The B.G. News May 6, 1958 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-6-1958 The B.G. News May 6, 1958 The B.G. News May 6, 1958 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B.G. News May 6, 1958" (1958). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1420. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU.

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The B.G. News May 6, 1958 The B.G. News May 6, 1958

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B.G. News May 6, 1958" (1958). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1420.

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Weather Outlook—Tuesday, cool and e«pecl

•d showers. Temperature! — Tuesday. expected

hiqh In the aid SOV Wedneeday and Thursday, a Unto Clje p. #. Mt


Thought For The Day Whinmr nature) leave* a hole In a person's mind. she gener- ally plasters II over with a thick coot of self-conceit. Longfellow

VoL42 Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Tuesday. May 6. 1958 No. 45

Student Government Constitution Is Completed; Ratification Election Will Be Held Thursday


Students will vote for or

Against ratification of the pro-

posed constitution for student

government Thursday, May 8, in an all-campus election, stat-

ed Peg Faze, chairman of the Student Elections Board. This special election is provided for in the appendix to the constiution, which sets forth the procedure for its adoption and implementation.

If approved by a majority vote of the students voting in the election, the constitution shall be adopted and will become effective on the date of its adoption.

For the nrst time, precinct vot- ing will be In effect, Miss Faxe an- nounced, to give students in all sections of the campus an equal chance to vote, and thus increase the probability of having a large percentage of the student body vot- ing on this important issue.

Voting can be done from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at four places on campus: tlie main lobby of the University Union, the main lounge of Found- ers Quadrangle, the Well of the Administration Bldg., and either the main lounge or post office area of Rodgera Quadrangle.

A simple "yes' or "no" is all that will be needed on a ballot for a student to show his opinion about adoption of the constitution, Miss Faze added.

Should the constitution be rati- fied by the student body, the ap-

PLANNDfG THE CONSTITUTION, was lh. Committee os Nesi Stops lot Student Participation Is University Go- vernment and Administration. Ths members are, frost left to right. Coral Crsason. Doan Florence Cantor. Chuck

Pony. Sus Raudns. Pros. Ralph W. McDonald. Norm Nunamaksr. Dsan WaUacs W. Taylor Jr. Ron Kloltor, Dr. EMm T. Smith, and Mln Anne Potoky. Ths commlltos was sslabltshod in November.

(Coapleto Constitution On Pages I. I) Ry GEORGE DOUBTER

In concurrence with the principles and purposes for its

existence, the Committee on Next Steps for Student Partici-

pation in University Government and Administration, ratified

and passed on to the student body for approval, a new consti-

tution for the set up and governing of student government here at the University.

The constitution, which is scheduled to go before the stu-

dent body in a general election on Thursday, specifically in- tends to establish offices and agencies of the Student Body

through which more student participation in University gov- ernment is encouraged. Also, the committee feels that the

constitution will provide the University with the advantage

of student deliberation and ex- Ml I • .— perience in arriving at the sound

arsh Urges Laution •* PORRMR poiiejesand practice* with respect to matters which re- late directly and uniformly to all students enrolled in the Univer- sity.

World Views COPENHAGEN—The NATO foreign ministers were told Monday

they would be "abandoning" their responsibilities to the peoples of the Atlantic Alliance if they did not examine "all existing possibilities" for easing East-West tensions.

Danish Premier and Foreign Minister Hans Christian Hansen told his colleagues at the opening session of the ministers' semi-annual con- ference that the "task which falls to u.s is immense, but it would not make us too pessimistic."

MOSCOW—Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko summoned pendix to it provides definite steps tn, western big three ambassadors for separate meetings Monday at that will have to be taken if the the Kremlin. organization for the government Gromyko was scheduled to lead off the talks with French Envoy of the students is to come into Maurice Dcjcan. Sir Patrik Reilly of Britain was to follow and then

American Ambassador Llewellyn E. Thompson. existence at the beginning of the 1958-69 school year. The steps will be guided by the Special Committee on Next Steps for Student Partici- pation in University Government and Administration.

Four student body officers and nine members of the Student Council, three each from the rising senior, junior, and sophomore classes, for 1968-59 will be elected in the University-wide student election Wednesday. May 21, in ac- cordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 2b of the con- stitution.

The members of the Council on Student Affairs shall serve in lieu of a nominating convention, or the nominating committee as set forth

(Continued on page 2)

JAKARTA—The Indonesian government announced Monday the capture of the Sumatrsn rebel capital of Bukittinggi and said Loyalist troops were carrying out mopping-up operations in the mountainous region. Premier Prawiranegara and other top leaders of the shattered rebel regime were reported fleeing through the jungles of West Sumat- ra.

NICOSIA—Greek Cypriote faced possible further delay in official talks on the future of their island home Monday in the wake of Sunday's renewed underground violence.

British Governor Sir Hugh Foot reimposed the mandatory death penalty for convicted underground gunmen after two unarmed British soldiers in civilian dress were shot in the back and killed Sunday on the sunny streets of Famagusta.

BOGOTA -Bipartisan candidate Alberta Lleras Camargo emerged Monday with a landslide victory in Columbia's first popular presidential election in eight years.

The 61-ycar-old Liberal party leader, who had the backing of most Conservatives as well as his own party, received an estimated 85 per cent of the ballots cast in Sunday's election.

Compiled horn ths wires of The International News Set rice

President Gives SG Full Support

After a full year of study and discussion, every member of the Special Conimittee recommends with enthusinsm the Constitution of the Student Body. I am pleased personally with the plan, because it will give us one of the strongest, most far-reaching student govern- ments in the country. I believe our student body is ready and willing to fulfill the important responsibi- lities embodied in this Constitu- tion. The adoption of this study body government will be another major step in the progress of the University.

To achieve the aims and purpos- es of student government as pro- vided in this Constitution, we shall need our ablest and best student leaders as Student Body officers, and members of the Student Coun- cil, and members of the Student Body Boards. Our Student Court has demonstrated that the students of Bowling Green State Univer- sity can do an outstanding job in self-government. The new stu- dent government will have my full support.

Ralph W. McDonald President

To Prevent Hepatitis Approximately 100 ruses of he-

patitis are present on the campus according to Dr. John H. Marsh, director of the University Health Service. However, Dr. Marsh said, this is fur from being an epidemic but students are urged to exercise caution in order to keep the dis- ease from spreading.

Hepatitis, he said, is a virus in- fection of the liver, resulting In actual destruction of liver cells. This causes difficulty in digestion, especially fatty foods.

Hepatitis is contracted through personal contact, such as kissing, drinking from contimated glasses or cups, or eating from improperly cleaned dishes. Noticeable symp- toms include: persistent tiredness especially after exercise, upset stomach, and cramps and tender- ness in the upper abdomen. Head- aches and dissiness may also ac- company the above symptoms, Dr. Marsh said.

Hepatitis is contagious and may be contracted through contact with those who have the disease. It is seen most frequently in athletes and others engaged in strenuous activity. Any student who suspects that he may have hepatitis is urg- ed to visit the health service im- mediately for treatment, he said.

Complete rest and avoidance of all exercise are urged, along with a high protein-low fat diet and vitamins. Early treatment with complete rest is important, as dis- ability may result and recovery may be prolonged, Dr. Marsh con- cluded.

DO, Alpha Xi, Chi O Receive Phi Delta Theta Wins DU Bike Race Top Honors At Annual May Sing Theta Chi Files Pro*es*

With IFC Judicial Board _-

Four Freshmen To Name Queen

The Four Freshmen, who will be featured during the University's Spring Week End, are choosing tile Kappa Sigma Chariot Race Venus. Chuck Hilty, publicity chair- man for the race announced that eight finalists have been selected, and it is from these that the noted singing group wil make their choice.

The eight finalists are: Jan Ayers, LaDel Gerlach, Barbara Mellon, Saralyn Miller, Mimi Mills. Charlene Rehfeldt. Robbie Stupple and Beverly Wehr.

The Chariot Race events arc scheduled to get underway Satur- day at 12:30 p.m. with a parade of the floats through downtown Bowl- ing Green. All floats have been built and entered by the various housing units on campus. Trophies will be awarded to the outstanding women's float, and to the outstand- ing men's. Judges for the floats will be announced on Friday.

Following the parade, at 2:80 p.m., the races wil get under way. They are to be held en the field behind the Fine Arts Bldg. As usual, trophies will be presented to

Delta Gamma sailed through to first place in the fifteenth annual May Sing sponsored by the As- sociation of Women Students, May I, in the Grand Ballroom of the University Union.

Phi Delta Theta set two new

records Saturday at the eigh-

th annual Delta Upsilon Bike

Race. The Phi Delt team corn- Alpha Xi Delta, under the direc- pleted 70 laps of 2.2 miles

tion of Judy Beatty, took second place and Chi Omega, under the direction fo Joan Shepard, ranked third. Mooney Hall was fourth.

Charlotte Bliesch, Delta Gamma song leader, accepted the Gamma Phi Beta trophy for her group which sang "Lost In The Stars" and "Our Little Ship." The trophy was presented by Nancy Smith, Gamma Phi president.

Alpha Xi Delta sang "Come Spirits, Tis His Day" and "Of Thee I Cherish." Chi Omega sang "Chi Omega Serenade" and "Lau- damus Te."

Entertainment while the judges were deciding featured a ballet solo by Jeanne Baker, songs by the Alpha Tau Omega Quartet and a comedy act by Those Two, Ron O'Leary and Thelma Madden.

Donna Remy, AWS president was mistress of ceremonies end Carol McEwen was general chair- man of the May Sing.

Judging were Ferris E. Ohl, pro- fessor of voice and chorus at Heid- elberg College; James VanNice,

each for a total of 154 miles in the distance division, to top the 88 laps set in 1967. Jack Cald well, Phi Delt rider, won the speed lap with a time of 6:03, one half second faster than last year's re- cord. Theta Chi was second with 69 laps, 151.8 miles, and Alpha Tau Omega finished third by go- ing 64 laps, 140.8 miles.

Theta Chi members have filed a formal protest against a rules decision by the three DU judges, which cost the Theta Chi racers one lap and put them in second place. A bike's seat fell off ap- proximately 40 feet ahead of the timing line. The rider, Jim Brown, finished the lap without it, and a Theta Chi pledge retrieved the lost seat.

According to Rick Laiho, The- ta Chi race chairman, Section 2 of the DU Bike Race rules states that "If a bike breaks down on the raceway, only the bike rider is allowed, without any assistance, to carry, drag, or kick his bike to his repair pit" Laiho also de- clared that "In Rule No. 1, lit

READYI GO! The entrants In the speed lap of Saturday'! DU Bike Race are set to mount their bicycles at the shot of the starter's gun. Phi Delta Theta'■ rider. lack CaldwelL wan this event with a record tune of 8:03.

winners in both the men's and the head of the music department at g ,on)y one bike mmy ^ u'8ej women's divisions. During the Findlay College; and James R. throughout the entire race.' A races, Venus will be crowned. Pre- senting the crown to the winning girl will be Cells Richardson, last year's Venus. At that time a rotat- ing trophy will be presented to her also.

