THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary...

THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary Evans ARKIVET FR UFO-FORSKNING Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKPING Tel. 011-14 46 so, 14 24 33

Transcript of THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary...

Page 1: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING


Author index

Hilary Evans


Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Tel. 011-14 46 so, 14 24 33

Page 2: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

T H E A M E R I C A N U F 0 P U L P S A N A U T H 0 R I N D E X

How exciting it must have been for an American ufologist of the 1970s, to see the corner newsstand heaped with brightly-coloured magazines devoted to the latest news of his favorite subject ! Sensational new cases, revolutionary new theories, fresh discoveries - how different, how very different, from the sober grey journals from the UFO organisations which slip, by subscription only, through the mail-box . • •

None of us will turn to the pulps for an authoritative account of a case, or a scholarly approach to the phenomenon. Yet they are useful in more ways than one. First, they did often publish pieces by or about researchers of repute - almost every well-known American ufologist is included in this index. Second, they often contain illustrations not available elsewhere. And third, they are of immense value to the historian and to the social scientist, who can study material which is closer to the grass roots of the phenomenon than anything else which gets into print. In addition, they're a lot of fun.

A thorough study of the pulps has yet to be written : it would be a fascinating and rewarding undertaking.

Articles with no relevance to UFO research have not been listed. Numbering : 'SA.7.6.14' means 'Saga's UFO Report vol 7 no 6 page 14'. Where articles are co-authored, listing is under first-named author, but second author is cross-referenced.



This seems to have been a spin-off from the regular Argosy. After an 1975 Annual, seemingly a one-off, it began to appear bi-monthly (though less frequently in its declining years) from July 1976 (first not numbered, but subsequently vol 1 #2 &c) to July 1977, with an annual at the end of 1977, and an issue dated winter 1977/1978. There may have been one or more additional issues that I'm not aware of. The references I give are not always what's printed on the magazines themselves, but should make sufficient sense.


UU = (Beyond Reality's) UFO UPDATE

Beyond Reality, first published in 1972, sought to cover the whole paranormal scene, and included a proportion of UFO articles ; but evidently reader interest in the subject grew so strong that eventually a separate publication, UFO Update, was created to cater for them, commencing Fall 1978 and published quarterly. The level was uncritical, even by pulp standards but some interesting material continued to appear among the blatant concoctions.


Not strictly a pulp zine, and refreshingly free of the advertising which, however delightful in itself, is something of a distraction from the editorial content ; however, FSUR is, like the pulps, made up of one-off articles on diverse aspects of the subject, so it seems useful to include its four issues in this index. Besides the articles, the photographs are particularly interesting and well reproduced.

Page 3: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING


The contents of this publication were taken entirely from TRUE FLYING SAUCERS & UFOS QUARTERLY, so I have not included them here.


Issue #1 is dated March 1978 : it was issued quarterly. # 13 (Feb 1981) is not numbered ; # 14 (May 1981) is numbered only inside. Some non-UFO articles are not indexed here.


The first issue is dated May 1975. Under the editorship of Bernard O'Connor (from start through #1.12) and Dennis Hauck (through #2.6) the journal maintained a reasonable standard as pulp zines go. With the advent of Jeffrey Goodman it relinquished all responsibility, and the subsequent contents, though fascinating sociologically, are not indexed here. Note there was no issue numbered #2.4 : on the other hand there were two numbered #2.6, for September & October 1977 respectively ; to minimis

_e __

confusion the second is here identified as #2.6b. ]




Dates of publication of SA are approximately Vol 1 - 1973-4 vol 2 -1974-5 vol 3 - 1976-7 ; vol 4 - 1977 ; vol 5 - 1977-8 ; vol 6 - 1978-9 ; vol 7 - 1979 ; vol 8 - 1980 ; vol 9 - 1981. Numbering was somewhat uncertain at first, with designations such as II and Ill, but settled down to volumes of six numbers, plus annuals. The periodicity varied as public interest fluctuated. ] Some articles were reprinted ; this is indicated here, except when the reprint was in the Annuals, which were composed almost entirely of reprints. References to the Annuals are therefore to articles which appear to be receiving their first publication.


The comments on FS are more or less true of this publication.


First published in Spring 1976. Later retitled TRUE UFOs AND OUTER SPACE QUARTERLY. (I am missing one issue - #14 - so the index is not absolutely complete !)

Page 4: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Anonymous Argentina and Chile : 1968's UFO hotspots Ecola Institute : Hello out there ! (search for ET signals) What's happening up there ? (are atmospheric blasts related to UFOs ?) Haunted by ancient astronauts (Brauer, German) Flashing thing over the school If anyone asks (survey after 20 years) Five that will curl your hair (cases) 'Like the flight of a bat' (Trindade Island) 'I 'm still climbing .. ' (Mantell) 'Maybe I've seen the Devil' (Socorro) The missing hours (Hills) Flap in Michigan (Hillsdale 1966) Coming in for a charge (UFOs & power) Anatomy of a what'zit (UFO shapes) Who's minding the store ? (UFO organisations) Zanesville's conversation piece (Ditter photo) 'Best I've ever seen' (Jaroslav photos,1967) Flying objects from our own drawing board (manmade) Spiders, ghosts and 'stinky dew' (substances that fall from sky) The silent witness (boys' 1966 photo) Dancers with no audience (Hopf 1966 photo) Occupants : yes or no ? [ see also Keel, Greenfield ] Build your own UFO detector Plasma, ants and swamp bugs (natural causes ?) How it was at Wanaque (photos) The remarkable skies of Harrisburg (1966 case) Flying Saucer convention, NY, 1967 The great debate : scientists argue over the existence of UFOs & extraterrestrial life (Einstein, von Braun, Hynek, Sagan) Military bases under siege by UFOs ! UFO invasion of Greece



BR.33.29 BR. 39.10 UU.1.36 FS.1.2 FS.1.12 FS.1.18 FS.1.22 FS.1.24 FS.l.30 FS.1.33 FS.1.44 FS.1.46 FS.1.62 FS.2.4 FS.2.14


FS.2.45 FS.2.53 FS.2.55

FS.2.56 FS.3.50 FS.3.56 FS.3.58 FS.4.50 FS.4.60

ID.1.26 ID.2.30 ID.3.38

Where are 'Bo and Peep' : did the Messiahs leave the Earth ?

space-age ID.4.42,follow-up 9.6

U.N. update : astronaut urges UFO UFOs step up surveillance of U.S. Have Flying Saucers destroyed our aircraft ?

probe ID.6.51 bases ID.7.42 military

Stephens abduction in Oxford, Maine Fantastic key to the flying saucer mystery (Jessup/Allende affair) The inside story of the Australian airplane abduction (Valentich case) Red skies : a history of UFOs in Russia The Exeter puzzle (1965) All sizes and shapes ... and in groups The Saucers still fly! Capturing UFOs on film (Jaroslaw photo) (see also Fink)

OF.1.1.48 OF.1.9.20


SA.7.1.20 SA.8.2.36 TF.1.26 TF.l.40 TR.1.6 TR.1.8

Page 5: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

[ Anon contd ] What's wrong with these saucers ( IFOs) Saucers : out of sight but not out of mind Official Air Force Guide : sightings for sore eyes The Peruvian flying plate (Vega photo) Did a UFO kill Snippy ? Strangers in black ; who or what are they ? The case for Flying Saucer kidnappings South Hill sights a saucer (April 1967) Him & her : UFO travel agents Singed by a Flying Saucer (Desvergers) People who fly UFOs (occupant accounts) The Texas spaceship (Watts photo) What propels a Flying Saucer ? Can UFOs be explained scientifically ? The angel-hair mystery The sighting at Stonehenge apartments (1975) Travis Waltma (=o) n's weird story What really happened at Pascagoula ? Bashed by a bowling ball UFO US Govt admits there's life in outer space Florida's turquoise flying object Two astronauts now say : 'Those Flying Saucers were for real ! ' Brazil's big Bio-Bang flap (1947) Hot-dog Saucer over New Mexico (Clovis,1976) Sex ... outer space style Do the Saucer people see us as sitting ducks ? Did volcano vomit UFOs (Deception Island, 1967) Scandinavia's bizarre sightings Saucer hunt in Lake Titicaca (re Cousteau) UFO hangar beneath the Earth's crust ? How a parachute ballooned into a Flying Saucer Secrets of the flying discs : Levetsov & Pinkel learn secrets of the 'force-rays' of space Jimmy Carter never promised a UFO rose garden Unidentified submersibles in Loch Ness Green Fireball mystery Alien UFOs prowl Sardinian skies [ IFOs ] 1 -How to separate UFOs from saucers 2 - When the sundog goes down, the moondog comes up (natural IFOs) 3 - Perceptual errors are seldom perpetual mistakes 4 - Questions & their (possible) answers 'What-is-it' harasses a helicopter (Riddle, August 1975) Celebrities see UFOs, too ! The great national UFO flap (1968) South America : Flying Saucer country Danbury dazzler (August 1976) Rockland County flap stirs upstate NY (1976) Are UFOs circuit breakers ? (UFOs & blackouts) Piedmont revisited

TF.1.54 TF.2.38

TF.3.30 TR.1.11 TR.1.18 TR.1.24 TR.1.29 TR.1.32 TR .1. 36 TR.1.40 TR .1. 42 TR.1.48 TR.1.55 TR.1.60 TR.1.66 TR.2.6 TR.2.10 TR.2.13 TR.2.19 TR.2.21 TR.2.24

TR.2.28 TR.2.31 TR.2.34 TR.2.38 TR.2.42 TR.2.46 TR.2.48 TR.2.55 TR.2.62 TR.2.66

TR.3.10 TR.3.18 TR.3.20 TR.3.38 TR.4.12 TR. 4. 20


TR.6.24 TR.7.42

TR.4.26 TR.4.28 TR.4.40 TR.4.52 TR.4.60 TR.5.38 TR.5.66 TR.6.38

Page 6: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

[ Anon contd ] And now, the ultimate in UFO housing (saucer-shaped homes) Let's hop aboard the aerial jeep (man-made) UFO spans western states at supersonic speed Weird UFOs over Western Oregon Riddle of the Brazilian trapezoids People who know about Flying Saucers (Giant Rock UFO gathering) Land here, says Grenada to UFOs Flying fireballs over Eastern seaboard Flying Saucers over the Pampas : a view from the Argentine The real truth behind those East Coast booms Tracking a dancing UFO by CB radio Can UFOs help predict cataclysmic disasters ? UFOs : some people are taking up sides A closer look at those UFO occupants Has 'Close Encounters' filled the sky with saucers ? Winter Haven for UFOs (Lear's museum project) A UFO buzzes Brooklyn Five mystery triangles now plague mankind Incident in Argentina : Flying Saucer over the railway tracks (Ramblon sighting) 707 jet airliner races toward UFO (Portugal, 19.9.1977) UN panel seeks worldwide study of UFOs Glowing like a discotheque in the sky (now we have unidentified flying insects) Astronauts renew belief that UFOs are for real Triangular-shaped saucer shakes up five North Carolina counties (Lumberton, 1975) Normal people are kidnapped by UFOs, too ! Table Mountain apparition (1896 airship) The strange event at Medicine Bow (Higdon) Astronauts of ancient Japan The heavens are filled with falling junk UFO that rocked Barberton, Ohio (1972) Humanoid that stalked the Italian landscape (29.8.1977) Strange disappearance of French teenager (Cergy-Pontoise) Why UFOs sometimes float like a cloud Yes, some UFOs leave their calling cards (physical traces) Star light, star bright, are you the UFO tonight ? What kind of 'thing' attacked the patrol car (Johnson, Minnesota) Did Harry Joe's truck become a UFO ? (Turner experience, Winchester VA, 28.8.2979) Great balls of fire over Dixie, 1973 What was that thing in the pond ? (Wakefield, 10.1.1977)

