TH E NE W YO»RK IIERA LD. - Chronicling America...TH Vmi.VIL-I*.347.WholaMo.3015 NEWLINK...

TH Vmi. VIL-I*. 347 .Whola Mo. 3015 NEW LINK OK LIVK.RrOOC PACKETS. To Mil from New York i.o the tsth. ami Liverpool on the Ilia e'tach unMi ft ft ft Paoee New Yoaa. _ _ SKip RQ9CIU9, Captain John Colline. Mlh Not. Ship 91DOONS, Caplajn K. B. Cobb.kSth Dee. Ship 9HERIDAN, CapUin K. A. Drpej eter. JStli Jan. ShipUAKR1CK, Wm. Sknidy, Jfttii Keb. ROM uivinrwoL. Ship SHERIDAN, Captain V. A. Depeyator.iaita No*. Hup OAHBICK,' aptaiu Wm. Skiddy, 18th Dec. Ship ROSCtUS, Captain .lohu Collin*. 13th Jul Ship 8IDDONS, Captain E. D. Cobb, 13lh Keb. Ttmaeahip* art alt or Hit firit cla*a,upwaril* of 1000ton*,built la the city of N»w York, with ««ch improvement* na coiobise great *peed with umiaual comfort for paaaengera. Krtry car* hubcen taken in thr arrangement oftheir accommodation*. Tha price of paaaagehrnee ia $IOO,for which ample atorea will ba proriilea. Thtae a hi pa arc commanded by experienced marlira, who will make every exertion to give general aatiaiae "Neither the captaina or owoera oflheae ahipa will be reaponoi Ma for any lettma, parcelaor packagtieeut by then, uolcaa re gularbillaol lading areeitfned therefor. The chip* of tltie 1 i:wr will hereafter go armed, aad theirpeea ftreooatruction gireithem cecurity notpneai aaed by aay other treaaela of war. For freight or paaaage.apply to E. K. CULL1NS la CO.M South et.,New York,orto WM. It JA8. BKOWN k CO., Liverpool. Letter* by the packet* will be charged 131 ceuta per aingla aheet (0 cent* per miner, and nrwapapera I cent each. f'iy P'OR NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA AND NEW YORK LINE OK PACKET*} M.A.M.A. deapatch aahip from tlur port on the let. 6th, loth. 16th, 3uth end 33th of each mouth, commencing the 1 nth October, and continuing unlit May, when regular day* will be appointed l'oi tha remainder of the year, whereby grent delay* and diaap pointmeoU will be prevented during (he aummer montlia. Tha Mllpw iui! ahipe will coin neure tlna arraugemrat Skip YAZOO, Capt. ( 'ornell, loth Oct. 1841. Ship OCONEE, (.apt. Jacknou, 18th Oct. Ship MISSISSIPPI, Capt. Hilhju-d. j&thOct. Ship LOUISVILLE, Capt. Kdnt.Mth Oct. ShipSHAKSPEARE, (.apt. Miner, latNorember. Saip OASTON. Cnpt. Latham. 6th Nor. Ship HUNTS VILLE, Capt. Mumford, 10th Nor. Ship OCMULOEE, Capt Learnt, 14th Nor. Ship NASHVILLE,(.'apt. Dickinaon.ftOth Nor. Ship MEMPHIS, Capt. Anight, 33(h Nor. Ship LOUISA, Cant. Mulford. lit December. Tkeae ahipe were all built iu the city of New York, expreaaly for pacleU are of a light draft of water, hare recently heon newlycoppered and put in apleudid order, with accommodatioua Tar pDarngera unequalled for co nfort. They are commanded by axpeneoced muter*, who will make erery exertion to yire general latuhtctiou. They will at all time* be towed up and down the Miaeienppi by ateamboata. . ' r.i ci ma » NSIUMVtne owner* or c*|iu«iu. ~... »v .v.,.-., bis forjewelry.buH'on.preciou* stone*,silver,orplated ware,or for Mir letUn, parcel or package, lent by or put o board of them, tinle** regular bill* of lading are taken fortuetame, and the value thereon eie~«-e«: "* TiTitftt.NS fc CO. M South at.,or JAMES E. WOODRUFF, Agent in New Orleans, who will promptly forward all good* to hie addreae. The ships of tin* line are warranted to sail punctually a* ad] rertiaed, and great care w ill be taken to hare the good* correct ly meatnred. JJIy NEW VOKk AND HA V KK FACKETb. (SECOND LINE.) M m M TS^mpeof thi* Hu^wiirhereaReMeare NewTor^onth# tat and Havre on the Kth of each month a* follow*; JYom New Y*rk. Ftom Marrt. The new thip ONEIDA, tat March (Kth April. Cant. lit July < lath Aaguat James Fuuck. r lit November ( Kth December Ship BALTIMORE, I, lit April (lath May Cart. lit August < lfth September Edward Funk. lit December fifth January Ship UTICA, lit May t iBth June Capt. lit September < Kth October FiadVHevsitL lat January fifth February New ship bT. NICOLAS, t lit June ( Kth July Capt. ', let October < Kth Noremher J.BTrell. lit February f Kth March Thi accommodation! of theie ihipi are not lurpaned, com bming all that may be required for comfort. The price of cabin passage is $100, Pai*engeri will be atipplied with every requisite, with the exception of wince and liquor*. Goods intended for these vemela will be forwarded by the -subscriber*, free from any other than the expenses actvaJ.yi ncurred oe them. For freight or passage apply to BOYD wHlNCKEN, Agents. » a Tontine Building*, NEW YOKE AND NEWARK.. Fan reducid to ad cinu. From the foot of Courtlandt atreet, New York. (Every day.Sunday* excepted.) Leave New York. Leave Newark. At a AM. At a P.M. Ala A.M. Atn r.M. 11 do 4 do a do l( do <1 do io* de a do t do 11 da ON SUNDAYS. From the foot of Liberty strait. Leave New York. _ Leave Newark. it From tkt foot of Libertylitrmt,4oflT. Loot* New York. Lorn?# Now Brunswick. OMERVlLLE itaceseopneet with than lines each way. Visa between New York ami Jpmcrv ille, lOoents. Do do NtW Brunswick, Tl cents. in the 7) A. M. train from New Brans wiekfasldtl F M. train from New York, has been reduced between New York end New Brunswick to M cents. 41 and HahWAV td ITl 44 YfcaPniladelphia mail I me paaae* through New BruujTriekfor New York ertry erenine at» o'clock. Oa Sunday* the TJ A.M. trip from New Brunawicku omitrMMWiriwho procure their ticket* at the ticketoAee,receive » ferry tide t gratia. TickcUarc received by theconductoi onlv on the dav when ourchaeed. feb 11 PEOPLE'S LINK FOR ALBANY..The fl^3uj^3a<ite<<mbo»U ROCHESTER. SOUTH AME SE3H2K-RIC.X and NORTH AMERICA, of the Peeple't Line, will be in readineu to commence running between New York and Albany, and intermediate place*, a* coon a* the navigation ic free fro n ice. Paatage Ooe Dollar. Til im FOR 8H KK WSBUKK.t'ALL ARR A N OF.MKNT-The iteamboat OSIRIS, SC3QLCapt. J. C. Allaire, will commence running on gotnrday, Sept. 25th, ae Mlow*:.leare Fniton Market clip, Eaat Riter, erery Saturday at 10 o'clock A.M., Tveoday. yvedneeday, and Friday, at 8 o'rloek A.M. Returning, leare* Red Bank erery Mondar morning: at 10 'dock A.M.: Tueiday.Wedueeday, and Friday,at hall put Ho'cloekP.M. .... The boat will run a* abore unul further notice,navigation ad weather permitting. ossm* " T. POWKLL 0t CO.'S LINE. " en WOK NEWBURGH, landing at CALD ^3Bi3*WELL'S. WEST POINT AND COLD SSXQLsPRLNO.The oteamboat HIGHLANDER Capt. Robert Wardrop, will leare the foot of Warren itreet R«W York, erery Monday. Ttv 1 'day end Saturday afternoon'a t t o'clock. Returning,the Huh. lmier will iMr* .aewburgh erery Monday morning at o'clock, ana '1 ueoday and Friday afternoon at I o'clock. Sir freight or pamage,apply to tnauaptain an hoard. B. All baggage and freight of (Terr description, bank WW orapecie, put on board thia boat, mutt be at the ri*k of the owifi thereof.unitt» a bill oflading orrecaiptiaiigued for *fc***me all tfEW7 YORK A.-^B L\ VE^KPOfn^COMMKRUlAL'LlNl OLD EHTABL18HED fA89AOE OFFICE, No (I 8ou»h street New York. rIE »ub»enber,in ami Hmcing bi« arrangement* for the year 18Pi. appear* before hit friend* with aeatiaacDta of sincere reapert for the able eupport he ha* received for many year* He hkewiM wishe* to call the attention of thoee intending t* *end for their friend* in England, Ireland, Scotland. and Wale*, that they can at all timet be accommodated by thi* Hoe, by weekly opportuniliei from Liverpool, at well a* by all the well known different linea of packet ehira railing to and from Liverpool,on the lit,7th, tlth.llth, and39th of each oath, throughout the year. It ha* tlwaya been the itudy of the rebtcribcr tohave the migrant* ahown civility, and dirpatched without delay; and thone who Mixl for their friend* may reat satisfied that every care and diligent attention will be given by the Liverpool Agent* to thoie aest for, at well a* all who may embark with them: and ehould aay of thoee, wltoae pattige ha* been paid, nat embark, the money will be refunded without any charge. The rabrcriber fee la a pleasure in makin* known the different Wl»br lich hit paraengefll came out during the laet year, I which hai given general aatiefactiou, and that tie hie eontidcrabJy extended and concluded hie arrangement* for the year ""The following it a lift of ihipe Ship Scotland Kohiason Ship Oaccola Child* * FairSeld W(Uon " 81. Cloud Emtraon Frukfort Ruftell * New vork Ni»et> " RiweellGover Howe. " Winiw QriRths Hibemia Wilson * Oswego Wood A* red Cheever " Ocean Welland CMy>ii Ingeraoil " Talbot Story _ Lonurill. Allen » N Hampshire Hardin* " Emeyson - Panthea (Joodwanaon Aiabamiaa Law " Robt. liaac Treeman " gwtiea Hookies " Virginia Eaton - wkihestsr rSS " "ikSE 4,1 w,u For further particalara apply ta d. and No. I Neptune a Waterloo Dock. LieerpooI. UMiTTANCILS TO AND PAHBAGK. ITROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Bf THE faiaona wishing to fend to the old country for their friends. Saiaki the necessary smngemeate nth the eoboenhars, bare them eome out in thia superior line of packcta, swine l Liverpool on the Tth and Hth of every month. They win hayaa Bret rate elaaa of American transient ships tailing jaaay sarth day. thereby affording a weekly communication mp UHI yon. Una ar the linn. Mr. Jin a U. Kneue.ia tltofe and will remain dmiug the ymr 1M3, 'neee that all the j>e rtoua dty*«P*diy hare been paid Here are forwarded with eara BheuMthe part iee agreed far not eana oat the money will be returned to thoaa who paid it here without any deduction. The IhiPacoanper. i ng thialine are : « rftsnAr^WSL ^ c8l5yZiSu|J ffiSgSmiKi? E NE N1 J. Orvllle Taylor's Lecture on Couimon Schools anil Education, at the Society Library. Ladies and Gentlemen,. W e hare assembled this evening for the improvement ot the Common School.a school we call common; not aa inferior; not as the school for poor men's children; but as the 1 ght and ihs air are common. And what is common to all, should be the be«t of all. IV* have met under those per- vadnig, though, perhaps, uut xpressed convictions, that without incessant watchtulness.without au unsleeping eve for ever over public lnaiitu ion«, ther becomepike wastes,'and enrnmoni-open ap;aren.Ij to all, productive of benefit to cene We have come together, uut to say whether a rail oad shall be made from this to sMiie other place, nor whether one of yoar citizens shall be elected to some office; no, we have met to advance the best good of tomorrow's society.for children are to morrow's society. Our object is to ask your ater.tion to the infiaiie worth ot this inward bring-this immortal Thought.this boundless Capacity. Epietetuswas wont to say, that it wns much better for a people to meet, to see how tbey might elevate the soals oi° the,r citizens than the roofs of their houses." It is for this better purpose that we have eonveued. And, before 1 proceed further, 1 will request the privilege of being familiar and conversational in my manner this evening. It is my wish to use the colloquial style, for I have found that if make men feel this susj-ot.if I ma'te them talk about it when they go home, and net for it hereafter, 1 mutt talk to ttaeiu while they sro with me.u a man talk* to a man, a* a lawyer talk* to hi* jury. In explanation of my object, it'yon will permit me to bringintconj motion two (treat names,1 will repeat that beautiful and forcible criiicisiu of Longiau*,on the manner and effect ef the speeking of Cicero and Demontheces. He tell* u* that when the |>enple went from one of Cicero'* rations, they always said "tVhat a beautiful speaker! what