Hilty stated that all daring the week the Kappa Sigma chariot will be on display in the circle.

Grabill, band and orchestra direc- tor at Libbey High School, Toledo.

Other groups who participated were: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Tread way, Lowry, Harmon, Moo- ney, and Williams Halls.

rider or his pit men can change handlebars, seats, chains, etc., without penalty.

"The Theta Chi protest," said Laiho, "is to determine if Jim Brown did or did not receive as- sistance in bringing his bike to

(Continued on page 2)

Photos ky Rtonet A QUICK CHANGE of riders Is made by one of the fraternities In the annual

Delia Upeilon bike race, held this year amidst downpours and sunshine. The rider, having completed a lap on the 1.2 mile coarse. Is lifted from the bicycle by his brothers as another prepares to take his place.

Committee Formed Tho "Committee on Next Steps

. . ." was formed in November of last year with the purpose, ac- cording to Dr. Ralph W. MrDon- nld, of "bringing students more and more into top bodies which decide policies affecting students both in the realm of government and association with the adminis- tration."

The Constitution's chief factors are concerned with setting up of a Student Council, its cabinet, seven student boards, and nil judi- cial functions residing with the Student Court.

Student Council The Student Council shall cxer-

risc all legislative functions of the student body under the provi- sions of the constitution. It is outlined that the proceedings and actions of the Student Council will be restricted to legislative matters. The Council shall consist of 24 students. Namely: the presi- dent, vice-president, secretary and treasurer of the student body; the presidents of the Association of Women Students, Association of Men Students, Intcrfraternity Council, Panhcllenic Council, Uni- versity Union, Omicron Delta Kap- pa, the Cap and Gown, senior class, junior class, sophomore class, and freshman class; and nine members chosen by popular vote in a Uni- versity-wide student election.

In the event any one student shall qualify for more than one of the memberships of the Stu- dent Council, the total member- ship will be reduced accordingly during the time that such a stu- dent holds office.

In essence the Student Council's (Continued on page 2)

Nominating Meeting

For 1958-59 Officers

Scheduled Tomorrow The nominating convention for

upperclass officers will be held tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the grand ballroom of the University Union.

Candidates for office cannot run if they are not nominated and seconded at this time, and no ex- ception of this rule will he made, Peg Fare, chairman of the Stu- dent Elections Board, has announ- ced. Any person may be nominat- ed by a single person or group and seconded by another person or members of the group.

An all campus election will be held Wednesday, May 21. Along with the class officers, the May Queen and her court will be nam- ed in the election, and, if the pro- posed constitution for student go- vernment is ratified by the stu- dent body in Thursday's voting, the members of the Student Coun- cil and officers of the student body will be selected.

Each person nominated to to- morrow's convention will be given a petition to be signed by at least 40 students of his class. These must be turned into the Union Activities Office by 5 p.m. Friday, Miss Faze said.

Each prospective candidate's pe- tition will be checked by the Elec- tions Board and each candidate will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of his petition. Each candidate must have at least a 2.0 accumulative average, Miss Faze added.

Page 3: The B.G. News May 6, 1958 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Editorially Speaking

Vote Or Keep Quiet The ratification of the proposed constitution for student

government by the Committee on Next Steps On Student Parti-

cipation in University Government and Administration is

without question one of the brightest and most far reaching

developments in many years. For some time now students have complained about the

lack of student government on the campus. In the same respect numerous questions have been raised regarding the lack of

student voice and participation in deciding policy regarding

student welfare and well-being. In an effort to correct the above situations the Univer-

sity administration, under the direction of the President, established the Next Steps Committee to investigate and

evaluate the existing lack of student government. The completion of the committee's work is a clear indica-

tion that their task was not merely one of pacification. Rather,

it was one of forward and all encompassing action. That the

committee's work is soldily endorsed by the Administration is

evident in the ratification election which will take place this

Thursday. The proposed constitution is, in our opinion, one of the

most complete, compact and all inclusive plans for student government that can be found in any institution of higher

learning. We now have the opportunity for full voice in student

affairs. Should the proposed constitution be ratified by the

student body, and we hope that it will be, student government

will become a reality at the University. So, vote or keep quiet.

Financial Aid Committee Assists Education Of Qualified Students

IFC To choose. Calendar Of Events Bike Race

Qualified ntudenU who might otharwiM be denied the privilege of u college education, are assist- ed hy the financial aid program of the University, which falls un- der the tn-1 ni financial aid com- mittee.

Klden T. Smith, director of Stu- dent affairs, is chairman and the subcommitteea are headed by Kalph 0, Harshman, vice-presi- dent of the University, and K. C. RlngWi assistant business manag- er.

In addition to operating as a unit, the committee operates through three subcommittees—the subcommittee on scholarships, the subcommittee on grant** in-aid and the subcommittee on student loans.

The purpose of the financial aid program of the University is to assist worthy and qualified stu- dents who might otherwise be de- nied the privilege of a college education, through scholarships, grants-in-aids, loans, and work

opportunities. In so far as possible, the extent of this assistance in adjusted to the financial need of the applicant, although a limited number of special scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstand- ing scholastic achievement with- out regard to need.

The functions of the committee us a whole are: to recommend pro- cedures for the most advantageous operation of the respective sub- committees; to perform services of an advisory of preparatory na- ture to assist each of the sub- committees; and to submit recom- mendations to the President per- taining to the University program of student financial aid.


segalls Across from new Motto Balldlnf

Store Your Winter Clothes

We supply you with a spacious


Return box to us. We store it. Fully insured.

Pick up your clothes in the fall fully

cleaned at our regu- lar prices.


segalls Aerate from new Manic Balldlnf

(Continued from page 1)

in Article V, Section 2, to select candidates for the offices of Pres- ident, Secretary, and Treasurer of the student body, and senior, juni- or, and sophomore members of the Student Council.

Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior who hus a cumulative point average of 2.6 or above slmll be eligible for elective membership on the Student Council. Candidates for President or Vice-president of the Student Body have to be ris- ing seniors with a cumulative point average of 8.0 or above. Those for Iho other officers of the student body can be rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a cumu- lative average of 3.0 or above.

Candidates for President of the Student Body will be at least two but no more than four rising seniors. For each of the positions of Secretary and Treasurer of the Student Body, at least two but no more than three rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors will be candi- dates.

There will be at least five but not more than seven candidates from each of the rising sophomore, junior, and senior classes for the three seata to be held on the council by each class.

The student body boards for 1958-69 as described in the con- stitution shall be established through appointment by the exist- ing Student Leadership and Serv- ice Committee acting in lieu of the Student Leadership and Serv- ice Board as provided in the Con- stitution.

Starts Tonight 3 Days—TuerWed-Thu

Relax under the itarsl

It crosses a new boundary in screen entertainment

B.G.S.U/s own darling



Era Marie Saint

Don Murray Anthony Frandosa

Lloyd Nolan of Peyton Place

Judiciary Board Larry Coffman, Perry Lanning,

Harvey Bibicoff, and Dale Haven are nominees for the 1968-69 In- terfraternity Council Judicial Board. Additional nominee* will be named tomorrow before the election.

Currently serving on the board, which reviews cases of infractions of University rules by fraterni- ties, are Gene Lamb, Bob Green- berg, and Charles McCampbell. Only McCampbell will remain on the board next year. Lamb will be a June graduate and Greenberg has recently been elected adminis- trative vice-president of IFC and is ineligible to serve as a board member.

Two full-time members and one alternate will be elected from the above nominees by IFC.

Revision of the IFC constitution has been completed, subject to ap- proval by President Ralph W. Mc- Donald, according to Ron Harmon, council president.

Harmon has been working to add or insert those sections which he feels will meet the numerous prob- lems which IFC continually faces.

Constitution (Continued from page 1)

functions shall be to legislate and govern all matters pertaining to student life at the University. It will be its duty to encourage all student organizations in their de- velopment and formation and in general to promote friendly and accurate communications among all phases and departments of the University.

The cabinet, composed of the four officers of the Student Coun- cil and chairmen of the seven Stu- dent Body Boards, will serve as the central executive agency of the student body. It will supervise the activities of the Student Body Boards and ull voluntary student organizations. It will also serve as an advisery group to the President of the Student Body.

The seven Student Body Boards are, the Student Charities Board, the Student Communications Hoard, the Student Elections Hoard, the Student Spirit and Traditions Board, the Stu- it and Traditions Board, the Stu- dent leadership and Services Board, the Student Orientation Board and the Student Organiza lions Board.

Each of the Student Boards will consist of five students mem- bers appointed by the Student Leadership and Service Board and confirmed by the Student Council. One faculty member will be ap- pointed by President McDonald as adviser to the Hoard.

As set up in the Constitution, all judicial functions of the stu- dent body will reside in the Stu- dent Court. The Court, consisting of five student justices elected in May of each year by a two- thirds vote of the Student Coun- cil, will in addition to exercising its legal functions for the Univer- sity under the authority of the President and Board of Trustees will: interpet the provisions of the Constitution, exercise judicial review over all actions taken and decisions made by officers and agencies of the student body, hold hearings on any dispute that may be referred to them by any student organization and consider charges against individual students or student organisations for vio lations of such rules and regula- tions as may be enacted by the Student Council.

It must be pointed out that the Constitution provides safeguards for all major student government organizations and their subsidiar- ies from an encroachment what- soever upon their own internal governments, programs, and acti- vities. The NEWS and the KEY also retain complete autonomy.

Those organisations falling un- der this provision are: the Associa- tion of Women Students, the As- sociation of Men Students, the Interfraternity Council, the Pan- hellenic Council, the University Union organisation and official University councils and commit- tees, together with the organisa- tions, committees, and other ag- encies subsidiary to these bodies.

T:M- 7iJ4 a.m. 11:00-11:00 a.m- 11:00-11:00 a.m. 11:00-11:00 a.m. 11:00-11:00 a.m. 1:10- «>90 p.m. 4:M p.m. 4:00- 5:00 p.m. 4:00- 5:15 p.m. 5:00- 5:10 p.m. 7.00-10:00 p.m. Ml t:10 p.m.

Tuesday. NOT • CCF trayer M..ting Btfkl Anle-Room. Prout Chapel «nOTC Drum and Bugle Corp* Practice Woman'. Or" IS) Counselor Training Program Per.hlng Rifles Drill Praciic. AFROTC Common Hear UCF Sallglon Course Woman'. Tennis Cluh AWS Soard Heeling Woman'. Intramural. CCT Prayer Meeting lunlor-Sankor Art Samlnar

(:10- 7:30 p.m. 7:30 7:50 a.m. 3:30- 4:90 p.m.