TR.4.62 TR.5.16 TR.7.32 TR.7.48 TR.8.16

TR.8.44 TR.8.69 TR.9.26

TR.9.62 TR. 10.6 TR. 10.22 TR.10.44 TR.10. 52 TR.11.22

TR.11.52 TR.11.54 TR.11.60 TR.11.62


TR.12.60 TR.12.76

TR .13 .18 TR.13.22

TR.13.56 TR.13.66 TR.15.66 TR.16.22 TR. 16.42 TR.16.50 TR.16.62


TR.17.10 TR.17.56

TR. 18. 16



TR. 19. 10 TR.19.26


Page 7: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Round-ups Recent UFO sightings (1978) UFO sightings of 1978 Recent UFO sightings (1979) Recent sightings (1979 round-up) UFO sightings from war and wide (1979) Sightings of the Seventies Round-up of recent (1980) sightings Random report of recent sightings New sightings (case histories) Yes, I saw a UFO ! UFO sightings from everywhere Sightings (case histories) Photo feature On camera (photos) Worth 1000 words (photos)

TR .13. 6 TR.12.6 TR.16.6 TR.17.32 TR.18.6 TR.9.28 TR.19.14 TR.15.14 OF.1.1.32 TR.10.10 TR.11.8 OF.1.1.20 BR.18.20

FS.3.52 and 4.44 FS.1.56

Page 8: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Aharon, Yonah Interview (Steinberg) (ancient astronauts) SA.4.2.26

Ahearn, Anthony Mankind, children of the planets ? SA.2.4.26 [ also II.40]

Alcali, Nick 'They didn't look human' (Milton encounter) Teleported aboard an alien spacecraft (June Murphy amd two men abducted together) Carter Lake's elusive UFO Flying Saucers spotted over military airfields Retired Air Force director (Pat Cody) and his views on UFOs

Aldridge,Dorothy On the track of ultra-terrestrials (UFOs and cattle mutilations) Cattle mutilation and baby UFOs

Allen, Rita - see Jordan

Anderson, Ronald Ancient astronauts of Sumer & genetic engineering

Anderson, Tim Enigma of the Hollow Earth ; doorway to another world Smokey & the UFO (Idaho cases) Idaho's 'jumping' UFOs

Andrews,A Keith How to build a flying saucer Country singer claims 'I saw creatures from another world' (Johnny Sands)

Anjard, Ron UFOs and the Hopi Indians of Arizona

Anthony, Dennis UFO propulsion : the effects of magnetic stardrive

Arnold, J F Yes, Virginia, UFOs are real

Arnold, Kenneth Interview (Sutherly)

Arnold, Larry E The Pennsylvania Triangle The story of the Bolivian UFO crash

Arnoux,Jacques The UFO 'flap' brewing in France

Atkins, T The UFO nuclear firestorm (feature on his & Baxter's book on Tungus event)

Ayers, Earl subject of article (Byrne)

Bailey, Herbert Come see the Flying Saucers ! You want to see a UFO ? Come down to Brown Mountain, you can see one any time- even take pictures of it !


uu. 4.10 uu. 5.10 uu.6.32


OF.2.6.17 OF.2.6b.23


BR.44.16 SA.7.4.14 SA.8.3.16







SA.6.4.16 SA.6.6.14





Page 9: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Baker, Bill

Barker, Gray

Barker, Rodney

Barns, Vincent

Barr, Rick

Barrow, Robert

The mysterious Betz 'space sphere' (Have we accidentally captured a sophisticated probe from an extraterrestrial civilisation ?)

Invading West Virginia's saucer lairs and monster hideouts UFO creatures on the prowl America's captured flying saucers, cover-up of the century Scientists warned of UFO invasion Extraterrestrials and worldwide panic factor Silenced ! The Men In Black are back Are aliens trying to save us ? Feature on Stuart/Barbara M event

Fact or fiction : was Travis Walton abducted


SA.3.5.33 SA.3.6.20

SA.4.1.32 SA.4.2.34 SA.4.6.38 SA.7.1.48 OF.2.6b.16 OF.2.7.36

aboard a spaceship ? AR.1.1.33 [ repr ARA.1977]

Terror in Kuwait

The humanoids : key to the puzzle The Scandinavian connection Attacked by a UFO (aggression cases) Strange reports of the Houston Batman Harrowing close encounters in South America UFO encounters of the violent kind The hazards of UFO watching The amazing UFO invasion of Poland Return of the phantom submarines

Ultrasound : secret force behind UFOs 'UFO' revisited (movie) How to conduct yourself inside a UFO How a ufologist came to the aid of the Air Force (strange goings-on ... ) How the TV network treats UFOs 'Unidentified Flying Objects' - a most remarkable UFO documentary film How presidents have handled the topic of UFOs How to teach a course on UFOs Nitpicking the Robertson Panel Report (1953)


OF.2.2.30 OF.2.5.16 <(�-­OF.2.6.38 BR.27.38 ID.5.36 ID.11.44 TR.13.52 TR.17.50 TR. 1 9 . 60 <::<c:---=--OF.1.8.24 OF.2.1.26 AR.2.3.32

AR.2.4.22 ARA . 1 9 7 7 . 14

AR.77/8.10 AR.77/8.30 AR.77/8.44 TR.6.62

Barry, Robert D War of the planets (The opening shots of

Bateman, Wes

Beardman, Rudi

interplanetary war have been fired ! ) SA.2.4.22 The UFO that landed at Michel AFB SAA.1975.16 Pres. Ford calls for in-depth UFO investigation OF.1.2.32

[ featured in] The man who talks with UFOs TR.18.28

UFOs kidnapped my daughter OF.2.1.29

Page 10: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Beckley, T G Hynek interview Steiger interview Have invaders from space divided the Earth ? Scientists' changing attitudes towards FS Strange effects of flying saucers Calvert, Texas : flying saucer way station Kidnapped by aliens (Higdon) Mind manipulation, new UFO terror tactic Operation contact (Canada) Saucers over our cities Famous psychics reveal key to UFO phenomena UFO base 40 miles from the White House

SA.3.3.18 SA.4.5.20 SA.III.20 SA. 1. 5. 14 SA.2.2.32 SA.2.3.18 SA.2.5.40 SA.2.6.31 SA.3.1.39 SA.4.4.24 SA.4.5.40 SA.5.5.44 SAA.1975.26 Invasion of the space giants

Saucers & celebrities from SA.1.6 to 4.6 - see also Shuttlewood : Muhammad Ali

+ Salkin, Harold Apollo 12's mysterious encounter with FSs UFOs along California's earthquake lines

Belil, Harry Don Wilson interview Oberg interview UFO attacks sheriff's patrol (Johnson,8.1979) UFO spottd over North Carolina

Belil, Lydia UFOs over New Mexico (Clovis, 1976? ) UFOs of Rockland County (NY state 1976) The carcases were glued to the tree (animal mutilations)

Benz, Allen Avon Lake inquiry : did UFOs effect a miraculous healing ? (Jacqueline Booth, 1974) 30 years of UFOs

Bergh,Christian Experiencing the UFOs (overview)

Bergier, Jacques Ancient 'space gods' and the birth of man Extraterrestrials among us

Berlin, Monroe

Berliner, Don

Legend of the thunderbird (native Americans)

The technical aspects of ufology : are they aerodynamically possible ? Center for UFO Studies Levelland sightings, 1957 Flying Cross over England (1967) NI CAP The Ground Observer Corps Ghost Rockets of Sweden Temperature inversions do not cause UFOs exploding a common myth

SA.III.8 SA.3.5.44

BR.23.12 UU.2.28 UU.6.42 UU.8.66

BR.22.26 BR.28.38


OF.1.9.42 OF.2.5.22


SA.1.5.32 SA.3.1.47


OF.1.3.38 OF.1.4.32 OF.1.5.22 OF.1.6.32 OF.1.7.32 OF.1.10.24 OF.1.11.30 � OF.1.12.38

Berlitz, Charles Interview (Steinberg) India's 8000-year-old atomic bombs Cosmic cover-up (Bermuda triangle)

BR .18 .12 SA.2.6.22 [ rep 5.1 ]


Page 11: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Berry, Alan

Berry, Leon

The UFO creatures of Happy Camp, CA

Did we really go to the Moon ? (30% Americans believe Apollo photos made in Hollywood . . • )



Binder Flying saucer mother ships SA.1.1.28 Is shooting humanoids murder ? SA.1.1.40 Devil's sea, flying saucer death trap (Pacific) SA.II.8 Secret messages from UFOs SA.III.24 Liquidation of the UFO investigators SA.II.12 Spokesman for the UFOs ? (Ted Owens) SA.II.28 Ted Owens - Flying saucer missionary SA.III.32 UFOs are leading mankind to the stars SAS.1973.36 Mystery of underground UFO bases SA.1.5.22 Clues prove UFOs come from different galaxies SA.1.5.39 Are UFOs here to save the Earth ? SA.1.6.14 Are the Russians communicating with UFOs ? SA.2.1.16 Secret warehouse of UFO proof SA.2.2.16

+ Whritenour Secret UFO evidence (crashed UFOs) SA.1.1.18 Flying saucer D-day (UFOs & USAF bases) SA.II.16 Electro-magnetic tests SA.II.32

Blann,Tommy Roy What UFOs can do to us OF.1.8.32 and 1.9.31

Blum, Peter

Blum, Ralph

UFO landings ring found in Louisiana (1976) OF.2.5.32 UFOs over New Mexico (Clovis, 1976) OF.2.6.23 UFO terror in Texas (1973 & later) TR.3.14 Mysterious link between UFOs & mutilations Mutilation mystery continues UFO-cattle mutilation link : the last word

Keel interview

UFOs vs time, matter & reality (Pascagoula)

SA.3.1.18 SA.8.2.28 SA.9.2.36

& 9.3.38



Blumrich, Josef Interview (Bond) BR .10 .18 BR.21.16 UU.2.4

Bond, Bryce

Bond, Raymond

Bondarchuk, Y

Would you recognise a UFOnaut ? [from book] (editorial)

Von Daniken interview Blumrich interview John Wallace Spencer interview Sanderson interview Tanous interview Clancarty interview Creighton interview

Subterranean saucers global network of underground UFO bases

Alien occupants: 5 accounts (from book)

BR.8.12 BR. 10.18 BR.16.12 BR.20.40 BR.25.30 SA.4.6.20 SA.6.5.28



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Bonham, J B

Bontempo, Pat

Boose, John F

Bowen, Barney

Bowen, Charles

Brandes, H

Truth about the cattle mutilations Cattle mutilations & UFOs : satanic rite or alien abduction ?

The secret of Spitzbergen been recovered ?

has a crashed UFO

Did the 3 Wise Men actually follow a UFO ?