a rick fine voice! what an eloquent man Ciceio is! They talked of Cicero But when the people left Demosthenes, they said to each other, let us fight Phi ip. * (Applause.) Ladies uud guntlemen, if i shall euc coed t»-niglit >>> making you say, aa yoa go home, let us fight ignorauco, ( shall have gained the only object I have in deliveriug this lecture The less the speaker and his manner is noticed cr thought of the bett r. The friends of education are apt to expectje very thing from the goodness of their cans# and therefore do hat tor it themselves. Yes, the cause of the people's education is so very undeniably good.that but very few care any thing for it. Yet each one has not only a public, hnt a private interest in the subject. He that attends to his interior self, th t has a heart an J keeps|it, a mind that hungers, and suppliesit; who seeks a useful, not a worthless life, has a deep interest in the subject of education; for he it something less than a man who does not daily educate himself to the utmost "And who woufa suppose that education weie a thing which had to be au vac«tcd on the groued of individual or national good; o*, indeed, on any groundl Ae it it s>ood not on the basis of everlasting duty.a prime necessity and birthright of man It is a thing that should need no advocating, as mach as it does actually need. To imparl the gift of thinking to those who cannot think, and yet have the capacity for thought, one would imagine, was the very fiist function of a government to discharge. Would it not be a cruel thing to see the inhabitant* oi this eity, living ail mutilated in their limbs, each strong man with hie right arm brokenl How much more so, to find the strong soul, with its eyes still sealed, its pulse gone, o that it beate not, trebs not. Light hat come into this world, hut to the ignorant soul it bae come in vain. For six thousand years the sons of Ydam, in sleepless effort have been devising, doing, discovering.warring, a little bend of brothers, against tha empire of night. And tbejr have made a noble conquest. But to tbis man, it is all as if it had not been. The thoughts that millions of intellects have lived by, and that now live on, in everlasting music, come not to him. He paeeee by on the other aide.that rich mental kingdom, tha toil worn conquest of bis own brothers, is a boon not for him. an invisible knows it not. Who would think it to be necesaary to advocate an education for such a brotherT' It is encouraging ta aaethie indifference to man's higher noble nature fast passing away. Europe is covering herself with Com iiiun ocnouii, ana mrones are ia a contest to enlighten ignorance The naoat perfect school system in the world, is that an psraaWlly foe tared bj the despotic king of Prnssia. So perfect, in theory and practice, is this Prussian system, that it educates every child in the kingdom. Three of its most striking aud peculiar features are worthy of a short notice irom us. And first, whatever relates to the system has impressed upon it the highest reapeet. The Minister of Public Instruction is selected for his high attainments andAalente, and he rauks in station next to the king. Secondly, the teache;s are educated for their profession. Mo man is a'loryed to teach a school, until he has studied the "Art of Teaching," and intends to make the calling his profession for life. Prnssia haa fortytwo Normal schools or seminaries to educate school teachers. These two features we should borrow; for the glory of a people does not consist in never borrowing any thing, bat in perfecting every thing they borrow. The third feature we, perhaps, could not introduce. You will say that its com pulsory nature irtoutrary to our feelings and to the spirit af our institation If the Prnasian parent srsltcti to send hi.* children to school, the police olticer takes him ta pri on, and the children to school. Wc might improve a little on this, and take the parent to school also.(laughter). for sneh a citizen needs as much instruction as the children. Many have said to me," " the state has no right to compel par< nU to send their children to school." What! bait the state a right to send a man to the gallows right to send him to school 1 Shall the state be known only as the jailor, the executioner, and not the educator'! 1 say the State nu <a ngui iw tuiupei p#icn;i 10 eaacaie incir children, or let them be educated. Thi* compulsion, however, cannot be felt in statute law, but in an enlightened public pervading, so resting upon every man, that he who will let his children remain in ignorance, will be looked upon, and pointed out to passers by, as a felon. With us public opinion is omnipotent- more despotic and compulsory than the most absolute throne in Europe. The friendsof education must go to this great source of action for improvement. Since the School System ol Prussia has bten adopted, crime and pan5erism, according to governmental reports, have ecreased 38percent. This result is sufficient, in itself, to convince ns of the valne of a religions education. The Prussian government, by timely education,converts the material* which go to make the felon and the polluter, into the industrious citizen and true christian; and thus saves the fees of jailors and hangmen ;|the expense of conrts^and prisons. But still Prussia remains a despotic government, proving the influence of that monarchical maxim: " Everything foi the people, nothing by the people." Our maxim is, everything by the people, nothing for the people. The King is at the need of the system, and he sees well to it, that tha divine right of Kings, is a vary important part of the daily instruction. Russia has lately adopted tbie Prussian School System, and there is now at St Petersturg a Nor* mal School, edueatlag three hundred and sixtv young men to teach common ecboole. Emperor Francia of Lcmbardjr, introduced thie ayatem ia eighteen hundred and thittr-eight; and it being remarked to him by one of the eonrtiore, that " hie people were not euffieiently taligbteaed to receire thii eyitem of instruction," Fraacie nobly aid: "When my people bare learned to read they will eeaee to itab. In eighteen hundred and tbiity one, M. Conaio, the acholar, philosopher and tatcfmaa, waa deputed by the French Government to examine and make a report of the ednaation ayatem of Pruaaia. Hie report appeared in thiny-two, and being immediately followed by the action of the government, greatly improved the French ajatein of education- Time will aot allow u* to dwell any longer with these foreign ayatema of education. Such aa wiah to study correctly aad fnliy, the theory and workings of the Enropeaa Systems of Education, I will refer to President Bathe's Report to the Trnateea of the Girard Callage. Thia fa a volnma of more ability, and one affording more valuable. practical aaaiatanca than any work that haa been pnbliahed ia thia country. In thia very difficult and laborious effort, Presides* itache has conferred on hia cauntry an immeasurable good. Let ua then, retarn borne, and look oyer thaaa twenty-six independent atatca. Hare ia a whale nation mnatmed ! Tha asylum of a world,.inviting all to come and partake of thia inheritance of liberty ! Where all power and protection ia, not in a military, poated at every corner of onr streets, paaaing our windows every hour with waving plumes aad gleaming blades, and tramping the earth'with bayonet aadI sabre; no! b*t in the hoy* and girla of the land, going from their homae to their achoola, car tying the Te.tament and the Spelling book-the boya and girla of our Common Sekoela, the true .landing army of a free people fureat applause) Here ia not a high gilded throne, lifkin* m. Ied head over all. " Hara art not -nuad ciiaJiii >ad fortreeaaa, bat 50,000 Coaamoa 8ckaola ! Eaah el.oola Sentiael of Liberty.aLigbtHaaaeaf Free- W YO £W YORK. THURSDAY doa.( Applause.) Hera is not a *<>ciet r with its theasar.d abuses to reform; with its half fed untaught millions, crying for food and guidance at the point of (he bayonet No ! but a prosperous, free people, with lour millions of children to be educated. There hate always been two empires in the of foree, and the other of reason ; for men enn be governed only in these two ways. Conaequi ntly, there must be either soldiers or schoolmasters. books or bayonets . camps and campaigns, nr schools and churches.the ballot box, or the cartridge box No# (he first public buildings i f our forefathers were the School-house and the Church. Their united instruction has made us a great people ; may their infinences be impeiishable. (Cheering applause) I have tables, ^KDiaineu uy invent!)? in sixteen ui me Mate*, ana fio n a close investigation for the last eleven years) which prove, that from a I those taught to read in this conn ry, nineteen out of twenty, receive all their instruction in the|Coranion Seliotls. This important information shows us that, as is the Co corn on School, so is the education of the people The e lunation of the American people, taken as a whole, is just what the Common Schools are prepared to give. How many in this large assembly have re e-ivcd any other education than that from the Common Schools ! If these schools had been better, the education would have been better Although all here have been inapioved by education, every one of reflection is conscious, when he begins to reason and compare, of many defeats in his mental powrrs, and many ineonveuient and embarrassing habits, which wight have been preveo'ed, or remtdied, by a better early education. Yet (he Co:nmou Seh ols, whatever may be their condition, teach the nation, 'fhese schools'edueate the farmers, they educate the mechanics, the merchants, thelegislator.-,the mothers. They ate the people's colleges.ihe sun of ihe people's mind.lamps of freedom, lit up all over this laud to pour tucir light upon our institutions. Defective a< they are, the elementary schools bestow and sustain the nation's liberty. It was intelligence that reared np these mnjestic columns, and the empire uud liberty of these States will stand or fall Common Schools: for liberty under law, cannot exist without the schoolmaster- Whoever builds a school hotue, or teaches u good school, is erectinr toe fairest monument u> freedom. Blow out the light of these institutions, geutlemen.lock np t e dooreof (he school house .let darkness rest u pon iiioe roofs, and agriculture is forgotten, manu factures shut down their gate-, and commerce casts her anchor. Strike from existence these iott ilectual foun sins, and rapid would be our stepa back to the lavage stats, liut, fellow ci'izen-, to neglect these schools, is worse than to destroy them. Mai in- formation is worse than no information. hunger it batter than poisooej food. The worse people on the whole ear'h to govern ia a balf-cducated people.educated enough to read what the demagogue ays, but not enough to know whether it be true or .not. Gentlemen, as 1 hare pa ted through this city, I have said we may pile our hill tops with Grei ian architecture, but let the plain school house go down and where u our foundation.. (Strong applause ) If the time shall ever come when this great government will totter, the cause will be found iu tne ignorance of th< people. "And the people per th for lack of knowledge." I will now ask your attention to the connection between Common Schools and the higher literary institutions.academies, colleges and professional seminaries. If the children all over the land, in their first sehoels can receive a love of knowledge.a desire for a higher improvement.if thsy can in these first steps in knowledge, find their studies their delight, if they shall associate with the improvement of their minds every thing that is agreeable, they wi'l go from the Common School to the ncademy,and from the academy .to the college and professional seminary ; poverty nor parents csnnot keep them down. And thus will the Common School give the college its heat support. But let the Common Schools remain neglected ; let the children in them learn to cipher to the Rule <f Three, and hate knowledge all the rest of their lives, and yon will scarcely be able to drive tK»m in Ik* U-l.