Tfiß SEATTLE MAY TO COOK'S INLET, MARKETS AND TRADE …p.Aiiw»-. ROT:tk» JTv of Waahioator leaves...

rrcAMK**- 'jimllß #TEAMSHIP COHPAJfT. ?rwa OAKLAND AND KVANOrL £S «£tT *wns-md Neah Bey route. CtrUr ' i4tr|i TmI»T <J«A 9 19- C" - T-sseys and Thor»day» at UJ» B- *- ?L. port A«rete*» Fort rrwffnt. P .?: print. Clallam Rav »wl Neah for f'"«~ Townaeiwl. Fort An- *2? and VWtor-i M<jaday*. WadMSdaps fiSVrSeta It «*» P \u25a0»? ' ?*«*«* Seattle s#r?»*t' ear" »» 2 -'> P m. AVD port wash- f©&T u,v tvrjTOK ROUTE «TTAMKP A. It HOBWKW. OrdSni S »r.d Port Washier-' iLw C'ty 4o"k, foot <rf Main t. V> a ii (»!Bbc at South Beach. Hr -It Y - . Br».-a*tinn. i: S. v,r4 «idn*y. Charlwlga Tr«^on. ?ilTcrdale 3>«n*es Port Orchard C»iM»n a' 2 J>. «r. : arrive Seattle at , r N master l.'.Hjr, 4*_*!b» * CO-. «»«Tita. Telephone. P A C T9tAN»I*OF.TATION CO.?Week- ly riMMwMtlfTt. Kk*gtt Rftrer route. *** May it, at » a. m.; May *. M r 22 at 13 noon. Lwwea H x -l _ v»> » at 1 pro. mßlnr at Wt Tuialip. manwoodTPtr, for \f; V i" in»« £ Q jpAffTLT TACOMA. VANCOUVER. B C. I topsa for Fort To*rn*«n«J. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0« Whatcom, BLAINE ami VAN- whsrf Mondays and ?^-V.s p. m. Blalue. f-. Vancouver. J* f ot information, Yseler dock. ~ VICTOR IA ROUTS* STEAMEL ROSALIE. dock. leaves for Victoria and sZTTowwM-iui daily, except Sunday. at iS a in : r**urr»:ug. I"are* Victoria at rVTis m Bieam-r George E Starr i«»ve» 5i Pnrt and way port* daily. *z:./ r > Saturday, at VOO p. m Sunday. Z?Vt at 9a. m returning, direct, ieavea town*"n«l at 2p, m. *Pkaae, Pike ». * PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. Turn Card In Effect Juas I, UN. MATTUt. EVERirrr * whatcom p.Aiiw»-. RO T:tk» of Waahioator leaves Seattle JTv ftctpf Ha!ujdar at 10 p. ip. mlfrLF A [~A CONN Bit no PTE. F»irhav«n leave* Seattle dai!y. except g»taf<iay. at W p- n>- "tlesli jee. Main m Te«i«r dock. 0.R. 8 M. 4 Xs the most direct line. Seattle to all polnta Cast and Southeast. Pullman pal- ace sleepers, upholstered tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars; steam beat. Plntsch light. For tickets to or froa any Mint la the Untied States. Canada or Europe, call on or address E. £. KLUI, Ueacral igest, CIS First avenue, Seattle; 107 PacUtc avenue. Taeoma. ME AO SWIM | HKAU RWIF. UEAI) SWIM. HEAD SWIM. HEAD SUIW. HEAD SWIM. HEAD SWIM. p*(kifs| * K »r»». A swimming sensation in the head, the netesslty to hold to plilar or post <>n!y for a second, shows there is something the matter with the man. W HAT IS THE MATTER f Undoubtedly the Individual Is afflicted with some form of liver disorder: it may be worse, tt may be nervous debility, or some f.*rm of nervous disorder. If you are in this condition you can use with swfety the Hudyan Remedy treatment You can get Htidyan only from the Hud- son Doctors. Write or call. Htidyan cures Spermatorrhea. Nervous, M'-ntal or Physical Debility and the pe- culiar diseases and disabilities of man. CIRI l KARS FREE. 30-PAY CURE First, secondary 10 pIY CURB or tertiary form of 30-DAY CURB blood troubl. « can Sft-DAY CURE be cured with ?0- 30-DAY 'CURB- Day Blood Curo. WRITE FOR CIRCILAR9. Hudson Medical Institute JIMCTIOM Stoektos, Market and Ellis Sts., M\ FHAMITSt'O, CAE. CORti'IT HUDSON DOCTOR# FRED. CONBUI.T HUDSON DOCTORS FREE «<ONSUI.T HUDSON DOCTORS FREE. CONSULT HI'DSON FREE. CONW7I.T HUDSON IXXToRS FREE. O >NSULT HUWJOX l> »CTORS FREE. CONIIULT HI'DSOK DOCTORS FREE. O>.St«JLT HUDSON IMICT'IRS FREE. OONSirT.T ITUDSON DOCTORS FREE. IX>NSULT HUDSON DO«TORS FREE. CiSnSUI.T HI'DSON rVKTORS FRFE O)NBULT HUDSON DOCTORS FREE. CONSUT.T HT*T»SoN DOCTORS FREE. CONSULT HUDSON IXXTORS FREE. MADE ME A MAN §AJk\ TABLETS rOSITirrU' CTRK Alf Vrr.,»i IHiMwr filifau »r j. Meef ,ew*«ee,et«- c*u«e»i I(M><l s h«r KintwwK »al tu4t«- (|v<inti ftry ««Mi (aiWf |«K»r» !»»« VUsht* ®ul )Ui4 II a »u tar . bwuna or m»n rrwi,i InMUt" »b4 < o*«n« .'if ia tttr* Tk*.r «fco»» iw-s»mii+ut itij-iw m**' »od ???.-«-? CORF la riu ujwo ka«tn« lit* AimJL T Thmt ««n»l thow«.*A4> as>i »ill .-«r» two * ? «1*» ? ? n i»n iwnii* »&>*> > car* ia mcr .m Of P»faad B«M1 fri.-a SO casta s«r !?*> >ao, M ail pawtasaa If*.. irMMK'.I tar Kk aai'.ts t ?.o wrarrwr cm* iwMKOfMta Ilrearar fnw AJ AX RfcMEDY CO., For *a'e by Stewsrt St Holmes Co.. XS First avenusw and R. R. Leitbaad. First aad Marios. buvErtn! V MS IB IK«ty VSH COOKH PHmIOMKMY taE. Ml ltaMale T«a»l«a vzrszJZ u'ezjL'ZZ svM B*s M <sy» femsl* iSfalMer Tall* <»0 Vf i If fer W "nun . Mtfriarl JVw;l kJBISaI ».2J« ft ftlkftt.n> rv BAiS JUAN ISLANDS gTF.AMKC. LYDIA THOMPSON. r*rr'v,' : \u25a0 l >"" City Vf. K foot of Mail! street. Moaday. wLlseedey and Fri'lny at la m for Port ?ten*!.}. San J"*" Islands and New 4-- Returning, Imvm K w What- Min Tuesdav. Thursday and Mm;unlay, at rn J R Thompson, many gar-owner. Lltiv, Bogardus if Co., agents. City dock, frlepborie, Main $7. Jl KftiUSß A MADISON LINE. Carrying Passenger* and Freight. Steamars Cleveland and La It me will leaet> fen Franeiso regularly for it;le ond ffcootJ. collecting- for *ll points. JT gfe'. »l per ton. For freight and p*v iu« app.y to E E. CAINE Agent. Arlington Dock. HOOD (ANAL ROUTE. 1 S MAIL * STEAM Kit DELTA leaves Oall.ralth dock foot of Washing- ton street. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat- ya at 7 o'clock B. m , for Kingston. ftti QemMe, a>e*u-<'k. Briiuion, Holly. X**vgtt<9. Lilliwaup Fail*. Ho<wiapirt and tfatati City Returns alternate days. D TROUTMAN, Master. Telephone, lied 151. WHATCOM. SEATTLE AND TACOMA KOI TE. Take steamer BAY CITY for Anacort*?. Patrtiaven or Whatcom Leave? Oumner- ctsl dock Tacoma. 2 p. m ; City dock Main mrrti) Seattle, ft p. m . Tues., Thurs and Pat Returning leaves What- t<m * p in Fair haven. S;li p m.. and Anacnrtes 10 p m.. Sun , Wtdnet. and Fit Fares Seattle Jl. or Jl 30 round trip, Tscotna Jl & or J2 round trip. W H ELLIS. PORT ORCHARD ROUTE. Steamer MARY F. PERLEY. Imtm Qalbraith'g dock foot of Washing- ton sir**' far by Ivan < irove, Bremerton, V H Navy Yara Charleston. Sidney, at »»a m. <\u25a0«*> p in Sundays 9:30 «. m.. 'Mp. di Returning. leaves Sidney at #:lo i m. 12J5 p, m Navy Yard f;Vft a. m. :ZM p m.. Sundays, leave Sidnev 300 p. n* Navy Yard 39) n. m ; Saturday nights, leave Sidney. * <*» o'clock; Navy Yum. tut Telephone, Red l&l. tR TJ N 8 Kl4.llAM ftLEKPIMO ( tR<, EI.KI.tXT DIM IMG PARK TIH KI«»T 9LKBFIMO CARS ?TO?- **? Faol, Misittspalit, Dalath, '***?? ».e«»g l*ark(. Crsskalsa, RtUaa, lad Ratle. Pkllndelphlo, WsihUfUs, l*w York. Tinitoa s«d All Pslsu Fast and Snatfc. \u2666 \u2666 Ik liner's Popy'iir Route p * ??TO? 7 |rossland| | -4A# ALL- 11 5 Kootenai Points, £ timi: M IK. I* K9rc( %i»nl I rM.«rV !X8 LKAV| pkattle. nj. St. r*»J &£& {StS «4 «Wi : " "WSP*"'-" iiWi;'* 4 * --- * - N ?~A RRJ £~AT~3i: A TTLE. " ipoit*!,. H, mmUU*. t?t \u2666fcvT? <\u25a0;>, tx. B1 £**Qf » ? *»4 Sk-.Jth lyE*,; « « Pl m. *»« # 4 uJ# J!y ex v vU oti»»r* ;'r!v f* r4 wiuiovi M- kl..?*.:** i : '****? ' *r. ar 1 rtt r-, "J a »«a»h!» Coap*B|. k. cJz. m J"*I**1 ** *:.4 etn«r UiXax aaiioa c * s>i«ir<aaa I. 4. sadfau. f>» A cor. untf w*jr taJ tt. C«!un»b'* rrMt. k* |S ,5 " {'*»»*&#«? A«at. JNttSf.* *"*?«? wa« Thtri - MOTHERS ISEGURO Bb 1 UIJ 00 KIT U\l i> iGSCRANCC VA f W PACKET ca fc*.V lR s: SACHAWCNTO U| CAU. MARKETS AND TRADE Seattle, May ??. ? Krchmngm AS tJ» 9*atUe. Ticorr.s and Portland daanoc today were: Clearance*. f */2CTL Seattle .... 4 54.«« * 12 s «»> H Taf-oa .... ........... ......... Portland IM.WS « 49 TKB MUTTLS MAMKETS. was California steamer day and the buaiSML Tfeere was a fairly good demand for tbe California product*, and price** dsa not Imp much B'.ack cherries and i#cought irooi SLM to US* per box. There wa* a fairly good dema&'l for New nWwfi came up from, Ca!ifwnsa and though it was not of the ftneet the demand was g*v*l. Many ftne onions came iiD oar.v Prices -ortlnue abont ths »»? !* the frain « artd. J "W. Brokaw. a well-known wtanwood merehsnt. ,was in the city ye»- ttr?!*>'. To a reporter he «--.! d: "Hi.- farm- er* in snd about my country are In a g»d tumor. Tt*e crops h.irs not look<*d so *? il in many s as they do at present. The weather ooutd not be better if H was niado to order. Grata tai swrre. We have very little left. Even feed In not to be found tn Urge quantities We fe«i that this season H going to be a great one for the far av- ers." Jobbing Qtetatlns*. The folkrwuiff are the )o*»Nr>g Quota- tions of whole<iai« deaiars today: Sagsr, Flour and ISfee. Sugar Oot>Wngi?OoMw "C" in bbls. per lb. *Sc. extra "C" in bbls. per lb, Ac; dry granulated in bblm, per lb, SV: cube. ?*%c; powdered. M«c; spot cash prices. KIOJT. e*c. Fatt-nt Exce!le«t, f«75. Novelty A. brand*. W W, buckwheat flosir. per bbl. MSO; P^ r cwt, $3 graham, per bbl. >4. or ltf-!b sacks. ttZ por cwt; rye ft«>ur. per hbl. U. or 10-lb «cks. 9S-» cwt; rye meal, per l>bl J3.75 per cwt. fc; rwlle.l oata. per bbl s«#!.»>; hominy per cwt, J2S; cracks Wheat. p«*r cwt, C 5; fl.<ked wheat $2.;4) p*r caas; whole whent flour, per cwt, ©.25, pearl barley, 100-Ib 4c; boxes, ic: split peas, per l-»>-rb sack*. 4c; 38-Ih boxes. 6c; corn meal, yellow, 10s. $159; j(ls. »1 S; white, 1«». $1 *? Mb $1.45; flaked hominy, bbls, (i 7a kegs 12.26. CofT.'o (jobWnrt?Oreeo?Mortha. per Tt>, J2c. Java, per ft, tBGTHc; Costa RU-a, choice, per lb. A. R»a*ted?Arbuckle a. in I<JO-lb ea*es. per cwt. 113.15, 6&-Tf> c:tses. p. r cwt. 113.JC; *-lt> cases, per cwt. m »; Java. 50-lb tins, per lb. |bc. sac As. S4c; Aden Mocha. Csracola 27Wc; Guate- mala. 23<-, grouod coffee, Lion, 100«, I1J.15; 40b. »3.25: **. 113.». Meats, ProriiiOM \u25a0>! Flak. Fresh Moats (Jobbing)? Cow beef. ?teer beef. Tc per Tb. mutton. P®r lb- pork, per lb; veal. 6c per lb. Provisions (jobbing ( Hams, large, lie; hara«. sm.U!. HHcj breakfast hacon, yi»c; dry iwkii siJtA ft&c- Fresh 1-14b (Jwblng)--Halibut. salm«»r.. Hj7c; salmon trout, Sc; flounders, m&ic: sole*. 3%*: rock cod. sc; bluck bass. bc; perch. Z'-rfhc. mountain trout, L2M!lsc; shrimps, luc Matter, Clecae, K«e> and Poultry. Butter?'Ranch. l<Xtfl3c; Eliensburgr and other Waamnglou creameries. *-lb prims, U^lfic. Cheese {Jobbing)?Native Washington, California full cream, 9c. Kgfi (Jobbing)? ra.ich. 134<J14e. Poultry (jobbing)? Chickens 19^lie; live weight; dr»-<wed chicken* 12Vjo; turkey 4, tfs{l7c per lb. \ fgetabU* and Fruit. Potatoes Oobblng)?Native stock, J13@14; YaUauw. Jl&#16; swetH potatoes, 4c per lb. Vegetables (JobblngV-California peas. S<f| Pac: <>r« gon pt as. 5c per lb; rhuhari). lHc; Walia Walla aaj:>aragna. Jl |»r boa. <ni>- bages. California. Ji.75 per ewt; new Cali- fornia onions, U*s|l*nc; beetjj. J1.25 per sack; carrots, *1.25; lettuce, hothouse, IhQ 3*V- per doa; cucumbers. ho:hous>e, TSc&Ji per do*. Green Fruits (lobbing)? Lemon*, fancy California. J2.7a#3; selects. applee. J1.U)4?2 per box; bananas. tJgi »; orangue, fancy seedlintrs. K choice, J2.21® 2.50; strawberries. Jl "i 0 per case. Hay. (»rala aad Feed. Hav (Jobbing)?Paget ?\u25a0\u2666oun!, per ton JIJVIL Eastern Washington timothy. Jl7 ®l«; California, JII-STS; alfalfa. Jll«12. Oats Jila2. Barley Oobblng)?Rolled or ground, per ton. J&X Corn Whole, JJO. cracked. J2G&2I; feed meal. J3003. Milistuffs Oobhing>?Bran, per ton, Jl4a 15; short* per ton. JI7JHB. Feed Oobt>ing>?Chopped feed. Jl7@l» per too. middlings, per ion. J-'l, oil caku meai per ton. JU. SEATTLE WHEAT MARKET. No 1 club, milling. 