The Bennetsville mystery (1968 sighting)



UU.1.44 ��--



Interview UFOs and light Alien teleportations Saucer Central feature

FS.4.64 SA.3.1.14 + 3.2.18 [rep 8.6 ]

SA.4.6.36 from SA.1.5 to 5.2

'Project UFO' (TV series) SA.5.6.16

'Brandon,Stuart' - see Retoff

Brass, Nancy

Breuer, Bill

Briazack, N

Brill,Joseph M

+ Hind, Cynthia

Brown, Danial

Browning, Orin

Bryant,David W

Bryant, Larry

Burch, Thomas

Byrne, Carol

Carr, R S

Carter, Jimmy

The extraterrestrial link to man

Earthman, go home ! (evidence from the Bible)

Grenada issues UFO postage stamps

Three b+w photos from Denmark (Viita,1974) Mexican pilot paced by 3 UFOs in broad daylight (Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel, 1975) Diaz abduction in Argentina (1975) Burned rings and giant mushrooms : UFO traces Acevedo encounter (Argentina 1974) UFO landings behind the iron curtain Landing at Loxton (African case)

UFOs breach presidential security

Devil's triangle ; flying saucer hunting ground (Pacific) Mystery of alien satellites

Are aliens cloning humans ?

FBI's secret role in flying saucer mystery

What do you know about UFOs ? (Take this quiz





OF.1.5.12 OF.1.6.12 OF.1.7.13 OF.1.9.24 OF.1.13.18 SA.5.4.44


SA.2.4.31 SA.2.4.34



and find out) SA.9.2.26

Earl Ayers : adventures of a UFO investigator Night of the saucer (Val Johnson, 1979)

A petition to the President

sighting featured in Hewes article

SA.7.6.28 SA.8.1.16



Page 13: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Carter, Leon P Extraterrestrials land in Bolivia (6.5.78) UU.4.14

Castro, Luis UFOs have invaded the country (Spain) UU.l.lO

Cernero, Franco Project Starlight, an invitation to UFOs SA.3.2.46

Churchill, Win The fence that played uncommon music (as told by Don Jennings) OF.1.13.37

Clark, Jerome

+ Farish, Lucius

Clarkson, Bill

Clements, Dan

Cochrane, Hugh

Harder interview SA.5.2.36 Allan Hendry ; feature SA.8.3.24 Betty Hill interview SA.5.3.40 Jacobs interview SA.4.3.20 Lorenzen interview SA.4.4.33 Schwarz interview SA.3.4.26 Stringfield interview SA.6.1.40 [rep 8.5] Case for the paraphysical UFO OF.1.10.38 Are 'manimals' space beings ? SA.2.4.48 UFO abduction in N Dakota (Larsen) SA.3.3.21 [rep 6.4] The ultimate alien encounter (Meyer/Jensen) SA . 5.1.33 Startling new evidence re Pascagoula & Adamski SA.6.2.36 Breakthrough : the Spanish government's startling UFO documents Worldwide UFO wave of seventy-nine Crashed saucers : another view Strange case of Carlos de Los Santos (1975) UFOs of the 1930s

SA.7.1.25 SA.7.2.16 SA.8.1.28 SA.8.6.26 SA.9.2.32 SA.9.2.40 The seven non-wonders of the UFO world

Saucer Central USA UFO update Phantom airships of 1913 The New Zealand 'airship' wave of 1909 Mysterious 'Foo fighters' California 'airship' scare of 1896 UFOs of the roaring '20s UFOs of the 18th century

from SA.3.1 to 5.4 from SA.5.5 to 7.4

SA.1.6.36 [rep 7.6] SA . 2.2.24

SA.2.3.44 [rep 8.3] SA.2.4.44 [rep 8.5] SA.2.5.48 [rep 8.1] SA�2.6.46 [rep 8.4]

The great unidentified airship scare The worldwide UFO wave of 1909

(1896) OF.1.12.40

Mystery monitor over White Sands

How to be kidnapped by UFOlk Saucer safari

Lake Ontario's mysterious triangle of death The worldwide circle of mystery The Great Lakes UFO flap of 1978 The Great Lakes Triangle ; mystery continues UFOs : the psychic connection The ancient astronaut enigma ! The Soviet UFO cover-up Do invisible energies mutilate cattle ?



OF.1.6.22 OF.1.12.35

SA.3.5.30 SA.5.2.44 SA.6.6.20 SA.8.4.32 ARA.1977.42 BR.28.34 BR.38.47 UU.6.20

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Coddington, R H Faster than the speed of light ? It's not the impossible dream

Coggins, Frank

Cohen, Michael

Collyns, Robin

Constable, T


Cortez, Ramona

Grain, T Scott

Creighton, G

Crowe, Adell

reviews Landsburgs' 'Outer space connection' The new metric system : will it help solve the UFO mystery ?

The war of the gods (lunar evidence of long-ago nuclear war) Soviets solve mystery of anti-gravity (Are the Soviets behind the UFO mystery ?) Russians probe the ancient astronaut theory UFOs over New York City (29.4.1977) Pulsars : space beacons for UFOs Why scientists fear Von Daniken's ancient astronauts Ancient astronauts roamed our solar system Evidence says life exists on Ganymede The Earth's nuclear effect

Mankind, creation of the space gods

UFOs are living creatures

'We're being followed ... ' (DC-8 sighting,1973) UFOs : a worldwide phenomenon - see also Randle

'The unearthly voices in my ears' (supposed ET messages : Sprinkle consulted) Interview, Harrison Schmidt (astronaut) President Carter speaks out Encounter in Queensland Constant pattern in UFO sightings (Lawson)

The space men at Wright Patterson (retrievals)

Interview (Bond)

Police story the Nashville encounter (1979)

Daniels, Markham I was 80 and a UFO made me 18



TR .10. 40


BR. 34.24 UU.1.41 UU.2.10 UU.3.20

UU.3.38 UU.4.24 uu 0 6 0 24 OF.2.6.32


SA. 2. 4.14

OF.1.7.34 OF.1.9.18

BR.37.41 UU.3.4 UU.4.4 UU.5.38 UU.11.52





Daniels, Ron Close encounters of the third kind (the movie) SA.5.3.16

Darby,Christian World's first UFO murder case (Viana & Cruz, Brasil, Aug 1966) ARA.1975.66

Davies,Patricia The vanishing humans OF.2.6b.44

Deane, �eil Encounter in the Gulf Stream [as told to George Earley ] BR.18.37

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Deegan, Jerry

Defox, Marvin

Dem, Marc

Deming, Rudy

Dickinson, T

Dickson, Larry

I rode a Flying Saucer ! (alleged account by witness who possible died from effects)

The worlds of Richard Shaver

The divine alien - was the god of the ancients a spaceman ?

In search of UFO 'monsters' (furred, metallic and bird-like . • . )

The antimatter universe

The UFOs are back ! Hypnotic art may prove the reality of UFOs (feature on painter Curtis Watkins)

Dickson, Richard UFO encounter in Japan (Kazato, contactee)

Dobbs, D L

Dorr, Robert F



Drake, Rufus


Draper, Ronald

Crashed saucers : the mystery continues ...

Japan's man-dog mystery : is it a monument left behind by ancient astronauts ?

Flying saucer crashes : what are the facts ?

Spectacular UFO invades Arab oilfield (1978)

Air Force tests captured saucer - flies own Exclusive interview with Congressman Biaggi 'There is a UFO cover-up by the government' New mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, 1978 Return of the 'Men in black' Top-secret nuclear plant besieged by UFOs (Hanford, 1975) A F base besieged by saucers (Williams,AZ) Bizarre UFO wave sweeping East Africa 'Operation ridicule' (of witnesses,by Pentagon) UFO crisis over Greenland Japan's Bermuda Triangle

The great Washington DC civics lesson : how the government is still covering up UFOs ! Japan's secret UFO probe

The 'radar UFOs' that haunt Griffiss AFB











OF . 2.6.28



ID.4.22 ID.4.58 SA.3.4.36

SA.4.2.38 SA.4.3.36 SA.4.5.28 SA.4.6.16 SA.4.6.44 SA.7.5.44

ID.2.10 SA.5.4.26


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Drucker, Ronald The great West African UFO frenzy

Druffel, Ann

The southern US - target for Flying Saucers Alaska's UFO war UFO storm over Korea Space intruders are zeroing in on New England UFO crisis in India The Pacific Northwest- special target for UFOs Viking l's evidence : space aliens are on Mars What happens to people who sight UFOs ? ( psychological & psychic after-effects )

- see Slate

Dunham,Robert Japan builds world's first UFO landing site Japan's UFO cult ; are UFOs a form of cosmic energy ? Yes, claims the Reverend Goi ... The UFOs of Sawara ! ( Japan )

Durfield,Yvonne The Air Force is lying about UFOs Eyewitness report of the incredible UFO 'invasion of Antarctica' Men In Black return Astronauts' strange fates linked to UFOs Mystery rockets of the California coast Mission : peace ( 'their mission is to help us ) Desert Triangle : Pentagon baffled by disappearances in UFO flap area ( New Mexico ) 'Flying torpedo' flap hits Los Angeles ( 1979 )

SA.2.3.24 SA.2.5.14 SA.2.6.14 SA.3.2.14 SA.3.3.40 SA.6.4.24 ID.1.42 ID.2.24



ID.9.58 BR.18.33


ID.2.44 ID.3.44 ID.4.44 ID.5.22 ID.7.26

ID.8.42 ID.12.32 �--

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Earley, George Laser rays & heat beams Fortfest 74 (attended by many UFO people) 'Close Encounters' (the movie) Klass interview UFO panics Connecticut campers (July 1976) - see also Deane

Eberhart,George Flying Saucers over Arctic

Eden, Jerome Scientist who disabled UFOs (Reich) Propulsive power of UFOs Interplanetary Valley Forge (Earthmen fight invaders from space at Tucson) UFOs and weather chaos Are UFOs hostile ? Cattle mutilations & UFOs Secret UFO conference : why was AF so interested in Reich's UFO research ? - see also Greenfield

Edwards, P M H Complexity of the UFO enigma

Edwards, Ronald Clipper 944 doesn't answer (could UFO be responsible for the plane's bizarre fate ?

Ellsworth,M G The lights at the bottom of the river (plane crash ? , 1978)

Erdmann, Steve Lightning UFOs over Missouri

Essex, Mort

Evans, Alex

Farish, Lucius

+ Clark + Titler, Dale

The curious case of Robert Baez (1973)

Bermuda Triangle's anguished survivor American Midwest : target for UFOs Why fear kept 13 witnesses silent until now

Stephens UFO kidnapping : Men In Black return (Maine, 1975) Close encounters in Argentina

Strange enigma of the ghost rockets UFOs or natural phenomena ? Techniques of historical UFO research - see also Clark Ghost Rockets of 1946 UFOs - touching is believing UFOs over Africa UFO symbols : message or mystery ? Mysteries of the deep : underwater UFOs Electromagnetic field : a key to space objects?

