The Art of the Storyteller is to Hold the Attention of the Reader-Sakshi Jain

"The art of the storyteller is to hold the attention of the reader." With reference to two or three works you have studied, discuss the ways in which the writers have employed techniques that hold your attention. The art of storytelling can be characterized to be the various literary techniques and features namely, the narrative technique, structure, tone, themes, literary devices etc, which the storyteller that is the author employs in order to grasp the attention of the readers in their own unique way. In order to substantiate this, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte and ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ by Jean Rhys are two novels which showcase an exemplary usage of techniques in order to highlight and beautify their plots and make them attention grabbing. The background or the inspirations from which a novel is fabricated is one of the reasons as to why a storyteller is able to grab the attention of the readers. ‘Jane Eyre’ , was written by Charlotte Bronte as a medium to reflect the aims and aspirations of life which she was not able to accomplish herself. In the 1800’s women were not considered equals and thus had to live a solitary life solely devoting themselves to the patriarchal society, thus this novel was quite conventional at that time, whereby a women was able to voice her opinion. Similarly ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ was written by Jean Rhys because after reading the plot of Jane Eyre, she was infatuated by the character of Bertha, and questioned the codes and traditions of the male dominated society. This feminist reason became the reason as to why Rhys penned down the case of the underdog, Bertha. The narrative technique that is the manner in which a story is presented to the reader is an important feature which is crucial in grabbing the attention of the readers. In ‘Jane Eyre’, the novel is written in first-person perspective whereby Jane, the protagonist describes the events she is experiencing at an active level along with a retrospective

Transcript of The Art of the Storyteller is to Hold the Attention of the Reader-Sakshi Jain

Page 1: The Art of the Storyteller is to Hold the Attention of the Reader-Sakshi Jain

"The art of the storyteller is to hold the attention of the reader."  With reference to two or three  works you have studied, discuss the ways in which the writers have employed techniques that hold your attention.

The art of storytelling can be characterized to be the various literary techniques and features namely, the narrative technique, structure, tone, themes, literary devices etc, which the storyteller that is the author employs in order to grasp the attention of the readers in their own unique way.

In order to substantiate this, ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte and ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ by Jean Rhys are two novels which showcase an exemplary usage of techniques in order to highlight and beautify their plots and make them attention grabbing.

The background or the inspirations from which a novel is fabricated is one of the reasons as to why a storyteller is able to grab the attention of the readers. ‘Jane Eyre’ , was written by Charlotte Bronte as a medium to reflect the aims and aspirations of life which she was not able to accomplish herself. In the 1800’s women were not considered equals and thus had to live a solitary life solely devoting themselves to the patriarchal society, thus this novel was quite conventional at that time, whereby a women was able to voice her opinion. Similarly ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ was written by Jean Rhys because after reading the plot of Jane Eyre, she was infatuated by the character of Bertha, and questioned the codes and traditions of the male dominated society. This feminist reason became the reason as to why Rhys penned down the case of the underdog, Bertha.

The narrative technique that is the manner in which a story is presented to the reader is an important feature which is crucial in grabbing the attention of the readers. In ‘Jane Eyre’, the novel is written in first-person perspective whereby Jane, the protagonist describes the events she is experiencing at an active level along with a retrospective understanding of the events in a large span of time. Similarly in ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’, it is first person narration with direct speech, the structure of the novel is a combination of both long and short sentences which showcase the intensity of the situations, such as the single word concept, it also utilizes native dialect and also triggers various developments in the plot which are quite sudden.

The structure of the novel also contributes to the development of the plot and their categorical structuring can ultimately also decide the interest quotient of the novel. In ‘Jane Eyre’, the structure of the novel follows an autobiographical form which is prevalent throughout the novel. The idea of a journey is highlighted where Jane’s personal journey is described to transform from various levels as well as settings, for example her transformation from childhood to maturity, bondage to freedom, unhappiness to happiness and innocence of knowledge are all shown in various settings beginning from Gateshead Hall to Lowood School to Thornfield and finally culminating in Ferndean Manor. What is interesting about the structure is despite the fact that Jane spends a majority of her life span in Gateshead Hall and Lowood School, the phase she spends in Thornfield Manor covers the maximum of chapters as it is where the plot transmutes the most. Similarly, In Wide Sargasso Sea, the plot is divided into three parts where Antoinette’s perception is explored in the first part, Antoinette’s husband’s point of view put up in the second part and in the third part it is again

Page 2: The Art of the Storyteller is to Hold the Attention of the Reader-Sakshi Jain

Antoinette’s who’s views serve as the epilogue of her fate. The different perspectives which the author has provided keep the interest in the novel maintained as the reader is constantly being given alternate versions of the same events. It helps the reader to sympathize or condemn a character.

The language and style are another technique which helps in retaining the interest of the reader. In Jane Eyre, is written in terms of an autobiography but is still classified as fiction. The narration being in first-person gives the reader a close association with the protagonist. The narrator is also constantly seen addressing the readers directly “Reader, I married him”, where it can be noticed that although Jane is telling her story it is in fact happening in real life as well. The present and the past tense keep alternating for different effects, for example the retrospective look on Mrs Reed , “a strange child she could not love, and to see an uncongenial alien permanently intruded on her own family group.”, whereby Jane is contemplating an alternate view to Mrs Reed’s hatred towards her. The diction as well which is used by the author represents the articulate and intelligent nature of the protagonist which is quite evident from the elaborate and complex vocabulary and formal prose. Similarly in Wide Sargasso Sea, the first person narration makes the characters more real as well as the plot of the novel. The readers are able to grab the omniscient parts of the novel which the protagonists are not aware of. The language as well is fairly simple and easy to comprehend.

Another technique which makes the plot of the novel delectable is the literary features such as dreams. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Antoinette’s has two dreams, which are a very unique way of projecting the repressed emotions of the characters. They bring out the centralized theme of despair, suppression and darkness. Antoinette’s dreams take place in a forest which symbolize uncertainty, a maze-like atmosphere, “struggling.screaming.crying” , her dreams also foreshadow her fate, her incoming of lunatic tendencies and her saddening state. Her second dream is in present tense, highlighting the reality in it, “enclosed garden”, she is destined to be entrapped, her emotional upheaval and the unknown trees symbolize a strange territory , whereby she finds herself apparelled in a white dress, which also symbolizes male dominance and foreshadows the consequences of her marriage, Antoinette’s swamp like dreams project her state of mind, neglected upbringing and various mental ordeals which causes these dreams. Similarly in Jane Eyre, Jane is a conscious dreamer and thus due to her upbringing is able to distinguish between her dreams and reality, which projects her values, her state of mind and her outright straightforward thinking. She uses dreams as a medium of foreshadow and windows to consciousness.

Furthermore, literary features assist the development of the plot in order to decorate it and make it more lively or highlight its important. In Wide Sargasso Sea, instances of similies can be sighted which have made the appearance of a mundane observation into a lively comparison. “a church without an alter”, whereby Antoinette’s compares her marriage to be hollow and even though it may be a sacred affair but it does not seem to be for the latter. Similarly in Jane Eyre, the “tabernacle”, underlining the suffocating, dark and mysterious atmosphere in which they are both trap.

The art of storytelling is quite tangible and therefore there are numerous techniques which one could employ in order to make the plot worthy of grabbing the attention of the readers. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys are two such novels which demonstrate a marvellous utilization of techniques which not only make the text richer and decorative but makes the reader more acquainted with the characters as well.