Thank You Kit



A Compilation of Things our participants ought-to-know before the event.

Transcript of Thank You Kit

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A Message from the

Project Heads Event overview

Campus Map

Photos From previous



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our Co-Presenter

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!First of all, we are officially welcoming you to the EcoLogic 2012! Your confirmation to the event is very much appreciated not only by the core team but also of the whole AESS (Ateneo Environmental Science Society) community. We have carefully planned out the event in order that you, the participants, can fully take hold of one of our many advocacies that is promoting environmental awareness especially to the youth and show you that in being one for an advocacy, we can achieve more than we could ever imagine. Issues about the environment are gradually making their way on the front page of our newspapers. We believe that it is about time that we step up; through our knowledge of the matter, smarter ways can be developed to bring to an end the destruction of our environment.! !By taking part in this event, we are hoping that you could see, analyze, and reflect on the scientific and social aspect of the environment. More so, we hope that you might develop a new understanding and perspective on the constantly changing world that we live in. !

Dear Participants,!

Sincerely Yours,!

Bianca Caseñas!3 BS Biology!Project Head for EcoLogic (EcoDebates) !


Karina Palad!3 BS Biology!Project Head for EcoLogic (EcoQuizBee) !

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Ecologic consists of two events: a quiz bee for grade 6 to grade 7 students and a debate competition for high school students from various institutions in the National Capital Region. Through this competition, we hope to foster interest and concern for the environment among the youth as an initial step towards positive change. At its third year, the Ateneo Environmental Science Society (ESS) is promising a better and a more challenging competition for its participants.!


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ECOQUIZBEE The EcoQuizbee is open to Grade 6 and Grade 7 students in participating schools within Metro Manila. It will test the knowledge and awareness of the participants regarding matters of the environment most especially issues on sustainable environment. The scope of the quiz bee will include all environment-related concepts from Grades 6 and 7 textbooks approved by the Department of Education, as well as current events and issues from newspapers. !!SUBJECT AREAS!The questions for the quiz bee will focus on topics related to environmental science and environmental issues, particularly:!!·         Ecology!·         Earth Science!·         Current Events !·         General Knowledge!.         Sustainable Environment!!QUESTION TYPES!The quiz bee questions will be divided into three (3) levels of increasing difficulty:!!·         Easy (1 point per question; 10 seconds per question)!·         Average (3 points per question; 15 seconds per question)!·         Difficult (5 points per question; 30 seconds per question)!!These will apply to Elimination and Quarterfinal Rounds. Clincher questions may also be asked to break a tie, but these questions will also come from the “Difficult” category. In addition, the quiz bee questions will come in the following formats:!!·         Multiple Choice!·         True or False!·         Fill in the Blanks!·         Identification!!ELIMINATION ROUND! 1. Each team shall be composed of three (3) members.! 2. The teams shall answer a total of thirty (30) questions in three (3) rounds: ten (10) questions for the Easy Round, 10 questions for the Average Round, and 10 questions for the Difficult Round. Each question will be read twice before the timer starts and the teams are allowed to answer.! !


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3. Each team will be given a board, an eraser, and pieces of chalk, which will be used for answering the questions. The team has to write its final answer on the board using the chalk. Wrong spelling renders the answer wrong. Incomplete answers may or may not merit points, depending on the evaluation of the panel of judges.! 4. At the end of elimination round, the top ten (10) teams will advance to the Quarterfinal Round.! 5. In the event of ties, three (3) Clincher questions will be asked to determine who will advance to the next round. Additional sets of Clincher questions may be asked until all the ties are broken. !!QUARTERFINAL ROUND!  1. The teams will answer a new set of thirty (30) questions, divided in the same way as in the Elimination Round. Each question will be read twice before the timer starts and the teams are allowed to answer. The scores from the previous round will not be carried over.!  2. The teams will answer the questions using again the board and chalk given to them. Wrong spelling renders the answer wrong. Incomplete answers may or may not merit points, depending on the evaluation of the panel of judges.!  3. At the end of the Quarterfinal Round, the top four (4) teams will advance to the Semifinal Round.!  4. In the event of ties, three (3) Clincher questions will be asked to determine who will advance to the next round. Additional sets of Clincher questions may be asked until all the ties are broken. !!SEMIFINAL ROUND!  1. Each of the four teams will draw lots to determine who among the teams will face off. The scores from the previous round will not be carried over.!  2. The two (2) sets of competing teams will compete using the buzzer/bell method. The first team to hit the buzzer or ring the bell will answer first. In the event that the first team gives a wrong answer, the second team will be allowed to answer the question. !  3. Ten (10) questions of varying difficulties will be asked. Each question will be read twice before the teams are allowed to buzz. Each question is worth one (1) point. The answering team will be given 10 seconds to give its answer. Incomplete answers may or may not merit points, depending on the evaluation of the panel of judges.!  4. After the 10th question is answered, the team with the higher number of correct answers will move on to the Final Round. !  5. In the event of a tie, three (3) Clincher questions will be asked to determine who will advance to the next round. Additional sets of Clincher questions may be asked until the tie is broken.!!