1:M- 4:M p.m. 3.30 4:30 p.m. 1:90- 9:00 p.m. 4)00 p.m. 4:00- 5:15 p.m. 4:10 5:00 p.m. 5:00- 5:10 p.m. 0:00- 7:00 p.m. 1:30- 7:90 p.m. 1:10- 1:10 p.m. 1:30 10:00 p.m.

1:30 10:00 p.m. 1:90- 9:90 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 p.m. 7:00- 1:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:90. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Alumni Room. University Unloai Woman*. Gym (If) Gala Theatre Aud.

Studio B. Practical Art. Bldg. Women's Bldg.

Ta(1 Room. Onlverslly Onion Sldg. H aud S Gyms. 109. 10*

Right Anta Room. Front Chapal nm Arts Gallery and Gamma Epellon Maating Harrison aud Wayuu Boom.. Onlverslly Union

Phi Dolla Thala the-Delt Waak Mar 7 P.rehlng Rifla. D.ill Practice Women s Gym (HI CCr Prayar Maating Right Ante-Room. Proul Chapal Newman Club Rallglon Clam Parry and Croghan Room., Union Nawman Club Rallglon Class Wars. Room. University Union UCF Services Proul Chapel English DepL Books and Co/tee Hour Alumni Room, University Union

Women'. Bldg. Women's Bldg.. R and S Cyme. 105. 109

ItS Women . Bldg. or Ooll Course Rlghl Ant. Boom. Proul Chape] Wayne Room. University Union

eeting Ohio tulle (C). University Union Mealing Toft Room, University Onion

Perry and Chogban Rooms. University Union

ire Meeting; 104 Administration Bldg.

Co-Ed Archery Club Women'. Intramural. Golf Club CCT Prayer Meeting Circle K Meeting Phi Epellon Onucron 9 OSEA Executive Board Sahl Pi Theta Meetlny

Women's Intramural. Wee Army BOTC Seminar . __ Workshop Playere Meeting Chemical Journal Club Orche.i. and Del.arles Meeting

Be Bldg.. N and S Gyms, 105, 101 Practical Arm Aud.

Alumni Room. University Union 140 Overman Hall

101. Ml Women's Bldg.

7:30 7:50 a.m lilt- 4:90 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00- 9:15 p.m. 4:00- 5:10 p.m. 5:00- 5:10 p.m. 9:00- 9:00 p.m. 4:15- 7:15 p.m. till- 7:15 p.m. 9:90- 7:00 p.m. 9:90- 7:90 p.m. lilt. 9:30 p.m. 7:15 1:19 p.m. 7:00- 1:00 p.m.

7:00- 1:00 p.m.

9:90- 9:30 p.m.

1:49- 945 p m.

7:90- 7:50 a.m. 5:00- 5:10 p.m. 9:90- 9:00 p.m. 4:90- 9:00 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 p.m. 7:00- 11:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. 9:00-12:00 p.m.

All Day 7:10- 7:50 a.m.

12 H- 5:00 p.m. 1:30 2:90 p.m. 4:00- 9:00 p.m. 5:00- 5:20 p.m. 5:00- 7:00 p.m. 5:90 p.m. 1:90- 9:90 p.m. 7:04 p.m.

t p.m.- 1 a.m. t p.m.- I a.m. t p.m.- 1 a.m. t p.m. 1 a.m

All Day 10:00 12:00 p.m. 12:00- 3:00 p.m. 12:00- 9:00 p.m.

ItlO- 9:10 p.m.

1:00 4:00 p.m. 4:00 7:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:90- 9:04 p.m.

Industrial Arts Club Meeting Industrial Arts Bid,, tola Beta Beta Meeting Wayne. Room. Onlverslly Onion Geology Lecture. "Some Notes on What the IGY Meteorological Program Will Tell U. About the Weather'' by Pro,. Lyle rietcher Dogwood tulle.

Univer.lty Union Open Air Band Concert University Fiona Phi Delta Thela Ihe-Dell Week

Thursday. May I CCr Prayer Meeting Right Ante Room. Proul Chapel UCr Religion Course Studio I. Practical Arts Bldg. Women's Tennis Club .. Women's Bldg. Women's Intramural. Women's Bldg.. N and B Gym.. 105. 109 Council on Student Allalrs faft Boom, University Union CCF Prayer Meeting Right Ante-Room. Prout Chapel Sigma Mu tanguel Dogwood Room (W). Onlverslly Union Newman Club Religion Close Ohio Suite (C), University Union Newman Club Religion Class Ohio Suite (B). University Union Christian Science Organisation Meeting Prout Chapel ACE Meeting Alumni loom. University Union Women's Intramural. Women's Bldg., M and S Gyms. 105. 104 Newman Club Religion Clans Ohio Sulla (C), University Onion Sigma Delta PI Meeting Perry and Croghan Rooms,

Univer.lty Union Geography Club and Gamma Theta Upellon Meeting Harrison and

Wayne Rooms, University Union Tau Beta Sigma Meeting Perry and Croghan Rooms,

Datvorslty Union AFROTC Drill Team Practice Women's Gym (NI Phi Delta Theta She Doll Week

rriday. May t CCF Prayer Meeting Right Ante-Room. Proul Chapel CCF Prayer Meeting Right Ante-Room, Prout Chapel CCF Meeting Harrison and Wayne Rooms, Onlverslly Onion tpeech Department Dessert Dogwood Suite, Onlverslly Onion Jewish Congregation Mooting Proul Chapel Mooney Hall Sguare Dance Grand Ballroom. Onlverslly Union

R.lla Brunlna Recital Hall of Music Aud, Pi Kappa Alpha Spring Formal Dance Tontoganv Legion Hall Thela Chi Parent.' Week End Phi Delia Theta She Dolt Week

Saturday. May 10 Theta Chi Parents' Week End CCF Prayer Meeting Kappa Sigma Chariot Race Novice Debate Tournament Beta Gamma Sigma Initiation CCF Prayer Meeting Delta Tau Delta Mother.' Banquet Beta Gamma Sigma Banquet Alftha XI Delta Parents' Banquet Campus Movie. "Behind the Scenes Disney'. Studio." and at 7)24, St. Louis" Kappa Sigma Closed Toga Dance Zola Beta Tau Closed Formal Dance Alumni Room. Onlverslly Union Delia Xi Thela Closed Formal Dance Dogwood Room (P). Sigma Phi Epellon Closed rormal Dance Bowling Green

Country Club Alpha XI Dolla Parents' Day Phi Delta Theta She Delt Week

Sunday. May 11 Seventh Annual Student Art Exhibit Gamma Delta Student Servic.s Chi Omega Parents' Banquet Grand Ballroom, Dela Zeta Banquet Alumni Room, PI Kappa Alpha Mothers' Day Program

(Continued from page 1) the pit. He pedalled across the timing line under his own power; therefore, we feel that no rule was violated."

The protest has been referred to the Interfraternity Council Ju- dicial Board, where a final deci- sion will be made.

After a parade around cam- pus, led by the Queen, the race committee assembled at the tim- ing line on Ridge St.. behind the former English Bldg. The starting guns went off at 9:05 and the race ended at 5:05, when trophies were presented to the winners by the Queen, Marguerite Beckman, Chi Omega.

Other teams, and the distance they raced, were: Delta Tau Delta, f>2 laps, 136.4 miles; Delta Epsl- lon. 62 laps; Pi Kappa Alpha, 62 laps; Kappa Sigma, 62 laps; Phi Kappa Psi, 60 laps, 132 miles: /.eta Beta Tau, 54 laps, 118.4 miles, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 52 laps, 114.4 miles.

3<nutUw Greta State Uni»et$itu

Ml lanle Damsel

luno Burden

Al Goldberg

Dave Herts Harriet Peters


CmM Editor Editor

JLes-t Aes'L Issue

Thehna Madden Sodory

Nancy Cooler Asel Sodory Bobbo lohnko Wire

Sab Qroomborg . Spar- See Stafcnia-w ... Asel Sports


fcttea. Ecakor

Commorode Perry Hotel. Toledo Right Ante Room. Proul Chapel

Dogwood Suite, University Union Studio B. Practical Arts Bldg.

Right Ante-Room, Prout Chapel Alumni Room, University Union

Ohio tulle. Onlverslly Onion Grand Ballroom, nlverslly Onion

i at Walt "tplrll of

Main Aud.

All Day 7:90- 7:50 a.m. 9:90- 4:90 p.m. 3:30 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00- 5:00 p.m. 4:00- 5:15 p.m. 5:00- 5:20 p.m. 4il5- 7:15 p.m. 4:15 4:00 p.m. 9:90- 7:45 p.m. 4:94- 4:00 p.m.

5:50- 9:10 p.m. 7:00- 9:00 pan. 7:90- 9:90 p.m. 9:90- 9:90 p.m. 4l41- 9:45 p.m.

Alpha Kappa Omega Tea Historical lulls. OCF Meeting Ohio tulle. Lutheran Student Association Meeting tt. Mark's Qanima Delta Meeting Alumni Room, Alpha Chi Omega Parents' Day Delta Gamma Parents' Day Theta Chi Parents' Week End

Monday. May 11 Seventh Annual Student Arts Exhibit

CCF Prayer Meeting UCF Religion Courts

CCF Meeting Co-Ed Archery Club Meeting Panh.U.nic Council Meeting Women's Intramural. CCF Prayer Meeting Newman Club Religion Clast AWS Judicial Board Meeting UCF Meeting

Fine Arts Gallery Proul Chapel

Uni.or.ily Union University Union Dogwood Suite.

University Union University Union University Union Lutheran Church University Onion

Fine Arts Gallery

Orientation Leader Training Session

Women'. Intramural. Kappa Mu Epellon Help Session Beta Alpha Pel Mooting REW Committee Mooting AFROTC Drill Team Practice

Right Ante-Room, Prout Chape'l Studio B, Practical Arts tldg.

Prout Chapel Wontsn's tldg.

Council Room Women's Bldg.

Rlghl Ante-Room, Prout Chapel Ohio Bulk. |C). Onlverslly Onion

TaM Room, Onlverslly Onion Croghan Room. University Union

Lost-Found Dept. In Union Booming

The following items have been left at the University Information Desk, and it would be appreciated if they would be claimed as soon as possible.

The articles include: one brown dress hat, a deck of Hostess playing cards, a Toledo Public Li- brary book, maroon Esterbrook pen, lady's green umbrella, 6 lad- ies' scarves, 2 plastic rain caps, a pair of woman's grey plastic rim- med glasses, a rhinestone bracelet, a set of gold and pearl earrings, a girl's 1957 Onyx class ring, an odd blue earring—plain, an odd blue flowered earring, a bag of hair curlers, three pair of ladies' white gloves, and one odd white glove.