BR.9.38 BR.14 .16 BR.31.38 OF.1.4.20 OF.2.5.20


OF.1.3.20 OF.1.5.32

OF.1.7.26 OF.1.10.30 OF.1.12.30 OF.1.13.22

BR. 3 5. 42


ARA . 1 9 7 7 . 1 7


OF.1.12.24 BR.18.24

ID.1.50 ID.2.36 ID.4.34

SA.6.3.20 SA.7.4.18

BR.22.41 OF.1.7.18

SA. 2 . 1 . 2 4 c:;..<::--­SA. 1. 5. 11 OF.1.8.16 OF.1.9.16 OF.2.3.38 �<-­AR.2.1.16

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Fawcett, George The 'unreported' UFO wave of 1974 What can we expect of UFOs in 1975 ? Dangers of close UFO encounters - UFOs could be hazardous to your health 1975 UFO wave in North Carolina UFOs over Great Smoky Mts,Tennessee Sightings of '76

Ferguson, J M Zeta Reticuli connection

Fideler, David - see Sutherly

SA.2.3.50 OF.1.2.12

OF.1.3.34 OF.1.4.12 TR.3.60 TR.6.20


Field, Lori Ground Saucer Watch OF.2.6.30

Fields, Michael UFO collides with plane, Australia (Valentich) ID.7.34

Fink, Herschel A tale of two saucers (Jaroslaw photo) TR.7.60

Finny, Barbara Incredible incident at Anderson UU.11.32

Fiorita, Mark UFOs that melt ID.6.38

Firestone, K+R + Spaulding Spotlight on Socorro SAA.1983.67

Fontes, Olavo Interview FS.3.64

Forrester,Bruce Flying Saucer motors & other paraphernalia (Reich disciple's ideas) TR.19.34

Fortenberry,W H - see Nash

Fowler, Raymond The Goffstown creatures (New Hampshire 1973) Telepathy and a UFO : coincidence or contact What about crashed UFOs ?

Frazier, James

Frederick, J H

Frey, C E + Neff, Earl J

Frey, Lee

UFO Watergate : cover-up or vital intelligence? UFO buzzes Air Force base (Ipswich MA) Remote-controlled alien probe lands in New Hampshire (Johnson, March 1966) Mystery at Wakefield ; search for crashed UFO Andreasson affair (from book)

- see Guttilla

Rivesville sightings, 1964 (witness account)

C.E. II : UFO fragments Rand Corporation UFO document revealed

UFO destroys NATO missiles in mid-air Dial-a-UFO : the UFO hotline

OF.1.2.36 OF.1.5.14 OF.1.7.24 OF.1.8.18 OF.1.11.18

OF.2.2.41 OF.2.6.40 SA.7.4.44


OF.2.2.14 OF.1.4.15

OF.2.3.34 OF.2.5.38

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Frick, John R Profile of an alien space ship UU.3.28 US missile sites : objects of UFO surveillance ? AR.2.4.35 Saga of the alien spacecraft (own repeated sightings since 1965) OF.2.1.24

Friedman, S

+ Slate, Ann

Interview (Sutherly) Interview (Slate) Interview (Stacy) A scientist speaks out UFOs are alien spacecraft A scientific approach to the UFO mystery Solving the UFO enigma Truth behind the amazing Pascagoula contact 'Secret' Air Force study says UFOs are real UFO star base discovered (Hill/Fish map)

Friedrich,George King of the UFO sighters (claims more

OF.2.3.46 SA.2.6.18 SA.9.4.36 UU.1.4 SA.III.16 SA.7.5.48 SA.8.5.42 SA.1.5.18 SA.1.5.28 SA.2.1.32

sightings than anyone else in the world) OF.1.7.40 Ancient myths - Gods or UFOs ? BR.23.30 UFOs : heavenly crosses ? AR.2.2.44 UFOnauts : man's creators ? AR.2.4.30 and 77/78.67 Ancient Gods : UFOnauts ? ARA.1977.55

+ Lapseritis The UFO - Bigfoot connection AR.2.4.14

Frost, Luke A cloak of respectability : $313,000 (Condon)

Furlow, Herbert Who will colonize Earth, and when ? Day outer space invaders land on Earth

Gaddis,Vincent UFO theories : space animals - fish of the atmospheric sea

Gallagher,Andrew The ordinary American - victim of UFOs

Gallup, George Can 5 million Americans be wrong ?

Garrison,Walter Skyquake : mysterious blasts rock East Coast Is psychic Uri Geller our contact with creatures from other worlds ?

Geller, Uri featured in Garrison article

Gennette, Wayne Congress takes a look at space aliens

Gerald, Lawrence Anatomy of a UFO incident (Finland,1966) The selectivity factor (who sees UFOs & why) The alien invasion. Who are they ? What do they want ?


TR.3.46 TR.9.20





ARA.1975 40



ID.1.32 � ID.2.40


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Goerman, Robert UFOs are real ! The CBS-TV snow job ! How the network tried to bury the real UFO story Twistians (who twist and distort UFO enigma) Are they telling us everything they know ?

Goldfarb, E



UFO modus operandi, January 1975 Men In Black exist : a case in point How UFOs navigate the VORTAC beacon

Not of this world Walter Green's sighting

Three from Venezuela

Stranges interview Hello, out there ! (space travel) Seeing is prickles, pressure & belief (personal investigation of 1966 Wanaque sightings) Are our satellites being kidnapped ? What other countries see Super scientists from nowhere (ancient astronauts) And they call it science ! (fantasy, disinformation &c) Contact with extraterrestrial life What strange - and frightening - discoveries

BR.27.26 BR.31.46 UU.7.32 OF.1.10.46 OF.2.2.45 SA.4.5.17



FS.4.60 FS.1.38

FS.2.6 FS.3.32 FS.4.15


FS.4.54 SAS.1973.28

did our astronauts make on the moon ? SA.2.2.20 I 2.3.32

Gourley, Jay

Graham, David

Graham, Wilson

Granum, Andrea

Greenfield, I

Greenfield, J.

Greenwell, R

Grimes, Jerry

Great Lakes Triangle

- see McWane

Miracle cures and UFOs

The Dale Wood sighting UFOs of High Uintas

Why would they come ?

The neglected ufology of William Reich (surely 'Jerome Greenfield' = Jerome Eden ?)

Yungay photos (1967)

UFO secrets the government won't tell (Reich)

Grunthal, Nancy Aliens among us : encounters and visitations

Gupton, James A Photographing UFOs Build the Official UFO detector









OF.1.8.36 OF.2.2.19

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Guttilla, Peter UFOs - the future of civilization is at stake What do you say to a man from outer space ? Bigfoot - three tales of terror Bigfoot - advance guard from outer space Monster menagerie UFO nights of terror

+ Frazier, J Alien possession ; Brian Scott and the UFO mind manipulators

+ Slate Strange link between UFOs and Bigfoot

SA.III.28 SA.1.6.39 SA.3.4.46 SA.4.2.22 SA.4.5.32 SA.6.1.52

SA.4.3.42 SAA.1975.60

Haines, R F A review of selected sightings from aircraft from 1973 to 1978 SA.8.2.40

Hall, Richard The CIA, UFOs, and spacemen (Staunton VA,1965) The CIA-backed Robertson Panel report MUFON UFO sightings you haven't heard about Are UFOs surveying our strategic areas ? Why se ient ists don't have ·the answers Atom bombs, spaceships & salvation : the story of the contactees Spaceships or specters categorizing the unknown The weirdest UFOs I have known

Hammerthor,Axel The race for making contact (U.S. v U.S.S.R.)

Hammond,Jacques Russian killer satellite ; new UFO trap ?

Harder, James Interview (Clark)

Harris, Daniel 'I chased a Flying Saucer' (Deputy Spaur)

Harris, Zachary They both agreed : It was out of this world (Island Lake sighting, 1978) Police chase UFO in Claifornia

Heenta, Carl Boy and girl meet saucer (4.7.1976)

Helms, Harry L Air Force's secret war against UFOs Carlos Allende letters ; key to the UFO mystery ? Something out in space is tampering with our satellites Are UFOs 'kidnapping' our aircraft ? Saucers, space and the soviets Jimmy Carter & Georgia's UFO wave Earth's alien satellites The great galactic ghoul : the Bermuda Triangle in outer space ! UFOs that haunt Killer UFOs Pyramids of Mars

OF.1.3.22 OF.1.5.20 OF.1.6.24 OF.1.7.36 OF.1.8.42 OF.1.9.26


OF.1.11.22 OF.2.3.18


OF.2.6b.36 E:-­



UU.2.32 UU.5.50




SA.II.24 SA.II.36 SA.3.5.14 SA.4.1.16 SA.4.4.28

SA.4.5.44 SA.4.6.22 SA.5.2.30 SA.6.2.48

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Helms, Hugh

Hendry, Allan

- see Womack

The UFO message (from Handbook) Feature (Clark) Skywatcher's guide to UFO impostors

SA.7.6.44 + 8.1.32 SA.8.3.24 SA.9.4.28

Hervey, Michael The day UFOs landed (Australian nests,1971) Flying Saucers and the twilight zone

OF.1.10.26 OF.1.11.24

Hewes,Hayden The UFO 'raid' that sparked a White House alert (January 1972) SAS.1973.8 Mayher-Miami movie Utah & Montana movies Arthur Strauch UFO photo The Oklahoma humanoid (Laxson case)

SA.4.3.28, 4.6.42 SA.5.1.38 SA.5.4.36 TR.1.12

UFOs and the governments of Earth TR.1.68 The puzzling events at Piedmont (1973) The unidentified and the media Flying Saucers and the bible

TR.2.14 & 3.52 TR.3.26 TR.4.16

UFO landed by Mr Young's Oklahoma home (1972) They're still talking about Project Bluebook Brandenburg UFO photo - famous fake ? Calgary daylight disc (July 1967 photo) Mysterious Marfa lights Phoenix daylight disc (Faut, 1972) Scientific proof for close encounters of the third kind (psychological stress evaluator) Rhoades UFO (July 1947) Pascagoula abduction confirmed (by PSE) Landing at Ipameri (1966) Mystery disk over Trindade Island Through a glass darkly : what the PSE reveals about the Walton abduction 'Unknown'- computer analysis of the Piedmont

TR.6.16 TR.6.28 SA.5.5.36 SA.6.1.24 SA.6.2.24 SA.6.3.28

SA.6.3.36 SA.6.4.40 SA.6.5.36 SA.6.6.18 SA.7.1.18


light SA.7.3.42 Saas Fee (Switzerland) daylight disc (1975) SA.7.4.36 Ground Saucer Watch and the Rouen daylight disc SA.7.5.36 PSE proof of Betty Hill's interrupted journey SA.7.6.24 Delphos landing case (1971) OF.1.4.16 and 1.5.39 $10,000 UFO bet (Klass) OF.1.4.42 UFO crash of 1897 : Aurora update OF.1.5.29 Trips to eternity (abduction investigation) OF.1.6.29 Tulsa, OK, photo & analysis (1965) OF.1.7.16 Steiger interview OF.1.13.28 Delphos case, 2.11.1971 BR.1.40 and 6.49 Swenson sighting, Canada, 22.8.1972 BR.4.48 Young sighting, Oklahoma, 15.8.1972 BR.5.36 Aurora 1897 BR.7.48 Carter sighting BR.8.48 Disappearance of aircraft 51-2680 (Bermuda Triangle, 5.6.1965) What are the odds on spotting a UFO ? Computer evidence of Hawaian UFO photographs 'I have seen a UFO ! ' admits Jimmy Carter

BR.9.46 BR .10. 42 UU.1.32 AR.1.3.8

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[Hewes contd]

+ Maney

'UFOs have interacted with mankind throughout history ! ' claims Brad Steiger People who report UFOs (what happens to them) UFOs : villains of the Bermuda Triangle ? Sex, outer space style How computers can aid in evaluating motion

AR.2.3.28 AR.2.3.47 AR.77/8.72 ARA.1977.51

pictures of UFOs AR.77/8.61 The UFO that took the CIA to court (GSW / FOIA) SA.6.3.24

+ Spaulding

Hill, Betty

Hill, Harry

Hill, Robert G

Hind, Cynthia

Hirsch, Edward

Hobana, Ion + Weverbergh

How to evaluate Flying Saucer photography NASA computer analyses prove UFOs exist !