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FINAL ROUND!  1. The two eliminated teams will compete first for 2nd Runner-Up. The same mechanics used in the Semifinal Round will be used.! 2. The top two teams will then face off, using the same mechanics as in the Semifinal Round.!  3. The winning team will be declared as Champion, while the eliminated team will be declared as 1st Runner-Up. !!PROTESTS!Only the coach of the team will be allowed to make a protest regarding the answer of his/her contestants and/or regarding the correct answer. Student protests will not be entertained. The valid protests will be then evaluated by the panel of judges, who will also be the one to give the verdict.!


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ECODEBATE This event is made possible through a partnership with the Ateneo Debate Society. The following are provided for by the said organization.!!What an Asian Parliamentary Debate Looks Like!The Basics!•  2 teams per round!•  3 members per team!•  2 sides: Government and Opposition!•  7 minute-speeches, with the first and last minute uninterrupted!•  In the 5 minutes in between, members from the opposing side can


A point of information lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds!Motions are given 30 minutes prior to the debate (Prep Time)!!Structure! Prime Minister > Leader of Opp > Deputy Prime Minister > Deputy Leader of Opp > Gov Whip > Opp Whip!!Rules – The Technical Stuff:!!Motion!it is the proposition which the Government side is supposed to defend!there are three types of motions:!•  Open motions!•  Semi-closed motions!•  Closed motions!Motions must be defined by the Prime Minister!More on this later under Speaker Roles!!Definitions!Each definition MUST:!•  Have a direct link to the motion!•  Be fair and debatable!•  Identify the issues to be debated and the scope of the debate

(criteria or standard)!•  Include parameters when necessary!!Unfair definitions:!•  Bad or illegal definitions are usually challenged (more on this later)!•  Truisms!•  “Squirrels”!•  Time/Place Sets!•  Tautologies!!! 07

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Rules for Challenging !•  If a definition provided by the Prime Minister is judged to be a

truism, squirrel, time/place set, or a tautology, a definitional challenge may be made!

•  ONLY the Leader of Opposition (LO) may initiate and issue a definitional challenge!

•  If the LO doesn’t challenge, NO ONE else in the debate may do so!•  LO provides an alternative correct definition which he must oppose!•  Even-if arguments for both sides!•  No automatic wins!!An Overview: Team & Speaker Roles!!Government - provide a clear and reasonable definition establish the issues and scope of the debate advance a substantive case!!Prime Minister !•  introduce the definition and provide a link to the motion!•  introduce the case of the Government!•  introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split !Deputy Prime Minister!•  rebut the points of the LO!•  Support the arguments of the PM!•  Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split!!Opposition - Examine the definition of Government, Challenge or accept the definition, Rebut the arguments of Government, Advance a substantive case!!Leader of Opposition !•  Accept or reject the definition and provide a link to the motion!•  Rebut the points of the PM!•  introduce the case of the Opposition!•  Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split!!Deputy Leader of Opposition!•  rebut the points of the DPM!•  Support the arguments of the LO!•  Introduce substantive material to support his/her side of the split!!Whips !Opposition Whip !•  Summarize the debate !•  Reiterate and support the points of the entire opposition side !•  Introduce fresh examples to support/rebut previously mentioned



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Government Whip!•  Summarize the debate  !•  Reiterate and support the points of  the entire gov’t side !•  Introduce fresh examples to support/rebut previously mentioned

arguments!!Manner, Matter, Method!!Matter – Arguments, Rebuttal, POI’s!Matter: Definition!The content of the speech.  It is the arguments a debater uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience!•  Includes arguments, reasoning, and examples!•  Includes positive (substantive material) and rebuttal!•  Includes points of information!!What is an Argument?!the reason why you support or oppose a motion!argument versus premise!!Arguments must be backed by:!Analysis: go beyond the label and ask the most important question: WHY?!Examples: use relevant ones and DON’T argue by example!!Rebuttal!All speakers, except the Prime Minister, are expected to present rebuttal!!Types of rebuttal:!•  Error of fact!•  Irrelevancy!•  Illogical Argument!•  Unacceptable Implications!•  Little Weight!•  Contradictions & Inconsistencies!!How much rebuttal is too much rebuttal?!!Response Triangle!!POIs (Points of Information)!Keep it short: You just have fifteen seconds! !It is the discretion of the person speaking whether to recognize the point or not!!


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Types of POIs:!•  Clarification!•  Question!•  Direct rebuttal!•  Introducing your argument!•  Bringing back your argument!!How often should I raise points of information?!How many points of information should I ask?!Respond to the POIs you’ve accepted!!Manner – It matters how you say it…!Manner: Definition!The presentation of the speech.  It is the style a member uses to further his or her case and persuade the audience!Comprised of many separate elements.!•  There is no correct style of debating!•  Don’t be tentative!!

Some things to keep in mind:!•  Eye contact!•  Voice modulation!•  Hand gestures!•  Clear and simple language!•  Efficient notes!•  Look like you’re winning!!Method – Individual and team method!Method: Definition!Can be divided into individual method and team method!•  Individual method refers to the organization of your speech!•  Team method refers to the flow and consistency of the arguments of

the two speakers in a team!!Two Kinds of Method!Individual method:!•  Structure your speech!•  Sign-posting!•  Time management!Team method:!•  Allocate your arguments properly!•  If you are the first speaker, give a team split!•  If you are the second speaker, refer to your partner regularly!!Other things to remember:!•  LISTEN!•  MAINTAIN PROPER CONDUCT  


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Lazer Maxx will grant gift certificates to winning teams. Medals, Certificates and a Trophy will also be

given out as prizes.!

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