Jmver.ity ' Dogwood tulle.

University Union Women's tldg.

905 Administration tldg. Ohio Room (R). Onlverslly Onion

Croghan Room. University Onion Women's Gym (N)

The Wooster Shop

425 E. Wooster St.









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Page 4: The B.G. News May 6, 1958 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Diefenthaler Twirls No-Hitter Against Bobcats

By Bob Starkweather Starky Stalks Oil Cindermen Defeat

Falcon Tracksters, 87-60 When the 1958 Falcon football

team takes the field Wednesday night at 8:15 p.m. they will be fac- ing: aome of the names in the Na- tional Football League.

The game, to be played in the Falcon stadium, will pit the Fal- cons against such Bowling Green Alums as Jack Hecker, Bob Schncl- ker, Kenny Russell, Tim Murnen, Karl Koepfer and others.

Jim Ladd will assist Jim Ruehl in the coaching department.

• • • Congratulations to Wade Die-

fenthaler on his r.o-hitter. The OU game Friday was the first such no-hitter for Bowling Green since 1949 when Dick Casper dropped Lawrence Tech of Detroit, 13-0.

• • • Two darkhorse candidates were

entered in the DU Bike Race Sat- unlay. Dave Castle, Sigma Chi, rode his bike backwards and was still able to keep ahead of the pack. The other rider was the Dean of Men Wallace W. Taylor Jr. • • •

Ohio University's Jim Snyder has been named Basketball Coach of the Year for the Mid-American Conference in a poll conducted by the magazine, COACH AND ATHLETIC. Snyder was awarded a plaque for the achievement an- nounced in the magazine's April

Falcon trainer Al Sawdy has a new patient. Jeffrey Lynn, the Broadway star who is playing the lead in the forthcoming produc- tion, "Macbeth", is having his leg workedon regularly by Sawdy. Mr. Lynn broke his leg in Decem- ber while skiing in Vermont.

• • • Bernic Casey and Walt Killian

both won their respective events in the track meet at Ohio U. over the weekend after having been out for a while with pulled leg

segolls Acton front New Maalc lalldln.

Store Your Winter Clothes

We supply you with

a spacious


Return box to us. We

store it Fully insured.

Pick up your clothes

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segolls Aero- fro* a.w Maalc SeUdlna

muscles. Casey won both hurdles while Killian took the high jump with a leap of 6" IV. Casey's 14 9 time in the highs waa only two-tenths off the school record.

Jack LueHcman's hole-in one at Detroit Wednesday was the second of the season for the Bowling Green golfers. Dave Steinen had the other one in a match at Miami, this is quite a feat.

The District High School Track and Tennis meets will be held here May 16 and 17. The two day ev- ents will bring some 600 high school athletes to this campus.

Lucas To Enroll At OSU In Fall

(INS) Jerry Lucas, one of the most sought after hijeh school bas- ketball players in the country, announced yesterday that he will enroll at Ohio State this fall.

All State center for three years at Middletown High School and Ail-American center on high school caRt* teams the past two years, the 17-year-old Lucas has received of fers from major colleges in all sections of the nation.

Six-foot nine Lucas, an A honor roll student, said he will study business administration.

Lucas wns previously quoted as saying that he would play college ball wherever his Middie coach, Paul Walker, coached. Ohio StaU» has yet to announce who will fill the vacancy at OSU where Floyd Stahl recently resigned as head cage mentor.

GolfersTripKent; Lose To Bobcats

The Falcon linksmen journeyed to Ohio University Saturday, and plnyed a triangular meet with OU and Kent state! Although the Falcons maintained a lead over both teams at the end of nine holes, they couldn't keep the pace on the back nine, and ended up with a loss to OU by a 17-7 score, and a win over Kent's Golden Flashes by a 21V4 2H margin.

Leading the Falcon attack were the number one man Gary Hallett, and the number six man Harold Warren, both firing 75's. Dave Steinen had a 78, Jack Luede- mann, 81, Perry Lanning 82, and Joe Ungvary 83. Medalists for the match were Ohio U's Bill Tur- ner and Bill Santor, with identical 74's. The meet was played over the hilly Athens Country Club, which was water covered and mud- dy.

Coach Forrest Creason coin mented that he was a little disap- pointed with his team's play on the back nine, and that he is look- ing forward to meeting OU this coming week end in the Ohio In- tercollegiate Meet. This meet will involve 36 holes of play over a very long and treacherous Scarlet Country Club in Columbus.

Fire-balling Wade Diefenthaler threw a no-hit, no-run game at the Ohio University Bobcats here Friday as the Fal- cons downed OU, 5-0.

Diefenthaler struck out 10, walked six and faced 28 bat- ters, one over the limit. The six walks got him into trouble in the fourth and sixth innings, but Wade managed to squirm out of trouble each time.

Under extremely miserable conditions, which included a soft track and rain, Ohio University took a dual meet from the Falcons last Saturday by a score of 87-60.

The Bobcats started off the day right by taking the 880- yd. relay with a time of 1:30. They also took the next three events which put them in the driver's scat the rest of the after- noon.

Dickey won the mile with a time of A :,T7.8, with BG tak- ing second and third. Dove and Armstrong running. In the 440-yd. dash Buchert and Butcher of OU finished one-two, and Meyers of BG took third. Winning time was :50.1. Carney of OU ran a good 100-yd. dash with his time of 9.9, consider- ing the soft track. Christian of OU and Hill of BG were run- ners-up.

Finally capturing a first place award, BG's Casey won the 120-yd. high hurdles with his time of :14.9. Getting into the swing, Scott of BG dashed to victory in the 880-yd. run. OU's Redman and Doll finished second and third. 1:59.6 was the winning time.

Capturing his second first place award of the day, OU's Carney won the 220-yd. dash with a time of :21.7. In the 2 mile run Marsh of OU won out as he posted a time of 10:12.6. Armstrong of BG came in second.

Bernie Casey sped to his second victory of the day as he won the 220-yd. low hurdles with a time of :24.6, a very fast time for the event since it was run in the rain, as were the remaining events of the day.

The mile relay was taken by OU with the time of .'? :29.5, but then BG opened up in the shot put as they took three places. I.uehrs, Rine, and Schorr finished in that order, with Luehrs winning with a toss of 48' 1%".

The high jump was also taken by BG with Killian leaping 6' '■•>", and Koester taking second. In the other jumping event Ramlow of BG and Randall of OU tied with jumps of 18' in the |H)le vault.

BG's Rine won the discus throw with his heave of 139' 9". Parker and Muloski of OU were second and third.

In the final event of the day, OU displayed its power as Reynolds, Harrison, and Clifton took all three places in the broad jump. Reynolds jump was 22' 7".

BG's frosh squad almost reversed the varsity margin as they romped over OU's yearling squad, 8.1-64.

It's Spring


WALKING SHORTS 3.95 & 4.95

Be ready for Spring—look sharp in— . whit, polished cotton pants • whit, walking shorts • cord pants and walking shorts • Boating pants in whit.

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In the fourth, two walks and an error by shortstop Dick Kuxma loaded the basses, but Diefenthaler picked off one runner and fanned Al Wharton to end the threat. Three more walks in the sixth loaded the basses with one out, but Pete Kares poped out to the third baseman.

The Falcons took the lead In the fifth when Ron Blacklcdge tripled for the first hit off Bob Russell and scored on a Bobcat error.

Rowling Green iced the game in the seventh on an error, a sing- le by Blacklcdge, and a hit bats- man loaded the bases with one out. Second baseman Jack Stien- ecke tripled to right-center field to clear the bases. Stienecke scor-

in three times at bat, while Stien- ecke made his only hit count for three big runs.

The no-hitter was the first for a BG pitcher since Dick Casper turned the trick against Lawrence Tech in 1949.

The victory gave the Falcons an overall mark of 3-3, and a con- ference record of 2-3. Bowling Green will go against the Findlay Oilers this afternoon on the Uni- versity diamond. Ohio Oalnralty M0 M0 000—0 • 3 Sowltm, G,..n SM 010 40X—5 * I Soll.rl.., Dl.l.nlhal.r and Mlnardn Su>- ■ •II; Bak*r (7) and SoftlUb

Kohl Kats Fall To Khaki Clowns, 14-13

Ten independent teams played five games to finish all scheduled games in the softhall tournament last week.

In League I, on Tuesday, the Khaki Clowns edged out the Kohl Kats in a scoring battle, 14 to IS. The Newman Club also made the winner's column by defeating the Tigers 7 to 3. The Pack Rats and the P.E.K.'s were scheduled to play but the Pack Kate failed to present a team and therefore for- feited the game.

In League II on Tuesday, the Hilo's went on a scoring spree in the first inning to wallop the Dis- seminators, 17 to fi. In another high scoring game, the Timers hammered in 19 runs to out score their opponents, the Blue llarons, 19 to 3.

Alumni To Play Varsity In Spring Grid Contest

The annual spring football game at Bowling Green State University will have a new look this year, according to head coach Doyt Per- ry-

Instead of the usual Brown and White intra-squad affair, Perry and his staff have gathered the services of 25 alumni gridiron stars to oppose the varsity squad on Wednesday, May 7 at 8:15 p.m.

Already signed to see action with the alumni eleven are six professional players, headed by tackle Kenny Russell of the Detro- it Lions and Bob Schnelker of the New York Giants.

Also on hand will be two of last year's all-Ohio and all-Mid- American Conference standouts, Karl Koepfer and Tim Murnen. Koepfer will get a try with the Detroit Lions in July while Mur- nen has signed with the Baltimore Colts.

Jack Hecker, outstanding end of Perry's 1955 team who was with the Cleveland Browns in pre-sea- son practice, is also expected to join the graduate outfit. Dan Hurst, who recently signed for a tryout with the Pittsburgh Steel- ers, is another prospect

From last year's team that fin- ished in a second place tie with Marshall in MAC competition will be quarterbacks Don Nchlen and Bill Lyons, halfbacks Vic DeOrio and Floyd Lennox, guards Larry Kelly and Bill Page and end Ed Janeway.

Freshman Coach Jim Ruehl, a former Ohio State center, is round- ing up other former players and the burly ex-Marine expects to take part himself. Graduate as- sistants Jim Young, a fullback on the 195G MAC championship team, and Bill Mallory, an all-MAC end at Miami, will also participate.

Ruehl will be aided in the coach- ing department by little ail-Ameri- can end Jim Ladd. Jim is Chicago Cardinal property but is presently recovering from an operation aft- er sitting all of last season. The big pass catcher is working on his master's at BG.

Alpha Xi Delta Loses To Williams Hall, 23-6

Williams Hall and Alpha Phi are leading the women's Softball league with two wins apiece. Wil- liams defeated Alpha Xi Delta, 22-6, and Treadway IV, 12-8, while Alpha Phi has wins over Chi Omega and the Falconettes.

