Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 ·...

Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1949 Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design Nester, Robert Gardiner St. Paul, Minnesota; University of Minnesota http://hdl.handle.net/10945/6586

Transcript of Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 ·...

Page 1: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive

Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection


Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check

analytical design

Nester, Robert Gardiner

St. Paul, Minnesota; University of Minnesota


Page 2: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 3: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 4: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 5: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 6: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 7: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 8: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

3ubtaitt<xt to t&* Graduate Pae

of tfta

University of alnnaaofca

Robert ai H#at#r

'«.riH«*at »# the AjiKi'.Ur* -;«*•:

Thm <j*£f+ of

H*at*r o mo® in Aarmfttttieal ring!marine

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Page 10: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

r£&» aat^r would il*se to oxpr»::» ki« ap^rdoifttidft

to the foXlavXag; pto^l* «^o *lti»4 1 .. s l:wa«tlg&U.om

Profs«*or £• J* Hoi*rtson *itd Thasa* &» M .. r tia*lr

*»si*t^oo» tostoical uiYla& t and eewm—llng»

m#«r«# E# &« aouattlor, Ml , . i&uoon and

f# 0. Lurw for fclaoir &*fti«troo# in wwntT&c , sad

sotting no u»© t*st •o.ulpBMint*

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Page 12: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

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Page 14: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

Y&o r»iaUi abfeaia#d la titio liwo»ti;-,*ti;>nt |

**t*ellft& &;«* v*. if aortal u jjF«*oar* droo |jMWfH*siofcoro

usaa la t,*o Oooigu of a fcarbo-jofc ooabootion okonnoor lool~

oat* tl»» p*rf$ro*aoo of t.i* ooafrootor o*a oo by

nmUytldftX attfeodo*

All «<im,Ait«4 v*la.= « of t>ofe& tuao fr xft

drop o*id fcho oro&oaro d*©gS 4a* to ».>>»»atun* oUaagoo olth &o

*&: w§ro lowor, Iff Mui *Ogto* of air Clam* mtmp*ln %im

aairfcttator oou, -aalltf j^ir*u9 ^hiai fcftoa* laoieafeod sj

anal/at* of i&o ax^rlj&Mtal out;** fh» *w*l»Uio jbaonrod

orror of *t#A .jorooifcfe oo«urro4 for ><&&l felon of «u5

pouaU* ,^r aooo&4 Mr flow* Tfco avar ^roont*^* orror

otror ttw aatlro aijarafcl&g r*ag& lavaatlgafcod waa aoproxljaa&o*

1/ • ftso aoafeuator 1&Jot air o©>. nAMF

at*. *«* ma&a aoro atada traa aqaivaJU i a sistul

altlfcuhia tf#M0 foot at tiio >i«^ig. .-atlgatod*

ftoo r*produ*lbilltj of a*»*ri«ai*i^ :,» »«a

dlff L* . . . • ^aoao «a»* fco mo^o for ofea&ruatloo* or ir-

ragalarlti$* of fe&a flaw jtio»a-. :aa am awrolaf if tba aosibuator

baakat, or carbo I . fe&a f! -tla # I

aoaaratol/ o**vuUn-: too t. .t<o$ouni drop ooroa* I

:,;-,;:„* l,.;T, tfeg *fl%*fe .. ; a&Al3g ilM palbaftl**Xj| OOld OOOttatf '

ar>* air alth iaa jjrodoeta jt ca^oaaalon -goat bo fcasto^»


Page 15: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

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411 turbo-jet englnea add energy to air taken in

from the surrounding afliaiie^iihara and exhauat the jrodueta

at a bigha? *eloeit/ tfeM 'dwiln.' Mi



Ue» moat aosaaon nz g tixe energy aoooeeary Is'

tarou&h tea eoiabuatloa of hydroeareea fuel* »

t&e OOltibuatlon fFfiailb'itr •

Til* flow of gae tnro^h * ooslraatl saber is

ao<soai;>aniad by loeeaa that offset the overall effleienoy

of t.-ic turbo-jat ongloo to a taortoad: degree, fne loaaea

In the eoa&natien cnaaiber may bo elaa»lfled aa t&e total

friction pressure lose due to configuration and f i mand tirfi pressure las a doe to tit* *ao*eesitiKa ei&mge «r;l

neat addition. ..?sure losses rescue from ti»