-f. «- . 111 WW www VVIUHJVU wuuva y IHCJ W lit UCIC1 desire to enter the academy or college Take care of the primary schools and they mil take care of the colleges; attend to the fountains, and you will hare a river. The most valuable aid we can give to the college, is, to improve the Common Schools, Some have said the Common Schools r.» a»v*r <idnr>U<k*pMfU) say they, mustdeecen J from onr higher Iastitntiocs do an among the people. But, gentlemen, k>.o.vledge will do more descend, than heat willdescsnd. If you wished to warm the lower stratum of air, would you heat the upper stratum first 1 No; warm the loner stratum, and vou cannot keep the upper cold .(Applause ).Would the prudent house-wife build the fire on the top of the pot, to make it boil 1 Self-education, the best education after all, is also dependent! en common schools . Why are not the people their own instructors 1 why do we not see more great self-educated mei.1 Franklins Shermans, Henrys, ri:ing up up all otndusl Why are there not more of our young men, to-day, under the sublime process ofa self-educatino, because the Common Schools have neither riven them the desire or ability to educate themselves They left the miserable school half knowing and not half knowing, with feeble thought, and vacant,^ uncertain perceptions, and there is now nothing to stand upon or to work with. But one thing well understood is an excellent starting point for everything else. The great mathematician, Edmund Stone, was the son of a gardener of the Duke of Argyls; and when Edmund was but seventeen years old, the Duke was one day walking in hia garden and noticed Newton's Principia laying on the grass; directed it to be taken to bis library. Young Stone appeared and claimed it. i ours, aaia toe uuxe,-ao jour, ad geometry, and Latin, aDd New;onl" "A little," answered the boy, who being f urther questioned, excited the Deke'e amazement atill more. ' And h>w came you with allthia knowIedueV' the Duke at laat inquired. "A aerrant," said Stone, "taught me tea years aince my letters. Does a man need to know anything more than his twenty-six letters in order to know everything else!" Let the schools teaeh the people tbrirtwenty-six letters at they ought to be taught; with delight.with certainty, and they would afterwards educate themselves. A great truth, which the mass have yet to learn, is, that all school education is valuable so far, and so far only, as it has prepared us to educate ourselves. Man^i great concern on earth is education,aud the labor of schools ts simply to fit him to eater on his course with truth and effect. Look at the farmers of this State, wringing from the soil a scanty subsistence. They have powers which, bad they been evolved by an early self-training, would have placed them among the first statesmen of the age. But now, after their cheap schools and penury of instruction, " Live unknown, and drop into a peasant grave." The State neglected the school and lost her true sonree of wealth; for an ignorant man is like a lump of iron ore, worth one sou; while he who is educated to look before and after, who observes while he thinks, end thinks when he observes, is like the lump of ore refined, and made into wateh springs, worth six millions of sous. The success of christain effort depends on Common Schools. We will take for an illustration that best of all causes, the bible cause. And, ladies and gentlemen, if we wish to eeeure the triumph of the bible, we must begin Sr securing the triumph of Common Schools. The ev Dr. Dull'; Missionary to India, told the Geneeral Assembly that, from a want or knowledge and aeieace, the Hindoos were not capable ef estimating the evidence of the gospel, whieh, to their dent, feeble minds, appeared like an eld wife's fable. Dr. Duff proposed that the Board of Missions should give to the Hindoos instruction in the various branches of a common edneation, that their minds might be able to see the troth and importance .rik. n-i.. r.,L - Wl UVIVIO IUC IWWVI 5"Ci IUIIU IU low bit teed, the ground mutt be prepared. Common Schools mutt plough for the bible. The teed will not take root if tho ground be not ploughed; neither can the bible be underitood if Common Schoolt hare not gone before it. The bible, then, that charter of liberty.the Magna Charta of a world't freedom.*' thineth in darknett, and the darknett eomprehendeth it not" if Common Schoolt are neglected. You will keep in mind that niuetecn out of twenty reeeire from Common Srhoolt all their ability to read the Bible, and that theie mutt read underttandingly, or otherwite, at there tchoolt are improved or worthier! A great part of the reading with the majority of the people It to wordy, to mechanical, to feeble, that tbe thought makei no lodgement, the truth no conviction. A well trained tchool matter with hit primer. mutt precede the tchool matter with hit Bible. There are in the Tailed Statei, according to the ceatut of the general gorernment taken io 1840, 546,70?) white adulti erer twenty ream of age, unable to read; and 672,442 children between the ages of fire and tixteen without the instruction, or the meant of a Common School education ! And yet we rewire to giro the Bible to erery child and yontk in the United States.n good resolution: but should we not alto retolre, that erery child and youth ia the Baited States thall be taught to read a copy of the Bible. The reaaca that we sow to many seeds »RK I MORNING, MARCH 3, 1 by the printed page, and see so few Rower.--, is, the people are not taught to read intelligently and with abiding convictions A tract distributor passed ma a few days since and handed a sailor a tract The sailor turned it over and upside down, and said " I can't read." and dronned the track on the ground. ' Has oiar tvhole duty been discharged by hand lug (he sailor a tract]" said a rerersnd gcntlc ntan to me, now three yeais since," I have just comitUtsl a tour for distributing the Bible under the direction of the American Bible Society. Seven hundred and two Bibles bare been left by me, but unless teachers rare sent to teach the |»eo|ile to read them, I bad better go and bring back at least fire hundred of the copies." The wea'th and energies of the land are exhausted to send the printed page- Should not the friends of the Bible take a deeper inter st in the improvement of the Common Schools'! To give the Bible, un asked, to the ignorant, and those merely able to proaounce words, is like filling a blind man's house with the piintings of the masters, or casting the seed wheat in the woods, or building a granite temple ic the forest tor the benefit of the roaming savage. The l'alpit also, "that most important and effectua] guard, support, and orinment of virtue's cause," stand* on Common Schools. When the messenger of truth speaks to the congregation, he addresses nind; his arguments presuppose mind, and, nnless the people's schools nave raised the audience up to tne pulpit, where is the minister's influence? As I have listened to a good consecutive argument from the sacred desk, aad have seen the pet pie, with wandering looks and vaoant countenances, ready to turn to the door if anyone should happen to p. as through it, at the vary moment, too, when the speeder was educing au important conclusion, 1 have felt as I have done whileaeeinga person thrust hia hand into a small aperture afer something loose, but whieh be was able to reach only with the ends f his fingers, end his bring able tn touch it, he only pushed it further from him. So with the preacher; be was laboring to get hold of the atteution of the people, but the mind was so feeble, so wandering, so vacant, that there was no grasp, and the great truth fell powerless To make an abiding impression on an cmpty-heaJed audience is as hope less as to make a mark on the ocean . (Laughter and applau-e ).We are told by the historians of th- French Egyptian cam paign, that .Bonaparte found, and attempted to rer'uee a garrison, sh-ltered by a huge mud fort. Had the wall been of timber, the besiegers might have burat them Had they been of stone, even {blocks of granite, thev might have breached ihcm by their cannon. But the vast passive mound received the iron mi-sites without effect.they just cloted in and were dead Aad the mighty engines of attack and demolition were paralyzed and powerless. So it is with the preacher when be preaches to the ignorant, (a strong sensation in the audience ) " seeing thev see not. neither do thev understand." And 1 moat respectfully beg It aye to remind the learned clergymen present,in the quaint language of Snu!h, the English aeroionizer, "trie school master often mars what the preacher never mence." The preacher should not only see that the truth falls from his lips, bat also that the people are capable of receiving it. Now, we ring the iSabbath bell long and loud, bat forget to unlock the church door. (the mind.) The invitation goes ont to the people to coane and hear, but the bolted door of ignorance forbids them to enter. The blessings of a Free Press are also dependant on good Common Schools. My friends, what isthe American newspaper presst Fifteen hundred in number; pouring annually upon the wings of the wind, to hide from us the sun of truth, ten million? of printed sLeets ; aid these damp sheets are falling upon us every morning as thick as snow-flakes in a snow storm; and the people are esgerly gazing upward, with month, and <yes,and hands, wids open, reedy! to swallow ravenously every thing that drops. (Applause ) What ara these damp sheets filled with. After a few honorable exceptions, with crime made an amusement; see detailed criminal and crim. eon cues.with demoralizing advertisements.with partyktrife, for the object of the press now is, te to make partisans, not patriot*.with personalities, slander, and unblushing profligacy. Oh, unless the pwple are intelligent enough to detect ite error*, and rirluou* enough to he untouched by it* corrnption, the pre i* a curie. The very cbeap !i* of the pre** ha* proitituted it to a speedy wide eircnlation of poi*nnout|prints and libel*, blags more fatal and rlaadl^ « «t* aaiad of the uneducated, than ever gunpowder wa* to their boHie*. The old and noble monuments of thought and intellect are neglected, end, upon a sea of frothy coneeira, ona everlasting, wi»hy washy fl od, «r noisy dolneit, the *piiit of the age i* tossed hither and thither, and net without danger of entirely losing sight of the enmpasa of truth, and the pole (tar of faith. (Applauie ) In the pre** wa* the strife ever hotter, or the struggle keener, than at the present dayl Doe* it not strive to make the *' worse the better reason," and the rogue the better maul What can prepare the public for such a press 1 How shall the people possess a sound, thinking, comparing mind, capable of discrimina ting end of judging of probabilities! By improving their Common