This afternoon Alpha Xi Delta will play the Falconettes, Williams will go against Alpha Phi, Tread- way III meets Delta Gamma, and Treadway IV plays Chi Omega. On Thursday the schedule is Alp- ha Xi vs. Treadway IV, Williams vs. Treadway III, Chi O vs. the Falconettes, and Delta Gamma vs. Alpha Phi.


ed a moment later as Diefenthaler singled to drive in the final run.

Russell pitched a fine game for the llohcata as he spaced four hits, struck out five and walked none. OU's three errors hurt Rus- sell, mostly in the seventh inning rally.

Illarkledge continued his fine hitting with a triple and a single

WHPE Staff Members To Attend Conference

"Movement Education for Fresh- men Women" will be discussed at the Conference of the Midwest As- sociation of Physical Education for College Women May 10 and 11 at the University of Michigan.

Those attending from the Wo- men's Health and Physical Educa- tion Department arc: Miss Ger- trude Eppler, Miss Iris Andrews, Miss Dorothy Leudtke, Dr. Mary Watt, Mrs. Amy Torgeson, Miss Mary Whitney, Miss Mary Spoon- er, and Miss Margaret Chandler.

Miss Laurentinc Collins, divis- ional director of the department of schools and community relations of Detroit Public Schools, will be be the main speaker.

The program will include demon- strations in aquatics, fencing, golf, modern dance, and outdoor educa- tion.

TUX RENTAL Guaranteed Perfect Fit

Now you can look your best in famous "After Six" formal wear from MAX GRAEBER

Dress right for less at MAX GRAEBER

Indoor Sports Club for Physically Handicapped

The Indoor Sports Club is a self-governing, non- profit, independent organization composed of handi- capped people whose purpose is to encourage and provide opportunities for active participation in self-planned social and recreational activities.

The Indoor Sports Club believes in the cooperation between all civic, religious, social and fraternal organi- zations in order to bring abont a better understanding and acceptance of the seriously physically handicapped by the able-bodied.

The Indoor Sports Club pledges its support to that legislation (federal, state and local) which aims at giving the handicapped better opportunities for employment and and more adequate facilities for a more normal life than they now have—which would pot them at least on a par with the average able-bodied citizen of our nation.

If yea are iatereated in Joining this organisation contact Dal* Mount, Tontogaay, Ohio, or John Beach, 335 Derby St., Bowling Green, Ohio.

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Every day except Monday From 8 p.m. to 12 midnight

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Page 5: The B.G. News May 6, 1958 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Photo By Blarkw.oth.r A RECESSION BREADLINE? No. hut Ihe Una In "fronl" ol the ragUlrar'i office

laal Friday waiting Is realiier (or dauai tot lha fall samailar. Beginning at 117 Administration Blda. lha Una axlandad as (or aa lha mlm.ogmph office. Fottunata- lr. lha Unas warn clsafsd More sooa and nsadlass to say. appolntm.nti at. now necessary.

Clubs And Meetings OUTING CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Rarbara Mann was recently

tlccted next year's president of the Women's Outing Club. Other newly elected officers are Sharon llupnmnn, treasurer; Sue RobbiiiB, secretary; Peir Vines, historian; and Duane Hocking, publicity chairman. One of the club'o major events of the year is a dawn-to- dusk 16- mile hike and cookout to he held Saturday, May 17, at Oak Openings.

UCF CONFAB Five members of United Christ-

ian Fellowship and Phil llanni, assistant director, attended the an- nual Ohio College YMCA-YWCA Tar Hollow Conference, April 26- 28.

The Bowling Green delegation included Al Moebus, Bob Huff, I.uanne Johnson, Kenneth Cattarin, and Mary Lou Reynolds.

The theme of the conference was "Individual's Anxieties in Modern Campus Culture." The Bowling Groen students promoted the stu- dent YMCA-YWCA national maga- zine, "IntercolU'gian," at the con- ference.

GEOGRAPHY CLUB TO MEET Slides of Korea will highlight

the program of the Geography Club meeting Thursday. Prof. Gerald Acker, of the biology de- partment, will show his slides to the Geography Club and Gamma Theta Upsilon, announced Dr. Ralph W. Frank, club adviser.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Harrison and Wayne Rooms of the University Union.

The final business meeting of the Geography Club this year will be held May 22, Dr. Frank said.

O PHI A TO MEET Omega Phi Alpha, women's

service organization, will hold its next meeting at 6:46 p.m. tomor- row in Studio B of the Practical Arts Kldg.. president Dorothy Tucker has announced.

By Palm Beach


Wash & Wear Ivy Cord

29.95 & 39.95 Top fashion on campus—fa- mous Palm Beach Cord salts. Look well dressed In a Ivy Cord solL Cool and com for table to wear.



Ivy Green Tan Powder Blue Navy Blue Charcoal All Ivy Colors

Come In and Try on this Top Fashion Knit

Genuine Palm Beach

Lay-A-Way or Charge

A committee will report on de- sign possibilities for a flag. Mem- bers of tins committee are Anita Vaccariello and Nadine Claspy. "All members are urged to attend and vol.' on this insignia," Miss Tucker said.

The formal dessert, where the most outstanding members of the organization will be presented, will also be discussed.

SIGMA DELTA PSI TRIALS CONTINUE Trials are being continued during

the month of May for prospective members of Sigma Delta Psi, men's national athletic honorary frater- nity, according to Dave Matthews, national president.

Trials will he held Thurxduy. May 8, Tuesday, May 18, and Thursday, May 16.

Events scheduled include the 100-yard dash, 120-yard low hurd- les, running high jump, running broad jump, shot put, and the rope climb.

Others are baseball throw or javelin throw, football punt, 100- yard swim, one mile run, hand- stand, and fence vault.

Any person passing the minimum requirements for Sigma Delta Psi will be given credit toward na- tional membership.

WOMENS HPE COOKOUT The graduate recreation claw

sponsored by the women's health and physical education department will have a steak cook-out dinner Monday, May 12, 6 p.m. at Oak Openings.

Lounge Serves As Profs %Nest'

By DAVE RIGGS What goes on between the

panelled walls of the beautiful new faculty club lounge in the Union? Is it a place of con- spiracy where faculty mem- bers plan their strategy again- st students? Is this the place where they plan their hour exams so that they are all scheduled for the same day?

As you have probably already decided, the answer to these ques- tions is no. The lounge serves ap proximately the same purpose for the faculty that the Nest serves for the students—a place for quiet relaxation, a casual cup of coffee and the dicussion of "world shat- tering" problems. Much the same thing occurs in the Nest from ear- ly morning 'till late at night, ex- cept that possibly the relaxation is not as quiet.

A faculty member, to be a mem- ber of the club and use the facili- ties of the lounge, must be a mem- ber of the Union. This means that he must pay an amount similar to that paid by a student during his four years at the University or $80. The faculty club also pays $1,200 rent for the use of the room each year.

The officers of the 160-mcmber faculty club are: Prof. Warren 8. Allen, president; Dr. Robert J. Keefe, vice-president, and Prof. Helen W. Henderson, secretary- treasurer.

The faculty club also schedules several social activities during the year- among them the reception for new faculty members in the fnll and the faculty dinner each spring. This year the dinner will be held In the Dogwood Room May 16.

So, as you ran sec, the faculty club is an active and necessary part of the University. And the lounge serves as a gathering place to discuss business and pleasure, and as a place to simply relax and enjoy a hot cup of coffee.

Brodbeck Receives Management Title

Kdward J. Rrodbeck. a junior in the College of Business Admin istration, has been named as the recipient of this year's Credit Ma- nagement Award.

The award, consisting of a cer- tificate and the engraving of the recipient's name on a plaque, is offered annually by the Toledo Association of Credit Men to the graduating student who la out- standing in the field of credit management In scholarship, char- acter, and leadership.

Brodbeck, a veteran of the U.S. Army with service in Korea, will graduate in August with a major in marketing. He is the current president of the Varsity Club and has won three awards in varsity wrestling. Twenty-three years old, his present cumulative point aver- age is 2.93.

Photo by Colt CHI OMEGA'S ANNUAL spring formal which woi h.ld al the Flndlay Coun-

try Club laal Friday evening waa typical of lha eleven auch affalra h.ld daring lha weekend. Above. Chi O'a and Ihelr dales done, to lha music of Dave Wood's orchestra. A dinner al lha club piacaadad lha fonnal.

What's The Word Women Mean? Big-Small, Fast-Slow, Good-Bad


Women. Now there's a word for you. That word stands for many things—all of them ex- pensive. I mean things both big and small, fast and slow, good and bad. By Jove, now that I ponder a bit, that word means things hnth loud and quiet, funny and sad, plain and fancy. These, too, are costly.

Ix-t'a look at a few examples. In the first paragraph I listed some things that the word "women" means to me. Now I'll take these one by one and show you what's behind them.

Big and small. The big build- ups women give when they're ang- ling for a new family bus, and the small chance husbands have (of escaping the inevitable result.)

Fast and slow. The fast way wo- men run through a joint checking account at the department store, and the slow burn husbands get (thumbing through stacks of bills on the first of the next month.)

Good and bad. The good inten- tions women have when they clean up "those smelly old pipes," and the bad taste this causes (until the suffering owners can buy new ones.)

Kunny and sad. The funny little hats women cart proudly home, and the sad feeling husbands get (when they learn the outrageous prices.)

Plain and fancy. The plain old draites that women "simply can't stand to look at anymore," and the fancy new ones husbands buy (at $11 a yard.)

You sec—I wasn't kidding, waa I?

Gamma Phi, ZBT, DE Choose New Officers; PiKA Plans Banquet

Newly elected officers of Gamma Phi Beta are: Nancy Smith, pres- ident; Carol Sue Jones, first vice- president; Patsy Dugle, second vice-president; Carol Smith, re- cording secretary; Gail Traver, corresponding secretary; Nancy Wetherwax, treasurer; and Connie Granfield, house chairman.

Al Goldberg was recently elected president of Zeta Beta Tau fra- ternity. Other officers include: Bob Greenberg. vice-president; Dave Arlein, secretary; Jerry Levy, treasurer; and Jay Rosen, histori- an.

New officers of Delta Bpsilon are: Herb Edwards, president; Bill Park, vice-president; Phillip Lowe, treasurer; Dick Kramer, secretary; Gene Elander, historian; Jim Hardy, chaplain; Dick Goeke, pledge trainer; Ron Zoz, sergeant- at-arms; Harold Hughes, social chairman; Bob Stainfield, pro- vince representative; and Gene Klander and Harold Hughes, IFC representatives.

Mr. Robert Lynn, National Exe- cutive Secretary of Pi Kappa Al- pha fraternity, is visiting the campus today. The local chapter is holding a banquet commemorating Its founders in the Dogwood Suite of the University Union at 8:30 tonight.