.lent flow of t.-i* gaaoa over the .^at«tl surfkm* of

ducting er, b&a orlflaea Xefc>

eoH&uation zone. These loae&s eon be g$e&*ure£

flri: -.10 eosabuatien enaetbor* ana their v&lnee

used In ao 14 ti>a ^re-jaure Io«

-ifigoa tiring rune* This la ex 1 -,>xlwe?,

• percentage error la voi*> a.-jali* Ac -jere la a

ehaa*; of the antaring air due t .-nenge

temperature that ia not ladle at.. n»

1 a

Page 17: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

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Page 18: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


Friction pressure loeaea ara usually responsible for two*

thirds of thm tot 1 ;xr*&*ure loss, end is ai&best in contra-

flow ooafcuation chambers tnu lowest in straight flow

chas&er** with low a;;t? .nee velocities*

13»» wwmatem o*wsaurw losses occur **s & result of

the c^buatloa process in changing tne velocity and Uwneit/

£&e gases • An exstet solution far I /mattm px^s >ure

loss in a duct of eonatant aroes-a**ctioaai ai?ea is present-

ed la the appendix. fSorwaXly an exact solution is not re-

quired wben tne ti&oh mttshsrs in ti*s coac. m sons are* on

ths order of x, ȣ or loss tha: 0*3* Tiio exact solution pre**

seated Is aiodlfied to torn extwnt t&afc the *&<:. ml

and area e&an&e oas been ne/slected. Tiaerefore, the cal

latad aoaentuia prassurs lass will wr than that do-

rtf experiment*

The import *ne« of sdalisl&ing tne total pre, asure

iMM to Wat ocMftbuat->r la oetaparacle with kee

flolariciss ft a>oaa>xa>aa:»r .- -..ina> a a aa poaaibla*

Caa&ustien #hawtea>ya) xauat be designed fox- lowest poealblo

pressure or&p due- to friction and. this la ooaalbla by

allitln abrupt SJlsmg . amotion, r&worse turns

the rtWlHil ll|L, '.IfflOa initial • >w passu..o«

and xaxlaaaa area flow pasisaKes*;

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ruapoas of iwn.

It is the purp&m of thi* Invest!, , oatab*

11«& the vallc. it eartala a&alytioal praaaura losa

<2»«igg& paramatar* u»ad In tb» dtalgzi -of & t^vbo»Jot ca^ui-

tlon oixaiabar jf al&XXar eaarXguriitio«# Tfe* cfoaok will bo

aotio by oonpariaaa with axparlxat lata. In Mm #«oo of

fch* frlc. raaoiAro ctaoi** a mi oaa^oartooct «IXX bo

stad* ualA*: aot . *al Advisory

&ooadt&oo far 4aror. a # TooaaloaX lata* Suabor

&* aora and ;;sora Ixtformtlpa »f t-.lj aort la ae~

ou&uXatad t&a toftlgia of oo?al»ttstlo;nt oftififttooro far t jHw*jot

ongl/ioa will boooaso Xaaa of & out and try proooa-..- and tfra

a ad far a*,;*a»al*a axparlsamfcal fcaat aatupa will ba Xaaaaa-


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Ufwmmm tea mmmmmmi .