Schools, where nineteen out of twenty receive all their education. Where there is n free press,there must be a free education. The editor will always bring just such goods to market aa will sell: and the only way we can improve the article sold, is to improve the purchaser. (Applause.) Aad, before I leave this part of my subject, I will ask the politician*, if any such are preaent, why it u, that the merest Irotny rant, the most empty declaration, will go down as well as the best argument 1 Bee me, airs,|ina raeunm.a guinea and a feather go down with equal rapidity. We will how examine th» connection between ignorance and crime; nor, however, by ascertaining, as many writers hare done, the number ef convicts in our prisons who can read and the number who cannot read. To my mind, this inquiry can prorr nothing important. The mere ability to read does not prevent crime- It may prompt the individual into its commission. Where the moral sentimenta are weak, and the appetites and passion* strong, the depraved taste will give e bias to the reading which will only corrupt and demoralize. The ability te read is simply a means to purify and elevate, or pollute and debase. To teach a man hie letters barely is not to educate him, or insure industry or integrity. But to this important view of the subject, I will call your attention in my Third Lecture. The single position that 1 now wish to assume is, that from the very nature of man, "uneducated mind is educated vice " Hod made man to know; he ia the creature of education, made to be educated; and if he it not educated, he does not fulfil kit being, aud must be miserable. Now, the miserable man easily beeomet the criminal. All see that wickedness leads to misery, and it is equally certain that misery leads to wickedness.. Dr. Johnson was onee asxrd, "Who is the most miserable man I" the sage said, "That mac who caent read on a rainy day." And it was r.obly said by Plato, "That every soul was unwillingly deprived of truth." Yee, fellow-citizens, you may place man where yen may dry up to the uttermost the fountains of his feeling, the springs of his thought ; and the idea that he was horn to know and; learn, will survive it all. It is allied to his hope of is the divine part of his natnre which barren ignorance cannot reach. There is ia a right education a divine alebymy which turns all the beser parts of man's nature into gold. The Greeks tell ns, that wnen me ursi reji 01 me morning tun leu upon me statae of Meonon, it sent up music. It ii only after the first rayi of knowledgt fall upon man, that hia nature discourses harrr.ony. Your ipeaker waa once passing through a paifc, and aaw nailed to one of the trees thin warning, "All dog* found in thia park will be (hot." A friend who waa with me rrmarked, "Unleta doga can read, they are pretty badly off here. ".(A laugh ).Now God has not only written hia lawa upon the treea, bat in the atare, and in the flowers. They are above ua and beneath ua, on our right, and on oar left, and if aaan la not able to read, he ia pretty badly off here.worse off than the dog, for a dog has a master to read for him, but man has no master between him and hia God. A maxim of more truth and foree than any other I remember ever to hare seen, was thrown off by a Britith a man who waa in learning vivid, varied and philosophical, and who in conversation threw out more gems, sparkling and brilliant as they came, than any other man of hia age. Hia profound apothegm was "Education is the cheap defence of nations. (Applause ) Oh, there wifl be a time when this greatjtruth electric, shall run from| man to man; and the proud cement- ea pyramids ot Will, oj one nuu ue thrown to earth ia atom*." " Change, wide, and deep, and ailentlr performed Thlelead ihall witnea* From cnltnre, exrluetrely heetowed, Expect theee anighty issue* : from the peine And faithful care of nnembltione achoole Instructing *imple childhood'* reedy ear. Henca look far thaaa magnltcent reeulte What ia oar dafaaee T.courts, jail*, prieone, and the fallow*. Bat education it the cheap da feaca of nation* ; and if we ehall erar leant to laf ielata afar off, aad apen a great fyfteaa.preparing the pablie mind while obey lag it-master* of IERA 842. the vast ami not u* looU. li e>erthat (lay t-hall arrive, the firat maxim that nc shall establish will be, it i* cheaper to edacote the infxnt mind, than to svppnrt the aged criminal. (An. plume Ion* repeated.) Give your pence to com non school* and save your pounds on prison- No, net sare your pounds, but write over your prison doors."To Let !" Man was not made to be sent to p-isoa, but to be educated ; and as John Wilkes said, " tho very w«r*t use yon can pat a man to is te hang him." (Great laughter ) Punishment to prevent crime, gentlemen! it comes like the physician'.- preserip. lion at the funeral, too late (Renewed laughter ) Treads-mills to prevent crime! Why, the treadmill only fatigues the museles; crime springs from weak moral faeaities and overactive propensities. Would yon use an argument to turn over a rosk, or a crow bar to convince a maul (General laughter ) Hut it is our duty to educate a warm its elevate its purify its morals and to direet its energies. This is our high and sacred oftiee. Yet how slightly have we consider- ed lhis subject, uh-n, every where it is held to be the first and legitimate duty efthe State to pros ide judges and hangmen for the people. It is a duty to provide the prison, the fetter, and the gallows. It is the duty of the State to destroy human beings, living minds that bear the impress of ihe divine workmanship, however tarnished ; und wor.-e than this, it is held as a duty for the Slate to immute burn in beings in dungeons, to deprive them of the objects of the external world, and of God's creation ; to create for them a living death, to tmn the mind into a b auk, and throw the warm gushing* of human feelings, and nymnathies, and affection*, back into a fearful chaos. It is the duty of the State to punish, to send forth fearlul retribution to those who break the law. But hitherto the half civilization of Congre**, and the semi-barbarism of the State Legislatures. (laughter)- and the divine right of demagogues have not thought it a duty to provide for the people, protended to be governed, the means of religious and intellectual advancement, to enable them to know and understand theii duties as regards this life and the life to come. Compelled to obey laws which they searcely ever heard of, the necessity for which they cannot see, and yet not allowed'to plead ignorance of those laws, the poor ignorant lawbreaker is held up to ihe law's viadictivencss and tho bitter retribution of his fellows. The law is severe to punish crimes; it can kill the poor offending wruteh. and send him before his Maker when it pleas' a. Powciful but impotent law, it judges of the act, it thinks that it knows the motive thatlrd to it; but hera it atops and here it fails. It can punish, and in the very zeal of thissaered power, almost too awful to be placed in human hands, it punishes daily; but how inefficient arc its pun. lahmenls. When Hwl th»v »v»r rinn. l.i.l ened offender? They coerce the body to convince the mind.Tain effort! the ((rent practical blunder of human lociety in all ages and in all time* Should not the law be equally powerful to prereLtas to'panish crime? hew murderouslr unjust to punieh where we might prevent! Is not the depravity of hnmnn nature revealed to us from heaven? is it not written on the heart of man? And should not human efforts be means of grace? Statesmen, legislators, how long will you dare to insult both heav«n and man? how long will ye trust tt penal sletu'es, public executions, dungtons, chains, and treadmiVs. instead of that high intellectual and moral influence bv which alone you onght to rule? .(Applaure.) Why, every chain you forgt, every prison you build, every torment you invent, whether of perpetual silence or soli uy confinement, which blast the mind to idiotcy, you might hare saved, ia and shall be a disgrace to you, juui vuhuiij) «uu jvmw iiiuci.^cneeun^ ana cn^s of "true," "right," from several voices).while' you leave untouched thoie mighty mean* wilhwhich the strong arm of power inrefta you, of giving to the whole mai* of the people, down to the lowert citizen king that live* upon thia free toil, a petfect acquaintance with hi* duly to God and man, and fitting opportunities for the full and free dcvelopement of tnat immortal mind which bnt bad* here bat shall blonom in eternal freedom hereafter. Circumatancea lead to crime, and it i* the oflice of the legislature and the educator to correct the cireumitance*, as well a* to pno^h the criminal. Bnt we are more willing to execute the law, than to prevent it* inflection. Yet we should remember thai constabulary force* and court* cost more than chools; to aave pence, we apend pound*, (billing*, and peace.we reduce the school master's salary a few dollar* and spend thousand* on sheriff* and penitentiaries. But this i* not only expensive and ruinous, it is ctuelty, for we, by neglecting the child, produce vice, and then punish it; erect gallows, and then supply them with victim*. The more we reflect upon the connection between crime and blind heedless ignorance, the more we ahull be convinced that thire is no true eradic.tor of crime, but a well principled educition. Penal codes, active police, poor houses on the most liberal scale, are all but substitutes and palliatives. Theeye of the law is not all seeing; the mostactive legislation cannot be at all times, and in all places, with the people. To check crime, we must check the disposition to ciime; to prevent overt acte, we must create an omnipresent control ovgr the heart.set np the man in watch over hiroselfaud make conscience the nniversvl preventive. (Applause.) Bnt now it iseur pur sea and prisons firrt, anu our minaa ana mnrsis att- rwardH. 