7ic; biue«tetn, mill- log, 760- TACOMA WHEAT MARKET. TACOMA. May 19. - Wheat - Milling price; No. I dub. 7&c, blueaUm, 78c. PUKTLAMD WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND, Or. May 19.-Wheatr- W#Ha Walla. valley, 77c. SAM FRAMCISCO MARKETS. BreadstnCs and Grains. SAN FRANCISCO. May 1?. ?Flour- Family extras. J47&y4.«: bakers' extras. K&ifiiffi; superfine, jl lO'a 1.35- Wheat Shipping, JI.SZV for local use, Jl Ji*,ei.33: milling. Jl «?.. Barley?Fe-d. choice, 76*40 77 l ?<-; brewing. SS^rSfW- Oat s- Puget sound. J! some fan>-y white, higher; Inferior grades, 95< u $L97*. Rteelgts. Flour?ljuarter sucks, 13.000; Oregon. 3.M1; wheat, cent >ls, I«H>. barley, centals, 1.006; oats, centals, 70; beans, sacks. !>6; corn, cental*. 810; potatoes, »a>-ks. 1,331; do Oregon, 370; onions, sacks, 715: bran. sm< I. I **; mlddllntrs. sacks, 37'); hav, tons. 271; hops, bales, wool, bales. IS. d > Oregon. *; hides, number, 2SJ, *ine] gallons. IS, 100. Prmluee, Fruits. Etc- Feei-Middlings, per ton. J1« bran, Ji."-'y 1.i.50 Hay?Wheat. PGi ft.S*); wheat and o«f. t'iilv. oat, river bartey beat barley, JS jOsy*. aifalfß.. J,VgB clover, stock. JG«r«, fomur.# 1 wheat. straw, per hale Vegetables?Earlv Roae t»otatoes. river Burbacks. Sf«3«Ssc per sack; river, Oreaou Barbanks. 7vn J!; Petalußi.i and Tom ties Burbsnks. ; new potat(V».». l«»lVjc per pound; «weet pa- tatoos. J'wl 2f>, rii'w onions, sack. AnstraJlan onions, S&Pjc poun ' «ni<*umber*i. 4«t®7sc o*r ioeen; dri--»i pep- pers Hp* i>«r pouno; dried r.kra. gariic, l#dc. «Mparagua. 7a. sr. choke aspar;\gua, E '0tf1.75; green p*»«* 2S SM-*" per «aek, garden peas. string bean a. sS(g»«r per pound: rhubarb, 35t'wc per r»«x; Mexicnn tomaioe* K oer t <>x. Fr ilta?Cherri -e. white. SsosMc p.>r box; cherries black Mk#li per box appl* Jl p**r tK»X lx>nirw>rtb strawber- ries. per che-t i ? 1*» -srw strawbee- n<«, grioaeberries, :?r:v p**r pound fancy runrel K.tofyi. ;5; orar.t s, SJ '4 *weets. 11 v> fti Mexican iimes, w ? ,v>; common CaH- fomta lemon* lemons, JS erap.- fruit. J4#4 per box; batuUMM, JitiS. Smyrna fgs. dates. Batter Fancy creamery, 15',c; sec- ond*. lH|lse; fancy dairy. He; seconds 13»UV K. heeae Fancy mlid new. f.-».lr to s-eod California ?ream ekaddar. lotfllc; Young A»»r >». Eastern Weatera li^.%- Mga-Stora, rsncb, 14V ;: lsc. P^uitry?Live turkey gobbles, ir do hen* I'.frlJc. old >«; jronng. do' j:#« small broiler*. tZft large .?.?>. I fryer*. JRpC. hen*. J+tf* du «- RIfJS; docks jrouag. MBB geese » i 1 !"? Ji-Sarl pigeoea, ji.r. j ISO. < loaiMir Qnotatloaa. Wheat?Qalat ind Srm December 11 X. B«riey-4naet?v»; Daermt-ar, tV*c, Com--L.irg* yellow. Jtf?l «s 4 Bran - * Aiif'WT.ia J giky \* (IDI MISU Hoill. Wool--Spring; CheJce foothm V'ff *v- - San Joaou-a s.'x months. d year's «t *;le, SffXV: tr.ctnratn. li#l«c; Nevada l«flc- Oeegf-v Northern. IMTlic. Hops?Crop of ISS*. sfiVS* |»er pourta. I'isaaelai. > xft *1 j «?Syrfct ... 15 H*\. iVuto ~®'iQM | Te4*gr*f>h .. .. 17*^ Mining Moeka. Alta 4 Jslta 4 Ah*?» Can F Justice - .. Andce 1" Kentuck Con 4 B»lcher I* Lady Wash. Con.. .. Belle is!e M-xican >1 R*«t A Belcher .. &? Mono .. lioiie Con y jnt Diablo Bu.u >n 5 Natvajo .. .. Pulwer Con Ctc'dental Con ... > Caledonia 10 Ophlr *5 Chauerge Con ... 33,Orem»an 14 CboUar 2 Pot!)«- .. « ConlMcnce *?S»eaire -i CaL A Va ..W 1 Cor. Imperial .... ! Stem Nevada ... SI Con. New York .. .. S''>et Hill Crowrt Point S> s".ver King Ex hequer Uiios Con ........ 31 OmJd A currle .. IT Cts.i Con 4 Ornr.d Prlxe '* YMlow Jf cket .... 36 Haie A Nercross. 73j SEW YORK MARKETS. Tko Stork Sxekssgo VE W YORK. M\y l? The flrmr.ess shown by many standard shares tn the rather stormy V -lasitudee of today's stock Jrarket was quite remarkable, considering tb« existence of rwo such centers of de- pression as New Jersey Central all day and Chicago Gas in the late dealings, aft- er the r*c*!ots of n»w9 of defeat !n the Illinois legislature of the WU permitting consoiMation of the eas companies. To estimate the extent of the influence that mijrht hare been exercised upon the mar- ket by the«a two stocks, it must be con- sidered that they absorbed over out of s total of ISft.flWi «haree dealt In on the exchange for the <lay. T M e day's trading, though narrow, was marked by a notable undercurrent of str» ngrh, partly on the apywiront ter- mination of the war between Turkey and Greece, and partly to a conviction arrived at by public opinion in the street by its own pro°e**es of reasoning that the ad- ministration at Washington had deter- mined against any radical steps in regard to the Cuban question. The outwani gold movement is no long- er vtewe.i with such marked apprehension ss at first on account of the evidences that I: will be restneted to moderate pro- port ion a. There was a slight hardening tendency to exchange during the day, showing that the bills w*re being slowly aheorbed In spite of a very light demand. The gold exports for the week, however, are t-xp*cted to bo smsH. Railways and miscellaneous bonds wera Nrithout essential change In value, al- though a decidedly Arm undertone is ap- parent. Business was moderate, with op- erations largely restricted to the promi- nent ts«ues. The sales were S9SI 000 Government bonds showed an improving tendency in the forenoon, and subsequent- ly eased off. The transactions aggregated fS,MO. ? Boarr and Ei«ki«». Money on call, eaay. at 14<?14 per cent.; last loan 14 per cent.; closed. l*i#l4 per <*ent. Prime mercantile pai»er. &*/f( per rent. Sterling exchange. steadv. with ac- tual business In bankers' bills, $4.ST*,# 4.574 for demand, and at S4J6V for 60 days; posted rates. 14.57 and IN *JWi4.Bii4: commercial bills. $4.%U»: silver certificates. S<v?i£)W; bar silver, 604e; Mexican dol- lars. 474 c. \u25a0?MI. T* 8 4s. n*w reg.l«4!C. P. Ist* of *96. .10fi*4 4- new coup. .1224JD. A R O. 7s ..1104 Fives, reg ?ll3 ! Fours 4»4 Fives, coup ..113 I Erie 3ds 62 Fours, re* ....110S O- H * 8. A. 65.107 Fours, coup ..112 ! Sevens 110 Twos, re* .... 954 H A T. C. 5s ...1104 Pup. 6s of *95 ...104*4 Six** 101 Ala.?Class A . .10* M K. T Ist 45.. <44 Class B 1.16 Second 4s 74 Class C 101 Mut. Union 6s ..I<>7 Currency .. ..100 X. J Cen. O. a 5.1004 I«a. New Con. 4s !W Nor. Pnc. lsta ..ll? 1 * Missouri «s 100 Seconds 534 N Par «s 124 Fours <W Fours 104 v w. Consols. .143 8 C. Non-Fund H' S. F. deb. r.s .111 Term new set «s 81410 R A N. 15t*..111%, Fives 105 Fours 544 Three* R. G. W. Ist* .. 734 Old 6* m St. Paul Con. Ts.lSWi Va. Centuries ..64 C A P. W 5* ll4vl Deferre-f 6 I St.l* A 1M 05» 67U Atchison 4s 81V. St.L. A S.F.O.fH.IIIS Second A 454 Tex. Pac. Ist* .. Wi, Can South. 2d5.1«6 I Seconds 304 fio. R R Sj, .... Rs%m. P. lsts of '9*.>lft34 * N. 4s 7»^|West Shore 4s ..10S4 Stork QmiTntioni. Atchison 10% N. T. A N. E.... 37 Adams Ex 14« |Ont. A West .... 134 Alton A T. H... 60 (Oregon Imp Preferred .. .. .. (Oregon Nav Ift American Ex . .112U-'O. S L. A U. N. l r <4 Bait. A Ohio'P*clfio Mail .... Canada Pao .... 134 Peoria, D. & E.. 4 Canada South , 4*V Pittsburg 162 Central Pao .... *4'Pu!hnan Pal ...I'7 Ches. A Ohio ... 16 (Reading IS Chi. A Alton ...1.10 I Richmond Ter .. .. C. B. A Q 744! Preferred Chicago Gas ... 78', R f}. W. 124 Con. Gas JPO4I Preferred 80 C C. C A St 1.2*4' Rock Island .... 634 Col. Coal A I .. H!StX. A SFlst p . Cor. Oil Or .... to ISt Paul 734- TM A Hud ?IOB%I Preferred 132 r>eL, L. A W...1-474iSt Paul A Om.. 5*"»4 D A R. G. pre. 354! pref. rred 138 ru- A c R.*r<i. .. south. p a c 144 Erie 12 !Sn;r»r Refinery .113 Preferred .. .. 2* 'Tenn. Coal A 1.. 174 Preferred 2d .. 14 I Tex. Pan *4 Fort Wayne ...165 jTol A O. C. pre. 70 Gt. Nor. pre ...130 tl'nlon Pao 64 C a E 111 pre. 95 <l*. S. Ex SS Hocking Val ... 14 Wab. St. L. AP 44 7H!nri= Cen .... 924! Preferred 124 St. Paul A Du.. 1R !Wrlls-Fargo Ex.102% Kan. A Tex. pre 27 (West. Union 774 L E A VC* IS 1 .* Wheel. A L. E.. 1 Preferred .. .. 60 f Preferred 24 Lake Shore ....16341 Minn. & St. L... 16 L*ul Trust .... 244] P. AR. G *4 Louis A Nash. 45 I Gen. Elec'rtr ... 284 L A N Albany 4|Nat. Linseed ... lft Mm. Con &4UICcI Fuel A I ... I*> 4 X'em. A Cha.'tn. 1" ! Preferred S7 Mich. Cen % H AT. Cen Missouri Pnc ... 124 Tol A.A. A N M .. Mobile A Ohio.. 16 Tol.B* L. A K.C RU Nash. A Chat .. #B4' Preferred IS'-, Nat. Corda pfe* .. .. So R R 74 Preferred .. .. .. I Preferred .. ... 264 N J Central .. 7:'.4' Ana. Tobacco ... 704 Nor. A W. pre.. 27 Preferred 10J North Am. Co 4'- Am. T A C. rv> «» Nor Pac 12VCnm Cahle Co. IV* FreferrwJ .. .. SfiVAm Sririfs 174 I P P A 0... IV U. S T,<»ath. pre 944! P <".C. A St.L. p W O. R K- S pre., i Pot Oil P*"e ."4 Am. Bu»ar pre..103 T' S Ruhher ... 13 Northwestern . .Ift4\' Preferred 62 1 -. Pr-ferred .. . IMUf9.. A E Ist*. .. N. Y. Central .. 9&V Total Th total sales of stocks today were 175.- 563 shares, including: American Sugar s, con Burllnsrton 14 «*hloAgo G.t* Tru~t receipts !. 62 7W ?Delaware A Hudson 7 noo St. Paul ji irift Tcnnefwe Coal 5.*00 General (Imitation*. Flour?Receipts. 17 45©; <iuil and weak, demand being for wtuter straits. Minnesota patents. Mli>j4 35; Min- ws'? i baker*. 65; winter patents, 14 t *ft; winter strait*. J3. 40 Wheat?Receipts. K. 278 bu«*iel»; 132..V<6 bushels; ?j>ot. steady. Opened firm, but e.-ue«l off and was w«iik under liqui- dation. lower late calie#. favorable crop news and lirht export demand, closing w h * sudden rally on covering 4#r4c n* t advance. No. 2 red May. ?9 r vJ'794c' rjo.-»d 794 c; September, 72 5-16^73c; cloned Hops?Dull. Wool?®tsady. 1vtro!ei;ro?f»utt; Pennsylvania rmd*, KMdr: Jun», *6c bid; «iiM. none. Coffee?Opened bereiy steady. I<V*JIS point* lower: closed et»3dr \t % net lo<* of 10 point*:, 7.25< Aucuet. 7.*V: Sep- ?embfr TJfe: Norstnber. fTlOe; 7-tic; March, 7.a5c Sjwt c-Rio. weak. N%>. 7, 7\»c; tofehlng, mlki, steady Cordova, Su*ar?-Raw, quiet, rMbMd, iteju.v, Mr t a I*. Plf iron?Pif 1 *: southern. IS.awjl* <#? north <»TO. i>n»»-r?®t**ady; brok* r.< price, 111 IJU; ?xehan*». tKMniX Tin?Ftrraer; straits. tlS*©l3.»; plates, ftpettr?-?Qnist at >4 : tii u. L«ad DaB: eachanse, brokers'. SS-tt I *- CHICAGO MAHKETI The iloafd of Trad*. OHX-AQO. May -Uverpool had re- wemi an early decin wheat and *<»* already nlgtwr han It closed rc«- r before tr.u aurknt opened. This Was due, ft is > laiaat-d, to bad report* fnwn the FYeneh crop. Apr: the cattle*, there was nothlna in the early nesr« dif- fering iniK'li from th*t prevailing condi- tions yeetefOay. arid the opening ail Miii m **J due soieiy u> the Liverpool -lrn»n#*x« J i!y or»'--»ed here from Tic to 7P %e. y 'vr jy a .?Itwin* pt! * >f «u>*t of th* tridea at TiHic for ->boat two mttnite*. arx! for an hour the prx* dfl not to b Jew 7<A»c. ?* above the hi*?v*t of the opening *iuotati as. The «Tvp news waa rather favorable far the bear*, as the weather osrop b jiietla rt- jyfftel everything > wKh a «t« ady increase Ir projects <'aliform* i mj>l no rain at tfr'erv *nl we*-her hot. but as the 6au Fr&iK-4e<r> market was eaafe r the crat' new.