Interview (Clark)

Bizarre ancient astronauts of Tibet

Jet pilot's return match with a UFO

- see Brill

The silent zone mystery ?

clue to Bermuda Triangle

UFOs from behind the iron curtain : Tungus,

ARA.1977.24 SA.4.2.28





Emil Barnea sightings &c ARA.1975.26 & AR.1.2.16 Can we learn from Russian ufologists ? AR.1.3.40 Russian bloc countries encounter problems with UFOs Experience in Rumania [all from book]

Howard, H L The day the Air Force confirmed the UFOs

Howard, Harv The 1896 airship Travis Walton's encounter of a strange kind Quasars : signals from extraterrestrials ?

Hugli, Paul Build a UFO detector Where Von Daniken went wrong [For VD's reply see BR.28.8] Time tunnels to other worlds Physical encounter (Villas Boas)

Hume, David UFO beam instantly ages soldier (Valdes,1976)

Huneeus,Antonio 'OVNis' terrorize citizens of Chile, Argentina Breakthrough ! Secret UFO landing pads in Amazon jungle Secret CIA papers prove UFOs real The Scientific Bureau of Investigation French UFO connection Massive 'OVNI' flap in Spain spurs military to action : dramatic first-person encounters The great UFO chase (Spain, Nov 1979) UFOs behind the iron curtain

AR.2.1.28 AR.2.2.38


BR.26.17 UU.5.22 UU.7.42

BR.23.55 BR.26.22

BR.28.18 UU.11.24



ID.7.16 ID.8.48 ID.10.16 ID.11.30

ID.12.36 SA.9.4.24 SAS.1983.40

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Hunter,Marion L 'We're seeing UFOs' (who sees them)

Huyghe, Patrick 1952 UFO 'raid' that panicked Washington

Hynek,J Allen Interview (Beckley) Interview (Steinberg) Interview [reprinted from 'Oui'] Legion of the bewildered silent (from MUFON) Featured in article by Randle Debates Sagan There'll be a 21st century science

Jackson, Martin Missing time : UFO abductions

Jackson, Rod

Jacobs, David

Jacobs, J s

Jennings, Don

Johnson, Bob

Johnson, Paul

Jonsson, y s

Jordan, Peter A + Allen, Rita


June, Wanda L

I helped aliens from another world repair their space craft

Interview (Clark)

Terror at the bottom of the sea

- see Churchill

Photographic evidence

The ghosts among us (UFO connection)

The Scandinavian saucer scare

The enigma of Howard Menger Solving the spook light mystery

The Travis Walton abduction (1975)

+ Laporte, Wayne A helicopter UFO encounter (N Carolina 1977)



SA.3.3.18 OF.2.1.14 ID.l.18 SA.7.6.16 OF.1.8.14 ID.9.12 TF.2.36


uu .10 .18





SA.8.5.24 «::-«:---

UU.11.28 SA.6.2.44



Jung, Carl [subject of Toronto article] AR.2.3.15

Kane, Eli J Soviets investigate theories on time and space UU.4.30

Kavanaugh, Pat. [researcher, featured in Krause article] UU.5.26

Kawalski, Jack Mystery of the Allende meteorite UU.1.21

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Keel, John A

Keyhoe, Donald

Kimery, Tony L

Klass, Philip

Interview (Blum) SA.5.1.36 'Flying saucers were here before man !' interview (Bond) ARA.1977.39 Occupants : fake or fact ? Astronauts report UFOs in outer space Are UFOs using the Earth for a garbage The UFO name game

dump ?

FS.2.57 FS.4.10 FS.4.32 BR.18.28

Secret UFO bases across the US Mysterious gas attacks Mysterious voices from space UFOs & worldwide kidnappings Strange riddle of the 'men-in-black' Strange messages from flying saucers

SA.1.1.8 SA.1.1.32 [rep 2.5.26] SA.II.44 [ rep. 2.6.36]

SA.III.12 SA.1.5.25 SA.1.5.36

Flying Saucer evidence everyone ignores (metal fragments) SA.1.6.25 [rep 6.6] America's first UFO experts (Hopi Indians) SA.1.6.42 Mystery of the alien submarines SA.2.1.28 [rep 7.2] ,� Mystery of the invisible flying saucers SA.2.2.36 Investigating UFOs : probing a phenomenon wrapped in mystery SA.4.4.42 The aliens among us (is your next door neighbor controlled by beings from another world ?) The sentinels Gen. Douglas Macarthur, ufologist 'Skyquakes' and UFOs UFOs - the medical evidence Mystery explosions and UFOs The UFO silencers UFO intelligence file Who was that 6-inch-high animated tin can I saw you with last night ? 'Flap dates', kidnappings and secret bases

Someone's watching over us Flying Saucers are real ! Down, down, down with censorship Follow the bouncing ball Saucers' secret : antigravity Radar tracks the blips and blobs

Carroll Wayne Watts - contactee, hoaxer or innocent bystander ? (1968 photos, not shown)

Interview (Earley) The $10,000 UFO bet (Hewes) Interviewed by Oberg re Walton case

SA.5.1.28 SA.5.2.28 SA.5.3.24 SA.5.3.48 SA.5.4.24 SA.5.5.28 SAA. 1 9 7 6 . 16 SA.4.1- 4.6

TF.1.8 TF.2.14

TF.1.4 TF.1.6 TF.1.12 TF.1.20 TF.1.29 TF.1.50


OF.1.4.20 OF.1.4.42 OF.2.1.18

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Korff, Kal

Kovach, Tom R

Krause, Joe

Kronos, Lynn G

UFOs are crowding our skies ! UFOs and the miracle of Fatima Photos from collection A comprehensive review of UFO films (with Meier photographs : hoax from the Pleiades Steiermark UFO photographs (GSW finds Nagora photos genuine ! ) Moline, Illinois movie (1967) Lindstrom photographs (1975)

Space gods of the Amazon

UU.7.28 UU.10.44

SA.6.5.38, 8.6.34 list) SA.8.5.28


SA.9.1.28 SA.9.2.22 SA.9.3.26


Probing ET civilizations (Patrick Kavanaugh) UU.5.26

Encounter with flying frying pan UU.8.41

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Labelle, Miriam Strange flying objects played havoc in Kentucky UU.4.34

Lacey, Ona Strange light on the hill (Joplin, MO)

Landsburg,A & S ['Outer Space connection' reviewed (Coggins) ]

Lane, Marsha Close encounter of the radar/visual kind (Florida, May 1978)

La Forte, R Exposed : the Air Force cover-up on UFOs

Laporte, Wayne How to build a simple UFO detector


A night to remember : the UFO siege over Charleston, WV (Oct 1978) The UFO occupants Charleston close encounters (Herrmann) Fault line UFOs of Indian Trail (Persinger, Derr & relevant sightings) How to report a UFO Diamagnetic superdrive ; how UFOs are powered (Henry Morton's theory) How to spot UFOs (skywatching scientifically) - see also June

- see Friedrich

Larsen, Oddvar J Were the Flying Saucers in Norway real ? (Torpo sighting, 1979)

Larson, Cindy Dawson Creek daylight photo

Laskin, Pam 'Close Encounters' (the movie) New York UFO parley (report on National UFO Conference, 1980

Lawler, Rick An answer to ancient astronauts, time, and space travel

Lawrence, T The UFOs of Chula Vista (sightings and abduction, CA, 1979)

Lawson, Alvin [featured in] article by Cortez

Leet, William Flying Saucers over old Kentucky home (1960)

Leonard, George Is there somebody on the Moon ? [from book]

Lieber, Leslie + Loudeback,L Visitors from outer space

been here !

Liebermann, S UFO CB-skywatchers

Lindermuth, J R Lights of Samsan-Ri (Korea)

they've already




ARA . 1 9 7 5 . 14


SA.7.1.14 SA.7.4.42 SA.7.6.20

SA.8.3.28 SA.8.3.36

SA.8.4.48 SA.9.3.30













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Lindstrom,Mike The Lindstrom photos (Hawaii 1975)

Lore, Gordon Jr UFO pilots, key to space mystery

Lorenzen, C + J Interview (Clark) Interview

Love, John

Lunguy, Edward

McBridge, L

Interviewed by Oberg re Walton case Abducted ! (Smith, Stafford, Thomas) An extraterrestrial encounter (Moody) UFOs and the CIA Magnetic detection of UFOs : how to build a UFO detector [Featured in] A history of APRO (Ruhl)

UFOs terrorize Alaska

A saucer exploded over my backyard (in 1972)

'Space aliens have taken my son ! ' (Valentich)

Maccabee, B The New Zealand radar photographic sightings

McClellan, Mike The UFO crash of 1948 is a hoax

MacDuff, Claude Quebec in the darkness, July 1971 Strange objects over Canada ! (1973 wave)

McGinnis, Helen 'They dragged me aboard a flying saucer' (GB)

Machtiger, B

McNeil, Larry

McNeil, Lee

McWane, Glenn + Graham, D


What's going on beneath our seas ? It came from beneath the sea (Villela etc.)

UFO report from Russia (1976) A set of footprints that came from nowhere

What are extraterrestrials doing in Alaska ?

New UFO sightings [from book]

Flying Saucers invade Finland Finland : main base for UFOs ?



SA.4.4.32 FS.2.64 OF.2.2.32 SA.5.6.20 SA.6.5.20 OF.1.2.38

OF.1.4.22 OF.1.5.24






OF.1.6.16 BR.26.36


BR.23.28 UU.2.38

BR.28.17 UU.1.18



ARA.1975.44 L... AR.1.1.40

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Mallan, Lloyd What Air Force secrecy ? Case of the invisible walking writing lights Gloom at the top : Quintanilla interview There's more (and less) to Saucers than meets the eye Saucers right in SAC's backyard Nebel interview Noonan feature Will astronauts discover saucers on the moon The 'other enemy' over Vietnam Condon Report : a whitewash ? Are 'bird brains' calling the shots ? Grisly mystery - or a shaggy horse story ? (mutilations) The road runner (beep beep) in space

Malone, Patrick Probing the mystery of tektites

Maney, James UFO scholarship : is progress being made ? - see also Hewes

Marcillet, Alan Jesus Christ the astronaut

Marling,M Spohn Across the USA with the UFOs (many sightings with interesting photos of witnesses)

Martin, John S I saw a winged flying structure ! (a former pilot reports)

Martindale,M D

Mazzola, Fete

Meinke, Elsa

Menger, Howard

Merwin, Tim

Michaels, Bill

UFO aliens and our Air Force (witness account of sightings on base, 1967 & later)

Feature on SBI by Huneeus Hot pursuit ; the Michigan police encounter (Hager, Marlin, March 1980) McAlister, SC, close encounter (1980) Incident at Indian Lake (Nov 1978)

UFOs over Manhattan (1966 sighting)

featured in article by Jordan

The furor over 'Close Encounters ' (movie)

Russians uncover remains of mammoth alien spacecraft (links Tungus Event to later UFOs) Journey beyond time : where are the abductees taken when they disappear . . • ? Are you one of the Star People ?