fhm oosttrostor used la these teats we ana of four-

teen used In t&e Goners 1 Meters «*~33 turbo-Jefc ganglne* It

was a speelal oastmstoiy isodifi w extant t ©

inri*r^o*abustor eonneetlng flasts tubes vers not .u&ed

in Its •sjastrustlon*. A skated of tr*s eosr I shewn

lit figure I

A aoeoial air adapter wa; I outer


*. the elr artsat.*r amvid+a mmiis^t for fcfet fool

nozzle, t/ie igniter plu$j Ml Hsl Inner liner 4c#»e and

also supporta the forward e .' t&* outer eos&uetlon

'• Ha Inner liner Is avgiaef'ted at the entr*nsa end

the doae» aa. Is positlotted at tiie *xlt ends b/ a liner-

loeating dowel* Tne groves at toe forward end of t e outer

oossbuatlon ehatsber retain teo piston rln;;s. ?bese rlags

n» into toe courvt^r-bor* an sir

seal betswem tbs adapter a .tor soabuatlon ehaiaber,

and orovi-iaa for any oxjaneion or u

air eiitera tiae outer ana Inner tewtieu

>«&» the adapter, /riassry air Is i

combustion some tiireagk a aeries of nolas aw

Page 23: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

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Page 24: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

fj*l nosalo in tho cantor of tr» f

noloa la tta upasroaoi auction or t & innar oombuatlon

«&ojabar« The air *»*it«rln& tfeo holoo around too foul nosalo

la Joflootaci by spiral piataa inaldo tno oosao* ffela allow*

•ptaxlawaa mixing of tfco fuol witn t-ho Snooping air whllo oa~

tabiia&itig a low v&loolty Unit! on aroa with aoa* wmtrol

of tna flaata front.

Sooondary atr t naooasar/ for oample tion of ooabua-

i and ooollngf la Intro4uoa4 tijr*u#i a osrloa of .

loan nolo a and loutvrwa looa&**d la taa Innax* ooBftOuotion

ohaari>*r downatroan froai too pria&rj air or>try«

Th& fuol Injsotloa eyatosa Tor ... tafrttatwr eoa-

aista of an •lao&rlta: .*i?ta fool o<aq» am.

.n^salo of ti» follow eoao apra/ typo. z&lo, fuol

flows it agfti tanga>tlal alota in fc .

•:»ougn t£aa tip or mi oom>

f-40l .jroaaaroa ooI-jw 1*5 poun4« ^a>r aqaaro inoa tha arc of

t'.ka spray la *pf»roxl.»atoly aavo.it/ o*$ro*a« tor

prosauroa tno aro na ran an4 " la a o<2 farUior

into tho ooatlrc&tion ohaaabor.

Tno fool Ignition syata» oaplayaU la that of a higti

Intoaslt/ aparte octroinod with an aoatyla.no $aa Jot# Tfoo

aootylano gas la fa>d into the ooolin.-: air apaoo bafcwoon

tha oiootrodss a a) aurrouadinig earn a ia

. >ur*s a positive initial feumti¥; ana ollAlastsa .-alva

hot siarta* tbo s*muSc olug ns«*d was a Oano

a*tl ? HI ,J/.—

Page 25: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta





Page 26: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

Tha ganaral arraagaiaaat of t.ba toot aatup is 41a*

graarsatleally anom la Figure !• Air w*o auppXiad by tha

auxiliary ou;*pr«**or auction of & 1710 Aliis >n ¥a*

•nglne # (Figuro|

.asirsu' bosssu -,or l?a» I tions

war* obtains d b/ regulation of tuo lilt son angina ape^d

and tha oombuwtor sxhaust waata g*ts« Tha air aas* flow

waa laaaaurad by & tain plats orifloa loosed ap»tr#u^ of

Tha lalst duct waa f&brlo&tad of staol to fit

tha dlisanaioJia of tias agisting air supply quoting and t&»

ootibuator* Ths oxaaust duot w&s fabricate ;nn&*

atalnloaa <stoal sad doaigjasd II toa sxit ol

.or ml t,> exhaust into ^rs. figure 1 ahooa

the loagitu . -oss^soct »f the inlat. »fc, tfts

oocjboator, and tha oxhauat dust si m location of fcha

inatrisasnt stations. Ftgttra J* shows arraa&a**nt of the

tsst sot up aa Installed In tha loot cell.