* from i.'tere d : ik* tela the n.arket in* - ri»ulv. There w -re reports ef damage by tfte H«- atan fly is ifiohypan. Kansas and fc>urt. birt as th*> wer* not ar< jnpi r.K-1 ty b-. ...g order* Usay tad mu« u^Sueoct. HOTEL. ARRIVALS. Tfiß SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCEK. fffUISbAY, MAY 20, 18VT. Speculative bue<n<"S? was inactive in the » -idle of the day, both totalis and bears expressing uncertainty as to the future ci the market, bat after 13 o'clock the manM* b**an to go oo«. OutsMe of Liverpool, foreign cables were ah weak. and lower, and ev?r. Liverpool .3:4 not hold all of its jtreagth. duly Anally sold down to but about twenty maute? before the close the rear*?* he- ram- %s strong as at the opetun* on re- ports of quant Hies of wh»at taken for rtlpagit w?r*> char- ters! for over .i»> v«"» bushe*s today and although !««s« of it wis wheat bo .<n# the day beam, there was probably over I§B,- bushel* of the wheal oought vo»iay. Joty rose to TiV and closed at Corn was fairly active and heavy on large country pure ha sea oy elevator peo- pse. agwinst which they ortd future# m the pit- The wt-ather wa» favorable and the ow. »* good tor th« comiruc crop. Gats wer« meady aX day. but until the closing trading was narrow the strength coining principally from a good shaping inuuiry. Provisiens were fairly steady on smi l nmouat of m, The market was weak early on wKirtg by the packer*, but recovered later under covering by Gloria Ciustng Huotatlnn*. Wh*4?May. 71V-': July. Tl^ac. Corn?May. July. Oats?tMay. lTfcc Ju;y 17V. Pork?May, » :i; July. 17. Lard?May. 18,75; duly. Baney?S^j^s,. Ribs?May and July, $4 47. liye?July. 34e. Ffa*?Caah. 7<P»c. T:aio thy?|2.7s. I.ltc Mock. Cattle-®aW were rs-ade at ffls common to fairly good native steers. stack- ers and fee lers. >s very few cow® ?old below $2 00. and fat heifers fium si.Mt to <4.4«>; calve*. lor best. Hogs?w. re argeiy at >S «7'-stif 3.rj- t, the extrwne range of prices being J3jnfrX.Se. while pigs brought .75. Sheep? srtd briskly at C for culls and inferior lot*. up to |Motp&.6o for good to prime wooied Units. Moat of the ibeep were shorn, and sals* were active at J2.2Nji3i> for th- poorest, up to >1.75 for the choke lota, sales being largely at $3.75#4.50. Receipts?Cattlsw l&ta); hogs, 21,000; sheep, U,<XA>. rORUGS NAKkCri rtMUMtak LONDON, May I#.?Consols, 11l U-U; sliver, 27Sd. NEW YORK. May l».~The Evening Post's London financial cablegram says: Confirmation of the Graaco-Turkish armistice together with superabundant money, has given the stock markets here a ttoommg appearance. A feature of to- day was a sharp rise in Kartlrs. which, as previously cabled, have been oversold. Efforts to provoke a little boom may be successful. Foreigners were sympatheti- cally good. About i.IrtO,UOO in Japanese money was released here today, and more is coming out. The Paris and Berlin markets were firm. ttrrad«ta>» and Urnm». LIVERPOOL. May tk?Wheat-#teady; cargoes off coast, rather easier; cargoes on passage, rather easier, at 3d lower; English country markets, firm. Liver- pool wheat. No. 1 California, lis U* d: wheat In Paris, easy; flour iu Paris, weak. Cotton?Uplands, 4 5-S2d. London Wool Sale*. LONDON. May IS.?The attendance at the wool auction sales today was good and competition keen all around, with prices showing a hardening tendency. The con- tinental buyers bought wools at extreme rates, and Germany sought after locfc* and places. American buying was somewhat better today. The number of tales offered was 14.654. of which MO bales were with- drawn. Sales in details: New South Wales. 5. *B6 bales?Scoured, 7Wl#}'l3 6d; greasy, Queensland. 7:6 bale*?Scoured, 9V44JIS awi; greasy, Victoria, 2,83 bales?Scoured, ty«d@ts 4d; greasy, 4\&ltHxd. West Australia. 307 balea-Oreasy, &*4 ?iw. South Australia, 41»5 bales?Scoured, M fill. New Zealand. B.BIS bales?Scoured, Sfed# is 2vi. greasy, Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1.321 bales-Scoured, 6%d#ls **d; greasy. 6 «*d. A sale of 78 bales of Australian skins, scoured, sold at 7-Vi<&ls lVxd. THE Bl T TL.ER. C. M. Riddell, Tacoma. P. A. Waltem, Blaine. E. M. Bli»s. Tacoma. F. A. Bartlett, Port Townsend. J. H. Fairbanks, New York. M. P. Woftsger, Friday Harbor. V*. Stoadecker, San Francisco. A. O. Morton, Boston. Henry J. Stark, Milwaukee W. A. Sample. Auburn. George A. Neteun. Astoria. L. w. David, Blain. W. B. Kernan. Portland. C E. Carr, Tacoma. W. C. Cheney, Oregon City. A. Eisenbach. San Francises H O. Hlaikwell, Si>okane. F. A. W«ber. Bpokane. H J. Jackson, Pullman. J O McCllnton, Port Angelea. W E. Burkhart. Tacoma. C W. Random, San Franciaco. Frank J. Carter, San Francisco H. J. Hammond, Tampa. Ha. Henry Jacobs, San Francisco. L. Kline, San Francisco. E. B. Morton. Oakland, < ai. B 8. Knowlton, Leavenworth. J. Frankenburger, Tacoma. THE NEW !INULAND. M Kelly, Burke, Idaho. C. R. Wiegel. San Fnnclsco. M E. Roulston. Westminster, B. C. L. Hntelwood, Vancouver, B. C. Gordon Wood, W atsfci* N. T. Nelaon. I* Corner Albert GoatleV. Francisco. H B U-ilea, Toronto. Canada. J ' D Jones, Franklin. C A Williams, City J. E Blnet. Montreal Canada. H Matthews. S & I R- R. Rlchar.l M Orath. Tacoma. Fr*-d Eberle, Everett, j i' Ryan, K'tchlkan. Alaska M Ertekson and wife City. M Foley, Juneau. Alaska. Jamos E Stanley. Tacoma. F Gundcrson. Tacoma. A Millar, Tacoma. Joseph Meighan. St l£ula Frank Breen, Waco. Tel. W H. K-dmry, City Heath Port Gamble, peter H Id*b. S..n Francises. ft Gl!more, Burbank. Cal tieor** R Og*. KnglanS. pat Harrington. Burke, Idaho. THE RAINIER-GRANB. Mrs. E J. Roberts, t children and, P, .V-.' : john Noycs. Butte. MonL SMiss Ruth Noyes, Butte. John Noy**. Jr.. Butte. C I. McFall* St. Joe Ma, Capt' J. Murphy. Dublin. A. Hemphill. Chi^aao. M'-Cabe. Tacoma. r». a. Kinney. Roalyn. 8 J. Friedroon. Por'land Mrs. Farnum, Philadelphia. Mi«s /imum. Philadelphia. J B Sanger, Phli.vdelphla. Caarles H Wood. San * ranclsco. IT x Hudson. P? Loul*. Mrs M E Roi;l*ton. St. IXJUIS. H. S." Bowen, Chicago. P C. Stoe«s. Spokane- i' g Appleby Hattrte, B. C. T> A Randolph." HataU*. B- <"? Frederick Townse«d. Portiana. O. A. Baker. Chicago. \ R Vermiiyea anl wife, Chicago, a Rothschild. Cincinnati. , j A Matheson. Anacortes. THE STEVENS Georg G. McN' i rrara. Port T*wn«*nd. C dark. St Paul. C. Deiventhai an l wife. San DScgo. M Manley. Tacoma. Mrs Keapp. Snohomish. M N. Norton. Portia r 1 V Tlarerty. Snohomish. >4 V San Fris^lfO. V v Fl«ner and wtf. Ea" '"Mllaak WIIHam J Jores. Port Townsend. \ j Jaoob* and wife. Olvmpi*. Robert H> rry and w;fe Snohomish. R H Collin? Kirkland. Waldo Richardacn. leaven worth. J 7 J C. Tx»fT/«r. H*rrl#o« Lnke, B. C W H Harlow. San Fmncjseo. o u W«v>lwirl Victoria. N Rudebaek, I?v» r«rt. t * o Butler, Everett. Joseph Rew Port BUV^l^y. TIIE PIIXER. Rickard Bftrrtt. C G H.jpkina. Sew Whatcom. J W. Slarfe*. Tacwna Watson. Tacoma. Jihn Kelly Tacoma. j. Firrvil. San Mr* Fa'reJl Fxt. Fran J»e<> Mrs. A. W Rickey, fteobwn an. \f «« Mi v Catrna, Snof ns!* Charlea P <*htcaao. E F. Lawaon. Black Piairond. f\ j Moyw Mount Verncn. I< Vantcourer. V iss K M Rt n S iohomi*!* John Taylor. VK torta. P. \ aa Taaa«U. Sumoee. RATE WAR POSSIBLE. >TEtMKR GKOftOR B. «Tt!tH OOPS OS THK W H ATCO*» ROI TE. Wat ? of ihc PajreT a»aw«| Strftwhwit .iMMlatlflil The 4 leartawd tatlt far tea rwitelwo \Mth Pall Carvo and Pmmjrr Ll»t-P*rißf Caait Steamship Caaa- M«r Steaaaer Sal Una*. A p?aee haa at last N»#a found for tt*« ateamer t;*oqre K Starr which will keep her p-rmanenthr employed. The *orth- weatern 9*.»srashlp Cora pi r* v has decided to place her on tha Seattle. Whatcom and Blair** rout*, and th* tntUa! trip wtH bo made ne*t Tuesday rinht. There art* now on the run the »t*anvors Stat# of WasiMng- ton and Bay City. These boat* are tn the Puget Sound Steamboat Association and carry «s i schedule adopts by tha -asso- ciation. The K. Starr manafp- hit.: is not taefuded tn -d a rata war may result from her aol»g on the route. Agent# of thoae boats already ruan<ng to Whatcom and Blaine fe*l that thfre is not enough business for the sup- port oC three *te»ro«>Ts. Until recently iha State of Washington and Bay City have been operating at very sma!l pmflt, and sometimes at a loss. If the competition of the Qaorge K. Starr means a >-ut In ratea it will go hard for the boats that have made the row. Th« Starr has been running for about ten days in place of the Bosalie. to Vic- toria. She has rs>-ently come off the way*, where she was overhauled, refltted .nd and can offer good accommoda- tions for both passengers and freight. THE CLEVKL&XO SAII.S. Fall Pmmrßirr U»t and Cor*o?The P. C. «. 9. Co. hmnfn. Twenty cab!n pas«*ngers and a full car- go wore carried south by the tteuwhlp Clnrlud which sailed last evening about 8 o'clock for San Francisco. The cargo «u made up as follows: Black Diamond coal. 750 tons; brick. 2SO tons; oata. 210 tons; oanned salmon, 11 tons; general merchandise. 10 io«s; total. 1,300 tons. Following is a list of the paesenjrers: E. Simpson. J. Albertson, H. Plowman, J. Is. Mayer, J. Kaufman. C. W. Tut tie., Joseph Kinder. Mrs. D. H. Wallace. W. R. Forrest. C, C. Hlner. C. H. Smith. S. Voy. Mrs. J. N. Jennings. Charles Hoy. George R. Ogg, I>. Quinlin, T. H. Hurd, C. Berkhard, E. G. Morris and R. Knight. Steailnihtp Umatilla sailed yeaterday m>rniiWr at * o'clock for San Francisco with the following passengers; Mr*. John A. Whalley. Mliw Msh»l Dlckov. Kate Hart. O. S. Lesry, C. M. Lynch. C. Wich- mann, Mre. J. J. Ku«dm. George H. Gale. W. J. Maughlin. Miss Mattle Horeon, Dan Miller, Sam Newton. R. C, Hoiilday. A. Cap;**, A. Morton and seven second class. Steamship City of Puebla arrived yesterday from San Francisco. A JAPANESE WAIItHIP. Use to Arrive Here He*l Month Wllh Navsl Cadet*. According to private advices received here fromt the Japanese consul at Taco- mi. the nam* of the Japanese war vessel which la to come here the middle of June Is Hclea Kan. The Heica Kan left Yo- kohama May 15. She carries 540 officers, cad.-ts and en w and Is 1000 tons groe*. The Orrcna to tt«> Here Friday. The battler-hip Oregon has finished loading her coal and ammunition and will be here Friday from the naval sta- tion. WEATHER A\D TIDBS. FORECAST OR THURSDAY: Portland, Or., May 19, 1*97. Fair; warmer. U. B. DEPARTVBNT OF AORTCUXe- TURK. WEATHER BUREAU. DAILY RUT T.ETTN. Seattle, Wash., Msy 19, 1*97. ? mL~inr ?! if IIIf ! ihi ? ? j I I l i'; i : __ L s. Irl: ? [J* Seattle ..,28.82 7s ( «0> N! 101 .00 Clear Pt Angeles. ! ».:d #*' E Lt .00 Clear Tatoosh . . 2».«* W C.aJW « <lO Clear Walla W .129 94! *2\ M K Lt OoOlear Ft Canby .139.W 64. 7* X] la .WCtear Spokane . .(29 92 *4 SI Lt ,«m le»r Portland » A4> tt tt NW IW n*C|e«r Roseburg .23 *2 <4 VWt Lt WClear Red Bluif . 29 74 u6 *NWj Lt! .«»»»'leer S.'«n Fran..129.7* 72 kVi 241 .AO,Clear Eureka . «4i AV 6 .00 Clear Wlnnem'a .!».?*' 7*] 9W V ftj .OOPtOdy Baker City. »M 7<ij 7»t| Lt( .»|Clear cmfwyp sometime* , p cmf cmvbhg "" ~ O. N. SALISJULIi*. utwrfW,"" Tides at Seattle Harbor Today " Tide. ji IjOW Tide. s m ! ft. 'p tr ft i n.m I ft. Ir> ml ft. 2»27 1131*9 13 11.3 0.4! 10 0, 1.00 -13 AT PORT TOWN9ESD. \«? /;? '>4(i "*X~ Too; :o. o>. \u25a0< MAUDE OBSKRV ATIOX*. Sperial Dispatch to the Post-TntMligsncer. TATOOSH, May 19. ?4 p. m.?t*arom<»t«r. 3r» «s>; cletr. wind southw»sat, twelve miles. Pa-sod out?A schooner st 3p. m. Passsd in?Steam»r Transit at 1:60 t>. m. la the ?traits, bound out?A schooner. !NBAH BAY. May 19.?4 p. tn.-Clear; calm. _ CLALLAM, May 19.?4 p. oj.