The Beta Mu chapter of Alpha Xi Delta recently was presented the Chapter Achievement award at their state convention.

© Time For Milk

With a busy afternoon of sports and studies, college students NEED a nutritious "pick-me-up" that 1 a s t s I That's why hundreds of stu- dents drink University Dairy Milk for lunch. You'll like it. It tastes so goodl Try itl

University Dairy 531 Ridge Street Phone 5380

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There are few other jobs open to today's woman of execu- tive ability that offer the opportunity for responsibility, job equality, world-wide travel and adventure, as that of an officer in the U. S. Air Force. Now, for the first time in years, the Air Force offers direct commissions to those who can qualify. If you make the grade, you will embark on a career that fits ideally with your talents. You'll have a chance to serve yourself while you serve your country, as well. Investigate your chances for a direct commission in the U. S- Air Force today.


WAF Offlcar Information, Dapt. Btl, Box 7608, Washington 4, D. C. Plaaaa aaad ma more information on my opportunities for a DIRECT COMMISSION in the U. S. Air Forca. I am a U. S. citiien between the agea of 21 through 83, unmarried and without dapandanta under 18 year* of are. c/aew , Slraet f"r *— Slot. Callage Drgrtt Umjmr Subjtet

Page 6: The B.G. News May 6, 1958 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

Proposed Constitution For Establishing Student Government ARTICLE I. PURPOSE AND GENERAL INTENT

The purpose of the organization of the Student Body as set forth in thia Constitution is to provide capable and responsible student govern- ment in campus life and activities as specifically delegated in the articles which follow. The general intent of this document is to establish offices and agencies of the Student Body through which

a. Students may have wide opportunities for responsible partici- pation in the government of the University community.

b. The University may gain the advantage of student delibera- tion and experience in arriving at the soundest possible policies and practices with respect to matters which relate directly and uniformly to all students enrolled in the Univer- sity.

ARTICLE II. JURISDICTION All students enrolled for resident instruction during the regular aca- demic year at Bowling Green State University shall be governed by the actions taken and decisions made by the appropriate officers and agencies of the Student Body in so far as specific powers and authority are delegated to such officers and agencies by the provisions of this Constitution.

ARTICLE III. DERIVATION AND SCOPE OF AUTHORITY Section 1. Safeguards for Major Student Governing Bodies

The Association of Women Students, the Association of Men Students, the Interfraternity Council, the I'anhellenic Council. the University Union organization, and official University councils and committees, together with the organizations, committees^ and other agencies subsidiary to these bodies, shall be specifically exempted from the jurisdiction of the Cabinet and the Student Council with respect to their internal affuirs, programs, anil activities in accordance with their delegated powers and respon- sibilities under their respective constitutions, charters, and plans of organization as approved by the President of the University.

The purpose of this section is to safeguard the above-named major student-government organizations and their subsidiaries from any encroachment whatsoever upon their own internal governments, Srograms, and activities. Conversely, the jurisdiction of the Stu-

ent Body agencies established under this Constitution shall be free from interference on the part of other major student govern- ing bodies, insofar as specific powers and responsibilities are herein delegated to Student Body officers and agencies.

Section 2. Derivation of Authority The government of Bowling Green State University is vested in the Board of Trustees of the University under the Public Lawl of Ohio. Any function, power, or responsibility related to the governing of the University or its students can be exercised only when specifically delegated by the President of the University acting under the authority of the Board of Trustees. Therefore, ail functions, powers, and responsibilities delegated in this Constitu- tion are based on the confidence and exercised under the legal authority of the President and Trustees of the University and are subject to review and revision by authorized officials of the University.


Section 1. Legislative) Branch The Student Council shull exercise all legislative functions of the Student Body under the provisions of this Constitution. The pro- ceedings and actions of the Student Council shall be restricted to legislative matters. Official actions and decisions of the Student Council shall be valid only when consummated by majority vote of said Council at regular meetings held in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Section 2. Executive Branch The central executive agency of the Student Body government shall consist of the officers of the Student Body and the Cabinet. Their actions shall be restricted to administrative functions in carrying out the provisions of this Constitution und implementing legislation enacted by the Student Council.

Section 8, Judicial Branch All judicial functions of the Student Body shall reside in the Stu- dent Court and shall be exercised as provided in later articles and sections of this Constitution.

Section -I. Check* and Balances a. The President of the Student Body may set aside any legisla

tion enacted by the Student Council hy written veto transmit- ted to the Secretary of the Student Body within ten days after the meeting at which the action was taken by the Coun- cil; provided, however, that the Student Council may re- enact legislation notwithstanding the veto of the President of the Student Body by two-thirds vote of its full membership at the next regular meeting of the Council,

h. The Student Council may at any regular meeting vote to require a report and explanation of any action taken by a Student Body officer or Board and may, by two-thirds vote of its entire membership, impeach and remove from office any Student Body officer, member of a Student Body Board, or justice of the Student Court, when in its judgement such person is guilty of specific acts inimical to the honor or integrity of the University or obstructive to student govern- ment as authorized under this Constitution; provided, however, that articles of impeachment, signed by at least five members of the Student Council and setting forth the reasons alleged for impeachment, shall have been presented to the accused individual at least ten days prior to a regular meeting of the Student Council, at which meeting the accused shall be permitted to make a full defense of his action, presenting witnesses and documentary evidence for this purpose. In all cases involving impeachment charges the Student Council shall sit as a court of impeachment, with a justice of the Student Court selected by the Student Council presiding and with the adviser to the Student Court serving as adviser in addition to the regular faculty advisers of the Student Council.

c. Any action l>y a Student Body officer, by a member of the Cabinet, by a Student Body Board, or by the Student Council may be declared null and void hy the Student Court after froper hearing before said Court when, in the judgment of the

ourt majority, such action is contrary to the provisions of this Constitution, is ultra vires, is in conflict with the official policies of the University as set forth in the current University Catalog, or is inconsistent with the Constitution and Public Laws of the State of Ohio or the United States of America.


The Student Council shall consist of 24 students as follows: the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Stu- dent Body; the presidents of the Association of Women Students, the Association of Men Students, the Interfraternity Council, the Panhellenic Council, the University Union, the Omicron Delta Kappa Circle, the Cap and Gown Society, the Senior Class, the Junior Class, the Sophomore Class, and the Freshman Class; and nine members chosen by popular vote in a University-wide student election. In the event any one student shall qualify for more than one of the memberships of the Student Council as above listed, the total membership of the Student Council shall be reduced ac- cordingly during the incumbency of such student.

Section 2. Nomination and Election The four officers of the Student Body and the nine members of the Student Council who are chosen by popular vote to serve the following year shall be nominated and elected as follows:

a. The members of the Student Council who will graduate in June of the current year shall constitute a Nominating Committee, under the chairmanship of the President of the Student Body, to select candidates as follows: (1) At least two but not more than four rising seniors

as candidates for President of the Student Body. (2) At least two but not more than three rising sopho-

mores, juniors, or seniors as candidates for Secre- tary of the Student Body.

(3) At least two but not more than three rising sopso- mores, juniors, or seniors as candidates for Trea- surer of the Student Body

(4) At least five but not more than seven rising seniors as candidates for membership on the Student Coun- cil

(6) At least five but not more than seven rising juniors as candidates for membership on the Student Coun- cil

(6) At least five but not more than seven rising sopho- mores as candidates for membership on the Student Council %

Any student in the University may propose to the Nomi- nating Committee the name of any student qualified under the provisions of Article XI as a possible nominee for any of these offices. In selecting candidates, the No- minating Committee shall seek the best qualified and most responsible students available within the entire student body to discharge the important functions dele- Kted to the student government under this Constitution,

the nomination of candidates for the four Student Body offices, successive ballots shall be conducted until sufficient agreement is reached to result in favorable vote by at least two-thirds of the members of the No-

minating Committee for each of the candidates to be nominated.

b. Election of said officers of the Student Body and members of the Student Council for the following year shall be as follows: (1) There shall be a University-wide student election

before April 1 each year for this purpose. (2) Each student voter in said student election shall be

entitled to vote for one candidate for the office of President of the Student Body, one candidate for the office of Secretary of the Student Body, one candidate for the office of Treasurer of the Student Body, three rising sophomore candidates for membership on the Student Council, three rising junior candidates for membership on the Student Council, and three rising senior candidates for membership on the Student Council.

(3) The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for President of the Student Body shall be elected to this office.

(4) The candidate receiving the second largest number of votes for President of the Student Body shall be elected as Vice President of the Student Body.

(5) The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for Secretary of the Student Body shall be elected to this office.

(G) The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for Treasurer of the Student Body shall be elected to this office.

(7) The three rising senior candidates receiving the largest number of votes for membership on the Student Council shall be elected to these offices.

(8) The three rising junior candidates receiving the Inrgest number of votes for membership on the Student Council shall be elected to these offices.

(1>) The three rising sophomore candidates receiving the largest number of votes for membership on the Student Council shall be elected to these offices.

Section 3. Functions The Student Council may enact legislation or take action by reso- lution:

a. To foster and promote a campus atmosphere conducive to high academic achievement and high standards of citizenship

b. To establish standards for extending and withdrawing recognition and insuring financial accountability of vo- luntary student organizations

c. To establish general policies for the conducting of campus charity drives

d. To develop student spirit and loyalty to the University and maintain trnditions in keeping with the high pur- foses of the institution

o determine the number and kinds of University-wide student elections; to govern the conducting of campaigns for such elections; to govern voting procedures, report- ing of returns, und other matters related to such student elections

f. To extend a friendly welcome to new students, prevent hazing, and govern student conduct in relation to new students

g. To encourage and further the development of class or- ganizations; to define the appropriate functions to be performed by each class organization; to guide the Fresh- man Class in the establishment of its class organization

h. To further friendly communication and fellowship among students, faculty members, and administrative officers of the University

i. To guide and govern the program and activities of Student Body Boards

j. To insure integrity and sound business practice in the expenditure of funds by Student Body officers, Boards, and Bgencies

k. To enact, with the approval of the Dean of Students, a scale of penalties which may be assessed by the Student Court for violations by students or student organizations of legislation enacted by the Student Council under the provisions of this Constitution

I. To establish and govern the activities of such committees composed of its own members as the Council may con aider necessary for expediting its work

In addition to the legislative functions as set forth above, the Student Council shall:

a. Confirm or reject student appointments to the Cabinet, to University committees, to Boards of the Student Body established under this Constitution, to the Student Court, and to ad hoc joint student-faculty committees for which the President of the Student Body appoints student mem- bers

b. Consider any proposal to amend the Constitution of the Student Body and, by three-fourths vote of its entire mem- bership at each of three successive regular monthly meet- ings following the proposal in writing of an amendment. adopt any such amendment to become effective, with the approval of the President of the University, at the begin ning of the next school year.