Positions and &rrsngaiasuts of tha thermocouples

and iiraaaura ta.£*s as looslad In tha inlot and axnausi duets

and tha coabuator ara anaon diagraaaaaticsll,,'- In .-'igaro

ffaa velocity profI la and tha m*:i f tha

air flow onto ring tua> co.a ' war* iotermiifca

Page 27: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


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total head tubos and mm a -'oas-jre tap located up-

etreaai at atation X* Thla eeetion ha* a croea^aeetiaaal

area of •l'/6j> aquare feat* The temporaturn of the entering

air wae neaeured with an Iron-eon*tantan taerfsaeouple •

>etermination of tne preeeure level ana the am** flow

aaeng* of th« *e*eta4ej»/ air along tha latitudinal axt*

of the eaafeuator between tha Inner and outer linera w«a

attempted through a aeriea ef static pr»»msrt t&pa and

total fioad tubaa at stations £ f 3, *j*i 1*. station 2 la

located juat downatraaje of tha prlaary air Inlets at the

beginning of tha eeeondary all" .part** .stations 3 and If

are located at tbe s*lappoint and at ti*s or secondary

air ft* raapectivel/* /or Kiaaa,- - In**

tion at tha ax' m flaua M ig non-firing nme f

three pi tot-*tat ..'oea vara Inae

a feat ton $ 2><*r aieaaarasaant of ealoai::. >re*aure

IPtfll net rune, s enielded total head tube and a static

>resaure tap stare uead*

Chrome l-.-\l'i-5tjl thersioeouple a were uaed ;hout

for total tarvaretura a»**ur*aent of tne hot gaace, and

indications vara taken && true with no aorreetions far

radiation or stagnation effeeta. The temperature diatri-

bution of tha eju&auat g-'aaa w»* saaaeured e 1 tassp-

arature raka eonaiatirv? af four tfreneooaupla s &e eh -wn la

.ire 3* tha nean eoaafc axhauat temperature w&a

taken aa the arltteetlo nean of tha temper

Page 29: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


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Page 30: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


-j-hoaa to ib**+

jfidi'aur/ mtaasaattwi-s w«r« tiUHift tft*a*'4£te9at far total

aad static js»ftftftnr» ^a»urfts**nt*« For »*ftfturl«g 4jttMle

pressure 1«&v«l, ft baiak of six i ;u 11*1*4 tub© jMtircirjr stano-

ttUfi vfts u«ft4* Flgui** 6 shaws to* lofttriMms Mteor


Fttftl flaws vftire ia»a«uro4 wttn ft- isciier and Fortor

Conps-a? 'flamn&mr wifcL :.tftbll /Isoosit/ Inrcua* PXa*

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uats »©.:•© sta4» to ©valuat© th©4>©rromanoa of tJia

aowbautiou oiw&*r at v&rioua pVMMMPMI and ate fl^ws.

With tba uiiui«>»at avalXafela, th© rang© «aa ii&it«& to ft

awxlman *# 46 inciaaa of wa»am*y ©baolut© at &Lie pleasure

lit tit© ©atrmo© to th© aasbttstlott ©&«mb©r and t -a©

pernio© par a©«ou<i air fl#*«

In ©rOar t© avaluats MM air flaw ««4 velocity

distribution axially thro«$a th© aoa&uei Jhaa&ar, a

saris© of non-firing runs wa« iao© at v

lni«t tatic praaauma* Tb© data rscordsd war© th© total,

dynas&lc, and static prassuas laval at Hal aatransa; ©tatic

^reaiuw i©v,-*i o- air air-.. illlllWlllll apao©)

aurromnliaK th© inner aoabustion ©nattbar at th© b©&i$:i

I* saltta* mi Ifca Ml Si t&a aaaoad >c©s to

fcb* aoaib ©| an4 tiii© total anJ static :>ra««ura

lav© Is at tha ©ait . I eartL -on

^a©or© <irop across tfta aoatraator.