11 the latter (ball follow we are pleased with the news; but under all ci re nm stances, and at all hazards, our purses and our prisons ! Give the children of the poor that education which will enable them to see, honestly, their own condition and resources; which will cultivate hi them an onward-looking hope. which will give them inthair lei.nre hours, rational amusemeut.this, and this only, will work out that moral revolution, the legislators noblest ambition "Neither is man a human poor box, into whose mouth we are to drop a few cents daily." No, he is a divine being, made for education and useful nets;instead of building poor houses and prisons, let us by education open the doors of these millions of prison houses ef ignorance. Bostou. (Correspondence of the Herald.) Boston, March 1,1S42. Caledonia.Unicorn.Fourth of Mai ch.Dickens Din' ner.Aristi tracy vi Democracy.end 'filing* in General. DB AR Sih :. A true-born Yankee would fain be registered as one of your correspondents, and though he may not be aa learned or witty as many who now cater for your nnmeroua readers, he is at least aa holiest and devoted to tne interest 01 wnatcvcr cause be may espouse. The all-absorbing topic of conversation in the atreeta, and public placea of resort, ia the probable fate of the steamehip Caledonia; while many give up all hopes of her safety, and would go into mourning for the loss of her passengers, others cling to the fond hope that all will yet be well, and that we may yet have the satisfaction of welcoming thia farorite steamer's safe arrival into port. " Fourth of March" is eloae at hand, and many are the preparations for the faithful celebration of that eventful day; balls, parties, and all sorts of fashionable amusements are talked of, and " big" must that day be with the " carryiags-nn" in the "eityof notions." Your bumble servant will be "a ehiel among them," to take no'es.and fai'h, it will be at your option whether they are printed or not. The late Dickens dinner in this city was conducted with eo much meanness, and want o| knowledge in the art of making a public entertainment popular with the people, that another one, on a different plan, is now in contemplation ; and from the amount of funds already subscribed, I should think it hardly possible lor u 10 »« oncoming ono °« tha moat splendid, geaerons, tad, what more, aceeptabla, craetinca Charlaa Diekent haa vat had this aide at tha Atlantic. Boaton is famous for such things, when her citizens have the control of tham ; bat when a set af simpletons, styling themaelraa the literati of the city, trying to lead them, jno aae meanaeaa and ignorance in abnndanee. There ia in this eity, and I believe more in thia city than ia any other, a disposition to tranaaet every thing on aristocratic principles.and when they catch aforeign notion they can never rest easy till they have distributed it among their neighbors This is becoming characteristic of Boston, and she may yet wish herself a New York ere long, on the aeale of good society. Bat while this portion of oar city derives such great satisfaction's favoring foreign notions, there is another class whieh deserves honorable mention.and that is the democratic portion, or rather the mass This is the society. thia is the people; and to saeh we now intend to mtrodnee " lioz," on his return to BostonTheatricals ere rather law ia this eity. The Tremoat haa raa down, with #10,COO lose to the managers. This presents a warning to all silly men never to nndertake the aaaaagemeat of a Theatre. The National haa baaa doing a tolerable badness ia tha " respectable" line. LD. V ffc« Two Canta L lie wrather >> uiiunu .1 \ line, una we haTt- cnute foth.nk Providence for the mercy he hat nhown to poor people in providing mch moderate weather when the time!) are to bard 1 hnve an invitation to an " Irinh Wake," which it to kurpaot anything of the kind in thi* city. It ii to be in the h:gher circles', and will aflord ample groundwork 1 B auu mieresiing letter. Faitbfu'ly your*, ClIROHIt LKR. Ilanrltbuifi ICorrtipoiidrnce ol tlx tltriM-l HiimibBuaa, March 1,1841. The ReMumjtiivn Hill.Bank*, tfC. On yesterday the Senate took up the amendment* made by the House to the Senate, aiaendmenfa to the Bank Bill, and after some time spent iu their consideration, non-concurred in all except two or three unimportant ouea. As the bill came into tb* Senate yesterday, it was certainly a most ridiculous affair, and deserred their disappn.bati< n.. That you may form some idea of the master-spirit* we hare among ua, I send you the bill as it pasted the House ot Representatives 1 he bill has now been sent to the House, where, if they insist upon their amendments, as in all probability they will, it will be referred to a committee of conference. You will readily perceive, if you have not long since, that our Solnna are endeavoring to grupp e with a subject which tb< y do not understand, and this fact indeed has been the ca ise of nearly all our diatreases. There is an erroneous idea among the people. A man must ten. ». ....... uj prric vertng industry and application to make a \rb«rU ban**, but all Penoaylraniaiis are born legislators. Bniiferupt List. 80UTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. Alonzo P Smith, New Yerk, to be declared bankrupt Aprilll; George D Davis, do, April 3; Eugene McCarty, do; John Thomson, do, April 0; Oritf. o Brundoge. Jo. April); Cyrus P Boyd, Fishkill, do; HeDry Burr, New York, April 0; Charles Dennison Birdieyo and Sylvester G Langdon, do, April 3; Daniel C Ketclium, New York, April 0. NORTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. Lewis Foster, Bcio, to be declared bankrupt March 30; SamuelGunsaul,Schenectady, March 34; Simon Glen, Jr. do; Dewitt C Gridliy, Watertown, Match 01; Shubael Gallup, Butlalo, March 31; E Gordon, Galen, March 06, David Gould, Alexandria, March 06; 11 H George, Pamelia, do; William A Gilbert, Jetferson co, March 31; Grove S Gilbert Rochester, March 06; John W Hadden, Wayne ro, March 31; Asa Howard, Albion, March 06; Daniel 8 Hulitt, Schenectady, March 01; Jas liarkniss, Albany, March 17; Henry A Hatch, Utica. March 01; S R Hunt, Rensselaer co, March 30; Ik-nry Huntz, Brownville,March 38; Ehen F Humphrey , Gab n, do; William Hart, Deerfleld, March 35: Benjamin House, Perrington, March 36; James Kelaey.Kipley, do; Stephen A Ketchnm,Schenectady, do; Walter Kimball, Sackctt'a Harbor, March 31; Orville Kelapy, Le Roy, March 38; Wm Kina- t-y, Duuua, uv; nmi/uewn, »yraeaae. do; Liinktrr, Montgomery co. March 17; Aaron O Lyon*, Albany, March 33; Joaeph R Lee. Pultney. April I; Jebtt T Lacy, Chili, March 30; George K Mosa, Aureliua, March 31; Jacob Monk, Schenectady, Match 34; Rufua O Merrill, Brockport, March 31; Kraatua H Mix, Rocheater, do; A McMillen, Onondaga, March 31; Joarph Merullent, Batavia, March 30; Jaapnr Murdoch, Buffalo, March 38; IncreaaeC Miller,do.March34; laaac F Mack. Kocheater, March 36; Henry ¥ McGlackin, do do; Alfred SMellen, Jc (In son co. March 31; Cheater Mullen, do, March 33; A B McGoulgal,do; Wm l'Mellrn, Fredonia,March36; Jnmea Norton. Jr. do; Walter Peck, Oawego co; Samuel 1 Piaster, Albany, Mareh 31; Danforth Petty, do; Waa Tattcn, Manliur, March 33; Henry D Palmer, Rocheater, March 36; Ebrnezer W I'ago, do; George W Powera, Jefferson co. March 31; Hiram P Potter, Cooporatown, March 36; Jeremiah D Quackenbiith, Cicero, March 34; 8amu«l Race. Mentz, March 17; Chatlea Ramadell, Bulfalo, March 36; Robert lluaaell, do; Teter M Reynolda, Carthage, March 33; Peter Hchermerhorn, Schenectady, March 34; Myron Se.ara, Bennett, March 33; A Smith, ltochoaterf March 34; Fred A Spalding,do, March 36; JatneaSillick, Schenectady, do; Uanirl Spencer, Albany, March 31; Jacob Battle, Albany co. do; Wm H Snow, Limit a, March 36; Edward Sackett, Sackett'a Harbor, March 31: Lyman A SpaulJing. Lock (tort, March 36;, Charle* S< lton. Auburn, March 33, Wni W Sanford,Lyona, March 33; Wm A Spooner, Qneenihury, March 38; Beth J Tice, llenaaelaer co. March 36: Timothy H Taylor, Manliui, March 33; George Thurger, Rocheater, March 36; Leonard W Trent, Dunkirk, March 16; Wm B Tread well. Albany, March 33; Jamea Taylor, water' ford, March 36; Nicnolua Van ltmaaelaer, Schenectady, March 34; Jcaeph Rankin, do, March 31; John Vandocar, Troy. Muroh til-. Uardinttr Vino-nt. Cleetnn. Marrli * Galen O Weed, Atirelia, March 21;' John WWoodburnj Cherry Valley. March 17; Nathaniel Wilgus, Buffalo, March 26; T T Woodruff, Brownville, March 2«; Eliphalet Welch. Salina, March 22; Reuben Whiiler, Ogden, March 26; Tbot Warren, Fredonia, do; Calrin VK Woodworth, Whitecreek, do; Henry J C Walker, Auburn, do; Jofiah L Yeckley, (Jorham,March 24. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS. Edward Allen, Soliibury, to be declared bankrupt in Boa o-i,on tho flrat Tueiday of May neat; Koiwell P An' gier, Worcester; More* Abbott, Methuen; Eraitua Barber, Boaton; Charlei A Brown and George 8 Jackson, do; Joseph Brigga, Hanover: Athan firewater, Northampton; William H Brown, Salem; Arnold Boydm, Lowell; Charles A ButterfielJ, Andover; Eliaha Bay den, Beliingham; Paul Butftini, Douglas*; Jonathan Burrage, Kitchhurg; Daniel Butfum, Douglass; Z«ra C Bayley, Lowell; Stephen Cha'd. Boston; William E Currier, Newburvport; John F Col bath, Natick; Edw Chamberlin, Jr. Brighton; Wm P Dutton. Boston; George W Domerritt, Haverhill; Enoch Karle, Worcester; Samuel Everett, Miltou, Simon Folsom, Sonthhridge; Caleb & Fiike, Holden; Joseph S Frye, Salem; Eliphaz O Gleasoa, Wcstboro'; Alfred Goodwin. Lowell: Daniel Gorton, Pepperill; Joseph Gerry, Fitchburg; George Gillia, Lowell; Jabez F 11-wes, Boston; Kenhen llodgman.Jr. Asliby; Stiles Hannum, Belchcrtown; James L llolmea. Plympton; Willis Harden, Abbington; Joseph Johnson, Wm R Johnson, Boston; Samuel W Johnson, Milbury; John Knowlton, Boston; Oliver King, Methuen: Wm 8 Knowlton, Bouthbridge; Calvin Kuowlton, Sonthbridge; Calvin Knowlton,Grafton; Benjamin Kimball 8d, Metbuen; Eton A Lee, Wm and Charles H Lathrop, Alomo Marshall.Francis McKenna, Boaton; Edward B Morse, Haverhill; Darius Meaaer, Methuen; Nathl S Moore, Montgomery; Wm C Msitin, Lowell; Aaron R Merrill eld, Northampton; Jefferson Noyea, Wm B Naaon,Boaton; Frederick R Newell,Cambridge; Cady Osgood,Methuen; Orra Pratt, Natick; A Porter, Haverhill; Alpha Preaby,Deilham; Jason Richardson, Woburw, John Ruaa, Lowell; O-orge Roberta, Andover: Caleb Richardson, Jr. Danvcra; Jesaph Raynes, Lowell; Calvin Richardson. Chelsea, Joseph Ray, Franklin; Hiram Smith, Boston: Wm Boutherlaud, Jr. Upton; Benjamin P Smith, South Hadlay; Daniel Sabin, Douglass; John B'udley, Hanover; Uaiah M Small. Topitield; Ktbridge O Shelden, Holden; F.d wardi S Saodford, Midway; Silvnnua Thomaa, Ply ai]4on; Thama* Wright,"Boaton. Clia Whittemore, Grot on, Win Wilaon, Northampton: Farley Watera, Douglaia. V. S. Circuit! Court. Before Jnd^e Betta. Ma«ch2-The Gra d Jnry came into Couit with billa of ind ctmant againat Haory Scrierer and William Harding, maatfcr and mate of the ahip Hanry Clay, for cruel conduct towarda Waa. Bonell.aLoagaim-t Patrick C Martin, for atab* bins the captain of the brig Cicero with a ahenth knife, while lying at the port of Cardine, on the coaat of San lllaa, anme raentha aince. Tbe priaonera were arraigned, plead not guilty, and their triala aet down for Monday neat, to whieh time the petit jury waa diacharged. Court of Oyer and Terminer. Before Judge Kent and Aldermen Purdy and Lee. Mauch 2 .Tha hill of exaeptiom ia the eaae of William B. Wiley, waa acted upon aud admitted, after whieh the Coart adjourned aine dia. - The Circuit Court ataada ndjottrned to the «th in.t nhM the Stet.e t.U.J .... S. ..« iL. note mid to have been given by the officers of a cbnreb, and, on whieh the jury in eereral trial* eoald not agree, (reported some time since) will be brought np. V. States District Court. Before Jndge Belt*. March 2 .Thirty-on- eaieof Uinkrnptey, the notice in >*g*rd to which matured to day, were ealled up. Tne following were objected to : Benj Cox. George Brown, Tboaa* D. I^ee, and Cassandra Fritbee. Brown was opposed by Stephen J. Field, on the ground that he bad asaigned certain debts to latter, but still went on collecting a portion of them; that he has, since January, 1841, favored certain persona as preferred creditors, and the complainant believes that he still has property. An examination of the matter is to take place before Judge E iwards. The others were ebj'Sted to principally on the ground of inf. .rmality, and denying the constitutionality of the law. Chatham Tiicatrb..The attractions of Jemmy Twitcher are proof against the " elemental rage. Despite the inclemency ! the weather, the Chatham last evening again reverberated to the applause of uinlifnce. The rain oourrd and the streets overflowed, hut the lovers of (tin exclaimed " vel, vot of it." This evening the "Golden Farmer" is again presented, also " Roderick vich alpto Dhu," by J. R Scott, accompanied by Mrs. Thome as the " Lady of the Lake," who looks the part admirably well; " For ne'er did Orscian c jisel trace A ayasph, a naiad, or a grasa. With (airas fans or fairer toaa."