-fJlear, calm. . ~»**? JtjRT May 13?4 p. m.? Baroineter, 30.06; clear; calm. 34ARISE IKWI FAN FRANCISCO May 11?Arrived? Bk Guls> ppe. Genoa and Valparaiso. H lied May IS-Str «'ity of Everrtr, Ns- naimo; str Mackinaw. Tacoma, str Hanoi. Gray's Harbor. Sal!»d May »- Str Homer, Fortland. str Lakme Seattle; str Csarina, Co»s bay; bk Father, Ts- cema Mexican <Jravina. formerly Br schr Kortnna, Maxatlan. PORT LOH ANGELES Miy ».-««B»d May is ?Nor etr Pster Jebs»<n, Nanaimo. GRAYS HARBOR, May lf?Arrive.l May I*?Schr Orion, hem-e May 2. Sailed ?Schrs Occidental, La Glronde and Meiancthon. for San Francisco. SAN Pl-;i>RO May IS-Arrived May 11 ?Sch Serena Thayer, from TV oma RCDO!fDO, M >y 11?Arrived May H Prh Itep.irrer from Astoria. HONGKONG May If?Arrived May 11. ?Br str Taeniae, from Ta coma. THE DENTISTS. WATER rHOST *«TC» States lauiK-h <luard took fu«J at lb* Madiaon t»iroet bunker* Halibut aloop EH* Q. Is In from * win- ter'# ftahtr.a crula* In Ala.ka waters. Bh* bM S w pound* of halibut. AH' n A fißl*hcd dischsrctnir fr«t#nt yaaterday at tba Arlington dock and **' tow*d by th# tu* City of Aurorla to Port ther* to unload * *mail corMgnmft of m-rrhandutw. Harry Turner ha* dl*po«*d bin tor of thf ?t»ai*i*r Alta to C*pt P.<rk*r, of Ea*i« bar**. fornix owner of th». naphtna latuv b Alura. The Alta wtll b* k*w ©n tb* fe.*#* bartor rout# a>d wUI continue to Jand at Co'.inan dock. REAL KITtTE TRASSrKHS. Tr»n»n»*tlc>»« Alne* Jmmumry 1 mad for I>«lrrd«f. Rf-al e*4»*+ trannaetl'vfw Btn*» January t IW7. tr« Tberr w+r* flVd for T ,. -ord ye#t*r<l*y U **irr»ir»Mnir Foitowtnjr is a liirt by the »*»attl« Abstract Company, room 413 »*? York bhx-k: John C Gordon to Kami W lot «. 29. 3. 7. May t«. ?**.*» aaertlf to Haxru-t C. M.tcboU. block 2, t Washington add. and 1 to 4. block V Harrison Height* add. May S. IS.STC.iIf. Philip Hlbner :o M. F.hxaboth Brown. lot* 4 and \ Mock 3, Lake View add. May 2v q. c.. tl. Wi'llam S. T»tr,e ft u*. to !! trry Will- Ism tfuttaa. pan Jot 4. block 2J, Pontius add. January 5, Q.ML A M Brook#® *\u25a0' MX. to f.ibby P. Prm- K-r. lots < *. IS and 17. Mock F. PUOMy't add. May 14. 11. K itc Benson to Harry Kruta. n l * ne sa ne >nd new bK 21. 4. I* acres, May 17. v? ~nr»» F. \frachato, city treasurer, to Ellen R Taylor, Jots 1. 3 and 3. bkfc'k 3, Washington Pfetoe add, June t>. ISM, 127.15, Same to Mattl* St. John Taylor lots 4 and .\ block J. tot I block 4, Washington Plac* add, June IS. '** JJ7.IK. S»me to I? R. Tay ior, lota 2 and 4. blx-fc 4. Washington Place add. June I>. IW*. »».* Frederick Tttrrlll to Walter C*. lVscook, lota 1 to »J 15 to -i4 Mock 4. St. l add. Kaat Tscoraa, May 14. *U Paulina TU»sbv and husband A. K, to 11. Hunter, lot 1. block 7, ltgktrood, May IS. W State UinelattiMi Kleet* OHleera and Rfeo«mrn4« for (h« Board «»f Kiimlarrt. TTve closing day's of the Wash- Incton State Dental isn-iety wan held yes- terday in the Batter hotel. The matins was ended amtd a general iitood foelinic which wna very jjrattfyin* to the den- tists in facr of the r*wm di«t\jr'.*u»c«s. The members of !he a*r»>tHl with unanimity tinon the followina mendatiaw for the state board of ''taw- Inera: l>r. C. A. F>»rhrm. of NVw What- man: Dr. F. W. Bees, of Walla Walla; Dr. Ok. Holme*, of Seattle, to- st»c<*e,d Jiimseif, and l>r. M. 1) ,TfcuraiOi», of Sp.>- kane. In the afternoon officers wtra elected for the ensuing year as follows: President. R. B. Gentle; vlre president. H. L». Hedger; secoeid vice president. J. N. ITather; sec- retary, CX. L. Erwin; treasurer, J. W. does. Dr. T<ee Raker, of Port Tovusend; Dr. Kshelman. of the Taooma I>enlal col- lege; Dr. J. O. M'nton, of New Whatcom; and Dr. P. H. OOwnnor, aC Seattle. re admitted to membership. Owing to the absence of m.xny who had been expected to read papers before the association only two subjects were treated yesterday, as follows: 'Voramon Sense in the l*ractice of l>»*?vtlsiry." J, W. floes, of Taconuu and "Clinics of by C. L. Krwtn, of Seattle. The next mutual meeting of the associa- tion will be held at Taroaaa. tilfta to s KlHd«>r«Mjrten. The members of the l>oajrd of directors of the Seattle Klmlersrarten Association have reason to look hopefully forward to another year's work. When funds are low there always seems to be some one ready to help out for the sake of the children. The Women's Christian Temperance Union has recently made a «ift of S3O to tho association, which was gratefully re- ceivtA \Vb«n the needs of the associa- tion were made known to Mr. Charles Louch, he responded promptly and gen- erously with a check for s£>. accompany- ing his gift with a hearty expressiou of sympathy and faith in the work of the association. Another xift of $lO was sent in by Mrs. Davis and Nome of her friends. This amount will be Increased by gifts from others who are greatly interested in tho cause. All exitenses are p*4d up to the present time. It is UUevod there aro enough friends of tho kindergarten In Seattle to support the Main street kinder- garten until it becomes possible for tho board of education to incorporate the kin- dergarten into Its system of public educa- tion. The recent action taken by tho legislature making it possible for pubilo school boards to maintain froe kinder- gartens increases the importance of (he work in the normal department. Appli- cants for admission into this department should see Miss Creeltaan before she leaves for h«r summer vacation. Miss Creel man is at home on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 120 Tenth avenue south. The graduating exercises of nlns of the normal pupils will be held in Plymouth Congregational church on Friday evening. May 28. An Interesting programme be- ing prepared. Portfolios of the kluder- gartcn handwork of the graduate® will be on exhibition at the church both after- noon and evening of May 28. Topics for thr Postol fonaresa. Omaha Bee. The Universal Postal t'opgresa whh-h now in resalon in Wiwhitnton ha,4 selected a 'ong list of subject* which its delegates are expected to discuss with a view to action to promote the ef- ficiency of the International postal service. Tfaere are several pertinent topics, how- ever. which seem to have been over- looked by the men who made the pro- gramme for the postal congress, of wblc.i this partial enumeration will suffice; Th« Idiot who writes with whita Ink upon a scarlet envelope. The freak who insists in experiment- ing with n«»w tangled stationery of sll sizes and *h*i>es ard with bewildering for-ns of writing addnww* T*he forgetful friend who sls'ays car- ries Important l*tter» In his pocket lor a week before mailing thejn. The economical correspondent who manages to his missive Just over- weight so that posts go due is demanded before Its delivery. The »b«ent-minded man who writes that he encloses check, but fails to insert the enclosure. The postal card fler d aho Is too miser- ly to buy a 2-cent stamp and advertises to the world family secrets by putting them on the hacks of 1-cent postal*. Th« lore* sick maiden aho thinks shs can flirt by setting tho postage jrfaujp awry. The post ag* -tamp manufacturer who tries to economise on mucilage by fur- r.lf'Mni* staimps thst won't stick. The «m<irt j»ostal clerk who knows ev- erybody's husli>e«« better than hi* own. After the postal conr*?"** shall have dealt with the»w notorious characters, there will still be severs) oth r mette's ryf eroinl hriportan' e to tbe r'llef of tho post office parronixing ptiblle, Workbensrs fer Trnsnps. Ptttaburg Times. During the year endirpf !a**t month lodg- ing and meals were furnished to 1 ViO trnmp* at the Harrlsbure police station, and J.Wi of the** dependents were modated at the county Jail. No record has been kept of the numkr that were given assistance by private dtixens. but Jndging from the figures recently present- ed bv on* I,ebanon county woman, who found that In one year she had clothed and fed m're than a thousand tramps, the grand total of chronic k-afcra who live off < haritv In Dauphin county Is many, times great' r than the official records show. The few cents that sre careleWiy hand- ed to the Individual tramp seem of little value to the glser, but when statistics of the aggregate cost of thla kind of charity are eotlected the re*-lit la astonishing. Thousand# of dollars are espepdtd ev»ry year in eT»rr county of the »t*t» for the euptx rt of able-bod!."! men who are t<*» ln«v to work. And while this indiscrim- inate and pernicious alms-gtvlr.g Is going on the deserving snd m >d*"" P'K>r aro suffer!ng for the necessaries of life. Every county should establish a wort;- bout , wh> re tramps will he given a chance to earn their living. Then every applicant for a*«lstanee who ec.m<-s to the door of the private rttl«en should be di- rected to this Institution, and If he fleds that he can no longer receive help else- where he will go there and work before he starves. The people support the tramps now out of their Individual pic kets. It Would be better if they would support th»m by providing public institutions where they would be :n»de to help *upport themselves, as far as their health and Strength permit. 'I be (>«> M Reserve. WASHINGTON. May IS.? T 1 ty's state- ment of the erjft.iitl< n Of the treasury shows: Available sh balance, *l2; gold reserve, 9146,711.31. The Great railway is the pop- ular liiie te ail K.tx>'.enei pels la No lay* over. TO COOK'S INLET, ALASKA. By AlMfci Cowwerclfll Co.'s * StMuaar BERTHA leaves Janata tm Cook's Inlet direct. AprH ? h, May 12'h. Ma, 2Sth and seni-oaoathly tksre- a.'ter during the season. For aartkraiar* svp.y to J F. TRo\VBRII>3E. tscsaa Dock. IM. C. H J. STOI.TENBEBO. Ticket ACMM Padflc Coast S'eaaMMp Company. M First A ver ue. Seattla EDWARD DE GROPE, flttka Alaska. FRANK A. BROOKS. Juneau. Alaska. Or ALASKAC<~»MMSMCTAI, CO.. UW some Street. Saa ywictea FOR THE Yukon River. The steaater Exeelsior. specially reStted for passenger traffic, will sail from Saa Francisco for the Yukon Gold Fields oo or about June &lb. August fctb and Sep- tember Stk. For paseengsr snd freight rates sppty to C. H. J. STOL.TENBERd, Beattlei Or ALASKA COMMERCIAL C0 M Sua Frsacisco. jmUtFHIS I NORTHERH. IEISORIKWI SItPMIID. BED KMNTUR RlliMrS. Tke Mlf all rati roate eltksei obawar* of ears be twees s*skaao, Rosslasi and Selssa Also ketwoea Xelooa asd Roaslaad. OAlif KXCflll SI'XDAY. AlTt¥% gr<» Spokane ?:00 p. ai. 10. IS a. m. ....... Ko?-*land 3:40 p. rn 1.50 a.m... Nelson 5:35 p. m. Close connections at Nelson with nua- sr lor Ka*io and all Kootsnay Lake Points. Passengsrs for Kettle River and BoaaA* ary Creek ccuooct at Marcus with stags a fTt3 N Cpup ftEEQft ' ?*»»??? \u25a0<?\u25a0»>«» nw*« /'** Vim' «?» » t OftfiUv if \u25a0 mtdu «?**?*\u25a0«, K W*»t *<«»;«. l4M«r »!*tn MmiHHk W«k«ffc.M*>. t.O*T \u25bc« l *UTT, .a»ow«rr **>4 w»»utig 3 ?**»#» ,-*..»«j ay ? .%.tfc'*st nf> y?'» '*>\u2666?«'« I ?? (fUlrt. liuorfr iMkifJ \u25a0****»" M»'««-»fcH- llAkfe TUC \u25a0 111 IT* car WIWVt I fib nen .a *?» Kv t.t iX'/fx&al*' 1 **' '?*? B* m»i' »f»j»J r4 ? wrtiifi |Mrar | r< SU" - *? **r** f »3f=*a«a- »« ' «*uj, wrMi Mr «*r rn« * IB**!*** *?>?*. *-«K «M.*t »?»»»(. «tu (*?*»\u25a0.-jr s* tsU WEAK STRONG L wliulw k* M «s4 «*r *4'rrtl«-4 ifutt r WJiltVB «B£D CO w Muueit tHKiMk Mt* fev fcwut * Umi« Onlt Ok ? ftMIIIK Timw Mi fft|« W«_*. «*«, * :

