 1 block from campus Call Bill 353- 1591

Wanled-2 male roommates for winter and spring quarter CaU Bob 352-6620

To the person who removed the green 10 speed schwinn from the East porch of the Life Sc. Bldg Thursday, please park it in the rack in front of Rodgers quad. No quesbons asked

Patn Big-From open houses UtUe and big We finally made It! Your levin' little Jan

Wanted: Male or female students to work mornings. Apply at Roy Rogers Roast

Theta Chi Pledgu-Such a deal! Thani tor the tea at BACH in The Baby Owls


For Sale 1998 Triumph TR-4A excellent condition Best offer over 11000 Lot I Howard's Trailer Court.

•67 Jaguar XKE I plus 2. yellow, automatic tran- snustlon X ores 13300 m-7571 Call after 8

Rent your mlni-refrigerator at BG Rental. 125 w Poe Rd CaUS51-l«04



Steal anything anytime Sig Eps, We love It. Gamma Phi's

Mary-Your second note in the BG News-Happy 22" Your roomie.

Your my type-APO Blood Bank-Wed 4 Thur -Health Center Call 171-1344 for appt

Hey Jot! You're all right, you know dial' OK' OK? OK? Kerry

Volunteers needed to work for Gilligan. Edwards or Met- senbaum Ii your interested call 352-0911 or come to 1314 S. Main SI Help la this election!


3*4 Thanks 365 For Thurs Nile's Train Ride

a are available Call 2- ■61 Co—sling Center HI

Waitress wanted Paihs's Pisa after 1


See us for hand carved 16K gold wedding bands. Unique gifts from 14 counb-ies. VATAN'S 194 S Main

TomyBigBecky: Youaretbe greatest. Alpha Gam Love Your Little Maria


Need Chemistry lutorer with

Hey. Linda-This la the "Biggest" and best thing thsts

heppened since 1 pledged It's

To my He "Little" LU are the BEST big ever! Gam love, yen little


Trade 10 sod. bike for good typewriter, or. bike M0 Can pay for typewriier on In- stallment. Leave missage for John Hickan, Eng. Dept MaUroom. Ml U Hall

Page 8: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

The BG News, Tuesdoy, November 3, 1970 poge 7

Grid opinion

Start Plusquellic! ByJackO'Brexa

A ssisUnt Sports Editor

A 17-7 haUtime deficit is enough to make any head football coach worry.

For "Dandy" Don Nehlen it was more than just worrying about being the first Falcon tutor to lose twice to Marshall in a series which Bowling Green now holds a 15-2 advantage.

Coach Nehlen had to make a crucial decision at the quar- terback spot. He had to decide whether to go with Vern Wireman, the guy who holds all Falcon team passing records, or Don Plusquellic, a junior transfer from the University of Pitt- sburgh.

Wireman, who has been having his passing troubles lately, hit on only 4 of 15 attempts for 51 yards and one interception in the first half.

"We had to get points on the board," said Nehlen as the reason why Plusquellic started at quarterback in the second half.

The Dad's day crowd of 16,073 cheered loudly when Plusquellic raced onto the field to direct the fighting Falcon offensive attack in the final two periods.

Plusquellic responded on the first set of downs by leading the Falcons on a 75-yard touchdown drive in seven plays. Included in the march was a 20-yard pass to Bill Pittman, a running and pass receiving specialist who compiled an offensive total of 360 yards for the afternoon.

Alter three successive incompletions and an interception, Plusquellic looked like Fran Tarkenton as he scrambled in the backfield and threw 10 straight completed passes, including a two point conversion toss to end Tom Lawrence.

The final statistics showed Plusquellic hitting on 13 of 19 throwing attempts for 146 yards and one interception.

When asked if Plusquellic would start in Saturday's clash with Ohio University, Nehlen replied, "I wouldn't be surprised."

•1 feel so sorry for the other guy i Wireman), he just isn't having any luck." he added. "He's a good guy."