Transcript of TH E NE W YO»RK IIERA LD. - Chronicling America...TH Vmi.VIL-I*.347.WholaMo.3015 NEWLINK...

  • THVmi. VIL-I*. 347 .Whola Mo. 3015

    NEW LINK OK LIVK.RrOOC PACKETS.To Mil from New York i.o the tsth. ami Liverpool on the Iliae'tach unMi

    ft ft ftPaoee New Yoaa. _ _SKip RQ9CIU9, Captain John Colline. Mlh Not.Ship 91DOONS, Caplajn K. B. Cobb.kSth Dee.Ship 9HERIDAN, CapUin K. A. Drpej eter. JStli Jan.ShipUAKR1CK, Wm. Sknidy, Jfttii Keb.

    1« ROM uivinrwoL.

    Ship SHERIDAN, Captain V. A. Depeyator.iaita No*.Hup OAHBICK,' aptaiu Wm. Skiddy, 18th Dec.Ship ROSCtUS, Captain .lohu Collin*. 13th JulShip 8IDDONS, Captain E. D. Cobb, 13lh Keb.Ttmaeahip* art alt or Hit firit cla*a,upwaril* of 1000ton*,built

    la the city of N»w York, with ««ch improvement* na coiobisegreat *peed with umiaual comfort for paaaengera. Krtry car*hubcen taken in thr arrangementoftheir accommodation*. Thaprice of paaaagehrnee ia $IOO,for which ample atorea will baproriilea. Thtae a hipa arc commanded by experienced marlira,who will make every exertion to give general aatiaiae"Neither the captaina or owoera oflheae ahipa will be reaponoiMa for any lettma, parcelaor packagtieeut by then, uolcaa regularbillaol lading areeitfned therefor.The chip* of tltie 1 i:wr will hereafter go armed, aad theirpeeaftreooatruction gireithem cecurity notpneai aaed by aay othertreaaela of war.For freight or paaaage.apply to

    E. K. CULL1NS la CO.M South et.,New York,ortoWM. It JA8. BKOWN k CO., Liverpool.Letter* by the packet* will be charged 131 ceuta per aingla

    aheet (0 cent* per miner, and nrwapapera I cent each. f'iyP'OR NEW ORLEANS

    LOUISIANA AND NEW YORK LINE OK PACKET*}M.A.M.A.deapatch aahip from tlur port on the let. 6th, loth. 16th, 3uthend 33th of each mouth, commencing the 1 nth October, andcontinuing unlit May, when regular day* will be appointed l'oitha remainder of the year, whereby grent delay* and diaappointmeoU will be prevented during (he aummer montlia. ThaMllpw iui! ahipe will coin neure tlna arraugemratSkip YAZOO, Capt. ( 'ornell, loth Oct. 1841.Ship OCONEE, (.apt. Jacknou, 18th Oct.Ship MISSISSIPPI, Capt. Hilhju-d. j&thOct.Ship LOUISVILLE, Capt. Kdnt.Mth Oct.ShipSHAKSPEARE, (.apt. Miner, latNorember.Saip OASTON. Cnpt. Latham. 6th Nor.ShipHUNTSVILLE, Capt. Mumford, 10th Nor.Ship OCMULOEE, Capt Learnt, 14th Nor.Ship NASHVILLE,(.'apt. Dickinaon.ftOth Nor.Ship MEMPHIS, Capt. Anight, 33(h Nor.Ship LOUISA, Cant. Mulford. lit December.Tkeae ahipe were all built iu the city of New York, expreaalyfor pacleU are of a light draft of water, hare recently heonnewlycoppered and put in apleudid order, with accommodatioua

    Tar pDarngera unequalled for co nfort. They are commandedby axpeneoced muter*, who will make erery exertion to yiregeneral latuhtctiou. They will at all time* be towed up anddown the Miaeienppi by ateamboata..

    ' r.i ci ma »NSIUMVtne owner* or c*|iu«iu. ~... »v .v.,.-.,

    bis forjewelry.buH'on.preciou* stone*,silver,orplated ware,orfor Mir letUn, parcel or package, lent by or put o board ofthem, tinle** regular bill* of lading are taken fortuetame, andthe value thereon eie~«-e«:

    "*TiTitftt.NS fc CO. M South at.,orJAMES E. WOODRUFF, Agent in New

    Orleans,who will promptly forward all good* to hie addreae.The ships of tin* line are warranted to sail punctually a* ad]

    rertiaed, and great care w ill be taken to hare the good* correctly meatnred. JJIy


    M m MTS^mpeof thi* Hu^wiirhereaReMeare NewTor^onth#tat and Havre on the Kth of each month a* follow*;JYom New Y*rk. Ftom Marrt.The new thip ONEIDA, tat March (Kth April.

    Cant. lit July < lath AaguatJames Fuuck. r lit November ( Kth December

    Ship BALTIMORE, I, lit April (lath MayCart. lit August < lfth SeptemberEdward Funk. lit December fifth January

    Ship UTICA, lit May t iBth JuneCapt. lit September < Kth OctoberFiadVHevsitL lat January fifth February

    New ship bT. NICOLAS, t lit June ( Kth JulyCapt. ', let October < Kth NoremherJ.BTrell. lit February f Kth March

    Thi accommodation! of theie ihipi are not lurpaned, combming all that may be required for comfort. The price of cabinpassage is $100, Pai*engeri will be atipplied with everyrequisite, with the exception of wince and liquor*.Goods intended for these vemela will be forwarded by the-subscriber*, free from any other than the expenses actvaJ.yi ncurredoe them. For freight or passage apply toBOYD wHlNCKEN, Agents.

    » a Tontine Building*,NEW YOKE AND NEWARK..

    Fan reducid to ad cinu.From the foot of Courtlandt atreet, New York.

    (Every day.Sunday* excepted.)Leave New York. Leave Newark.

    At a AM. At a P.M. Ala A.M. Atn r.M.11 do 4 do a do l( do

    ii Ingeraoil " Talbot Story

    _Lonurill. Allen » N Hampshire Hardin*"Emeyson - Panthea (JoodwanaonAiabamiaa Law " Robt. liaac Treeman" gwtiea Hookies " Virginia Eaton

    - wkihestsr rSS " "ikSE4,1 w,u

    For further particalara apply ta


    faiaona wishing to fend to the old country for their friends.Saiaki the necessary smngemeate nth the eoboenhars,bare them eome out in thia superior line of packcta, swinel Liverpool on the Tth and Hth of every month. They winhayaa Bret rate elaaa of American transient ships tailing

    jaaay sarth day. thereby affording a weekly communicationmp UHI yon. Una ar the linn. Mr. Jin a U. Kneue.ia tltofeand will remain dmiug the ymr 1M3, 'neee that all the j>e rtouadty*«P*diy hare been paid Here are forwarded with earaBheuMthe part iee agreed far not eana oat the money will bereturned to thoaa who paid it here without any deduction.The Ih iPacoanper. ing thialine are :

    « rftsnAr^WSL ^ c8l5yZiSu|J


    E NEN1

    J. Orvllle Taylor's Lecture on CouimonSchools anil Education, at the SocietyLibrary.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,.W e hare assembled this evening for the improvementot the Common School.a school we call

    common; not aa inferior; not as the school for poormen's children; but as the 1 ght and ihs air arecommon. And what is common to all, should bethe be«t of all. IV* have met under those per-vadnig, though, perhaps, uut xpressed convictions,that without incessant watchtulness.without auunsleeping eve for ever over public lnaiitu ion«,ther becomepike wastes,'and enrnmoni-open ap;aren.Ijto all, productive of benefit to cene We havecome together, uut to say whether a rail oad shallbe made from this to sMiie other place, nor whetherone of yoar citizens shall be elected to some office;no, we have met to advance the best good of tomorrow'ssociety.for children are to morrow's society.Our object is to ask your ater.tion to theinfiaiie worth ot this inward bring-this immortalThought.this boundless Capacity. Epietetuswaswont to say, that '« it wns much better for a peopleto meet, to see how tbey might elevate the soals oi°the,r citizens than the roofs of their houses." Itis for this better purpose that we have eonveued.And, before 1 proceed further, 1 will requestthe privilege of being familiar and conversationalin my manner this evening. It is my wishto use the colloquial style, for I have found that ifmake men feel this susj-ot.if I ma'te them talkabout it when they go home, and net for it hereafter,1 mutt talk to ttaeiu while they sro with me.u aman talk* to a man, a* a lawyer talk* to hi* jury.In explanation of my object, it'yon will permit meto bringintconj motion two (treat names,1 will repeatthat beautiful and forcible criiicisiu of Longiau*,onthe manner and effect ef the speeking of Cicero andDemontheces. He tell* u* that when the |>enplewent from one of Cicero'* rations, they alwayssaid "tVhat a beautiful speaker! what a rick finevoice! what an eloquent man Ciceio is! Theytalked of Cicero But when the people left Demosthenes,they said to each other, let us fight Phi ip. *(Applause.) Ladies uud guntlemen, if i shall euc coedt»-niglit >>> making you say, aa yoa go home,let us fight ignorauco, ( shall have gained the onlyobject I have in deliveriug this lecture The lessthe speaker and his manner is noticed cr thoughtof the bett r. The friends of education are apt toexpectje very thing from the goodness of their cans#and therefore do hat tor it themselves. Yes,the cause of the people's education is so good.sovery undeniably good.that but very fewcare any thing for it. Yet each one has not only apublic, hnt a private interest in the subject. Hethat attends to his interior self, th t has a heart an Jkeeps|it, a mind that hungers, and suppliesit; whoseeks a useful, not a worthless life, has a deep interestin the subject of education; for he it somethingless than a man who does not daily educatehimself to the utmost "And who woufa supposethat education weie a thing which had to be auvac«tcdon the groued of individual or national good;o*, indeed, on any groundl Ae it it s>ood not onthe basis of everlasting duty.a prime necessityand birthright of man It is a thing that shouldneed no advocating, as mach as it does actuallyneed. To imparl the gift of thinking to those whocannot think, and yet have the capacity for thought,one would imagine, was the very fiist function ofa government to discharge. Would it not be a cruelthing to see the inhabitant* oi this eity, living ailmutilated in their limbs, each strong man with hieright arm brokenl How much more so, to find thestrong soul, with its eyes still sealed, its pulse gone,o that it beate not, trebs not. Light hat come into

    this world, hut to the ignorant soul it bae come invain. For six thousand years the sons of Ydam, insleepless effort have been devising, doing, discovering.warring,a little bend of brothers, againsttha empire of night. And tbejr have made a nobleconquest. But to tbis man, it is all as if it had notbeen. The thoughts that millions of intellectshave lived by, and that now live on, in everlastingmusic, come not to him. He paeeee by on the otheraide.that rich mental kingdom, tha toil worn conquestof bis own brothers, is a boon not for invisible knows it not. Who wouldthink it to be necesaary to advocate an educationfor such a brotherT' It is encouraging ta aaethieindifference to man's higher noble nature fast passingaway. Europe is covering herself with Comiiiun ocnouii, ana mrones are ia a contest to enlightenignorance The naoat perfect schoolsystem in the world, is that an psraaWlly foetared bj the despotic king of Prnssia. So perfect,in theory and practice, is this Prussian system, thatit educates every child in the kingdom. Three ofits most striking aud peculiar features are worthyof a short notice irom us. And first, whatever relatesto the system has impressed upon it the highestreapeet. The Minister of Public Instruction isselected for his high attainments andAalente, and herauks in station next to the king. Secondly, theteache;s are educated for their profession. Mo manis a'loryed to teach a school, until he has studiedthe "Art of Teaching," and intends to make thecalling his profession for life. Prnssia haa fortytwoNormal schools or seminaries to educateschool teachers. These two features we shouldborrow; for the glory of a people does not consist innever borrowing any thing, bat in perfecting everything they borrow. The third feature we, perhaps,could not introduce. You will say that its compulsory nature irtoutrary to our feelings and to thespirit af our institation If the Prnasian parentsrsltcti to send hi.* children to school, the policeolticer takes him ta pri on, and the children toschool. Wc might improve a little on this, andtake the parent to school also.(laughter).for sneha citizen needs as much instruction as the children.Many have said to me," " the state has no rightto compel par< nU to send their children to school."What! bait the state a right to send a man to thegallows right to send him to school 1 Shallthe state be known only as the jailor, the executioner,and not the educator'! 1 say the Statenu adfortreeaaa, bat 50,000 Coaamoa 8ckaola ! Eaahel.oola Sentiael of Liberty.aLigbtHaaaeaf Free-