The strange phenomenon of UFO ghostfliers Georgia's 'burning soil' baffles experts : did UFO narrowly avoid collision with Earth, or is there an even more bizarre explanation ? 'One of our satellites is missing ! '

TF.1.3 TF.2.8 TF.2.18

TF.2.26 TF.2.32 TF.2.44 TF.2.50 TF.3.4 TF.3.14 TF.3.22 TF.3.34

TF.3.42 TF.3.44








SA.8.4.16 SA.9.1.14 SA.9.3.14





ID.9.30 ID . 1 0 . 2 0 / __ ID.10.44 �

ID.14.26 ID.14.34

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Michaud, Michael We are not alone !


Milan, Aaron

Milcartz, S B

Miles, Jim

Miller, Alicia

Miller, Jim

Miller, Max

Montalvo, G

Moody, David N

Why police officers won't take your UFO report The New Zealand saucer invasion Blackout : the strange link between UFOs and power-plant failures Probing the mystery of Angel's Hair Science confronts the space alien Frozen space aliens and crashed UFOs secret CIA treasure trove ?

UFOs kidnap moonshiners, too (Tennessee) The Bermuda Triangle's mysterious force field

Are UFOs investigating our planet for possible membership in The Galactic Club ? Strange case of Gerry Irwin (1959 UFO crash) Seduced by female from another world ! (Villas Boas, 1957)

Lake Michigan UFO wave (1978) Skyfalls : Ufos do leave physical traces Ground effects : UFO landing traces UFOs over the Virginias Silver suited aliens Hillsboro horror (1977) Aerial wave in the west UFOs are stealing our soil Encounter at Ocala (Florida, 1975) Ocala update Terminus point for UFOs in Florida UFOs are kidnapping our aircraft Legendary UFOs of the Black Hills Extraterrestrials are stealing our minerals The most terrifying UFO experience (Turner, entity encounter, 8.1979) Georgia : hot spot for UFO sightings From outer space come Georgia's autumn visitors Two nights that staggered W Virginia (Oct 1978) When the UFOs came back to Mississippi (1979) Is Mobile, Alabama, a port for UFOs ? The day the FAA discovered UFOs Adriatic Triangle of terror

The UFOs from Brazil

Kentucky abduction (S, S & T)

Spaceniks of Giant Rock (convention report)

UFO encounter on the high seas

When seeing is disbelieving


ID.7.10 ID.8.38

ID.9.22 ID.11.40 ID.12.44


TR.17.54 TR.18.22

BR.28.10 BR.28.25


SA.7.5.24 SA.8.4.24 SA.8.5.20 SA.8.6.22 SA.9.1.18 SA.9.4.50 SAA.1983.52 BR.42.16 UU.2.48 uu . 3 .14 UU.5.18 UU.7.12 UU.7.38 uu .10 .14

UU.11.12 ARA.1977.11 TR.13.60 TR.15.24 TR.16.38 TR.17.22 TR .18. 34 TR.19.46






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Mooney, Richard Celestial horizons of the ancients Global nuclear war, 8000 BC

Moore, William L The man who discovered how UFOs are powered (Townsend Brown) Puzzling flight of the Lacy 17 (RB-47) The Spitzbergen saucer crash 'UFOs are real' (movie) The wizard of electro-gravity revisited (Townsend Brown)

Morega, Sergio U.S. navy base under siege by UFOs

SA.3.6.44 SA.4.1.24

SA.5.5.48 SA.6.2.40 SA. 7 . 5 • 2 9 �---­



(Yokosuka, Japan) ID.5.44

Muhammad Ali 'They are watching me ' - interview (Salkin +) BR.1.23

Murphy, W M UFO theories : beginning of a limitless list BR.23.42

Murray, Frank Saga of the Men In Black BR.18.16

Murray, George From out of the dark (New Mexico, 1979) UU.3.10

Myerson,Stanley Did UFOs stop the fighting ? (Israeli war) BR.31.45

Nagas, Lars Discovered : flying saucer routes to stars ID.4.10

Nash, William B + Fortenberry,W We flew above Flying Saucers TF.1.48

Nebel, Long John Contactees I have known (as told to Mallan) TF.2.44

Neff, Earl

Nelson, Ray

Newman, F B

Noonan, Allen

Northern, Terry

Norton, Roy

- see Frey

Night mutilators of the southwest

Who are the 'Men In Black' ? USOs - unidentified submerged objects American Southwest : target for UFOs Small/Yourtown, USA - target for UFOs

I went to Venus - and beyond (as told Mallan)

The UFO - rock star connection Rolling Stones tune in to outer space



ID.1.36 ID.2.52 c:.­ID.3.28 ID.4.38


TR.13.34 TR.16.32

World's most incredible contact case (Schirmer) SA.II.20 Pyramids - monuments to UFO space pioneers ? SAS.1973.12

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Oberg, James

O'Connor, B

Ogles, George

Oserowsky, N

Owens, Ted

Palmer, Eric

Parker, Barry

Parker, Ned L

Parsons, Gary

Pasztor, G R

Pawlicki, T B

Peck, Charles

Interview (Belil) Apollo 11 sightings : fact or fiction ? Superskeptic : feature by Samelson Ast ronauts and UFOs ; the whole story Interviews Klass re Walton case Interviews Lorenzei re Walton case Mystery of Russia's missing cosmonauts Ufology : science or charade ? Pet rozavodsk 'jellyfish' solved Persian Gulf UFO solved The Gemini 4 UFO UFO stories & outer space mysteries Searching for more close encounters of third kind, awe-st ricken world asks : What's next ? Unsolved mysteries of the Moon Flight of the jellyfish UFO comments on ast ronaut feature - see also Wilson

A history of contemporary ufology UFOs during WW11 ; the Foo Fighters The Rothenbach photo The Greenhaw case : a possible explanation

Air Force takes the stand : 'Just the facts, sir' [rep from The Airman]

Attention ! Venus calling Venezuela (Rafael Benitez communications) Lake Champlain's spacemen in green caps

How you can communicate with UFO space intelligences [featured in] Quinalty article - see also Binder

The Belton UFO (Aug 1978)

UFOs : are they ext rater rest rial ?

Is there a UFO base in Puerto Rico ?

UFOs over Central America (1977 wave) Close encounters are real UFO photo mystery

UFO incidents continue to stun 'Close Encounters' cast Close encounters of the censored kind (forced sex)

UU.2.28 ID.10.48 uu . 7. 24 OF.1.11.12 OF.2.1.18 OF.2.2.32 SA.4.6.28 SA.8.2.24 SA.8.4.42 SA.8.4.46 SA.9.3.22 TR.6.50

TR.9.6 TR.9.56 TR.10 .30 TR.13.24

OF.1.1.12 OF .1. 2. 30 ... �..,_.-­OF.1.3.12 OF.1.4.6


TR.6.42 TR.8.54

SAS.1973.24 AR.2.1.21




BR.31.37 UU.5.37 UU.8.18



Anti-gravity : the secret of the flying saucer OF.1.13.50

Wanted : a space age language ID.3.14

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Perry, Samuel Are we alone in the universe ? UU.6.38

Phillips,Charles How not to murder your pilot TF.2.23 TF.3.12 Design for the 'superbowl' (DIY UFO)

Phillips, Eliz. Long Island UFOs : 1966 Montauk Point UFO flap OF.1.4.30

Photo sections

Player, M S

Pohl, Frederik


Portnoy, Morton

Quinalty, Bill

Quintanilla, H

Quoit , Z H

SA.1.1.16 I 3.2.24 I 3.3.24 I 4.1.40 I 6.5.38

Flying Saucers over the Antarctic The Thing that stalked West (=ar) minster You, your car and UFOs The flying hammer and sickle : do Russians have secret weapon which looks like Flying Saucer? The day Flying Saucers attacked Brazil (1957) Quizzical questions and quotable quotes

The fanciful world of Flying Saucers

The reality of time travel

Conversation with a UFO (truck gets UFO on CB)

TR.1.46 TR.1.52 TR.2.26

TR.2.58 TR.3.62 TR.4.68




The missing link in man's accelerated evolution AR.1.1.49 The UFO Venus factor AR.1.3.26 Ted Owens : Earth's link with spacecraft ? AR.2.1.21 Are UFOs time machines ? AR.2.2.19 How to contact a UFO AR.2.3.42 and 2.4.43 Terrestrial UFOs ARA.1977.46 UFOs : the demonology connection AR.77I8.6 UFO flight theories AR . 77I8.41 The case for the multi-dimensional UFO OF.1.13.38 Other dimensions, other universes, and UFOs Hush hush ufology (sex probing ?) Caution : UFO contact can be fatal Alien possession : frightened witnesses reveal horrors of mind control

Interview (Mallan)

Everything you always wanted to believe about UFOs may not be true !

OF.2.1.16 OF.2.5.30 OF.2.6b.20




Page 34: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Randle, Kevin

Randles, James

Randles, Jenny

Contact (abduction stories true ?) Flight of the great airship (1897) Closer look at the Flying Saucer evidence Jack Webb and his television UFOs (TV series) Mysterious clues left behind by UFOs Radar sightings prove UFOs are real UFO kidnapping that challenged science (Llanca, Argentina,1973) Project Bluebook cover-up Family kidnapped by ufonauts (Roach) Where are the UFO movies ? Pentagon's secret air war against UFOs Air Force closes its Blue Book Glassboro : hoax or cover-up ? (1964 case) Pineville UFO flap (March-April 1977) Iowa UFO landings (1969) UFOs caught by the movie camera Reconnaissance of Earth Project Twinkle & the green fireballs enigma Physical evidence of UFOs And now a word from the aliens Lubbock lights (1951) UFO pictures nobody wanted (Gribovski,1974) The truth about the 1957 UFO flap UFOs and the mysterious EM effect - see also Ruhl : Strong

Psychic contact with the unknown

UFO scene in Great Britain

TR.3.64 TR.5.56 TR.6.44 TR.11.28 SAS.1973.20 SA.2.1.20

SA.2.3.14 SA.2.5.18 SA.3.2.21 SA.3.5.24 SA.4.1.28 AR.2.1.39 AR.2.2.24 AR.77/8 OF.1.2.40 OF.1.3.27 OF.1.4.18 OF.1.8.26 OF.1.10.34 OF.1.11.20 OF.1.12.28 OF.2.1.20 OF.2.2.24 OF.2.3.22

uu . 8.10


Rankow, Ralph Positively identified,almost (USAF credibility) FS.2.16 Fireflies, ice crystals and UFOs (astronauts' sightings Fogl photo : admitted hoax Ring-shaped UFO (Stone photos, 1957) AF pilot says 'That bizarre something was on our tail (Frenecke & 1957 B-57 photo)

Rasmussen,R M The UFO challenge : science on trial How YOU can investigate UFOs eliminating the plague of poor reports Australian UFOs UFO spectacular over Australia (since 1973)

Rayan, Thomas J Strange UFO abduction in Miami (Cardenas,1979)

Raymond, 0 UFOs stir Brazil

Raynes, Brent Religious encounters of the third kind Chariots of the gods return

FS.2.22 FS.3.4 FS.4.6



OF.1.5.34 OF.1.10.18 TR.12.28



uu .10. 38 uu .10. 40

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Reich, Wi lhelm featured in 'Greenfie ld' artic le Feature (Eden) Feature (Grimes)

Retoff, Wil liam Money lights of the Andes Giant flying creature that terrorized I l linois ('Bigc law', 1977) Portrait of a UFO terrorist ('Ahmed' Evans) Mystery crash at Payenk Ara Ulaa (ancient Chinese crash ?) Echoes from beyond (ET communication) Which way did Austra lian pilot go (Va lentich) The X-15 UFO legend 13 hours aboard a UFO conference (Congress of Scientific Ufologists, Cincinnati, 1979) Did a UFO shoot down America's U2 spy p l ane ? UFO catt le piracy UFO satel lite chaser Sky flash and eerie lights Landing sites for extraterrestrials The oriental race for the stars Vu lcan : UFO base? Frantic space search for artificial moons Unearthly visitors terrify residents in central I l linois Strange things are happening on the Moon CUFOS : its mission in UFO research The doomed voyage (were 'ultraterrestria l inte l ligences' invo lved in the USS Pueblo incident ?) UFOs monitored both sides of the Vietnam war The DeKa lb County incident : UFO 'star' chased by I l linois police (August 1979) The great Canadian starship invasion (1896) Alien spaceships orbited Earth five years before Sputnik

Retson, Nick Acrobatic UFO dances over midwest (Adams)

Reynolds, George Are American UFOs merely foreign imports ? (secret World War Two devices)

Reynolds, James What kind of space are UFOs in ? .. we are being conditioned for a CONTACT Did ancient astronauts destroy primitive life on this planet ?