To sistoraiu© t&a total oraaaur^ 1 rim© war©

wmm* at sat ©tat sura lavala at th© Matotstos* ©ntranaa

with varying s*aas flows* Tbsaa run© a©r© sta^© at constant

©xit &©.-ft:wrutar©s« Total ©ntrsincs oraaaur©* total and

static ©xit praaauras, t -.a© tanparatuPa* ::-iaaa


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fori* m» *- \.*.~ .' . 'i .' V, J ^ $fc*X *•


tMfl : *«•-

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>m md total p*9*Mur+ 4rop wor* i«*oor<to-.'


For datoraiaing tho or. Nf •afcrsnc* static

pstaoupe on «**a tmperftt'ora rla© through the ooafeuai >?,

ran* wor* nadm mt &*v«is-& antrssio* praaauraa with

-\v; rufll^iiir ratio* • •»»• 4at* r^tordtod wore-: ©ntraooe

fc*sap*r&iurfc # *xlt tasspar&turo, &I* flow, f ..-*>! flov« aad

total pFeaataro drop*

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that data obt^iaod la fcfctol inv# .> evaluate

the p«f/o?M«rioi of the aa«fe*tstor are sus&'xaFiseJ in labia* 1*

5* Tho»© raft vksrela biowout MP uastabla sow&iiation oe~

•red are ositt#*4 besaiase tiaiy h«r« no bearing .!»

•raluetloiu ?&» saeaii ejfssfc- if*t temperature indies

ed la takie 1 is t&e i a neon of I

takea at statist* $m Wm*WSP*& tamperet ^re a were ver/ erst

A representative dietrlbut «f ev*?.4bust :>r exit £e?apere/»

tares sia? be seen in figure 6.

the ejartHi* '#i'at^;i at efi' .ales above SO

percent «t&d aas capable af p*- .wraturoa

In exc^s* *f that deeoied fliafa I ..ration at oaok

pressures Figttre 9 aha** the effeet «f varying tne eo»~

boater inlet pressure on t 'icier, the c^b-istoi».

-yes of 10O# dOf an . i temperature

rise are ineluded far eoaabastion effleleue/ estJUaatien*

Wma tfoe mxi ressure was i. >p#reted

j fflelettele* above ^> percent exsept at raei«*air ratios

*.*&* tfett . i* This t m§ in:>art* I IV atomise-

•ii of i sis at I >-}«*ure»«

Tne *a»limyw c ^eourred &is an overall fuei-air

ratio otuoh Xes&ar thaii tfcft ovarail stoiohleatttrie' mixture*

Page 37: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

j>. -. - .". •It ^ *£fcv-;.' b . . • « C

—.,—•-.».•? Ate*

afa*tf t


MM**flli iJOlt .



Page 38: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


As the inl$t pT»BBU&* was laora&sed t

fatrl/ constant at a fuel<«alr patio of 0«0l4*

The effect of var/ing the inlet static pressors on

total ;r«>aaPB dro^ Is saowa ^rapaieallj in Plgtti* 10« It

is soon* that for an/ on© aelsstod air floef the px^ssurs

.drop decreased aa the inlet praaauro was increase.., Mtal

proaaaro dro r> la a runetion of t e inlet e«

turn ia a function |£ -:*o de&sl the gas stream* As

toe ial»t pressure was i&ereaeed tiis tensity jf fca* enfcer-

. ; air Mass was increased ana too ¥elc leoessar/ 1

pass tne mse flow was decrease -i. The ooatro'i of t

inlet pressure was made b/ regulation of toe Allison com-

pressor speed and fey i lag; the .aeeeasary bask pressure

refast * effective area of the esaaust* Three runs

eere aads at voryios inlet fKrsssur* ,s an indication

of tns manner In. w . «esuf*4- varied. IX runs

eere asade at a aean eoatoustor exit tes*$e.ratuee of l600

degrees ftenkln**

Figure ft 11, %M$ .»aperi»o» of sa>

peridental and eosaputsd 4H9fttstlo» Camber pressure losses*

fas ealc :rletion preesure loss by $«taod I anci in-

ure 11* is tost presented bj atioaal

Adhrisorj Oaexstttse for Aeronautles, Technical Sots Kusaber

i . .. .sed on tft» ssauiapi s»