Transcript of Tfiß SEATTLE MAY TO COOK'S INLET, MARKETS AND TRADE …p.Aiiw»-. ROT:tk» JTv of Waahioator leaves...

Page 1: Tfiß SEATTLE MAY TO COOK'S INLET, MARKETS AND TRADE …p.Aiiw»-. ROT:tk» JTv of Waahioator leaves Seattle mlfrLFftctpf Ha!ujdar at 10 p. ip. A [~A CONNBit noPTE. F»irhav«n leave*



?rwa OAKLAND AND KVANOrL£S «£tT *wns-md Neah Bey route.

CtrUr' i4tr|i TmI»T <J«A 9 19-

C"- T-sseys and Thor»day» at UJ»

B- *- ?L. port A«rete*» Fort rrwffnt.P .?: print. Clallam Rav »wl Neah

for f'"«~ Townaeiwl. Fort An-*2? and VWtor-i M<jaday*. WadMSdaps

fiSVrSeta It «*» P \u25a0»? ' ?*«*«* Seattle

s#r?»*t' ear" »» 2 -'> P m.

AVD port wash-f©&T u,v


OrdSni S»r.d Port Washier-'

?» iLw C'ty 4o"k, foot <rf Main

t. V> a ii (»!Bbc at South Beach.Hr -It Y - . Br».-a*tinn. i: S.

v,r4 «idn*y. Charlwlga Tr«^on.?ilTcrdale 3>«n*es Port Orchard

C»iM»n a' 2 J>. «r. : arrive Seattle at, r N master l.'.Hjr,

4*_*!b» * CO-. «»«Tita. Telephone.


ly riMMwMtlfTt. Kk*gtt Rftrer route.*** May it, at » a. m.; May *.

M r 22 at 13 noon. LwweaH x-l

_ v»> » at 1 pro. mßlnr atWt Tuialip. manwoodTPtr,

for \f;Vi" in»«£ Q



I topsa for Fort To*rn*«n«J.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0« Whatcom, BLAINE ami VAN-

whsrf Mondays and?^-V.s p. m. Blalue. f-. Vancouver.J* fot information, Yseler dock.~


STEAMEL ROSALIE.dock. leaves for Victoria and

sZTTowwM-iui daily, except Sunday. at

iS a in : r**urr»:ug. I"are* Victoria atrVTis m Bieam-r George E Starr i«»ve»

5i Pnrt and way port* daily.

*z:./r > Saturday, at VOO p. m Sunday.

Z?Vt at 9a. m returning, direct, ieaveatown*"n«l at 2p, m. *Pkaae, Pike ».



Turn Card In Effect Juas I, UN.

MATTUt. EVERirrr * whatcomp.Aiiw»-. RO T:tk»of Waahioator leaves Seattle

JTv ftctpf Ha!ujdar at 10 p. ip.

mlfrLF A [~A CONN Bit no PTE.F»irhav«n leave* Seattle dai!y. except

g»taf<iay. at W p- n>-"tlesli jee. Main m Te«i«r dock.

0.R. 8M.4

Xs the most direct line. Seattle to allpolnta Cast and Southeast. Pullman pal-ace sleepers, upholstered tourist sleepersand free reclining chair cars; steam beat.Plntsch light. For tickets to or froa anyMint la the Untied States. Canada orEurope, call on or address

E. £. KLUI, Ueacral igest,

CIS First avenue, Seattle;107 PacUtc avenue. Taeoma.





p*(kifs| *K »r»».A swimming sensation in the head, the

netesslty to hold to plilar or post <>n!yfor a second, shows there is somethingthe matter with the man.

W HAT IS THE MATTER fUndoubtedly the Individual Is afflicted

with some form of liver disorder: it maybe worse, tt may be nervous debility, orsome f.*rm of nervous disorder. If youare in this condition you can use withswfety the Hudyan Remedy treatmentYou can get Htidyan only from the Hud-son Doctors.

Write or call.Htidyan cures Spermatorrhea. Nervous,

M'-ntal or Physical Debility and the pe-culiar diseases and disabilities of man.


30-PAY CURE First, secondary10 pIY CURB or tertiary form of30-DAY CURB blood troubl. « canSft-DAY CURE be cured with ?0-30-DAY 'CURB- Day Blood Curo.


Hudson Medical InstituteJIMCTIOM

Stoektos, Market and Ellis Sts.,





Alf Vrr.,»i IHiMwr filifau»r j. Meef ,ew*«ee,et«- c*u«e»ib» I(M><ls h«r KintwwK »al tu4t«-(|v<inti ftry ««Mi (aiWf|«K»r» !»»« VUsht* l» ®ul ?» )Ui4IIa »u tar . bwuna or m»nrrwi,i InMUt" »b4 < o*«n« .'if

ia tttr* Tk*.r «fco»» iw-s»mii+ut itij-iwm**' »od ???.-«-? CORF lariu ujwo ka«tn« lit* AimJL T Thmt

««n»l thow«.*A4> as>i »ill .-«r» two * ? «1*» ?

? n i»n iwnii*<« »&>*> > car* ia mcr .mOf P»faad B«M1 fri.-a SO casta s«r !?*> >ao, M

ail pawtasaa If*.. irMMK'.Itar Kk H» aai'.tst ?.o wrarrwr cm* iwMKOfMta Ilrearar fnw

AJ AX RfcMEDY CO.,For *a'e by Stewsrt St Holmes

Co.. XS First avenusw and R. R. Leitbaad.First aad Marios.

buvErtn!V MS IB IK«ty VSH COOKHPHmIOMKMY taE. Ml ltaMale T«a»l«avzrszJZ u'ezjL'ZZ svMB*s M <sy»

femsl* iSfalMerTall* <»0

Vf i If fer W "nun . MtfriarlJVw;lkJBISaI ».2J« ft ftlkftt.n> rv


r*rr'v,' : \u25a0 l >"" CityVf.K foot of Mail! street. Moaday.wLlseedey and Fri'lny at la m for Port?ten*!.}. San J"*" Islands and New4-- Returning, Imvm K w What-Min Tuesdav. Thursday and Mm;unlay, at

rn J R Thompson, many gar-owner.Lltiv, Bogardus if Co., agents. City dock,frlepborie, Main $7.



Carrying Passenger* and Freight.

Steamars Cleveland and La Itme will leaet>fen Franeiso regularly for 8» it;le ondffcootJ. collecting- for *ll points.

JT gfe'. »l per ton. For freight and p*v

iu« app.y toE E. CAINE Agent.

Arlington Dock.


STEAMKit DELTAleaves Oall.ralth dock foot of Washing-ton street. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat-

ya at 7 o'clock B. m , for Kingston.ftti QemMe, a>e*u-<'k. Briiuion, Holly.X**vgtt<9. Lilliwaup Fail*. Ho<wiapirt andtfatati City Returns alternate days.

D TROUTMAN, Master.Telephone, lied 151.


Take steamer BAY CITY for Anacort*?.Patrtiaven or Whatcom Leave? Oumner-ctsl dock Tacoma. 2 p. m ; City dock

Main mrrti) Seattle, ft p. m . Tues.,Thurs and Pat Returning leaves What-t<m * p in Fair haven. S;li p m.. andAnacnrtes 10 p m.. Sun , Wtdnet. andFit Fares Seattle Jl. or Jl 30 round trip,Tscotna Jl & or J2 round trip.



Steamer MARY F. PERLEY.Imtm Qalbraith'g dock foot of Washing-ton sir**' far by Ivan < irove, Bremerton,V H Navy Yara Charleston. Sidney, at»»a m. <\u25a0«*> p in Sundays 9:30 «. m..'Mp. di Returning. leaves Sidney at #:loi m. 12J5 p, m Navy Yard f;Vft a. m.:ZM p m.. Sundays, leave Sidnev 300 p.n* Navy Yard 39) n. m ; Saturdaynights, leave Sidney. * <*» o'clock; NavyYum. tut Telephone, Red l&l.




**? Faol, Misittspalit, Dalath,'***?? ».e«»g l*ark(.Crsskalsa,

RtUaa, lad Ratle.Pkllndelphlo, WsihUfUs,

l*w York. Tinitoa s«d AllPslsu Fast and Snatfc.


\u2666 Ik liner's Popy'iir Route p

* ??TO? 7

|rossland|| -4A# ALL- 11

5 Kootenai Points, £

timi: M IK.I* K9rc( %i»nl I

rM.«rV !X8 LKAV| pkattle.nj. St. r*»J

&£& {StS«4 «Wi

: "

"WSP*"'-" iiWi;'*4 *


-N ?~A RRJ £~AT~3i: A TTLE.


ipoit*!,. H,mmUU*. t?t

\u2666fcvT? <\u25a0;>, tx. B1

£**Qf» ? *»4 Sk-.JthlyE*,; « « Pl m.*»« # 4 uJ#

J!y ex v vU oti»»r* ;'r!vf*r4 wiuiovi M-

kl..?*.:** i: '****? '

*r. ar 1 rttr-, "J a »«a»h!» Coap*B|.

k. cJz. m J"*I** 1** *:.4 etn«r UiXax aaiioac * s>i«ir<aaaI. 4. sadfau.

f>» Acor. untf w*jr taJ

tt."« C«!un»b'* rrMt.

k* |S ,5 " {'*»»*&#«? A«at.JNttSf.* *"*?«? wa« Thtri






Krchmngm AS tJ» 9*atUe. Ticorr.s and

Portland daanoc today were:Clearance*. f*/2CTL

Seattle .... 4 54.«« * 12s «»> HTaf-oa .... ...........


Portland IM.WS « 49


was California steamer day

and thebuaiSML Tfeere was a fairly good demandfor tbe California product*, and price** dsanot Imp much B'.ack cherriesand i#cought irooi SLM to US* per box.There wa* a fairly good dema&'l forNew nWwfi came up from, Ca!ifwnsaand though it was not of the ftneet thedemand was g*v*l. Many ftne onions cameiiD oar.v

Prices -ortlnue abont ths »»? !* thefrain « artd. J "W. Brokaw. a well-knownwtanwood merehsnt. ,was in the city ye»-ttr?!*>'. To a reporter he «--.! d: "Hi.- farm-er* in snd about my country are In a g»dtumor. Tt*e crops h.irs not look<*d so *? ilin many s as they do at present. Theweather ooutd not be better if H was niadoto order. Grata tai swrre. We have verylittle left. Even feed In not to be found tnUrge quantities We fe«i that this seasonH going to be a great one for the far av-ers."

Jobbing Qtetatlns*.The folkrwuiff are the )o*»Nr>g Quota-

tions of whole<iai« deaiars today:Sagsr, Flour and ISfee.

Sugar Oot>Wngi?OoMw "C" in bbls. perlb. *Sc. extra "C" in bbls. per lb, Ac;dry granulated in bblm, per lb, SV: cube.?*%c; powdered. M«c; spot cash prices.

KIOJT. e*c. Fatt-nt Exce!le«t,f«75. Novelty A. M« brand*.W W, buckwheat flosir. per bbl. MSO; P^ rcwt, $3 graham, per bbl. >4. orltf-!b sacks. ttZ por cwt; rye ft«>ur. perhbl. U. or 10-lb «cks. 9S-» cwt;rye meal, per l>bl J3.75 per cwt. fc;rwlle.l oata. per bbl s«#!.»>; hominy percwt, J2S; cracks Wheat. p«*r cwt, C5;fl.<ked wheat $2.;4) p*r caas; whole whentflour, per cwt, ©.25, pearl barley, 100-Ib

4c; boxes, ic: split peas, perl-»>-rb sack*. 4c; 38-Ih boxes. 6c; cornmeal, yellow, 10s. $159; j(ls. »1 S; white,

1«». $1 *? Mb $1.45; flaked hominy, bbls,(i 7a kegs 12.26.

CofT.'o (jobWnrt?Oreeo?Mortha. per Tt>,J2c. Java, per ft, tBGTHc; Costa RU-a,choice, per lb. A. R»a*ted?Arbuckle I<JO-lb ea*es. per cwt. 113.15, 6&-Tf> c:tses.p. r cwt. 113.JC; *-lt> cases, per cwt. m »;

Java. 50-lb tins, per lb. |bc. sac As. S4c;

Aden Mocha. Csracola 27Wc; Guate-mala. 23<-, grouod coffee, Lion, 100«,I1J.15; 40b. »3.25: **. 113.».

Meats, ProriiiOM \u25a0>! Flak.Fresh Moats (Jobbing)? Cow beef.

?teer beef. Tc per Tb. mutton. P®rlb- pork, per lb; veal. 6c per lb.

Provisions (jobbing ( Hams, large, lie;

hara«. sm.U!. HHcj breakfast hacon, yi»c;dry iwkii siJtA ft&c-

Fresh 1-14b (Jwblng)--Halibut.salm«»r.. Hj7c; salmon trout, Sc; flounders,

m&ic: sole*. 3%*: rock cod. sc; bluckbass. bc; perch. Z'-rfhc. mountain trout,L2M!lsc; shrimps, lucMatter, Clecae, K«e> and Poultry.

Butter?'Ranch. l<Xtfl3c; Eliensburgr andother Waamnglou creameries. *-lb prims,U^lfic.

Cheese {Jobbing)?Native Washington,California full cream, 9c.

Kgfi (Jobbing)? ra.ich. 134<J14e.Poultry (jobbing)? Chickens 19^lie; live

weight; dr»-<wed chicken* 12Vjo; turkey 4,

tfs{l7c per lb.\ fgetabU* and Fruit.

Potatoes Oobblng)?Native stock, J13@14;YaUauw. Jl&#16; swetH potatoes, 4c perlb.