As is the case in many situations, "good guys" finish last. In this case, a signal-caller named Wireman is the big loser and hence should be riding the pine at the start of the Bobcat battle.

"He (Plusquellic) doesn't do the things Wireman can, but he does jiggle around back there (in the backfield) where the defense usually lassoes Vern," explained Nehlen.

•Dandy" Don will be a fool if he doesn't start Plusquellic on Saturday. If he really expects Plusquellic to come in when the Falcons are behind and play "Houndini" again to save him from an embarrassing moment he can go fly a kite.

If it wasn't for Plusquellic, Pittman's brilliant efforts probably would have been in vain and Stu Shestina's game winning 38-yard field goal would have never taken place. ' Of Wireman's 11 incompletions, four were bombs that never reached their mark. Two of the long heaves were overthrown, one was underthrown and one was intercepted.

The seven other miscues went astray as follows: two were batted down by on-rushing linemen, two were underthrown, one fell harmlessly to the ground while Wireman was hit attempting to throw and another was dropped by Pittman on the first Falcon play of the contest.

Phisquellic's six incompletions occurred as follows: one was deflected by a lineman, one was dropped by Gary Schaefer, one was thrown away to avert a long loss and was almost in- tercepted one was intercepted and two were overthrown.

In conclusion. Plusquellic gave "Dandy" Don his best per- formance of the season as he threaded the needle, switching from one side of the field to the other and even, as one observer in the press box pointed out, used the referees to free his receivers.

The least coach Nehlen can do in return for Plusquellic s outstanding effort is give the junior from Akron a break and start him against the invading Bobcats.

After all, Wireman s last place standing among MAC passers leaves much to be desired. Maybe a little time on the bench would help Vern realize he is now number two and must try harder.

FALCON REACTION to Stu Shestina's late field goal. N»w»pHoto by Lorry Fullarfort

Nowttphoto by Lorry Fullarton

BACK-BREAKING BOOT by BG's Warren Heede, who had 3 goals against Ohio State Saturday.

Kickers host TU Today marks the last

chance to see the Falcon soccer team play here, and those who watched any of Bowling Green's 4-1 win over Ohio State. Saturday, ad- jacent to the stadium, must have been impressed.

Toledo is the opponent as Bowling Green (3-4-1), tries to notch their first league vic- tory, in advance of traveling to Ohio University next Wednesday, in a makeup game closing the season.

Drawing additional ex- posure, from early arriving football fans, the BG hooters mixed up an inspired second half surge, excellent play execution and a hustler named Warren Heede to outclass the Big Ten opponent.

Deadlocked at 1-1, the Falcon kickers stormed out on the field for the second half and scuttled the unsuspecting Buckeyes, reflecting the frustration of too many overtime and one goal defeats.

Heede converted his frustration into goals, three of them, giving him the hat trick. Heede broke the tie with his

second score, tallied again, and Howard Segal booted the last one.

The scoring outburst enabled winning coach Mickey Cochrane to play reserves for most of the final period.

IM entries

Entries for the all-campus handball singles and pad- dleball singles tournaments are due today in the in- tramural office, 201 Memorial Hall.

In recent results, Sigma Chi streaked to the fraternity cross country championship with their three man team covering two miles in the total time of 29:57. The winning Sig trio was Dave Lashey, Bill Fruth and Dave Moon. Kappa Sigma and Delta Tau Delta took second and third.

Individually, the Delts' Terry Ward won with a new meet record time, 9:15. Follwing Ward were Dennis Wright (9:19) representing Alpha Phi Alpha, Roy Virost (9:21) for Pi Kappa Alpha, independents Steve Parett (9:22), Rich Grimes (9:26) and BiU Weaver (9:27), Ken Brush (9:29) of Kappa Sigma, Dick Jeffries (9:31), BUI Ratti (9:34) and BiU Ivoska (9:35).