>ssurs loss character! . .. fteafcus tion

cii&ssber sea be aiateaed bt? tnos* of an s&bust

.>f eoast aiit eroaa-sectional area. .'.so

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assuaed taat t^i rrloti.>ri prosauro „*o* boforo

too ooMbustion ^rooo*** This an3tho4 «aa i JL«

Investigation for * *o<aparlsoa o&ooic e • Ti*s o».i*ui *tod

pr^jjaur* dro , M Mofcho.4 IX I » i«j f

is tn&t proaantsd b/ J • B« Vsrdi • pap§» on t&a >*»ign

or « turbo-jot ooabuatlon oaaabsr, ma- L« i/ioXudod In tho


Figure 13 is & (MMipArUan of tm ex^ariaisntal

aoaontun pr* ure drop witn that ooKputod* ToXs esefchod of

ooaputing too .jft»jiura uro > duo to mxmmntvm ohaagsa Is in-

oludod In tho Appendix, tbo difforenee Xniioatod In the

o:ar¥<*s is XergeX/ ,x,MS | d n«gXeot of tne &. area

snenge la too cox&«i*t mm 3 paroent) m I effect

of tne o^ungo in »oaie^tu*i ; #4 in tne mlxXrig of tne not

and ooXd g&s streams*

Toe altitude oenJitLaa sissul-^t..-. a laveetigev*

*a« ZlfiQj'O feet >on#it;f altitude. Thin slaal&ted

feXtltude prevaXied at ,uuXtl .^ j»er

soeo&d air flow* too 8taaUt«a ultltli «c the eoa&ustor

eatr*i'V:.a« eas eoaputed from assumed data for I a-jet

engine naring a ooapreeaor eoaprosslon ratio of f^ur m& a

eosapreaeor affial©- percent*

Xt ««• found that the HIWlll re - ;tion of data

*«a difficult at low ooaprea^r spools. alllaon engine)

cospres'-ror used m supplying the air has an e ^i.wp

»;»*u ratio of £. I . !• ^ surge of 100 r**u

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MM •

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ttktr*for** would glw *n £n9i***»« or 4««r»a*« of '>>0 ram

of the compressor. In an attempt to •aootfe out cue flow

of air and approach the »tw*4 * can

oo» bank of t .iaon wagin* **» and* Inoperable. ?£*!•

laprorud sonditl^ta at lour nisi flows. It is suggested

that in future ln*estlf,attm if tula type a of

bleed-on* be inat&ii^d |Ml eii»tft*fce this son.

high so^ioreasjw *|w. *ou* ess •asounterei


. ; x,

.•. , : . . I tit | .

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Table Number* 1

£ltP&/?/W£SVTAl. TJifO&fr/CA L


LUf. % 7T<V-7-

AT /oo%AT Ar


6S S~3 /.?Of 00/+7 O 0O66 /4~0 S-Z6~ zef 6*6 s/e.f ?S3

.6f 6Z /?OS O-o/TZ OO/Of {40 6fZ cT/X

6f 7/ /?os o.o^97 0O//S& f+0 ?eo eeo 86Z 609 tr/7

.<£r 79 /. ?0S~ o.o/.is O0/&&&' /?<? 9/<f 7?