Vegetables (JobblngV-California peas. S<f|

Pac: <>r« gon pt as. 5c per lb; rhuhari). lHc;Walia Walla aaj:>aragna. Jl |»r boa. <ni>-bages. California. Ji.75 per ewt; new Cali-fornia onions, U*s|l*nc; beetjj. J1.25 persack; carrots, *1.25; lettuce, hothouse, IhQ3*V- per doa; cucumbers. ho:hous>e, TSc&Jiper do*.

Green Fruits (lobbing)? Lemon*, fancyCalifornia. J2.7a#3; selects. applee.J1.U)4?2 per box; bananas. tJgi »; orangue,fancy seedlintrs. K choice, J2.21®2.50; strawberries. Jl "i 0 per case.

Hay. (»rala aad Feed.Hav (Jobbing)?Paget ?\u25a0\u2666oun!, per ton

JIJVIL Eastern Washington timothy. Jl7®l«; California, JII-STS; alfalfa. Jll«12.

Oats Jila2.Barley Oobblng)?Rolled or ground, per

ton. J&XCorn Whole, JJO. cracked. J2G&2I; feed

meal. J3003.Milistuffs Oobhing>?Bran, per ton, Jl4a

15; short* per ton. JI7JHB.Feed Oobt>ing>?Chopped feed. Jl7@l» per

too. middlings, per ion. J-'l, oil caku meaiper ton. JU.


No 1 club, milling. 7ic; biue«tetn, mill-log, 760-


TACOMA. May 19. -Wheat - Millingprice; No. I dub. 7&c, blueaUm, 78c.


PORTLAND, Or. May 19.-Wheatr-W#Ha Walla. valley, 77c.


BreadstnCs and Grains.SAN FRANCISCO. May 1?. ?Flour-

Family extras. J47&y4.«: bakers' extras.K&ifiiffi;superfine, jllO'a 1.35-

Wheat Shipping, JI.SZV for local use,Jl Ji*,ei.33: milling. Jl «?..

Barley?Fe-d. choice, 76*4077l?<-; brewing. SS^rSfW-

Oat s- Puget sound. J! somefan>-y white, higher; Inferior grades, 95< u$L97*.

Rteelgts.Flour?ljuarter sucks, 13.000; Oregon.

3.M1; wheat, cent >ls, I«H>. barley, centals,1.006; oats, centals, 70; beans, sacks. !>6;corn, cental*. 810; potatoes, »a>-ks. 1,331;do Oregon, 370; onions, sacks, 715:< k« I.I**; mlddllntrs. sacks, 37'); hav,tons. 271; hops, bales, wool, bales. IS.d > Oregon. *; hides, number, 2SJ, *ine]gallons. IS, 100.

Prmluee, Fruits. Etc-Feei-Middlings, per ton. J1« bran,

Ji."-'y 1.i.50Hay?Wheat. PGi ft.S*); wheat and o«f.

t'iilv. oat, river bartey beatbarley, JS jOsy*. aifalfß.. J,VgB clover,stock. JG«r«, fomur.# 1 wheat.straw, per hale

Vegetables?Earlv Roae t»otatoes.river Burbacks. Sf«3«Ssc per sack;, Oreaou Barbanks. 7vn J!;Petalußi.i and Tom ties Burbsnks. ;new potat(V».». l«»lVjc per pound; «weet pa-tatoos. J'wl 2f>, rii'w onions,sack. AnstraJlan onions, S&Pjc poun '«ni<*umber*i. 4«t®7sc o*r ioeen; dri--»i pep-pers Hp* i>«r pouno; dried r.kra.gariic, l#dc. «Mparagua. 7a. sr.choke aspar;\gua, E '0tf1.75; green p*»«* 2SSM-*" per «aek, garden peas. stringbean a. sS(g»«r per pound: rhubarb, 35t'wcper r»«x; Mexicnn tomaioe* K oer t <>x.

Fr ilta?Cherri -e. white. SsosMc p.>r box;cherries black Mk#li per box appl*Jl p**r tK»X lx>nirw>rtb strawber-

ries. per che-t i ? 1*» -srw strawbee-n<«, grioaeberries, :?r:v p**r poundfancy runrel K.tofyi. ;5;orar.t s, SJ '4 *weets. 11 v>fti Mexican iimes, w ? ,v>; common CaH-fomta lemon*lemons, JS erap.- fruit. J4#4 per box;batuUMM, JitiS. Smyrna fgs. dates.

Batter Fancy creamery, 15',c; sec-ond*. lH|lse; fancy dairy. He; seconds13»UV

K. heeae Fancy mlid new. f.-».lr tos-eod California ?ream ekaddar.lotfllc; Young A»»r >». Eastern

Weatera li^.%-Mga-Stora, rsncb, 14V ; :lsc.P^uitry?Live turkey gobbles, ir

do hen* I'.frlJc. old >«; jronng. do'j:#« small broiler*. tZft large .?.?>. $«I fryer*. JRpC. hen*. J+tf* du «-

RIfJS; docks jrouag. MBB geese » i1 !"? Ji-Sarl pigeoea, ji.r. jISO.

< loaiMir Qnotatloaa.Wheat?Qalat ind Srm December 11 X.B«riey-4naet?v»; Daermt-ar, tV*c,Com--L.irg* yellow. Jtf?l «s 4Bran - * Aiif'WT.ia J giky

\* (IDI MISU Hoill.Wool--Spring; CheJce foothm V'ff *v--

San Joaou-a s.'x months. d year's«t *;le, SffXV: tr.ctnratn. li#l«c; Nevadal«flc- Oeegf-v Northern. IMTlic.Hops?Crop of ISS*. sfiVS* |»er pourta.


xft *1 j «?Syrfct ... 15H*\. iVuto ~®'iQM | Te4*gr*f>h .. .. 17*^

Mining Moeka.Alta 4 Jslta 4Ah*?» Can F Justice - ..

Andce 1" Kentuck Con 4B»lcher I* Lady Wash. Con.. ..

Belle is!e M-xican >1R*«t A Belcher .. &? Mono ..

lioiie Con y jnt DiabloBu.u >n 5 Natvajo ..


Pulwer Con Ctc'dental Con ... >

Caledonia 10 Ophlr *5Chauerge Con ... 33,Orem»an 14CboUar 2 Pot!)«- ..


ConlMcnce *?S»eaire -i

CaL A Va ..W 1Cor. Imperial .... ! Stem Nevada ... SICon. New York ..

.. S''>et HillCrowrt Point S> s".ver KingEx hequer Uiios Con ........ 31OmJd A currle .. IT Cts.i Con 4Ornr.d Prlxe '* YMlow Jf cket .... 36Haie A Nercross. 73j


Tko Stork Sxekssgo

VEW YORK. M\y l? The flrmr.essshown by many standard shares tn therather stormy V -lasitudee of today's stockJrarket was quite remarkable, consideringtb« existence of rwo such centers of de-pression as New Jersey Central all dayand Chicago Gas in the late dealings, aft-er the r*c*!ots of n»w9 of defeat !n theIllinois legislature of the WU permittingconsoiMation of the eas companies. Toestimate the extent of the influence thatmijrht hare been exercised upon the mar-ket by the«a two stocks, it must be con-sidered that they absorbed over outof s total of ISft.flWi «haree dealt In on theexchange for the <lay.TM e day's trading, though narrow, was

marked by a notable undercurrent ofstr» ngrh, partly on the apywiront ter-mination of the war between Turkey andGreece, and partly to a conviction arrivedat by public opinion in the street by its

own pro°e**es of reasoning that the ad-ministration at Washington had deter-mined against any radical steps in regardto the Cuban question.

The outwani gold movement is no long-er vtewe.i with such marked apprehensionss at first on account of the evidencesthat I: will be restneted to moderate pro-port ion a. There was a slight hardeningtendency to exchange during the day,showing that the bills w*re being slowlyaheorbed In spite of a very light demand.The gold exports for the week, however,are t-xp*cted to bo smsH.

Railways and miscellaneous bonds weraNrithout essential change In value, al-though a decidedly Arm undertone is ap-parent. Business was moderate, with op-erations largely restricted to the promi-nent ts«ues. The sales were S9SI 000

Government bonds showed an improvingtendency in the forenoon, and subsequent-ly eased off. The transactions aggregatedfS,MO. ?

Boarr and Ei«ki«».Money on call, eaay. at 14<?14 per cent.;

last loan 14 per cent.; closed. l*i#l4per<*ent. Prime mercantile pai»er. &*/f( perrent. Sterling exchange. steadv. with ac-tual business In bankers' bills, $4.ST*,#4.574 for demand, and at S4J6V for 60days; posted rates. 14.57 and IN *JWi4.Bii4:commercial bills. $4.%U»: silver certificates.S<v?i£)W; bar silver, 604e; Mexican dol-lars. 474c.

\u25a0?MI.T* 8 4s. n*w reg.l«4!C. P. Ist* of *96. .10fi*44- new coup. .1224JD. A R O. 7s ..1104

Fives, reg ?ll3 ! Fours 4»4Fives, coup ..113 I Erie 3ds 62Fours, re* ....110S O- H * 8. A. 65.107Fours, coup ..112 ! Sevens 110Twos, re* .... 954 H A T. C. 5s ...1104Pup. 6s of *95 ...104*4 Six** 101

Ala.?Class A . .10* M K. T Ist 45.. <44Class B 1.16 Second 4s 74Class C 101 Mut. Union 6s ..I<>7Currency .. ..100 X. J Cen. O. a5.1004

I«a. New Con. 4s !W Nor. Pnc. lsta ..ll? 1*

Missouri «s 100 Seconds 534N Par «s 124 Fours <W

Fours 104 v w. Consols. .1438 C. Non-Fund H' S. F. deb. r.s .111Term new set «s 81410 R A N. 15t*..111%,

Fives 105 Fours 544Three* R. G. W. Ist* .. 734Old 6* m St. Paul Con. Ts.lSWi

Va. Centuries ..64 C A P. W 5* ll4vlDeferre-f 6 I St.l* A 1M 05» 67U

Atchison 4s 81V. St.L. A S.F.O.fH.IIISSecond A 454 Tex. Pac. Ist* .. Wi,

Can South. 2d5.1«6 I Seconds 304fio. R R Sj,

.... Rs%m. P. lsts of '9*.>lft34* N. 4s 7»^|West Shore 4s ..10S4Stork QmiTntioni.

Atchison 10% N. T. A N. E.... 37Adams Ex 14« |Ont. A West .... 134Alton A T. H... 60 (Oregon Imp

Preferred .... .. (Oregon Nav Ift

American Ex . .112U-'O. S L. A U. N. lr <4Bait. A Ohio'P*clfio Mail ....

Canada Pao .... 134 Peoria, D. & E.. 4Canada South , 4*V Pittsburg 162Central Pao .... *4'Pu!hnan Pal ...I'7Ches. A Ohio ... 16 (Reading ISChi. A Alton ...1.10 I Richmond Ter ..


C. B. A Q 744! PreferredChicago Gas ... 78', R f}. W. 124Con. Gas JPO4I Preferred 80C C. C A St 1.2*4' Rock Island .... 634Col. Coal A I .. H!StX. A SFlst p .Cor. Oil Or .... to ISt Paul 734-TM A Hud ?IOB%I Preferred 132r>eL, L. A W...1-474iSt Paul A Om.. 5*"»4D A R. G. pre. 354! pref. rred 138ru- A c R.*r<i. .. south. pa c 144Erie 12 !Sn;r»r Refinery .113

Preferred .. .. 2* 'Tenn. Coal A 1.. 174Preferred 2d .. 14 I Tex. Pan *4

Fort Wayne ...165 jTol A O. C. pre. 70Gt. Nor. pre ...130 tl'nlon Pao 64C a E 111 pre. 95 <l*. S. Ex SSHocking Val ... 14 Wab. St. L. A P 447H!nri= Cen .... 924! Preferred 124St. Paul A Du.. 1R !Wrlls-Fargo Ex.102%Kan. A Tex. pre 27 (West. Union 774L E A VC* IS1 .* Wheel. A L. E.. 1

Preferred .. .. 60 f Preferred 24Lake Shore ....16341 Minn. & St. L... 16L*ul Trust .... 244] P. AR. G *4Louis A Nash. 45 I Gen. Elec'rtr ... 284L A N Albany 4|Nat. Linseed ... lftMm. Con &4UICcI Fuel A I ... I*>4X'em. A Cha.'tn. 1" ! Preferred S7Mich. Cen % H AT. CenMissouri Pnc ... 124 Tol A.A. A N M ..

Mobile A Ohio.. 16 Tol.B* L. A K.C RUNash. A Chat .. #B4' Preferred IS'-,Nat. Corda pfe* .. .. So R R 74

Preferred ....

.. I Preferred .. ... 264N J Central .. 7:'.4' Ana. Tobacco ... 704Nor. A W. pre.. 27 Preferred 10JNorth Am. Co 4'- Am. T A C. rv> «»

Nor Pac 12VCnm Cahle Co. IV*FreferrwJ .. .. SfiVAm Sririfs 174

I P P A 0... IVU. S T,<»ath. pre 944! P <".C. A St.L. p WO. R K- S pre., i Pot Oil P*"e ."4Am. Bu»ar pre..103 T' S Ruhher ... 13Northwestern . .Ift4\' Preferred 62 1 -.

Pr-ferred ... IMUf9.. A E Ist*. ..

N. Y. Central .. 9&VTotal

Th total sales of stocks today were 175.-563 shares, including:American Sugar s, conBurllnsrton 14«*hloAgo G.t* Tru~t receipts !. 62 7W?Delaware A Hudson 7 nooSt. Paul ji iriftTcnnefwe Coal 5.*00

General (Imitation*.

Flour?Receipts. 17 45©;<iuil and weak, demand being for wtuterstraits. Minnesota patents. Mli>j4 35; Min-ws'? i baker*. 65; winter patents,14 t *ft; winter strait*. J3. 40

Wheat?Receipts. K.278 bu«*iel»;132..V<6 bushels; ?j>ot. steady. Opened firm,but e.-ue«l off and was w«iik under liqui-dation. lower late calie#. favorable cropnews and lirht export demand, closingw h * sudden rally on covering 4#r4cn* t advance. No. 2 red May. ?9r vJ'794c'rjo.-»d 794 c; September, 72 5-16^73c; cloned

Hops?Dull.Wool?®tsady.1vtro!ei;ro?f»utt; Pennsylvania rmd*,

KMdr: Jun», *6c bid; «iiM. none.Coffee?Opened bereiy steady. I<V*JIS

point* lower: closed et»3dr \t % net lo<*of 10 point*:, 7.25< Aucuet. 7.*V: Sep-?embfr TJfe: Norstnber. fTlOe;7-tic; March, 7.a5c Sjwt c-Rio.weak. N%>. 7, 7\»c; tofehlng, mlki,steady Cordova,

Su*ar?-Raw, quiet, rMbMd, iteju.v,Mr t a I*.