    W YO£W YORK. THURSDAYdoa.( Applause.) Hera is not a *ciet r with its theasar.dabuses to reform; with its half fed untaughtmillions, crying for food and guidance at thepoint of (he bayonet No ! but a prosperous, freepeople, with lour millions of children to be educated.There hate always been two empires inthe of foree, and the other of reason ;for men enn be governed only in these two ways.Conaequi ntly, there must be either soldiers orschoolmasters. books or bayonets . camps andcampaigns, nr schools and churches.the ballotbox, or the cartridge box No# (he first publicbuildings i f our forefathers were the School-houseand the Church. Their united instruction hasmade us a great people ; may their infinences beimpeiishable. (Cheering applause) I have tables,^KDiaineu uy invent!)? in sixteen ui me Mate*, anafio n a close investigation for the last eleven years)which prove, that from a I those taught to read inthis conn ry, nineteen out of twenty, receive alltheir instruction in the|Coranion Seliotls. Thisimportant information shows us that, as is the Co cornon School, so is the education of the people Thee lunation of the American people, taken as a whole,is just what the Common Schools are prepared togive. How many in this large assembly have ree-ivcd any other education than that from the CommonSchools ! If these schools had been better,the education would have been better Althoughall here have been inapioved by education, everyone of reflection is conscious, when he beginsto reason and compare, of many defeats in hismental powrrs, and many ineonveuient andembarrassing habits, which wight have beenpreveo'ed, or remtdied, by a better early education.Yet (he Co:nmou Seh ols, whatever maybe their condition, teach the nation, 'fheseschools'edueate the farmers, they educate the mechanics,the merchants, thelegislator.-,the mothers.They ate the people's colleges.ihe sun of ihe people'smind.lamps of freedom, lit up all over thislaud to pour tucir light upon our institutions. Defectivea< they are, the elementary schools bestowand sustain the nation's liberty. It was intelligencethat reared np these mnjestic columns, andthe empire uud liberty of these States will stand orfall Common Schools: for liberty under law,cannot exist without the schoolmaster- Whoeverbuilds a school hotue, or teaches u good school, iserectinr toe fairest monument u> freedom. Blowout the light of these institutions, geutlemen.locknp t e dooreof (he school house .let darkness restu pon iiioe roofs, and agriculture is forgotten, manufactures shut down their gate-, and commerce castsher anchor. Strike from existence these iott ilectualfoun sins, and rapid would be our stepa back to thelavage stats, liut, fellow ci'izen-, to neglect theseschools, is worse than to destroy them. Mai in-formation is worse than no information. hunger itbatter than poisooej food. The worse people onthe whole ear'h to govern ia a balf-cducated people.educatedenough to read what the demagogueays, but not enough to know whether it be trueor .not. Gentlemen, as 1 hare pa ted through thiscity, I have said we may pile our hill tops withGrei ian architecture, but let the plain schoolhouse go down and where u our foundation..(Strong applause ) If the time shall ever comewhen this great government will totter, the causewill be found iu tne ignorance of th< people. "Andthe people per th for lack ofknowledge." I willnow ask your attention to the connection betweenCommon Schools and the higher literary institutions.academies,colleges and professional seminaries.If the children all over the land, in theirfirst sehoels can receive a love of knowledge.adesire for a higher improvement.if thsy can inthese first steps in knowledge, find their studiestheir delight, if they shall associate with the improvementof their minds every thing that is agreeable,they wi'l go from the Common School to thencademy,and from the academy .to the college andprofessional seminary ; poverty nor parents csnnotkeep them down. And thus will the CommonSchool give the college its heat support. But letthe Common Schools remain neglected ; let thechildren in them learn to cipher to the Rule erthat(lay t-hall arrive, the firat maxim that nc shall establishwill be, it i* cheaper to edacote the infxntmind, than to svppnrt the aged criminal. (An.plume Ion* repeated.) Give your pence to comnon school* and save your pounds on prison- No,net sare your pounds, but write over yourprison doors."To Let !" Man was not madeto be sent to p-isoa, but to be educated ;and as John Wilkes said, " tho very w«r*tuse yon can pat a man to is te hang him."(Great laughter ) Punishment to prevent crime,gentlemen! it comes like the physician'.- preserip.lion at the funeral, too late (Renewed laughter )Treads-mills to prevent crime! Why, the treadmillonly fatigues the museles; crime springs fromweak moral faeaities and overactive propensities.Would yon use an argument to turn over a rosk, ora crow bar to convince a maul (General laughter )Hut it is our duty to educate a warmits elevate its purify its moralsand to direet its energies. This is our high andsacred oftiee. Yet how slightly have we consider-ed lhis subject, uh-n, every where it is held to bethe first and legitimate duty efthe State to pros idejudges and hangmen for the people. It is a duty toprovide the prison, the fetter, and the gallows. Itis the duty of the State to destroy human beings,living minds that bear the impress of ihe divineworkmanship, however tarnished ; und wor.-e thanthis, it is held as a duty for the Slate to immute burnin beings in dungeons, to deprive them of the objectsof the external world, and of God's creation ;to create for them a living death, to tmn the mindinto a b auk, and throw the warm gushing* of humanfeelings, and nymnathies, and affection*, backinto a fearful chaos. It is the duty of the State topunish, to send forth fearlul retribution tothose who break the law. But hitherto the halfcivilization of Congre**, and the semi-barbarism ofthe State Legislatures. (laughter)- and the divineright of demagogues have not thought it a duty toprovide for the people, protended to be governed,the means of religious and intellectual advancement,to enable them to know and understandtheii duties as regards this life and the lifeto come. Compelled to obey laws which theysearcely ever heard of, the necessity for whichthey cannot see, and yet not allowed'to plead ignoranceof those laws, the poor ignorant lawbreakeris held up to ihe law's viadictivencss andtho bitter retribution of his fellows. The law issevere to punish crimes; it can kill the poor offendingwruteh. and send him before his Maker when itpleas' a. Powciful but impotent law, it judges ofthe act, it thinks that it knows the motive thatlrdto it; but hera it atops and here it fails. It can punish,and in the very zeal of thissaered power, almosttoo awful to be placed in human hands, itpunishes daily; but how inefficient arc its pun.lahmenls. When Hwl th»v »v»r rinn. l.i.lened offender? They coerce the body to convincethe mind.Tain effort! the ((rent practicalblunder of human lociety in all ages and in alltime* Should not the law be equally powerful toprereLtas to'panish crime? hew murderouslr unjustto punieh where we might prevent! Is not thedepravity of hnmnn nature revealed to us fromheaven? is it not written on the heart of man?And should not human efforts be means of grace?Statesmen, legislators, how long will you dare toinsult both heav«n and man? how long will ye trusttt penal sletu'es, public executions, dungtons,chains, and treadmiVs. instead of that high intellectualand moral influence bv which alone youonght to rule? .(Applaure.) Why, every chainyou forgt, every prison you build, every tormentyou invent, whether of perpetual silence or soli uyconfinement, which blast the mind to idiotcy, youmight hare saved, ia and shall be a disgrace to you,juui vuhuiij) «uu jvmw iiiuci.^cneeun^ ana cn^sof "true," "right," from several voices).while'you leave untouched thoie mighty mean* wilhwhichthe strong arm of power inrefta you, of giving tothe whole mai* of the people, down to the lowertcitizen king that live* upon thia free toil, a petfectacquaintance with hi* duly to God and man, andfitting opportunities for the full and free dcvelopementof tnat immortal mind which bnt bad* herebat shall blonom in eternal freedom hereafter.Circumatancea lead to crime, and it i* the oflice ofthe legislature and the educator to correct thecireumitance*, as well a* to pno^h the criminal.Bnt we are more willing to execute the law, thanto prevent it* inflection. Yet we should rememberthai constabulary force* and court* cost more thanchools; to aave pence, we apend pound*, (billing*,and peace.we reduce the school master's salarya few dollar* and spend thousand* on sheriff* andpenitentiaries. But this i* not only expensive andruinous, it is ctuelty, for we, by neglecting thechild, produce vice, and then punish it; erect gallows,and then supply them with victim*. Themore we reflect upon the connection between crimeand blind heedless ignorance, the more we ahullbe convinced that thire is no true eradic.tor ofcrime, but a well principled educition. Penalcodes, active police, poor houses on the most liberalscale, are all but substitutes and palliatives.Theeye of the law is not all seeing; the mostactivelegislation cannot be at all times, and in allplaces, with the people. To check crime, we mustcheck the disposition to ciime; to prevent overtacte, we must create an omnipresent control ovgrthe heart.set np the man in watch over hiroselfaudmake conscience the nniversvl preventive. (Applause.)Bnt now it iseur pur sea and prisons firrt,anu our minaa ana mnrsis att- rwardH. 11 the latter(ball follow we are pleased with the news; but underall ci renm stances, and at all hazards, our pursesand our prisons ! Give the children of the poorthat education which will enable them to see, honestly,their own condition and resources; whichwill cultivate hi them an onward-looking hope.which will give them inthair lei.nre hours, rationalamusemeut.this, and this only, will work out thatmoral revolution, the legislators noblest ambition"Neither is man a human poor box, into whosemouth we are to drop a few cents daily." No, heis a divine being, made for education and usefulnets;instead of building poor houses and prisons,let us by education open the doors of these millionsof prison houses ef ignorance.

    Bostou.(Correspondence of the Herald.)

    Boston, March 1,1S42.Caledonia.Unicorn.Fourth ofMai ch.Dickens Din'ner.Aristi tracy vi Democracy.end 'filing* in General.

    DB AR Sih :.A true-born Yankee would fain be registered as

    one of your correspondents, and though he may notbe aa learned or witty as many who now cater foryour nnmeroua readers, he is at least aa holiest anddevoted to tne interest 01 wnatcvcr cause be mayespouse.The all-absorbing topic of conversation in the

    atreeta, and public placea of resort, ia the probablefate of the steamehip Caledonia; while many giveup all hopes of her safety, and would go intomourning for the loss of her passengers, otherscling to the fond hope that all will yet be well, andthat we may yet have the satisfaction of welcomingthia farorite steamer's safe arrival into port." Fourth of March" is eloae at hand, and many

    are the preparations for the faithful celebration ofthat eventful day; balls, parties, and all sorts offashionable amusements are talked of, and " big"must that day be with the " carryiags-nn" in the"eityof notions." Your bumble servant will be"a ehiel among them," to take no'es.and fai'h, itwill be at your option whether they are printed ornot.The late Dickens dinner in this city was conductedwith eo much meanness, and want o| knowledgein the art of making a public entertainment

    popular with the people, that another one, on a differentplan, is now in contemplation ; and from theamount of funds already subscribed, I should thinkit hardly possible lor u 10 »« oncoming ono °«tha moat splendid, geaerons, tad, what i« more, aceeptabla,craetinca Charlaa Diekent haa vat hadthis aide at tha Atlantic. Boaton is famous for suchthings, when her citizens have the control oftham ; bat when a set af simpletons, styling themaelraathe literati of the city, trying to lead them,jno aae meanaeaa and ignorance in abnndanee.There ia in this eity, and I believe more in thia

    city than ia any other, a disposition to tranaaetevery thing on aristocratic principles.and whenthey catch aforeign notion they can never rest easytill they have distributed it among their neighborsThis is becoming characteristic of Boston, and shemay yet wish herself a New York ere long, on theaeale of good society. Bat while this portion ofoar city derives such great satisfaction's favoringforeign notions, there is another class whieh deserveshonorable mention.and that is the democraticportion, or rather the mass This is the society.thia is the people; and to saeh we now intendto mtrodnee " lioz," on his return to BostonTheatricalsere rather law ia this eity. TheTremoat haa raa down, with #10,COO lose to themanagers. This presents a warning to all silly mennever to nndertake the aaaaagemeat of a Theatre.The National haa baaa doing a tolerable badnessia tha " respectable" line.


    ffc« Two Canta

    L lie wrather >> uiiunu .1 \ line, una we haTt- cnutefoth.nk Providence for the mercy he hat nhownto poor people in providing mch moderate weatherwhen the time!) are to bard1 hnve an invitation to an " Irinh Wake," whichit to kurpaot anything of the kind in thi* city. Itii to be in the h:gher circles', and will aflord amplegroundwork 1

    B auu mieresiing letter.Faitbfu'ly your*, ClIROHIt LKR.IlanrltbuifiICorrtipoiidrnce ol tlx tltriM-lHiimibBuaa, March 1,1841.The ReMumjtiivn Hill.Bank*, tfC.On yesterday the Senate took up the amendment*made by the House to the Senate, aiaendmenfa tothe Bank Bill, and after some time spent iu theirconsideration, non-concurred in all except two orthree unimportant ouea. As the bill came into tb*Senate yesterday, it was certainly a most ridiculousaffair, and deserred their disappn.bati< n..That you may form some idea of the master-spirit*we hare among ua, I send you the bill as it pastedthe House ot Representatives 1 he bill has nowbeen sent to the House, where, if they insist upontheir amendments, as in all probability they will,it will be referred to a committee of conference.You will readily perceive, if you have not longsince, that our Solnna are endeavoring to grupp ewith a subject which tb< y do not understand, andthis fact indeed has been the ca ise of nearlyall our diatreases. There is an erroneous ideaamong the people. A man must ten. »........ uj prricvertng industry and application to make a \rb«rUban**, but all Penoaylraniaiis are born legislators.