Rheinhold, D Epidemics fol low UFO sightings

AR.1.3.20 OF.1.3.20 OF.2.7.44


TR.9.34 TR.9.46

TR.10.56 TR.11.38 TR .13. 40 TR.15.68

TR.16.64 TR.18.54 BR.43.26 UU.1.14 UU.3.12 UU.4.36 UU.5.28 UU.7.16 UU.8.34

uu .10. 28 uu . 10.32 AR.77/8.14

AR.77/8.56 ID.8.26

ID.10.36 ID.11.52




TR.15.76 UU.2.42



Ribera, Antonio Phenomena of the San Jose Valderas photos [FSR ] AR.1.3.34

Ridpath, Ian Visitors from the stars OF.2.6.20

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Rogo, Scott Strange abduction of Lori Briggs (Tujunga) Abduction aftermath Strange odyssey of Jan Leslie

Roland, Robert UFO ghost visitors

Ross, Irving Strange disappearance of L-8 (airship,1942)

Ruehl, Franklin Beyond Planet Earth

Ruhl, Dick

+ Randle


All evidence points to UFO invasion of our planet

UFOs of Long Island : Freeport sighting, 1973 A history of APRO Hynek, Pied Piper of ufology ?

'Why don't the damn things swim - so we can turn them over to the Navy ?'

SA.8.2.20 SA.8.6.30 SA.9.1.32





OF.1.3.24 OF.1.5.24 OF.1.8.15


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Sagan, Carl

Sahadi, Lou

Sala, A

Salkin, Harold + Beckley T G

Samelson, Ken

[ feature, by Mimi Savone] Debates Hynek

UFO sightings that shocked California (Stockton & Gilroy)

UFOs near Vietnam

- see also Beckley Muhammad Ali interview

Oberg feature

ID o 5 o 19 ID o 9 o l2

AR o l o l o 29

0F o l o 13 o 30

BR o 1 o 23

uu 0 7 0 24

Sanderson, Ivan Interviews (Bond) ARA o 1977 o 6 and BR o 21 o 40

Sands, Chris

Santangello, J

Visitors from space are they real ? where do they come from ? what do they look like ? what do they want ? This 'airplane' is more than 1000 years old (Colombian artifact) UFOs under the sea ? Tasmanian globster : have we destroyed a creature from Space ? Twelve devil's graveyards around the world

Russian UFO nearly triggers World War 111 Celebrity sighters press for investigation

Triangle of the damned (Adriatic !)

Saucers & celebrities - originally by Beckley (see above) subsequently anonymous

Saunders, David Interview (Slate)

Savone, Mimi Carl Sagan, the Cosmic Connector

Scapier, Joann Clouds and the UFO enigma

Schaffenberger,B Project Starlight International

Schmidt,Harrison Interview (Cortez)

Schuessler, J The Texas UFO trauma (Cash-Landrum case)

Schurmacher, E Mexico's phantom flying saucer (1971)

ARA o 1975 o 48

ARA o 1975 o 71 AR o 2 o 1 o 33

SA o i i i o 36 SAS o 1973 o 16

ID o 12 o 20 ID o l4 o 38

UU o 5 o 33

SA o 5 o 5 to 6 o S

SA o 3 o 5 o 18

ID o 5 o 19

0F o 2 o 6 o 14

0F o 2 o 3 o 42

UU o 3 o 4

SA o 9 o 4 o 16

SAS o 1973 o 32

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Schwartzberg, R The day black glass fell from the sky (heat sh ield of UFOs ?)


Scot t, James

Sealy, J C

Are UFOs trying to contact police officers ? UFO act iv i ty has Florida in a state of near pan ic Air Force orders all out alert for the mysterious Men In Black Flying Saucers cause near panic aboard Span ish airliner (Valencia case) Weird-shaped UFOs crowd our skies Sov iet scient ists probe the UFO . mystery

Berserk (Pulaski case) [from FSR] Interview (Clark)

Soviets say i t's a crashed saucer (1908)

Missouri trace case (Oct 1978)

Shaver, Richard [featured in] Defox art icle

Sheaffer,Robert The New Hampshire abduct ion explained (Hill case debunked)

Sheer, Barry

Is see ing always believing ? (how to detect photo hoaxes) Cot t ingley photos : w inged ufonauts ?

The f irst ufonauts from outer space

Short, Carroll D F ilm your own 'Close Encounters' (pract ical advice on photographing UFOs

Shut tlewood, A

Sider, Jean

Sifakis, S

Simor, George

Slack, David

A personal experience in t ime and space Exploring the fourth dimension UFOs, key to the new age [from book] UFOs over Europe UFOs and electromagnet ic energy Town haunted by fly ing saucers (Warminster) [as told to Beckley]

Weird UFO photographed over French v illage (L'Hosp i talet, 17.1.1977)

Saucers in ant iqu i ty : missing piece of UFO puzzle discovered (Indian manuscripts)

Incident at Alberton ; the cinemat ic clue to the UFO mystery (Mat thews movie)

Who sees UFOs, and who doesn't, and why

BR.40.34 BR.43.34


uu . 5.14

UU.7.50 UU.8.42 uu . 10. 10

SA.6.1.20 SA.3.4.26





OF.1.11.26 OF.2.6b . 40



BR.3.23 BR.4.10 BR.9.23 BR.11.38 BR.23.50






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Slate, B Ann Fri edman interview Saunders interview Vallee interview Case of the crippled saucer (Whe eler, 1954) Alien of Blount island (Chastain, 1972) Is Earth an extraterrestrial laboratory ? Amazing UFO discover i es of Peter Hurkos Contactee suppli es new clues (Seewaldt,age Gods from inner space (Ufos & Bigfoot) Sci ent ific braintrust tackles UFO mystery (AIAA)


SA o 2 o 6 o 18 SA o 3 o 5 o 18 SA o 3 o 1 o 22 SA o i i i o 40 SA o 1 o 6 o 32 SA o 2 o 1 o 12 SA o 2 o 6 o 26 SA o 3 o 1 o 26 SA o 3 o 1 o 36

SA o 3 o 2 o 42 SA o 4 o 1 o 36 Search for Californ ia's time tunnel

Florida's rampaging man-ape Saucer slaughter on the prairies Does Earth really belong to man ? UFOs in trouble (brakdown cases) The humanoids

SA o 4 o 3 o 32 & 4 o 4 o 20 SA o 4 o 5 o 36 SA o 4 o 6 o 32 SA o 6 o 3 o 48 SA o 6 o 6 o 32

+ Druffel + Friedman

Slattery, Wm

Sm iley,Charles

Sm ith, Ron

Against her will : Kendall abduction (1975) Closest encounter of the third kind ('John Williams' sex encounter, 1972-5) UFO vigil over top-secret AFB (Edwards) UFOs and the CIA cover-up UFO battles the Air Force couldn't cover up (Vi etnam sightings) - see also Fri edman : Guttilla

There are UFOs !

The 9 o 05 from Mars is late

UFOs black out NYC

SA o 7 o 6 o 54

SA o 8 o 4 o 36 SAA o 1977 o 48 SA o 2 o 4 o 18

SA o 2 o 2 o 28

ARA o 1975 o 22

TF o 2 o 30

0F o 2 o 7 o 20

Smith, Warren Contact with UFO crew (Shearer,1970) SA o 1 o 6 o 28 [rep 7 o 1] Latest worldw ide wave of saucer sight ings SA o 2 o 1 o 36 Behind-the-headlines story of the Pascagoula UFO kidnap SAA o 1975 o 12

Smukler, Howard The diamond mystery : message from a UFO (foil fragments found in field)

Solomon, Lesl i e Th is faster-than-light bit

Sonders, Bruce Deciphering the cryptic UFO codes

Spauld ing, W H The computer tackles UFO photographs [featured in article by Lori Fi eld on GSW] The UFO papers (FOIA) - se e also Hewes : F irestone

Spaur,Dale [subject of article by Harris]

Spencer, John W Intervi ew (Bond) Astronauts' sightings of UFOs unexplained The turbulent year of 1973 [both from book]

0F o 2 o 3 o 24

TF o 2 o 24

SA o 3 o 3 o 30

0F o 2 o 2 o 16 0F o 2 o 6 o 30 SA o 7 o 3 o 16

ARA o 1975 o 54

BR o 16 o 12 AR o 2 o 1 o 44 AR o 2 o 2 o 14

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Spickler , T

Sprinkle, Leo

Stacy, Dennis

Stanton, L J

U.S. satellites track UFOs


Friedman interview

Science vs saucers (what hi-tee research might reveal) Who goes there ? (ET communication)

Steckling, Fred Life on Mars ! UFO abductions and their validity

Steers, Thomas The Tungus spaceship

Steiger, Brad Interview (Beckley) Interview (Yankee) Interview (Hewes) [subject of] Hewes feature The reality game Three tricksters in black American Indians and the gods from outer space American Indians and the Star People UFOs and our women Catching UFO entities off guard Beam me aboard : UFOs and astral travel Space intelligences and Earth's new species of superkids Saucer force fields and vibrations Washington and the UFOs [from book] The Air Force and the UFO [from book] Killer aliens Earthquake seeress and the space brothers (Clarissa Bernhardt) UFOs and pyramid power The Philadelphia experiment Time, space & the UFO enigma [guest editorial ] UFOs and the transformation of man Starbirth Odyssey : discover your true roots

+ Whritenour Flying saucers panic US airlines Unidentified underwater saucers Mystery under the seas : UFO link ? [from book] Pilots & UFO encounters [from book ]

Steinberg, Gene The UFO-Star Trek connection Berlitz interview Aharon interview Hynek interview

Stenner, Isaac UFO abductions by spirit-snatching aliens




FS.2.40 FS.4.26

BR. 28.26 UU.11.36


SA.4.5.20 BR.15.12 OF.1.13.28 AR.2.3.28 OF.2.2.34 SA.2.2.40 SA.2.4.40 SA.3.2.33 SA.3.3.33 SA.3.4.30 SA.3.5.21

SA.3.5.26 SA.3.6.32 AR.1.2.10 AR.1.3.15 SA.4.1.20

SA.4.3.24 SA.5.1.16 SA.7.5.20 BR. 20. 14 BR.23.4 BR.23.34 BR.40.36 SA.1.1.22 SA. 1 .1. 3 6 AR.1.1.17 AR.1.1.45

SA.4.3.16 BR. 18.12 SA.4.2.26 OF.2.1.14



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Stevens, Richard I came face to face with beings from another world (Charles Stanley claim) Extraterrestrial space colonies