.6f 88 /.7ef cD.OJ^H- <?.o/1-3 /+C /Cf-O 900

,6f /oo /. 70S' <?.ojl7s Ot>/< 5 /+0 //7<f*

7z/o 977 7Z6

.60 //o f.f^o 0.0306 oa/8?f /•f-0 /?/o //70

,&& /zo /.<T7o 0071+ O.OZ/l5~ / <f-0 /+*fO /y/o /S60 /zso 357

rt/VV /3600 B71///S


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7asir Numbfg £


fAtrRANCE PP>ESf{//?E 37. 2 Wf . «,

>9 % ?'•, 77. AT

// 68 z.zz 0.0/&9 <?ooBf /60 6<r/ -fB/

AO 73' z // 0. Ozo8 0,OO93f /60 7e& 6ZO

0. 96 SZ Z C6 e&ZZ8 oo"o6~ /60 s/<y ?sr

0.&6 36 / 96 O.oL+4- <?. c/zl-S' /60 /C?G eeo

ae+- 95- J-d3? C&Z6+ 0.0/3&Z /60 //7<f ZO/S~

0- ?f /06 / 03 O.CZJ94- ao/6c&~ /eo /?/Q //<ro

ooz '/S /'66 OOZZS o^'gif /(,o /J^O /JL90


7^ = 30^

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Table Number 3

f'/VrftAWCE PrF65U/?£ 43, j£ "H9 AB5.


7* */SCC >7a f> Tf-OfT

/sS 7Z Z63 O0X.OO O0O76 /GO *r/ + 7/

( 4- 65 I. SO 0.OJL3O8 0091/ /SO 780 6oo

/-3 9Z ZsV O.OZS6 0O/O6 /eo B/6~ 7js

f.JL /OX) Z.3f oez?G oo/zo /so /04-0 860

/.or //o Z/6Z 0. 03O<S o.owc /GO //?f 99S~

031 //9 Z.05~ 0.O33 CO/6/ /SO /2/Q //30

086 U8 / $6 O o3f$~ O O/G/ /eo /4-so /z?o

& ^9.^o "#?

7^~ so °f

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7abl/t Numse/? 4-

*/Sec /1. </iuU r Mar/too £E

3/8 /zo ,7S / zf O.d CO/89 +e.i 0.0zz .7f ,02~}6

33.? /4v .f/ /37 /./ ocszs 7a 6 0.CZ96 // .OJ-2 6

J^ /6o .7o /77 /.+ CO3 96 s<r.s~ 003&1 / 49 .0420

39.3 /SO /./S 2.IS/ 2 / 0.0&34- /^e o-oS~33 2 32 .0^90

42.4- 2cf /.<* 2<fO 2S O.G*>€ /?/ <D. OC>~?0 2 *9 oe^S

+61 24V / 7 Z.7f 7.S* 0. 0774, Zo3 6 0.0636 3'22. p7/o

&~ 29J %A1» 72* 9S°r

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7a&/£: A/v/lBER S~

o in) ("0 (it) Of

"fy At,


*.„ St/sec^

1'Wf /lis


*/#-' Trrt,

(T Snffl (*//' 0?)t«) *r„ A

*k "a

3/9 /Z6~ <seo O. 076/ ezs /rf" 2S.4- .26 /&&& SS3 23? 3*2 2 8Z, #9.4 2.83 3/e .969 3/SS& .3/tT . 003'9 ,//9<f

33 e /.s~/ 600 0. ?eo S&S' 26 2.9.S .369 /9&<r 732 3ce>. ?-*o 2.72. 7<f./ Z6&/ Z6.2 .387 2336^- 43<t> , 0/3 ./tf-4-

3f-<4' /77 62O o.O?94~ //3.+ 3. + Z9.S .4-19 /9&6 #Jo 34-1. 33/Z. z,6s<r 6*9 zsze 21 £ 98* :> y-f-,969 . S3/ .

0/6~ ,/7Z

&9.& 2.28/ 6+O &.0&3Z /#6.^ <S~.0 3C.7 .&*>

— r4^1-0

.3/0 Z <?£>' 40 6 J../40 /Z. *3 .973 38.634* .?(,£>

.C/9if ZZ-Z.