    Bniiferupt List.80UTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK.Alonzo P Smith, New Yerk, to be declared bankruptAprilll; George D Davis, do, April 3; Eugene McCarty,do; John Thomson, do, April 0; Oritf. o Brundoge. Jo.April); Cyrus P Boyd, Fishkill, do; HeDry Burr, NewYork, April 0; Charles Dennison Birdieyo and SylvesterG Langdon, do, April 3; Daniel C Ketclium, NewYork, April 0.NORTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK.

    Lewis Foster, Bcio, to be declared bankrupt March 30;SamuelGunsaul,Schenectady, March 34; Simon Glen,Jr. do; Dewitt C Gridliy, Watertown, Match 01; ShubaelGallup, Butlalo, March 31; E Gordon, Galen, March06, David Gould, Alexandria, March 06; 11 H George,Pamelia, do; William A Gilbert, Jetferson co, March 31;Grove S Gilbert Rochester, March 06; John W Hadden,Wayne ro, March 31; Asa Howard, Albion, March 06;Daniel 8 Hulitt, Schenectady, March 01; Jas liarkniss,Albany, March 17; Henry A Hatch, Utica. March 01; SR Hunt, Rensselaer co, March 30; Ik-nry Huntz, Brownville,March38; Ehen F Humphrey , Gab n, do; WilliamHart, Deerfleld, March 35: Benjamin House, Perrington,March 36; James Kelaey.Kipley, do; Stephen A Ketchnm,Schenectady,do; Walter Kimball, Sackctt'a Harbor,March 31; Orville Kelapy, Le Roy, March 38; Wm Kina-t-y, Duuua, uv; nmi/uewn, »yraeaae. do; Liinktrr,Montgomery co. March 17; Aaron O Lyon*, Albany,March 33; Joaeph R Lee. Pultney. April I; Jebtt T Lacy,Chili, March 30; George K Mosa,Aureliua, March 31; JacobMonk, Schenectady, Match 34; Rufua O Merrill,Brockport, March 31; Kraatua H Mix, Rocheater, do; AMcMillen, Onondaga, March 31; Joarph Merullent, Batavia,March 30; Jaapnr Murdoch, Buffalo, March 38; IncreaaeCMiller,do.March34; laaac F Mack. Kocheater,March 36; Henry ¥ McGlackin, do do; Alfred SMellen,Jc (In son co. March 31; Cheater Mullen, do, March 33;A B McGoulgal,do; Wm l'Mellrn, Fredonia,March36;Jnmea Norton. Jr. do; Walter Peck, Oawego co; Samuel1 Piaster, Albany, Mareh 31; Danforth Petty, do; WaaTattcn, Manliur, March 33; Henry D Palmer, Rocheater,March 36; Ebrnezer W I'ago, do; George W Powera,Jefferson co. March 31; Hiram P Potter, Cooporatown,March 36; Jeremiah D Quackenbiith, Cicero, March 34;8amu«l Race. Mentz, March 17; Chatlea Ramadell, Bulfalo,March 36; Robert lluaaell, do; Teter M Reynolda,Carthage, March 33; Peter Hchermerhorn, Schenectady,March 34; Myron Se.ara, Bennett, March 33; A Smith,ltochoaterf March 34; Fred A Spalding,do, March 36;JatneaSillick, Schenectady, do; Uanirl Spencer, Albany,March 31; Jacob Battle, Albany co. do; Wm H Snow,Limit a, March 36; Edward Sackett, Sackett'a Harbor,March 31: Lyman A SpaulJing. Lock (tort, March 36;,Charle* S< lton. Auburn, March 33, Wni W Sanford,Lyona,March 33; Wm A Spooner, Qneenihury, March 38;Beth J Tice, llenaaelaer co. March 36: Timothy H Taylor,Manliui, March 33; George Thurger, Rocheater,March 36; Leonard W Trent, Dunkirk, March 16; WmB Treadwell. Albany, March 33; Jamea Taylor, water'ford, March 36; Nicnolua Van ltmaaelaer, Schenectady,March 34; Jcaeph Rankin, do, March 31; John Vandocar,Troy. Muroh til-. Uardinttr Vino-nt. Cleetnn. Marrli *Galen O Weed, Atirelia, March 21;' John WWoodburnjCherry Valley. March 17; Nathaniel Wilgus, Buffalo,March 26; T T Woodruff, Brownville, March 2«; EliphaletWelch. Salina, March 22; Reuben Whiiler, Ogden,March 26; Tbot Warren, Fredonia, do; Calrin VKWoodworth, Whitecreek, do; Henry J C Walker, Auburn,do; Jofiah L Yeckley, (Jorham,March 24.

    DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS.Edward Allen, Soliibury, to be declared bankrupt inBoa o-i,on tho flrat Tueiday of May neat; Koiwell P An'gier, Worcester; More* Abbott, Methuen; Eraitua Barber,Boaton; Charlei A Brown and George 8 Jackson,do; Joseph Brigga, Hanover: Athan firewater, Northampton;William H Brown, Salem; Arnold Boydm,Lowell; CharlesA ButterfielJ, Andover; Eliaha Bayden,Beliingham; Paul Butftini, Douglas*; Jonathan Burrage,Kitchhurg; Daniel Butfum, Douglass; Z«ra C Bayley,Lowell; Stephen Cha'd. Boston; William E Currier,Newburvport; John F Col bath, Natick; Edw Chamberlin,Jr. Brighton; Wm P Dutton. Boston; George W Domerritt,Haverhill; Enoch Karle, Worcester; SamuelEverett, Miltou, Simon Folsom, Sonthhridge; Caleb &Fiike, Holden; Joseph S Frye, Salem; Eliphaz O Gleasoa,Wcstboro'; Alfred Goodwin. Lowell: Daniel Gorton,Pepperill; Joseph Gerry, Fitchburg; George Gillia,Lowell; Jabez F 11-wes, Boston; Kenhen llodgman.Jr.Asliby; Stiles Hannum, Belchcrtown; James L llolmea.Plympton; Willis Harden, Abbington; Joseph Johnson,Wm R Johnson, Boston; Samuel W Johnson, Milbury;John Knowlton, Boston; Oliver King, Methuen: Wm 8Knowlton, Bouthbridge; Calvin Kuowlton, Sonthbridge;Calvin Knowlton,Grafton; Benjamin Kimball 8d, Metbuen;Eton A Lee, Wm and Charles H Lathrop, AlomoMarshall.Francis McKenna, Boaton; Edward B Morse,Haverhill; Darius Meaaer, Methuen; Nathl S Moore,Montgomery; Wm C Msitin, Lowell; Aaron R Merrilleld, Northampton; Jefferson Noyea, Wm B Naaon,Boaton;Frederick R Newell,Cambridge; Cady Osgood,Methuen;Orra Pratt, Natick; A Porter, Haverhill;Alpha Preaby,Deilham; Jason Richardson, Woburw,

    John Ruaa, Lowell; O-orge Roberta, Andover: CalebRichardson, Jr. Danvcra; Jesaph Raynes, Lowell; CalvinRichardson. Chelsea, Joseph Ray, Franklin; HiramSmith, Boston: Wm Boutherlaud, Jr. Upton; BenjaminP Smith, South Hadlay; Daniel Sabin, Douglass; JohnB'udley, Hanover; Uaiah M Small. Topitield; KtbridgeO Shelden, Holden; F.d wardi S Saodford, Midway; SilvnnuaThomaa, Ply ai]4on; Thama* Wright,"Boaton. CliaWhittemore, Groton, Win Wilaon, Northampton: FarleyWatera, Douglaia.

    V. S. Circuit! Court.Before Jnd^e Betta.

    Ma«ch2-The Gra d Jnry came into Couitwith billa of ind ctmant againat Haory Scriererand William Harding, maatfcr and mate of theahip Hanry Clay, for cruel conduct towarda Waa.Bonell.aLoagaim-t Patrick C Martin, for atab*bins the captain of the brig Cicero with a ahenthknife, while lying at the port of Cardine, on thecoaat of San lllaa, anme raentha aince. Tbe priaonerawere arraigned, plead not guilty, and theirtriala aet down for Monday neat, to whieh timethe petit jury waa diacharged.

    Court of Oyer and Terminer.Before Judge Kent and Aldermen Purdy and Lee.Mauch 2 .Tha hill of exaeptiom ia the eaae ofWilliam B. Wiley, waa acted upon aud admitted,after whieh the Coart adjourned aine dia.- The Circuit Court ataada ndjottrned to the «thin.t nhM the Stet.e t.U.J .... S...« iL.note mid to have been given by the officers of acbnreb, and, on whieh the jury in eereral trial*eoald not agree, (reported some time since) will bebrought np.

    V. States District Court.Before Jndge Belt*.March 2 .Thirty-on- eaieof Uinkrnptey, thenotice in >*g*rd to which matured to day, wereealled up. Tne following were objected to : BenjCox. George Brown, Tboaa* D. I^ee, and CassandraFritbee. Brown was opposed by Stephen J.Field, on the ground that he bad asaigned certain

    debts to latter, but still went on collecting a portionofthem; that he has, since January, 1841, favoredcertain persona as preferred creditors, andthe complainant believes that he still has property.An examination of the matter is to take place beforeJudge E iwards. The others were ebj'Sted toprincipally on the ground of inf. .rmality, and denyingthe constitutionality of the law.Chatham Tiicatrb..The attractions of Jemmy

    Twitcher are proof against the " elemental rage.Despite the inclemency ! the weather, the Chathamlast evening again reverberated to the applause of

    uinlifnce. The rain oourrd and thestreets overflowed, hut the lovers of (tin exclaimed" vel, vot of it." This evening the "Golden Farmer"is again presented, also " Roderick vich alptoDhu," by J. R Scott, accompanied by Mrs. Thomeas the " Lady of the Lake," who looks the part admirablywell;

    " For ne'er did Orscian c jisel traceA ayasph, a naiad, or a grasa.With (airas fans or fairer toaa."