Section 4. Meetings The Student Council shnll hold a regular meeting each month dur- ing the months of September, October, November, December, Jan- uary, February, March, April, and May of the academic year, according to a schedule adopted at the May meeting of the Student Council during the previous academic year. Special meetings of the Student Council may be called by the President of the Student Body when he deems necessary. A written notice of each meeting shall be transmitted to each member of the Student Council at his Univer- sity address at least five days in advance of each regular or called meeting. The Student Council may establish rules governing the conducting of it* own meetings, subject to the approval of the faculty advisers of the Council. Except as may be provided otherwise by such rules or by the provisions of this Constitution, meetings of the Student Council shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order covering plenary sessions of legislative bodies. In case of emergency the Council may, by two-thirds vote of the members present and unanimous approval of its faculty advisers, take act- ion under suspension of rules.

Section 5. Records The Student Council shall cause to be made a permanent record of the minutes of all its proceedings at regular and called meetings. It shall require such records to be permanently deposited in an appropriate University office where they may be accessible to all students of the University.

Section 6. Faculty Advisers Faculty advisers to the Student Council shall be the Dean of Students, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, and the Secre- tary of the Faculty.

ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS OF THE STUDENT BODY Section 1. Number and Terms of Office

Officers of the Student Body shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Their terms of office shall be for one year, beginning with the opening of school in September following their election.

Section 2. Responsibilities and Functions a. The President of the Student Body shall:

(1) preside at all meetings of the Cabinet and the Student Council

(2) call special meetings of the Cabinet or of the Student Council when he deems necessary

(3) perform such duties during the meetings of the Cabinet and of the Student Council as are provided in Roberts' Rules of Order with respect to the chairmanship of a plenary session

(4) appoint, subject to confirmation by the Student Council, chairmen of Student Body Boards who shall serve also as members of the Cabinet during the year of his pre- sidency

(5) give general guidance and supervision to Cabinet mem- bers in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities

(6) appoint a Chaplain, a Sergeant-at-Arms. and a Parlia- mentarian thoroughly versed in Roberta' Rules of Order and the provisions of this Constitution, to serve at meetings of the Student Council during his terra of office as President

(7) represent the Student Body at ceremonial functions (8) appoint student members, subject to confirmation by

the Student Council, to serve on ad hoc joint student- faculty committees authorized or established by the President of the University

(9) represent and personify, to the best of his ability, the ideals and traditions of Bowling Green State University.

b. The Vice President of the Student Body shall: (1) preside at meetings of the Student Council and the Cab-

inet in the absence of the President (2) perform all other duties and responsibilities of the

President of the Student Body during the absence of



(«) (7)

the President from the campus, during a period in which the President is incapacitated because of illness, or on any occasion when requested and delegated to do so by the President of the Student Body

(3) succeed to the presidency of the Student Body if the presidency should be vacated during a regular term of office

(4) represent and personify, to the best of his ability, the ideals and traditions of Bowling Green State University

c. The Secretary of the Student Body shall: (1) send written notification of regular and specinl meetings

of the respective bodies to all members of the Cabinet and the Student Council at least five days in advance of the dates of the respective meetings

(2) conduct the roll call and maintain permanent records of the attendance of members at the meetings of the Cabinet and the Student Council

(3) record the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet and tho Student Council; maintain a permanent record of said minutes

(4) distribute copies of the minutes of all meetings of the Cabinet anil the Student Council to advisers of these bodies, to all student leaders designated in Article X, Section 2, of this Constitution, und to the President of the University

(5) conduct all official correspondence for the Cabinet and for the Student Council; maintain custody of the cor- respondence files and other records' of the Cabinet and the Council and deliver ull such files and records to the Deun of Students at the end of the school year, in order that such files and records may be turned over to the new Secretary of the Student Body ut the beginning of the next school year

d. The Treasurer of the Student Body shall: (1) receive budget requests from all hoards and agencies of

the Student Body established under this Constitution, and compile a total budget estimate for the consideration of the Cabinet

(2) notify Student Body officers, Cabinet members, Student Council members, and ull student leaders designated in Article X, Section 2, of this Constitution, regarding budget allocutions for the ensuing academic year when such allocations have been certified to him by University officials

(3) receive monthly reports from members of the Cabinet showing expenditures of funds by officers and boards of the Student Body during the preceding month; check such reports against the appropriate accounts in the University Business Office; supervise such expenditures to the extent necessary to insure a balanced budget; and maintain permanent financial records of income and expenditures of all brunches of the Student Body government under this Constitution serve personally as the budget officer and treasurer for the funds allocated to Student Body officers, the Cabinet, and the Student Council prepare a summary financial report for each regular meeting of the Student Council serve as adviser to the treasurers and budget officers of the various agencies of the Student Body obtain and make available the financial records of all Student Body agencies for an annuul audit by a Certi- fied Public Accountant selected by the Cabinet, such audit to be completed and transmitted to the Business Manager of the University on or before July 15 follow- ing the close of the academic year.

ARTICLE VII. THE CABINET Section 1. Membership

Memberships of the Cabinet shall be: the four officer! of the Student Body, the Chairman of the Student Charities Board, tho chairman of the Student Communications Board, the Chairman of the Student Elections Board, the Chairman of the Student Spirit and Traditions Board, the Chairman of the Student Leader- ship and Service Bunrd, the Chairman of the Student Orientation Board, and the Chairman of the Student Organizations Board.

Section 2. Individual Responsibilities of Board Chairmen Each Cabinet member shall he responsible for the holding of re- gular meetings of the Student Body Board of which he is chair- man. He shall serve as the chief executive officer in carrying out the functions of his Board. He shall be responsible for carrying out the duties of his office and giving leadership to his Board in accordance with legislation adopted by the Student Council.

Section 3. Responsibilities of the Cabinet as a Whole The Cabinet shall serve as the central executive agency of the Student Body and shall perform the following specific functions:

a. Supervise the activities of the Student Body Boards b. Review the budget estimates of all Student Body agencies

and transmit recommendations with respect to budget needs to the Student Activities Appropriations Commit- tee not later than May 1 of each year for the following academic year

c. Exercise final authority in the recognition of new volun- tary student organizations and the withdrawal of re- cognition from existing voluntary organizations in ac- cordance with standards and procedures established by action of the Student Council

d. Serve as an advisery group to the President of the Student Body

c. Adopt a schedule for charity drives and for student elec- tions and publish such schedules before June 1 for the following academic year

Section 4. Faculty Adviser The Dean of Students Bhall serve as faculty adviser to the Cabi- net and the individual members thereof.

ARTICLE VIII. STUDENT BODY BOARDS Section 1. Designation of Boards

There shall be seven Student Body Boards, as follows: a. The Student Charities Board b. The Student Communications Bonrd c. The Student Elections Board d. The Student Spirit and Traditions Board e. The Student Leadership and Service Board f. The Student Orientation Board g. The Student Organizations Board

Section 2. Membership Each Student Body Board shall consist of five student members appointed by the Student Leadership and Service Board and con- firmed by the Student Council, and one faculty member designated by the President of the University. Members shall be appointed in May and shall take office at the beginning of the next school year. They shall serve for terms of one year, but a member may be reappointed for subsequent terms. The chairman of each Board shall be appointed by the President of the Student Body from the membership of the Board. The chairman of each board may designate a member to serve us secretary of the board.

Section 3. Functions Functions of the Student Body Boards shall be as follows:

a. The Student Charities Board shall plan and conduct all student drives for chartable purposes under policies esta- blished by action of the Student Council

b. The Student Communications Board shall promote friend- ly relationships throughout the University community; shall receive suggestions and expressions of student opi- nion from student leaders designated in Article X, Section 2, of this Constitution and transmit such suggestions and opinions to persons or officials within the University who are in a position to consider and provide appropriate implementation of sound suggestions and ideas, and shall devise and carry out other plans to facilitate the exchange of information among students, student organizations, faculty, and administrative officers of the University

c. The Student Elections Board shall plan and conduct ail University-wide and class elections which involve popu- lar vote of the Student Body or any of the four classes, in accordance with policies established by action of the Student Council

d. The Student Spirit and Traditions Board shall encourage interest in and support of the intercollegiate athletic teams, shall foster and extend the campus traditions of the University in cooperation with other agencies, and shall plan ana direct such events as may be appropriate under policies enacted by the Student Council

e. The Student Leadership and Service Board shall conduct a continuing search of the entire Student Body (especial- ly among students of high scholastic standing) to identify potential student leaders, shall gather full information and evaluate the qualifications of each potential leader, and shall designate well-qualified students, subject to confirmation by the Student Council, to serve in various posts of responsibility for the next ensuing academic year as provided in the various articles and sections of this Constitution

f. The Student Orientation Board shall plan and execute, (Continued on page 6)

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Proposed Constitution For Student Government (Continued from page 6)

in collaboration with the University Orientation Com- mittee, a program of events to induct new students into the campus life of the University, and shall carry on throughout the year a continuing program to develop a full understanding of campus life and traditions on the part of members of the Freshman Class

g. The Student Organizations Board shall receive petitions for the establishment of new voluntary student organi- zations, shall gather full information and make thorough investigation of the need for and possible services of each proposed new organization, and shall transmit its findings and recommendations to the Cabinet for final action with respect to recognition: the Board shall also maintain continuing surveillance of all voluntary student organizations and shall provide the Cabinet with full in- formation regarding any organization which is failing to make significant contribution to campus life and the educational aims of the University

Section 4. Conmillui and Subcommittee* Each Student Body Board shall have the authority: (a) to cstab lish, with the approval of the Cabinet, such committees and sub- committees as the Board may deem necessary to carry out its functions; provided, however, that the existence of each such committee or subcommittee shall be terminated at the close of the school year, leaving the succeeding Board for the following year entirely free to exercise its own judgment with respect to com- mittees and subcommittees; (b) to appoint students to serve as members of such committees and subcommittees; (r) to guide and supervise the work of such committees and subcommittees.

ARTICLE IX. THE STUDENT COURT Section I. Membership ..... , . _i

The Student Court shall consist of five student justices, elected in May of each year by two thirds vote of the Student Council from ii multiple list of nominees submitted by the Student Leadership and Service Board. At least one of said Justices shall be a member of the rising Senior Class. Each justice shall take office at the beginning of the next school year after his election and shall serve for a term of one year. A justice may be re-elected for suo> cessive terms. The Student Court shall in May elect one of its continuing members to serve as Chief Justice for the following year.