UU . 4 . 28 UU . 6 . 28 UU . 11 . 40

Stevens, W

Stone, Lowell

Stranges, F


Strong, B R

+ Randle K

Stuart, Caswell

Stuart, John

South America : ufology's land of mystery

UFOs - seeing is believing (photos) Case history of an investigation (Peru photos) Case of twin flying saucers (Ecuador 1965) UFO tracks in the sky (photos) The Colombia flying saucer Submarine based UFOs Angel's hair : proof from the skies Meier contact- encounter of the closest kind Appearance of cone shape UFOs on increase A most remarkable recurring UFO case ! (Meier)

SA . 2 . 1 . 48 SA . 2 . 2 . 46 SA . 2 . 3 . 48 SA . 2 . 5 . 22 SA . 2 . 6 . 42 / SA . 3 . 6 . 36 -<::;; SA . 5 . 2 . 24 SA . 5 . 5 . 20 AR . 2 . 1 . 22 AR . 2 . 2 . 34

and 2 . 3 . 34 UFOs in flight formation AR . 2 . 3 . 22 and ARA . 1977 . 21 Argosy UFO takes a computerized look at UFO reports Bell-shaped UFOs UFO scrapbook : Cordoba, Argentina, 1963

Corsica, 1971 Red Bud, IL, 1950 Keflavik, Iceland, 1954

Light-absorbing UFOs

ARA . 1977 . 30 OF . 1 . 4 . 34 OF . 1 . 4 . 43 OF . 1 . 5 . 27 OF . 1 . 6 . 27 OF . 1 . 7 . 29 OF . 2 . 1 . 30

Are cloud-like UFOs intelligent ? Cigar-shaped UFOs light up the sky

TR . 3 . 6 + 6 . 32 TR . 5 . 18 + 7 . 36

Yes, Virginia, there are such things as UFOs Capsule-shaped saucers (WS also did some SA photo sections, which see)

Thank God for UFOs ! (healing contact)

Interview (Goodavage)

A macrocosmic approach to saucers and space Interview (Clark)

The truth about the Mantell crash Allende Letters : fact or fiction ? Mysterious bleeps on radar screens Tracking those spooky Missouri UFOs

Can psychic detectives solve the UFO mystery ?

UFO investigators attacked by monstrous alien creatures [as told to Gray Barker, who later published it in book form]

TR . 8 . 6 TR . 9 . 50

BR . 18 . 30

FS . 4 . 60

SA . 4 . 4 . 34 SA . 6 . 1 . 40

OF . 1 . 6 . 20 OF . 1 . 7 . 22 OF . 1 . 10 . 28 TR . 13 . 44

ID . 14 . 42

OF . 2 . 7 . 36

Page 42: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Sutherly , Curt

+ Fideler , David

Tanous , Alex

Tassone , Alex

Thrope , D C

Titler , Dale M

Madness in the keystone state (PA 1973) The San Luis Valley incident (Snippy 1967) Case history of a UFO flap (Pennsylvania 1965) Friedman interview Those maddening animal mutilations : are UFOs responsible ? Three startling appearances (3 key cases) Is alien force tampering with the weather ? Why the CIA tried to debunk the UFO phenomenon Unusual universe (UFO travel speculation) UFOs & manimals : a nuclear power connection ? Kenneth Arnold interview Inside story of the New Hampshire crash (Wakefield case , 1977) The phantom starships (disguised UFOs)

Interview , 'Time space & UFOs' (Bond)

The Bermuda Triangle Stonehenge connection

Air battles with UFOs ; the early days The mysterious 'Foo Fighters' of World War 11 Close encounters of the fourth kind The strange link between policemen and UFOs UFOs monitor Afghanistan invasion

- see Farish

Todd , Donald R Solar hazards : why most UFOs seen at night Clouds and camouflage

Tompkins , Peter UFOs , pyramids & cosmic energies

Toronto , Richard Do brain-damaged robots rule Earth ? (Shaver) Did Carl Jung believe in Flying Saucers ?

Trainor , Jos. Colonial close encounter (1781)

Trench , B Le Poer Interview (Bond) Bible and UFOs Subter ranean space gods Fantastic giant starships Psychics alert world - Saucer D-day is near UFO mind-control conspiracy Strange saucers over Europe Secret history of UFOs

Umland , E & C The mysterious Mayan UFO connection

Vallee , Jacques Interview (Slate) Investigating 7 zones of UFO phenomenon New look at saucer mysteries [from book]

OF.1.7.20 OF.1.10.20 OF.1.13.40 OF.2.3.46

BR.17.14 BR.18.40 BR.21.12 BR.27.28 BR.28.22 AR.2.2.10 SA.3.6.42

SA.4.3.22 SA.5.5.16



ID.1.64 ID.2.58 ID.3.54 ID.5.6 ID.12.24

UU.8.20 SA.4.5.48


OF.2.6b.32 AR.2.3.15


SA.4.6.20 SA.2.2.12 SA.2.3.40 SA.3.1.31 SA.3.3.14 SA.4.5.22 SA.5.2.33 SA.5.6.48


SA.3.1.22 SA.2.6.39 TF.1.16

Page 43: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Vance, Adrian


Vaughan, Ralph

Velez, Mildred

Vesco, Renato

Von Daniken

Von Keviczky

Voss, Garland

Wade, Clyde E

Wagner, George

Vanishing UFOs, a dimensional dilemma , The UFO time machine

UFOs and cattle mutilations - the 'vampire' connection

UFOs from shadowland (interdimensional) New light on a forgotten subject (UFOs & time) The beginning of a nightmare (Nancy Handyside has bedroom invader etc) When we called them 'flying saucers'

Air force planes vanish without a trace is there a new 'triangle' behind the mystery ?

The truth about Flying Saucers Canada : a haven for UFOs ? [ both as told to John Ashton]

Interview (Bryce Bond) Debates Clifford Wilson Mankind's storehouse of dreams The ideal shape Yesterday's sci fiction : tomor row's reality Ancient sites that deserve investigation [ all from books] - see also Hugli ; VD replies BR.28.8

Interview Open letter to President Ford 1973 UFO invasion (Galactic Task Force Pascagoula, Falkville, Greenhaw cases) Rudolph Nagora photos UFO 'flight channels' over Europe Alberton spacecraft (Australia 1967) UFO sighting over Nuremberg in 1561 Robert Schwier photos (1974) UFO fleet over Washington DC (1952) UFO over Hawaii (Nakayama photo,1974) Muylderman and Viita photographs

Was the Christmas star a UFO ? Plant invaders from space

Space and time leaks (time theory for UFOs)

Lost caves - secret saucer bases Radio communication with space people Ghosts, UFOs, Fortean : is there a connection (Swifte, Tower of London, 1817 &c) UFOs and the phantom numbers (Chibbett event, 1948 - apparent OBE to alien spacecraft)

SA.3.3.36 SA.3.4.20


SA.7.2.48 BR. 30.26

UU.6.10 UU.11.58




BR.8.12 TR.10.46 AR.1.1.11 AR.1.2.46 AR.2.1.12


ID.9.42 TR.3.42

OF.1.2.16 OF.1.3.14 OF.1.3.17 OF.1.4.26 OF.1.5.36 OF.1.8.22 OF.1.9.12 OF.1.12.32 OF.1.13.32

ID.5.10 ID.8.12


SA. 3. 4. 34 BR.22.28

? BR.23.20


Page 44: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Walsh, Lee Beliefs about UFOs (in regular column) They were programmed to die because they knew too much ! (Allende, Jessup & eo ... )

Walters, Gerald The alien image : who are they ? what do they look like ?

Warner, Jack Tri-state UFO alert (2.8.1978)

Warne �, Thomas Soviets capture a flying saucer





uu. 6. 34

Watkins, Curtis (psychic artist) subject of feattire (L Dickson) UU.2.22

Webb, Dave

Webb, Walter N

Weber, Scott T

Weitzel, Wm

Werfelman, J


Weyn, Suzanne

White, David

White, James D

Whritenour J

The Flying Saucer occupants

The extraterrestrials UFO and paralysis

The Higdon abduction, 1974

Into the middle of hell (Spaur sighting)

We are specimens in someone's laboratory Water, water everywhere - and UFOs too !

- se e Hobana


SA.5.3.26 OF.1.6.34



OF.2.5.14 TR.5.48

That UFO may be a halo TR.11.34

West Virginia encounter (1978) SA.7.1.36

Acupuncture- human blueprint from outer space ? SA.2.5.31

- se e Binder : Steiger

Williams, Barney Fear of UFO attack spurs U.N. program ID.5.52

Williams,Robert The making of 'Project UFO' (TV series) ID.5.40

Willis, Paul J Charles Fort : the father of ufology OF.1.11.16

Wilson,Clifford Debates Von Daniken TR.10.46

Wilson, Don

Winer, Richard

Interview (Belil) re 'Spaceship moon' BR.23.12 [Oberg comments, BR.26.8 ; Wilson replies BR.28.6] Our astronauts saw UFOs OF.2.5.40 Our mysterious spaceship moon SA.3.2.36 Unsolved mysteries of mysterious spaceship Moon Mysterious Moon : more puzzling than ever The Martian Connection : what strange affinity exists betwe en UFOs & weird terrain of Mars ?

The Devil's Triangle and UFOs [from book]

AR.2.2.21 BR.28.42



Page 45: THE AMERICAN UFO PULPS Author index Hilary · Hilary Evans ARKIVET Fl)R UFO-FORSKN I NG Box 11027 S-600 11 NORRKl)PING

Winslow, G S

Womack, John

Worley, Don


Wright, T M

New UFO religion holds key to man's salvation

I was picked up by a UFO (1975) [Helms]

UFO anthropoids in the USA UFOs, occupants & artifacts in Eastern Indiana, 1972-1973 Rachel Baker and her little friends UFO origins : extraterrestrial or inter­dimensional? Incredible UFO activity under Wright­Patterson AFB radar UFO occupants : the heart of the enigma Cattle mutilations & UFOs : who are the mutilators? The chosen ones (why some see, some don't)

Discovered : secret alien burial places

Contactees take the ultimate trip




OF.1.5.16 OF.1.6.14


OF.1.8.34 OF.1.12.14

OF.1.13.24 OF.2.5.29



Wunderlich,Helen UFO-science movies get avid attention at White House Incident in Idaho (December 1976) Riders in the Pennsylvania sky Three sightings command attention as UFO controversy enters 32nd year

TR.9.18 TR .10. 38 TR.11.44


Yankee, Steve Steiger interview BR.15.12

Yellin, Raymond The U.S.S. Roosevelt UFO encounter (1958) UU.3.38

Zabawski, W

Zachary, Ted

Zechel, Todd

Zigel, Felix

The nuclear UFO explosion that shook Earth OF.1.12.16 On the track of crashed UFO (Tungus) OF.2.2.37 + 2.3.31 Acapulco update (1977 conference report) TR.7.66 'CE111K' (the movie) TR.9.16

The CIA has proof that UFOs exist ! The case of the missing physical evidence

The CIA and UFOs

UFOs behind the iron curtain

SA.4.4.16 SA.5.1.30