Plf iron?Pif 1*: southern. IS.awjl* <#?north <»TO.

i>n»»-r?®t**ady; brok* r.< price, 111 IJU;?xehan*». tKMniX

Tin?Ftrraer; straits. tlS*©l3.»; plates,

ftpettr?-?Qnist at >4 : tiiu.L«ad DaB: eachanse,

brokers'. SS-tt I*-


The iloafd of Trad*.OHX-AQO. May 1« -Uverpool had re-

wemi an early decin wheat and*<»* already nlgtwr han It closed rc«-

r before tr.u aurknt opened. ThisWas due, ft is > laiaat-d, to bad report* fnwnthe FYeneh crop. Apr: the cattle*,there was nothlna in the early nesr« dif-fering iniK'li from th*t prevailing condi-tions yeetefOay. arid the opening ailMiii m**J due soieiy u> the Liverpool -lrn»n#*x«J i!y or»'--»ed here from Tic to 7P %e.y 'vr jya .?Itwin* pt! * >f «u>*t ofth* tridea at TiHic for ->boat two mttnite*.arx! for an hour the prx* dfl not to bJew 7<A»c. ?* above the hi*?v*t of theopening *iuotati as.

The «Tvp news waa rather favorable farthe bear*, as the weather osrop b jiietlart-jyfftel everything > wKh a «t« adyincrease Ir projects <'aliform* imj>l no rain at tfr'erv *nlwe*-her hot. but as the 6au Fr&iK-4e<r>market was eaafe r the crat' new.* fromi.'tere d : ik* tela the n.arket in* - ri»ulv.There w -re reports ef damage by tfte H«-atan fly is ifiohypan. Kansas andfc>urt. birt as th*> wer* not ar< jnpir.K-1ty b-. ...g order* Usay tad mu« u^Sueoct.


Tfiß SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCEK. fffUISbAY, MAY 20, 18VT.Speculative bue<n<"S? was inactive in the» -idle of the day, both totalis and bearsexpressing uncertainty as to the futureci the market, bat after 13 o'clock themanM* b**an to go oo«.

OutsMe of Liverpool, foreign cables wereah weak. and lower, and ev?r. Liverpool .3:4not hold all of its jtreagth. duly Anallysold down to but about twentymaute? before the close the rear*?* he-ram- %s strong as at the opetun* on re-ports of quant Hies of wh»attaken for rtlpagit w?r*> char-ters! for over .i»> v«"» bushe*s today andalthough !««s« of it wis wheat bo .<n# theday beam, there was probably over I§B,-

bushel* of the wheal oought vo»iay.Joty rose to TiV and closed at

Corn was fairly active and heavy onlarge country pure ha sea oy elevator peo-pse. agwinst which they ortd future# m thepit- The wt-ather wa» favorable and theow. »* good tor th« comiruc crop.

Gats wer« meady aX day. but until theclosing trading was narrow the strengthcoining principally from a good shapinginuuiry.

Provisiens were fairly steady on smi lnmouat of m, The market wasweak early on wKirtg by the packer*, butrecovered later under covering by Gloria

Ciustng Huotatlnn*.Wh*4?May. 71V-': July. Tl^ac.Corn?May. July.Oats?tMay. lTfcc Ju;y 17V.Pork?May, » :i; July. 17.Lard?May. 18,75; duly.Baney?S^j^s,.Ribs?May and July, $4 47.liye?July. 34e.Ffa*?Caah. 7<P»c.T:aio thy?|2.7s.

I.ltc Mock.Cattle-®aW were rs-ade at ffls

common to fairly good native steers. stack-ers and fee lers. >s very few cow®?old below $2 00. and fat heifers fium si.Mtto <4.4«>; calve*. lor best.Hogs?w. re argeiy at >S «7'-stif

3.rj- t, the extrwne range of prices beingJ3jnfrX.Se. while pigs brought .75.

Sheep? srtd briskly at Cfor culls and inferior lot*. up to |Motp&.6ofor good to prime wooied Units. Moat ofthe ibeep were shorn, and sals* wereactive at J2.2Nji3i> for th- poorest, up to>1.75 for the choke lota, sales being largelyat $3.75#4.50.

Receipts?Cattlsw l&ta); hogs, 21,000;sheep, U,<XA>.


rtMUMtakLONDON, May I#.?Consols, 11l U-U;

sliver, 27Sd.NEW YORK. May l».~The Evening

Post's London financial cablegram says:Confirmation of the Graaco-Turkish

armistice together with superabundantmoney, has given the stock markets herea ttoommg appearance. A feature of to-day was a sharp rise in Kartlrs. which,as previously cabled, have been oversold.Efforts to provoke a little boom may besuccessful. Foreigners were sympatheti-cally good. About i.IrtO,UOO in Japanesemoney was released here today, and moreis coming out.

The Paris and Berlin markets were firm.ttrrad«ta>» and Urnm».

LIVERPOOL. May tk?Wheat-#teady;cargoes off coast, rather easier; cargoeson passage, rather easier, at 3d lower;English country markets, firm. Liver-pool wheat. No. 1 California, lisU* d: wheat In Paris, easy; flour iu Paris,weak.

Cotton?Uplands, 4 5-S2d.

London Wool Sale*.LONDON. May IS.?The attendance at

the wool auction sales today was good andcompetition keen all around, with pricesshowing a hardening tendency. The con-tinental buyers bought wools at extremerates, and Germany sought after locfc* andplaces. American buying was somewhatbetter today. The number of tales offeredwas 14.654. of which MO bales were with-drawn. Sales in details:

New South Wales. 5. *B6 bales?Scoured,7Wl#}'l3 6d; greasy,

Queensland. 7:6 bale*?Scoured, 9V44JISawi; greasy,

Victoria, 2,83 bales?Scoured, ty«d@ts4d; greasy, 4\&ltHxd.

West Australia. 307 balea-Oreasy, &*4?iw.

South Australia, 41»5 bales?Scoured, Mfill.

New Zealand. B.BIS bales?Scoured, Sfed#is 2vi. greasy,

Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 1.321bales-Scoured, 6%d#ls **d; greasy.6 «*d.

A sale of 78 bales of Australian skins,scoured, sold at 7-Vi<&ls lVxd.


C. M. Riddell, Tacoma.P. A. Waltem, Blaine.E. M. Bli»s. Tacoma.F. A. Bartlett, Port Townsend.J. H. Fairbanks, New York.M. P. Woftsger, Friday Harbor.V*. Stoadecker, San Francisco.A. O. Morton, Boston.Henry J. Stark, MilwaukeeW. A. Sample. Auburn.George A. Neteun. Astoria.L. w. David, Blain.W. B. Kernan. Portland.C E. Carr, Tacoma.W. C. Cheney, Oregon City.

A. Eisenbach. San FrancisesH O. Hlaikwell, Si>okane.F. A. W«ber. Bpokane.H J. Jackson, Pullman.J O McCllnton, Port Angelea.

W E. Burkhart. Tacoma.C W. Random, San Franciaco.Frank J. Carter, San FranciscoH. J. Hammond, Tampa. Ha.Henry Jacobs, San Francisco.L. Kline, San Francisco.E. B. Morton. Oakland, < ai.

B 8. Knowlton, Leavenworth.J. Frankenburger, Tacoma.

THE NEW !INULAND.M Kelly, Burke, Idaho.C. R. Wiegel. San Fnnclsco.M E. Roulston. Westminster, B. C.

L. Hntelwood, Vancouver, B. C.Gordon Wood, W atsfci*N. T. Nelaon. I*CornerAlbert GoatleV. Francisco.H B U-ilea, Toronto. Canada.

J ' D Jones, Franklin.C A Williams, CityJ. E Blnet. Montreal Canada.H Matthews. S & I R- R.Rlchar.l M Orath. Tacoma.Fr*-d Eberle, Everett,j i' Ryan, K'tchlkan. Alaska

M Ertekson and wife City.

M Foley, Juneau. Alaska.Jamos E Stanley. Tacoma.F Gundcrson. Tacoma.A Millar, Tacoma.Joseph Meighan. St l£ulaFrank Breen, Waco. Tel.

W H. K-dmry, Heath Port Gamble,

peter H Id*b. S..n Francises.ft Gl!more, Burbank. Caltieor** R Og*. KnglanS.

pat Harrington. Burke, Idaho.

THE RAINIER-GRANB.Mrs. E J. Roberts, t children and,

P,.V-.' : john Noycs. Butte. MonL

SMiss Ruth Noyes, Butte.John Noy**. Jr.. Butte.C I. McFall* St. Joe Ma,

Capt' J. Murphy. Dublin.A. Hemphill. Chi^aao.

M'-Cabe. Tacoma.r». a. Kinney. Roalyn.8 J. Friedroon. Por'landMrs. Farnum, Philadelphia.Mi«s /imum. Philadelphia.

J B Sanger, Phli.vdelphla.

Caarles H Wood. San * ranclsco.IT x Hudson. P? Loul*.Mrs M E Roi;l*ton. St. IXJUIS.H. S." Bowen, Chicago.

P C. Stoe«s. Spokane-i' g Appleby Hattrte, B. C.

T> A Randolph." HataU*. B- <"?

Frederick Townse«d. Portiana.

O. A. Baker. Chicago.

\ R Vermiiyea anl wife, Chicago,

a Rothschild. Cincinnati. ,j A Matheson. Anacortes.

THE STEVENSGeorg G. McN' i rrara. Port T*wn«*nd.C dark. St Paul.C. Deiventhai an l wife. San DScgo.

M Manley. Tacoma.Mrs Keapp. Snohomish.M N. Norton. Portia r 1V Tlarerty. Snohomish.>4 V San Fris^lfO.V v Fl«ner and wtf. Ea" '"MllaakWIIHam J Jores. Port Townsend.\ j Jaoob* and wife. Olvmpi*.

Robert H> rry and w;fe Snohomish.R H Collin? Kirkland.Waldo Richardacn. leaven worth.J7 J C. Tx»fT/«r. H*rrl#o« Lnke, B. CW H Harlow. San Fmncjseo.

o u W«v>lwirl Victoria.N Rudebaek, I?v» r«rt.t


o Butler, Everett.Joseph Rew Port BUV^l^y.

TIIE PIIXER.Rickard Bftrrtt.

C G H.jpkina. Sew Whatcom.J W. Slarfe*. Tacwna

Watson. Tacoma.Jihn Kelly Tacoma.

j. Firrvil. SanMr* Fa'reJl Fxt. Fran J»e<>Mrs. A. W Rickey, fteobwn an.\f «« Mi v Catrna, Snof ns!*Charlea P <*htcaao.E F. Lawaon. Black Piairond.f\ j Moyw Mount Verncn.I< Vantcourer.V iss K M Rt n S iohomi*!*John Taylor. VK torta.P. \ aa Taaa«U. Sumoee.



Wat ? of ihc PajreT a»aw«|

Strftwhwit .iMMlatlflil The

4 leartawd tatlt far tea rwitelwo

\Mth Pall Carvo and Pmmjrr

Ll»t-P*rißf Caait Steamship Caaa-

M«r Steaaaer Sal Una*.

A p?aee haa at last N»#a found for tt*«ateamer t;*oqre K Starr which will keepher p-rmanenthr employed. The *orth-weatern 9*.»srashlp Cora pi r*v has decidedto place her on tha Seattle. Whatcom andBlair** rout*, and th* tntUa! trip wtH bomade ne*t Tuesday rinht. There art* nowon the run the »t*anvors Stat# of WasiMng-ton and Bay City. These boat* are tn thePuget Sound Steamboat Association andcarry «s i schedule adopts by tha -asso-ciation. The K. Starr manafp-hit.: is not taefuded tn -da rata war may result from her aol»g onthe route. Agent# of thoae boats alreadyruan<ng to Whatcom and Blaine fe*l thatthfre is not enough business for the sup-port oC three *te»ro«>Ts. Until recently ihaState of Washington and Bay City havebeen operating at very sma!l pmflt, andsometimes at a loss. If the competition ofthe Qaorge K. Starr means a >-ut In rateait will go hard for the boats that havemade the row.

Th« Starr has been running for aboutten days in place of the Bosalie. to Vic-toria. She has rs>-ently come off the way*,where she was overhauled, refltted .nd

and can offer good accommoda-tions for both passengers and freight.


Fall Pmmrßirr U»t and Cor*o?TheP. C. «. 9. Co. hmnfn.

Twenty cab!n pas«*ngers and a full car-go wore carried south by the tteuwhlpClnrlud which sailed last evening about8 o'clock for San Francisco. The cargo«u made up as follows: Black Diamondcoal. 750 tons; brick. 2SO tons; oata. 210tons; oanned salmon, 11 tons; general

merchandise. 10 io«s; total. 1,300 tons.Following is a list of the paesenjrers:

E. Simpson. J. Albertson, H. Plowman,J. Is. Mayer, J. Kaufman. C. W. Tut tie.,Joseph Kinder. Mrs. D. H. Wallace. W.R. Forrest. C, C. Hlner. C. H. Smith. S.

Voy. Mrs. J. N. Jennings. CharlesHoy. George R. Ogg, I>. Quinlin, T. H.Hurd, C. Berkhard, E. G. Morris and R.Knight.

Steailnihtp Umatilla sailed yeaterdaym>rniiWr at * o'clock for San Franciscowith the following passengers; Mr*. JohnA. Whalley. Mliw Msh»l Dlckov. KateHart. O. S. Lesry, C. M. Lynch. C. Wich-mann, Mre. J. J. Ku«dm. George H. Gale.W. J. Maughlin. Miss Mattle Horeon,Dan Miller, Sam Newton. R. C, Hoiilday.A. Cap;**, A. Morton and seven secondclass. Steamship City of Puebla arrivedyesterday from San Francisco.


Use to Arrive Here He*l Month WllhNavsl Cadet*.

According to private advices receivedhere fromt the Japanese consul at Taco-mi. the nam* of the Japanese war vesselwhich la to come here the middle of JuneIs Hclea Kan. The Heica Kan left Yo-kohama May 15. She carries 540 officers,cad.-ts and en w and Is 1000 tons groe*.

The Orrcna to tt«> Here Friday.

The battler-hip Oregon has finishedloading her coal and ammunition andwill be here Friday from the naval sta-tion.


FORECAST OR THURSDAY:Portland, Or., May 19, 1*97.

Fair; warmer.