Section 2. Functions . In addition to exercising its legal functions for the University under the authority of the President and Board of Trustees, the Student Court shall exercise the following judicial powers and responsibilities on behalf of the Student Body:

a. Interpret the provisions of this Constitution in accordance with its stated purpose and general Intent when an inter- pretation is requested by a majority vote of the Student Council transmitted through the President of the Student

b. Exercise judicial review over all actions taken and decis- ions made by officers and agencies of the Student Body under the provisions of this Constitution; and dcrlsre null and void any such action or decision which is deemed by the majority of justices to be contrary to the provi- sions of the Constitution, to be ultra vires, to be in con- flict with the official policies of the University as set forth in the current University Catalog, or to lie incon- sistent with the Constitution and Public Laws of the State of Ohio or the United States of America

c. To hold hearings on any dispute that may be referred to the Student Court by any of the student organizations mentioned in Article III, Section I, of this Constitution, with respect to the fields of authority and responsibility of the respective organizations or their subsidiaries; rend- er decision for the settlement of such dispute, which de- cision shall be binding upon all parties

d. Consider charges against individual students or student organizations for violations of such rules and regulations as may be enacted by the Student Council in accordance with the functions, powers, and responsibilities of said Council under the provisions of this Constitution; render judgment as to the guilt or innocence of the accused; assess penalties upon violators in accordance with the provisions of Student Council legislation ARTICLE X. CAMPUS COMMUNICATION

Section 1. Purpote In order that a large number of representative students may share directly in a University-wide organization to facilitate communi- cation and to channel student suggestions and opinions more read- ily to persons and officials who are in a position to utilize such suggestions and opinions for the strengthening of the University program, thoso students who occupy key positions as indicated in Section 2 shall receive copies of nil minutes of the Cabinet and the Student Council and such additional informational materials as may bo deemed desirable by the Student Council.

Section 2. Deeifnatioa By virtue of their positions of leadership, the following students shall be designated as the persons to receive the minutes and mat- erials mentioned in Section 1; the President, Vice President, Sec- retary, and Treasurer of the Student Body; student members of the Cabinet, the Student Council, Student Body Boards. Univer- sity committees, the AWS Legislative Board, the AMS Executive Council, the Men's Inter-Residence Hall Council, the Intcrfrator- nity Council, the Panhellcnic Council, the Omicron Delta Kappn, the Cap and Gown, and the Board of Directors of the Union; The president of all fraternities and sororities: the pre- sidents of all student residence hall organizations; all presidents of corridors or halls or comparable units in residence halls housing more than 100 students; all student residence hall counselors; the editors of campus publications; presidents of all recognized stu- dent organizations; one representative for each 100 full-time stu- dents living off-campus* (these to be elected by plurality of votes rust in a mail ballot by full-time off-campus students in an elec- tion conducted before October IB each year by the Student Elec- tions Board); all students having cumulative point averages of 3.0 or above at the close of the preceding school year; and such additional campus leaders as the Student Council may vote to include in this designation.


Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior who has a cumulative point average of 2.5 or above shall be eligible for elective member- ship on the Student Council.

•Other than those living in off-campus fraternity houses Section 2. Members of Boards

Any full-time student in the University with a cumulative point average of 2.5 or above shall be eligible for membership on a Student Body Board except the Leadership and Service Board, for which a member shall have a cumulative point average of 3.0 or above.

Section 3. University Committees Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior, with a cumulative point average of 2.5 or above shall be eligible for membership on a University committee.

Section 4. Student Court Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior with a cumulative point average of 3.0 or above shall be eligible for membership on the Student Court.

Section 5. Officers of the Student Body Any rising senior with a cumulative point average of 3.0 or above shall be eligible for election as President or Vice President of the Student Body for the following year. Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior with a cumulative point average of 3.0 or above shall be eligible for election as Secretary or Treasurer of the Student Body for the following year.

Section 6. General Qualification! In addition to fulfilling the scholastic qualifications as set forth in the previous sections of Article XI, a atudent to be eligible for any Student Body position mentioned in Sections 1 through 5 of this Article:

a. Shall have a satisfactory record in the Office of the Dean of Hen or the Dean of Women

b. Shall have been enrolled a* a full-time atudent for at least two semesters in Bowling Green State University; provided, however, that the President of the Freshman Class shall become a member of the Student Council at the beginning of the second semester


Section 1. Tran.initial Upon approval of this Constitution by the Special Committee on Next Steps In Student Participation in University Government, a ropy shall be transmitted immediately to the editor of the B-G NEWS, with the request that the entire Constitution be published at the earliest possible time in the B-G NEWS and that sufficient copies be printed to insure wide distribution throughout the cam- pus.

Section 2. Requirement! for Adoption Thi» Constitution may be adopted by execution of the following steps:

a. All full-time students voting in a special University-wide student election on May 8, 1958, shall receive ballots pre- pared by the Student Elections Board, in order that each atudent voter may cast his ballot for or against the adop- tion of the Constitution of the Student Body

b. The Student Elections Board shall canvass the ballots cast by students in said election and shall declare the results of the ballot

c. If approved by a majority vote of the students voting in said election, this Constitution and Appendix shall be adopted.

Section 3. Effective Date This Constitution of the Student Body of Bowling Green State University shall become effective on the date of its adoption.

Section 4. Implementation In order that the organization for the government of the Student Body under this Constitution may come into existence at the beginning of the 1968-50 school year, the steps listed below shall be taken under the guidance of the Special Committee on Next Steps in Student Participation in University Government:

(1) The student members of the Council on Student Affairs shall serve in lieu of the Nominating Committee, to select candidates as set forth in Article V, Section 2, of the Constitution of the Student Body

(2) Four Student Body officers and nine members of the Student Council for 1958-59 shall be elected in the May 21 University-wide student election in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 2b of the Constitution

(3) The Student Body Boards for 1958-59 as described in the Constitution shall be established through appoint- ment by the existing Student Leadership and Service Committee acting in lieu of the Student Leadership and Service Board as provided in the Constitution

(■I) Members appointed to the Student Court and to Univer- sity committees for the year 1958-59 under existing procedures shall serve in the respective posts to whicn they have been appointed for the year 1958-59

(5) As rapidly as possible, under the leadership of the Presi- dent of the Student Body and the Council on Student Affairs, additional steps necessary for the implementa- tion of the Constitution shall be taken by all appropri- ate agencies and individuals.

Sect ion 5, Expiration of Appendix lo Constitution This Appendix, with all its sections and provisions, shall expire and he removed entirely from the Constitution of the Student Body one year after the date of the adoption of the Constitution.

Yeager Voted Province Governor

UA Prom

Staten Announces Committees For Annual Spring Week End

Committees for the 1958 Spring Week End, May 23'

through 25, have been announced, according to Neil Staten,

general chairman.

Reggie Fowkes and Judy Smith are co-chairmen of the

chaperones and guests committee for the UA Prom. Members

of the committee include: Ginny Pennell, Donna Remy, Judy Nichols, Peg Faze, Anita Coon, ... ,„ . «_««.•_«

Ushers will be under the leader- ship of Jan Harmon and Betty Meola, chairmen; Bev Wehr, Carol Croft, Carol Couch, Mary Alice Beam, Mary Rae Smith and Lee Hershey. The UA Prom cleanup will be directed by Bob Lenga and Jay Rosen.

Dr. Raymond Veuger assistant professor of speech and forcnslcs eoach at the University, has re- cently been elected to high regional and statewide posts in the related fields of speech and forensics.

In addition to being selected governor of the Province of the Lakes, a regional association of eastern states within Pi Kappa Delta, national forensics honorary, lie was nlso chosen vice-president of the Ohio Asociation of College Teachers of Speech at its annual convention held at Ohio State.

The Province of the Lakes in- cludes all the states in northeastern U.S. which lie east of Illinois and

north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Dr. Yeager'a duties as governor

of this regional organization will include planning for the national forensics convention at Bowling Green next March and the pro- vince convention at Marietta Col- lege and organizing, supervising, and maintaining a close liason with the national chapter.

Being secretary-treasurer of the Province of the Lakes from 1966 to 1958, Dr. Yeager succeeds Dr. Kind Pfister, of Central Michigan College, in this top two-year post. Joining the BGSU faculty in Janu- ary 1960, Dr. Yeager has been Uni- versity forensics coach since 1964.

Arline Miller, Jeanne McCoy, and Carol Eiler.

Chairmen for the UA Prom dec- orations committee are: Bruce Styerwalt, Carol Creason and Beth Adams. Other committee members are: Carol Firman, Nancie Bel- lette, Anita Vaccariello, Kim Jones, Ernie Wirebaugh, Judy Radeloff, Judy Porter, Marsha Stratton, Elaine Adams, Molly Hessley, Dick Kohrs, and Sue Borthwick.

Delight Thompson and Jess Schroeder will be planning the in- termission program for the Prom. Committee members include: Janice Baker, Jo Winters, Arnie Wagner, Nancy Claspy, Pat Rodgers, Jeanne Hoerig, Bev Snyder, Thelma Mad- den, Bev Smith, Dave Riggs, and Jim Medsker.

Program committee for the con- cert and the Prom includes: Caro- lyn Krukemyer and Mary Ander- son, chairmen; Kathy Fogarty, Roberta Rudolph, Shirley Ralson, Lewis Moorhend, Bill Reichardt, Jacie Robson, Dorothy Swaino, Eleanor Botnovcan, Sue Ann Kamerer, Lois Coyer, and Pat Horn.

The publicity committee will be headed by Bob Rask and Dee D'Zurik. Members of the committee include: Joyce Comer. Virginia Wcadock, Dave Mertz, Ann Thomp- son, Char Rehfeldt, Pat Lehman, flarrett Albert, Rae Yeasting, Sharon Hays, Sylvia Rlaney, Mar- ilyn Wall, Gail Bunde, Cindy Krintz, and Dick Honner.

Members of the ticket committee are: Charles Kellcrmyer and Anita Luyk, chairmen; Ruth McQuilkin, Karcl King, Bill Borgan, Rodger Bow, Joanne Steffan, Barbara Tobias, Don Ruehl, Elsio Crouso, Jeanne Baker, Marty Harmeyer, Joyce Pickering, and Sue Ken- worthy.

Fremont Branch To Offer '100' Courses

Eight first-year courses will be offered at the Fremont Branch of the University when it opens next September, it was announced by Dr. Ralph H. Geer, director cf off- campus programs for the univer- sity.

Courses to be offered during the fall semester are:

Accounting 121, elementary ac- counting, 3 semester hours; biology 110, introduction to biology, 3 hours; chemistry 101, general chemistry, 4 hours; English 101, fundamentals of English, 3 hours; geography 101, principles of ge- ography, 3 hours; history 151, western civilization (to about 1660), 3 hours; health and physical education 109, health education, 3 hours; and mathematics 100, inter- mediate and college algebra, 4 hours.

The fee will be $15 for time- hour courses and $60 for those of fering four hours of credit.

The first year of study offered by the University colleges of liberal arts, business administration and education are available to students at the new Fremont Branch. Cred- its earned there may be transferred to the main campus at Bowling Green or to any other accredited college or university.


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