4-Z-S~ Z.SO 66£T O OS&g' /4-S.9 T.*'

37-*- .602


6&4- .2es*- 2-44 33 O 2.// //•/z .9781 4/.6S3. 74? 0J, ZS~3

j&J 2.70 Too 0. osoo /s~37S~ &.5~ ^ZO .6761

/9&^ /-3¥C SVC .Z&Zf z.33<r 36 & Z-0& /0.6C .976 4+.£96 .VOt-t) .OZs z??

^ - ZS\2 '/$ 4As 7Z - 90 °/=TPj.

-- /63S°y^ f* / <3


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FUfl //v


&/=>APt< PLO (7

7SVMEP COAf&l/jr/OAl


F/GUf?£ 2


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%.*/'£> "k


Total /Y^ad T?AKt-

OrAr/o/v 1


5tat/c & 7i>rA/. /Y*ad Yap

^rsr/OAs £. J -£-.


Static F/Yessc/sie 7~*p

Outft? l/ntr /?




Tor a i. A/fad 7oe£

5tat/c P/?£5suA>& 7~»/=>

C A. 77/£/?/ic>cgua>/£ 7?ake

&- fTTirrh rhh civil rfb




5ta f/oa/ S

F/Cl/rlE 5/?<*/v

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/7G£//?£ 4~

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''•caapaay, l»o«

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rfM it

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*< = », *M C^MX/r,/Crr/r)'A-'

7b/Z/v& 77 & 7\

*>» ?; £'+¥(* Yr9*rf)J

= 7;+ KyJ? ^c fA-i)

T' ^ Tr, - *,y*?KC r/r-()

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7o /y/vo l/j-

*Q/v{ - **<*<-/i/r - uj/9 C\/s--I/,)


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/^/ow r/z/rouG// an Or/r/c/e

A, " Artea //v Anhoiar <5pace j^ca/if fs&vr~

AP * T^&kzsc/j?/? Oz?c>j=> Ac/?ess <Dr//=/c/£f/.a/jQEf.

f* ZJjT/yj/ry c7/=* /Fjtwo, /.&/A-+3

Q - Af/iss f^/ow r///?ov<jft C)/?/r/ci:/

Co. as. /j*c

Ajjune /^razzei /vow Oysre/v. 7dj?e5ju/?e Dfc?p Across

On£ O/P/f/cs JFgoaj/ T^fttoRE D/?oR ActfOJj A a/y

Q/?/E/CE. C/ifEK f&R COA/JTA A/ 7~ Al?A 5$ ^a\A/.

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Tho ftjriobols uaed la thi* paper are those being cur*

rently us&- f„>r t.irbo-Jet englnea*

A . Area of any croaa section, aqu&ra feet

B &acii »u»bert ratio of alrepeed la local speed of sound

JL Total preasure, pounda par aquare foot or inches of


? resaure* pounds ^>er aquaro or inehea of


A? total treasure loaa due to friction aat haat addition,

A ? ftriet resaure loss. Inches of sa>aw

A Pjj Mosaentut^ praaaur^ loss, >a of Mercury

T- Total tesaperatu** , degrade Hankine

T Static te*aparatura, degree* H«nkine

7 Telocity of gaa flow, feet par aecoad

I 41r raaaa flow, pounds par aocond

*i * mass flow, cubic feet par second

¥ cio of specific neat at const i*oaaura to specific

heat at oorw mm

f> , jar cubic


1 .at

5 jiabuator outlot

I Bqulvai -sectional area


Page 91: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


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Page 92: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 93: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta


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Page 94: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 95: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 96: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta
Page 97: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

DfcS DU1

21 FE'50

Page 98: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta

Thesis 11471N42 Nester

Testing a turbo-jetcombustion chamber tocheck analytical design.

Thesis 11471N42 Nester

Testing a turbo—jetcombustion chamber to

check analytical design.

Page 99: Testing a turbo-jet combustion chamber to check analytical design. · 2016-05-26 · 411turbo-jetenglneaaddenergytoairtakenin fromthesurroundingafliaiie^iiharaandexhauatthejrodueta