Steve Kahn won the all- campus golf tournament with a low gross score of 77, net 70. Dan Goble was next with 79, Patrick CoUins carded 80 and Roger Kontak, Court Furber and Steve Schneifder had 81's.

Nawaphoto by Jim Fiadler

4? sporrs Staff openings

The "News" sports department is in need of students trained In newspaper page makeup or experienced in some way with drawn or layout of typographical elements.

Sports cartoonists or photographers are also en- couraged to contact the sports editor at the News office. 106 University Hall, if interested in contributing to the daily sports page display.

Runners top EM, wait for Woffle

By Dan Casseday Sports Writer

Sid Sink and Dave Wottle were headliners as usual for the cross country team as it won its last home meet of the season, but while one con- tinued to be a bright spot in a shining season, the other was a cause for concern.

Sink, setting the pace as usual, set a new Bowling Green course record as he covered six miles in the time of 25:25. The senior captain led the Falcon*; to completion of an undefeated (10-0) dual season as they sped past Eastern Michigan, 17-42.

Wottle, injured last Tuesday in practice, didn't participate in the meet and left doubts as to whether he would be available for the MAC Championships Saturday at Ohio University.

Because he didn't run. the necessity of having a replacement fur Dave atohin U. depends on how he responds to running in practice this week

The meet against Eastern Michigan was to have determined the seven runners who would compete in the MAC and remaining cham- pionship meets. Wottle's doubtful status, the results of the meet, and the conditions facmg all competitors at Athens Saturday cloud the situation.

Tracy Elliott and Steve Danforth took second and third for BG against Eastern to the surprise of nobody. Bob McOmber, Dave Olson and Craig MacDonald followed them to fill the first six spots. Wottle would normally have finished ahead of this group,

behind Sink, to make up the team which would run the remainder of the season. , .

However. In his absence, Jim Kerstle moved into the top seven, which would normally qualify him to run the refit of the season. Not in this case, not for certain anyway. Ohio University's course is recognized as one of the most rugged around.

•it's all up and down, there's no place to recover," explained head coach Mel Brodt "The courte uln't conductive for Ferstle, .mho has been injured much of the season."

Rest assured the MAC_ course would be rough—(of' Wottle too. with an injury. It could be a chance for fresh- man Rich Schnittker to move in and compete, or for Ferstle to make up for lost time.

Water polo squad splits The water polo club had its

ups and downs over the weekend in Michigan. On the plus side, they beat Oakland University, (Rochester, Mich.) M, Friday, and at- tended an Olympic water polo development committee- sponsored clinic, with Bob Horn, the coach of the NCAA champions, (UCLA) as the main speaker.

Before Saturday's clinic at '••using. Bowling Green's acquatic acrobats were dunked by the University of

Michigan, 17-1. Three BG starters, Wayne Rose, Bill Zeeb, and Tom Nienhuis, were absent due to the last minute scheduling of the match.

Of the 10 Falcon players pitted against one of the best water polo teams in the Midwest, eight were fresh- men. Dave Thomas scored three goals, Jim Williams, two, and Steve Breithaupt, one.

"The Oakland game was a different story as BG coach

Tomstubbs substituted freely

with BG leading throughout. Williams and Rose shared the scoring lead with three goals apiece, backed up by Breithaupt with two and Zeeb, one.

The team record is 4-2, heading into a rematch with

Ohio State, here, Friday night at 7 in the Natatorium. They wrap up the season Sunday afternoon at 2, playing the Cleveland Olympic club as part of the dedication ac- tivities for the new Lorain, Ohio Acquatic Center.

Page 9: The BG News November 3, 1970 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Page 8/Tht BG News, Tuesday, November 3, 1970

ipho'o by Jim Fi«dl«

N.w»pholo by Jin M.dln

CLEAR CRUSING for Roger 'dodger' Murray.

VILLAPIANO ATTACKS herd quarterback Harris.

Falcons turn gremlins By Via Mnnnlx

Auiitanl Sports Editor

"Halloween "in:hi to come more often if it's this good" the kids from Marshall probably thought as they trick or treated themselves to a 24- 13 lead in the third quarter of last Saturday's game.