DAILY RUT T.ETTN.Seattle, Wash., Msy 19, 1*97.


mL~inr?! if IIIf !

ihi ? ? jI I l i'; i :

__L s. Irl: ? [J*Seattle ..,28.82 7s ( «0> N! 101 .00 ClearPt Angeles. ! ».:d #*' E Lt .00 ClearTatoosh . . 2».«* W C.aJW « <lO ClearWalla W .129 94! *2\ M K Lt OoOlearFt Canby .139.W 64. 7* X] la .WCtearSpokane . .(29 92 *4 SI Lt ,«m le»rPortland » A4> tt tt NW IW n*C|e«rRoseburg .23 *2 <4 VWt Lt WClearRed Bluif . 29 74 u6 *NWj Lt! .«»»»'leerS.'«n Fran..129.7* 72 kVi 241 .AO,ClearEureka . «4i AV 6 .00 ClearWlnnem'a .!».?*' 7*] 9W V ftj .OOPtOdyBaker City. »M 7<ij 7»t| Lt( .»|Clearcmfwyp sometime* ,

p cmf cmvbhg"" ~

O. N. SALISJULIi*. utwrfW,""

Tides at Seattle Harbor Today" Tide. ji IjOW Tide.

s m ! ft. 'p tr ft i n.m I ft. Ir> ml ft.

2»27 1131*9 13 11.3 0.4! 10 0, 1.00 -13

AT PORT TOWN9ESD.\«? /;? '>4(i "*X~Too; :o. o>. \u25a0<


Sperial Dispatch to the Post-TntMligsncer.TATOOSH, May 19. ?4 p. m.?t*arom<»t«r.

3r» «s>; cletr. wind southw»sat, twelve miles.Pa-sod out?A schooner st 3p. m. Passsdin?Steam»r Transit at 1:60 t>. m. la the?traits, bound out?A schooner.

!NBAH BAY. May 19.?4 p. tn.-Clear;calm. _

CLALLAM, May 19.?4 p. oj.-fJlear,calm.

. ~»**?JtjRT May 13?4 p. m.?

Baroineter, 30.06; clear; calm.


FAN FRANCISCO May 11?Arrived?Bk Guls> ppe. Genoa and Valparaiso.H lied May IS-Str «'ity of Everrtr, Ns-naimo; str Mackinaw. Tacoma, str

Hanoi. Gray's Harbor. Sal!»d May »-

Str Homer, Fortland. str Lakme Seattle;

str Csarina, Co»s bay; bk Father, Ts-cema Mexican <Jravina. formerly Brschr Kortnna, Maxatlan.

PORT LOH ANGELES Miy ».-««B»dMay is ?Nor etr Pster Jebs»<n, Nanaimo.

GRAYS HARBOR, May lf?Arrive.lMay I*?Schr Orion, hem-e May 2. Sailed?Schrs Occidental, La Glronde andMeiancthon. for San Francisco.

SAN Pl-;i>RO May IS-Arrived May 11?Sch Serena Thayer, from TV oma

RCDO!fDO, M >y 11?Arrived May HPrh Itep.irrer from Astoria.

HONGKONG May If?Arrived May 11.?Br str Taeniae, from Ta coma.



States lauiK-h <luardtook fu«J at lb* Madiaon t»iroet bunker*

Halibut aloop EH* Q. Is In from * win-ter'# ftahtr.a crula* In Ala.ka waters.Bh* bM S w pound* of halibut.

AH' n A fißl*hcd dischsrctnirfr«t#nt yaaterday at tba Arlington dockand **'tow*d by th# tu* City of Aurorlato Port ther* to unload * *mailcorMgnmft of m-rrhandutw.

Harry Turner ha* dl*po«*d bintor of thf ?t»ai*i*r Alta to C*pt P.<rk*r,of Ea*i« bar**. fornix owner of th».naphtna latuv b Alura. The Alta wtll b*k*w ©n tb* fe.*#* bartor rout# a>d wUIcontinue to Jand at Co'.inan dock.


Tr»n»n»*tlc>»« Alne* Jmmumry 1 mad

for I>«lrrd«f.

Rf-al e*4»*+ trannaetl'vfw Btn*» January

t IW7. tr« Tberr w+r* flVd forT,. -ord ye#t*r<l*y U **irr»ir»Mnir

Foitowtnjr is a liirt by

the »*»attl« Abstract Company, room 413»*? York bhx-k:

John C Gordon to Kami Wlot «. 29. 3. 7. May t«. ?**.*»

aaertlf to Haxru-t C. M.tcboU. block 2,


Washington add. and 1 to 4. block VHarrison Height* add. May S. IS.STC.iIf.

Philip Hlbner :o M. F.hxaboth Brown.lot* 4 and \ Mock 3, Lake View add. May2v q. c.. tl.

Wi'llam S. T»tr,e ft u*. to !! trry Will-Ism tfuttaa. pan Jot 4. block 2J, Pontiusadd. January 5, Q.ML

A M Brook#® *\u25a0' MX. to f.ibby P. Prm-K-r. lots < *. IS and 17. Mock F. PUOMy'tadd. May 14. 11.

K itc Benson to Harry Kruta. nl* ne sa

ne >nd new bK 21. 4. I*acres, May17.

v? ~nr»» F. \frachato, city treasurer, toEllen R Taylor, Jots 1. 3 and 3. bkfc'k 3,Washington Pfetoe add, June t>. ISM, 127.15,

Same to Mattl* St. John Taylor lots 4and .\ block J. tot I block 4, WashingtonPlac* add, June IS. '** JJ7.IK.

S»me to I? R. Tay ior, lota 2 and 4.blx-fc 4. Washington Place add. June I>.IW*. »».*

Frederick Tttrrlll to Walter C*. lVscook,lota 1 to »J 15 to -i4 Mock 4. St. ladd. Kaat Tscoraa, May 14. *U

Paulina TU»sbv and husband A. K, to 11.Hunter, lot 1. block 7, ltgktrood, May IS.W

State UinelattiMi Kleet* OHleera andRfeo«mrn4« for (h« Board «»f

Kiimlarrt.TTve closing day's of the Wash-

Incton State Dental isn-iety wan held yes-terday in the Batter hotel. The matinswas ended amtd a general iitood foelinicwhich wna very jjrattfyin* to the den-tists in facr of the r*wm di«t\jr'.*u»c«s.

The members of !he a*r»>tHlwith unanimity tinon the followinamendatiaw for the state board of ''taw-

Inera: l>r. C. A. F>»rhrm. of NVw What-man: Dr. F. W. Bees, of Walla Walla;Dr. Ok. Holme*, of Seattle, to- st»c<*e,dJiimseif, and l>r. M. 1) ,TfcuraiOi», of Sp.>-kane.

In the afternoon officers wtra elected forthe ensuing year as follows: President.R. B. Gentle; vlre president. H. L». Hedger;secoeid vice president. J. N. ITather; sec-retary, CX. L. Erwin; treasurer, J. W.does.

Dr. T<ee Raker, of Port Tovusend; Dr.Kshelman. of the Taooma I>enlal col-lege; Dr. J. O. M'nton, of New Whatcom;and Dr. P. H. OOwnnor, aC Seattle. w« readmitted to membership.

Owing to the absence of m.xny who hadbeen expected to read papers before theassociation only two subjects were treatedyesterday, as follows: 'Voramon Sense inthe l*ractice of l>»*?vtlsiry." J, W. floes,of Taconuu and "Clinics ofby C. L. Krwtn, of Seattle.

The next mutual meeting of the associa-tion will be held at Taroaaa.

tilfta to s KlHd«>r«Mjrten.

The members of the l>oajrd of directorsof the Seattle Klmlersrarten Associationhave reason to look hopefully forward toanother year's work. When funds are lowthere always seems to be some one ready

to help out for the sake of the children.The Women's Christian TemperanceUnion has recently made a «ift of S3O totho association, which was gratefully re-ceivtA \Vb«n the needs of the associa-tion were made known to Mr. CharlesLouch, he responded promptly and gen-erously with a check for s£>. accompany-ing his gift with a hearty expressiou ofsympathy and faith in the work of theassociation. Another xift of $lO was sentin by Mrs. Davis and Nome of her friends.This amount will be Increased by gifts

from others who are greatly interested intho cause. All exitenses are p*4d up tothe present time. It is UUevod there aroenough friends of tho kindergarten InSeattle to support the Main street kinder-garten until it becomes possible for thoboard of education to incorporate the kin-dergarten into Its system of public educa-tion. The recent action taken by tholegislature making it possible for pubiloschool boards to maintain froe kinder-gartens increases the importance of (he

work in the normal department. Appli-

cants for admission into this departmentshould see Miss Creeltaan before sheleaves for h«r summer vacation. MissCreel man is at home on Tuesday andThursday afternoons at 120 Tenth avenuesouth.

The graduating exercises of nlns of thenormal pupils will be held in PlymouthCongregational church on Friday evening.

May 28. An Interesting programme 1» be-ing prepared. Portfolios of the kluder-gartcn handwork of the graduate® will

be on exhibition at the church both after-noon and evening of May 28.

Topics for thr Postol fonaresa.Omaha Bee.

The Universal Postal t'opgresa whh-h

b» now in resalon in Wiwhitnton ha,4

selected a 'ong list of subject* whichits delegates are expected to discuss witha view to action to promote the ef-ficiency of the International postal service.Tfaere are several pertinent topics, how-

ever. which seem to have been over-looked by the men who made the pro-gramme for the postal congress, of wblc.ithis partial enumeration will suffice;

Th« Idiot who writes with whita Inkupon a scarlet envelope.

The freak who insists in experiment-ing with n«»w tangled stationery of sll

sizes and *h*i>es ard with bewildering

for-ns of writing addnww*T*he forgetful friend who sls'ays car-

ries Important l*tter» In his pocket lora week before mailing thejn.

The economical correspondent whomanages to his missive Just over-weight so that posts go due is demandedbefore Its delivery.

The »b«ent-minded man who writes thathe encloses check, but fails to insert the

enclosure.The postal card fler d aho Is too miser-

ly to buy a 2-cent stamp and advertisesto the world family secrets by puttingthem on the hacks of 1-cent postal*.

Th« lore* sick maiden aho thinks shs

can flirt by setting tho postage jrfaujp

awry.The post ag* -tamp manufacturer who

tries to economise on mucilage by fur-

r.lf'Mni* staimps thst won't stick.The «m<irt j»ostal clerk who knows ev-

erybody's husli>e«« better than hi* own.After the postal conr*?"** shall have

dealt with the»w notorious characters,there will still be severs) oth r mette'sryf eroinl hriportan' e to tbe r'llef of thopost office parronixing ptiblle,

Workbensrs fer Trnsnps.

Ptttaburg Times.During the year endirpf !a**t month lodg-

ing and meals were furnished to 1 ViOtrnmp* at the Harrlsbure police station,

and J.Wi of the** dependents weremodated at the county Jail. No recordhas been kept of the numkr that weregiven assistance by private dtixens. butJndging from the figures recently present-ed bv on* I,ebanon county woman, whofound that In one year she had clothedand fed m're than a thousand tramps,

the grand total of chronic k-afcra wholive off < haritv In Dauphin county Is many,times great' r than the official recordsshow.

The few cents that sre careleWiy hand-ed to the Individual tramp seem of littlevalue to the glser, but when statistics ofthe aggregate cost of thla kind of charity

are eotlected the re*-lit la astonishing.Thousand# of dollars are espepdtd ev»ryyear in eT»rr county of the »t*t» for theeuptx rt of able-bod!."! men who are t<*»

ln«v to work. And while this indiscrim-inate and pernicious alms-gtvlr.g Is goingon the deserving snd m >d*"" P'K>r arosuffer!ng for the necessaries of life.

Every county should establish a wort;-

bout , wh> re tramps will he given achance to earn their living. Then everyapplicant for a*«lstanee who ec.m<-s to thedoor of the private rttl«en should be di-rected to this Institution, and If he fledsthat he can no longer receive help else-where he will go there and work beforehe starves. The people support the tramps

now out of their Individual pic kets. ItWould be better if they would support

th»m by providing public institutionswhere they would be :n»de to help *upportthemselves, as far as their health andStrength permit.

'Ibe (>«> M Reserve.

WASHINGTON. May IS.? T 1 ty's state-ment of the erjft.iitl< n Of the treasury

shows: Available sh balance,*l2; gold reserve, 9146,711.31.

The Great railway is the pop-ular liiie te ail K.tx>'.enei pels la No lay*over.


By AlMfci CowwerclfllCo.'s *

StMuaar BERTHA leaves Janata tmCook's Inlet direct. AprH 2» ? h, May12'h. Ma, 2Sth and seni-oaoathly tksre-a.'ter during the season.

For aartkraiar* svp.y toJ F. TRo\VBRII>3E. tscsaa Dock. IM.C. H J. STOI.TENBEBO. Ticket ACMM

Padflc Coast S'eaaMMp Company. MFirst A ver ue. Seattla


some Street. Saa ywictea


Yukon River.The steaater Exeelsior. specially reStted

for passenger traffic, will sail from SaaFrancisco for the Yukon Gold Fields ooor about June &lb. August fctb and Sep-tember Stk.

For paseengsr snd freight rates sppty toC. H. J. STOL.TENBERd, Beattlei


Sua Frsacisco.


Tke Mlf all rati roate eltkseiobawar* of ears be twees s*skaao,Rosslasi and Selssa Also ketwoeaXelooa asd Roaslaad.

OAlif KXCflll SI'XDAY.

AlTt¥%gr<» Spokane ?:00 p. ai.

10. IS a. m. ....... Ko?-*land 3:40 p. rn1.50 a.m... Nelson 5:35 p. m.Close connections at Nelson with nua-

sr lor Ka*io and all Kootsnay LakePoints.

Passengsrs for Kettle River and BoaaA*ary Creek ccuooct at Marcus with stags

a fTt3 N Cpup ftEEQft ' ?*»»??? \u25a0<?\u25a0»>«» nw*«/'** Vim' «?» » t OftfiUvif \u25a0 mtdu «?**?*\u25a0«,K W*»t *<«»;«. l4M«r »!*tn MmiHHk W«k«ffc.M*>. t.O*T\u25bc« l *UTT,.a»ow«rr **>4 w»»utig 3 ?**»#» ,-*..»«j ay ? .%.tfc'*st

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SU"- *? **r** f»3f=*a«a- »« ' «*uj, wrMi Mr «*r rn«* IB**!****?>?*. *-«K «M.*t »?»»»(. «tu (*?*»\u25a0.-jr s* tsU

WEAK STRONGL wliulw k* M «s4 «*r *4'rrtl«-4 ifuttr WJiltVB «B£D CO w Muueit tHKiMk

r« Mt* fev fcwut * Umi« Onlt Ok ? ftMIIIKTimw Mi fft|« W«_*. «*«,

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