But the Marshall kids probably felt a little greedy, so deciding to stay a little longer, they reached into Bowling Green's bag one more time, and out flashed these gremlins who swarmed all over the "trick or treaters" and sent them scurrying home with a 28-24 beating.

The Falcon "gremlins" struck for 13 points late in the fourth quarter, climaxing a "hang on, baby, cuz here I come," ending when Stu Shestina kicked a game winning 38 yard field goal with 1:04 left in the game,

"There was a lot of pressure on Stu but we had

confidence in him," said Dave Flnley, guard and tri-captain. "He was cool about It, Just as if he was kicking in practice."

Art Curtis, who did Bowling Green's kicking last year, and who got things started in the last quarter with an in- terception, spoke for everybody when he said, "I felt like I was out there getting ready for the kick."

Right after Stu's "climactic" field goal, it did seem like everybody was out there on the field when Bowling Green's bench blew up in an explosion of dancing, and hugging ballplayers and coaches.

Some of the best dancers on the field for the Falcons in- cluded quarterback Don Plusquelllc, and wingback Billy l'tttman who combined on pass plays which seemed to take the attack everywhere in the second half including the Perry Stadium box seats.

"We stuck to the same game plan when we came out

for the second half," said Billy. "We knew which passes would go, so then Don started hitting me on the curl pattern, and the wingback delay."

And if Billy or whoever might've been the primary reieiver was covered, Don was consistently hitting a secondary receiver.

"If the linebacker took Billy, then Don threw to me or Jerry (Fields)," said fullback Ike Wright, "and if we were covered, Billy got the ball."

Plusquellic opened the second half at quarterback, and took Bowling Green back into the game with a 75 yard scoring drive.

With third and 10 on Marshall's 34, Plusquellic gave the ball to Pittman on a counter to the quick side. Bad shoulder and all, guard Dave Finley blocked the defensive end out, and the "littlest gremlin", Pittman bolted through the hole and up the sidelines for the touchdown.-

One play that worked

successfully during the game was Bowling Green's draw play to tailback Roger Murray. Evidently, the Marshall linebackers couldn't figure what "bag" the Falcon offense was coming out of, so playing It safe they dropped back for the pass.

"They're pretty weak on pass defense so when they saw us setting up for pass blocking they'd drop back real quick," said Dennis Maupin, the Falcons' offensive center.

"Oncethe draw came through, our blockers just went out and stuffed 'em."

Marshall scored once more to make it 24-13 but with a little less than seven minutes left in the game, the Falcons chopped the difference to three points.

Mixing up his ground and air attack, on a march from mid-field to the 5 Plusquellic pitched out to Roger Murray whoscored behind some sharp blocking, and then threw to

tight end Tom Lawrence for a two point conversion.

Perhaps shaken up by Art Curtis' interception, Marshall lost its offensive zip, and with 2:19 to go, the Herd played it strictly straight when on fourth down deep in their own turf, their punter knelt in the end zone.

"We took the safety because we thought our defense would hold them," said Marshall coach Rick Tobley.

The strategy backfired as the Falcons moved in for the kill a heartstopping one minute and fifteen seconds later.

Now behind 26-24, the Herd got panicky with only a minute to play, and another Bowling Green gremlin, safety Larry Kelly, gobbled up a stray Marshall pass and the trap door to the Perry Stadium haunted house was shut for good on the trick or treaters from West Virginia.

"•••»•• by Ji« Ht*«

MR. VILLAPIANO, Dad Of the Year.

Nowsphoto by Lorry Fullorton

CHEERLEADER RON RAGOZINE flips out from 24-24 win.


H.-WS«. by Jim FI.JI„

THATS THE WAY the ba II bounces, BO'S way of course. THE THUNDERING hand when in doubt.

Nawipkoto by Jim Fl.dl.,

HERD, hand in